i tl: 1 1 THE STANDARD -'lUnNSOUT , . jT'HE : STANDAF POINTS TIIR UjJlT'A .THAT IS J'E "l ' GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING TRICKS. For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. VOL.IX--NO 25. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1896. WHOLE -NO 38a 1: GIVE US .A, TRIAL The ST AND A ED J) TIE MIL- WILLIAM JENMNGi BRYAN' how ir came Ai:our. III! Almirpl nml f JierriMt Tiiliimu Niri'nmiMl iiuik liiN-t--'l ln "lti)- riifor of llii' Pintle" tlic Ilr-ro of tho lliinr.-HI" nihrr F.l. -ii-u-- Overrule fJolflf-u l.oitlr. Tie great American heart gave e sigh f relic f Saturday morning as the news flashed over the Inn 1 ami minds of the people that the great Democratic convention had nom: Dated. . The nominee, William Jennings Bryan, of Lincoln, Neb., though yoang in years, his brilliancy is ex ceptionable, oratory unexcelled and his strength of character and hon 8sty of purpose are ur questionable From the New York World we copy his i brief career as written by himself: "W illiam Jennings Bryan, of Lin coin, Neb , was born in l?alm, Ma rlon county, III., March 1(1, 1800; atteuded public school under fifteen years of sge, Spending his vacations on the farm ; tn the fall of 1S75 entered Whipple Acadeiry, at Jack sonville, 11; entered Illinois Col lege, Jacksonville in 1877 ; com pleted a classical course and was graduated vwth he highest honors in 1881 ; attct.ded Union College of Law, Chic-go, II!., for two yeurs, during which time he was connected with the office of ex-Senator Ly man Trumb.ill ; began the practice of hU profersion at Jacksonville; removed to l.inolu, Neb., October I 1887, and became a member of the firm of Talbot and Bryan; never held aq chet've t.ffiee piior to bit election lo Cur.greM ; was elected to the Fifty-second and re elected to the Fifijit:iird Congress as a Dem ocrat, nceiving 13,784 vo'is, againet 13,r.H vo'estr Allen W Field, Ha public in, SG.'J vo'es for R W Max. well.L'ibibitionist, and 2,100 votes for Jerome Rhfinip, Populist." Friday's conveutiou was a mixture of statesmanship, patriotism, cynical narrow-mindediieB.j, elc'p.ieiio-', eon fusion, excitement and finally re ' jnicing. Senator II ill made a gillant light and an honorable plea. He. called attention severally to the mistakes, incongruities and absurdities of the platform; sounded a note of warn ing by referrirg to the pns.-ible fail ore, and bepgei! i,ot. lo di ivc cut "old Demicrats to make room for a lot of Republicans, and old Whigs and other Populists that will inol, vote the ticket af'er all," and closed by saying that, "if we kePp in (he good old pal hi of the party we. can in. If we depatt from them we oliall Jose." . Reca'or Tillman' "pitchforking'' ft': ' i. iir-H met with j era and ''f-n-i. ! be said that it was ,,-.-'; -it- n, i " tbt-n no. other silver ' -' s ii . i:h like tieatment. It is hilily commendable in the convoitioni that bis egotisMe ha rangue which was but tasmg ad yantagoof the great Ih-moeratic convention to advertise IWn Tillman was fit) "set down on." 8 nator Bryan's oration in reply to Senator Hill g ive him the nomi nation. His ci rt r. plica to M' IliU's logic, coinciding with the ,,ni08t advanced and eonscimtious free silver argument, wis greeted throughout with cheers. When the voting commenced Bland wasiu the lead, but held his position only through the 2nd ballot after )iich there was a general lUmp'do for Bryan. North Caro- Una disliitgui.-hed herself by stak ing to Bryan from first to last and - in addition to this bis nomination had been seconded by Tbeo. F KlutU, of Salisbury. The North Carolina deb gallon iilif Joe said lo be high in fuyor with the. next probable President of the Tur'td States, Ttt rive Nnve.l. Mis. 1'hoobo Thomas, of June! ion City. 111., was told by her doctors slio had consumption and that there was no hope for her recovery, but two bottles of lr. lure's New Dis covery saved her life. Mr, J hoinas lagers, 1;"I Florida fit. 8au Fnineis cp, BuO'uroit from a drjudful oold, approaching nouBumption, triod without lesult overytbini: olne (bun bought a hottlo of Pr. Kine's New Discovttrv and in two weeks was cured. lie in naturally thankful It in Biie.h roBiilts, of which Ihrao lire eatnnlon, that prove Vo wonder' ful tflioacy of this medicine in