J )ArvD ,,6,.'..-. " :... ..Ht Vi.-jtift.-.j: .,. '..aiifc.:-i;Wj.,i.-ifc.'.fc.'j- THE STANDARD. ;THE : STAIIDARD PRINTS HIE TJTTA TnT IS XEtt'S . . i for 1 Year " f WHOLE NO. 402 i' Send us 1 Dollar. 5TAIM IDA -TURN-OUT ) :i V t ii GOOD - JOB -.WORK m aJ lam AT LIVING PRICES. VOL. IX--NO 45. GIVE US A TRIAL CONCORD N, C.. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1896. EO VAN UOMIU1DE. Jont Inatantly till led by (squirt Ita. fcr rowing Inmilta Ilrlng-a Ke Meiitnient That Acclilemnlly Turns IntoMlayliiir. "nm the oaliabury World we Ir.rs that, Robert Jodcb, colored. whs thot and instantly killed by F jnire Ed. Barber, near Cleveland, onto count;, Wsdnwday night. T; 0 fc' couoecbd with the tjjc ffOTa to be about as fallows: Joti"! was a teuant of Mr. Barber'? itiirj living on Mr. Barktr'g land. Tbff Tjonse in which ha lived wac about 300 yirda from Mr. Brbt-r's boats. A. difference arose aboat fme local (Tain and Jum ru at Mr. Barber's at a corn trucking. P'celings of warmth nre and Jonei wtnt off enraing Barbw all the way home and tfcfw becane mar vio lent. Mr. Barber orderrd kin to desist from hit fknlai and with hi pL' gun In lsnd proseod&d mfor.ie the demand when Jones be ctuna more flerce instead of broom ing quiet Mr. Barber strock Jones with ibe ninzzle of bis gun when, to bis horror tho gnu fired, blowing off tbs top rf Joce'i had and kill ing him instantly. Mr. Barber prnct ded te Salisbury and employed Lawyura Overman d Clement and uecrsted httnse'f fill further dvel OpmelitS. A caronn'a jury rendered a er t1 ot ; f accidental honioeide. Air. Barber is highly esteemed iu hi; i - ighboi hood and much regre' if ii for the unfortunate partici i -i.o , in this calamity. lni.h Mplaa Following- Ucn. l.co. Cot sul General Lee's friends do not know whether to be amused cr aitiaZ"! at the difcovery made today that t to of the spies who are being . p iid Ly the Spanish minister out of a largo "secret service fund" which hs h?en allowed him by the Span fo.h 1'-vernment bave been following Uotioul General Lee's movements ever ;nee he rehinjod to Washing tonWashington Dispatch. O.xiora, DruKKlNta and KoiiIImih Umr. Dr. and Mrs. Sam Montgomery enVrUtined most royally the doctors drug Bts and dentista of the city Thnr day evening at 0 o'clock din n r. The menu was pur excellence mm! t'ie occasion waa one round of , Hv, '.re. . rroiu Ihe Orniiu 'y. ft Dora Boat has a lemon tret it, u' I sB 43 lemons on it, twenty-one !.. ones and two rips ones. Mr. Jack Shuping, who waa rnn rinv; fn 'he Western Rtilroad, i-i vibi.ing his mother. Mr. Burt Rymer and Mils I'.ame were married last Thursday J-tmea Anguetus Beaver, who lost a Gngtir laat Bpring while coupling care in Salisbury, baa gone back to work for the Southern. There will be a Chrutmaa tree at Orean church Christmas day at 10 a, ni. " ' L W S Bos sold turkey Monday for $.80, being 10 cents p(r pound Tha school at lower Stone church, ttiightby Mr. Ritchie, of Stanley, hai 'een iiuHpended. Mr. lii'cbie. unfortunately, took cbarjro of t hii school, which has hi on uidcr li e rhi.ge of very cflloirut ttadie s . ! v,aa a little too far advm.ced for i!r J.itchie, so he resigned. Wiur. Mother love U n.ixeil with daily, tim'rly sacrifice The love iiicre.is ca with the sacri fice it entails. The more a mother sulfen and endures for her little one, the more precious it becomes. Sli 1. .,.,, it v...,,,.. slie has labored ' I. nn.1 iifW.r! fn. it.. The pliysica) organs concernt-r! ill maternity or feet a wonmn'i entire ccitKUtu ticn to a il-.rc only half realized t':any doHnrs. Wonun are often -.: -d spe-ially f'r sick hcudaclus, lys .1, melanclioly, or what, is su;..';..! ft liver or kidney affection or heart a. wheu in reality the whole iron 1 vrfh the reproductive organs, flu I pfite und intricate orpinuui mo rdii.Jial treatment lor us iu.i... i,h nts U a life study for the wisest tihysi i -in l'rolubly no piactitioner liviux li. - u hihcr repute in this special dnec li,..i. than Dr. R. V. fierce, Chief Con-r-i'iiB rUysician of the Invalids Hole, p-i i iurpCMl Institl.te, of llutfalo, N. V. in l'tvorite Prescni'.on,- u; toe nio. t A remeilv ever known for ull -'fe I.