- - v--'. -a m rHE : ST.' f A VITi THAT - ;;i For 1 ' ENT)US1 lK)l,(.k a1X--NO 49. CONCORD N, C, THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 4896. WHOLE NO. 378 Stand a rd. rliid d re i- ds ho .tb te, nd en ick v , hot ed. and one on urns. ( not ' ev- nnd ?.e Ben- rom the the in- he effect lignation 5 ;tive cot- . rle had ..'-under it: part of Mr. rprise to oar would have this splendid pie bad not ome more 0 build this t the service ien to assist built and as nicely 1 ad remain-It- f ejoictg wij,b j f Stanly in o the front, At the idea I up was all, a f. ft rounds by i luck in ifcn ate ofci dian t'ucy act i knuw how t ppy but some f tliry are mi ' . 1 hry kuoa 'a no hiippink-M the name wmh allli ; yet tll) t health. Tile) 1 dyspepsia line spews and c J hi iti on to life' liiV. axtctelmi i.'ti'y come to ,i the atoiwicl 1 bilii'US attack! j.rj.ie'H'a, diau . V and pal V runs, y mi y t ambition oaoion il beinc KIj need i Dr .pp-i.i and bit ...rmnn.llt WHV irritntttttr flllDtlt intiKh quickly- the hmvets it Ml .ill V. ' 'TV i" bile 'from '' y of the nM!" !.,.... In melt jy make yyu ! mem. i 'ierrc'a PleaMinl "just a V"i. to substitute 1. tlW nnrl trrll(-tl' ).o (.Ilin. the h.;l .rl.l'a 1 liMttf tt-lirl AwMK-inlioii, Bur i ., inr a i'ivt ' Rrcal lo t Cmiimoa-ji' H-! .K-ia-r ". KB 1 21 1 HiiiK chv. I1 ' tttmt,ft to I've lukof tut A pHK1 In book, of wMih The only I In the bird m if Jtlie free edition (jf inatiillpiijT rlt (Btnily drtn 1 It in a vcntabU ie volume. h-nd K They ore k iii) ' eUv (Mrndlnn .ate. nun Dl.grm e. on of the Houie in pieS ,Jie VHto of the President, pf 220 to (JO, the most pro ;r and tnirbor bill ever and tbo action of tbe ', tbe game da; pasting, bj 33 to 25, a hi 1 depriving ?ent of the power to main redit of the national gov- mark a dark-.letter day in of our American Con- , propriuliona of the present , including the fall amount er and haibor bill, will ag. nearly 100,000,000 more appiopnationa made by tbe ion of tbe last Congresa, and Inding the appropriations the river tnd barborbi'l re expenditures, tbe aggre- ctnal epprcpriAtiauj will be tut in tbe history of any waste of tbe public money 1 deliberately made by Con tbe fane of the fact that tbe (te expenditures of tbe gov. t are largely in excess of its s, and alio in the face of the 'aterial fact that Congress jused any provision for re .ing our exhausted Treasury. ! by the issue of bonds, as kirori!d many years ago, can the President maintain the credit of the aoverniment when the revenues are dtQcieipt. or bri our gold supply is leiig rapidly exhausted because of distrust in tbe financial policy of trie trovernnient. Thus the House i in one day gave the wildest exhibi tion o( waste of public money, and the Senate on tbe same day gave the wildest exhibition of the purpose of that body to deny tbe government the n cessary means to maintain its credit) and pres-rye the honor of the republic Tb&t only five Senators bad tbe manij'ood or patriotism to opfree the rtas'age of tbe river and harbor bill yesterday over the President's veto but emphasized tbe record made tbe day before in both the h'enate and the House. It is one of unex ampled waste in tbe popular branch and bf consuming disgrace in tbe hret legislative tribunal of the nation. Philadelphia Times. Not nil Keg Till Time Mr. Chal Sims has unearthed s pretty if not on unusually rarespeci men of glass rock on bis farm two milea west the city. It is a stone of many colors, becoming yarieguted when the sun strikes it. It is about four inches in length and about six inches thick at the but end, running to a point. The stone is hexagonal in shape and on three Bides it is rough, while on tb.3 remaining