1 'It 1 i A I r . . ... r .... and ' Ve do not fear ...iBdlctica in asserting that no small degree of contempt exists be uetm i'opniisU and lCcpublicang to day. In is only a bind of disgusting oao that ia made latabls by the , sugar coated' gatikf action of a few cK1cotf't.biit aa. unpoisoned: public sentiment would never give theov Tbey held their principles in aofjraace.- And for what? To dis j.'. ice a government, clean and un impeachable, for ono stained with fi'anJ, extravagance andeonfnsion. Alter the impeachment of au un worthy, uot to aay criminal Cover i.or (he ia dead) and the riddance of a mt of detetsble carrie-baggers, f.al a dis2'rcefull?- innotwut st of ,n i.r fo.;. gws.w , dU-ud To our old North State can fuint to a clean sheet of records. There vat mnca to be proud, thaukf al and contented about. But strange Mranga, pausing strange ! the spirit of discontent, bate, and desperation came over many that once called themselves Democrats and they walk no more with us. Tbey hold princi ple in abeyance lo destroy what coght to have been their pride and . glory a saosl praise -worthy system of State government, Aud now it is the moat brazen cffornle ry that dots not blush at the consequences ol that ignoble act of fusion. It brought with it a Seriate traf. strains' .the Constitution nd violated ail courtesy towaids the Lb.utenant Governor in tho appoint, n-ctof committees. The General Assembly was racked with discord and scheming, its records were falsi' fi d, its appropriation led to taxing a number of things unheard of since reconstruction days, notably, the bds in a boarding house when every one knows that that business so often embraces poor widows with children .to rear and educate. It strnck down snach that was calculated to bnild np he free school system, notably, the count? superintendent, and threw open wide the gates of confusion aud annoyance for all faithful free school teachers in the uniformity of book.'.- Instead of a State board of highest qualifications to Beleet books for the oat. of the schools we have each county board, generally of good, honest, but poorly informed men, to adept whai it pleases. A nd mow enormous sums ar being spent 4)'y the book concerns for the adop' lion of their particalai series. It is tarry to guess who pays the tiddler. Lbs?, but not least to be deplored is extravagant expenditures. Six tnous ad dollars more to ran the hvit k'lslalttre, than previous ones and ' Wbout $0,000 to f 50,000 more to hold the elections thi fill than fir holding previous elec'mcfy Wi h targe ind unnecessary iuoreasi of tnagustraitJi that must be aappiied with necessary outfits at State ex panse. And yet fusion ! , n, The Washington correspondent pi tho Ashevi'lle Gazette of Sr,arday'f issue made mention of a measure be fore Congress against the ad altera tioa cf beer, and asserted that most cf the disease brought about by beer drinking was due to adulteration. No doubt fusil oil and various a tuff ased for adulteration is responsible for vwioas hunun ills, but even in conntrSw where beer is cheap and nadalter.tad, the