- in .ii aa a a i ,uc coiuplaints." It Rets nt the source -l,'"Tro! the trouble from the inside: It is not J merely temioniry, extenwl, local, bol-Iteriu-up or palliative. It is a am: It directly tones and strengthens the in tcnml organi, restores them to health net regularity, and completely lwnir,hes the continual weakness, drag niiii drain which wear out body and mind. Ij iale exceeds the combined sales of nil other medicines for women. In every Amcnmn household, Ihrrc rlionUl V a copy of I)r Tierce's pirnt worU, "C. ntipu Seme Mr1ieal Ailvlcer." u pui;.-, l'li-l r.tl. .1. One copy ft-rr 1c any rtiMn-H on lerci.U ul 21 oiu eent Ftunitm to puv for tilnilillK onh. Wia"l'l I piiveuMi Mcdkai 4w.Kisliui , Uuutlw, K. V. THANKSGIVING. How IIWiu Fnjojcil In Coneorit -4 Union Norvlca Iter. Inillfr'a Ikln coiirae "AmerU-a" Onr Pr;dc. Tbatik'glving uecmed a day of gladness uud j y ti most of our people. Man) c'.osed their bue'ntsf place aud iitgegi:d in recrtali e sports out of town. 0 held pii(;r.el in social gatherings aud festive p'easures. bome Bonght txniiiara tion in that most brucing c! all oat iogs, in teams and Tchicl' a ; but to mnny all festivities !re unpaiauM. nd joys are limit 1 if thecsnciuarj s not the chief among joys. Di. JC Pavit h-jld a Thanksgif ug service at All Sainte' Eucopal church. Besides au appropriato dis course the seryie was rendered r.t tractive by ppfciullj selected music r.d a collection consisting of money, clothing, He., o b besewd on Diorapson Orphans at Oharlotts A most delightful ft attire cf the lay was. the gathering of pastors, Alemnder, Parker, Devis nnd ifil- ler and parts of their congregations 4)id others t the Firvt Prssbjtcritii oburoh, where each of the pastors nmJ took part in the Tkfaksgiv- log Bfrvic. Rr-v. VTiltr i-T'jaois&d the trrmon from the U-xt : ''Lot the pecpJe prui e thee, O God ; let ull the peo ple prsuo taee. Then shall the ear'.h yield her increase, and God, eve n our God, shall b!o68 us." The speaker dwelt on the virtue of gist itud-.- and the beauty of Thauksgiy tng aud praite. Uo (Jwe:; ,'.'eo Witt dsli'ht oa thv fact thr.t this great nation, with all iib proyreca ntd all its immense business, and in epite of the fact that there la much wicked ness to be deplon-d, when ctlied bj its chcBen head to conform to thie our established custom, closed iif bus'utsa and hashed is noisy ciut ter in honor of Him wb ) rules in the kingdoms of men. If wic' en Sodfm would hnve been B.vted for ten righteous this laud, with bc miny who reverence and adore II:rp( mnst receive bis lovin;; care au protection. The lato campaign said the speaker, was abao b -d with the great i:stna to vigorously coi: tended for by the respective parties But the two eudneut men that were olios n by tho people U clniuipion the respective causes were therniC'lv e living powers in the kindai'i (f grace, and no great calam:ty cou'd overtake us whila such tru. pic!) marks our chosen leaders. The epealer reminded the peep1 of the Ihreatpned war betwa-n tin two greatest nations on the earth, that for a while caused much anxiety. But the fa.it tha'. Englsnt: and the Uuiied S'srs were two ol the most Chi Istian lands, inudti ii possible to avert the war, tnl nrbi tratioD, ihe outcome cf Christianity, pointed to our swords m;.do nt plow shires and our spears in pruning books. The speiiker claimed that tb gren'iiefs of onr lending nutiout rtBid on Cliriiitiaiiity, and thtf ' ibribt.iaiiity rea'ed on the f bs rvante e-' ihe Sitbbtth u Gotl's rtppnintpri day of rest fron onr ordina'y 1 bors to turn our m;n-ls from th- n lo the Source of nil irood. A collection -m taken for U'i Oi'jdianage t Barium SprlngH and aujuuuted to $24. The church whs nlmoit full tl attentive lisU nerc, the rnmic C !' well i i a noble part. As the church was being v. cited tie orfjtm pealed forth that grnnd oil n itional nir "America" nnd we regretted that i wits not len t echoing ov: r Ihe' lam' by every voice of llio-re who !o'' God und ont.trv. UluotiierN. 