THE : ST; KDARD nririr?r 1 LiLi O i riHUAIJJ. oTANDARD. TURN.! OUT- j':;ir,"iy ir.z -t,- 1 V vr - m Send us 1 Dollar. GOOD - JOB - W03K 4 ' XT LIVING PRICES. VOL. X--NO 7. CONCORD.'N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1897 WHOLE NO. 416 GIVJ; US A TRIAL 7 "AN OLD 1IMK DINNER." Hr. I. n.liikeKeiire Harris Celobrntm Ills Blrlhdnjr-A Namberot Coneord People JV-h'IiI nnd Enjoyed .the Niiiiiiiuouh leant A Way filled Wllb I'lenpitnt liiddeuiM, The 4 h war, i j yed by eorne oi our tonnii- u in the moat cLarm iug mami' i Mr. Shfik; K'( hM 1 Jan 's celebrated his "forty r e- t j" birthday by giv ing a r-eo'ar 'To do " lionr. CDropliiiiBn'tiiy t.) Mr. a:.d II r BrovaiJ I T ;i rrib. His beautifu' country li'i.i e, w hlch U fti'ot-1 fur ita bo.'piiaiily, win cevor mote en j yed than by this Lappy party. Nature penned in tun- wi'h tho oc caeion aid added a perfect day to the other nttraitinns. The dinner was announced by the blowing of the horn in true ante bullum Btyle, and eorn fathered the part) which coneiKtt-d of Mr. Shakespeare Harris, the princo of hosts; Mrs Charles G" Harris, Mies Emma liar ris, Miss Lula Harris, Mr. and Mrs Rrevurd lUrrifl, Miss Shelby Har ris, Miss lioso Harris, Mr. Charles J Harris, Dr. and Mrs. D 0 Caldwell, Mr. and Mrr. H IS Gbson, Mrs. Mary Good", Mr. II 8 Puryear and Mr. Frank L Smith. Around the sumptuous fe-iet, whose abicdar.ce called firth the remark tbut it -rjuldbs daognroiiH to eay the o'd grace "Lord make us to eat i;i,d t 1 on tho table." It wuh a v. jy long to be remembered and rich with peasant mem rie. May Mr. Hauia live long and give many more such charming dinners at the old home. A PUBLM SCHOOL CLOSES Tbe I'nullc Krliool fit Flint II ll CtloBeil Tlitimdny Night. A I.nrffe (Jrowd l-reseiil 1 be lrOffam Inter esting nut Vtll Iteuricrefl. Mu By a Nirluu Hand. Ill l ondnrl By Some knile v.oyu. School cii'.l Jrtm always lojk for ward to tint i;isit Jay wi'h niuch eagerness anl j nfal Bnttcipatmn- Tbe ; uljlio sci ool at F i -.t liill in DivnotNo. 4rt, taught by Mr. Andy Bnmhardt closed Thursday with an eute.-iaiutnent at night. Tbe exercises opened promptly at 8 o'clock with an address of welcome by Miss Luh Li taker to a large audience who bad come out to be present and encourage tbe pupils in their efforts. Tbe exercises consisted of decla mations, recitations, dialognes and burlerq ltd. The declamations and recitations were of the highest order aud well rendered. Tbe dialogued and burlesques were humorous and elicited much mirth. Tbe burlesque on uiatriiiiouy by Simpson Lll-r was a killing feature and simply brought d )vn the house. The pi tic-pints performed their parts well showing that they bad been well and carefully trained. Ths exercises were inter&pured witb music by a string btnd conijO'ed of loctl talmt Mr. Baruhardt, the teacher, it quite jounj but hs minifested considerable talent as an instructor and disciplinarian. It Is to be regretted that some young men in tbe audience act -d in a very rub- and unbecoming urann'-r much to tho uuu oyance of those more thoughtful lllleman nuil Iteynolil ArreNiett. Ousted Euroil ug Clerk M L Saineon Thur.;duy snore out a war rant against Speaker ilileraan and Iveutenaut-Govtruor Reynolds for breaking into his office. Tiie tri'il develnped nu cafe against Speaker Hileuian but t tie cucC us to the Lieu'enant-CiOTernor was wore com plicated and a decision was reserved for today. This was the initiatory step of getting the matter into the coarts. Mr. received an ovation when be returned free from tbe le gal clutches. Tbe Judge Nbe