1 K- JHJI.VT Vi'1 10 l,,iv'J ivu u oasea upon production up 10 a re- cent date the director of the mint Las made an estimate of the silver product of the United States for 1885. It is placed at four million ounces leBg than last year's prodnc tion, the falling off being due, of couree, to the cloeing of mines which proved unremuneratiTe last year. Tlie following table shoB the comparative prodnctiod and price of silver in thi3 country for the laBt six j ears and the present year, as estimated : Ozs. produced. Price per oz 1888 18S9 1890 1891 1892 1894 1895 45,792,682 93.9 cents 50,094,571 54,516,300 58.330,000 63,500,000- 59,000,000 55,000.000 93.5 cents 104 6 cents 98.8 cents 87.1 cents 63 5 cents 67.0 cents It will be seen that the prodnc. tion will he greater this year than in any of the years 1S8S. 1889 and 1890. Our silver prodnot this year will be nine million ounces in excess of that in 1888, though the average price of silver during that year was 16 cents higher than the price at present Most of the mines in this country are new producing silver at a proht. When silver went to 164.6 cents an ounce in 1890 there waa boom in mining Btocks and a great many worthless mines weie opened. These met their natural fate. The silyer production of seypral countries will show an increase this year, but the total output will not differ materially from that of last year.. The world's production of silver increased from 63,267,000 ounces in 1873 to 161.776,100 in 1893 Atlanta Journal. I DS RETREAT OF BIOKMOSISM. The people of Utah by a large major." ty have yoted in fayor of ad mission to the union, and adopted a State constitution. When the re suit tof this electior is presented to the president he may issue a proo lamation declaring Utah a State. It is said that the president will be importr.ned not to issue such a proclamation on the ground that the Mormon element, though it has iying low" amse the passage of the Edmonds act, is only waiting for the protection cf State sovereign ty to reassert itself. The constitu tion cf Utah forbids polygamy, hut many cf the Gentiles in that teri tory bclije that the Mormons would disregard the law if they gained control of the State government, These fears are, probably, without sufficient foundation. The Gentile .population of Utah has increased rapidly in the last few years, and the Mormons are leaying. Recently they baye establised seyeral large colonies in Mexico, where their pe culiar institutions will not be in terfered with and these settlements are growing rapidly. The Mormons want to be alone and they realize that if they are not now in a mint orlty in Utah they soon will be. Utah will probably come into th full fellowships of the States at an early day. m a THE MOSKOJE DOCTRI5B, recently iee standard was asked to expatiate, on what the "Monroe doctrine" iB. The request came from our esteem friend, and puatryman, Mr.- Watt Barringer. All this was in the presence of our townsman, Dr. N D Fefzer. Know ing that Dr. Fetzei's appearance up on this mundane sphere antidated that of ours, therefore decidedly nearer the time the Monroe doctrine was promulgated; and knowing brother Barnnger's thirBt for accu rate knowledge in detail, we quite naturally passed the question to Dr. Fetzer. In his own inimitable way, he explained it satisfactorily,and now comes something oa the BameJJline, fennd in the Morganton Herald, that endorses Dr. Fetzer's answer and demonstrates at one grand iump the fact that he was pretty close to traditional chariots or has a wonder ful memory about things read and heard of. - Thus sayeth the Herald: It is well that our readers should keep posted on all great public questions and none for the present inspires more interest than the Monroe doctrine. This