T THE STANDARD. TUUN'H OCT . GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LJVING-PK1CKS. GIVE US A TRIAL THE . nj o i ill 1 aaJ 1.1 1 nf i-i M JEW is T-.IT IS AEWS. for 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. DIVORCED MAKUIED. Mm. Werly Mcllwiino ChmiKwl Her Niimn Threo Timi Ylfrilj. Friday iifur ioia the nic'a morphosh ia the came of Mm Neely Mcllwane c iino with bead swircniine ranitlity. At three o'clock she held to the cognomen of Mri. Neely Mcllwane, r.t three Q-x she asauinsd her maiden name, Mies Creel and at three ten the accepted the legi.1 natne of Mrs. Neely Kobburda. It was ia the court house that Mrs. Mellwaue obtained a divorce from her former husband. But ibe held to her rnnideu came -just long enough to get from the court house to Judge Rub-rts' oflice, where her future husband awaited. It only took a few . minutes for the third change Ruloigh PreBs-Visitor. At l.eilneton. The Davidson Dispatch says: Cards are out aunonueing the mar. riage of Mi ia Mollie Suther, cf Lex ington, to Mr. F W Richard, of Le noir. The eyetit is to tnke placo at the residence of Mr. Jno. M Ilar key, on Main siree1-, next Tuesday evening, JNovember 17'h. We ex terd congratulations and wish the young couple much happiness. Kias Sather h.3 a ho3t cf friends in this ci'y and county, she having once lived at Mf. Pleasant. Tliat .SouiliiTii muKiculUrulUH. The Columbia, P. C, Register has the following to say about Mr. Leo.Wheat, the South's greatest mu sician : "If ever an nulience were en thralled by tbo golden'fetters of rau die, and transported on the wingB cf barnony from the real to the ideal, it wxs that assemblage at the Presbyterian College for women last night, which for two hours was under tho sway of the genius of Leo Wheat. It see ma to me that it is some thing sui generis, without a piural, a thing apart, one chocen for many. It embodies tbe (spirit and essence oftbe old trouvcurs and troubad ours, in whom were met theanacre notic, the pastoral and the epic in music. That Wheat is a genius I think no ono will deny, for it would be absurd to call his 'gift mere talent. Any schoolboy may possess talent, for 'talent is that which is in a man's power ; but genius is that in v.-hose power a man is' and if uver a living soul were dominated by one all absorbing passion and power of music, Leo Wheat is that leing. Wheat ia eccentric verging at timej towards tho erratic, the fan tastic but 'there ia no genius with out a tincture of madness,' and Wheat, when seated at the piano is Wheat no longer, but a creature of dreams a harp to be pinyed on by any roving bret-z of fancy an empty vessel to be filfod with every paening emotion a poet's dumb soul longing to give utterance to it eeif. This may sound like rhapsody, and perhaps it is ; but I am not yet from under the spell of Wheat's magic touch." "Henry," said she, J"wake up. I believe there is a man in the bouse." "Well, what if there in?" said Henry, sleepily. "If there were a woman in the hous", do you suppose I would go to the trouble of waking you up and. telling you about it?" By tbi8 time Henry was awake and explain ing. Ex. f A tuppy man it . 'A a hi'iili It v tii:in 1 1$ jjTiK'ially happy. ox never saw a linpj'y tiiati in yoin lik- who lud nidi (t'stion. If n mar, tret 8 up in the morn i u g with foul taste ar.i .. fouler breath ; if 5 lit feels liritlt ss rw. (tltitfish ; it' he it dizy und blind the nnmite he Btctm tit nf tied ; if his break fast doesn't taste f ood ; if he feels utterly incapable of work, t in a pretty dure sien that Ins digestion i out of order that hi principal trouble i:' constipation. If he lets this condition rtu on, there id no li-Uinj? where it wii! slop Nine tenth of all hnrrar. sickness comci from constipation. The first thin? thai every doctor ades when he is called to see 8 patient is whether the bowels are in (food onb'r. H is nonsense to call a doctor for ueh asimnle thin. H i: use to I'M aueh a simple tiling jrrou into such a seiiou? Ihintr, as it always does if lHjrleettd. Ir Piree'a PleasRtit Pellets cure constipation They not only afford immediate and pleas ant relief from nil the distressing syinlj tni!l, but they cure penuatK'iitly and posi lively. Tftvrti ""e lo.oon medicine that ran br taken, to jrive lewifVirury relief. Thr Pleasant i-clkU" arc the only tilings thai leally cure. There are plenty nf dmtrtrista t ho will try to sell yon something el -e. You know just ns well as