7" 'r fc.. . ... ... fc. - SsYl 'v rift .-. .-3,.i?i-rfT s? .-4r.'!ir rony i i TfHiW n is. linrum, ssi rni nns hit r - aa. m m r-tiri-mi minrm-Ti n i i ir nil THE STANDARD THE : STANDARD i l'RiNTSTIIE xi;nt THAT IS MH'S I For 1 Yar TANDA i T.i.N . CUT- G03D - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PlUCkS. GIVE US A TRIAL VOL. IX--NO 50. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1897 .WHOLE NO. 407 'Fur R,D Send us 1 Dollar. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report SEABOARD HAS A WREIK. A frelttlil lilt, bed Near ItaUith Colored Flri-iiinH Killed mid j.ngl neers RlbN Rrnkeia Perhapi. the Work of 'I'mmim- lltuou-lIouuilN un le Trail. li.UKum.. N. ('., Dec. 30 There wan & bud wreck of a freight train two rmlca rest of hpro, at 1:30 this morning, on the Seaboard Air Line. Mil it sf ;)''!i:F to h;:v3 lwn caused by trauipj. The veetibnled train was an hour late th!s lo' z'-ng, south-bound, and the fi eight wes lunning ou iU btkt-JuIt). Four tramps wore "ditched" near the place lato yealerday afternoon, and it ia believed thry removed or un fastened u rail. Tho engine aud five ctrs dashed down a thirty-feet em bankment, and were wrecked. The engine turned entirely over, and all Hi ,niptr-woi 5 j were torn aw a) Engineer Johu Robinson, of U.l eih, eecaped with a couple of brckei ribs, but Fireman Iywis Overl', colored, also of Raleigh, was cauglu beneath i-i.e en;ue uud iuBtati il.. kitlid. i" rqiiiru! severi.1 hot-tV ba:d woi k t i . f cure his be ly. lb wi.g killed l'y ie.idiug and burning The ti iek ui., turn up Gve or eii rail kn'.Lc. tm.l it waa noou befuri r''pjirs Wi-r" fr ? ed bo iraim cou'd pa-s. No o' bora i f the c.ew w hurt. '''Ik- evr 'rfiv wnlkpt i-t tM.f city. The local surgeon of the rail r we::l proifi ftly io tin scene. lljudr.-Js if people vkite.l th wreck. Tin f.eiht c.rs ,er thrown tre t distances, cup fully I 100 feet. This one waa loa'eu with cj'ton, nvl u it ws a rump The old saying, "the uevil c -rPe foi his ewi),'' tppik'd in this ca.-e, foi the fellow w unhrrt, 'lhere, tv.is much indie, aion agaiust thi trumps fi:;.v)i d "o have caused ihi nocideu'. There wits a revert 'ha' a trauip pik.tcr lelnaikcd that i. tramp Biii t I:!m tliire would be more trouble ; '.ha:. the uutttr bsd net tne't .1. There id p-ii'iii-vo evide.-iCi that s rail was removed 'I lie? upik-a and fishplates tj.k "ii f oin it hsve b tL found tear the wreck and lb e;iilet hud bem freshly pulled Au iron crow-lar has also been found, coiu cealed anions the we.ds. The bn ii the properly of the Southern E .ill wir, aud h (! b eu eiolen. Tb tr icks of two men hove been found le.idinjr froin tho point where the r-.il was removed, gupenuteudeut Mjncure enys thi'ra ;s no doubt tlut un at'empt waj niaJe lo vir ck h vettiiukd train. Kiiki-y c-fiioLle deny that four trrupj tbic put eii a "train caterJaj at thb jiUce wher ths wreck occurred. T. u ivi turtl t-o u;htr atuirpta .a wr eking, by plaei: u o'ud'.ructiuLS on the tr.ck, have hem tuude within "0 tiiites cl Kakigh wi hin the p:;al Un daya igineer Kobinson says that this morning, a Bceond before reaching the mphiced rail, he saw something was wrong Un remeuahers his en gine jumping the mils. The Sea board's tracks parallel ibosi of Ibe Sjuihern IJa'lway, and the former ha nsed Ih'j letter's t ack today b? tween hVeigh and Cary. Some of the wrecked cars were thrown on the Southern's tracks. Rloodhovr'di" crived ln'o this nf terix.on fro.o t 1p j . lio-h'ifrr f jru L.ar Weldou. end ere i nrnvJiatel' j .it t on the trhi1. 1 liey wmt iu h d r'heily dir. c " n. Four 1 undri ! a id eem Iralints ii'ied down tt" Southern New Y oar's Cny, heading for Grmavilie, Mis., wLere tbey will farm. 1 v. t V .. ! : .11 i V: r.'ir lias til i hit- 1' n'.5r- 1 t ! it tli? o! j l.,w oi .-.Ml l:a the tir'ie ftiivunt i;' ' i.v i i;i 'case. i ii . ( I.u-v f Katnrc l ( -J 1?"1U t'i tic kv.i.'. i ht:ii I'irv arv sick Vl f Nature iK'lpa to curt i "i.-t the liiitde for out i i -t .iik nt-onlf 'J ere is rr way bm Natuve's way. V'h tin" doctor- call many li lT.r.-nt A i u f. n II ! I ' L 2 A' Nature cures in om ('-! ,v'lv! ''y ""'ii'lii,ir J- r J tlie' whole body wilti con'!, pure, tkh, ri i! blood. Tbt is Katare'a way of cunnp crufula, ery.,ipfla:.. iiloeyan ! "liver cm plaint," conMiniption pad every form ol erupllec and waatiiiR diwaae. , V hen yon want in In !p N'aturcv ilh im'iiic'.ue tl:e meil Win mailt wnrW ll'...' nmc way a Nature orltt, then il hi.' the law.' of Nature on il? tide to make it powerful. Hut 1 tlie Secret of Dr. Pii-ree'i C.olden M.