STANDARD THE :,; AE?b THAT IS AO':,' For 1 Yar Send us 1 DoHar. THE STANDARD. GO )D - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICKS. GIVC US A TRIAL TANDARD. VOL. IX--NO 53. CONCORD N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1897 WHOLE NO. 410 ? Pi t inner JL liilj COUB PUO'JEEDINCS. Cavil nirpmipd ol unit Sciilei.c I'tiMtH'ti, Stats v I i: k e Dry, carrying con i e led w. spon, submitted ; Sued $10 i.ud cost, ' State va Turn Ueor&U and John St. Clu'r, rc vubtd of stealing coal, gnity; Bui'nioc'l to 4 month or. crnin kfir.- State ii I S Roberts, flattie Parker, At nif Smith, accused of affray, loumi guilty. Iiallie Parker and Annie Fuiitb 4 months in, RiLerts 4 months on chnin gang. State vs Walter Rankin, accused of ateulmg flour frutu D P Dayvuult. submitted and goes to chain gang 8 months. 8t "te vs Jurse Boger, using deadly wrepon, srbuiittedj Judgement sus pended on payment of cost. The sentence of Tom Georgia and John St. (.Hair, which gave them 4 months on cbnin gang has been reduced to 60 days. The cae of (ho State sgainBt W C Qadd, Cbanning Smith, 0 F Smith, Cilbert South, Henry Lirake. nd I-irMU C ub e, f or f ;(i- iiUjiri') in o ir which the jury Lure. furlFii'y Jot r hoar?, tie defena uaU wire fiun.) rot guilty. The fo'!iiT-irg jury wal re'eoed lo i't on the Ci-e of Stale ?irst Henry York, for murder: JDivio Clice, Martin A Ludwig, CaM Robinson, II A EJd'.eman, J I Iif gieir. Win. (J 0 Kidman, Juhn 'J Eudy, A J WioecoH, P B Fe'z?r. ilslccm O Lenlz, W J McLaughlin, M ll Mormon. The trial of Yorke took up onlj oft hruisof ibs court's time aud at tbe conclusion, the jury found a ve-dict of guil y of murder iD second degree. Yerke was sentenced to 20 years in tbe penitentiary. State vs Will Malone, charged with stealing a bat from K L Cra ven; not, guilty. State vs. John Urier, stealing coat from Will Mabrey, guilty. Sen tence i ti cbtdn gang for six month.-'. btate vs U-us Gibson, charged with ineist, was laid ovr fill next court. State vs. Frank Reed, assault with deadly w-apon, submitted. Sen 'enced to chain gang for six months. State vs. Llatlie H'glar, assault with deadly we -pon, guilty. To be imprisoned 90 days. State vs. David A Evans, accused of selling whiskey, pleads guilty in two cases, G months imprisonment State vs. Furr & Widenbouse and Jasou Furr, nol prossed. State vs. Harry Hull, charged v ith Btfaling three chickens from C W Ruinunge, not guilty. State vs. Dm Morris and Will Smith, charged with retailing with out license. Morris p'ead guilty; sentenced to chaiu ang four months Tb-re wire three cases sgainst Will Smith, who pleaa guilty. Judgment was suspended in one case, but he was sentenced to 12 months on chain gang 6 months each for the other two charges Dio Klultz, for a misdemeanor; col pro?. Albert Red, for failing to return taxes ; n 1 prop. Stale b. Fred Ford and Noab Ford, affray ; Fred Ford not guilty; Niah Ford guilty ; eentenced to six months on chain gang. The following were tbe jury for tbe trial of S un Hood, aocnsHtl of the mm l-r f Will H.n."VCo-!t : II .p. iU'iior. 11 A li (dtmuan, S M r , .T,.h i E Hoot, J C UoCrti. W 0 Jvldhnnun, M 11 II .t,, T L B.M., W W M -union, U C Furr, T B Biro-han-H, J al Sbuping. - CONTINUED Of TUMI) PA HE wr.tu It! "VVi , '' knn-Vs al a wo. ,SXy Ji .V man' lunit ! I '. I" f'i I want it know n L''-. t 1 I .vtiitt he's up V 1 f lle knew nU obont the 1 . 1 11 5 ii v..h,:.i k!.,. t let Mm In? Th.'t'sa q.icMion r ... . . .....t, ...... n:ui ri'iirw;c ptn.-W n isalkl ol s. nliillf nt ail.l uf- .'.-...n. 'J 'mt i- l'n-l'y wi! i !. 1.1 ; y.t tin if U li .lc to i' too : mi'l tlit . . s; v. a, to pm.i-'t'!it iiUal '-.ct-i niiiiu.-i' mi'l liii.t. ri-.i'.y i u :l to tutu t tin- -ri.i-liciil Jiart ol it. A vi.Jiii-in caniiwl t tliui. .'I t. oip. 'ii in i'f llcr v ts tiiil hi . iiratuiy ana. v .ji-ii.u.. i..., tjr.n. i lie I. :.-.t 1 v " ... w ti... " 1 As-m 11. X l'riM-iiiti"i'." 'f '! v f VWuv, CM f OoMti-iti.S ''1-V: d: mi 'i"" " ,n,l',,-i.-al III . :!. .'. a : if in ..iiL.- ii 'ii-- ' i - l .f " l'l-f-r.iptio:!." u I r'-'f-rt H' im'illil.le VfinKty lr 'Viy fol.l Of - U .M II? W( -.1K1ICB". - . hi-.lllll mid stre.i'll llir llitrr- .'