we do that an honest druggist wouldn't do such a thing that an hor.esi diunifit would rive yor what yon a:-k for. You knmv that when i dtUKtfht insists on giving you ouiethinr else, there must be h rt aon for it. We know what that reason is--be makes a hi per profit on the other tiling. Any dn;t? f ist in Ameriea will supply the "I'ellets" f you instsi on it. The Pcnplr's Cemmnn Benst McHical Atlvl'irr, In plain V.n aliph, or Medicine Hinij1tti?d l K.V, Piern. M. n.,Clilff Consult irtK I'livsicimi txthr lnv iltda' Ho telnnd tm k icat Institute, llnd'Hlo, N. Y., looX I'flteS, ilhislrated 6H0.000 eopii sfrilil at $i o. NtiM rut, puper-bound. AiiSoi.tfTKi.l rur.n ou rccrij t of ai one-cent Btntiip to pay for mailing m Addrvs tilt Ault'or. bov. I f. fVOL. IX-NO 43. CONSUMED IN FLAMES. i.lblniux Nli uiH Mr. Dkdi'" Tarn Btirt i;inMPil II. TB"l'ier Willi MuleM nntl ProrciMtrr. It wu8 u torrifu storm tbat paesed over this section Wc-dntsdiy night A. few milea above town the Viitd iind tie rainf tll were hc-avy Mr. Lee Panoy livea on the Sandv Ridge rod about 7 mi!e3 north of this city. Last Thursday morn ing about daybreak, durin; .ho ra of the storm, a flash of lightning struck "Mr. Lancy'a burr!, which caught fire and was consumed, to gether with two mules, farming im plements and a Urge quantity of roughness. His lo 8 is probably $1,000. Kan a ailfi In 4? Neconrts. The Rock Inland Railroad Com pany ran a special train yesterday from Rock Island to Ohictgo, a dis tance of 181 miles, in three bonrs and thirty seconds, exclusive of stupi. From Moline to Bhie Island the train made a run, including tiree stops, of 103 9 miles in 183 tnisntes, and at one time reached a speed of sjventy-seren and two thirds miles per hour. Taking out the 6tcpf, which were for water, the IG'i 9 miles were covered in 176 min utes, the fuetest speed on a long dis tance trip syer attained east of Chi cago. The train which made the great dash from the Mississippi Valley to Chicago was a special, brinping home the Western Society of Engineers from a trip of inspection lo l)ve'. port and Rock Island. Chicago Dispatch, 9th. North rarollnn Ton, The old North State is to be placed on wheels too in mirature form und hurled over the Union in a car in which Done bat North Carolina woods are to be used. This is the handiwork of an onterpriaiug company wituCapt. W II Ramseur at its head, Will 1'ut I lielr Mi: There. Messrs. Jim and Luthor Blurae have purchaeed the upper lot near the Starrette mineral springs on WeBt Corbin atreet from Mr. Joel Reed, and are now grading same, with a view to planting their ma chine shops there noxt spring. The location is a very desirable one. Onlhrle Tor the Kenate. "The belief is that ths Democrats and Populists in the North Carolina Legislature unite on Guthrie ns Senator Pritchard's successor," said Col. Henry U Williams, of that S'ate, at the Metropolitan. Guthrie was the Populist candi. date for Governor, bat because he advisod bis people not to to e for Republican candidates who opposed free silver, he incurred the bitter dislike of tlio middle-of-the-road Populist leaders, Who were anxious to carry out the fusion barg liu that they bad made with the Republicans. It was Guthrie's influence that ciiiaed Kiiehin, silver Democrat, to defeat Settle for Congress m the fifth district For this reason he is popular with the Democrats, and as they have to hope of electing one of their on faith, tbey will prefer al most anybody to Senator Pri (chard, bose backsliding on silver has ren dered him very objectionable. Out of 170 members of both houses the Republicans have but 00, the rtuiuindcr btirg many evenly distributed between the othir twe parties. The 1! pull cans will hi iib'e to ccnimuiid a certa u per cent, of die Populist vo (-, l e an e of the failing thut a contract was midc. when fusion a: aintt the Democrats was fir jt successful, which would give Senator Piiicbard ur.othcr term A majority of tho Popu iut tmui bt r, however, mill not feel bound by that uiiderutundirg if it existed, anil will refuse to support a'iy do. Uidate who is against free silver. t'oolcil OIT Mcnly. The Pryati n.en about Burling ton have cooled ofl nicely, and are picking up their work in a way that i8 creditable. They get much cmsolation nut of the fact that the other f-ide wan scared so bad tha; they have never once hurrahed for MiKinley, In f.icl the lots of Tom mie Satlle did not pet well, while thf- election cf