THE : STANDARD TKIX'S TIIE Aims t'.ivt is xew For 1 War THE STANDARD. -turns OUT GOOD -JOB - WORK AT LIV1NO PRICES. The Pi hp a at DA ED. GIVII US A TRIAL AN HISTORIC RELIC. Brought Out by Dr. Blarknnll on the OeriMlon of Mr. Bryan's Vlxle. Wben Mr. Bryan was !n Raleigb, just before returning to the train, a waiter was observed moving to .wards the Union depot with a long Blender bottle, three feet in length and filled, with liquid. Accom panying it was a very elongated tumbler, at least a foot in height and with a possible capacity of two quarts. A closer inFpection revealed the fact that it was the four gnllon Gebrge Washington bottle owned by our good, friend, Dr. 0 W Black nail. The Press-Visitor ran across this letter which explains what followed: Col. J 8 Carr My Dear Sir : I beg that you present with ray compliments and best wishes this bottle of native Concord wine to the lion. William J Bryan, our next President. Both bottle and tumbler are unique old family relics and have not been vised on a State occasion since the viBi of Sir Walter Raleigh to the city years ago, as nothing before was thought of sufficient import ance to call them out. With my good wishes both for the President and yourself, believe me, Very truly, G. V. Bl.ACKNALL, Democrat Ortfnnlae. At a call of Mr. A B Young, Chairman of the Democratic Exec otive Committee of Cabarrus county, a meeting was held at headquarters on Thursday, September 24, in which Mr. V 0 Boshamer was made Chairman and J D Barrier secretary. The object of the meeting was to organize the Democracy into clubs throughout the county and the fol lowing was adopted : Kesolveii, That it is the sense of shis body that it is desirable and well to organizi the Democracy of the coun'y by precinct clnba and that members of suid ct clubs form u county Democratic orgsniz ition to be con summated on Friday, the second day of November next. On motion the secretary was or dered to ascertain the representa tions present and fonnd townships No, 1, 2, 3, i, 5 and 10 and Wards 1, 2, 3, i, of No. 12 represented. The meeting unanimously en dorsed the plan of organization as forJiulattd by Chairman Young. Ei-Conicrranmnn Crawford to Visit Cnbnrrns. Hon. W T Crawford will visit Cabarru and speak publicly on the political issues. be is slated to sptak at Uarrisburg on Monday, October 5, and at Mt. Pleaeaat on Tuesday, October 6th. Tne ex Congressman is an eloquent talker and is an date campaigner. We are glad Cabarrus people wi 1 have a chance to hear hi in. Cllno-RoHt Marriage. After a qniet courtship, Mr. Will Cline and Miss Lula Boat were mar ried by Rev. J Q.Wertz, at the resi duceof Dr. J S Latterly Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The cere mony was performed in a most im posiag manner, after which the happy couple, attended by several friends, departed for their future home. Tbey have the best wishes of tne entire communitv. Both are, as their frien is can testify, n.ost excellent perions. 1HI! IKKN oupht tn ,i milium momer daily care and help ber to be strong; cap, hie and cheerful. It is'nt right for inothert to feel the tinmen of life growing; heavier ind heavier year by year because of chiltl- hcaringAnd child-rear iiiy That shows some thi:ig is wrong in tli iHitther'nphysical con dition. There is some unnatural weakness in her delicate rrganimi which disqualifies her for motherhood. When this Is wrons everything is wrong. A winnnn's physical life is wrapped up i the special organs of hrr sex. Winn the fire restoffd to lirnllh 3 jPiisir ,tul Rt'cngth the whole woman h e c u in e I henlthy and strop I)r R. V. Pierce of HiiffV.o, N Y., has made a life study of Wvt problem of restoring health sum! trength 11m f avorite r;i-;eripu.'ii !l'!!,!lTVMn.-n:s"?H nl!,lr ailments. lis s.tlr ..xcred. the con.. ui0 a.e id .l t,il i ni. diniu-s Inr"n. W cures th tunt ololtinte uterine !im'flvH U goes dite.tlyl.. the inlnnal 1111111 Mich ! Hi.- mm) rM of H the li.'uhlrs. It intj nits Vigor :d hc.Mh wlv tli.-T arc tnost ecd;-d ; heal.-, ion ; '.-p the weak-tninjrdr.uu- . pro;:inte- ifgnl.11 Hy , rest.ires piMvei to the Iv-nm-iii. thus coi leclin dltphicetnents u( ulaus ID the only H-itnial wav. CompK-t.