THE STANDARD. -TUUNS OUT GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL THE : STANDA iiD PHIXTS TIJK j'EV;s T'.l-VT !S M:h'S. For 1 Vi ar Send us 1 Dollar. I HE x .AjS D A. V0L.1X-N0 41. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 189G. WHOLE NO. 398 kD BKUP ECHOES. GvadHnnkeNtary-Mnlriinanlnl Wave Tbratened-llier 1 tenia or In- Messrs Stephen Watkina and S Franklin Faulk, have formed a partnership and organized tbe Brief Repair Company. The cat may or may not have cine lives, but perhaps this animal ranks next to the lightning bug as a natural electrical apparatus. Briskly rubbing a oil's back with an open palm, if done in the dark, will pro duce on the fur streaks of light which mnmi'ntftriallv diannnear. ' New that the sultry days of snm . mer have retreated before tbe ad vance of autumn under the com mand of Jack Frost, Cupid's ubi quity is becoming more tangible, and it is quite unconventional fot bis influence to ewtll tbe ranks of hymeneal proselytes. Even this community, though nnbaunted by the noisy locomotive, is threatened with a matrimonial wave. What by matrimony and what by emigration to Texas, ere long there may be a general change in affairs socially and financially. One squeak, and then a dull thud; a three-foot black snake with a large rat in its vice-like coils had fallen to the basement. His snakeship soon considered the rat dead enough to eat raw ; wberenpou he released his montbhold on the rat's back and seized its head, still maintain ing the tensiun of his coils around the rat's body. Then, little by little, deglutition in the snake consigned the rat to its last resting place. The rpectators were high ly delighted with this reptilian performance, and the proposition to kill the snake was stoutly rejected ; for it seemed that the snake fur ex celled any of the patent rat-traps in handiness and ntility. Being al lowed to crawl under cover unmo lested, his snakeship, the very next nij. bt, while all honest folks were in Tain, paid his compliments to the poultry yard, swallowed a goodly number of eggs, and then left tbe premises, once for all. A baxom lass sauntering home ward was met and accosted by a young man who solicited the privi lege of being her companion thence to her home. With a seriocomic air she eyed him a moment, and then exclaimed I "Why, you're too little to be a gallant." Stroking hie imaginary bear J, to preserve his equilibrium, the youth retorted : "I'i big as you is." That settled it. Augustine. llciinbllrnii ranitidine for Governor It ought not to be forgotten that when Russell was a judge in tbe days of reeonstruction, be rendered decision that negroes had a right to sit in theatres with the white peo pie even against the of tbe owner of tbe theatre. The radical supreme court couldn't stand this civil rights deoision, and he wa overruled, News and ObBeryer. Gnraerlna;In. Mr. and Mrs. James A Cline have the tenderest sympathy of the en tire community in the death of tbe 7-montbs old infant, whiofe died Wednesday night at their home at Cannonville. Mrs. Pbillip Overcast), an elder ly lady living near Enochville, died Wednesday afternoon. Her re mains were buried at Enoohville this (Thursday) afternoon. App'trAnces n mt attract the op posite 8t. Some times this seems pity. It seems as if it would be juster if a fine mind wss tut attraction instead of a fine face and figure, llut you can't change human nature. When you come, to understand it tliera is a sort of justice about it too ; bec-auss although we can't all be handsome, almost every one or us can add, at least 50 per cent to his 01 her attractiveness by a little attention to the laws of beauty. When the ayes are dull, the lips pallid, the skin sallow, blotchy or pimply, the figure thin ana wasted or overstout and ungraceful, the trouble is aotnrthing more than mere out- ird appearances; the inner condition is wrong ; the blood ( poor; it lacks the pure numbing qualities which are needed to vitalize and invigorate the body. In this case physical activity is largely a question f pure, rich, red blood. You can't have sparkling eyes, red ripe Hps. a clear rosy complexion and a graceful symmetrical figure while the blood remains Impure and