THE : STANDARD THE : STAim V 5 r TUfiNS OUT GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PEIOES. ARB. GIVE US A TRIAL. VOL. VIII NO. 41 , CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1895. WHOLE NO. 341 PRINTS i'KE i -VETO THAT IS TJ'S jt'OE i year . ; SEKTDUM DOLLAR', MONEY. be diminished in amount or value, prices will be affected accordingly. Thus it will be observed that even if IN O. 17. I the standard be cat down onehalf, Theie are in circulation in this it jg still not known what the effect country $1,600,000,000 all of which on prices would be. It has been are Hundred c ut dollars, now, iSeen that the 600,000,000 dollars of suppose that we cut one standard gold would be withdrawn from cir- middle in two, then every dollar in I culation, thereby decreasing the - ,. :11 1 e n 1. t . . . cwcuiaiion win oeuome a uiujr ecu amount or money, wnicn cause 3otIa?, in which case the 1,600,000,- would no doubt operate to lower 000 hundred-cent dollars pould be-1 prices. But if credit should in 1 AAA AAA flfi. J1 1 ... - . . . come j.,ouu,wu,uuu mtv-ceus uui- crease, correspondingly, wbK-n is lars, having the valae of only 800, altogether improbable, prices would 000,000 hundred-cent dollars. Thus not change. The subject of money by a simple act of government tne ani prices is a very important one, IN THE WRONG BED. LOCALS- A RulMTllla Mill AwaWea tm Find uimiieirin charlotte. Miss Alice Sims is assisting her Mr. O A Wither liyes in the father at the sheriff's office in issuing eastern part of the city. Last night tax receipts, he sent his two young soni upstairs Mr. Lee Kindley was down' from to bed. They came running down in near Mooresyille with cotton. The a few minutes saying that there was Concord market is at the. top. a man up there in bed. Mr. With U -'Possum hurtera were out Friday night, . Their luck is yet unlearned. Stop at D 24 "talker's if you want anything in the grocery and notion j line. Don't forget the' place op i posite D O Furr's at Forest Hill, tf . The big new mill at the Gannon factory js partially under cover. All per capita circulation, which is now 25 hundred-cent dollars, would be reduced to 121 hundred-cent dol lars. This does not make allowance for tne withdrawal ot the 600,000, 000 dollars of gold from circula- It will recieve more careful treat ment in the next communication. 8 ATIGKT. One Hundred Bands Oat. . The Vance Cotton Mills of Salis tion, which would be certain to hap- bury have discontinued the night pen if the standard were reduced in running. By this nearly 100 hands value. I were thrown out of employment. As the amount of money In cir They are moving away to other culation stands at present, if we take I mills. Some have come to Concord, from circulation the 600,000,000 dollars of gold, mere would oe lert Be ta Here far Hand. Mr. James Parker, of Concord, is in the city securing hands for the new cotton mill, the Buffalo, at Con cord. He will probably take a good number of the night hands recently cut off at the Vance Mills. Salis bury World. Allowed One Bide. The .Lexington Dispatch says that the county commissioners Tues only 1,000,000,000 dollars, which are hundred cent dollars now, will become 1,000,000,000 fiftycent dol lars equivalent to 500,000,000 hundred-cent dollars. This would be equivalent to contacting the cur rency by the enormous amount of 1,100,000,000 hundred-cent dollars, reducing the per c-tpita circulation from its present amount of 25 hun- riniiar. tj tha omall an m dav allowed all the claims of the of eieht hundred-cent dollars. It is State witnesses in the Shemwell thus seen that tampering with the Payne case, bnt did not allow any of standard of value is like playine claims of tne detendants wit- carelessly with a two-edged sword, I nesses, there being at all times danger of Jumped Up Attain getting hurt. Only about thirty-five bales But, suppose tbar, instead of tne of cotton were upon the dollars becoming fifty-cent dollars I market today. The price early vby diminishing me value of the Thursday morning was 8;85, but 'Btaflda'rd one-half, they