three aides It is smooth and clear. Illoly May Month. Bnginning in Texas on May 15, 120 people were killed by a cyclone Two days later thirty three were killed by storms in Kentucky and Kansas. The next day forty four met death from a storm inNebraska. On May 21 ten were killed in Ok!a homa. Two days later five were killed in tMissouri. On May 24 forty persons were killed by aHtorro in Iowa. Eighty-six lives were lost in Michigan and Oklahoma tbt next day. Ou May 2G eleven lives were lost by storm at Cairo, III. Add to these the 418 lives lout in Si. Louis, and it will h bhou how b'oody the month of Mty has bten. Savannah NeK's. Jim. Ike AlpxniKler Dentl. Mrs. Minnie Query, of this city, and Miss Dena Query, of Mecklen burg county who was waiting Mrs. Query, were called to Uastonia Fri day evening by telephone, which announced the dea h at that place of Mrs. Ike Alexander, their sister who had been sick for sonic time Mrs. Alexandir was, before marriage, Miss Mollie Query, and vas from Mallard Creek.Meckleuburg county. When JiffVrson was President he went regularly to market, and he kept in bis journal year after year the date on which the early rg' tables and fruits appeared, and the precise cost of tomatoes, trawler riee, peas and cabbage. The stately oolumns and swelling dome of tbe University, aud right ber tbe sym metrical beauty of tbe old Monti, cells mansion bespeak tbe exalted mind that reproduced in thrm the classic models. But do not forget he made the es'iiimttsof brick and mortar and uiii'ht and nails, and train, d she h.u.do tha. lioi g..t ;h. seeni'y piles from h" rr ulo nn terial, niit-.r I n !t I. Mr. Luth.! his cou n't and ret rued gome ti '.' I ! . r m i . i IV i '. (.'l:i 'r. J I II iiu.-i finiclied - Oi.p.l Hill irnn lii M"'nd rl,-eP lm- not i ! !-i a'. It yet decf t''(i wJk r OFFICIAL COUNT. The Entire Population or oncoril Within Hi Illy I.imli. Mr. II H Goodman, on Tuesday mgbt laut, Bubmitcd the follow, ing ceusus report of tbe population of Concord to tbe board of town commissioners, by whom he was ap pointed to ascertain tbe totil num ber of Inhabitants : WniTES. MALES FEMALES T01AL WARD 1 831 923 1754 " 2- 811 977 1788 " 3 H5 144 283 " 4 395 393 787 Total 2182 24S6 4618 COLORED HALES FEM4LIS TOTAL WARD 1 123 144 267 " 2 35 56 91 " 3 77 103 180 ' 4- 367 459 826 Total 602 763 1364 SCOTIA SEMINARY. Tkachefs - 8 Pupils j t 283 Grand total . - . 6273 ttchool Ciilrls Home Retarulutf. The outh Carolina and JoDcord students of Mt, Amoe'it Seminary arrived in tbo city early this morn ing, aud those leaving on the veeti bule, going aoutb, were: Misses Zenith Layton, Margaret Hunter, Rosi Wjse, Essie Wyse, Sallie llariz, Ilsppie Borz?r, Pattie Miley Julia Ileutz, Addy Jenn), Bemic Harris, Minnie Derrick, South Caro liua; Florence Rigbton, Georgia. Mms Dora Krider passed through to Salisbury. Miss Constance Cline, Addie Pat terson, Berta Quantz, Ida Bluine Fannie Lippard and EIU Waltir have all returned lo the city. J W C'nrrHter'li Collon rinnter. Merchant J W Carriker, who con ducts a em ill mercantile establish meat mar ik-tbel, in the lower edge of this county, is an inventor. lie has recently completed a model of a perfect cotton planter, which has proven a great saye in labor, Tbe planter opens tbe furrow, cfis tributes fertilizer, drops the seed and covers it and does the work of about three men. It requires only one man and a mule to work if. Mr, Carriker has been offered quite a large sain of money for the patent. He has applied for a patent. In Ilia Kew ItunrM'ra. For tbo benefit of his many ad mirers, the female ones especially, we no'e tbe change of busia, ss quarters of Mr. W J Swink who bus b.en in