,,;,-.;., '-.y,. THE U I? ... ) V: JT A OKI 4 ! .A I i U'Ris i olU - i'S ', J I J 15'. t. ft, ; . , f AT LIVING PRICIAi. GIVE US A TRIAL KARN1VAL OP KOMMERCE VOL. IX NO 55. ON CORD N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1897 A,ib, U. A- Send uz 1 DcIIar. A Grnotl Eiitertitiniuent Hi Wlilcli Beauty nnil HiiMiurrw Won Arrayed lit ret Kplendor MprrliniitN Well Represented in the Nceuea. Not in a long time has Armory Hall been taxed with an overflow ing aud'enre tjieh aa greeted thi Karnival of Commerce entertain meritTou si y i -;ht. The !-; p'ry oi thft wares ol our merchaoiH hie never b-fore been presumed in act grand style, and the Muocers (if the entertainment, which was Rotten up in Iohs time than a week, v,.ii far beyond the expectation of tot audience, which was most happilj surprised. Prof Basel and all bit assistants, ali;j Concord's pretty maidens, are to bn congratulated Not all of the business bouses ar d different enterprises yore represent ed but enough to make the review interesting and intensely entertain ine. After a few preliminary remarki bvProf Basel, the first to appen before the vast audience was The RTANnAnn'a reDresenlatives, Mies Ebzabe'h Gib -cm, ptoo--(di-d y little girl, who carried tho placard bearing these words. "Daily Con cord Standard" Miss Gibson, whose striking beauty and caaruj ing disposition is so well known U her largi circle of fiiomla, was ai layed in a pretty cosU.me made ol "Daily Cose mi) Stasjjaui'," trim tried in remnants of pink and erton coloied "dobIci" p-iri Im- mediately followiug her v,,n li'.th j Ellon Gibson, her rioter, ac:iug j the part of a newsboy and we.rtricp a boy's clotlu p, very few reco,,iiz ing her ap little Eden, The Concord Times va repro Bsnttd by Miei Fannin LibIA, who woroa pink drops, tri n; tnt d ii conepicions labels of The Time.!, carrying ov,r hr head of pretiy golden hair a whito parasol vovtiod wit i labslf Cannons & Fo'z:-r's dry q-j-.M tt ; partraeut was repmeenteu by ;ii.fe Rose Han i? itiH J alia Gray, yowiud in silk4, ribbons, laces and curloi-.. Little Julia, with a fairylike faoe, aad the queenly graces of Miss Hai ris, presented a most lovely scene. Miss Annie Burkhead was arrayed in a grand display of merchandise from the Ould Mercantile Co., fol lowed by little 'Genie Brown, who was almost swallowed up in a large pair of rubber boots. Miss Lall Hill, dressed in white with long streamers of pink ribbon, repnsented Lowe & Dick. Gibson & Morrison waa J.'y r;p resented in dry goods, noiii'i.B r.ud baby shoes by Miss Kale M.urLa;. The grocery stores ruada sorti very elahorato display1, n-pre-enHd by the following: J L Miller, Miss Kittie Foy ; A L Bappenfield, Miss Lizzie Wiileford ; Patterson's wholesale, Mies Maud Brown ;Djve& Bust, Miss Anni; Young ; Lippards & Barrier, Mies Irma Kimmons; Ervin & Smith, Miss Agnes Moss; Edward Hiil, Miss Chassie Brown. Mies Sue Nicholson represented I) D Johnsou'a drug store, and was quite successful in making the varu ga'ed conflagration in mixing cheir iculs. About the moit unique fr-atim of the enter' airmiout v..;.i the eturm-e of Mias Iv ttberina Oibion, fo'tu vn! cloae behind by liitle U;,tiienp.f (loodson, repres.'iitiiiir Jl L M & Co.'s drug st oiv. Mios r-'ulllo Belle Ii.uio (,ho,.,i Off the gorida i.j be f .;. u i, 1 n' (Jib. son's drug utoro in a uplendH m in ner. Miss Lis McDowell Hpro.otitd M J Coi'l'd livery stables, Sae v,,i, arrayed in a dirk riding Labi'. Miss Ruth Caldwell thoo entered, preceded by Adeline and Alary it; nr. riauD iu regular tanu'ti'ti sly !e. Mif Ca!dell wo o a ureoo triuini d it, red, blue and jtll,ii eiri;)?, t1!. regula io:i jicifey colors. Tiny rep KSentid Brown Broe. livery e'h1!i k. Miaa Maude Brou-n, Wforliig i leng overcoat and btaver hat, o:.r rymg an umbrella mid rr,r''l . ; Ctme upo i the te i.e go .( f' v, y t:: tho St. Cloud L.'ilfl. .1 f . r risaioij waa out tiiOrl by tlio ditd !i..