STANDARD.! A L a.. M i ' I ;:; our GOjC - JOB - WOISK AT l.!V!Ni FIUOJS. (H YE US A TiUAL A liiilli.i L' iViiFOUlUNE. 1 lie'i'l'iil i'roONUloii of the ho-riillcd Ofiiuorrntlit -ftxerMllve V oiiiiuilicr li "lly" n HUB l lie . I'oiiiIinU A morfti n f -f tn nate affair in the d a! the Stuu Democratic Eicutive con. mi toe u ei.dtayoring to effoct v. I ; !i tLt -t iiBtd, It id sha nn'ul Ivr ttuy Democrat to ea triu.u auct ihoueh'b i' erimt. To ctrry out the p'Mi yo Id be she assassination cf D-.u;cc:a.ic principles. A rfio lution, the reauit tf tbe delibera tions'!. f the committee ou last Mon day Bitl't, 18 as follows : ', Tbe chairman of the State Diiuucr.t'.c Executive corn ruiltte hao presented to the cbair tti.iu of tbe Executive committee of til j IVople'a iary, a leeolutiou of ttu c- liuii.iio udoptad July 31dt, ' i . w, in f 1 rtherauoe of the iff ore of this committee to uecuri the uuited vote of the silver advo CiUdfor i he giver candidate foi the l'r.'dilcnry, ''Uisohvd, the cbaunniu of Uiifc c.unuii nt it author. z d uu Nt li .Jf of Una ccmtiiittee to iff r io writkg io the Ptopie's party, through its Executive couiaiittie, the following pi -n for a joint elec toral ticket, to nit : " a jjiot electoral tioktt ahull bo u.uJe up o be couiposid of B!X Deni.'Ciat..' uini five 1'opuli U, to be by their r.sptotive or ganization. "That ta;U i xt RUtive commlt'ce of the People's P .r') be riipufittd to cotifj tbli c.iuiuiMte of its ac iou ou this pr.-jit.ii'.ioii. "That a copy of thtee rt-BO titione be trai i mi ted to the chairman of the ixcctitivi-. co nmittee of the IVo plt's pan,." THE POl'CLISTS' REPLY. The Pojiu'isto' repiy toth Demo cralic prupoii ion for f union, is short and Io tbe point. The Kalei;h Press Viri'.iir any ' that it provides for fjei n ori eltciora wuh Demo crats, the Istttr to unite six electors uud the Populists five. Fueion on congressional matters is deluded. The Populists' nominees are to have the support cf the Democrats in the first, fourib, nxth ai.d eighth dis tricte, and in return the PopulistE are to support the Democratic nom inees in the second, fifth, seventh and ninth districts. The third dls trictis not included in the deal and the three parties are to Oght it out there wilhout any c million. Fusion on State matters is dwelt open at len !h in the proposition. It provide iLat one of the parties shall name tne United Stives Sona tor to succeed Se.i nor Pri'.chard and that tbe o her sh II name the candi daie for Governor, bd that then shall bu an tq-iil division of thi other S ate t fli iers. Jtllsn I'olly Miller IXtnil. T:t Buhj ct of the above is the ti :n' ; r of the long and well l!.jvn L'aiuel Miller of Dutch Bul'fiio meek. She was unfortu lijio the lniji of tbe ordi ary ile gree of ni'i.d and waa a sulj ct of watchful and anxious cre, though capable of eoin inteiet aud offices, pleasant and useful. She was 72 years old and her ex tended da8 carried with them a beneficial disciplinary ifTect on others ra'.her th in tbe full measure of life's pleasures to herself. The briol; ol wnuiHti' life in di vided into tlire yrtV chapters: lirl chapters: (iirl 'i 3 n,(hi rhond. Al v' 1, V-r the time when tllou(rllt f u 1 tlesi wilt double he cliatici'S of fultm h a )) p i n e a s aw' save Wany bnurt of vduftertnit Ivvery yo'itijf wo rum fchmitd lia.i en iuirllitr'-nt n de.titandii'i? of he. .. .,lmir..l make M!. IT ,!i l:r..,-,vl;d('( f t jj: - . into wolil.liilniod t . 'A ' V " Z t 1 turninf? the va m 1 'V j i ei'ond chapters 1 f 1 L I I C IHIC UIM, -hKh I'.-Jnie better than fine tenorano opens the wy t u,,toU1 a"10"'" of PJ, nd nretohednesB. ' -- l.pwwoun n realize the Influence exertei on their bodily nnd mental well bennr bj the special oiitatiisin of tliuir bcx. itis hap f.,r them Id belie ve that the little diali rl-kh gneson from day to day Is sn'by ';nl top away I he very life force. Yet u i i Ihe weakness. ehauslinn, melancholy ; la. la riudieal pnistratioii and sometimes almost t..ituic has r.i other cause, two-thirds of th-lim-, than the ulinuiiiial unhealthy eon'',' lion of the K-ncralivc orRain. Ktrall(rel tnoivh even doctors ofl';li fail to the truth, Ko this condition there Is ni. other remedy in t'.ie world no helpful nnd tritain an !r. Pierce's I-'avorite Prescription It restores hcaltd irtnl vitfor to the feinintm funeiions and