A SERIOUS BLUXWEB. The homicide in No. !), if feuch it is, or accident, if that, is deeply to be deplored. As to whether poor Hood ia guilty or not the public will do. well not to prudgo the case, but when the etory involves a man that everybody thought was with the county chain gang the public have a right to inquire by whose authority a convict is receiv ing such lenience, that is, too, so nearly' a reversal of the sentence passed by a high court. We have no disposition to rob Mort Fetrea of a single pleasure in life, but i:', engaging, ia violation of tle law till ia tl.e in'.orul of iLe peace ual dignity of the Stato he is denied by its lav a the freedom becureJ to all law abidiuc citizens he id depiiveJ of the benefits of free citizenship in a State whose laws he defies, wo do Lot see who has the right practically to nullify the verdict of court and unlock the shackels from rQ hit feet and send him home on parole. The act ia without precedent, we believe, and marks a bad start from the new regime that seemed not to tire of unfounded criticisms of for mer administrations. An effort it made to say that it conforms to former usages. We have enquired and ex chairman of the board, J Dove, says no convict under his di rection or with any knowledge of his was ever allowed to leave tht guards save trusties and they were sent on bueineFS strictly and never on pleasure. It becomes a serious question and one vital to the inter esta of good government whether tht courts or the executors o: the oourti mandates are to shape the punishments thought neceasarv to suDDreis violations ot lav. We are not disposed to lay thf responsibility of Honeycutt's death at the door of the au'horof thir blunder that we believe was an error on the Bide of a good hearted ness, for death is but the natural consequence '.of a drunken group, but this is the very evil which Petrea'a sentence was intended to suppress and his release was calcu lated to promote and did promote to the effect of Honeycutts death, the ;widow'e and the orphans' be reavement and the anxiety and dis tress of Hood. A CLEAS SWEEP. Governor-elect Kuisell is reported as saying that no amount of sentia mentalism is to prevent the Eepcbs ' licani and Populists from haviag all the appointments to positions with in the State, Nothing more ncbl. could be expected cf cocrse, bnt in tgrity and f!iciercy must giye way when the spoils system comes ale .ig That all our State institntions in to suffer the inconvenience, cot tr cay the damage, of a chiige from those who have the work weil ir band to those who must learn to adc just themselves to the work cot nected with these positions is no' ery pleasant to contemplate. We freely admit that an adminis tration should not be hampered by opposing policies near its centre, bnt where the policies represented by those elected to office are not in volved there is no stimulus to im provement by