gassier sutlers from Bright's disease, and the whole evil cannot be laid to the door of adulteration. Malt is cue of the lihief ingredients io pure beer and wait is cm of the things which a man alfiiotcd with diabetes or Right's diaouso cannot tolerate. An other trouble with beer is the inor dTiaM suioout of liquid that c?.a be v.otisamod by the practical drinker. Ab the old German Baid, "I takes thirty or forty ichooneia ad'ybut ... MiW'iiiiig Advtrfirfcr of May J 2th, in speaking of AroiiWahp Ii3 laud's idea ffcat war is a great n.eti ;ator of patrictim, cues the ap piobrioug expreaaion (hat the acion of the Sooth in a'Uwpting tojeeede wag eiuiply a atroke ut treason. We thought .th now ufier 81 yarg time foi the smoke cf Li tie io pas away it was clear to the vision cf any but a crosseve, aucl pUent to any mind uubiaatd enough tor profitable oofigiderution cf a great, principlo, that the South posswed' ordjr ihet forbearance that would rather wi;h draw from " jV.leration in which there waa ii'.ib union and thai combatiwnesg acurst U'-irt'on tha givea tiiit to ihe brit blood upon which a nation ctn depend f-r Kcw again a little wsv cknd can be scanned in the Kasiem horiaen that bida fair to well un and Kid f-ie tun of peace in the Oid World, j 'i'be. Hon and the bear whose bria'loi were raised acd whose bellicose roar in? inaite the eaith alaaoet tremble in the reRiutt of Afgatiidiau ubjul a decado ago May soon break tort!) with accclleraved fury and even a clashing of arms. It arum that Jiuia has trampled on all treaty rights and has advanced her lines at Chec Foo oer which Great Britain claims rights. The atupenJomuess of a contest between Hussian and British arms is not pleasant for either to contem plate ani that may do much to avert sue)1 cal.uiiity. FKwiduat Cleveland ia now er gagod in th4 arbitration of the claim of Italy a'gairst Columbia, all the papers in the dispute having final' been pr.'pnted in accordance w'th the convention between the diepui-ant.-. The case involve daroages amounting to nearly f 1,5'X).0'')0 on account of tho petBecutinn of Krnesto Cerratl, a wealthy mer chant and Italian consular repre sentative duriug a revolution in Columbia about tn years ago. Exchange. Lei ra eupr ose tiat the sentiment in favor of free silver ie m strong as the silver organs would haye us believe. Let us suppose that the i temooratic uatinjal conviution hon!d nominate a free silver can didate on'a free silver platform and suppose that the ''tidal wave far silvr," of which we hear so much, should carry the nominee into office. Then wht would occur? With a free silver president an I a free silyer congress we would Have enae'ed at the very first opportunity a law for the free, rnliraitcd aid in dependent coinoj'cet silver it lti to 1. Jtot we would r,ot have to wait for that to see the result of the free silver policy. Just as soon as it be came kuowa that the government was committed to free silver all holders, doenesiie and foreign, of ail sort of securities in thu coanUy would dump theai on th markt t They bought these .'f.r;ties with good h oney and tbey wonld r .ek? every fr'orfc to ttt rid of them before the era of depreeuiaJ wioney (ci ia. Tht-.re would, of course, be a ft; eat denrcciation in eecutiiies of all sorts entailing a loss of tniny millions of dollars, This would only be a small part of the (i.im :::. There would be a run on every b.mk in the country. 