THE STANDARD". - TUiiNtt OUT GOOD - JOB - WORK U Pi T TV i' Standard. THE : STANDARD PRIN1 JVEWS THAT IS SEWS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. The AT LIT! NO miCES. GIVE US A TKIA1, CAROLINA CENTRAL WRECK VOL. IX--NO 54. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY. FEBRUARYS 1897 WHOLE NO. 411 Trnln Derailed Near Hamlrl Cr 1 eteneoped. A wreck occurred on the Care lira Central road Wednesday, at Laore Hill, four milie below Ilamlet. Thi train, when it reached Laurel Hill, consisted of an engine, two box cart fall of bauds rbo had btvn at work OB the lower part of the road, sev eral oth ir box and a passenger coacb. Thft cara containing (b hands were neii to the engine .These were dropped at Laurel Llill, and f irlunately for the men withit that they were, for ncne of then would have been left to tell tbi story. As the tnin was epeedin along toward Hamlet tbe eneiui became ferailed, throwing the whole train rff the treck. The first foot cars next to the engine were tele scoped. The pissenger coach ra'i some distance off the rails. Mr. I II Rahm, who was ore of tbi pas sengers, was giving in his experi ence yesterday at tbe Bufor 1. lit said it was one of the most complete wrecks he had ever seen, and thai the riding rn tbe cross ties wa? about the roughest experiment hi Bad ever tried. Engineer Martin and tbe firemar jumped from tbe engine as "she" went over. Nj one was hurt, bn the wreckage of the train was com plete Charlotte Observer. A Conn! rymnn TcIImaThIo. Thursday being a cold disagrees ble day, and all the merchants gain ered around their comfortable s'.ore fires, a countryman from Mon;gom ery county told the following ta.e i tfqui'e a number of citizen 8 in the store of Mr. J A I Black welder, on Weet Depot s'reet. a Staniurd rrpo.-ter being or.e of the attentive hf'enrrs : "It was a cold, rainy day last Wednesday (January 20) when I hitched up my t,x to the ued and wett eeveial hundred jnnJs from the barn for a turn r.f woo-3. After loading the wood, I told Bill to go long, and Le cinched right rff, hm did cot draw the sltd. When ri reached tbe house I found thut I bad pat a pair of raw-bide traces on Bill and when they got wet tbey stretched. I tied the traces to a stont sappling and then prooeeded to put Bill in hii stall. Tbe next day when the tnn came ont, it dried the green bide traces, and in doing so it drew tbe sled and wood right up to my back door-" This beats the nsnal rainy day items. Notice orweUnre. Seized near Albenarle, on the fi h of Jannry, 1897, the fol'owii.g prop erty soppoed to belong to John Brown, for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws of the United States, to it ; 1 horse, 1 mole, 1 two horfr wagon and barnes", 1 banj , 2 buck ets, 1 skillet and 2 empty kegs Notice is hereby given to any one claiming said property to make claim fcr same to the undersigned at bis office in Aheville N. C, iu the manner and form prescribed In Jaw, within 30 days of da'e herein mentioned, or tbe same will be de clared forfeited to the government cf the United State. By Sam'l L. liroEits, Ool'cct-r 5t'i Dia'tof K. R S Harms, D. 0. J.nnary 8th, 1807, w'4. hook RIlHonrrlOft. Mr. Charles A Dry, tf the firm of Dry & Wadowor h, furnit'ire dealers of thi4 city, was somewhat disturbed several days ago on receipt of a chpek from a New York firm for the amount Of $571.04. It was all a mystery to Mr. Dry, ho not knowing the firm frin whom tbe check came and receding something for nothing, An invea'igaiion was ln-litn'ed, when it was found that tie check was meant for W idTorth & V), a large mercan'i'e establishment at Conoord, N. II. The check wa, forwarded to New Hampshire one today Mr. Dry reooived a rrrv'pt for the check, accompanied with a c-rd of thanks for tbe prompt invea'iea lion Tbe letter was m;sc-irri"d to Conord, A. G, ins ejd of Concord, n. n. borrowing- 1'nrenU. " The home of Mr. and Mrs, Gil lian B'a k welder, near St. John's, 1j shrouded in sorrow and ft new today. Their I tt'e 4 mollis o!o jntant, so brjgbt and clw:f:l rtt, 1 1 Thursday lies a corpse, In s n jrijutrrioris way th chi d nm tei ptid away, and it 13 though', tha' tl)P baby smothered, having been found cold in dea'h Friday morning. Toe grief-stricken parents h.a th tnd rest sympt hy of all th'ii many fiienda in the Ioim of iln-ii