doctrine is the accepted definition of the " position of the United States upon the American rtlatioBS in Europe. iriTaTnever been formulated into a statute, but it is as fundamental as the organic, law of the nation and binding. It was contained in a message. r of President Monroe to Congress in 1823" Briefly it is as follows i vThe Monroe doctrine con curred ' in - at the time by the English government was; a de deration that no Europen power, would fce allowed to acquire tirri - tor? in .Kotth or So-nt,k America. s-icLitioa&l to the territory then held by such government. Further, it was notice to the world that Ameri can nations, whether weak or strong could not be despoiled of their do main without interference on the part of the United Sates. The re cent act ot England toward Vene zuela has brought this doctrine prominently to the front and may end in a war. Next year will be the last leap year of the century, and another will not occur nntil 1804. The year 1900 will not be leap year. Now girls, get up your material for slippers, and look out for the latest designs. The girl that is now 34-22 Kill have to do some tall engineering or her cake is dough. 'Tis awful to comprehend. If she fails in. 1896, the next opportunity will find her 42 an age that gaudy plumes, gay dress and face decorations can never conceal. The Caucasian says that the Popu lists made gains everywhere in the recent election. We never saw that in any other paper. Somebody must have told a lie. Topic. A Republican told us Saturday that since the election it is almost impossible to find in this county a free coinage Republican. He fears that if the stampede to the sound money cause is as great in other parts of the State as in Catawba that Tommie Settle will get run over in the crush. Newton Enter prise. After John K 4Morria' name the newspapers alwayB add : "the drum mer that took part in the Maryland campaign. ' I'nsaceeHBfnl Effort to Rob a Bank; Zajtesyille, 0., Nov. 15. An unsuccessful attempt was made by three men to rob the Monroe County Bank at Woodefield last night. Deputy Sheriff Kriser in going to his home at 11 p. m. saw a .light in the livery stable behind the bank He went to ask about some oil wells in which he and the proprietor were jointly interested, and waa over powered, carried to another etabie, gagged and bound. The burglars to"k $S0 end an. .'jitt rooi him. The dial on the bank ' safe was knocked off and two men drilled on It while the third remained to watch Krizer. They left about;3 o'clock this morning, almost having suc ceeded in opening the safe. A re ward of $500 has been offered for their arrest and conviction. A queer church quarrel is reported from Scotland, where an Episcopa lian clergyman has rent his coDgre gation in twain by trying to sup press a debating society connected with the church. This society, it seems, Bays the New York Times, re cently considered the relative infiu ence of the modern 'press and the modern pulpit, andjdecided by vote that the orators who sustained the newspaper Bide of the controversy had the better of it The reyerend gentleman therefore declared both himself and the church grievously insulted, and peremptorily ordered everybody connected wi'h the de bating society to resign from it. Nobody obeyed, and the result has been emp'ty pews and much harsh language from the pastor and his re bellious flock. Col. A. B, Andrews Elected a Director of the Knoxvllle dc Ohio Railroad, Nkoxville, Tenn., Nov. 13, At the annual meeting of the stockhol ders of the Kuoxville & Ohio rail road, held in this city today, the following named directors were elected: A B Andrews, Raleigh, JN. C;W H Baldwin., Jr.; -Washington. D.C.;CH Castor, John Greenougb, Samuel Spencer, H S Chambeilain Chattanooga; E