I .1 ..4 1 STANDARD. TUKN3 OUT GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. 3IVE US A TRIAL COUNTY CONVENTION. , el-KH' lletrn.il to tae Mime and 4 .MiKronilonnl Vnu veutlan- Tne dehga'es of the different t wnebips met iu the court bou.e ii .d formed the Oabarrna Countj l.-'Muocratia convention o elect del crates to the SUie conventiou to ui?ctin Raleigh on tho 25th, to n(. ruinate Sta'e 1 Ulcers and elect d, legoa to tLe Chicago National Convention. Chairman D P Day van It culled the meeting to order. Mr. C D lUrnnger was appointed temporary chairman. J B Sherrill imd J U Barrier were railed aa secretaries. Oa iotion the temporary organiza tion waa made permanent. Mr. J L l'.'ck red a list ot nomi nations for the State convention. W Q Means took isuue with the ui )de, and offered ai a substitute to the motion of Mr reck that each delegation, fro..- the townships nom male their own choice of delegates. The motion was seconded and dis cussed, when a nut ion 'o table sub i' tnte, by W G Means, caoead somj tklay and annojanne. Furthej u implications haying arisen as t tie proper method cf voting, a" ii jtiona were temporarily withdraw f r the consideration of mode. Co I B Means offered a motion th i, :h town, hip di termiue how !' rj!l mst its yoU' A vote wa. . .ken scd iKc'km! carried. A motion wus then offered by Mr 5 p ick that the nominations be re; jeJ by such township delegates : h e not sail. fr:d with the list from t. eir township. The Hat was then rad nud Mr. L D Duval moved hat W U ! iviti'd name tm placed on tie lis; as deUsato, and it i8B0t ordered. The liar, w:-2 th'n adopted as .evised and is as follows. ' Township No. i M M Morris, n, M T Stalling. No. 2 J 8 Harris, J E Hender urn, William Morris, y No 3 J A H iukiu, tvt F N. est) it, B W Prcssly. ' j No. 4 Francis Boat, J IS.turr i I'ropst. No. 6-G E Ritchie, J W Jil, J 0 Barringer. 0. 7J 1) Kluttz, Ui, Bar ringer. f No. 8 H T J Ludwig, C h Bar ringer." No. 90 F Smith, J L Sunn. No. 10 M A tioger, Jr., W A ; oat. No. 11 P V Kriuiinger, Alfrc ! Ltiler. J No. 1L D Duval, J B Sherr .1 S Young, F B Means, A B Youi S- L Mon'jromery, F L Robtne, C b onteomery, Jjnn A Clme, John' lattcrson, TO Wilson, (CaUrifc Mills) J W Cai.ron, W G Meaus, Mr. T A Moser then moyed t,T.t t us delegation be m:ide ihe deloU tion also to the CungresioDal t'l. i 'nti' ii. ph mo'ion Ohsirmau Ii) f L. -..-.;iit and J O Barrier lre al.lw. . i in liet of deierates : '.l .Mr. J Uartsell offered the alternates, who ( lectPd I Svn Harris, D A Klut'z, ''vr.non, i'mk Morrmon, 1). II K A V Bimkwelder. K V iiie W i:..eu!wimer. W C Kiiif: ill in, I A Orowell. 0 orge W Dry, U L man ,T A 11 uh n, W N Miieuhe her, (i C hinn. W M Widenhmuc, ij M i Fm r, P II B '.la'rb R )hi ion, Walifi' Whi'e, lr- H O IIrrii?L J 0 l'iult, 0 W bwiuk, W L 15-1!.; f. T Crowell, L M Morria..ii, lr.f OaUle!l, I! K !ohle. 1) Hoe;, KJ. White, B E Harris. fth'ji On mnt,inu of Col. Means ii wa, Him. the itioti the ,ank8 by mjoj'ima'i.iii, resolved thatj . T Boy Kin is the choice i Oeniofitei'.ri cf Cubarrus to a pi thi; Supremo Court beccb i next election. Col. Means mo?ed a voteof o the thatrman ai d eecretasjs foi efficient aeryiues in th iJbting, which ths heartily adopted. j4 . f A lloufcelintri I'l-OHMiir D .Vv. Fuller, of ( anioh lo, N. L. bivs tuiii ue always uq 8 VI King's Kow Discovery in t house nd his fsmily has ah'ays fd kid the ery be t results fellow use ; bat he would not be wit! bat he would not be withi it it, n r rocurablo. G. A. Dykemi DruK- i,ist, Catkil , N. sayai it Dr. Ii dk's Nhw Disoovery is i. doubt it, if dly tho uest cough rem that . e baa uiml il iu uis l.i'iuly r eiyht ears, and il baa never fuiii' lo do 11 that ia elainioij for )i. ' ry a leiuuuy n Iouk i ealiit. ilia. Uulttib iikj ret'a Drug store. Kearular ind tl.utl. : Ly "hoi eJ and , I'll za 00 ', Tun Standard has received tht 3rst irsuo ot uie (.iui.lord Herald published ai Uruouaturo Oy Mr. W M Saerrill, a former resident, ol this city, but mora r-'centy e lilot Of the Davidnou liFpat;U. Mr Bherrillisa brilliunt youv.g news pap :r uiiu ami we nope Uif n ui tt; support b'j dtt-irveB. 