iniquity, without tukin;; the trou ble to read Motion 50 of the election law enacted by the last l-pcrtsratuie. The only law now npjn our dtnt ufe bjoks concerning the eomprns. tton of election cfliceis'is contained in acts 1 St.' . chapter 151), otclioti oO, whioh in at follows : "That the registrars thai! rwreivf one cent for esch nanie copied (Yoni the or:j;iual rrpisi ration book and three cents for encb new came regis ttrtd. Every eheriif, or cttnr re turning oflicer, t-ha'l be allowed 82.50 per day fur the time actually and Decessaril employed, and tea cents per mile for distance travelled, for making the returns for ' Sana tors ; sixty ceuts for giving certiti cates to representatives to tho geo eral assembly acd to the senutors whi be district is a sicgle c-ouety; all to bs paid by the county treas urer upon the affidavit of the re turning oiKctr. t:ierks snd Rsls Urof IVeds shall al) be allowed the usual record acd registration fies for recir'iina ami making tlu '," Tub STAJranns d ih UtobvMs and juMtia its criticum in all per sonal or to; .Ural wit!) which it couits id contact aud will l;ot shirk its dtty wlu-o thtro i imy thing at eta te timt wtM feuli in so conipi'. ihin ; tu.t whieo is g xv.l far the welfare and u;; t ment oi its uadois ;-L(l tho public general The Stan ii!D did obnllenu the l'opuhh'.s ti show wherein tt'Cti is any etonor j in the ettctinu luv as enacted iy the famous fti'.on legislature IKV. wfceo that, body that fihoulc. j' iM' tho cams of "aon crr.ble'adj -rrtie.l it ;iious cut ol rwpect to a id negro in pruf.-roooe to SUOWirg : ' saint) re-tpeyl to tht great and i . ii-aed "Father of Oor Cooutry," f toe ttbova is the pro duclionof - of that ! piulntuiee' followers, n." ieiv. John A iviajat.d ?oum pruteat . v . end riinvasonablo outlav ,,.. i i :i.. 1 1 ii--o auiiinait?!., iuiiei.' .u v.j.j fy.r and reasonable wajres,. As to the eVctrio lights, the town cw'dn't live without tboin, al thonph they have proven vory satii-.i'notnry. Hut thou the com missioners who give tie electric lights, thank God, are not of the ill born Populistio faith. As to the Slo cost cf holding ele's lions in this oiiy that's all bosh ior the new boxes alone f03t $U! sivrr dona's at that. Ye aie no "If.wyer" or 'abend," but Wt) have yen rtisty Populists by tlic failfttid willocrisionitily Sfjuefie it. Just hold ynnr base until we raalto the fourth stilko, when in November next it will be seen that th" 0"S. nf holding the county elec tion will r.ot be less than HW without including the cost of the new boxes. l.tut- 4n nahin. thin fmnnty. auti o... ... lDion county Saiorday evening. It was a "(rutty washer." Mr. J j Luther Feiitmian and Miae Minnie G Fou's: were mariisd Kundiiy morning. The CHtemony wan performed by Rtw. I'.io) Par--Ti tiger at thu rusiihmoH nf tho liridn's ffttber, Mr. Columbus Fou'z, of No. t! township. Mr. A N McXia-b, who has been in declining health f.jr some time, );u gone t'j Baltinifiro for medical treatment, 1I will bo the guest ul hia daughter, Mra. John ilutchin 10a, wbila there. At a cODKrrgational meeling held Ht St. Johc'a church on Sunday last Rv. .Sidney I) StiltVy, of Blue Ridga Spring-", Va., wsa unani mously elected to become paster. HV understand thr.t 11 r. tfletley wiilacof'-the '-'. A iif ' boy was on bis knees, in bis li.C' night dress, Buying hip . i - - it parted and for a time utw. . deadly and destructive work. One d:ision ninis tumbling and bouud iag along iu tha Choctaw region while the other tandc one dip at Howe, killing five and injuring; twenty. At iSheriaan, Teiaa, the ohermau and Dallas baseball teams wers eugat'ed in a gauw, wtiea more tbau hall the players and many cf the spectators were seriously hart, a dcnen cr more being kil'ed in sUntly." The distance traveled was about 100 miles with a width of about 150 yards. The killed sre thought to be not less than HOU asd the prrperty Joss is estimated at cot less thaa $1,000,000. C-iinWirt Ago nut oom ulu CuwiirimasBhnUfiitffii tli f ao it , a 1b t je v gjtvtn-litfby ntiil n..tnr.l iiUmp; ' Hon 5"? Ly?',ihlni?'",iH?i'?'iiP,?i?