J Sanford and C M McGhee, Enoxville. The Bible In Fnbllc 6th cola. Chicago, III., Noy. 15. Sixty- thousand men and women who be lieve the Bible should be read in the publio schools in a non-sectarian manner nave signed a petition to that effect which will soon be pre sented to the board of education. Signatures are still being obtained. The petition has been prepared and is being circulated by the Woman's Educational Union, of Chicago. Letters of 'endorsement have been received from Carninal Satolli, Archbishop Janssen,iNew;Orleanes; Bishop Keane, rector of the Cathalio University, Washington; Bishop Heslin, Natchr z,J jJMiss.; Bishop HennesBy, Kohler, for "the Jewish Congregation of New York Bishop Fallows, of the Methodist church; President Harper, University of Chicago, and President -Rogers, of the Northwestern University. It is proposed to have a committee, rep resenting the various churches, pre pare selections from ' the Scriptures to be read,' j JttICII110ND'3 $125,000 C i Vox Factory Burned.", Richmond, Va., Nov.13. By far the most disastrous fire Richmond has Buffered for a longtime occurred, to-night when the Franklin street building of the Randolph Paper Box Factory was destroyed. The origin of the fire is nnknown. The flames made rapid headway and at one time it was seriously feared that much of the surrounding properly would also be destroyed, but the fire department succeeded in confining the fire to the bnilding in which it started. The building was Bituated on one of the narrowest streets in the citv end in close proximity to the Home for Incurables and St Luke's Hospital, and the inmates of these institutions were greatly alarmed. The loss is estimated at $125,000 ; insurance, $97,000. Able to AOord lt- The Baltimore Sun gives $500 to the newspaper fund to rebuild the rotunda of the University of Vir ginia which Mr. J H LmdBey, edi- tor of the Charlottsville Progress, has opened in his paper. Floating Item. The Baltimore Sun can well af ford to give $500 to this enterprise, for it is one of the most valuable newspaper properties in the United States. A gentleman who apendfl mnch time in Baltimore told the Landmark recently that he waa in formed that the Sun netted its pub lishers $700 an iseue. It is pub lished six times a week ank a week's net earnings would amount, there tore, to $4,200; and $4,200 per week for 52 weeks in the year is a pretty fair income. Children Bnrned to Deatn. Sast Antonio, Tex., Nov. 12 A special from Grenoda, J!ti., dated Nov. 15 tb, says : "A school building here in wKch 150 children were present caught fire and before anything could be done, the whole building was ablaze and in spite of heroic efforts of the people the building was destroyed. Thirty-one charred bodies, including the teacher, have so far been taken out The lire is believed to be in cendiary origin and two boys, who have been Beverly punished by the teacher and suspended from the school, are believed to b? ti.. an tbp' uC the crime, They have beeen arrested but so far have not confessed." ChtoKen work to Live. Reading, Pa., Nov. 12. 'ion e valuable advice to farmers is given by G H D Line, who is a great chicken raiser and egg producer in Lower Alsace, His plan in brief is to make his hens work for a living, Mr. Line says : "It is necessary to mako her s scratch for a living. "I accomplished this by feeding corn on the cob instead of ehelliug it I take what I 'consider a neces sary number of ears split them up into small parts and throw them to the chickens, leaving the grains of corn on the cob. This makes them work in order to secure a meal, and work of thia kind is absolutely rc quisite to the production of eggs. "I have observed this principle of feeding for Borne. years and have been satisfied