Si i . - . vis"" .( , ti. .v ... . i. . iV D .1 ! S-J! i m . alVTi 2AL' AT LI VI 0.0- PRICLS. GIVE US A TiiiAi VOL. IX-NO 52. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1897 WHOLE NO. 40 3 IK 'lllciv 1 OCJNCKRXIN& A CLECS. Au OrljclOMl uliock Tnru After Huptlflttt liA4 liUOU t'Afct-.cll. The Greensboro Ueooro. of Tucs duy last hss t'ua following to say conoerang a ehec!: iL&b bad be Come uikpii.oed. Mr. It A l.ioc was Ib.i lighiful owner, ont u ooivcu . dtiuiior.lo : "AUOii t' OafcU ' C-ii tap" jiv. tenia-? in i-ho J P. ctutnn Wat cut sv'.w 1 ' fi 'c" L'!c:or, f'.r p;,';.i:.. a cbeus wlicib Lad be., ila4" dteaUk. Toe facte cs; guthcteu ..i.e :L.i some time ego a tuan named R A Brown, lr.iiifc ad Cui,Gbid, was ic the Labit of salting cotton Med. to i firm in Charlotte and drawirg at the time of each shipment for t portion of the money On on.", ol theae ocoas.oiiri Lb drew .boat $100 there being a bulr.ueo after the luH of about $11. I'roru vraitud fcr this remittr.noo for some timp, bu as it did not coiao, wro'o tb Liui.s whbu he rtooircd a rej'y to the efftci that u J covsiiiig ILe amount had been ecp.t earau tii.-1.-preiouii As Brcvn b.t.& ctv.r i& caivid it he wrolo tle Loasc. wh:-, in (.'Our.ii ( tiuie, a duplicate click w?.? e?nt Uim, whlcit )bc Oaived t::d bud cuahtl. This wHa (be 'nt metier nntii quite roceull;, -vLvu the or.fcl;..l che.k turned up hei: in Urpt isLoi'J in il.e fcuda of Rein -son, fho pftLtid it ou UIoo.'ilI.M', wb j rui.j u ttoro & Souili Eiui, in t'l ROOdb. ftiusou, i;i bio cwa bhclf, Bld th-j check vs jfin l.:m ly'u r Eiiin, wb'.'Sfc name we do jol raaicr.-. ber, lind this is ijo doubi mie, but as his -u8 not preaciit in court a:in eou!d nui be fouLd in fact Btiacou does i.Oi, itnow ho livu.-'ib-defendaut w&s iu Zx it aad a Lolu for coiir'. Stinsin lrs near been ia several shady tratiaotincs once "concerning of n co" which be brought here and sold j'or tecf, the allegation beiui; that the animal lad been found dead in a ditch. All the same some of us partook of u tnr.k of tbftt cow, for it waa sold on the market. Gur recollection Li that Etiiioou 6kipptd and wad away f;r scijij tiuie, bat waa Cnally ciagbt )nd jr.iicd. The Wbtler v.'aj flxep cp in eoRio ""ay , StJuc.ic is tu rued lowde." Mr, BiOuh told a STiKDAita vo-pori.-'r how the ui.iii feut huld o: the chwk wns a tnj'ry h" c-n' nod3r8tsi.;l. l!r. Ltuw u y' U;.n Gmllord court when bti.isou's tiial comes up. i tiurlolle Unuk t'lowei). The Loan and Sayings Link of Charlotte, will close up its affairs and go out of business. This wan decided at a meeting: cf tiia t lock holders held Wednesday lal. The bank is perfectly solveut, and,' will pay all its depositors in full and the stockholders expect to realize par on their stock. The capital stock is $li0,000. t'w('te V1 T Tbo Salisbury World Bf.y.i : "A certain iSnlisbury boy will econ bo tinirnud to a Concord fiirl. V.'e will Lot toll on him yet." TH3 fclAifriAHD ii Uiao rtiiUcdUa dot to "i,ive the thiijj; a'ay." iio wins iu tY: r-.fe? I-i it a slcl.-man) i il a man -Lu 1.1 v.att? Is it t'-i'i v. lione rijuoii is impure I An a'hlat t' '':ir. f T lcvTy ractf. Tin' bi"i .t!i'ctt!" n .itl t!: time. They a!c lwi in p. 1 f. n ec;.d:tu. 1. It is j ictty sufc to s . j that the tst mn ui'.vavp win. Tlic man vi ho ir slio.i.j H'ltl i'i the h'-.-t ci'iulitii u v. 1 : 1 e u I t : 1 ul.-Uiic Coii'iiciiturs. .i the iii'-'e f.'r o:: ces, fie lc-t l:rinv. i I i in if he U.k lure uf p. . If. I'i? lal 'c! in if lie m :-lect Tii-!.lc .1 lu n. tt fini' ii't uik any c.i'. f if his lii-iy 1- InMi the tv'l He lmisMuii tUar, Ueeiihy. etioiiR bimy, bc.-aui-e .. biwlTtrekcssmls-uppKits I) "-"'': lf ':! bcart pump imjiure WixiU im' i;ie i-y . you ciimi-t cvp.i-l the nun 10 lie el.i.l- rHb tr.nch. If n innn'r- hli-nd i rn- m 1 rirU, there .-in not V-e mutii 'he m.mei ub him IfUJin'tpmeiiTlii'-b, lit wiy h'jvo ... . .. 1 . ...ubir I bp nil It. Hilli 1 't OitH U 1 t tut. 11 cure It. cure 11. 11 u. .