THE "STANDARD. TURNS OUT GODD - JOB - WORK The rHE : STANDARD PRINTS THK TANDA RD. AEWis THAT ia tfEWS AT LI VI NO PPJOE3. (JIVK US A TRIAL A NO'.'EIJ CUIMINAL tvlitlt Mail In Aiihoii toiiufy Tliroe onrH Atro " Ncnpfil rrom l!u IVii llniillury Mr. Jiiiiii'h Porter. of I III CHy, Oiit'C 111k Employer. I'cople of C.iliftnu3 ara familiar ith tho nini" of tlie derpcra'e ne gro cx co:iTitf, known aa Ilcnrj For reut, who wail fried Tuesday lust for housebreaking and assault upon Adum Ko.-s, and sentenced to ton jfara in the Slate prison. While Forr. 8t wan in the prison ers' bar in tho court house Tuesday, Mr. J.imea Porter, a resident of this city living at Forest Iltll, recognized Forrest as the unirdirer of Herbert Leroy, a young white man, whom Forrest killed by striking Leroy, his o?crscrr, on the boad with a hoe lus' May three years ago in At.soi cnuutj. Fjrre8''s rrul name is Andy Harris, ami th ru if a ruwiri of $ 300 for bid capture, offered Ty th flovernor. "Andy ILirris," sav3 Mr. Furter, "was convicted of mn;i Bhttio'hter at the September term of Anson county court three ysara ago, baying killed young Leroy, and w!e snlo cod 'O tuei'y years in the penitentiary. Ilo had served about six month?, when he escaped I knew the negro when I Ira hcatd . him s,ie.ik. He worked undrr Lie for three ye ir?. Ho is a desperate negro, nnd served 18 months ia t.l e South Curolina pen " Harris, a'ns Format was slow to recignizi Mr. Porter, but sf:er re ceiving hia sontenca at this court, Mr. Porter followed him to the j dl, with Sheriff Sjai'd porniijaiou. He tdd Mr. Pov'er a strimge tale about how he made hia ojcapo fro:u the penitentiary farm. Mr. Porter moved here from An son county about the flrjt of last May. Ho was a witness ug'.ius! "Andy Harris, ' for the S a'e, aid is positive that Forest ia the negro that the Sta'e au'.hoiitica want. Kxrltenii'nt on H'et llrpol Nlreol; Mr Luther Kideuhpur ani little seven -year-uld ion brought some peaches to town last Friday morn-, ing and waa peddling thtm out around town. Mr. Kidenhour left hia aon in charge of tho team, which Btood in the front of- Side's B ore. on Wrst Depot E'r.V, while hefetepped into a hou-v rar hy. The team, a horse and mule, beca ne frightened and ran up the street as far as Georgia avenue, where it was stopped The boy held his p-3, but waa badly frightenrd. All the res identa i.i that part of tho city were thrown into a Btate of excitement whn tbey sa the perilous eitua'ioi cf the boy at the time Mr. KUIon hour'a wagmi ran into nnother one, npsetting it. Ir, louked as if the boy would ha dashed to death lo one wai hurt and damagea light. Torrlblf Itn'lroid Accident. About two miles out from Atlan tic City, New Jersey, there a nilroal crofsirg at obtuao angles. .i 1 u-f Thursday evening while ri;.e t?.,in croPEin;', ano'her ci'1 -i b',.i , n-id th- r irs? i ; . ; ,., 'ii imagined nir rami i'...'- i! fled. The rr.-rk-ego wuh simply terrific av.d -10 livo were dashed out at an irnt'nnt aril SO ii j i red. To add t 'If wTuckago 'one boiler exploded vf i ' b thoeviln attending nuoh a 1' -orful calamity. O i' engineer was killed and when the r ews reached hie wife she was unnblo to w'tl'P'.ar-d the tragic chock and f.dl desf'. Dirt yon ever von der what that lu'iivy wcijrtit on one si te of ft lnconiotive wliecl w:i there for? Anyone who utifter p t a 11 d a nicrlmnlc knows the need of a ronnter-hiihinre to equalize power nud keep the niacliin-ry goin witii a Fteady even motion. With. out it the mariiiii'. ry wrrtilil wrincl; it-self out of shape. It is t'.ie same waywith tt'.j tnachi-.ieiy of ttie lmman-body : it nwlf to l'o on steadily nnd rcjriilarly In be iu rood health not l.y fit and st.-ias. 1 he liudden wrenching niedieines which peo ple sometimes tike to overcome con.