THE STANDARD TUKN S OUT GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL THAT ONE-SIDED SPEECH Iltaeklnh Unriger Makes a Ureal Nprrrli, Bat Won't IHvl.lo Tlniei Mr. II A Gudger, of Abbeville, a Republican elpctorat-large, ad dressed a full house of all political persuasions Wednesday night in tht o mrt room. He said be wished to speak no harsh or bitter words. People wanted reaeoD, not bitterness. Many hard invectives bud been hurled at Popu lists by the Democrats, but now they are imploring the Populists tc come to their aid to keep them from defeat. He did not mean the bolting Democrats. This is a time everybody is donned a bug gold bugs, silver bugs and humbugs. He'd rather be a gold bug than a bug in the barn yard rolling a ball backward. Democrats wanted him to disease the one question, money. Men of one idea were said to be fanatics, bnt he would discuss the money question. He said there never bad been a time in the history of the party that it declared for free coinage till the Chicago convention. It did it then to save a sinking ship, and tbej stole the silver plank from the Pop ulist party in is entirely. Don't the Democa's cut a pretty figure going around crying I'm a Jtffer soman Democrat. He told a negro story implying that Democrats should be sent to the chain gang fur stealing the silver plank, but he says it is dead, and therefore should not be punished. He said hu stood squarely on the St. Louis platform. It demands bi-metalluin by international agree ment. The Democrats and Popu lists say America and all civilized nations demonetized silver, yet si), ver circulates frtely in them all at face value and in America it is worth as much as a gold dollar. This money question is an international disease and must have an interna tional remedy. The Republican platform had the only right idea. He said all the money sent out to foreign miseiot.s is sent to silver staidard countries; not one dollar of it goes to a old standard coun try. He said silver advocates asked to get down on a level with coun tries that use silver. .Tbey talk of following England. He would rather folio ber than to follow heathen countries. He paid for breakfast in Mexico, banded the man a silyer dollar; the man handed him back a Mexican dollar and charged him fifty cents for the meal, because the Mexican dollar is worth only fifty cents of our money. Mr. Bryan says if we get free coinage the Mexican dollar will bj worth 100 cents. Silver bullion is only property. If I have a horse worth $100 and my neigh bor has a hundred Collars' worth of silver bullion, what right has the government to double the value of my neighbor's bullion property with out doubling the value of my horse property ? He said that less than one hun dred men own the silver bullion and the Democrats eay they are opposed to monopolies, yet tbey would make the bullion owners who Are already rich just twice aa rich as they are, and that Democrats say that would raise the price of corn and wheat. He scorned the idea. He said Mr. Hurst received $4, 000,000 wnrih of silver per year the shoals of il health and the rock.' of disease is easy enough if only the digestion be kept in good order. It isn't often any one i sick unless they have indigestion. The commonest way in which indiges tion shows itself il i n constipation. Nine people in ten ni-i. troubled mora. lit- or less In this way. Nine-tenths of all the world's sickness is caused by this one trouble. Sleepless ness, pimples, blotches, headaches, soul itomach, dizziness, "heart-burn," palpi tutiim, biliousness, distress after eating all these are merely symptoms of const nation. Why do people suffer with them when the cure is so simple and so easily Obtained f Years ago, Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets were placed on the market - Since then, there has been no excuse for nylxviy to suffer from constipation, and ts attendant ills. The "J lets" cure every case infallibly and permanently. Thcv are very small, easy to take, gentU and quick in action. They are not at all violent ; they do not disturb the system. They cure you so you stay cured. Thou sands of women will find if they take tht Pleasant Pellets" that tUtjir ills will vanish with the constipation. The People's Common ftriias Medical Advtaai -i . nii tiKrnl tnlnrrtiiition flttotit tilt -fc liumnr.