-" what form dmraw J'- of by wh;.t name it is -illrd. Nearly all UMtas.s spur IiC It ('IU 11IJI Mil- -- - , .in urc Mood. U ycu uiat KW.rl tune. fvmure uie cause aiiu me nd lU 'illcal tnsc- . ml !ir:i'.'i!tihc fieliu. v.i.. m'alil Irartl a tli'i.isaiid v,i!,int:e ei.s.n i,vr-,:rv.-if y. tirfiuh .f ... -71 a ..tund Ihk flii'l I lie meMtlt dUtK.n Is absuHii ly fie- to nil who Biiul 1 one-ctnl Ht.l!lipft t:i COVl'I COS. M '"l- iu only- It contains 1008 y. irrn and over .v ener.iv. ink'". iiSu,rKielot'il houtnle; p 1.... l.a-j.. !.". n Mi-lli .1 fc I SO d.JJ..n-li This ftec f ili tion 11 It in jnt the wtrne. Ad.ln .w rj 1 e IX. d.iij Unheal AMOciatiiii. fcut-ua, H if '; V L ft 0: CIrli.. C..'vp Tt'iii. ?'. ,T J .note hat b-tu - 3 :-. i tSc-t TOCit'.r.r. trsit'-.j; in the " of Ptunly" but ia i,riv n-aJy lor duty aga.n. Ia t yjry shovt i; oca cf iinn a;.i :y tLis uua ht.,.. u aad as wi grope aloii iu 1L.. Jn-hi- e urt ev.r irnc.jU'd iC iLj frtel s-i.jt: il' "'rld do uiovu." jlti'i, 08i,v.'.w 'u , hiiv'( euid ti.eir jtc:.i to a-. lieurr ixrttbr aud hbrauf-.i r vie style BiWi w'l be . Uraber & ir. U'6 w ill b glid to wot'joii''- VI.-. Graltr to our Mr. IV 1' I'iirpeLter and fimilv hce movtid into the house vacated by Dr. Tirlur, wbo bus lc the Nfewtou Cull' ge to Lll the posi--tion of profeaflor m Si,id college. lu,v. J P Miller bus teea electee to take charge of the China Grove High school. Mr. Miller is quite e younft man and full cf energy, and v,i lev. a ;'f';-oy;i s:I ',b . u I . ;Mu (c . 'vi '1 :. vf -v.d i;.;hjj!. I: t L T' ' ' j ally as-iaw-i u' iiif. 0 A itai vit.i aowu Tuesdny sd V, ;di:ud;.y :sii;u:- Mrs. i'u't'VCii. Lli. Lin.uii bi :.tjvtd into Lit new olhce uui tuy rnuordou iiiile I ui'.il t T6 aliur yon will bad him ihn Vv k rfexo sai'i'isou to tee tbo snow but wa toocpt Bi.c'u .) coiiili-g irom ore uiio id ruler of all toiupj. Our rew r-:ill ia about ready for ths iua citinery end it will not be many oicvj 'jio'itbs b'jlovc1 "Chirm" will h'j-re 5.000 i-jois epindln imiaciicg, recdiiding Jiu cf the fact that to sue r..ed wo mujt be up tud doing. ir,i..-i,-i.:.T. Ore amoL,; the gucg of LProt-3 put ic !abt FiH&s morrin h;, di:o'o'.'d eca.e v.-y in;)'J.s!L fsets fcaC'irnir.g the ph.uilenag cf lie iVnixKclhr Mills e?vnr .! weoks ago, when the wareroom at tbs mill wj terea. li ia not yei knoAU that tmv flour t...a t..o liii. ', bui it Lis to !Ubt ;b,..OLe 'cf the cumber '.ion1 ' ' ,! i 1 elolen f, or.iit Iri'.t bc.'cMff'.! to Mr. Cro e J cud bfirtcrt'd it U' bts p..!, U ! bmit n. Cj'ci boirti ii f -'-lit;;:;; otsiuiivy t-ic'arotit h.;M5 t.b::t will iicpiioaU' iv-iriy eorv u,i no, r of tne "ij,'. Application will ba uiaue to tl;e CK. k of the buprnor Com t of Ca barrns c-.'tint-; to amerrd the cbartvr of Thd Kti'r liai; Niainfacturi'ij' Company, by reducing iho aiuouni of the capital siucW of said 'Ovi.ipuay, at the expiration of thirty (30) d;i?s from thiii JuU. This January (ith 1897. W U OuiibL, wf7 K.'o'y IVtas. A Hew liiiukiuK Keltcuie. 8 W'iU kowuhy and others are fathering a movement to oBtablinh i Lank iu (hiiilluvvo v. iiii br.uiolH..; .bliil.J'.i.'O'ui tuO otat.;, U.CuiJd Ob ibi, Zuid'-. a pbu., r. i.iC',1 iu abid iO bo VCy bi. 1 J'. -'U-. VO 0Uei:.0if U',w v.h 'j '.I. . )'-'.. in bddi iior. io t'.o :i'L f- tb of c v;.'li if tt( oo.ti'i; 1.1 d !;!;'', t n) trust Mid w iip; 01 it. 1 ojujjiHtiica wiil bo utweocu. The L' g'ii'atuu will be bjlxed a cl-ari.T. '"ir Clirin.'K iSlibo l'ul KoillP l llter tin It." A weuiy-loouiiiK, hbb'Rry trauip knocked U the batk do"r at the Loue cf a certain CLxintUn iJy in this ciiy a;.d on bcr appearance askfd for a cold bior.