.lull! rial oruai rial oruai: :i!i, wmi-ii n."" . , -lical ariniiMtion..;" thai the tun- u ra-li- whkll Ci'imol Of real '7 . .1. .u... ...b i-iifii i. r.irli. C".t. CO'll .li-l - i-or,t.lulii.iial 1 ..inln-i-Lti-pi.tatton M a rT lc:iii of wM li nn ; and p-tfc ii'.Mi'!r:r i-i ii'i- ii -iu-iiv ...... ratii.ui of n.nn. cr..nt .r the unfar nil !id con lul lire, whirli women plrne in bi "I'avo.ite 1'iwiiption." over i-veiy other i.-rair, ll ur ll-iatc the iiy of rlitad-d "examinations ' and ttie li-n-olviird "IfK'nl treatnuvits." t,n n-iih frifile i-:ittiFsi. in .vuimn-A jm; J.-....-nl .l.l.llitv. trvin evjiyth'eii I c-l-1 fair ' "t - al' " '"' vll- 1 '" "r, ".' VY I if re's ini.,hihu- slid n'lhoivnh I Hi'" m to Sail rr&. I took ,,. - J.l-n Mr.hciJ Mfni" .!.l " f...trile I1' i-eni.tion. huI "M i.ralK tnr irivrn for the rapel r.-uel U v i-ave nit. I srn no fr'.m ll.e foiuiul . ... r . i . i:-,... .,..1 l.l.irnl.WiT lioiihl.ej. , , Verj merely jrvuea,- (llrt.) Bo ir ( i Co , l&l FIREMEN PROTEST. the l.2lNln.(nre Nirilia n Blow n 4lie. Vulaateer Firemen of the Mine vy BUI tii Mop ike Appra prlHIIoa. TL Wilmington Mrssenger very tbly dtfeudg the olantfer firtmtn f tbe S.nie in the following con;. meat, upon tbe bill introduced by some hetrtleas mtmber of ihe Leg islature : "It is announced in our KaKigb dispatches that a bill bts been n troduc d in the ilou e liir tan re peal of the net of Ib'dl iciaLii.eblDg he firemen's relh t i und. It is lo be bop d tbe member on second thought ill withdraw bib hid. To n 1 1 i be act which give the volunteir firemen the only ben eflt they receiye for gratuitous ser. vices would be thankless, nngen. erous, ungrateful and uncalled for. The act which it is sought to re peal provides "a fund for the relief (only) of firemen who may be in jured or rendered sick by diseast contracted in the actual discbarge of their duty and sworn to by the at tending physician." The fund set aside annually for this purpose if only $2,500 and does not com from wxes on the citizetfl of the Stat?, mt fryfi tbe tn levied on and col ipcet! from f'jieien insurance com ji-jtia living hui-iuifa in tba Siite i'o.-ci; f iur'i'8 of tie fund guea t av- v.hi-? I'rtmcn v.-bo C'.iuittituti i"-jjut tbrr p-fourths i'f the firtir.;'!), itii ona fourth to the oo'ored bre men ho constitute the other fourth TheuB vo!uuter Crimen got ar rtniuration for their Fervices They ritk thtir lives and h"a!th te iase the lives and property of th. ;ii.izens of the StuH', tud all they i-k i? a fmill b-rje!H when they an killed, injured or rn ide fick, as ie lomotimes thfl case. To r-fuse them Ins small pittance, on the contin 2ncy that they rrunt sufTer Qrst, is t). nenlh the considera ion of a rea onable n tin. The fifetutn are organiz d in'f the "North Crolina State Firemou'e Asoooiation," composed of whites, ind the "State Volunteer Firemeti's Association," colored, and they act in perfect harmony. No politics, no color, or sect Is known in the ranks. They work toge'her as one at fires. No discrimination is made uetuei-n them at fires, and no dis crimination is ma le lu the distnbn tion of the fond. In Wi'wngton we had 140 alarms of fire last year, and tbe work and efficiency of tbe Qremen bas been greatly appreciated Tbey eaved a great d?al of proper'y nd got nothing for it, and now if they are made sick or injuted then is ODe member of the Legislature who wants to say they cannot re ceive a benefit. What is said of Wilmington can no doubt be said of svery city where there is an orgau izfd fire department. Captain James I) McNeil, of Fay etteville, president; Chief Martin Newman, of Wilmington, obairman of the legislative commit'ee, of the IN .rth Carolina Firdnen's Associa ioti, and Pn sidi'nt Valentine IIowo, f the colored association, will no doubt go to Kaleieh to uppose the hill." Every newspaptr and every citi zen of the State should be inter es'ed in this matter aud try lo pre vent any measure to slop such an appropriation. Men who compote tbe fire companies of our town are not property owners, and in case a member is ic jured at a fire wbil risking bn own life nd heroically laboring for the welfare of others, this appropriation is ouly a just i-em of fipjior fir his fnni'lv lurtig l it iu-i'.-i i'y to woik fo tboir iii.iiiiteliiiir e. It P ft very acnous thina, in d in cuso the bill is ca.ried t'-irouU it will mean tie abandonment of the vol intii r s.