Impoverished. What is needed Is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery tc cleanse foul humors out of the blood, and kelp the assimilative organism to enrich the circulation with an abundance of healthy red corpuscles, creating flesh color and firm, vkoltsome flesh. All this is attractiveness, nd something more -. Kvery woman will be wealthier and happier fot Ibllowlng tbe friendly, prertlcal counsel contained In Or. l'itree'n crest universal doctor hook : ' 1 lie Feople's Common Sense Medical Adviser." It is the most comprehensive medical work In one volume in the English IsnguBge. It contains Inn pages, fully Illustrated, ntto.ono conies have keen sold St li y each bound In cloth, the prof its sre now useJln prlntiiiglialf-B-mllllon ft mnlN hound in strous iiisiiills paper cover lo r; ,.r nimnff am I to World's Disnett- asryMrdical AiewiaUoe, No. i Usui euccl MslftK. V. 1 1 H J ' - J HILE HAN CONTINUED MUM. suns and Caldwell stun nisruaaliiu (bait KeaolatloD-All the anllile Feel Mure or Kiectlou. The speaking in No. 11 township wound up the cauvaes (Friday) with a tolerably good crowd. Tbe an nouncements were viry brief. Jur before thi time for tbe announce ments of the legislative nominees, Mr. Sims arose and made an an nouncemont much like the one he bad been making in Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. As was announced at the first of the canvas, he stated in No. 11 that he would not be a can didate for tbe ttflioe of sheriff. A good bit of lime was taken up in re gard to that resolution of Septem ber 19. Mr. Sims said of all lan. guage be had ever heard, there was none like that nttered by Mr. Mor rison Caldwell against him in No. 4, and that ever since then Mr. Cald well has shunned him. Bat why Mr. Caldwell did this, be cannot understand, as he (Mr. Siins) had done as much as any moital man could do for him. lie had also helped to get him here, and he, accompanied by his deputy, tried to get all cases from the jail they could, and yet above all this Mr Caldwell comes out and scores him in a most rnde manner. Mr, Caldwell then arose and ex pressed bis great surprise at Mr. Sims' remarks, and said that Mr Sims charges too mocb against him A little argument followed in regard to one of the resolutions, but it seemed that there was some misun derBtacding as to which resolution they were referring to. Mr. Cald well, just before taking his Beat said, in speaking of Mr. Tritchard, that he had never, as did Mr. Sims, ask Mr. Pritchard for the pestofflce. Mr, Sims then made few more remarks in the defense of himself. Mr. Sims told one connected with The Standard, that he would tell us about that postoflice matter in the future. Mr. lineman then made a ehort speech and announcement saying that the little family quarrel jusl passed would only make more votes for them, illustrating it by some little joke. lie stated at the last that he was more than sure that be would be elected on next Tuesday. When questioned as to whether or not he would support a gold standard man for tbe United States Senate, Mr. Uiloman failed to answer. Of course he will. Buefclen'f) Arnica aiy-. The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetteid Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store,' Col. Nhliiipock Worse Col. John Shimpock, of Mt. Pleasant, is again in a critical cone dition. On Thursday he was stricken with paralysis of the throat, which, it is believed, will prove fa. tal. More than a year ago Col. Shimpock was paralyzed on one en tire side and has since been a pa tient sufferer, awaiting tbe time when be should know suffering no more. lie is 89 years of age and i one of tbe most highly esteemed cit izens of the connty. Mr. John M Cook, of this city, bas gone to attend the bedside of Col. Shimpock, his grandfather. Tbe Lenanere Meet. At tbe call of tbe St. James Luther League the delegates from Sister Leagues of the North Caro lina Synod of the Evangelical Luth eran Church met at 11 o'clock Saturday morning and was called co order by J D Barrier, the Preei dent of St. James' League. Iwv VE Stickley conducted de votioual exercises, consisting of hymn, reading of 103rd Psalm, and prayer. The President then