-.el. The la-ly loukid )'i!yii'p!y vyr;i the writcb for a n'ouer.t i,r.d ihta fooocded to "ieifi" him. Ou her leiuin ebe bunded the tramp a uia:l piece of coid, L.'i d bft..d end rem irked; ''I doi.'t like to f;i'e tnaiipj au -h:i';r (o tat it is for the Loid'b e.ikeihtt I giTojuii this piece of" J'he 1 lamp looked compiucntiy at IU fn'.i.l oin, and t lion at the jiood woman, w Leu he very fcppeal ii'giy suged.,td: 'iij Dear Madam, if you would do as much for Ihu Lord'H take, now f)i- Christ's lake put seme butter on tlii ," hiti'dir.g her the bread. Tbo pood wnnan relrnUd and ,(.k thoni'-u 'o wait white she pre P'.iC.i Li u a hi'r.r'v ;:-:.!. j A iib.'3'oiiri tdi'.or ti.lis of a bad ; fiht he taw btiely between a big i rattle P-inke and eiht frogs. Com ' iutf frm a f.! i.-houii fdiior at this Itniioot tin: jeir Ibis v.ould 'Lent l niciv prubabla ttory if it hud been a Cndit between eisjilt snakes Ulid OUi) l.r'). SUOUT LOCALS. 61 m.'o: "b''ra'.n la Wiig blatsd fir truai'lfui Mckinley's ritcrjtary ofS;ato. The Cabhrti's Pavings hank vili 1 -i r ady fr r bminear 'omatime dur i ig nr-xt week. lit pa 'uiioaj a.e be.: jar.ija i;tbi:-bted for ; luauc oj a wi;tidi)( eaiy in February, It will bu & quiet aduir. Tr" v.l'.inf men are more num -r-0 ib at this season of the year th in nt r ny ct.' er t:.r.o. 0 u tJ 'T. lab bid a run since the 1st. T6 young fcOULlcinen spent Vrdutjfcda? iu the country and f. hoa rotcrnitig, tied the horse to the haiceso pt and put lue bar nocsin the horue audi. A Chicago man has come to the front with h'i intention in tbi shape of a steam boiler by vhich a twtnty horeo boiler will run oirty-Bve horee engine. Thhro is strong talk of organiz ing a dramatic club, which will produce at its fuel appearance "Under the Clouds," a pretty little i. aa 1.tl1 .voi 01 ui-.o fi-e .lii-eti-ib. Thnuday n"-rni:ig, Jar"ry 28th, iifsca Truxler and '.r. F L 'i'fitum s'll He mrried in ft. John'p Kir.-.rigeli'jal Lpths-tn ciicii i'i d.iiit-b "ry. i'rtb par'-it.-" ar ol t'-bt plfiCO. S'r. Hard j eb' L.u.s iovtred uio juuaeciioa v,1m u.e -'69 Hive ivc&ei. iitot'u lu oiiuriuiio auu jS n w bc.-ubuug bia broiler, iur. b d. Liniz.i'ithe roller ct-v'ting buji n ms. Mr. J W Watt . , return d film .".iabury aau -a; : i having ftan atu .ipthat v i . m. :!ij, s. Iain i' 'iionse a'jecn. e 1 's iii e c- h bitib. ft Kli'tU A IU ad.eiaai.'s Sijre. Wilkes -;oun:y hi.a "added to o t; e rem....rly eiec'el nnrub n uf ci mmi jioners Jud llof'.e imvii g ai pointe thea. T. ;.e aie nary oiaer . untiea t'a-'.t hi've fin ii st ;ad ihrae cun.b'.'r .u ir-.e -a. FOUND T w i ted cwa ai d oi t b.'ick yesrlintj. fhe cewt we, : w )odon frames ;c prevent self t;-.ic!:-hi. Or' I r-' Gm. II Miiior ue; r Sr. vol.:; a tharcu tind (jet tno catt e b; payiug nccessar jUbos. It is said that p: ; .-- who we e o! ont'd npt of the'! riuney at tie "(.Id bu: g tie" of ibo Soi'.ihern E;: pi 3oS Company in tuib city last Sat urday, Till bring slit r?ainet tie ccmpriry. fcuoh iutpoaiUou dbouli be dealt with pretty severely. Mr. H E C Bryant hag sold h a pt per, tuo Chanotte Democrat, to M:.Yv 0 Dowd, pubiiohbr 01 ti e Ci.arlo'.M- Nnwa and Muckloubuij f:m ? Mr. 1'ryiut will ha coi a, r-t . "1 wi'h fhe Obfrver for nn ii d( iiiiite time. The Democrat wi 1 co i'uuu r.s ever. Revs. C Ii King and C LT Fishtr ar Lu.-iiy c-par;ed in perfecting a 1 tii dr ai r.u.ije l'ints for comolntiri tb ; -ii Liu;hora.i Cjllofeo buiidinj i!i thhi'btlto hHVl'nf frf faculty and i.-stv.-.d eaialognt-a for the o'jbit!j; i f the institution next fall. Application will be made to the Legislature for a charter at once. The parting words of Governor Evaue, of South Carolina, are par ticularly hot and caustic toward the prfSB of the State. He doesn't hesi tate to use the terms slander, vilify and Ho. It seems that the Ex Gov crnor would make another of the kind if he choe to eti'age in the honorable calling that is not graced by such discourteous lar guago. Salisbury World : "Ilev. and Mrs. '.n jot Lave deoidod to ir.oe to S-iJiobu.