fjer little bub?. f IiIiiii tirnye Itfina. Owing to so much sickri'PS itrporgai the operatives PaMersonV Mills cl(Pi-d down night v. ork a few nights last week. Tbe mumps and grip flvem to have taken poseetsion of our little town We also have two cists of pneumo nia, but think no one is seiions'y ill just at this writing. Miss Bettie Patterson ciuie home from Concord last Friday. Mist Jrnnie IVterion reft nid her work iu the Concord Graded School Monday morning., to the delight of her Ftndents. Mr. Brnner Goodnight and Mrs. Oral were happily married last week. e wun ttura both success and happiness. Tbe wheels of prog ret s may stand but man and woman never cease to iove and as a autural sequence raarr'aira is tbe re-ult. Our ton has been over-ran with drummers for the last week, bat thntirO. K., for drummers arc iiusilers anyway. Miss Eihel Pattereon spent Sun Jy at Salim church with ber sister, Mrs Miller. Messrs, John and .rJlainieti t islier were in town Sunday. Glad o to the young men down. Mr. W V White, of the C & C Cooper & Co., i placing the new ngine for the Patlereon Manufac tur:ng Company. Mr. Jno. Cline and force are'pnt tiog the finishirg touches on the it: si le of thn new mill. air. w j r-winK s co'i'lition u very much improved and in the course of tune he will ag'dn be out among his many friends. Mr. B'Htty is a feithful nurse and will give him his undivided attention. Mr. and Mrs. Soliday, Dr. and Mrs. S'rpbens and Mrs. Cora Miller epeut Tresday with Mrs. I F Pat terson. Mr. and Mrs. Soliday left Tnnpdny night r-,rOtiio, their home, viii. Washington, D. C. Crowe I. Messrs. U II Miltoi Arthur L Pn'tertrn nnd T L Host, vent up to Salisbury last nijjht t hear Rtmenyi. 'l'o a'l lovers of good musio we would so gest tha1 they make u effjrt to hear the great violinist. We never saw one play so skilfully before on a violin. llt)-. Wertz preached rather an in teresting sermon Sundiy night abou Samson and Pelil ih Mr. II W Wilkinson is holding down the Pattrrsou Manufacturing (Company's oflice during tbesicknest Oi Mr Swink. lie looks quite dig nified nnd iu place while occupying tbecfli :e chui ra. Th? ground is covered with b . untiful Siio v. We think such - ather will be good for the coming . p, bi the freeze will Kill the incb bugs. Phovost. j'na Grove, January 28, r. BnrrlnKOr With Ilie rirrmrn Senator Barringer was in the citj Friday, and in com nation with a Standard reporter ha sail tria when ihe miiter of taking the ap proprution away from tbe State Firemen's Association was put to f vote, he would be found with thf fhenen, ttiat he most heartily fa vored the aj.(ropiition. Speaker IlibniiP, however, wants the ap propriation cut rff, judging frcm vhiit Se-iitor s-tid. New IMim'ion "But fell me, A ic I h- ei, is he quie h g nilnn.tii ?" Alice ( a pause): '.V. 11, lif'e tt:c I of kit-, p. ''no he's got h i h-indVetohi'-f nri hi' cuff." nriy Yenrs Ago. Vo could iinnInc that thii slrould be Tlir plnnp where, 'n cigliteenjiinety-thret That white wortd-wondcr, of rch aud dome Bhmild shnlow the rations, polychrome... Here st the Tnir wis the prize conferred On Aycr's PUts, 1 y tlic worli preferred. Chlcotffvlike, they a' record show, pluce they tai tc'V-so yeafS ojo. Aycr's Cathartic Pills have, from t'ao timo of their prepnration, been a continuous success -with the public. And that, means thnt Ayer's Pilla rccomplish what la promised -for thorn; thoy euro where c-t'aara fail. It was fitting, t'icrcfora, that tha world-wido p'o;'ulnrity of tbeso pills should bo rscosnizad by tho World's ' r Rdul of 1803 a faot i ' 'i mphanizoa tbe record' 1 rj! oJ Cures. :.V,:v-'rr..AJ EE OUT locals.; N' pf frtll on the sidewalk" of A'la'Ua WenoHeday night.,; re Otdving curious ii juries. Ta cold wave struck a certain rran unprepared and as a oonse ij ience a Concord merchant got an ,rder for nine comfort at once. Tbe Charlotte Observer : Mr Jno. C Leslie, ot Leslie & Rugers, has en tirely recovered from his recent ao cident, and is able to walk without a stick. We It am with regret from Dr. R 3 Yonrg of the serious illness', o! Hon. M II Pmnii, of Lexington The chances of recovery are said .to be very much against him. Mr. Gtis. Morrow, a former stu dent of Newell's High School, spent Thursday night in the city. He will become a pupil at Crescent Academy, where be will