Bill) Ki'cben helped the Bryan folks no little. Let busi ness bo the walchword now. Bur lington News. Ml I'Hllornon lo cl. Mi e Vivim, I'.t 1 1( no., a d mgh ter of the la e I Frak Patterson, of Chim (J.ove, will be in irriid on the 20 h ii.st., to U v. R A Clapp, of Newton. Do b Misi P-irrsuu anl Pwv. Clapp lire well kno vn here, says tho Salisbury World. Vilas Patterson has a laige cucle nf frieuds in this oily, having fre queuily visited here, a', tie heme of Mr. and Mrs. R A Brown, SHORT LOCAL. Among other changes the Crt cf January will be the year. Ctipt. C:tr!H McDonjik'. has sown a pound of cabbage seod and is pr-paring for an early start in The Savitiga Bank building will be finished within the neit two weeks. The bank will transact no public business before January 15. Theru is row, as far as we can ee, no ob?tf.ciein tho way tf tboes millions of dollars which were wait ing until McKinley was elected to rush into the South. Tho 4 year-old sou ol Postmaster iiufus li Templeton, of Cary, wap burned to death at tbat place Wed nesday. His mother bad left him for a few win u tea in a room where there was a fire. Mr. M C Walter, who has for ten years past coiuiu"ted a successful mercantile buhlr.s on Went Dopot streat, will retire from the buHiuess January 1. J istwhethn v.!! do, we haven't learned. Mr. Herbert K Barrier, b) has been holding a rlfrkhip in tho Ireight Auditing Department of the southern railway at ash-,r.g-ton, D. C, is liow chiof clerk ol the frjight office at Salisbury under Agent Strachen. The Western evangelist who an nounces himself as a candidate for Chaplain of the Houne of Represen tatives is not after the 8900 salary, which he doesn't want. He, feois that that will bo a good tiald for missionary work. When the trans Siberian railroad ia completed, which will be within a few years, if nothina prevents, the trip around the world may be made in thirty cava. I he t me is not lar dip'.ant vhen it will be made in much Icbs than that. Mr, Vance Irwin, a well-to-do citizen of Iredell county, who has been living at the Billy Pop ton mill place for live years past, has moved hie family to the Buffalo Thread Mi'l?, this city, find will put his boya to work at tue cotton mill busiaesR. Concord will boast of the prettiest club room a :n tho State, and com pare favorably with tie finpet in the South when the New South Club gets into its new quarters in the Phifer building. It will be sev eral weeks before tbe rooms will be complete. Voting machines were tried in some of the New York towns at the last election but they didn't give satisfaction. There is no voting machines like the old one, but that ien't always satisfactory either. It Dlayed the mischief with our side ir. the lact election. Some of the High Point people, says the Enterprise, are wanting to Gad Mr. John W Mims, who re oently began business there as a commission merchant, and sloped a day or two ago. Following his departure there was a shower of bofJi check.i on the bank of High Poiat, which ha Lud passed cn peo ple in Lexington and Asheboro. Tbe last L"gi8!ature authorized election in thiily-nino counties on the question of levying appecial tax for publ'C schools. The State Super i.ltcndoct f.f Public Instruction says that, so far as he can discover, no election was held in any county. The only reason be can advance is that the law provides for only two boxes and two tickets at an election, and that it was feared a iother box and ticket might inyalidate the election. One of the most unique cemetei ies in the United States is tbat ot Sheepshead Bay, Long Island, th burial grourd for noted horses. It was established two years ago, and by the end of the first year three noted racers had found a re&ting place in its quiet precincts. The racer burial ground is beautifully decorated with flowers and ehrub bery, and suitable heiid.-aones mark the last resting plncps of kings and queens of tho turf. m mm i 111 Before Retiring.... ake Ayer's Tills, and j'ou will sleep better and wake iu better condition for thi day's work. Ayer's Cathartic Tills have no equal as a pleasant and effect ual remedy for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and all liver troubles. They are sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with out the annoyancesexperienced ia the use of so many of the pills on the market. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Cnthcrtip Pills. When other pills won't help you, Ayer's is, THE PILL THAT, WILL CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Small boys are buy t'ie? days making rabbit gams. The North Wilksboro News hss suspended publication. ... A report of the railway co:nmi tiou shovrs tbat the railroads puy nne-tenth cf all the taxes iu Hie State. S Mr. Mack Stafford, of HaHsburg, j who was recently stricken with paralysis, in eo much improved that he is now able to walk about... Mr. Robert D Harris, of Philadel phia, says Indian corn my be found growing wild in tho Valley of Mexico, in Arizona and in por tions of Texas. Weyler has taken personal com mand of the Spanish army in Cuba. If he should happen to ruo up age.iust Maceo and Garcia he vi!l take to tbe wood?. Tne Southern now hrs a co"3olV r'ated trnin that dsily runs f:otn New York to Nit-Orleiin . C'-od long distnuce of uv i .tnr "' " and changeless tAirril. '' Mr. and Mrs. J L NVk'rk, b recently married, ot "loi,-.h of 'V it son, Va.. are vi-iting t 1:ih h w of Mrs. Neikirk's pares td, Mr. --u Mrs. M V Nesbit, at Coddle ciH"i. Duke Dry, a young boy of No. 9 township, has been committod to jail for carrying a pistol. He fniled to srive bond in the sum of ?2o, jos llfisd. Prof. M A Bogcr, who has been down lor several months with ty phoid fever, was on tbe streets of Concord today (Friday) for the first time since his sickness. II iB many friendB were glad to see fcim. Mr. E L Huges. the efficient sec tion master of the Southern rail way with headquarters in this city, who has boen quite sick for more than a week is able to be at work again. The Enquirer says tho Methodist church of Monroe put a miseionsry box in the railroad station. The contributions were quite liberal, but one night recently some son of B Hal broks the box open and stole tho contents. Rev. V R Stiekley, of Euochvilie, was in town, Oa Thursday, Nov. 5, at Mr. J L Fisher's, Mr. J M Eaker and Miss Mattie E Fisher were mar ried, Rev. Stiekley officiating. The bride and groom are residents of Cabarrus. Miss Fannio Duncan, who was once employed as stenographer in the law offico nf Attorney W M Smith, was on Wednesday last mar ried to Mr. J W Kistler, of Moores ville. The ceremony took place at tho bride's home in Charlotte. An English admiral, says : "It is true, tbe life saving service of Amorica is not fqualed anywhere in the world." U is also true that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saves, an nually, thousands of lives. Inval uable in eudden colds, throat and lung troubles. "Prepare for the worst, but hope f'.r the btst," says the old proverb. Hope for health, but be prepared for colds, coughs, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, or any other throat or long difficulty by having Ayer's Cherry Pectoral always at band. It is prompt to act, sure to cure. Mr. T C Collins, who is engaged in tbe mining business in British Columbia, is on a visit to North Carolina, and is now the guest of Mr. Luther Saunders, on Bell avenue. Also Mrs. Mitchell and three children, of Asbeville, ' are visiting at Mr. Saunders'. Free (54 page medical reference book to any person alllicted with any special, chronio or delicate dis ease peculiar to their sex. Address the leading physicians and Bur geons of the United States, Dr Hathaway & Co., 22 South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. Mr. W E Coffin, who has been ticket agent at the Southern depot at Greensboro for ninny y. ars, has sacooeded Mr. R L Veniuii ks gen eral neent at that placo. Mr. Cofl'n 'h well known in this city and hi' many friends here will be glad, to barn ol his prrmoti.in. Wilkesboro Chronicle : A f i.'ov in ao Indiana town kis-'i-d h .-t-heart, caught riiphiLp'.u ar.l tied. The town pnsd a luw iimne ,'.tn!7 forbidding ki 'sit g. But t '-, rT it is a hard law to enf ne, nn that they have to keep a piivrte u tec tivo shadowing ew: y iMl-nv v.