THE STANDARD. -TURNS OUT GOO -JOB-WORK AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL THE : STANDARD PRINTS THE TANDARD. JtEWb TUAT 18 NEWS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. VOL. IX-NO 46. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 18961 WHOLE NO. 403 The ON ROANOKE ISLAND 1h9 jfonnmeiit t'ommemurittlve ol Sir WMltr Knl-itb Coloay Dedicated. Raleigh, N. (J., Nov. 28 Today a memorial . as erected on tbe ait of old Fort Raleigh on Koanoke Island in Dare oonnty, to commetn orate tbe first English settlement in America, It was ereoted nnder the auspices of tbe Ibauoke Colon; Memorial Association. Tbe base u of North Cro!inagranite aud the tablet of Virginia granite. The tablet bears the following inscrip tion : "On this site in August 15S5 the colonists sent f rem England by Sir Walter Kaleigh built the forts called the New Fort in Virginia." Tfce colonists were tbe firat set tlers of the EogliBb race in Ameri ca. Th-v returned to England in Jnly l.r8G, with Sir Francis Drake. H"e was born on the 18tth of Au gust lSb7, Virginia Dare, the first child of EngHnb parnts born in America, tbe daughter of AntniHg Dare, and Ele-no- While, bis wife, members of another Voiy of colonists sent ont by Sir Walter Raleigh ia 1887 Two aVyi after her birth she wan baptised. Mantee, a friendly chief of the Hattei as Indians, had been baptised on the Sunday preceding. These baptisms were the Orat cele brations of the Christian Sacrament in tbe trrritory of tha thirteen original United Sti'ee. The monnmnnt w-s dedicated with appropriate religious exercises and an address was delivered by Graham Daves, president of tbe as socia'ion. The outlines of Fort Rileiirhare distinctly visible and the angles are now permanei.tly marked by granite pillars. We End Branson's North Carolina Almanao on our dok, and at a hasty glance find it to be a most vaiuab! handbook of information, Beside the usual mike-up of a good do mestic a'manac, it is especially Eat lsfactory in its treatment of paMte institutions. It is quite o valnubl? source of reference to matters of in terest to North Carolinians. Notice orselmrr. Beiz-'d near Concord on the morning of November 13, 1890, the following property for violation of Interna! Revenue laws of tha United S ates : 1 gray horse, 1 hack and harness, 1 empty keg. Notice is hereby given to all per sons claiming said property to give notice in the form and manner pre scribed by law to the undersigned at his office in Asheville, N. 0. within 30 days from tbe date hereof or Said property will be declared forfeited to tbe government of the United States. This 14-.b day of November, 1896. Samuel L Rcoehs, Collector 6th Dis's oi N. 0. R S Harms, D. U. d!4 C Irrfc Niina. S ieriff Sims, of Cabarrus, will be chief clerk in the (flic6 of Auditor elect Hal Ayer. This fact has b -en known to The Standard for some time, but at tbe request of tbe Sheriff mention was noHnade nf it. Mr. Sims' appointment is but a just reward for services rendered, for he ak'elAyer materially in securing the nominaiion for Auditor. He is in every way fitted for the office to which be has b -en appointed, and tbe Sheriff carries with bim in hie tew field tbe beBt withes of hosts of friends of all pariies in this county. Mr. Sims will go to lUleieb about the 1H of Jdnuary, bat will not r? move his family fur eomo time. A liig factory ivm brought to a stand- .i j r mill luc uuici uuj "SS for want of a com V.Wir.on s'niiHe - nail. sS" 1 lis trouMe wns I first C7i' '-vt'" l'le "ss n" f clonic could'nt tc td' what tlie mat ter. Tlicy sent for a liili -priced ex port who charged U n dollars an hour. All he said was: "Cinmie a nail." lie drove it in the ri;;l.t j. lace and is. two minutes the whole factory wa going again. That's the way with the machinery of the human body. When the iU'inach mid bowel am wrong what seems a mere tiilie, blocks the whole system. I.Very mrt of the bod,' feels tlii ctTcti of a litile rotistiriation. The head tirli'-s, the ifp'tth trust es bed the f.tun;ach is iii'itrcsxKl, Use 1 i 1 1 is con geaterf and IcrjM; you tc-.-l sli.jrgifJi and miserable and ilown-licai led; t!:e eiK-rk-f are completely pai-iilyzwl all for want of a Utile Lei, to regulate the ctoinaeh and bowels. What y.iu rant is Dr. l'icrcc'i Pleasant Milts. Tiny will make you regular and yc.i Im-ii ro; tticy uct in a comfortatde way, not violently but surely. Tl'ty jiive tiie intt-alinra jxtwei to move ii:.l-.i:..i'y; avd also tone tin Stomach and liv.r. You don't become a (lave to their n-t:, they ycu so you Stay cured. If a lii.