-tt pation, pive a violent strain to the intes tines which weakens them, so that the cosliveness is afterwards worse than le- " What costive people need is a natural laxative 1'ke Vi. Pierce's Pleasant I'dlrti which are powerf"1 without heiiiR vio lent They move the bof.eU gradually and ' comfortably but surely: Yon can rceiilate the dose one, two or three iv'.lets" exactly as you need. Tlicy itri'iiKtlica the inti -.tim to do their nv-n workf so that after their movements lmv Income regular they keep on luturotly of themselves. The " Pleasant rellets" penlly stimu late and invigorate the livri to throw off ,ilieusness; and tone up the ktnmach to necrete the di(?clive juices, nnd over come ilvsjicpsi- The entire (li-;i':-,iiv, or aliinenlarv, tract is put in motion in the ftn'iiar 'steady way of nature n"d health. This is w'mt makes the " Piers ant Pellets" so immensely superior to the ninnero'js pur);inp, pills w hieh wrench n,l weaken the svsiem. lini'ejrts may i-el more prolit o;it of thofe other pitlt tut yc don't. The " Pleasant relicts" arc tiuyotipar contid granules 4 or rrtore in a little one-incii vial tijiliUv corked, hence, ul ways fresh and reliable. tit ti-l i one tent tatnps to enrrr r'-st :if mrU tjliitun Sl-)c Mcdicnl Ailviff . abwhttrh i M (lull, Nu. J Mlu Wrcet, Uul&lo, N, y Jit' VOL. IX--NO 28. COURT PiiOCEEDINGS. mc ! tlm CdHrM lllsiooil 411 I) nr flic Term l the of Finnic 11 '-award fir he hurniuij of C 0 Giilnu's barn 'est.iiuony was fiuiebed and Solicitor Uolton addree8ed the j uy Thur.l--lay evening. I Friduv morn ing Attorney Monieon Caldwell for the defunse, occupied the attcn ion of the court tiil about 1130, Judge Montgomery, fur the prore cation a brief but pointed iddrecs, when Judge Green re viewed the cao and gaye it to the j iry for decision W-forc noon ad jiiirument. Tbe j try in the Wo.xlj Ovcrcaah rial, after bein out for twenty hours, could r.or cowe to an agreo n-c-nr, th rebv nakicg a mistri .l. 'aich carries the car3 to ano'h J.h;i P. ix'er, who wai convi-.-.ted ?er rftjOing I q ior, wa sentenced to -rve a term of ait loontba on the ih-iin gang. Ilayl'j 15(11, for rplai'inc, waa e n teneel to throe months on the chain Slate Vi. Ja30n Fuir, charged wiih luro-'ny, w.i acqni'tcd. Sale v?. Ange'int; Kllis, retailicg; fi'ied a pcuny and cost. Scute vs. h'rjTik Lne', charge, lar. Ceny. Verdic1, guilty, and sen ttneed one yer on chin grn r. Ia the c-.e cf tho S ato s S.ilo mon E c'eii), viol.uion of the local opiioti 1.t8, fau-jd gntlty in one cv a'id pcntet red to IS months on chain gang. Appeal t.tken nnd b mil of 8210 required; if B'jetnined, will involve three more similar cag' s. State V3. Clurcnca Iesperman, carrying concealed weapor ; j idg mont Buppcnded on payment of CllPt. Siato vs. Jim Fair, called and failed. Jjlgimut mV. 'Judg imiat uiai" ia a legal alridouient, moaning that t'ae cakc may be heard eubacquontly if cause for nh.-:enon is shown TiafuM Kriuitiiiogvr was tried for larceny and found guilty. He was? santei.eed to ono year cn chain gvnR- Hanry Mjlchor, for naaalt with d- ally weapon; r.rt i:i.ty. S a'c v3. R.Kit. .1 ihcon, called' anu .1 angfiiKUit tisi. r. S'ate vs. A'frK'l Smder?, o-a-iiulr on Wai. Wilpir.; not gui'ij'. Lum P t' r f. a, miijearrd in court unable to p-.iy ort of 8w0; was aligned to labor on chai.i gang for nix mor.thfl. State rp, Jjhn iJtrringer; do f-dant plead railt." to nttemjit at-criminal isj-:;ult t'pon Mirint Hi was p-entfnre 1 to a term of fi ;o yimn '.T the penitentiary at hhrd la'.ior S-ntf va. Li.?.;o Parks and Cora Coloma.rt, mpault with dead'y wtnpon ; j id, (orient lercti fire an to C.-ri C.!emr.n s'riclrpn out and fl 'rr! ,f'0- v r r ; : f--r't- i ( r-- '.' r gO0. . nnd ilofa ; Cngie ore Ke-i C ilv I II if in i P nts id fi! i. i '. Tt'" r.-v ci J 1 Tlrt-r-nri f;r.f P.'e t.' 'y v rnpon. h:f r u 1 1 v hissi'C- fl ilinliited nnd j mont Ftti-por.dffd mr raytnect of co t. S a'c vs. 1.-.r C -t l j U nd guilty if i'i'clt b l:i.r nf liii'icr, j ulgment su.-'pr d-'I sd on payment of coi-t. H.a'a vs. Will Luther, Lircnny; one yenr cn c i." gtr.g. M Wid:M'.hru-c, rt 1 ctnr; rr-.r.ii.-r, laid .State v il, f ir r.n' M -over otvina to t!ic idioenrc nf Luther B ot c.r d IJiram Cox. Nome One Mole Is Is Kml. Fri.1 iy v.-he-i Mr. Lacy Uick r curbed to IU dace of U;2:ne.B with Ijowo it Dick, b.wa ii littlo too arrt, he took h'a coat r.ff and laid it upon tbe n.'iddi; ccur.t ! in tl jtore. It didn't ruiiiiin there loi.g, howeyer. A "country coon" walked 'h-ough the store nnd while I he clejka wire nil in the front rrd, tfcr negro csiri'd the cent out the back door ard v rtit hit ay. Mr. P'ck thinks he knows the thn-f and that there wiil not be much trouble in oatehirp him. (run KM. Holly. hit. IIoi.LV, July 30. 