THE STANDARD. CONOOBD, CABAMtrS CjDMT, N. O JOIIN D. BARRIER & SON, Editors and Proprietors, JAS. P. COOK. Editorial Correspondent. JANUARY 7, 1607. TE FtRIIIKS1 Al.tUM i:. The Farmers' Alliance of Kausat and Nebraska, at their annual meet ing this month, will wind np their business and disband. Seldom hat a piwerful organization gone ti pieces sa rapidly as the Farmers' Alii ihce. It has been killed in Kaueas uiu' Nebraska and elsewhere and left demoralized and weak where lis or ganizitions are still maintained be cause its members permitted Self aeekiDg politicians to gun control of it and nse it for their personal ad vancement. Conducted on business principle as a co-operative association for t li -benefit of the farmers this org:;nU zation might have accomplished great good. It started out with ex celled prospects and sncceedtd in gaining a constituency and a con fidence which made it very formid able. Itwaj this very fact which attracted politicians to it. The) aw in the Alliance a pier wbicb they hoped to use for their own ele vation and too often they succeeded in doing so. Such a premium it never offered to demagogy without enlisting a host of bidders. Many f politician was lifted into cffi:eb the Alliance, who could never have been elected on his r- r. merits The result of this pervr r.-ifn ef tb order was natuial a.:d inevitable The great man .cf its members found that they were being nsto cot to promote the legi iaiate ob jects of their Sranlzt-ion, but to feed the ambition of designing nier Thit they then lost interest a their society and began to drop en' of it is creditable to their self-re-upect and common sense. Another potent c.nse of tb wreck of the order was (hi fre qnent betrayal of trust by tboe who were charged with the man gement of its business enter prises. The co-operative stores cf the Alliance, almost without ex ception, failed because of the bad or corrupt methods that were ap plied to their managemen. Icon andi of farmers, who took s'ocl in them, lost every dollar thrj ,n veated. They fell into the hand. of incompetent or designing me: ana were fleeced like sbeep. lne history of the Farmers' Alliance should be written fully and ac curately. It would serve as a warning to the farmers when they text en dertake, as they certainly will, tc organize a general co-operative or der of some sort. Atlanta Jourral. REYK.ME A5I PllOTEC riO.N. It might simplify matters if tb; tariff tinkers would get together j asi a little bit and agree upon what they want a tariff for. Tbey appear to agree that more revenue is r qnired , that the revenue must be derived largely from duties nron imports of goods entering into com petition with American manufac tures, and that these duties should be sufficiently high to prevent the importation of such goods. This is confusing to the average mind. The Dresent tariff is attacked m on the ground that it permits too large an importation of foreign manufac tures, and l-o on the ground that under its operation the imports have bo falt-n oil, while exports hay been increasing, that the revenns from customs has been insufli jient for the needs of the government. 