-)',it m.'.kes mere money on some vioicai p:tr;in;f lit mav try to sell Dmi'l lit him. (. 5nli tic li' li. .! to ! tV.-oj,-h tnnli r.-lnml 4S-4 yoni aw .1 l.".ly in ivcty m-m-i or lii'.illli mud rlifii-iise bv IT. j 'u i it p Vj1.11 ;v-nsc Mi.t fcal (lviftT. 'Thin is a (rli-nt :'nr In ij'.. in ptuftl Kny!lll nml r-piilc .Oi ti tisti ..I ii'iii The firnt c.l't'on of foi fi.ocnch. Tilt' profit wi-ie in vt.'., l to )'iil)lislt' 11R llic present dlitinit ol hnl. n rr. irec rop let, to tic mot atolittr! gtuli ! i vi-ryonr wlic ScndH l ont-rnt -'ninp to Hint it or tiifliliiif tlilv. Ail-lrrti Wi'ili'.l 1'Kj.imi-;H ' Mi-'H-hI AS tocintioti. N tos Mulo SO."' '" I'll.. N V. Wantert-An Idea Who Nil think ot some tuniple tlil'iiIUiliati'titr froteet yonr litoa: theT tiring you wi.ulih. WrllK JOHN WIJDF.HlltJUN A CO.. FuU-nt Attor UevH, WiiKlilnfft - .1, 1). ('.. tor their ti.fti: priu oUtf nj Uit of tw.- utitilrod l;iTumloua wanu' THE LUTHEUAN COLLEGE Hom t hnnaea Hade In the Original Plane Mr. II Inn Expected Here Wltblnlen Days, When Work Will Be Commenced. Rev. Mr. King, of tbe Southern Lutheran College, has been in Peurjr ejlrania for a few days past, con. sultioK tbe architect relative to some changes in the original plans of the buildings which it has been thought advisable to make. It Las been on account of these proposed changes that the work has been de. layed on the grounds here. After the plana had bren adopted, the board saw where imprcvements could be made, and the architect has now embodied them in the revised plans. Mr. King is expected in Charlotte within the next ten dj, when the work will be commenced with as little delay as possible. The excavations for the founda tion lines have already been dug, and these will net be materially changed. It is reasonably snre that the college buildings will be ready for tbe propo-ed opening of the big institution next October. Tbe committee on building wants to be right and to make no mistake at the start, and in this the members have disp layed sound judgement. Once tbe work begins it will be pushed rapidly to a finish, and next Octo ber will see a oluster of magnificent buildings on the wooded bill over looking Charlotte from the east. Charlotte Observer. WHAT THE RE TURKS SHOWS. Preciona Binall Populist Vote for Republican In the Slntb, Elcbtn, Firth and Heeond. A post-mortem examination of the elec'ion returns disclose some interesting facts. These retnrns show that in the five congressional districts carritd by the Populists tbe total vote received by the Populist candidates was 99,531. In these d'striots McEinley received 77,179 votes. It is fair to assume that 75,000 of these votes were cast by Kepnblioau9 for the Populist candi dates. In return for these 75,000 Republican votes it appears that the Populists gave Pearson, in the ninth, 140 votes ; Linney, in the eighth, 750 votes ; Settle, in tbe flf.h, none; White, in the second, none. In other words, in carrying out tbe "arraugemsnt" made by tbe two State committees, the Populis s received 75 000 votes from Repub licans, and gave in return less than 1,000 votes. These returns also show that if each of the three parties had nomi nate:) straight tickets in each of the congressional districts every Popn list candidate would have been de feated by more thin 5,000 pluralit , and tbat the Republicans would have caniel the first, tbird and sixth district, and the Democrats would have carried the fourth and seventh districts, making tbe repre aentaiion stand in the F.f y-Gfth Congress tlx Republican and three Democrt's. If these facts have no itflience upon tbe present si uation, tbey may be prnfi'b!e in shapifg tbe make-up of fo'ure "arrangement. ' Tes PiB in Ch .rlotte Ooserver I he Electoral College Meets. Tbe Electoral C 'liege m't at Ral eigh Tuesday according It) law. Dr. Tyre York was abjout. The elec tors proceeded to organize by elect ing Hon. B B Davis the Populist elector at large a3 chairman and W D Merrit as Secretary. Tbey then adj ouroed till Wednesday 12 when it was learned tbat York was sick It was the opinion of the Attorney General that the college had no authority to declare a vacancy aud oould not then fill one The meet ing adiouri ed till Jan. 11, 07. Annnal Nlalement. Annnal statement of the anonnt ind nature of till romprn stun nu liud by tbe board to tbe members thereof si vcrallj : For the var ending 1896 J Dove rtct ived $58.05 com pen atirui to ser vices as a tn I). her of he botrd, mileage, c'o , ti,d $25 to looking fter chain pig. Wm. Props t re wived $61 85 compensii'mn to fer- icos as a member of ibe board, mileage, p'o J S Turner rio-ivcd $76 39 compensation to servcts us member of the bnarJ, mileage, e'ii Jo. W Foil reoived $67 conipeusai. 