!1 HE : STANDARD PUFNiiS TIE -- - r: ! for 1 Year W HOLE NO. 309 Send us 1 Dollar. the . ;.'..Lui.liJJ. V 1 1 ' Mi ; i e nil T T" - ir;;--; '..ut GOOD-JOB -WO.C AT L!Vln PRICES. GIVE US A TillAL t' 4 H f 4 1. 'V TLIE it'll!'! Mr- t'lrvolainl Astilt. 11 Hay lor lint Im1c lo fiaihi'r 'I teenier null OlrVr 1'iftfHi mill I hank t lioil, huiI lk H.-i'iN fl ( hai-lly. I ciiiK MlilUI'ill olllli' i'o.ir, Wasuinu on. v. 4 By the President ih- United traits: TiK' jici),i'f of 'he Uni'fJ S iiti-s siiculd utvi i' hf n.. mindful of the gratitude th. j o'v- ihe O al of Na tions for His w .'ehful cue w inch has Bhi Med ' in f; m li-u disas ter and join'' it ul to thtin the way cf peace and Laip! i tea. Nor should ttiey tver ufuse to i.ckiiow'1 ficige v.iih contrite biaris, their proncm ss to I ura way from Cod's teachings, hi il to follow wr.h 6iuf ul pride t.f ier uim o v u device. To the end that tlnee I lioulila may be quit'sunnd, it is lining I hut oil a day esp. ;'u!! app tinted, we Bhould join (ni'ihtr in a, pioxhng the Throne of (Luce with 'praise 6" tl BUppll0..tioU. iherilorc, 1, (i! rover Cleveland, iVesed 'nt of tiie U lit'- 1 Klaus, iio . h neby il. d;Mv aiid e.-t an it 'Ihu.vd.i-, the iv.. my sixth duy of the precn.nl iiioni'i c- lutvc-mbtr, to ttiktptundoiia-i.il as a day 01 Thankagifiug :u-l prayer through ent our Lin !. Onthitduy lit ull cur p-op't forego tht ir usuai woi k and octfu p,i!i :.-.u .m uib: .-in tht-ir t.ccua tom'.d )iG.i of vi ..chip; let tut in, with oLe tt::o!d it-nder thatika to the Kiilcr 1 1 ;i e Uuivtrd for tur preotTutioQ a3 a nion and our deliviriince fiotn tverjr tUrtit'nud dai.( : fii t: e i f ac-.: thai I -if. dwuit. within ur u uisUcitu ; fur our deft lite i'-tinat uitiui;e and pea tilLi.Cf d. n' L- Ihf car llmt i; 6 ia:.-ca ; f..i t;.e pi- ntecua rt raids tn it hum fo! o'A'.d the l.ibo e of t ur hu.bitidui' n, ai.iJ. f.ir id! the oihto b!e;einga tl.ai h tv. bteu voiieheafed to us. Ar.d b-: il-, I: i on i4 h the 'Na tion of lliui w! ii baa taught u.i bow to praj, implore it e forti?tui-8. ot our sius and u con ; uiuatioi'i ( f our Heavenly l'.i'ltj Rnvdiiu-i. ft nj no', fulfi l ou this day of Tliaiika giving the poor and nettlv ; and by deeds of charity let our tli'eiins oi praise be imde more acceptable in the s;ght of thj L'iril. Witness my hand and tcl of tlie Uni ed States hicn I have ca'isid tn b-i brretofmo i.fl'ixtd. I) uj a the City of Wailiin.tun, IJ. J , tl.it fourth day of Noveuiber, in ter of our Lord on - thous .mi e the ih btin.lli-d hlid iiiiii -ty-tiif, nr.d of i hi-l.-idt -peiKleiics tt Ur.- U.'.i'ed S a ts of Am.rica the cue h'un'i'i d ami ttventy first. (Jnovf.it Cl.I VEI.AM. S al h'K'itAiin OLNfcY . tv. C.ie :f.i y ot tj ate. Xi-giu .Unelslriilcs 41nlivr. A Btieci.d in to lav I'M er t rem T.-i boro ..-ivi'-i lb - ii forio i mil tha not. u ria 'bi e in in vtn eU-o mniutra e :n E !fe'C--ui!' c 'Ut.t;. il ri'uisd,.y. I'fiH a ! i.iai i .f.i ma tion is conveje.-l that by ti e rcx ebc ion, wli n the tiruu of ili.' .i- pOSIl'ed 111 ;;!S la ej H'l", K't- ronibe wili not lm?e v. a i 1- lun nvgiittrei'e alhe pp'. p "re Very ton'i f ' ir au O' i -vl b i-'.n of the re. nil oi ... . . t i ! i . .. i u ( peo, '.! I !' C ION. it ii III" a who vjttd w ! h the fn i:n noud to n rent ot thtir action. This is ti e big close of nft;vo thai they are si hednled to jj.;t. N ' vug eloe will cure tht tu Newn & Obser ver. A qut-i'ii ;..:il il! .i'e- o:)!v ,-.ol a: u .in e: If h" (in.' -t tt:.v,n ol vo '.n.i-.i is Ha t: I. 11"".' 1- IK .:r 1l::n.; tti 'l'!i..::; i:. . r f.iii ; til f.ir; v-'-aiuit ean tirnn ! 1 e a mot! it l.rit.ht l!ii tMMi.'U. lent t'.K' Iv. : I .-oi l hi:- ;i' that O'ui. ih. in tl.is v..--in- t he .1. !-. A hv i n't' ;i i.:n;i:i u : -.e.ililiy, v.-! fi - mi .'my i ikll S' ' :i 1 T:. tu'i-ui:..v ti c A 'al.se !l lire-, ca's til" ::e i . e. u .. led ai.il ll'. e ',,-., .. a a v i vents mi nj ;.!'e ak.n ul J. : a', 'i iiu- mr.-t n". "tie must-'-, of te timl bf si. '-.r,.sr Thirty .veil t' ' e-avi . ,' if of i',;p rrev.'.ici'ec el etua iii''',.:'-. in rl:,e. t fir K. V. 1 ;i) -'' '"v. rhiet ete.i.a'a li" j.!.v.- ei n of lev la.lei ..ml 'aa-; i.i.I hi auilt:, nt 1' a.;,',,, K. Y.,t,:i!:- ,'e il eltal liiili.'.mt ol la;,e a::,1. ,'li..i- ! l'i- .u , until n of u ivitii'ly that via. 1 ' . I'M'e .' 'i i s'n l' en til tveeuiiy .'-..ii -in la". '.nnM cut lit l ft.-eli e lout l'ti e' ; : t-r v' ail tM.lel of ii? li. we..;. at U t wwi!