change, rather tht very opposite. Chanej in appointments except for purposes of iu)proemnt in s r vice works a dowoward tendency and most lead to official spolition rather than to official probity. We repeat that nothing more no ble could be eipectsd from thf toarce but surely North Carolina an do better than tj foster the ig oble sentiment that public cCu-e is public reward for partisan z;al. it, bk vaVsVluT b e fiver since it has been noume i that Mr. Bryan would enter upon a lecturing tour people nave been arious to know the subject of hit lecture. In due time it was an nounced to be "The Ancient Land marks." Then of coarse the qaes lion was, what will be the drift of the lecture We o'ip from the re port of the Southern Aasocia'ed Press a synopsis of the hcture be lieving that oor readers will re ceive much satisfaction therefrom. Miss Pattie Btinnon and Miss Cynthia Pharr, both of Chailttte, re visiting Mrs. Elam King. Miss Stinson is late of Colorado, where Bhe lived for eight years prir r to hnr recent retnrn to Charlotte. MWHllMIUMJMtlMI'M 1 Pain-Killer. (rnurr Dins'.) ji a Pure rtna rare twmedT in rrr cane 3i iiJ Tory kind vt lkjwol Com jj lain t la I Ull I B 5 TLIf in ft trne statAtnnnt and It oao't t It U a almpla, safe and quick rur for 4 Crtmpi, Cough Ithaumatlatu, Collo, Colda, Manralgla, Llarrhrt Croup, Toethacha. TWO SIZIiS. 39c. and JOc. cuii.'a ciiovii nz:.:. l.iilih or 1 ilf r.'H;:B rows Iloni!.! tnu reraounls. j Chriotmaa In. 8 couie aud goue aai! many are the heahrta that have beet) to id glad for 1 lie fait that Sat.:.. Clause has slighted no one. Thf various churches in toiru and sai rounding country h;iva bad cicil elegant trios all loudtd wi b mc'sr of candy, orancce, etc. The decorations at Mt. Z-a wf-ro j especially beantifal and wj Lave m donbt but that Miss Uince bhullen- j berger, whose father is pad'.or ofl said church, had r.nie'i to Co wiri the ilebi&niu.;. Atrtucv.n iI.h.l.:. in China Grove we hud ro (kcnra-i tioue, but i'50 childri n, whu.-. uuu.. j are ou the fouuuay tvti.-il l, uks, weie niuilo huppy with prts-.'iiiii, Ljiii from the baauy Ct-uuoi tud their respective teacher". One of the best evidcLCa of a town's jirognss is the atunduuee of the psople ut church and ' Sund:.y School and we are glad to note that China Grove is rapidly throwing U! her old ways aud putting on new. We hkve hud one cf Jtbe q-iittest Xmas' since the town has begun tc grow, not even o e drunken man was to be seen on our streets . Di. and Mrs. Steven?, of Enoch yille, and Kev. and Mrs Miller, spent Xmas eve wub Mrs. I Frauk Tatterson. Miss Jennie Patterson, one of the Concord, is at heme spend-.ur th' j holidiys with houi f:l :. .Mi;.' Eclle Shirty, a!.o c-,i cf Cj-cr-.'A j teachers, accompani- d her. 4I.t. ; . Shirey left SvMip.'. y fer.ir-f for S-l. isbnry to meet her t s'er. !: J'iM Crp;nter. of t--r, ir i vi.iting her siitfr, i-:?. Cor:...,'.) .Vliss B.lle LJdU-mau is vi.