-i rji pearance of the co!o-ed puvti-r, Mr. Maun Stuar', who took grip and Dmbrella in usual porter ptyle and made his (Kit to the left side of the Stage. The appearance of Mr. Stu art iu color elicited much applause. Tne Morris Ho'el as well ad-er ti-fd by Mius Mai Pits, oar ying a p-et'j silver triy, ful!ovrd by little Ern at MeConiM II rbgii g ih( f tnili ir old dinner bt-H, crying "Mor ri. IIom ! ' Dry & Wa Bwoilh'a . oi;;..,1 B'oie hs rt prist ntid by C i i , K'h.ffev and little Give Pvtwru . hint Riia Mum!, i.ik: ed f i fuiuiluro trunmitit's uod cur;r: 1 repnsetiteJ J T Pounds, I'm fur.. i- ure nnn. Mi's Knimu L While, w ar;ng i beorifal gown trimmed in silver, gold and greenbacks, impressed tht audience as being u 1 i t tie "flush." The Coucod WV.ional LU:-k had f fair rupresen'ir.iTe in her. Mioa A'lOe Siias rfpretoai- d tht Oabarrne '-c vingj B ink, with Iv'If of guiV.i ::n'l !ari;i' dew; j. Vv" 0 Paruei.l'a bh.nk r;i'h .ilv--f v.'s i"' iTt.8!',teu by Cura Le .tn k:'J A'icv f'i-v - ''ii;.; i.hi:V csitl tce.ao va-i !.;'; uHe! out of the btet fe&tnro.', and toe way in which tho oi-.r:.i:ni jonng nma-t-3uta acquit'i d tkc-mselves desarvet pp'Ciil pni'u-'t. The anvil, bellov.'g. iioutchoes, louf8 and cverychiuc; it& cociut'jd .vita u shot ol that kind was viriibTc. Mie.3 Pardino Means curried the emblems of hardware from Yorbe & Wadeworth'a. Uisa S--l'.iev Castor - inlrodaccd Yorke & Wadsworth's lumberyard She was dreosed in piuk, trimmed in long, curly shavings. :;t-.8 an. ,cr:.a is j. rr.K.i; .. . W:U C" l.Ct'l1, hi'it nig.,t wileii die iiMutkd a !'i n with so uncli v-uBr f.ou tin: fci,.r;ioj; d-p'.';n.j' f Yeck & 'i.Cix,c 's l.a-rf. Jj.- i;ed the woai-oa vii'. tl-o muz .' lii aven ard cid to a result t: due!, tell item iibuYi. Uorrie D.;yd rfjiroituf:!! tin ui W jeweiry ftoie t-iat of A J ii J t Yorke. SV.o fTei!. tied n bri' 'la, ;t pic-fnr, b-.ing r.Jurned with j-jv, clij tnC t'lItUiibg tl&inonuij. 'ii,.'re rtiill? ca:i'c bi! any j-t ii,ot.t the K-iy n 2 !'mi; ''l'r'J 6aw' :'!!iia '. ... v.-" i e .;.'c He l & Uvl i.-n-.n, the ?.'! i'.o b.rb."S, vT.r rip" -'Lb; a b) hlko VttUiS May ikowu, vlj i h ilidlc-l tlili bi Udh aui ral)l - ith aa inucb f ruca and ence aa it ,-hf- had to iu tha buaiuesj a life i it, hi -11' ii.bh cliuir. le U.own r an an 1 !o e blJO lliiViir' . thi tlei j -i-r wui .i-.en, ftbbreviiied, Btu Ver ar: tbs LLof shiri, or tiiufl. Th'.S i JjIc '.'-1 Vii tl.ii.'l- t.l-L ' ally good. Horsford'a baking powders wen advertised in the Greeiau statues. Swink & Whi'e, tho only bat-k dialers we have, were rcprca-attd bj Mis Sadie Bauciai. The fire insurance agency of Mr. James F Hurley wc.,3 represented hi Miss Sadie Fiebcr. It is to ba re gretted tliiit a j.&.-t of this econe in. ' to bu omi bj'l 00 aicount of d&ni,, .. tiUas Mt-;fle-d Cjle, who is u .;et,t!e sea b.mb hid ibe vyi c:iri. f.f being r..new?.ct ho i- b, b.d in Lei h;.uui'; u Uro ..iter o i . V v,.s flaul a ho'i'J i...':i J I ah t,t u-ihl murket cf J F DsyvauH. M'as Isabel llichuio.id ret!r.seutt(J U,i Morriii Llardwaie. - Tim lomb-itone sud iiiaihle vtolk f l-'retzs & Usloy ns r.'pro..'nttd by Miaae3 K'.o Arohiald, Doiiu 3iu, Jo-'a Boyd, Ella Belle Siiiie. and Aia;ii Drown in Greciui e tat tits. Thj j o-33 of tluxe youn ladiea were splendid end the teem waa one of beauty csrrying with i1 grout iffjot. Another triumph of the (-renin? was the entrance of Miss Julia Mo Uoii.ji ii, n itii i'i.,-.e naJ L-iou.i ; ... oad ulcevu picihi 1 up, j iati.uiii lui oeal j srd of K I. 'Jiav. n. I'tauCS the 17tj,' ooiit C.cr . lo 0;l, !. t . of ,,.': ju ii .u.u ui a riu K-Vd. y.U:. Ab.bl com' miter vn tbm with one, yei'ii ''all efi' .-; ut-iKi S ;:'H1; f, iii- ciipwi -i!y w): lor Gducoi 1, brtlei ii rhf lep tJ i b.Ul ut. .Of- ,.bo y .ft; i I fuel en'-a ffi wttti th-' iiire:id v",i 'o, fci'.nv t reutis in ,U iiuiiiTCe v- r j-f-nncd -ii of i ;, 'oid i -as s .le" il ti.o o.iu.liei ii iiiipism Co. J! r. .Vi.iii i o '; i- i ,'i,: oi l!-(t 0 .!. '"l-i ' . -J -.1 ;i , J. ' l,i i, i) Ci 'V ! H b-'t )' ,iui- .;' f !.-! "' -' ""ik1 ''f liorUu at Mr K , i',.'S';r, v.',.i aiw Plalil.-t for the 0.1 e lu'i. 'I'bt, (i..,.;.;;. lies were n't -t .:'iU-5, .!?. r- Vbift-y i'. id Kin' v'''i tOrir bi.i!!i in fi,i ,rj fnon tie j iellKe in'1 : f Z ii Sj t!.r l!i'l"(0'l(iIllli:C i-lis-i .Joniii Bi.iv,;., wi.h ii.-r short ouriy han, u iv, i. by and oiine, pluyod (be ' dude" to per 'eo lion, represent!' g the clothing do dartment and Mr. Ohal White at Cannons & Fe'z -r'a, At, the cono uaion of the nnr chants display, Prof. fHsd tlien in-rodu.'t-d tin- grandfit ft-n'iire of the e.v.ni'ig, tbn grmid i-p ct; color l.ii-vnl miiii-orial k a I e i d e s c o p l o much, iiluo .-lui'-j was will wurih So J '',o.' of -i! SK-.i. 