-- t.ke the il in "a- y.'iv laan . i : . ti . i s " i . ;in:l irn- iliy it s- en li'e .i' 'is of ii." r. 'l ies t j.ivJy ij C.'l'i."l Iir. 'li.-vv' Is ' ' he. i'l .1j.!.'- 'J liat it n r. viiiii i.t-il Hit".' i: I 1-ir vi'ii' ll il vssiaieai il i irn',( il le. iu iiaisii'.:. : i!e ami C"ttiiHtl sa-ea lor y yean. With u will cam i-Miea k ii'.'.viishu: In ri.'.'sli!':; Iir. rit ree's ;"' it tlirntn,n jiejii " LoiiiiiH'ii t-ense J!'.-.hf.il A'U'isrr." A fic-e taiy will he flit ni r. f-ij-t 'if 21 on:' cut l-falll!" lo r. t'-rt o I tit liailh'l'; ''.'.';'. Address, V.i'H'i ! ' eaiy ilcilii.n AiiwKuiiUoa, l'l'if.-h . ii. V. pt. Miles' Trtlll l'l.iini?iliirntiteet1 tonoil jt'uUiicioiuUU niluutoa. "Uuocuut a dusu." THAN 118 .'I VI N OVOL. IX-NO 42. IMiln't Cure rr Ilie (tiarlrr But II ffliult' lllm NooH l.yliiK IIktc. lb Ii--! b ".o 'td I. is ll'k. M t!r ! .. i on the t! n ttio'li t ' tn: :: i t lie Sij'h uvt lieu 'L" rout a' 1'ifi.ietll ( !!, tti:d ..a C-:UII'iu '.U e! a.:,.: ii ti urch for plugg. d dun. S nn.l i.iekel;. A ipiarUr fell fioai hi hands and roiled uion,; the p.!.itf.i,in until it lodged tindvr the' ii'ed iiepa which form tho d i f the platform. There it vie IF, btlS 1'8 UhOb'iU! :. old. n a, pi. s of i o fr was the pio'n i e "I don't c r e i ,"j iiuin o the The i ."j i the b'um . ' I've got 'tin lo makes me ui '. i to '.here, an J I C in t coin," he wi 1 hum, but it j'id e that qtiartt r S-t i." "Gimme a dim", mLter," said a mesr-i nger boy, "ami 5 cenls for ex (I 'tisi.', and I'll get y,r man " '1 he man re,Brdid tb?boy for a irif'tncnt nnd tui.l, ' (Jo nhe id." Ii1' relnrr. d in a fe'V n im.ii ' hi h Id.' fufin wcrkin.: coin u'iv. i;. . I i Yii hand be h.i a piece (.1 ua:.!iii-. The erjd v.a'ehed him uii':. i ly. Uroiti his iiwuili the t ... t o' a v.cli- inas'ia .ltd wd of im ;:i;; t;'.m.. He BUick this cn he t nd oi the cmtlitig, and, thrust ii a the etick throin'ii tlie narrow pa--.', prt'tikd ti.e toft ai.d -icKj l ii in liimly on th . I03' coin, 'lhtn be ri'-ftly drey it tut i.i.d pivteuitd the i:e eey t'J its 0ni-r. 'Kf i 'he vi hob- t Lit fit," Haid lilt iii;.ii. ''iJ.iv, votive a ' -e'i. Wi uvt t.Lu it urn, ' a..o tie u ..art.- u 1. trail), bid f .aie wic ithtd in tuiilee. i he face of .Ii bay was siuiilarly ..oral, il. New York Mail tind H.xpr.ss. no ilEitrrlai'H' lav. W M i-haw, of B.lbpage, was n.ltie ci'v, '..ti'l pave U3 tr.e ioliow- ng mai riaie nnt.cea : On Oj'ob .'i- 1 1, at the h j:i:o cf Mr. I) 0 Oa-hy, in No 4 towiifhip, dr. Jiaes (J l'.ruini: y w,i., n;..m't 1! o jiua juit'phiue v. lUdiuK'on f.er t I,e C'. n niuiiy an tie' Uit eup r was eervid lo a large number cf friends uud rt b.tiv. s. O.i ' hnr,:day Oetob.r Mr. fames It N.sn va? v.i rrid tu Mis- ;L''-)::i uuu:p!, at 're irniea u'li.'a'. n 'hj pr - i.'f 1. f " tuiii'u-.r f rii-tiiii1. Tn is v.iulio followed l1; niptr. lb v. bis:; il at bo.h wad- 'I Lis ih YoiirOpliorlulilly. rt a pi 1. 1 a cauls ;U. i. -, s norms garupie b ! 1 1 i i in, ed 01 "in 01 n 11 Hilar l a l ;1 II IV Fill C::le (K J V (W- 8111 P.lJll.) 8 liiai '' -' dt II lie 'Ilt'O 1:1- !t ir in- n. 1' a i- - "'. l-il.V DUO! UF.il-', ")" W..iii f. '' New Yell; C. y. iliv. .1 -!i:i Ii 'b .I,'., if Oft a; ;.'.ili.", Mint, r (' an -r.i'iai: d F!yV ,'ieatu l!a!ia t.i i, e. 1 cn i . i b-:-. ; l.ii tt i :'. "!'- i- it ' I-' iv.' cure fir c tee-a iftl ,i n di ee'ed." Uiv. FianciB W Poole, i'.talor Cenlral Presby teriaii Church. Ileirn.i, M nit. . I'nil. lit!. Miik-N A llJMlillllllf'lllH. At the r ulai' r.iei iir. ; of ti e fjiincaid li .'j m l Keel Cotnpitiy Moriday niy'.it, Ctipt. llenr; It i f sc ui.i-le H e fuli.nvira appointuiPiitp : X z.'t.mer.-ti oi: Mar:', Y C C:i!d'.. il j wr.-uci.n-.un, J h J.r.iwn. W W Deatnii ; lie. aaen, J C Foil, Vic S.onp, J K C ink U 11 While, John Smith (!-'. E i t. .id.'.tou. l'nilil l.u- f aiitiiliiils. Par m Von N .rbeaik, v, :.o w A'.lH'.iali.lli l eie: .f rciiu'.vn made xary luu ra- ,v i : iillt V.'l 'il.' -, 1 ..; S 1.1 Hi- i X;l it 111,: ii. . i 1. -if land f t Ciaiilha'd at !:aa. Tin fv.i.iuwi I ':i.i-U are ei uatui al,a r,(M liiihsea-t t f N W (iainia -.(! ::a ii.ii ,bi'a..:.i re', hst civi.ii'i.ii" most pertii.netou.dy. Ti.e II ir a a e'lir. i! ..I f.r on rw e f thi-fp i larnis -.'.'ir.. a.) fjcurt ton unnil at'ii he ii rril.'e f.ile n.n th't C nf H ii-ca :: hat !'. ;,; ,d one of t i.i f :. I e na I ves u.. . iae tiiinii fa al blow fr: u I III- N t ii t Nor h Ci:.!, II!'