-hr has a sweetheart, a-ui it ncc :eii ally even the detecliv-) hi o-.K.if gt,"S wrong. Economy is somstliiiig ti it very body tries to practice, an I yot justa little oversight will sum times rob the most frugal and thru: y lam ily of a year's saving. You want to doas J P Hickruann, of Monti cello, did. lie writes, "For six ye:i:? I have kept Simmons Liver Rega lator in noj house, and nsrd it in my family and havo had no need for a doctor. I have five as health children as you can find The Vance monnmm t fund is nowlf)00. The Lfgislaturo will be asked to make an appropiiation for a monument to the gna'es: man, not even excepting Nathaniel Macon, that the S'ule has pro luced The last two LoE'hlatuns havo ap propriated $10 000 each to tl o Cm federate monument, which is now the pride of the State. Having taken a step in tho direction id commemorating the virtues of those who have won eminence in tue ser vice of the State, nn hack ward ptei should bo taken N"vs and Observer.' An AiJociate Reformed Presbyte rian church is soon te hi organi.'jd at Moorjsville, says the Record. M ss Jonnie Eapp wiii totch the school it lt!in"r's, in No. I! town ship. Tho school will begin Mon day. Mr. Fred B.ck, the market mon, runs bis sausage mill bv horse power, having placed the necessary imcbinery ia rear of his market. Mr. Clay Louder, who got so fearfuMy hcrt in Si? cotton gin re cently wa on t'lf) streets and says bis band and arm are healing nicely. MODIFY THE BANKING SYS TEM. Hoi.t ol' Slow York UuHlueen Mt;n Ttilnh If II Id Sot none Ibe f nrrenry Fltrtitl Kot Knrt-J Two Biew F-a-turt-i. Se.tHhHry-Th. ProHerlty Tnlh t.nrv-ely Utile lo Order. ('orrt':ivi.i..iti.ie ol On Oltscrvt .NV-.v. Yc t'K, Nor. 9.-In my !Ut!''Dlu""i'u,'l'r" Vu',,lt tho Police ,er- n ' I '" :lPHV0rid to abor what '. tie V.rk nicrchicts bad to ev f ' ' situation, r.ud I left what ..iiy srH c timd for what convic tion their ovio stateninta would carry. As 1 stated iu that letter, Mr. Bayne most accurately stated the status i'i sajiug that mency id eucicr, but tho tj.tu;i tion in the dry goods trde is un changed except as to a littio better feeling. The bankers are undoubtedly en tirely satisfied. Business men feei better becr.use money troubles are at nn end, but in rofltnting upon the future it can be seen that ia their minds there is jujt u little bit o misgiving about business It is just a little surprising how many business men now sny with einphibis that this eltction and its results are not yut final. They sty that the new administration must take some prompt and effective ac tion to modify the banking system to more f ully meet the demands of the South and West. Most business men seem to believe that if this h not done we will have this whole fight over again, and perhaps with a different result. Many gold sUtd- men say ' without reserve that two new features must be introduced into our banking system, viz; (lj more elasticity. S"me means bj which it will be profitable for banke to issue notes when there is a de mand for money, as for moving tii. crops in season, and eaucdiing the surplus when the r.eed has pabtJ and (2) for making other proper! tht.n securities liutnl on the New Yoik stock exchange avuilubla fur loans at banks. As to the plan of doing thee thing people differ. Some think the na'ioual banking system ought to be preserved but modified. Others think the present system ought to be abandoned, repeal the lax on State basks aud let each State create its own banking system subject to some Federal supervision. It is al ready proposed to hold a convention in Indianapolis, lud., of represent a ti yes cf the commercial bodies of the United Statej to devise a new plan of barking. The New York Even ing Past is fuyoring such a conven tion. It transpires that many men who lately voted for the go d stand ard believe that some revision of tin hanking system is of more inipor tance now than anjthmg else, and 'hat it is us essential a sequence of the election as the gold standard itself is- The great difficulty is to devise a proper plan, and it ia for this there is talk now of a conven tion of commercial bod es. P - tiding a eolutiop of this prob i m it is expicted that there will be i-o shortage of money to do all the bupirni . e that offers Money has f ' i.t, 1 ';p sa long and to such au extent thut iig looaeniag now is ex pectfi: ti int.ke it easy enough for sun:- Siiei to come to meet the d tiiHt de of nil li'4'timate business. The bi.i ul the N..-W York pip'.rj at.eul ice starting or laco ries ia ui 'oily all boom talk. There not yet been time to put things a motion. Preparation is being uaile 'o do so in many cases, aud it is confidently ixp. cUd that the mills led factories will all be started up, out it will take a woik or ten days yet to see the lv ginning of practical improvement and perhaps a month or two to get this improvement in op; ration. D. A. T. Nolloo OI Nolmm-e. Seiz-d near Concoid on the morning of November Vi, 18'j(3, the followirg property for violation of Internal Ki venue laws of the United States : 1 gray horse, 1 hack aud hurness, 1 empty keg. ' Notice is hereby given to any per 49. 