-lKwlyfinn' nil the ailments to wtiion 11 IS IWHm ,l,H Buy I other single bonk In the KiiRlish language, u IS reanya niruium encyclopedia in one volume, large neavy ow, , , f-is' - oT. ...... v lll,trationa. The 1 outlay of money, time and effort in producing thla great book was 4 piud lur ny me sine u, .,.- jjh ftfcsJ uspd '( publishing the present I . a,,d tha nrofit has l,et-a edition oi nau-a-muiion .r..,,,, , lulely without price to r II who will remit the mall che-ge of ai eenta In me-cent stamps to tiav the lost of mailing 0lr. Addleaa wit Slumps, Wot Id's Dlspeninry Medical AsBodaUoa, l 66j Main Street, Huflalo, N. V. VOL. IX-NO 40. Bryan's idea would make it $8,000,- 000 per year, makinr the rich man wice as rich. The Democrats say that free coin age will make an expansion oi toe currency, lie thought it would be . i .l. the ooposite. He said that it was the history of the world that no twi metals wonld circulate together when they did not hae equal in trinsio valae, that the dearer money would flow out. lie said w have 631,000,000 in gold that will flow out and according to estimates it would take 13 years to coin enough silver to take is place. They say make more mints. We are taxed to build these mints to coin bullion free for rich men. lie said the Democrats always want something free and always ... t - J 1 tA some Hew mine, lie sam in ov they wanted a free fight and got it Next they wanted the free educa tional Blair bill, then free whiskey, then free trade, and now free silver, but they did not want free elections in North Carolina nor free negroes. He claimed that the men who have the bullion ought to pay for the ceinao-e of it. lie stoutly denied that the Re publican party wanted only gold as a circulating medium. lie said they only wanted to make the gold a standard of valuation. He (bowed that since the act of '73 silver has been coined much mere rapidly than ever before and that under the pres ent administration it is at the high est rates. He ridiculed the idea that the Democrats are friends to free silver and cited the repeal of the Sherman purchase act and claimed that $4,000,000 per month were lost to the circulation by it. He said that over 400 bills for silver bad been let sleep in Congress, i hen Mr. Bland tried for free coin age at 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 to 1 but all were murdered by the Demo crats; that Mr. Bryan helped to murder the last four. He has more confidence in Mr. Bryan than in all the rest of the Democrats. He says we have two dollars now to one in '73. He denies that the hard timet come from the silver legislation. In 1879 we had the resumption of specie payments, and times got better every year till '92, and all was booming. He said if silver had been dead ever since '73 it could not produce the good times, and that it had not produced the hard times. lie asserted that protection had made, the good times and that free trade had made the hard times, be ginning with 92. High tariff brought prcperity, free trade brought adversity. He pictured happy homes nnder pro tection and gioom Under free trade. He said he had resigned a place under Mr, Cleveland that any Dem ocratic lawyer in the State would give $500 for. That it brought him (.3,000 without interfering with hit hgal practice. He resigned it be. cause be could not endorse Demo crat io measures any longer. He denounced men who hold office nnder Mr. Cleveland, and then jay hard things of him. He blamed the Chicago conven tion for its threat to pull down the Supreme Court, which should not be political But he and the dan ger will soon be over and there will be a great victory for the peerless McKinley. He claims North Caro loa, Tennessee, California, Mis iiouri, Oregon and Washington for Mr. McKinlej. lie said McKinley was the politi cal star that will guide ns safe from all the ills that Republicanism is trying to avert. riio ElortorM Ticket. The Democratic and Populist electoral ticket that will be voted for on Tuesday week by the great bulk of North Carolinians are : At large Locke Craige, R B Davis. 