take a busi ness course. Newton Bonds, an aged citizen ol No. 4 township, died 'Thursday uigbt or pneumonia. Tbe remains were buried at Mt. GLivet burying grounds. To lose tbe senatorship by votes and a dry goods store by fire, both in one month is pretty bad luck even to Join Waoamaker. If be nad votes, instead of drygooda, to born, it might have been dill-root. Mrs. Mary Ritcb, mother of Mrs. R L Young, Mrs. Dave Marr, ol his city.and Mr. M L Ritcb.of Salis oury, celebrated her 8G;h anniver ary last Thursday at the home f her daughter,;. Mrs. Murr, on Spring street. The small-pox ccare in Greens ioro is about over, although the ittending physician, Dr. Richard ion, is very much puzzled over the jase and seems to be reluctant lbout giving out any positive opin ion. Ten donations to the Humane Society of Charlotte Thursday imounted to $G0. In such coniri butioDS one cau see that the given expressed their sympathy for the lees fortunate iu tbe mct substan tial way. Mrs. T W Mason died at hti lomein Northampton couuty Mon day the 25th. Bue was the wife ol dun. T V Mason, who was tbe ;audidate for Lieutenant Goverooi m Uie Democratic ticket iu tbe lait election. Martaiu Eiggers, a young roan 22 ears of'aie, died at the home of hie father. Mr. R W Biczers, in No. !) township Thursday, of consump tion. The young man contracted the dread disease while in the far 'Vest several years ago. A young lady recentlj went inlo ictrtain store where shoes are sold, and addressing a new clerk, said : "1 want a pair of shoes, large Rnd com I'ortable. Two will do." New clerk (glancing at her foot), at the mme i.imo talking to the head clerk, "Mr. , tho lady wants two shoes, large and comfortable; where if :bat box of sixet?" The Southern Building and Loan Association, with headquarters at Knoxville, Tenn., has gone into he bands of a receiver. Concord Obople bad no stock in the aseocia .ion, therefore loje nothing. Many if our citizens at one time had uock in the Covenant Building and Loan Acsocialion with headquart- ts at .Knoxville, but nave with Irawn and deposited same w itb oui local and home enterprises. Receipts for cotton sold in thh (iity and delivered at the oottoD platform for the year 18 exceeded .neytarlo'Ja 1,(00 bales. Toe to al receip's for the month of Jan nary, 1890, were 74S ; for the month f January, lb97, on, a ompara ive decrease (,f 171 hales Cottoi. s coming in y ery slow at present. Mr. J B Sherr II, secretary auid rHSurer, has just ipui d from hit ,fl'ue (The Thd'f) the f rucendirg if the twenty fourth annual con er.tion ( f tt.e Nirth Ca-olir,a Prts- A"sociation, held in the city o' vV'ilmington July lo and 1G, 18'JG The report is complete in every de ail and is a handsome piece o; workmanship. Tbe United States Senate is fillinj up with young men, but, unlortn nitely tliey are not men, ca'cula'eo either by their ability or their ex, to n flr-ct great honor upon the mo-u t xilted leeinhnive h idy in iho world. B thr, nf North Cam lina, ia the younge-t, 33 ' .tnd P n 'ose, cf PeniiHvUatiia, i I'G hiu Kennet', of D l.iWAre, a-.d Pritch ird, of N irth Cvr lina, mo j'ut -1!). Ashaville Cit i -n. T D Rise nr runs a di-tillery ir Rowan county. Tnn worm of ttu still W -s 'pifin a d on Thursday when the men were prepared t start; p, the steam-escapa in the worm was clogged. As there was no way for tbe steam to escape, tb most natural con?rquence was ar explosion. Tlies'.ili was blown up. Monre Peeler, the distiller, wap badly hurt. The fireman received slight ir jurie?. At a meeting of tbe Cabarrus L!ght Infantry Friday night, the question of going to Washington wag freely discussed. There were about thirty memhers who signified their inteti'ion of going provided arrangements cnuld be made for a a of absence from tbeir rejpec iv ecopa'ions. 0 ie member maid i to be prp pit, wro'e an ex r.usp. to Cap' Oa!dell in which h said: "ffyo-iei to Washington I certainly will go with yon, and i you :o 1 1 Cobj I will surely Jfjllo my caj t In." Tbe Corbntt Fitzsimooons prize fuht is booked for March 17iQ in N avadi). Tbe temperature at Blowing Rock un IbH 28.0 was 10 degrees below zero. Tbe ice on the Ohio River has caused a lo'al suspension of navi gation. P.irter Grav was called to answer Lfor five different charges at court Friday. (Jailing was all it amounted to, but