1896. sols cluiojing said property ta give uotioj in tho form uad manner pre scribed by law to the undersigned at hi illi.;e in Asbeville, N. 0. within 30 days from the dute hereof or sid property will be declared forfeited to the government of the United States. This 14:h day of November, 1806. Samuel L Rogers, Collector 6th Dis't oi N. 0. U S Ha Kins, P.O. dH Z.Z ijui.u is HUft r. v- -"V ,i i, Investors of the Bean Safe System of speculation receive semi-monthly divi dends In gold. Oyer 800 per cent per annum mado on investments by E B Dca:i & Co,, Ban'iers, 85 Iiroadway. N. Y. Investors of Mils tirm distributed all over the- United States and Canada, We Hlautl Corroded. Ia RVJntviVv'j i-aueof the Daily Sta.K."AH'j, it yu stated that Mr. W R Odeh hud r-;;j plained to the I Ml .'.nd that is the r ing i wit i slot i : i'C. t when review- pro 'i'tv'n of the meeting ' . iiw , but commiS" if i' 'Jr-V..1 ii .: irrns us that he mude the coirplaiut himticlf und that Mr. Odell knew nothing of it. Mr. Coble, as commissioner from that part of the city, is looking after police regulations ard other needful things in his end of town. Illrilt anil Mm)rrol l'louUiul. Mr. O M Morrow, a substantial ftvrmtr of near Amity Hill, Iredell county, spent Wednesday night iu the city. He told a Standard reN iHiiier that qiail had not been as r'.uitifui in mi:j years us they are this season. On Friday afternoon, November C, he killed ten tquirrels in a short while. Mr Coo'i, superintendent of the county home, states that 'there ire more birds in his Eection this year than there have been since the big freez-3 three years ago. A Kovel Hot; OUicer W Li liull will pay an election bet Saturday which is some what out of the run of ordinary bets. During tbe campaign Mr. Huff agreed with It J Haltom thut if McKinley should be elected he would roll Mr. Haltom from the depot to the public square on wheelbarrow and yice versa. So Mr. Huff, having lost, will pay his bet Saturday morning at 10 o'clock Salisbury World. Scoouil :rop i'enrs. Mr. W T Howell lives on North Main street. Friday afternoon Mr, Howell plucked from a tree in his yard a cluster of luscious pears of the second crop. In size they were as large as the common barnyard ben eggs. Verily, this is a fruit producing country and tropical oli mate. Iamaicei ol 831.1 lor a Klu, Miss Lizzie Hendrix has just won in the Circuit Court at Jacksonville a curious suit for damages which she brought against the Southern Railway. It see ins that while Miss Hendrix was riding on that road be tween Anniston and Rome, Ga., an impulsive conductor colltcted from her, besides the ticket she pivffeud him, a kius, which she did not proffer at all. Tho company di" clared thut tbe young wonn;n hud been guilty of contributory negli gonce, in that she insisted ou being quite unnecessarily pretty, and fir mer pleaded thut tae corporation tiad not prefixed iu the slightest de gree by its employe's crime, as he had not turned in th;: kiss wiui his other collection, but the jury would listen to nono of these arguments, aud awarded Miss Hendrix consols'' tiou to the amount of 215. ASK the recovered lyiciics, I ho us ml victims of fever atrue, the mercurial diseased patient, how lhey recovered health, cheerful spirits and good ippetue ; they will toll you tiy taking Simmons LtVEK KBGl'LATOH. Tlic CbPfinrit. Purest anrl Host Kamlly MciUt me in tliu World! Fnr HYSl'KPSTA. O'NS !'I PATIOS', Jaun e, Bilious ana. Vs. Mi k Ilr A!('HK. Colic, Iei.ie. lion ri ,nt. Si H k S I DM VL If, HeHrlburn, elt. 1 Ins un;i Ui:il rcti ' .ly w trrantea nut to contain i ainnii: ;iani( io nf .!et i v.vf, or any mineral lubMance, mt ia ' PUREtY VEGETABLE, containiii? ihow S.,iie.eia Roots ami Herlis whirh an all wi,- 1 ii.vi.Il'i- h.is M e-.t III i-ounlrlt while I-vli- Ilii.i.i-1-. m-.l i-.ti.- ! It ivlll i-ure ull llar is,!( f'uit.ricil liy licriiiiKoieut of tho LiV.T hi-, I ItovolM. T l. hW.l llii of ier tomttlamt are a timer Ol l ul ta-lc in tin I;.--utli ; j'nin in the i)a k, Sides or I itiis. , ttn im-.taKe-i f.-r Khrmnansm : 4lir SuiiiihcIi ; l oss ol .'tppeiiu-; lluivci:, alternately live iir,,1 I.tv ; Htv.iW-o; Loss of Memory, with a l-aiunil fiiii-.u-.