Wnulil, She walked into the c flico of tbe judo of jirobate and itiquired : "Are you the judge ol repro bates "I am tbe judj;o of probalu,'' was tbe reply. "Well, that's it, I expeot," quoth the lady. ' You see my hutband died detested aud left mo si'-veral little infid Is, aud I ant to b ap poiuted their txecutioner." Bos ton Pilot. The Fire Bug In Mill In Evidence. An incendiary firi agiiu occupied tbe Vuergies of tho d'-p irtnient in Wilining'on Tuesday nipht at a nayd store ware housa. I.ois about ft.OOO.'Jnstired I,o.t-1.0(l Itoffard. A black, whito and tun sntter, bitch. Answors to the iiiuhi if Nellie. I'leace ruturu to T K Senitn, Harrisb irz.' N. C, cr W BingUaui. Concord, N. 0. NOETU CAROLINA TROOPS Won I.nnrel at Ibe Ration' rapltnl Our Hold ler I.nd aa Heen Bj Otbern. North Carolina as represetiuU n the inaugural ceremonies it VVaslnuston Thursday by the soldier 'ioj8 of the St ite guard, and abroad .i9 at borne, they were conspicuous f jr their good behxvior, good drill ing and handsome appeauce. 'J'hw Njrth Carolina tronpi were q i&r ered in the Inferior buibJi::, and from tbe officers in cliarj of that bniMinp cane this corrpiiment : "The Interior building has been nendqnarters for Ti.iiing tniiitsry ooDipanics fro ii all p.rts of tha na im for many jrais, but none have ever equalled ire North Carolina roops for sobriety and good be nayior. '1 her departure f ron those quarters is regretted by every at tache of the department." The following is clipped from tbe Washington Post: "A historic company marohed be hind tbe Virginia boys. It was Company G, Fourth North Carolina, of Concord, W A Caldwell, captain. They carried a gorgeous State flig -ed, white and bine, which could be see-n for i-qiares. The compel) was orpaniz-d May 20, 1775, and w.m first known as the "Uebamie Black Boys." The organiziti m did ffectiye seivice daring tha revolu ion. Now all in it are young, p"osperouslookicg fellows. Thirty nun wore in line. Company U, Fust North Carolina, of Raleigh, mxI appeared, their cpiain b-ing A J Urawf r;l, comminding tivcn'y urn. Col J F Armfiuld, of Stn!i sil e, led the North Carolina troops." The press dispatches snt out from Waihinton Tliuroday n'gh: bore the follow in-; linet: "Tht North Carolina troops were anim.g tfee b st drilled and moat handsomely uniform-d in the pa rade. The company of nval re serves wit i them was greeted ri'h demo istration? of pride and in terest, which were awarded to all of tho organizations in this popultir branch of the servicft." The visit to Washington by the Rt! gnnrd wa9 not alone to see liilly McKtnley take up the reins of administration for h!b tariff and found mon?y, bnt 'o witness the en', of one who is grani and noble, the retirinr ' President, Groyer t'l've'and. It wss an eventful oscv sion ntii he ceremonies were im p' sy've rud !L'erstihg,even though he were not a Democrat wno wa inducted in'o oflioe. niAHi Htrallowln(f. I notice in the Baltimore Sun that a man in your city professes to eat glass, screw.', knife blades and the like. The San fays that the med ienl f iculty fiimined the man and could not account for his digestive power. Once, when I hnppeded to be at Charleston, 8. C, just such a person was on exhibition. A prom inent deatist end hia father-in-law an emioeut physician, had a warm uifputo abeiut ILe roan. The drn Hut declared that be had txamined he pbericnunon and could nol account for bis feats. lie wos however, sa'ihed thit they were genuine. Tbe old doctor substan tially said: ' My eon, no man can take such things into his stomach aud live I