THE " STANDARD turns OUT- GOOD-JOB -WORK , AT LIVINU TRICES. GIVE US -A. TRIAL TIllS CONCERT. . Kxrvllrnt I'miiriiiii Miperbly ! t illed By I. illle I'olks-A Muni- ill rnul-Hnrk I reillt Due Hath rholnrn niul Tenrbcrs. Despite the rain and tbrtatmiuy wiatuer Friday nitht, an immense crowd gathered at ib elegant home of Mr. and Mrs. J U Wadswortli, wiere the younger pupils of Prof. li L Keealer'a uiuiic school rendered a most iut'iesting program, under tbe auspices of the Bubj Beeacf thr First l'risbytenau church. To say tli fit the concert waB good is hu in ferior term. It was par excellence. The average ape of these little ohil drtrc is about 14 years and tne superb way in which they acquitted ihem selves reflects much credit on their t cber and places the distinction of their own abilities id accomplish meats before the public in t grand style, The orchestra composed of eight little children was a great feature of tbe entertainment. Tbey wee: Jauie IV-wrsou, IUIpb Odell, hrst violin; J.'nnie Ekinner, Robert Fe z r,' sicjud violin; Willie Fetz?r, flite; Jerry II ill, cornel; Rcbert Young, Piano; Walter Fink, doiblebasc. Nothing but praise could be said rf any part of tbe program that tune little children si excellently encuted. 'Che following choral class Sang several splendid selections, aol t.Vir sweet, gentle, blending yoices uifde ub think of so many little au;;els: Irina Kimmons, MnjOtfld Cole, Mary Skitunr, Mary Lor", Ruth Caldwell. Addie Ii .rrier, Julia Vtz-nnnnpll. fieitrnde'Culdweli. Alice Kims, Murine Aidiidge, Mary Foil Liizie Willi ford, Kute Morrison Daisy Barrier, J luie Patterson, Katie Lentz, (Jarrie Suther. The pianists ho participated in the entertainment were as fu lows ev h dorng gieat credit to her uud bmself: Marv Lire, L'zzis Wile fiid, Mayfl-ld Cole, Jennie Skinner. J lie I'St'ef on, Ali-ie Sims, M.irj Sk nner, Carrie Bulher, Addie 1' a rrier, Irina Kimmons, Grace lv, iwn, Dollie Kitz, Walter Fink,. V Hie Feizr, Robert Fe'x r, Robert Yoang, Ralph Odell, A thir Odell. All in all it was a grand musical fast. Kill You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for yo r troubles? If not, get a bottle u.n and et roliof. This medicine l v; been found to bo peculiarly i'. ; pteJ to the reliof and cure of all foi ala complaints, exerting a won It si Jul direct influeiico in giving sir. psth aud toua to the oi'tfaris. Il r m have loss of, appetite, co.istipa- uvi , hoaduobe, faiutin2 spells, or a nervous, sleepless, excitable, lr.iHncholy or trotioled with dizzy Bj lis. Electric Uittera ia the medi cii e you need. Health and strength aro guaranteed by its use. .Fifty cnnls aud $1.03 at Fetzer'a Drug Store. A Item Kuilely lllnrliert. Esquire Johu P II hater yes erday tar ed out with his steuiu threshing rq,.pme.ifc, A few bheafs from Inst ''seas n were left in the thresher, and when the wheuld begun to hum and dust; to rise, a partly picked hen CMii? fluttering and iqualliug out She hud ui tde u nes' in tbe thresher and was'setting on the eggB. Tbe ihreihei' got about half of her feathers. All tbe eggs in her nest went through trie machine. Char lut't News Ts there any leason fur dotltfintr Hiid i(r mmnir a irreat anl vital fact simply be caune a few preju diced, misguided "loeoole have ami- A quated ideas of what constitutes morality and modesty r Kea ton and honesty say t LSsA"" ,ntl wuien are at- and women and be cause it is riuht and necessarv that thev IW 1 thou Id be .o at. imdM "'"''. The thing. Y; Tre I itiai maice a man at- TtW tractive are the char. J t cU rislics caused by i inherent nianli- IffJKwvbltf acss-by the stretiirtb V'NS4s W 1 which niultcs him a ' UM;L . oerfect man. T b amc Is true of wo man. There is stron( attractivrness in per feet health. There ii ftiscuiation and man knetism In it. A wo 'man cannot be en- titely womanly slit cannot be a uerfeel SspmS-'f wtMiian if she is not JaeA in iel feci health. In v Bo mucn as nei ' less affects the organ that make her a . ui, in just so much shedoses attraclive t,(i This is the vital part of her health .1 ....ything in wrong there, H may result ia a!! uanner of ills all over the bodv, Care- i , or tiw busy, physicians frequently troat f symptom of this kind of disorder as , irate and distinct ailments. The lynip v. are many and vaiied. o much so thai n a woman is sick in any wuy, the fi;Mt v igm should De iriven to tne organs um '.ii. tly feminine. Abcat o times In 10 the c i. le of the trouble will be found there. I t Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures ail V irdcrs of this kind. There is no guess. k about It. There is no chance about it t 1 1 a fact that has been demonstrated in je 'h d years of extensive practice. 