called Mr. L to Saiuk to act as temporary iecreiary and extended tbe welcome greetings of the congregation to all present. Oe then called Prof E B Setzler to act as temporary chairman of the meeting. A roll ef delegates was then made. Mr. J P Cook read tbe report of the committee of call and arrange ments which formed the basis of pro oedure. A committee was appointed to re pert at the afternoon session a con stitution for the government of the Siate League, and a'so a committee to report on permanent organisation after the consideration of the report of committee on constitution. On motion, all Lutheran ministers present were addud to the roll as ao live members of the body. Tbe meeting adjourned till 2 iVlock p. m. Benediction by Kev C. B Miller. SHORT LOCALS. Corn shncklngs are in order in all sections of the county. , , Li Hung C.iaDg hag gotton home Rate to bis land of flowers and rice. Mr. J A Furr has secured find tfiil teach the school at the Wine coff school house in No. 4 township, beginning Monday, October 8th. Rev. II A MoCullough, who ha been confined to his room for sev eral weeks with rheumatism, is able to be out. The Standard is sorry to learn of the critical illness of Mr. F B Haydock, who lives on North Spring street. C A Misenbeimer, the dairyman, baa a new milk wagon. It's a real tony-looking one. Verily, we are assuming city. Mr. H H Greene, a hustling young man, has opened a meat market in the Litaker basement, lie will handle all kinds of trash meats and respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. Amanda and Alice Meacbim, two white women, who have been conducting a lewd house in No. 3 township, were brought over from Charlotte Thursday night and lodged in jail to await trial at Jan uary court. Prof. McGee, of Clemson College, S. C, was showing his senior claps a new corn shredding machine last week when his coat was caught by the saws and he was jerkTed on the saws and received a wound in the side from which he died in a few hours. Always ready Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It needs no mixing, no "haking, no disguise nothing but a spoon. At dead of night, your child staitles you with a croupy cough. Immediately that you give this remedy, the little one is reliev ed, and the household is again at rest. Ayer's Sarsaparilla acts directly and promptly, purifying and en riching the blood, improving the appetite, strengthening tbe norves and invigorating the systom. It is, therefore, in the truest sense, an al terative medicine. Every inyalid should give it a trial. Mr. Jamoa C Bromley was on Wednesday, October 21, married to Miss Josio Weddington. Both of the contracting parties were resi dents of No. 2 township, Miss Wed dington being a sister to Register of Deeds Weddington of this city. Two young men students at the Metropolitan Business College in Chicago were arrested and locked up for throwing eggs from the Col lege window at Mr. Bryan as he was passing. Mr. Bryan pleads for their release, but the President of tbe in stitution says they will be expelled. Mr. J W Cannon has in his pos session a large piece of silver made in the shape of a dollar and is cir culating it around over town, tell ing the boys that the size of tbe new silver dollar made under Bryan's admini-tration will be of that size. It s all a joke, of course, but some people are fools enough to believe it. The rumor that was going the rounds of the press last week that Judge James D Mclver, of Sanford, had euflured a second stroke oi paralysis, is without foundation. Prof. James P Cook, of this city, was tbe guest of Judge Mclver at the latter's home, and says that the judge is apparently enjoying ex cellent health. Tbe euro of Rheumatism has of ten taxed medical skill, but its pre vention hag been very easy by an occasional use of Simmons Liver Regulator. It keeps the liver well regulated, and the system free from poison. Therein is the secret of health. "I have used it for years for Indigestion and Constipation, and also found it gives one relief from a touch of Rheumatism." U Hughes, Lorddburg, N. M. The Charlotte News gave a list of citizens of Charlotte who were chal lenged by a negro. Mr. Claude Matthews declares