1; is now proposed to put up the du ties as near as possible to the point of prohibition, so that nobody shall import anything that can be made at home. 0;her produc's, in wbicb we do not compete, are to be admit ted free. It is not explained where the revenue is to come from. Sincere protectionist do not pre tend oth;riae than that ideal pro tective tariff is prohibitory. Conse quently, the more effective it is, the less revenue it yields. For if foreign goods continue to be imported in npite of high duties, tht only effect of the tariff is to increase rrices without euIarpiDg the market for domestic goods, and thus consumers are harmed and producers not bene fitted. A thoroughly protective tariff, therefore, would produce no revenue at all. That would have to come from duties on non-compe'ing products, articles of universal use which must be imported. It thus appears that the tariff tinkering in which the ways and means committee is now ergaged is not designed to increase the reve nues, liut as yet uo proposition has been brought forward for revenue tariff though the neei of more revenue is the min reason given for revising the tariff at all. This is an aspect of the subject that the committee can hardly escape. After it gfls lh. Pehi'riulo fixed f-i suit the .vioi!A "interests," it will have to take up the subject of wars vid means. There tie ornn people so narrow-minded as to believe this would be a cood lhcg to do li st. Philtdelpbu Time: This very lively "dead issue" is receiving absorbing attention and the "inleri stt" are bei:i consulted. We have not seen where the consumers of giods arei to be oonsul;ed. They never are consult ed under the 11 pul'.u"..u urele of tariff exfept in iin indirect and f x extreme'v trroreiicl iv.iy tbt mny -or ve us n b'-ind win!;' the I- ',e'i "ri. s arc pilir-; np tb pro? vd of t; t..:"!T prj'ectiou that thouU go into li e trt:!-"'."y or i;:tr !;; i o. I.e:c of tb'.? orera'iv If we are U a tariff for pro ,cj:bn lei it pritc'. sM, prnctieullv not theoretic .lly, and we have no jbj ctiou; but we would like to know where the bin, Irs cone in where every mau is taxed to help every other man. That would give employment to soma coilec'ors of revenue that would ba pjid for by "bard licks and steady blows" but would be better than to tax the many for the benefit ot the few. THE AO ASCF. !' M KlitST. The lC .h of October was the li:- tie' L anniversary cf the use cf an aesthetics in surgery. It is ouder ful to think that within the life of sctr.v.y, cot yet r ally o'.d, all sur tjical Dpi ra'ions had to be borne by the jatient naaided by a;;vti:ing to I 'sstn the p -in. The gn&t Admiral Nelson had his ei'oow sh.itteied in battle and bore the ampu'a'.ion with .;,''r--.-niL--l foiti'v. V, lot zt great wis the p:iin that even the coldness of the surgeon's ktife va8 a;fo cift'ed with :r, and ever af:er he or d::ed the c.irg.ers to hotater on Land to at ba t wa'm the knife if he should ban to undergo an other cpcr'.i:.n. The ui Uo net hive to b; true.J y:ry f.r back to find too period when the surgeon nh cue b.ow with the heavy knl.'e severed the limb to be amputated nd with boiling oil or a hot iron burnt the wound to stop tbe blood instead of catching the arteries and cording them. There eetm3 to be no room lcr srch advanc cient in surgery from cow till 104'". t V at h"e been maJe 1 -S 0. The Legislature, which convene today, elands as follows: THE STATE ST STATE. First District, (Currituck, C.wler;, Pai'iuoaLtt, IKrtiuiu, Ciu.e, C.iow btt and Pv.riuiuiats cauutk-s), J I. ?Vliuity, r.rr'Uliie ic, t.a i J F Xtw- s Diue, 1 Second L'istriet ( Tyrrell, V.ash .Dg'oii, Mi.rt.ii, Dare, Il.-mfurt, iljeie and I'aUiiico), McCaokij i'epuiis-, acd Vtagtr, Kipuh:icr. '1 bird Diatnc, (Bertie and .Northampton), J VI Kirly, Populist. Fourth liistrict (Halifax) E T Clark, Populist. Fifth District (EJjrecomte), Lee Person, Republican. Sixth District (Pit:), Moje, P.pu-list-Seventh District (Wilsorj, Nash ani Franklin), J F Mitchell, Popu list, J T Sharp, Republican. Eighth District (Craven, Jonee, Carteret, Lenoir, Greene and Ods. 