1 liotisands of women have written grate ful Jettets, who huve wished the whole wo Id uf women to know the wondeiful tti igs the " t'resu'i lum " has dune ful ' id " I, . 14 ese VOL. IX-NO 2i. There Wiu Turn In in Tide of AUnlra Ou Toesday afteinoon one of the sports from this city becoming tired of ihe humdrum of city life went to tne country and Cilled on one of the oountj's fariest young ladies. The younc gentleman went horseback,but tf ter arriving at tbe home of the young lady they he end the young lady decided to take a bnggy ride. The young man hitched up his horse to the buggy belonging to the father of the young lady and they went, that h to say started. Eyerything went on smoothly but suddenly there was a turn in tbe tide of affairs when the borse became frightened and ran away,, npsetting the buggy and throwing the occu pa. its violently to the ground. Tbe young lady had one shoulder and arm somewhat hurt but not serious ly. One side of her face is slightly mutilated and is carried ii. a "swing" but sbc is Btill able to talk and fluently, too. The extent of tne young man's injuries 's not known as he has not spoken a word since the accident occurred. ..lie returned to town son etnne 1 uesday nignl. lie wears a loi.g face, eyen longer than his unkemj t auburn hair and his pants still bear marks of his thrill ing experience. In all seriousness they uiibt have b en badly hurt and their ess ciipe is next to miraculous. When last heard from the wreck age was hanging on a persimmon tree in O.'O. F liost's field nea fold Springs in No. 8 tiwnship. IJailj Standard of Thursday, June 18 1 lie Nrlioolboy anil l lie lusneelor. Ia an Kdlnburg school tbe other day an inspector, wishicg to test the kno -ledge of a class in fractions, asked one bay whether he would take a sixth or a seyenth part of an orange if he ot his choice, Tbe boy promptly replied that he would take tbe seventh. At this the in eoector explained at length to the class that the boy who would choose the smaller part as this biy had done because it looked the larger fraction was very foolish, but ihe langh was on tbe other side when the chirping voice of another urchin broke in and remonstrauce, "Please, sir, but that boy dosn't like orauges. Westminister Gazette. x Commodore Blnreh'a Wit. A good story was told lately of Commodore March, of M.irch'e Point, Fidalgo Ijiand, whose ready wit is well known to tbe habitues of the Hotel Butler, and indeed, all over the sound. The commodore was culled an witnesd ia tbe Point Roberts dispute between Ih "Jcancery nen and the Indiiimi, and tbe lawyer ou i tie -other side, with a what cii'.-you knsw about it uir, put tbe question to him : "llow long have 0U been in this part of the country, Mr. March?' Mr. March has a pretty chin, and he sh ivi-3 his white whwkers to either side to Bhow lti ff. When tbe q lies' ion was so suddenly put lie sof tly caressed the pretty chin and slowly and uieditatiyely said, as though to himself : 'Forty, forty-fiye, fifty," and at length answered "hfty-fi?e yea . "Fifty-five years 1" said the law yer, and then, as if be were address ing Jnristnptier Columbus, asked: "And what did you dixiover, Mr. Mah?" "A dark-.vitaged savage " "Park-ywageil savagn, eh ? Yes ; and what did ynu say t him ?'' '1 said it was a line d iy." "Fiue day? Yey, aud what did he say to you ?" Mr. March rattled off n whole yarn In Chinook, and kept on to the merit of the whole court room, until peremptorily cut off by the gayel of the jud(;e. 'I askpd jo'i what reply the say- age made to you, Mr. March. Please answer the question," said tue irate cros-.-exatnint r. ' ' ' I was answering. '' "Tell us what tbe saytige said-" ' That was what, he aid ' "Tell it to us in English." . 