business at Albemarle for several years, but who bus been e'ee'ed to and accepted tbe position as secretary aud treasuier of the Patterson Man ufac! tiring Company a'. China Groye. Mr Swink changed bis base on tbe first ol Jjue, and is now nearly among us again. Domoerntle rninnrlea Democra io piima-iei were held in all Cabarrus today (Saturday). At 2 o'clock large delegations assetn bled at tbeir refpic ive voting places in No. 13 tonsbip, when delegate- were elecUd to the county couvm tion, which will be held at 12 o'clock next Saturday in tbe court bouye. Delegates from ward 1 are U S Young, F L Smith, J F Hurley, D D Johnston, W" C Houston, C G Montgomery, J L Hirtsell, W G Boshamer, W II Lilly, L M Mor rison, II A Graber ,J M Loman, W R Odell, J 11 Eivin, S L Mont gomery, G G Richmond and J B. Shtrrill. Ward 2-J M Moore, J M Per kins, W O Means, Charles MjDtn aid, G W Ould and J W Cm . non '1 Ward 30 M Sappeufleld, P A Corre! , A G Pust, J L Brown, Jno R Patterson aud U W Enruhardt. Ward 4 A B Young, ) W Swink, P B Means, D P Dayault and II C Herring. The Two an One. The marriage of Mr. Jiickson Bust hi Mias Florence Linker at the home of ihe brides father in No. 10 tpn ship Tnur day night was a great eveiit in tbe iMCS o tbe con'ranting partita. Mr. W G Newel', Esq, 'uibrrili.d' ti-e couple at 5 o'clock, of er which anebgnut eiipptrwat scived Q lite a large party ef in vited guests were present and from 9 to 1 o'cb ck dancing was indulged in, Ttfreehments being served at in einiissio i. Misses Kate and Nannie Atth -b.ld, Messrs O W Swink, F L Smith, Chalmers, Ed b, and Thomas While and Maun Suiar', of this city, attended tbe recepclun. ... lriRI'M..TI8H ttillvw Mllua' Nurv flawi SHOUT LOCAL'S. Cabarrus uhoul breakings are about through with for another year. Tom Hapnon, colored, was ar rested and fined 81.00 Saturday night for fighting bis wife. The new pump in the old public well on Main street i tow ready for use. The water is very cleor and wet. Mrs. N P Murphy, after a long and suffering iUnem, died t her borne in Salisbury Wednesday at ternoor. Minn Helen Gould has contributed 1100,000 to the fund for the reHef of the St. Louia cyclone goflVrers Good for Mies Helen. In tiie pockets of tho small boy's coat that was left at this ctiioe was found a pocket mirror, a snuT rnu. I. and a pocket handkerchief wiO- red borderiuii. ' Mr. George F Barnhadt h an ciated himHelf with Mr. C W . A and will assist that gentleman in .working up the Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance business in Cabar rus county. Dr. L M Arcbey was another who received au invitation to escort Vice President Stevenson and party from Greensboro to Chapel Hill to day. The machinery and largo stamp mill that was recently purchased for the John McAnulty gold mine in No. 10 township is being put up and will be reaay lor business in few days. Ibis mine is said to be a rich one. Mr. A N XcNinch, who is in Ba! timore, underwent the treatment of an operation ou Monday last and is getticg aloii'; very well under the circumstances, although he is not yet out of danger. Mr. P F Stallirgs left at this office a boys' coat, found on the banks of Rocky River at Pnarr'r mill, and is supponed to belong to some picnicker. Owner can get the same by calling at Tub Standard cfiice and leaving 25 cents for this notice. Misses Annie and Ora ILiover, who are attending school at Me chanicsbnrg, Pa , tends The Sta.ni ard the following : "Irving College for loung Women Trill welcimt you to tbeir forty first annual com mencement exeroises, June seventh to tenth, Columbian Hall, Me chanicsburg, Pa.'' Mr. W N Lilaker, an industrious farmer living on Cold Water creek in No. 