-information r prr mii? tut is v.uitc Pvecciinii'in " and tri- r. .i.,1 4, ..11 lmti(1riHi w lifl hive u d it. are einmmiiu in lr 1'ieree s Common Nense Medical Adviser, a standard medical wotk of ion8 pafrcs, profusely illustrated, which will te sent tree on reeeipi 71 one cent stamps to covet I cost of mailing only. This woik is a coniolete faintly doctor bonk and should be read by both ymiug did old The rttofitson the sale of 6Ho.iw copies at $1. n has rendered possible Ihis free edition. Address, World s IHsnen r; aitUu! AuorUUuu, Uuli, N. V. SL t S Jt. v. - L VL. IX-NO 36 HOWARD WILL KOT IIANG. Governor Cnrr Coirininled the Denlu Nenlcoce to Ufa Imrl.onmrnt nl Ilnrd Labor lloword Rhowed So ' Nlvim or Pleiuinre mt tbtt Aclloi. or HU Eyeellenryi After hearing the plea for com mutation and considering the strong petitions asking that the sentence of Frank Howard, the negro who wae convicted at the July ttrm of Ca barrus Superior court on the charge )f arson, having applied the torch to the barn of Mr. 0 O Gillon in No. 4 township last winter, Llis Excellency, Governor Elias Carr, Thursday, September 24,,signed the document that gives to the negro that which we all hold so dear life. Governor Carr commuted the stnttnee of death to imprisonment at hard labor in the penitentiary for life. Sheriff Sims received the papers Friday and immediately proceeded to the jail to break tbe news to How ard, who did not show any signs of surpiiseor pleasure at the a ition of His Excellency. Howard's villain ous expression and tone of voice did not change in the least. Sheriff Sims leit with the criminal on the first train for Kal' e-igh. Cabarrus can console herself on tbe fact that a desperate negro is without her borders. llownrd n Nrnrf d NeKro. Quite a large crowd of colorel people and a few curious whites went to the depot Friday evening, wben Frank Howard was taken to Kileigh, and as the tr&in was rolling np there wa such a racket and so much confusion on the outside of the office that the negro criminal thought c rtain that a mob had come to take his life. He was surely a scared negro, and for tbe first time since bis arreat showed signs of fear. Steam Ka.lwaja. Under the above caption, the Manufacturers' Uncord of this week contain the following dated from Abordoen : "It is stated that an organization has nearly been completed to build a railroad line from Concord to a connection with the Moore County Railroad, and thence to the Sea board Air Line at Aberdeen, N. C. Mr. W I Eekhout, of AberdeeD, i one of tbe principal parties inter ested." There ia considerable interest manifested on the part of all our citizens concerning the proposed road, which would t9 a great boon to Concord and Cabarrus if it could bo secured. liOI.D IS NEXT. Investors of tlie Dean Safe System of speculation receive semi monthly divi dends in gold. Over 300 per cent per annum made on investments by E S Dean & Co,, Hankers, 83 hroadway, N. Y. Investors of this firm distributed all over the United States and Canada. A 1'rnyor for CJIrln. You ask for a little prayer. Here is oue written by Jeremy Taylor in hisiffort to teaci the world what was meant by holy living: "Teach me to watch over bll my wajs tha' I may uever be surpriGed by sudden temptations or a careless spirit, nor ever return to fol;y and vanity. Set a watch, O Lord, btfore mj mouth, and keep the door of my lips, that I offend not in my tongue l eilher against; piety nor charity Teich me to think of nothing but Thee, and what is in order to Thy glory and service: to spak nothing but of Tbe and Thy glories, and to do nothing but what becomes Tby servant, whom Thy inliuite mercy, by the grace of Thy holy spirit, hath sealed up to the day rif lii demption." Iiuth Aabmore in Oo tober Ladies' Home Journal. How To Kill Tour Town. Buy of piddlers as mnnb and a often as po siblp. Denounce 50111 merchant because they make a profl ou their goods Make out jour town a very bid place tnd state i every ch nce you neS (Jlory in tin downfall of a man who has don much to build up the town. Re f 1 66 to n 1.1 to iu uny cheme f r th. betteru ei.t of th- iiiveriii' in'ereslt of the j.tople. If yon re a mr chant don't advertise in ibe honn papers, but buy h rublie- snmp and u?e it. Tell your meichants jou can buy sooda a good deal cheaper in tome other town, and rhrge iheni with ejtortion. If a