' li 5 1 "f, eJ.l.'.iUB . -.y, and it ia folly iui : ..iif vut R'j'rn tbv.fr-ivt aud hot (ureter need a! I t'ae m forioahoii tbo; on got upiin great (jucstiof,', to tho end that ibiy may go-v-ra thtniselvi-i Fitedigentiy, to ignore saob facta tie thtise. Trey ara mora weight)- eten, df poauble, than ClarlUk'a lice propod'li.inii ut liowliog Green ; 1. The United Stales to day Ins a lurger cirouli'tiori per capita thru any free coin igo century ever did h.iva, 2. It lias more g AC j ollara per capita than any f rtn coinage country on earth tody naj of a!' klndi cil money. '& It h-.a more adu-r dollar per capita than any free a'dyer ceo a try todfij. 4, It bus more gold and uilvef, and the volume uf iln silver ciroula ticn is greyer per capita than the cnl.iv? circulation of gold, eiivei and paper ledad-d to silver 1 Any free coinage ration. 5 The Uuued SaH nuder th. gold fltni.drd ginoe 1573 iou jua'nttfiwd a greater citctilauou pe.i CiipiU id .'.: it evir (I'U bifoiv. G. "i'trrj has t'wa five Herts . Bisru stiver dollara roinod under the fioU s jidrtid from IST'i liil now, twenty '.hre-eyea-v, tbftn thire wn tinder free oi .).! froat u? . 1 i;.;h'y one U'uri!. 7. Fvcoy nntum tlsat kits adopt, d tno gold standard (except one or , two, who arc on a depreciated panel' . W.i) o.a incaa- d its chouhtion. j H. No nut In of that. ohm ciyilt zUton iihtiht ulti-r etiuidatd, 0, Mexico is the highest tvpe if r.r frif sHut nadon ou earthen the-dc-obie etauduvd, ao-cuHtd, ar-d ite par onpitt circulation is f4.1T, while oar p.T c-pifa einuhtion w iiicre.td, eitod 1S73, more than the cmire ctrc jliition of Mtiioo. ; 10. Mtneo. the best example of free silver, bus t'O middle elates: , has miUiomdrea alid pan;er or 11. Tl-e w.ia of no free 8;ip.r conatry oa earth ira n third of tho;-e cf tLeUoreJ tUtta, ' 13. 3No country on faith hf.8 in praeliae doub li'dd and silver) s'andard. ' 13. No o.iUiitry, for 2Q) jeers (ii'jCB C'.iai.':'.'Mr.e htcnau! ititernn- tloiiitlj, 6Tsr liitu h.-i i in practice a limit-.'" n'll'.itfinl I '11, The prupoti'iou Hint ihtxc (itk-i be but on; Btar.'Jmd 18 telf fTidcnt, (Carip:e, and Mr. lucrum, Se iratary vt the Treasury, in under Jjuksou ) 15. Both nitf'aig under fn?e coin, age, have ueter circulated concor rently and iadieniiii;:ately iu acy couatry where there are baijks and innne dl''''''r8. Ctlert coaiciitti of 'tho ilouee tinder jackeon k 1832). 10. The ere'.- valued me'iJ, under free coinao, diivei out thd other. (Utiiton, 1 S.J 1). Jittle.id t)! Ui (.'.one m way cf coinbt:g witD fact, the arjruititBt ins to tjswer found iu tii'een purm; raphe ti er. . Meant. one tbi 80ii 'id tnony wen are atly.e.vl to c'..; oat the foi-eigu I m:ta an.l keep tb'w cou H'nieutly ui ar at baud. V. V, t'UB LlcTx" fTsSKil B L 12. llll'y II JU Ntlltll KUIVVk'llOII ft I Italoli 1 lmnur hi ilirk Kalfiuh, Mny 14, 3:45 Pritch- urd and Ilolton ict;!ed tLeir difli oult:e today. I'nlohard will be endorsed for United Stab's Senator and Ilolton for State chairman. Tt wis a rompiOKiiae through and t'lroiish. Uolton wi';l bo sovemed by a cauip!ii(ra coiimitfee cf h'. which will ;e appointed by i'rith tird'a frien.lii. The Srat Convention was cailed to order at o'clock, by Chair., man L'olton. A coiiroi'.tee on credetion, which is eompriK-d large'y of Doc kerf dele gate, w.'d appoiut-it. 'i'n erinifn'.t jm ihui tidjn.riicd until 4 o'clock, ailing t!'t return of II. e tv.mm.ttec on credeuliali, flriiith liai thirty contests to pasaoo. Th.'re will be no nomination uu the lirat bid lot. L'.itl, ( f Bunt-Oditie, will be tnajp perinalin' chiunu'iii. . V rt i t'anii I I. Hi;m m. At o'clock this (Saturday) iiHtm iiif, Daniel L I uts 11 was nominated for Governor by the publican oonntitioii at r.iieigli. Tho coni niittf.1 cn crtuntittla hud 30 ccntrBts to decido upoo. The Doekcry mnn Ecnned to hat? the ptiil ua moot of tha Coniaiitie were Oockery men, but the minority report was adopted and Ha said J gut there, Ilolton Is retained us chair