r ' - - j eiOea. Oac . .jiauifj we had the ratio of 15 t 1 tot tbcre was more than 15 timei as much silver oo the market tkt there was of gold. 1c was Eft ural thut people would sell thfir silver for gold. Gold became a thing to hoard or speculate upon and we hud eilyer ad our money. Later (in lf3-J) i he ratio w..s changed to IG to 1. Ultra was not 16 timid a? much silver to be had as t:f old. Then BiJycr becume the mon pre cious and becaoie a thing to hoard or k peculate npon and we bad gold cnitfly as money. Later the output cf silver became so treat that there ia about 00 to 32 pounds of filur to one pound of gold. Now whtd is tc be done about it? To er.ll- in all the siler una r'.ooia it nicking the diver dollar BO to SC times as heavy of a gold dollar(we arc Laving opt 'U consideration of a'loyb) would be owe way (entirely toe e.;p-utr.ye); to call in till the ;old uaJ re-coin it making the doHrf 1.30 to 1.3? of the wight of b silver doliar would bo another expensive way that vould on I j terye the purpose ti:J the relative supply cf gold and sil Tar ballion would chan?. Then it noull be necessary to call in and reooia again. To nnke the gold ami iilvtr dol iar equal ia intrinsic v: market value would be to cl ang Lie ra.io as the supply and demand would 11 initiate. Now the beat way out of llw diCi colty is, we think, to leave the il yer and the gold dollars of their present wei(?M bui let the g'.d which ia the were desirable nj- tf. 1 from its precioiiBne.iS he the unit of vaiue, . It is easier tp a, .i-iir; raluea by ore Bt.iii litid tbr.n by tw. Now you may buy a gold ueo;.;r with a silver do!U;r ut'. a silver dol lar with a gold doilf.r and joi Car. . buy a greenback doll . r with mher1 or sell a greenback (ioli&r fur either and each ia local tender. We have about JCUO,COO,COO in gold Aid by holding ourselves ready to lty in whatever nionty is wanted we ere able to float about 413,0O0,OC0 ifull legal tender 'lytr dollars be aides oyer $?rt,O0(i,0u0 ia fcalyes. jiartcs and diuiea, etc , (lep&l tender to the amount of $10) scd f J30, 000,000 of greer.l-.ick and io i:e treasury t?-Us 1 tt:di-r. Tbne . by limiting the coinage of silver and the printing of gre;jba.:ki we are able to float a vtlrme cf Silver and greenbacks gnawer than the (nrail bl gold but only leciu.ie it is knor that one niay, at any time, be hid in the other. Uut puppoe we op n our mints to the fiee aud nniin.iiul cainage of. eilyvr, fell the world, would bring in iia Biiver fcnd have, f coin it an J a'f"? it fL'r onr ?A be eI hcrr.e with it. S on o-.ir goid wjuW be Icnght n, acJ 'tak'n sway and we would bive only a ei! silyer cr greenback dollar for each gold dollar that we ouce hid. Whin it would be nf-CMsary to pay foreign dubt nonld have no gold to pay With and the n;;t:oi:8 woald not allow rxi more for our silver th-iu i;a bnl lioi value, for (here would no lorger a place w her-: it could he ex changed fir gn'ld at acy tiore than its bullion value. We alio have some nitiooal debt cn which tte lu'.ef.at k3 well a the principal ig to be jiid in coin whicli means which ever the holder deruanda cr tie aluea will not rt.nai'i at a parity Onr gold bein' n.e and ailrer in i;s laoe io woui' hvo to t with silver atl w ,i'd lav.? i.: pay t least two for iv,e. Thus we wo ii 1 allow teals worth of any an'.: 01 lit ! r. f - Our eily r dollars w '.;!; thi raqnire of us a' l a-t t.o o yer djllars t g'.t i l-) c- o r o 1 ci;r i, : -a ji 1 c f goodi-, lnatmil cf I'icrc-ahii'g car j jedonte ot money it would rt-rf ; thci entity ag well as 'An- jrthaiinjf j ,,.,.4Cifiil Valuation of its money ir dtpendiut of iu bt-llion tatue. 