11 township, brcueht us a cotton stalk measuring twenty-five inches. He planted hia cotton ou the lOih day of April and bns a field of ten acres that will average this height all over. The stalk con tains a number of cquares Dr. W II Abbott, for some time pas' pastor of Price Memorial Tern ile, has resigned and gone to bis home it i onkers, JN. l. ihe col- omd people lose a good preacher in Dr. Abbott, aud his resignation is generally regretted by them. Ilev. McKrttiney, ot baliBbury, will preach f.ir Price Memorial congregation temporarily. D. A C Dixon, of Brooklyn, may succet) I Dr. Hawthorne as pastor of he I1 ust liaptist church at Atlanta. We leurn from tbe Constitution that jmt now be seems to be the favorite among the candidates who have been mentioned, "lie has been strong'y recommended by Dr. Haw thorne, and comes before the com mittee of fifty which has the mat ur of a pastor in band, with the strongest sort of showiog." Mr. Charles Eaglo, whose serious illness was noted in Thursday's rANniu) d'ed on the Rpmdnva' his home at Cannonville. He was a young man, being only 23 years of age, and leaves a young wile, to whom be was married only a tow months ag ). Rev. J R Moose con ducUd the funeral at Rocky Ridge church this (Friday) afternoon, where the remains were interred. Col. North loved children, but was not wildly enthusiastic about kissing babies miscellaneously. Once, being implored by a band some lady to kiss nn exceptionally unwholeeomelooking infant, of which the mother stated herself to be the living irna-'c. "Well, here goes for the image," said North, and he for with imprinted a sounding kiss on the fair mother's cheek. Pportking of that fearful cyclone at St. Louis, the Washington Star says it is ''curious lo note that one of tbe beut infcruied men of the weather bureau mads a prophecy oi'y Isst week that is was a ques tion of only ashorl time when one of those terrible cyclones would form in the vicinity of a great cen ter of population ai d cause untold BtiiTHring and destruction." The St. I. mis disaster was a horrid ful filment of this prediction. Tbera is a lake near Valdosta, Ga., which disappears every three or four years and conn-s back again, no ma'ier wha' tl.n condition of the weaiher. Tbe lake is iliree miles long and thru qtinrtf rs of a mile wide, with an average depth of fif teen feel i f wi'er, but at tbe present time the w iter is nip'dly passing i fl through the Hubtorrnnerin passage, and in tbe next two ur three weeks there will be left in its place a mam moih basin, furnishing ns protty s bench as cun be found anywhere. Af er a month or so it begins to re turn, and then in a couple of weeks it is the same magnificent stretch of water as it wis before. Louisville Cuurirr-Jouinal, There are three civii engineers in tbe city. It tuny mean something for our people. Wo are not a' i'erty to dieclcee all tbe facts. Mecklenburg, Gaston, Borke and other counties in tbe State have n adopted the uso of the old Wtb ster's Blue Back' spelling book There are no better. Harry Fryling returned to the ci'.y Friday night from Ilarribburg. where he Las been engaged io put ting up machinery for Mr. Mack Stafford. t i'.ev. and Mrs. Colin Shaw, o' Kiuston, parents of Rev. W M Shaw, pastor of Bfltbpago Presby turiau cburch, is on a visit to hit son in this county and will Bpend the summer out therp. Covfan Gardner, the unfortunate ycung man that was struck on the head h? g rnr T while down . , 'il ii i : -. t 1 - aerspoon s i -'.io. . - i.r), d;ed ;'. v : . ;i r-1 . . ' 'U k '). '''' 1 pas t..