renewed vitality to the entiir body. It heals inflammation, stops dis chuiwr i. strenKthens the licameuts am' builds flf the internal tissue, which cannot be reached by "local treatment." It is ol IneMimnble value to youtiu women nnd to prospective mothers, Rreatly lessening the f tains and perils of childbirth if taken dut ntr pnifuaacy. Purilig the "change of life " it i invaluable. Dr. Pierce's (Treat book, ''The People's Com mon H. nte Mi 'ileal Ait iser," has I'kiS paKes, proft.setv illustrated. Over 90 tmjfes are de voted to woman's diseases with suResttous fo liotiie tiealmeut. It will tie sent free by World'l Itispeiifciiry Medical Asgociatlon, 6hi Main atreet,, N. Y., on receipt of SI OUt-ceut SUmpl io cuvvr cost of nnii only, VOL. 1X-NO 30. I1ENUY YORKE CAPTURED. : lie Kctfro Murderer ('nfilurctl At Ml. Airjr nnd BroiiKlK Here I'linrs. dnjr KlKbt. It will be remembered tbat on last Christmas 1) y, at. Wallace's stoVe, iu No. 3- township, this county, one of the most daring murders eier committed in this secnon was enacted when Henry Yurke, a burly, desperate Xit'gro, turned upon bin crony, John Steele, and shot him to death, atd who im mediately left the community and has ever since, untU Wednesday, August 12ih, eluded the office s. lie was captured Wednesday morning at Mt. Airy ly a Mr. Painter, who has been on Yorke's track for several weeks. A reard of $50 was offered by Governor Oarr for the capture of Ytrke, who wis bronghi here Thursday nigltt. Tne i.egro was a terror to thi coutmurity in which be lived, and after shootit g down his Cdinpuniou he dt fl 'd arjouo to come near him Its' tney be murdered likewise. - nm A I llnnce Io AiMkn BZoney. have berries', grapes and pt-achep, a year old, fi'twh as when picked. I use the California Cold process, do not heat or seal the fruit, just put it up cold, Seeps perfectly t'resh, and costs almost nothing; can put up a bushel in ten minutes. List wet k I sold directions to over 120 families; auyono will pay a dollar for directions, when they pee tho beautiful samples of fruit. As there are manv people poor like my self, I consider it my duty to give my experience to such, and feel confident any one can make one or two hundred dollars round home in a few days. I will mail earn pie of fruit and complete direct:on8, to any of jour readers, lor eiebtten two-cent Htamps, which is only the actual cost of samples, postage, etc., to rue. J iiancis Casey, St. Louis, Mo. Preinrefl to Kemnln. A nice young man out on Wal nut Hills called on a nice young lady and spent the evening re cently. When he anived there was not a cloud in tbe sky, so he carried co umbrella and wore neither golobhts nor macintosh. At 10 o'clock when he arose to go it was raining pitchforks and grind stone?. "My, my, my 1" said the nice young lady, "if you go out in this storm young will catch your death." ''I am nfiald I might," was tbe trembling answer. "Well, I'll tell you what stay all night; you can have Tom's room, as he is visiting uncle and aunt up in the country. Yes, oc cupy Tom' room. Excuse nia a minute and I'li jjfat run up and tee if it's in crier." The young lady fhd procefully up stairs to Pee if any tidying wat neceseary. In five minutes she came down to announce that the room was in r"aditU88, but no Charlee was in sight. In a few tuinutes, however, he appeared, dripping wet and out of breath from running, and with a bundle in a newspaper under his arm. The nice young lady greeted him with: ' Why, Charles, where have j ou been ?" "Ika home after my night shirt," was his reply, as he hung his hat up to drip. Greensboro Record. Honor Io Whom Honor li line. There is r.ow a movement, yet in its infancy though, Ij h.mor Cyrus W Field, Sir Johu Pender and Sir Jumps Anderson, whoso names urt jo conspicuously connected with the cable across the Atlantic. Many of our scbo 1 beys have read the in'er eating story of the persevering efforts and great diflconrugetnents md losses till tliesu heroic charac ters saw their tHurts crovweJ wi;b success. The movement is lookitg f. rward to an ihternational monument to tbe memory of that great enterprise that has now linked every impor tant spot in tbe worid into one tele graphic chain. llnrrlNlinrv I.Rwn lnrly. ? The young folks, under tho in spiration of Mitts Rena Caldwell and Mr. Vic Query, bad a general good