. I 11 I V (,f till '!. - at in -. lioiu-ai li a ., , t ; i' il ! V tot. s over WaUoil to .s . . '.; .. IIU' j !l V tif ti fur (itiv. rnor. Trt llH' Yiiuntt lii'iilnt'ral'. :1 f IV nil : ! p'tae a ml lull lee i-aijlil' ,1 to II' .1 a nul l bring b ir r a. el T n tie tie- tee ;' aai vi us re f ii'::r::itory : .i.'i: in l i the f !"in,l. 1: '!'.. Y.nih :.' M I , N tri; 1 1 :' lha.iief icCluh, ! c.i "..id ; lit".' s. 'Cshii.n-.. I excel ink. Jas K J mcs, N i imial CnmmiUcc ( SlIOKT L'JJALv (jrceiivii! o i . autl d (': , ha t . ft (binp'T J . fi.-O Wei Hi, 1J.1 ll '. c: - ; its i::i8tr v. -i.-11 rtdi.U I, 2 and ii. and in :n N",is. 0 8 and T .a 2'v. S .ihi 10 .r;.p.:d, 1 f i ,v Ii ii.d.ir., l.;u 1.1 ivrd in init ay tn live. He wilt rutido at For ,t 11:11. Mr. II K Harm iiiforrtv.t Tni: t'fANDAiii) that ne reii art that ho lt- l; many on the- M Ii of this mouth A il.t Jll'i ct. . After a pi ami r.f txeitein -nt and nervous ulniio when it. I is ab .ut lo i-.-tti" do tn inn monkey and orpui (irii der nre a happy rolaxiti-iu. L- v.i dawn eaisy. M L liachaiiiiii, tin-riff of Cabar rus elect, will i:o'. iiuve to this ciiy i'rrm bis pr-"t 'it piaeo of r Mdt nc i:t Ml. lb. rt until mxt fpriai;, J.iiia S Hill vvi.l ciatiiiuo u.- juilt-r I'tlictaraa h'i.r will ii.-. t'.e t: libs I '.) to 'k 1'roul fevei'tt! bncl: n : 1. Tia.iiy i.ijjht 111 ord-vvood 11 i.-l wii!-iii(:!ri!'it-! .-.-line amnnj; ihe po ir wu"i) t'.t Cii'i vviaiuer beta in. 'i'iif Ai.'-. r Mi );:! y far drii.Li s I Ul ft(6. H Ii . -V HalU :ient tor t!. i.riaaiid, the p'.im,) lit tho ll-a-i 1.1, re n -ervoir being in wntkiu.r or e'er, Tne t ink ran over Thurcdav i, i.;ht i ar the lir.-t ti mo iu teveral luei.ths. MirS (JUii.ls (Jrier on Tu-. sd.iy r -e ived a ui..fn.'e at her home a H.trritburu', callint; li r to be in St. Louis by No '-'em her 21-4 in order to lii-p trt for the fjrei,;u field -i with e.'lier iiii.-i-ionariis wlio will leave Arn-rr ta nt that timo. A lam Foreiairgh and tcll Broth era circiws corabmetl will ehow in i.'iiirl..: '0 on Sratarduy, Novcwbci 'il. J la the h .'.le: l circtiM ui:V 1 onife- n.iuin. 1 tiey Iipvb tun - r- Ijrmit j; sen iioi.n and other phe rioiuetri! itttraelions. Mr. John Cru-". who baa bien living at Mr. K A Krown's pin, ha? moved to Mr. C Y tjwink'e l.'.r:e ar.d will b'.'fjin ,ftD.tatio!.8 oi.c to Hart tbo tb: :y but-it.t m c i.iiei.i p'ated by Mr. E-v' k, wlmh n ex pected to Mar! ,.ija 'I 1) .-ii.l' r 1 At the bon ul t'a b.i ' t-.i V;:'-i-. y ptrt-.-t V. dni.-dav tiig.ht, Kev. J K Mrjotis united in inatrimo v Mr. Lewis Cannon, of Ihinville, V:i., to Mins Ci'.rrio Koro't. Tho brida and (jini'iii ni (ic'i IS yenrc ef ny. I h -y will 1 to 1'anvilla '0 live. The Slar.Jard Oil Company's wife v;is blown open in Greensboro Tuecday r.ifibi nnd S02 were ob ained. Mark Ilim.a is iuteies'iei nt ll.e Pin.id.trd 0,1 Company and ivh't ntiy Pome fellow ti.d no, f ta uru'tiiJt he bad bin ehsire. Th':.. iti.ii.iz'o:' yl ii.ifid- th.i Natioin. 'i ail'- .!:: 7 lifti Hi '.en t a.;e aa-l'm. Mr. A M il i.iaiii: ii in tin- mud mat 'a .ir. !': V, 11 l;l.i. e can'; --.vim a lick. Tin' tiiivi nufbtiriiiei ; in a bet'er s'..on),! ir.it the sidnvr.il! ,: Hi'iitir :i. Conii.'. n d 'vilment was done in i.e.- t'-.ii n at Forest Hill Tue.-day cis'it. Ii -i-'idet' briilcM beinp; t am up a. d ii. u. a n turn over the olec irie. lir'iit wires were cut and no hi: a h Lave bi-eu bud i-inco. The ; ii rieiaes will have a little extra :. eri; to ii . T i" i'i f i' i f (i Ii.l. Kestler, tht lit ii- Ctfi.iiiH Pup Kail., who pot u; the kbit il a I ticket to dtieat Bryan in this S ate, shown tha' -oiiie'.iiin p a littiH tiickstt.r in repu dinted. Tin: wim are in bij-er llaes havo won the coniempt of a!i , oueetne'r. 'iieir paniubmont will caiiij la:, r N -,v ar.J O . i,rv(. f.iar.Iv fiiin'v fur.-iiishcd (.'arev:.; nv. rcl::ii.t.- vvi.h lhU 000 is: duri i ii (ho moi'.b el Oolobi-'-, una then :r -i v. . re pcitrcH. The Ca'.iirru? Cop wi-i lint ho plentiful. More -,s at I chicken!) are shipped from (us ci'y tean any point on the Sou' hern'', t -si I. io. M .-, J M B.ltiT and M..-S Mattie la i' s ter, nun oi i aiiairtH, vvei' uaiiried T n n ml -i by Kev. V K -l ;. v, of I'lni'civil'i), Ki v. :- a h a '. a', i ' Hi 'iale 1 at tho mar ii:i;:i e.f Mr. Wl) Corriher to Mini Miaiiiii B.'own.of Miranda, Ki.van cjuniy. Tn r- i'e a- ie aaaehe, e .en el ila ir i r : i f tiie sioni.iaii an I inevt-hs t a; up; e'.i'.e, lied f ir f ' cum ei ivir ('..'.iutrhiirit, t; o Ayi's Caieai Piii Teey ill:' pelhl: ly taie l; al;.., ,".:i. 1 in .'