'inn to s ryices a a member of ib hoanl, mileage, p c. Tht botrd was in session twen'yone dais dirrin. the year. Nut b r of miles trav eltdp rday by members of bo,nd: J D.tvf, 3 mile ; J S Tnrnr. 30 milee; Wm. Pt'pt;, 11 utitci-; Jo W Foil, 10 milt. No onver'fl. d aeconnts were anJ dited W. M. Weddington, Clerk to Board d 10 it fj A 0 1 Acim and TlmtrMATrsM rfllovoO UM W IV by Dr. Ullus' urve t'liwwrs. SHORT LOCALS. Travel on the railroad ia very light just now. "Saw wood" and "say nothing" is you've got the wood. The water pipes froz3,bursted and 11 loded Johnston's drug store. A marriage license has been is sued to Enjah W Edwards and Minnie Freeze. The Mooresville Athletio Club bas challenged the Salisbury foot ball team for a game Christmas day. May Davenport's excellent com pany will present "Trilby" at Ar mory Hall next Friday night. Many families are without wood and wood haulers will not be able to get in for several days. Mayor Morrison's little daughter, Estelle, who bas been quite sick with fever, is reported better. Mr. Neal Pharr-A-r prominent young lawyer of Charlotte, ia to be married to Mit-s Bettie Yeates, ol that city on the 16',h inst. The board of aldermea in Greens boro have passed an ordinance against the sale and use of fireworks in that city. The slaughter of rabbits during tbe snow has been tremendous. One merchant bought more than three hundred today. The Standard Oil Company is tbout ready to open up business. The management will be it the hands of Mr. Rice. A certain popular young cashier will take a trip to Pennsylvrnia next week. He will have company on the return trip. The Pbilalojtbian Society of tbe North Carolina College at Mt. Pleasant will give a book reception Dec. 18.h. John Farrier, a leading jeweler of Charlotte, made an assignment Friday for the benefit of his credit ors. Liabilities about 812,000; assets samel We learn through the Salisbury World that Rev. Mr. 8moot, who bas been quite sick, is somewhat improved. He is under the treat ment of his son, Dr. J E Smoot. Another grand triumph for medi cal science in store for early practi cal realization is inoculation for ty phoid fever. It is hoped to be put into practice soon. The Salisbury boys want to know what is the matter with Concord and Charlotte. They have been trying to arrange for a game of foot ball with the teams of these cities but they don't show up. Salisbury World. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mies Agnes Helene Roueche to Mr. Lucian II Harris, in Salisbury on the lG.h inst. Mis? Rouche is well known here and ia very popular. Mr. Harris is a mail clerk on tbe Western road. For every variety and phase of the many diseases which attack tbe air passages of the head, throat and lungs, Ayer's Cherrry Pectoral will be found a specific. This prepara tion allays inflammation, controls tbe disposition to cough, aud pre vents consumption. Van II Manning, of the United States Geological Survey, is to marry M ss Elizabeth Crabtree, tbe educated and accomplished daugh ler of W F Crabtree, one of the wealthy and influential natives of the Indian Territory. She is doubt less a charming Indian girl and love is freaky. The Supreme Court has been called upon to determine whether goats are cattle. Judge Clark ren 'lered tbe decision tbat, ia that broader sense' in which the statute in question referred, the gnat is ranked as cattle, and that cruelty to tb-) goat is a crime as well as cruel ty to any other domestic animal embraced in tbe term "and other cattle." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral costs more titan other medi cines. But theu it cure more than other medicines. Most of .the cheap cough medicines merely palliate; they afford local and tempo rary relief. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral does not patch up or palliate. It cures. Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, nd every other cough, will, when other remedies fail, yield to Ayes Cherry Pectoral It has a record ot 60 years of cures. Send for the "Curebook" Iros. J, O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Mr. Sandy Propat, of No. 4, a mile north ot Hiieman's mill, Tueoday killed two hogs one weighing 305 pounds and tbe other aboot 800. Mr. Jesse Skeen, of Mt. Pleasant, killed a hoc on last Tuesday which weighed 39G pounds. How's this? Free G4 page medical reference hook to anv nerson elllicted with any special, cbronio or delicate dis ease peculiar to their eex. AQaress the leading physicians and Bur geons of the United States, Dr. Hathaway & Co., 224 South Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. ' During the prevalence of la urippe, those who made use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral found it nrnmnt to ant. nnrl Blirfi to Clire. No other medicine ia so safe and effica cious in all diseases of the throat and Inn s. and it is the only remedy successful in consumption. R P Foster, master of trains for tha third division of the Southern Railway (which includua the West ern North Carolina roaoi, naa neen made agent at Asneviue. u F.uiinir who has been at Durham for six months but who is from Chicago, succeeds him as trainmas ter Statesville Landmark. If you're in doubt whether your trouble is indigestion or dyspepsia just take a few do.-es 'of Simmons Liver Kegulator it win sewo ine whole question. "I have tried Simmons Liver Regulator for Dyspepsia and find it just the thing to relieve me. A small dose after meals is sure to prevent in digestion." S 8 Perkins, Sharon, Ga. "Its the best medicine to bid digeston." J J Black, Dnncan, Arizona. Forest Hill News. The coal men are doing a rush ing business. There are eighteen prisoners in the county jail, awaiting the next term of court. The Board of Aldermen of S tlis bury at a meeting Thursday night, took steps looking to the purchase of the water works for the city. Mr. E W Edwards and Mies Min nie Freezp were united in marriage Thursday night at 8 o'clock, at the bride's home at Cannon ville, Rev. J J Payseur officiating. We have received a copy of Tur ner's almanac. Its merits are prob ably too well known to demand any deeerved praise at our bands. It should nave a place in every household. The cooking receipts, hints to housekeepers and direc tions in emergencies are meritorious features appended to an mat is usually found in an almanac for North Carolinians. 'The Derstrlrt Nkulc." Tbe Statesville Landmark says they are to have a play next Friday night of the above title. It will call up afresh the memonesof by gones when we eat on slab benches with r.o backs and swung our feet ia concert or tqueized a fello againdt tbe wall, our old blue back speller in position, while we pretended to be laboring its irksoma pages. The "cipherers" then ei.joyed certaia privileges thai made ns envy them, Tbe writer "writ" on a slanting shelf facing tbe wall and for pen racks, holes made in the fresh mortar in tbe chinked log walls were all that could be desired. We stood np in a line to "spell by heart" and tnrntd etc' other down. At the cloic we spelled our numbers aud each bad to remember bis till next time. After that we listened frequently to the reading "f tbe two dozen rules or more when a glance at 'he corner by the teacher's desk shoed us tbe ia f dozen cudgels to suit the f lzet. f ail and seemed to threaten ven g anee for every violation of whiob vs were convicted in tbe fchcol court. The teacher usually htld one in bis hand aud whittled at ii between rounds of recitations. Girls and boys alike were dressed in bomespnn clothes and bomtmad" shoes. In summer our trousers were of copcras color, our "gtllusses" were cloth ith three button holes with which to adjist tbe fit of the "britches" at the only place the) were exptcted to fK The buttont on them were not unfrt quently of pewter, moulded from som pla'i ot dibh that had gotten too ur the fire ami would ttve their origiual purpose no longer. At intermi sioii we p'aje I citi bill, bull pen, piisori base, )HiD, marble, rvlly holey etc, tx:rit in bad weather, whii weciru'eJ rouud our lug heup (i' t a id ei j iy d t