-ii h.o;..;; t:oli-l to do soinel llinir 1 lii. h au( ht to have U-. n tionu ; lli'liillty; Low Hplrita; n thick, ycil-iw ai,-e:n aiiLe ol the bkin anj J:.yes : a ilry I oliiili, olten mistaken tor l onsiimlmn. rtiscasc. :,( ollo-n. v.i V I- w ; I lit ill,. l.tvuK. the larce't omeunies liianv ol these HVii'Ploins atteria uie :..n in th, l- - lv, is j-.i-to-i a ! the s-at ot the disease, 1 if not I'.-.-tii.,!. .! in time, jtieal sulivrin, utiteh- edii.-i j -.-,-! Dl-.ATii I he I, lown i; l.i;.h v este. d I ,-rsons a'test to the rii; ,e- oi : i s 1 -v s h ..; i -. ton ; l.en W.b. II .'I, Pies lia. ? . . k U I.-..: Kev. j. K. lelder, l'eir, ,i il . t. ,.! i'. K i si'.ij, A:bar.v, t i.,.; I . Master. i.m,l-:se.;-:.ini' i I'lo ,i,',.i., I A l.ut's, ltainliiide. , la-v. J u i.-i-;..:, .m.il. :. I-iirt u t-oweis, t. I',i. S V. 11. K. ; H it. Alsx.in.ler K. Stephen!. e ha- e t. si-i i-s slimes oils. -npilv. and know Chat tor l):,- p.sia. eii,i.iie-i i nd 1 inohlinin Heinl- ailie.it is the list I1I..1' I'. w.irl.l evci Saw. We itaso ttied h tlv oihe; rr,,i,.sn I . h i s S'liiiii-n,s t.ivtr Ket:iilal' r. ai d none of ili. ii, ease lis inoie than ttni. t"ir.i;y :ei:el , th-. h-. a at r n t -adv reiieird. biiteUrect I." tb. I'lu.i.oi-.vi n at.:, Mi s-.u.-.-ouit. MACun.ljar M. .---Srti:T' W,-1 : "M l IIY J. II. ZitfUS CO., Vh.1.,,1. -Ihii.. , WHOLE NO. 400 Highest of aU in Ltavtning To COL. 5UIMrCCH DE.D. Mt. I-l.-rsiRllI-" Mont Kold t lllffon I' ms -.on Awiiy coiiMlilruunM 'r Po- lltlrnl, tlilltai-y, civil, Mornl, Eilii entlfinnl and Kcr-IfNtRMtlctal Ncrvl-w We chronicled Friday the not unexpected demise cf Col. John Ol I. sr. Tk i . joniirpocn, mt. neasants moat; ogeu vid most conspicuons citiz-m. Hia death occurred last Friday morn ing at 15 minutts piet six o'clock. Col. Shimpoch is well known in the county by all aged citizens Ilia public career Das not been con spicuous in tbe county within the spbero of the younger gtmeratio' lie was magistrate tor many j pairs before the war when more eminent aeryices and henor attached to the office. In those days tbe subject formed an efficient ami active mem ber of the "oort of Pleas and Q lar. tor sessions, called the coonty court, which disposed of esses of less gravity than required the skill of the Superior court. He represented the county in the Legislature in 1835 or there about. He took the title of Colonel from the militia service then the exponent of patriot and chivalric pride He was one of the founders of N'ortbCtirolios ColVge mi served in its board of directors through some of its sever est crisis and resigned the presi dency of the board to complete hie retirement from public charges to await tbe end of al! liying beings which was delayed bevond his own expectation. He was no less a fac tor in organizirg the Lutheran church in Mt. Pleasant and of building that neat and loyely sane tnary. No canse of Christianity, education or morality f filled toinlist his substantial support. He was successful in bis business enterprises and was noted for free dom from anything dilatory. , In his farming operations ho was al ways ahead and apparently easy. He gathered stout him a sufficiency of this world's goods and for many yeart bns seemed free, frota care in that direction. He married iu his e.trly manhood Miss Elizabeth Barrier, of the well known Barrier family in that com munity by whom he was the father of Mrp. L G Heilig. Being bereft of ber by death, he found in Miss Christina Miller a companion aud helper till the end of his life. Bj her he was the father of the late Mrs. Capt. Cook and Mrs. AC Bar rier, now the only living member of his offspring. It was a source of pleasure to him in his latter years to view around him his hale, sprightly and attractive grand chil dren. Ths deceased was admonished about two years ago tbat the begin ning of the end of life bad come when he was stricken with paralysis from which he was ntyer again able to walk alone. Recently other strokes haye followed und the end to which he looked with resignation aud even cheerful expectation came us above stated. He celebrated hiB 9ih birthduy ou October the 7tb with his interesting relatives about him, He was buried Saturday in his Lutheran cemetery lot The funeral service were conducted by Rev. M Q G Soberer at 11 o'clocK. C.t It In Itorh-e nutl vVhkuii ausl nil l.iiitly It':. Dt puty Collector R S ILirris cap tured a blockading cut lit Friday morning about daylight on Coddle Creek near the Sum Pha r place in No. 2 township. The property is supposed to be that of one Uinsou, of bianly county, and consists of one gray boree, one