man nf shsto exicutive oommtt'.t.e. Prilcnard i.: in the Jcad for the sen .ite. Gtipij aro left, in the Bute ticket to. u9 i..lcd by the Popuhafd with the proirion that in case the Popu Lets fail to till thoe p:pa the Ivi ptiblican State comrrjittee shall fill tejin. They are Licuteuant Oover ncr, ireaaorer, upfrintendent of I't.biic I:it!tructim and ore Aa:o lLW Justice, b.ii. ! they diC hive ther:;.;ht to pn5 it it bast itv;'i.j paid in wiordanox ith tha lie Uw. Last yar the jodgesand wj;ietra:B were paid $1 00 per day tor their tervkes, the suir.e a.v this year. But tbo acted Doutr- iliza .LegtdlulorBof 1S95 paaeidii law inctcaaing the number of days to eevye and ) forth, therfby iacrean iu the cost. Wo emitted ne thing in ocr cal tulatiun that deserves notice. It in tho provision In tbe election law 1 new and handsome court bo bfoiiU :sf.ty iyiior;n l':f: )UUL.r'.:lR Unit lltf ri)i':t in tlic jisi-.h e! tet'r t!w, ly'ltkt. iies. TIipv neglL'c.t It tie win.e-s un i:i t'u' -; used to 1! vui. 'Viic- wuni in;:s bcrtiini; hni'U-.T j j -..11..... . ., i'i X 1k.".'.1 t!u-u. Tiuir '.t- J pirkness inert f.es n s H d v, t. a 1 ' r.i'i'iip 1I0M11 hill. I 'm: sk Ump !.! romcs r'l ). r:uLl.il!vt :nd lili'V !.' t ilfc'l t it ,e e,;.,!;... i.u j. Ii'.U'i iju-u hv'i.s jn t ti e t in c. O ic i ni.Tt in a '.'l.'n !, ;.;;js, is pf ''tx".!v L't-alt.;. '..MKil. lu l' V;..iJulf is ia. bv:ri'ei, su:u:l inio..; it: iuirt'1 lty Ci.re!.:,;-. r.ess. in t'.fy (' ',(', cai.: am! t 'r. 1 icrrt ; J avurite 1-n.n'riptl.m wiil (five K-r im.-m lift: met t;(.in?il. ai d vitality It. ii',! pat tlie ho.loti. in :'..r cli.H'. brint; roler teller l.j.n l i p ! i j e i ;i.--t i-.b, t;i ni;.kv p-r rraliv :.a 1 fuiy a vu; ;u. TI.e " i "ji -vot-'Ii! JivicriiHioii" 1 .f iiieitini.ihle Vi'iic at tl.i ' f ; ti:;r iti lh( 1im.s l every v.ai.-fi -.vli.-it l.K'iil 1 frc, .1 n s a ivoinari, tllien tUe H'oiautt becomes a iitoitu r, ,itnl ylifii tl ne.'il.-r lieecaiiM ini nva'.le tif jiit"rtiitv. A; tlu'jc tia'M il s,.n s -i.fi !v nil tut-ii ih. It is '.f mly ni'.'.irin'c fiotj tiforj lite public tor v.pn.siii'i rt',i iar ailuunis, f.ujrt-il to lu r oi-'i.-i.ie 01. ikiaa an c '.-in.:i.',:(i sn,l skillet! cinii .t in 'Iceyc iti.iln Jiiti. It Ciinin. fi!iu iti 11 -y cfiu'.iti.-u i.t il-. tvst;i:i.' 1;. Hi!. x-c.;eJ tli! i'';;u!.:i el ub of ull (ilhcr iiHii'.eiii'." for MiiU'ii. f'.t y w-nii in stio'il.i 1 ;ivu nnC rcr.r! l)r. I'li'ri'u'ii CuiiHii n Stnsc M ...'ilinil A,ivier. 1 Rtvat Iwv't '! a 'hoiward ) ; i.s. nr .. wisely illt:..tr:'i f whieli .v sent '! m'. !;t of 2t ear i-i l't f'.ciij., t ) jny - iimion;' "v. ju. ir.'i'.s, wo;.; s i itwrv sle..- -at ft-iy-if-it .;ui S.r.H'l.biiftn'.u. K. V Alb.'iu iilo avu Sturdy coi.nty are yuy irneli worbed op over toe ai jur.inc.' of a cotton mill with a fS0, I'tiO csritul. Thr K,.terori. uiiru tee stock fi in (fight and that there is 1.0 fi.mger of a flicker. It fi.ye further that, ti e ft nl.li ir.eu who Hie Lhs 1 rime movers ia this enterprise ar.? A.'i iirs. Jidin S Iv'ild, 7ill Fore- n.aa a S II lleeruo. Veasra. Elird ru d lLarne tf re in Concord Wednesday and succeeded iu getting Mr. J vV C.iuc.in, cue of ihe most uouiff,il ojt'ou mill men in the St.i c iat- res'td and Le aRreid toai 0 pt the p''i-i,;ei,cy of tho mid 4 h.icit, of coiir.f means tliat the mill .... 1 1 1 1 - ivi. j. ue uia;iaRiu 111 6i;cn a way th it li e fw fiiki 11 will moil btic.dji.iiie i,d. Mr Jul; i) H KUcd v, ill ai cveta y nd treasurer. waion require! new ballot t'Oio.j to b3 im.'d at theneifc general election. According to the law there will be made four big ballot boxet fcr each voting prtcinct in this county s? well agin eaoh county iu the State. Il'it we me calculiticg for Cabarrus. There are four yoling prscinct io No. i towoihip, riui oiievt, ng pre cuict in rueh of I be o' her eh ven tcwnuhiiig, making (if een voting precinct! u thv county, there fore it will fi'.iuire a:xt.y bc.cij in thii co-mtv. These boxen will cost not lesa tiiau ore dollar each, Ther am Jarge boxtg ami will hold, by nc' tu il irieasni'tment, fcve-ciglus of 8 btifihci. Now ive .tte Cubarrnn for na ay.TnM mil will multiply eiuv boxes by liiaetj-fix count).';) a;,d e hire D,70t) buitef. Then.