coUtfhH and colda. Free trial bi.ttlos at Fetzer's lruu stc-io. lieular lizo 50e, aid l.U0. SANITARY WORK NEEDED. line Creat Hrlli'T Hie 'otiiinlNNionfMi MHinl'l Ulvelho ln llur l" l.' Art lili-klntc. Thb Sta.vda.iid has no desire to become sore on the suhpef, but the sanitary condition of this city is of vital importance to our oilizeiip, and if ever clcmliness was needed, it is t present. Eyery day The Stan daud bears complaint of soma ob noxious snji-ll and that . decaying, garbage, truck, etc., is being scat tered broadcast over the town, creat ing stenches in the nostrils of man kind and microbes as large as house (lies, which bring about malaria, chills and fever. In the central part of the city there are piles of watermelon rinds, rotten cucumbers, lecayed cabbage and other thingB, hilo on the opposite Bide of the rown there are dead chickens in bags, staguant mudholeB, etc., all of which go to create sickness. Along Main street, between the square at Felzir'a drtij: store and Mill street a very unpleasant odor pervades the atmosphere, and it is along thia street that microbes roll wheelba.- rows and pull goat wngons, making the sensitive nerves of a good nose quiyer and so offensive that resi dents have to close their windows at nights. From whence it cornea no one seems to know but it exists nevertheless. , Tbo'Ci'y could well afford to nipioy a man to look af.er this matter, lc has conn unattended bng enough, and people have a just reason for kicking. Place trash and garbage in barrels on the streets in the front of stores and compel the storekeepers to put thir tra;h jnd decayed stuff in Ibeni by !) o'clock each morning and then have the town cart brought out and haul it away from the city or bury it. The recent heavy rains will ca ised more than tue usual amount or sickness, unless you take precau ions. Use lime at the out hout-ep, asg pens, where you tariuv water and all da-r-p places, in a'.un Unco. Policemen ISoger and Fisher have enough to do when they haye at tended to other ol'ioml business and ire, or stem to be, incapable of loins their duty iu this sani'ary work. Make it som;body's bouiit-'en d i ty o protect the perplo against 'a:-z xistin er sanitary evils or many of hose who are compelled to submit o the weakening nature of microbes mil malaria niii be too cold and 3. iff to complain. It is very unpleac-nt for !m: TANKARD to "l!U8t" the COIllllli-n noners o-i tins subject, but nnlees inethi:ig is done to relieve lb pcop'e or case their minds a ro-ist iwaits them that is nni given by the 'pencil pusher, out by Lit b.itann.' iiaji-siy von rem! aoouc. HT flir Slortli. The heavy wiuda Tnesdiiy even ing dil a great deal of dampge to urn, beB'.'des blowing do'vn in.- merous treeti and breaking limlw i f the beautiful f-hade tre es of tl.o city. A large 'ree in the yard of Dr. Rob ert H YW1112 tell Bhortiy alter f clock and came near catching two young ninn, who happened to be passing. Limbs struck the electric ht wirnaand the cons' iiuenco wa- utter darkness thrnugbout tho city No fatalities are reported. ,? 'I'ho ft I ii t Itrtilto A good looking, well to do baehe- !or of (Irifliu, (la., was being teased by the young Jadiis of a club for net X ing married. Hes.iid: ' I'll marry the cue of you whom, on ,a secret vote, you - elect to be my wifn." fhere were nine members of the Itib. Each girl went into a corner iitid u ed grea- caution iu preparing her ballot and disguised her hand writing. '1 he result of the vote was hat there were nine yoles cast, :ich girl rciving one The man rem iins a rmchelor, the club is bro ken np and the girls are mfirtal ene in 'e-v united in the one determina Hon that they will not speak to tin man again. A t li.inro In ft nlip Idiirj-. I have berritp, crapes nr.d poachfP, a year old, frmh an when picked. I use the California Cold process, dojnot heiit or seallho fru', just put it up cold, koepi perfectly fresh, and costsabnnst tiothii g ;can put up a tiusliel in len niinuli-H. I. nut week 1 sold directions to over PJO fnmi'.icf; nnyono will pny a dollar for directions, when they eee the beautiful samples of fruit. As there arc many penp'.o poor like my nelf, I connider it my duly to give my experience to smh, and feel conli lent any one can make one or two hundred dollars round home in'ft