'ow), O L Ilardison, Populist, and .!cCarthy, Rpoblicsn, N.ntb District (Dcp in, Wayne a'ld 1'cnJer), II L Grant, Rpubli c.n, and R (i Max tell, Popuhc. Tenth District (New II novc-r and Brtii.iwick), Co. II C.r.non, IVpu. list. Eleventh Distric (Vjnce ar.d i, ,r-e. i, V,' B n-:s.I-.-.-in:-, I!epui:i Cati. Twelfth District (VuHe). C II L'tley, Popu'is'. Tbirte-rth District (Johiis'm,), E S AV-Il Democra. I'otirtC'ei.thDislric' (Simpson, II ir. udt ana r.ia'.i n, ueo. i;un..-r, rcpn.. list and E N 11 .beraon, Populist. Fifteenth District (Columbus and Robeson). Angus SHx, Populi?', and J D Maullsby, Republican. Sixteenth District (Cumberland), Geddy, Populist. Seyenth Dis'rict (Granville and P.r on), Dr. Win. Men it?, IVpuiis. Eiehteenih District (Ci.swell, Alamar.ce, Orange at.d Durham). Capt. E S Parker, D.'U.u;rut and J E Lyon, Populie'. Nineteenth Die r:ct (Cba'ham), Jno. W Atwater, Pofbli-.t. Twentieth Dis,tiict.(R )c'hlngl.ain). J A Walker, Populist.' Twenty.-Gret D.s rict (Guilford,) Alf. Scaltf, Democrat. Twenty-P' Dot,d Dle'ric, tlolpb end .V, Tr ). D II id I'-irk: r, Populijt. T-u.ty ililid District (l.'ichuiO'id, M ji.'on.ery, At.-, n ur.d I'tifit), W II Adimi, V,y ..., a-.d I)a!.-i! Puttt roij, R' im'Au -:;i. Twenty-fourth District (Cabarius and Stanly), C I) Uirnnt'er, D. mo cruL Twenty-hfih District (Mecklen hurt), Dr. J H Alixauder, Populist. Twenty-sixth District (Rowan, Davitltcn tt;d Kfrsy'l.)- Earnhardt, Populist and Jno. A Ramsey, Re publican. Tweu y-eeverth District (Iredell, Dayie, and Yudkii.), Shore aril Sharp, Republicans. Twenty-eighth Dietrict (Stokes and Sorry), J A Ashbuin, Republi cin. 'J'we i.ty i.irtb 7-fir ct (Catawla l.ii, tclr.'W'ilke ut d Alimn'ej- K, II V Ruler, j cj ulitt, i d M Mc Ntill, republican. Thirtir. : Distiict (Alleghany, Afhe as d ..atai'gn), J M Dither so:', liej t'.blicau. Tl'.irty-Cr.-t District (Caldwell, Burke, Mitchell,' McDowell and Vacev), E FWakefi ld, Populist, and J L llyutt, Republiciu. Thirty-siconi District, ((Jaston nievelauel, Ruthirford and Polk) M II Justice, Democrat, J A An thony, Democrat. Thirty third District (Bumcombe, Madison uud lUywood), Geo. II Smathers, Republican, and W Y Rollins, Rjpub!iran. Thirty-fourth District (Hender son, . Transylvania, Jacksrn and Swain), II S Andtrscn, Republican. ThirtyflfthDistnct (Macon, Clay, Cheiok.'a and Graham), J Frank Ray, Democrat. The representation wonli stand : Popu'u's 21 Democrats 7 Republicans 19 ote. The IVpuIist Senator.! from Di:rh;itri, IVrecn ai.d Rocking ham were eltcted on a fusion with D. mecra'p. HeU E OF KEt'PEsENTATIVES. Alexautler J W Watts, Demo, crat. Alamance S A White, Republi CaD. Alleghany M F Jones, Democrat. Atisou J A Leak, Demotrit. Ashe Spencer Bl.ickburn, Re publican. H anfort II E Pledges, Populist. P.ertie II W White, Republican. Biaden Sidney Meores, Republi can. Brunswick W W Drew, Popu list. Ban otiibe V S Lu6k, Republi -c d, W G G indler, Republican. Buike ---John II Pearson, Demo crat. Cabarrus A F Uileman, Popu Caldwell J L Nelson Democrat. Camden J E Burgess, Republi can. Carteret E C Duncan, Republi cs. Caswell C J Yarborough, Popu li.t. Ca'.awba L R Whitener, Popc- 1 Chatham L L Wrern, Republi- c..D, and J E Biynn, Toprlis. Cherokee D W Oewees, Repub. l.euu. Choan Richard Elliott, R. pub caa. Cl..y Wm. Plo t, Topuiiet. Cleveland Dr. B F Diion, Demo crat. Columbus J B Sobulken, Popu list. Craven Robt. Hancock, Fepubli cm. Cumberland Thos. II button, Republican, and W P Wejoyss, Re publican. Currituck W II Gallo-, Dcmc cr& I aie George C Daaitls, Repub lican. Dnideoti J W McCrea'y, IU p.iblicsn. Davie W A Bailey, II publican. Duplin Maurey War1, Populist. Durhiin Jno. W Umstead, Dem ocrat. Elgecombe Jordan Daicy, Re cublican, and E E Bryan, R. publ ' eau. Fursyth J L Grubbe, republican, and VV P Ormsley, republican. Franklin Carter Birrow', popu list. G.'