THE STANDARD. Concord, Cabibbcb Goomy, N. C JOHN D. BABBIER & SON, Editors and Proprietors JAB. P.'tJOOK. - Editorial Correspondent. DECEMBER 17, 1896. OUS CLl'BBISCI LIST, Oar proposition to farnieh the Home and Farm as a gift, with The Standaiid, is withdrawn, and we will furnish Home and Farm, price 60 cents, with the Weekly Standaiid, for $1.25; Leslie's Illus trated Weekly, price fl, with tbe Weekly Standard one year Daily Standard 3 months for $3: the New York World, thrice-a-week and The Standard for tl.65. To this we hope to add an ex tended list soon. MAT BAVESPOKT'a HHOW. - To lay that it is just like men and boyt to go to see such shows as Maj Davenport famishes, only says th less for our sex. With all the warn ing that the press gives, the manage' ment of snch gangs shonld receive m enoon rage men f, but engagements a-e made in advance, before the ds tare of the show is known and th terms are pressed and no amount of exposure will keep an audience away, it rather draws patronage and May Davenport goes over the land exhibiting the depths of human de pravity. Would not those who crowd in to see and hear such demoraliz;ng per formanoes recoil at the thought ol their mother, sister or daughter' forming apart of such a crew? Wh should we go to a place that is no thought proper for our mothers. wives, sisters and daughters to with nif If we love, almost adore. them because of their almost dlvije virtues and angelic purity, bow w most blush that they must com promise their pnrity by bestowinf reciprocal affections on ns who are capable of enjoying an exhibition of imparity and low feminine debase ment! It is entirely probable that aorne father and mother of a mem ber of the group bewails the day that child was born to them, and that some unhappy brother has learned to doubt feminine parity because an rratic inter is round in a group going over the country prostituting ber powers for elevating society, to lowering the popular taste, to tbt I lame of her sex. It is to the shame of onr masca line tastes that such unworthy enter prises receive encouragement If we are going to encourage this clas. of entertainments onr purer and nobler sex will soon be shy of pub lic entertainments that might be pleasing and profitable. To say the least, it is nnfortunate from every view that May Davenport can have aa audience, unless we are led to value refinement the more by contrast with the exhibition of the low and sensual. EBUIHKEB TEKBCLL'M LEITER. It was Sid indeed that the precious life of Will James should be lost through the mistake of his fellow craftsman, Engineer Terrell, but we know not npon whom to bestow the greater sympathy. Engineer Jamee died bravely and calmly. Engineer Terrell lives to dress his wounds and his grief. We clip some paragiapbs from his letter that are touching snough. He says : Letters have poured in daily from 11 parts of the State, from the humblest employes to the highest officials, some from friends whom it has not been my pleasure to meet in twenty years. None but a grief stricken heart knows the value of these tender, loving letters. They comfort and console my heart. When I am ready to give up life, and the wonnd that time cannot heal opens afresh, these sympathising letters make me stronger. I bathe them in my tears nd thai.k Qod that lie spared me to know and realize that I have tatny precious friends. Before I was seventeen, I was pro moted to an engine, and have given 11 the best jears of my life in the service of the road. For twenty-six years t have held the throttle faith fully on the Western road. In its darkest days, when it had neither money nor credit, and failure seemed inevitable. I served in every capa city I could for the road. My heart was in my work and 1 was devoted to it, though sometimes I could not draw my money in six mouths. I receieved orders, read them wrong, for weeks without rest or deep, and hurried on. 1 made the greatest mistake which has saddened my Lfe, and has broken the iiewU of others. While my physical pain is enough to endure, my mental suffering id worse. If my life work is to end here, my past record has no blot. In all these years I have stood the wear and tear better than my machinery. I have hid new engines, while I knew no rest,' never coat the road anything for carslessnesa, never mashed but one Gnger for a man, and paid his doctor's bill without reporting it. While coniined to my bed, I live over tboee days, aud though my life has been hard, there are pleas ant recollections and dear friend that I shall cherish while m niory lasts. 