retain their late in the day had fallen off 15 hundred-cent nominal value. In points, and 'remained at 8.70 until that case the 1,000,000,000 dollars this afternoon when it jumped up would be called hundred-cent dol lars. as measured bv the new stand ard. The 600,0d0,000 dollars of gold would be withdrawn from circulation, measured by the new standard, would have the norni nal value of twice six hundred mil lions, that is, 1,200,000,000 dollars we would then have 1,000,000,000 dollars in circulation, but by di- to 8.85 again. This was an nnus ually doll day in cotton trading for Friday. A Free Pass. As a reward for his saving the wreck of the vestibule train laBt week by informing the agent of a misplaced switch, the Southern has given Rev. W H Bryant a pass oyer tfa ovotAm fit noa rooro M'ha ro- mimahmg the value or tne standard Ward is merited, for had the dis- covery not been made the cons? we would have driven out of circus lation an amount of money, meas ured by the new standard, equiva lent to 1,200,000,000 dollars, that is, 200,000,000 dollars more than there would be left in circulation. To replace the value of the 60l,000,- 000 dollars of gold driyen from cir- quences would haye been disastrous. Salisbury World. By the Democratic Bonte Since the Populists have been pulling the reigns during the past year, every day yon can hear some culation would require the coinage ld former who pnt the blame of dollars, measured tue low price or cotton m urn hv tho new standard, which at Pn the Democrats, denouncing the the full capacity of the mint ot 50,s PopHsts and fusion people and nrtfi nnn dollars a vear would takr making ueclarations of their inten- ' - - - twnntv-fonr vears. Of course no Rocky River chnrch Saturday night of Buffalo Bills Wild West show, last, October 5, to which Mi. Willi but they were disappointed when Davis and his sister, Miss Loala Belfont struck up on "Maggie." t, i-.j, i . i I '8'flBUDeeB ,a , I Wednesday, October 23, is Presi- m returmuK nome me norse ran deQtfl day th tft ... J Al Xt TV k I rf awayauu i-urew iavis irom Man win fpnm h(kr. ot flUn, v.- :fl:i.;.. 1 I jo BSJ. iruiwuK eocioi T aether becausfl thPV ar aflmirflra nf ugiyoruiseb. xortunateiy sue was Grover the Great u llt thrnn oh not seriously nurt. xney are cnu dren of Mr. and Mrs. E O Dayis, of ho, 7 township tion to come unto us again. On people would knowingly adopt any Wednesday a gentleman from No Biinh saieidai no'icv. To do so ano. ior eevenu yeni a iruug jrup wonld bankrupt the country, and hlut, sU'ed that he was done with rnrfnoe the ffreat maioritv of the them; that the Democrats were not people to a state of Berfdora. responsible for the low price of cou Thus it is sem when looking ton at all; that taxation was higher Vot-B t. -fcafc monev we have this year and that he was "going back to glory by route in 1896." the . Democratic in circulation, every dollar of which is a hundred-cent dollar, we receive noenCOUragemeui MJUUbuui ou- AB EaeSdr0pper Frightens Ladlea. ardof value middle in two. Let us A black negro boy exists in this see how it may appear when we look city wn0 for a Tear 0r more na8 upon forward. It is important to keep in djfferent occasions caused, alarm to mind the fact that the law cannot 8everai WDite ladies of the city by change values. If one bushel or j appearing at their room windows and wheat is worth two bushels of oats, wa.tcaiDtr them while they would no matter what the money prices ot diarobe. the two commodities are, one busnei rj.he perBon wn0 ja accused of per ot wheat will always be wortn two petratine sucft deeds is known. He DU8Deld OI OaiB. rfiuco ixi oj iioir, I bnt there can be no such thing as al ireniral rise or a eeneral fall of I is 16 years of age, and is somewhat of a brayado in his eavesdropping, nd bears the general reputation of values. As Mill say", "eyerytnrog a mean negro. can no more rise or fall with respect jf tnig 0f conduct is not to everything else than a dozen run 8t0pped he may peep through win ners can each outrun all the rest, or Lows from the inside. He wa? seen hundred