gauie of bntt'iDer with the girl. A little nay we had of recipro cating the rising iropitl es uf love was to swap thumb tj. O for ; hose htlciou d.tys and ob solete ways 1 We yearn to rtf esb tbe aoeiies of jou h in in in rj's casket brut): wi.b dustier g uii. hold is net r. Investors of the Dean Safe System of speculation receive semi tuonilily divi dends in (told. Over 30') per cent per annum made on Investments by h 8 Dc.n & Co., Uaniteis, 85 hroalway. N. Y. Investors of this firm distributed all over lite I'nitul states a iil OanaJa, An elderly farmer who lives alone in a small town in the interior of Maine awoke the other night to find two robbers standing at the foot of his bed, relates Harper's Weekly. One of tbem held up a lighted match, while tbe other, without any preliminary demand or state ment wbatevtr, fired four shots at him from a revolver. Only one ol these shots took e fleet, and that not s triously, and the farmer, seizing a gun which hung overhead, deliver ed a charge of old nails and Bcrap iron with suoh good aim tl at the would-be murderer had his thumb shot off and was severely wounded in tbe jaw, Tbe two assassins then fled, but a few hours later the wounded one was found groaning on the piazza of a hotel. lie proved to be a professional criminal, a Cor sican b birth, and a man of excel lent education, who is said to be proficient in four or five languages. In Maine where everybody bas good nerves, not much account is made of the aged farmer's coolness and promtitude and the chief moral drawn from the affair is the super floueness, not to say tbe danger, of too much education. Blackstone Courier. The observant have doubtless no ticed a tendency towards alienation between the German Empire and the United State in trade relatione President Cleveland is ont with a proclamation suspending the effects of his proclamation in 1188 and Germany must pay a tonnage tax cp vetpels coming into our ports. Ger many has been very unfair againtt us in the importation of our meats and probably on account of a tariff on German beet sugar in the Wil son bill. It will be remembered that the Democrats had so Bmall a majority that sugar could not be pot on the free list or the Louisiana Senators would defeat the bill. It is protection against protection and retaliation to meet provocation. While the nations are moving in that cautious way consinteut with international policies the unfortu nate Armenians are crying to the orld for help and it stems that the church must respond to stem the current of hnman suffering. Char lotte, through Christian benevolence is making a move in the right di rection. Oh for the days when in. ternational laws will make the world one compact against human oppression! In tbe meantime it is well that the Christian element ex tend to the suffering that alleviation needed till the law can remove the source of the evil. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. b n VTifPM. A Hew Ititlly I'aper. It is now a certainty that Raleigh will, at an early date, have another daily newspaper. It will be a morning paper, takr ing tbe full telegraphio despa'cbes In politics it will t.o iCt pub.icaa, though friendly to the Popitl'sts, and advocating a t minuation of if the co-operation arrangement be tween those t . o parties in State blcJ county affairs. This is the prospectus of the Daily Tribune, for that is tbe name by which it will be known, af iivsn by Mr. C M Yenyon, of Asheville, who was here yesterday. Vlr. Kenyon will be a large stock oiler in the paper and ia now ie notivr manager of the who't nterprisi:. After the rPer startr ne will be its busintss manager, and Vlr. W W Haywoid, of Henderson ville, will be its editor. News and Observer. HS ASK the wcoverefl &i$wljLlti?lZ& of fev" .iand .cue, the mercurial dieeil patient, how they recovered health, i?