'i'ha sUmpi'd or fiat value nius be kept within proper litnita or tin valuta will part and come liuies much evil will follow. We have endeavord togiteonr views and oar reajona tor then. If 2old standard hi-metallism i not tb- rifht niiHie we are wilbug to hear better term. We moit earnestly CHurueud to our I'opniiat aiid Kfpublican frieude the following fioaj Mr. J II Holut Jr., a'i the Ci.toral iiiipulee of a men who it! w oi thy of emulaticn ia that h ijuiciily abandons fciliUetior.s be low ibe priiie of Anglo Saxon . blood. Mr. Hoidt took a wrcrj step aithont dn- consideration and vil.euhe;aw hia mitake he we manly indeed to make a eh'HU hreaft and wt.sh hU hands cf it. We ,be lifcVi bss course will force conviction to the mindB of all who will lay aei le pt-tty excuses aud absurd fault CndirgB and will putriotically tMy tnemttlvea with the only party that has ctmmended itself to the pat ronage of highest consideration of true citizenship in cur graud old etate, Editor Argus: It iaanoldeay ic fent a true oue thut "telf preaer- vatjon is the ti.-st law cf natnre." Acting on Ibis principle frow a misiakca gtar.dooint of view, as to in what consisted my preservation e.s a curelv buaiEess otieitioc, I hive ef la? lent ray aid and influ ence to the f urib.erao ce of the policy cf picoction chun'pior.cd by Mc Kirilej and udvo.yted by the Ke public n party ana have gone so far as tj prrr.it mj3rlf to be named as a dclt cite from the Tiftt1, my residtLt dis'nat, to the St, Louig National ll:-p:;'jic:in tLjeation- But, Mr. Lditor, tvdiy in Ihe city of Colds bore on li'.y way hem from the grs iiou of the Myttij Stnre in J.'ew bern I am greeted by h scene that gives me panse and deeper rtflecuoa than oeretofora. have read of the scene and ex pel iences of '68 as we read of other dark epocha in hiatory, but rearel since that time, grawing op under the benign influence of Democracy and enjoying only the pacific bless ings and eleya'ing experience that appertain to its Bupermacy, 1 could no: comprebc'id what "the men of old" endured, ?ifr coulu nsy minJ f jrmuUte a pis'uie eo dark as thiir wirka painted But taJay i-j Golda boro I atn able t approximate from wLat Iiemacracy has dc!iver?d the State and to wh it we a: e ag iia tend ing. I am ireeteu here oy a seining garirg mass of coag!-merattd hn manity, 1'owling negroea aod etult-. ant white men, a.-on ia arcs, learkt aioft a banner with-the painted pic ture sf"0 LK.issell. our choice" tar GcT-rnor with McKinky ba Igfs "no the side." And this is the party with whitb I taye becone allied and to this il the ilk Legro and !' with whiuh I am consort at St. Ixa.s. "My Cod, Abemtthy !" Never! 1 hc-rt-by recant, ahjur-, abhor my arhi.atioa with this party that fwter uui gloiVa in ar.ch 3ceu.a ia jorth Caroiias, I Ulitve Mr. KJ.tor, in honest Bionpy, sound monev, if jcu will, orest valutt aid in "onr" turn at pratcf t.oa to the infant ro&r . fctu'"iu in duitru-l of tne South, tat what won' I industry, ho..'r touch ex-trt.-d, BiiiOuDt to in a tt daiai oa'ftt y Luss-il ac t Jiia mob of howiit eaya'-s? Vi-s. Mr. i'.Jiior, tn-.-r.- ! protret;on and there 1 pror t '.:, and for tb.t .'.-a'-r pr'ec-t.i-o I r.-. r "t.y ::!:. d raw in u d-dr-4:t-'3 'tie i-t. L'.