1 Still. Ed ITOit fc'TAKDAKIi : - g-'Ud jolt otic of Oaeton countj'a "jioiincal pens" I; ii said to bs the p-oduot cf the genuine old ti-,c aud t.h"i pul id measured ,'U inch"" hu at this time ittit'08iirea on'y HO! In hea. P.:H iic tne pontic i: uu:. "g trunk up." 'ou cm f ! ' Ill the aiza of the f ea that politics are p-etty well cnlti?rted in GaB'.oo. feticcees to you and .your valuable paper. Respectfully, P. A. Kllttz SHORT LOCALS. A J (v JT Y-arka have put up a giy loelting awuin;; in the front cf .licr j-iwelry ete-ro. Vi'urd S, in tU!t? city, can furuinh more cir.ri;(h:tos to the yard than any precinct in thecninty, Mies Carrie Tetrr, of Ilarrinb irg, !pect several days in the city Isipr eek, visiting relativoa. Mr. Lutbor iJiles got hia leg badly hurt Thursday afternoon by i piece of lumber falling upon it. It ia hoped that tho hanging of Frank Howard on the 23 h of An. euet will not interfere with the Dmnooratic primariea. Since tbe new crop of wheat Is being threshed the Fenix R dler Mill is running day and nigbt to koep up with its orders. Mr. George Walter hap purcbsod i lot ad in building a r ice six room co'tagpon WcftC'omin mreet. near tho raw Ueforued chapol. The F.ivetteville Observer Bays that snow f" 11 fr ten minuti p in Pjiin county last week. Aud thin is tho latter part of July, too. M s? Eila Len'z gave a water melon party to a number of friondr- at. the Lentz hotel in Ml. lea.ant Thuroday night. The event occa sioned much delight. The Rilticrh Caucasian will now proceed to hava another lit. Tne I'.)puliHtf at S'. Louis filled their Presidential ticket with lawyers. Gastonia Gazette. A cor'a'o young man of thin city "e' eh rated his twenty-lirst birthday jctnesday by carrying shingles to thn top of a two story dwelling house. Great fun. Woilo working on the railroad ex .eiision above town, a mule suf fered a sunn'.roko tduowlay af ternoon. I no colored bnndK ptand the h"Mt very well. M. E 1 V White haa raturnod to the city, after spending a week or two down on hit; farm. He is no longer with Cannons it Falser, having associated himself in busi ness with Mr. C W Stvink. The man D.iuelas, arrested at S.tlitbury some time ago liy a dotec live, charged with the murder of v. pdd!er near Taziwell, Va., and who was taken there lor trial, has been "quitted. His homo is in Iredell ounty, to which he has returned. Free (14 nneo medical reference book to any person afll;cted with any special, chronic or delicate dis- ease peculiar to their sex. Address bo leading phyeiciana and mg sur IV. jenr.s o! tho United !Va es l!'!hav,My , C O-l 1. :OU'li Proud ?'ror. A t-lnnta, On. N-diher whine! nor any othei lrj in oil" arug ie contained in A ye. f I'.li". Tbey are composed ot the ic-170 principles ot tne hest vege taWn cathartics, and their tiso i'i nl w!ya attended with marked benefit. For u slnj'gi.h liver or for constipa tion, nothi ng pvrpas-es Ayei'j Villa. M . James A Hahn, son of J A Flahn, of Ouharrus county, snd Miss F.ora 1! Klird. daughter of Mr. I P Efird, of this county, were united in the bonds of holy mat rimony at the homo of tho hride's father "on July 2, 1800, Rnv. J P Price officiating. Stanly Enter prise. David Correll, a young man liv ing near China Grove, was kicked by a mule nnd wns ro hadly ii j j.-ed 'h i! l-'s c militiu'i is row ylc r" n.. . t-ornii.e g i-o his his rpner ii 3!ni' fi rpiitn.'d several ti .t!i knockeil U . lid wuf n'lConsoiijUH fur several l-Mir:,. Henry 1) el. h goo ! oM firnrivr rd II c-irily, was f mr.d d.' r! ;; '.l-p r I d o! ( irit J A r, -;li fi '( in i ! !v.-m day al'LeriiOou. S ill :!,r.rv V. .' 1 he old g"iil!eni.'i ' hud foiie th'Te to fi-th and it tboU(;h'. that drowned. he -fell in and vas A i:i'.iz :n i f t'ii- ci i y r rns! d.tyr igo took up a hu so U'lite and ex ported to receive a small rcmnnera ion fur f .edina and ciring for tlie animal, but "fate is agin him." The mole had been turned out to die nnd it d' I. It cost tho man about 2 (XI to have the corpse removed 'Vooi toivn. Within two weel.s there will be in opTntiou et Ilillsborn ii shoefic tory which will lie, r. fir r tlie one in die Richmond peniteeti.iry, the iuwet in the south. I-n foil ci p.icity w ill be tifKl pain clai'y and H will n q lire KXl bides a day. It will bo