-nf!'s ! tlitt It In " ja: K""t " nJ -rHX Twif gyery l""'P!'c , ' p that yon put C-A-S-T-O-'H.-I-A. Trii-itt yC''" """"" !.?T.ST? ! Children Cry for Pitcher's Casts r!s. Morrison C -.wei'.With te foitnerV 1. the third tirud Ti l primed fiict to the IVpo'ibt- )-cgiJ-!attire ' c wt of haloing elec- came attac Ves, thu Standam) .'' bitr.ct that ' ttid iucrras X lira, ll!iroii STASi'AiiDVhon ;ou amime 1 nril Tw (iitiii n'licntes of the tlt-cti sn returns to be i V ' . .I ill lOd'i ueioiigs to ft stock company. A frog was pWcJ in nn tbo old side track at the depot tor the trains to ruu over. The frog doesn't even grunt when it is nur Jened with the weight of a heavily loaded inun. News has reached the city to the eflect that a woman in a certain part of Cabarrus county recenty gave birth to a Class baby. Both the woman and biby are living and doing well. There was an interesting meet ing of the Kpworth League of Cen tral Methodist churoh Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johu A liiamious, on North Main ttrtet. The children of the First Proby Urian church are pn e icing a pro gramme of Focys and reeUatioos to bo renderrd on Coi'dren's Dry, the list Sunday in this mouth. Ii will be iinte inieres'iog. li.own Briw. baggage w.igoti tatt resist the temptation to tu'Hie 'oe BU)ft-of feet. He stood it r ioi g an co'ahl snd 'he i Siid : "I'.'e!',--, .o-J. excuse me v hiie 1 knock the Rtt out of Neliiu." Mrs. Wiliiom 1'ropstand Dr. K 31''':-T 10 .. .....j ......... b ...... ...u.. .. w side t;t Master Willie Trice, Mrj. 1'ropit'a grandsco, who i? in s critical r.nditjon end for wbre li.v. very little hope is ntettaioed. He is slightly better tnday. Baturdav whi..'1 the hands had stepped work fortiinrer en the brickyard of .1 Shute 0.- Co., at Mooroc, an old boiler t-xplojed, killing two aien. one the pr.gincer, and a woman. Tbooth-.r tnnii who wag killed, w id tho ti-'mot of i'fThtic.c; u rigsrette it the po?Ji.t . Thoraarf S.evei.s. a youun laar. and ao operative at t tie Caonr.n Cotton Mill.:. got iuto gome trotibie with Tooi Uerrs Mond,:y ;:t';er Doon. tf.vens was before Vayer Morrisoa end waa tia'd $!'". lie paid the fine aud was rei (!. The' Ail Society of St James ilvangeiioKi Lutheran chtitcb have doidd to servo rtrawberrifs, icee. (, etc, on the lawn of Mr. and Mr3. A M L.-own nt s ! Trefdny night, 1 he prniic is hereby fairly wamju srd ;l is hop"! that they will (jovf ra tiie-icrOivt ncci.?Jiug5y. Little Mi Mary Ll'.a Caania a zealouH worker in the caue of raiding money for the unctioa cl monnmprits or head stocs to thf Confederate Jead in the cemetery in Uincfiesti r, a. fcn irtrsge-J to TKl.-e !: ''ei ?'. ihii.. : -i on nrdr. v. 1) not loifeCt ti e roriert a'Q'odtH Montgomery 't (eio.-:rro'.T i. i j e. t for this cause. Rev. M I GiU,, cf Mr IV-grot. will ais-ipt R'jv. M A Smith in the iweetioj.19 at Forest U til tor ight ar 1 tornerrovv i.ight. I'rayi noeetirg services are heid every sfternooa at 4 t-'clock. Lri ofiisareitior.i at tend each iueeitcg a;:;t moc't in terest is maritesti.d. TbeC-m Cth' old child of Mr acd Mrs. John Creech, of Cnnnonville, died Mondsv afu moon of cholera infantum, il All Mc loucb cuaductf i the funeral service' frora 8 . Andrews cbcrch tnday i 1 r,s. day) at 10 o'cLck ai.d the reornins were interred at Rocky Ridge. Children's Pay was ohs-.