1 lit; laboring inaasee vmill try to gut. out the ; 1,800,000,000 they tare in the savings banke. Very few be.uka could stand the strain, liver? c editor would endeavor l.o collect hu clutoi at ocee a-ui would tak'? the URoat Buroioary proeooa f.,r doing s;o. Tlie debtor cla.:3 for wbich free gilyer ia to do s i much, would find thiiicalyv ie -till dcener trouble. Cftdit would Id , rf . ninl Vut iu M. .i u.i '' Oar S4 tf i ! :t. .Wrt flo-i the fol!wlrj u'ic' -ma sinner in a booth Oarolm.. :ir,s papr and copy ir, simply lo show yo'iag lali'ii and' gfEttc-men in' tlia pari, of tarhcfldom how grossly they l.arrt beep misrepn.'genf cd : "Wlim a timid young Tor Heel wishes to ix presc himself to his &rl tie lukea a piiice of. fat pine, trinr-d it in the sliupe of a capital I, and pa'Sts it to t j hi.1) piri. Ttia; m.-aii?, '1 pino for thee,' If ,bts rje:ls him fha stri'tci a tnatoh and sets the et hn'er on fire. That means, 'I make light of Jyonr pruiij;.' If she lilies him sho hands him u Hr;bt,!v)od knot, which ni-ans, 'pine not ' Whtn the boy goea to leaye ).( jjcntly pnta hw w m around tho giri, kissi-j l:er and pui r-ome soft jnt'jh on tho end of hoi.- :;os-, which means, t'r) t(r) till ;.u nert apin. Jjaet even i ', ' :" '.., .1 . t! -jf Mr. John Proper, the bn-bj s father, on Third atuet, Mr. C C L' nt''. aud Miss 'I'.aie J'ropet were tiuittd ia marriage. The at teadanta were Mr. Jamea Sapp and Mi;?i' Ida Troiiot; Mr. IVuick Query una funs )ji)tA I'ropar. t,Huto n lumber of !n7i!ed reiaUye and freneui were present. Kev. . M A iiuiith, cf the Forcer. H.'l Methodist cbnreh, perfo-med the oeiemcuy. The baile and groom wcie the ii cipituts it f soma haiidaonir pres ent.!. After the oianifge a gtunpin ous sapper was er.rved and a pleas ant evening spent, Mr. aud fdrs. TjCI!.?: t;ve a host of friends? who wish for them a huppyMind prospur one journey through life. La?t Thursday's Daily Standard, Mb. Luitok; Von ask the qnes t'ou : "How many iuhsbitanta has Concord?" I wish to rev lb it vi.l, the new Car.nou mi!', the Rnfalo Thread Mill and the add!-tir-Tj bii'.l t? tbc Cbt.rrng re ill and other improvements which mean more inhabiianU, 1 will fcay 7,200. Mr. W A 3'.oee, who lives cn St. Cbr.rk-3 street, ha a beautiful bar rel in his fion! yaid from th fact it ia covered with strawberries. Tt is a coHimcu llonr barrel, perf-ira'ed and died with rich rcil and the plauis that proj"ct from a multitude of holes prertct a beau'ifv.l eppe a a pcm. Notice is. hereby t;iven of the seizure of the following property, near Tuliu in Cut.irrua conniy, K. C, cutheSTih of April, iftOo, for the -k "ativn of Internal Hev. nue Laws of ihc United bjatea : One ftei.r and wagoa. Any person clmmirgraid property i.i hereby notified to appear bt fore tho imdevi'g'ied at h:a ollice in Asbeyille, C, within HO days from dale hereof and make such claim in the form aed manner pre scribed by law or the property will be (d.