1 know not what my future may be. I cannot peer through the darkness that hangj oter uie non; the clouds may disperse, and my shattered nerves be restored to health again. I feel that my destiny is in the hands of my Uo.l. Thanking you, dear friends, for your sympathy and interest,! remain, Yours Truly, W. P. Terrell Old Fort, N. C. BACEO TKLitlltKOISly SL.41S. The civilized world now stands aghast at the news that Muoeo, the heart aud soul of the Uuban insur rection, was treacherously elin in cold blood. The story runs that the Marquis Ahumeda, who officiated a Captain General in the place of Gen. Wejler, invited the Cuban to a peacable conference which had all the claims of honor aa a f!a of truce. Maceo accepted gladly and unsuspectingly, md in his best ap parel, accompanied by Lis stuff, pro ceeded to the appointed place when luauenly he round niniaeif sur rounded by Spanish troops and or dered to surrender. He promptly refused and put spurs to his horse, but fell in the first volley. All his staff was slain with him, save bis physician, Dr. Zertucba, who is be lieyed to have been accessory to the Tile treachery. The excitement in Congress is at burniog heat, and if the news should be confirmed it may cause precipi tate action. f BEE OELITEKT OF .1 111.. The question of free delivery of mail has received such attention that the Pcstoffice Department de t Tmined to make some experimental tests. Hon. Kerr Craig, being en thusiastic for the system was cc- orded a field of experiment, lie selecttd Chita Groye townehip it Riwan county. There are two car riers at $170 eacn wno consume aboat four hot rs each day in de liyering the mail. A few neighbors generally cluster together and have their mail left at the house of the one agreed upon. If there is a crank out of cog with his neighbors they try to suit his whims and leave his mail at his own house. Ao one's mail is delivered to him if he does not want the con venience. Post Master Deacon, who j in hearty sympathy with the movement, has added greatly to making the experiment a satiefac. tory test and is of the opinion that the increase in the amount of busi ness done through the mails will compensate for the expenses. This, too, looks like a long stride out when we look Lack a few years and see how we have come np from some half dczen poattfliccs in the county witn mail enc-aa wees: to bout three time3 that number with aily, tri-weekly and emiweekly mans, tee leap win not iook so ?reat after all and if it should not pay in postage it might nd proba bly would pay largely in making ours a reading people. IK no the rsnuiss. The PrtMVisitor thinks that the next legislature will surely provide for four months school. That will be well enough as far as it goes but f they are going to do anything for the schools it is to be heped they will return to that better way of having the State board to select the books to be used and have some uni formity. A teacher will do as much work in the Echoolroom in three mouths with proper, or uniform, books as can be done In four months without. t was no email burden for a teacher to get all the right kind of books when (be selecting board was one body, but now that the State bus 00 selecting boards the already over burdened and bewildered teacher can expect a good deal of worry to control the matter or grow supinely indifferent to the b'.-et interest of the school. The legislature :nuet fall choi t of its highest opportunities to benefit the free-schools of the Stale if it does not undo the undoing of the legislature of "J5 with re-gird to the selection tf booki1. The campaign is over bat not tb uuraleihlng Uelweiu Thou. E Wuisoti, the Populist nomiuee for Yice-Pre-sidenr.aud that wonderful character, Senator Butler, the Chaiimau of the National Executive Committee. The following are eone of the terms with which Sir. Watson siza pp Mr. Bo tier. "As long its Marion Butler is chairman of the Populist national committee, it will be utterly inipos sible to get the retil Populists 10 take Hny interest in campaign