vith the results, because my hens lay in the fall and winter, when eegs are high In price." GO V.BROWN INTBSAWL. He Tries to Draw His Gnn on a Clerk In the Auditor's Office Fbankfobs, Ky., Nov. J13. Gov. Brown and W H Newhall, a clerk in th6 Auditor's office, quarreled i the State House yesterday, passed the lie and would have come to blows had by-standers not inter fered. Newhall had accused the Governor oi voting the Republican ticket and aoting the part of a trai tor. The executive responded with an emphatic denial, and or e of the men (struck at the other when friends of the two separated thein. It was claimed that Gov. Browr l- tempted to draw his revolver, but he denies that he was armed. Augusta College Burned, Augusta, Ky., Nov. 15 Angusta College the. most historic bnilding in the city, was todaj (destroyed ty fire. It. caught at noon with 400 children in the building. There was a mad rush ana the greatest difficult in rescuing them, All were saved. Drank Concentrated "Lye. Crewe, Va., Noy. 35. Douglas Oliver, the thirteen months old child of Mr. T B Oliver, died at 2 o'clock this morning from the effects of hav ing drunk concentrated lye which had been left on the floor by a ier vant, who had been nsing it to do some cleaning. Virginia Dare Property sold. At a called meeting of the stock holders of the- Concord Female Academy Friday evening, it was de- cided to sell the piece of property known as the Virginia Dare lot, which was purchased by Messrs W L Bobbins and .W 'A -Wilkinson, of ForestIilL for the confederation of f700,-:.:rj ; ' A .feervant Uirl ) SSO,9JfatAli T.T.AS, Tci., No- la J.ire Siirt ' " Fourteenth J udical Court, last night rendered a verdict against the Oriental Invest ment Company, owners of the Ori ental Hotel, in Dallas, in faver of Maggie S Lyne, a servant, who was injured about two years ago in an elevator in the hotel. She sued for $30,000. There are three other suits perding by parties injaren in the same. accident. Guarded From the Lynchers. Winston, N. C, Noy. 15. White, the Indian doctor who assaulted a sixteen-year-old 'girl in Cabarrus county, is in jail at Concord. It is reported that he is be:ng guarded to prevent the indignant friends of the girl's father from lynching him. Not so ; we are law-abiding peo ple. Only a reception committee tt he jail to assist the Sheriff. An Oltl Custom Revived. Shelby Aurora: Rev. Dr. J 1) Hnfham, of Shelby, accompanied by Revs. Webb, Limrick and Hawkins, went last Friday to Lincoln county, according to agreement, to treet in debate Prof. Dermon, of Hickory. They discussed baptism and infant eaUa'ion. The dtbators were Rev. Dr. J D Huftam and Prof, Dtr mon, esch spoke at first 30 minutes, then a rejoinder of 20 minutes each. The large crowd enjoyed the battle about church doctrine. Cae Metho dist, Rev. Carpenter vas present as "a looker cn," at Carpenter's school house in Lincoln county. The de bate was fu;r, uninterrupted and without personalities or strife, and the preliminaries of the contest were arranged by R?y. G M Webb. A Baptist church was organized thre the night before the debate. BucKlen's Arnica KHlve. The Best Salve in t'.'.e tt-.t'O. for Cats, Brnisss, Sores, Ulcers, S.iit Rheum, Fever &ora, T?tteru Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ali Skin Eruptions, and positively ca.-es Piles or no pay requi ed. It i guaranteed to "give etatiifaction cr monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale ft P 15 Fetzer's Drug store. Organising; the Silver Party. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 13. Tivree hundied Populists, dis;.ffectfd Deuiocrats and Republicans, held a i,anicrecce here today. Hon. J G Sibiy, of Pennsylvania, made a warm silver speech and was loudly cheered. It is possible a tew party to be known as the Free Silver noneet Elections' party, will be organized. S'ree I ill. Send voui" adar ess toIIvS I5ucL len & Co., Chkaso, end est a free sample bo" cf Dr. KiaV &!? Life o.