-rnl it Central Me'hodkt church 6onday oijht. Foe pro:;raiu cons;'fd songs, rci'.attOLS and add es es. The eciiira wi-ra vt-ry be".n'.ifol atd the reci a'io: 3 an l ad-Hrr-ns waie highly int .1-c. T :- eit'--prjirraffi s wed rti-l-nd fin:! every ft ii'u.-j of it vus Ju'l of ia-terc-'t. Faust, thf h;7 org that v.js sbo' five tiiaes by he. L M A-c.o v a wei k or ni '-re order to s.-i-: the Jif of bis own dog, is d a 1, I having titei Sunday uaorcirg. Fa-'', was hrough' her-i eevtrai mon'!. 2:;o f. or.: .1 son:t,i!ton, J). U., where he o.vt l;e" Tor o si treitni-.r-t He iras a fift; dog, but. vr-ry vi.-ciiiu.-. Mrs. Mai.b?. IfiH; cock, wife l' Sid ot-y Hathocl. a rrsldent of For est liill, di:d soil'Jeri y b'sturj-ty afternoon a, the bonne of hr fn''--r. Vermoa Lyle, in Nt. t- township, biis bad he-n sick for so r e tin.e but was lcelitig he-cc r aud st preparing to ceas to town when she took violent! id ecd UieJ. Parties coming in nr. tho A lsnta train this . Monday) uir rpiui tail of a di'lmativa (ire ti nt is sweep ing that citv. Ti.e Markhatri Houbc, at the L' .don s'oed, and a block on nthtr sidi have burned down and when the train pulitd out Sunday night, tho lire was not under cor. try!. N.i f-t'ioitfi to lo-s could he db'a'nul, but it is iai rneose a half million do'lars tcore or If p.i.pli-. wou'd grumble anJ make their cotr;p'a;nis Miicernicg the bad mansgeai-nt (.f the wrter -pply to tho City V, a'.frworkg ipsry, in't-'iiil of to the Si anu irohiibi.eies ate tiial tl.ey (14 ") v.jold g-t raori1 wi.'er tier f itinfact'Oi. il.i'. tut ii e SANoaKii is o.i tlM n p tfr,:e and -fc watorworFj r,;r, I I livening, ir wnc ton - i.u truijs w) -u ihtj iron', m'e oc cd I iif oriv .r.clpi'ft-.d r.n: :h.- ru: Ks wtre r.i. i. K-tr..- v. -t h i r Jin t! ;r v cation t: tu,' a f .-w dr.i s, or.if-r f,.c 'J'iiK t!; -!.. 0:.' V ;r U Ote is pi r Id leaf? tu C V . 1; U:p to visit h'ijI.'. per Fire broke out about 2.o o'clock Torslf.v afternoon on the ott-u platfrm at Chsriott.i, dp'.ryiug :li Im'tS Of COltOO bflMieiKg to HcB'h, Ucid v- Co. It is supposed that the Caitca Kas rt.-cd I y st:itk from a Pamirs en iue. The n,'"i ii.e a'. l!.;ys cha-'"' :s "t ii; pr prf.-s. sou u continue! tl.s wiik. lltiv. V M t,v I tons, el Ch'na t : ciit tij. ;. e. : j sr.nie Ui:,l pr.'j.::::i fC, s-vum s beinjf savid and m:i i iottrest Ojanifested in tlm aitetii.g. tVrvic eifrv aiorn;n:s!id evenicg at o'clock. Th h;;;:'i t-.s given la?? evening by Mu. J'.-. W..u?ton. as a wry piensvtraoie occasion. ?!ia-es Lucy Uichruond and Fugle Vcat.g at-sit-d the excellent hoswes at re- l'l,r tl , "Blu,e; ' asys. un.-r ins r.w w ce lte: Til1 we!r,:' '7t''peon!y r.i;.red to ke p tho hook ... v - j - -r' 'e'-s ii I... o ion: li.'iii;. in j ; Montsrimery, Ji ie r.'c-mnn(t,j Faerie Y ar.d ?:.!ltt, F. Fr:a 1 CicuCtJ tri'.' guts-U .it'.out one buml'cJ,i to the d:Mr.f j room to e. j y the unsurptw d j hospitality o! i::.e it . s. I J lir l.1. l:Ji; :. -. v ! w- n r. n 3. NwinW Hr. l-,ii!(iron' nn iiii , w Oite ci.eF- n to f 'JC.-fi J the ii. Piknk i'a'.oriin as r-?t..r ? !f!:a.-i;;cr cf tee Fatl'.rsoj "! 1 arid icctii.'ii g coo p:.J in v o ca uiuf. ccuM n.i' h ive Ji hct't-r tr.i.rj loan Mr. '.V J Svirk, fv.-c ; f I this c.:v, b'.t to cf the b:t? of! i Sudy with he.ilr, 'waiters at Albe-j niarlf. Mr, buiiii bu.-i'LCiS UiHIl ttiit! 