trees can all overtop one snd reC0anized at a window of a re- another. To euppoBe that all things could rise relatively to each other wonld be to realize Pat's idea of so ciety, where every man is as good as his neighbor, and a great deal beu ter, too. Now, if cutting the standard in two would not increase Values, so far as wealth is concerned, the coun try would gain nothing. As .to whether prices would increase or decrease, would depend upon the amount of money in circulation and tho rise to which it would be put If the amount were decreased then prices might fall, if the amount were increased then prices might rise. Much would depend upon the willingness of the people to receive and handle the money. It should be remembered that credit as Well as money helps to de termine prices. In fact, price is the monev or credit valne of a com iity. - If moaey and credit are xUntiful then prlcsrmaf tiae 'itt point, bnt if either a'dence in the locality of the graded school building this .reek, frighten ing a lady yery badly, whose father gave the little coon a lively chase. Beea Walked Off. ' Mr. Charles Dry, whoTecently returned trom Albemarle, tells story on some good farmer down in Stanly who has a large number of bees, and seems to have had con siderable trouble in keeping them in their hives. Mr, Dry says that after tne old man had tried many methods f capturing the roving, gauze winged honey-makers as a last and sure resort caught the queen and cropped her wings, feeling sure that would keep them home. The next day, says Mr. Dry, the old man had business across the creek from his hives, and on his return to the bee farm he met the bees walking on the foot-log, the queen in the lead. The log was a mile or more from the house. " The old man stepped j aside J and let the beet uaye their way. ers said he reckoned not, but went up to see. The room was dark, and running his hand oyer the bed, he found that the boys were right. He went back down Btairs and told Mr. Albert Willi to hear if the gether they went up to interview j A fence is being put up around the stranger. Mr. Williamson shook the Baptist church on 8pring street, him and said : I which will greatly enhance the ap "jfardener, ain't you m tne wrorg pearance of the church property. place, r ' The little four-year old girL of 1 outside wo. k finished in less Mrs. Sam Johnston, of the Poplar j than six days, if the weather con- Tent Bection died Wednesday night J tmues favorable, Mr. George Barnhardt's resigns- ? M Walker pays the highest tion as superintendent of the chain I market prices for all kind of iamson, who was waiting Sang wil1 not go into effect until country produce, ca3h or. barter. ie story was true, and to- December 1st. ; Don't forget the place opposite D C No answer. The intruder was sleeping the sleep of juBt. Mr, Williamson shook him again and again, and nnclly ?oc him to open his eyes. He repeated his question as to his being in the wrong place, The fellow looked np and said : "No I guess not," "Where do you think you are ?" asked Mr. William. "In Statesyille," was the answer Rev. V R Stickley, of Enoch- ville was in the city tonday (Satur day). He was on his way to Trinity cburch. Some one in Salisbury has lost a pocket knife in the shape of a beer bottle. The loss was a very sharp one and no doubt has been keenly felt. Furr's at Forest Hill. tf, The effect of chunking rocks is plainly seen in the" eheet-iron.' walls of tne cotton warehouse at the Can non factory. A thousand or more holes have been punched through. Brick is being hauled and. all ne cessary preparations are being made to begin the erection of several new houses on Mill street. Mr, P B Fetzer is a hustler, and says the work will go right along now. Mr. Jackson Safrif, who was eo $10,000 DIFFERENCE. EiKtit Thousand Versus Twelve Thousand Jflneleen Dollars and Flftj Cents Store for One Bale. Eyen though there is not more than a two-third cotton crop in Ca barrus this year there will be ten thousand dollars more money than compared with last ye-r. Estimating last year s crop at 18, 000 bales, which