-r-ioe the firemen render iu all sec tions of the Si.a.e, utui iiecssi tu'J the levying of tux -s sblliciciit to mcf i expenses of a hired fire depart ment in all towns ulJ cities hen they are not now paid. Chief of Fire D partim-nt J I. Bjgerbas written to our repreet uta tiyea at Il.ilei 4I1, imploring th. m for hum unity's fake ft'id for the welfmr of tbe pr-nj le an 1 I heir buslnese inter.-s, to Oght 1 he bil1, and f el sure that the II m- S.-i-ikT, Mr. lli'etii-ti, unci lnaol C I) llnrini; er 'ill act wi h discretion in thii luatu r. Chief B 'gr is a member of the L giela ive c.miniittee of the Fire men's Abicl.itinn and will bold hiintflf in rui'liiu'js to . 0 to Rileigh if cilled ibene by President McNeil, with whom he ii In corri-ppaodence. 1 he firemen justly protest aga'nst any chaigs. -ee 11 Konaled I nt. Wedtiefdny evening after work bad nil been done io the kitchen, the d.mrto the uvtn of a crru.ln c i.'k stove was gently closed and the lady reiind lor the night. Kirly thin (ThurBdnv) morning a roaring fire was made it tho stove and win n the oven door was opined lo tie lady's horror nhe fouud with;u a nice brown, roasted Cit. " SHORT LOCALS. Tbe Southern detective agency of Charlotte, baa two bloodhounds. Contractor D A Caldwell has just completed several new; houses on Mill street for Mr. Charles B Wag oner. Senator PefTer does not succeed himself, but will yield his place to William A Harris after the 4th of March. Nearly every .member of the Ca burrua Light Infantry has expressed bimeolf favoroble to tbe proposed rip to Washington ia March. Mr. Frank Cochrane, of Mallard creek, and Mies Etta Cochrane, of Back C.ejk, are to be married at the tome of ibe bride on February 17tb. ' Charlotte News. The rumor to tbe effect that a certain young lady and gentleman were quietly married Tuesday oigbt, is not a fact. It may take place, however, witiiin tbe next lor t night. The Kindley cotton mill at Mt, Pleapant will start up next week, runuing 3,000 spindles, which will employ about fifty hands. The product of the mill will be double twisted yarns. A prominent, though inquisitive I;-. -V j er at toe court housu, address iti a juror, a.-lud : "My friend, are you a freeholder f With a slow Irocpof the head, the juror ans svei-jj : "No sir; I have a wife and .Lree children. Tl3 Futirth Regiment Drum Corps contemplates adding to its complement seven drums, one dc zen hies and one dozen bug es. 1 ley will dnnbtKsa be in good 9! ape for the annual march nizt Simmer. , Last Thurbiiay Mr. Levi Rum p".e, of Eethpag'? ne:ghborhood, who was born June 1. 16Js was in town He is in his 8!Uh year. He was etrly in life a Whig, but cast his h-st Democrat'o vote with isq. Ii W Allison for General Jackson in bis first campaign and has been ad hiring firmly to Democracy ever since. At home he chops bis wood, does the chores, cultivates tbe gar don, and can even plough. The Standakd is the grateful re cipient of tbe report of the North Carolina Railroad com miseon. Itis a neat and attractive book of nearly 5(0 pages of good, substantial bind irfr 7x9 inches, of faultless mechani- c 1 execution and ec-ems quite com p'.ete iu its scope of laying open to an inquiring public the woikings of this ellicient Bource of watphfulness to the inter' s of tbe people While we have a good, true railroad commission, the people need not lear and war on the railroads is not a necessity. The Salisbury World says train rocking is becoming rather frequent al'Out Salisbury. It is strange that outrages so inhuman should find lodgment in the minds of the m 1st depraved. Do not tbe wretches who so wontonly perpetrate such satanic cr.mes know that sooner or la'rr deep and dire griof must be the re ward of such depravity ? Surely such culprits phonld have tbe fill penalty ol the law when caugh', without nny sentimental tenderness or palliation. The entire population of the city of Charlotte are up in arms againi-t the proposed chaDge in that city's government. A bill has been pre pared and will be presented to the legislatures so amend the charter an to give the powers of administration to a polico commission, to be cum p-ised of three men one of each pi litical party, namely, Democratic. Republicnn and Populist, the com missioners to be chosen by the exe cutive committee of each party. The bill fixes all salaries of city ofTisnrs and, ns a whole, is an out r.'';e. The Churln'le people are in diminf and will fiht the bill wit! tbiiir ui'g'it. Such a govern men' as tho bill proposes would crr'.aii lj ro';-id tho jinrofs of Ihe pn-tli-'H' ciiy