'I '' e ii(,' MS'"-. (i ii I SOI ft !!r(llT , , j ii, ) N:!,: in I, ..n- r, 0' -!' Il ;;'.;' ! i - T e t 1, .!.!. .Ol ji- ! Son t.l'KI 1 -.(il- ii H 1. I II, j mil "i il, K ,,, ,,n up- SJiOR!' LOCALS. St. V l) nine's D-y is com! ?g 0 ii! dpi), .ci no v pienaring th 'ir Vile tnu Th-i wifo of Harvey Sutteu, l.v ii i; in Love Town, wai badly bu 'u m. Wednr.oauy aitoruoosi, '.w ui iV.j.m h.iviu;,' Ci'.ugbi li.o. The lar-o hslt tie dr;iig v; le d in ill N:. 2 '. ,'in 01 ill f., jV-j. 3 Ia ' -. t-.-- ri ;v C'-it , cr. v1","!:; t'M, riaoh' ifrv Ni ;-'t.r p; J f-.r ctv. r:.l ir.j. ' Oij'iir'-;:! .) C.bi, :. VvBD," OHlf'viKt o:Ch;i.:tt.',: irda .an.iW t Oiieii a '".ru,j iMora at A:b-matte, a'-d will begin buHiuesn at that piace next, v.eek. Tha Concord II ,-rry MAk?ro, !h? dranf.ntin i:hil -111 n-.PAnf. "Trndnr t! i Cloud'' ct the n'ir-ht r.fthc V 'i of Fobrurry. The ph-.y i row w-'l under viav and iviii hj quita a hit fi,r the organization. Mr. Thi dduua Yatn? end IVf i Ni-llin L r.k, cf Cnnionvi'le, were m irried Wednesday night itt tiie home nf Mr. J P HornbucklB. by R'jv. Y P Mouee, pastor of BiyB' Chnpol. The North Carolina Fish, Oys'er, F.;r iii open !.!...-u!siy, Fh"iiiiry K'u toil's birlhday. th i ,n'iiniifi ex'ii llwwry cf i:.,ni or. . i-iie ( in :b . . :';;, a. i. ,t !' 11 r.r- ,, f,f of Mr. Jr, ':;" " .-on -ii i i p; i ;H j o grocer; n Ve!'';i, on North :' f.ti r.t For ;t Hill. The li'fcj is cinuiucU-J by Iii's. )!;':, who will nr-y a line of !Hj-.!.7 gc,j('..j laid o u riio atton''n c.f Up hoora' le rd of lev;.. o.'3.it8.cnt. .. ' - fur 7 ' rcted to the .!ia il d iiir !n liun U i'.or if Ma ci! (,i...(i ; ,.ii..i oi t th ciiy l.rtll I ii'dii,;;. Th ha :a j'oUuI ov.i aad a now n. ,; '. xi ' n'-'i V. v.;- .. TT; Pa , (r.!t (irr T--'?v nru' ai'y d( -Pt'Ti' f)d vn unblo 'rcr-r. m 1 in f.';i;i-i 111' lifrt (ill I.. T. -. J . tlt! til nl:-H 11 '. b U L. i. '-! ' itr " ,i 't- i I -,id o jj.OOO in- i 1 UijJ,'.' jl i, it "u.anco. l iVi .i.,n t io! N. r..".i C.'e in.. Asxmiittion of Cry S 'eri ,i 'c '.i' v-pi i 0! -: ":- 1) T'-U ""r-i'- -.i, if o''.it"ivi!i(v y.v? eloe1'"' Prinidoi Hr p!. 'j,;""".iwi 'L'' ' 'V u Mi atrs. l'Tn'l r.d and Wa'tc-r Tbon: ,:-?o-i, of Concord. Tho Boi.id of nir.-3iiri of t c Mi.rih Cfrolira H-iilw-d net in R..loi;h List Tup.'dsy find r!oi p with 'he ft-nhr routine -f bti-ini" thoy di -oiiDprd the O'l yefrs iwe of h : r-ifid. Tbn mo' ibo-o wrrr,e"e-v or o innv 'h i' 1'". Je"-:i.'i v... . hr. to inte-'ti wi h .ol. R-'d r'H' ' i r. P.i i- to I, i V 'CI- " -L.cabu-j: roi-lcl fit. ii f Aii . air it ,i Lc- ir: ii ooi.nty lb- ir ' ,0 T hnV , L: i - pi biuaoH i.ow in ilie (rei era' A. eiub'y. i i'lo nucoi '--; fill c tit it ilanle ar, Clanton and Williamson. The New York Journal pays for braln-i enou,;h to print th; greatest n.iner ii; tlic wor'd. ret it i. content ';:' pr 8' .Mlr-R !fi IV pr.'.lic evc--y Io ;-n pi ft -p.' r. pr.-siir.'.alion of i'? irn cl.or'tie.i P a', i? enflkietitly naiipcatins ('c ;:'r '"'v nppotitc? of tl;r hurictrv onoi i t boa-ts f feed ir.c. If thi.ibe new journnlism the i',iier il dt;a tho bctiur. Abbeville Citizon. Tho ",ror)ord iovfstigatioi) into 'ho l-i" ' of the North Carolina mil--oad is likely to cause a divipon in the Mnksof'ihBfu?ionist. Governor t; r 1 vor ; i.f nr. iO .it P-.'Odor - v ,. r'M 'rn"; of th ii i:y o: -1 Hi parti. .' i - n : i,.!i oferenco with And t-.o power of the ,;. ! -n.l'xt'.ire; on Bun. mid ret.nl. and have nc ver beaia fciii."mj but v.o.-d.i of piuiso from lny customers; not a single com plaint tiaj ever reached inc. I believe Ayei's t'arsaparilla to be the best Mood purifier, th..t h.is been introduced to the gen eral public." This, from a f jiinu v. oo lias sum utoui-iii.ua ui ib,jois el .ycr'n .irt,.ii .uilla, iii stnoi;: tostiniouy. Hut it Duty cihoes jujiular ssctiti.oeut f,,c voti.l otxr, vhkh h vi-.-m; fa t voi'tF-ii.'. ,.i-.i...ei ; ,)t. i. I ... l ; i s be bVo. io , , iob -I'a 9 ,.( , r,,. i biv.: near At-e tulp, in the fi I j ,-f Ju.;,lS9,,;k fir..-ivi-r? ( ; ; ' A.- -"':'"":. nj k.-i;on..t ij U'.i..j to Johi f "' " ",; ( P., ., n, i'i .' yiooiioo of lb.' interna (inr I'J v.- : j;.l .n : "g 1 JJcvt .illr Lmvs of tbo Ui.io d 'fate I, S th")' -.'.Cio Sf:yc-rs .'. vis ., ,. j, . 4 wo b.ia t. u.'-a to .i;,'2 tlr.u. j j ,,,, j n,j,,( two birv wc have and tea cause , .... ., ,; x , .,, , ..K,,.. - !,; ' '-"' '"f ' , 1. ifi.ot mot M..pty Keg). ' . i""'-' f1'" " ";" t '; ,.,,! J, ircLifl;.;o :., c.,e i ii.rci'o.iio.iii.;. iry'iil'i .J ., " f , ., . sr ui i : ...mi-,', o.i na:,e v.