-iiwal His Covery' wonderful cure. It ussisis Natutc aceariliiiK to her own laws ; it is on Nature ide ml Nuture lielp it: It imparl new power to th nutritive and blood making or (tans to create larire quantity of fresh, red Ecahliy blowl wliieli drives every Rertrj of iiaiaae oat of the system and builds np tronir healtiiv liasuesand solid flesh. Tb " Discovery "' completely clears sway eiy form of blood-disease from the system ; It tven cures consumption. It is the only ti us ladical curs for that disease; facts and test! luuny to prcve it. I would like to tell tlie wholi- world wtint yrrnr Ooliliil Meill.iil Dlsc.ivery' 1ms dune lor ni The ilueiur, -lio is considered nn e,ert ou lu.ia troiililcs, told me I luid consiimntiim. He saia tw. it?i mv lunKSweie dini..i.'icil and 1 eutild mil . liv 4' urn . . , .... .s Iiim. I frit down-hearted for I hnvr dear Utile , 0 chil.lrtn to live liir. I just weiil to hnn tog.-t lul ' oninl 'il I am (.lad 1 did for now I know what vuur medicine will do. when I stinted on Hie second Iv'tlte ! wns tidier In every way am flile to hike a wnlk ou every hue dny 1 1 .il .vf.1 mv aieeli. invnppelile wi.s (.'Mid. anil bvtlic time I ii.id linlslivil the seen 1 Wile 1 I" ' like a new wmnnu. I anil h.id a e.nnili. so I Rol Ihir.l Isillie mill !iy tlie time It woa half gout , was completely cured. " ' (Mis.) ---rJ?a'f-L-4- TJ Wary St., lU-ullUia, Out, Csn Til FJELECTION OFJUDQESJ I x-l'resldeiii llnrrlaou's Olijei ton to Tbe Mode or rleleef Ion. Ex-Presid nt Ilarrison writes of "The Judical Department ot the Government," in the January Ladies' Home Journal, and siys with refer ence to the general mode of selecting Judges iu the majority of States: "There has been much diBciiKsi in as to the proper tenure for the judicial odioe; and the tendency, as expressed iu the later State Conotiiutions, has been in favor of limited terurs. The earlier State Oonsti'utions gaye the .ippoiutment of the Judges to the Governor or the Legislature, but along with the demand for limited fertna for th Judges came another for their elemion tj the people, and in a majority of the States tbey are no w nominated in the party conv n cions and elected by popular vote j ist as a governor or sheriff is chosen, I do not think that either of these changes it a reform. Limited terms, if they are long, may b supported by many considerations ; t ut short 'emts, com'uined witti popular eleo tions, have cot, in my opinion, se cured a hth a judicial slaudurJ ae prevailed before. A Judpe who must go ut short lu'.ervals before i political couvention for nomination, and baroe the people for an eleo tion, cannot bavo the snme Sense of udrpendeuca and eeenrity that be would have if h s term were long or ItHng good behavior. The judicial cilice should be eo org.m z d that men i f the best abilities and attaiu- meuta would euter It as a career, and give their lives auu tbeir auibi- tionn wholly to it." luuual Ktateiiieul. Aunu.il BUtemeut of the amount nnd nature of all compi n ation au itited by the board to the members thereof severally : For the year ending 1696 J Dove r. ctived f 58.05 compensation to ser vices hs a member of tho board, mileage, etc., aud $25 to looking after chain (rang. Vm. Propst re eeivvd $ii 185 compensation to ser i ic-3 a meinhnr of the board, miiesK''i etc J S Turner reoeived Ji7G 30 compeneation to services sa h member of the board, mileage, etc. Jo?. VV Foil received $07 compensa tion to seryices as a member of thi hoard, mileage, etc. The boird wan ni sesiiiou twenty one days during the yiar. Number of miles trav flpd per day by members of boaid: J Dove, 3 miles; J S Turner, 30 tuilee; Wm. l'ropat, 11 milts; Jos W Foil, 10 miles. NounverG d accounts were au dited W. M. Wepdisqton, Clerk. tj Beard. d 10 4t A l.ouK-'-'vcil family. IV; r 3. Sn?iin V i' hers, grandmother of Mr. Frank Cjstner, was en aged member of a family truly remarka ble for its lengtvity. She died Mon day at an ae past 91 yea-s. At her burial we her nieces from 50 to 75 years old end a daughter of 74 year. old, some of th m leaning upon a staff. &U. Withers had a sister who lived to be 96. A few fpet from her grave was that of Mies Elizabeth t'Oitner, a maiden aunt, and the inscription on the head stone shows that she was born in 1706 mid cit-il in lbo9. at the nge of lOi yearn, 11 lnon'l.a and 5 days, oein but little short r-f lO-'j ear old. 