.on H'hl.e, democra'.. G'. a T II Rjunlree, p.puliat. Gruliam John Daytou, republi can. Grariville King, populist, Crews, r 'pul luan, G iliford J T Burrki democrat, B (' Cbilcott, republican. G,- ene W R Dixon, populist. Ila'ifax J II Arrington, republi- cm, S.'eitt Ilarria, republican. . 1! irnett L B Chapin, republican II y wood J W Ferguson, demo- crat. Ii' i d'-rion J B Fr eman, repub li i' fo"! rk Hare, r 'pnb lie in. I', do Jno ( Harris, popu'ist. !'((! I J R McL 11 rid, d- m-)-cr.', a', J J A Uirtin-s.', d niocrat. J lo't.s n E .ley, rep iblican. Johnston Claude M Smith, dem ocrat, and Cbas. M Creich, d .'tnocrat. Jones Frank Brown, populist. L' lioir E F Ilauser, Populist. Liucoln L A Abernetpy, Poju list. M'icon Lvle, democrat. Madison J W Robersou, republi can. M.irtiu C C Kagau, populist. McDowell W A Couhy, demo crat. Mecklenburg Sul. Roil, demoi crat, one aad one ilemooiat Mitchell L A Greeurepublican. Mou'gomtry J A Reynolds, pop u 1 id t. Moore W II II Li whom, demo crat. N;h V B Cuiier, pop 'i list. New II mover Juo. I' Howe, re pub loin, D D Sutton republican. Northampton N U Riw's, rc publicau.,e A R Holmes, popu'ist. Pamlico C M Babbitt, populist. Pa.quotank Wm. G Pool, repub lican. Perquimans J D Talker, popu list. P. nder G bson James, dttnecrat. Person Juo, S Cunningham, democrat., ; 4! ritt E V Cox, republican and Stale Chapman, popnlist. Polk Grayson Alredge, republi cn. Randolph J J, Wbitt, populist, aud J M Allen, republican. Richmond Claudo Rockery, re publican, and Y 0 Morton, populist. Eobesou Z)jncan McBride, pop nlist, and W J Curry, republican, Rockingham A E Walters, dem ocrit, T B Foster, populis'. Rowan J H Mt-Kei zie, ('eroji-it and Walter Murphy, democrat. Rutherford Ltudsey Ferguson, re publican. Sampsoa C II Johnson, populist aad R W Crumpler, populist. Stanly E T EJdina, democrat. Stokes R J Petree, repnhlicin. . Surry J M Brower, republican, Swain J U Cathey, democrat. Transylvania E A Aikn, repub lican. Tyrell J)e. Abe Alexander, re publican. Union Jas. Price, populist. Vance W M Pe.;ce, republican. vVtike Jas. U Yo iBg, republican. J P II Adams, republic ta and James F'errell, Populist. Warren C A Cook, iepublican. Washington L N U Spruill, re publican. Watauga Thos. Bingham, re publican. Wayne T B Parker, democrat, J E Person Populist. Wilkes J Q A Adams republii cm aid C II Summers, republican. Wilson J9f. B T Person, popu list. . a, Yadkin J C Tinnii, repnblicin. Yancey 0 L MclVeters, demo crat. This will give the several parties representation 83 follows : Republicans 5-1 Djmocrata 30 Populists 36 Note Ths populi sti from Clay Orange, Granulle, and Rockingham were elected on a fusion ticket with democra s. kebak of Impertinence. Washington Post: A Virginia member of Congress was bnving a box of confectionary at an F street store, jopt before Christmas, and of fered a 810 note in payment. He looked over tbe change and asked the lady clerk if she bad not made a mistake. She enquired with some impertinence if be could not count, and in a tone of voice that attracted the crowd of customers around him. "You have given me ?l too much," he said, and passed out of tha store. Before he bad gone far the man ager of the etora called to him and demanded the extra dollar, which the purchaser refused. " I