few dayn. 1 will mail pnttiple of fruit anil c mp!cto direct'on", to any of jour render-, for eighteen two-cent ritamps, which is oniy the actual cost of a-impletf, postcg0, etc., tome.' Fi.'ancis Caskv, f5t, Louis, Mo. SHORT LOG A La. Turnip sowing had a backset on accout ot tho rain. The groon limbs, dead limbs, tniFh etc., shou d be moved fiom the sticetB. See the ciiango in Cannons & Fetzer's advertiHement today. It will interest you. Mr. Dan Miller, who was so very sick v,';rtt typhoid fever, is rapidly improving and will be able to be out soon. rroin indications there is an over-production in "country" water melons. They are brought to town in great quantities. Mi?s Sar.ih Jano Etters, 00 years of age, was struck by a passenger train near urovor, lliumlay morning and was instantly killed. Mr. George W Fisher and little Miss Miry Archcy have gone to Rowan county to spend some time at Capt. Jacob Finhtr's. Mr. Walter Kirk has begun a siuging school at Rays' chapel, Can. nonviile. The school opened Thursday night with about thirty scholars. A jilted girl in Vienna, G , had herself photographed in a coflin, ar rayed for the grave. Sns sent the picture to the faithless lover and be became insane. The Raleigh Press-Visitor says that Judge Walter Clark will ro cnivo strong Btipport for the presi dency of North Carolina University to succeed Dr. Winston. Mr. W F Goodman, of No. 6 township, lost a fine blooded milch cow Thursday afternoon. The animal ate too much green corn and died from tho effects abiut six hours afterwards. 1 1 iy-niakirig is going on at the court houf-.o. The lawn has been mown and when tho hay wi.'i have been removed Cabarrus can boat-t of tho prettiest court house yard iu North Carolina. TLo State Prohibition convention will be held at Salisbury, August l'J. That party hr.s decided to nominate a lull .Stato ticket. It is said it will, in some distriets, at leant, nomirato ongresr-'.oci.l emdi dates. Miss Ad.ih C'mven is enjoy ing the International Christian Endeavor convention in Washington, I). C. After tho convention she will devote her time to tho study of music with some of the artists in the musical profession. M'ks Mattin Miller, of IWr Pop Ir.r, r.mvan county, who wmb taken seriously ill while at school at Ml. Pleaf.'itit lar.t M ty, has ?til!ioient'y n-gainoil her health to be able to be out. Her many friends are glad to itnnw oi her rvtore.'.ion to Iialt'i . Free tit page medical reference book to any person afilic'ed with liny special, chronic or delicate d:.i eavi i)co!!,,'ar to thoir sex. AildrcE. the . 'ad'. p!' v.-icians and snr Ijeons of the United States. Dr. Hathaway it Co., 2J.', South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. A 7r'. Pills p-jsiiess the curative virtu," of the be,:t known inedicinal phmte-. Tlieso Pills are tcientifieally prepared, .';re eaey to take, and safe for young aud uid. Tl-.ey are in valuable for regulating the bowels, and for tho relief and cure cf stomach troubles. Tho ialerest'-d watchers of the bulletin board return thanks to Mr. McConnoll, tho ciever and ef ficient tnacager of the Western Union Telegraph Oflice, whose ef forts to overcome the ''troubles" ol the wires and give them all that could be heard, was greatly appre ciated. O.ie car ttachd to Capt. K I. PatterRon's tr-'in Wednesday even ing carno in without a eovering except the threatening clouds far above it. A gunt rf wind struck tho car with such force that the top was blown off, some distance from tho track. This oecurro.1 between (Jhina Grove and this city. Mr. W J liostian, a member of the Winona Council. ! tinier Order United American Mechanic', is organizing a Council in Conccd. Ho has quite a rmmhor ot names mil, accompanied by scvoral mem bers of the Winona Council he will go to Concord in a few days. Salinbury World. Mrs. M A Dreher paw d through the city to Ml. Pleasant la?t Thurs day morning on tier return from Wilmington where sho has been veiling tier son, Dr. J II Dreher She was accompun'ed by Miss Til lit) Schulken, of Wilmington, who fill spend the summer iu Mt. Pleas int. Miss Laura Gourley has given up her cleikship at Mr. M C Walter's storo and will .