then it was excellent exer cise for the crier's Tbat looks like a very good bill introduced in the House to punish wife beaters with tbirty-nin? stripes But then the wives would plead against it when it came to the test. Monroe Johnston, a negro, will be hauged in the Mecklenburg county -jiil on Friday, February otn, unless Lrovernor uusseu inter feres. He was convicted of burg lary. Newton Enterprise: Re'. M D Giles bas been confined to bis room for a week or two with la grippe. Ha bad an attack some weeks ago and came out too soon, and tbe venture oost bim more pain. It won't do to give this monster any advantages at ill. Without ihc means at band for combating it, a cold may prove more dangerous than tbe small pox No family ia safe unless provided for such an emergency. In sudden attacks of cold, croup, asthma, etc., Ayer s Cherry Pectoral ia an inval uable specific. Tbe reason why Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is so much more effective than other .'remedies for colds and coughs is because it ia the most dkiliful combination of anodynes and expectorants known to the medical science. It is in every re spect a scientific medicine. The Southern railway bas ar ranced to sell reduced rates to Char lotte for thn occasion of the lecture ,jf Dr. DaWitt Talmag i, on Febru ary 21;b. Fare for round trip $1.10. tickets on sale February 21th, lim ited to the 25th. It is a big thins to say but never theless true, tbat a great multitude of psople have crowned Simmons Liver Regulator, the "King of Liver Medicine.1' Tbere is nothing like it f r Malaria, Rheumatism, ChilU and Fever, Constipation, Bilious ness, Sick Headache, Indigestion and all troubles arising from a slug gibh or diseased liver. Simmont Liver Regulator is tbe prevention and cure fur these ailments. Applicat:on will be made to tbe Clerk of the Superior Court of Ca barrus connty to amend tbe charter of The Kerr Bag Manufacturing Company, by reducing the amount of the capital stock of said Company, at the expiration cf thirty (30) dayr from this date. This January 6tb 1897; W U Odell, wf7 Sto'y Treae. W ill Sot Itet bnnitrd. Chief Clerk John A Sims, of the State Auditor's oflice, in communi cation with a fireman in this city says tbat it is not probable thit the legislature will change tbe law ap propriating $2,500 annually to the .-State Firemen's Ass cition, he hav ing discussed the matter with several prominent members and finds that there is great sympathy with the Bremen. Mr. 81ms is neither a leg islator i.or a fireman, bnt assures the Bremen that all he cn do for rl.em will be done cbetrfully. II ilso stated tbat Senator Barringer. if Cabarrus, rather favored the abol ishment of the appropriaton. It i hoped that Mr. B.rringer will con liderwell before votine bis sentir menta and not vote for anything thnt will disable such a ui"fnl or am'zitinn 3 tbe State Firemen's Aawciation. It was still in the honeymoon pe riod, and he was sentimentally re viewing the situation, ''I wonld like," he s tid wistfully, "to live to itetn old age." And she answered, assnrmglj: "Whatever age yon lire o, darling, it will be a green one." WARNING. We wish to caution all users of Simmons Liver P.egulator on a subject of the deepest interest and import&noi to their health perhaps their lives. The sole proprietors, and makers of Simmons Liver regulator learn tbat cuBtomers are often deceived by buying' and taking some medicine of a similar appearance or ta-ito, believing it to be Simmons Liver Reulator. We warn you that unless the word Regulator is on the package or bottle, that it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. JJo one else makes, or evor has made Simmons Liver Regulator, or anything called Simmons Liver Regulator, but J. if. Zeilin A Co,, and no medicine made by anyone elsa is the same. Ve alone can put it up, and we cannot be responsible, i( other medicines represented as the same do not help you as you are led to expect they Will. Bear this fact well in mind, if you have beea in the habit of using a medicine'which you supposed to be Simmons Liver Regula tor, because tha name was somewhat like it, and the package did not have tbe word Regulator on it, you have been imposed Upon and have not been taking Simmons, tiver Regulator at all. The Regulator hl been favorably known for many