-..;i;g i j ' Aibemarie. j l!ev. Leicy Deatca id vi.-iu.i' friends and relative i-t re. Il.a JcULic Cock, the L;,.,..l -1 complis'-t.-l r-.oiio U-tUr ;.t tl.t Female S..m:r...ry af :.:t. Piear. i I v.:iit;:;r H:s;.t JvEr.'o f-1 H-".: j Patti r;or.. i Her. V.'ertz :hcc en iz sermon last night at St. " :-!'.', at:u fo add to the banty of the service" during the eolier.ioa, Miss Cook sang a solo, 'T ee As a Bird," which ta most beautifully rendered to h.i delight ( f the larga audience sf- x Ullled. Among the many nice preset on the Xmas tree wns a monkey Janflini npon a stri'ig f.r Tv Tertz. Messrs. Preston Sims and Guy Melchor have gone to Troa'min't in a hunting eipeditiorj. Mrs. Dr. lUmsaur will give a re- cntion this eTenir.r, comnlirv t.'arj to the visitint; yonn? hvls rf t'--' own. Miss E'.h?l l'att.rt'T. a-.t.-i.dcl ! '( Xmas tree at G;ac. "l'i-"vo-t." j Dec. '-C i A h( h nn. i hey had just arrive ! in il.o a- !yn i.'jm th3 Jjia: J. 'i l.'y -Ikcii icross the grtat b.-i.trre. A? t h t I .pproached the New Yoik side thy s'retched their recks acd viewed the iiassive buildings. 'Oh, he must be rich," eh'' v-.n-;nred. "Who r 'The man ho owr.s ail those buildings ." "One man doon't own th m ali," "Ob, JCa he iie--," (? tc?::f:'i lim. "How do yon kno ?' he asked. Bccanee," she evi "hii cnoe is n them." "I JTu.iS thiit's e ," !.; .': i it .e looked np it a tf & .r p--.. ".' : :''-storia tnn3t I' - "r i ;-.!:.' Printers' luk. in -yli-r I'K.m S 1' A a oye'er ir ppor ii! ' it. Jvhu's U.',.r:?'- hail '-'-night, Jun. is, : V. A f.' is anticipated in which ai' held u! if. J ., i til, f ure in- vited to bs present ad j r' i, ! p i' Th' supper will d jub.ie-s bcf al s lmptuoua tjntuie, the a.r'- v.; iti I will bs plasii.g and t fit-.t'-, the I charges uio-'erats and the ( ".'ire proceeds will he appropriatti tc tl.e uses of the St. John's church benev olent objfc;3. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. ARG YOU BANK RU PT i, . lieaiti-, constitution iindi'miii'idLy cx ravagance i.l catin-.r, by cli.-irj-yarding the Lv,s ci nature, or physical cajiltal ail j;one, if so, NEV?7 Tint's I.ivf. For sit!: h sour :,tuir liver, con1.'. r pi. , -'i-.i-yi. 1 . ' ;. t ir; ; I,: and all kindrH ' Tutt's Liver an absolute c IT'' " 1 s-'ili" !-" - Mr. Cnitii "c r. r i . in I tl:c V.'l 1 lay At z . r i ' '. the evjni' i, :i t. e Frank Th "u; Ororc;'-ih 'o ' Mis a here Kev. V K ":i r. .! I h i ivi ' I,-." th? ctci. '--" '.y t.'v.'- iVi At : :iu.ty r.ai day tit '. rv ot were a. u. 1' ' ;i; i c : At 1 p i taocira I'Lid sni' I sou of C: j. ,: a ; i A p. Lu , in Ti: John A I'.L v. a d;t.'.- . I. L, Chi. .lid i .l I. Mi) . any un at Dal! 3'1-ail . ii; 's. ti 'n iu: .r. C :; I' ot Ja: J Mi v-;.:'J. Ci u Mr. C. r r.; Nu? i.i ri. 