work. Tlxy kiieit h;tn to be a selfish, un principled trickster, end Lothing he can do will ever cAuae them to f.r get what 'a liar aud trailer he was uuiiug the ci.nip.iiiu of lSC. "Judged from the Butler stand ee iu Populism is a mere article of political merchandise, lie is dovoid of any sense of honor. Worla are to him the tuae tools in the game of deception. "He does tot miud telling the truth provided he loed no point in the game by doing so, tor dord he mind telling an untruth, even if it yields him nothing more than the caeuel pleasure of hawng deceived. "We harber no recentment against Butler. It would be unjust to do so. When a constitutional coward ruiiS away from the battlefield all generou3 men feel a profound sym pathy for the victim of a natural defect cf character. Iu the s.iuie way we adjudge Marion Butler. Nature tnude him what he is, and he cannot help it, "To be foxy, doubled-f .ceil, false of tongue and treacherous at heart is natural tobim, and when he be trays those who trust him and de. ceives those who are silly enough to take him at his word, he has no more sinned against his nature than does onr friend, the 'William goat,' when it fights with its horns rather than mouth or feet. ''Too much Butler limbers us in the regions of our faith. Tod much Butler gives cs the inclination to look with longing eyes in the direo' tion of the mountains of Uc-psidam "This deponent has had enough of Butler to last him a life time." We turn the matter ever to our Populists friends to form their own conclusions as to whether Senator Butler la what Mr. Wa'son termc him or whether Mr. Watson is un fair. If Mr. Wataon is right Mr. Bulter is not a very safe leader, if not Mr. Wataon is hardly the man for Vice-President. 1(10 El'lKltlKr FAKMS Pne Setbonri proposes to buy ti f irm every ten "milea along its sye tea aad pbee upon it sotie suitable person ta teat the capacity of our Southern soil for variagated crops. This seems to us to be an indea hi -iv-d ar it is unique, and if suc cessful, which hardly admits of doubt, we know of nothing better that it could do for Southern develi opment. The Atlanta Journal says the Committee of the whole of the lower nouae of the legislature voted to ap propiate $1,000,000 to the school fend instead of COO,000 aa before and that the Senate ia apt to concur. This will give Georgia eight or nine months of school and salaries of good teachers, and will plaie Geor ga on a level with the foremost educational states and set an example worthy of etnulition by other South ern States. It now seems that there are to be 5,000 roll of honor free coinage speakers distributed oyer the United States that are not to h;t the ciuse cool eff much They are to stand a sort cf civil service examination and poak only proper thica. It ia to be hoped they will be excused from saying that to have an international agreement on a ratio of coinage would be bowing the knee to foreign nations and would be asking them how we might make our laws. It is to be hoped, too, that they will not Biy that the poverty and d?gra dation in the slums of the cities is due to the act of '73. If they will give us good sound reasoning it will be a welcome treat, but it is tote hoped that the speeches wi:l bean improvement on many of the late campiign harangues. On the strength of the enco miums of the bar in Concord, we ere anxious to see Judge Boykin E'U;ir.ce to higher hor,urs an a broa-ier Cel l of le-al uf fulness. It is to oar duappointmi-ut and our regr- t thut he baa 6 cn fit to r. tire from the bench. His s'lC'-isor, Hon. O II Alhn is w.;il sp(,kn of and it is to b hoped that jhstice will n' t bit the change. kliy lr, Mile' fiurvii I tu-un. It eeeuis thai Granville, Caswell, Vance, Fritukliu, Nosh, Wilson anr1 Warren counties have uppliei n regular legal order for the twotxtn county commissioners. We hope n will not be necessary in Cabarro and th&t the county fathers will go straight MiiS. A. F. HILKMAN Bled Niitftlculy Tlicsftny Nr. II lie itinn lu Htilplirh. News reached the city thU morn ing of the death of Mrs. A V llile ia;n, at hor home in No. 5 tnv.'r uiiip Tuesday aflornoon at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Hileinnn wbh taken with a con geative chili Tuesday rooming. It soon l pee mo r.fpsrent tin b r mn- cmion KBs