1 ia the right place. r .-t,t irttth V - ?itk ''J u('u.i' hixsi i. : o sis ntw oosi ii,iie te. tvt ni Ji'flf ami rei iPiike! h.i home a-. C . . t a tlve.J Fvirj b i-ly kDo "ieH'' SiKok an J t i. Cipau e whh hira surrrss lJ plfiijfs in his c. par. ore. IKnllut K i't' g" oi tuminlf. r. S L 51iii"f .iiw) ws fill! a; a It; .il .y : . ii. -. 10 ' i .ii; i i-:.i'i ci.i.J Mr. a Mr V.'oi KiY, of J-:--- 'L;!. ".' c 'ii td hro! eal 3iii'loT, a g'i.jj .O.VJ. cr 1 : ci-.Ui:t a brt,ke uiece of the clot-cst thu: : us- d ht Jitcml t ots I- io-ld 10 the iui'e fe'k ,v'd :l ijiie a oi w-u v-rj d.fl' - to dl feiV CO or. p. ld 'ii..-, toe utct-Ti sXr r- l.i tiv the i:c-e!s a; inc. He J: ye '.lis cl. .1 ,:iv'. hint i j.c i sr ii ;J j lit i l I lie Wt--Mji i of I'.iill. tin. F r ta endlr. .Saturday, Mir it;. (; -".;b'-r Cr p lioiletin The report' of corn poi.uvuls to tl.e Wt'kiy ,' "p li.letin, jps'j"d by the -V-r'.h Car i'::ia r- clion, for the we-lt j' Sat . lO.h, IS.-.; in--' iri e ci iiii'.iK'l un avora c iint ,iii.i or. s .j'ijiat of drought no prevai't::? tear'y every wbt:re, an hecitatiag serious. Flip Wrfek was very warm, with jiasimurri t:uptir.t-!:rfc?, as high s :lf, and the mesa 12 degree-? per day ah )ve nor. Tot-re wis au ex cen of sur.sttae. Though srstter-id ihcvfei j i ciornd oo f , dsye the atooor.l cf i.-;.v.t'irt vfu -ii'ceelhcr'if rt f ,1 the "-.ii.-ra.(;l.t.i of QTl ',,r. il Ol-a . a ! i.a'r- i.fjVr- : e uj'.st severer: i f- oar 'Hi sioro a o. t j .he CO'loo s . ;. r. : a r k i i y trioo'o ti.e bull tU Stop "8 OO'DC I -- "V- t'O t y t fr ;w as o'lor to the: t-il !hst I 'II. 1'. Tit! l.e I Ie-V!"'. i the j jdvvs ot 1 1 o'.lr.ii are i;l : iii lit: '! iaw. i .) i:iv Pi'ii.-iciM-'i-.t fi..'t!; who ale .iir jii'. ! Nf crilii c'f: the rbove lav? as rni-rit- ii t..un th h;i.ins of ;pU s':c hiT .i'.ii.;, I b 1 1 fsv tjs' I efero i ti.i -y '..Ii 'y ii- ti.el. ii 'io ran Co furibir tl cy '!"'u!'l du tvcll to cartiui.-v i ro tl'e fooit o'o. Itmo ! , cin'.ic eli'i'tioo Ir.w is .ooiitnined ir. Ce.lf N.C., Voj. 11, SfCtlOO which l eXi.c'.'y the same s the otiou9 section 0' -tfacls ls'.'o quocrd a'ouve, with the rxr-'ptieo ol t siu f'e Itt'er. The oi'i l:iw canl:lu.; the i rd ''rrfiitiir,' ;'ii- new !v-- i 'ii .! J :i i 'be ptut-il ":i .I'lrils." A i' v c;ciid, txir-nii i.'ed f..-.;n , woo .!: j i l.iTe the b-v to r -.-L'!.- i-ide by Mdi will i 1 !'i' .-.c t v i 1, .! t i '1st i,v,it that tl.'i I'opuiii-t i.--gi.-ijjof In:' bf.s not hier.-a.'fd the '" i flections if Si-1 1 elections ar- iture con- .1 ";? : r ..i bf.l i tie . (Yro 0 '.lit- ut un- t'oo l;;rv i,f the of Nor!: liu Thi !.:w .' ;s 'wrz.t re-i.-trars fr' ni i'oe to thr.'o, : d-.r t' e oid liia regi--!rar was v I O'liica to seen nis uoo ctien tor . I. r nurii, mi i. -i:, ' .hi -i". ru nil vr, .h-t jr tn? ::e i .-rs; i wnicu however is not true) fcraot that each r'-ii-.r.'r t fl fi.) p-.-r ti.iv. vou l fv n.,l-r the new lavr lor twentv-nnr . Klvs tbirtr dar? under the i j 0j ja tesnbeM yu are. I j Ar. l it is a inittak- to suppte! ! tb-t tlif is-.- r-.ralM ail three ffls- j I f,ar to :t t Oil t; I re?. I s i.i: i'. V i(f. ' i? The j l ite-,) r, eh c' 1 .i bten pi . I .e il nr.ife r ! he 1 fur l r-i- ir servict t! ) .?:, wf t-.t into i ff.ct, sr ci'dw of ii- are r,,. no-.r eti'i! J to an-." coo, penn1-1 i f,jn tv lw. Toe rew ho ird c f i o :.-.-! u t r-i vil! rv t'i e.lii- ri'i' jcsr 1 sem: ir. next Nov Oli'.ir liil'i 1 in li, . I ! electioi-1, aod I thiok it almost cer- 'n it-w ao pi-op-e, t !;lru. 1 !" t.r imiruiiT. i I a mmi'i m I cooo'y CommL-siorers who will pay nutrortiy, and tr e li m.crai.c aii-i nd th miLiis'rati'in wov.ld do well to r-i- strain their nii.