- tm..i'.'H -lli.-i : -- ,- , ' ' , i -.: i. t.-".:i-' I -1 'li;"f'i,: a Vti.h: N. c, ia i T'oitb, iii;. a, vho uficr a i ti luuiiin-i end f-im pn-soribtd by .in .-.tir'ef t- cel..'--y of obs.-r- v.", -'-i! do 30 of ibl'.' I ''-"till ' sjtJ.oi , i il- -i: j ii. I ooi , r, ii.e f;.Io v ill !-e 01- ' i 1. 1,. M . yt.t'3 (-.lifnp i- t i,,ciii tJ!,... r.i;.o i'.eot , i li i. r so., t.na j )- I ,( i I... l -i.t,-. 5 !A , -i.tii ; ;". i.ii r,.,."r,.ri.ii..- " A.1.1 ,u e. .' V,.:; t 1 tjwull, A.si.trf, ( i i Col. Juui .tt SS B-ijJ, o.' Gaer.t-oi-ro, in in Vt aoiiington City figuniig or; a ci-binet, p eition. Tua ract lies boitvou Kentucky and North Carolina with ctiiiije.nn favoring the Tar Heel Siate. Tho h a.'y lain of Friday night owilloi it.; t-tre&iuB to Bucu nn tx lent that tiie iVii'xr ia Duff-ilo cieek ut lIu d( .put. vvi.6 (..ver i'lo wagon bridge, end on either eide it, wa; da-gfcrous 'o st'eujpl to crot". A c..' vi'.'. i-o.io -bj ii-aa.. 1 to tht JJ,,i;feuj.v.'.e Yi t..ia;.s of Cabn:ui euat.. , .'( i.; teflti.i;-, ti)"r.i to tui.a b!e soa:? lim-t in April --icto-'ti.'uc: .n their coutCi-iplated trip to N tib i,'!r, Teon., to attend tho next an nuftl reuuion. There came near bang a diaas irons fire at the Concord High School house Friday afternoon end bad it nui bee.i for the timolv (lis eovery and ut.olc work of Maim. Walter TuOijpjoL, Aui.oey .'ioover ai.d Hal Janeit the on Urn boiiJini; would Lave ooen destioytd. The AthmU Joumn' has the fol lowing: "Mrn, Willie Shcats was re cently appointed to succeed Mrs. M A SohaeU'ur as postmistress at Mou roe, Mrs. SchaelTor had held the eflice for 25 years," Mrs. Hchaelliir iri the vA " '' CiiO. F Sohfti ll-jr, I'ormtriy a i ii.teiii cf our city, Mr. T'tuti by Moser return iVroi!::!" 'bis fturd.'y) iuf; from fcl . Holiy, wtit I:1 j,o:, n aciiid toe funeral Hon, it iv. MoBcr. llo wa? l anicd by Mr. Claiecco & Balie Moacr. T', , fV.i'l-nrn R.iil'ntr mill null ticbe'9 'o Waahiogton, I). C, on no j count of tliu i'rPHiiontif 1 Imu.ura i tioit at l'n'o of one tlr.-.: ci.u b fiiii. Li ; tli i run ; t.'.i f. r civi I us, and n oe ' c"-' p;-r 1 lii.- :-iv;lled for mili'.'ry ; 0'itnpar.ie.i ia nailV.r:.", and b'?.'if !i,u,uj uooju'. piiyiua I'wiixi, twenty ! li.'a cr mora on ore tickot. lr;.i !';, f,iv in.; hU naae as Pur i, i. 'iioi; o Gov-:;::.-., iv.n in town l'ddi.y hno-. of tLo .'!( r.', n y oil' (,;,.'. t.ait-is ibiiv he ,v!:t ;.b tit:- cf 'Vil'u r; --H. "or who rs d t. rue lime ; . !: .11. I'll Oil I" r . .. ... n i . . Ai.u t..y lujCi in th id in At ili, vlo;. ..ii j Nor id a. V,'hf-n oi.; ti r-.t i oc.i dr;, i b. !l (i' 0'; 1 iv.,i.'.i Ic-ic. ,i;,ii b a reiuidy ir Ayer's Cberiy JVct'-ral ; a upccinV fol . Uddoii CO.lIn, and iii Vbinaolu il' ili form.-; jf ;: u'cio :s -y coi-i plui i . ts SM 1'" dru;:g;t:tf. Price U. Potv comunip'.ives believe they ire in danger till media: no if of lit ile avail. Ayer's Chsrry Pectoral t-ikon in the early stage?, has pre vented further progrehs of the di ;..ii. and f avert many n lift'. A ir,y start" of phthi i:3, A ver'.; Chen i'- c'oral iiffordo g'eat relief. Mr. Ji-ii loiabm, v.bo Rf. fuoo! oe -'.a ) fi r Witioboi to v irk will; t r.:' "n.-'V.ri, j rlr.'t:;.', ha: b o :i vith Dili:'" 'Or.'n ro'e; fi: r i o .Ik ' i"-5. llo is bt-t'T r l.o ; 9-r nod mill bo bre'l'djt b'o"( n i o'oti ;is ho io r.blo to st.ind the trip. The dilfi-renco between Pills and rtimoions Liver Regulator, is jiiR' this : Pills doa't to down very eusj iii'h mo't peopKandyou feel theii. if i rf, ar-'bi. While Simmons Lirei Kegul.iior ii. lifpiid or powder ii vry p'o.uiant to ti ke, and tho onh fi-'.n,; that you b.vo afterward i i; ihogr'st roiief th'it it gives from Constipatiou, Bilioutineps, Sick lleiubicbe and Dyppi'P ia. It is a mild luxativo and a tonic. Kollre. Applicat;on will he made to the CLt'i of tV rfpr-i"r Court rf Vn. bir n? county io em ; d tho (barter of The Kerr Bag Manufacturing Couijiuny, I y reducieg the uiiiounl t i the cap; ti;l fctoef. ; ' e dd Vomj a;.y, at .he expic.tion of thirty (tJO) day fro.o 'his d.. o. Tins Januaty Gib SUA V IC OliKl.!., v 17 . S 'o'y Tread, iJt!.U..I By Sasi'l L. Root;';:, (bi'eotor 5:b D;,'i cf N. C. li ;! If At' ills, D. C. Ji.iiiuuy Sib, 1S97. w"-l. "..rlli t nrol.nn m 1T Iioi-In. ' A car is now being luiit at WiN ii- ifry, PI, f-'i- ibe soirpo'e of i p'.ji: j.hj i.f be reources i iXinih Cuicliea io the North and , . t 1 v ,'1 loi h ui frm i t wo to o, I.; i )j. i.,iOi!,,.i; to - ibapbiy iv. o.li. in i" : r , 11 bi rij io.o;i! ;.' li if 'OOll-O Ol ii,0 li.t, Oil ,'i .;' ii- Io be . oi' 'i .1 ' N i La cU VV I.e. li." Ei ,ii ' 'a; o i.M Vi'MK'J TMK H'OILS. .;! tno matn liiHlstntioilH InrceU-'-l thit retivccn flio ir.