-ai couvnitioo, re i": -..i,'' niy u'Hi;'! : ors n 'U the Ile- r. .' !:cr por;rf i-u J t b t-oi , I return an i.ii,o;'l- i.i.t i u. iif-i't ' - rank if !'ar.". f., ir tb''; whit- :l- j I ! v iu L .rth I ere! nn, f:0)i j;o?f''!,ioi.ut e.ior.omwa'.ly adrtti ou ter ! a d ho'u protet-tioa. Viry truly, J. ii. II'Ji.T, Jll, Beieonou or u e-aiii.uiic A'e need oulya good iiouiinatiau and a united and etiihnsiastic cua'pain to oveure victor. We cannot but believe that there ia too much of misguided vir tue that drifted aay from its anchorage aud now . thut thn most repugnant character before the pnb lit! zM has been nominated it ia tc be honed that theie ill be manj othns like Janue II. Holt, Jr., a ho oun reai'.ily take the sUp nnd return to their old love. We rre glai ti Cnd on our desk a copy ot tho Epwortb Leagm edition of the North Carolina Christiau Ad- vwate. It ;g neit m appearance and is f iled with interesting and protitab!.1 matter. The Epwoith League for Maholiste, ua the Lnthft league fur ihe Lutherani. ia an .DBtilntiou 'veil calculated to promote activity and piaitivene'i in f'ii.ijii.iti ..Viiivn - Tl' ftntmiel ! of good to bo ArcoirDiiohfd can scarcely be over estimated if en tered into in the spirit of the Great Head of the church. fcit.c.1 the tomiiiation of liua&eil for Governor fusion is becoming coniuaion. Evidently there is a mails (Rugiiell) tu the camp. Maj. Gulhrie i-wms to expect the gubeinatr?ial nomination of the Populist party and cot the f 11 up piaca in the Kepublican gap. He further seems to hope that his nominavi n will cut off hia brother-in-iaw, Col. Julius Carr.froa Peruo critic hope?, as tb a Colonel would be expected to vote for him, the Me-jor. But to epail that picture Col. Carr jtomrily eays be a Detnotrat with all that that itn pliet1. flic Allan" nntl Wnslilnvinn lrr. TiiOie of our p-eople who yisiled Atlanta dartni the Espos'ticsi and wiio observed the Markham honsr Uar me'uories of v. bat is now only a mass of rains. As pn yioue'.y noted in Tbs Standi r!" a Cre broke out about 10 30 o'clock Sunday Digit and destroyed the whole block. The hotel gnesta all escaped easily, bat one negro Icy who often slept in a beggy wai toere caught by the flamei and bsraed to a criap. Horses and moles, aa usual, i vtse frenzy of fright were unmanageable and forty-seyen in the livery stables were burned. Some iUd and of course went far tstray. The cans" of .the Cre wag the failure of a match to catch oa a guoleo? lanip and till another wai procured the room was too full of inflimable gas and the second match fiiled the room with flam-: with ths above it quel. The fr dfpartini'-nt received much praise for etres in; an' J holding the com? tgration wi'hin a block. HRE ; U'.4?HISGTOV. Fire swept away a whole b!,)ck ot commercial buildings opposite the Smithsonian Ioi'itute soon after 8 p. .tj. Monday evening. Several Pre men we.-e lost iu fijhticg the Mauies. The canae is t'lOBgat to be the eiT of an electric storm which ignited some matUr aod aturttd the tlanieo Wti -a !Uey fl h. wejraB he- CAW-ri JTL-xi l.o rft C'ii-J. ilt-1 c -U-l tur CastorU. Ktieo ali Ucoufiv Bf , N chin; to CwvtoiHA. In M ! Mr, John ly, of New Lon. don, Staaly county, who was widely known aa one of tie best tren in Vs section of the country' Thiaoldarl much loyel citizen died Tuesday at his home from the effects t,f uroke of parnlys . Ik was i years cf age aod ftoer of a lai-g-i family, llu a.n, Mr. Tom Iy, of forest Hill, iia-i gone to at-t'-nd tne fun -ral anc btfiai a. ryieei of his fa'.h;r. Arr.ua! CoojiM i-fement, ftilem 1-emaie Acaric-rnv, U.riH'on-Sairni. N. (.. Tickets on -ale Mjy 2" to2.'; final limit Jur.e J, IS"!'