in lie 8 .nth, beeidn8 bniiig r novel and very cos.'ly experiment The Same... Old Siirsapariite. Thr.t's Aycr's. The same old tarsaparilla as it vva9 made and sold by Dr. J. C. Aycr BO yrar vuo. In tlio laboratoiy it is diflirueiit. There modern appli ances luud speed to skill and experience. But ttie sarsapa rilla is the same old Barsaparilla that made tliJ record bO year of cure. Why don't we better it? Well, we're much in the condition of the rishop nnd the raspberry : ' Doubtless, ne said, God might have mane a better berry. But doubtless, also, He never did." Why don't we better the sarsaparilla? We cau't. We are usiug the am otl j.Inn that cured the Indians aud the Spaniards. It has not been bettered. And since io make sarsaparilla com pound out of sarsaparilla plant, we see no way uf improvement. Of course, if we were making some secret dieuftcal compound we mli;l!t T.ut we're not. We're niakiiirr tho same old sar- srparilla to cure the Same old diseases Yon can tell it's the ftl!6 old ttttrsattariUa be cause it works the i0 ofel rwri-n. It s the sovereign uiooa purifier, aud--f ' Ayera Cbarlie Whitt, a young printer, once an emp'oyeeof riiE Standauu died at his home in Charlotte Fri day rf U grippe He was 24 yeats of age and leaves a wife end one child. The Southern railway bas ar ranged to sell reduced rates lo Char lotte tir I'm occasion of tbe Ir0'.ur of Dr. DeWitt Talmagi, on Febro ary 24'.b. Fare for round trip f 1 10 tickets on sale February 24'b, lim ited to the 25th. Mr. J H Ragan, for twenty-seven years a resident of Sanford, hat moved with bis family to this city, where they will uaakt. tbeir future home. Mr. Ragan is a printer. His boys have secured rork at the Odell mills. Miss Eitelle M Davisson, a young woman twenty-two years old, a na tive of Nebraska, is said to be one of the brightest lawyers in tbe northwestern part of tbe State. Sbe was recently elected county attor ney of Brown county. It cost only $3 50 to inaugurate the Governor of Colorado and that was money expended in having thr tickets of admission printed. This money might have been saved by making it a free show and holdiDg it out doors. Ayer's PiP are constantly ad vancing in Mm estimation of those who uee them. They improve the (ippetite, promoto digestion, restore healthy action, aud reu!te every function. They are pleasant to take, gentle in their operation, aud powerful in subduing disease. "I have been a victim to terrible headaches," writes C F Newman, Dug Spur, Va, "and have never found anything to relieve them so quickly as Ayor's Pills. Since I began liikia this medicine, the at tacks have been less frequent, till they have ceased altogether." It's about as hard lo break some people of bad habits as it ia to break Malarial Fever when it once gets a firm hold upon one. Mr. C Him rod, of Lancaster, Ohio, says, "Sim mons Liver Regulator broke a caie of Malarial Fever of three years standing for me, and less than one bottle did the business. I shall use it when in need of any medi cine and recommend it. The East Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Association bas arranged to hold its tenth an nual fair at its grounds in New Berne, N. C, on Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 nd 27, 1897. They offer, for progress in all tbe branches of in dustry and art, liberal premiums. Strenuous efforts will be put forth to make this the most attractive and most successful fair yet held by the association. AGENTS WANTED For War in Cuba, by Senor Quesada, Cuban representative at Washington. En dorsed by Cuban patriots. In tro mendouB demand. A bonanza for agents. Only $1.50. Big book, big commission. Everybody wants the only endorsed, roliable book. Out fits free. Credit given. Freight paid. Drop all trash, and make $300 a month with War in Cuba Address today, THE NATIONAL BOOK CONCERN, 352 350 Dear born St., Chicago. dil Will I'm Cnbnrrua Hur. A portion of tbe plantation of Mr. A B Young, in tbe Rocky Ridge seotion of the county, several milts southwest 0 town, has been leased to a company of Charlotte men who will utilize the large quantities of white quartz found on tbe surface out there. Tbe company will use the quartz in experiments, but the na ure o. ihe expeiitmnts was not learned Mr. Fitd Oliytr is at the head i)f tin mo-enn ut, w hich is a new enter price. Hie llmcovt'i-y Knved III 110'. Mr. ' G. Oiiilloulto, Druggist, r.t BesvervilV, 111., saye; To Dr. Kin'p Now iJiscovt ry I owe luy life- Wi:s t uk in with La Grippe aud lii. d all the phybicians for miles about, lu of no avail aud wai given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. Kiuq's New Discovery iu my store 1 suit' for a bottle and bttran its us ind fr.