-pond several months vacation at her heme in No. 10 towns, lip. She may return in September. Mis? .lennie Gourley, her sister, has been m gaged U teach a school during the summer months at P.itler'on's mill. The school will begin Tuesday next. A b;g picnic will t".kr plaeo on Thursday, July 30, ut Mooresvillo. Eeryb.i.l is at.ked to attend and lake with 'hem a'bai-ket filled with eitiiiles. Twenty live cents win op charged for dinner and the proceeds will rro to the l'iriiim .Spring" 1 res- byterian Orphanaee. A similar event oix'irrt d hist year and was a grand success. It is for a most noble cause ana Bhould ie well patroniz,edi Pmoke Ciiicj Cigarj. Fiw just arrivet'. Soyer.tl barrels of new ,a"p'H cider were sold at retail on the streets by countrymen Friday afternoon. M:f. J F Miaenheimer and chil dren, v.'ro have been visiting rela tives in the county, have returnod to their homo in Charlotte. TliK rANPAiti) hears considerab'e cotniileint about the water sarvlee. The heavy rains of the yA l'rw days liave muddied the water in the reservoir. The trouble should be remedied. Constipation, an exceedingly dingorons condition of the bowels, is nearly always the result of care lessnoss and inattention to the calls of nature. To correct irregularities and restore healthy movements, the be-it aperient is Ayer'a Pills. They are easy to take. Friday afternoon at Wayncsviile, Thomas Liue.tr, white, and Jiff Turner, colored, got into a row about f '30 the latter owed Linuer. Tur ner is said to have attempted to strike Limier with a brick, when Liuner cut biin under the arm and iu the bowels, killing him almost in stantly. Linner was arrested. We call attention tn tho adver tisement of the North Carolina Col- ie'e of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts in our issue today. This Col lege has steadily advanced to the front rank, and its work has within the pant year received the hiches! commendation from Harper's M age zino, the K. w York Forum and other eminent educational authori ties. At a meeti' of the stockholders of tho North Carolina railroad, held at Greensboro Thursday last, mem bers of the iin -ineial com mil tee lor the ensuinjr ye-u- were elected as foiiows : Oi the part of tho stock-hold.- r, John P Allison, W E HoU and V C Maxwell. To represent t'.io ' o proxy: Theodore 1! Da vidson and D II Julian. Mili-ituKC Ci'reliiuny I it fctviHlcn Although Cupid runs riot in all crimes, his ways and means differ, Aud to tho:e fortien to the country s-'ine of the nurriag? - cert ninny would hardly eeem in keeping wi:h so sacred and solemn a service. In Norway ana S.veden the bride is dressed in her wedding garments and placed in the middle of the room, surrounded by a circle cf bright lights. Then the vi lingers enter, and walking around tlu bride audibly comment upou her appearance, character and prospects. Oceadionaliy su.ue yon tig fei'ow will "V,V.!, she's to be marriei at last. Abo-it : o'Lr ?v "Yer pity tit "Hut ihonch running or so. ii'i" I think. It's the first a had since 1 jilted her.'' ," another will ;r. lerjeet ; " man who will marrv her. doeen't she loo!. old ':'' a third wiii add, and th;t ; fire is kept up for an hour Iiut all is patiently borne by the bride. Finally every one is ordered out of the room, and then ths wedding ceremony is performed. When it is finished, a tin dish is placed before the bride, and what is known as the "erndietax" i3 col lecteil, llur father places a bank note uud two silver sooons in the dish and the gusts all contribute monev or ailver gifts. Iheia pro. cession forms, which escorts the bride and groom to their homes, etch person carryiug a lighted cans die. Thou it's all oyer, and like the good old fniry tales they live happily ever afterward at lea?t let us hope so. A HiiIIiohiI lo 111- Hol.l. The Lynchburg & Durham Rail road is to be sold by foreclosure in Livor of the Mercantile Trust Com paiiy. The road is 115 miles long and cost two and a half million dol lars. Vtfcn two China men meet, tlieii w n v of s a y i n a ' H:w lo you lo? i " llow are yom Vowels?" II amounts to tin 'same tiling If tlir iiow Is fire in u' (niiitinn the resi the pySU-m i: firrtty snrf to h all ruilit. Hut whet tho arc consti juttd, it liar, a half ;anlyiuf! effect on tliL rest of the IkkU and the mind too, IItJtlaolK'9, ilysK.'p sift, biliousness, iiervousmTts, pool flirfp, woaVnt su, lioart ji.ilpitali.in ud! g!"omy sjiiiit.i, all eoine lioiu ooiistij .1 ti. n. Ami that i.