-iinr eleva- ' '. cl .i4 i-i.udeuwaid Printing Company in Baltimore, on Wednes day, the 3rd, broke and the car fall with a terrible crash, injuring thir teen persons, two probably fatally. W P Simpson, a , prominent banker of Wilson died at his home in that place on Wednesday ot apoplexly. Mr. Simpson was once a eitizan of this city and was book keeper fur Montgonery & Dowd; be was at one time crtton inspector at tbe depot. After leaving ibis city he located at AVilson and accumu lated grent wenltb. Many of our people remember him. Mr. Floyd Co k, who returned to ttii city some time ago from Chi' ctigo, with a view to locating here and goina into business, has gone to Astieville, tiking with him bis wife and child, and will make that city his future home. Baseball cranks are figuring on a park in Lore's pasture, just below oart ot the city Umumr to our peo pie as "Needmoro." It is in rear of Mr. A B Young's residence on West Corbin street. It Will he iu Slory. v orkmen betran on the new building this (Monday; morning, and instead of a one story concern as the plans first called for, it will be an elegant two story, finished brick aud rock front. One whole end of the building known as the brick row, in vhich The Standard has established headquarters, hae been torn awav and a new wall will be built. Besides this new im nrovement, tho old top to the "brick row" wid, at an early date, be raised and remodeled and will present a baDdsome and attractive appearance. AuAiiry Wllc'R Vena-entice. Fort SinTii, Ark., June 6. Shortly after 9 o'clock last night, on South Sixth street, Mrs. Pagan Bourlnnd shot twice and fattilly wounded Maude Allen, and ihuu fired unoii bt r own husband. J he shooting was the result of au in trigue of long standing between Bourland and the Allen woman, and haa not been unexpected, in view of less serious diuicultics that bave oc curred from time to time. Bourland, is quite wealthy, and his wife is a most estimable lady and a leader in local Bociety. She has not been arrested and probably will not be. Three shots were lirtd, one taking effect in the Allen woman s left breast and one alongside tbe head. The last shot struck a rock and founded against Bourland's leg. Mrs. Bourland disguised herself by h'ackening her face in order that she might come upon the couple un awares. It is thought tbe Allen woman will not live. TURNING GRAY AND THREATENED WITH BALDNESS The Danger ii Alerted by Using- AVER'S HALS vicoa "Nearly forty years ago, after some wecka of sickne'.s, my Intir turned gray anil begun falling out so rapidly that I was tlireati'iied with iniiiieiliiiU' liulilni'ss. Ili'ami!? Ayer's Hair Jrc highly spoken of, 1 commenced using this prepiu ..Tfi v "'i'J.-'-'i.'.-l:::'-'- . :. tion, anil was so well sntistied with Ibu result that I have never tried liny other kind of rtiessin,';. It stop ped the hair from tailing out, stimu lated a new growth of hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application Is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. J. never hesitate to recommend any of Ayer's meilieinea to my friends." Jlrs.ll. Hahiii T, Avoca, Ntb. , Ayer's Hair Vigor rilKPAKKD KY , OR. 1. C. AVER & CO., LOWELL, WAGS., U. S. Hvt'9 Bttrtapurilla JVjmorra imjira. s..'s yam:-. MT. PLEASANT NEWS. Html In IW-inir Done nl Commc-iicc-mi'llt. 