-m the first de'se began to et better, and after ubiiir three bottles was uo and about Buin. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or Iiojho without it. Get a fteo trial at Fetzei's Drug Store. Notes I'roin ttie Organ. There were some g'ad counten ances t Ort-au last Snndny hr: the council announced-, thit R-.v. Cox would remain another ji' . Mrs. Chauirc-y Young, of Ten nme, is ' lei: ir g her dauthte', Mrs. Rufut Klutiz We heard some farmers (?) com plaining because wheat had ad vanced to a dollar per bushel. Wei', well, the idea of farmers having to buy wheatwhen we have had ordirary wheat cropi for many years. The tninb'e, too mncb cotton. The remidy, raise jour supplies, thm ootton for a money crop. U. No Hoo Horse trading is a grat drawing feature of court week. AT TiHJ CA.Fl TAL. Proeeedlnirfi of the cvenernl AMiemblj In llrler. SENATE. Raleigh, Jan. 20. The Senate met al 11 o'clock, Lientenant-Qov. eruor Rejnolds presiding. After prayer by Rev. Mr. Babb the jour nal of yesterday was read aud ap proved. Bills and refolutions were intro duced and referred as follows : Mr. Justice Bill to repeal chap ter 277, Laws of 1895, relating to divorces ; also to repeal chapter 117, Laws of 1885, relating to sales by 'rustees and mortgages. Mr. Walker Bill relating to pro bates of wills. Mr Maxwell To plaoe Jones R Smith on ibe pension roll. Mr. Rmathers To amend chapter 277 of the Laws of 1895 in regard to divorces. Mr. Newsom To amend chapter 317 of tbe Laws of 1889 relating to bridges and public roads. Mr. Anthony To amend chapter 198, laws of 1889, relating to reu nions. The cileudar wai then taken up and the followiag bills aud resolu tions were disposed of: 15.11 to amend sectiou of 784 of tba The Code. Parsed Eecond and tnad readings. Resolution to have the national flag displayed from the top of the capital during tho session of the Genera! Assembly. Passed second and third rending. By unanimous consent Mr. Mc Caskey introduced a resolution for the relief of George W Snell from peddlers tax. Mr. Grant introduced a resolution tha' at 12 o'clock the Senate would assemble in the House of Represen tatives for tbe purpoie of electing a United Statis Senator. Passed sec oad and third readings, Mr. Gran', by consent, introduced resolution inviting Dr. J L M Curry to address the General Assembly on January 25 '.h. Tl e rules were sus pended and the resolution passed second and third readings. The President then announced that tbe Senate would repair to the House of Representatives to vote for United States Senator, The Senate re-assembled at 'A o'clock and leave of absence was granted Mr. Maultsby. After announcement of commit, tee meetings the Senate adjourned. HOUSE. The House mot at 11 o'clock. uny bill were reported, among i hem, favorably, the bill to repeal the act for aid to State Firemen'd Rdief Association ; also bili to punish public drunkenness, and bill o require seats to be provided for saleswoman in stores. Bills were introduced as follows: Mr. McKenzie To pay special venires in capital cases. Mr. Hartness To amend the charter of tbe Statesville Develop ment Company. Mr. Duffy To amend The Code regarding appeals from assignments of widows' year's ropport. Mr. Wemyss To designate the duties ai d fix Ihe compensation of boards c-f county commissioners. Mr. Harris, of Halifax To repeal (he act, nquirit'O sworu stutmeuts uf election expenses. Mr. fiut.on, of New II mover To allow active firemen at Wilmin tw tiic. ttmcMiut of their city pol tax. Mr. Pereou, of Wayne, cHered a n solution to prevent the eeiidinpef auy com millets to visit the p'-ra and charitable institutions of tb Sta'e. It was, on motion of Mr Mclf tizie, referred to tho (inane coinini't.e. A resolition wis a!si iuiroduc.d to pay $S8 lo the peroi who in Noveu.btr couiiditd the election returns. At noon the Senate entered, to hold a j tint session and elt-C a Set a tor. The pllenes and libl'ies were again crowded, Tbe House stood until the Senators were seated Lieutenant Governor Kiyuolds was suited on Speaker