'Not unless I um comniisiioned by the court to net us int'ipreter and paid the customary fee." Thelawjer thought a moment, looked at tli" judge, who cnnld not mist, a smile, ai d said Be erel): 'Mr March, you mav sand Jon." S utile Poir-lutr!i!ei.Cer. l.nNt Yenk'4 Watermelon In the store of It tJ .1 s'V & Co , may be Peetl a last Je.r's water, melon. It was kept under the ahelyes ill the wn ter without nut spicinl effort to protect it. Mr. H L l!rdy oua of the talesmen sayn It was put in the store about October. It has hetn k pt lb. re then, about 8 months and is in pretty good rondmou )et. Siuce writing the foregoing it has been cut and is K preeuiycd. 'Commonwealth, HE TO HER GUESTS. Mr. WD llliigrbniii Keeelvei, Vompll mrntary to VimiiIiis; Yoiiiik. I.nllra. Oae of the most pleacant events of the season took place-Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W S Bingham, on West Dapot street. A party was given to the charming Misses Ola Cochrane, of Charlotte, Rena Ingram, of Wades boro, and Iva Parks, of Ilarrisburg, all of whom are guests of Mrs. Bingham. The happy participants were : Mr. and Mrs. 8 J Lowe, Misses Mary Elictt, Katharine Gib son, Emily Gibson, Janie Ervin, Bettie L-wlie, Rose HarriB, Mary Louis Harris, Kate Morrison, Lucy Lore, Lou Stuart, Ada Craven, Nannie Archibald and Messrs. Rev. A K Pool and friend, Maun Stuart, Tom White, Ed. White, Bennie Craven, It L ""Keesler, Cha'. White, Frank Cannon, El Moss, Sam White, JJaury Richmond, Charles Montgomery, Harry White, Marshall Crowell, Paul Parks, Zab. Morris, Morrison Fetzer and Earle Brown. - t The guests were delightfully en tertained by social converse, music, etc. Refreshments were served, which was a feature. Daily Stand ard of Thursday, Jane 13. Will Be lis lresldeut. JAt. J W Cannon bus returned frcm Misenheimer's springs. JUe informed a Standard reporter lat Tnuraday mornini; that tbe proe posed cotton mill at Albemarle was now a certainty aud that the first payment of tbe capital stock wib deposited in the hVioDit Bank of tbh city loday. Wurk will begin on the construction of the mill at once. It will be located near the depot at Albemarle, toward Kalis bury. Mr. Cannon has reconsidered his resignation as resident of the concern and ill accept that respon sible position. Eneourairliijr I'rnspeel. The Wilkesooro Chronicle ha- this to say about the whiskey crop in that "'State'': "The prosnec's are that Wilkes will have tho fewest number of distilleries this season, known in her history. There will hardly be a bonded brandy distillery in the connty this year, and the revenue officer are clcsing out most of the whiskey distilleries. There will be yery few that surviye. Whert there have been hundreds before there will be scarcely a dozen. This of course will relieve most of the rev. enue officers in this section, as there will bo nothing for them to do. They will either have to go out of business or find other fields for op eration." ilulle Original. One of the sryeral charming young ladies visiting in the city, sprung a new one on one of the lonnl cjcliflt.s who called dining a storm one evening this week. On approaching, the lady .-isked the gentleman why he didn't ride his wheel. His reply was "It's ruining and too muddy." The lady t Od hi ji "that was the time to ride t bicycle, because it bad on its rub-t-eis." lie llerllnea. Ilev. V RStiokley pissed through the city lant Thursday morning from Mt. l'jeasunt,. v hern he hiid gine to cotisider a call M become the Buccwsor to Re v. (! T T Fisher in the priiicipalnhip of Mont Arttnna Ftfmnln Heininary. Ha re ports to us that he han decided to decline the call. This will be a source of joy to the Enochville charge and we congratu late them on the decision of their pastor who sought only the greatest service in the Master's cause in his consideration of a change. Prof. Fiaher will, we hope, continuo his successful efforts at Mont An.(pna till it will become necessary for him to. withdraw for bis new field. A II I If 1 ree In No. H. Misers W M IV r a, J L Petrea and J R Dry b ive recently returned fio n u trip to 'he fisheries in South Carolina While rambling up and down the banks of the great IVe Dee, neai Chrraw, these men ran against a cottorf tne, meaburing twenty feet in circumference about tliKirshk. It, wus a " hopper," to iliem, but on arriving at their home in old Cabarrus they found a poplar tree, on thR Kurnutie gold miue property ir No, 9 township, thnt measures 10 feet iirot.nd the tiuuk. From its ti'e flows a stream of cr? alal water '.natia pare and health giving in qualities. In rear of ibis big poplar tree is a gold mine shaft, noted for its many rare nuggets. Mr. Thomas PetreB says this poplar tree is the largest one in that whole s ctiou of the country. The fisher men had splendid luck and a pros perous trip. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE Miort I.oeala, It snowed in Mitchell county ou last Sunday. There areonoilozin prisoners in jail at present. The post office has been painted and otherwise improved. The late Mr. Charles E Alex andcr bad his life insured fur 81,000. Vice-Piciident Steveuson seems to be in it this year for commence naont addresses. Uncle Sam's quarters in this city will prfsent quite a neat and hand some appearance when tbe cleans ing and painting process ia through with. The home of p-stmaster John Bj Shemll 18 being remodeled, it is being converted into a twostory house with all the modern con venieoces. It is no longer in order to ask "what ia tbe matter with Haona ?" He is tbe big Towser on tbe barn floor at St. Louis, and bis harking is potential. Wilmington Meesergor. Among the dancers present at the final Roanoke College german at Hotel Salem, Roanoke, Va., we note tbe name of Miss Fannie Rogers of this city. Contractor S A Hamilton, of this city, has closed a trade to erect 8 large two Btory brick Btore room, in Salisbury, near tbe Southern shops, for Mr. F W Boat, of China Grove. Mt. D P Dayvault has had placed in his Btore room a telephone on tbe long distance lice. There are others who will join in the pro ceesion tbat connects this progress ive town with others. For a great deal less than their actual value Cannons it Felz'r v ill enter upon their mid sum Jier fcalet and drop prices on dress goodt to a great extent." See their adver tisement today. Will Blackwelder, a negro boy of this city brought the bay horse of Mr. II A Brown through tht country from GastoniiiTueBday last and last night the animal died. It had been founded. People who havo not already done so should see to making theii returns at once. The lax listers will close their books on June 30:h and unless this maiter is attended to you may be the loser. Mr. J V Stiller, of this city, has secured a position with tbe harness manufactory of It L Rast, of Colum bia, S. C, and will leave in a few days for that city. He will not move bis family until in tbe fall. Commoncing at once, the South' ern railway will make Concord a regular flag stop for both Nob. 3? and 38, vestibule trains. This it quite a conveniont arrangement foi our people. Bloomers are more 'jiopular in San Francisco than skirts. The men say the reason is the high winds that blow through the golden gate, and which elevate the skiru of the wheel women to a position tiev were never expected to occupy. Exchange. Several young men were playing with a baseball, tossing it up and down tho sidewalk in front ol Marsh's drug store Thursday night, when it passed through Borne one's hands and shattered a gla8 in the Lore Btore room window. Itseems that no one knew who did it. Byron used a great deal of hair dressiug, but was very particular to havo only the best to be found on the market. If Ayer'8 Hair Vigor nad ben obtained then, doubtless ho would ave tested its merits, a? hu many distinguished and fashion able people are doing now a days. A good game of baseball was plaved Friday evening on tbe For est Hill ball ground between Aub rny Hoover and Tom Smith's nines. Ton inningp were played. Up to and ii. eluding the ninth inning the store stood 2 and 2. The tenth in ning wound up the game, when Tom Smith'B nine scored 4 against Hoover's 8. of the human curiosities it Wilkesbarre, Pa., is a 3-year old bo; , who ia perfectly formed and sprightly and weighs only ten pounds. At Mrth he weighed a pound and a half. Another very remarkable thins ia that when he was born his mother was 71 year" of age and his father 70 They are both dead. Guilford Herald. Members of the Hose'nnd Reel Company were out collecting donu tions made by the ci iz'ns to pu: chasa uniforms. Tho unifirmi" have been ordered and nr expected to arrive