shall call a policeman," ho eaid. "As yon please about it," was the answer. The purchaser gave his iiame and the number of bis resi dence, and went on his way. He ha not been troubled any by po licemen. In the Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology there is reproduction of tbe Vatican Codex, which is re garded as the oldest American Itwaamvle'la Mex'o before the lime of the Spar. iih cor q i"f ts and roubt be several hur.dred yrnrs old. The volume consists of ten pieces cf prepared deert-kin of different lengths, fas tened together by means of gom. Tbe entire book measures twenty four feet. It is folded like a fan cr ccreen into forty-eight leaves, the ends cf which arc attached to a wooden cover. When folded tip the bok is eight inches high, seven inches wider.d three inches thick. This volume id one of tbe mostval uable and ipUresting relics of the museum W hjr Attempt to Vnre catarrh by the use of sr-i; lied blooi r .uv it. ? Tbstt Ci'arrh is not f aue. ! by blo'd troubles in aelf-evi- dent when you relbc (hi- attacks nri! i.lwa; e due to endde i climatic cbnng s or exposure, and ocour most firinn ly durine the winUr and sprit g and, though the blond is as pure men as in the mm i er or fall. A remedy whicrj qmcWy relieves r.nd curis tbeca'arrba1 a taoks bos been found m E ' Cuam Balm, NlrmiKe ThtDtfK In the I.nw. Two rather strange legal decisions have come under onr notice recent ly. At. Flngluh j idgfl, we believe, has decided that a uiaii who tapped elect io light wires and put a ligh' mto bis own house without paying the con pmy and without notifying it of his uc ion ca.inot be convi'led of ihi f b couse only "movable oii j cV can be stolen and electricity i i not a "movable object."' Anoth' r rape of the. suire order is repi r nl i.t SkowhegHb, M tine, where a mail was arresie I on the charge of stealing two buthels rf o in k. Tbe defense was Ha', tin o.iior.s .'ere' from th" ground that tbey were therefore legally a part of the rc-il esla'e, thit real e tate ratinnt be s'olen, ami tba tin prisoner i bmi'd he di -charged. The claim was pustaiued, aud the mail dismissed. Norfolk Landmark. A Ktorni In ArknoMM. The section from Little Rock to Tixarkana was twept by a terriOc s'orm last Saturday night. No loss of life is reported, but only the h roUm of a boy who secured a lantern and Qfgged dpwn the cannon ball train averted a probable wreck where a number of houses we're blown about and trees were felled across tbe track. The rainfall was 4 inches and a great flood prevailed. In Little Rock the waters were foot deep in the houses aud sub merged much of the railroad tracks Mnceo Sot Dend. The Paria edition of the Herald sta'.ts that it can guarantee tie accuracy of news which it preaentB that Antonio Maceo is still alive. Thus it is and we know not what to believe about Cuba. Ooe Rev. Dias agrees to take one safe to the seat of an organized insurgent gov ernmentin Cuba. We wonder if Gen. Lee or Hon. H D Money can give any adequate idea of what is tbe truth concerning Cuban affairs The subject is of too intense inter est to the American people to be let alone and ignored, but all in for mation seems to be contradicted Does anybody know anything about it? NitMftiunu I teniH. Miss Josie Nussmau has some nice tomato blooms in her hot house. Misses Kate and Anna Honejcutt spent last Tuesday night with Miss Josie Nussman. A number of our young people went picnicking last Friday. They report a liyely time. Mr. G C Fisher,. of Hiilig, has returned to Crescent Academy. Mr. 8 Lewis Nussman, who spent Christmas with parents, has