ilileinau's lift and called the joint asseinbl ige to order and announced I.s pnrpos.i. Clerk Kine, of the Senate, red it jour n d of yesterd y so fir as the vot was concerued, and Clerk Masten read the House jiurnal. It was then annoti icsd that for Senator Pritolurd had reciivid 86 votes, Thompson 4 2, I) mgh'on H4 The reports of t. Ilers of each I ra 101 were separate. t BY JOINT BALLOT The following 13 the vo'e of tbe Senate in detail : Piitchard Messrs. Amle'son, Ahhnro, Barker, Cannon, Dickson Early, Grant, Henderson, Hyatt, Maultsby, McCarthy, McNeill, New some, Odom, Person, Rrvnsty, Rol lins, Sharpe of Wilson, Sh-.rpe of Iredell, Smathers, Shore, Wakefi ?ld, Whedbce, Yeager 24. " Thompson - Mesrs. Akxauder, Atwater, Butler, Clark, Geiidie, llurdifcoc, Lyon, Maxwell, Mitchell, VIoye, Me.ritt., McUakery, Earn h.rdt, Patterson, btiair, Uiley, Walker 17. Doughtoa Messrs. Abcll, An thony, Barringer, Justice, Parker of Alamance, Kay, Scales 7. Tbe following is the vote of the Ri pr. centatives : 1'ritchard Messrs. Aberne'hy Adams, Aiken, Allen, Aleiandor, Arledge, Arringtor, Babbitt, Jiailey, Bingham, Blackburn, Brown, Brow er, Bryan of Chathrm, Bryan of Edgecombe, Bryan of Wilkes, Bur gess, Cuudler, Cliapir, Chilcutt, Cook, Cox, Crewe, Currie, Daucy, DaniWs, Dayton, D-wns", Dockery, Duncan, Elliott, Eusley, Freeman, Green, Grubba, Hancock, Hare, Harris of Halifax, Harris of Hyde, Uodges, Howe, Lusk, McCrary, Meares, Ormsby, Payker of Peru, qiimans. Pence, Tctrec, Pinnii, I'ooi, li.iwls, Roberts, Roumree, Soiutie, t-prnili, butiou of Cumber laud, Sutton of New Hanover Wemyss, White of Aiauiance, White of Bertie, White of Randolph, Wrenn, Yarborougb, Young G4. Tbomp.ou Mr. t.peas: v, Mtsurs Oaiter, Ciuh-y, Chai inan, Craven, Crumpler, Cixou of C.-etu, Drew, I'jaj, Ferrell, Forcjt, Hauseii Helmed, Johnsou, Kong, McBryde, Morton, Pei'tou of Wayne, P. rson of Wi'sir, Pint, Prre, Fnr-;usorj, Schulkeo, Wark, Vi'uiiener, Donghtou Messrs Bunch, Con 'y, Creech, Cunniniinni, Dixon of Cievi-laiid, Duffy, Eddins, Ferguson, Gallop, Hartness, Liwson, L'ak, Lyle, McKenzie, McLellaou, Mc Poeters, Murphy, Nelson, Parker of Wajn?, Pearson, Hanson, Reid, Smith, Walters, Watts, Wilson 24. Speaker Hileman said yesterday his was not culled, but be desired it caueu today. Some cuufuaiou with reference to pairing, etc. occurred and the teller at 1:30 announced the result as fol lows: Pri tabard 88, Thompson 43, Doughton 33. The report was made by Mr. Cook. The report was an nounced by the chair, who announ ced that Mr. Pritchard was elected, in accordance with law, for the term of six years. ending March 4, 1903. Ha made the declaration for himself and Speaker Hileman" Great and prolonged applause fol lowed. Senator Pritchard was escorted to the stage and addressed tie Asfeetn bly, followed by Governor Russjll and ilieu by Hon. Harry Skinnor, Who said the proceeding were not orderly, that only Piitchard should bo beard from ; that each branch, should, after his acknowledgement, elc, retire to its chamber. Yet Skinner went ou to speak, paying this had been a wonderful campaign; that he had done what he thought best for tbe Populist cause and the cause of free coinage. He said tbe election of a Senator at this time really meant nothing more than the election of an ordinary Congress man ; that tbe Senate committee hd been already reorgnuin d by I k' U -publican party. How can a Republican pledged to free silver nurt the Populist par'y or the came if free silver? He declared those P.ipn i i.-jt.M who voted for Pritchard 'in.J done the bet deed ever done fur Hie Pugilist mrty and tb. .nurt i'f humanity. He deried tin t it would disintegrate the Pupiiiiet party ; that tuo latter might nol ive utiles it kept fail a wuh its ..'O'lirncts. Tho fiht on his piirt mid been purely in Populist inter- WARNING. We wisli to caution all users of Simmons Liver Regulator on a sutiject of the deepest interest and importanro to their health perhaps their livoa. The sole proprietors ami makers of Simmons Liver Regulator learn that customers aro often deceived by buying and taking somo medicine of a similar appearam o or ta.te, believing it to be Simmons Livr Kenlator. We warn you that unless tlw word Regulator is on the paekagfl or bottle, lhat it is not Simmons Livor Keiiulalor. No one else makes, or ever has made Simmons Liver Keulator.or anything rilled Siiuuum Liver