that many of them are of Charlotte's most in fluential characters and many have always lived in Charlotte. Tbe whole matter seems to be a part of a conspiracy on the part of the Ra publican chairman of the cxecu tive committee and ho seems to he using the negro as a cat's paw to do the dirty work. The DiM-OTory fnvel 111 1.1 re. Mr. G. Cailloiitte, Druggist, at Beaverville, 111., says; To Dr. King's New discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and triod all the physicians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my Btore I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get hotter, and after using three bottles was ud and about again. It is worth its weight iu gold. We won't keep store or house without it. Get a free trial at Fotzer's Drug Store. .A Westerner edvertisid In the newspapers. "Comfort for thin people. How to get fat, by one who has done it. Send ten cents in stamps," etc. All bis correspon dents got the same reply ; "Boy it at the butcher's." Daily Keflector. r. Miles' Pntn Fttla are guarantees to fo oMiiiK'Aetuft) wluutu "Uuv cent a dobo" Immediately after undermining work of attempt to deliver the Republicans and turn the following circulars'vere issued : i To The Voters of Cabarrus Coufity. G. E. Kestler. of Concord, has points all over tbe State a one-sided only the live rop electors, lie appeara vo me x ops iu voie mm wuam claiming that the Dems have violr.t,xl thoir contract to take Sewall down when be and every one else knows that no such contract ever ex isted. In proof of this statement is the fact that the Dems and Popu through their Executive Committees have fwed on the electoral ticket aud made a solemn compact to vote a ticket composed of five Dems, five Pops and one silver party man. As . further proof I refor to Mnj. Guthrie's card below and also the faci that Senator Butler hag tele graphed to several persons in this Stale 11. at these tiokets being dis- rrihntsirl hv TCoH'lnr milHt he HUnnreB8ed. Chairman Manly and Ayer both say thii is a scheme of an enemy of Bryan this is true. I therefore as Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of CabarrnB county earnestly appeal to all Democrats not to scratcn any thing where fusion bas bean agreod upf n but to vote the ticket a named in the card below from Chairmen Manly and Aver and be not deceived. 1 A. a. iuujnit, Chairman Cabarrus Democratic Executive Committee. ADDRESS BY MANLY AND AYER. Raleigh, Oct. 30. It has come to our knowledge that a ticket is in circulation purporting to be the Populist ticket, headed "Straight Pop ulist Ticket," on which are only five Populist electors. We desire to state that this is a bogus ticket, gotten out by an enemy to Mr. Bryan nrl onn who doBires hia defeat- The undersigned, as chairman of the Populist party, has duly sent out the precincts in Wortn Uaroiina, wnere mere are ropuimt vuiera, wmuu ticket contains the eleven electors presented by the Democratic and Pop lists parties, to-wit: Locke Craig aud Robt. B. Davis, electors at large; Ralpn Rowland, of the first distric'; II. F. Freeman, of the second dis trict; C. R. Thomas, of the third district; W. S. Bailey, of tbe fourth dis trict; WlWiam Merritt, of the fifth distriot; B. F. Keith, of the sixth district; Theo. F. Kluttz, of the seventh district; Tyre York, ef tbe eighth district; R. D. Gilmer, of the ninth district. As chairman of the executive committees of the reppoctive parties, to-wit: Democratic party and People's prty, who havo jointly presented this ticket as tbe Bryan electoral ticket, we reepectfully call upon all Populists and Democrats end ell others who depire the election of Mr. Bryan to vote this ticket and none other. CLEMENT MANLY, Chairman Democratic State Executive Committee. HAL. W. AYER, Chairman People's Party State Executive Committee. A CARD OF DISCLAIMER FROM CHAIRMAN AYER. Special to The Observei . Raleigh, Oct. 30. Please announce that any ticket which bear only the names of Populists or only the names of the Democratic oloctore n. r. l V,n TvrJo'a miciv h on A n n A r Am nA in tint thft nflipift! una iiu ayn j v m at ud a duio o ' j v... - - - ticket. Please say Tor mo also that all of the People's patty tickets