..ri iliiy ino'iio'c :" ii ; hi y na iaii-ef tae di -.-'I i vn ai'i'! i-t in; :i.i: i . e er,-aii '. T.-n r.i i- ins lo be a i 'aii of relief t.-er the e -ua'ia' the I In'e-ine-.s is ! ii i !. a j ir v-. eel her u! :' ;: i'n r -'His 1 sal i "fat" .'ry ' r t. ,i ii i, a, 1 is - iair out of !a.!i:r.r f is li- i: ft ' il a .I forrunetiry it;i aii s'ii lihit'ia! f';r !ef.al teuutr in N'. .', Yori. iiia! Fori! hi. F t. Martin, a nero boy of this ait v, w as irr i-t- il nnd tried before K ii i'ie W .1 H ill Thin, day eveii- i.ii far o utii'B inn ropo and entry- in th" a i'n lie. J-:et e-.v iy frani M ? , :i:i ! I.: & r's W ell. Kfi J..I a,- ; . ,j .).,--! t i nis aiiilt an I in I: f ail' of i-V.I -'..il I e was prut te Ti re is ii.' .11 1 it'ic n fi r. nh r ilii-e 1 i: n 1 a. c ' . s ' i -' ' e. M aisoil r! 'My -.vih'ti heal.r iti'tt cam. s wo if.trt and mberv .- r, e-ri-'a- !I -id i ,- itn iit-a i . h e he.s vi'i '' 1 ul1" 1 ent, I uvii laatl.it c 1 1'1 ti u ti ally am! j is two pn'l:ni:.-'3 ot himut'iriH Livi'r lt.uliiU.r rel.a-.e i her from I i.'.l hi .ah rl e nr d cave torn ard cf j vi'nr to her wholo eyslem. I hnvo. never nirreitid it's use." M B Dfl-, I liord, Mt. Vernon, Ky, t CONCORD N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Chiiatmas cmta on 1' . al iv ytar. AU .uly tua lit 1.' f.dka hee-'j 1 lo iave ir.cir tiiekies. Wl. : 1.! 1 a:io'ht r j .imp F.-i-i -z four ceiu" a bu-i)"l. I ricmc'is d r rul-iy a'..iL:. 1; i: i: i. . a v(n in " r r.i' 1 iii 1. .: :!:-, Ky., ci'tft F ti dny in ....a .a v viui bis c;iu. iu. Mr. Waiter Ki;k. R ally aad t.uiy wedding 1 ei t ai:-. I'tl.W il c.li di 'att'd i.;-rv is t.i O.10 of t.: au. h e.is ij t be nia.ried. One lor.d of Tbunk-rivinp; tur keys have h-n on tho unrket. I is rather early, but they were bert nevertheh ;-s. Tho Che. ter i.nd Lenoir r. arrow ra:;.; raiiraid h.s been f-ild and tt iii? sut-.t ati aij iHtri'.i nt 01' 1. li'.tiif iir.ead a to work no i'j iry to i'oclih aldr.rs. Mr. .1 ic b 13 Urowp, of Graham vUIh. S. C, v.-jp tiotibied with chili." 0. nd fever, and nnabla to procore r iit.f, until be brr''n to UHe Ayv. lbllfi, for ail couiplai'ils of stomach, liver, or b:.woh'. f-'ur'. iv. r Jo''. a II L i.a , v iiu In - 1. ten M.itig hi.-t ciiiidren ii' Ibivid s m c hi nt v, did ii.,t fenoiv of hi.' de-h-.it as county survty or until today (Saturilay). Tno result was not u suriifbre to hiui. The charity concert by tho young huiits of tho citv at too homo Cl Juti re and Mrs. Y J Montgomery Friday iii,r'it v. ns 11 t.uce.s, finan cially and otherwise. There was quite a hu-;i atu ndance aud a Fuug sun.) v. ir realiz i. C.d. I, A li!ar-kw, p(iiie..:i;an, ::s it ti; He r in 1 kf il v. i, U pujpba-i i yesterday : hn (r -in 3 t . ; ae devii 1 r, till. ..bout r VM fii 1' i "Tire r ..:) it hi. tall ,'tit. ;l,!e ,'ate Ch:.....'.'. (.!;..: rvtr. CooL'.-j eini.i'i; sides liavir " b. e ll)l'H jt( Will !. al () . prion is f 1 ! ; ran: f :r a-i la a ' I.: It ! h rl a 1: w t a,: ;.-n:,!. Hei -y I i f U h ptiiPy .ii ciid over itt tirrt dali-baby. Mr. Luther Ivf ILrt of No. 10 'owiiihiji, i soon to l ttnuii a re. i ,:' 1 1 f Uiis city. .lie ii a ounp ii.; 1 ef fi r'ii.r ai.iiity iim will iit.d a 1: mil fi.-M f .r ti.e pritCLii..- oi his pri f: tsi.iii that of law. C. n coid will welcome bin). I'alivift Hurl. fciipeiiutei.dttit L Her, with the chain t-'ui:, is quarttrtd on the ( eri plautalijii, Bonthwest of tour. L't came near ba, in to bury one of hu men Friday. The convicts weit voikitt;? on an r;i;baiii uunt i. :J t-t men w-. re u -i. i" pi'tkd. The jy-oiglit of one cenvict is b.d!y iff c't.l in: j'l ' e.i Vt iil 11 l::'h tn n), one ef I'm nerj-o:", rai-.'d hiu r.ef etrr.'h' from n p'oapd po.dtion, tht uear.t'yh'e 1 man drove hi; ick several n es i to the h'p of K ird h in in. The vrcund is r.ov a e. ric.is one b it tiry pur.ftil. It was perely seed -' il. Hoi K, nJ-eini'i not raise I up jest as he d:J, ho wtuld havo i n n a dead uipro th 1 pick wool 1 certainly have penctra id hie body. ioi.li is m:m. Inwslois of the Dean Safe Sy-lnn of sit'i iilniitui reeeive semi monthly itivi tlenila in irolil. Over JJOil ier cent J ei on lima nniilo on inviatiiuaits h v K e Diva & Co., Hankers, lla Iiroiulwiiy. N. Y. Investors of this linn ilisliilmkit all over the L iiileil Malts ui'.J Canailn, i:i Willi llio liimcc The first club germaii of tho faa son was held last niht at the cit. hull. It was largely at'endtd and Was intviry way a mcccuJ. The liuinaii was t;tveu cotnpliiiieijturj to i lie following voupl' ladies: Mis Aihiie Cannon, (.'oncorJ ; Mies Brad Iff, Knejyiile, Tinn., and Miaallay .Ii n, Atlanta, Ga , all of whom were bo. homely costumed. Charlotte Ob.