-jolded t-jal and tx tn-J their yp,ithy tr th-e of us who tre d : to put a - top to t.'-.j r,o'. nK-r.ey without lfga! au'ei't1'". V. 'ithJj'O Ii. oiOi ratio town rom- ti i.-.-i .i v. O a . i i ill v? do p. .- . f'O'r H-l'tiCe. ..I '.ly I't teri'j i t - -e. vp . 1 e p .t, ..- o.i-ey, v. :tn u -r..-.'.:ii.g rr.; u IV spies ptr'y had son? .'Lirg to do r: ti (tp'-oitr.g thet.i to vols ?t.o'J o tl.s--c- :". '.rirs ar.-l judge', when I l' . - ,-i .. o ro , i- . t i 1 i - n-vtvMi "ots c.-fij, e-ir enc.1 ,. " , . : '; ." !r,ni th cre-o,l r--e at.dtbfeter.tsf-r ta.-t, u 1 ;0 new r.Sia- r.'Kifc'cren i Tis a f..ct at I enc taf i n'cd ar.d i i.e.ieve liic. ioe ii '-lior.'rs cj i e.: pa v bath. I i.f t ijirn o" Ccoii'.jr'J d he r r.V.rir h 'lj!,". o' fch cM.oi i 51 ; -r r; a ,j j re' j r-tiir.l ;o say thai this is cot right, but 1 do (-37 that neither l e State of North Caro.ii. a or the Pop ol i.u party are r s oslh'e f. r this. 'ioe tr -.i oi" Core, rl is under f).-!o' i ral'i; lolu and ui.i.e j-i,u h2 fixed the p-iy of t!:i-ie men at . . ... 'i . . i-'-tbt. f-'r r 5 1 ii'1 vou i.."t c rrs'.-cb as the of N Car cina is cov.- ireret"! 1.1 .ifl ii.e t , ! le.i. . i-in i z'ru iif.- iid, M- l..l'tor. that the l i'v j uui jiuriit-ii mtrt.2:,-!i oiany ' orn. hough ir,tei'i;''r, neoij lov-: scitoowi rwlaed to res they bud never ren I fie law, has ld tio 'ii to s-f- i'ri n j-'Sra's rird s-i!iow cit reels," .'or wmi! ilallhreign you liiul no !r lor it rsiej t etui of vour own t:,se) 7 o paid out i 1 77 for hi.lJii ',: your town i Icr'ioo and the cr Tirri i'-sii n- ers raise a howl a?:cst the ! )puii.t Lf-i-'.Sirt'Oi''", trie; t)y CJiOjIV .'tt fuel 7 ar.d m-o i o :.r T.iv.'rii r,f jC-;r.c rd !! " d f c-'t'J ' ' i I'.r ( t 'c- pr"'sti.i2 i ro ; !y ; letnor ratio i -ro: ' i I ilini I il I ut ll I I cat. ..t , r,-i. This is the whole ii ray ! r'..rdrri and i 1 ,'e nrr.e i rs r;u :t kr.:. .i Ih city. .esu't Witu'. any iv.-t, .-i.apcr nc'o ii. lot L'ivi'.s ti ibl,, bujdie of ; l'oj-uilsiic fit 'ja.'t tor the snke ! j a'fet. oit-rit." As to the p ; pie of tl.t j city of (Viico.V. fceiiag l.-nr a.inded, i 'n-ro is sis out stion. snd us the citv j ;i lj-, it; i... ; Liu ij connv. -cd of men ot g .( 1 ioc:nti5 bruicB and cou-si-rvaltsi;!. tin. people of C; b.itfu!- i:ui t;.j ( i.v i f Concord ir too iu- di.ucni nod t.i'r-ttiiudfd '.if t to be ii- v.- Till ! t ..Mi.iiui'tf st.a'-!ii;-nU sv'ieu it is a f.ict 'his year scitv ekctiou cost the tl'2() mof: Uian it did in -J.-i", uudet tho old :-s'i-,o, uihI h ht-u wo p.riut tLcro . ur.d laey arf proven tney kno'.v j them to ha "Lets in this ntuier." i K l eu him I c n r-M- '.'A tiv thft , ,.1,.".,,. ,fi0(J ia T;l,, v'r.MM,,,,, r- h r,,,.,.r ut h ol r jt v.i.'.ot ao ) pt scion I lo vrt out of town.'' 'In ku lVtv.'era'.ic frieoda he dcoe i iot wr.:,t item to hi lice that suich j Jfirt. en-.wt'.ai: d (fnii ti e braius ! : fie To; '. list tut in vain lis'lear pr-eplo (if (ioi.cord tiirJ t'at-srrus kilo that notbiog wLolu lreni ,ro ionie l;r a wwi conauctert govern I n tun u n ii t l n lir.riv ..i- ....... - l J ...J .....I 11..,, .... Uahitufls wjth one far its superior in LoK9 r,f ...Hucipl... i nov IU I l V. 'J 11 II I'i ililll'Hi flilA lll'll' tU ilo citfis you to where only one i.-tter was aclaeii wnico siy-"refc-i!