'She was burn and reared, ived and tiii d, wi'hiu a mile of tl e PiiiW l h a chiiiCJ. This family L-f such rtnia k ble longevity is oi German or Dutch dcictn, the nime beii'g spelled Kosnvr originally. An allied branch bore the name of ICocU (pTons'.ineed Kuk), which came, lo be exiled and irouounced Ucok. To this family belong the Cooks of (.Vharnis county, inelud'np Prof. Jaa. P Cook, of Concord. Mrs Wither- was a Ilollman, an aunt of Dr. W ll Hoffman and the lait ol tho family of J jhn Hoffman, of Rjvoluf ici.ary fame. Tho Kicha Kosr.ers and Ilolloians were related families aid all long-lived. Oa - toni i G,..etle. ,0.000 l ire in itiili iKli. The Uih ijh coirespondent to the Obarlotte O ..crvi-r of D o. 31 says : At 10.30 to nuht G:e troke out in the cur barns ami einj'ie li''U e oi tho Ildlei,;h Kiecric Sir.et liil7aj and distioyed lh"tu all, along with nine cara, Qye d;, namots aud four engine'', of lti" horse power each, oget her with -11 B'ipplies. Tbt loss i $'i0 00 ), it r only $U500 inauraJCi. Trie eh C, tic coman furi.ished liglit to mtny tiu il i iui Mi al of its 6 -k is h' id by thi O- ntral E; ctric t'ompanv, nf H jk ton, i t Inch Jaints HCii'l. ria h Ciii 3 Mtative. The Q e originated n 'he boiler or eiiRine roim and sliriad -itliwo lerful rapidity The 'ui'.dii gs ! tc f ii il SHOIiT LOCALS. Write it 1897. Gladstone celebrated hie 87th birthday on tbe 29 ,h of December. Governor-Elect Russell will be inaugurated on Tuesday, January 12th. Master Karl Johnston in again tfilegruph messenger at the Western Union office. He began with the New Year. Miss Nina KimmonB, after spend inrj the holidays at her home near Beth page, has returned to Harris burg, where she is teaching. Mr. Truman Chapman is laying a sewer pipe from tbe new bank building to tbe mam eewer in reai of tbe Racket store. Mr. Y C Caldwell bas gone to Charlotte, where be becomes night operator at the Air Line Jo net ion for the first ten days in tbe New Year. Mr. Eijar Parks, a young man, ii years of age, and a brother-in-law of Lieutenant Governor Dough ton, die at Sparta, Alleghany coun ty, Tuetday, i f paralysis. Miss Berta Kimmone, accompan ied by Miss Neppie Newell aud Mr Leoue Newell, all of whom spent Christman week at Miss Kimmone' borne, at Mill Hill, have returned to Newell's High School. Rev. N I B-kko and the memben of tbe congregation of Grace Loth eran criurch, treated the prisoners eoDhned in the county jail, on New Yenr's day, to a sumptuous outlay of truits and gondios such as are in vi gut at tl'is festive bcnsou. Ihe lhr.rlctte x.Hwd insist npon calling Mr. Jaues P Cuok, of thk o tv, a iiuctor, sines the at ake with lers was captured in Stanly county. V tea that paper relora to him l always puiit: ' Dr. Jus PCu'ik,o( Concord. Mr. Adjlphus Thiee, who is now located at Talapooa, Ga,, after spending the Chriptmap holidays at bin old heme in No. !) township, lei t, inured ay nitrbt for South Caro linn, from whence be will return to Georgia. The new in.lei books for the Register of Daeda olluo have arrived and Miss Ida Weddington, assisted by Miss Alice Sims, began oa tbe w ork of re-entering tho index rec ords ihureday. Ibe records go back for more than a century and a quarter. Rev. B Frank Davij, pastor of Grace Reformed church, today (Ihursday) united in marriage Mr Jobn Dayvault and Miss Tassie f uther, both of No. o township, thu county. Only a few witnesses were present at the parsonage, although toe auair was premeaitatea. Mr. John L Patterson, once of Ni. 5 township, but now of Lipe liowaa couoty, was in tbe city, and in order to keip up with the events of the year that is to come he quite proprly outwribed for the Weekly Staslaku, the newsiest paper and tbb best weekly advertising medium known to this testion of tbe coun try. Bhanson's Noktii Carolina Al manac. "Great care bas been taken to secure absolute accuracy of the Court calendar and tbe officers of publio institutions. This, with tbe two pages giving tho county officers all over the State, make it an Al manac of very great value em phatically, no other like it.'" Get one for five cents at. Fetzeu's Drugstore. Reform comes high, but we have to take our dose. Accordion to s I'onaervaii vo estimate, the State nrinting for the past two years has oopt us 8S.400 more than for the previous t wo veara when it was in the ba ids of the Democrats, and the work was done by union print ers. In the case of tbe public print ing tbe reform gun seems to have kicked considerably. Charlotte News. Before Retiring.... fake Ayer's Pills, and you will sleep better and wake iu bcttei condition for th day's work. Ayer's Cathartic Pills have no equal as a pleasant and effect ual remedy for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and all liver troubles. They are sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with--out the annoydncesexperienced In the use of so many of the pills ou the market. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Cathartic Pills. When other pills won't help you, Ayer's is THE PILL THAT WILL ti) tl j-r it yx1SV".,r.s--v- W ' 95? 5a Vv 4 John Barleycorn got in its work with the mill bands during Christ mas and as a consequence several men are out of a job. Mr. Steve Hodges has secured e position in the cotton factory at Mooresville and has gone there to enter upon active work. The oyster supper at St. JobnV Lutheran church New YearV night, under the auspices of the Woman's Home and Foreign Mis sionary Society, was a decided suc cess. About f 10 was realized. Dr. Jerry Dreber passed through Concord Friday eight on his way to his borne in ilminglon from Ml Pleasant, whither he had been on a abort stay with bis mother and other relatives during the holidays Miss Pink Ridenhour, who has been assisting ber brother, Mr. V A Ridenhour at King's Mountain tor several months, bas returned to apend some time with her parents near St. John's. On Thursday last Ex Sheriff John A Sims delivered over to Treasurer C V Swink tbe publio school tax for 1890, amounting to fl0,(XX) The fchool taxes were settled in full. Colds, cough', bronchitis, aud al. throat and !u- diseases are effec tively treat- d with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. To neglect the use of proper remedies for these ailments, is to induce consumption, which if said to causa one-sixth of tbe mor tality in all civilized countries. Miss Aima Shirey boarded the southbound vestibule Friday night for Edy, Laundes county, Ga., where she will engage in teaching Miss Alma bar aFpiiations toward this nnble calling and with her sprightly deftness will most cer tainly succeed. Biunson's is the up-to-date North Carolina Almanac, calculations cor rect, weather fioe, signs in full, plant your "Tater" crop by this Almanac and avoid the bugs and you will be happy. Get one for live cents at, Fktzkr's Drugstore. t Although 'tis only a few days un til tbe meeting of luu General As sembly, Raleigh is iu ullerdarkness, the light plant having been de s royed by fire. Maybe some of the brilliant eolons will electrify all Raluieh but it won't be of the burning kind. Branson's North Carolina Al manac. ','Tbe people hang it in the chimney-corner and refer to it all the year long. It gives them more useful knowledge about the Slate than can be found in any other book for tbe same small price," five cents at, Fetzeu's Drugstore. For hoarseness, loai of voice and til affections of tbe vocal organB, the favorite remedy with many clergymen, singers, actors, auction eers, and public speakers is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. As an anodyne- expectorant, its beneficial effects arc promptly realized. Mis. Catharine Blaekwelder. mother of our townsman, Mr. J A C Blaekwelder, died New Year'e night at the home of Wm. Swearin- tan, in INo. ll townsnip, alter an illness of considerable duration Her remains were interred to day (Saturday) at Cold Water Lutheran church, a few miles below town. A watch party was given at the home of Mr. R M Kimmone, in No. 3 township, Thursday night, com plimentary to Miss Meppie Newel and her brother, Mr. Leone Newell. It was quite a Bocial event and was immensely enjoyed by a lively thronir of youni; folks. Mr. Arthur Faggart, of this city, was present. There are some people who are never positive in anything. It is always, "I don't know," or "I guess o.'' There is a world of such peo ple, and it ia refreshing sometimes to hear a perjon speak as one hav ing convictions, like Mr. Charles F Snyder, ol liangor, I t., wno wrote : "I can heartily recommend Sim mons Liver Regulator to all who are troubled with uvspepua or Liver Complaint." Branson's North Carolina .4l manac JSo cither like it. "l. i m calendar is calculated Ly Branson himself, and guaranteed to be cor rect to the nearest half minute no other like it. 2. It hasihe weather arefully conjectured according to the best tcibutiho knowledge no ither like it. It stands