-y audwill arrive heie flome '.i;rio iiibing boxt week. They, "'uh t.'air, W B and A L oaioot, will occupy the vacant reai denoe mi Church street recontly va i'",ttd by Mr. II A Ratio." Rev. I'lui Airu. bnioot are now living with ti.eir eon, Dr. J E Smoot, in this ciiv. We rrgrct th.t tbeso good i. '. hi ,'irc to leave tlio city. AYEFi'S Cherry Pectoral would include the cure of every form of disease which offecta tho throat and lunga. Asthma, Croup, Eronchitlf, V7hoopintj Coufrh and otbor uimiltir corapluinta have (when other ruodiciuoa fuilod) yicldod to Aycr's Cherry Tcctcral. I op tm3 L'! jjn i..iia n O -r-e of V ' i'i Hi nlc s report th-?4. quail art no .v very tcr.rce, cving to tbe largi numbers killed during the holidays Lock Cauble. of Forest Hill, ban seen rod a position in a cotton mih at i;.itiou, o C , and haa g"nc Wion to wo: !:. Wrx.. K.oicr, of Franklin town 'ih'.p, has purchaud ton acrts (' land of V 0 Biwl, of Concord, scy. the Salisbury Vorld. li-r. W D Pemberton it seems ii going to recover from hit j raC'-ricu. condition of oppi ndici'as (rcr.tec surpicaliy by the skillful hand o. Dr. Davegfi, cf Chester, 8. C. The Statesville Ltndmark aayi that license have been issued for tht j marriage ol 1 titer Oswait auo Aucanda l', who live near iroutmnni-. jlr. is n years old and the prospective bride is 60. Rev. S S Rbhn has accepted the care of the church at Jacksanville. Florida. He will move about tht first of February. Mr. Rahn make- a valuable citizen ol any commun ity end we are sorry to lose him. Monroe Journal. The worM-o-ir'u reputation ri Ar'irs Hit V'ir, is due to iu healthy a;iti"n on the hair and scaiu. " Tb.s iuoomparable prcpara tion rcciores the ordinal color to gtr.y and faded Lair, and iiaparU th.-- lopp end lr'-:sbnt"-'" ro tcui.i c j sirod by all classes of people. To lfir-iive r'androff, kef.p tht fsca'p moiet, clean, and healthy, and fcij vuaiity and color to weak, faded, and g.-.;y hair nsw Ay6r'e V:e ,r. It has no tqof.l in merit at- a hairdrefsine p.nd for tne preven tion of baldness, scalp nutaors, and duadiUli. A danceroi's counterfeit of th $20 L'niied Staled silver cerlincaie had Ldun uucoVerjd. Ths LiM .. cf tbo se.-iaa of lS'Ji, obcoi letter P. The most noticeable "defect is in tbe treasury numbers, which, althougfi of good color, ale) too heavy ana out of aiigubicut. Ti.t paper is ood (.t.l the aiik tlircada tha genuine tiro oleverly imito.t.d ty pen nrd it.k lines on the back of the citin teiteU note. U:'j''!osboro Record. If there in any one thing that needs to be purifiod, it is politic.-, sayi tbo rofo4tt.c.,l aad n.;n tgit-e thn-ftc B-.:t bloi i t.-lbi, r.ud a. r. blond innlier aud liver corrector cjiuiojous Liver Regulator is the best metiicino. "I use it ix pr.f ence to a'l otbura." So wrcte Mr. 9 M Hysell, cf Middleport, Ohm And Dr. D 8 Russell, of Farmville. Va., writes, "It fulfills all it prom ises." Soilee orNolmr. Seized near Albinmrb', on the Gth of Jimury, 1897, the fol'owing pmp rfy supposed to belong to John Brown, for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws of the United Stateu, to wit ; 1 horse, 1 wnle, 1 two boiJe waon and harness, 1 banjo, 2 buck ete, 1 skillet aud 2 empty kegs. Notice is heieby givtu to any one claiming said property to niake claiia fer same to the uuduraigutd at his office in Abbeville N. C, in the manner and form prescribed by law, within 30 days of dale herein mentioned, or the Sumo will be de clared forfeited to the government of the United Btates. By Sam'l L. Rogers, Collector 5th Dis't of N. 0. R 8 llARitw, D. C. January 8tb, 1897- wri- Clilnn Croio Ileum. Messrs. J W Cannou aud L D Oualcame up on tbo early tiain this morbing. We are alwayj Rind to Lave men of push aud energy lo visit our town. Mrs. Seohler, of bear China Grcvt, died last tight of pneumobi v. FuttctBun" ia the stylo name o! the i'attersou Manufacturing Com pany's store, and the mounters hhve been busy today moving from their old staud into the new store m'.ar the factory. This will be one of the nea'est stores in the immediate vicinity and it is thd ititebtion of the owners to keep a supply of e erythir.g in the mercantile line so as to be able to compete wiih any of the merchants iu prices ami quality of goods. Mr. Arthur L Pato