operated by the Farmer;-" Many hundrethi of pairs will first lie mado Christian Advocate for samples. At the regular businemi meeting of the CiUeirrus R'ack 1! iys Friday night Mr. W A ('did well was elected s'onnd lieutenant to succeed Mr. Ed F Whitn, who will hand in his resignation from tho company. Thero was a general discussion cf encampment alburn, and some of the boys are highly ploaund with tho proposed tramp from Stntes- villo to Charlotte, while others seem to have a horror against such a tour. M'mnry is a little treacherous now anil then, nud causes one to for t some things worth remember H'fr, iinltMe or-o has an exneninee ko that, which came to Mr, D E E is M flat's Creek, Va,. who savs I had Imin ci;frriiirr fur vcars witb a torpid liver and fui.r.d no re.lnif until I took Simmon s Li ver Rogu'a tor when I was entirely relieved cf my troubles. I never intend being without Simmon'a Liver Regulator. i CONCORD N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST ' " IV. I) C C.lde!l vi ebe.fed xurgeon of the Cabarrus 15 aek P. ys a lueir in- e.i.i Friday Light. Tim old soldiers of S anly ci.jntj will hold their aiinnal reua on n' A'beuiarln on Tauriday, August 1i. IMj'.i. II u Xiiimrr gave a water uiLdon and ice cream party to he: Sunday schoo' c!a:s Friday nit;bt It was quite a treat to t'm li'jii" children. Mrs M F M'chael died at her home near Nnw London on Mon day, July 27th, at the ngn of 87 years, and leave-" a husband and four children. At a picnic at South Bend next Tuesday, August 4 h, Col. Julian Carr will lie there and intrfd'iceto the gathering Cyrus B Watson, the Democratic nominee for Governor. It will ho a grand rally. S'anly V. v'crpri'e: dept. Ilytl, :f tt-o . riteni R i'lv-'iy, fstrn trw.i i rrrd -.y ever.irg nu a !t;;r re! t- lr-ck over the ci- tn mill gronndi prrpnt itcry to j u'i i.g n a eida lnc!' to tt.e c"!V-n id:!). I.i rt-po't cf t!'" d's.ric', ci"- f.-rorten 1 i Thornie'lte t1 ii--;. Miry Worhi sov": "At, 11 o'e'ic;; F.iiJay 11 v. J It M io.-.o, o! Cmc rd preach d a Etnnm oo t-jmperanc )l' a se-HC'ioanl char.ietcr ver; much in the rrrulfi'ion J ire. style." Aycra A'nC.ire never fails tn orjtraliz? thn poisot.s of malaria and eradicate thm from the system This preparation is purely vepeiable. contains no har tit h in?rekcnt nnd, if taken accord irs to direc' ions, is warranted to cure fever and aue Pry it. WANTED -Prompt nnd f. hfu gentleman or ta'ly to travel lor re liable established limine in a irtti Car ilina raimv ?7-'. pnvab'e f-lo wr-okty aVid rxi'.'nses nation pertnaoer.t. K ii'. r.-nt:c. 1-ic'ope ') "-"id -ires-ifd s'.::inid envelore 1! E Ur.?R, Pros, Zfi D.'arbirn St., Chicago. HlMlHrl (.'.infereiiee rl: rilo.MASVir.i.E, Jalv 30 Q lite Inr e delegation from Concord end Cabarrus arrived in t!as beautiful little yillage on tl.J evitiihg of July iOth. Auionr them were Rev. R 11 Parker, of the Central Metl odi;t church ; Rev, M A Smith, of Forest Hill Methodist church; Re. W 11 L UcL'iunn, of Concord circuit; Rev. J R Moose, cf H iV9 chapel ; Rv. hi D Giles, of Mount Pieasant. Others, a3 delegates, found open loon ae.d cirdia! wclcoiic at the nandj of the good pilir.ena. Tliom- a.viile Las no bar roiuia a".d htr people are e'ever air) ccurtecna. J he c;atrnt enference vat- opened promp'ly at !' o'o'ork 'ILurs lay mornirg by 1! v. J R fccrorrgj presiding elder. Th- morning ees- j.on wa. t.'iken tip in nppuntins: cooiirilteea which tire aa follows: Committee on the pniritual stafe of the different charges: Riv. R II Parker, chairmau ; Rey. W M Rib -bins, Eh Lntz G W Yaw, G W Whiilock. Committee on micsions; I!ev. J R Moose, chairman ; Rey. A L Cohiirn, Rev. K G Paaey, C G Mon'gonery, J A Leach. Com rjilti e on Sunday lie.hoo'a ; Rev. L T, S !i- eon, rbainnun ; D I! Col r.a,., I- C RoMiiV. V E IlntsMl, I. ') 1 v :i v-i. ('.'.:r.!.-.ittce c:i ftluci. I : I! v. "1 A 'o.-niih, I' -v. T S 1 !:: on. R v U' P McG eh", L V in-!, J! K Parki r. (Vnur.ittte rr li.i-.n :e: V.' R OJ.! D P D.v .11 1 1 t. .'. irph r.icD, I F Lilly. W Ii .? hr.j.":). (rmeM'.tee rn qn:r-'-!' oircrenrc: P.-v .1 E Tbotr.p jo i, etec in in ; R'V. V '..l Gentry. 11 I Oerm.'.n, J II Pijriihurdt, R y. P E Committee ou Et; worth Le c e : R y. M D Gihs, II 'v. T F .Man, R;. lriErwn, R.'v W II L McL-.i'rir, W L Robbina. tVrnmi tee cn ex'iiiiicition : i A Smith, chairn ao ; 11. e. T I Marr, Rev. L L J.i!