1st district Tbeo. White, 2nd district H F Freman, 3rd district C R Thomas, 4th diBtrict W 8 Bailey, 5'.h district William Murritt, Gb district 15 F Keith, 7ih district Theo. F Klutiz, 8th district Tyre York, 9ih district R D Gilmer. It is the duty of every friend of silver to vote the entire ticket with out a scratch. And again, we warn i he people not to vote for n em'ws to the General Assembly wlio will not support a free silver man to the United States Senate. A Hlb llrokt-ti. Ttiin morning at Cannonville Jack Ritchie, an employe, while en gaged ia unloading a car, stepped between the car and platform and fell, breaking a rib. Medical aid 1 was at once summoned, and at last accounts Mr. Ritchie vai resting very well, tnough he will be con j fined to hia bed for some time. HE SHORT LOCALS. Mr. Joe Reed ia clerking at Fe! zer's drugstore. Misa Lillie Nuseman, of Nubs. man's, is quite Bick with chills and malaria. Mr. C E Earnhardt, of No. I township, has a pumpkin meaBur ing two fuel in diameter. The bleacher y baa been closed down for several days on account of the filter being put in. J A Dotato in the shape of the! lot ter Y waa due from the patch of Mra. Crosa, in No. C township. Gaither Heilig, 18 years of age, died at the county home Wednes day afternoon of consumption. He bad been sick for a long time. A Republican rally consisting of a large number of negroes and two white men took place in No. 4 township Thursday night. Mr. Henry Bernhardt, who lives thia aide of Mr. Fred Cline, in Ho. 4 township, has just completed a large, new two-etory dwelling house. In many parts of the county wheat fields are fresh and green with the crowing grain, and from general appearances it ia about all planted. T. ! - .... I .J IL.I .rT'-. low I,., lb IB emu kuni mtiviuio, uao uu, . i - i, tiit.,i mil although he will be in the ring with a large number of scape goats and acrobats. W beat haa been advancing stead ily for some time and gave much comfort to the farmers, and was therefore satisfactory to all, bnt just now it is on the decline and the market is dull. Mr. Dennis Hall, of High Toint, who has been working in the city for some time, has gone to Uuion. S. C, where he will plaster the town ball that Capt. Propst has just com pleted. Tom White is in this fight to die in the last ditch or plant Democ racy'a proud banner in the trium phant breezes on the 5rd day of No vember. You may stick a peg right here if you wish. It ia now stated that the marriagf of Dr. White to Miss Thomaa was a runaway affair, or rather the couple were married at Blacksburg, S. C, and not at the brido's home in Stanly county, as we stated. Mr. Wm. Freeze, an aged citizen of Enochville, died last Thursday morning. He had been con hoed to his bed for a long time with ty phoid fever. His remains will be interred at the Methodist burying ground at that place tomorrow. Free 04 page medical reference book to any person afflicted with any special, chronic or delicate dis ease peculiar to their sex.. Address the leading physicians and stir geona of the United States, Dr. Hathaway & Co , 22 South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. Register Weddington seeing the accouDt of the cock roach plague at ihe Fenix b lour Mill says that a good trap that will catch tbem ia a new tin pan with something like a moist rag that has soma nourish ment on it. Tbey will go in but can't crawl out. Beveral weeks ago The Standard made note of the fact that the Standard Oil Company would soon build a tank near the depot and start a delivery wagon. Un Wed nesdav a gentleman called at thif office and wanted to hire to us, Btat ne that he could drive a wagon at t;ood as anybody. We don't need anybody to drive unless he cajn handle tbe quill promiscuously. Thia ia the day of anti this, and anti that, bnt what people need most nowadays is the anti biliouf medicine, Simmons Liver Regula tor, the King of Liver Medicine?, and Better Tnan Pills. "I have used no other anti-bilious remedy for six years and know from ex nerietce that for ladies of a con stipated habit nothing equals it." Laura V uraig, unenoury, ria. Lutheran Observer: A New York paper of last week states that "Within a few days Mr. Bryan will receive a gold beaded cane, set with two large diamonds. The cane wai DUt un at a fair in aid of the new German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Brooklyn, the conditions being that