'I'lultlH, Itlvlilt-tl SklrtN mid p'ltlrt Wnlsfn arc Clitrrrtl. MrNTC-oMitv, l., Nov, S5 It p rcsentuti' e Timb-. t!uk in rod need bill inio G'ljfva! As-etnb'v tod iy. set kinc to mike it nn!afiil for itrv ftma'e to wear tin y ar:ic'e i f mrrt'c oluthine, nr any tiostunr; that up pei to the passions of men, '''he bill specifically prohibits the wear ing of blooni'-rs, tights, efiyiJoJ sk'rts and shirt artis's. nr. I'.ryiiii'K l.illle lliiiiuliK-r III n idi f:tlilllertil. Omaha, Neb., Nov. 2d. A f;-u ciat to the H'e, frmn Ij'i cooi, ?'iv- : ';R:iti, tho young daugh'er of Hon. IV J Bryan, is ill v i li diph theria, and the family r-3 d ue! wus this morning plan -J uud-r q'lsran. tine. The oil i 1 lj condition io not romidered dangerous." Dr. Miles' I'uln I'llL) bUiy tluttduulia. SHORT LOCALS. Tho elra t:o:'3 along our beautiful Blreuts are put ' irg forth bud-, a v.ould La.uriiiy be the caao iu spring tiuuj. Mr. T F Poteat. of No. 4 town id ip, haj got ctj Ricbuioud to li 'e, L.vviag occu.-ud a pooltioa in tLa! Ci;y An imrr.enro lot of factory ma chinery ia toiitg hauled cut to Sit. P easant. The will will be in opera tion VtiLliin a few more weeks. Miss Emma Freezo, dang'.it'.r of Mr.. A M Fret-zfl, of Mill Hill, pawed II r ugh the city going to Novrelis, wbore the will visit rsiativeu. Mises Lncia and Iva Parka enler j tained a large party of friends at a sociable Inuraduy mut at taeir ftoaie near Harririburg. George W Cald well, a tneaanic vrho lives in Ctiarlotlo, gathered Htrav? berries from his girtian cn Thaukrgivitgdiy. Monroe Fulaam, etc -13 mars, died at his he coy in No. 3 township TLui'btlay of pneumonia, ilia re mt'ins vt i re buried at Bhiloh ctuircb K.-ir':'.y. Mr. Charles II A Plume, poxi of onr towasman, Mr. W JI Bin me. arrivsd in tho city Thursday from Linton, Iud.,ar,d will make Ihia city U'S hoaie fur an indefinite turn a. R3v. P M Trexler, of Ciiius Grove, spent Thanke-giving day in the city wuh Mr, asd Mrs. Smith rfriupine-. His many friends were glad to aeij him on our streets ua'n. Thfro wera two break-downs on tho f.treeta at the earno linid Thtirs day. Ti e- runnirif- vvora.-i t f tit front end of Cori ;s 'bua a-i i toe seine particular parts of Browo B'op. 'bus broke down. The broken vehiol b vfoia toon repaired. M ". G .3 Ilurtwi! spent Thursd-tj at Ml. PieaHDt with his iiaroriti, il-. and Mrs. W S Harwell. Re. turning, M.r. HartRei! brougtit Ti e S'iandaiid r.u orungo itia, y.u plucLcd fr-.'ir a t:-c (tr.iwn l y lie mothf-r. lie flnveir wn p?nnot voueS for, but it s fragrant odor equals tb U of the oruugo bioosJoi iUoii. Tho Htreot fe,.co ia prerooting at a rapid rata in trimmin:; the hill en Ct rbin s'.reot, tl'is side i i the dopnt. Tiie bill has been cut through a depth cf from 3 to 5 lest on oi e sitte, leaving Fisher'u fore at an elevation of about 8 feet from ti e street. Free fil page medical referent book to eny person ailheted wi L any special, chronic or duiicaie dis ea;ie peculiar to their sex. Addret tha leading phybicians and bu 2'ooh of the United States, Pr Hr.'.La-.vay & Co., 22?. Sou'.h Bror.d Sueot, Atlanta, Ga. Tho orilv inharilanca many ro ce:ve froni their flnces'ors isimpui'e bleotl. J1 ortunateiy, it is in every olio's to eiansinit a cleaner heritate to their p.-'Le rity by Ine niinple u e of iytrV S'irf ';"irill'i., the on'y bit od-p'oi'ilijr admitted at the Ch. caro v'c i Id's Fair. Ailr. Tj RIljo, olico a ic.uon1 of thie city and who is now on tht road Et-liing buggies, spent Friday night in the city. II bad not visited Concord in quite a while and of course made mention of tbt- noticeable progree-j of bubintes and improvemcuta going on just now. Scio'ula is one of the most fata; among the scourges which n 111 ;ct uiankitid. Chronic sorc-H, cancerous numors, emaciation, and coneump lion, uro the rt bulls of scrofula Ayt-r's Sar-apari!ls. eradicates tbb piii'-oii, tt id restor e, to the blood, the clean uta of lifu aud health. Tht: W'ailesboro Messenger er.ya : ' i'is comes from Morven that tin .idt'anop i:g'-ut of prosj e 'ity ' ia rt ork litur toat tnrivug village .Sine'- tin e.tctitm the coin mill ol J C .Met; in has been at work oi nil tio.e ai.d it is fna:ed as a fac tuat at It-u.it oiH biiaijt.l of gottl ii i a I is banig ground thcro t-er) lay." l" . ; . ,J r, v. T .. A V JLI w-J U a at a. Any sariaarilla Is f:,rr,.ipa tllla, True. So any tea is tea. So an) flour ia flour, liut grades differ. Yen mint the b.il. It's sov.ith sara.