the test o! an intelligent publio. The Branson maxims are well worth reading," in tact iianso-ri s is the only up to date almanao of the Suite. Price five cents at, Fetzeks DrtutHToitK. Niii-niiik n llrofcen Arm. Christmas brings joy and vJai'. ne-S to 10 some,, aud pain and or row to others. Ou Saturday last, D.ci'inbir 2G, Mr. Marshall Mabrey titnl MiFS Minnie tkible were our bievole rid ing and when near Kurr's snore Misi Coble was thrown from her wheel, and in the fall broke her arm. She has since been q-ii'e sink, but we are t'ad to announo that Bhe is improving and resting very well. CUIil Wrrki H'lllinul Entliitf. Mies .M-.rj Winter, of Sharon, Ptt, came under the eLrang" hallu cination tba she had seen tLe Lord and that lie bud told her not to eat food. The result was that she would not ea, arid died ret ntly of starvation af'er a fast of eight weekN To III. Public. Folly realiz'ng the responsibility resting upon myself as tax collector, in leaving th" county temporarily I have selected and deputizid Mr. Jo seph Young to collect and receipt for the taxes of 1896 still unpaid. In making this selection I have not only looked to my own interest, but mure especially to the interest of my bondsmen and the taxpayers generally. Wishing you all a prosperous New Year and thanking you for your confidence in the past, I remain as ever, Ueapectfully, John A. Sims Mr. Young will he found in th office of J O Gibson. January 2, 1896. Mr. Bucliannn,n Csnirtldnry. The World learns from a reliable son roe that Mr, Grant Buchanan former'y of Salisbury, bat now with Williams, Hood & Co., of Charlotte, wiil be a candidate for assayer of the mint at Charlotte. Mr. Buc hanan resided in Salisbury for sev eral years and was in the pojtoCi?e here for a long time. He is thoroughly capable young man, a staunch ans active Republican, ex cellently qualified for tha poEition which he seeks, and bij numerous friends in Rowau uud adj.iiniuf. counties would r joice at the suc cess of Lis candidacy, Salisbury World. Mr. Buchanan la a brother to Sheriff M L Buchanan, of thie county, and is known to our people to e just what the World repre icnti him to be. May he reahzj his great ambitkii is our sincere wish. Is II Vuur IikT Friend, if th .t is your dog raid ing vour i.eighbors hen neat while the egg is yet warm, you will do well to give, him a sickening dose or such other trca'm' ut as jou choose, that will correct his disgraceful habit But remember that your neighbor has a riht (o expect you not to keep a worthless brute to depredate on his Leu's nests and if you leay him to cure the evil, don't be silly enough to get on your ear about il if tlie dose is rather effectual State ofOhio.City or Toledo, ) Lucas County. j Frank J Cheney makes oath thai ho is tbe senior partner of tbe firm of F J Cheney & Co., doing busintff in the City of Toledo, County and State nioresaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUND RED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and sub fcribed in my presents, this 6th day of December, A. D. 18S6. . A. W. Gleason, seal Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. C. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. S"Sold by Druggists, 75c. Sfomlrlile nt Mooresville-. On Christmas day at Mooresville, Henry Davis and his Bon-ln-law, Henry Jonrs, both white, engaged in a friendly ecu ill , which was fol lowed by a dispute, wbcu Davis re turned to his home, vowing ven geauce Without fur her words Dayii returned to where Jon.?B was, carrying his uu, and an the old man approached his son-in-law Le drew the weapon and fired, shooting .ores 'on in h ia tr,""ka. J inrs wai not ki'.'ed instantly, and Davia waa put under bond. The wounded man took an unfav orable turn tins week, aud on Tuea day di.d. ASK ili-i itcovetvfl r-frx-u- : v- ar'PtT""' Ulll,,us "IT-V- tf r mf a nt I skiic, the mercurial diseased patient, how ibey recovered health, sTlj cheerful niirils and rcood you by taking SiMMom 1,1 Vim RlUillLATUH. Tho ChrnpfBt, Vtiroftt and Htnt Tamlly Mud. cine lit the World! Tar UVSI'I-TPM, roNSTlP Tnv. Tiin-e, Hili.mi atliuki, SICK. H !'ATACMK, Luu. , Ik-piL.-iion of Spirits. SOl'R S I t l.MACh, M'-tri. i.rrt. rt- I his un, ivaleii re n ted y w wanmiteil uol lo -in:aiu Kindle tianitlf of Mkkciky, or miy uurt-ial sututttu-.''. tiul It PURELY VEGETABLE, rfintainine Ibose Southern Kimuanil Hcrlis which an all wim rtTividcriLe has placed in cnn.ni.s win m l.ivc-r lliftras-i n, n't prvv.ul. II will cure nil IllacHMt'a enilaeii li, Jleriili,;euiviit t.l tlto I-lvor and llniveU. 