critical, aru nr. line mau, who was ubxeut in Raleigh was telegraphrd for iu!mrdiatijlv. He left at once for borne reaching here at 9:"0'Tuesdav night. Tha bereaved family has the deepet-t tyxpatby of the tutire community. The funeral took place this even ing at 3 o'clock. t'lilnft ;rovo Itt-nift. "Erotlur SwinU" spent Saturday evening and Sunday at "Jerusalem'' with friends. Messrs. John and Euimet Fieher came in Sunday iu ail their glory and took two of our yourig ladiee out into the country to preaching. Two of our carpeutcrs fell off the new warehouse at Patterson Manu facturing Company's Monday, but neither were seriously injured. Mrs. I Frank Patterson and son apeut Sunday at Euochville witb Dr. and Mes. M L Stcvene. Missea Lelia Bostiuu and Nanti'e Long have been confined to their rooms tor several days. We nope to see them out coon. Dr. Trexler, prircipul of Ci.ina Grove High School, b.-;s beon diete d to fill a chair in (he N-jwton Ci.llee, aad will leave hire pretty eonn. We would be glad if some energetic young man would ciiue and secure the fchool. We would liko to see our school keep pace with the town. Bro. Wertz filled his pulpit at usual Sunday evening. China Grove has quite a gloomy appearance jus-t no".v. Mud if plentiful. "Provost." Dec. 15, 1S0G Couleiite-d lllHl llipy. The easy contentment cf the old time country press is thus happily described by the editor of the Law rence ville, Pa., Herald, who ays: "This paper will soon be sixteen years old. It is fairly profprous as country papers go. The editor hae been living on a minimum down to a science, the devil has long ago solved the problem of living with out either f ood ' or raiment, while the business manager has joined the church aud is so sure of his future that he doesn'c care whether, he liyefi at all. "We've come out cn our old hand pu-sa ei a; tei w-ek i hou money and without price. We print a good rewsy paper, hold our old subscribers and get a new one occa sionally. We are tappy and ron- tenteJ. We piav rot bad much t live for, but, owing to the uncer tamty of the future, we have nothing wha'ever to die for. We believe that osr cneertulnees is relleced in the columns of our paper. If you want to participate in this cirnival of cheerfulness we are now having it will only cost von a dollar a year Just think of it; fifty cheerfulnesses for a dollar loy is frightfully cheap rhese hard times." Press and Printer. I a A orwny. It is said that in Norway a bucket cf;water is always placed within reach of a horse when he ia taking hia allowance of tny. "It is inlere?tirg,"-8ay!i the writer of the incident, "to Bee with what relish tiny tak a sip of one and a mouthful of the other alternately, tiometimts only moistening their mouth?, as any rational being would d ) when eating a dinner of euch dry foo-J. A broben-winded horse is ecsrcaly eycr eien in Norway, and the question is whether this mode of feeding has not a beneficial effect in preserving the respiratory or gans." Dnmb Animals. nuoKr 5i:ni sorEN. The sixteenth annual convention of the American Federation of La bor met iu Cincinnati jesterday. There are Learly 400 caees on the docket of the Mecklenburg criminal court. J Collins et Son, members of the New York Cotton Eicbarge, have assigned. Gen Fitzbtigh L?e, Consul Gen eral to Cuba, uccompmied by his wife and daughter, will leae for the island next Thursday, Fire in Kichinond, Vs., Monday destroyed twfnty buiNings, entail lug a loss of $10,000. President Cleveland is i'l Ceorgt town, S C, shooting duck. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. Th hi llaiit I future a If m vny Ileitis nlttl I'l-tMC-cut .tule-ft. A Christ. rati free at Lower Sione aturdav nfter N.iiii? nt 10 a m. At the r-aidei'ce of the brideV fvlier, Wednesday December 0, Mr iti'St and Miss Mary Miller were u:,i ed iu holy bonds of um'ri Kio.