are at their destination and will be at their proper places on election day, all . . .. .:.L. TT A T XI' -AWIf reports 10 ine contrary noiwiinsianuiuK. unu. .n Chairman People's Party Executive Committee. MAJ. GUTHRIE'S CARD. I again repeat the warning that you be careful to read all the names on your ballots before they are deposited in the ballot-box, and I do so tha mnr narnnstlv be.r.anHa I have now bofore-ine a printed baliot en titled "Straight Populist Ticket," which has printod on it tho names of only.the five Populist electors, when it snouia nave me names oi me eleven Brvan fusion electors. This ticket has already been issued, and circulated to decoive and mislead the voters, but by what authority or whow I do not know. Is this a scheme of Mark Hanna? Remember that trite old saying that "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty," t 1-3 in a nrTTirT DTP and be watchful. v. a. uui Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 30, 18U6. SENATOR BUTLER'S TELEGRAM. Rak-i'h Correspondence Charlotte Observer , "Senator Butler telegraphed to three persons 10. the btato saymg that these tickets must be suppressed and proper ones issued." TO TUK VOTERS. Chairmen rnldwell mirt Youuk i ItoAl to the Pcoplo. To the Votcre of Cabarrus connty : As Chairman of the Po pie Tarty of Cabarrus, I desire, to state that the State and National tickets sent me by Chairman Ilal. W Ayer are now in my safe and that they contain the eleven electors prt eented by the Democratic and Popu list parties, to wit: Locke Craig and Robert B Davis, electors-at- large; Ralph Uowland, of tbe 1st district; II F Freeman, of 2nd dis trict; 0 R Thomas, of the 3rd din trict; W S Bailey, of the 4th dis trict; William Merritt, of the 5th district; B F Keith, of the Cih dia. trict; Theo F Kluttz, of the 7th dis. trict; Tyre York, ef the 8th, arid E D Gilmer, of the 9th district. This is tbe ticket which I shall have placed at every precinct in tLej connty and it is the ticket for which every true Populist will vote. As I atatid in my appeal in the Vestibule of October 28th 1890, to ecrath Dem ocratic electors is to elect McKinley aud I aguiu warn Popnlists not to defeat Bryun by voting for only Populist electors. I uiuke this special plea Vcuse id has come to my kuowledge through an official circular issued by Chairuinn Ayer and Chairman Manly that bogus tickets are being circuliittd which contain only the Populist electors. This is a scheme to defeat liry- an by playing upon the preju dice of Populists, but this movement is of a Kupublicnn side-show. There is no patriotism iu it, but it is another "game of politics," which I repudiate and denounce as unworthy of any man who claims to be a Populist. The people ewnnot le fooled by any such scheme. Lei. us be true to Bryan by givirifj him the eleven electoral votea of North luro Una. Morrison Caldwell. Chm'n People's I'urty Ex. Com. Oct. 31st, 189G. As Chairman of the Democratic the treacherous and G. Ed Kestler, in his Populists over to the he State to McKinley, YrA gotten hp and distributed to ticket, that is, one that has on it the regular Populist ticket to each of Executive Committee of Cabarrus county, I respectfully call upon all Democrats and others who desire the election of Mr. Bryan, to vote the entire blectokal ticket above mentioned and none othr. If any tickets appear at any of the voting precincts with any of the above elec tors omitted tbe same are spurious and fraudulent. A B Yockg. Ch'm'n 'Dem. i. Com Cab. Co. COME, PLAY IN MY YARD. I.ltile Folks Were Royally Entcrtnlii ert lly I.llllei Dlnrcnrct Lenta, Who tisie a BlrllKliiy Party. Little Miss Margaret Lentz wa6 five years old Wednesday. To cele brate the event, invitations were is -lueJ to quite a large number of her little friunds to participate in a birthday party, which was giyen lomplimcntary to her by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A E Lentz. Thehonre vere from 3 to 5 and were very short to the htippy throng that indulged in playing games and pulling candy. Among thoee present wore : Margaret Woodhoue, Neyen Fetz er, Robert Fetzer, Nellie Herring, Helen Skinner, Fay Brown, Ola Brown, Margaret Brown, Eva May Brown, Eugene