brought ah average of 5 cents, the entire crop when Bold put sixty thousand dollars in the county. Compare this year's two third crop eight thousand bales at SI cents with the twelve thousand of last year at 5 cents and we have Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. G rj : ov't Hericrt i was the serionslv hurt in thnhniler pTtiloHion Mr. B L Corriher, of Enochyille, juat one mtmtn a 0 from FlM wo iu to eoc U8. na one ci me rww 1 1 ;n ti, ?f TTnK7 AiA vnn rrofc in?" a tttq I 1 -1 J l ,1 ' J J J f"" "v um uiueiarmera, ana says aiN Safnrar-k .on, t;arA a o LrnH I 1. AT li , . . I v ' ' uiuuku tua uoiion cron is snore nfi.i.j i. a - - ' I K'au j oee imn m bo houqu a con is content wnn tne result. ,j;t,nn Uone to Cuba, or elsewhere, is I Confusion as to the choice of a what Frank Brumley and Joe Fisher blood.punfier is unnecessary. There said as they left town with a gun I is but one best Sarsaparilla, and each. These ninrods couldn't- hit a I lhat is Aver's. This imDortant fact barn door in a Cuban riot. I was recognized at the World's Fair. Prof T P Harrison. Ph. D.. has C0"53' 1893 be,D the on,J olood been elected to the cha r Rnirli.h Vm admitted to oe placed on ex- at Davidson College. Ha is a "Through the window,1 half -awake answer. "Zou are not in Statesville," said Mr. Williamson, "but in Charlotte. Do you know any one here? The fellow rojeed up, and looked around him, seeming more and more surprised a3 the unfamiliar ear roundings dawned upon him. He fin ally Baid that his name was McDon hi bi tion. Mr. John Suther, a voung man of near bit. Jrleusar-t aud who went West several years ago, struck the city direct from Fort JWorth, Texas, Friday night. He likes Texas, but felt as if he could remain no longer nway from the laud of his nativity Dog stealing is now in order. Siuce the men we; Lere with Ore. a;oa horaes and did tte lassoe act, he small boy bas r racticed the art A missionary meeting was held at I people thought it was a contingent J until he is pt-ifeot. Is is aid. He and his father had comedown student of John Hopkins and standb yesterday and were stopping at Mrs. high in intellect and scholarship. Ueli s, (next doorto Mr. Withers) Rev. M D:GiIea, of Mt. Pleasant, and he had stumbled into th wrong was in tho city. Mr. Giles is the house. He was tairen down stairs pastor of the M. E. Churches of the and directed by Messrs. Withers and circuit of Mt. Pleasant. He will Williamson to Mrs. lotte Observer. Bell's. Char- Badiy Hnrt Braised, Bnt Not scrioasl teach the public school above Mt. Pleasant this winter. When the baud began to play on the streets Thursday night, seyeral Cotton Slates and International Ex position Company. Atlanta, G., Sept 16, 1S95. To The Pbesidents of Colleges and Peincipals of Schools: At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors of the Cotton States and Internationrl ExDoeition. the just seventy thousand dollars, or following resolution was adopted : luuuouu uouars more money "Whereas, the Cotton States and than in 1894. Tnf.a;n.i i?.r,n.;t;nn .iti AunviUMHuum J-iAui viUU Will CblJ.UU xne amerenceon one bale will an obiect lesson of meat Talne to th show you what an item 8f cents young people who are to make the cotton is to mat at o. tor instance, f nture of the country; and, ianc year ioo Jttussell sold a ba e nru. 4v ii . 1 imcicao, mo ouuuujd luruuguuui wcigmug w poanaa ai o cents, the South will be more or less in which in turn fetched him $2G. with hv th 5nnrm;ttnt This year he sold one the same absence of pupils coming to the ex weight at 8, bringing him $45.50, c03ition : iust $19.50 more for the same "We recommend to nreaidents of amount of cotton. r!niwoa nr;ir..i, r ,; The shortage of this year's crop, schools and academies that the trf compared to the low price of last one week's vacation sometime dur- year, is almost a blessing to the cot ton raiser. ing the months of October, Novem' ber or December in order that their pupils may have an opportunity to Visit the exposition and Bee for McDonald hook. A Brilliant Scene In sr:e First Pres byterian Church