!. Coot in u nua pawtie in both directiorn1. Fare or round trip i3 "Jj. . ..i.ulOtte A Hartley, i ...ei, "! re. 11 who ia qui e tick. Mi.'Sva Lou .:ai.';eH. o! Caldw.-ll tati.'ii, and K.-sie 1 :sV. r, who lote been vifiung ut Messrs Nliltis John eon nod Geoige i-'isher's, have ie turned hoa:e. The little child of Mr. nd Mrs. John Walter baa b.eti quite) nick lib Tnud street. Mr. It N 11 Miller rturmd from Troy Satuiday tyeiiiK brin'iu with him o peculiar i'owt which he tried to capture alive, ihiukiDg it would bo the thit.g to batch yoar gourd-eggs. The fow l is nbout the size nud color of a goose, Wiibb footed, with the lega cri med over its back, or rather ita tail. It, base back about 1 Itches lorj and is a curiosity of the feathered tribe. Mr. J M I'liii.e h.i3 it force of tsorknien lepairiuj th" ehl .e in .he store ot 11H' t.HU.i .nanuiai '.eir.uj; Company, The Vor will be riatd ' nt.--aod other int roventpitts tdi j The Laditi' Mf J-mina I) iver.ii vonrn' ia n I t:e 1' a'6t I'ft'i who is employed iu the b.;sein rt of No. t mil!, ciuile. Jj came iu eon. tact with a rpul revolving ihr.fi Monday ar.d relieved of part of Uis wcaiiu:; arpare'. Mr. J'.-j'er t.ud the machinery escaped '-1' houn heavy damage. Mr. Job- "ridges left for Mont gomery conP'y 'ni (Tuesday) tnorn inr for a week or ten days' visit among the scenes (4 his boyhood d-ys. sir. warren uyuen,oi ......ue, lr 1T. 1 . t.'Ki-ltti West Virginia, bat formerly tt Lockhardt, S. C, is in thi) city. .'Jr. T P Ivy teccived iotel'.igeiKe Tuesday of tho death of bis father Mr. John 11 Ivy at N'ew London S'acly county, . Mr. Ivy and fao ily went down last evening to aimed tho tnnerul h!ch took place tivre today ('-Vednesdaj). Prof. V E Whitlock has the coj I tract to white ai the tenement ! houses ia w':at is Jtnow as New Town. Mr. Jasp;r Stone lias returned from a weV visit among friint'a and relatives ia fct nly county. Mrs. V V Kiuie, 1 ft this (Wednesday) morning "or liar do) pu county to attend the bedside of her mother who is critic illy ill, Little Miss Annie aecompae.ied her. Mr. M L Moore, receiyrd intelli gence this (Wednesday) morning that Mr. Jack Ward waa instantly killed at Jamestown thi' morning by the south bound vestibule. Mr. Wat! wis severity odd years old. lie was an uncle of Mr, M L Moore and Mrs. T II Cook of this city. (.'Abnrrn Illi-ieitteN nuil the K-ulul-rmi ttnilnv. The Kepublicun dilegaUs from this city who were in attendance upon tbe h tat convention ut llal;igh have returned, not so bonyant an 1 couraj'eoos, bo-fryer, Vi they were when they hft lent 'lusUy. Jilte Bogcr is eo hoarse that be cannot talk wi. ii .-asf he made an hom'j i speech en hat' rdij in ttt.slt ot! Deck ry, and had to Hand cn four' cbiirs hi tie i erit j it. Flefore 1-nv.rg fee th convention Jake tr Id a h'ASl.tlilJ reporter that tbs lU" pubLcst: w'ttn foiion, would cany the Slate next November by 60,000 majority, and witb.-,"t fusion by 10,010, majority vri'h Dockery for Goyernor, but tinee bis return he says that "nuless lorr.e thicg ia do:;e the Democra's have i ." Jake is yery aore over the norrina'ioo of Uuenell and eays : 'Oar race will not vote for Itassell and if we dJ pn,l it means yictory for you Dewocrntp.'' He sayi : "Wi went down to llvleigh with twice aa Diauy pledged vot s for Dcckery than for any other aspirant, be', the contention adopted the mtnotity rnle ar.d we were chtited and de frauded ont of the nomination." Itepablicans and Populists are bo'h very nmch tlifgnintpd overthp resi.lt and maty of them tire loud and open in their deimncie'ioo of the preffr.1: afa'j of uffnir The Prpniista wanted ar.H reilly eypectel tne nomi.