time quite recently at Mr. J E Caldwell's, at liarrisbuig. Tbe gathering consisted of about 20 couples and was purely eootal in its nature, Ifefreshmeuts were served and tbe "we Btna'l hours" hash m tl on only to'ent ehort youthful j je where Cupid lurks and cajts h's neti to epsuare the uaauupieiuin Our bachelor friend. Mr. M M Morrison seemed in that romantic mood in which the soul is too full for utterance and could mention nothing else interesting to 'Ihe Standard tbt.t bail taken place for centuries past. 1 HE E3 Tbe roriiillht ut IlnlelKl. The Raleigh correspondent to the Charlotte Observer has the follow ing concerning the Populut caucus at Raleigh : "The Populist caucus Wednes day night was public and was really a ma98 meeting. Butler presided. He said the convention Thursday was to kill partybugs. Speeches were made by Zcb Garrett, Waiter R Hanry, J R Emm, L C Caldwell and Cyrus Thompson. Moat of the speakers abused the Democrats. Caldwell said the Democratic party bad kept no pledges, and be stamped his feet upon it. lit declared he waj atraid of Sewall aud wanted Watson. Walter Henry said if the Democrats did not take dowu Se wall the Populists would demand a !r tight ti;ket. Ii j tier said when tht Detuocratio pjo ty t te part of the platform nnd faod in courage o steal it all, it thought it had t!en enough to ket p the yeomanry t. , as it knew it could not poll 50, 000 vo es for tbe gold standard. Thompson asked, 'Where .re the nnterrifkd DnitOcnitc?' "Paul Means nd doe Caldwell are the only one in the State." He declared he had no cotiGdence iu the Democratic party nor its leaders." And Campbell Caldwell has come to this! Watson is not all he wants. OWI.D IS HE r. Investors of the Dean Btifo System of speculation receive semi monthly divi tlenila in gold. Oyer 800 per cent per annum matle on investments by E S Dean & Co,, Bankers, 35 broadwtty, N. Y. Investors of this Arm distributed all over Ihe L'nited States anJ Canada. Xollce Io TowiinIi1i t'oiniiillleee' Persons in tbe various townships of Cabarrus county who received circulars from the Vance Monu ment Association requesting them to take charge of the popular sub scription on July 4th toward Ihe erection of the monument, are hereby reminded that they were re quested in said circulars to turn over all funds so collected to Mr. James C Gibson, Clerk Supenor Court, of Cab ii rus county. We now request all such persons to make immediate return to said clerk, iu order that he can report to us. In cases where cothitg wa. collected, p'ease write the clerk a postal card and ray so. Very respectfully, Vance Monument Association, Asheville, N. C. NfiooiiN free to All. I rend in the Christian Standard that Mips A M Fritz, Station A, St. Louis, Mo., would give an eiegant plated hook ppoon to any one send ing her ten 2-cent Biampn. I pent for ono nnd found it bo ustful that I Bhowetl it to my friends, and made $13 in two hours, taking or ders for the spoon. Tbe hook spoon is a household necessity. It cannot slip into the dish or cooking vef-sel, being held in the place by a hook on the back. The fpoon is some thing housekeepers have needed ever since Ppooiiti were first invent ed. Any one can get a sample spoon by sending ten 2oent statue to Miss Fri'z. This is a splendid way to make money around home. Very truly, Jeannettk S. l.ndloH rrltfliH'iicd. Friday uitjht several young ladies were going tut. Acadtmy street, be tween Sprint ana Main streets, and when pp fltite the burnyiiid gate of Mr. R E Uidenlnur, th-y scumbled over a drunken negro mm. The man was "d ad drunk" a d i nly groaned when ftepi ed it) on. When heg un'el ib di.-cov-ured that u was a man. I fey were terribly f i igh'ened, The Same VJIU JUI OUUI iiiu That's Ayer's. The same old sarsaparilla as it was made and sold by Dr. J. C. Ayer SO ycart ago. la the laboratory it is diUercnt. There modern appli ances lend speed to still aud experience. But the sarsapa riiia is the same old sarsnparllla that made the record BO year of turn. Why don't we better itf Well, we're much in the condition of the Hishop and the raspberry : " Doubtless, " he said, " God might hnve made a better berry. But doubtless, also, He never did." Why don't we better the saTsaparilla? We- can't. We arc using the artme old plant that cured the Indians and the Spaniards. It has not been