years, and all who use it know how necessary it is for fever and Ague. Bilious Fever, Constipa tion, Headache, Dyspepsia, and all disorders arising from a Diseadea Liver. We ask you to look for yourselves, and see that Simmons Liver Regulator, which you can readily distinguish by the Red Z on wrapper, and by our name, is the only medicine called Simmons Liver Regulator. J. IT. fEII.1! CO. Take fiimmon$ Liter Ittnlalor,- COURT ADJOURNED. Twralf-rw lo tha hnin-Gnns, One lu 111 Prnllcatlarj and ne lo lii- wmr Aaylnm. No 1'lvll laiHlikra January term of Cabarrus county Superior Court aoiourned Friday evening, when the criminal docket was cleared of tbe longest list of offenders known to oar courts. Tbe jurors and witnesses and other at tendaots were glad to be released of duties tbat are associated with conn business. A a result of tbe two weeks work, twenty-two men have beeu sent to the county chain gang, which will, in amount aggregate to about twelve years labor. Henry lorke was tbe single pns oner sent to the penitentiary. He was convicted of manslaughter and was sentenced for twenty yean Henry McCane, the originator of of the saying "data de hammer, has born pronoanced Insane and ap plication bas been made for his ad mission 'o the Asylum at Goldsboro. Henry is a harmless sort of offender, bat has been an occupant of the prisoners bar in nearly every conrt for several yean. Tbe'court did soma excellent work in cleaning the records and it is hoped that the punishments of the few will check tbe masses who may be inclined to commit crime. The civil docket was not taken up, therefore all pending cases were deferred. n A Clo4 Idea. Dr. Gregory is practical if any thing. Sunday when the Raleigh paper arrhed here with tbe heading "Bmall pox in Greensboro" be was wrathy and at once wrote to Senator Scales at Raleigh to introduce a bill, prohibiting all telegraph operators from transmitting a message saying tbere were contagions diseases any-. where unless a tid telegram was en dorsed by a health officer. In this way he contends that exag gerated reports will not be sent ont, and be is exactly right. Of course he does not desire to suppress aut tbing, but it is a well known msxiui and truth as well, tbat a lie travels much faster than the trntb and once out is bard to counteract. Had such a law as this been in effect no scare would have been raised anywhere about small pox. Not a man so far as we could ascertain, left here for tear of taking tb disease, but be cause of tbe danger of quarantine No man wsnti to be kept np for 10 or SO days. It is a good idea, this one of Dr. Gregory's and we hope it will be made law. Uresnsboro Record. Kowaa Gets two Mare. The petition of citisens of Rowan connty rtqnesting tbe appointment of two extra commissioners for tbe management of tbat county's affairs, was approved of by Judge Starbuck, who last Thursday appointed J A Fisher, Populist, and W C K?se, R 'publican, to fill the places. Tbe commission papers were drawn np today and will be forwarded tonight. a No netliillOB Here. "During all the cold, severe wsatber, there bas not been a call for relief from any case of destitu tion tbat might exist in the city." So says Chief of Polioe Biger. "And this is no' remarkable, because ws have fewer loafers and dese! beats here than any town I know of. Everybody manages to provide for bimselt and family, exoept an oc casional case of prolonged sickness, and then the physicians and good women take care of them, aud tiny make no demands npon the oily." How many towns the size of Con oord in the Sta'e of North Carolina or any o'her State cn boast of such record, and how much credit is due to the fact tbat Concord is a "dry" town ? Itld Ton Ever Try Electrio Bitters as a remedy foi vour troubles t If not, get a bottle now and set relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted. to the relief and cure of al1 female complaints, exertinc a won derful direct influence in giving tr, netb and tone to the organs. 