it should go to tbe Presidential candidate receiving the largest number of votes from pat rons of the fair. When the contest closed Bryan waa 400 votej ahead. Thursday night while coming up Spring street in front of Mr. A L Sappenfield's residence, a negro Uoc White, who wotKS at isrown Bros, livery stables was set upon by five or six white boys, who attempt ed to make him "'skedaddle." He didn't run, however, but tore oil a paling and was about to use it when thebovstook to their heels. as Mr. Sappen field stepped out upon tbe piazza and asked tbem not to tear down the fence. A mna rint nnp.nrrnd fit Roxboro in Paronn .mint? Thnrsrlnv hrnnaht about by the notorious Satterfield, who waa cierK in trie last legisla ture and indicted for tampering ujiiri liilla H ia thw KnntlicAn candidate for the House and made an in fl m mntr.rv Btinpoh tn thn nn- groes and caused tbem to attack a white man. 1 here were a numner bp llv wounded and blood flowed freely. A number ef white men were struct by rocss thrown by noonifis and seriouslv hurt. Fur. ther trouble ie anticipated. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER How abaul that straw hat? . Carpenters are busy tearing out the clouts uewi ny ine military iu Armory Hall. The number of dogs is etill on the decrease. Another one died in South Concord Friday night. The filter at the bleachery ia a curious piece of mechanism and in terests everybody who haa seen is. A twenty-horse power engine has been placed in the new cloth room of Mill No. 4 of the Odell Manufac turing Company. Mr. J J Cox saya that carp are scarce in the river now, due to the. long dry spell, when most of them were caught. It waa a general rain that fell Fri day night and farmere who have their grain in the ground are thank ful for it. Th RflnnUimn State Executive Committee is circulating the "Hay seeder," the paper published by Oth o Wilson, who claims to be a Populist. The street force has done some very good service in all parts of the town since the 1st of October. The rain has stopped tbe work and the force can now 'lectioneer. A little white child in the np- country of South Carolina was re cently bitten by a "blue gum" ne gro, and now the child has spasms and it is thought that it will die. k nrnpr nredints that the State and county is safe Watson and tbe balance ol the uomocrauc iickoi will be elected. He's pretty good authority for some things well see what we'll fine. Messrs. Daniel and Jacob Furr, at Forest Hill, are doing some ex tonnivn hnildine. Thev haverecent- ly completed half a dozen or more good, suhHtantial residences oeyona the wcodyard in rear of the OJell mills. Mr. M F Teter, of No 1 township, we are sorry to learn, is not im proving from his complications that . i! . J L. I ...... nlnni llinA nave coniiueu mui ccj djui-d u.. His many friends will note this with keen, but disappointed in terest. Charlotte is to havo four circuses thia year. They are most as nu merona as the campaign speakers, but as to acrobr.tic performances they will never be able to compare with the man that jumped three political parties in one campaign. Invalids should remember that the causes of sick and nervous head aches may be promptly removed by taking Ayer'a Pills. These PjlB speedily correct irregularities of (he stomach, liver, and bowels, and are the mildest and moet reliable cathar tic in use. Dr. S C Webb, Liberty, Miss. says: i have been using Ayers fills for over twenty live years, and recommend them in cases of chronic diarrbcri, knowing their efficiency from personal experience, tbey hav ing cured when every other medi cine failed.'' A man walked into the depot Fri day and asked Mr. C A Pamplin the price of a ticket to South Caro lina. When asked to what point, the man said : "Oh, it don't matter just any old place. I want a re 'iirn ticket there are two of us." Mr. Pamplin did not know the couple, but Gretna Green was play ing a part. They have gone to have tbe matter fixed up. low Mil li lldl llrliilf- One of the Republicans manipula tors went into a meeting of colored people Thursday night iu the most humble way, and while pleading for his cuuse he was interupted by one of the crowd who remarked: "Say I don't mind being sold, but pleast be so kind as to tell mt how much I'll bring." He didn't get tbe de sired informotion. Fifty Years Ago. Ko Iheotj of germs to chill Affection's budding blisses; When ardent lovers took their fill. No microbes on their kisses. How hftppy they were not to know The germ-lad 50 yean ago. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral Is the standard family romody of the world for colds, coughs and lung diseases. It is not a palliative, and ia not therefore put up in Bmall cheap bottlos. It is put up in larpo bottles for the household. They oost more but cure more. Fads como and go but no theory or fad can overthrow the fact, that the proatost euro for all colda, coughs and throat and luntr diseases, is Ayor'a Cherry Pectoral. 50 Years of Cures. TAMXA Tlinno opnlUt Nt-liea. The people were entertained Wednesday by Messrs. Bily and Docker. Mr. Billy spoke first and confined himself to tbe financial question. Most ol hia speech was not nw to those no have heard the discussions during the campaign We do not remember, though, to have heard any one say before that we had dropped from a 52 per capita to the present $21 per capita. II 15 claimed for the Populists the credit for the free silver drift in the Democratic party, and claimed great credit for it. The speaker is young and vehement and is peculiar for his pronunciations rather than his logic, DCCKER-V'S BPIECH. Mr. Dockery was introduced as the Old War Horse of th Pee Dee. After some words of greeting to the people of Cabarrus he referred to the great monc; question. He said it was not a nol ucal question at all, that it had bten unwisely thrust into politics. He declared himself a Republican as eyer. He only placed himself where be could wield the sword for free silver. He declared that the Republican party had been the real friend to silver aa he could and would prove beyond the possi bility of denial. He quoted ex tracts from speeches of many lead ing Republicans against tbe demon etization of silver in whose company he was in Congress and showed that Republicanism had changed and not himself. lie read from Prisident Lincoln in 1805 that while the rebellion was being closed in npon be saw with dread that corporations were springing np and that the wealth of the land w.s beine gathered into the hands of tbe few. It seemed prophecy then, it is reality now It was f-sserted by good authority that 50 men in New York could in 24 h inrs stop the wheels of progress in every importunt industry in the land. He ridiculed the assertion that in the days of greenback curreucy that inflation hud reached a point that iiad rendered it a question. He asked who ever heard of too much inflation of money ? He strongly denounced the calling in of much of tbe greenbacks and of issuing bonds for them whose inter est was to be paid in current money which was afterward changed to read coin. He asserted emphatically that the act of '73 was surreptitiously gotten through unaware to President Grant, J G lilaine and James A Garfield as to its t fleets to demonetize silver. II 3 held up McKinley in the bad light of denouncing President Cleve land about lowering the price of everything but money and now McKinley is on the same line. lie said he knew McKinley per lonally and liked him, but that he did not have back-bone enough to roll over in a mud hole. He touched up "Jeter" and quoted him as say. ing I am in favor of silver and be lieve it should be restored to its former dignity. He had changed like if by miracle, but tbe speaker thought it was not by miracle but by an old cooter like Mark Hanni. He said if free coinage is not good bow was it good six months ago when Pritchard and his followers were setting tbe woods on Gre for it in the Westirn part of the State lie said he was in favor of a pro tective tariff but a reasonable rate lie was strongly against tbe Mc Kinley idea of a tariff. He had been in the South American States and the islands of the West Indies, tnd he asked "Why don't you trade more with us" when they would say you charge us a tariff higher than the price of our goods." lie declured his aversion to the Republican national platform. He liked tbe money plank iu the Demo cratic platform, bnt liked that of the Populist plaifi rni better, so he would rootit on the P pulibt limb till free silver ws realized, then he