-c'arfd f-'rfeiled u the Unil'.d Satea. Sam. L. ltottEus, Collector. U. 8 JIai;hif, U.C. 4t. Ti"1 Law ,u,.f t.titly. i'knt 5fo "Suppo.se a mo- man maki.'! it so hot for her hus band that he cau'' bye with her end he leaves her, whut cae. c'y da i" "Lawyer "Sue him for supjort." i'aUfdl Man "Sappose she has run lii.u so hcivily into debt that h cuh't support her benansa his credit ors grab ev'.ey doilar e-J iptiek i'e be gets s, 'kxIU irniig big bngmesr with their suiu. La;'2f ,:if for any leasoc what, ever b.s fail ;o.pay her the amonnt ordered, 1m vill It sent (a j-nt- for onti-ropi of court. '' rV.tiei.t Man 'ileppoac she d; i es i.i;i'. out of the house with a llAtrlron and be' atv.J topalscl.I'" Jja-vyer "Che can wrut hiru foe d '3' rtton." r, -" VVt-i i, 1 Jou't See oaythi!-;j for mc to Jo but g.) fcar. I.awver "lo'a iistaiajt the lav ta C'.unmiV snidJe, and if c git caught .tU.'Uir t;:ir; ii you'll be Hn;-d and irnrri"', tt'd, 'iVn delist a. ! iAhm: Ne Vork Weekly. Co e- v Folk, a jirornineiit noir, ilotd Thursday in tiio p e.eiy ir, to' i etni'tive i.nte at tire wtboro t,:p, tin ' v lie bit no chin! An lllliM.W lr,i(ii KuHiiaae.l (' .., .. ... -. . .., to , ,ujo. ypHoefiud, III., Way .13. The Supreme court jeutrday rendu ed a dedsiim euMi.ining the anion ol f. R!nom'.otra dreif.'!'iiit who ri l'.;fvd to tu'li Hii la wnler 1 i a wgo on a oouiii of his etiw. The court bohih thai liu selling of aoda waiir cii-iff-not conklitiito iui fjruwhiiig ol lodging, ainuaoriionU or mahi i.a provided fcrio the act.- Our Px't Hissing. .. "Hannah, gRid the inistreas to the Li.w girl, "etT'thil.g ie eaten now witli forks, lure arc. the ai raw berry for ks, tin ice cream forks, . ht. orange fork? ai.d the bread forjr "Yeg'm," said the giri att e'.ive'y. A fw days latt- r when aompany dinner was in progreus the first con re came near b i'.g afu'lure. Uaumtb exi!" "I biivitt-d ftet' where, ina'aui, but could not Qud the scop forks."' Detroit Tree I'jfss. Cottage Grove, a little town sit uated shout twelve milts north west of 1'aris, Term., was destroyed by flro Tuesday. - The tri-enuial meetins of the Geunal Society of the Cincinnati began in I'ijiiadelpbia Tuesday. Tie State swictiea of Virginia, Ditlewaie and NorMj Carolina, which havj been ttvived, applied for rt-adLihion to the General So e'eiy. tt, f!.(. I'Mfotl it --St. 'I ha governn.eiit rerofl of the, wca'her ami crop conditions in the fnntipil States of Ihe rottoa belt, !'.;; J Wedi. . sde,y, May 'J, says: X.'tnth Carolina Una temperature bus been above thu normal, except on the. 7th and fill). LH-ought prevails again Mid is injurious to iU crop The cn'.nvrtt'ou oi' cottun is the chief work ;ust now. Sou In Carolina Ltiou;h rain gem rally, although the drought con tin j 3 111 pluOil. CultoU la Ueli-g cuepp 'J to paftct sianda generally. Cut worn.: aie nnmernns, Tex:.; J' un has improved wheet and eat;; in the Panhi.t.dh', but err; n!,; lit is pn-valling c'scuhero over the State except, in a few localities, ai:d latts r-V. id ci'ton nnd oihi.r CfOj.s a'i huiterir.J. MiEr.ss;ppi Con tinned generally favorable wca'her lor all ciops. Field work ia ur, to date. Cotton nrospecte never better ST! hough local. -m V'-rily th lic cf a couutry editor 13 u path of thorns. Ilia bread is promi.