1 you bave loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, s'oepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Eleotrio Litters is the medi cine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed bv its use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at FeUei's Dru? Store. A Runaway. Som4 litile commotion was cna'ed Friday after no. n ab.ut 130 o'clock, when the borso of of Dr. White, tbe Indian, ran away on Church strtet. Tbe beast shied at something near tbe Fe formed church and made a dash down ths treet, turning In the lot at IV nell's shop, ahere the bnggy struck tbe italle,brtaking thf shafts and the bed and dampgicg tbe wheels. The doctor wit thrown several jards from the xehie'e, tut s rxt seri oualy hurt. His long flowing locks were caught op by the bretjep, floating gently ojion the cilp win'ry ar, 1 LESLIE. MCKESSON. The MnrrInK WXInriulay or Two ol Moryanton'ft Stout Popnlar Yoan People a Former Concord Boy ilie Groom. Of tbe marriage of Mr. W A Lea lie, a former Concord boy, which occurred on Wednesday Lst, tbe Morganton Herald says: "There was a quiet bnt pretty wedding yesterday at 11 a. m., at the residence of Mr 0 F McKesson. His daughter, Miss Annie, whose beauty and accomplishments and winning manner make her the pride of Morganton, and Mr. W A Leslie, n enterprising Morgan'on dro?gist, who, though having been a resident of our town only a little over a year, has won a host of friends on acconnt of bis many excellent qualities, ere happily married in the presence of relatives of the bride and a few friends of the contracting parties. Rev. Churchill Satterlee, rector of Grace Church, Morgantrn, per formed the beautiful and impressive marriage ceremony. Miss Florence Hardin was maid of honor and Mr. W T Powe was best man. The ushers were, Messrs. F B Davis, W F Hunt, R C Pearson, Jr., and James W Wilson, Jr. The wedding was announced to take place at Grace Church at 3.30 p. m., bnt owing to the death on Tuesday of Mrs. H II Walton, an aunt of the bride, tbe honr was changed and the marriage was a quiet one, at the home of the bride. The presents were numerous, cost ly and handsome. The happy pa!r left immediately for Asheville, where they took the vestibule for Norfolk this morning, passing here about 5 o'clock. The) will Bpeud several days at the North and then return to Morgantca to live. The young people, just entering upon holy wedlock, have the be3t wislK-s of the;r la'ge number of friends." Miss Lura Leslie, sister of the groom, was present at the marriage, and returned to the city Thursday night. Dr. Leslie's many friends here wish for him and bis bride all the joys tbat this life may bring. AT THE CAflTAL. Proeeedlna-norihe General Aaaemuly In Brier. SENATE. itALEiGH, Jan. oil. A bill was introduced to prevent the introduc tion of dangerous insects: One in relation to tramps and vagrants with penalty not exceeding 850 or imprisonment for thirty days. Resolutions we-e introduced also requiring our Congressman to vote for free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to L on all occasions whether by independent bill or by rider on other bills.wbether by international agreement or independently. Also for tbe abolition of national banks, tbe nou discrimination of moneys and against the retirement of tbe greenbacks Also to make war on trusts and monopolies. The powers of the national exe cutive and the Supreme Court are treated as things to be restricted to constitutional limits. Some time was taken up in the discussion of thePaciflc railroad af fair, which we understand to be set tled and that tbe government mort gage is to be foreclosed. IN THE HjUSE. A bill was introduced io appro priate ?500 to tbe colored fair at Elizabeth City, also.a bill to create be office of public printer at a sal ary of $ 1,500 and term of oflice four years, the office to be filled by the Governor, and by him the printing to be let to the lowest responsible bidder. Mr. Drew would have "Coin" II ir vey's bjok, "Eleoioutary Principles of a Republic," taught in our public sihools. Mr Sutton, of Ne-.v ILinovor, of fered re -lutione of impeachment agaii;st Judge Njrw.iod for drunk enness. Five specifisations, not in cluding Chmlo' to and Mj-iroe, are enumerated. Much (Mnei Kr-. is given to ihe matter of high salaries to rail road cflicialH. It, is claimed tha when tho railroad coniuidon would urge a reduction of rates it ie met with the d'c'anition that the expeopes are so great as to render it impoesible. Some of the debater are reasonable and fair, while tbere are extremists that would so handi cap railroads and all other corpora lions as to send them into the