on the 2-Jth. If you have sub'cribed and no one talis for it p'enehand or send the amount to James U Cook, treasurer. ' Dr J S L-ff-rtv, of the Cabarrus dimly Sunday school Association, saj s that the nounly convention will 1h held this year on Thursday, the 0 h of July, at Rocky Rivir church, in No. 1 town ship. The time for holding the county conventions was fixel by the last Stale convention and is earlier this year than previously. D.nntv Sher'ir M mrnp. of Salis bury, brought to this city one J 0 liedwinc, on WiUnesnay, wuo was lodged in jiil. Some lime ago liaili-inn Ur-Htrm involved in a d Oieulty ard Mr P M Morris went on his bond. in course m ume Kurttsinn left ..nil Linaterl at Cift 18- bury from wbt r; Mr. Morris had bim returned and taken to the oouuty boarding house for safe keeping. A certain young bousokcepf r hai been two days in "seeding" half bushel of blackberries for jimmin purposes. '.The postoflico is beautifully trimmed in colors of Nilo green, olive atUl pink. lT(ie law prohibiting cows from grr,z;ng on 1 10 hidewalks should b put it) force and tho policemer. should beat down West Depot street occssionally. A grand picnic is being arranged for, to take place on tho fourth of July at Misenheimer's Springe, in Stauly county. Everybody ia in vi'.cd. Several little colored boys cap ured a young blue crane at R A Brown's brick yard Friday night that measured six feet from tip tc tip of its wing3. A colored boy was on the BtreoU this afternoon displaying a king, which was coiled around" s walking cane. The snake wat caught in the back lots. The last of twelve barrels of seized whiskey, which has bec,n stored away iu Mr. W E Cook's grocery stnre for the past month, was ship ped to parties in Charlotte toda'. The small child of Mr. and Mrs. R L Alexander died at their home at Cannonville, Friday night. Rev. W C Alexadder conducted the fu neral services this (Saturday) after noon.. The interment took place at Rocky Ridge, southwest the city The colored firemen of the city will have a festival and grand rally on the fourth of July to raise money to send several of their delegates to the meeting of tbe State Colored Firtmen Association. They will ask their white friends for help. Some people are constantly Iroublod with pimples and boils, especially about the face and neck. Tbe best remedy is a thorough course of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, which expels all humors through the proper channel , and eo makes the skin become soft, healthy, and fair. To Milk "Vilisiiiii rs. I am again delivering milk at thr doors of the ci'izens of Concord Look for my wagon and leave your order. Purest milk guaranteed. Thanking you for your past favors, I am yours ready to serve 1 lm. U. V. MlitSHEIMEIl. Wnnieil m Oucw. a Active agents for each county. Exclusive control and no risk. Will clear 13 to 25 hundred dollars a year. Enclose stamp for full par ticulars or 25 cents for $1 sample Big Rapids Mineral Water Co. lm Big Rapid, Mich. Ulven Away 'rrc. To advertise our goods will giye iway absolutely free one box of five cent cigara, one gold ring and a sample bottle of le'ers' Pain Killer t ) cv ry one tending us fifty c. nts to pay packing aud postnge. Addrte, Peeler iNDWi.soN if edhtnh Co. . Lock Box 1, Kernersville, N. 0. . For Knle. Two -thoroughly renovated top bngwies almost new, very chenp. Call at this office. The F.nrlli Trembled. Exactly at 12:45 today, a number of people i el t or imagined that tbey felt, a Blight earthquake shock. It lasted for possiby ten seconds, when houses shook and windows rattled. Reports come in from different parts of the city which corroborate with the first report. Taken from Daily Standard of Friday, June 19. THE BEST Family Medicinc She Uaa Ever Known, Wordi of Praise from a New York Lady for AYER'S Pl LS " I would liko to iw'.cl my testimony to that of others who have used Ayer'a Pills, and to nay that I havo taken them lor many years, and always derived the best results from their use. For ntom ludi and liver troubles, and for the euro Df headache caused hy these deranpo lueuts, Ayer's Pills cannot be eq'ialeJ. 