-a i ver. n ' I "a- - -a.. i it'ty Vc-.ra Aj;o. 5:::'tlf..!'ita'a hat! Ao 1 ttl'l.a: i! '.ttef, Sramllathcr'n (uvo: Hi- t,:.::lt rt i'.i' ly Wi.tlii. i 'ttvaa Athiua, 1 toui.!i:ai oi e n. up, Jr h I v .a nie.i.t tt n.al IS Iiij'Jm' '. lit. '!' Willi Av s Cliirrv I't-al'ioil Gran'tlicf tt:.s t :ll c Vlint mo culil or cure. Iti ht. lltt- lt h it in i.:,t.w C ji't, lis a rc en ' c i.ujh r,. tilJ e'er (ail ol i cliaato, but the rticoull .: ttu-y.i' a, t-'JU.-..-". hyefz- CL:iry Pcctcral bun t.o e.-itt.al a.i a nmcly fcr po it 'he, coldi, r.r.d l'-'.i'.-r Cii.- eii-esi. "Wlieve otlrcr nooihiunr f.lixlra p.-xiiiato, A t Cheiry 1'ocioral hoida. It in uok a chof.p oou;.'li .'anap, . hiilj. soothe.:) but iio-.-e, r"t fheri'fth cn; it in a pbyslcinti's onii'll t.vaedy, uri.l it cures. It is ! put up in l;irr;o bottles, out.', or household uso. nwartititl tain modal ct tho World j Fair cf uluo'.y-tUrou It has a roct;r il cf Li) Vcsrs oi' Curcri. it 1. sum -no - t? itiairri t. " i.'il'.i 11 f rf : pei.t p.rs -td by 3 i.r.'.rm W., i1'. r Mi? ior.nry F!i -l IVa-'b-, ter'mn ry.-f Mi Mary ram pieap'd cur r l i brriik the c.ir-,-. ry bund by ca'l if our baiovt d fel rf Cie'.y i.-f ti:0 cl: uit:h I ' tin u v ii'f IV- 1 : Wa.a:.:-, It II !y F..:i 1;'.- ( f or:r ttlk'b ;n r.:i 0 Ilira; loW-lill Ilib.T. M l"V Willi) 1- z T. It.s .i..i' F.'. Ttiat wo d. pioit h 'r di , artiir.-. in the b'oom ol young i-ounanii.nd as tlie Iom of :iue, wIiofo nc'ivily intheeociety primi ida l:fy rf ".rest u.-efulireH and 1 lii rieiiey i.i the MaKti r'.-r work 2 id. Thai, we b..;v in humble uhiiii. :-iun to the will of lulinitt Wi:-,doiri and that we extend our d.'tp a t fyiiii'.why to bi.r relatives in loi:- ho tad hour of their tad be raven, it. on!, 'i Vit thesa resolutions be ''..rexd 1. n a iv-eo tf our roiuuUe, '.it I alto i -i given The Concokd .-ta.miai.;) . ..11 a nquci-i lor puu lioiitiorr, Mi," (i. M. I.oaK, ) Mi.--- I., li. '-Com. Mies. it. S. llAiiitis, ) At l'u' li'i-suir Mill 1 riiln,v Mlii. Qute a company of cry piop't went out to l'mterc: n's tnil Fiiilay ni;'h , when a dime cm eert r,n: ,ivei. in the I'.t.ih) terian cti.'p. I, uudir the auspices of the youn iieopi.' of the Presnj teriaii cliorek t.f this city. The purticip .nts via-rt Mitf -a Kotre an I Cerriue lianas. N'e tun Allen, of Wii sion, Anme riiiri.iiei.il, Ii. tlie and Laura Leslie, and K v. A K l'nl, l'rof. K L Ivtt'.cr, an'tiri. 11 K BLck ui.d J L iVuteon. A 0'iiiiber of la 'i.-i from Sunderland Hall i lso a3;iited 111 the uti rtainuieiit, which was a (; r.vn J c-uc'tes, there Ititig an audience of t'jout one huudrnl ar.d tweuty-Ce jire.-.euf, TheD-'ii;,' l y Mr. 11 K lilaak waa the tyeiitcf the eyenimr. i h.. concert w. 1 vi ry much ei j'.yeii iy e . ry o.re. . it-.. .1 V Hurley hat lire obi reliable I 'lain Mutual L'fe Insurance Coin p.iLy. Tin y write the heft olicj t ti.i'lli. The most cV'sira'ile at tht least cost, t-ee ihe contract bifort akhig iiiHuraiice also lire and acci lint insurance. llacltlni'H Ariilen nuiYc. The 1'. st Salve in the world fin ,i.!, Bnii-e.., ti.ire.i, Ulcers, bait lib ,v.f :, Ft v v lioi-.'i;, 'jVturd Chaprt !:a. iiW. ii.in", C. n.. iiiel ..h K.si Jin-pii."-:-, ma! pt.iti.t'y ear , 'lie , l.r no J :',' I qui id. L 1- lUf.iiiueil to give tiati.-faotion ci :uone- refunded. I'rtce s!n cuts pci ,o:; I' r -V at P 15 Fab: :f's D.-r;: i i iu: a oi l) I .i: iav 1'rke las aivc Bromo Qinuino lab tt:. All lirurai'blj refund tin uiouey if it hi! if- to cure. 25c. uil-i llouan. Ilur Aiililior, t Inim. Hit' llituiirr. The DemccraticbitiiUir, presented by the Lninittil Vance in 'Til, to (lie banner county of the Slate, now hold by Halifax, 13 low claimed bi i,ir Leighboriii? county, Bowac. I'he Salisbury correspondent to tht Charlotte Observer eays : "K win Dtui'crais accept the de. feat cluti'fuay. They fi'v.l g!a-r and coti.'.ihi'i u iu til..' f.iot tha ey cairit :1 tin1 eauaty fo" Bry.ti ay l,(ion La j .ri'y nu! the cotmtj iml Si'a'e tickets ry from (joti li 1,000 vol 1 8. la this they jtiflly ahi'in to have b . n th.) bmnir coun'y ot the Mae. i tin suuci .".'iii.tii ? thiti ij.;iiout this noble lon.iiioa - ;'.th wlil tal;;' note niai j ua tier e- it time. PopuM-iii and I'aeion saual no hoy iu tiiis uno; litibi of 'am aer .c.y. Cit-ltt ii rti1 Chairn an L-" 6 0.. inn m and tin .ounty caiitlitl t'.t fi-r their exoti h.nt mil ' hor )r...;'t Walk in the can), pa'aii. Mr, Ovi mini telejraphui C'la'rniaii Siielv jter.h'.y iu".''f no m, chiiidng ,;'' liatmer and it it c 'iili.it i. -'y i spi a ! to reae.il Li.c 3)011. 