- big bote will co,t the Stale Jo.ToD. fcrnne of the I'opu'm a thii k iln.t a man ehould aerv as a j'tdr.? or registrar without any com par. sat i oa. Now, it is just 89 reasonable to ask sote me chanic to make IheaH big boxen with out puy as it ia to nuppoae t L it au boucet and inteiliirent cir.n would serve ha a jude. or registrar witnont pay. Under the tuw law tha cost ci lit iding tbs ue.it geiierul State elecuon wiil be at K-ast f 30,000 more tb.-m under tho old law. What uboatit lVpulists? Yon dare not deny it, AillilH ,,cnli: ui em 'grunt ) pencil tbroiij:b on vn. ay north from the ojekr IkJh of tfouth Carolina. Mr, J "W Walker, lbs Hewipp msch'ne man, btp moved with hii fawily to Sslisbory and will run 11 hoarding bouao at that pluoe. P L Reaford, who left Cabarrus eouniy air arKanbaci rnt) yen. ago, ban returned to his native henth . to resi-fe in the future. Jlia old home is m Ao. d township. Mcckloiiburj; ie Roiug to bavo a It is to cost gjCUJUOand will bo built of granite and brick. Tho contract will no lot cut the latter pi.rt of June, New.s roached the city this (Thursday) morning to the effect that Mr. bid. H ilname, of Albe marle, bad the mi-; fortune to lose a fingar veilncHday while working Willi a mowing wachioe. Vv'o wr unalde to lenin the lull particulars, but such ns i: wr.fi in bad cnot.-jh. The fdloAicg b'.atitiful linen are respectfully dedicated by the Topic to two of Tenoir'H most csp'-.-i bicyclists : One mini was flump "-nl 0:10 wan not. Their pat on win ,ii, stfrohiiu' '10! : Anil I li.Vs it.'C'I, an 'U::1 IliL'lit M.i;. K' a; "A : 1 i'-n It otTn ami one of Icnn. ' One of the bad-otoo-.t and mopt coaijiloto watpitiB ever Ren in thitv city wa. hive Wednesday. It vpnf at. aJverii.-icg wagon of itiackburc, liurvey ei Oo ot Winston, ami w.v cuii'pifii t y roto ol tneir taiei.ir en telio is nr. hiy ncnual ntn tl r 'to,l thaouth. 1 ,t w . ru till) 8i'do!.. .... ..iv . in Tburt;i'.r; liiy.hf, by the umik.. r.p iieiirai.ee of Chief of 3'olice Bcgor. TLti nart;- con -i -.tod of two colored hoy 3. Mr. U h Young received a tele' gram thin afternoon announcing Dim death at King's Alountairi cf J.'.ba Marl in, the Js v,?ar oid son of Mia. I' S Martin, who recently moved to that place f.om this city. Communion ncrviccs wiil bo held at Poplar Tent church on the fourth Sunday iti tbia month, r)''pnr'.or -'-.rvieefl beirininrif; on " Tbiivndiy, May 21, preofding; ilav. Mr.tii'ei, oflUii.no, will conduct tho me.H w:g, "Ten people out of a dozen are invn.'i.b?," e..y a. recent medical u tbority. At teeA eisht out of trup ten, it in Halo to itllow, are surl'erir.g from s;,nie fovra of l,lcod disease which a perwictent uue cf Ayer'n .a?nparilln. wciild be sure to cure. Then, don't fl aa invalid. tsouie tirno h!,'n Thk gi amahi ni'ide nie.utioD u.'a fact tbat the b.-tb m dying in Du'cb Butlulo creek in No. it lewi.ehip and wanted to knotv if Bitry J.Jnt wt.uld k.'.l Mr. oc'i. Al.'to.in oayg that they n' 0 still dyin,' and tlmt the fan dnt-.l iu Iho cret'k h the caiiie. 'i ' wof;''i f collided ni. Vi'f f.t fepot !;ti'oti thi.-i umrning. ''no ol th-m waH lott.l.-.l ni.h v.:i..vi cod! w.w "netl o i 111 the (lit. 10. 1 be yo'iiig 1 vVho iviij driving the w.'i,o)n lei.. -.j,:apcd iniury by jun ! :;- on c ; i';ic!. No cmioari ...tt'.ioi'g'', (...no, and the hitch v '. " i'lv'i.1;),;. col uo soieetti tbat lioger would! .;et him. If frightened hua and utr.vjjttway Ls- wentiato the furni lore rtor zi J T Tcunds and crept in bhiu.l a bnicau, where he fill a-ieep. lie was unnoticed ami for got ton by the othetii. At sapper tb:e thn Jittio f .