-es and his meat is dirappoiulniect. His r-editors chafe him by day and the devil grinncUi at him in hie drei.uiS ty nigi,. )'e jeiideili the paper to a sob-scriia-r on cred't and the subscriber payeth him uot. Then Le -toppsih the deliuqent's pi-ptr, and the delinquent eingeth Ira 1 1 aud borioweth it of. a neigh, bor. He whooye'h op the township pnliiiuian and the politioian gei elected and kbowelh bint no more. II1 puftsth. the church fair gralin snd then altwide'h it and pvye'.h hw quarter and rfOoiveth two ojstera. He boometh his town, ail th'u gt therein, and yet rrceheth noS;ippcrt snd is a man vi'.lieut honor iu h:p country. Two young people matrv, and h' givfr'h ihm g uat pfff and they go to houhfkeeping and tak"t!i not hi,: paper. Yea, he is h and down wit!: woe. and hia d-iys are full of cn, f ai d trouble and vtautir.f of spirit. Bnt the s.urow er.dor.t'h only for a night and juy i:Oim,th iu i!e morn', it;,;. Hh plol.le-ih t!ot:g ;'id tet)dii'eli ;n p.i.ieBce, u$ i is writer that. Jie !ll receive hie re sard e.t. the judge ment. A or 4fvr I'lny htm Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has beet, f.e for ever fifty jtrrs ,'" miiliona of mo'he'S f or their clila" ret tf'riio teeihietr. w.th perfect ac. i.vi--,. h Beoii.oi th" rtiiid, fvf!et,s rite g'.mt, allayt Ti rain, s,-.:r w.r.-S .!-., ato! ia tie beet remei'y for i'("i.vt,t, ti. v; ill fi j-eve f lo) e...r iitt'te stiilerer imn.edi iteiy. Hold tjv i jlrti; ".;;.'. ir every part of 'h. world , nttf.. ,.M !,.-,.,;.. tV sur. " " ' -wk t;r ".nra. w uisio take no other kino rstoii. ' f an . '1 hia is bnt an oft--- ' ' I. iu ,. ,i unircpier.t.'y th .- thw, vho, by ibtir orlhiul ; ar. largely inatroweo'al 'it the di'fiiuy of eii!-' cirrot not sec how a b..!'.trrif tilt ? eooditiona can be onto turn til an uprisinK of ,lie paoj.le ot'ier potetu iii'iue'iicas Jnrc ; in ttcaiiO'Vtede tli"ir i-rror auui-jUi i -iw m.'tbOcla. 'I'l aiv iipiJc Ltly surprised tb ' Vt riTj j long discovering whi . to hav lieeo as plain m the . sun l.inrhiim So r. I'ut if dene at the prop ten tthuicu to one there won howl of criticism. A goo ronat to really dtuiftd or it 1 not to hi- approcifUd.1 tiors, iping wi'i; : III- ?01)lt' hem i m hey hey ' ght :, day 'I U ! r-Z i ... ! I Hiit.'SIltn W Al'.!le'l Ply-, Th.i 'u..i. Salve in the wo. , r Cv.tr, Bruises, b,ren, Ulcet '. t iU.i-uir, Fever bcrea, rlVitc-rd . " ..-1 ihiLdr, (.'hiibliiiliB, Corn! -rm f ' :. , ua pcll!7-iV CUlf." !'i;i-s tr t'0 p iy ltq'ai-a1. It gnmantred te pv rti.dt-f ftftiun or uh rev t fundi. t. i'i;"f 'lit far. I a i er 1-e.y, i-nr tab it t i' b 'Vl,;r r' Drug sit. re. it ,- - M StaSiJuli.' t? ...! " p :-" " :.' TireJ nnd broken wn women viii li i.l th:d Cfi, riMCS HOVnL is a price f.e.s boon and tlessin; to lhc:n. H gi.s appetite, brings rc:-.'i'ul, refrchiue; :h.