of Charlotte, ; The marriage Thursday night atS. ! the First Presbyterian church of ; Charlotte, when Miss Ida Milleri McDonald and Mr. Chas. C Hookjj' stood before the altar and promised j! to "love, honor and cherish" each i' . other "until death do them part," -was a brilliant affair. The Observer, in its account of the event, says of tbeceremonv: "Mendelsshon eld but' t. unrated in it inspiring effect and grand har monies was the march chosen by " the bride and played by bliss Addie Williams. As the first notes sound" . ed through arch and t.elt the ribbon girls, little Misaes A1 ice CowleB and j Lizzie Faison, dressed in dainty white china silks, entered and stretched the riabon along the seas on either side of the middle aisle. Following them came the attendants, Misses Mary Steele and Loia Mo- A Uood Man Gone Rowan lost one ot her most va'n able citizens in the death of John them8elyes this wonderful epitome Dowell led the biidi.l procession Henry Gheen, of Franklin township of art and industry and gain there- pollowwg them closely, in pairs, this morning at 2 o'clock. Mr. from inspiration for tho development very common eight at any time to see several boys with a drove of dogs attached to tlie end of lassoes. Buflalo Bills Shov. So Good. Buffalo Bill's Wild West west was in Salisbury on Friday, A reporter saw it ne saw tne poorest snow tha; has ever passed through the Is it a Threat 7 Ministers had better be careful how they quote scripture and explain to those members they th.nk need The Standaed told, Wednesi day, how a warrant was hanging over a colored Baptist Divine for riosity and because it is a great day. I country. The newspaper reports and OnohnnHr, i,oio nt "e advertising matter oent out are cotton were marketed here Wednes day, some of which brought as much as 8.85. The farmers had some spending money and the merchants eDjoytd a yery good trade. Mr. William J Alaxander of, Woodleaf, N. 0., a native of No. 5 terrible exaggerf tionB, It ' was disappointing, tiresome, and tame, They claim representatives of nearly all the con u tries. This is not so. All he has are Americans. He has some few Indians, only. The whole affair is a Cheap. John .... . I toltinahtn h.M An.. U 1 1 Iieged insult in quoting aUU ex- ""-"""w uio wuutjr, uo ueeu ou i n . ThPV pharos KO plaining to one of the sisters a cer- visit to tia brothers in No. 5 for cenU for reserved seat8 and they are tain passage. The preacher has been wral weeks. He reports cotton a9 comfortable as Bitting on the edge notined to "compromise," but re- ,u uls Bection a iwo,tnira crop ano 0f a plant. iussea. xnewnoie matter JOOKSiiKep'""DFuuiujiCiu. An t,ontrSk, th mcmncrpmant threat. i ne cottoi crop for this vear is fion ,t n nn aT1- or K KCfl flfin V.lm ... . . . .... The Ashe Harder case. "s-""" oo it so quiciL your nead swims. The The Landmark of Tuesday noted P.901.000 for last year, which will pe0pie from Buffalo Bill down, are that Calyin Eller. who was tried in ""-fcU"u i- rough and uncouth and regular Ashe county last week for the mur- -1 tougns. der of his causin. Rov Latham, was u,aiaow:u tt,8 Ui imB VCttrB The show is a colossal rottenness convicted of murder in the second crop ay and disappointment degree. He was sentenced to 20 Mr. William Russell, 75 years of Newspapers have made famous an years in the penitentiary and as his ai med ,n the cltT this (Thurs- intensely sorry exhibition. case was not appealed be as at once morning on his return trip from taken to Rleigh. The Wilkesboro lfle iluania -position, ne is a Chrnnw.U. hart a rnnvpraHtion with I natiye ot Manly county. He re- E ler whm he passed through Porta havinR Beea 8iShta that h had Wilkesboio on hia wav to Ualeish. never' ia a11 hia born days, dreamed and Bays: or Beeing, "The case is a peculiar one, and j To "move the constipated habit Calvin Eller iaeiiher a cold-hlooodad 'he only safe treatment 18 a course murderer with heart as Insensate of Ayer's Pills, tolloved by a lsxa feelineas adamantine, or is inno- -ve diet Most other cathartic? 