-ir.!lrr!'HM n-il X4IInllNlM. Ualsioh, I'i. C, February 1. The bun'TV will feast for to night. The pie was pirc-jllcd out. livtij iSia o iiisiiiution, both penal and j jhanto.blt', pined on the spoi'pj h'(H:s. The Cuufcrvnce committe- s of th? minority a,i R ii'ib' 0 n ci'-';- , lusc;; wit t-.t ibe Supreme Court j bo'ldintr at 8 o'clock and clivi.it d j every oilioe in sight. The I'enib n ; -iary 'v as a boon of contention but: .ho P.c -uhlicatis ufa.,J to lut. r to I i any propoii'ion to yield and tbf P.,llDta fl..ll r,o.,flr.,l it Th, I Penitentiary waa taken 89 a bisi rf division, h.'in;" aicorded to tha Iii poblicns. The Populists, having the next choice, took the Agricul tural i partment. The Republi cans r.ex . cbo.se Railway Commis sioner. T'io diyiBion of the spoils was cortinued in this wy. The Republicans taking the Atlantic & North Carolina Railway, the Biiud Institutions at lUleigh and the D.'af itnd Dumb Asylum at !.Iur ,uiiiou and tho Weatotn Asylum ai Morgantoo. Tha Populists took tin Judge of the E intern Criminal Court, Ins-ane Asylum at Raleigh, InBii' e Asylnin ai C-old-boro, A. & H. Coilegii, Lubor S'.rlioian and Pah Coniuii-aion. Pile 'tepublu' i: committee conflicts of Gr ui, i'-lucl:-bnrn, Coo'-, .vid Young ; i'.n IVpti l!ct C.oii.'aitt.e of MoCasiity. Pryoo, Aliriittliy and Barker. Both i;o;: -loitteea t"',re-d to the b mis of divi icu ai.U will aa iic niiiiieiid io the flucui io- o; " iv i ij !r "." e di vision id subject to chsLj ia can- CIljCJ. .'. "' ntnry. is'o.hil;" could ba fcadd.r tuau lb; idory told by the New Yoi'r pcpi.. of pooi' o.r.i t.1i . hud '.fpt bu io;", ji.ihl for tlrie e.ys t;. ;l vl i ih.t t-uitj cul cutbofirj C2f .pc, i,-i.;.u;e, iu her poyfrty, ino wes mi iv I r i'r '.inii; ; 1 i iii no I j riiin , I over to tho ion, , 1 cV.'' ni (f I p nip.'V ile.id. 1 oy Ja His poor woman crept fron. io s.ei; lii (I, every few hou.-;', to loo! iv. t lipv.1 I..C fi'( zen f.xe of Lei I cbilii, mid receive soma little com ic rt and col ..o'ati in in ill Learnt-'. i veu fur thut hngih of time, ilei three other little children wondcici why she ciitd wuenever she looked ot at the little bundle wrapped i-t ... u to.vil. A few mouiha ao hi i luihband pen t to Black tvell'i lsl..nd for bi itio,; L.. (?iroe Hi., toe poor cr. 'lucre bus struggled to 'ferci 'or ii'tlc I'orb, rjt.d etn, in f. Lmt aim. coin! it. on. Dm ham tiun. IV rest IE lit .e. Miirricd.-i.t ibe moidtuce ot tLo bride's father, Mr. John Kendal', Mr. Robert Wallace, of Mecklen burg county, to Miiia Juiia Kendal', of Foreot Hill, Rev. J D Arnold ollioiatiiig. Miss Ltila Perkins, who has been quite feeble for several weeks past, is, we are sorry to say, no better. It is thought she is sinking very .fatd. Mr. J D Cagle, of ibis place, who is visiting his fatho.-, near Big Lick, Stanly county, and who has been viry ill for 80ri", tirm put, ia im proving in hoalth, and will booh I e with hid family again. (li)l.( l l S.llldl IICIIll. Wa lc:rn with proio ond r.oriow ot ba d 'at;) of thi? (;ood cit'z-'n of tin Poplar T. iit nei.'t.boibood. Ho died if jiiii-mooiiia o i Thurs ,y ( o ni:. il 4 o'cieck. Le leaves i. wife and ? .ii'il cbiijiea tint will c .illy mi i hi .i iff c'ioonto cre aou his ,'fi..i': nil! !i Wo to'-der cor "ioenr :o olob lire to the beroaio.J fi-iniis Wo wish to caution all users of Simmons Liver RoouUlur oa a suljvCl of the deeiist ioteie..t a, id iiiipoitaiicu to their health perhaps tl.nir lives Tin gob proprietou and makers oi Sinimnns Livvr Keoulatrr loarn that customers uio often d.-ceivt I iif buyiio; and t .'dug soo. ; ini.tli.-ino of a simil -r appetMiie or ta'-'n, beli-ving it to bu ft... onuna Liver ilei;u ,.(nr. a vain y ou lb it ual.eo th.i word Hcjodator is ca tlm invKoon or bottle, that it i not 8i'iu:it.3 Liver Regulator. IN'o one ei.