-lio ecu 1 1 not b found about tlie hotel preiiii'esn, no otio had S'.'i.n bu for g-ivcrnl hour, and it wsh not until after a search of nevt'ai boura liiiit isauo via re stored until hid i.y.her'H house. About M o'clock tic li' tle feliosv wa-i found, t'lteping aoandi, on toe lloor at the bbov ca'iiuil Ji'ace. icr ko ti e ej;0'O'i.iu',',i. 1,011. . cover wiling to cake it b? !ei;la- j s, c. tbn troviu-rg for the free t; id r.n-ihg, 0: V.tiae limited r';u;'e at that or acy other i great fe;o..r(.' i rut:,). Tlie, only f ps ';!-, i over mads 1 "f'iiti;; bcit "u.'t in Ct.ngt-:-a oa thin suhjH-l iv.i', de-1 a-.tlgl i-i Cur liveio.l In thb H'.ti? c f l:?li'fcsri t - : ii '.Vlj:::. t;.. :nr uu.o i-ulll 1 JI'KIH aj'ii, at II ' i.l.'.iio a rvfli t . biae when the value cf the bolliort j i'ri y v i f tl cc.'?iaed in a silver dolhtr v only j a a e' u;:.:r- ae.itu 1 iPD'.d .'iss man IDA enltio r IC I ult-rililiiouiil, (in ihe . vojjiii p; of the i:th of J ine, Prof. II L Kualer will give 1, loa-tt-oal en'.erttiir.Oieai at the graded eoli iol 'miitlii g. fTia tfitieiicy .11 an ioatructer iti3ure the public that tl toe iii a ra'-p treat in store tor mil;,!'; lovers by his t.!.a?:, i,b';;n ntioben about thirty. It wdl con aibi of bo.b yoc.1 and inst.'U'oenta. ri.iJditiosi.i rf the mcr ci.iht.ir- kind. O.-l'iH liierf '. tli'? bolliuii contained i 1 a i"ild dub ; ;n.j ;.,,.. 7 i ier, and, tO!;)tb-.r with many other j oU.o ' jm opponent of free coiiifle, bel'eviog j,;;, j '.iitii rB. torai;..D 01 fhvor to our;Ul mitlte . woitld h-ring it to :t pa.iitjp j win ,;oio, support sa a rrrasai provi'ling for tho limited coinr.cs of! diver dollars on ivtrnoisnl a0.j 1 . 1. 1 y ; 11 : 1 1. .1 1 el. ill . ' it t, Vv;4 t'.o.en. :Uie ; b it. lit 1' Howe : Hiit'lPg, !('. M lC- OIL RC ( - .-.-."ring ' zri-nndr : ung Ti'i ee,oti, "id Grorer i.'. At Li:?.-) r btrrii'ter ::,.!. . wero called co'iot, not on icdiv'-Jualri and r.;iy ri-op-.if .!. lorir i:es, tart tl'OS iic:c.unt of. e in ;i;.-attoiiii F;i,;"n yi. hoiyever, until' cf lii vho Ivlieved If The Statu Dairymen Atfoci.''icn met ft UccEweli, Uwan ooanty, " "n ' .v """i use n, iiw ,. .i . :,!.,,,, , 1 , f.j-ulVirard Hon. M. 1 attcrRon, j AyerV. He;- v;.r j. 0r conioiioner m g jrii-aliu.-e, were ; crpti-.nn'l t'io faet' that ,11 m iiiuoaocn, 1a.Mi.1en a r. tl il "i 1 01 ' in ft. niin that irarv other prominent nceii iroci all hoc tiocp cf tbo .State. Frank Swart, ried man that a youorr uutotr. veil with iiin mother, MtH. .V. A S-nart, on Mill Ai',lli r inril l Sirs, did Suiit'j, cf No. 7 towi!- ollip him )ieeEtod VfIB CrTANOAl; with a curiosity to be placed among oar colli cfion of rare oerio'i. It :s a gotird-ejrr,' and u more pnft.u than tlie one pretoiited ua by Ut J W CV.rnkor of No 10. It is the pn, duct uf a common cliiukeu beo bt ioning tu Ji.'g. Wiintn. It ia some larger than Mi. C-irnker- duck gourd-egg arid in cm, 'or ia not. nn lile that cf a ripe gourd, That it was laid by a hen tlKr? .a no doubt as Mrs. Smith e m tt', ebe had nn other lowh about her houae aud ro gourd vines. It h ia bton placed in abjciket wi'h tha ducn gourd-e.g and at gaon as we get a "getting" they wi'l be ph.e.id under a bea or planted and then vta will have gonrUs, dticka aud chickens. Who We are flgt Hi ptroet.aieit v etlni n tavai 11 0 clock. f fter an illness of se-eral months He wis ain.nt Zo vrar of at'c. Hie remriioH were takeo to Jtruiah church, io ril.mly county, for .inter-merit. Commort'te-tnfcnt ft"rcies at Scotifl Sftuiinary vvill take place the second week in June. Dr. Salter field told a 8tan'DAP.i reporter that it bai been the rnopt Ruci i-j'lal fes ion therichool hits ever experience 1 Tl'rre are abtut 'J!'.') colored h'u- I tlonts at thi.1 school, and a eWs of about forty rul gradoata Ibid year. A vain m?n'B dotto iV: Win grid and wear it; a f-ineroua rian's ie: M'in gold and share it ; a uiiscrV in Win gold and spare if; a t"- IbcateV. Win i;n!d and hpend it; a br.Vker' ice (Ii'Mariii lor it in cons.,)- t'v iu Cf!.'iOg. N.) 0110 V ho ilHillS c i; it, IU rTn.;i;ril,ie (i-.i,!.jpv- tf.;,iiH cf ,rv. inc si';' other pi'jiuiatioa for tho' h,ur. ' Do net fail to nr.! Ice that ih 'baop-i in toy boor V.r holdiio' P in day ecboul ut the First i'r, si yterian chutch from iu the afto.Ti.rjn rt o "Nlrr t.l.J.,1, tin I,, V'il-. Att' iiticii ia culled tol.be la aboai thirty fmil...