-i.-on. Lev. J R Moose prcacii'd this r.i'Tiii."' 11 o'clock and Rev. T A r-iuoot will preach tonipht . 8 !," o'clock. A vary gwid attendance u on I'm I. W. L R. A Km iilf Vuy liiilctl nl Monrur Mr. V R M irsti. a brother t Drtiggi.' M L Ma:- h. ac-too-p.tni.-d by his litt'e d.i'ijrh'cr M-iRii', spen Wedncday liif;!i' a'. I he fit. Cloud Mr. Marsh to'd of a horrible and instant death, which occurred at Monroe Wednesday afternoon about 5 o'clock. , the cs year old son of Mr. Chares Simii.-on v.a. pluying about a freight tra-n nod n. making an attempt to pet oo a box car, he Ml underneath the train and was cut half in two, the wheels passing over the little folio "'a body, Mr. Simpson ia well known in ('a barrua, and h8 numerous frieeila will regret to learn rf (lie eul aff iir that has befallen lito em. This Hhfitibl be a lep.i n to tb littl- f..ilo3 th it h i" .; l our dep'-t and ride tbe trail. s. .!!. II , M V " . Inveilo-n of t he Dean Safe Sy'rni nf speeuliillcn receive By,nd iiiriiiilily ilivt- driiiU in pulil. H( r "(10 per cent per iinnnin iniuto rn inve?lnienls ny r Dean iV (.'., liankcis, ; l.iuin!n,v. fl. V. Inveniurs of tliia firm ili-tiilnilei! nil over the L'ultid Htutes anJ luniicln, NO SMOKH AND CINDERS. I'meiil l.y n lutli-lri l.uity la lo Auny Vl'lfll 'llieio on Cnr. l.'i''-gn P.i'. 8.Vmitoi; M r-. M J '.V;'t, wife cf our f.dlow townsman, '.'v. V. V W'yatt, h. s taken ont a pat "tit in the depigment at Washing ton on n m ke and cinder convey.. mce. Tne putei t papers were made out yesterday and rece.ved here to day. Mrs. Wyatt, orifciuated the idea of conveying smoke and cinders from 'be amoke stack of an engine through "iping to the rear of the train sey. jrul yeura ago. She has been de voting time alcce then to the per fection of the idea. Tbe scheme ia pronounced to be 'ntirely practicable and feasible, ind haa the endorfleuient arid heartv tpp'i b:ifi.n of Bverd well known oiechan.ics. The piiio of the smoke and cinder wnvevor is very 8'niple. The emoke jt.i"k ia conni'c'ed witti large piping, ') ca rt Cii-es the eoioae cud cui Jer' and conducts tb.m by regulated pining over the tops of the cura to tho re . r. Ti:e piping i) Ci jointed it the end of the cars, but connec tiou cm be made easily. An air current is uiaintuiued by aie ins of antouiat:c veutilatora which ire s'li'ioncd ot close intervula in he enndactor?. It ia claimed that thia arrange oteot makes riding on the cars per f c'ly iUas-'.ct. h oik ii n 11 1 iv Li Tiiuradav'H b'TWDAitn it was s'ated that a mule had died od the haodef a cit;:'. n, ar.d it cost uiui several dollurs to remove its re ariir.s. Such aa not the case. The mule ha I been turned cut to die and had strayed rato Dr. M. Holden's j.'rn patch, nnd was r.ear the stable hen discovered by him. He had . colored man to pnt the mule in iide the e'dile and stiaightway longht Its o ner. Lie could not be found. Dr. IlolJen then give the Biiile to two colored men if they would go for i but when reaching che atable, old Bill waa cold in death, l'lio town bad the animal removed. Some wagoners came to the city Monday with a number of mules and horse.?, several of which were inrned loose upon the town. Chief 11 ,'ge" captured on1 of the horses rhmday afternoon mil gave it i-viy. The run that would allow itock to get in et:?h bad condition dionM br- 8?vere!y punished. I In' l.ftu ii l-iirf.v. Tlie gar bm por'y the lovely home of Mr. and Mrp. P B Folzor Taursday night, complimentary to M:k-w Kate and Fowler, of StatcBville, and Miss Williams, of Rsidsville, was one of tbe most sue cc-sful and delightful eventf of the ieison. Three fourths of a hundred guests were entertained. The beautiful lawn with its heavy green foliage and brilliant illumina tions presented n scene of grandeur. i-.d it seem? that in tho luxuri-iut- e--; ' tbe !;','. rf ria'ure'.- -'( ii-ir was expand d. the r xp.icse :n a!. d'-c ion-, io eveiy nook end r;.;r, wu co charin:ng. There b. Iiavr. nan coiiieibiiiji in thi wr. ;.h ard of tlie "unreal" tat fj'.icj'i -,'ed to l'.of. K'!"lerV r.'iod the n,e of tvirmony in the l.coiationK. wbicb were varied iu ;o!n:.