'I lie. V;:to; DAKH ,3 J Eryta baa n-fi: i c':eck cf ton t'aou.T --d to .rr his first lecture in A tp ' h( -r ,-;i-t. T:-- .1 spends veil to i!M'!Mrfcri!K:ra tion. On corn hncls the yield increases and the soil inif roves rc;- r!y t viti f-r-" t under 7,; nctu A trial cf this plan cn litth f.nd is fjre t k profitable culture. to Uli I .p. t r. i i.:il7 f. i a, o 1 1 - o ! i.;a e.jiiiimn:" i 1. J;j.' J. I-;,',.-. U : Drv I' Dry dr ii Oh!" r.r ir;t l: ,i LOT .3... )0 A P. 0A1 IN Ir: O OaI.Y CT: BOX THIS WEEK 1 I- A- r i..i.t ti. Fiiysi M. I, Pro. j: ;.ivi:r.Y, ': ::;) a?c: :: IT: ELE3, n In rear cf t-:- C!.Ri! Hole! iln.ii!- vt t, 1 j i I li i'i tii, in,, (la!,'- ip-ly 8'ii! I1.' IKltl .T'.tt t'-rf rs o' t. iiil l. :-..! f ib;c.l I Ci i.i tl.e Mcr the 'CM r : ' I : r .!: I :.; SI. I-Ui' I lit I i hoi: jo, a i. ice 1;j:h c' "DON'T I-OKGET,'1 I aim havo an no t i ii t-i i'i.e of !!rid-.:rt;'krrs ix: If ot :'!! 1 ci .! Viric.a. J t p vs i'- i x' r; (-. r. ,f-r lo 1tu:r, l.oh.l (if i'iiiij li;;o uf v. or1; aud will ,t vh'.o tn ff.ra out vcrL that will co nip;.-If with any in ti.' f..-u v.iy. I Cii.i a'si fur.-.i.-li :"r.r.--;t'i U-o '-'j 'lip ir r.i ). i.''.''Ty t'i;;:- in fir -t cb.s3 fl) V. 11 o'fuliy, u ulla .'i --,!! il;; 1 r- a r - , a..J I i ,'n Mii it t j ( ,r huninone with i n li-ioral.lo trefnt- rf ywi i.i cf jo r :it- iif'ttrstioo of u A li.'.u cpj'.r. 7,l r-::r 10 tzzn L .5 i-l 70 ii ;; ; i 1 1 i i i t:-'t : r of ' !'. fi";-, ; :.:ob.';i;A in. 'i (' i.'-r ; .1-1 L. A TjT SELL COIIC V: - . , iJi.J, i J ti el" fj i r: ii i.ll-i )n; Y i ; Tvi:ECT i ' ' '' .-1 NEW ..i - ,y i! 'adsv'crlk, Cjicofd A'. ( r rrs Tliis feasant and perfect romc'y, so d.-tipiifiui to take. e rttrebbiug .'id e:.'ii' '."itir7, Gtomis ia liiffliest fmvt v. ih .; -.-!.o 1 -inv it Vest, p.9 the frret- .t of alt r--.d;c;.l remedies for both r i; cf i V. fc.cs and in nil conditions SilTmiLDOFORYei ' it-'FZTIT;. ipi tz'avti: SLEZP. V --!!sr.T3u!j r::rC:CCSTijfl. ii :::rc j:-;r !::nVG!JS EHEEG7. i; .., ! .i jra !iii.iir,u p6;ftj( t:d3r It p-irifjp'ir C'ori. r r- -ar-ir.: I.-!: JTfitCT!!. 1 - T i NC ; , I .'.liOE liOTTI-tw lot r o: noi.i k. -sn2 yo.'i.f i-ii; t:.u.2E rait Fr : 7J:.A'.v DVl'Us'lORE. '. C f;i - i i--.'i ' ,;-f.. ri t3 -fi.1' r-J vL "v ;-iH r i f -. iAi.LU iuR'o NOTICE. ITivi, ;; been duly rpp-,inted f'"id q i)Kl;ii(! polo fxecuf rof the h!-t .-ii' " I Ifstamont if (.VI. John m; i. . M.-d, nil jn'rconi ii ;. c.ri.if ,.f;,ii ..aid ii cea? ! ,. . i.-r. l y i.-jtifi. d to presou' '.. in lo the undorsigre l duly ao i.fiticft'rd on or b' foro the 28. Ii i N" iverri'r. 1M'7. rr Ihi:1 nn ' r i ', is ; i i ! a bar t ti V v .wry. Aljo,ail ji'rpors owinr: .. ! c. , i. i i: '. notified thn, JON' AS (-00K, :i .;(. ;'. i i of Job u biiiin- d Ail til.ii ;;!!! at il;n 1 1!, Vale, or nn V i.flicr ( '!.,'o or P'.Htii'ilioii of jrni ninjr in 'i i' i ii:,( 'I M.i:i 1 or in 'lie New J : , , . v ...j-v.Tiiir of Ti:ui'.', nn lie -; .in-! ',;,' .'ii ;'.':;'i- mill or womun v, ' n i. In ..,ni'-t. w rue f.ir ..trlku!ars tnU.VW. ,!A"i:i I). 