-m't the worst ot it: Ii lav your vsteni rpen to all frirts o f'.iious ami danicKnis iltness. It isn't safe tu ni ;;!ect C"ii.tiiali''n an.' It i-u't wife tj ur. dangerous wrenching c trthailics, to ovetv nio it, either, Thi loftve you worse 01T Hum Kline. What is need li I is a mild natur.d laxative hkt Ir. Pierce's Pleasant IVlluti. They ad surelv 1 at without any vioU-neo. Tl'.e ri-K'ih'te iiii'l strengthen the iiittlnu a ' da tiieii own work. W'luu the '1'!.;:;. ant Pet'cts" cure you. you hk mud don't Teeontc a slave to tln.:r u e. Take euro the drujTtst doesn't yiwv yen: 5oin.'thintr else he calls "jiit as j-oixl." It may he for Aim, but how about it You luis'lit ham a thousand v.ilu.d-l K.tsoM ali. :ut preservint? your htalth hj Sense Mecheal Advifi 11 1! h tfiatid bouk and t!i ;jr sen' edition is abolutily fr-c t all who s; ml dl ov.o crn' stamps to v'over co-t t tw.v.V iinr onlv. It contain' nrf piues aiid ovr meriiv ng C'-i.o.xn-It tli bounu cop W A It. in have hitr, si.ul at ix . -Ix- t ch. Tl.! iitf n Ml.iM It In slr-n.ir niniiilla papt-r rnvcfi, .itln-Twii 1. .u i.i 11.,. A,l,lr,.a Wntlil n Illl pti"y Mciimii Ahsuci iiiisn, HuiTMo, n. y I dm LO RE OPERATED 15V RLACKS A Movement l t'-ro'! l 4'otii'ril h ( oil. .ii Fn.'toi y , I I.e l.nl.iir In Wli:4-li Nltnll !!! 4 1 iiri'il -A n npiMwil lo tin Riicr lo few lti.1 II Mm--Ml. Ph ase allow me to call the atten tion of the public to the fact that a movement is on foot to erect a cot ton mill at Concord to be operated by colored lalor. The colored citi zens of the United S'ates have had no opportunity to utilize their tal ent along this l;ne. Since iorth Carolina has fairly and justly won for herfelf, in the centennial at Philadelphia, the World Fair at Chicago and at the Atlanta Imposi tion the honored name of fieing "the foremcst of the States," she will further eyidence ' the fact if she is the first to have a cot'on mill to be operated principally by the colored people. We are proud of the spirit una energy of the wiiite people in encouraging aud assisting the enterprise ; and will our colored people not catch the spark of the new industrial life and take adyan tags of tbis unprecedented oppor tunity to engage in an enterprise 'bet will prove to the world our ability as optatives ia the mills, thereby to'yicg the great problem, "Cau the negroes be employed in cotton mills to any advantage ?" And now tnat tbe opportunity is before us, experiment alone will determine th" ipiestion, and it be- hooyes ua to bestir ourselyea and do something, and, as one man, make tue effort tnat is to win for us a name, and place us before tie world :s liidiistriW.i nud enterprising cit izens. Don't think for a moment that this desirable and enviable position can be attained by merely a few of our people; but ou the other band, it will require the uuited efforts of the race. Then when the people of the white race who arc our friends, clearly see that we are surely coming, they will "come ovrjr ir. to Macedonia and help us." Ta'e enterprise will be just what we make it. There is nothing to gain but everything to lose by allowing the enterprise to prove a failure. In the cade of a failure it will be due to mere lieglect. If it pi oyes a success it ill be to the honor and glory of the race. If racial weakness is set forth, it will only stiei.thrn the s.ntiment til. ready expressed atout us. We can ice the linger of Providence direct ing our ccurs", for we believe that Clod helps only those who help tbem'elve. If wo show no desire to succeed iu this, and in al' the on'fiprisi; d'slj !:! for tbe indus trial and I'nancial devvlopimint of the rae-e, then it can bo proven that our liberty is a failure. We cannot afford to be idle or Inkcwarm in this matter. There is too much connected with it that, would not let our conscience reot if we did not make the effort to carry out the plan. Can there be any among us who do not wish to see the moral, intellectual, religious and industrial character of onrpiople eleyated to a higher and broader plane of civil ir.itiou and true usefulness? There is no middle ground. We ure either going forward or back ward. The watchword is onward and upward, and if we ever expect to attain the heights of industrial usefulness we must