-8, with ne.i utooka iu vhat li known ih "Ni.,- Town" beyond ti:i; tJocnon factcrl.-s, aiv. abort ot oiorir for w .ter, there h .iu,; e.-i.'y to wt-lly. and ll:o wa'ev ia not ouiy constantly nndd," and 'H'eiifc, ,'e, but ento.viv m,vhol?wmc. As i'i,ri ivi 3 and ihcr-: will ) foitiiea t'i;,-; t .'"jettrcy of viter ti irtt for a t,.:,ie 1 r ctrd without mud. Kim! :.) f ( np.ic 1 Victor", of .!-: ; ti 10 a . I ibi.t r.c eaig ol. ti be eiani pi'. c, V.'i reat'i.fi t iu I' 11: '.ii oiv'trs vigioii Ma.b 'xuh v.ilh a jiEoCl) ilii.ir . i i. is p'tre Ja'Cr ; I b:.r Cou.'d.e I. 'ol In ai.d f j 1 plaieia, b'.v.' if us,)'. 0 clock to the hour of It' o'.'be't ia the urmrninp. bri.-i been i'i..d;. Komi thechuuih dir- otory ami .i.e wnero you wi'l wors'iip tonicrrotv. Tiicre woro quite 1. nn b f irmei-o in town today (Sato; and we luar much ooiriphuot ol the prevaiilost dwight. Mr. Ore' n nde bo ij'et ja-t f.otr itiiits be lotr Mt. i'le.t'i.nt, cay thr.t they Have had no rain in bin nei'l.e".r- nooa loi'kis vveetij u.ot toat uilfusl ,.) y6fH ot , they eel rain 8000 U.e-e will bo no j ionnd artvihi 'jo.i-(.'iuu icuoi; tints j ar. jje -iyg thai cotton ie not up yet and that tho grain crop is very phct. Friday afternoon H i 1 I-' illOll -Ai;t,f.),. L. l-'r .ut,6, Atili.rr i io. . u.i i., i r.i 3 : 1 r-.-f. y; , KlU Now lyct-v(.r.v m an tti.-.d i'ann, it . :r s urny Win fold and lend it; a faol a: Win wagon and bor. tg were gtandiog ir goiii ana end it; a gambler p: Win pnld and bwo it ; a vice rcan'ft: Win g dd and us-a it. e a .! ('om i.y fi.'iii''. . lfvi' th ' la t. uvo ytfirs. to the t.ve'.u- '"' of .'hyt ljiaiis8 on svrir'iciifc or other pr.'jH'iatloor, b:ev. JoLu -I'.l.VilB.Kookilt, Iuy,a, writ,:?; ) Pavo I'co.r. H r;i,j:-it'.- ot tbo Mc-tbod.Kt hitiet.i..i,al cluireh for loi-H, and haee never 8 W btntficiu!, or the! liuvc me utica speedy relief an Pt, Kin-'B Now Dihcornry. Try this (deal Cou.-'i liotnedy i'i,,y. Trial i-totUei" fieo af FeHMi-H i.bn Store. w;U bring ."be next or The public raid jest beyond the railroad at tho bill this aids of the old Phillips pleco r.i.e.bi work, auJ that badly . And along thin eida of l-'reri Cliie'n and tho county homo Attention ghould be paid to that road, to... They arc both in a bad conditio:'. hi y.tld v. be made aii.no!i!i to g.i a 1 soon e.h posaio e. llti.'i! t or IMrnto' r- Ni(kr. It is being lalk-d that f.Tirta wi'l he nude lo get the citizen of tbf town of Concord to tuild a pavilion son.' wnere in the city on a cert.-.ii;. protty lan for the but ft of (be Coratt Earn!. Why not pot. it up on tee eouri bouse lawn, if i: nun be fecared ? Tha', will br a con venient place lor ey?rjhidy tf enjoy i;ti o,-,en air ccncivt. 1 ii: ie are p.,r.,e pr-o al ilit l.icy.ie club being orania 1 oat a Ira k ivill be bcilt. b-.-.e it. p lui liiiM r- Aualti In liwlon. 'U cf a d and Let ' : ton di.d Tbf Mllii hflfll '1 II o ta (. 1 Contractor D A Ca:dw-Ji ii: cut ting out toe rear end wail, up eliiire, of the Kuril y building to p'acK in birfe windows tor l'hoti g ratibi r S 'iti. v. ho will ccur.v the H-t who has no faitli in bimai !f i 1 room. Nr-fp yonr eyo on the doujted by eyeryb'J'ly else. (camera an,! watch toe change. 'There wt re gianU thos-i deyg.'j Lev. J O Wertz, the new pes or Thcr are ci 'ant;a ions in' the.ie I of Dothei'a C'nape!, will be itoualled on tbo fourth rotr.day n thin M a wreck at the (Mi r.-us o: in . M !: In 1 ?-. !.(;' ::eo If 11 rti 0 Eton ihe re ylin.iry gain. 1! af ini; biii1 b. en g'rrtic-bh ced , . i o. d,.o."! 