rsou who is quite a young niin f ex ira businecs qiialificati ibs, in the head manager. The engius for cur new luil! ha. come and will be' install-d befme many daya. Drs. A J Crow-t-li ubd (i A Ktm- scur, two of our hading physicians, have formed a paitmrsbip. Call on them. China Grove is all mud today, but "behind every cloud there is sunshine" and we live in hopes tha aome day the mud will vanish. Ms.;r. "Pat'' vault and Juo. (lendrix were in town this after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Soliday and two little children, of Ohio, are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Stevens, of KuocMiMo. f'ltOVO-T. China Grove, dsn. 15, ejtll.ttai-v loliitfH. SENATE. Rauuoh, Jan. 13. The Seiia't mut t 10 30. Lieutenant Governor ReyndJs iu tb chair Pruyer by Senator Utley. Th" following bills and resolu tions i". ere intiod JC'd and r-'ferred ; Mr. Clark A bill to eetabiitb rtf.soJ.ible rutin ou railroads, tele graph and telephone lines; tilso h bill t-j ttr.bli8h a nnifmm antln' of t;me in North Carulina. Mr. Parson A bill to incorporate tha Tar River Bank, ef Rocky Mount; also a resolution in regard to meetincs of stunding committee-j Mr. Ashburn A bill to amoce1 the school law of the State. Mr. McNeil A bill to incorpor ate the Stone Mountain Railway Company ; also to prevent the salt of oiicealed (?) weapons. Mr. Hyatt A bill to amend sec tion 1005 of The Code iu regaid to penalty for carrying concesled weapons, Mr. Anthony A bill relating tc crop liens. Mr. Scales A rnoliit,ion to fur nish the Senate with The Cod". Mr, McCarthy A resolution a', lowing tbe judiciary coiamittee a clerk, The following additions wee made to standing commi'.tees: Mr. Geddy, inBane asylum; Mr. DixoE, publio roads ; Mr. t-inario, educatioa ; Mr. Ltszir, lneaae a:y. , a ,..,t. n, the committee en corporations. Undor a suspension of the rules a bill to incorporate Wills Bank in Wilson county was takei up and passed on s cond reading. Leave of absence was granted Mr. x' eager. The iSebi.te adjourned till 1? o'clock to-morrow. 1JODSE. At 11 o'clock the Houjo inK, Rev. Dr. Dixon, cf Ulevelauu, oiler tug prayer. The following Lills were intro duced : Mr. Reynolds To give Mont gomery another term of Superior Court. Mr. Dixon of Cleveland To es tablish the North Carolina Reform School. Mr. Sutton of Cumberland To require foreign corporations doiiu1 businees in this Stu'.e lo take otn license ; to repeat the stock law ft" certain parts cf Cumberland. Mr. 1'etree To make guardians, adminiatrators aud executors wno oiis..ppropriare fundd ihb'e tor em- bodo'cenf. Mr, LiaLCoCb To n corporal.; 'h mutual Aid Banking Company of Newborn ; to incorpoiate grand lodge No. 1, Knights of Pythiaj of North Carolina. Mr, Dookery To incorporate the town of Il;;tn!ef. Dr. Dixon's bill in regard to the reform school provides for the die cipliue, training and education of youthful criminals, provides for a 10,000 appropriation for each race for the first two years ; providea for the purchase of Lorn 300 to 000 acres of laud for farm purposes. Tiure was some dkcussion i f tbo resolution of Mi. Suttou, cf Cum berland, providing that each Mon day should be the day for tbe ea rollmeutjof bills, but it was uuiundt J ,o as to permit the presiding cflictt of each branch of the Legislature to ratify any bill at any tinid. It alio requires that the enrolling clerk shall keep completely up with hia work. A resolution to pay the expends of tho Arlington committee cauur up, with au uufayo. able report, and was tabled by a unanimous vote, (it proposed to pay "Iloola Boom" Campbell and also T R Purnell, the commitleeu' altoruej). Roiiolutiou ti pay Purnell $300 for attorney's aud clerk's salary was also tabled. A resolution was adopted raieii a joint committee to coudidur Ibi uatter of reducing salaries to con form to tho decline in the pricuj oi f.rtn products. Bills passed incorpoiaing tin t'abr.'rrud Svlug9 Pauk at Concord with $50,000 