-ie niaite.s or ev r hu loailo l-onnu r.s Liv r lb . uAtor, or anytliin'.r c-.llnd Ki'umons Liver Krg.d.it.'r, but J. If. Zeilin A o., Hiid no ceOu'mum-.! by anyone clan is toe eniiio. t'A'u alone c&u Hit it up, and we cannot be resoniblo, if jthor medicines represented a tiie paifl.; do not help you ail you are led to expect tbey will.f Bc'u this fact well in mind, lfyouluivo been in the habit of using a medicine which yousupposed to be tSimmona Liver Regula tor, because tha name waa somewhat liku it, and the package did not have the word Kogulator on it, you have been imposed upon and have not been taking Simmons Liver Regulator at all.OThe Regulator has been favorably known for many years, and ill who vao it know how necessary it is f r Fever 'and Ague, Bilious Fever, Constipa tion, Headache, Dyspepsia, and all disorder irising from a Diseased Liver. We ask you to lm.k .', your -Ives, and see that Simmons Liva' 'b Aub.r, whitii you can readily distinguish by the Red 7, oa wrapper, and by our name, is the only mediciuo called Kin. mens LivV Kegulutor. J. If. 70KIL1N D CO. &hnmna Mvtr tiUfuUilor. REV. MR MOiEU DliAl). (fo tiitH Jl;ic (h Jli-ol 'Tha "1vc CruiHiil thff t'ltfitf, K-v. J F Morer, paster of fbr Lutheran church at tvlt. Holly, diee list evening at 6 o'clock, at his horn, ai tout pi !?, i f pee uioioa. i'eo tion bad been made iu the, Observei last week of iJr. Moor's critical ill-nra-i, and the tiewa of his di-a'.h wil no' bo a '"'orif : lo hie fri" :'r. thU 'tf'in lie w .-.ii a i ithfof o.ranC' p'"i'':o.' in the master'i; vine y.'i . ii. act" i-s lie ta.er-s ietu r-'St, bi hears tua, welco ue jii oo';'. "VVH done, thou pooi" and f.n tiiii .i-r vant, tn'er thou into the ;oy of ti i Lord." Mr. Moeer wan fot-mi'r'y iiifior of thochnreh -.t Munrot'. He hud many f . i n.is fe r ooj whoever known. Rev. Dr. Bovrnn e.r:d o.'.ier morn, inent Luthtrans from here vol! at tond the funeral, wJiieh will taki tdace tomorrow. Charlotte Ob."ir ver of Feb. 4. Kev. Most-r was a brother to our countryman, Mr, Titna A Moser, of No. 8 township, f'.d an nude of Mini Boll o Miner, iJ this city. He was a graduate of North Cirolma t'olhv,;. ;.n.i h&d many t fiends ihrcorliT't the nr 'ii'v. .iH,i;..iu,i.ii it. re. Bob Ruiutiid g-ves uiiii;,'t tccii e: y.y Lomi .tofl i i ; 1 v, t.ie chiOUlaiic ,l..;:i , ,, i.ib ' OL '0 c e.ifiing i.p the -.im-r ia t u.i c . I t,i. Sj cf ,0, let 11.0 gw.. jOU a fact i lo ti'iioh L-ctn wi.L i,. Y.jii ,v j I e y j :. h.'i"e lor,,,:d f,,.- 't . ., r, r tli Irte ii.d. 'nuiii.'it of., ta.-mii I iii jou Liie nev,., L.ou able lo (tJ Lui) mcai,h to L...J u farui, L,.i Utile is ,L,:ie iuii are miStakci. i'ur acme jcaiu you h..: bivu drink-i.i- a good iinptoveu urai at tlif ' tale r.f ,'..e I iuui';-u square feet. Fi;,ii.j it out foi joaicelf. Ao sow ef iao-1 co , tains 53.5C0 feet; e?- t'mau '.it, io-r c ove:i;eci the land at f, 33.60 tn aci. yoa will e-o that it brings ibo- iaud lo j'.u,' ot c t rt) ;;'! foliar' font lb,'. pour down the hiiy c:o i..ml lu 'tor.e jou r.-c 8 if.'ioviirig p. strawberry p'ltr.'i. Ctl' in five of your friends find have tb.em to help you gvlp down (but 500 f.it ourdon. Get oi a jro lonp.ed rpree and see Low Ion" it will take to swallow p pasture lrud to feed a cow. Put down the ghee of fir; there i? diit in it lhnc hnntlnd ft i t cf f. ooii, uch .1':t, worth 1 13 5 per r.cio, lis. Wiiiilc'.ily f,.ut t't.l...otk m . I-il F.A...1 Cl i.id ' Fe. t .n. i,, -no liieii in tiio viCiLiiy of ximit oiitn's, mi t. fcti.-iey liin, h colored boy, bnyoi','! tbs aej'C'. ! " rjiern.ii;; was ci, lying a gun aiw tb ; boy .r: oarrying a rabbit. Fespennan utl.-ed pt-rmission to shoot tho rabbit hot, the boy told him it w3 ulruu!.,. dead. i,o: ivitlidt.od.ojt thij ims.-or Fcsperutau biLZ.-d a-ay. WhetLer tie hit the already dead cotton tail was not in trident but be put a io.i.l of snot iu limb's log. The t.'oand is no: consiueied serious, but it; a pamful one. Fesptrmin waa drink ing whtn the shooting occurred fie waa nrrtiited aad given a hoar nig before Justice Lswie, ho si'rt liitii to j ol ia delau.i kiiatea, illo jjamiiii r AGO boll. DuA.og th. n: if Docembtr the tiikct tt:.'.e ." il - b-pot v.if cut. ; . J if. 1 ' b nit C i3 in , o noy vti: Ulioi fn m 1 o i. ' i'i -,'.-.- r. r'b , '. illtA 1? t li-OUl'l; vbi :. b-.- UA "ittred 1 .; 1 tic? V. n ; -p ii . ! or.vmg i: a g cl ).'