'ihe SV Ml'TUMS of T ivr Ciwiflaiiil art- a l-itlw or liail tame ill ihe muuih: ea.ii in the liiicli, bid.- er i.iiiita, nflen aiistaken for Klicillnali&ni ; Sour loma-vlit Lms ol AptKtitc; ll'-weli aitemaiely cimlive and lax; HrntlHihe; lsa tit Mtmwy, with a twinhil aeniation uf having fulled In ti- loniettiinft which aiignl In have been dnne; lleliillty; lAtvr Hplrltsi a thick, yellow appearance ol the Sliin anil tyea ; a dry Ciiiiyh, often mistaken fur t'nnstimption. Sumelimea many uf thefte ayinntoms attend th diaeate, at others very lew ; hut tlie 1.IVHS, the larRe! i-IKan in the IhhIv, u t iieially the vat ol the diM.i.e, ami it not Keum."! in pine, teat sullcini. v.reih-e.!n-s anil IlKA I'll wi I ensue Ihe fiillosiinK hiKhly clc-ineii persons ...lest to the virtues ol Simm'.n I V,H Kni.ii.MuK: Ik-n W S. Holl, 1'res. lia. S. W. K K. Ii... ; KVv. I. K. I .-Her, l'erry.lia.: t',,1. K. k. Spaits, All.uiiy, 1 -a.; L". MaMet-I'-il, V.s.(.,Slieiin l!,l M,.,l .a.: J A Hints H.i.iil-ridee. .: Kev. J. W. liurke, Macon, (.a.: tre.: I' -w.ts, bi.il. Ga. S. W, k R. ; ll,,n. Alcs.an.lei II Miphcns. We hnve listed its virtues iiers -n illy, and kilos, that tor llyspepsia, H ilousness and ' lirol lmiK Htad ailie, it is the liesl mcliciiu- the wild ever saw. e anve tried forty other reii;e,;,.-s hel. re Saiiuion, I.ivel Ki-jeilator, ami none ol llu-in K ve us more Ih.in tem- tioiy reiiel; the kejjiilai. r not oniy relic e,l. hut cured " l-P. l ELDliKAeil AMI Ml.aMMIhR, Macun.Oa. MASUrACTVIi:P O.HLV BV sl. II. ZlilLIX CO., fhiUdelphik. l'a. ADJUTANT'S REPORT. PraUrd tlie Prnollee mnr-ti of Che Fonrlli Kexlinsnt land Raeommssda sr -ontmuiincsi. . The annual report of the Adju tant General is said by that illicer to be the best he has ever made. I' shows the strength of the Stat. Guard to be now 1,780, against l,C(i0 at this date last year. Two infantry companies were disbanded, and tbret mtistered in. The military aided the civil authorities seven times during the year. The practice march of the Fourth Regiment in praised, and it is especially recom mended that suoh marches take the place of stationary encampments The report says the gu -rd oan bi mobilized in a few hours and that it is equipped for six months' ser vice. That there is general inter est in it is shown by the fact that between February 1, 1893. and this date no leBS than 80 applicants for permission to organize companies were received. aeau-lilag t'liuri-li BSouuem In Cnienico The University of Chicago bas in stituted an odd Innovation in giving lessons to its students on proper be baior iu church. Tbe statement of its plans and purposes, or exac.lj what reform it propozes to iffrCt, is oot very defioite a fact whuh is tc 03 regretted. But it is to bs hoped that it will address itself to the curt of tbe custom if it is a custom out in thnt country which people have down here, of planting themselves in he end of the pew next the aisk Len they go in church aud refusing to budge for new-comeis, thus com pelliug those who enter afkr them o 6tumbleover their feet and crown themselves Into the pew as best thet can. When the country was young tnd a worshipping congregation was tpt to be surprised at apy moment by au atta- k of Indi tns, our fore fathers carried their guna to meet ing and the men sat next the aisle in order to be ready upon a secondV aotioe to grab their guns and rush tut to repel the red men and save the women and children. Such it the power of heredity that the de scendants of the men of those dayr, in North Carolina, at least, will an chor every time in the end of the vest, if it be vacant, atd cannot be induced to movj over, although the Indian has long since beej driven toward the setting sun and th danger of attack upon peaceful wor shippers is the remotest of proba oilities. If in its cuiriculum of church manners tbe University oi Chicago is (etching its students to move over, we bid it hail and Ood speed, indulging the hope that itE Hues will go out through all the earth. Charlotte Observer. I lii' "Jny rtlrliiir Bund. " A string band recently organized it Cannonville, composed of four members, Messrs. Jobn Winecofl Jim Hornbuckle, J V D.lskill and John Sbinn, goes under tbe caption of the "J" string band, not that their music is of an inferior kind hut because each of its numbers name begins with a "J." With threo guitars and a