Regulator, but J. If. ZeiHn ,t Co., and no iiiedicine made by anyone e n.1 is the san.j. We alone can put it up, and we cannot he responsible, if other medicines represented as the same do not help you as you are led to expect they will. liearthis fact well m mind, if you have been in the habit of using a medicine which yousupposedto be Simmons Liver Regula tor, because the name was somewhat like it, and the package die! not have tho word Regulator on it, you have been imposed upon and have not been taking Simmons Liver Regulator at all. The Regulator has been favorably known for many years, and all who use it know bow necessary it is for Fever and Ague. Bilious Fever, Constipa tion, Headache, Dyspepsia, and all disorders arising from a Diseased Liver. We ask you to look for yourselves, and see that Simmons Liver Regulator, which you can readily distinguish by the Red Z on wrapper, and by our name, is the only wediciue calltd Siiiimons Liver Regulator. J. II. ZKILI.N & CO. Take tiitmnoHS Liter Rtfulator, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report ft, aud he wanted a legislative committee to examine his actions and his motives; that Pritcharl was under no obligation to him, but that he (Skinner) was simp'v paying a dfbt due the Republican patty. He said the Republicans ought to be given absolute power to hring prosperity to the people, and if they did be would applaud them; but if tbey failed ibe Repub lican party must go down as the Democratic party has gone down. Tbeu on tbe ruins tbe Populitd party will rise. He said the man taken was from tbe Republican party, a parly considered immortal to Populism, but yet the Populist party bad bound him to its cause. He paid if in four years protection did not brir.g prosperity Piitchard would walk out of tbe next national Republican convention and carry North Carolina with bim as Teller did in Colorado. At 1:15 tbe Sonate returned to its chamber. Raleigh, Jan 21. Mr. Mitchell of Franklin introduced a petition asking for a dispensary law for Louisburg and tbe township of Louisburg. After the reports of the sranding committees, bills and resolutions were introduced and referred as fol io rv s : Mr. ftiitchell A bill to provirie for a dispensary in Louisburg and the township. Mr. Asbburn Resoluiion to in vestigate the use of tbe several his tories in North Carolina public schools. Mr. Alexander To prevent th orfeiture of goads sold ou the in stallinent pluu. Mr. Ray In regard to competi tion in the sale of certain articles. Mr Rty moved to have 500 copies printed. Mr. Mc&ukey moved to have the reformatory bill for joung criminals also printed. Adopted. Mr. Abell That our Seuators aud Representatives in Congresj be in structed to vote for tbe free aud unlimited coinage of silver at 16 to 1. Mr. Butler To prevent discrimi nation in the currency of the couo try. Mr. Anderson To re-orgauizs all standing committees. Mr. Ashburu moved to suspend tbe rules aud put it on its several readings. The president subjected that the biil would come up on the calendar and Mr. Ashburn withdrew bis motion. The calendar was then takeu up and tbe following bills and reeo'u lions were disposed of : B;ll for the relief of L M Morri son, ex-sheriff of Cabarrus county. Passed second and third readings. Bill to pay J M Early's expenses as contesting Secator in 1SJ5. Puss td second and thiid readiugs. Biil instructing Senators und Representatives to vote for the frte aud unlimited coinuge of eilyer at 10 to 1. Mr. Grant uioyed to nuki ibis biil the special order fcr Tues day next at 12 o'clock. The motion of Grunt was ndon til. Bill to amend the charier t.f the Drun uii ro' Depot Bank of Wilkes boro and charge its niuie to the Willus tounty Bank. There wus discussion on this bill mid the bill was finally rs-refeir.d to tbe judiciary committee. Mr. Graut, by uDa:.i'.ir.HiS cji.!i nt, introduced a joint resolti'ion thut the president of the Senate appoint five Senators and the Speaker of tbe House nppoint eight to consider the election law and tbe subject of coun cornty government. The bill pass ed second and third readings. The Senale then acj ourued tj 12 o'clock to-riiorrow. Senator Shore, of Yadkin couuty, was by f rrer omitted in the vote for Senator estcrday in all Ihe papers ller.q'iej's ibathete repsrted as haying voted for and supported Pritchard. HOITSB. At 11 o'clock the House me at d prayer vias offered by Rev M Gknn. 1 he Bttenilnnri of numb was quite light. Many bills wi re introduced nearl-. ail uf local importance. Aiiioi.' those worthy of men l ion are these: Mr. Hams, ( f Halifax To r. -peal the act alio ii to additional coun'y conimippii in rs ; Mr, Han Tc make it a felorv to; mm ! steal any election book cr other of j ficial record of election. Mr. Hare (resolution) Instruct j'ing Senators and Representatives in vuuiido iv ,uu ikji iiic iep ai the lax on fru;t brarrdy. Mr. Ferguson To .