-'iiJS. ii. tr.ai win cvUTiisco you oi their merit3. Those piila ara assy inaction and aio prj tkakrly ef focUve in the euro of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles ther have been proved invaluable. They are rRun-r-anteed to be perfectly fre' from every deleterious substmca and to be purely veet table. Tbc-y do net weaken by their action, but by giv ing tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate tho system. Regular sine 25c per box. Sold by P. B. fetzer's Pmggist Receiver For the Norfolk A eslern. Cincinkati, Ohio., Nov. 14, Judge Taft tody appointed Henry Kink receiver of the Norfolk and Western Railway, on petition of the Mercantile Tiust Company, of New York, holding 16.000 000 of mortgage bonds. Pick had alresdy been appointed receiver for the Fi delity Trust Company, of Philadel phia, holding other mortgage bonda. TTnen Baby waa sick, we gave her CastorU. ffhen she was a Ch ild. she cried for Castorio, When she became Miss, sha clung to Castoria. Vhan the had Children, she gave thorn Castorte. Sam Janes anrt Bill Fife's Lanndry Af ter Key. hli. Trice had preaclied his last sermon to the colored people, a few nights ago, he aLnounc-i that any member of tue congregation that desired to testify for the Lord could do so, several made short talks, the most pertinent one of which, peri haps, was by a colored brother who remarked that he had heard some people say that Sam Jones was the greatest man that had ever visited Winston; others said Mr. Fife was, while others thought Mf. Price was the greatest. . The brother said he would tell how it was: "Mr. Jones came here and did de washing; Mr. Fife and Price are here now doing de ironing." Winston Sentinel. For over Fifty i Years. Mrs. Winslow'a 'SootVng Syrnp)has been nsed for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes, the child, Bottena the gams, allays all pain, cures - wind colic, and ia the be6t remedy for Diarrhoea.: It will relieve the poor little "sufferer immediately. field by Druggists in every - part , of the world. Twenty-five cents loitle Be sure and ask for ''Mrs. Winaiowa Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. mwi&w-s23'95 cS.A--.3aryi.:::.i lnlinHS -rtur'Jerea By lisHnnn. ' C;pkrK;at: Jf I'tiM OuWauO re ceived two mesba't'o todiiy"from Assent Day, at the Ureageucn head quarters. He attribpt.es tho mur ders of the two Ute Indians to members of the tribe. Tfce bodies were found on Chickm "cr-ek, sever? miles from the town cf Kanccs. Ke baa sent Irdian Police MeOan non to look for the horses . of the murdered Indiacs. Runners have been seat for the son of the Iuditn supposed to be guilty of the crime. The cavalry at "Fort Logan ere awaiting orders and will be rearly to move at any mojaent. I i. lis ' 3 U :H S i, A ti-i . 'jF'cv ' L' til " J f PU3KAM. K.3. V.t.A. f fl!AuE FROM Asn ... - ; -'1 E.s is. U w '4 There is a iliCorcace Lotwccp iodi craes and indiiciaes. Ihosn oi t-j-I.iy, as a rule, differ from tlicsc cf tl.o pust iii inat:y respects. Fuily as f-reat is tbo'ttiflcronca oe twuen Vr. King's mud. &zm&lm and tho ordinary medicines of ty-iy. it is TjLlvo tncin la t-2S..-toi t fc hi . L i 5 : ; I. It does sot taste lilicolciaclt- f cine. It is as pleasant to taks f.s ' lemonade and ciakes'a most i-tfroslilng' : drink. j 2. It never nauseates tne moet j delicate stomach. j S. It does not svnp off one 61s- j ease for another. Jt does net sot up i one form of disease in ortlcr to i-cUcro I another as is ao cfteu the caf 3. i 4. It contains 1.0 t'echcl ot? j opium iu any form r.nd 13 aiwi;-:) i liTrale?s ever when f'iven to e baba ! ens d-iy eld. ! 