bettered. And Biuce make sarsupnrilla com pound out of sarsapnrilla plant, we see no way of improvement. Of con rue, if we were mnkiitg some secret chemical compound we might.... But we're riot. We're making the same old snr snparllla to cure tho same old diseases. You can tell it's the mam elit manaparilta be cause it works the mum old ttirr: It's the sovereign blood purilier, and Aver: CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST SHORT LOCALS. New buildings are going up in all parts of ther eity. " Has anyone esen "The Sunshine of Paradise Alley" tbe one Ihey sing about bo much ? Iispoits from many sections of the state show that mad-dogs are on the roundri. Yuil had butter be ou tho lookout. . ' i The curbing in the front of tbe new Paifor building has been ad justed and shows up the sidewalk to a great advantage. Your attention in called to the change in Lowe & Dick's advertise ment today. They make some ex cellent offers to cubd purchasers. Fried chicken and aspiring can didates are generally found at pic nics and public gatherings just about cow. ; Miss Hattie CarroU. of Poplar Tent, will entertain a number fif''leveland, 0. r i . - . ' irienus ai an joe cream jiariy uu r ritlay mgbt next. Mr. J B Lilse. father of Dr. J D Lisle, of the Reed Gold Mine, ar rived in the city Thursday night on bis return from Springfield Onio, where he had none to visit his old home. While on his way home from bis place of duty at the depot .in Charlotte ednepday night some unknown person chunked rocks at 1 oliceman lilackwelder, struck mm on the arm. He was not hurt, however. It is said that telling the troth constantly will cause the teeth to decay. Some of our very good friends will never need the service of a dentist, if the paying holds good. Mrs. Charles E MoCreary, of Ar nold. Davidson county, who has been on a visit to her parente, Mr. and Mrs. John 11 Long, bas re turned to her bom, accompanied by her brother, Mr. Iloyle Long. Miss Essie Johnston, of Bur dotte, so well and popularly known in this city, will leave in a few weeks far Dallas, Texas, where she will spend the fall and winter months with the family of Mr. A W Baird. A man ia in a bad fix when he steps into a nest of yellow jackets dunne this hot weather. At Cox s mill last Tuesday a certain candi date made a splendid run and with out much persuasion when tbe busy little fellows forced him to do so. The work of excavation was he gun on the lot for the new bank building this (Thursday) morning There will be two rooms erected the onenext to "Uncle Billy" Cook's to be used by the banking com pany and tbe one next to the fur niture store will be a handsome s ore room. The Chairman of the Cabarrus Democratic Executive Committee hns announced that he will not distribute to the different precinU any fusion ballots, and states tbat the Democratic State committee cannot lawfully control Cabarrus Democrats. The chairman is act ing wisely and with the approval of all Democrats. The Standard is in receipt of an announcement from a certain pcntleraan of the county, but with it failed to come the anntn icement fee $5 00. We want it distinctly understood tbat unless tbe money accompanies the announcement we do not publish Fame, regardleaF of pprty or person. Only a short while will elapse from now until the sice track from Cannons factory to the Odell mills- will be complete. I be force began putting down the cross tiet Wednesday afternoon. It will not bo long until the trains will be runniug over the annex. Free (14 page medical reference boob to any person alllicted with any special, chronic or delicate dis ease peculiar to their sex. Address the leading physicians and sur geons of the United States, Dr Hathaway & Co., 22J South Broad Street, Atlanta, (Ja. Etl Eagle of Forest Hill, was ar rested Tbursdiy afternoon on s warrant eworn out by M J Corl, charging him with overdriving a horse. Eagle was tried before Ivquire Pitts, lbe matter was compromised and Eagle let go. It ia said that Brown & liro. will pre fer charges againBt Eagle on the same grounds. We bad a pleasant call last Thurs. day frrm' Mr. Cht rles Henry Kit' der, of Mt. Vernon, N.i Y. Mr. Kidder is representing the New York Journal the World and Herald's most formidable rival in tbe newspaper field in New York. With respect to Concord he seemed to think he would have to "intro duoe" as well as "represent." His paper has but to eavor of the humor and pleasantness tbat char acterizes its representative to re ceive a hearty welcome. Mr. Daniel Sides, a gallant young fellow living at Cannonville, met with an accident Thursday morn ing when making resdy to attend tbe county Sunday school conven tion. He, in company with bis Bweelbtart, wa driving a fritky team to a buckboard, and by ao cident the vehicle run into a ditch, turning top rj! down snd epilling the occupants out.