strangei floiiies to town, tell him everything h overdone and predict a general crash in the to n 111 the near future Keep up a divu'e.l public sentiment and knife every man that discrete with 5011 on the b st methods S in creasing bitsim f a I'alror iji outside nowrnnpers to the exclusion of own, and jonrs for not beirg as large aud s cheap as the big city papers. SHOUT LOCALS. . There is to be a wedding in or near the city within hm than a a month. Mr. R A Brown has stationed an engine at the new town tank, which is used in hoisting brick and u;or tar. Bill W'inecoff, who lives on Cold Water creek, was in town carrying bis arm in a sling. He has erytipr las and ia a great suilcrer. Mrs. W II Elliott stepped upon a broom handle Friday evening t;d eprainpd her ankle, from which t-he has eull'ered intense pain. Mrs. Myrtle Craigen, who several months ago went to Texas en a visit to her old home in Waco, ha? returned and will live i'l the future at Mt. Pleasant. On Wednesday last Mr. John II Williams and Miss Cora Drake, who live at tbe liufl'ilo thread mills, were united in matrimony, lit v. J R Moose olliriating. We noted recently the sickness of Mr. A F Roger, of No. 10 township, and hoped that he had recovered, but learn that for six. weeks he has been confined with typhoid lover. We are sorry to learn that Mr John H Misenneimer is th.-eu'.eiie.l with physical complications from which ho pufl'iired tevereiy sonif years ago. Mr. Miscnheiuier i one of No. 8 township's best citiz ns. Headquarters of the Anthony Drum Cor, s, will be in the up'Hir of the new King building find the rooms are to ba nicely filled up ii splendid tyle in the order of :' reception room. Much jiy to ihm Mr. W. F. Kirk, a brother to Mr. Walter Kirk, of thi.j city, gave us a pleasant call. lie is an employe, in the Labor Department at Wash ington and is in this spcti in on ti visit to relatives. Have yoti seen Mr. Corl's orn i bus einca it has been reaiirkiud ? Oao of our o?n painterj did t ns ar tistic work and is no uw ii. sending away fi r such work to done when it be do: 0 bettor men in cur mi isf. Dr. Preetou was d nnc-!, t!" "Drummer's Friend" and tin traveling salesmen are contribu'ips! a fond to commemora't) bis IiI'TjU ship with a aieraoral w'ndow ir the First Pr shyterian church (' Charlotte. The Republican primaries wi 1 bo held on Thursday, October all over the county. There ae several in the race for sherd', amor g them are Messrs M. L Buchanan, ol Mt. Pleasant, and T C Strieker, ol this city. Mr. John W Cook made us pleasant call and informed us t!.t be bad sown titteen acres n wnev at the county home. Mr. Cook, 11 all know, is quite a euccetsful farm er and makes it homo in even sense for those under the care 01 the county. To eradicate tho poi.'otis v lh. produce f-;vr and ague, fa!;y Avu'. Ague Con. It cun h without icav ing any irjurious tiled upon (!. system, and it is the oi.iy niedcii.' in existence which may ho eons::! ered an absolute antidote f.'i malaria. "Five years ago, I was taken s ill with rheumatism that I wm un able to do any wot k," wriies IV.ei Christensen, Sherwood, Wis- '1 took three boxes of Ayer's Pi'is arid was entirely cured. Sii.ce that time I always keep them in tbe bouse,' They are easy to take, Mr. Wiibsr Jenkins, fir son.; time past on the stall" ol the II i!ei;' N'ewi and Observer, has befi.u.t city editor of the Cb'irlottn Nvr" Mr. Jeukit.8 is a ne'-v-'pni.-r n.a-i ability and (vis a i.n" uial tact f r t rmsiiiMid. We cM.graut'a'e tit News in Ff.uring tl servicts (.1 Mr. Jenkins. D-. R W Ivy. D-ti-', :li in I'or.coiff at F.nesi. lli'l in Ne Town, houe No. 47, Oc. 1 till S prepared to do ail kinds of (1 nt 'i vork. lie will make yo'J a set 1.1 teeth for $10; g.!d fi.iiugs at. ?1 each; amalgam iillir.-ga at oDter.-.1 each. Your ic.-itli extractui wi-.:.-out pain. All work run ran tt cd to tw done in workmanlike ni.tnncT; 19 tars experience. Air. Janiea N. Bell informs r.fl that they are gomir to have a Dem ocratic club 111 No. 3 very soon There i; nothing t .me iibor.t t!.i Democracy of No 3 any Wiiy anO now that, one of t! rir favorite c i i -1 ns his the H preati tativo h-inuir W3 nnv look a good round vo e for th" whole t tk t, in Novi mber. Hurrih Ur N 3 and its gallant N-ebit. N ia-lv .twenty yiars n.