6.. It does at patoli city.i; 'is j cures. It veachea as nvj.hiuf eli's does t.3 the lii-.Uicn Fov.i-ees . f ; in the blood and nw.vrsj tho cause. 16 ', docs this with, ats e?.-e znH r o-.-cr ihsi L?.t? raver Ltfen ccaal-vl. j t's. 109 l0?f,s, Ol . EC-. THE tmm CiiLHiL CO.. TLA'iT, 8A. I: iS t 6. AS- r. f,?5 Ba n k-s jrj f-q ti i t fc2 S ILa Uua bsa 3 e.3 fill 1 i V n iA y h i ti n i 53 J U-IT AS CCCB fO-Z fi.ZV i-TS. OalA?ta,I:t.s., Kgv.!3,1393. tn'!.Tjon: Wo s-.n l-.s -.jar. (0 bottlea of GiiO K's TAS'l aJ.i-:-.;8 CXiO.!. 'i-OLii: ia haw b:,--.t'ht. tcrrc srros.' .".'n:.-: tli j-enr. iit nil or cx prKr.ro of U yi.ftrr-, iu li.o .ru b-ui.!o, hnv& Dcror bol,! nil arti?!o thut .iv-o such uiuvursul eu.tis- IuctU.o tie yuur Tyuic. j.uurs truly, HEY,CAlia. A CO. For sa'e by all tirusgisia. AMINISTBATOiJ'S NOTICE. Havicfr boon duly appointed and qualified administrator of the estate of Jil-irgaret A Hileraan, deceased, all persons holding ciaima Kgainat trie said deceupMl are berfiby -noti fied 10 present them, duly authen ticated, to the undersigned for pay ment on or before the 17th day of Uctober 18Ub or this notice will bo plead as a bar to their recovery. Also all persons owing said estate are nouueu inai prompt payment is expected. J. A. Barshardt, This Oct- 17th 95. Aministrator, TOWN PROrEMY FOE SALE. As administrator of D A Sides, deceased, and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court, of Cabarrus county, in the case of A W Moose, administrator, against J A Bowlttnd and othert, I will eeiJ at the t-oiut bouse door.in Concord, to the hia-i-etit bidder, on rdonday, December 2n$, the touso and lot in lit. Pleas ant known as the "D A Bides prop erfy" adjoinirg. C G lieih'g, Jesse Hathccck, ; tirs. Alexander and others, containing: about one ar.d a half acres. This is one of tho most desirable pieces of propertp of its kind m Alt- Pleasant. Terms: One third cash, Vaiarce oa twelve months credit, wit':; six per cent interest from dcy c: iw-n.iPiUi paxa. A. . io-t, Atiininiatrator. By Sfymitb, Attorney. Hot. let 1895. s tie I 31 mi- L W3 UT. r A mm lw' --n; i A f 3-M1 note Biscuits to be biscuits that will tempt the appetite, must be light and flaky. They must be Daked tjuickly. Think of baking biscuits for breakfast in three minutes! Yet this is a daily occurrence with users of the F-v. . LA ?1 ' . This Range is a perfect cooking apparatus. What more need be s.v!d of it? It is mada of steel and malleable iron. It is not like any other cooking apparatus you can buy. Tho MAJESTiC is unique. It ia fsr-and-av.ay the test, We ceil iL Yorke. Wads worth & e ' tt ; ? ".p.r- f , n f. k. FniCKLV AS AMD rc POKE R00 Tiro Marvelous Cures In Blend Poison RaOQitiatism and Scnfisla (S9 ' P. P. P. purinos t!ic Mood, ba.'Msop y 2tr - the weak and ii. rIJ:ti:tal jrlvvs Btrentr-ii to tvo. :ntl norvea, f xpfI CZ-P- diaeascg.RiTinK't'LOiJt'ent health and luoilngannd latsHat! - Unt prevailtO. For primary, st'Coni'Mry nnn tcriinry eyphfli-, tor blood poiSodIuk ciero't rlal polr.n, mnlarfn. dyBptpsia, ar'l 1 nil IjIooJ ar.J akla diseases, lila C-S-- tettt-r, BCKjihfi-tu, faoila, erysipeliia. -s eczema - we iDty tav, without fLRr of fc- cnntrflrMH!on,tiiat, t. V. P. ltliob.:.0 f tloo-i purir in tbo orld.and rr.ea positive, t.r-eody&iidiidrznjtauiitcurwj f-m -iaM-acEJr 'JSJ-'- fattwwriliiilini 1 ill ia "tH T-sfffpa vhotic .'iTtceo-.s i-.ro DtjiaoiieJ mid -j blood in aa Imvore tonu tJon, du- touionstrnil irreiralarifloa, ftre oocu:iir!y bD(.ltted by tho won-c'p.