'Una Heck. 1-or J lie Suildalil. Mr Plea-ant, June, 4 Wednes lay, 10.30 a. in., college commence nent prnpe-r took place. ' Rev. C W Slffjrd led in prayer. The following wai the program ibat was so ably and so leiirnedly executed. Mnsfc By Mt. Pleasant Cornet Band. Salutatory and oration, subject, Looking Forward Herbert E Bar rier. Muio. Oration, suVjct, Rcent Progress of Sciences C Peeler Nifong. Mua'c. Oration, subject, True Greatness 1 heo. U rarker, Um.ioa and valedictory, subject. Looking Backward Charles E Boger. The Rev. Peter Miller medal, twurded for the best written exami nation on Bible History, was pre sented to Mr. B M Setzler by Rev. C W Sifford. The medal won by Mr. A'.onzo Blackwelder lor highest merit in declamation was presented by Rev. J Q Wertz. The Orator's medal won by Mr. B M Se'zler was delivered by Rev. V R Stickley. All the presentation speeches had their peculiar features that brought cheers from the audience. The board conferred the follow ing degrees: viz, Bachelor of Arts (A. B.) on tho graduating class. J Master of Arts (A. M.) on Messrs. John M Cook class' of "DO, II E H Sloop '01, J A Graham '92, M A Roger and W J Boger '93, and Doc tor of Divinity (D. D.) on Rev. Trof.' I C Moser and Rev. C V Sifford. Tbo rainy day was somewhat marring to the happiness of the oc casion but the high order of the ora tions, the witty presentation -perches, and the uplendid music by the cornet band all conspired to make commencement a success. From 2 to 4 o'clock the art gallery was on display at tho semi nary. The windows of the room were draped in pink and green, the walls were decked with 81 drawings by 11 pupils ana consisted of ocean scenes by moonlight and in storm, of verdant banks with inviting shades, of sunset glow3 of golden hues, of rigorous winter with its er mine of snow, of fruits that tempt and excite the palate, of flowers that elevate a sense of purity and lovliness, horses ready to bear your burdens, of dogs ready to wag their i.hi'Ih na Bnnn da vnil fmnn rrtltr tin. r, of cows ready to yioM you an fi hn Hit-i r.rH of millr nnil l,nitor r.f facoB and forms that bewitch tbe bachelor. The exhibits were of water colors and oil and pastel paintings. It was truly a sceno of beauty, and Miss Leah Blackwelder may well be proud of the results of her work as teacher of the art department. At 7:30 p. in. the seminary com mencement proper was opened by a sextet of something of a martial air, to which the faculty and tbe young adiee marched in and took their places on the rostrum, when Dr. Voigt led in the opeuing prayer. Tho following is the program ren dered : i'KOGRAM. Vocal Duel, O Come to Me, Kuck en Missus Addie Patterson and Ida Blumo. Salutatory Miss Rosa Wyse. Tbe Village Baud, Meyer, Misses K Mit-enhoimer, R Fulenwyder, M Hendrix, F Righton, K Walter, A Cock, 1) Post, S Ilartz, M Foil, II Boozt. K:Miy, Just Befora the Dawn Mi"H Veunra Blackwelder. lwsay, Youth's Dreams aud Wo- monhood's Goal Miss Minnie Der rick. Essay. Tbe Gold That Lies the Dot-pest Miss Sallie Fisher. PuiuoSolo. Movement Perpetual, Weber Miss Eflij Misenheimur. Kisay, There Is No True Glory Without Vimire Miss Julia llen'z. Essay, The Price of Success Miss Emilia Lipe. -ssav. Character is Power M;; s Callie Li e, t'uiutut, fcAus. ftouci. Ascher M ss-s A Jeunv. A Welsh. A Pat- prson, W Weimar, A Cook. Essay, I the Heir of All Ages- Mi s Z -nitli Layton. J'.asay, 1 ruth or b iatti ry Miss Pattio Miluy. lierrran Essay, R. flux Influence fa Love for the Beautiful Miss Connie Cline. Vocal Duet. Venice. Pir.suti Misses Addie Patterson and Ellie MisenheimiT. A medal was awauiul to Mire Lela Moser for highest grades in all departments. Tne medal was p-e. sen ted by Dr. Yoiiit in bis own witty and impressive style. The diplomas we.