- The lady fell underneath the trap and it was with difficulty tbat she was ex tricated. In the wreck Ihe two were fortunate enough not to gt t hurt. T AND A Democrats from various sections of the county are gratified at the fusion scheme with the Populist being subdued and killed in tbe embryo. Although Bpihel camp meeting closed last Wednesday night, preaching waa continued at night all during the week with the usual large attendance. The "Thompson Sluggra" de feated the Sossatnon team, froraJNo. 10 township, by a score of 17 to 7. Tbe little fellows are proud of their victory over a But of grown men. Register of Deeds Weddington had a rush in the marriage license business last Thursday, when he is sued papors for three weddings, all to colored people. WANTED Salesmen to sell complete line of lubricating oils, greases, varnishes, specialties, etc. Uood opportunity for the proper party. Oakland Refinino to, ell A grand picnic will be given at tbe home of Mies Flora McCarhern, in No 10 township, on Thursday next, dinner to be served at 2 o'clock. A number of young folks in the city have rooeived invita tions to be present. The executive committee of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina was in session today (Saturday) in the parlor of the St. Cloud Hotel. The missionary work under tbe care of the committee and other matters were under consider ation. Mr. Jay Sims has returned to tbe city from Ilillsboro. The Alliance Shoe Factory, in which he was em ployed, has shut down for a short while. It is hoped tbat this enter prise will soon resume work. You will find a box of Ayer't Pills an excellent traveling com panion. For refetiveness, indiges tion, sick headache and nausea they are prompt, safe and efficacious. Taken in season, tbey may prevent aerious illness and vexatious delay and disappointment. The Salisbury World of Friday says that Mr. Eugene -Warner and Miss Lula Coley, of tbat city, came down to Concord and "that the two intended to take upon tbemeelve the solemn vows of matrimony," and we learn the contract has not materialized as yet. During the electrical storm Thurs day afternoon, lightning played over tbe wires, doing considerable damage in the office at the Cabarrus mills, tearing tbe telephone box to pieces and knocking Superintend ent Wilson down. Mr. Wilson was not seriously hurt, however. Ayer's Ague Cure is an antidote for malaria and all malarial diS' eases, whether generated by swamp or Bewer. JNeither quinine, arsenic nor any other injurious drug enters into the composition of this rem edy. Warranted to cure fever and ague. Mr. W M Widenhourse was up from Georgeville and informed a Standard reporter that the horses that were stolen from Mr. Adam Furr, in this county, and the mule and buggy stolen from Mr. Jim Green, in Stanly county, had been recovered, ihe animals cad been run down and turned loose' Sheriff Sims Bays me statement in tbe Raleigh correspondence to the Charlotte Observer, which ap peared in Fridays issue, stating that he (Sims) had said in the dis cussion the night before tbat G Ed Kestler was not a delegate to the State convention, was absolutely incorrect. When people are obliged to take medicine they want that it shall give quick relief and not add die- coofort to their sufferings. Three reasons why people who suffer with Constipation and Billiousnesc should take Simmon's Liver Regu lator : "It is better than pills, it doet not gripe ; it gives quick relief, and doea not weaken but strengthens and refreshes the whole system." J li inland, Monroe, la. Capt. Thaddeii3 W. Jones, Tenth Cavalry, united States Army, now on leave ofabsence, has been detail ed by t be Secretary of ar to attend the encampment of the .North Caro lina State Guard at StnteBville Sep tember IKh. Capt. Jones will ac company the regiment on its march from butesville to Charlotte and by order of Col. Arm field the camp a Statesville will be called Camp Jones in bis honor. Stateevillt Landmark. WANTED Solicitors for cam- paign book "ISryan, tsewali and rree Oliver," authorized by Bryan. written by Metcalf, Editor Omaha World llerald, appointed author by Bryan. Contains speeches and platform. A bonanzi for agents, a free Bilyer mine for workers. Only 150. The only authorig id book. 