harmonica these young gentlemen lender sweet mu sic. Kulibiiis Vtliiccofl. Wednesday afternoon at the home )t the bride l tint abovo the ci'v Rev V M Rabbins and Mine Fan no Wiuecoll were wedded, Rev. G it Uarley, performing the ceremony The marriage was a quiet affair, inly a few invited friends being present. Rev. and Mrs. Rohbins are popu lar young poople andTiiE Standari joins their many friends in wishing lor them happiness unalloyed. "Ibe World Do Move." Mr. John L Miller has as neat grocery store as was ever opened t the public iu Concord. Mr. Miller sild out his former business a Cannonville to Mr. Fred Swiuk, who will continue at Miller's o'd stand. Mr. Miller has an entirely new stock and its fresh uppearance makes one feel good to look at it Mr. John K Patterson will assist Mr. Miller in the sture until things are straightened out. See bis ad at top of local column. Mr. C B Wagoner has closed out his grocery business and retired tf a more quiet occupation. Mr. Wagoner's many friends regret In see him make this departure. Ilr. Marsh leulie. Druggist M L M.ireh is i.tT on n ten tiny jiuntto his old home at Monroe and a Hying tup to B.I i- more. Just what be will do vrluii he gets in Maryl.nd. the publii: ia left to surmise. He bus secure, I tie- services nf Mr. O E Kranklin, of Monroe, to attend to his priscnplion department during his absence. Highest of all in Leavening Power.- 14 JSESTD BOTH LEGS OFF. Hub IfolNhoiiNur, a f'nlinrrns) I'otinly Man, in h HnilroitU Ac-itldent in Ar kansas, A telegram received in (hk city Thursday afternoon announcer) that Bob llolshouser, a former Ca barrus man, had met misfortune at Forest City, Ark., in a railroad u.a aster. Full particulars of the acci dent could not be obtained, but enough wns learned to know tha both the man's legs were mangled and had to be amputated. Mr. llolshouser was reared in No. 11 township, this coun'y, and has been in Arkansas only ab ut one year. He is a young man and his friends here are grieved to hr of h? i in ful acc dent which tu'iy r-su!t in death. 9lr. Joe Young t!i yinn. For some time a number of peo plo have been curious to know the man that Ex-Sheriff Sims wouif leave in charge of tho tax boohi when he goes to Raleigh to aatist Auditor IldlAyer. The Standaud is able to relieve any uneasiness on the part of the publi'; by making tbe announcement that Mr. Joseph Young has been choson by Mr. Sims to rece've th remainder ol taxes due and that he will occupy Mr. Sims' room in the county crrt house." A ocro pntisfactory man tc a'., than ' Uncle Joe" could not bitve been foncd. I'tiNleued on the luHldtt. Thursday afternoon two smil boys were p'..;ying around the large oil tai.k at the depot, when one Ut ile fellow threw ihe other oue'd hat in the tan!;. The hatkss boy pro cured a plank and "cooned" it tc the man-hole and fqnetz d himself through. When cu the inside, the boy on the cutsk'c shut and fastened the hole, leaving hij pa! on tbe in side to hla own fate. Afkr etverr-1 hours confinement the boy was res cued from the tank by a p-iuiicr-by who procured a rope and lowered it 'hrough ti.e hole in order for tin: boy to climh out. A Uoml Exaniil-. 0.:e gcod itep ban Lctn tuktu L prevent many lad octs Ly the owners of the St. CLitd hc'el prop erty. The sidewalk in front of the bottl ia being rept.ir.-d and now thai that ugiy hole has been filled, the difference in rppearance is quite i o ticable. There ia 10cm for other improvement further down on the aame side, and if the properly owi era or the town will pattern af' r the good example set by the hoel people on this happy New Year's day, it would not be many days un til our sidewalks would be in a much better condition. The tiew Bank. The Cabarrus Savis Uuk .ll be ready for business within ike uxl few weeks and many are tbe Lick, les that are ready for deposit The room is handsomely Qttcd up witl oak f ii r ti i ur, bids fair to be mo. inviting place of deposit for oue't self or money. Inside tbe vault id a small safe, ! he Hall 8ufe and leck make, uiouern style. It is nut wuiked wilh the usual outside combination, but with time lock aud automatic door. The lock is wound up like u clock, lilna tlruve Items. Mieses Ethel and Beltie Patteison ind Beulah Thorn and Messrs Ar thur Patterson aud Edgar Gallher, spent Wtdnesday evening andTburs luy, very pleas.mtty with Misa An nie Fisher. Mr. Otis Patterson spent Thurs lay iu S ililmry. Mnmpa setm 'o h ive taken our uwn, in passing we see a good Utw if the people with their j.iwa tied up. Mr. Adam Allmau is still hold ng down the "pots" at the I'jtter on Manufacturing Company. The 1st Sundny evening, January 8ch, will be gi eu to the young nun, who will hold the anniversary of heir prater meeting Heveral of the boys will have short addresses inter persed with uuuic. Pro v out. A certain minister while preiv-h- ing said that every blade of gnus ii t Bermon. The next diiy he waa amusing hinuelf by uniting h's Uwn, when a par:shinner said, "That's right, doctor; cut jour ser uions short Monroe ELquirer." 