1 Lr i 1. , VVlien my friends ask mo whnt In ttie beat remedy for disnrdors of tlio stom ach, liver, or bowels, my invuriiibli answer is, Ayer' IMlls. Taken In sea aon,'tliey will break up a cold, prevent la grippe, clun k fever, and regulate the, ditfostive organs. are easy to tnka, nttd aro, indeed, the best all-ronml family medicine I have ever known."- htrs. May Johnson, Itidi r Avenue, Now York C'.lv. 'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair, tver't 'inatJHIl? Cure ill Blood Disorders , iu 25, 1896. HeMoltitleiifl ol' KeHleet. Whereas, God, in Hie all wife providence, hath called from earth iur friend and brother, Charles Ed win Alexander, tberenVe be it re solved by tbe members of Cold Water Lodgo, No. (12, Iodependenl Order O ld Fellows. 1st. That we recognize tbe fact that our finite minds cannot fathom the infinite purposes of our All wise God, yet, vce humbly how in submission to His will. Whilo we mourn this invasion of our ranks and this Jess of one who was en deared to us by tripplo tiea of "Friendship, Love, und Truth,' and who in bis daily life exempli Bed all the virtues 6f Odd Fellow ship; 2ud. That in the death of Brjther Charles E Alexander this lodge has lost an honored and use ful member, tbe State a good citi zen, the church one who, although young in years was old in character; and whose Christian example will live and shine throughout all eter nity. "Kind Wordd and Deeds Never Die." The commncity has lost one whose uniform courtesy commended him to all classes, and the light of whose sunny smile car ried cheer wherever he went; "he was so pleasant." His fnKly has lost one who waa the pride of his brother and sisters, the hope of his father and the ideal of his mother. 3rd, Tbat io this hour of efllio tion, we extend to the bereaved family our flacere sympathy, al though we fully realize that God alone can give comfort. 4 b, That a page of our minute book be dedica ed to tbe memory of our deceased brother and inscrib ed with these resolutions; that a copy be sent to the sorrow-3tricken family, and tbut the Concord papers be furnished with copies for publi cation. Jrm.v A. Sims ) M. L. Mooiie Committee. J. E. Smoot ) June IS. 1800 A Morelieail Vity t'renk. A correspondent writing from Morehead City to the Newberne Journal of one of oature'd freaks says : D S Saunders, a merchant at Morehead, owns a fine Jersey cow, which has a calf about two months old. The sire of the calf bore upon its right ear, a swallow font mark, and upon the left ear a plain crop was cut. The calf is maiked by nature in the same manner. This peculiar fact is vouched lor by citi' zens ot Morehead City. We once bad a tailless dog but we did not suspect that it was due to the pruning knife of some wag applied to the purp s sire. Kooiim Free lo .ill. Trend in the Christian Standard that Miss A M Frilz, Station A. St. Louis, Mo., would give an elegant plated book spoon to any one send ing her ten 2-cent stamps. I Bent fir one and found it so useful that 'showed it-to my friends, and made $13 in two hours, taking or ders for tbe spoon. Tbe hook spoon is a household necessity. It cannot slip into the dish or cooking vessel, being held in the place by a hook on tho back. The spoon is some thing housekeepers have needed ever since spoons were first invent ed. Any one can get a sample fpoon by sending ten 2 cent slants to Mies Frifz. This is a splendid way to make money around home. Very truly, Jeannette S. four Men llitrcl.r r.'ne. A3 to Mr. J W Cannon and Mr, John llil lei i narrow escape from being entombed beuealh falling dirt on last Saturday, at the esca. vation beyond the bleachery, we were misinformed. of the gentlemen was iu the cut at the ime ef the cave in, but were near by. On Thursday eyening several tors of ihe high embankment fell in, w'ioj Jim Rankin, liob I'almer, Bill Gibson and ifub Cannon, 'all co'ored, barely escaped. So bjdly frightened was one man that he climbed a 25 fuot embankment s'rai;'bt np Will llcu'In nt A Ibemarlc. Mr. U A brown of this city bas gone to Albemarle to arrange for Iri brick yard force and contractor in order that he Can begiu the building of the large cj ton factory at that place tt once. Tins Standard will not exagera'e one bit when it Buys that "Bus" Hrown has nudi more brick at.d built more cotton factories wi bin the past few years thin many contr-ic'trs and brick men have in a life time.. Mr. Brown has