hack, harness and au empty keg. The man in charge made his escape. The gov- eminent 8 plunder was brought to the city and is at Brown Bros, sta bles. Sen notice of seizure else where. What tlie liiillNtH Have Done. The Baptists in the State, east of the Blue Kidge, have hud this year OS missionaries at wink and say $15,000 is expended in their work. On these mission fields alone there haye beeu this year 1,000 additions to mission churches and 110 mission churches are no In course of erection. For aU objects 120,000 h-.s ben collected from mission ohurcbes during the year. Forty-six new church buildings have beeu built by Baptists during tbe year. Winston Sentinel. vcr. Latest U.S. Gov't Report '1 BSwsfffffi&sa 3 tivd PREVENTED A WhECS. Wllkphboro riiasenicrr Trnlo FUcftil Kohu by a Younc Lady. A Mies Forester, of Wilkes county, prevented what might have been a wreck to the Wilkesboro passenger train, Monday afternoon. A horse, in attempting to cross a testis bear the 07 ih mile post, fell aud was unable to get off without assistance. Miss Forester saw the animal, but was unable to rescue it from tbe approaching train. Going up tho road for half a mile, ehe awaited the arrival of the train which she flagged down. Capt. Hawkins and hia engineer appreciated the net, and new thn genial captain is going to ask Miss Forester to give him the 11 g with which she, perhaps, sayed bis life as well aa those of several other people. T-'Vinaton Sentinel. Altar tue Long Arctic Miilil. The inhabitants of the little vil lages in the arctic circle have nearly three mouths of steady night. It is the annual custom that on the day when the sun riics above ;';e hori zon after the long season of dark, ness tbi iubiniitsats all stand .in line, facing the returning orb, and g;cec it with a military salute. No other iCiCt than thut of palenesB of complexion is discernible in the un lives after this Ion t time at tight. Tlit pallor soon i .sies away wi'h tbe sun's return. Iu Bodo the sun can be seen nt midnight on June 3; in Tromso it can.be seen ou May 20; in Uammcrfcst, or as far as the North cape, ;hs ltidnight sun may be sec-u as early aj May l. cr 10. . flfew York Herald. Anicluvlw All In. As required by law the men elect ed to office have all made affidavits before Clerk James O Gibson as to the cost of conducting the cannpaign, Fallowing io tho amounts paid out: Commiijaior.ers 7 H Elnme and E P Be&l and J L Stafford, for tickets $3.75.' Surveyor MalcoJm Lentz, 25 cents, a Cotton-weigher Biggers $39. Treasurer C W Swink, campaign1 f and, $75. Register of Deeds Weddington, campaign fund, $75.20. Sheriff M L Buchanan, campaign fund, $40. Legislator A F Eileman, cam. paign fund and incidentals, $26.62. O D Barringer, campaign fonda for Cabarrus and Stanly and inci dentals, $30.10. Magistrates spent from nothing up to $1 on their election. niuvrn Strike. Three thousand five hundred mi ners struck Saturday in Jackson county, Ohio. The operators wanted to reduce the price of mining from 01 to 45 cents. The prospects are that au eurly compromise will be eilectcd. KER LIFE TRULY SAVED. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Does It. Mrs. Chris. La Point, a woll-knnwnrralrtfmfe of iKmvor, pntisos thin wonderful rnmedy. lior tost (uiouy tiiioii Id cunvinco till a.- to tho wnrth of ihopit-w llnartCure und Kentnni tlvo Nervine. Hop luttordutcd fcopL UUi. m4 MH8. La I'oint, 2137 HuiiiboMt 3U Typhoid fever loft mo with h.'fcrt trouble of ttie mr,t mtIuus imturo. NottiluK tho diKtors iulvo had any flfoi't. I had wvfrp painsin the heart, and was uriahltt to lltion Uiy lt-ft aide for vorr than three) minutes at a time. My heart seemed to ndsa UiatH, and I had fiinol hcrlny .hijoIib, in whlrb It RiMtiixxl every breath would t-e my lau Wo accA atiuviy fc-tw an auveriibcnieni ur Dr. fiilcs' New Heart Cure bottle of arli. After taklr: thf reimJifw a week, 1 cuuld t-e ll?ud J;, i.fi rr and 'it an Imur, und In a "hurt llr:'e 1 v.n ahln ti do lnrht lions" irk. I 'nli ho evi rrnt4'ful toyou for vuur wi ntiorlul inodlcliicci. Truljf they buvod toy lifo. MK PIIAS. I A lOINT. Pr. Kflofl Tlor.r C, ( . sold on :i nnHlf lvr cuatantoo i hat-tin: lii--t. h'L( to will r-ji liu Alldnia.ritMBo!Mtatli. fl U.uli'H fnrft,or It Will UiM-l.t, IT- T-a H t ! re.'rint r.f prlCtl ty the i-ii. MilUb Mut4cal Co., LlkhurU LiuL Dr. Miles' Heart Cure M-,'i3iV. fOJi SALJ-.Ji ALLMlCQlb? .w. -. s"'V

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