re turned to Newton to resume his studies as student in Catawba Col lege. We are to have another wedding n a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J W Foil spent Sunday with Mrs. D L Bust, Book agents, peddlers and tramps visit our locality frequently. One young man from Heilig is going his rounds with a piece of wood very curiously and neatly carved. We know not the name of t lis article, but is ceitainly ingeni ous workmanship. Lilac The X By red In Taking a Penny From a ( hlld'a Threat. A pioneer Roentgen ray surgical operation wa performed by Dr. F W Z.mmcr, of this city, to-day. A child, 5! 2 months old, swallow, ed a penny some days ago. A ra diograph was taken a week ago, and the coin appeared located in tbe oesophigns. A prolonged attempt was then made by ordinary means to extract the coin, but without suc cess. It was finally determined to use the fluorocope during the opera tion, the observer directing the movements from his observation of the coin as it appeared on the fluoro scope screen. Thin boards were placed across two boxes and tbe patient was placed coder the Crookeg' tube. Tbe observer placed himself beneath, and with tbe use of tbe new metallic screen of inch mesh definitely lo co'.ed tbe ccin. The tube was then placed nnder tbe patient and Dr. Z mmer proceeded to graip the coin under tbe direction of tho observer. The attempt nag highly success ful, tbe coin being safely removed after slipping once or twice from the forceps. Tbe patient was plaoed nnder ether and tbe observer saw every movement of the forceps. The child is low out of danger lioch ester N. Y., Dispatch. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tl fis- llBlll If n (?. II (it: A Gooff and Valuable Book. New Sta'e Directory for North Carolina in limi'ed edition, prios to sent postpaid. Order at once of Levi Bhanson, ehvwapll iUleigb, N. C. A real "eslive and somewhat nnlq i" crdJing took plane in Rhode Island a f-" 'i"s where womaii wL wi'i'nurc d from Dv hn-baiide, e.ll living, man led in the I., a'.iIo fvur i.f In r iX hub '.1 iic'ed us uL ti. Tl.i J .ot Vy rjo;ul iiflvrii' the t'i ! j;n iipl.U'ioste I intn omo of trip ii'ket Ury hrt'!.g"',i' through Tie ii -r i'tfe ,o -k p'so!" In a. cv,urh and a nmiisier played the farce r). mik-n? pntr or-t VCl rnirgton Star. Iho ireiilitc "I'm-Wcdttliirt'. Hie hu.-pPallly of Julie., u: d Vim. W J Mo.'g'trery i 11 known throughout fur land a' d 'ast right :h i; d ''t tfui h -ilc wue opened to lurir many friends in lbi and ncighborni,' towns, the occasion being the ce'ebra'icn of the tenth anuivereary of the marria.e of their daughters, Livinia and Anna, te Dr. E 0 R-gister and Mr. J B Sher rill. ;". Upon being ushered into the fe ception hall, we were, pbaruud by the harmony aud beauty, wbicb greeted us . , , Three charming maidens, Mies Mary Montgomery, beautifully . at tired, in black satin, jiopiqtt roses; Miss Lucy Montgomery, diant in pink silk and chiffjn, ai d Miss Jacie Richmond in white or gandie over blue silk, standing amid a ma8 of other lovely flowers, gracefully received th? gue?ts. Back of this interesting group, parti-tlly concealed by immense palms, our orchestra, of which Ccr cord is so jnstly proud, discoursed the sweetest strains of music throughout the eyeniig's entertain ment. At the entrance of the , north parlor, which was beautifully deco rated with ferns, stood our host with his charming wife, who was most becomingly dressed in black silk and chitfuo, than whom a nobler host i d hos ess caunot be fouud in the Old North State. From tbe n our attention was directed to the at