'i I'.Si'infi)'; B'rett, 1,0-lon, Hasp. H.-pt. 17 'liT. (. II. KARMlAUin, M. I). I1!-v Ji;i :ii and Ku:" on, MT. P LI ASA NT, fl. C. CV - r!."c:.vo 1 Mid .roniplly f.t 1 to at nil houri. on'.- ut i -y r n ' "iff iiltdy o i ) . i r . I v J)r. .'' .ily, s iy .v ; :r. i:.,-,w-:l AT '. ' I V AT ' A W, CU.NOOitH, N 0 0":"- i;i .Nu.ir'n i n d n, ippo8it AT ' m v "i ");-! r'.r tts t.i" c r-; f.: : .iv . (M Wo iuviit? you to iall su d 1 1 t c-ii! tiiii.i S frr ;n til lari a s';. i;k of Groceries We 'offer' i he fnilov.il ut wholesale aid riMiiii: KK) li.tm-l.- b!ii;a-, 2') I' l-cs Aibui;kle3 c llVe. i' b-iy, 'rt'en ci-lit e. 7" h;i I l .-'.-i h Hi o.siMiH oil. Oiiu c.ir e:ilt. ' Cue car lime unti c 111 tit". 25 cases Star potash, , PO' cf ea Mriutlesons potast. li-o cases niatcbes. 50 boxes soap. 50 boxes soda. 25 kegs soda. One car Hour. On car sliipstnff. 2 eases "Hex" baking po-vs ders. h'." cases "Good Luck" baking pewders. 100 Boxes Tobacco. 75 Boxes SnufT Gail At Ax and Ladies Choice, 50 thousand Cigarettes. 10 " Chnrooti. 100 lliousaiul p".per tT.us T . 1 tuiui wrnppiii,-; paper. ' We Lavo a h ri t,.ock of BAGGING AND TIES both new nod second Land aud will make yon some yery low prices. Come and see us. PATTERSON'S vvltolksale?and rkta il ;stoue CONCORD. N. fj n.Mio '1 ,p,-' . i 1 1 - -i:i,.rlr,p (lO-rrrtlRfmpnti'fnd tl "im yi.ii f .i ; . '. On l.'stii aili', llnwt finish and I..OST I J' i'tAS SEWIMQ MACHIWB f. ' '.,r " 0 -ir ; ' 1 ''J' froiTi iTilftl.li. D!a!iurilnri'Tfl "i :- :1, -:l 1 1 . ; .-i l,v luv,--. ,u.,; i imo JJ, ' ..i. j. p v.: : i .i ii,i, wnrli; i. ii i ,m eoilrtl "' :- i..-.;r ..!, lii'ni'ii'i!.- if work!i;f t f.'. " ' 'i- -' .''.' I iii'i'ii' i ...'in.ii'.. , Lai -ill,., i !. t,.c rir.w iioisie. Vi ':irr c:.f;ui,r.Rj. T'c litYi r:v,:j Bacliine Co. fOH 6 4LE IV YOr.KE & WADSWORTU, Concord, N. C. SHOVES "Al iVk f f tOtHv(.CV; !. .4 TASTELESS ii H S LL 3f Tin in 53 13 JU3TA0 COOO FOR ADULTS. V.V. RHANTrO. FfJCE60cts GAi.ATia, Ills., Not. 1(1, 1903. r.-.r'.F, Mf..ll;:ln:- "o., t-. . I,nnn, Mu. I VT.tl' iuPii: XVu w.'.l U'i.t year. Cf botllna ol l;UIVIV.- TAM i:i,l- S CIIIU, 'rONId nnl hlTt l.'.nlit llirro i;r;,:it. filro.tily thin yinr. InalUiHrnx . 'rt"ii, ii r f U yi'itn.. In lite tlrim biiiiii.fif.. I,;.vi i i .. r .-' lil iii. nil " io liial rnvi iiii h Uui.tiii.1,1 fc.1i.14 XiUiUcu w.i yoiii 'i'oulo. luurn trii'y, ilii ;lv,C,'.uh AC: For mlf fli d tunran'.i o 1 hy n'l tl-i ggiel?. W. D. Anthon Ji& Co. PAINTERS, PLASTICOERS, VARMSI IERS AND PAPER DANCERS. TAj jo rs:au,RA stelu. WE WANT YOUR WORK. CM I furniture made to look at Koo l H3 new. Son uh. VV. D. Anthony & Co. d 02 G w jl $1,000. Wo Will iri i ft tllfl nlinvn nmrtnnl In fl.A :rt.i)i) w lio will ncnil in tlii' H ot li t of llffV fHU'mionil AnNWl'l-fil III "Il!.,l,,niiro f t'nIU'll Ml!8 lllxlnrv." It rili, l,,r part it-n in r w li li plump. ITIilTAN ('I HI.ISIIINO TO .I'i liiijiiilicld Hlruct liimli u llutiu. elT '7 . ,i ..j. (fwF- fa il i 5 it.' b. ir4iry; Fa .id AVcgctahlc Preparation fur As similating Ihc Food am! I'efl u!a l'i'f ii c Slom,uhs andDowcts of Promolcsljigeslion.Ck'erfui ncss andncst.Conlnins neither OpiuiiT.Mo: tiine nor Mncral. KOl'Natt'OlJC. JuJi'm Srt.l' Jt,..AM.Uit- AiJCifLCt Itcmcdy forCori.;li,i lion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions To vcrisli ncssandLOSSOF SLLEP. TacSiniile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF V.'llAPFtR. JcistGome In. k - ins - al u No doubt aboutfit' we are better fixed to nleaso 'tou in Clothino" than we have ever bser. Men's Suits, latest and Best. Boys' Suits, latest and best. Children's) Suits, latest T 1 J We narrr-itecto HATSJAND CAPS,FOR!EVERYBODY. CANNONS c(f F YZZR A Word to Election returns are nothing compared to tlin re sults you lecmve by trading with Dry & Wadsworlh, who are widn awake r.nd u to -date. , People are apt to believe what they eey and tho DjubtiuTkoiiiaats can be qaickly convinced , of the truthfulness and correctness of what we say by calling at once. 'Tis only a few days till 'Xmas and everybody i? begin- ningtolook around for Santa Ckus. Ilia Lead-, quarters this time are at the He says if you like comfort nd ease buy one of Dry & Wadswortli'd Big Hocking Chairs or the ladiV 6i.es for your wife. Oi if you want to sleep well aud rest easy buy one of the Raleigh Wire Spiing M.it tresses, best in the world, or one of (he handsomest Jounces Tlipy-have them at all prices from $1,00 to f'2" and to make your parlor look ap-tovdate and iu style buy k parlor suit and lo fit up a room nicely buy one of theae handsome suits, the prices are low; 'AIN'T iT THE TRUTH " im sir", We liave cv. rything in the furniture line. Cl-airs of all description!. Tables all siz-s arid styles. 13ig lot of Pictures. Window Shad.is, Cur tain Polls, Lidies' Desks, Office Desks, Wardrobes Sideboards, China Closets and everything to make i home pleasant and a wife happy. Beginning from today and dming the holidays we propose to give t each cash purchaser a nice and useful piece of furs niture, consisting ot Hat Racks, Music Racks, Comb and Brush Shelf, Bookshelves, Corner Brackets, Medicine Case. WhatNots. etc Tills is no fake. Sure Oo." 'J lie pliers of the;article8 meantime are from 15 cents to to. The value of the present will be governed by the amount of the cash purchase, 8 Thse sales will coi.iinue until the above mentioned articles have all been jivbii out. Corns at once anVi, getjhe choice presents, Yours to Please, 1 S.ZVf ... t ii .pp. THAT THE SIGNATURE- OF IS ON THE WRAPPER 01' EVEBY BOTTJLE OI Oaitorl ta put up In one-li bottloi only. It l not loli) ia bulk, Don't allow tuytmn to tell jou anything the on tha plot or promiae that It is "Jnat good" and "will anawor avery pur. poe." - Boa that yo get O-i-B-T-0-E-I-A. TV. fA. - I'aniiK - d - Him. tavo vou'monev the Wis ri t v: i . frawww r w