-ep, aids digestion, ion.'s the nerves, builds up ilie slnuigih and puis disease and pain to rii'ht. For lae.IaJin ail meiulntsl nn-.i vom'n dlrilctiUks, it hat no superior tisei both locally ,ni internally. U is emphai'cally I'lcasaut fo tak: as Lnt-mJe;, and harmless ;d ail lir.i.-v. New pa-Juge, large bolile, ICS Do.s, One Hollar. Sold by diuge!s. NnufactureJ ' only by THE JTUKTA t:iF.y'SALC3., tu'i, 6a. Cnx re i wti booi aita xsx VETZER'S JiUVG X'l'OUJi North Carolina, ( . A prd L". Cabarrus county. ' Iu the matter of j W. K. Kuidiev, An::,,ltion J r,l,C'"'- IWchi.rter. S. Kind ley r,d j other". J The p.-illluu. above rained h.f Ing complied with the law? of tub Slate, by filir.jr in my ullic a copy of their r.greenr.ent which bus been duly proven and thu .eeir-taiy c! j this Str.tfl having it'nued, undi i tht j gieat eeal, letters patent, which nr. also tiled and recorded in try i.li. declnring said petit inr.ew to I, e,ui tucoi pornttd t'lider the i..:r..e ?r.: j Htyle nf The W . It. Kicifh y Cotf-.. j Mil!.",, for the ifriod ei ihirt-, cr'. j fu.ro 'J h Ai'Ui r-00. ' " I It U new on ei eion cd V. M j Smit.i, a'U'i;r'.;y for r et'! m:,r rj, or i deree! that, pubhc LiOt.e.tt be Riven that aai.) petui. -erd are du'y incorp' ia'ed in aecr'nlanco with law (ortbepu., 1-u.l thni,!.i)Uif...:lnr( a o.l tah' oi c tt.n goorl.-?, yams, tbreai-ie and all textile ial rice of wool or cotton, either rr both, of a1! description whati-to-vr, and to buy nr., I -..'! .,,.! I r .-Iijitl i r, rnii.-ij ifi.r,.. i ,l , ..- .,.l',.,r ,!,.,,, of f.ti. it k'i'r',,1 .-..j j'.-ecriptiOii, to piircmit-o. own, ita or othorwi.ii) a'qe.'re, me,rtt.'.g9 arid I to "ell and convey real "4cte, to sue land ijoemd, to contract and be con tracted with, arni upon t te terms s. ot forth in aid agredtnewt. The capital f.ock of aabl corpora tion to cooHiet eif twenty tlioniand dtilhiifi, uKt led into two hundred fhavtoi of the par velue of oof hr.ti-! drea dollars each, with prm.ege to increai-e the earns, to fifty Ibouwud doll a iv. i The stock to b iter.) BSffariib!,'. and the ftotkhohiors not to be ir.di rieluul.,;' liable for the debts or torte I o' said corporation. I Said ctjrpuration to he ir ae.f.e: o y id of f.von airwur'', a r'foeo...;it and a !tn v ai .! l.r.'ir Tiio annual nioetitt oi' tiie fork I oliii'eri, to ba hold at 'thm'r -fliet io j A -') No. h township on the fi.' S"eoit-s ! ..lay cf April, each trod evi ry it v'jr, Al. tt. !.' s s ' a-ik ithipednr Coon Cahotr. 'Mis UficA v ir-'fA.f ?. a 4 ere; Yhcy arc our va-es aoJi vinv;brs, enr fiynts, eta cousns or cur nic;"es. They lh". aouut you. an'' you can eas:ly find t!naa. You vA he fit: prise: J hp't ;r.:rny cf tixse v.'.Mnen are using the 0 i t'tl . .- ! M.'l;c i:tqiViriey, cnJ if ycu C-nJ one of these u.er:-i who wants to chanfe, write v.s a kttx-r. U you fid every user cf theMAJESTIC vAll'mg to recom mend tho Range, will it not prove to yxu tht yr"i should hav-.i one: ? " If you err; thloking f buying a Cook SJme, Jetrc buying make tUia Lnc? tlgaiiow. Vorke Wadsworth t& Com bun 1 In I'J f I f - i 'ii I J. Ci- t :tv - 61 l'. r e I c r" ..