-i t.oiig iifieeiit to look upon. An elaborate iuneh of deludes v-aa tervt d in excellent style. II in !." Torn ml i'i las 'i'routm v, a grandson of G.-virye hetner, of Chini Grove, met with a serial a accident Tuesday. I!.' wua with the threshers at the nome cf David Corr-11, near China Grove, aud ciime !n contact with ioii'e of the jjeariog, which broke up iiid l.iceTa'"'. Lis leg so badly that it waa nee ssny to l.ove it taken off. M.'INel I nmpiiM-etiiiu Mr. II C Conk, of No. 10 town ihip, ii forms Tin: Stanhakh that stenBive prcjiarateons are being nade for the I!etl. l cimpmeeting. ubich begin on t'rdav next, Au untTdi. R.'V. R F Pry nit, the pastor in chirge, will he ii'si'ted by l'rei;i'ling Elihr J U P:ooks, of. Monroe. Mr. Cick sys the meet .ng is biiiked forward to with great interest and profitable results. 1 lie First (ollnii foil. Mr. Archey Cline, rf St. Ji'hn'd neighborhood, brought to TllE Sjaniiaki) the first pod ol cotton we have seen this year. Ha eaye th it there nr-' tu iiiv cp-u bvllj ut Itf fi-.dd from which thia one came. Out I im is opining r.ipid'y end will Cnutiniip to d i so an long a-i the hot clear weather lasts. Hia ion, Mr. KdCline, of this city, who ia sick at. hia home, waa thonght 'o b; better this (Saturday) morning 6, .1896. i HANGING BEL FRIDAY, AUG. 28 Irnnk HoKiiril lo I'ny flie Donlh I'riinlly lor Arion mini nnd 'ol lerli'il Wfrlh I llrrnnrnr Jnilse t.rrrni! when l'n-lntf N.'iilrnr l lie 4'oiinlfnanoc or Hie Conclcmnoil A'rxro Kliowea o NIkim of Emo tion lion Tolil lie Nhouhl Be llHUtfril hy ilic Nrrk I'nlll llcml When Criminal Conrt convened at ') o'clock last Saturday morning the walla of the court bouse enclosed within a carious crowd of eager lis tenera who had swarmed into the murky room to bear Hia Honor J idge L L Greene pass sentence upon Frank Howard, who had been found gut ty' by a jury ot twelve men, of araon, the penalty for which is death. Woeti His Honor asked tho priaoner to arise, a Btillnees peri vailed the court room that would oiake the heart of the moat hard hearted quiike, but the doomed crim inal arose with a steadiness that showed no sign of emotion. Ha waa told to Bit down, and immediately the j idge presented in a few words the penalty for the awful crime of ipplymg tha torch, referring to evidence in whhvli the criminal a ltd: "I meant to bum everything' on the premises, Gdlon and nil bis family." The Judge 8aid: "Frank Howard, the jury has found yon gttiKy cf nreon, the pen alty of whieh ia death. The court lasigned you counsel that did all that could bo done for you, hut the facts were so plain that a good, able, intelligent jury and able counsel csould only liod you guilty. The law Bays a man guilty of so heinous i crime ia not fit; to live in a civil ized community. You will be re marded to the county jail till Fri day, the 2S.h day of August, be tween the hours of 10 a. m , and 2 p, ui. when the sheriff of Cabarrus eonnty will tuke you to a place prepared for execution, when he ahull hang you by the neck nntil yon are dead. And nnyy God bave mercy ot, your soul. Ia the mean time 1 advict" you to solicit thr aid )f Christian people to look after your spiritual welfare." The man mt f.ic;ng the j-idge, wa'ching as the words that sealed hia doom fell from Ilia Honor'a lip brazmly, and when the sentence had been con cluded, the negro made a sickly grin and turned hia bead away Not once did ho wince. Judge Green congra'inUted How ard aud spake in high praise of tbe oomoiunity in which the foal deed waa done that the people allowed him a fair and impartial trial in- jtead of wreaking the vongeance of an enraged people. "i.inrdty .:. v- h--r I!a A h.-n kIk. n C ..l-I, l! crl--.l f- r"rla WVn p:i li.-;' Mi-a. aim rluns to Castorla. Wl'-n llip but, bI.l1 ga-e tliem CtifltKft Don't worry. The country 'a "safe The peach crop for this year from the Delaware peninsula ia estimated at e:x million six hundred thousand bisk ?' j. '?''' i'-t 'W7VY' , r i , U Do You Use It? It's the best thing for the liair under all circumstances. J u.