. ' 'bo .' t'ino, i ". o "; 1 i-;A va ' m A V," : "i itb.y D'.;b!, n f ; t oie - ; - fto ed 1 1 r .o jh ' o p :.; i .,-b Tie; o i l.o c.i.'i A; to. ,. ,i,-i , , Lo- e.i,?, ..1 i.orlA o :u- vu ii ,- lurboiA I'o p.-si!ii. ob e r lovo?' il to wl o be iti'j' io! ' .-, l ot .oi . ieioii re -Li i'i Ml I ..:. r oo , j An ii'' i j o'io- i i b . J of lb. ice ' '. in t bo '.toe: b'O: Hit. 1)IK Now;: I'.o'h. .' tl'- ob' W.;!-" day l.iebt t !! .' 1- i.'A id' Air Cltiri." a t'.i.. t,el If iiAA,..',-. - . l.o serii u.- jumps u.,-; OtOiM i.iii. dac i.fco. Ah.- Cii.ic ...I- oo ; : ;:, yeaiH i f f ff, ao;' d'-ol of ;i Ay. i Sho viPS r.ti allot cf Mia 1; A Arc; bald, ci tiiis cAy. a mi ,VA. id 1 Scott, of Oxford, M..-, 1, n.'i n..: ; titT bulside a! this tiu." if o. ; eb.,.;o Her rt mhimi wire lint i r..,! a. R cky Rivtr tbiocb bi.l r..ml.y, Uov. A K A, oo oi 1:., .. c!' t; ;iouot ing tLo f:w t ;.!. j ',! V . :; :. Vt- tie t 1 1 :.. V if ' r.' to w.- 'c, ii,--: .. : ;; , -be H, ;A(l!) it Ire: . ... . CO' iu"'.H A'on. St-.te ! o . ' .. i ' "i'E' m PA ("IN K Fli-'E f A.oli.i-, Co , :15 b.-io:;.., Wij. Kighcst of all iu Leavening Power. Lntist U. S. Gov't Report ffjt; j V. At!! I- '1 c ' ( - A s ,pi-xv AT TUT: fA.j'ITAL ; ' ii c-' 'i! ; u.l tif lt,(,tn x-r;0 .i .pir 0?;i In 'ii . lUt.Ktoir, I-'ol, '1. A pe-ti'.toc "oif pr :;ii''. -l ''-d.ii o eioployoo of lbs V.Otoin C'olt'M) ."",il., of Ctut kl:(, i'e.r ).ibili, i; il o homo oi ia'n.r i'i 0, ;.r..t j,! .ji f, r eb."e:i broii-s oa 3 ;oy'f.';m:i. A bi'i iva;1 ofT, fod for tbuon cimn of a biib'ii. g for the deaf and dumb at Morgaiti;.'; ; a bill to pre veat discrimination in. papuont'er ircommcdiUions ; A. bilt to provida for divororp io cerlain cases t f ft mali'8 under the tgo of ISyeoio ; A bill to fix the time of qualification of jusiicE-o of tho pcaccJ. It provides that the torn of t fixe fit all boia ee so: "i it y dial; ', pfv-.-xl itn o ti d ;i !-t 'hi'-i r.-i(i; : . A bill pi- i-ee im b v.' 1.!' it? a':, r il iii ' t. ' li i.. loll o: C, Lo, ti,, li-.'OJ.mi ,0. 0, O'i i: .0 : i " . ; i . o .; Ki.-i i.....i!j' ;i' io.ii; ii OJe i'i uijf o .j.riu.ioi of lundj. A bi:: ri'.h i f-.n )' ' i .' '-.. :, i .-;; the. '. )V, i - t,; o. ctiO' o.l ; Jl t' C (f.i of 0 tr ?l',6"0 f;:!; Aoo '," i..o ;.,oiu t oii.i.ie;.:, i..j.-i'tj;:i .1 tck apl. Hovvlcj Vi ;i j JO . . 1 . .'. o ! o;i eng. r a :d .-att, 1 -. 1.1:1 p.'-" "' it t;r. i!-'; ' ,; making all LtOet, 1 , hiil ' ,.ud morlt'iif ,3 cr ::.:; ;. . ol;:.,y.iiou p&ya.o l. onv ; .- mor.py ami itt faco i ;.'!. ) i i it"; r--ii ted advtroiy. AoiomiLir H40 .vi.yt poyooo.: iu gy -iti i! moaey v,'.m voted uu.v.i. .V b.ll etllbouyii, ti'o if OiXfi,i.-'. i' 3 iir' outiiiie i l.i Lii iu.iu;;n ti will roort'"- ti .viioiiin tr.'U ivt 'i i;;.". ;.ii.'l ioii wr.a li.iil a-i.lo I'm I lo op .i' i eir,i.r Oi tin: i!i,;i.' fer tot it,:' ; r. Ac:; "i a oor i;..- j- irti; ao : ". .. .:. ;iu.o.io. A.'ti.r . ituo cm miH'i'ioii the bill was voted down, (l.i toot'on the lifio ( i th j hail .iraiitod lor tiie Eimui'ipulina Ceto o . oration nu thu t.. ..i.i . of hebruoo A c.-juim.mi ifai) tiiO.pli Ti mo.-ioj a couiititlluti toii-..i.'.i.t.ii mm r-. : il any .lie. .t.t.oiia or imp.,-.') ,ui ,,u arc i.-nwUtt. ai ::r..,-iu coi..,,,.m, Ao.r A.ie o;mp; I t.l ) ,'! Tf .-I ll', i i ... to O'V . flo I . ' t f ' b; ; to t1 V . : '...., .101 our ciiy ' i c . r.'.'.To An i. o. , ; . b i ii -'';,., -: - mi; hiiln wire of e I : hi'.' t(. ..!;"r,d (livoreo );"., nquniiy i-p- j.io-.mt for tiivome to l.-. e i-w". r. n v.drr.t of t At; bmle tor e-:i u yoo s, i'o l.::,-ji:Jl pod iilCorp. r fti tilt Noilh Cu.'olit Yolorii.ui'j A. ;v lion and regulate tho prioAoo of I'ti-U'iCtDO, l.'tfO tbcSllOOl f-.'l ii.Z 'O in the Stat... The Senate tlifo labled ,Aom eighteen moiions etiaight a.oitt . A. niht session a bill was pat.'p t to fa.-.iiiiate the trial of civil uc.ioro m king the return term ?lo tri.A term also, I'oir-'tt 'i'lie fi ioi, : .;; v ;, ! oil' r ' : 'i'o piotr.0 tho b coo:.-;,.::.';, ot'.' 0 b.A io pi ,:o o or ,1 ; .o 1 o : ct to Ai'i'.i ; ... "i ... r .A no .1 : IA". o lots A: t ', -A. i A' 1.1. : : : " r ' . IT" ' i ; 00 r ;.:'.. ;, o .. : 1 ' !'l ' io'; o-o- etrut tv . e ;.A 'i, . or ,'. t- . ml id on ii-'f." pi 10 l i . .. 11 .j : Ah ; it i j .. , . , , i . 'I :"' bio t 'b y ; o A b :..!.. I 1 ' .i.it" . :.,m ni obi 1 1, i " ; . ' ,r : ..- . ... rei: I f ( i' ' .'" Co-. '.:; t - If ','.'