1o A SPECIFIC .FOR La Grippe, for Golds, Coughs, AND LUNG TROUBLES, AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL cent, He talked freely when ap store harm than goo. tv3.c.ore proached by this editor, and his ex- leading physicians recommend pressions Beeraed frank and truthful He is an extraordinary expert liar or truthful boy. He is only 19 years old, has dark blue eyes, dark hair and weighs about 185 lbs. He has that brogue peculiar to the moun taineer. Heseemedinahopefulmood and when asfced how he liked the idea of going to the pen, he said it was hard but be couldn t help it; hia enemies had sworn lies against him and convicted him; but he hoped boob to be pardoned, and that the real murderer would be disvover. ed. He said that he expected te try to perform every duty imposed upon him by the authorities. He denied bitterly that he had killed Latham and said they were kinsfolks aid had been chums all their liyes.' Mr. O H Armheld, of Statesville, ho was of counsel for Eller, says he believed Eller guil'y before-the trial, bnt during the" trial his de meauor was such that he was com pelled to belieye in his innocence. Early in the trial counsel for the State offered to compromise on a verdict of manslaughter. Eller's counsel laid the offer before hi n, but he promptly rejected it. .-He1 said he was innocent and for that reason he could not consent to 'any compromise. As the Chronicle savs, be it evidently a cold blooded sco on Idrel or be ii innocent - Ayer's Pills, especially as a fami!y physic. Branson's Agricultural Almanac is again before us. 1896 is among the very brightest issues of this yery valuable and popular hand-book of information for the State. It grows better and better each year. Dr. Branson circulates, edits and pub lishes his own Almanac, and guar antees its reliability. There is no I other like it Dr Branson , does good in many ways. Some men try advertising as the Indian tried feathers. Ha took one feather, laid it on a board and slept on it all night In the morning he remarked : "White man say feathers heap 8of' ; while man d -fool." You may start in a small way (most of the large advertisers haye,) but by keeping persistently before the public you cannot fail of success. Never were the people so progressiye and welItodo as now, and an '. ar ticle of merit advertised in Teb Standard is sure to find plenty of I customers among the immense num. I ber of people who Tead its columns I regularly, - "Two year ago, I had the grippe, and it left ine with a cough which gave me no rest night or day. My family physician prescribed for me, changing fhe medicine as often as he found the tilings I nod taken were not Helping v-tv mm m n mm morning at 2 o'clock. Mr. Gheen had only been sick since Sat. Pf thelt country. urday. He went to Concord that la oraer that the yiBit may be morning by pnyate conveyance and made the reateet degree of comfort on -the wav home, wan f.lfpn AnrfHoni ani saretj, we recommend that and severely ill. He was taken home Pre81den". principals or teachers ac and the physicians were called it. company their Echools on this visit, and it practicable that they may come to Atlanta in advance and secure through the "department of pubh comfort suitable accommodations at reasonable rate3. Where they cannot come in person, we reccra mend that they file with the de partment of public comfort an ap and pronounced it a case of oppendi citis. Effervthins noasibla was done for him. Last night a consultaon oy nve pnysicians was held but it was decided not to perform an oper alion. Surrounded by his family he paBsed away at 2 o'clock this morning, Mr. Gheen was f crtytwo years of Phcation for 8nch accommodations, aL'e. aman of exfiellpnt hMt .n ging tne number who will come liked wherever known. He leaves a wife end five children. The re mains were interred in the cemetery at Franklin Wednesday evening. Salisbury World. Mr. Kill Daniels Discharged. and leaving the date to the chief of the department. "Kesolved further, that we ask fron. the general passenger agents of the various railroads permeating the South their actiye cc-operation In bringing this mattes to the attention rnu -,! 