1m JUi-ai is a weekly autl presents ', a hum! tome appiaranoi. f-n It is tioo-par'.i' VOM IX- THE WOC D-PAGE IX-NO 20. MARRIAGE, Tt Ilenutl Which II' lul nud Interenliuit Kvenl lid MRtevllle' Attention We-dnffi j Kventnif. IStatwOili.k, June 10. 1 his eyoning aw ' Miss Belle M Wood stood in bl r besotifnl bridal array at ths alt.ir, a typical daughter of our sunn'l clime, she was the adini- all fyes. It was the occa :X marriage to Mr. Frank The popularity of the ig partieB made the even' te, and Statesville people church to ovotllowing. clock the -Old North State a, with Miss Mary 0 it the organ, began playing, 3 Mary Gage Walton sang "Oh Fromire me." At first notes of the wedding tCcH'rom Mendelssohn were the uaH or the entrance of the bri dal paipy. First came the ushers : R B McLaughlin, R R Cowles, C E SteverJeon and h B Bristol. These were d'losely followed by the brides maidsand groomsmen in couples as folloip: Miss Carrie S Wood and Thomjas O Leak, of Birmingham ; Miss Lulu I'age and W B Cole, of ocklnghuro; Miss Oetrnder Wood 3d fvlex. N Page, of KocKicgham ; iBelJeesie Pago and M 0 Wood. it wis a cnarming circle. e ceremony was performed by f aTathers of the bride and groom : Ilf W A Wnnd and Rev. Jesse 4 t'ngo. The ceremony over, the si party msrehed out of the rch to the strains of Lohengrin repaired to the resilience of Ktv, Wood, wlier an elegant recep- t was given, lasting beyond this ting. i'he presents were of dazzln g feutv. abounding in solid silver, , Jt glass and haudeomc bric-a brae. ffhe dress worn by the bride was t!j(i same vroru by her mother at her marriage 88 jears a;o. Observer Clrrtspoudence. f tr tiood (.'HiiHr. i Thi colored people of the city are ia be credited far putting the money ''lade at festivals and entertain 1 i a A rrnA nilMtnOA At. thPlF U yotners anu oiowjo w f.l. This money was placeu in me ands of their treasurer and will be xpended in looking after the sick ,ml Imrviuz the ded. The order is j - D doing a benevolent worK among their race. not'lnlly hpcnhliitf. Moat dcliehtfullv did Mrs. S J Lowe entertain a number of young f dks Thursday night at her home on Wist Popo'. street. Music and refreshments weie the special fea tures of the evening. Mi-s Nannie Archibald cent out a numb-r of imitations jecti-rduy, and will enter'em tonight complimen' tury to Mins Ctchrane, of Ctnrlotte and Mits lnr::i, of V.'adoohoro. fhft hours are from 8 30 to 12 I'heOdrll Mdlnlf. For many years the Olell Manu facturing tympany haye been try. ng '0 et the Southern and its pre- dece-eors to pni in a side track fiom be main line to thiir mills in the peer part of (he city, but without avail. recently ciwl" n Rimers made c survey and have etkd iff a line to x end from ih" Cannon m il uireo r .1 - 1 ..Inn. o ' he rear I u.e inrg-wwcn r "" ind, it is said, that woik will hegn m truiling the fame next week. 1 aarrriMintv this tima that the rjcK will be rut in. nnkiiiK l!iilil)l' Childrer like to make soap bub hlpic it ia twr:e a? much fun if the bubbles are b:g ones, strong enough not to break when they are floated o the floor. Bubbles twice ai large your head or as large as the Urgent kind of football, can oe W blown bv any one who kiaows how to mix up the soap bubble ma t rial, To make these large bullies inke a piece castile so: p about as big aja w.luut. Cut it up iu a cup f wt. r niltln n add a baipoontni fr'tvprmc Stir w.l! a:. d blow from a em II ppi. 1 o male P' ' lmUM.-n, add a few drops (i straw miv i-rce ' d to m .ke yellow ones ().it m little orat.R" juice. a Mr. rr. J iy ' ' "r' lt,v. M-isw W PiiHsly, so well .iiowQ in tins section t.f the S ate, .ihn i.Tiili r on Federal decora- ,iim day at Hamilton Oliio, and fi'lf )"!were'i nn nddre-iS w-.u-n .bies columns in tho Republican, daily pi'P-r published at that p'bco. The Republican also givef a cut of Mr. Pre s'y lhvT" sa a M-ent cr r.vd present on It e occasion and Mr. Pre.Hly'B tr.butcB to the Grand Army men wore eloquent and stirring.-CharloUe News. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. AUiDl'urljrtlull l'j-Hie Hind Fiirnlslied DrllKlxfnl Mil If Mies Maggie Brumley, o.ie of the teachers in the blind instiiute at Raleigh, has arrived in the city and will spend her vacation with her sister, Mr. J II Bradley, on third street. Misses Mammie Moriis and Mag gie Moigau, two students of the Deaf and Dumb school at Morgan ton have arrived in the city and will spend their vacation at home. Messrs B.F Allred and Edward Miscnheimer are casing up the new boiler for No. 4 mill, which arrived i few days ago. The lawn party given by ths Ladies Aid Society of the Forest Hill Methodist church was a decided SUCW63 in every particular. The receipts amounted to one hundred dollars, the ladies are yerj grateful to all who so kindly contnoutea to them. The band played and the small boy was happy. Mr. Jamca Motley and Miss Janie L ttlea were married at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the bride's father's, Mr. Daniel Litt'es, Rey. J Simpson officiating. May the et.st wicds deal gently with this happy couple on their journey through life. Mr. J M Mabrey is the first to re port ripe tomatoes gathered from his garden. Wo have heard of people laughing in their sleeve, but ve had our first experiei.ee last night of seeing a young hdy lost in her sieeve. It was a chance for the audience to laugh at. hr r in her sleeve. The donner of bloomers had Letter take warning. The compauy'store received a caee of white duck from the bleach -ry this morning manufactured at this mill. This is not inferior goods, but is a very fine article and it shows that it is only a matter of a short while until the South will be turuing out the very best fabrics. New Dona the l.lno. IlAnRisBURo, Juue 11. Jay Har ris, who has been with M M Morri son of this place for sometime, is now general of the store jupt opened at Newell, N. C. by M M and J V Morrison. Jay is a splen did young man and we hope the good people of ihe city Newell will deal kindly with him. A severe wind etorm did some damage on the 9.h in Mr. J L Stafford's neighborhood. Mr. Hugh Alexander, who has been traveling for a broom factory, is at homo taking a rest. It is thought by Mr. EC Walk- ar's friends here that ho l a- hr.d n case of heart faPurr that is be tjave his away and failed to get one n return. But he is red headed and can pu',1 tLrough without it. Mies E'Jtiicn Caldwell is ex pected home today, after spending . i .1- : six weeas very pieiiHiuuy Washington City. AH, Come oirt The Stanly Enterprise says : "The yillage of Concord in Cibar ruB county n considerably worked up over our co lon mill scheme, in 'lb nwle. Remember the mfi will b. boilr." Mhs E-ie Fisher will begin teaching a Ire echoed near bi home on Jtily 13 h. 8 io id mii t fli .iimt teacher tir is alway success fill with her tchooln. Found cicad I There is sutnethlng so shorlctnu aliotit nidd'.-ti death that the mere mention of il wrenches the nerves of sensitive jieople. Millions of Koile pray for deliverance from it. livery Sunday in every lipiscnrml church in the world, these woids nre said : "I-rotn buttle and minder find sudden death. Good Lord. . lei,, er in. " Ju-it whv sudden death should be shock lli'p, and death nfter liniferinir disease easy lo hc-,r would pu.le any one to tell. 11 would seem that it would he more terriWe lo sec some loved nv.e waslini; away, daily becoming weaker daily ulippmsr toward n death no less certain because it was slow ta coming. Cinsuuiplion causes more deaths than heart diease more th.in cholera more than yellow fever more than nnr other disease the world has ever known. And yet people are careless about it. A man iu d.mffer of sudden death fmm he nt dis ease can avoid the (lanifer .simply by keepin-j nuiet and avoiding cucifement. Con-.ump-tion Roes riht on with its deadly work, no matter what the man does or how he con duels himself, il" he doesn't take the rijrlif medicine to c-.ire It. Consumption affects the whu'.e body. 1'. is A blood disease. It permeates the'wliole svstem. It shows in the luiys because .he blood noes In lie luv.s fur puriueation, II eariies impnritiei theie lo be m t'le pure. If there is too utneb imp'.nity. the ie.ecs are over-worked over loaded the impurity stops there. The eerms of ills; jsp slop there. They develop and mut'.'plv and then consumption taket definite form. 1'r. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery cures gS per cent, of all case; of consumption, linitetinft couxhs, throat trd bronchial diseases if it w taken accord to directiotj. Oct it at druir stores, learn all abo-rt ft in Dr Pierce s c;eat It' ti i;c work " Cornnrojt Sense Medrcal Ad viser," sent kr .k en receipt of 31 one-cent ,iti- s to cover cost of tnailinit i.'I'. II e .tr.iltis ,4; pnues. pt flisely illustiated. It ril. ble iile'li.al norsry, eouipieie linne. livery family should possess , rea.lv reference in case of sudden one v i cepv i .iekness or DCClclenw o'm Medical Ajtiucisiron Bullalu, W. . St and a m CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE SHORT LOCALS Tne BTia',1 b iy anJ the June bug aro cronies cow. Mr. James Hamilton is in the photograph business with Mr. Z E Scott. Tho firemen aro collecting Fi'b It is scrintions tor their uniforms. a certainty that tney win get wiem Riwan county will send ten old soldiers to Richmond who are un able to bear their own expenses. Maynardjtboyouag counterfeiter, plead guilty in Charlotte MtFeden 1 Court. Sentence has not yet bem passed. Nearly 8'JOO worth of lailnal tickets were sold to the colored students returning to tneir homes from Scotia Seam ary ihursday. C L Glover, of Asheville, has started on a walk from that place to San Francisco. He will wrue bis experiences and publish a book. The Ould Mercantile Company have iust comnleted fifty band- some board signs that will he put up in various parts ot tne county. A man living in tho edge ol South Carolina left a pitebfirk in tho stable one night, and the next morning his horte was stuck through the heart. Mr. Mose Newell, brother to the original "Jake,'' arrived in the city Wednesday night from nutoenoro College, where he, among a class ol eight, graduated. English sparrows are nesting un- d8r the awning in the front ol Cannons & Fetzer s store. Quite a iarge nest has been built there and it is laid off in sections. Mr. Ed II Hall came in from Blowing Rock Friday night. He says that the crowd at t iatpplendid summer resurt is already large and that tbe weather is delightful in those parte just now. Contractors are figuring on six new nouses to De duiii on the Morris property near the; depot. This is only a drop in tho bucket to what will be done. The Atlanta Journal nays: "Poor St. Loui3. A cyclone and a deluge of Republican delegatus iu quick aucceston is more tnan one uwa ought to have to bear." Louia Whitehead, George Jo in- son and Jim Roddick, three ne groes, were taken from the jail at Bryan, Texas, Wednesday nigni and hanged by a mob. All three were rapists. A healthy appetite, with p rfoct digestion and assimilation, may be secured by the ubb of Ayer's pills They cleanse and strengthen the whole alimentary canal and remove all obstructions to the natural funi: tiona of either sox, without any unpleasant eflectsf Reve. King and Fisher, the Lutheran College agents, have em ployed an architest from York, Pa. to draw the plans for the buildings. Tho committee and architect will miet in Charlotte befme the 24;h of ibis month. The closing exercises of Scotia Seminary took place Wednesday, when forty colored women gradu ated from that institution. During the afternoon a public reception wa? tiuld on the seminary lawn when delicate refreshments were served to a large crowd. The Stakdarw is indebted to Dr N D Fetz-r for one of "Branson' Agricultural Almanac fors the Year it 0.ir Lord 189(5, and until the 4tb if Julv, the 120:h Year of Ameri can Independence," the production if L-vi Branson, A. M. D. D., Ral "igh, N. C. It is a valuable hand bo.,k. L in geuerally known that there is a movement on foot by which a lock company will bo organized and ai o'her cilton factory will be b ilk in this city on the co-opera Li vu plan. The promoters of this mlerprine hope to give the public Mine good information on this mat er within the next few days. Jaa. M K ihirls, a well-known far mer of Rockircham county, com mitted suicide at his borne four miles east of Wentworth by emptying the contents