-.a'ion of Ga'trie. lie i'i.ia. ,.jrvu l'!:ei-4-.r'- betHUwttc ii. i u luiiUt- "vrj? c ut, n. u,. i or Beve'.'a' yemi as a result of ity. rtmiiiu Will hum ll.iim lorn Mimk Th Cannon faoioruw shutdown Ibl-s (Tueeday) tnoitiiiig und will j etand until next Monday on ac- count of an iiiPcilieient supply of adaptable water for thuir engines. Tk4 darn does not furnish euongh water, and arruiip.eimmtB are being made to place iii a new pomp on Buffalo creek, which will conduct water direct to the boilers. The managers of tho mil's bone to be running attain by Monday. j 4.IV4-U AttH re4. To Hilvertiae oar goods will giye awa abja'u'ely ftee cue box of live cent c'gtis, one ,fO!d ring and a sample tio'le of le!i-ra' fain Ksller to ev ry one rentling ns liftj cents to pay packing uud poatege. Addres. I'EKl.HIt A.VIlf!..-0.' M-.Oli'IN'F. Co. Led. Dm I, Kernel svl'.l", N, 0 t III! tl. in Society cf na : e'.nre.h i old U scaiiin for ti.'i i-icntn ef "ay on Moiol .y iveiMiii; at ihe '1 mi! of Mr. T.la'ii Riti tr. No'vvitli.staodin;' the opj naive m-athv., the attend ance WM very good nd the luc.-ting t!:iii3iially afciab'.e and pleaeiuu. Mrs King, ftiwitsa charming host ess, added a hap;y f-ature to the Bii'.ed proijra'ii t.y serving delightful refrejhrritn s, that were most grale. fully enjoyed by thosa who bad bra.-ted the heat to meet vtith ber. The conc.titutio.i of the society, . .r.intion in 1846 was read lor tho benefit of several new members present. Tb pleas ant hours i:)d bj and the society ndj'Vjrued as the clock muck gix, rtfi-eshed and strengthened anew in the work of benevolence. HHlinhnrv Slnen tl.iv Fiillea . There was an interesting game tt baseball idaved betive-n the S'alir- bury Stars nod the ChesttiOt Jlill Illtiea on the Chestnut Rill baeebal! around ut Sn'istmry Us. Friday i.'ternoon, lh-i game comnieuctd at 4.30 o'clock aud resulted iu a sooreofSl to 4 iu fay.;r ot the Blues. The Stars have f alien, but they will rice again. Although a very buay man, Dr II V Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., ha? found time in which to wnte a great book of over a thousand paes entitled: "The lVoptc'a Uorr.mon Sense Medical Ad',ia.T," in plain Eagliib, or mejicitie aimpl Ced. Few books prated lu the. English langnsge h'.ve reacheJ o great a gale as h-.s this popular work, over C-iO.OOO copies having been sold at l.SO each. The prohta on this eno. uious eaie laving repaid its euthor for the great amount of labor end money expended on ita produc tion he has now decided to give away, alsolotely free, 500,000 copies of this valuable book, the recipient only beie.g rtqntred to mail lo the World's lif ;eiisary .Medie.il Asso ciation, of eiufia'o, N. Y., of which catnrasy he is president, twenty-one (21) i'n-.-rne.it S'&itps, to co.'.r co.-', of ioailtu' o;i:v, ar.d the booh will be sent p'.ntp.d. It is a yi-ritable r.i.(lica! library, coniplele in one to i time. It coutains 10;;' !:ir,v,e p-'-.'o;;, and oyer 3(o ilh'ra'iono, some of tu. to in ;o,o'?. i t.e lree edition is precis' y the rune as thi' gold at fl Lo 0 except only that the teooka are bound .a strong nuiuila pap.