-o Col J,)hn P i!met, of Hartford, whil i 1 Liuievilie, Ky., bad hia iiititl carved on a silver teo cent coin an 1 set it ail mt on the marts of trad ; A few ('ays ago hi widow, Mr. M utie Birretl, came into possession of tbe id-t.tical coin, and no treasures it us a valuable keepsake It has lost litt'e of its polish in it peregrii a!ifns. and every let ei upon it is legibl". Horace Greely once said: "Th. way to r. sumo ie to resitrne," ty a'' ing nf again putting gold 'nto cir dilation lifer tho war. l'oit yon may sav, "resume" any pu'iile r of times t i that tropical iiver of yourr and i! won't budB" until you take i?imnr,ons Liver Regulator. M i.iy people seem to forget that Com ttpa tion, Biliousness and Sick Headache are a'l caused by ft slusgit-b liver. Ke p the ljver active. CONCORD N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER Some, of 'he TV rc'inrnH ;-re e-.-.t; plainin;; a'ooi'i lu:ir sij im !)'. beat! find d t iced. Sueli colnr c. ehou'.il be k'iI duedsnnd the gtl.'j parties reo ivn a reprina.itid. ?.Ir. M C Wtil'tr is buildiot' i", otht r lar , tv.ost"ry f'woiiu.,! hot) on LU r; y i 1 rear of li e hlU'o he 01.' "I, '..-, fioi.: t 'w . cri--'' street. Mr. Bjrr t ;. : : ti.k- n Lin -a:iH, an engine ao! a iar,e f rce f louitV to S:.u:!y coii.:y, pre) fi' Ifi mady art. ois to saw n In '-,-' am 'ont oi u:n.h. r. We c:!i fl'n.! 01 ! ' t!.) at. rf -W D At, iuo.y .V Co., v ho pro pared totl j Ho town i.p ie a re. dv supply for rtftj'ibs of .hahiiiwork'iti painting, paperinp, uploj.-terirg. etc. Success to tho cnterprite. ' The MorgaM-.n II raM isir form ed that Mr. Juj.iua Willie rf i;ui wood, Clovelai.d ccniily, dropj t ... t dead on the T adside a ii w d.J.- ago, and tl-ot Lis d- atr was dee U cijtaret'.e f.mcking. lie bad leer; married oitly nine days. f Mr. C W Cidlo!'., ot.rsi c'fhl op-rator at, the di pot at this plac', but rovr of C ret r. ville, S C., vwif.or: Wc-iv- day ia-', t;;arrl.'d to a Mi-' J .itr.i-a'i'i of trr--:t vitU.' -s a' J iiita .' nil'i'r. Mr. C"iii':3t'. u;d Li. ;,.o ..ol 1 youiJfa'. M.-j. A!;- F..y Thursday p4r e c. d s r ! f)o atid Ittt on 8,: if -ur- , ! ft thi J ' lit is K itx. rt ... .! J; ( y i !.!ilo- , If r. I'V ,' V." .vi.Tth. T;;e I oiK-'UKio bero'.;cd-lied and Jl rr Foy fcdb mo v her family hero us early1 a,1 possible. The lan 11 j .:- o trry yanl T. ni . the aiifpices ol t',.1 y - . Metho.i,': 1 '.(. tt . -ro e: '. :.' ! !. o.'. Sold, to" 'OV r, bi t mt oo, y-(.;v p,. Jr. l Thw a c-ii.s fi 11.01: i-e OL'H f-.r-!'.. bt, uniV -.r Jovenilo M'.4 P'rcM, :.ii; ! r r i :' abund itjc'i. '.. it to a abaui Ilickorv Mt(""V : part i f Bmks mi.: ihond. r s -'riii t i H 1 a 4-yf jr old boy 1 O:tl i'l':;' r- 1 iiK-tl'.fir hi tho '( . a btwe-n t', tn A !! i,l, el' li;: oi.. ki'h ! ti " boy the :..' 1. I'".' mo; ',! r ::' (.::' : I','- fi.glt'n. . .. ura :' tl .1 .I.i ; e 1 :r-; i S . v ' v- -' rr-o Tr.p o n?Lv r a;o! hi UJ . r t ' i n i , , y . ,- p V I ti'oool) t;.., V II!:'' ri. Mf. titer. e V I r I:.; ; sbovied us a pp'-ci m:i of tho Ct.J.. e bi rry which ho ri.;-td fr.m a f ' eeds which v, ere i ia.t hii.i fi Buckiy. r. Mo. n d plao' .i .n tl -garden of M; J. 11 Iko-v... Fichf-r ia v.-ry rr .'t .-d v.,'-i the prosp'c' of ti e cti b'-t ry a- a very iloorisble n-'wtitutt lor l! f cosily tirlic: 3 1 oo.v i.'.o.u" ol no! making a. c;.". :o .1 10 ;,o t'.t r.-ou-Cf n:r ; .;.. Ti.e 0 ;' s berry l.a-' a 6'...ii: ai.d ) "d 1:1:" s bean but t'.o b.-rry r enUb'R.i ' The (1 ivoi' i;' a1! o i t i':o pan: 9 it iho Rio. It fci l.f irir.-d r'wn' wi-i-OMt t !. too L;.'r find bioi :'ai: to i.oiu i;,j v.ay iotj ocr cui rta!:i: '. iipt I'lttli'roii's Anrro,i Iau'i-i.. W.oii: c.J ay urir::oii: wl.ile C'lij't hi 1 Al l'uiteis ,n v,ai t'tixg eocu sltifiir.g ut the Mills lie lie; ftithan tcciiUrt lint rauie lit a" r.i idling iu ufa'ali'y. lie t-.i: ot he t ip of ft bos Car, 1.1,:'; wa'uhiiig seme junon in the street. Lis head isiwe in cstitarst with au el. ctric I'jjht wire that crjs.o J tat roa l. The wire struck Mr. l!'tr son just fi';ove ti e I. ft eye, cutting a si vt re g ish titd ct the fame titae tr'ppi' l.ini, hioo kii s liint uacn-. .(;: cs for a fi w 1 Oi:io;';. Dr. K-U rt Yf.nt z va.' cilU .1 ai d it to. 1 3 1'oiy i: ,; riyora'if.3 wwe p-:iid that Lroi:' ht htm to. Af ti r I., in;" ) t.i.t.J co b- v :. ulrigiit ainj vo iii. 1 i.J vo.y r.Jt;c'rj tbftt tile ai'iilo-'it w-; ' 1 0' to . r so ba la' it o;o-0' ho; ! cr..