-','' in-' of '-rfisirar,'-but is ail the change it has ' Thtt is t x:ft'y where toe cost comes ire s.nd bo is very, very blind who cannot nee it and com prchend it. Under the old system th--itw ciillid for one rtgistrar, who ti.v bohl the rfiMf trillion book open f ir thirty day, but ho was col rtooucd to keep ttip.t hock by hiv i ;-.o-(:id rs ma'a at auy one specif.ed ' r nrt! place ixcep: on tbf rvturJay pre w ,o pay j (mi,,,,, unci the day ol'ekction, when J h-i met three judges, and the re- tiitHieri-Mioa lor such servicet aJi.-jUntfcj t0 ttdout (2 above the o.o,e ind three nts fee p.-uvidt-d ft: section he citr as t-uanL1 r."i in! ru I i. in h-iil in , trillion 1 vlmi i i an i riiei ill. iis ! . pi.i-l i-o r-a cnil .",,, ;,,mrWn.,'.i.-.n f, iLc-trtert under the old b w, but ttiiy only served in ' holuiug an elif .i-ui" tiro days and were paid t-2 for two u-.yi work ; now ihey serv. as'in days at, the vot.r.g .ace and will jastty demand pay for seven days' wois. Mr. .Sims arid his friend Caldwli the who practices "Jaw"' for 'bait ho gets" might suspect people of swallowing caau-is but they will never be nolo to cet iAS!;'r;t .f Hi-i-rs a:.d tl:e peop: i of t ularrr.-' ti - - ,-i alMw" r-it .: tne.'rs ctbit-'. :.i i it.;ic.i ia '.'.. its rf Ccr.cord 1 jr ll, e sii-all tuca r.f f i.",, hy isw or by a-'iy oo a . La v might tetitti suc.j p.,r pie i.s Mr. Situs ami his friend Caldwi-li ttiat there could bs in eii.ctior. hold wubout any cnpt-iisation toe::; men r-t.o wii) ! serve Sdven oay a', a vo'inc t-rsctti i, f i,e ee.e of ekct: :.gtni t- and .u f,;0j f K .i,tral;0hi blUcow. tcoa sete will teacb the put lie that iho men would no more conduct au elcctiou in any p.-PMUct for 12'; cents e day ( tiicn a fieri would try to jo top o'-ft loo oiuoti. C'S a'iil iiliy Gac.iltd, fiiiMiiinrled poihoa t! avcrao iiit uitgeaca who noil nave the liur.eHiy to read th'ie twjljASbiihj t.y .i.Jo he lo.-ced to i1 i-tct that luc tic tita ru Ue-.ted LegiBiatu'i) of l--.'.'-', has iucreusi-ri tins cod of eigiitioaij, if sa.ii eiec I ttoiiB are conducted as p.e.-crtbed by ! ...... . -o ,.,.1. i . ..:. i IU'1,1 II I.I. r I. ! I I.U II Jl ..1J1I till! nn lh'. it ;!ifr.j v.'.i uo pro- I vi, -tuiis ion ic ii.r pitying this txn j '".; er i.; rc dr'rafs, t u re is r.o i" -i 1 ''" i , i-iv v.-i.'l-UCi, :;eui pay ."ii ti i ii, aad J ajtico le oiautie tout i'i -y hoou'il pj paid l.r tt'tir serv;w-.-. ' - Jlr. hi.'Ci and Hi uta."-t'' Irieini w uu a.srisl; il : i to iVi 'iia U.x nl ref'l till toll WOaid ll.J Wlli I" I'.M'.l vl-'ij I laws ot ,-uh Ciirolina. if U.y I ! will read Cl.apter t!, lew'i of Is.if, i as ari.enor o by Cbapc-r Va, iawj ol1 I S' . '. 1 1 nl' Bin ii , ., 1 1- . I I : ... i .. r I i : - i "'' "' ., wa cjirt a ciaii'e woicti provided , ! ci.uj peisf h 1 1 on f,,r j j -ly."-" anil! ra;, !..r M.irv!""H -er,r!erfid . i't- t'oi-''.!s eicctioi.s. As to j tea co.u.iy con. :alf.,l;,r air, i, ihey! ' hoio.'i.irilt an I lionect iric'-j A.'i.t! ; are ciioaOic ol oajii'ioj all ii'nu;t jtll'.r!:-....'. 10 ii.vl; ttl.'cVCil tilOtloui I 06.1 ot as be iiiet,U.j, imr.e Jao'j upon a high plane ar.d that you would ever treat political opponents fairreas i honored you for your dm -libie. dr'terniiuatiCD. I aw there- fare u--.prcpi.tcd to believe that you did not luean what you Said. Gei- titoly tho unwarranted attack npoc. iuy profe.Tdiopa! repu'i.LioT iu your issoisof yesterday wis due tiihjr to cm your part, or to misi-Oj.r.'iieuifitiou, on the part of pers'UiS v horn you lelied upon as trustworthy. 1 aid this hi en a mere poltt'cul thruiit I n.ii;ht fcfAVe been coeeat to if runt it logo unnoticed un I ha"c p'evionsly done when po lit .'il shns wer-i utl:oi;jiod by Tut CsTAXOAKii, hut wlu.c The Sxad akii goes out of its wiiy to attack my professional reputation it steps hoyond the pais of pnyiiege, bi-cause it attempts to strik i ii'. my profes-. siou upou ivhiiih my vtife aud cbilu rcn an; dcpviiih'tit, iuajiuuch as "it is not pleueuct to Thk Stan i .vito to e.