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Begin now with choice of territory. Permanent, profitable work for '9G Address. The National Book Concern, Stai Building, Chicago. sepl2 , All free. Those who have used Dr. Kine's New Discovery know its value and those who have not, have new the opportunity to try it free. Call on advertised druggist and got a trial bottle free. Send vour came and address to II K Bucklen & Co , Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. Kmc 8 Now Life Tills free, as well as a copy of Guide toHealth and UouBonold Instructor free. 411 of whinh is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Fot" zer'e Drugstore, , RD. 201896. IN FRANK HOWARD READY TO MEET HIS GOD. llvnr Vorkc, I lie nnrdi'rer.llroiiHlX ere-l'lnim Thnt Ihe Hilling him by (he Aeeidentitl Itlnrhnriro of tiun Held In Hla UnudN-t pared Be Ins; Lynched and Eluded Olttrem. Henry Yorke is a young negro, probably 21 years of age, and wae reared in Iredell county, a few uulee I from the spot where he slew John Steele on Christmas las'. Yorke was captured several days ago in the Walker's Mountain re gion of Virginia, near Pulaska City, where he was employed in a coal mine, by Defective Painter, and was landed in .Cabarrus jail Thursday night. Yorke atated to a Standard re porter today tbat the killing of Steele was by accident, and that himself and Steele were on the best of friendly terms. He said the gun which he held in bis hands belonged to the brother of the murdered man and that when the gun discharged it was pointing at no one to hie knowledge. Yorke made a visit to the borne of his mother after the killing, and said tbat he told her that he thought of giving himself np to the officers, the told him there were tbrta's of lynching him, and dreading such a terrible end to his existence, he began evading and dotlging officers, finally locating at the above named place. He tella a very good story of accidental kill ing, and is terribly frightened. A TALK WITH H0W4RD. Frank Howard, who will be hanged two weeks from today, ia a villainous-looking criminal and swears by the God above tbat be is innocent of the crime for which be was convicted and sentenced to hang. In his dismal cell by the Bide of his movable couch lay religions tracts and a Bible but with all thia Howard is hard hearted. He said tbat the law did not give him justice, but the God above, on whom he relied for reacue, would hear his pleadings and treat him well. He says he is prepared to die and is very unconcerned about his terrible end. A Rebuke nnd n Warning;. Tue writer was in the court boose this morning discussing electoral fusion with a violent "middle of tbe road" Populist. The Populist said tbat he was going to Raleigh as a delegate to the State convention and that he would use all his influence for the election of straight Populist electors. The writer asked him if he did not know that th it course would give the State to McKinleyf The middle of the road man said that be did not care much if it did, tbat McKinley was as good as Bryan. A fine looking old country gentleman who had been listening to the conversation arose and with much emotion suid : "Take heed o what I say young man, the mass of the people cf Cumberland want McKinley defeated, and tbe only way to do tbat is to unite on Bryan, He must be elected or we will re. main what we are today, financial serfs. The Populist turned to him and said : "You are a Demo crat, are yon not f" "No sir," re. plied tbe old gentleman, with em phasis, "I started with the Populist party, and am still a Populist, bnt so help me God, I shall do all I can 'o defeat McKinley and the mo. nopolists, and woe to the Populist leaders if they defeat this great wish of our people." Fayetteville Ubserver. I tree I'll In. Send your address to II E Buck-. ten & Co., Chicago, and gnt a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in occton ana are particularly elteo tive in the cure of Constipation and sick hendaclie. For tualartar. ud fever troubles they have been proved invaluable. Tbev aro auar anteed to be nerfectly vegetable They do no;. weaUitn by thtir action but by giving tjne to the stomach an 1 bowois grea'ly invigorate the sy.