( , T, ? I i ' . I h i 1 1,1 ' 1 ' 1 ... V IX . ' '. .(. M. Oto-j i., lh (!. Cel.". SAM. V, Caie . '..I t C , n. : h- Col.Tiv-VK Capital, Surplus, ' I e.e. blbKf IC.is; J. M. OT0KJ.L, 1 1 T. Vr M' Ft AM IvlJiO, J. W. ( A v.VjJi W II. Cl"t.l. V,'. ti. 1.1 t.T V, 1). li CfOIKANt- FIRE INSliuAKl'E. When in en.. I e,i j tie I not ho call and hi-? it.i. or oi t. H'r n-i.r-foiI Oniy hi PS.-o':a; t'.ns o io' , icr oii;u eo:;ptllt:es. lU'i-er e!"i i. " ,vr,,- ; .' t: A if. I r.C , i DR. II. O. HUCi -IN(:r I a;: ia at the oiu ioo:,., f-i Ho iv. j r!l wi;3 a;e i;t cf o. ' i.'e tie cf h'ti cy of hiy, I - t.'.'t!YJt Ffj; i'hil; K--!'N ' ;. Owi'-'ao-.r. ca.i l:i..).T v ..:i.mci CUxiCdn j!"i.8tiv;i.c Linfmei.l to tii'Kf- ; -title , . , v i ' i ... t r , - (lift "'". ..... .... v ........ , ...... it e cixUent. Sincereiy ym, Clw li it.' tiuinir 3.i'-l. J. CA ViI'liLl Ri?inf.v:u.r., C, Ih-s. ti, vm. J Ifjnn Sit;. Co., Jlr.klyn, .V. Y, OonMeiiK.n : I havo ii'-d flevk-.-.n. f1m. tans Liniment lhr a frot.al l' any yvam and widtT it tho liniment wmlo. 1 It.t.'p it. in the. house, a'd the time. 1!. -.vill do ol; that is claimed ur it. Krfairui'.y,' I.t. V. AUIOUE. -' ,vv, 1 fl", tw us I tt,,. IH. ! t" nil? .!' C" f I- f ." , ' 1 f W ! -.r -. ,;r uu S-T'iT. - ,;tr..r. O. ? r.ill 1 ,H''iT Cul i: T I -r' ! Hi k I ii i 1! i - I1 i Mil u ill h. I'vM hnW, I I ! ! I il I UU ill l':!., ill ibUI Mi, tir.it. d i AT L-.v-i-lorii T-- ; ... I.. ... ! . v,... ,, J J..,. V v-t.;v iru i'i-e Air.7.. tjyet: I r; ;.?i,t rn: vit c. 1, '. I,HN , S't -.-ks, jioieeis, Gr, ;-i tt'.t.l C'ott.ou, 40 A si) It; 'O.ilj'-', A Y, ' ' v ft.: ' .rv in hf 1 H.,.!v i'l(' ;iM::,l , Ctt I tin' t. ;,,.o . ol .M.'l 1 1'f i. f ad- ' 11 l"f ! .0 : i - t o i...t- ; t "I- . . ' ;. ' io; , -ir-I ti .j tr, u e r. t. , ' ( its i o i 1 i f i 0::i- I'll ; ' ; ! IK t ' . ,. i.O...'; !,ii tlliih- i p" :l,ltl( . 1,' 0 t- ', !' ; . 1 ' ti v, bo : ,-,v. 1 !'.',: oddi., :l.'-u. to t,.e! !v.h(. HO !,!' s I 111'.- .1 . . 1.1 i HO' v t, , i(tt!i:t!;tr'!.oi'. i ' MM, v ,.. n4 ' V k r 1 - T.frs t-i m-Av !:-t up Lin l i: smuiy. iry to :T s i v!. i -i .i. i I 1 1 rf::r.:,al. JO I 1 '1 . I". c, . - I il' . A . a- r i . . 1 -t, A,, 6." i ttrt r . t i ' n. If (, .r -X f .': It rn.Serjuf i.-.-,'.n. i..Y. IL. ; I iii IV t r r f , it 1 f 1 n f II t Li u, T r ' f T m J I V ' ' Jt . ' ' " V : 1 as - nfon'it. ? T if T'-.l: ! 'l f Cf-. . a'-xti U fc Jv 1 Wl r I.. ...-.-'. ei -wU. jo li I T n i I i rtl , Voneord, C. 11 v, , 1 il. ItM . i.toJ t.m n oro t; N NF.X i i Or r'SCr. R. ISKWliN o. liEl e.i SR. ?iiy;:t I;::;-, and Sltrgeorto Cilote .V.) :t. b.i, iltoo. 'cm lo-ttt. 'ho! f'.'si j-t, ii o o.t ire.h, Oi,arole, C- M0e..;.i,;b. 'n i :au) A i r I V AT ;.A ' , C0N(0i, ;, c Ofb.i-: iu Mo: r.s bu d'n ... ; , i osite Court lion-, tj. . i. k p : i) p. m . ..) .id" ccbtr. uii'i Sor "oo,; MT. P.Liti.t.bAN i'. r; , j i.hil l . -mve.l ui.d r r fulide J i.t fit it'l h'l'oo". r,y r'oi-,, c hdi ly otei I ilOCNOi

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