-'jt cheerful iririta and good Cfeaa&S.HiippctlW! they will tell frl it4-"? SSlY'Vou oy taking SlMMorra j -- Livkk Regulator. The Clirapnl. Turd and licit Family Mi'iliclm- ill the World! For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION. T.umtMie, Ililiuus tln.kj, SICK HI AIlACMK, Colic, l)eiie lionof Spirits SOUR STOMACH, llcartliurn, eic. Tliia unritafed remedy is w:irr .tilted not to contain t. single particle of MkkU'KY, or any mineral auUtauce, PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Hrihswtiich an all-wise Providence has I'liu-ed in countries where liver Diseases most prevail. It trill cure nil Dlaeaa-ea rnuntMl by DcrRiigcuieut of tlie Liver nml Itout'la. The SV MP it IMS of Mvc-t Complaint are a hitler or had taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Hack, Sides or iolnts, often mistaken lor Khcumatism : soul toniRCht 1-oss ol Appetite: Povvcls alternately costive and In: Headache ; Iiss ot Memory, with a painful sensation of hiivl: K failed to do soincthliiK which aught to have hecn done; l,'lilllly: Low Spirit) a thick, yellow apiearance of the .kin and Eyes; a dry Couch, often mistaken lor Consumption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the disease, at olhers very few ; hut the 1.1VHH, the lames' c-rc;sn in the body, is generally the seal of the disease, and if nol Reui.iii ,1 in tunc, treat sullcriiiu, wietch adiii'ss and l'KA'l II will emuc. . The follow iiiR highly persons attest to the htiic of Simmons I .ivi h Kio.i i. v i oh : Cen. W. S. Holt, Pres. Oa. S. W. U. K. C... ; Kev. J. K. ielder. Perry, (la.: Col. K. K. Sparks. Alhimy. C.a.; C. Master. mn,Vs..,Sheri', 1! Iiht o.,l.a ; . A. lulls. Ha nhiidire, (la.: Rev. J. W. Iluikc, Macon, Ca.; up' Powers, bupt. (la. S. W. R. K.; lion. Ahaaiulei 1 1 . Ste liens. We have tested its virtues peisoii.dly, and know that for 1 Ivsnensia. H lioii-oiess and Tliroliliini: Head ache, it ia the best medicine the world ever saw. Wa nave tried forty other lem.'dies before Simmons Liver Regulator, ami none ot them toivc us more (hall leni- trary relief; the Kecui.itor not only relieved, hut cured fcu. Tai-HoHarll AND M KS-.nNi.UH. Maccim.OA MANUfACTt'HRU ORLV llV J. ti. ZlilLIN CO., I'Milo.lclplua. "a. UREViriE. The National Tobcco Growers' convention will convene in Ocala, Fla, Jan. 12. It is rumored tbat Governor elect Knssall has an eye on the Senator ship, A severe earthquake shock was folt in Cairo,' 111., Dec. 1, VicePresident Stevenson says in an interview that the Dingley bill will not pass the Senate. Rev. M 8 dross, who for many years governed the Catholio church in North Carolina, died in Wash ington, D. C, on laat Tuesday. J Ilenry Davis (Din ) will con test the seat of E C Duncin (Uep ) of Carteret, in the next General Assembly. Senator Pritchard has gone to Wilmington to havii a conference with Uovernor-elect Ru sell. Convicts 6t the State prison at. tempted to poison their guards by giving them morphine in coffee. Wa'er is still rising at Chippewa Falls, Wis , and tbe ice forge is 18 feet high. Sharkey was badly hurt in the fight Wednesday, and Fitzuminons may be arr rested if he does not im prove eoon. The Editor ttuotrs Ncrlnlure. If you are down with the blue?, read the twenty-3eventh Pdalm. If there is a chilly sensation about the heart, read the third chapter of Revelation. If you don't know where to look for tbe month's rent that is now due, read the thirty-seventh Pdalm. If tbe stovepipe has fallen down and tbe cook gone off in a pout, put up the pipe, wash your bands and then read the third chapter of James. If you find yourself losing con fidence in men, read the thirteenth chapter of Eirst Corinthians. If people pelt you hard with wordu, read the fifteenth chapter of John. If you are getting discouraged about your business, read tbe one hundred and twenty sixth Pualm and the fourth chapter of Galatians, verses 7 to 9. If you are all out of sorts, read the twelfth c'.apter of Hebrews. If you find yourself losing confi donoe in your Christian profession, read tbo fifty-third chapter of Isa- hlj. Green Cave Spring Hustler. llnrrls-atcfsMs'uicer. Friends of the contracting parties in the city are in receipt of the fol- owing : "Mr and Mrs. Robert P Savage requeet the honor of your presence at tbe marriage of their daughter, Bunnie Savage Messenger, to Mr. Brevard Ervin Harris, Wednesday, Dec. 10, 1S96, at 12:30 o'clock, Pres byterian church, Dunmore, Pa." The bride-to be is well known in Concord, having spent some time in this city visiting, and is a universal fivorito. Mr. Harris is tbe popular cashier at Cannons & Felzer's. There is not a man in the county better or more favorably known than Bre vard liarrris a sterling young busi ness man, with a bright and prom ising future. He number amorg his friends all who know him, and he justly deserves in every way the happiness he