--! :.:iy b.i.JarJ it's t:.i 1 0 t t: for hair utulor i.'l cocoolo;'::-. Just to-. 1.0 1-1 ly tola;'.;; t!iot:.".!.t cao a '. a'l i.i.'i" to Li.; stature, t" I'.o rropai.-il.OD can iiiako Lair. il.-' Licet that ct;i 1c done i.-i to pro mole condiiio;u L.o:al;!o ti growth. Tl.i.-i is done by Ayer's Hair Vijor. It r ntovca datith uu, daito-'coi the scalp, nouvi;hoi tl soil iu which t'.ie 1, p;iv.s, and, 'jtiit a:-i a tlosott v, i'l Idossoia rltidor rain, v.o laid Lca.1.- pow Lair, v.lion tlio root;; are hour-iV..-,1. r ;t f.:c roo'..; r.nist be tlicre. If you vi di your 'hail I to rotahi il linnv.r.l color, or if you v. i.;!i to n sice the lost tint tf rjray or f '.dcd hair use Aycr'5 iiaii Vi0iv v .- 1 -- St ..J 0 ""-- kj- t v. : V. k i I II K WATKU WORK. A yjleortolr tit tlie Ittillttiit or n (JoTtl Mitio shiil'tl lit yivw Will KiniHy lull, Uiit vw TttKk. Kucdi'Ir.i for furnishing w .ter to 'T 3 a niers in t.'.iii city are bnug in eri ari ii. Trm w.Or ot th? tleotric ii.l'it s'a'i her., the old rearrvoir sttnitN. has no: tesn iiflioient for the t!i in a nd during the past eum .Ik r, but 111 rangements are being male to furnish au unlimited quan tity from no v 0 Mr, P B Fetzr oni r of 1 lie Concord water works, it puttina a nservoir at the bottom of the main shaTt of tha ol'J Reed gold mine, about three hundred yards back of Central Methodist church. The bottom of the shaft is olid rock acd the supply of water that emerges into tbe fifteen foot jqtiniT ter ryou' ia simply enormous, !I -is placing a pump in tbe shaft and will pnmp ft four inch stream of water itilo the nnr tank when it is complete. The hew water, main strikes Kaat Depot street at the M L Ritch reside nee and runs np Depot street on to the tank. Tbe water is clear anil cold and has been thor oughly analyzed and prouounciei good and healthy. The Bbuft is about Co feet d. ep. - - a v tlCStllllllOtlH ol' ltt'h,.rt. R: o.ilutione of respect to the nictui ory ot Miss.Currie L Walter, passed by the Cacnouviile Utdon Sunday ijchoil, c.f which she was a member: Whrea, it, has pltaeed Almighty Ijlod 111 li s all vti.e Providence to rename from our midst our beloved -is r ami frierd, then fore ba it lieaolyed, That while vte dciplv fill the loss of ue cf our Lumber nhose meioory n to tenderly cher- -!.. d lyi il who knew lar that submit- oiirseivci to His D.yine will, rciiuinherirg tl'at what our Hen vt t v Kci'i-.r do th ia ui-wiys bet ' ir i chiolr. a n've-d, licit eii ;f her ab enee I. aved an achitg vcid in the hearts ;f a'lh.r iov, d one?, still we foe! .hit our ks is her eb rna! Ruin. N'av Go! In il tie- bi .0:11 teirN i-.d may wo all be prep ,rcd to niee' our loved ore I'g'iin on the ehore of t-tcrnal happtcc-.s v, here purtirg? never conit R salve.!, 1 hat since our Sunday I. 1 lot . lost this uu ui'jer cf lovely di?'ocrio;i, otie ever zealous anil .etive in tbe Mas'er 8 work that v.i -0 e rie to lice and follow her ex. ih)!h t hiit w hen death shall call ui e too tuav hear the welcome plan Jit "Wtll done." liciolvid, That to the sorely .triclo: n family we extend our heart f.'H rrtrpa'-'iy mil pray the God of ai' eoo!, .rt to lie "iih them ai.d oon. fort 1 in-m in their sail uliliction. R-tCl'.id, That a copy of theti r : to. 3 be o-tit to the bi-rcnye ! family v.: d a'-o furnialie to the I'oncord papers. J'stei.l IIowei.I., Willie Sloop, Vi. LLlIi Ckf.kch, Cotiitnittee, A Itrcrlif ion l.nHt Kittlit. Tlie beautiful homeciffdr. 11 .' Woodfo i was a sctne of sp'endor last ey.'tiit'g from 8 to 12, the occa aion tt-i'ig a rcrep'ion to those who cors'itiib d the bridal party at th. inirr:c,"e of hia daughter, Ali-s Maria, this morning. The hospitality of Mr. Woodsnn'i bonsehold ia ur.d tie pleasure of last evening was bound Its The Etna's wcie limited to a fen but the decision was perhsps one of the tu.o't succ.v.sful social hffairs ii. Salicbu") tlua s'asim. At ehgur -upper w-ia tvfd at 10 o'clock. Salialmr) Wor'd of f e t S3. " , I'it-liot-k4-( Arrotcil. Th - foliowihg ht'er hag been re o. by Chi; f of Police tjhavei from the n.xjor of K.h ich, which rXj-'.l'.!:? i'st-.f. L. ii hot kiiowr thul ai,0Le iu Salisbury v.a? touclicd. Tha leltt r saje : I 1. :i b'iii:-Oi the cr;on of ,j i'.oi Joi.iiion, jacl 0.kit birsUd t-cre, we. found a very pretty open fat ed Si-'.4 watch made at Gone a T: b. ck i-: of g'atf, tna' !irg. jou o .