iiould return to the Republican riiuks ami work wherever they put him, but until they endorsed free silver confound them. He never wanted to be Governor, hut wheu pressed he consented to run, and he hated like the d 1 to be cheated out of the election as tbe Democrats bad done. He addressed the few colored peo ple who he s tid had beeu told not to go to bear hiui, and warned them against voting for'Daniel Russell, lie said he was a dangerous, evil du signing man that would never for give an in j 'iry,. but would indulge bis spite as h had done in calling the negroes snyages and thieves and other vile names and declared they ought not to be allowed to voto. He was not surprised that Russe'l would 29, 1896. not meet Guthrie or Wutscn or any body else who would tell on bim. He did not see bow building fac tories would help ths colored man. Ue said the first vote Gufchrie cast was for Bishop llood, whom he praised most highly and said when ever Bishop Hood was in his neigh borhood he always kept him in his home. Daily Standard of Oct. 23. Mr. NiniH nntl the Kcttolntlon. The resolution drawn up and adopted by the conference commits tees of the Populist and Republi can parties of this county, which by the way is the most p iniean, dis criminating scheme that has ever been designed and pi esented to th' public, has caused Mr. Sims anil other members of his party to disa gree, the Sheriff claiming the reso lution as a direct thrust at him. The resolution reads : "The conference committee demands that no Populist or Republican can be elected to anj office who will not enthusiastically work for the co-operation, ticket and who will refuse to giye employment to members of the Populist and Re publican parties when he has it it his power to do so, but gives said employmenr to members of oppos og parties. lhe resolution if signed by M II H Caldwell, J B White, M L Buchanan, J W Boger and W O Coleman. At the district school house in No. 4 township Thursday a fiery discussion took place between Sher iff Sims and Morrison Caldwell. Sims says that the resolution was intended as a thru-it at bim bicirst he employed Montgomery tit Crowell, Cernocrats, as hia attorneys, when a Populist lawyer was available, and that he gave employment to Mr. M M Gillon. a Democrat, in preference to a populist of Republican. Cald well made a miserable effort in try ing to defend the resolution and hu party, but Mr. Sims finally eqtieezed the admission from Caldwell that tbe rctoltttiou waa strictly partisan. Just what Mr. Sims n.tmns l.y his attack upon h.'s pur ?y and tl.e onee who designed the resolution, puzzles them very much. The fight is amusing and to th disinterested on lookers and follower of the canvass the daily performance is amusing. Mr. Sitn'was asked if he would not run as an independent candidate for Sheriff, and in answering he Mated that be would let the public know what be intendeded doing on Friday next, Outober 30, in No. 11 township. Thin I Your 0!iortiiiillt . On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample will bt mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demonstrate itf great merit. Full size 50ots. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York City. Rev. John Raid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can empha size his statement. "It is a poni tive cure for catarrh if used as di rected." Rev. Francis W Poole, Pantor Central Presbyterian Church, Helena, Mont. Hhot n Bullet Throtljf 11 Ilia i'uot. Thursday afternoon Manterp Thomas C Johnston and Fred Rofs were handling a flobert rifle that was out of fix at Morris & Son's hardware store, when Master Fred was shot. Thomas had the gun in his haniln and was sighting at a cer tain spot on a barrel as a target and at the instance he pulled the trig ger Fred raised his toot between the muzzle of the gun and barrel. The bullet penetrated the foot near the little toe. The injury is painful but not serious. SILVER OR GOLD. IVtter than either is a healthy liver. If t'no liver is O. K. the man is O. K. His Hood id kept pure, his digestion perfect, and lie can cnjny life ami act intelligently anil I'itieiifly upon the questions of the iliv. "Yo:i all know what to take. You have known it for years. It is Simmuiis Liver Kegulator H x ffc-i 1-iaaW' tVSIMMONS1 For years you and your fathers have found it of sterling worth. It is ami always has been put up only by J. II. Zoilin & Co. Tako none but tho genuine. ' It haa the lied Z on tho front of tho wrapper, and nothing clso is th Bame, and nothing so good. Dr. Miles' Pa'n Fill cur Nourulrtfc " 1 " JX.