1 l xt r tit i -i I a.u- iiaiiuia xews or Wednesday 0f the scLool through lcnal or trarel. contained the following concerning , Qonta k moaa t the case of Mr. Wm Daniele, which visitatron. we noted lasb week: "For Borne days .we earnestly recommend that past reports have been circulated immediate attention be given to this that Wm. Daniels cruelly mistreated matter." his wife, who died a few days ago. Thia circular will dnnntfeM be The charge was that he ill treated Landed to the reider bv n renre- i l:,. J uer sne was on ner dying bed. 8entative of the nearest railroad. If This morning Daniels appeared be- tohse concerned, will write to the fore the mayor, and there was a full ohief of the department of public .uyeaugauon 01 me matter, xen comfort at Atlanta . jrivin? the num ur tweive witnesses were summoned. ber of pnplia they wouid like to Til-- j. 1 ... I - " mo parties wno made tne charge bring and the number of davs thev .-.uumnotBuosianuateit. it was m wiU be here, leaving to him the evidence that Mrs. Daniels was uns selection of the date of the yisit, he uertne muuence of morphine and wm undertake to Becure Bnitable ac was not responsioie lor things she comodationB at reasonable rates If may have said in her delirium. The heads of the Echools can com ui,ur um not conBiaer tnat uameis to Atlanta in advance, and nerson- was guilty and the case againet him any Belect locations, eveiy assistance was dismissed." will be afforded them. Respectfully, Alex. W. Smith, Chief Department Public Comfort For over Fifty Years . Mrs. Winslow's Sooth'ng Syrup has been used for over fifty years by minions oimomersiortneir Children . A Catbollc Priest Sentenced while teething, with perfect success. Cenesoa. N. Y., Oct. 9. Father It soothes the child, softens the Flaherty was today sentenced to gums, allays all pain, cures wind seven years in Auburn prison for colic, and is the best remedy for having committed an outrage upon Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor the person of a girl under 16 years little sufferer immediately. Sold by of age. Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for ''Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. mwx&w A. Danville Firm Assigns. Daktille, Va., Oct. 9. B 8 Lisberger & Co., dry goods dealers, made an assignment to-day to P H Boisseau, truatree. Liabilities are not given in full in the deed, but s an enpposed to be about $25,000 ; assets Buffalo Engine N tarts Up. Buffalo Thread Mill added other one to the great volumes of consist of a stock of goods, accounts, smoke that arise in all parts of the etc. city from the immense stacks at the i -V" me, but, .n spite of iis attendance, I got no better. Fin ally, my husband, read ing one day of a gentleman who had had the grippe and was cufed by taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, procured, for me, a bottle ot this medicine, and before I had taken half of it, X was cared. I have used the Pectoral for "my children and la my family, whenever we have needed it, and have found it a specLflo for colds, coughs, and Inng troubles." Ejult "Wood, North St., Elkton, Md. Ays Cherrjf Pectoral Highest Honors at World's Fair, CIubm the tjttta witfe Aytfi tanapariHa. umereni muis, xne eneine was fired up and the boilers tested this (Saturday) morning. The machinery not being all placed and in proper fix for riming, man ufacturhig will not begin for auother week. A 8350 000 Fire a Norfolk. Norfolk, Va., Oct. 9 A fire in Portsmouth tonight did damage exceeding $250,000, destroying oyr 1,000,000 feet of lumber, 1,000 bales of cotton and 100,000 staves, besides warehouses of the Seaboard A:r Line and Old Dominion Line of Two Lives saved, Mrs. Phoebe. Thomae, of Junction steamers n:t th i.u v 1 , . I jujr, xu; waa ioio oj ner QOCtOrs I The Hatter Sow Nettled. she had Consumption and that there uraa n V, frw kn. 1. t . A t. n 1 i.1 ol "d;. K?nV NeTbTcom- ida AthleCtl ClaCTb " ?" pletely cured ber and she Bava it headquarters to Hot Springs, Ark., saved her life Mr. Thos Eggers, 139 Florida