-.y, K- v. G il Cox officiating To them we eiteud our beet wishes, A'i , a long and hap, y life. K?v. W II. Siubblebii.p. of Salis bury, will preach at Lower Stone the i h Sunday of this month a 2 p. m. At that, time an olec'ion f r a will bj held, lie v. J D An ilrrra is the c indidii''" in view. The Hi'3.iiiLttiy tale at Lower oi,e)uH Sa uiuay a week was very Umely itUeueiud (tbt) weather cou- si.ler-d.) I he funds rairvd i hut mr tl ii.isi.inu c iiise! w. re alwut f -15 Lust Sutuid.i Mr. Adclphus IIol. slieuber had the mUfonuue to loose hia IiOK-d. The uniiiiul was tied to a limb and broke loose aud in running full speed ran,anainat a tieo and broke ifs 'neck and ditd in a fvw m-iinents. The students at Ciesent will give au entertainment next Friday night. Everybody is invited to come and bear. All the students will spend Xmat at home. Tne fall term closes Fri day, the 18, and after two weeks va cation the spring term begins Janu ary 4th, '07. Mr. Clarence Welktr, of Gilford, is visiting at. Dr. AicNViry't. Mr. Mackwell Ilolshnuser is build ing a d .veiling house for his eon-in-law. - Mr. Jeiry Brown, of Salisbury, teaching a singing school at Bethi'.n A Christina? tree at Bethanv church Cnristmas day at 1 p. m. Solomon, mi Eiunsox's North Cauoi.ina Al masac. N i other like it. "1. Tb ci'endar jia calculated by Bransor himself, and guaranteed to bo cor r. c! to the nearest half minute nt other like it. 2 It has the weathei carefully corjnctured according tr the beet ecientilic knowledge n other lik it. It stands the test an intelligent public. The BranBor. maxims are well worth reading, in fact Bran?oD' is the only tip t date almanac cf the State. Pn five cents at, Fetzek's Drugstore. Motes from the Orynn, Geio. O Kluttz left last Mondav for Greensboro, where ho goes tc superintend too dyeing uepartmen of the cotton factory at tbp.t place Mr, Klnttz nns been in the dyeing department of the Salisbury mill tor more than a year, ife spent several rnontns laPt etimmfr in Massachusetts and New Hampshire gathering up new ideas in dyeing II M Fieher has moved to hi? fr ther-in-law's, Mr. N Bernhardt, in fio. o township. Mrs. Criiicie Boat is viuiting her niece, Mi'a. Jno. L Kecdieuaau, in Litaltcr townbhip. The missionary eale at Organ Church last Saturday amounted to ilb'Z'J. the weather was a little threatening in the morning, and only a few of the members turned out. Mr. Jacob Goodman, of No. C, at tended the missionary eale lact Saturday. He bought a larne cake. We understand he ia a widower, so look out ye widows of Cabarrus. Whit, How Is TliU Oll.-r t On receipt of ten cants, cash or stamps, a generous sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay I1 ever Cure (hly s Cream Balm) Buflicient to demnnstraio its great merits, b ull size SO ctp. fJL i mlOl HE1.S, 5G Warren St., New York City. A friend advised me to try Fly's Crei.m Balm and after uning it six weeks I believe myself cured of catarrh. It ia a most valuable mmedy Joseph Siewart, C21 Grand Avenue, Brooklyn, N, i. SotU-Q of ftelxnrc Notice ia hereby given of the seizure of the following property for violating i he hwa cf the Lnited States, near Albemarle oh the 17th f November, 1806, and supposed to belong to Uarnp Ulaylock, to wit: 1 horse, 1 mule, 1 wagon and har ness. Any person claiming eaid prop rty ia heietiy nonhed to make cluim in the form and ni inner pie- scribed by law to the undersigned at in Abbeville, N. U., wilhln 30 daya from dare hereof or th -arae will ba declared firfeited to the government of tne United Statep. Samukl L. HooErto, Collector 5 th Dist. of N. C. R. 8.HAams, D. C. wd20 Notlrr orfcolzure. Notice ia hereby given of the t?eiztire of the following property for violating the laws of the United States, near Albcmnrle on the l!Hb of November, 1896, and Buppoaed to belong to Tom Alimance, to wit; mules, wagon and harness. Any person claiming eaid property ia hereby notified to make claim in the form and manner preecribed by law to the undersigned at hia office in Ashevillc. N. O , within 30 days from dat hereof or the aimn will be (b clarr'il forfeited to the g.ivernnv'tit of the United Watts. Samuel L Uookhs, Collector 5'b Dist. of N. O. Pu S. IlAi'itn, H. ('. wd20 NOTKK. I v.'a;jt pvrrr mun n woman In th UnllM T.