-V .4 WHOLE N0.397 Highest of all in Leavening Power.- flaw's I IiIm. . We offtir One Hundred Dollars Rewaid for any cast) of Catarrh thp.t cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh (Jure. F.J. Cijkney & Co, Props., Tole do, O. We the undersigned have known 1 V. J. Cheney for the last Io years, ' i.K.. 1.: 1 1,1. nu unituvo umi ppiit'uuy uuiiurauit- in all buainnfs transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their hrm. West a Trpax, Wholesale Drug. gist, Toledo, O. Wai.pi.v, Rinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Latarrb Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly npon the mood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Drnijgists. Testimonia's free C1UI.O IN MK f. Investors of-the Dean Safe Hvstein of speculation receive seml-niontlily divi dends in gold. Oyer :iU0 per cent pei annum made on investments liy K If Dean & C'o Hankers, a5 lsroadway, N. Y. Investors of this firm distributed all over the Lnltcd Stales anj Canada. Rev. J. It. Moose's ( Mid. To the Editor of The Standard: Dfab Fir: I think it but justice that you pnblish the following : It is not my purpose to enter into any controversy with you on the subject discussed in my sermon. 1 do want to state however that it was by the request of yonr reporter, and not at my own suggestion, that the synopsisof my sermon was published. By. the facts in that sermon 1 "stand or fall," And I give myself credit for le:ng both kind aud "charitable ;" and only thi love that I have for suffering humanity which is now groaning and dying under Democratic and Republican liquor laws, causes me to dare to put myself in the position to be called "repulsive' and "uncharitable." You do not like to be accused of "voting for liquor." If you Jwill show us how any man can vote for any party which gives its support to the liquor traffic, and whose lead. ers are in league with the traffic, without voting for liquor, you will Lmake for yourself a name worthy to he handed down to posterity o the eighth "wise man" in the world's history. With this thought I am dose ; it is much eaeie"r to criticize a speaker than it is to meet and answer hif hard, cold facta. Yonis in love with a'l mankind. J R Moose. Sonretl 11 y Twu Billion llciulx. Mr. S L Klutiz, proprietor of tbe Morris Hotel, is the owner of two sheep, and strange to say they went astray. On Thursday night last two ladies who live on West CorbiD street had occasion to visit on West Depot stieet, aud in order to eyade the keen eyes of a criticising public they would not come the street way, but crossed by the path that leads by the old Presbyterian church and jraveyurd, "over the hill." When reaching tbe lower end of tho grave yard the sheep ran down the hill just in front of the ladies. The melancholy moon-beams and the "hostly appearance of the straj muttons, made the women ftel very "sheepish." They were badly frightened, and thoiipbt that the spirits had certainly come for them. The ladies managed to reach Df pot street before fainting, when their experience was revealed to a passer by, who, with great courage dared fo investigate the matter. Even his knees popped like clap-hoards when the sheep moved leisurely along in front of him. 11 r lllli'iiimi la (irtel Mr. Iiileman started out saying nothing as to his vote for United States Senator if elected to the House. U" would not answer the question in No. 1 township. In No. 2 he said he would be governed by the fusion caucus which it wis understood would nunc a R-iqiublia con( Pritchard). In No. 3 Vednes dny he declared he would vote for a free silver ra-in regardless of con sequences. Does this look Jilie the fusion bargain ? Can Mr. Iiileman play at fast and loose and ths parties concerned know wh-it to 'expect of him in the criais? We think we would be afraid to c nllde in hiu1. If Mr. Ililt'iiian hid line S'lHi bilities we think this cany i':s unlu turn his hair gray. NOTICI. I NT every man a:ul ivnmnn In the