capital stock ; the di reotors to be personally repouoihle for all sums due depositors. Tbe latter provision was au amendment offered by Mr. Lusk and "adopted. Mr. McKenzie lodged a motion to rtcousidtr the vote by which the bill as amended parsed, remarking that the amendment was a "swtejei The vote was later coueidered. Ou leuye a number of bills were introduced as fellowa : Mr. Currie To allow Roteson to levy a special tax to hiie out the chain gang and to abolish the crim inal court of Robeson. Mr. Dixon cf (ireoe To lepeul i. tielnw forbidding the re-marring of divorced pernors ; actions for divorctt under th s act not to b brongbt Inter than March 3L, 1897. Mr. Snt'on, of New Hancver, of fered a redolution to print lO.OO'i copies of Ocvemor Rvsirell'B in aupural. A livelv debate ensued. t The resolntio.-i was referrtd to tL tlnance coniinit'.eo. The Houre decided to adjourn b 10 o'clock faUrd'-y morning unti 1 p. iu. i.'onday, in order to allov tin.e for the thorough clebning o the halt. It wad s'a'.ed that !i membi rs are sick and that the ha! cf the Houee I9a"crippe Liboratory.'' THURSDAY'S SKbSIO.V. Atnot'g the things done in thi odtiato was committee's amtudrbeu' to the resolution iu regard- to tbt independence of Cuba ; by Mr Barker, a resolution looking to tht regulating of tho public printing; Mr. Stnathers, a bill to amend the law prohibiting the sale of tobaccc to minors. The calendar was then fcken np and a number of biilt pa.ii.-ed. Tbe following is thi Cuban r;.c lu ion substitute rf the on Federal relatiir.s : "ReBclv-id, By the Seiii-'e, the House of Fepr-seatatives concurr ing, That we pre in symp-thy with tne pcwt.!e of Cuba who are elrnv jimg fcr liberty against such over- wbtslnur. edds, and we arsurc osr S...n,n.i Ib-.a- .rdMima l. i -r- C0Psr--.8 tbetfny f.c-o;; t;...t ty , I city take looking to thi iad Utno of (Jala will -et nearly approval. HOUSE. The IT ji i- ji3tioj. b (,,.n at 11 o'clock, and Rev-Dr. Levi UrantOu 'i;iB i'O'-'-ti L,i'; : olluod j tieLi were it trodn i r -u The biii to incorpo.aie the in ode i Mr. r.ia; 1 1 ra To uucbd C-.taty snd Wii'ern P-.;;-oad wasiUfJ and la.iO of Tie Cvdo, fi.turt.bly i-op ir. ou, a. v aj u'.vo .ae : ing to ebbik-rges of juror, biii l'takit :, the improper taking of ! Mr. Pi-racb A bill te. tnako l.g' dr.tiv i till a cl '.'. Tha bill j fences lawful iiiuti ia Ed2v to MiMba uw jury licia ia Tebr-ry .cornty ; ai:o te e.'.cr : i-'-rt -was recommitted so as to n.ako the' n.mae for a" tde tr.'.'.- j ri. 1 e'; iin-ro J i!y. J Ncr'h Caro!:u.;. WlTO iiii.'odbjed uil ful.JilSi bfr. Sutton, of C umoeriand To cirry out the true iat?nt ef gra.-.t. ors and ieub.ioiS uu 1.0 abi.bii th rule in Shelleya caie by providing that whenever au eatste in land is oonveyed to cne for life it Bhall not be cunatrbed to ccufcr a fee dimple eitato upon th& life tenant. Mr Sutton, of New Itnncver To prevent ibe Sjiread cf coi:taj;to;b: dieej,d;.s auio: g the live stock ia North C..;-oli..a. It providoj for ihreo cca.'.a'tr.iobci.;, form!:,; the North Owt'lina livo utock buiUry board. Mr. Duon, cf Cl-rVebibd, tlh.d the papuip aad notice in the contest by A J I'Vld, of Grmnr.lle, for tne seat now held by V J Crows. Mr. Cunningham filed the papers and nitice iu tbo csje of coatciit bv N 15 Bronghton for the seat from Wake now held by James 11 loung. A bill parsed third reading to in corporate tbo Cabarrus Savings Bank. (The ameudmeut adopted yesterday, making stockholders In ble individually for all sums due depositors was withdrawn by Xr Laik, who had btlelod it.) A bill pa-aed iu regard to'suits or Actions of quo waiic-.e, prov'dntg thn.t in trial of title to auy coiiUvj t ilb'n or other local clBca it. nh ail be jtiltioieut for tho person di-oirir." to bring such action to give bond to save the Slab; from costs ; and such Sbita shall be placed by tho clerk a; the head of the docket or calendar. Tbe bill to ibcnrporuta thj Moore County it Western Kuilroei wa- read. Mr. Sebnlken said ho tbouhi the bill bbould be printed, ao ia Me jm-me9e.t. An rii l(Mi,i- prvvAlU'd lu IM) iuouDi, r , nnti v. .14 su l-iN?if tl. it tli'i tu WUM Hlittont iUm huutt'd crei y ultO Uv.l UiHt ttuuli' t't nuuy, xut'tuti tiiot' tvi.H lu-H,U ;.ily ti.