-t art no man by taking thought can add an Inch to liis stature, ro no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done is to pro mote conditions favorable to growth. This is done by Aycr's Hair Vigor. It re moves dandruff, cleanses the scalp, nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, and, just a.s a tlcsctt will blossom t-udjr rain, so bald beads grow liair, when tbe roots arc nour ished. Itnt tlie roots must be there. If you wish your hair to retain it.; normal color, or if vnii wish to restore tbe lost 1 tint of gray or faded hair use Aycr's Hair Vigor. WHOLE NO. 385 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE AtfClit Thoill. The standard was informed that our esteemed friend, Mr. John A Thorn had lost bis place as agent for the Southern at China Grove. We are glad to be able to make a alight correctioo. We learn from aources we think need no verifying that the facts are about aa follows Through long yean of constant and straining carefulness to do all the duties devolving upon a faithful aervant, th dullness and obtoae' neaa of mind that is the consequence of overwoik and care, caused a dereliction of duty, small in itaelf but capable of immense Co use. quence, wbicb, however, did not occur, probably by that overruling Providence in whose service be also Uvea and moves. Magnifying hi own fault and the possibilities of its effects with a recegnitlon of the' fact that it is essential that the railroad service should be strict in its demands, Mr. Tbom promptly tendered his resignation. It is to be hoped that this seem ing "alamity will give Mr Thorn a short but needed reat when the Southern will tender to one of the most faithful employees in its serr vice tha place he haa bo long and so faithfully filled and Mr. Thorn will be again the graceful Dgure, aa ever, t the China Grove depot. A liriiuil Tonriinnirnl and Unla Day. The young people of Cox's mill section of the county are preparing for a great and pleasant event. A tournament and baseball game, with a big dinner, will be the features of the day's entertainment, and Toes Jar, August lltb, has been set apart for the day. Messrs. J J Cox, J P Cox, Ed. Henderson and Mor ris Caldwell are the committee of arrangements and will exert all means to make the day a red letter one iu old Cabarrus. A baBeoau game will take place at 10 o'clock in the morning between Concord and Iluntersville teams. Twenty regaled and plumed knights will compete for the handsome tourna' ment prizn8. Everybody inyited. Ilnrklrn a Arnlea halve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Cbappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cores Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P B Fetzer s Drng store. A mean Art. Saturday eight when car No. 4, Conductor Williams and Motorman Fraley, which was making' tbe 10 30 trip id, reached a point on the Lookout mountain division a short distance south of the first trestle in Woolsey, the wheels began flying iron nd m if possessed of some strange illusion, while the car started back down the heavy incline. The earnr-n were for a while at a losa to find tbe cause of the car's queer action, but a close investiga tion disclosed tbe fact that some person of eyil inclination had placed soap on both rails of the track for a distance of about 30 rarda, beginning at tbe second ourve beyond the city limits. It looked as though several bars of ioivp had been used. By a liberal use of sand and a oleaning cf tbe track tbe car was brought ever the hill, after an nonr'a work or more. It was fortunate that tbe first car over the line after the soaping waa innthbound. Hid it been going in he opposite direction the result might haye been disastrous. Ashe fille Citizen, - . m- A ri omraice at Cniiinwek. Sankobd, N. C, July 27 A miner waa shot at Cumnock last Saturday night by Davis, boas of ihe hands in the coal mines. Tbe particulars of the unfortunate affair are about as follows : Lynn Barbee missed some money, and the man who now lies suffer ing with a pistol shot wound waa juspicioned of having taken i About a dozen miners clubbed up ind took the supposed thief out and searched him. After finding no money on his person Davis forced him to kneel down and shot him in he mouth with a pistol. The ball shattered hid j iw-bone md was found in his tongue. A doctor removed the pieces of bone ind it is thought the map will re cover. Davis took the train here last night and skipped out. For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. 