-e then presented, when Miss Lila Mostr delivered tho vale- Kctory in a very tender and allec- Uonato manner. An instrumental sextet followed, when it was an nounced that. Misses Lela Moaert Highest of all in Leavening - - 4BSGLUrZ3f PUKE Rosa Wyse and Gmnii Cline bad attained to first honor and Mies Julia Hentz to second honor. The exercises were highly spoken of as enjoyable and good. If is a fact that several spoke in tones thai could bo heard, aud we are confi dent that if a mouse had run acrofs the stage all could bave been heard. Prof. Fisher announced that Misits Shiiey, Van Pool, Wyse and Lip, ard would retire and that the corps of teachers for the cextseesion would embrace Misses Er.e Cald well, of Virgina, Zmith Layton and Julia Hentz, of South Carolina. At a meeting of the board of trustees of North Carolina College, on Wednesday, Rjv. Scherer, of the Lutheran church of Concord, was elected president of the college and Rev. P H E Derrrcik was elected tutor for the next session. S.'IUO lo the t ollf-we. North Carolina College has come into possession of the fruits of a be- quee from Mis. Catherino Keistler, ofRowun. By her will the college was to share certain proceeds of her estate. It will be remembered that there were certain mysteries about her death and also complications about her will that invited litiga tion. By compromise, which is so much more desirable, the college realized $300 from what might have been more if deplorable intricacies had not arisen. Killed by the YeaCitmlit. Fireman Hicks, of southbound freight train No, 43, was killed by the vestibule train about 11 o'clock last Tuesday night at Morehead, the first station north of Greensboro. Tbe freight train had taken the side track to let the vestibule pass and Mr. Hicks got down from the en giue aud sat down by the track. He went to sleep, with his head on the croaB ties and was Struck by tho cn gine cf the fast fiyins train. His! head was crushed !o pieces and death was instantaneous. Kev M. U. lit' nl. j. feclic-rcr F.leclcd lreal In the election of Hi?. M G G Scherer, pastor of St. James' Evan gelical Lutheran church of this city, Ls President of' North Carolina College, the bourd of trustees for that institution have chosen a moot excellent bus.nees man and Chris tian gentleman and one ' that is well qualified tor the high posh tiou. The Rev. Mr. Scherer haa not decided as yet whether he will accept, but he will do so within the next ten days. Wu are loathe to see hitn taken from the city, tut the importance of the higb position precludes tbe idea of any objection on the part of his and our people. Mr t iiiimiii Will i,l Nerve. At a meeting of the stockholders of the recently organized company at Albemarle to build a cotton fac tory at that place, Mr. J W Cannon served notice on Saturday, May 30th, that after considering the matter, he had di' covered that it would be impossible for him to scrvjas president, and withdrew from the company. So occupied is his time in other business affairs Mr. Cannon stated that he could not give tho proposed mill at Albe marle tho attention required on ao count of inconvenient transporta tion from and to this place and that as a matter of justico to tbe com pany he advised the election of an other man for president. It is said that Mr. Cannon's no tice of inability to sere the com pany has knocked the props from tbe enterprise and that the build ing of tho factory is a dead isiue. This, if true, is to be regretted, for Stanly is a good plana for manufac turing enterprises. Nun Ttikeq it .Mnle'a IMnee. An auinul belonging to the mule specie, own d by Warren Coleman, dropped dead iu harness while de sending the hi hill beyond the rnree sine is ranch on the old Salis bury road Friday evening, Winn the dead mulo hud been relieved of its burden of harness and prepared for ita last resting place near by, a colored man wus placed to tho Bingle tree beside the remaining mulo and in this way the wanu was brought to tJn, reaching here and hour later, just tho same it the whole t.