-.p.irilla. There are grades. You want the best. If you understood sarsapariila as well as you do tea and flour it would ba easy to determine. But )u don't. . How should you? When you aro going to buy a commodity whose value you don't know, you pick out an old established house to trade with, and trust their ex perience and reputation. Do so when buying sarsapariila. Ayer's Sarsapariila has been on t'.io market 50 years. Your Grandfather used Ayer's. It i3 a reputable medicine. There etc many Surjuimrlllxa lut only ouo Ayer's. It ) carea. r n Ou Wednesday lal ;Ir. Milton Murpii nd Mies Mig'-ie Neielet. both of Nj. o township, were mar ried. Rv. II A MuCuIIoug'1, who ha? been laid up for a month or longe: Ktih.rlit'umatija, ha gono to visit lii: old lioruc and uioihor at Pros petite, S. C. John Morgan, colore-!, ww sent t) jail ThtTsdjy for btp.'iug bi wil'o. His line nd costi amounts to S7 SO, and il be ononot pay out, ho will go lo ti.o cbuia gaog. The bright light in" the heavens nortbwrtt (.f the oily Thursday night last v. as oceaeioned, by ihe bur.-ir.g t;f a brush hrap on tbo plantation of Mr. James Linker. Miss Mauuie Yost, aged 23 ycarf, died at ber home in No. 5 township itiurfday night after ft pr'traoted illnos". The remains of tho' younp woman were interred Friday at Mt. Mitchell church yard. Mr. Charles Robbins, who once clerked for D P PayTault, bat now located at Millingsport, Stanlv county, will move hero the fjret ol January and wui tngagein ttiegen eral merchaadipa-busiut'ss. The Standard is pleased to learn that tho family of Re-girster of Wdp weauingt.on wi,i soon move to town. Mr. Wuddinglou 1 will live out at the eld fa:r jtouihIs in South Concord. Cards aro out snnonncir? the marriage ol Miss Lola Male Hall to Mr. Geurr B Cratw, both of Char lotte. Ttie eviuit will take p'aijo in Try on street Methodist church of that citv V, tdnestiay evening, .Da cember l)th, at 7:30 o'clock. ' : ; Tho wifi of Fireman Howard, who wan killed in the wreck near Round Knob last week, denies that she has entered suit agsinat tie Southern Railway for dauaagen. It aj beer, stated that sho had cntir ed suit for 8r0,000. Tho Raliibury V.'otld E.".ya that Torn J -hnfor., who 01 to hed u1 Concord with his father vho now lives at Bessemer City, was arrested Thi-rbday night tor sieuling a bicy. ole from John HsiKU'rson, Jr. Jobn-e-tin waa put under a bond. Mr. Cioveland will maka hi? borne iu Princeton, New Jersey, rhen becomes out of the White House with bis load tf denuncia tion from part of the Amer'can peo ple and his crown of honor and reverence by equally as many. The secret of speedy euro in eiek- uesa lies iu selecting tho proper rcuieuy an i mis is uimauii io no uulet-s oue is sure what the ailment ia. But one thing is sure, had the liver bien actively tt work sicknte could not. have come. It is tbor always rittfe to lake Simmons Liver P.cgulator which keeps the liver well regulated and all -poison ex pelled from the system. Monroe corres pontlence to Char lotte Oont-rver : A faw days ago n lartldaughter of Mr. John Gia-.ly, a .veil-known citizen of the upper partof Anfon county, died. That oieht Mr. Grady sat up with the c-if p.-'P. He was in perfect health, hot, very much grieved at th" death of the child, whoso be hud adopted. Suddenly, without a word or a struggle be fell over dead. I'ttP Allow. . We are pleased with the B.