-. . the t tittr- worV.:, th chain 1. ',.!.!. s;o.:l 1'; k ai d it. in hid thtic'o is a thin rtd chanc..'' if it t v of your i ople er vioiti g rioii.ljto Bryiiu' r-ealur v..;'; ,. a 1 Mi. rl'l Mills ! ilm- Hbtr.iT John A Htm on Wediop- dav pent to the Kxi-cutive cotrmilti a the I'oi tiNst pat ly ef Galianti couo ly u foi noil it. cli: a'ion i;f the nominal i n f ir 8 aV Sir.ti'ur from CV-atrui sn.l St .-nly counties, w!;ich v as t. ndi ia .1 him en Sa'tir diy hi t. SbrrifX Kims did not s'afe what bis future ctur e would be, bat reo-ons I r.own b. st to hiir.s.lf w re si.lli -i-ht to jattiry him in this aotion. I'ai'y Stiint'iud of S-pt, 2L Criorjfir. CO'M i'; Mi ii' . 'c W t : ll "h" ;C UltCi Vo ;;--. 1. l.i , . . l.tss, M ijor. i, 1896. A St mi RritiuH 'ol l Town. lOich 4.raiii oI'Mlilcll in Mil rroiuinrll hy I't-rli't-l s-litteliH. The jrgentiity of li :n h '.' rii upou a .plan by w hich corn fod- der ( 11 be grown too ! h.-r. A a a un as t!:e tit .1 crop com: 8 get er .'.ly Solo f lyor there will be no more foddcf racks and hay will not be used as extentiyely as stock feed as it Is at present. Mr. W n Prickott who lives fiy. and a h"lf miles south of Atlenta broaght a new fashioned car of Corn into the ci'y this morning and al' who aa v it wondered, it was "o ry much like the ordinary cr ef corn as far as the cob was C"i.rerned, In.' theie the likeness "endi d, for inet' u'l of having a liig Bbuck ever the cob and the grains, men grin was pro vidtd wiih a shuck of Pa own. Thes little shucks were as perfect as the big shuck, only they mvcloped a sirglp'ain instead tf the whole ear. A genius from Soith Carolina who did. not explain how he c..:i" to possess tiiis new fashiota d corn hi' some of it at tbe uposion He eold it at one cent a grain to all who de sired to pbint it. Mr. Prickett bought PO grains for which he p:vd a half dollar. He planted ihe 50 grrins in the fprir.g, and although this has been a very un'avorable year for all kinds of crops he has made from the few grains he plmtcd si bu?'ii 1j of corn. The grains th .t wo re pL.nt. d Ihe shuck around them product d th'" siuno kind tf C' rn, bat tl.o v from which ti.e thuck had b. 1 n stripped p; foaced cidiiury t v.ry daycorr, w ith the shuck around tht whole car in lead of arc no! t re h grain. Mr. Prickvtt claims that there is much merit ia ths iiew-fashioryd corn, as i. w .ll be invaluable f. r stock, i he v. oole tut eau be fed to the stock ami the cittle, and they will get the bci tlil of bath thf corn aud the ehucl.s. This wiil save much f..Iin thet!'; if -.' eke that arc w .. tid ti 1 ia 1 .-. .d. The li ,v t' 111 ij ic.ii'.i a Cn.-t.. i'y, to aay the !ea-:t of ir. At'.aut 1 J ."..rual. m 10t Itt-tvitril. Chief cf Polio... fbuv'r has re- ceivtd a notice ol a $100 r.'.vird from the Governor cf Viig'rii for the mrist of J u-k Mi.l.-r, ali.n K .w ner, of .Norfolk. Miller uiurdai-J his wife in Norfolk last June ard has evaded the ofiictrs fciucc t h.-.t time. The followicg is the descrip tion given of him : Light bacoD color, several sha hs under mulatto ; 5 feet S inches h:ri. weight 1G0 pounds, medium build, but muscular, sunken cluelf, full eyes ; lower lip hangs a little, eIior teeth slightly ; h'3 face generally h;:S it smile; enull scir ou left click to the h-.ft iihd be'ow eye. Salis bury Wcrld. mm rtlftH AlMklll frost. Ail the farmers in the city Thurs day report a light frost over the county. This is early, but there was one frost still earlier Sept. liO, 1830. Observer Doaher, of tin Weather lomau, givas theN. w'3 tht following records of the frojO-: 1873, Sept 2C, liB'!it; 18:M, Oo:t. 1. liyh'; IS.1, Xiv. 4, killin.-; 18m', Oc lihi; Is-:'., N.v 1, 1-i1: 18M, Oct. Ill, l-ght; IS-:., Ojt. 5. Ugh': 188d, Oct. H, ligh'; lS-T, Sep-. U5, li -lo; 188, 0 4, lis;id; 18- 1 .S. pt. light; ls;i.j, OJt. 2.), I1 ',!.:; ism, Oct. Id, kU'; 1-SOi, Oct. x'C killirg; 181)5, O't. 10, light; lS'.'l Oat. 5, lisbt; 1X, Oct. 1, lig'tt: 18'.)d. ill, bgi.t. Charlo' t N'e we. SILVER OH GOLB. Bettor tl.-.n oil'... i' i.- a ho.iltl.y livtr. It' t!,o live- it O. K. the maa is 0. K. II. s b! . ..1 is kopt .uro, Ills .li:'.vi;.