fall in line and march shoulder to shoulder in one solid phalanx alemg the road that leads to fortune and to fame. When we graBp and ntih'ze the opportuni ties offered for the betterment of our condition we are performing the great taBk vfhieh will at last deter mine our future position in tie ranks of the great nations of tb world. The markets of Madagas car, CiDzinar, anu oiner tropical regions, where there are millions of inhabitants, ure open for all goods that can be produced in the mills Let us not be discouraged but move onward with the enterprise, with that spirit and determination that makes all thints possible for those who strive in r : earnest. W. C. COI.KMAN. Concord, N. C, July a, l-S'.iii. State pap-.-rs plea3e copy. HI ' lfu-l4liitlli-rr 1 -tirln: The morning train carried from this city a luree representation, who have taken sdvantage of tho stock holder' excursion for a trip to (irceiit-boio. Among the many that went from tais city were . Mr. and Mrs. U Will .lohnston, Mrs. M .1 Corl and son Cloud, Mrs. J T Pounds, -Mis. Harry Fryling, Mr". V K Castor, Mrs. It L "Mc.Cuimell, Mrs. J W Pink, Misses Maggie Johnston, Carrie Cathcy, Jennie Brown, KPie P-rown, Klida White, Annie Pinkhend, Laura Pnunhaidt, Me sire. Ire 1 J ill, Will and Tom Jubuston, PruN ton White, Noah corrpi .Sidney Lt-Dt and. Sidney Rainh irdt. Last Thursday's daily I, ASHKV1LLK COLLEGE. H-v. Or. Jrtincn AlkuiN Ketlr(-H Itcv rrof. A. II. Wiim K-k II In (Htnmur, The As'uevdle Female College, which has been under tbe dlictent nianag"mtnt of Kev. Dr. James At. kins has been leased to Rev. J'rof. A ii Warwick. This change is neces sitated by Dr. Atkins having re signed to accept, the Monday school editorship f.ir the M. K. Church, South. Proi. Warwick comes to Asheville from Nashville, but has been connected with young ladies' schools in Virginia and Oeor and 8 an alumnus of the University cf Virginia. No changes will be in augurated in the corps of teachers which will be substantially as lust year. Our I'UurN Alrovrl 1. In our efforts to make the city au thorities realize the serious sanitary condition of the town, The Stand ard has heard rxany words of ap proval. Wh insist that soui3thin be done at once. Sickness baa be sieged the entire city and unless atepB are taken at once to remove the ex isting evils the result will be disas-i trous. The free use of lime should be indulged in wherever it is needed. Look over your premises and see that they ure right. If you are un able to purohaee lime, and if the town will not famish it, a subscrip tion should be taken np and u ejuan tity bought at once. Don't let the matter g.i without further notice. Tutt's Pills Cure AH Liver 11& Fori-xl Hill Hew, f Miss Sophia Paul gave a birthday party from 8 to 11 Wednesday even ing to quice a number of invited friends. The follow ing couples par ticipated iu th? festinties: Mi. K S llortbuckle and Miss Sophia Paul, Mr. K T Goldston and Miss Minnie Coble, Mr. W D Goblaton and Miss Myrtle Moore, Mr. Horaca Kussell and Miss Lillio Moore-, Mr. George Upchurch and Miss C C Moore, Mr. J L Kendall and Miss Annie Kiz ziah, Mr. Carle Phil hps and Miss Lizzie Johnson. Mr. P. F Ailred it we iring a bread smile it is a boy. Mra..II T Ulley aud children left for Staley, N. C, where she will spend some time with 1j.t uncle, Mr. Wash York, of that place. for Over I'll y li-iu. Mrs. Winshrw a Soothing Syrup ha6 been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess, it soothes the child, sottens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best reuneuy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists ia every part of the world, Twenty-Bye cents a bottle, Ho sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth ing Syrup," and take no other kind immt m WcililliiK On Jrnrtii Av-iilif Georgia Avenue celebrated its first wedding Wednesday night when Mr. Kobert Ij Duval was married to Mrs. Kmma V Humphreys, of Au gusta, Ga., at the home of Mr. L D Duval, the groom's father, ia the presence of a number of relatives and friends. Kev Georire Duval, of Home, Ga., an uncle cf the groom performing the ceremony. An ele glint supper was Served. y After.... Taking a course- of Aycr's Tills the system is rrt in g-ooel working order and a nan begins to feci that libj is. worth