of a single barrel shot gun into his brain. Abnnt 10 vears aero Mr. Roberts be earaa demented upon the subject of religion, from which he recovered after a few mouths and until about 'hreo months ago seemed perfectly ,-ane, when ho again showed sigoB of mental depression. The deceat-ed wf s a man of family and about 54 year ( f age. . The progress that lias been made at t e institutions f,r the deaf, dumb and blind is remarkable. At the depot lat night wns little Sadie lleninp, of Concord, wbo baa been nt the deaf and d.imb school in M 'anton. When her father, Dr. II C Herring, met her she spoke to him and lor quite a while they car ried oa a conversation on tho plat form. The little girl understood what her father said from the move ment of bis lips anl while unable to hear bis voice or hir own she could answer him by word of mouth. O le of ihe teachers of the echcol as in the p: rty and took part in the convpiratinn and mar.i fested great interest in the accom plishment of her pupil. The care, patience and laet which can take these ui.fortunates snd make them understand conversation is truly marvellous, finch institutions de serve much nf On State and people and should be fostered and main tained at any ccBt. Salisbury Herald. The small child cf Mr. PK My era, of this county ,died the lO.hano was buried at Tiinity church. Mre My- rs was quiie sick at the lime o hir child';) tieatli. Prof. E II MilUr, of near Salis br.'y, has noorpted the principal jb p nf the Er.ochville Higb School bavin; recently been elected tr that position. The child of Mr. and Mre. Davii Overcahh, aged 1 j ear and 8 montha, died Tuesday evening ana was nur ied at St. Enoch's church on Wed nesday. Capt. John Beard's chickon yard was visited Woduosday night by ar. animal suppoped to be a mink. Yesterday morning forty younf chickens were among the missing in the Captain's yard.--Salisburj World. Mr. J S Kiser, living on th nkiitation of Mr. F A Archibald on Rpedy crtek in No. 1 township, sent Tiik Standard a cotton bios somjt! at was nlucked Friday morn ing, .June l2tlal. Cotton grower say that in many fields cotton will be in full bloom within the next few days. Wa'eraielons are now on sale by h i lora! dealer. They sell at from 40toC0ccnt8each. Tnis morning two rich men priced the melons and piwedou. Behind thorn came at old darkty, whoso eyes began ti dince at the prospect. He didn't have but 35 cents, but he borrowed a nitkle and went off happy with a melon. Charlotte News. With the blord full of humors, the heated term ia all the more op pressive. Give the system a thorough cleanhing with AyerV Sariaparilla and a dose or two ol Ayer's Pillx, and you will enjoy summer as never before in youi lifo. Just try this for oucn, and you'll repeat it. A SAVINGS BANK. 4 Movement oa Foot Which Assure Coiieoril it I.nnu mid KiiyIuxh Kniiks For a long time this city and com munity has felt the reed of a eavs iogs bank, a place where the work ing people could make small depos its of tht ir earnings, and Till Standard takes great pleasure in announcing to the public that a plan is on foot by which our people are to be accommodated in this line. Attorney W.M Smith is soliciting stock for a new bank, to be known as "The Concord Loan and Savings Bank" with fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars stock, with Mr. D F Cannon, as president, and Mr. Ja'nei C Gib son as cashier. It ioa certainty, and the bank will be ready for business within a very short while. It is not yet determined as to how small amounts this bank will receive as deposits, but a savings bank it will be for the laboring people. Directors and other offers will be elected as soon as the stock is com pleted. A correspondent of the llaleigh News and Observer says that fre quent depredations have been com mitted upon the property of C F Lucas, of Wilson county. Four white-caps gathered to burn his house and two others came up. These were mistaken for Lucas aid his son and were fired upnn by their friends. Due of them, Bob Watson, was killed and another, J-thro Bone, seriously wounded This happened Monday night. CANCER CUBED -AMD A LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Uae of Ayer's Sarsaparilia "I was troubled fjr years with a sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring inn that nothinir could he (lono to save my life. As a hurt resort, I was induced to try Ayex's Sursaparilhi, and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the sore A. - 1-.Y'4U--'M'iV began to disappear and my gei.erak health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sure wns en tirely healed. Since then, I line Ayer's 8ars:i'rfl'.i occasionally "S a tonio and Idoothpiirifior, and, in deed, It seems us though I could not ker,) house without it." Mrs. S. A. PiET.DS, liloomtielil, Ia. The Only Watlfs Fair Saraparilla. Vr7'.( PU'a Regulate) ths Live 18, 1896. Word lorn Im.-rvll Deiiiorrat. In looking over the state for the most avdlnble caudidatei to UU our ita'e offices for the net four year we see none who stands higher in public end private life thm W R Abernethy of Uutherfoid College, N O. lie ie a bold, fearless sup porter of the p-i.iphs rights; one o the most eloquent orators in the state and in no place is this more effective than on tho stump. Hie private life is above reproach an earnest Christian gentleman. As a scholar he is kno.vn all oyer the en tiie Union for bis literary attain tneuts. Let such high worth he recognized in our conventions and by supporting such men tbo victory is assured. Respectuf ully, Mose Newell. CnilHed il ttlitlllMtlc. The colored population were in their glory at Armory Hall Wed nesday night, where they had gathered lo participate in a grand feslimant," having secured the Bellefontoband, which played. At an early hour tho hall was packed like so many tardinea in a can, while the band played. Three colored policemen were put cm duty to koep order, but the band played. One Thomas Canady'went into the hall, holding a cigar in his hand wheu special Policeman Aaron Rub lull ordered him to put it out, while the band played "Maggie," About that time Tom made a break at Aaron and took biu billet from him, somo one yelled "fight,'' and at the instance the band ceased to play. Every man, woman and child in the hall made a rush for the door, falling and tumbling out, tha band being in the lead. There was no fight, however, but the band couldn't be induced to remain longer. The last seen of the band was the man carrying tbe base drum going towards the depot at a double quick pace, singing, "No More, My Lord ; I Never Will Como Back No More." CnUnrriiN VViitormploilH. Mr. George F Barnhardt, who is canvassing the county in interest of the Farmers' Mutual Fire and Bene fit Association, was in tho city, and states that there will be more watermelons raised in Cabarrus county this year than in all prev ious years, if the number of patches indicate anything. lie says that on nearly every farm there are from one to four melon Cold.-". The vin are generally ol the long variety and are ladened with small melons at this early period. I he I.Hlle filrl an lr iiminic Little 12 year-old Mary Oglesby, at If irribbur, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Og'esby, waj recently confined to her bed with typhoid lntt and had been sick for seyera' weeks, when on night she became delirious in her dreams and imagined that her father was a tramp, wbo waa lying near by her, and feared he would harm ber. I', was mar on to miduight when her father fell into a sound sleep and it was then that the littlo child crawled out of her bed and stole cautiously down stairs, passed on to the front porch, from which she fell Still imagining tramp was following her she crawled on ber hands and knees to the home of Mr. Lei Quay, a dis taiice ot about seventy-five yarJ. She kuocked at his door and it was opened unto her, She was there taken ca c of until morning, when she told the strange story of her imaginations and hy she had left her room. The child waa too weak to walk. Wben sue fell from the pi'.zzj, she fell upon a dot;, thus breakihg the fall. Jack Maynnrd, tho young lellow who submitted to the charge of cotn erfeiting, was sentenced to 18 months in the Albany penitentiary Dr.vns and beorge Hunt, ol