.: ' A ro '.'ii :.m ' - r, opt tb ' nf : b- LiMver.b-, ; : ., . ; oo ;.--;( I.y !. ,v , io p . . fnr j i'r i ,.i tbo ...-Am., , .A V . i. .A t. ".uch roofmb ' oi t, , vV bio ii A.ormi. ab oi ! I) "fiocrvi with "r vAi'h' o! i i : ,- -if tbmt or a :. of l oti'oo, i :',, ;., ,;..;, Brt, -1 ijpj . y ,. -h''), IM'I i 'l-l ll'T,-"!,:, D-.-i.lilL': ll: iio-n M,:'sp,.v, Imio:, t. . o u'.1' h 1 U'o i.-. :t..-!r 'i(-u mi Vt ' ' lilil:' 'Of. 1'! I' K, ;' -1 At tb ' CO- I- .'. r.-i.-'l il il-.i 1. 'I : ; 'o i " it ; I o:.-.A, ; itu-i 0' t i i 1 n: i'i'' ... m ii :. .'"lb i: . : ; i . -("Ill !!!(';'. X bid VHP i .t,-: ,u; i.l ::, ; ' t" "A . ho t'pifid of ibr' li'i in live P"A' s o.i. ,i ';. o. U. I I'M.', h'.b ,r- - A ;. VI, or.'o o'.'i! A ioi oi M-i- " . ..,.-' fo-i! o - mi o 10 h.oii li i, t ... n. iv -ho G ' Z :. (if Ab x .,' i.t I IT! - ' . '1 o :. 1 A i "1! b ':T- in r.;.A ; ; m . n'i r o ... Ar ;:. ' 1 i A: ' ;:. -1 f-.- .. '.o ''. .- : 8 .' . Lii; iimo m l t At . i.,r no, . A 1. V. '., . -A : ,, ;'. -p- c':t'.i m 1 rv .; ' , i- it 'e i i o ib.c tioi : i .0 r. . . . A' . ' ... i,. lAmo1 bl: n. a- -:o t. lb : oo i" m tho lt-..;cf tl. : A rib C:."i ) (,-i ii li ro... 1, ic ' ;'.b 0 'rr, r-iV rv l'-? - iv ;' in. , Atrii " . j ' 1" .. 'rf ', , f Tt-- w .-i.e.: wit a the I'.- .t'.'"'i' i f t'io K. A. U ft. ; 'hi' b f.u ;.vt:.r .'' I J-W!.,. tJii'.'.ooml' vfiiAjrih C..rc ' ',. -v .i' r.V,. 1- .v- of 20 V'OrC Hie .-i-,:;;; 'a i-'wo ,in(; Ct'lttio i.oihoLt tat iiooeii , i ojiirtctsy to h pr obon ...or slits not nesia tale f i ho-o bin y.i-rt of the reppon sibility. fete -? oo frond are freely charged of ooor..-.-. Ho io;-. A bill toeiemo-l Uj.t voJciit orders ficm ti Xf lii.T, ; a Oil: ;.oj,.in; to ihe rest rmtioii end r- oi'a' i o of cigar ette vendim;' A hill ptwi.d to re move ctuiriimloui! in iAg Dutch bufi.iio Crock ia Gab u'.-r.a. Tho matter of vatoination against small pos rcceirod con ,'tderatio!). Same time wnaconviini A in i ho consider ftcn of i;;e isruus :: ' m-Yoarg con. to l ! ' 1 p u A. 2 l: o Jji.'H.ri.i.'j th.; 1,00:0 siii ).;; a , ... o-?eU. .- : i.nu: ,i rial; r; .u ,(.:. to '", Al.ll y t.;., j ill ., . ..; .1 ..'it ..Jay ui'lci io ill 1,1 i o'clock i.t ti.O ooo e of tlio ' : ''. : ";- .-, ': :. f Ado " " 'or zrr: .'d yo' a ouoiba cf T b .lito.rj.oi, Ao i (.''i.b: oiefica! fj'o. , ;'d io :i vv;y iiouAr. Sbo ' i. ' ..'. i.oo " :. ' co - v.iit to htr c iiiO. o r, to . .'-t. f v.i.h wacii Riv- viti.y in-, but tbe kept b-.r c . . u.. ; searcAy aoy , . i etv cf the ud t -.. . v, A l'1.'. . ;,' A . i.o-i--;. rmr. ;o ii. . I mior. At fhj t . ' .... L... . ... ... Ad L ot .' o: to i - w''- I t laudd i j I., r'er.. A,....' i ;t Aa yi iAo, ,. A . 'n or i oo'iAed by tht tho. i' oh: A ., A ! '. r u, i Sir. r i Av . o ' , .id b bu--t .' ' l - , - .A A Ai.. .iiyei ot . A Nitt, 3iov, l..M i , ,,,, im.. x , i v o CL-t-times tiuto t.,t mo. tiuc- i ! 'lot -' ',1'ioi'i -y b ' cf Iron o i ' 'io c n of i a c.:'i,ar:mc. Oe:. li ilii A. A , A.o. e , vAlO 0-eILS . .110 '..-;' SCUl Cl .'eLOfO..' gOOel Ua- I '--t .' . ? . ' , ,,i,te...y. Mrs. I , ' ..i ,j s , b - , eiOOlulli'ieu . i ti. i on :; .- .( Aoe triiiiiod f- '' b h' ii i " iv il (f Kora i" . t T. -'oijiii poTeial par- o , - -. , , : , . ) .... ) . . o tU.m l, , f.ti Lvti pj..tA..,' . .l.vj'JOttuHvW .... 1 . ..0, ...i .1 . ..... :.,:., . ;.,l..t. i: linn i.,itt ti.- . u , . .it: ii iitiiiiei: tb r tho po i::oiit.bit'. It was the pieOacoou of horn :.A'i;t only, guid"d cod trained by tlc3 gcuird f peci'tiia's, ami while it ?j.vo i! nob d-.-lic'.-t to tbo..e who at KijiAid it b.fi a) Ioi;,o a por cent, of too procvftla in the !; a us to bo il'icb iraibe with carrjtng off the aommun.'ty'ij money. The crew.) receipts aa handed us t.e i'o. The hi!' rent, arrange - cf s'i" bed lor Limsoif ; I . . M.-J -.'tv no i to oi, dray 'o ..-. i J., I to iiiot too 33 per .'!:.. i i ... : ifi.o oi c.i.d lo tho i ' :;. ;ob-m ..io..fty of thu i If . . i. uiyt,. : o-1, o, ' o f i." ' , ': .: i , o-,iti ; U.' .U.d noo., :b ' , b loitsi up i o t o, .count f iAc-f. B-si'l ami i item of oAa 05. '.V friVI'D,' : ' .. . . . , Ab . 0 :-' -r !..sl-r ' 'On ':, ;v. : ,.: i ;i..l 1 I tOti .'. ' . .yuliti-. t:.:, ,OtPt. irt 1 ct ,ii 1 lu O.ir.' Ih .-. "I :' ve.'il 1,1 I .1 (iri I. 1 ,. ,i li; 1 U, -.lO-'l if, i 'I,. ,. II, -1 I . ..( Illl-.l W-. IMCl- o her band a wee icd rocking cha r, pbiuilid.