hands of receivers and let the Deonle lose all their investments A bill was offered by Mr. Sutton to allow indgps lo limit the amount of pleading by lawyers except on criminal cames. He said tint in Moore county io a cskb Jn'olvin the ownership of an SIS rov nint lawyers spoke "n frc'i eide a-.d th trial occupied throe days. Tho hi'l wa3 tabltd. . - Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 9 UjhsKk I t .71 WfFJftl ft i f4 BAD FOR B. & L. ASSOCIATIONS A OeclNlon That Sia.le a Wreck ol Stealthy and "are Inslllntlona. Knoxville, Tenn., Jan. 28. A receiver wan appointed today for the Covenant Building and Loan As sociation of this citv, making t' seventh one to go under during tue last ten days. Of the nine buildinp and loan associations doing busi ness in this city, there are now onlv two, and they are doomed to go within the next few days. Tl e panio in building and loan associa tions in this city was caused bv a decision of the Supreme Court, wnicn provides tbat where a bor, rower forfeited his property tbe as sociation must pay back such sum as he has paid in. Following this, hundreds of suits Wore at once be gun and then the people who had money invested began to withdraw it. Applications for withdrawal came so fast, that money could not oe obtained to pay on one-third ol them. Public sentiment was bit terly opposed to the aHaociations and tbe result was that they went into receivers' bands and the seven will be wound up. The Southern, which was the second one to fail, ia the largest in the world and bad stock holders in every Eastern and Smith ern State and many in 'the West. In nearly every instance, the amo ciations were in perfectly solvent condition when the receiver wa? appointed. Gold miners Coming. Prospectors representing north' rr capital, from the Cripple Cu-d; , 3d California gold mines, are expected to visit the noted gold bedd of Ca barrus county within a short while, from which great results miy ensue. The gold fields of North and Sonrh Carolina and Georgia on the Atlan tic coast are now attracting almost as much attention and capital ac ever did California and Coltrado on tbe Pacific coast. Tbe greatest draw back to the miners of tLe Atlaut io coast has been tbe lack of facili ties for the developments of tlo mines, which facilities could not be obtained for the absence of means. The paity that will visit Cabarrus will be piloted by Mr. W A Smith, of this city, who knows every inc1" of gold mining property in this sec tion. Verdict ".Vol Gullly " In the case of tbe State ag-iinst A W N. al, D B Motley, J C Lee, J Neal, Tom llobindon aud J N Mot ley, charged with rockinj; tLe house of Porter Gray, were acquitted. The trial consumed two days time. From alt appearances based o i evidence in the case, Por'er Urn is implicated in a number of new charges against him. He is now one of the many fugitives that the law would love to handle he niide his .escape from the conrt bous. Thursday and has not since been heard of. Tresser. "When my boy came to work for you I told him to be econ omical and save all that he could. ' Uegser "He bas followed your ad vice in oue particular, at least." "Has he?" "Yes, indeed. 1 nevei had an employe that was so partic ular about saving his strength." Old Bachelor (smilingly) : "Now that your sister baj married, it is your turn." Young lady (sarcasti cally : "Is that meant at an oflNr i"' Suffered Eighteen Years, Fains Departed and Sleep Cairo. Mrs. Julia A. Brown, of Covin roa, Tenn., whoso husband has el urffe of tho eloetrle light plant at that place, has been a grout suifemr. Her ailments and speedy euro are best described by herself, as follows: "F'r 1 years I Pilfered from norvov vhrs and tndluHstion. 1 tried pvt'ry i. roc omuit'titlcd by family mid frfnudia, Tut I could trft no relkd lit ull. i1! o yt.a: . if vhiin ben:? trt'iMfrt i' i't-'t ' ! i -Oaus, Its. Barrel, Ma ley nnd Lirn-j, Miia. Julia A. linows. Informed mo that I had become drtpt'cal and that there was litllj hoyo for uiv I then aet-ided to try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, I was then uua'rio to tret to sleej until well or toward dnyllirht, and during u'. tlds time 1 had a deoi'i, lu-avy pain 1m my left side. I ttda tnt j.u rtj.