-ial ton. j find CI00.1 clEJia-sIn prop erties of i. P. P. Priciiiy Asii, jPoka Kcot and potasntum. PP!16?P7GZ.1V Mo., Aor. 14th, l)a5. Tn..nAnAnlrintiiA MutuMt trtrni of el,' your meuicine from my own prrsou - C- J-.nowfedKS. I wasatTected wiih liourfi '" dlsoasa, pleurisy and riiutunHtinm tor a.yeRrs, was treated by t'io Tory N.'flt! , . phveic.t ;ia aim qpsc h'indrod cf dol ? i;i!f tried every kaowu remedy wirh- c-nt linulnertflluf. Iduvo only tuk-.3 one boitiy of your P. P. P., acd etiu Ci-J5" cherfally ?ny It bn.3 dono me raore . f--m good ttisnanybinI hr.r vertCaen. I can recyumnHnrt your madiclne to li C.-2- Buiicrerao: tift abovo dlboufoa. prl2nici Grcbn County, IdO. TLe fket of American Newspa pers, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. The American Constitution, tho American Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last, and all ihe time forever. , Daily, by mail, - . $G a year Daily and Sunday, by mail, 88 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. Price 5c. a copy; By mail, $2 a jpar. Addrek THE SCJT, Jtew Tork. For Kent. The 'a tore roomr'next to Dov5 , & Bo.'t, now opcni-kd by Sims A Aleix knuer, ia tor rent. It ib 22x75, with goed basement .Possession giyen lat January, 1896. Apply to - - yi J, Dots. "Til Hatv IIiveb, N.C., Jen. 8, 1S95. Xyon I?. Co. , Ilnwk'yn, K. Y. Gentlemen: A short time since one of my horses had pcrntohcs so very bad that its log became swollen and very much in flamed. I used a few bottles of Mcxltaa Mustx-Jz Liniment and tho inflammation and scr r-.tcLe.s soon disappeared, loivirg my horse as pood na ever. I find it is the best remedy tint cr.a be had for this dis ease, and I heartily recommend it to all who have horses or stock of any kind. Truly yours, J. W. B. Uioa POIST, N. C, Dec 14, 1804. Lyon Idfg. Co., Brooklyn, A" T. Qontlenien: I can highly recommend Mexican Mustang Li.ilmcnt to those Buffer ing from burnH. 1 have u.cd it and found it excollent. Sincerely yours, Clerk BeU&nse BotoL J. N. CAMPBELL- PlE'JXOHT Wabehottsk, ) Rbidbville, N. C, Dec 6, 1894. f Lytm, JtJ. Co.. Brooklyn, Ar. T. Gentlemen : I havo used nealcaa rius ttmz L'rlmetii for a good many years and consider it tho best liniment niado. I keop it in the house all the time. It will do all that ia ci&ii&ed for it. Rcspectfullv, D. M. MOORE. Iscoi r . r p. o ?- ' f f otf ?ftJQ s and jldjorcs Catarrh, faiarla zS c-ndKidney Troubles .re ontiri'JyreiuoTeabyP.P.S'. a Prlokly Ash, Potto Root ood PotB tram, u.e grcatunt tiicod puiSer on earbo. ABfe!.Ti!:E!l,0.. Jal7 21,l91. 3 Knfiis LiprsiAS Br.os., Savannah. j. Ga. : Pkak Sirs I bon-Ut a bottle of your P. P. P. at Hot Spniipa.Ark.,ana . fr? It Lr. done mo more ftooa thn three -w. mon tbs troarmont at tlie Hot tiprlctfa. bauJ tliroo botti O. O. D. . Abortfeen, Brown County, O. ?T? Tv aU Kftm U my mncern: 1 hcr. u ;h woadorru! properties . sa7orei! fcT suveral years with an on- " "w sightly cd fll.apreaable eruption oa ! my f::co. I trle-i e'ery known reme Jv but Iti TBln.nntll p. p. V. was used, aid sa cow entirely cunul. - (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTOS. v. r. sr. rir eruptions ot tne skid. 1 1 . Ciktn Cnorcr Cured. Testimony from xhe Mayor of Sequin Jex. 835rm. Tex., Janoary 14, 1893. Mb '.-11s. LnvKAS IIkos., Savannab, Ga. : -lUinmen I have tried your P. j,--P. ?. tvi a iilsec9o of the skin, usually -'"i know,: as skin cancer, of thirty years etcr.iU:.