-aui were uiules. Tower. Latest U.S. Gov t Ltrort f7 &' W4 'T-ii Ml.lt'hleion Kehool F.iyv. Boys will be boys, at ' s:i the gra led school was i: Thursday, some of th niq a number of toadH, bi ; a, placed them in lh i! teacl.ers, which q..t. v...:r, .. ,. .hi r.'iu ! ir..t;i'.d lis caugh etc., tti'i ski " naturally uuntuca u woman. j ; i:hu r made the boys "hop" .fbout tn.-f--rt'i of the toads at a lively rs !. -f y. dl . ccduct and gaye ther- fnir warji-; not to repeat it. An organizjtion w'h p-n.,a ti. dozen boys hud planned to "lay cm'' today, it being the lust nay, and iol I I a confidant about it, who ri a de- ceptive way got the er tire c,od to show up at roll cnll aui u'teuO school. After they i ad told the. i friend of their plan, 1" tol l fiienj that he had just ccui; ironi tlu school house and that ::i -re Acre ten or twelye gallons of ie cream and a large tnb of lemonade awaiting the hour for books wfaen s:l tueichoLre would enjoy the riTr-.'&hmeir.a Every boy that had intended to play truant made a rush for ih) school house, and of course, retiii'i. e l. A ftaturnl 'lemleucy. It will be obaerv number of the free sib; tbe yarious Btate conv the tone of tbe mm weaker and more unce Down goes cotton. Down goes wheat. Down go stocks. All the markets are J is shy and demand dee . The silverites tell u t as '..it. -. i. tl'Hl t-i;i 'it if V i scheme will boom j .i i.,.' their confidence in tli ; r that scheme grows, pr'f.ts fai are making au aasamt o .i tegiity of tho curreucr 'i:. i tie' suit is natural. There in no chance foi t :e silyer idea to prevail ii. hi t c try, but the agitation of t vid i" .un- tbc enuorsement ci it by st'ite tions representing a g" if rtv intimidating captml, vtsiracnts and iuj'-iiir " lif'Kllip- 11'.- Fur liter i'!lt Mrs. VVinslow'.'? Sooth , been used fur over f rop has hy yen b, tin 'i .i.d- l-Tt. '.It Slit' . lofl.'li,- l' wi'e millions of mothers f . .- ren while teething, w ' h cess. It soothes tu -the uais, allays all p,,.i:, colic, and is tho 1 Diarrhoea, It will i i little sufferer imtneth', Druggists in every pi., Twi-nty-fiye cents at aid ask for "Mrs. V' ing Syrup," aud take Aniiiuilly Elecleil. it was the moat in ing the Knights o ; held for quite a wh.;. ;., night. Several visi! ... were present and bu'e k themselves as greatly .:..rpi pleased at finding sui . nourishing order her T a 1 ' ur. . niu si.U. U, election of officers fo !. year took place wro h r follows : G L Pattoraou, C. C, A 1. V, C,; Rev. W C Ale .u-l., I'"!:!,,:; '.'ao;'? A 1) Freeze, M. of W.. J P M. of A. Weak, Irritable! di 'l Was Ho Good Dr. Aiiles Ntrvl.- thc wc:ik, builds i down constitution, n: tiie. .1 cures every kind of ; Ahout one year ti& 7 Cfpi'irinff nvHHfitiitt m N'v s.-,," titiuht palpitation af in a -tf Vixtravtimj cunf a.t ' t-i t nt ' r, -. SeriouH o.fj ur Inp t ;':. W eighted dotrit i :. worry, i vtHptvf'- ' Ami fit tit at i M trow weak, irrii t Uly ttfijlttwatt rvtZ ' In ftwt I tram no A friend brvu'bt me Dr. Mills' book. "Nw and Suirt- lintr Facta," and I iiaLilly diulrtod ( ' tu try a buttle ol orutivu Nervlms. Kuforfl I bad lal vn ond buttio I .:'Uid sloop ilm a ff lU-yr. dI.I t-'y. At y '$ appHtifn n.1 turned ' ' great; Im rensi d. Vhrn f htitf , Jfty irt 'j'if dnt mf i.. lilC, Iff Hftn r.'l (' . .41 Jby m.f., zi.ih ' I . it. Jtty brain m r, ( - -i I ft' ft or fim: t fzttt'ti f 1 i - ' t "i Ur. jttllVM' .ti .' -t ' ' f A great wft.'u'ini'i . ' Auirta, Me. W '.i.' Pr. Miles' Ni rvU;0 i f . . - " frt:a;ntn limt Dm ?;. AUiti-ni-'i.-'Uii.-!: i.. . !. It w ill I..- wnt. iireii.n.l. i by Ibu i r. h lit- i A- i: in Dr. Miles' K rvi:: : iQZSALELVfALl1!,,u rr -41 may be that hs will go to V

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