-igafo in con in' bioh lctort is pionii. nan: End eitranco.' s ciuUer is in-sirtcd,-' ami you "know th-it the tiuer feeli.if;s cf an ititclltetit circle of nailers soon tire of it," and ycu "lsa to c'ose the controversy within tho columns of Thk Stand aiu' wi'.b this issue," 1 shall respect your wishes ted say not a ord coa c.crn'n the contioverey between Tbl h'TASOAPH aud Mr. Siaii, but rising to a qoectiuj of personal prjvilejje which is always in ci Jer I !;e to he iuformtd why the follow ing "extraneous matter" was lagged ictoa cottioyersy to wLich 1 wu aol a party. In your criticism of Mr. .jiau hid mysolf yoa taw fit to say : "Mr. Situs and his friend Caldwell, ibe man who practices 'law' for hsif he uiiglit suspect people of Bwallowiui; camels, etc." This ola'tse containing the words, "the rnau ho piacticts Isw for hnif be j.itt" whs inserted for no ether pur pose than to cast a sitr upon tue as a lawyer. The lanenage will admit of but two interpretations, either that I am a "Cheap Johu" or "Jackiig lawyer" or that I urn b'ougirg people by eihorhi'aut fees. The e'iiteiiient is u tnulic'oue false hood upon the port of your iufo mailt hn the iiingtiao is con strued t i ; he-r ray, U is an easy tiling, iir. ti liter, to utttr wolds that will daiiiiie my practice, but I oppsal to 1 la good p'opie rf Oa')a:rt. Lc h.vo kouwn ni" from ihihlhood, to gay whether I have ever done auli'. to merit such an attfi-ik. 1 con'i.lenlly appeal to my f rends whttbtr they he D.'iu'icrats, PopuliaJs or P. ; 1; ii en n a wili tie tins r ha'e us false and un worthy cf a nnwsp per with such uiiMc asj aie.l aim. P, is any tasy thtnt, "ir. Fill tor, io print such sla'' ii'( uV, hut if should chooie to afford jovi on cpf ortunity t prove the !-Lth of tats chitro in tht cotu t house I i la peisuaded that r.ot even the , ns of g uius that scin ttll i'e ibuatthe aRc.ut presence of yonr irformact cau discover a skeleton of troth upon which to base jour defence, Hoping that, you will prc;3 d truth of your p.-;.tiou by giv!-g pob'icitj to tais deuhil, I vnitn Very truly, At i , May IS. Mdk.ion CALtnyft.'. TtfK Kta NPAitij'a senst of right lead3 Uj openin;; its cqluuiU. 'o p.-rcOM! prifilige of 'Jr. Caldwell, Vyi art fica to admit that the use of Mr.Cul'lw oi'j tinme was not adioiss, I.' from tie f oo of Mr. b'i ma article xi j uutm die ilmnil im.ile.lj biaoJ aud racts but there is oue common cotiyuision of agouy of prvf hile fill with tire.l 'js f nergy collect the dead into morgues and the iajnred into hoepitala, IKocks were rent and shaltetcd tui housts were torn into splinters carry iri;r whole faniilies in the tlee"' ivhu'l o? the storm's d arif jl fury. Put two days after tbc dreadful tOinidi- kuowti us the Sherman tor Ciido iu Texas ciuifj the news of only less fatal storms of Kansas aud Kentucky. The futilities in tho re;e:.i storms secui u-.iustia'.iy lare and the aiid th shi'Ct.iou sp- P'UliCf, orih 4 nrollitti 'uHeiu, Coiunienee- lUllllt. The errclscs of tile coiamtECC tuent of North Carolina Cr!lefc'o at Mt. Phsitiiut ili beiu with the iiiicoahinreato sermon on Sunday May 31 at 10:30 a. in., by llev. A ( Voit, D. D., cf Kewbi-ry, 8. C. Tho contest for the Declaimer's medal wdl he held on Monday, June 1st fit ICtttO a. m., and Junior ex ercUfS fttid con test for Orttor'e at 8 p. ro. On Tuesday at 10 n. in., lion. Chas. F McSeetcn, of Morgactou, N. C, will deliver the Literary