-lfoid show. . . Tha acrobatic iierfoimanoes are amazing and display the possibili ties of the human body when nib j-cted to thorough training, ami they tend to heighten our concep tions of man physically, in hurmon.i with man intellectually. The contortions shake us op n; our ideas of nian'd coas'ructicn au 1 e wonder that there itre not differ, eui anatomical classifications of the oumau body tint treat of one kiud of joints, tendous and muscles foi common people a'td another kind el joint for such as Mr. Crawford "A little nonsense now and tin i. is relished by the best of men ' u : the clown makes you laugh at him aud then laogh at yourse:f for do ngao. But we have no terms in wh'ch to Bfeak cur pra's?a for Mr. Bun's baud. It is simply superb and we are cut lua. ooncora is oeing treai-.d to uiiisio of such high order We rarcy h.iu eu opportn-ii'.y to lis'tn to such lloffii:;; lnroi-..uy aoo such pleasing ri; ti:tu. The show ts n whole, is i.io.l s: and t-.liiis'e and ne.ds no fcu-i agtru lo make it, ailini; . ib'e for tt'i vho arc not religiously oppcs.d lo.iio.vs An Itaec-lleitl C'ttnerittoti. The Chaii-dv 0 ..u-fver' t lis tho following of a eoi.ei i't jivrn by a group of ch -I I en, all of v. ho :t are known ben : "Mies Lottie G.a and Dr. M'st-nheimer's b -j 1 I hni'o day af teruoon guve n concei t tit the residence cf Dr. M'sciibHiinT, for. tht b.ne'i; of th R't-'c.ic Uoiue. It w.iS an exrei'cs.t eoecep ioa h'-.d alTordod much eojov in. ut to itio.e present. Mailer Jay presided at the piano, und Fred handle! tin' mnndoliu, Mi-bcj Louise Wadsworth and Litiie Gruy, who aro Eii.-piis-mgly good elocutioLis's, nciied several pie vs. " RAILROAD NEWS. Tlte Kortufike sntl Kumtteru AellJrett for g iOO.OOv-.Wilt itnlin Kttensloii to Mourn. Mhlell (Vli,l itlttt Through l'atJnrrtis--( Ittso Xiallle Arrniteiaeitt lo he 91ft!tt WiiU (lie H A, I.. Hlil L Will lleiK-'.lt I'm. New Yokk, Nov. 5. The 11 atid Exprew saji : The sa'.o of the Roanoke and Southern, nt Winston, N. C, jesterduy, to intereets idt-nti lied with (he Norfolk and 'Weete-n, h-.e (.reu'.tr bitiific.iuce tbau the sale of a line one hundred i nd twenty adieu long in rvomp.ira liveiv poor cotmuy oaitauslly pc. RriiHtfl Thii nain.-rlv una bi.-l f m , .f , ,d t nill eoon bo leased to tho Noifolk and Western f r a long teim of years, perhaps in perpetuity. The roaJ Ir.s been operated by tho Nor folk aud Wee'era for eomo time ao oae of ilt 'livisions and if extends from Ro-uokr, Va., to Winsloii-Ma- itui, jn. v., a uistuiico ot one fci.u - d rod aid twenty two milcn. 1 o' oojeot if the erqumt on by the f Noifolk and Western menus that it! ia lo play bu important ia.rt in t he extensions of the company which has for its ol j ct tl.e rtst.ehii g oe" tke Ctnfral sad import .nt p.vi, b. The prierut nia8r.;tRijt of ti." Norfolk and Wes'arn is dueirotii oe securieg au entrance in o Ailauta, frcm tth'ch important ecu ire it 1,; virtually shut out Tho Southern main line of the- company extends from Ilageis'own, Md , to Bristol, Tenn., and ai the latter points the Ett:t TtnnosB'.'i1, which is part of tin- Sonthern Railway begins an. I Lauis the through c.ird to Chottanoot'a and to Ntw Orlt-au8 over tho Queen ai.d Cresceti'. The de-oirabilily of ua cntr.iuco into Atlanta is ver) strong in the estimate" of Norfolk and Western interests cud it iii proposed to attain toat t,ijet t ly forming a onr-o t.-fiiO aiiiiuci with the S. A. L. In order to make thu ooio.ileie ii will bb nrcirsary for the N. & W. to ila some building on its own account, and this it propotes to do in the very near future. The Roanoke & South, eru'a tt rtuiuiis is ut Vi'iustan. liv building au extension to Monroe, a divisional point on the Seaboard Air Lice, the desired ooraitction can be mi.t'.e, and the Norfolk cc Westtru will then be only 27-J iinlej nr. ay from Atlanta, Tl'at the Bciloarf Air Line c u!tt;.nv-rt vriil tec die muttiit! VeutOta from in a'lini Ld mil enter upon the earne is un Joubteu if for ao other reauon thaa on outlet lo tli2 No-t'i '.".! Wis., is ere; .ted r, hioh v-.iil do.iMk'SS form a ft rinide.ble rita! for Sou. hern trad.. The Seaboard Air Line bJ senu very interesting plans of develop ment ahead, but the combination with he Norfolk & Western will strve to materially strengthen the B'rong Btra'egetio position it holes in the Southern situation. It can well r.fford to haul Norfolk & Wes tern trains fr.on Monroe to Atlanta, beeuuse au interchange of business reveals the fact that the Ohio cities ilk be brought in conlaot vri ! h the South by ane ) -i e, which vir tually nitans anot! r Iilc from the West itto Atlun'u. Tlu? coueuuiniatiou of the pro posed pl. ns is a niatt-.r of the nei.r future The Norfolk jfc Wta'ern lti tends to be a st-oter bidder foi Southern budoesa, of wbit h Atlan't iii the ceuimon diilri'onting point and to thitt er J it pruposi-s to work up extensions ami conn-ctioiu. The i fT jrte? of tha enti rprijii.:: men t f this cilytiho Lave labored diligently for the securing of the ia'oard Air Line to this plai-t availed nothing. -The moveni'i.t has fallen thronIi, bnt .e have been unable to learn ar.y r;ood re.. eon why it shonhl. The signd'catine of the nbove . re ticle coneeniing ihe rx'trsioa of the Ohr.o'ao & S-utI Ot;i Ia that it will i e-e.