St, San Francisco, suf fered from a dreedful cold, ap proaching Consumption, tried with out result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured.' He is naturally thank ful.' It is such results, of which these are samples that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Cou eh a and Colds. Free trial bottles at Fetzer 's Drug store. Begular size 50c and $1. where it will hold its j ngihstio car nival of three days, commencing I October 31, the date originally se lected and already giyen out. All the parties to the contest have fully agreed and the matter is settled. The mayor and the street force are now working on West Corbin street, near - the depot. Improye ments will be made beyond the rail road after Corbin street ia in proper trim. Messrs. Dobbins Holmes, of Wil mington, and Ch9?e Adams ; next, Misses Bessie Sanders and Faiinie McAder. and after them llcSira.. Doisald, brother of the bride. The groom, wit!: his best nan, Mr, V; H Twif.y, watered frcca lb? vestibule on ' acd vdtr l a the aHr for Lie 1 1 '.ie. Ai r,t-tendi-nts arranged thc;r;elrc3 about Icj pulpit. Mis- D:-j McDonald, sister o tho bri-us, o.z'1 maid of hoaor, cam? dowt 'i o niiu"" die f.isle, her co.rr.irg heralding the approach of the bride. Tlx lat ter came a few minutes . ; oa'the arm of he: father, Sir. i. i,.a ilc- Douald, her beauty being eunced ten-fold by the inspira-Hon cf the hour, and the becoarcgaeis of her bridal aii'uy. As shi: reared the pulpit her ..irctht l for ward and took her h;nJ, p!icii (r' it oa his arm, and the two ifood before Eov. Dr. Preston, ar.d were, by L n, pronounced ulan and i.e, in his ou beautiful laEgiuie. Ths hush wlica xoKIoved the benediction waj broken by a gud bnrst ot sound a tiiumoh of love und harmony tha BIIDAL CiloKUS from the "Hose Maiden." vhish sung by Mestiamea O U Brocken brough, E L Ciblon, F P Smith, E L Martin, A L Smith, H S Bryan; Miss Nan Dowd; Messrs D F Sum mey, F H Andrews, B F Powell, E L Martin, Walter Scott, W H Pow ell and O M Norwood'. The blend ing of 0 many fine voices in so beau tiful a selection was grand in effect. The audience lingered to hear the last notes of the climax and finale and then left, those who were bidden to the wedding reception following the bridal pariy to the pretty home . of Mr. and Mrs John Walter Miller on jorth xryoK street where. reception was held." Mr. and Mrs Hook are both well known in this city, the bride once haying lived here and the groom haying freqently yLiled here siEce his residence in Charlotte. Weakj Irritable,Tired "I Was No Good oa Earth."'' Dr. Miles Nervine strengthens the weak, builds up the broken, down constitution, and permanently cures every kind of nervous disease. I "About one year ago luMuafflietci tettH nervousness, sleeplessness, t Creeping sensation in my legs, . 4 Slight palpitation of my heart, IHstraeting confusion ofthemindt Serious loss or lapse of memory. ' Weighted down ith care and worry. I eompltsi ny lost azzettte And felt my vitality veearing oaii" X teas teeak, irritable and tiret, My tpetgtKas reduced to X8n lbs.t In fact A teas no good, on e.. rtk. A friend brought ne Or. Miles' book, "New and Start ling Facts," and I finally decided to try a bottle of Db. Miuts' Be- oratlve Nervine. Before I had taken one bottle I oocZd sleep as 10-yr.-old 1 appetite returned, greatly Increased. When I had taken the sixth bcttle My weight increased to , 119 The sentazZlon inmv leOstca . an Sly nerve steadied eomp&tsli . My brain aeewiecf clearer tkan ever, M felt as good as any man on earth Jhr. Miles Mtestorattve Kervine ta -A. great medicine, I assure you." . Augusta, Me. . Walies E. Bukbask. .j Dr. If ilea Nervine Is sold on a posfttr- . guarantee that the flret bottle will Douen.. , AUdrnggtetssellltattl.e bottles for. or it will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt cf price, by the Dr. Mllea Medical Co, Eikhart, tnd. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health For Sale by all Druggist weU as WlM?-frl boy. ii v Mjry&v . j OS., V f

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