-. jiorffft. and ho can ohi" h"'- and -.ct inl.-'liyoiitly and j..;'io i.Uy r.-, too ti'.io -tious of too tl.-. . 'Y . 1 !,.; kii.',- wliti to take. Y"'i!i - h'.u ix ii it f. ytOil'S. It- ia l-iiotuoli:; Liver RoO'Oulor For yam you ami your f alioM have l'ltiiel it of sr. rlii.j worth. It is tin. I alwtiy-i lias Loon put tip only by ii- Zeilin & Co. Take 1101 but tjjc fvtiuiiio. It has the Ko 1 on tlie IV. mt of tlio wrapper, uu 1 nothing el-e id tlio same, urn uothiiig so g'oud. WHOLE NO.393 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Ittiiililnir snort fl'ofAtooi. List ppring during the months of j April and May ths writer eoM leads j of sweet potatoes in Concord for GO, and 70 cents per. bushel. Since' then I have received inquiries about j diking. Some of tbem I baye nere!, and will answer others through Tub Ftin'dard If you wi 1 1 alio me puce: Select a place where the water will not stand, elevate the earth about -ail ' inches, jut wheat straw four inches on this, then put on jour potatoes in a conicil heap 40 to GO bushe's make agcod zeil bark then covpr with straw 4 inchts thick; get boards that will just reach from bottom to tcp, st-md th-se around th bank until the oiiaw in covered so that tbe enrth cannot get to the straw, leaving ar opening oa the south side 2x3 feet. If the boards are not too 1 mg there will be an opening ou top about 2 feet iu diameter. .Next cover with earth 8 or 10 inches ih'ok, leaving the openings at the south and top ot lank uncDver.d for ventilation, un til real freezing weitber, then cover th openings the sami as the rest of bank, baton wirm days open ou' your ventilation; shut when cold. N'o-v protect the entire bahk with a good roof to keep perfectly dry and your "talers" are safe. L W S Host. Org-.u Churc'.i, N. C. P. S. Dig a? soon as ripe, gen erally about the middle of October or as soon as leaves are yellow, Han dle carefully, m a b'ui-el potato will not kep, it m tt'era not how put up. L W S 15. Free (11 pngs ir.cil'onl rtdereiice l.-'.'k to any person afflicted v.i'u my ftpeoial, chrnr'o or tl .iic.i'o i'is 1 a-te peculiar to their sex. Address the leading physicians ar.d pur geons of the United States. Dr Hathaway ov Co , 22h South Lroad Street, Atlanta, Ga. Nt'etl Hllnil 1 V't'il "hint t A lot of fine, pei o-cily cleau peed wheat at Concord i'lnnr ai.d Ft-ed Store. tl. (.1. liicn.M ,'Xii. Sept. 7,18111) cl A I llit In Hi.' Mm. I. .11. It is a pathetic story that ia toi l of the grief of the wife of John Y McKane, tho Gr.Yesend "1'0:S," who is cow serving a to. m ia tbe New York' ptui'.entiary for election frauds. It ia eaid that a light shines all night from an upper wiu dow of iMcKane'd home. Fvery night his wife plpds it theie, "to that John may see the wav when he comes home," she says, "lie went aay iu tbe morning, but I always think that he will come back after sunset, aud I want him to know that we arc waiting for him." Never has the wife ceased to look for his coming, but hope is almost dead, ami her physicians say that she has not long to live. While the ex boss has grown fat in prison, the ignomy ho scarcely feels, has crushed the woman'd h-ari, ai.d broken it. This is a end stoiy, and the worat of it ia that the bin den h-.s fallen the hoavicfc'. where it should be tho lightest. Norfolk Virginian. Tlio Inventions lot' Wiinii'ii. A hair curler. A ekirt supports r. Cabinet for trunks. A garment supporter. A det i 'h.ihie hinge for doors and blinds. A tov 1 ovil s'up.'d lap'j a.-..-J for 113.' in ae-lt 1,,' iiu.l catting Oo.rtii tu's. A 1 iji.: box, t. impruiiig all tin d it. ivnl i..:j in .'. 1 f ir the feniiiuiii facial h.!or..iiieP. o A ; ca'.iar form of g jlvkr li'id ui u...i f 'ipVu' it for niv'tidt'-.j, p'lito';, '! tio'A- ;re. A .'.'. I d.-vi.-e for holding ears oi' ;re-ai e ': 1 vbilo at the table to f.i itilila:.' t.i i . 'h corn therefrom. Aa ar.itlji .1 but'iolly ia which rha mo ijna of the it:;;3 are simu laU'd by inouiously'ated wires. A M'Mii'l Stiilor. Scene in oao ucl. Mr. Schmidt ( 0 in'end -tl .- in la'vj Have you II i ' l a 1 y f..r tin weddinj ? 1 Sailor ( )f n tut'.