Lore, Stafford Mor rison, Arthur Morrison, Willie Hull, Willie Margaret D.'aton, Dora Burkhead, Esther Ilatchett, Mary Lilliy Sherrill, Oowan Dusenbury, John Young, Rosa Campbell Young, Mary Freeman, Afton Menn3, Fred Boat, Ross Cannon, Jones Yorkp, Bill Wadswwtb, Kuth Coltrane, Allen OTbson, Elian Gibson, Eu eene iirown, Robert Young, Nettie Wa'.son, Frances Ooodson, Ashlyn IiOe, Frank Fetzor, Mary Morrison, Adelone Morrison, Joe Morrison, Cable Alexander, Julia Aluxander, Leslie Belle, Mary and William Bingham, Lucy Youug Brown. The tendency of wheat is to rise in price. Quite recently there wns over a million bushels destroyed by Ere in Chicago. It means higher prices for the whean seller but more hunger for some one. , SEMI CENIENIAL EXERCISES. Hi James il.nttirran I hlirfh Mpeclnl Music- t he hureli IK-nutiriill.r Jerorittt.-l'i!-ra on .Hovt'riil .ViVJci'l.i. Gt. J-::ii3 Eva;.,;!-:;! Lu;hcnin church of this city celebrated Sun day last its serai-centenial, it Loiiig fifty years since the organization of the congregation. The church wai more beau tifully decorated than ever before Inasmuch as it was also the anniver sary of the great Reforma tion, among the special music arranged for tbe occasion was '-Kin Feste Burg," Martiu Luther's great battle hymn. At the services in the morning, pastor Miller delivered a discourse on the theme : "The Needs and In fluence of the Reformation." At the evening services, beginning promptly at 7 o'clock, the following specially arranged programVie was carried out: Paper "The Lutheran Church in Foreign Countries," by M L Blackwelder, Paper "The planting of the Lutheran church iu America," by R E Ridenhonr. Paper "The Lutheran church in Cabarrus county," by .las. P CooK. Paper "St. James church, Con cord, N. C," by John A Cline. Bs-tweeu each of these piipers anthems was suug. J. P. C. flow's Till. We oiler One Hundred Duiian Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Cat urh Cure. F. J. Cheney a Co., Props., Tole do, O. We the undersigned bave known F. J. Cheney for the last 1j years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation mado by their firm. West & Tkuax, Wholesale Drug- gista, Toledo, O. Waldin, Kissan & Makvi.n, Whole sale Druizsintn, Toledo, O. Hall's CV.ti'.rrh Care ii tak jr. in ternally, noting directly up';n the blood and rauooua surface) cfthe system. Price, 75c. per bottl.). Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free How no You Like I lilt f Last Saturday Mr. C II Mabane received end entertain?-.! ct life house the principal of the Cut cord colored fcLool. Mr. Mebur.fl is the candidate en U.s fu-jisii ULlI in this State for superintendent of pub lic instruction and endorsed by the Republicans. This principal is a big black nocro and must be one of the Republican lights of Cabarrus county.' They had a long consultation and when he took his leave of Mr. Mebane's house they both went to the depot together in earnest con versation all the while. What his mission was we do not know nor do we care, but the idea of a white man making an engagement of sev eral days standing with a negro and taking him in and sitting him down in his own house, for several hours, is something repulsive to the peo ple of Catawba county. White people of Catawba how do you like this? You people who be lieve in white supremacy and ne gro subordination what do you think of the turn of tbe tide. It is a saying that "politics makee strange bedfellows." In this par ticular instance this saying is strangely true. Newton Enterprise. At an adjourned meeting of the Concord Presbytery held at States villa last Tuosday, the ordination of Rev. Brown, of Statesville, and Rev. A K Pool of this city took place. Rev. Pool is now prepared to conduct a marriage ceremony on short notice. SILVER OR GOLD. Bettor than either is a healthy liver. If tho liver is O. K. the mau ia O. K. H:s blood ia kept i is O. K. His blood ia kept 2, Lis digestion jcrfoct, and ho enjoy life and act intelligently pure em emov and patiently i,-nt. v u iion tno auostiona iv. You all know what to take. ou have known it for years It ia Simmons Liver Kegulator r rr-t? sne?W w.,"SWMV.S",juv 1 VIS t n .--j u,y& L i V.