Cleveland county, were each sen tenced to 15 months at Albany for illicit distilling, Vli n nnhy w-as l. k. we gnee her Ca.tur!X 'h,-n sIio won a Cti.lJ. dufcrk-t for Caatorb. iViienfihe became Si isn, Bhe citing to CturtoriA, Vheo she hod CUlldrno, Bhe gave them CubUkIi , The Lenoir T"PJ s i)8 the name f ri -Congressman W II Bower will be before the Democratic convention of ihe lii-tith congressional district The North Carolina Baptist tays that uu uiifoituuate young man who hai biome uiibulanccd by the mod ern sarctiScation cmz, was Tuesday turned ever to tbe cmnty physician at Fayetteyille by the voting man's father, that he may 1 e carried to the S'ate hospital for treatment. WHOLE NO. 379 Kighest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't P-cpcrt POPULIST REPUBLICAN DEAL Umlirle ia lo nuceeeil Uiuki II -The l.alter nml Hurler Flxcrl 1'p trie Trti.le i.hni V.'eek Ry Wlileh Htintipll in ta Itetlro l (iiirln ie n Favor. Washington, June 10. Without revealing any confidence I am able specifically to e"nfirui, with impor tant addition., information re cently received. Butler and other Populists have arranged a program with the Republicans, or a part of them, about as follows : Guthrie to take Russell's place as head of the" joipt ticket; vacancies in the Republican State ticket to be filled to suit the IVpuIiiits, and possibly other changes to be maJo ; the Re publicans to support the Teller electoral tisket to be nominated by the Silver party at St. Louis. One of the McKinley delegates, at least, from North Carolina will walk out ol ins convention, it 13 said by a man who says ho knows the programme that nearly all the Republicans are expected to vote this mongrel concern, thus abdi eating Republicanism but enter. taining lively hopes of spoils to come when Teller is Presidei t The latter event is expected either by a landslide this fall or coercion of Democrats into voting for Teller iu the patent Congress if the elec tion goes into the House of Repre sentatives through failuro of the people to elect in November. The schemers, Butler and Russell, who made the arrangement last week, rely on a solid negro vote except a few educated ones. They also rely on the gold Democrats voting for McKinley in preference io the regular Democratic nominee. The roseate t-cbedule was Uutler's, into which Pritchcrd and RasseU are forced by the silver Democratic boom. It is the second or reserved card of the foxy Sampsonian, played after his preferred move of absorbing the silver Democracy had failed. Butler is road with the true Democrats. IIo would rather associate with Democrats than with Republicans but is bound to accept Republican companionship if Democratic championship is spurn ed. Seeing what the Democrats uro going to do at Raieigh and Chicago, he turns to bis former allies. They, fearing like Butler fears, tbe silver movement in the Democratic party, are willing to hush their reproaches and rush with tears of reconcilia tion into the arms of "Mary Ann." Thejbest opinion here is that Boies will be the nominee at Chi cago. As Senator Berry aud others say, the Democrats will not go out side the party for a nominee. Char lotte Observer specia'. The Standahd on Tnesday noted Peter Fink's incarceration, but Peter's adventure is a little) out cf the usual order of every day life aud may not be uninteresting. The said Peter was visiting Mr. Frank Talbirt Ist Sunday. A wagon came along and it seems that Pete has an eye to business in certain! lintB. After tbe wagon had paseed by Pete fuizod up that wagon and forthwith felt an acbiDg yoid that might be filled from taid wagon. He prodded along wistfully after that wagon foi about three miles to Mrs. Bey, P B C Smith's, "here he ap plied for a mule to go and get some whiskey for Mr. George T Boat, who, he 8.nl, wat sick and in great need of whiskey, Of course the' good lady let him havu tbe mule. He soou overtook the blockader, whom ho informed that Dick Harris was aluijst upon him. Mr. Blockader left tho road aud went into hiding. Pete was quite helpful in bis dis interested way aud ihe whiokey Uii'i could d ) no less than furnish Pete with "red