-r covers, instead of cicth. Jt is not often that our renders have an opportunity to obtain a valuable book on such gem-roQi terms, atiu w p;ediet that few ill inisa ava;lP iogtlifnuei vei of the unusual end literal offer to which we have calle! their attention. JWlllff l Comfert-rHl(i Veli!rnil. The Sixth Annual Reunion of the Confederate Vetersta will be held at Hichaiond, Va., on lune 20th July 1st nd i;J, also at the same t:m will occur the ley ing of the oornei stone of the Jefferson Dayia monu ment. All Confederate Veterans, who iuteni (t'ling to Kicbmond at that ti'U', en requealed lo jiee-t al the court honee ou Ma'u'diy, the 2.id inat., at li o'clock m. in order that the Adjat mt of Camp No. 214 may make arrangements for their rt c-ption and eritertai'.metit ' i :t t.-rs and rations will bo fun i-lirii fee to uli eterans Those wlo Cftil not ci'tt witn us on that oav, ar.d b )i iteod goina will L asp notify .1 H Prm, Aoj.i'ant Camp, No. SI I liy letter, as soon aa i-oseihie. Fare for ronnd trip from t'en'ord is 5 SO, took prt iu tlio shooting nnd a race e d.iaion is feared. Tlie itl.m- llneU ielier. ' Pond Memory -;i;i!a the time when the blue back epell" wag a standard test book in public schools. There are many thiDgn usaocit.d with thwegood old days which one cn never forget. lo chol, the numerous mistakes made iu reading Webster' choice prose are many and varied. Where Webster vowed that "The rabbit hides in secret tdaoea," a pupil read : ,'Tbs rabbit hides in srratehed pl.ices." In an other place Webster made this mtd eat aud succinct remark : "The b ill biUowa aud paws the ground." A reclikw youth ree.d it . ihtta : "The bull paws und billons the ground." P.rhapi the aaddiat example of orroneous reading is the following t 'The 1 itk eoars n; to the tiky to lowk at th. sum," wat. read thus : "'J'he lirk aci lied sen tlu tnu or die.-' Wi-'j--k'.h'j prose in the M back ij'.'-npcisei a wide range of apbjectn. In iii vei-.i'.:li'y he give? the fallowing information i.but hia tty Ic of cooking: "Wo boil beets with meat in a pat." We, asa bichelor, do lot cook beeta thai way or any n:b' r vny, for that matter, yet we do not y.tebttim the veracity of Mr. Webster's bold asaettton. Neyertheless, that modi of cooking seen s to have some connection with cocking gieen coff 'e "i'h incut iu a pot." However, it remains a fact that those living in tor hem rt igons require more "sop ' than tb.ue in t tropical or semi Tropical (dimes. Hence wif can readily excuse the "natives of the north pole" fjr cooking a great hunk o'meat with ev i rythiug.to satisfy their oleaginont appetites. AVflfsTIXE. Nul- i foam Hi llrH Mr. C L Miller, Theological Student of Chicago, preached at Organ Sunday, May 10. Mr. Miller it, a yoitng im.n of rare qna'itiea aru hia gi-tmon has been epoken r in the very highest terms. There will be .io services at Organ next Suti'lay, 21. Uev. Cn iroes to Chine eirove to insist, tn the inBtalhitio-, get vices at Luther's Chapel when Ljv, J Q Werlz will be inst-.iled pastor of the Lutbeian Chapel charge. Mr. G O Klutt, wio has a posi tion in the dye room of the Slis bury Cotton Mills, was called home last WoJnisday. A sick child Wa the cause cf ths hasty Bummons. Th child is better we are glad to learn. Mr. II A Cruse's well has failed, fie thinks there is still water hidden in old mother earth, so he ia going to dig another oue. Dr. K I. lilutt., a native ot our burg," bnt now doing a lucrative practice at Trontuinn's, Iredell county was visiting his brother, A W Klu'e '., Esx., last week. List Saturday our coninenity win) vieiied by tight nLowera. Onr far ie rs a-e t ran ''planting cabbaj'-i s-,f"t po'iitot-a e'e .Some pi-rub ioioe g"ow, but we nil know if we do uot plant we cannot gn'htr, eo e are, eivour.ie 1, carry water and pliiir ro. Mrs. Mariah Lippard, ho u quite an old lady, while going down i flight of s'crs a few davs so, Lb and 8UDtained very painful injuries and it is thought dislocated he) shoulder. CONCOKD MARKETS COTTON MAE I! ST. Corrected by Cannons 4 Fetzer. dood middling Middlintts 7 00 U)W miidiin 7 Jtains 6 10 Hi HllOITCK VioKKT Corrected bv C. W Swmk. Kacon 7 to 8 tigar-cnred nams 12iro 14 Bulk meatSjSides .' 