a cinch on the brick work busi ness in all this whole section. lime Ileituii Work. 1 A L'irge force rf hands are at work grading tie sidetrack exten sion from the Cannon factory to the Odell mills. Thev begun Thurs day and aro making rapid headway. Mr. W II Wells, of Washington City, is in charge and will push the ro d right through. WHOLE NO. 380 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE lloiv Nlriiliuo, Yet It In True. Annie Abbott, the ' Georgia mae net,'' who gave two wonderful per formancea in 1 his city last week, 13 a strange aud p'lzzling specimen of humanity. She not only threw her audience - into a sja'e of wonder ment, but on Tuesday rn ht she, no doubt, accomplished a dted that shows her power and worth superior to many ph6icians. Rev. Z "Rush, an aged geutleman, had been almost deaf for a priid of nine years. He went upon the stage and was treated for his deafness with a rt suit that may proye of. great b.-ntfit to him in the wy of bearing. While treating him, the mjeteiious woman would tal i in a whisper and Mr. Rjsh could her distinctly eyery woid uttered. Since that time Mr. Rush's hearing haB been a great deal clearer, he thinks. It was done simply by the touch of her lingers to his ears. A tlinnee to Make Koney, I have berries, grapes and peaches, a year old, fresh as when picked. I use the California Cold process, do.not heat or seal the fruit, just put it up cold, feeeps perfectly tresh, and costs almost notning ; can out up a bushel in ten minutes. List week I sold directions to over 120 families; anyone will pay a dollar for directions, when they see the beautiful samples of iruit. As there are manv DeoDle Door like my self, I consider it my duly 'lo' give my experience to eucn, and teel confident any one can make one or two hundred dollars round home iu a few days. I will mail sample of fruit and complete directions, to any of your readers, for eighteen two-cent stamps, which is only the actual cost of samples, postage, etc., to me. l bancib Casey, St. Louis, Mo. ProfHnley II "a a ly ran t .Serve it Sot A man uses oaths and blasphe. mom imprecations because he rec ognizes tbe need of strong language but is so poorly equipped that he cannot make it strong with simple respectable English. Man is defiled by sin and hence he forgets God at.d indulges in blasphemous and pro'anc language He is either indifferent to what God teaches and requires or he is forget ful of tho solemn declaration of God as to tbe 1 tte or the swearer, "Aud the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." It would be remarkable but for itj friquency tbut men should swear and outrage God, their Maker. There is a complete want of rever ence when a man forgeis God and the proprieties aud decencies and uses the language of the slum and "swears like a trooper" or the foul- mouthed blasphenie-s. It is an awful habit to fall into. No man is to be excused for such offences against God and decency. No man not beastly in r.atnrc will swear in tbe presence of a puie, nolle woman. This Bhows when he swears iu the presence of ministers of the Gospel, before the aged, and among renl Christians, that he is lacking in proper breeding, is very deficient in reverercea. It is a very imperfect character that is without proper reverence for God, for char acter, for what is manly an -I good and noble. No Eeneible nan nho nfL'cts but must admit tbat he giyes no force or dignity to his opinion by putting inmost offensive expltutivea that shock the self- reepecting and morally upright, fnd lowers Lis o-vn dignity, arid self., respect. We doobt if ; a . man of decent manners and, prqper regard for self ever swears and thinks, who does not regret and condemn 'the ile habit and deplore th? easy slayery he wears. A true gentleman ' aho 1 1d eschew profanity as he would ayoid a hoiue of pestileuce. He sliou'd regard the proprieties, should respect age, should not wantoulj offend Christiana by a vi.'e to.igue Lille J with awful profanities which must be met in the world beyond. No profane babbler will ever enter into the kingdom of Heaven. Wil mington Messenger. The insurgentaein Cuba have di--covered a novel method of setting fi re to tho sogtr cunt! fells. A mn ai 1 piec of pho:phnrus oatuil with wax is fastened to a s lake's tail and the snake let loose among the cane. The sun melts the w, agd ignites the phosphorus and tho deed is dono. No military super vision can out wit l iis plnn.