'i; h'ive 1 o ti w iili our fn. . il w ' C i fiij he h 1' ainn io lii'e F Day vault, t. : e'.i, ;i w .y t idverti-ung hi.: t innni -rs. The sho i was h nihiiit; I y : li..k in its no-c FriJiiy evtiiii:,: in C e in.: of i y iy purer by. .11 its U atlwH tii'lli'1 iti'e.'lil'..-". The ltci.ii u .'-iai h'..: ek by .Miss L ur i V i sMortii iu hoaji d l.ir viaiior-.. Mi s Nehie Iliylen, if A -bit. I a, Mi.:s Athi'Ihatlh-y, ol Kiioxvi''e, anil Muses CaiU'oa, ui : 'i ll' ii' il VV'.S (-".- "f t 'l ' lln ' ''I v i.e-fa ;i i'l tl t'vvn'S 111'.' . ibis Vv ;el ; .vor .h's bi.uitiftll ho'ilt tv it, brilha () iiseif and those who acre fo; ten 'tn to h. iiuiaa,.' tiie ( bos. u oat ," lute atiainlmt rt.usi io thitiik ht r for pucli r.n cveiiiug of ri.re pleasure. Charlotte News, 12, 1896. JIANLY'S FIGUKL-i. lOilli'Nl tor ColTrn.S' l t'l Wild ( Iiiiiu i I a vii lim Wnlion--l.'KiN-I imro Anll-IK'niorriilic. V AsniN'irroM, Nov. 4 The As-.-enatid IV. fs has riceited the fol loain'a abpa'ch from Cleuienl Manly, II p chairman of the Stuff Democratic nemmitt e i f North Uarulii a a' l.'.il. ih : "llryan hat carried the Mate hj -;i,()00. uilver C"iM:n f.'.n-n art ilec'.ed in ths First, T.iird, Fourth. Fifih, Mr.h, S: y nth and Eighth Jist'ic'ii. The Second and Ninth at in tiaubt. The out' ct 0 vol 1 1. -Guyerwrjlup is very ch.se, xi ! chances favoring Wat on. '.he D-ia r-cratic notait.ee. The L gitla'.urt will prebab y bn ami D:ur:cratic hj a 6i.iall in tjorily." KU.SShLti'j ELECriOX A CEhlAINTY. Datii l L KuEaell has been elected (lovern.-r cf North CaroMha, .. tiich is the met ill plorahle nsuU of the r-e nt election. A bulletin n c-vi-t! here tt- li.y give Kust-e'l a 01 jariiv ..f iO.tnu votts over V,',. a-,u. S.n.iiiir la;: Mr. U D j.-r.ni frcm int. CI i irrn jer leceivtd a te' S'ati y Wi 'e . f.f- in. oj. sa.iir ; i hat I,-.? bit 1 r, c .a tha c-a ety a m j nrliy of vjtescver Whits Kepubliciti, w hit h is tin iB-urairce cf hia ebclion ia Si tttor Ireiii Cuban uj aud biae!;, cot.iitii-4. tiunly tlecitd Mr. l'.ui liiier by a nii.j iritj of 01. Free (il pe.f.e medical ri-l-rertt b:ii:k tn any person alilicted with asv pp Hal, chronic or tlelica'e ilh ,.,;'.":;. , a r to t !it i r sex. A.idres toe i, .;;i: ji1". sioians arid Fi r ..'Hiii.S '' t: n United .Sti'-'ts. ih Haiba v si y tV Co., 221 South Broad rflree', Athiuia, C.;. III. Dot; "Il iif il.t. Ili liiriuil. Four rt ."oMr. W S EurUm) soi l Lis, p ,,o I ird d ; "Dan" to f friend i.' New Ye. . l'or quilti fc 'lan.'aaiirt priu-. Si.ie the imisoii in,; and death, recently, cf Mr. Bin-rhan.'s dt'S. the fricndV Lmrl ,Vt nt out in fynijAtl y with Mr, D.nyliata iu his less, and returned "Dan'' lo his old Muster its a pres ant. ''Dan," after four y ar' ftb- . . r t ' l - t sine?, a. new tar. iicynaui on cfai-t ird vv.e; real plad to ret .rn to bi.: na'ive heath. .P,i lit iltti il Itailroml I'.mi'. Itcduci'd railroad bare beer, inthorizcil far tin) foliowim' cccuf- North Car'iiii.a Industrial As. e ri.n'itni fair (o.iorui; U.iki.di, N. C, X iv. lorii to I Fii lb:- Tiekctn cn h:o to Ibiheah,, N. C, and rttt.rn iv. 9,h to Mill inclusive, f.ua! :imit Not-, hi-fi, lS'.'tj. Furo for ,'oucd trip C oO. Coutiuuous pass age in each direction. Cumberland County Agricultural Fair, Fayelteville, N. C, Nov. 10. L to lo'.b, lS'Jii. Tick.-ls on falo te Fayetieville, N. C. and return Nov. 9 h to la b ii'.ulubine, fmul limit Kov. lOrii, lS'jii. Faro for round trip f 1.3-3. Continuous a. eage in each (lirectioo. Second Pan-American Medical Congress, Ci'y of Mexico, Noy. Kith to Win, lMHi. Ti'-kr's on ta!e Nov. Ti'l tn I''.!., l-i'e, 111 1 l'.!i'. I'i ;:i n, 1 .-"!',. () .. :' !' r r art tri . liaia fii7 2-3. O i -.ii I; ieiaii bar,it el to 73 lickcio mav b:i iiiada tJ r. ad 1 y divcr-rc r..u!t.:, Ku, i;'.i.:'!.:r,t". ll.o?. Ciions, Ch 1'- 1 i n, N. C, Lav. I.i :i, t.i-' Louri. j i -a L.nU. ; vi ! t li rouiid-irip . i ticke.d to tha1 point at ra;e oi " Cents i-acn, i ICtte'S on t:.ie ..a. i-ach, 'i'lcke's on s:.!e -.a.' litis, lmiiitd Nov. l'i h, hi, . t lot tool on tee vti ihule. 1 f ti. g. rs will pb v n :' pr. nait J to make their otiichai.ee whea purchi.sii.g the ntovc licke's. V.... .), I), ill itl.V CO., I'mli-.J. Ij.tti.. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report n w 1 11 i ii. j "I i- J V 1 I 1' NlvaiiO fil.HF.AD.a ANOl'liEK. rilill'r,i nll'.fTM llmirrol hikI IVni' 'nlM Oil Hit' ITiiU ol' Mi.' Ollirr Willi au .lie, llui It'lliii'H Iloail t'nlllnic 4lun Way, 1:1- llllily llicllll rr M 'L'nt Holly, Nov. 5 The To:-t biut.il wurderevcr committft! in C.i '.o i cort'-ty aceurrcd about 2 j'tietl,- '.o.hiy ua Mr. Dock IioiverV pia: t'nee taii. - f. jtii i.ara. Three re t,. d wa r- cuttiaj; corj wood for Sir. Ilonver. 'Two of tht-ni, James Alexander nud lid. Peep-f ro. com-uieno'-'d quurrulin-- about who shruld go f r a-j".g cf water. They wen p'l.ndit'g f.ining each other with II itraxe'cn their phould-r?, is he: l r.' e's Alexander gave ii. h'" lur.pa .".ml cut Pe 1 elf his hjd:. . The hi ad :y rnd tha biy tilt : rock theb.e'y one lie!: 0 ! ain: ft.il li t hi iu ml two lick (tf'n r they to Oe ereund. Aiexa. '.r w j;k-.J up to Mr. He it cr'. ; iiu: a !, i d told bi.u what he Ii.v! thai o and l.nd him to pr ir"l i r- i Pe 'ram r.nd t-xe-hiined how be did it, and le-kod Mr. Hoover to brir.!- him tn town, v Inch was ,loee. Your earre -poi.-.l il.t i.ai'-' Alex-.tre.ltt 13 b? tamo iu town, on a mule ctrryii'g bis bloody axe on l.i-siioiild'-r. lie clain 1 that P -.raui aoui'l have bil him if lie hiai not kil'i ! him ti.et. lie ..'.. n e'aiu!. i. is if ia; ha I tl ;ae niH.iii ;; a. ee th0ri kil'ed a re.bb-'t. I'l-craui and Alex a.)'1. I' -.-ere. half brutner,:. 'i'i.'i ( hitlers li.'ivti f'ar'td with Alix-ial r to j irecr-.i- et-' n.ii' .1 ..t Dilla-h Thi l exalted and then is talk of lynchini FXCUlbrdONs 'lO'iiiF ClilCUS. l liea ;i lis I " lo Itliifcilutr liiiillicr' famous V. orlil' tlrt'ii l'"l Mmiei Tin-: ir lAKHAiii) takes pleasure in aunoiirieir.' that ppicial arrange uieuts have b..t-n made with frans portation 1 i kit a to w hich all who wish to attend Ihe performances of Uingli'i;; Bros.' World's Greatest Sho'.'. p, which exhibit at Charlotte lion1! :;;, Nove nhtr l'i, cm do so at area'; .- r ei a 1 i scr.rjio i rat-3. This e.i)l l, tec an y h:ce ;u tins viirini"; win ; !ns airr f.raty vu! , xnihit iiu: icy ti.e ; a rent j.asnn, aral oar ran . '3 iliould not inics the :p;a rtunity o ere rLat is now be yand till ccnipcnrcn the largest ami jri.tid'.-it caahi.ed circus, ui.'nago rie, hi; poiirme, ejc-c'aele i.nd horse fair ever orgardz.'d. The peiform auces will be given in every p articu lar the same as during the phenom ena! three weeks' ens'. asm; nt of Il.ugline lholut l'j' rihowj' ut tht Tartersalls Aruphi'Leutre ia Chi cjO whine prtms and public united iu declaring the txhibitiou superior to any ainui'cuieiit e nterprieo in the ,vorlJ. In this community the nr.nie of Kicglitip Brcl'.itrj is Ejnonynious .mil all that .a : tl i3 hirh-chisj in e i'liaa is its if a t-lCviaa:.:. It bc : ii. s le. iotb.ciiar. of :U.i .1 ,i .3 -. . i he i' i i at re, 0.yLi,ais, a i . j,h :i- ,.f : e leinri. an.; luxury a o Ui. ; I in n f ,1'ow i r. superb pi'.', a ltd ia three rings, in I. .a-a.i' ami tl roil ti : 1.:. ie If.iek, te i hnie ..tun .-Lii'.:v ' 'ne Si I v itrea cf 300 Ceic nlJlro 1 a:; -a w, l.r. 1 hui,l!irJs cf a.H'- t'vl' - I -en d-.. iiy, a the.lit.i: ,. .y .1 , i ua i ... a ..: ', spa. is , cm I..:'.! 1. ..a"1 al 1 ie.l 'naitait itO rii i " h , , .1 : a:l ' ! . in .' to a cl.),- e It i .,; ,',: :. .. a ti: l..- i f whieu ha, :;. vi h, f.ii c i'i . li p, . e ntei to the An.. . .ee.'i pi ph 'L'iie ci, K..1 in- j U'if.d i" ti.is u;-cL nai as taitav is j u-.'tr co..r.iai,f Ui), Bna lire iL'iy ts p' e .-' i IMJ. K ' !'h g B-flihtl' L.e. i-a "- 'nile t ii'.aaa! tifnts li.n jea, '."pi .'O iln ,i' s'.reet i ai .an npoii a M,,le ef inafintiiue and bmuty evt.1' t. f.nc ath n.pted . T in y have iiiCCl :h::, ir'.lli. tl." tlaiui.i f.al lo tae !h: o. a : "re f.ae rptclacie, w licit I- ens iii : i.o' e,:..u.:.:s t ytiy ui oi r.i 1. 1; let'ivc. r. !' end lo o'clock ttrtl (,, - . ov : ii,.' j'.ai tepal tionn t;i a ei:.-, i. . lnfaruiatiou in regard in ,- ,,,;:ir ': res, i'c, can be se frcm tlie- 1 ' .1 i":'!r::.at !i k, t i'-Kf lib'. Hint .c.llitiili. r I nnl'l. !rr?;'- i'r Mm. roe cam: e'iilh i a: y . laircpiv; li a, IK .".io h.-y v.. -, an I i )v!ch r, in. . in: ul and liter t'.e depot tier ai d l.r: a.l i., .:. li.JW il li Olll !. i .nr el-h i w, e .'ah d .v ! ye:-.! h-ri- -a Uii,;; p'-.m- a.i.-'U..!. el evi ra! tle.ih.rs, b.-.-les e. 57.10 in nioney. A pivhu.iiii'.r hti.iiie; .yas ii.nl l..'