-t'a; ily rnn throug'i C -.ban us eouuty on to Monroe. Tl.e old Sur vey will takf the line th.-.ej,;i e t.ru C bai'ius and ny Mt. Pleas With i a cuiicen-rated tfl ut t n the part of our reop'e, if tl.ey reiilij Willi t cempe'ing line to t'eis poinl hav.', or will lmve, an npvHr'l!i!.'y of getting soinetbiiig let'e-r tiinii ihe Seaboard people could furnish tit for a grcii di'itl Jess moiu-y. Now. 'he thing to J i is to lm.-tle anc bring the newly c.mteirpla'etl cx tension of the Rjaiiolce Sou'.horc here ForPittle. A nir" faru. of 107 ao'OR S mt'n east of Davitirioii on C'Mtord rood, good wat.-r, li ao orrdiard, and Pjjlen. did loculity. Terms to suit poi cha?er. Call on or addre-'s J. Lkh Si.oas. Ju . d2G Davidsop, N. C. ...f. ft- ile..- ir-:l'l 4"? '..; t. 'll-'-e ' ANOTI1F.!; EN'NESR K 1 1. LEU To;; llitt t'atte ol' '1 elefteoitU'iS Trnliit itt Laurel 21U-nitliier C'Si yfttti Inrtlntill liiilcfl. ' A comb'.iaUoo ti.uu wi h sl-.e-ntr atiached it 1' V.'iiarnaton sulliuientlj a'jeau of a- titra thtirfday mlr- iiif- At Lututl Hill tha Rloepc) 11 ind ttvo br-x cara uniin limt while shifii. some c.rs ont there. The -e le ' '; on the t'.o c.ev were o bo cl-opptil eiv-naiH were set properly, bnt owiii?; to tv.e fog En gin'er Clayton did not see them in time, at he came unexpec'edly aioii'. lio revc-.'i'sd Ur motion of Ins engine and ti'-nmp ;c t j'irr but itl caught Sttweeti 1 he engine and tender und irfitac'lv killed- Ths firenmn did not nttrmps to jump and wan tiLhiirt. A man in 8 sleeper brth wr-s tbrc-vrti nt bet not scrions'y hurt. Engieter Cl.-iy'on hit'1 btcn fear fa! 'y RC '.lde- ' and for jt in dls'.'.'lci.' ihy an ovticn cf hn '..f )5 f: i by Jvh rai n o'l-e. i!uc!i .r- 1 tlatsoi'iana ae : territ'o end, KEN Nil IT ENTERTAINS. A MtmptrtoitN NiitTter-'ftyNti;rN, Mttl TonM. I.10. Mr, J A F'nnnrt t't-W-f Vd b Rf.tio. si hididtty vvi'li ru o.tter sup per in hoi or of bis (inplover, Mr W ii Odeil, a,v.' ci.;ht of his a--o-ci '.'el' in d:.i'y cuairiesa, v-'i'li lie. Poysenr and 'J'hk Kta.isdar nw, who is proud to be th i uncla of the hosiers, Mis. Keiiiic! t, who knowt ij veil how to pleafe th j)n!r.te of ti. . e : j ! f J-r:-a': brings Wo 1 tiii;-i Bt... L e . ;.: ;i: ,; v.! eating i,u(t who geo ai Afttr : y r : ' an . - . i by their e'eeil.1 ::io,t ploaeau1; .:-.t V":i3 rrj . ;': tt.r nioi- rt 'i-t. 1. , . t ue ttt l , thin .is nr.u teeia'e 1 u! r 'r.:- carrvnitr wi us the piel Uioa! -rrai' appciiit s 1 ir.inres. and I'll it i. v-l . eiiMiittli. Jim I'V'i.;, a yct.i',.; u.'tj. living at Cunoii vilh', wss out for a sp'n T'lanL'S-'.ivi'ii! ).-.y, iinil COl.St ii.g uon.i 'be tteep T-Mla mvoiu: i Mr. F A Archibald's, on Nor lb Citiirch ct;ue, bii? pants ley wo.t eauUt in the eioiir., tV;oir, hit'i with Ic-rribie force upi-n rock. H:.j right ear was eu! neuiif off, a borri o'e ra -b ent over iii? right tt c-!e .uu isis f-...t wus ' l'o lily" rl-.!r.ne.t. l!o wis ir: r. tie.ine.l j.; ji 1 hours .i.i'el'f.io'i. 1C Cii. that H-f-lll :.. i. let " IO- cond'tiof. . i A- ree-'VlH Dr. S-n-i Sloit..;."';,-; .Irtdit.l th-- won'. tie I mau, bo.t foiin t ao b-ibi-i biol-oi, Mr. P'tlb ihia lo in up U:i (Fiiday) nsi'rning, bnt f'l e vln.t ilVgnriil and vry weak f i .mi the Ices of l.lootl. His bicvele wi. i broken to pieces. Ilvotfu Rn.B. hired out two bn. gits tfcat were "tupped," having been turned ov-.r aud tho topi bro ken eff. UlilsUe, Itcaler In Jail. Lafayette Ury, a negro for whom a warr.i.'it i;:.s been in the band.; cf tiie Soeritl' since l:i-:t court, cliargirg him with Te'.ailir.i' withont liccns", i-J now :; ju i.. ii: -en -yf-im vinit ( '.tied ia 1th. ami p.lai'o-.t taero Tiiii' 'lio itr.