-l"! Il.ittf .t UiHt tilllrj rti;tilr.-,l t. il y n'M'Uft t Iiuisi thi-ir lttuililt-d uii'i riiniHt th" (lUt tto. Ht-f j" n Ml u iijslit UatUfN iitiil uenimy ui iiiU-rt, tl. htil.itu homrs ituJ ci uxli tm ftout h ip tiu.tlfl (tt th sltloH, Imt ther" ta HiiutlitT hcioletiu that (tlumlit n vr be t,i i tu n, dial which ttiiuU at the Ix'd-uU-f- tii i ".!(; ilm M- i" "H'I tii a'li, hnviiliiurf th" (iilloicr. Kucli iUvitl )U etliitwu h J lyutDUtl., mill the f 11 tU'Htmy r inni iirit'ii limit, ami lirulth iinlK-'l ti:ua the tlM'int 'l toktit jitT iipwt, H ivinnT in oar OiTiurl t:ip,irity at- mrni hen of ttie riyi;rnilli t mil ii.;t!..- bt;f:i .tiktl In (est .niJ pi.ive tli (.!( itive--ncjis (if niiitiy ditltiitut .mn icfc k he as titv!!itci.uim In tick rot in aiM ;is pr: veimvc of itileUJom Itvcii, fri D.irlAS !',.v.v.tK 1'hatl L t- tcsli'l eiiiiiitf, ll.t; ti Cent I -li i. I ) - ill tins jii i- It i-i ! ' 111 ...u , itaVi.iv iLt f-'t ui i'i kKX F II. .UmjInu., S M.IU'.im Kr, I A id.' 1 iims. K u O M. I.rkS I.. I Mi.,- Lu;;. . Scvai-ii if e;. .: nn : mr iitli, w in h ...i a.i-1 i l tin- Ii I utnlii-., m lu an1 pcrsi'ii illy l(i ..! H .viiys I'l -plwl .tiK Fi t'Uire ..iiiii.i. Mri .im1 b..iegi II ustiiii.H. Os ii. !r. il .j!.-u Cliu.IlK; fin'J :n r.i i v niiu lillOII. It sli .' :i. a lll.AulitH Jihnul t-cvci, nr ill any i. i in m-edcii. I ' il lo tu rvi'i'-', havii:,: i . t liui.i y t V. 1 ,i - ii il . a -O nl i, li 11. 1 USUI r. H HibVst of all in LcayscLir; ? a v . t vu-- u. 'A tbcrebt there mitrht be dange" i it, i.s ;t fippearod to provide ! r n jiaraJlelinj; tno J-'nrtb ?ar ?"';. Rilrt aJ. .'; w r-ileired r-j '.2.v copies ordered printed, a-id :t :. made special order for Friday : text week. Bills ptv?wd prcyidiDi; thf Ui?; of iust'cjg ef tbo neace e!eob:-d l 'S: November shall end the first Mor. d7 in Dect-TtVr, 1F98. Als-i 1 to levy special t .x of S?5 re- ta r 100 in Robeson cotiaty t.j payhi.o' ing debt. A bill passed providing for re1 jury lists next July in oil ?'-v . in the 8t-ite. Th;s !,tvj rise ' j i . .. .. r. "f"irsi , rf ?. bill we..- in!. I if , ':- . ocrauo i-Ui-uaJa, Vf.c i t.iu . ' a.i.e .y en third rcadi-i a i ci at 'vii.j offered ficrptii !:,v.or. li..vwocd. Caidwel', Ver".-:i. '. (Jbritbc,'', Irt.j.M, J?-ci ;ri,i, bstir., Ob?Iow, Ai-xn. ' .-, . '.. goaaj ; M&c-- CjOV.;.,JU, A:'. .-').:, L:-ilT- V.tiiv , J hii. tw'i, Gu, o . IdeCki.u&l'Ur, The aaitbdj-jb' v a j it a.i i it, . )e:i- i on;ibt.l bi l w..j ! -J, rbi ! .-! o rur craw volii'" nf. t. ri DJ in. cee. . ni.t ombo r.r-li- Mr. Soiii.; T of The Oo!j i 7.7, 1 ... n t againBt . Mr. lLoC-laric. clef.-i and ventikte the Sen .,, Mr. Met Tn eibd'irh a of f-?ta fcr rer Mr A . ; iters cf ui.-t1 .'j 'io ..oa :l ri-,- a. i I'i'. J 'Ji IbJ -'ode :t ri-;,a.i. j v.:: ill liiW. tg l .K. a- r. ulOlNeH iu -.-I : -f i '.05, rej..-d '.ii na'i'u oi .u'm.oI ii rdur-. Tii calendar ff.-J t;.k the .'iCvui vaj ricOjuuU'U to t'l.abi.'g and ienov:;t.i.; ate VL3 put bt'.'li t j i . 1.. "That the Senate adjv.u.'n w-i bif-j ro.v moriiicr; at ten c -jioca an . Monday at 1 p. ui., abd ia the c. , tibre tho ducrkcept-r '.abo up t a Carpet tud thoiutihiy b-can the c ate." Mowrs. McCatikey, AcbLuJ..' Moye and Vv'ukibeL. oppo. .h. resolution as too pour., ye. Mi. McCaokey withdrew tne ickolutioa. Mr. beaks, by owisent, ibtrouucec a similar resolution 'o Mr. ..... thy'ti, ui.d urgtd ii . .. - i UlalUr oi u..-"ety to L, . u - ... i.i. ll..l.l. tt-.-! t't ab-0 4 1 i, . .1, C-,.::t i..;oi 11 fako ec to p;..a it, i tbu t' - a1 i a t'-eb .'e; i ould I ,r i rc -peien i,;undii,j i.s -I t ThCii t. M--! : ' beii.l ik; it . . !. -a s havib;. r. ox. ahu.