1 lie o: t r ,!. i,re ai,a n j v t-eir loon e, except ' ho foc.r.'ee n lo.i". H'i - e- 05 rivir,,'; t,h ! g ,t roi.g w;ii t,n day' a, Institutions are made of men, but institutions nev;r yet mado n maa The center of a cyclone is a calm. Tb j man who moat moves others ia himself t n moved. Duplicates sre waste. maUrii.i Counterfeit's are .lone toaa worth--lea". Ji-. yO'irt 'If. Jcdoirnci is w-ir-n thtn ignorance nid may be eieuf ,.) '. Indolence never. A wind r.Bv..r ued p. a mci it-jfid. J'h;g work-a-d.ty world h'o to rcc i vs. for an il? brain tber it ran fcr h bi uolcfd idol. An iute'l.-cttiKi thinker may b 11 brilliant bmi-j-t-lig' out of o'.iiera 'roughtf; bat I nunl ri'her cb.it",, ori'o al liiirik!', with 1, month, lt-?v. Geo. II Co.t, of Oraa Church, will tioliver tha ehf ri.H to the people and II 3V. V Ji .Si.jerJoy, i f Enoch vtlle, the rharg', ti the pastor. Salisbury Herald. The Cliarlotto (i'oserver cf today (Friday) nays no nomination fjr Governor hiif yet been mado nl Ilaieigh. The committee cm ere donliais are Vt.Iked. Fu-ion, how ever, humiliating to the hotter cl.iw of either V''""'7, i" likely t't avail f 01 I the aggrandizement of a fw that ; '. ouiu get cfiieo in no 0! her ?y. I While Mr. S im Arcbiy and Mil i Maroie Johiisnon wcci out ri-iviin . ... .,t ...in : ' il.. i,i .1,,, hi. v. j.v r lo ii 01 I I 0 'lr-i.lrt v tin hofge ran away tho street near tho fi'lev.s'h i;t frort of f tru.ker's giucery eior.i, when fuddmly there wag a j -t it crafib. 'Ihe groceryrrnn had" ti,' tddewaik -m the cuter pich l,:ied tioh ni thonwaro jaj-s, jug:' a-.d crocks. Onu of tbn ocres troii d beciu.-'.e a fly w,is on bin leg an,! his oof tirjck smoog tho w.u.i, brooking qvj'.le a num'. er cf then,. Who is io blaxe, the drayman or the crnceryman ? Ill. iKln.i li llOiloul,. y'el.rfti..: It U reuud that ail .,,.ii: tV-d -ra'.' t!.ug, who vviuli to a'tetid the laving of the corner alone of the deif Davia ti.orjnmeut at Utohmoid, a., 00 Jitne linth. .In!- 1 . m will re; ,vt to ;j II Fr-it), a.ljntant eitopVJV,,in order teat pnvioiis may be m.t o from tbn... Fare for 1011 nil trip f-om Coirjid, i.,VH('. i.er, ,i. p jinv t'o 1 ( dwell, U 1 , lie?.!. 1: tA. Doctor., ;b . 1 ic 'i -ii-nt' ) I IT.,,,.,. b".'? ibit a larger uho of eilvei ly I it'rviji"'u tlif I.'i'ittd f tatfS e-'ould cnLiiu-i' ' . .. ile r.'ice cr value were mistaken. 1 1', -.. Tho sp-ec:i mado by mo on tiic oc-! ji;;! iU'.-.e cador. referif-d :o has been pa .-b' '.! F. ...'," anafvi.tfd um.I perve rlou in a:.d i ei-a (V i; 00 i ' -o l ;,"j.:i v iii. a mal:ctorj.-i i:u;.t iiigtiiui..y wiiicu l a 'i i-civcclj- ever been cq iai"d in the diH-u.-ydon of n public caeytion, ..l 1 yet no one h.;g even veutl.rod t.i make tb d'rect ft.'3tirliriu that if contained a clr.glo word ia favor '. . too f..-e; ooinery'' cf diver. It wa-'. io facf. rn:.,l.- in I ;,; ... ... .- 1 . ' b:re, il, '.; o '""" to ii--c ii'iii'i.,' a..y. in 1 e lppoil ol loo ,-iy,i,ate ib.'!.itubi fur' la fi-e-j co.'nii;- bill, can y.-j seen I j t-y tin; cue v.'ho iv.l, tm-.e ti.e t-oobie ! to r'-f, I .t. Cf.'ti'd i eeuloucce. in j which 1 d jiiou-... . ia fog be Ik'fif. e "'itterr pt to dCH-rov" til- veaj a ud n-y ntebtl. huvo bo-. a f-p;u;,!'a f-om their coiitext and quote.) ii ;a: 11 oca a-n,:, ru G,v:i, ;(::,...! h,u:ri' Aid Soeii ' on the tDip ai.d 10 nevf papers by raon who never re-id - Fpr f-eh r.r.d who 1 op; ar v li.-.-tly inr.ioabU of ua durr aociae tLo uiib-rore hotvs-or. the total d'iPn'i" of t'uii mrtal a? motioy a..d its free and riH.i!t.d ooinagf) o, ihe pul.'ic expeii o fer' tbe bene; t ot private indivUI'iclt I and eoti". ratictiH.-Sie'.e-.vil'a r.nrot.i mark of May 12th. tu. m; a, i.r-j ;:. :b F.i'uio. y, if i: Iv.:, c c 'Wedditigti'.n, 3b- lil-v.t, rf Hut, er, p Cakiw,!!, I!, lb Mubrj?, S llobinsoc, es Jje-pueii.T, !f IKSlVOf. 1 0 1 I 0 0 0 ( 0 G t 0 2 I 0 0 0 J I ". Koe.y ':-.' . 1 .' Fiali 'lai'stt", M;. 1 hw 1 Feb; o'.oe'i out r . '. I if'. , die eightll G- y "t ' je held the it ti !:!. iii,e for p.; to . vvibi .ttro'V fir.it .1.1- .:i i.ii'i! o 0. ic- lost l'v 'ioi; r.'i? o'" t i. ; largely cue '0 ij-e J, J: 1 .1 olecr Mr. J, ho J Co, roi f.bon: v-i-ra prsr.out retiu f'TAN.M ,.T) to f.pi.'5 tbi ointiou ct ma coui'ieij, .3. TliO Lli-lin Ali'l 0, Tho :' :-e cream sopper lv of !,.