traction of the evening, the band some, happy grooms with tbeir re diant brides, who, assisted, by Mrs. 0 C Kennedy, of Charlotte, and Miss Ramseur, of Milton, standing nnder the drapery of the large bay window, received their many friend?, who came to renew tbeir congratulations extended ten short years ago. M-s. E C Register, black eatin and pink chiflon, diamonds; Mrs. J B Sherrill, pink silk, dia monds and pearle; Mrs. Kennedy, black satin, jet ornaments; Miss Ramseur, cream eatin and crepon, hyacinths. . , ; Io the south parlor, which was decorated in hoily aud mistletoe, was an abundant array of amusing and useful tin tokens of the good wishes of the numerous guests, from a palace car to an after dinner coffee spoon. At 9 o'clock, supper being an nounced, C U Montgomery grace fully led the guests into the dining room, where presided Mesdamee Sam Montgomery, Richmond and Ramseur. The decorations in this room were most elaborate, the centre pioce being a. huge pyramid of smilax and white hyacinth?, entwined with white satin ribbon. The supper left nothing to be desired; every want wss Bupplud. As each guest left the dining room they were presented with fcou.tton Hire of violets by the little girls, Linie and Shirley .Montgomery Ac half past one - the- gtipst" unwillingly left this hosr. liable borne, hoping some day to ' be recalled to participate in the goldon woddiog. M J. 8. From Wednesday's Dail) S and ird Tel lint-coon. Kirk Ilitlny, a 17-jrear old boy, living at Cannonville, had two tame raccoons on the e'rnets (.ff r ing them for sale' at SI 25 apiece; one of which was purchased by oce of the local sports. The raccoon is a very pretty white, brown and gray animal, similar to a ground bog. Young Hatley captured the "coons''about six months ago, while in Stanly coupty, and succeeded io miking them perfoctly tame. from a Captive to Kin. " ' ' J King O.Baei;-''ofT the" Illitaa Islands, in the New Hebrides grottp, was married ' Doo. '30.h,,' ISilti . to Miss Ella CoPier, of Now York City. ' ; '. -ii, .jv.w i Tbis notice is , only interesting to North Carolinians because King Oialea Is Col. Jnc, F Hubbs, its tive of "North Carolina," who1 WW shipwrecked in 1880 and rescued by tbfese islanders who held him Cap tive instead of eating him a wag . rTL- ' ' 1 1 ' V ' fneir custom. inn coionei in structed them in the; usage' of 'the sword and lying In ambush. tTiVfe- by gaining theni complete rciyfy1!1 over their enemits. Tbey connidH ered him a special nr scelnger'.. sect by the great White Spirit, nd:in 1S00 when tbeir kiog died from & surfeit, of fat roast pig Btuffxi mi h banana he wee unanimously cho sen ai monarch; -' Tllt'IRI!l'Llin OK l4Y Take laxative Hrom ) Q'jlnlne Tab lets. All driiggista rnfurul the monpy if it fails to euro 2r.:, . C). W.L. h $5.00 SHOE flT0 BEST JX I HI WORLD. "" A S.O0 SHOE FOK 3.0O. than any shoe We make also $2.50 and $2.25 shoes for mrnand$2.50, $2.00 and $1.75 tor bovs. The full line for sale by rt'-;k 6 m imm, . wool ' AND ' . ''iUNlONl : - -;. Don't fail to come in and examine it. ' WANTED. All the tiides, Wax, Tallow ane! Eggs we can get. Are paying to day Pry Flint Hid -s 10C(f Dry 8H " 74 " Green " " 5i " Glu3 5" " Wax 22 " Tallow . - " 2i " Eg!8 ' ' 16"' Only tha ireight deduced from the above pri'ciB. Write to u.1 TJ! SHIPPERS' PRODUCE CO. ' ' 7Bltioriore, Md, &01 FiJtlity lijildK g. - ' d&w m CATARRH NASAL .2 A J A R .R:H is a I RAim LOCAL D1SEVSE tit? HftV.rrtr-. Tui "v. -t-, . . . ? iv ""tH M-'Ht kj , 1 n'tiu-'iy ttm-s not ( . isSf ' roni.tin inert tii v or- any uiitcr injurious urug. ELY'S tffitiAM BALAT Opens ani 'cleans l he Masai i'asBaees. ai nva LULU 11 U MU Heals ai,! Protects tbe Meni'irrftte from ( old, Rcstnrt!! the Senses ot Tasle antl Smell, kquiklv ahsorbeu. (".ives re lief a' oiKe. 6o centos, at L)ru'Kists or by mailj; Bam ' ioc Ity mail. ELY HKOlllKR q Warren St., N: Y. WK--SEKD IT.xREK vvea'kmek, Youngi and- Old Re joice witn us vjn i tne iUiscoveryr?.