-p . v. Ib.ij h -, aw-i coi til- g ....ii .ii o-i.a war'od tu buoy,- ,;' Mr. U-fj ) Uft b ibiotor. "No," ba.d he, "1 Uoll't be lieVU th'-oo dootord know u.bch about ir'ip t'-iu.s ti.uu 1 uc it's a.i theory about llu-i..'' Alter u lobp, debate tilt' resolution liauily reikrr.i. to n ooibt.'.it'.e of kIm t r.t w bi- ... report tbe S 'ii-.le tjiboiiov. moui inj; tit a'clocki' . no bena'e ai purged ta tb..l hoe 110 L'; At 11 o'clock !r. Cleve land, opened tuO lioUdU v.Uh priyei TLeie r-as quite a iv,:h of bill- A'.uo'jj' U.eoe Were lb. Mr. Cunuiughnbi ! Ol. oil ill . k duplicate id b.di biii .1.'.: -' o. a t. be ur til sin !, , Mr. IV we-.'.- 'i'.; iii.i.-. d t leeiiiool Li w so rh to strike out ' i buirrriun ol county coaiuiir-nuboj s aii'l lUn., l "n,,.i. ro :, ' Mr. -it.inM. -To 'if-i.d tb-o ii .i- dtnil i ' i' 80 t.iat whenever ;. ; e- dievider with tbe but i.t cf ;.; ,- ' shall convey the bo.::- su.l u!t . a hiui be ebaii be l : otlt-r allotted upon aay ; . iV ; lauds Ue may have. Mr. Sutton To Vow;, i LVj 1.. t of homicide. Mr. Arrii L;ton 'I o i...e.i ' t . charter of the Kali ig'u & uucte-u nr?:, .eft U. b. Gov't fceport If ., . J J . , -e Ir'- Sm i . SO if ?itrvi .d ma" 3bEr-:g '...r.-J a Itfr aa - - --T.. mn ? s to alijtv dac:a6-.'s of f5,000. I !' Cleveiond Topio r'ts, by rtfjiiiring that ii here hey are em i.' provided for them. o tao liWil Vr. i. ;, t.-ot ' ! , c! e or. j, f. p'oed :e-'! for u;o wb-;n :; ey ore not a work. M:. S .ni .h, cf Johnstm R- qnir ir.j' ferir railroad ir:ket sold to have t;-.o amount of pt;rcbe money paid for it marked tnereon. Mr. Smiia To providn that tne buye: abd not the seller of co'itoa sha'l pf y ?'6.'gher'd f.-es ut Cold! boro. - ;-. ' dTr Mr. Sutton, of Cumberland luiro duce'l r. resolution a-jkms; Oongre:-s .j ri.- .. l.,e Lnited iy.a'.es araea ... !,. 1' jo. which was burned ia ' , .-jSi, 1-i .- - -i tj.e Cubaa y : j.v -. '-. -ici -ii amended by - - - . ! b..i -e3 publ nhed) yes. .:-..,-. i.uji .d it 'he Cu- - ; U .,-at...i,g the ' .- - - - -d to reco.-r.itica u bu : -1 : f '": t it wr: tho of uc 'oopie of this Stato ; -' " - - .'j ..ii'iObuli'-y, j pr jivOiiit A a iuo-o-. .vjra ' . carried so tho .1.. . ..a jt.. .raUi, i ..ti. .a ... L .' e i. . rcna met "-.'.:jS .. ColuutliLi uj r ...a iob . Af WlSi -- . - - .. 'iing ani4 oi Ciu.. -,. lU.via. tr .. ... ul Cvb. . .1 ... n:y i j -. --Li. w.ii. jbjor r.- Cut. .. CCu- 11 m to -.c, 1 x Lou. V ad orbed 10 .c'u bO - ;: or I. ., a. d . aii' ..... t . i.d ..a;. Ai: TLo r.ixt i g-sbu .Oi;c, which ... W1-. bo held ui 0 ffu.'d ; Tu ad. -y in Janui.ry, i'e, .u a neat adi enterl a past maator'a M Mr.e. fttro fiibf.i; Walter E 1. ; Richa'dJ .' ; .. ..! -j '' ; l?ver .; v. -i . . ivi aio.eb J , -.v.: . r , warden ; .-; . -.i, : .-. M.v.r; Jcha i '' ' 4--W..rd- Mo ... . ch-jiUiu ; Benjamin , h. . ii. itco.trei ; brabcia -v .-.Hid deac ob ; i.j..., j'w. j;-t r .dd una ', '. . .nn, gread n.a:i IV. n, gr:nd B-?Oi-l- Z ', i-.laril, graud pnr ' i i.-n L Loader ar d A . JO. V .reaj, i ; ,aVol '. I t-t; j rii L : ...d. Lj, graud stewards ; j , ijrand teller. a .iti.i oiuiri- 7ti:, . jt.c..l: to lie UnrritiiF. 1 but announcing the !', on vednesifny, January ilk. Abide Buabee McKes oa, ituughlur of Mr. aud Mrs. Ohuries i-' MoKesoon, of Morganton, aud Mr. William A Leslie, Tho t:; wiil take place iu Gruco .i i : d ., Morganton, at 1.1. native concordibu .a to our people, .. Legiie, who lives 'int. lie is uow d.u bbjinsBc" at . : i-r.-i. ry of i i. alia. .-. .j ; . i-... "iJ I prnvrry 'I : - in i: I W.Mtfl t, t...t.l tbo . . i " i 1 uUiiina-l.y laVllie. I-I i i- liC '' ' v (; - Ml C v., : ' - - . - ''a !V 'V ' ..; ,1 Ibiiin "i;.- : .i.' .-e. - I ! 0 ii. - , . . tii yeii n tr -r-i! It . -i. r ; i .i ,:i i ' i- inn t :.:l! Lr .''I .11' .' I 'l-l ti I, 0 . ' U.r en- 1 Wli I iWi't -! iiii ivii'mll 'evei- I I bO'l .. : ! .- '-." il. V,; V ' ,'V7.:,;;i , v. -. , i , , i i - . .i i ; v. .i , .... . . i. . . . . i 'i ; Vi ' ,', .:' ': i . t i ...... I . . i . r.-. '

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