- For years you aud your fathers have found it of sterling worth. It is and always had been put up only by J. II. Zoilin & Co. Take none but tho genuine. It has tho Red Z on tho front of tho wrapper, and nothing elso ia tho same, and nothing so good. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report ABaBsnrsasr webs Cure Far Hei-UfM-li. As a remedy for all forms of Hendach Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent, cure and the moat dread' ed habitual sick headaches yield to ti influence. We ureo all who are alllictod to procure a bottle, and ive this remedy a fair trial. In cases ol habitual constipation Elec trie litters cures by giving the nended lone to tho bowles, nnd few case long resist the use of this medicine. Try it ouce. Fifty cents and SI. 00 at Fetzer's Drug Store. Itr. H. II. Lewis on the Mltnitllou. Dr. Richard II Lewis, of Raloigh, was recently in Charlotte on pro fessional business. Dr. Lewis is not a politician, but is one of the best posted men in the State, always in terested in public questions. Dur ing his stay in Charlotte, Dr. Lewis talked with a friond who permitted the Charlotte News to give tho views expressed to him by Dr. Lewis. He is quoted as saying : "I am a gold standard man, but there are some things more import ant than adhering to that standard. One of these things is the keeping faith with one's party associates. A citizen who goes into a caucad, con vention or primary to determine what icsue or what condidftto shall be choaen for the party in the cam paign, is under obligation if defeat ed in his desires to stand by the platform and nominees selected. But I am a Bryan man for another reason. I fee! thnt the can bottor stand a depreciated currency than it can Ftand the election of a candidate who, whatever his private views may be, will owe his election to tbe great bloated trusts and other overgrown corporations, a man who cannot ure his own independent judgement, but who is alreidy the recipient of personal benefits from the very people to whom he will owe his election, if he is elected. They paid Mr. McKinley's debts. His election would inaugurate the reign of trusts and we do not know when that reign would end." News and Observer. To advertise our goMs w-? will give away, absolutely free, nue box of live-cent gold ring aud a surcple bottle ol l'eelei's i'uin Killer to every one Seeding us ilfty cents to pay packing aad poatEge. Address, Peeler Anderson Medicine Co. Lock Box l, Kernerayille, N. C Mrs. I'IcvelnlltI'M Nsruw Envoim. Washington, Oct. 29. Mrr. Cleveland and an unknown lady had a narrow escape from serioup. accidont while out driving yestri. day. One of the horses attache j, to tbe carriage fell, and after recover ing plunged frightfully an'i ran away. With great difficulty the coachman held them down. Mrs. Cleveland sat calmly in trt'e carriage while the horses plunged and reared. tiwi.u ii fitvr. Investors of Uie Dean Bufu System of sperulation reeelve errij-monUily ilivf itcnils til gold. Over SOO per eent per sDuuiu made on iiiTuuunenis y E S l)e.-n it Co,, liiinlw-rs, ijr Iirnielwnv, N. Y. Inventors ot tliU firm distributed nil over the I'nited Stales and Canada. A hfry oC Crlxp. Here ia a little s'jOry of the lute Charles Frederick, Crisp: In oue of the countio8 of his district there was a littlo weekly newspaper, to which he faithfnlly subscribed. When hii would come homo from Waahicton ho always sought the udilor and demanded to know if hid anhsoriptiou had nut expired. Ou one of these ocuuaiong, meeting with the editor, he bunded him a 5 bill saying: "I baA's misled three of my piper and I am sure I must be in arrears. Take that aud e;ll it square." "But," said the ditor, nhe pater is only one dollar a year, aud yeur subscription won't tie out until Jac eary." "That's all right," replied Crisp, "but you keep the money," and then in a whisper: '1 never siw an editor yet that didn't need it." Atlanta CoBBtituiion. Kiismi'II on Civil Itlylil. It oiiht not to bo forgotten that when Russel wuh a Judge in the days of Reconstruction, he ren dered a decision that negroes had a right to sit iu theatre? with the white people even againnt the will of the owner of the theatre. The Radical Suprome