eye-" enough that to get on a good "bender." ,1'ete felt (pine exbil eraf,e'd and ripe for some variety to life's humdrum monotony. So he fell upon tbe idea of whipping his tvife. Naturally enough though sh did not relish such spice to nutrimorii:il porrige and procured a warran'. f.u' asjault and required a pt ice bond. Pete vent buck on our o.fmlgj Smith" and submitted his ase befor. E--q. D Frank ii.trrb i'. Licking the indtity to pay cost, and also signers to his bond tho Squire turned him oyer to the tendur mer cies of the b39S L.ller to sling pick, shovel etc,, to the nii-;ic of the chain. m m Corn and cotton is growing rap idly finco th r rain. Corn that was planted in March is ov.t in tatfel. prints ::i.f. TU.T IS For 1 Ycr - SEND US 1 LOl.f. UI A BATTLE WITH HYENAS. A Keeper'. I'rlKli'lxl l:x t,rlen,- Willi f'onr Novate (Jrulc.-i'i oi 1 t licercri IIIn llctor). Harlo Northrup, ir chaigt of the nr.gs of hyenas in the Harm.ui it Bailey show, this mo: urn 1 ethibited great nervo in w hipj i. .- ir!j tub. mission four of those .-javnz. bratea in the presence of ngr-ut d of people on Main s'rer part.de of tbe show. From the time tb, tbe circus grounds tb restless, and Norfhru;, wa'ch on tberu. At Main and State stret . , ru iijg the t; .1 ! l.-ft ar.iii ui'' w re la-' r, 'i . of' eorr .- : .- st ''.'; 1,1 n th wu'ci siipptH i.-. tin a hard blow loaded whip of the four ar.lmal Northrop. He was for such a mots und and dealt tbe animal on the head with the which he held iu h a brute retreated to th- hand. The I'Tie-r. but another took advanta ;u of the situ ation and attempted to pes b. -l.iud Northrup. Again th; heavy wt'p fell, and blow after l lw was dealt on the head of the hftt.a until he retired to bis corntr. The two other a- .n. in the cage becume restless .(;.' l. walk up and down t!w c e The first to receive the blow frt :u t.i whip, still smarting u:,t-ertbe s' ng, got up from the corn- r and thn all four sta:ted to run a - i d tl : .sge. Bv this tin." the p. u , ha! onto Main s'rec. -....-v. I hini been attracted by t .e u, U.- i f -'.w animals ar.d the actio.- c tl '. k.- ner, and thronged slorij- t e,:. a i k and street. Back ani .'.oivi a -i "i the cage the four ,;.r h;.r..' s1 rode, apparently . o i; chance to down N. -.-up. I keeper is a Brielgepor ' a.i 'i ., many friends and ac t.; .- tho crowd. "Give them the wb . m of the cage," and all - was given by the. t-pec One of the brute , with lloud from tl '.. - tlicted by the heavy ' .. , used, imd the keeper, with blood. At last the four a . m. concerted rush tov and he wta knocked l the cae; not, howev;r, ; .i-l - '! 1 1 'iu, tiillll- ,;-thn j t'c .r i : , he e t .fro i.. .: i .i- . o 'OtJ. r'tap t, t en hit" J'-I'liped an,' ; j f 'j in one blow with the to cause . one of u.e mt.ic'ure its length u- v When the spectators sm go down there was gu-it t and a rush was made le the cngo. The keep r feet io an ina'aut, and tl into the remaining au. after a struggle, bta'. th' mission. When the eVu su rrended and were ..; Northrop had again t.-. ... in the tnd of the a. -, had watched the af ;r round of cheers. '.i. il l; br. S Ii -III : J .1 m -i It ia a great pity ti.;:' cau't afford a publ .; exclusive use of thu wl ,t Why don't some m neyH men, build an open !. o , H EAR !' D -L m my ilhiT : h:ive -;ih('ii nevtT fjetd b-jtu-r uf ii CaVifttitntln g-tnr9 ' thoi.santin vhn K io ih bri t, but will not don't want their frit";.. Don't know uhut to they havo btn;u U1U tr. . hrart disciitio wa:; int iu .. case of Mr. Silui Turin j who writos Juno 10, ' Imd heart1, ti ? try hofirt hurting n : The lir-it 15 yars I :r trying H(3vrr:il phi:.!, ontll my lt drx:tor K r l)l I':-.'. nt.) V ffone. Rut ov l u In tho rc-iunutii'ii .i;tit n of Anrt'T-in, I '. , I Jr. JUitcf K'ew iTJirr ttiitl y, i ' i ! j fiit u y tt t or!.i(., ;ir ;n vst i i- ino.ic J friirnifij: .i u; ru", aii'l I h'i . n !-! ?fu:"3 t'hl, C f ; - -C -i i nt i. M belie re f & n I am now i ;ny r ktuw ut yntir v.t i, ;C V y-ivil. ( M '.o. Pr. noai-; V r ptj.trH'iti tnn. ! ii ''f All (iru..':;is' I H i' It v-llt 1 l-r -t . Ljr Uiol r. MilcJ Dr.'MiK r-'OS i oh salf: iy . , J ,