--Dur-ham Sun. Mumps find blackberries are plen tiful in this city. THE : STANDARD PRINTS THE ftEWb THAT IS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. bwder FAITH IN HIS PARTY. , Kelusew to Halle ve That the Hem v ' eral Will Nwnllow ihe Mlir Jlercsy. . ( Washington, Jane 17. Presi dent Cleveland has given to thu . New York Herald the following statement in reply to a direct query, ia regard to the Democratic situ' tion ; "I have made no bgorei as to tN probable action of the dele-gait -1 ' aire idy chosen or to be chosen' "ta the Democra'.ic national conventio but I refuse to believe that wher:- tne time arrives lor deliberate v , tj tbere wl, be f d our Democratic creed a demand for the free, unlimited aud independent coinage of silyer, I cannot bell j 0 this, bacauae I know tbe Democratic party is not unpatriotic nor foolish, and because it Beems so clear to too that such a course will inflict a yery great injury upon eyery interest of our country, which it has been t'i mission of the Democracy to ai vance, and will result in lasting disastei to our party organizition There is little hope that, as rr.ean of Buccess, this free silver proposi tion, after its thorough (iiscajttkn during a political . campaign, will attract a majority of,, tho votei.01.. the country, Itmasthe that many .of the illusions influencing thosj now relying upon this "alleged pana cea for their ills, will be dispelled before the lime comts for them lo cast their ballots which will expr'tt their sober second thought. " "The adoption by the Democracy of this propositi d would, I believ. . give to our opponents an adyantaj?, both in ths present and the futc-.-, which they do not deserve. "My attachment to true Demi 1 racy is bo Btrong tbat I copsider u-t success as identical with the proi , -tion of the country' good, lis: ought sufficiently to acconnt for xy acxiely that no mistake be madi t our party convention. In my op va ion, no cffjrt should be epared .0 secure such action of the dclegKt as will ayert party demoralization, "It is a place for consultation buJ comparison of views, and tboua' Democrats who believe in the ca ita' of sound money should there ba beard, and be constantly in evidence, 'A cause worth fighting for, ' worth fighting for to the end. If sound money Democrats iupf there is danger of a mistake be:ng u-ade, such danger should itima'at 1 their activity in averting it, inglon i of creating discouragement. "I am very far from arrogating to. myself a controlling influence oroi) the policy of tnj partj; . bu( as au unflinching Democrat, who has beer; honored by his party and who de sires hereafter no greater poliCei.S privileges thaa to occupy the pUcti of a priva'e in its ranks, I hope may not te blamed for Baying :h much at this time, in the intei-i, as it seems to me, of the grand ol t 0 gamzation, so rich iu bonor .' le traditions, so justly proud ol it achievements and always brave ',1 its battles for the people's welfi -,' From LaQrippc How Dr. Miles' Nervine Reat . One of Kentucky's Busfr No DISEASE has ever presented so it t peculiarities as Lairlptie, JVudl leaves Its victims k o. bllifjUeit, u.,-. ileepless, nerveless, its 1,,'itii'tppti. Mr. 1). W. lHItnn, Male riLMMitof the Ual Life InMii.'iu.v (if kouturky, "In 1MI ami 'M I had two ho vera Ht of L;i(jrii:', t lm last one attarktiiR my vi tin - -ii in with bile 1 1 s' verity I hat n ; w;ih tj'-DJiiietl tit. I li:ul tit it lopt fur ii th;ni 1h y tut jilt lis exerjit by t he u .e ul rot tea that stupetied luo, Unt 4ivq t ret. I was only eon-eintM of Jul use rn n weakness." fr.Mnl7inr lunlily pain an ' ' factthaL I uu-s leitiriy iiniwin: vveakei When In f lii-eoniiit ion. I f'miuri-nerit Dr. Miles' Ui'Mui;Lt.vo Nervine. Tn 10 I hejran t'i improvo and in n:ie nimith'i T was cured, liTueli M !!: fr in- uf ui kiu;w of my condition. I huve heeii I relit lit lieal t li --,it;'e n ltd h:i e n o pjiiiip your retm-dlK to muny of my f Herein. LoulavilUi, Jan. 2a, l W. Kit, Dr. Mfc' Korviiio Restores ft ton XALti JiY AU MiW. 'llil'i- 'J ' . r- O

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