-tUiin. Uegu'ar size 2o per box Sold at Fetzni 's Drug Store, itlnn Not Ufnrrnl, For the past several days rain has fallen in all sec ions of the oounty except Nos. 3, 4 and 5 townships. In the lower part of the eounty good, soaking rains have fallen and the peoplo are very thankful for it. Killed By I.lKliliiluit, On Thursday evening last during an electric form down in No. 10 township lightning struck a tree in the pasture of Mr. Thomas McCar hern, killing two hogs and one cow. Tbe lightning was vivid and did other damage in that section. , CABARRUS All WHOLE NO. 387 Highest of all in Leavening Power.- AT IiOCKY RIVER CHURCH. Ihe Eighteenth Annnnl County Nnn rfny ttrhool 1'onvenllou and In Do In urn Klerllon or WIHrer nnd Ap pointment or Committees To Meet nt Hetbel In IHU7- The 18th annual convention of the Cabarrua County Sunday School Association met at Rocky River chorch on Thursday, the 13th. The meeting was opened by Scrip ture reading by the paster in charge, Rev. It V Lancaster, and prayer by Mr. Jesse Earnhardt. Kev. II A McCullough addreestd the convention on the subject as signed him; "How to make the cons vention of highest value to all." The speaker set forth the unity of the Suuday school cause, the benefits of association, the advantages of commingling with others zealous in the work, disavowing in purpose or effect of the obliteration of denom inational lines. He was enthused with his theme ai d could bs heard through the crowded church. Young Mr. Jno. Mo U Morrison made a very creditable speech of welcome which was responded to by the secretary, Mr. J A Cline, in hie own pleasant way. Tbe roll of delagates was then made np and the minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Reports of vice presidents from the townships were then made fcr Nos. 1, 3, 4 and 5, Nos. 3 and 6 fail ing to report. The president then invited infor mal inteichanges of vie vs and ex. penences in the Sunday school work, but no one seemed loaded, or all were too much bent on an essential part of tbe program soon to come. Secretary Cline then made bis re. port fludiog some negligence or in difference as to township organiza tions in a few instances, but 69 a whole the Sunday school work wae making fair progress. The indiepensible part was next taken up and all proceeded in a moai effectual way to respond to Mr. Mor rison's speech of welcome by dis posing of a poition only of the boun ties so richly spread in that mag nificent grove. After the fta't til again repaired to the historic ole church wbtn a prayer service wat rendered, after which the treas urer's report was made showing $02 in tbe treasury. 'How to improve our townshij work" was then treated by different ones in 10 minute talks. Mr. Jesse Earnhardt dwelt on the idea of "More of the Spirit of the Master;" President J R White, "More township meeting;" Mr. D I Ooltrane, "Better preparation for ac mors effectual teaching." Kev. A K Pool then rendered i solo with most touching iinpreesive ness. The reports of township vije pres idents was then resumed. No?. 7, 8 and 9 did not rtspoud, however. ,lIudividuaI Ftthlitulneca the Key to True Success" was then trcatec by Rey. A K Pool. He suggested that there is more heroism in leader's getting ten to do the work of ten than for the leader himself tc do tbat same work for them. Tht address was instructive and enter, taining. Inquiries were then made of ser vices rendered to the chain gang. Key. A K Pool had held servicet with them aud via very much grat ified with apparent effects. Mr. CO Montgomery reported that the Epworth League of tht Concord Central M. E. church undti the leadership o' a young lady bad held meetings with them with very encouraging effects. Mr. Jtsse Earnhardt reported a meeting tbat he held with them in which several expressed resolutions of reformation. Mr. H McNamara expressed as surances of tbe good moral and dis oiplinary effects of snch visits and auch interest manifested toward these unfortunate criminals. Mr. Jesse Eirnhardt was invle