-e-t h:wl ! 01 d couul hie )ica of iil-h' I'lle.V I'-eittt.llNlieO Mr. John f-' ii -o-. l.oar was in tov.. toliy ('tida;), ' aril while at Vio FtuissoiJ.r ti:i!l bi horse oeoemo ftighteued ami ran away. Mr. Ui.i.'ubjur ws throi'. u from the voiiiule, b.it. w.ii not hurt. Tha bugtty waj brc'ifii n,) on 1 uoJeJci titcit the purchases c-f a u. pui: of shnCts. - Tlu- I I. r V.-r 1'V- - In..-- - ' '1 ! . 1 UllO J. .. '.LC, i .11 i II Si.-r.in ol tne Highest of all in Leavening Pcwei.. M m. JOUl. DEA.TU CAME (2UICK AND UN EXPECTED. rite Oltl l.ndy Inkf-n I'unwnrea Ib an I tirtvol.laltle Accident tin Hie t'Bit-i.unillK- KkIimk II.-Htl nituhed null lioil; Itnvl.y .Httnaled-- llorrlltle Siceite. At 12:20 o'clock today (Saturday) a horrible aasident occaired on the railreftd side track at Canuonvillo, where the Canuon and Odell tiding leaves tho uain line. Tho victim of this horrible inci dent was a widow lady, Mrs. L'ei'e Bonds, 51) years of age, and wno lived with lioah Soerrili, j-iet vtw the back 1'rom wbt re the killing occurred. Ths particulars aro aoeut tjt follaw; : Mr?. Bonds wits returning '.o ber Horns from carrying dinnrr cf Mr. Sherrill, who rtoks nt tho CVntion mills. Her aos' dirt ct rouio f.-eto t to mill iicniO wa3 out Mill s roe oxiotnuoii, which ends at tho pine o wherfi sho met ber death, thot.ee d .-wa the trnc1!. Mr.1, hrr.da bad not beo.i bit. set! witi the bent (d heait'i for teeiai years and wae slightly deaf. Siio wan wearing an old time sunbuinet nnd was facing '.h.-- w:::-'. ar.-l c'lit" mvira:!? ear - ryiii- Ler ht ;:d v. itL the faco tow .id h" ground. C:;;it. EI P-ttor-ou'ei train was tnroveiitg in a car ; iib.-i herv anu iroui ueeee.-,tey uta-tuw iu Ibre, box cars from the engine, which had by the time they reached i tho b.nd in tho track, giuntd con- j eideraolo noocd. A br.tket.ian, Julei L , I Ilargravo, waa on me car next 19 the woman, hut owiog to the ob-1 ..i i. .l..trtt.ft.l -!rti'.''. liotiso vicii 11"':: ii eV not t it. to toe viow by t'ie ware bt'een the ears end the Jul.' t'i ' net f 'o t'.ie romsr :ln : f.-w .'' J, l.'at Of b" : . i 11: o e ire '.it ' t cf !":. 1 the poor be- ea..i Cei won.'.'i was i.i.uifj'e vi.e is. M;-;s:p. II J Lis ur.d W A Ru.'hll i -t.ro standing in 'he door at the bleaohery i.i.-l : i v tin hole f;!i ir, Tj?3. gentie-oitll told aSXANDAlli) reporter that the three cars were going down the track at a moderate speed, and ju-t ai the woman stepped on to th 3 track the cais were within a few yard3 of her. She was ca'iy io , several pieces of plank, which fell ou the outside of the tr.-cli while she was knocked flat between the rails when the car struck her There were no brakes on the frou' end ef toe cir, but on the reai trucks the brake! caught the wo mini, striking htr head first end throwing her body under the whet la Her head was mashed inio cruni is, while htr bo;-y was tetribly initu gled. Death w.n iiistautane.'ue. This marks the Drat f.ttaliiy on this tiding, and is .'eatiy ib-piored. The accident, nutlt c toe iircuui 8 i an cts, w-as au unavoidable oue. Mis. Bonds was tiie moi.e.r of Mr. Cicero Bon.le, a well-tf-do fnioier, who lives at Pooler 'iVut. 'I'lie remains of the dtad wouion were t-.kt n tiia.-e of by rela'ives nod covey -1 to the l oioe of Mit'. ;,lattl.ew S..frit. C pt. Patit-r.-'en and bis crew wen completely overcome by the aci di-nt, a: 1 lii-to nd around the seem f :e p eral hours. 'Tin it sail ending for uu old t.nd ii e.o.o w it in au. It II IsklN I'. !:.,i ,.iMe! li.e Di.a t-aie l. -sH-in ill I M.-ei a. .lien veieivo dene -llnnOldy o.vi- ..eii.t :n roiii. oyer aoo per cent pt 1 Milium li'i.de on lnvettnienN by L 1 b .ii ,e. t o leeiKt r-, 0.") I .t N..Y, Inve-lnrs of lids linn ili -Iril 'iietl all over tiie I 'lilted ibatc.-i anJ (.aiiwlb, .Ntiiii-e I'l rWi.iire. Se'iz-d tour Concord on the niomi'v; of i-ioveibi r I"., 1 - '.bi, tbe followirg property for violation of Internal Revenue laws of the Untied Slab:: .1 ittr.y horse, 1 hick and ht.rneee, 1 .-lii,"ty k- a? i'ot e-' n l.'i'e 'y given to all pc joi tl.i..ng 8-i I p'operty to give tiOb in te-- tor-i a.'