has won. Mr. and Mrs. Harris will visit Washington, Philadalphia, New York and other points in the east and will return to Concord about the 1st of January, after which time they will be at home to their friendt it tbe St. Cloud hotel. The Standard extends con gratulalions in advnnco. Mr. Hatrii will leave Monday for Pennsyl vania. FATAL SHOOTING. llclHCrti Kvvontio Olliccr nml llloi h lidcr nl lliuli roiul. News was received m ile o tj ?atuiday of a fata1 etiooting between K A Mifl'ett, a rt venue rfllct r, an i a in a n uau.ed Turner, u wagon, r, near 1 1 1 It h Poin at a 1 t'e ltoi,r Fiidi.y niht. As a r tint, both u,en are now d ad Th puriicu ars of the hooting could tot be le.irned, but it ij tuj'iottd tuitt Sitffttt itas at. rt-irpiing to airent Turner for io 'tttiiik' the n venue laws. EA MtB'ett is .i ll known ii I jvt-r the State as a bravo aud ftar lies iflijer He w,tj at one tune Sheriff of ltiniiolph county, an ,liie nooie wns lu Anheburi. He wrs u teiror to the mioniirt'i erj of lia t'lt rict, ai.d bis life h U be n (brent eued by them, an a'trmpt l;to.iiy been made to kill him only a f' it days ago. Turner is kr.onn to tlii- re hi up men as a (teh-p-ntte character, aiitl bits given them no M't'e trmiM" re cently. Dr. Silica' ruin Plica cure Ncnrulgla. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report AteSOLVuEM PUKE MRS, L. M. MORRISON DEAD, Her Nplrlt Took Flliim n 13 O'clock Friday Jfluht. Surrounded by the loving mem bers of her family and friends, at her home on Spring street, at 12 o'clock Friday night the spirit of this de. voted wife and mother hearkened to he call of the grim messenger of Death and took its flight to the realms above. Mrs. Morrison had beea Bick for several weeks, but was convalescent and considered practically out of lunger, and her death last night comes as a shock to the community. The immediate cause of her death was a severe chill, with which she was taken about 9 o'clock, and tbe weakened body succumbed to ite rigors. Khe was cooicious to the end and died with a smile of assur ance that a life well spent would soon enjoy its eternal reward. Mrs. Morrison was the wife of Mr. L M Morrison, the honored Mayor of Concord. She had been a life-long member of Rocky River Presbyterian church, aud was a devout Christian woman, a tender, loving mother, a devoted wife and htlpmeeL The bereaved family uave tbe deepest sympathy of tbe entire community. Tbe funeral will take place from the bouBe at 1 o'clock to morrow. Kev. O W Alexander, of the First Presbyterian church, will conduct tbe funeral services. The remains will be buried at the city cemeteiy. The following gentlem n will act as pallabearers : Messrs. P B Fetzr, Baker Morrison, Will Stew art, Ed. Hall, John Kimmons, Ed White. ForNnle. A nice farm of 107 ac:es 3 miles east of Davidson on Concord road, good water, fine orchard, and splen did locality. Terms to suit pur chaser. Call on or address J. Ler Sloan, Jb , d2C Davidson, N. C. A IlHlnloU M Klnloj IIP. A negro farmer was selling bis cotton on the wharf this week when the following conversation en sued ; "Say, boas, I'ae got a bale of coU ton out here, what you gimme for it?" "Ia it good cotton, Jake ?" "Yes boss, nice cotton, no trash in it." "Well, we will giye 7 1-8 for to day." "Look here boss, I thought yo's gwine to give me 10 cents for cot ton, if we 'lected Mr. Kinley." " Well, Mr. McKicley has not taken charge yet." "Well bots, yous gwine togim ms gold, ain't yer ?'' 'No, Jake, we will have to p-ty you in goods or silver." "Why look here boss, I thought tou was gwine to give ns gold for cotton ef we 'lected Mr. Kinley." "Tbet ia so, but remember Mr. Mr. McKinley is not in power jet." "Well boss, what you ax fer flour 'oday ? ' "Well, flour is rising very rapidly but we sell it at $3 today." "Jeru6alum 1 boas, fore we 'iected Mistah Kinley, we could buy flour fur $2, and git 8 cents fer cotton." "Wll, the cause of tbat is there is a heavy demand fjr our wheat in Europe, and most of the American mills have a supply of cotton on hand." "Well, I dou't keer nothin' about dit boss, but ef dat is de bess Mr. Kinley can do, next time I sball vote fer Miatah Brine." Ed. Standard. Some jearaago when the IntereStntf 8 Immigration ooriveutiou met in Asheville, I at tLded ; uinooti others from Cabar rus, were Mr. Juo, P Allison, Mrk Morrison and Cupt. Chas. McDon .tld, who, by the wy, introduced to that convention, hia and the State's friend, Col. Kop EiiuJ. Being a little flu.