a committee to provide for the spirit ual interests of the chain gang foi the ensuing year. Election of officers wti3 then en tered into and resulted as follows: President, J li White; Secretary. J A Cline; Treasurer, A E Len'z. Vice presidents of townships: No 1, AN Harris; No. J N Pliarr; No. 3, N Johnson; No. 1, J M Kog. ers; No. 5, R J Cook; No. li, Allium Penninger; No. 7, J H Moose; No, THE : STANDARD PRINTS THE AEWS THAT IS XEWS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. Latest UjS. Gov't Report tS, G E KitcMe; No. 9, T J Shinn; No. 10, J H Lou; No. 11, R U Sides; No. 12, L D Duval. It wae ordered that tbe executive committee authorize some one to visit townships 7, 8 and 9 to get them to resume their connection with the county association. The executive committee appoint ed by the president are Messrs. D B Coltrane, Wilson Winecoff and J D Barrier. Mr. L D Duval was made delegate o the State association with D B Cciirune as alternate. Next meeting ia to be hold at Bethel, iu No. 10. These interesting services were frequently and suitably interspersed with music by the following choirs; C. ld Water and Mt. Ilermon, Rocky River, Bays Chapel, Patterson's Mill, Zion, Gilwood end Long's. The Bingiug indicated muoh train ing and enthusiasm and it is need less to say formed no small part of the day's enjoyment, Thus the day was pleasantly and we hope profitably spent and the long. wished. for rain came just in time to more than bedew many of the home-seekera wilh its copious torrenta. Hltenktiitf ol' Yellow- Jti-ket Mr. John II Long save ho has been surveying for thirty years and thij most siuRolar incideut that has happened to him, occured over in Mecklenburg the other day. Messrs. J M W Alexander, J L Stafford, 8 S McWbirter aud himself were di yidin? tbe estate of the late John F Mormon, and at a beginning point on the line waa a neat of yellow jackets, and along the line for a distance cf several hundred yards there were four nests of yellow jacketa and several of wasps. Mr. Long waa Btucg in the left eye, which caused him considerable pain. -'otu-t' ol Seizure. Seized in No. 3 township, Angnst S, 1890, one gray horte, one one-horse agou supposed to be the property )f D A Evana for violating the In menial Revenue laws of tha United states. Notice is hereby given to any ono claiming said property to give no. oi?e in the form and manner pre icribed by law, to the undersigned, it his office in Asheville, N. C, vithin 30 days from date hereof, or the property will be forfeited to tho government of the United States. Sam L. Rogers, ' Collector. By R. S. Harris, D. C. August 8, 1890. 4 t Mtlfl'i DlNitlcnucd. 1 ie general opinion of many of .4 nost prominont countrymen is lh& the execution of Frank How ard ihould be public. The matter JMij tho loading topic for discussion ju the Btreeta today. The private ixecution ia very disploasing to them. Suffered Eighteen Years. Pulna Departed and Sleep fa mo. ; Mrs. Julia A. Prown, of Covfnjrfn, Tonn., whoso hiifllmnrl 1ms churo of tho cli'ctric llht plant at plaeo, h;ts boon a groat surtVrf'r. !Ir ailments and jRe(ly euro aru best described by herself, a.s fuiluwi: 'Tor 18 y.'iirs I guflVrvil fmrrj norvousnetw and indii:i ;.tiun. 1 trind overy rvniody rcc uriiimmdcd by fnrnfly and friend.-j, tut I could tr't no relief at all. Two yoars ano, whilo iH'lng tri'uted by threo local physi cian, Dm, Barnjt, Maloy and Shuiod, tliuy r,v,, r ii Mm. Jvt.iA A. IltiuwN. nformo'l mo tlmt I lin.l l)cnrno lirryjrteal mil Unit tlicpn w.irf liul'j hup.) fur li.u. I .lion do.-tdi d to try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, WHS tlwn UmiiMm til pot t.1 Hli op until vol! nil tuivillil (liLvhi'l.t i.n.l .ti. ..II this tlMH) I hllll A ifooll li'..niu ..Ml.. I ... i. -it r.i.1... i uiui Tn'.fic mnim;.!!, u.(-(.l, hub aftor iriklni; unu-half ..,til.i.,f tl. Aurin I I'uuKI sh . i nil rii,;Jit JuM. in woli u 1 ovor ili'l. Thu A.nmi.r !.i ti nly ron.. .ly Unit. Kiivo ino n ii v r. l. f wh.tiov.-r. I nm ro.w woll unil slum -, nnil I tthmk (.'mi ei'try iti ul my UJi jui In. iV.itiiif ." MliS. .1 1 ' I . I A A. liKflWN. 1 p.n.lttr.1 III 1 . 1 III. IV Mil. V N. tl.,.1 hi ri (il l h. I fl (I It will ho m nt , hy tut lir. .Mill . l i or .Mi Uli al I n., Imi. n. I Dr. Mil Nervine ""X'U tOttzMi'. Ui ALL DiaXiUIU'l-i 8P 1 i . I- . I -v .to m. m