.d lotiitur or.'- s:;r.:-M oy ;.t-v to tee ur u-rvij! '- a !.N i bi v io Asb-viBf, X. '. . ; :id ti.b s frien tin il 'te hci 'or e id property will he djlar.-J foit-it t. tothe governtin of the Ua'nd Stales. This 1 i Ii day of Nov onO r, 1890. Sa.m :;kl L Roeiis, Collector iith Dia's ci N O. R S llAiuu.;, D. C. dU. Latest U.S. Gov't Report t CHURCH DIRECTORY. St. Andrews Lutheran church annonviUe Rev -II. A.llcCuilough pastor. Suiday School at 9-30 a. ua,, every Sunday. Preaching every 1st Sunday at 11 a. m., and regular service every Sunday night at 7:00 , o'clock, excepting the first Sunday in tittc'o month. First Presbyterian church Rev. W- C. Alexander, Pastor, Preach ing everyrSunday t 11 a. m., and ! 7:00 p. m. Sttficlay sthool at 3 p. m. rrayer mootane very Wed nesday night' at 7:00 All Saints Episcopal (Lurch Rev J. C. Dayis, rsctor. Morning service at 11 a. m. aud 7:00 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. nr. Prayers' Wednta day at 5 p. in. Forest Ilill and .Cannonville Pres byteriau charge, Rev. A K Pool, pastor. Sornces at Cannon ville 11 a. m., every Sunday ex. cept the 4.h Sunday in each month; it Fores'., Hill Chapel, Sabbath school, 9:30 a. m., preaching 7 p mj Every Sabbath. Baplist Church Rev. J. J. Pay seur, pastor, st rvlces every Sunday at 11 o'clock, n. m. and 7:00 p. m. piayorinoetiii j every Saturday at 7 00 j p ro.; Sund :y Seb.oul every Sunday j at i)Aj a. m.- IVolio eordiu'.ly in- vit?u I '-'rinitr Ttofi-irnitiit ahtlreb T?AV. R Flank D;ivi, passtor. Preaching 'Tv ry Suudey itbll;a.fin. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. at :,. AO , ., 'V ,- , ..-r.ltalt-r im-lln.t. , yt, jan;C8 Lt.ib-.-ran Church, Main j ulroet Rev. Chas. B. Miller, raster, , noryiceB at 11 a. iu. and 7:00 p. m.. 1 ejunaay Cicuooi a p. m., ijutner Lobkuo 1st and Urd Sundays i p. m. Wednesday evening prayer 7.00 An uro coriiifliy i,lVitod. Tiinity ;Re'ormed Chaptl iVest Cor bin stroet, Bv. li Fiauk Davis i'netor. Sunday school at 3 p. m, I'tcacbins ct "1 p. m. All arj cor .. ,, . T,. ,T v ...... ,u I-IUDII 4. til ill A-Jt V.Uttll.U) MUUIU Rov. M. A. Smith, pastor. Preach -j iatT ft 11 c in, and 7:00 p. nuSundty ecboi -1 at !l:lo a. ni. Prayer meeting ' every j.iturdr.y at 7:00 p. m, The ! imbiio cordially invited. Epworth Li'iHuis mooting at G p. in. B..v's Cli.i.pel, MotLodist Church Rev. J. R.Moote, pustor. Sen ices i.t II a. inn and 7:00 p.m. Sunday school nt 0:"') a. ni. Centred Methodist Church-Rev. It. II . Parker, pastor, Sorvices at 11 a. hi. and 7:00 p m Suuday school at 3.0J o'clock, p m. Epworth Loat'uo meeting at 6 30 p. m. Given Awity free To advertise our goods we will give aay, absolutely free, one box of five-cent cigars.one gold ring and a sample hottle of Peeler's Pain Killer to every one sending ua fifty cents to pay packing aud postage. Address, PurtLEit Anueuson Medicine Co. Lock Box 1. Keruersyille, N. O Tore-t Hill tV.-lis. Mr. George Cleaver is suffering from toe effects of niumpa. Oof) cf our worthy citizens, Mr. J D Cngle is lying very low with con sumption. :; t Trc&k Quickly Cured. A CoiivSneliJS Testimonial. ftliv.-ij hLLA KlIllTi, "I'tir In yuiiiM t hUiVtii-fil fi-cjra heart trou l''.t. I'urinK t!.:i( '. .0 I wus trc;.U.'i by f.v-i' (IPV.ti nt pdy -i"i:in. All of them cl uiind tint I (".. I ni le cured, I wfia t,rt atly trouMi ! villi li.i"tnisH uf tipi'itlh, l):Li,,it:-Jif!i ft ul j 'i i 11 in tltB ni lie. If I lx) C:iHit excitt'ti, or cxcrTcd inym'lf in the lea-t, tho liiin in ii y sltii: l t'liiiio vrry .-u'vert). At twin.- ic frTii.i'd ;in though nwtl4$ wcrt9hflt&, tUn!'-;); vi'jtU, Snuict imv In tiio III oil til of Vvt if Vi- l-:.-:, I cr: nrihvtl taking D:t. KLZ' LEAKT CURE iui-1 utii-n ili. 11 I iiHVt- ltiipruvt'd st mllly. I c 1 1, f', . p n.t v:y I, -ft UU MHinrlhltiH I f'.n- I can -. l''i: ,:i i;,an : rid .lid In '-. I WtiUlll 1 rt ! r 'iittlti . 1 V H I hOUt .t l:i'Z. M n-t 1 rv-;l(1Vfl il III ' H (l j, f 1. OP ,1 -.f pH-ii h.ii L, Itid. 1 1 ; : ; , ty uk 1 ,,r. Jiij; ii; r ( Cure . iiLuiih bOU S. i!.h r.Y WLL Il'i'(iJh W : I ''' V .."

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