t'nlteil States iutM''U't m tlio (li'Hiru nii-l U'binky U lirtw (Mi1 nf inv l,.inns cm ihcNn lit. A'Mre.s K. l VVmoIIcv, tliiiiltt, On., ,u i'SL', mid ouo will be scut jull ln;0. r. MIItw'fiM Ifurouunrantwltojfoj THE : STANDARD PRINTS THE THAT IS XEirs. For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. Latest U.S. Gov't Report WATSON'S CLARON CALL lie ciiiiiioi imk io Hie Votr Hot 10 Write From HI l'l ' " Rlntilui; liIroNs lo tho 1'eople. Hon. Cyrus B Watson, Democrat ic, candidate for Governor is still quite sick and hia recovery before the campaign ends is unlikely. He will be able to make no inore. speech es in this campaign, but he writee from bis sick-bed a stirring appeal to the loyal men of North Carolina. In it he says : "According to cus'om, esteemed fjr its usefulness as well as its anti quity in North Carolina, I desired to meet my opponent, Mr. Russell, in joint debate npon all question in this campaign, but they rejected my challenge and declined to stand np in tha fiul.l tvitr, ma iutnva f Via riAri pie. From exposure and fatigue I have been stricken down with sick ness and am now confined to my home. I am advised that 1 may not be able to ap ain enter the cam paign. Fearing this may be true, I write thia that the voters in those sections of North Carolina I have not been able to reach may know my heart is with them. I write because I cm not come to speak, I would that every letter in every word of this might be a tongue to shout a warning that comes from he surging depths of these anxious days a warning agaitst the blow to the liberty of the m isses of the people that threatens us in the clinched Cat of Mark Huuna. .My own voice cannot now be raided in your hearing, bat let the voice of this letter plead with yov., not for my8nlf, bat for u:j name on the ticket and for the names of my comrade; not for myself or for them for our own sakes, bnt for us and our names only because the cause we represent is the righteous cause of a righteous, lotg suffering people, yourselves, who cry for de liverance and who yearn not for the "purple and gold pulaces," but who eek only to dwell as their fathers intended they should, under their iwn viu9 and fig tree, where none dure to molest or make afraid." 11111. C'luta, t CriNii len.l. Hon. Charles F Crisp, late Speak er of the United States Ilouue of Representatives, died in Atlanta, Ga., Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock of heart failure. He had been sick for some time, but his death waa sudden and unexpected. Mr. Crisp was at the time of hia death a Congressman from his dis trict, and the next General Assen bly of Georgia would have doubt less elected him to the United Statea Senate had he lived. He was a Statesman and a lawyer, and haa for years been among the most dis tinguished of America's great men in public service. He was known throughout the land and haa been honored for his honesty, sagacity and sterling qualities. Not only Georgiu, but the South and Amei- ici loses a great man. Large quantities of fertilizers ate bnng sold. Seven Months With Fever. Wonderful llecovfry of Health. Mr. IWtrd's rnnkl and murvnlou'i rornvory frnru ;i inure H.i'Mtstur. to lii.s norijuil woU'Iit, ;7u peiinUs, was suroly tlm fuitist t-nt of tho irrainit' t nl rrntli-trivini: ami liuiJdiutJ-up Uit'ilicino ever pruduvod, numuiy: Dr. Ililes' Restorative Nervine. .4f HM J. II. IlAtiin. "(lontl -rn n I tu express to you my prrttlluili, fur 111-' V'rrut ii,kI licit Jr. .U'.'l' .V.rrm" rn .l.ino t"r m I l.iKi ri Mi'li typli.inl fever !i'nl I'l nt li-'l i' t m'V n i;i,.iiths. tfur r't 1 1 ri .r r ; v. -r t lie I '.it I iv . I Inn, le-rvi ,f. :unl t tr ,1. ami .Ifi t,..t 'hi iiv .tr. i.itth. I iris cl -nil .r..i,--iry .. lirim ., ami fl'H, afi.T li , . ii. - lii', 11 ! .Iu n- . ! '" iiihI-. i rv ii ir yi -oi, . nn, I nt. i,- I i f I, n I. .1 h i. n.ilSy i'ii in - ii; I ,' i- f.'lt Ii. t l.'h -.0 iHiillulH. ,i,l li., iinuro J II IIAIKI). ' I nil fl ri.'-iltltro I,- will I I. ...HI. i for . nr -, .', i.ii . f ,rii-o ., l.ii.h'il,, lii.L Tip 6 (i i South II n l. In Pr. Vil.-' N- r pmtriu All ii i ii -i-,ll l.y ine I i Mil. I'll ,M. ' il l. Ncrvi Dr. Miles ne Kcrlnras Ilc.ltb H n If zlThWlY AIT ) IHUK! lT e . Mm i

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