living.' He who has Ixxoinc the gradnal prey of constipation, docs not realize the frictinn under which he Lilmrs, until the borden is lifted from hint. Then his mountains sink into mole hills, his moroenc5 gives place to jollity, lie is a liappy man again. If life deles not seem worth living to yoji, you may take a very iliffcrcnt view of it after taking Avar's Gaftsrlic Pills, Highest of ail in Leavening Power Latest U.S. Gov't Report 1 v ' X i i ?T - . hFM ABSQIVTZZZ! PURE .lli'thoil in 111-, SlniliicMH. There was ono man in the con vein tion who appeared to be genu inely enthusiastic. He was fat and ho belonged hi the Oregon delega tion. He carried a hunk of virgin lilver tied on the lapel of his coat, lie had a voice like a bull. He also had a tall hat. At every mention of the word silver he leaned uron his chair, threw hia hat up in the air, and waved his handi about his head. ' Who is he ?" a sun reporter ask ad one of tho assistant serg'iants-at-arms who came from the same part of the country. "Him ?" said the sergeant. "I don't know what his namu is, but ho is superintendent of a silver mine and he's got a little interest in the mine. lie's shouting for busi ness.'' Chicago special to New York jun. Old I'eiiplr. Old people who require medicine to regulate their bowels and kid neys will find the truo remedy in rLltctric Hitters. 'Ibis medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant. -.but acts as a tonio nud alterative. It acts mildly on tho stomach and bowels, aiding slronght and giving to tho organs, thereby aiding nature :n the performance oi tho function. IClectrio Hitters is an excellent ap potizor and aids digestion. Old people find 'it just exactly wLat they need. I'rico COc and f 100. ror bottle at Fetzer's Druij Store. A Tiitrliit ! llio I'Klil.. "Fellow citizens," cried tho can didate for tbe Legislature, "when the war cloud gloomed oyer this fair land and my opponent was Bulking in his tent, where was I then?'' "Tell it, tell it!" cried a man in the crowd. "Fellow citizens," continued the orator, "I will tell it .' I was in my shirt sleeves, with bared brow, pull ing fnh'ur for the Conf :deracj; for, with the instinct of a patriot, 1 knew that those mules would be hnrgry when Lee surrendered.'' ni.-n y -.i.j, -;!( it, -...va h.-r Cast- itw fl'lu-r. sii - v ; t Cii.i L lie i i l'--l r. -r Om-.'-rl Warn - lvi-air.-- M:-i, -.1.. c:-:r lo C . tot Ifrtben xVe tbul CI ''. li,fil..' ifa-i'lh -ni CaAttMtf , Hon- si-him, vnr- i.iiii. It is a well known fact that or a long time the power at the dynamo has been iisullicieut to furnish jood lights, but not until within the past few days has the Concord electric light company realized the fact. The company will place a new boiler at the dynamo and otherwise improve the plant and will endeavor to give us more light and better satisfaction. Two thousand second-hand Bur laps Sacks wanted at the Fenix Flour Mills. ja lOd Mile n-lit II, r.-. George Steele, a few miles from town, was bitten on the hand by a copperhead snake the otliT morning. The well known remedy was applied and he is out of danger. The snake was in his corn crib. Statesville Landmark. There are a goodly number around here who apply tbe "well known remedy" before the bite and ate ready healed. til- lllltl III.- 1 .Mill. Many of the sayings and doings of the Southern negr that lind their way into print may be apocryphal, but enough are known to be true to make good bis claim to humor. A gentleman ditcussing ceon hunting relates an Incident that ilhutrates this characteristic drollery. The party, consisting of hunters, dogs, axes and torches galore, had been hunting for a good part of tbe night without any luck whatever. Finally the dogs tieed a coon. It would take some time to full so large a tree, aud one of the negroes volun teered to climb it and ascertain the whereabout! of the coon. All agreed to this and sat around to await developments. Soon after the negro had disappeared among the branches a peculiar sound was heard from the top of the tree. It was a kind of mixture of negro and coon dialect, home one ventured tho remark: ' Bill, have you got thai coon;"' "Yes, sah," was the reply. "I've got dis coon, but I wish jou'l send sjuie o' iletu durkits up here to help me turu tiiui loose.'' I'ortct md Stream. i t ' i Wm S3 ma Bk3i -w. (JUT IN FULIj FORCE. 