&l- i l;if.'i-et -I in lltft Oinrtm nmt Wbmkr minis Ui firir of my bookr) on Ihenti urn A... r . I; M nM.tli-v. Atlanta. Iiu. lo iWV, mi.J Mio Will b n,nl yon Ire.. NO irCKUJTS NEEbL'D. .l!US lend .1 tiiiimiiMtloit tn W tiHI fti t nliieti ft'atil, WASHtKoro-l, Dec. ,14. Senor Gonzilo De Q leaad", in ohirg? of ;(,e Cuban h-giiju at V sbiii uu. i'i an interview to-d.iy, end h ban .in don ut concerning J 80 o' drR'h, i ud did not care to speak on the .biijtct in a critical seuutj uuUi h heard wore news. "I wish you would anuonnoe again" hx paid, "that no rworoita are wai ted for C'lb. W are being .ve-ivhelin-d now, owing to the re oirvd death of Gjuerjl M c n w;h offers from brave and ithublo men, who want to deyoto tiiemselves iu our behalf, bu we ueMil no unre men, nor J. nder. Wha- an : c-d is urms uud uiiiiiiunhi.iii h . i -i m -uiu u atorea for ttio sick and needy. There will be no dilliculty in sending such supplies to Cub.;, where:n the trans portation of armed men would be in violation of the neutrality laws, which the Cubaua have not cired to eure for Cubi, by all lawful, peace ful and honorable means, the politi cal independence which her patriots are now endeavoring by tremendous sacrifice of treasure and life to gain, to encourage them witb our sympa thy aud moral support and to arouse the wholo nation to demand an end of the campaign of murder and de struction in that ialund. . " "Mindful of the help which our fathera received in a similar strug gle, we are constrained by a eense of gratitude to return to Curia the Lindnt'ia which was bo iff motive given to ua, "It is apparent to all thouhifu observers that Spain has not th power to crush the Cuban pitriot nd, then fore tho continuance of the cruel struggle in Cuba can only serve to prolong a sense of abase ment aud humiliation in the minds of all men who are confident that this republic has the powpr to en the horror and c.dl npon it to do so Speaking of tbe trouble of raisin sheep on account of sheep kiilir dogs, an exchange Bays thjt the owner of a flock of 500, on a frm near Charleston, haa a very j racti cal and inexpensive way of protec ing hia sheep from doga and wild cats that hide in the swamp. Th shepperd watches closely every day and when he finds a eheep slain h loads tht carcas with strychnine. The work ia done and the flock rarely disturbed It ia said that It beats a poorly executed law all hoi low. " Arellu-y I.ckrIIj Married T Saturday Mr. J O Alexander, one f t ;ie magidtratea elected November 3rd, married Mr. Virgil Helms and Miss Lucy Ilagar, iu the neighbor hood of the Victor Mills. The question, waa they legally married ? waa diecusaed amcng the lawyers to-day. Tbe Attorney General has decided that the terms of the newly elected magistrates do.s not begin nntl August 1, 1897, and if his deo'sion a upheld, Mr. Alexander ia not ye an cfllcer of the law. It raises an interesting lrgal ones tion that will probably be decided by a test case. Charlotte News. It W III He Hcnntor rntrbnrd. To The Standard : In the ight of ali recently-made history see ni8 the measure of folly to figure eo frequently and to quote ao many authorities (?) aa to the prob- nble succespor of Senator Jeter C I'ritch.ird, of North Carolina. The trade was made and, in the resuiu cf the election, the die was ?aet. There, ia not a shadow of lotibt about the eho ion of Senator I'ritch .rd to entered himself in the Unite d States Senate not a doubt whether he ia Pritohard of 'U5 or ritohard of '97. Silver bus noth eg to do with it It is only a qu 'S ion whether he will make a par ial division of Federal patronage, for which all this seemingly sine re It monutration for a true silver Sena tor meana. inut is and is to be nacd aa a wedge lo split tbe Sena tor eo that ha will etand riht for those who wat t to hear fometbing rop trim the A?ent of rroepenty, who is to sit iu the saddle after March next, at the political Mecca Waehlngton. I am not a prophet, nor the son f onp, bnt 'his ia tbr. coneen&ns of the bf8t political authority in Hal eij;h, Greensboro, Winston, Wil mington and Ooldeboro, these the homes of the real politicians now. It will be Senator I'ri'ohard af er March next, silver or no silver, or whether it's Pritchsrd of '95 or 97; IUleigh, N.O. K. Ulvrn A wat 1'rce To advertise our goods we will ive aay, absolutely free, one box f five-cent gold ring and mimple bottle of Peeler rain Killer to nery one sending us fifty cents to pny packing and postij;e. AtMivpn, Pkelhu Amuehsov MeiucinkCo Lock P.ox 1. Kcrnersyille, N. C Olll.lll't IK-HI!. onr Lot's wife turned lo nalt, alas I ller (ate was moHt unkinl; i doubt she only winhe 1 to see How hung her ekirt hnind. Exchange. (r. Mih' I'ulu l'llUetov Huuliiclia. W.L.Dougl as J) prices. ve $2.2Sshoesfor VX 5' ST menand$2.50, i. ' S2.00 and $1.75 W; alert 1. MMni I , lor DO VS. '"eWNfc. 