.iire 1.: iuiro Pitts and in hliiail c! b'jl.d, b-y was tain-n tojaih ' 5 -."- hub V4rr st niriir pure BRYAN TO MttaNLEY. tauirtttnlallunii til l NiiceoHNrnl lp pimoiit A (irnrefnl NubmlNNlop ami ii nKiiiiiiiiiilly Itrcomliiff IIm Nonrce. Lincoln, Neb , Nov. 5. Immed iately after receiving Senator Jones' 'elegram Mr. Bryan wrote the fol lowing dispatch : "Hon. William McKinley, Canton, Ohio: Senator Jones has just informed me that the teturua indicate yonr election and I hasten to extend my congratulations. We have sub mitted the issues to the American people and their will is law. Signed "William J. Bkyan."Q Jlm ficiiioii f'iiiilsn Nunlii'r orcabnr- ' run f-coiilo in ArkaiiMi&N. ,J He writes a letter to a friend and ihe following ia taken therefrom, vhioh will be interesting news to ' nauy Cabarrus citizens : r "Forest City is a beautiful little ci'y, f about 3,000, situate between the tit. Francis and the L'Angnelle KiveM, ia St. Francis county, in which county there is some of the . lint'st firming country in the West. "i i,c upptr section of the county ia pii'ticularly noted for its exten sive timber lunJ, both bard and toft ; anJ St. Francis county is also great fruit producing county. "The farming laud hero is wonderfnN ly h 'el, having no rocks or "gnl ley." to conica l with while plowing. "lit. Henry Fisher, cue of Cabar rus' nld-tioiiis, has a nice furm 9 uiiies south of the city, and he tells the writer he ckared $000 the firet year ire was out here, with two horsef, and Las been doing better every year, nith the exception of this, which hu3 been a very hard one ou the farmers through Ark., and Tex., but eays he done a great deal better than he expected. He says he is going to work 175 acres next year, and is going to put it all in cotton except just enough to raise corn for his Eteck. Hia sons EJ, Hill and Will, aid Bon-in-Iaw, Will Barns hardt, all have nice little farms vvithth a tew miles ot each other, aad all are doing well. "i'here are a great man; Cabarrus people iu this neighborhood (and ihcy all voted the Democratic tick t) and al! are doing well. Mr Bill Lowder, Will, Henry and Mr. Asa Bimhardt, are all out here, . and doing well. Their poatoffice is vV'idner. Also, EJ and Geo. Stowe, aud Chas. Eagle, are farming about J miles from here, on the St. Francis Kiver. Their postoflice is also Wid ner. "The people of Arkansas are very much disturbed oyer the election, but everything will quiet down in a few days aud then will be serene. Hay vault tlaylon. At the home of the bride in the northern part of the city, at a few minutes' past 11 o'clock this (Thurso da) moruiug, Kev. B Frank Davis i nned together in the bonds of 1 matrimony Mr. D Cull Dayvault ! a id Mrs. Mary Ann Clayton, in tha prepense of a large company of rela S tiv.s and friends. Suirercd Eighteen Years. Fukus at'iiartod and Sloop Came, j "ir... Jati.v A. Brown, of Covington, Tcnn., ph . a h.i---1.1111:1 lets cliarea of tho eltietrM !i,:!:i iil uitat Unit plncn, bas born a gmu still'' a- r, in r uiliai iils and speeily euro ara he t ili'sei ilx-d hy livrself, as followai "l-'nr 1'. y.s.rs I ptitriTi'it from niTVOilsnosa :"i.l e. :. .--linn. 1 liii-ii "vi:iy reintsly rtic ii .,: :i !,.ii i l.y fi.Mily and frlemls, but i i el 1 i', t no rt-,,-, 1 ut ull. Two years ittto, v.hiiti U"inK trti.tust l.y three local piiysl c.ua, lira, hanoi, Malt y and i-herod, Om$ '. t'i'"'1 f.-S L' il' t' ' 'Ti .Or -.-.; . A MlIS. Jl'LIA A. IlIlOWM. hlformi-il ran that I h.id bei-omo rfropftiea. ttiul tliat. tlit rn was lltllo huio (or lull. I then Ueeiiletl to try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, I vein then tiii.il lo to (ret to sli-i-p until well '.'1 ii.tv ial iliivlh'ht, nml ilurlnn alt Has I '!) 1 lei'l a il. i p. teeny run In my !i fl Mile. I V 'W Titi.it Tins, rilili", ililii'.'l, tiulv .ifi. r ie -iiu: nii.'-li iir In. in. : of tint Airrtrui I -.,ii : ) .'., null til; III, lu.-.t lis mil ,'t. I eviir ,11,1 'II.,: Ann ,.- i, II, in 1 It 'ii.'il tl.itb yitv . uii. ii i , v r-li- f th t- t.r. I it-u now 'Atlianil si i. ,ii. -I le 'it '.',tl ttV titl o li, UJti JJfhr. At.:' .V-rnltt:." Mi. ,11 I.I A. lillllWN. P, i"i ., ,' W' - il,-' I - 1 "fi r""1" I lei I l,e he , ,: a, will I illt- Ail-i'i' site i it wl'l I- a ly tttt. Or. Mil : i 1 :. ., . ..a I- - rnr f's or , , ,.i , ,i r. , el of prli't, ill e. I Co., l iiiliaft, lull. tl;.i- ...iuiilii v i r. I'M: y Ml ll-1 '(.'; sT liWS.? I.

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