-c I leave that on-1 tireiy la Mi-s Cla'a M -. S :'i Tii it 1) 1 y-m want the liit: d.11." ia (.niol s vie f- tvo ild you rather like it to b.i a t l'.'t a' air? j Suitor I think that h'i b-thr biieft far M,v. Wc'nnid'. h decitlo. Mr. Echini. li And pray, what i ; t ie amount of your iacmn ', y; 011:,; mm? Suitor O 1, I leaee that e.i.i; ' ' to you, Mr. Schmidt. V. 1 ! Send us 1 Dollar. vm Ills I'nrrjloni.nliHl niMliietiretl. "dr. Luke Johcs'.on, a student at North Carolina College at Mt. Ple eant, met with a paiDful mis hap Wednesday, lie was playing baseball and while "catching off the bat," the ball slipffd thtough his hands, strikiig him in the mouth, ditli,:unng his face a d loosening eeyeral teeth,. He has g'ne fo his home in Mecklenburg for repairs. htartlvd lili.i. The Buffilo flxprt88 enys that a queer old rpcolmrn f8 recently brought to tbe Jilrlo conuty peniten tiary, where be had been sentenced from a western New Yoi k county after being convicted of cruelty to animals. V htn no was brought up for the usual examination, the d;a logue proceeded about like this: S hat is your name?" 11 "Your age?" "Syenty nine." " .Vhat ia your religion?" "My religiuu ! GrtatgunBl lias 1 man got to get religion before you'll lt him into this place?" A lloiiicliottl Treasure. D AV. Fuller, of Canajobarie, N. V , Favri thiit he nlwys keeps Dr. b it New I. scorer? in tbe house and bis family has always found the veiy Lost results follow its use; tha; he would ret be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykoman, Drug "ist, Ci skill. .'. V., enya that Dr. K 1 3 At-wi'. iC jvivj ia undoubt" edly tho best i'on;;li remedy ; that ho has used it. in bin family for eight year1, and it h?f-s never failet to do ad that is claim, d for it. Why not try a reine ly so Ions tried and I. Trial bott-les ireo at FeN zei'c Drutr store. Itegular fiize COc. and i'l. (ill. I1'l5 VI antt'rt 1 cmnle. S10 i ?lo per week to Men and Woo . a t t t.i-y home work. No bookj or canva.-siing. No experi ence. Poua tide oiler. No catch. Send stamp for work and particu lars. E. llerrman, 213 South Sixth Street, P.iiladelphia, Pa. o31 Xolice orKeiznre. Sa.-al mar Concord,. N, C on the niht ot August 31t, 1S0O, the following property for yiolating the late: t: ... ! !;. veuue Laws of the United State.-', tu v. it: Two small bay horses oue ivo It lie v if 11 and harness, about 13 galloas of whiskey and four empty kegs, supposed to be the property tf Jacob Uartsell. Notice ia hereoy giyeD to any one o'ai rings ad property to give notice iu the form and manner prescribed by law to the undersigned at hia olhce in Asheville, N. 0., within 30 days from the date hereof!, or said property will be declared forfeited to the Government of the United Stages. iiy Sit L, KoGEitsi, l Collector 5th District N. C. K. S. Harris, Deputy Collector. True (rlt. A letter was received here yeater diy from the manager of old John liojiuson's circu3, stating that the shows would be in Durham October 0:!., but that he was obliged to give in the go by this .timo, not becausa of aay mult of ours,"btit because he .a.d hd woufl not patroni? a road tint would not give Bryaa any lu,ug. "A gold bug road gets uoue of my money if I can help it," ha cioicd by saying. Diily Kacord. Saiicrcd Eighteen Years. I n: us 2(Tartcd and SIocp Canto j I'rp. .Tulii. A. Drown, of Covington, Tonn., wli.iriO'i I n charcrt? of tho eloctrio li, : 1 1 1 pl;mt :U t)i:it plitcc, has beon a gr!u6 BulTeriT. l!r ailfiHHits and Fp cly cure uro h t di 1 rribd t)y hcrsrlf, as follows: "iVir 1 yi nrs I FiifTcrrrl from n-TVOUsnofifl iri.l in li st: 'ii. I cv.-ry rcnu'dy rec (rif t jn!t ij hy f'tndly ami fricii'lN, out I 0 ;!t f-r. ii r li- t :it ail. Two years aro, vh1' 1 'ir,.- tJT.'iitl iiy ttiH'O 1cm';,1 pliysl ciaas, Iji.i. bur it-l, Alak'y and fchcrod, tuujjf r. T:7S? V --' ' : -' Mk.'i, Ti-lia A. Uhown. Ir-fr-HTird ft frmt, h:n lieeoniO tlroprtccft, .'rut ti t ti- u-i.-s hulu hupo fur iiiu. I lii.-': w. W.- ! to tr rr. I'tl ..s' R:storatic Nervine, I v, .i :, '1 im tn r-t. to sn i until v,L i.'i h '.v .-. d'"'!! "!it, and .inrirto- nil I 1 ' id a t!"i'i, le -1 y 1 in in my L .i, IM'!"'!, tiUt, ! ' f I 1.1' i.f t i. .Vrrmo 1 - s . 1 i a ' I ! vt-r : P T;, .1 Unit, .!. I ii ni reiw A ''' ti I'UV ! A. !":i)VN. ' ' r . x p It- -..jft'.. f r ur t ' : t l.f prlfi . 4 Ind. f )U SAL,: i) ALL UW'j JhT

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