1 fT U 13 i Unlaced Railroad Rates. Reduced rates have been author' ized for the following occasions: N. 0. Grape Growers and Liquor Dealers Association, FayetteTille, N. C, Aug. 17, 1896. Tickets on sale to Greeosboro, N. C , and re turn August 16 18, inclusive. Final limit Aognst 22, 1896. Fare for ronnd trip J3.G5, continuous pasiage in both directions. Account Annual Convention and ToarnamentN. C. Stats Firemen, Salisbury, N. O., Aognst 19 81, 1896 Tickets on sale August 17, 18 19, inclusive. Final limit August 23, 1896. Continuons passage in both directions. Fare for round trip 90c. Account N. C. Baptist Sunday School Chatauqna, Morehead City, N. 0., August 4 9, 1896. Tickets on sale at rate of one first class fare for rouna trip. Return portions of tickets must be stamped by agent at Morenead before tbey will be good forretnrn passage. Tickets on sale August 2-i inclusive, final limit August 15, 1896. Continuous pas sage in both directions. Fare for ronnd trip $9.70. Account N. C. Volunteer Fire men s Association, Wilson, Ci. C, August 11-13, 1896. Tickets on sale August 9 to 11 inclusive. Final limit August 15, 1896. Continuous passage in both directions. Fare for ronnd trip $6 65. Aocount Presbytery of Catawba Sunday School Convention, Wades- boro, i. C, Aignst 7-10, 189'i. Tickets on sale to Charlotte, N. C, and return August 6 to 8 inclusive. Final limit August 11. Continuous passage in both directions. Fare for round trip $ 1 05. Account Litta Park Campmreting Charlotte, N. C, August 5th, 1896. Pickets on sale August 3 to 8 inolu five. Final limit Angnat 12, 1896. Continuous passage in both direc tions. Fare for round trip 85c Account meeting Grand Lodge G. U. O. 0. F., Charlotte, N. C, Aognst 4 to 7, 189C. Tickets on sale August 2 to 4, inclusive final limit August 9th, 1896. Continue oos passage in both directions. Fare for round trip J1.05. Account meeting Grand Union Lodge of Brothers and Sisters, Sal iabury, N. C, August 11th, 1896. Pickets cn sale August 10 to 11 inclusive; final limit August 15, 189G. Continuons passage in both directions. Fare for round trip $1.10. Account 4th Annual F.ihibition of tbe Oriental Industrial Stock, Fruit and Agricultural F'air, New berne, N. C, Augast 24 to 29, 1896. Tickets on sale to Kewoerne, N. C. and return at rate of onr first-class fare. Tickets on sale Angnst 22 to 28 inclusive, final limit August 31, 1896. Continuous passage in both directions. Fare for ronnd trip $8 20. Account grand encampment of 1. 0. O. F, of North Carolina, Newberne, N. C.Auguat 5th, 1896. Tickets on sale, Angnst 3 to 5 in ol naive, final limit August 10th, 1896. Continuous passag in both directions. Fare for rouci trip $10.60. Account annual meeting of Friends, High Point, N. 0., Angnst 6th, 1896. Tickets on sale August 4 to 7 inclusive, final limit Angnst 17, 1896. Continuons passage in both directions. Fare for ronnd trip $3.00. He Had Tried Both. Mies Senta Mental Love conusor all things. Mr. Oldboy Toothache will down it three times ont of four. Seven Months With Fever. Wonderful Recovery of Health Mr. Bafrd's rnnld and marvelous rnenvftry from a mure skeleton to his normal wulirht, 270 pounds, was surely th fulUtt tent ot tbe grandest strenpth-ivliiK and buildiug-up muuiciuu evur yruuucvu, aaraeiy: Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. J. n. Baird. "Oentlwmen ! wish to expresn to you my gratitude for the great kinkI that Itr Jfiif' JVertmn hu dona for dip, I wan taken uli'k with typhoid fever and I laid In bed for seven months. After Kettinv over the fever I was thin, nervim and I In I. and did not retrain my Itwt Htrenffth. I tried several proprietary rnedklne, and Iniitly afti-r havniK been reduced hi weight to 1M pound, I hettan t rytng your AwriMA and at orife oeii'in to iiiiprnve. Was finally rttlurlu rami, and today I can n:iy I never felt t.el ter In all iny ilfe, and weiu'h 70 piaiitiN Thfo I my normal weight, aa I rne.nture ft feet r'i luchmin lieiuht." South Hend, Ind. Ill IIAIUP ' TV Miles Nervhm it anld on n potdtlvfl Xlianilileo that the first hot t!e will WnelU. II dnmirlrdHsell ft at II, tmtil. s frf, or It Will l' sent, prepaid, nil re. npt of prlrti hy lao It. Allien Co., hUhuri, iiid. Dr. Miles' Nervine 11 ro M..II ton SAit.yn all Hiuv'jiai