1 . . II ... I , . I l i nc juu unc lur sue vy MERRY CHRISTMAS f Be In order to do the correct thing make useful presents, some thing that can be used from day to day, al ways a happy - re minder. Don't fail to see our Rugs, Curtains, Tow els, Chenille and Dam ask Curtains. White Quilts 85 cents to $3.75. Special prices on Rugs- Don't miss our Handkerchief Sale, m& 1 mm FIREINSUKANCE. When in heed o) Kire Irsmanoe. coll hud see us, or vtito. We lepra scut only firet-clai i ilouie and i'or eign companioB- Rospc ot fully, Woodh 10 s & Hai.bis. L.M AUCIIEY, MD, Physician and Surgeon. Concord, N. O. OFFICE :' ST. CLOUD ANNEX $1,000. We will glva the above amount to the person who will send us the bput lint of nrty questions answered In "Dictionary of United IStiitns History." Write for parilciimrs Willi stamp. I'H.UAJN rl iiLIsIlING I'O m UrooilicM atrotit Uostou Mass, sl7 '97. MORKJ.HON II. OALDWEL ATTcll;.! Y AT ' 1W, CONCODD, N 0 Ofllae in Morris bu d n , t iiiiosit. cou it 1'ouoe. DO YOU WANT A- mm m furniture. I have now ia stock in the Mor ns building oppomte the court houst, a nieeline of and all grad i lurmture, and more coming suit hie for holiday preBents and everv day u-eand ran sell it as low as oj boa. 'DON'T FOKGET," I also have an up to date line of ndfirtokrrs gnods of all stylHg and firiceH. i have aa experienced m in to take hold of this line of work and will he able to turn out work that will compete with any ia tho country. I can also furnish hearse and all thi equipments. Every thing in f.rnt clnsi stvle. Keflpectfully, J. T. Pounds. WANTED. All the Hides, War, Tallow and e.i we can gut. V ill buy 1' . (J. II. our shipping point. (J ioto U8 your hcHjiet prices. iit: suirrEus' ruouucE uo, lUliiinore, Md. HQ1 Fi''lity B Hiding. c &w m A'anted-An Idea I Who win thtnte r iomo niiDiio ')Crt yniir ta.'fl"; (Vot m-y liring y.m viirb. Vrttf JO, IN '(Vt-ODi'.K IMIN . l., rnfriit AUur hid tnjiut. mr if-t.iiiKiuit, l. C . fur tl.fir LrittOOllt .4 ilJt Ui IWO UtlftUNMl luVUUUuiii WsUlLttd. - $wjS make h. A HTsY.'. 'V.'U rv- Jr- -. 1, $2.00 SHOE BEST nt THI WOSLD. A 8S.0O 8H0B TO 3.( It li ttytish, durable and perfect-firtinsf, qualltic absolutely neceasuy to malu a finished tfioe. The , cost of manufacturing allow a unaUcr profit to dealer than any shoe sold at $3.00, , m 1 W. L. Douglas $X50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes ut tfte productions of skilled workmen, from the best material poeutM to put into sboes sold at these The "Belmont" and "Pointed Toe" (shown In cuts) will be the leaders this season, but any other style desired may bit obtained Irora our agents. We ow only the bout putt. Russia OWf (ail color), French Patent 'nlf, French Jlnaim-I, Vtct Kid, etc.. Krml.xt to urt pond with prlctta of tli sIkhis, If dealttr ran not snuply you. wrW W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Hoatk CATALCMiUB WHETB. - 3 AT PATTERSONS. We invite you to mil ar.d et our prices from the stock of Groceries in Concord. We Joffer, the following relail: ut wuolesalej ard 100 barrels sngar, 25 cases Arlmckles coffee. 2j bags green coffee. 75 barrels kerosene oil. One car ealtj One car lime and cement. 25 cases Star potash, 50 cases Mendleaons potash. 100 cases matches. 50 boxes soap. 50 boxes soda. 25 kegs soda. One car flour. One car shipsfnff. 25 cases "Ilex" Jbaking pon 25 cases '"Good Lack" baking aers. pewders. 100 Boxes Tobacco. 75 Boxes Snuff Gail & Ax and Ladies Choice, 50 thousand Cigarettes. 10 " Cheroots. 100 thousand paper bags Two toDS wrapping paper. We have a large stock of both new and second band and will make you sortie yery low prices. Come and see us. PATTERSON'S WHOLESA LK AND RETAIL -.STOKE -CONCOKD. K. (J 1 . . LJ 01 LY PERFECT 6EW1H0 MECHftNls MMIlaYUSB. NEW Yorke J- Wadsworth, Concord JV. C CONCORD MAKKKTb. COTTOlf MARKIT. Corrected by Cannons A Fetwir vlood middling.... 7 Vfiddlines 0 80 liOw middling Oj .(urn .... (i 15 PROUUOK MAnKEi Corrected bv SwmK A M bi'e. iiacoH v. ...... to 7 liifnr-cnred nuins 12Jto I4 ?ulk me:its,eides , (J to f ieeswax 30 Flutter 10iol5 Jhickeni 10to2O ern 45 HfTB" 15 Urd 7 l''lour(North Carolina) 2.60 Meal .60 Outs 85 'alio- 8tc4 '1 A n firm na DAWiflU T V

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