-' f'.'-.tr-d Methodist church Tb-.tr 3:19)' a get nui r. gr.td si.cc3 i:i ev, r pw.'-j ilar ts 'pel feet, the cr -am were '! f.lJ OJ Of i tho if'-" the; 'Ct red th .- uM' wis iood sod the e hwij. Tii.-ty d and there b, u-ja'erver, tbi? to the orgaa t .-j" ,.. .'.OlC'iOt S Of ifarre Hp'.Ct, f ete and m. r,- of eelf-ie- 11 ; , bro winy von eg Arc! my out cf tb- b'lt-gy. He was not h'.r1,, iioivevtr Mips Juho-itoii ic-rnaiii'id in the b Jigy uoul the horde wa2 atoppel. OVERWORK - INDI.Tl.iJ - Ner o ii s P ro&t rat i o n Cotnj.loto T-tx.nv .ry by tli, Vtn a! c -H nitvntMii ! mum ax, u,y ht :t'i f.';ltl. I b''( '! .iv awjiU, lurwiiH. v..-. uiialilo to loc lii-u luy UKrvenU, anU 111 . 0111 0 .11. I. lie U ' I t. f A.-.r It vu , r ' r j I t'uluroil I Ir. li'a, j Here ag a general r-nv an'Oi'g ,)omu crdoied people on Ia.it Saturday night. J jlin I'r. ?eby aji't Sarah Ci.ci.-y'y weie bifo.-ct !S'..yor Morri son today 1 r l ii.ay) r0i1 e.icli. 'I-iu-y i'i :ftl, rr'flr.ili in. I Johct'-.u McKelner wee F.ij. Pit's fcr an ariVay. T SUbmilUd imd Wete each lin.d k peiit.iy and co.t. All th.? abey wore in Saturday pieh'.'s rot. Oihrr or ri.rs till! be 10 a hi, l.oieita I'ocv--i and N'cury 111 iivu. two colored women, w.--e t.ff:, Mnycr Morriocn this af:c-n.v 1 foi ic i.fi'rav. i.ji.io- in v.ui:.iiii(iiii. Col. L A H.'ackwe! !,.-, the tall pelioeinan at the depat, left t"j is morning ,'or Wafhinftaa, to lo.-k afier a peacy. If:a mother waa a b idler ar.d r - - -' oO;u itilil'.g of .'-. heirs i'j th t , 1 , t'O"'! If! Vl'nt 2u, j d.ciiin- nU p-. par, d by his Concord 1 ' .' l"-(V 1,1 r, 11 ... ..-11 ... '.a the matier. The Ncng alw.'.yf. thought iht the old Mci.-uu vct er ct wis not d' etiocl 13 die poo;, and it hopeabe wiil find bia c'aiui all -"gLt. Cbarictle Nevm. : r, Li,:, i 0 a '1 a-; Ccr.it i a Keeeler, v.hn py ;7"i., h' .ii. U- cf the "liiaie Ijy id ;.iiJ irof. I; ti .for rued on tha -j ! will and heart i j who were pree- fhe . rr fi-'i, -f f 7 n 4 desictnu 'J'i.i-rt,l' iip-craraii lor r-in-tif nnrt k- l..ol, OHO Vt IbQW Foudoii'a' cn'o rnrisir.g ei iv, va9 in town tod-y ( 'Saturday . " Mr.. Crofoil 3ys tbe.t tii,foun.'latta for tbocortliieo futoiy i,t8 b.en la:j Tho ficto'-y will wcs;k aboot sixty ii'li;c.-i. Whti'd ii i-..id to la prosily oi) account ot tin Ovrr II. e I euet - I lea. Some tuno og-.' ci.rnpla'i t w-.-a. ad? to tlu 1-oaid cf town couirjin- c. that M -. "d ;4.cj jsiontrs io thc- Ihifrr bcfoie ' ail f tillering dr nr-hi.. i In some Rectioua it is "firing'' J i-s I oo'-n ?,ome tiroe.-? docs for tbo want I of r.iiii. I VHAkS Oi- INTENSE F A!Nl" Fh- b. own : 0 No. i ib. r .i T u n. 1 ' nt ,1 hi ..tbit.e I 1 , .. : , u - m e . . 1 1 I ,.oio in l.ia I ...V r-A !,, ..e .0 ...101.1:1; iu 4 cp ior a u-le blt-iflor i v liee'.cl. Mr. S A Hamilton returned fr on rriili.-.l.ury Tlit.rsd.iy evening and told a Sl'ASH.UiU reporter that be OC'T hf,t ,.,-(.H n eoniriiiif, for tl.n biio.i e-vero ! ii; ot of two li.tiift brick stern room'. that bis! two mm-, with onen frontei of Iflo tried ! twmr.y p.iir ftet raeb. The boiid 1 ore-n but j ingg be in to pnt up will be known A i,, 1 I aa iho Shaver bbi-k ie wi'i ' CO j i:, the "nuie ag it jyeir ago l.o Inorau . ;o tt Jilootric Mr. W R G Pel has rdon ed from r.o'ddng h.id oecnm-il, jP-itliia and foon l relief at onee, . Fviiooi'". He was in Fali-iyh and KleeUie Hitters ia f meeird.y ndcit-! w-.g I'een by cegrj Juko Hog.r, r e l to ct.ro all hi elue.v and Liver 'o-'eca'c from II n county. He told rouble-, nnd often eivo-i .vlmor.t. in-, l"'Ht Vl '''''' at'.nyon eDt ant, r-uief. One l-i.d wi'l will prove' !-r '' A? ' H;rori? that b,.Jke) o ir Hiateno-nt. Vriee iioc ard iJ,u.n WHh pl'tc lcu t ie committed on at )''etj-:r'.-Li ",!' id ; e. 'crtaisn-'ialc. II tli.y J IS,,., ti fi.e You. ifi.1r..l Miilrl. cf firinn T; Mil'. I ' ' ..' I v.'iitee tbit he ha 1 ft s'jve; e ICi 1 I ' - 1 u . t 1 1 I ' ' .' ' ' 1 'o"""" ' no 13 ck" , i o.cn eatii'ii Xi .h 101 tha wa t of lii'ht. The in.,v o (n'.lo.i l-H..f iron'-! win g ..n over ur.