1 Kh'IS KEINKLE I. Mile Folks Hate a Jolly Time While A niil.llc aKcd I.aily Badly rluliK-m t. The little boys and girls on West Dtpot street were out fcr fun Thursday night, and they we e not disappointed, although their ghost came near frightening the life out cf a middle aged lady on spring street. Old Kris Krinkle was attired in garments of white and was appar ently several feet tal'i-r than the tallest man iu town, una when she appeared at the door of the reside it," bowing and fcrapir was 2t tie wi'.h nnuEiial trrec fulre, un'. dignity. When calling at a Lome where a mother and her two children we.-e seated at tlie fireside ard all waa quiet, the ghottly Uin knec-ed gelitiy ut f.o f. . Uuor and to hrr borrow the mother's e;e: Ml ..pci M 'Sxu "I i Dmt thought waa that "lue gohhhn's" had her she swooned, but revived in time to tell the ttory to her bus baud, who was tnmmoned heme from "up town" in au ititti'.ee. TLe little folks er.jiytd the ech.-o imuipocJy. nrt being old eno;:,.h to Kui : a the seriousness of the ti ., Jm. Old Fi-s ;:,'ade herself u. cful io v.tll as k.:i n, when rilievin the tniijt ng vie.'; I ll iu... - Will vo II. renin i Th : Greensboro Record says : "Few people know the t.-mls of a newpp.tptr man, not that he is woiked lo death or is sl. rvicg, out he is often placed in tbe mcit auk wind posiiions. "For inatar.ce, the other day the Record risked a frkud to send in a report of a german given the night previous, lie did so, and it was in the office ready for Ike, hands of the printer, when a luiuest came in from ibe ii 'Other ef one of the eoiin;- iii iiis, followtd S'.'on byothrrs of a liico natnre, asVinp; that if the german had been written up iu de taii, lo please omit tier daughter's liiixe. "Now here wiiri a n.ei.3 to be sure, but v.'hnt could the poor toy do? Simply omit the names and then U""-o the writer conic down filled with ire a foot defp and ask what in Ihe thunder we meant by asking him to write au account of th dance and then cut cut all the most important pt.rt, for after leaving off the names requested the report would have been very short as far as names were concerned. "But why did the mammas desire their daughters' names omitted ? Well, that is a matter of surmise, hut in one cast the true reason wud that the lKuUiiiiu didn't want her pastor to know of it. Hereafter every name goes, If you don't want o see it, stay awy from the dunce." -GREATEST ON EARTH." Ir. Miles' ttotornllTe Nervine. Mr. U. T. Onidirell, Is brnik-ktvtxir tu t)m First Niitimi.-il Hank of Fulton, I(y. "I was completely run down. My nerve.i liei'.iiiiH so iiti.tniiiir tliniijot, Josh (,f i-loop anil worry I Inn. 1 n it sum 1 vrinilil li.n , im pelled h, pi i o up tny M.NII ion. I vcnulil IP awake, ull min i,.g, unj jt took but liitia SOsv J ' V 111 ll, ':., . (JAI.HW!,,L. t-o shuko mv up so Hint c ulit ur t w-.-i.il bN attend lo my litislnrs-t I shuiiiil In Ciiiuii'i-tii'ii with this I I, nt Ii t'nui'tr ht'JlvhlfVS Hh.uit tln stun, ., i,r,ti imrtlfi dilTcn tit i;.trts(,f ilty lu.uy 1 ,L ,iU,Muiirh rtdueud In lii-sh. 1 vvus p- r -.:ia.K-.i tu uy Dr. Miles Restorative Nervine. I flrnt pnwMiH'ii a irt;. dtit"" t htm u l.K-iii druKKtf t.i iid i:,,.d rrsu'.u ,,).-11 v f.ll(,w. u 'I,. njir.--.iP.-.: . ' . .;).. I tiad u-vi i ui-, v:- I i . s it .ii.i- , -tit j; . , j ii'ii unv, i'ii i v th! r-1 tmrti,. : nt'i i I.. ' "'l'1" :-y si : .Mr ', - 1 riM.la in. t p..-.. r. . ('- I . r,.,-.' t.. . i" . . TtiR1. j aril iu i ',.,,, . - t . , -j., l 'V -U;iti t.i pr..f rir- Ir , l i , : , Vl . Fultcn. K'y. j; j t AI,1UF r. Dr. Milon' Nrrvlr.M (juftr.iiitcr th.it (In tlr All (Irii''ists hi'! I 11 ii I Ih sol'1 on n p , -t i,..-ii. i. l- ll.tl l-.tll . f. I It win in nt . pr-'i. i . . i i i r i, liy tho lr. .Hit: ili ti.-..l , .. , i ...i. .. t, , Dr. Miles' Nervine W rz vv v duo; s i',) m ft ta- -''--Vle... ""ft m si 4 st . K. 1 ., 1