address and at at 3 p. w. Key, C V Sifferd of Ohio will delivr tLe Alutnniaddrees. The graduating exercises v.'ill take place on Wednesday, Jnne 3, begiap'riK at 10:30 a, m. The class consists of Charles E Poj;er, 0 Peeler Nlfoup, Theo. Parker and Herbert E Farrier. liuiio n the l'miklu. A great many cf the employes ht the Cannon cotton mills since the mills shut down are taking advan tage of their vacation. Eight laen from Cannonille loft last night for the fisheries on the Yadkin river. Thfy will be gone a weik aul will spend part of the time over in Mont gomery county hunting. VFo hope they will have an abttndauoe of good luck. 1 ktlll Tli ore In More (out Iu our recent calculatiooa we failed to mention all the necessary costs iu conducive the coming fill election. It has cow dawned upon us that in on'er to get the eight new boxes returned to their plucks of s'.orags it ill require a team to haul t.htn from each (redact. As we understand it, the boxes are fo be returned, after the election and tl! u,uit necessarily dc;iiutid f Ilia extra cost, which will amount Io possibly tbc f 15 that the munici pal eleot .on can be bld with. Mr. Henry Bust, of No. fs towo ihip, shot and killed very Jare owi a few tiays aijo. It measured 4 feet and d niches from tip to tip of wings aud wns killed in tim Pig woods at Cold Springs. ARb YOU 1 BANKRUPTlahealA. constitution un JcTminexlby cx- tr;tvunce ia catinjr, by disre garding the laws of nature, or 1'hyiiicai c.' all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver Pills wiil cure yoit. l-'or Ettk hogctoclie, dysft-psta, yc:x tamath, malaria, torpid VvtiT, cnn-'itination, bilioitsnc ss l ?M kindrnd diseases. Tutl's f Jver Pills an cbso'ute cure. DEY "WADSWOH'xBL Want to see' you. You wo mean. We havo just received a new kt of Porch and Lawn Setees, single seats, to six feet, an ornament of beauty and coimort and cheap, too, 'AlscCa big lot oi DINNER CHAIRS to go at $7 former price 8.50. Handsomest lime of EASY JIOOKeKS ever si -own in Con cord. Big line of Lounger and folding Lounges Big Jot of Matrasses'in $2.50 to 10.00, Big lot of Safes at low figures. Big line of Baby Carriageo and MOULDING for frames of every style. Frames made to 'order on short notice with cut bevel mat.?. REFHIGEATORS the best i cn the 'market. We have so in any things to show, we can't begin to enumerate them, K come and see us we have the goods and the prices are low, We are Headquart ers for Furniture and Funeral Supolv. - DRY i "&AWADSW6RTH, IT WILL 113- oa l-n rx - rr -FOR CUSTOM eiU.JAT CANNONS &-r.FETZER'S nil thia week. You waut a? new suit I-efore Ymtur " courKe. Out knm(n3e stock ol cloi'hlrpr vill arrive a id hi opened ont at once. lTWa Lave boii.trtit n.ivv and styllsli goods atpxtrt-tnely low prices. TLe wholesale trad-? North !Ua3lbtn'fverv dull and we Lit tb utark-jt when " PRICES HAD DROPPED.:: aad with an pye tu tbo n.nin t-hoice and tyot cash we waded in and proisOHtj to yhV our citsto triers the of tha lo',v est prices and beat valuta ever c-flcrt d iu Concord. J'Ke member we gaarautv; th.e price to by the lowest ou' every article we mi). I. Money's Worth or Your Money Bade. -Mnt'your trado'aud t-.vpeot to ot it by' stlliug yen ? 'vit- ! money than other men hnntt can'' because we I t v !)vht in larvj quactities lor "tha dollor down" aiidoii a UuU n;,.rket. Vwc;'!nndrad dozen mens ainll children,' tar s, asaortc-d styV-s. '.5 ceats. ony hundred doenj(fojf cajw at 15 sfijt. u --ui suit yoa iu Cl-IJ LDREXS KNEE PANTS SUITS, by,l -s iuy 'o cud quality and pricf. h'l 'nl to onr goods. j TYT t i m e