-.mend the divorca law, to if a man is in jil his wife cm re-uiarry. A resolution csnie over from the Senate inviting Dr. "Mcrn;ry" to address the Legislature cn educa tion at noon Tuesday. (The clek meant Dr. J M LOurr .) Mr. Luek wanted to hnow who Mr. "MoCurry" waa. Such isfarie! Mr. McRiry bad to explain who this distinguish ed man was. It was one of the most absurd scenes o tba session nnd raited a Lrigh iuiicng fie wel'i iiiferoied .Mr Uauser ; moved thvi, the malU-i b lefened to I tbe coa'-mittet' ou j rcposi i and 1 grievances. It was'.y t'.tlc-d ; that the d.ite tf the i-.dd.-tjc 1 3 next 1 Mond.iy at noon. Ab" ,'. tvecty c eu.c..-:." were granted leave of absence, m. inly l? reason of sickness. i The biil to allow clei-k of Super ior Court to appoint deputies who can probate wills, deeds, etr., i :i taken up applying to 20 tic, including Cabarrus. It was ;e-committeu in order i' b a general hi!! m''it h." epareJ. Mr. Cook said when certilki csphi of the rocoi'iij of probate vverj wanted fcr transmission to othe- counties and States it would bs found to be great trouble. Mr. Lu6k said the commute.! hud amended the biil so the clerk would have to maiie a record. Mr. Cool; said this would be all right in tbe county where tbe probate was nr de, but that as to cases where copiei were to be sent awuy no end of trouble aud danger to titles v;ould arise. The bill to regulito appeal) was takeu up and passed, providing that iiu appeals to the higher court thd evidence ehall be sent up at the re quest of either p.irty to the action. It does not apply to magistrates' courts, city courts or miyors' courtn. Bill to provide that guardians, administrators aud executors who misappropriate funds are liable lo indictment for embezzlement was passed, after Mr. Lusk had explained it and stated that it was eminently just and greatly needed. Bill to protect furnishers of ma terial or contractors, by amending the laborers' lien law, Wts discussed. It provides that notice of lien shall be sufficient for such lien if the owner or agent of such house or real estate iniy have paid the con tractor therefor in advance of the Rorkrioueor material furnished at the time said Lotice is given, Mr. Alexander asked if tbe bill did not make the owner pay twice. Mr. Mcii.iiy said it nude the owner lia ble if he paid the jouUactor iu ad t ce, Mr. McKilz.j moved to t.ible it. It went to the table. The bill to pay n per diem to pern sons summoned tJ court as a special (Continued on fourth p-go.) CURED AT n YEARS. Ir. I-Hics' lit- Hurt Cure Maoiloto, No nt Jm'p nn-i m fit n linw Mirti :i ivcnrii. lien.) is n vei'ii;i'i,- pat rj-i i r'h, ;.; vt'iirs of :u.-i , wll li --a r-( :: w jt.ui.- . . , .vermin s (,. Ii.iU iinut J't.M i.t- !,)!. i x, ; t..i.i; liic kNuw 1 n ( in c a;iU i . in r.v mini ;4i,u v, wi. f i' -.A , i v ;-, KAMI'KL 0. STUNK. Gv l.r. .ve V,,.it , h, l--4. I h .Vf he, -i, if, iu..,-'l v A !m-MM .ii-i"i o ?.i, i t . . .M t in-- 1 i ; e I v , , I'itd h Y.,,. i,ol -a I,' (or ! to :') tUlt :e,nti. lilZV M IN .-11 I'VM'lllllit,; ( ti;,f sevei'f 'Hal h .ii, -in .ri ti--- of In tin ;i("i Sllilih ll His t.hat, reinlereil in- lie),, i - -.. A il ptiy-l'-IJliis di-i for Ine W is to H.tvi-. l-n-eiit-ijuicL. In Ail:ii,i t I c..i',r... -i i.,, Dr. Mills' New n.-im ( pre. I. ful !n fi re 1 f ,,,) ti i- ;m ( i ' 1. 1 ! : i f.'HITl 1.,. ! ' r ii.-'.i. - , ,.-.' -,. - I i , . ' HoiV li . ii oi;r : ,,ll. .1: ,. . f - . I'fil .ct 1 V w.-1 !. I :i i 7.. . - f Ii'l'l a lt i' 1 1 1 1 i ti , i i i . ' ' i r my !i '.ii' ! m . ' .. " !.' ' i I n I . . V ' , ' ' v.'iii:;,!,!.- t. II, ,- ' s . t: W ll. :i ri I : - I . n ; .1 I'r. Mil.-; He ut fir- . pil;ir.iiil ee I 1 1 1' 1 I ; , " j All 'ij'uj.-i ., si ' . li .. :1, .'1,. I . .. ll Hill l'l ' -I'M. ,.f.'.. I-.'," ,,1 If ; hy LLtit lil. Mliott MeiJii..a U, Lia-..nL, )n.. Ly. Axles' Heart Ctrc k. IU.itm