Court couldn't 3tand this Civil Rights decision, and he was overruled News ,y Observer. Jlr OHborn-. ;real fi,-h. , As announced in the Standard Mr. Frank I Goboriie epeke in the court house Friday night. He ad dressed himself to every class of his hearers, which included a number cf ladies and even the school boys. lie lecalled the fact that not more than e'ght months ago few Demo crats would have claimed success in this election, but as il tho party had touched the bones of Jefferson it apriuiy into new life and would march to victory on the 3rd of No vember. nedelt with pathetic force on the evils of the trusts. There are about one hundred aud fifty of them. He said the laws of our State are not sufficient to prevent them, that he in bis message recom mended action and that three bills slept in the coruinittco room iu the Legislature of Ho said that trusts bave no hearts to feel and no souls to damn. He fteked all to stop howling about trusts if they were goinr; to vote for McKinley, or for represen tatives who vould vote for it gold standard Senutor. He comlutted the charge cf ua due respect to the Supreme Court aa expressed in tho Chicago platform, showing tL;.t Lincoln was elected on a platf oru that conu-Jtaued tiie Drcd Scott deOi.'fori, and that undsr Grant the Supicmo c urt waa ia crutaing in number, a.'l thai t'ao President appointed the cc-v mem bers with a view to a decijion that made pr:'enback3 a legal tehdor. Ui;je.! three distinct issues on the tin- acial 'piee'ir.:: f : r at, that, gold appreciates; second,, that tho United Stales can maintain a -parity of gold and silver with free coinage at the ratio of 1C to 1 and third, that such notion will c-C'ect internal tional agreement. Tho ppeaktr waa 'njdinl in his treatment of ir.i:cs, wirt ia his manner of expreoaiou, c;iieae'.iC in bis anawer to r.bani'd ctuea against Democracy and happy it no ineus uie cf freuljiu fioiu waapy things for friend or fee. Kilirnr Cillill tn- vii Some sneakinjj duty, contempti ble rascal, who '13 afraid to make himself kuaa, sioul on the out iiue of th'j court b.3U83 jurd Thurs. day D'ght and chunked a rock at tb. band boys, the missile striking ildgar Caldwell on the right temple. It waa a mean act, aud if tha party ia not very careful he will go to the pen. The city authorities should put on a police force sufficient to prevent a repetition of the rockthrowing ra calitj that endangered the (Uvea cf so many of our citiaens two years ago. The same kind of devilment has started already aud if it is not suppredseJ there may bo trouble of quite a serious nature next Tuesday night. A boquot of lovely, rare roses and chrysuuthomuma adorn our ollice. They are the gift of friuiido, who are lrienda, and truly we appreciate them. CURED AT 73 YEARS. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure Victorious. No other inf. Iii'lm-cnn show ut h n ivoml. Here is a vi'Ht.-iblo Mtrian h, 7'i yars of jismi, wit.h suvum- pirjunu o U ovitvommj, who Ifotrt iW'!.sr: ii ,.(. lie took tho Ehl'W lie-art ( tire ami Is uuw sound ami wuii. f u fern "us Iv FAMCr.L O. STilWE. Or4 l.HK.i, Mi.-h . !'" !. vm. I hnvo t-,Ti tmuljli .1 Willi Im-hi-i .!m i -' l; y'nrw or nuirt'. M-.-t of tli,- iin:l 1 wi.-t h h:u It Was not -.ufi fur me ! m t ul aa diezy spoils wuuM c:tti-,; f tiloiL- 1 luul H'V't-ro l.-lli!tilttnli. -Il-'IUK cf l.o-alli !Wi-J smlilt-n j;ulitli'(t n-ntl-ml n.e ht'liil'-H. All physicians tliil f. r was to inlviso k,m plitK ijUK-t. InAiu-llst last I coiion,')--,1 I aK InK Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. .indWriTu I h-i 1 fl'i'-h-d t'ir. itnt !-..'! I f.Hiii-1 t t.o ti'i (ll. lni- w;: u l "-!- ' 1 nil u-j fuitr b"i i Irs lit nil an ) fyiin I'M un-ly s I 'i 1 , 1 1 - ' ' v Jlt'hl !l iT r'l'ik" ' il I '!!( J. i - 1 I - ' : '" " 1 n-y lifo. t-iii 1 v:.! r.'.i ti 1 " '' v"'-' tf.vlrj:: fnv t. .IU i y I" ti.- " V ihiut io r- trn -.IV h'ir r-il.f ii! ' T h K l- whu',7 V i -i;i r.y. n if Lr V,,-, t w 1 1 Ll-t Cur" ' '' - i ' ' 1 y- fr. M:.'- M-f.r; (fiMtfiitiM ' II. .lI in- til I . " " AlI.lH)-.'t'!',t:.s.'.' i :l It will !'' 'H. 1-1 i ' 1 Ly tin.' lr. .''! 1 Dr. M:fc?' l- k-.-t.ii i-i llditli

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