-'i evefj thing ! tvl'.hor.t or.y fe"o.l result. Too chain rexg btt a (i"i -montbe ob on bam! in cutlicc tho Rcckv 1 Kiver rond a r;erer route from lust Vt'i.ii. 66) beyo'id tbo d -pot ic tl'e ni htr Wde .- i.flo-ffl ,,lnr,0,;.... 1 O A' r. Mr. ,1 H I'eti Cabni-rijH o.aii 'oieci'O.aC, , b,-i!th and b.oi roedir-'il fete il i Cook f.ad erected i.13 front vaid ftneo io for cnt oa the sir-, ' had iiii'i.nged uyyy, . tb iiP; cf t ie town m. I that hi: be rupu i ic love it back. At the utf.tmu of 1 to board on 'lu.'gJay niglit a com'nit tee wjg i'.npciiitei to ie.vySl or;i!l, det-.de tht ui.ita-r. The oomm; '.r.-e iiyt and eyrwyed 01 -a.mred the ctra t W(dn eday nft,r.oon, wIp-u it w:ti found that ilr. Couk'a fence ".ou cia.-lj e tie'ly on the i-1 l,ne. Cook i. j L'be fer.Ci- t IF be bit where;'))! Piiher'e, a;.d Mr. Data's end V.r. StoU'.., jas'J 1 be biiiit It.'. eiati, li,.t 1 Htl I' J. if. ;r,iftt, dru,.il;. nJ n -vsr-iiun to-b., p'u i,-..iT..i-e.l ,.tt f- r lour v ,-rrs, t'vinj- 01:1, IKlElUl i'l'""!! t'l l.Ull- ' ie:,,'','. ; : .et.Oi inera; l,)llvo,s 1, '!'" a, v.-. ,e 1:. .".ii' 1 i-1 0. llowni-os. "I tl..i '.. ,i"! v-ent your Tilu itj.'- me1i-clacl.ii.-Kiraie. f.crw. '"cr fcu j'-:in. H t o-'cridisr-i of the very v .a-.l, kioii, Hev- Ja. , 0 . I ennsnio-j, s.ni tl y uV.l:i'.22l tr 01,1, I) OLIO!" kIhi .r t' -i'. io. a name and a brother of our F ie.'. !, is io ffi, lib feu;,-' b. Tr. -t oro f.,r ;:- M - I .1 1 ... 'el ) A , - '! ; cu a )i;,t t , 1 iv trt: h fo id- in this I .- a JO'( , it' .'II. 1 .tr: 01,11 P, ""Ol'l,. .'.lltil : 11, (111,.,! l.-'lllP. ') iv. r v yl.tt.. N'i',',-,1 iX'id t,' e-,1 v - li'.-ti In 1 ,i pe 11, Is. Kin, 1.. ilicii I ;,,! , ban! iim .1 l.'.tj n .-iil' inn , anil wa ar nil in tl.c ldt n f. ct v. Iii. !i 1 iitti lliui,. it,1) 1 .oti, r.i-it.r :l if.-eti'-g of thr o;:b CifiiiDa :-ti;(r. .'u. r.-.l ; lj. r-ctotv A-so- ia.t-'on wii' bt- beid ia . .V-'.ecii'o J m:o Id :h ar.d I ;t!i. Ayer-a .s.oiii.rn i . 1 I -Am my , 1 ,! ll.-c.'. W'.l'ltl liiive In-M f.oli, r'.i's l..i,l iv l.-t been O r A .no 's Sm 1 .uilia, of nl.iel: prer-ari tl.m I mi ni.' s tv t.. mm V"- II. C. luvsov. P...-: . r ,. . Plant, r, Ivm.nxP, S. c' fluar'o Co.c r.p !!'" Pli urjia 3raS4,d.iliu BCCCIVNB fcCOSL f.7 WDRirS fAin. AYtR'S Plds '. Ave Doctor g ctnC I Mr. II M ! j Hi 'hiv.1 ml 1 1 oi o I ti e '. iraoce ph ; ' r.'-cn r;i ing pile , I'-ao t r -u in very ' oiiio t.mo. 0V ',,H .--.lit i'lr. 1 'an and ': to! I-. b-..l.t. Fexe., , many V,;:,).-(, 1 1 !'i ( : riuui, klbir,. 1 it" tni dy to j 1 ot i 1 F'j ;:i s. h 1 oini'i:, lb'1, Og ii", OCl'i '4 I 0 nam 1. or to tiv ft'i cr I'.. e.c in . 'Iriij' mi, 'i r,' t, CharlottuV picbibi ' -it, wl.u '.ui't hi in self a ' '-'tia nod pod lied 1 Is vo ...i fire 1.1. ' biimstor..- urfi!! '- .1 a i'.li:'.-nncs then , arut-fe 'il Wt dr..-M.lay o.V.ri, o.-' . d 1. ear ihe fur.oiicro 1. 1 bt.icl.rt. r'-at-Se-l d: i'-do, Fell, , to ; j i:-. c'ciy il.fti.-Jb fb" air h;.e fur ' 0 Cat i.' li,. p;.j lo.jy ' vhtr-i ti.e MOod-liipw twir eoght t'ii.i sr'bo kt;,-)web. -' v 'i 'lorcp.'t a ''crop! b y, .1, 5)0 at !e,'.-t i'l,,ds choy in '' i-Oreod tho !;e,ipel si. j t '.k ,1 ,, . : r V, I , I , 3 . ''li'itual ti-u-j. t '. J. . vy-vi " "i ,l- OI.JI.-I-:. l! ait'l" Hi'i! into ii rt ti. elo 1, , P -ri; n n t.id a 1 ymr-ioi cart. , I'fOSt 'J!l " Willi of 1 ,110 '1 js.ip'.ta . i ' , -i hfe, r ty .-, e !!,jt ut ' '-"--eC' Ho !,.-. -i.-f, Hi 10. No I", a e n i. , -' , p- y nuie-i... .1 ,01. t:iir'.L,'-.il.ii.y iC-tlli- i;n Iim. '':-'ir,ie o: l.,,o;i e.i'.ivj I V.r.tfj -.. hart Cm. '-"1,. i '.ut, nn 1 .01 re . 1 1..-; em. ..r h -a , '.lore ! .r til , '-, I1..1,- to l'lv-1 ; -. I lb. 1- '' Hi 1. he I'll nil- :Mx Cure :'.i .1 ri,, 11 .iT.ll i 11. ,'7 C ' r-iiL- til ,- " e. L.. W el ! en fi-in :r. H ' I I,, ;,, lt , t r ":? '' l'" , 11.1 .Oar l, i'r... :alth .,.TT f

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