--. and found K'oat rellof: It. pnril'.ei; tho ulood and removes all lr riratinn frnm the seat of the dlseaso and irt vnt3 any spreading of the eore-f. I iiavo rtikon live or six bottles and fer! confident that another course mo from 3tIit.,Btiou trouSlss. Yotre truly, OcPT. W A" end stomach it. Lav. lil'A'U :;38. " ALL i;ruc j -9 TEUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of authorif y vested in me by a Mortgage or Deed in Trust executed on the 30th dny of Novem ber, 1892, by Jucob L MoCarns and wife, Laura McCarns, whicn Mort gaee is duly recorded in Registers Office for Cabarrus county in Book 6, Page 555, 1 will sell at public auc-. rion ia front of the Court House door on Monday, December 2, to the highest bidder for cash, one tract ol land adjoining L M Sossoinon and others, and described as follows: Beeinnine at a willow on west bank of Piocky River, corner of L M Sos somou. opposite the mouth of a small branch, which is on the East, tide of the Biver, and runs with fhree of L M Sossomon's lines as follows : N. iOi W, 18.80 chains to an elm on west bank of ditch; then N. 2J W. 18 chftinp to a stone in the field; then N. 74i W. 311 chains to a stone in Monro Howell's line; then N. 21 E. l?i chains to a small sweet gum on tae South bank of the branch, II itcLarty's comer, then with his lire N. 821 E- Hi chains to a stone in the old line; then the old line S. 41 E. 61 chains to a branch oa the west bank of the Bivar, thence down the Biver as it means ders to the beginning containing ninety-two (9Ej) end one half aoiea more or ltss bticg part of the D M Carriker lands. . : : C SoseoMoir, Trustee, T By W. M, Smith, Attorney K ti !T3 i SI8C0.0G GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS.' $i50.ooverymDnth given awavto anyonewhsapplka through us fur the most meritorious pi teal during titt month preccrin?. We Hocure ti e hret patcrts for Onrolint and the object of tl.is olTex ts to enccar-.e inventors to keep track, of their bright ideas. At tlie tame timewtt wish to impress upoa the public the act that IT 'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT. YIELD F0RTUMES. fsntS hi "ear-wind'iw" which can be CfltflytTM op I and down without L.rcayngthcpassergr'back, "muoo. l-poc," 'collax-bmton," "nut-lock," "bottletoppar. 'and a thousand other little things tMt most any ona Goa tind a way of improving ; and these simple inventions ars jthe caes tlut bra largest returaj to the author. I ry 10) think of something to invent. , IT IS NOT SO HARD A5 IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us reoeivjEe :""U notice bl lh "National Recorder, published at Washington, D. C, which is the best newspaper published in America is the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's subscript tion to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. Wa alo advertise, free of cost, the invention each tnontfc which, wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands of copies of the "National Recorder," cootaininfr, sketch of the winrcr, and a description of his iuventtoiia will be scattered throughout tho United States amoogj capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their attsss tion the merits of the invention. Ail communications regarded strictly confidential. Address JOHN WEDDED ::RN & CO., Solicitors of American 1 Foreluo Patents. . 6iSFStre;.N.W., Cox 383. Washington, D. O. Rttrcnce eJilcr 0 this fafitr. Writtjbrttt SOjafeiamtkUt, FREE. w P-S- L . mJIK .JS. POBOOVAW, 5 v.t tSB3iUit.ZiCXWB cur. S3 3.c?p'ou:s.3 S0LE3. & I V'" .EXTRA FIHK' Over One Million Pr!a wear the W. L. WczlZS $3 & $4 Shoes AH our shoes arc equally satisfactory They five the N im!uo for the money. They equiil CKS-:it Soe- t.t ty!e and lit Their wmIm quir.. TheprlcM are crcfrw..emed on MM.. Prom fi to .i savi-d ever utber rike. it tout dcifcr car.riTt supply yo j can. 010 bf HEILIG $ HEXDRIX, Mt, Pleas jn', A. C ItsWS NEW THE ONLY PERFECT SEWlKQHfimsH . FAMILY USfL YOKHE & WADSWOETii Conoobd, N. C Dr. J. K CARTLAND SURGEON DENTIST. Makes a sneofr?Ity of filling teeth without pain. Sixteen yeais experience.'- Office over Lippards & Barrier's- store after Feb. 8. 1894. i25. ViTv H MORRISON H. CALDWEL ATT0B5BT ATIAW, - CONCORD, N. a ". .- .... - Office in Morris building, oppoeity Court House, .. . .-- W" A - t if