7 to r Bee-Hwax 20 Knt'tr : 10-o'f Giiiclti-r.j 10te;Ti Jorn 4' gpa 1' r.anl li r'loui (North Carolina) 1 ieal -l- Date 3o Tallow 3to") VEST iu town for 10 CENTS. See them at once Cannons a Fetzer 1 p S O - ?A ? r-Ll -V K VJ- I, - O t C) rr i v (,.j t i f Pi ni,Jrn Zilj u' U) 7-i U) vj - - y z m X n , ' r -i ral v C) PI f V r m 7rSpi i, C1S7 m ... n? 1 r-. i"1 . n ? k r v-i 30 our ' o m . 1 . A" 1 4 n ff . .J V . S I I" 'k Swti TASTELESS ISJUSTASCOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. flAT.ATTA, iriji., Nov. 15, 193.. Purll M artist ie T' ., ht. lxrv,A, Mn. ii .r-k-.jien'-vVf 'M 1-f-v e:ir. W) win ot f;lt'Vk'?i 'j1 AS :'i'i1 ;M Cll'l.b 'IV.SiC lmv tmi.jilT iur! Vi' a iiliuit'i.. tliia cur. If. nL our rii ..ii.T f y-ir.-. fit t!i-i driM tihl-n-!, tu" nv r ;' 1 "'i rot ci" tLul fiivt; w l 'iiu je; hal 1 j.vt, titcl-'ju :i - yuur l-ji-rc t"lv. Aw.-V.CA,.tR A0 For aifl. ,-4-.at(?.i .y I I A II I 11 It ' ! 1 I OR 'or rut ' 1 A' in. u Guaranteed to All Iuveators CN Investments both Large and Small when Imauk with The New tjork Investment Co. IlllOU'KItS IN Stocks, Bonds, arain and Cotton, 40 AND 42 BUOADWAY, XI" W VOKK CI l"V. p. rtov.lr who d.iiiic to iHv-' a sli'n.ly sud sure I'li-'i' ii- on "Xi"a'' t liiiKt Invrslinclif, s-Hii lor (mr i'jcl.iiittoA-, lr"- Mount Amoena SEMINARS A Flourishing Sehool for Young La Lf.B. TEN TEACHERS - Ornimentnl Biaichou Receive Curolui Alter tion, U C. II. LT.l FlhTIEP., A. Pa.jninr., UCUSTrL'SiSNT . I- 0 i'vi tH J Per GcdI. Per leai fS( I';!. . 100 cas?3 ma ifii-.. HO boxes aoii'). f)0 boxe.n soil a. 2b kvgs hudn. On car flour. One vvt fdiijSf ufT. 2f) otnos "Ktjx" liuking poi tiers. 25 oases "Good Luck" baking pewdwrs. 100 Boxes Tobacco. 75 Borsc Snnll-Gatl & Ax end Ladies Choice, 50 thousand Cigarettes. 10 " Cheroots. 10) tlnusaud ianer t'Sgi Two tons wrapping pap. " Wy have a l:irg stock of K,i and" m both new tutd second land nnd v.iil unite you some yery low prices. Come and see U8. r A I J 'UvbUlN o. WHO Mis A LI I AND PET AIL --Si'OllH c O''."(.t!;n, N'. c. -v- 1 m . HFW ONLY PERFECT jPAMlbYUSB. Yurke (j- M'aiJswnrth, Concord, JV. C. IV.J have often offHred decided l.arealcg, but never in our entire busii osi ( xoi.'rieme huvn wn piaetd on Halemieb va'ue as we shall ofl'er luia Wo w.H lit"-1 ea"! vo ir nttontion to cur beau 1 fm line f Kio Gloves Vi'c : i !.i llu tliidi lt Pood, .S'.vei L '. 1 1 : 1 i , f 1'irr. M ;"li, wtiito - ili'lo- t will b ; Alio the i'au m il.):-"'' 1 1 ).'..i(it'3 m tl Ciiamo.a ''r're- ; .'I i i", i'ery .;uf (raran teed. Ti 11 cornes the SILK : BELTS, We hnvr tbt -0 from .'' oev ts to f 1. Li 11 no' ( red Shii t Waiata 41 rente, tl ive .vr'U . i;r neon oar N. T' Shirt Him'irg Nealii'eo KLiii ta for 4 Oct a. to Sl.f'O. Mki.s.' Drawor'i from ll'.cts to o-l. (IC. Wo bet.er g iodn ev.H'soVl for tho money. UQ&SET MctH to S-1.00 Exainiiie our innft -uilieiout bn of tioitetr, Sn'iiijio usviendrrn un i 1 et at cot I 10 ct button redueeil to 2 eentit. l.leent Linen Col ars at 6 vieut. OXFORD TIES. A beuut.ful Tun for 81.00 and $1.50, also iu Liock. A B',de.ndid hue uliitdtoda' at tLe lowest ptifC. PALM FANS 1 OE N'T, A'so a lino of oper and shot fana .from 6 cents toCOet-u'a. lon't (ail to call ou si; THE m k hwk