- jINVhei mart- hai ITered - f ,t years w.b- a weakhe.'i that blights Difi lite and robs him of all That really mes life worth living, if be can avail himself of a coraDlete cure. Jwby nqt pteiess tbe moral courage to'etob th? dow-fiward en:'. ran. iWe: wf frefytyrf by' mail, abao-l.utel'--frVe? i it. i i 1 n" i ri' t.wc k n V: the all twpf4il 4).i HOFFMAN' VI i A L ' i ii$ Alio RATI V E TA R. LE rs.arilb iirfeal,' auiranetee. lo JiTrnaBrtntJy niiqa,. lost, inu,nb.ind. ' f "mifS1 wvknfpj,.'va'ri- io.o,c, vii'iia waiver iiikiii eiji!HB;i)i)u wtd all'uiTilMiJfal drninp. ItMtli'rrtii t-maclated frjrfcritT" appVarances KcCC. b.'l). fraud nfif retfelne 'dV caiiiio'n.:' If we could fiotrp m& w,3 ild not. send otir medicine NKKHX to. tryt and pay .when sati-lied. Write tod.aj,. as. tbis.mayj.poV ajp pear again. f ' Ades, ? m -BtDICIIfOI.:: iVaiamaii ,o, won. ed.. ' ...V t . INVO'IIMIIATED. CANNONS k FETZfiB Douglas It h stylish, durable and perfect-fittlne, qu&lltle absolutely necesury to tmkt a flnuhcd tnoc Th cost of manufacturing allows a mullet profit io it&Un sold at $3.00. W. L. Doughs $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes productions of skilled workmen, bom, t material possible Io put into shoes sold arc tbe th best at thos The "Belmont" and "Pointed Toe" (shown fa cuts) will be the leaders this season, but any other style desired may be obtained Mom our agents. . . 4all oulori). Kroiit-li lfttiit laif. Franrb iiininel. Vtcl Kid, etc., vriulMl teawra W Hi milv tti fart Palf. RnuU rkjff lliunu with prl.'i-t of 4ha Jiuea, It It UeMlvr rjitiuot lupplj jrvu, wrlbs W. L. DOOGLAS, Brocktu, Catalouui Vaaa. AT- PATTERSONS. . WTe Invile you to rail ad . gt ..our prices from the largea stpek of ,..-,t, iiv i Groceries in . Concord. We ofTtrii (hi ', .. .-... ., , . - ....... - tollowltig wa'plesale , apd,. . retail: . - " . ' i, , i00 barrels sugar, '" ' 2j cafes Arbuckles ijoffee. 25 bags reen coffee. .. . 75 barrels kerosene oil. One car salt. .' V One car lime and cement. 25 cases Star YiotashV ' : 60 cases Mendlesons potash 100 cases matches 50 boxes soap. - " ' 50 boxes soda. ; ' 26 kegs soda. Onacar flonr. . One car siiipstnlT. 25 cases 'Rex" baking po-wf ' ders. 25 cases "Good Lnck" baking - powders, - .- 100 Boxes Tobacco. " 75 'Boxes, Snuff-GaiJ &,Ax and Ladies Choice, 50 thousand Cigarettes. 10 " Cheroots. , 100 thousand paper bags - Two tons wrapping paper. ' VVe have a large , stock of Jfl I -VI ill n nni DABWIU-'ABU m both new n.od second -hand ;' and will make you' sme'Very" low prices. t; , ..; Come land see n. ,,' PATTERSON'S " " WUOLEV ANUJ KETAlh ' - STORE 7 ' ' j f'ONCOKI).. N. O "ONLY PERFECT. : - Family use.- SLERl ; Concord N. C. . . . .' ' COTTOM MARKET. i iCorr'ectfid; by JAanprlB, A ti-r ' Uetl.rjjd41ingc...,...,v.... fl TO ruf u;.i.iiinn . a ilit -.. .1 I ow middling , ,...0.5() tkfnV..n:.?..v..f.-;;- ' 00'- " t RWWeTt)(r-TV SwinK &w-m&.f -tr . V '. ..! ,i., , , lUnni,. . 1.1 7i i ,.-. ...... . r . .. 12 .......J lOfjn 1 A ?ufc.Mi.'H;uix-u uiiiiia...... ...... ' t j '3ulk-meA'3,8idea. O to 7 ' !t)eefrttX.- '.-,.... SO, i litter lOtoJS trbicketi... Lard .,.,... ' ' f I; FIontNorth Carol! O " ntni 0W ff,.V- ..t r"V i ' I - 'allow !' ' : 1 .a V: futf