-U", ;;i '( ) n after taktiif? uuo-lytlf buiiUs of tho AcrWiw 1 eoulJ Kleep kll night just as well a 1 ever did. luo Vryin; la the only remedy th itavo inn any rwlief whatever, I am r well mid aiiomi. mid 1 thank ti every tiuu o fhff lift fur Dr, JUts Aovine." MUS. JULIA A. BUOWN. Dr. Miles Nervine la t-old on a positive guarantee, that the fir VuM will -:tifc. All drutrtristsst 11 it u M, C McttJVs for. or it will hn sent, pvi.i:.ts .' t ru- of prieo by the 1'?. iUk-s Mudicul Ca,, lad- Dr. Miles Nervine K?.:,0sr;.tb J. 3 irr- j. Pi o A MoilNtrOKlly, The Stanly Enterprise gives the following account of an infant born in Stanly connty just across tbe Rowan line : "Two weeks ago last Sunday morning, Dixie McKin!e, a woman i;ius" me rauroau, gave Dir;n to an infant a perfect mon6trooiiity. The woman was frightened by siviog an elephant when the circus was in this city ; and the child has a peculiar trunken shaped nialfonnation pro truding from just beneaui its nose. It bas no roof to its mouth and can not nurse, eating only from a spocn. The nnhappy mo'her nearly starved for to weeks, as she concealed the birth until lastSunday." We clip this from the Salisbury World. The Stanijahd several weeks ago poblished an account of a similar case in a town wav out in Ohio. When they put a mm in he cannot follow his natural inclina tions. Ha caunot tat what La wants to lie is limited to a very frugal diet. Ih it nut equally true uf a dyspeptic? Fur a l of the real erjoymeut he gets out of life, be migiit an well be iu jml. lie can not tat what he liken, nor enough. lie sutlers mucti, gets little sym pathy. At first, perhaps a little heaviness in the s'.omacl), a littlo sournefi-', windy belchir-in and foeanbnrn ; headaches and bilious nets and a foul taste in the mouttt in the morning. Cironic constii a lion isalmost inevitable, and mtars that the body i i holding p-iisonous, impure matter that should be got ten rm or. i tie u-nson T.-.nn re absorbed into tiio blood and the whale body. Impuri'y in the blood may lead to almost any disease. Constipation is tbe start of it all. Dr. Pk-i-cfr'u IVfisant Pcllo.a cure constipation, cure it so it stays cured. No other remedy in the world will do that. Send 21 centa in one-cent stamps to World's Dispensary Medical As sociation, ltulUlo, IN. Y., and re ceive Dr. Pierce's 1008 page Com mon bense -Msdicul Auvisar, illus trated. Wheas, Our Heavenly Father in his wis.1, but mysterious proridence, has removed from among us, Mrs. Alice MoKiuley Morrison, a mem ber of our church and of our mis sunary society. Resolved, 1st, Thit while we bow iu bumble submission to this sad dispensation, we are nevertheless deeply sensible of our loss. 2nd, That e tender our sympa. thy to the bereaved busbaud and children. May the hope of meeting ber ia that bright and beautiful world where sorrow and tears are unknown be their consolation. 3rd. That a copy of these resolu tions bo inscribed iu our missionary record, a copy be sent to tha be reaved family and a copy sent to the Concord Times and the Daily Standard with the request to pub-. !ish. Mtis. J P Allisow. Coin mi (tee. I Mks. D D Johxson'. Mrs Dll Mobriso. An IiilcrcMintr Kcliv. Our estietned friend, Mr. Oil Hamilton called today (Saturday) nnd as one aiuontr the many frienda of The Stand.vkd, p:ud for its vis its till '98 an 1 showed us a bible printed in London in Ihoye'ir l(j(i'.K The biok ehow9 epe and wear hut ia still rtiid.itiio. A peculiarity of the letters is that the "a" in capitals is like the "a" we use and also 'ho ftiu.ll "a" is l:k,' our; ip it ends i id but if it roincs !" where eLo ibttii nt i lie ei d of t u- wo.-d it is of , the bivi kn.l t.a u, nc'.y o-ir "f." The cpelliug thoiig-i U n, .rly like our and riot like t.,.i'. in TymUle'd ve ruiou of ihs Bib'o. Iu the Oemrul A-embly Wednef. dny a Itts niioniit of wuric was done than i.snr.l. It Fe nid Lieutenant Governor K.-ynoldi did not. arrive frcm Chapel Hill in timo and the SSena'e met and adjourned till Thursday. . In the h; u e ci,!j 7 nu iiihera were pro ent. M intrciluci d a bill to authoi 7. tl e don n.or t) appoint fenia'e noiary nb'its. A liyelj; tilt octurnd iu the dis cussion of the law to prevnit Ivnch itiK. Sjeiilin- IlilniiHii em mi d to hite caught s.:tiie of the sprit if Tom ll ed end i it In r mnt I' I out rule er 'nee I i,uon r- n , iructici; upon lie rules. Mr. McKuzie, uf Kowan, was the tbotu in Lis d-bx