'ilniitN sfi and Kiere nrlren tn tlm -nnfHtrirt" f onvrnllo . 'Hlli-imtii fit-re. Populista were here Saturday in L, . force about 3-3 of the waywir. i sons attended the convention at "I -i court house and elected delega'.eh t the "doostrict" convention to be hbld in Salisbury, next Thursd iy The number present is about all the fijree the Populist party has in old Uabarrus. i A delegaW from each township was elected, with five at large, niio are: No. 1, II P, Parke; No. 2, J C Johnston; No. 3, J R Bradford; ! 4, J VrethehNo. 5. G CrawfmJ Goodman; No. 0, M L Klnttz; ho. 7, John II Moose; No. 8, W V Moose; No. 0, W F Barrier; No. 10, J L Linker; No. 11, J B White; Nr. VI, I) A Caldwell, J F Shinn, W A Weddington and G Ed Rentier. A f Hileman. M II II Caldwell, Pink Deal, S A Grier and C A Pitta w i elected delegates at large. The convention instructed t if delegates to vote for A F Ililenr u as delegate to the t. Louis convi . tion, with G Ed Kestler as alterna . ' The Populists will hold th r count y convention to elect delega to their State and Congressioi conventions on Saturday, August 1 Populists are not very enthu i iHtic and their following has grea y ditninihi.el in the last few mont u . Nos. Saul 11 townships were cot represented at the convention After aeljournmeut the mogul cf Populism, A F Hileman, told about hovv nicely tho Alliance shoe factory is coming on, which was higb'y pleasing. The things that people see are in side of thetn and not outside. N two people aee the eame thing t . actly alike, tine woman may lo k out at ii beautiful landscape and t 'fl all the beauty and reetfulness and grandness that there is in it. An other oc3 will look out at the same cene and see nothing. The man v, ho if pTectly well and vigorous en'oyn tits to the full. Dr. PiercVs Goli.-u Medical Discovery mal.e-i peop'o veil. There isn't anything miraeulons about it it is the nnt natural thing in the world. !t ci"iy puis the digestive orga h the ti'-inach, tho liver, the bowd , :: perfect order and thereby mal.1" tiie blood pure and rich. All di. -eases live and thrive on inipt.-. blood. Keep a stream of pure, rii red blood flowing into a diseaf- e. spot, and the disease will not sti ' A man lives on rich, pure bloc i and disease dies on it. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical re covery makes pure, rich blood. Semi 21 centa in one-cent stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Aseo ciation, Buffalo, N. Y., and recei ra Dr. Pierce's UJ08 page "Comm in dense Medical Adviser," profusely illustrated. I'olllrArt Awnriloil. Mr. J W Cannon baa retorrod fiom Albemarle, v,bere he attended a meeting of the stockholders of the Efird Manufacturing company. The contract for building the mill was awarded to Contractor Cecil of Salisbury, his bid being a fraction lower than the many others. HER LIFE jnWJLY SAVER Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Docs It. Mrs. rhu. La. Plnt, a wpll-knownrosldrrd Of l'favor, pnii.-f tills wonderful rcniiM llur t.sf iinony niiould convtnou all an to t' wrrtli i t thcPJcw HcartCuri' and KchIoi i tivo N.T-vmo. Hor lolttir UatoU tx'puUi '. 1-Vi. reads as fn.wqr M. La Point, 21.17 Huni!Mt St. MTi)ii"iH fPTt l'ft m with heart trou ' of thr nii'St riou- ii.tturtt. Nothing t ' cloe-t- irs m vh li;nl y irH.t. I hmt " jj nn- in . I.. . rt, . ..'1 aa un:iMi. to lie tny l' fl f-!'t f ir hk iu than thru tnlrriN-H a ti: iif. r v tf t fii't'd to u l it 'at--, it ' 1 h:ti him i in riiijr siicils, in which It stum 1 rv-i ry ! r-' itii vv.iuid lit' my Wo ac dt iitiy -ia .' ;iu ad tfurtisoui:nt of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure and i' ! 'ir.il i vii N.'i-vjfit, ..i.-l jiiin'h.'isr.J a tn ill It of t 'it'll. A f'cr t.'tkWii: r rtMiHMlhw n a nek, I f. .it ! l hi' ll fifd In a i'lutir and tt ui iia hour, aiid in a -.liuM tmm 1 wuh uMn ii il.ilh'f 1 hni s . i r U I '-hall ho rvt-rwrati-fnl tiiy:u U t your w.iinliTlui liu'dlcJiius, 't ruly thi-y .i"- '1 i-y lif'1' MUS. CIIA :. I. A point. I)r Tilii- He irt Curr- i . i M on a rvi'tirjvd 1 . fit St lII U U III luTMltit. ti -rt -k'ls' m 11 it ;il i holf!. t r-.r . rut ty ilit: ir. ami cui . o., fcUkhart, iud. Ir. Aiiics' Heart Cure ".TtJEa' hon hy all vinvumv 1 tfffi i i u I i J m