-'hed by the preaence of u large gjlhiring of di legates, aid m t n y distinguish d gentlemen from Yankeoddui, Cupt. MeD maid, af'er aome inoat eloquent r marks, nauiid bia nun ua "Eiua K jp', of alncon." In is froui this hipma linguae im the ptrt of our i.'u't, Mc IJin :il.J , that .otifust'd old Oil n , of tli- N.-v York Suu, which hut sine: m vi r gotten iu riutthe right mime for tbe sta'eeuiau of Mucin, lintdur n g that convention, which rud for i a chief aim the inducing of N.irth orn settlers to come South, a most errifio snow storm covered Ashe, rille and all the mountains; and instead of trying to seduce Yankees, the individual members took a hand t raakijg poetry. ; JAfter all the returns were in by common consent, the following poem was given first honors and published in the Asheville Citizen ; "Once I was as pure as the beauti ful white scow, But that was a of a long time ago," Not necessary to give tne aithor'a name, but it wasn't Capt. McDoq Id, for he is not poetic the least bit. This is the kind of weather they ire now having in 'the mountains. Snow and cold have shrouded everything, even the "Advance Agent of Prosperity is frozen np." Backlen'a Arnica nnire. The Best Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruisfs, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cores I'ilea or no pay requl-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drag store.' Tax Payer Take Notice Pantivcly I lie Last rail. My duties m Sheriff of Cabarrua county, haviug this day ceased (which dutiea I have tried faithfully and honeatly to perform) there rt mains nothing else for me to do, no public duties for me, except to col lent tbe balance of the taxes for 189G. The taxes for 1895 were probably more nearly all collected than nsual. Still there were mora insolvents than should be, hence I propose, if poaaible, to reduce the list for 189C. As I am compelled to work for a support for my family and expect to leave Concord the first of January, 1897. 1 most earnestly rt quest every tax payer to come at once and settle same, otherwise I am compelled to come or send a deputy collector, who will most positively (wherever the law will allew) at tach cost to your taxes. If you can pay your taxes with additional cost, most assuredly you can pay the tax without the coat and I cer tainly prefer your keeping tbe cost, I take this method of again giving you publh notice tbat the law has been changed. Your taxes are due before the close of the year and I propose, as fast as possible, to en fcrce the law. A word to the wise ia sufficient. Yours moat respectfully, John A. Sims, Tax Colleotor. Dec. 7 th. dd7 Coming In Slowly. Oat of a total of nearly 11,000 listed taxes, Chief Boger informed a Standard reporter this morning that scarcely 81,000 had been col lected up to date. Notwithstanding the promise of good times after the election, money seems to be as scarce as ever. Seven Months With Fever. Wonderful Recovery of Health Mr. Itfttrd's npll and nmrvolous rovprT from a nieio slit-n'tcin to his inirnml wolcht, 2TU pounds, whs surely thv fulUet tet of Ibe gramK-st BtretiiUh-ivlriK and building-up meuicino ever proauceu, uuuiuiy: Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. J. II. liAiun. "Oontlnmon I wish to rxpn'n to you my rrrntltudo fur tho n-nt that ir. ilifVs' AVrrine h:ts tlmio fur tne, I wan t IU(11 Ft-'k v.ltli typhoid fi'Vtrinid I lulu hi bed for vcv.-ti iimuihs. After (TettiiiK over t ho f i-ver I wis -i t Ii in , nerv hi an tl 1 1 red, :Md dii imI ret;:, in mv 1-ist rt rMi'4 1 h. I tried :i erai 1 1 n "rii -i ;i i y rin-tlirh" s, find finally, a.UT IJ.'f l.e -tl V .im-.'il l,i wei.-lit te I "I rx.'.ind'-, 1 I't v in 1 1 '.!: ". v "i r A m-nt , n mi at f :(.- i ...,ili l.) in. I. (..vo. V, :i, Mi.illy ' i '1" itf f and tod-iy I cvin suy 1 n. vet f.-it Let r In all in v lb'", ai I wh-h p..iiti.N '"nw : my i...r.i,.il v. : hi, un I meiwurn ti fi'i't .') j n.rht's in ! u ,L." routh lirnd. Ind. .T H. ItAIUn. Pr. MJlrn Nervln" I". Mild rm n. p-rsltlvo ruanintee tJ.nt lhelir-t boiib- rtl! -Alluru-;'iNtssell it :ii uh- f-r r jt will b".- m. p-- ' ' "f iv1': by tiio It. Milt s Ait -m .a 'i. i . -.n n, Ifl. Dr. MiL-s' Nervine ilu OR SALb Hi Ml l)lri;Jh