am conGdent of that. There is some trickery on his part aud delusion on yours." The den tist was not oonviDCsd. He bad ad uimistered the glass fragments and ee n them diefppenr. The txplana tiun, I am infoinird, is this: The p?if ortier is a professional eword swallcwer, lie couciils a tube in his lower throat and i".it a particle of glara rnters his stomach. This will probably folve tbe apparent mysirry. I One? knew a J.'dutt ur.bolustic, from Switzerland, who ceemincly swallowed, but I have no idei that be really did so. AM suoh start lini; tricks are very simple when revealed. Catholic Mirror. Tbe Halifax Ntorb Doesn't l.lka Odnm. One of the fool bills pissed by the Legis'ature is to turn stock loose in Halifax county for three months each year. Halifax has had the stock law for 13 years, and of course it is practically impossible now to rebuild fenrei save at a great cost. The bill, notwishstauding numerous protests against it by citiz-ms of lialifax, was pusiiid tnruugn Dy Senator Clark, of that connty, a Populist and a brother (f Judge Walter Clark. It seems tnat in tne campaign Clark promised tho col ored people of Ilslif-x, or the nou property bciding element of them, ihat lie would bavn sucb a bill pa.. ed, and L kept bu word. I here are a Dumber of penitentiary farms lu Halifax and it is estimated that it will cost tho Sta'e $15,(K0 to fence them in. Senator (Jla-k's mother is a large laud owner and it is said that she hits disinherited him on accojii nf hiauc'ion in ti e mat" ter. Landmark lerolvor Appointed. The Saliahiiry Pun say3 Judge Greene has appointe 1 W D iiMUklin as receiver fir the Casper Bros., and that Sheriff Monro1 hai turned over tho eeysn wayon loads of gros uuled from Cbini Grove to Salia bury. SHORT LOCALS. Herbert Birrier U stlffjr'n!; withj rheumatism. aahttbury World. Ii it eaii' t!iit f..rDi9rj will use tho am'unt nf oomtri-. rci '.1 fertil iz'irii this ncason. S jwiup spriDg oat seoms to be t ie order of the day among tho LrLoxia at pri't nt. Dr. D II Abbott, of Pamlico, tfeti tiieplimof railwr.y ccmrnHPiooer nd Rjv. R A Cobb that of Htato librarian. Two oolorod women engaged in a scrap on West D.pof. stroet Wednes day afternoon. O io of the woman evaded the ofiioers by leaving town. Julius Shoe, of No. 8 township, who is BuUl-riDg with a cancer and soirjo limo ago hsd an operation performed m no better. His condi tion is indeed critical. Civil Engineer Thuraton, who is in the city, is not connected with the Seaboard railroad i.i any capec ity, as was etalcd in yesterday's pa per. 0 il; t icn in tho history of th' se Uaiieet Hiatre nf a nii'ion bus Inau- gnrction day filion on Sunday. ichary I a3'lor was inauiurated on Mmdiiy, 5 h of March, 1840, nnd R It Hayes on Monday, o .h of M irch, 1877. Rav. Carl Boldt, of Wilmiogton, will deliver tbe Bac ;alauriale ser mon at t'm nnxt annual com in-iace merit of North Carolina Collegi in May next. R C B Miller, of this city, class nf '85, will deliver tbe Alumni address. Mr. M M Gillon has a horsa at Brown Brot. stable iiv.fl'sriiri with lockjiw. I', is said that not one horse out o' twenty -five rjcovere trom lock jaw but ni tir tho care fal trg itn:.'. t of Dr. Grlfli i Mr. Gillon'f Jn.r a in ii.iprori.'.g. Mr. G C Il.'gh r, a CaWras man who has beeu doic : n gener.-il mer- cLamliKe businoss at Now London, is closing out bis stock of jr iods at thai place. Mr. Ile;'lrr will prob ably come to ConcoiJ r.rd po into business here. Mr. F A Archibald his cleared during the winter forty acres of hravily timberui land on his plan tation about five miles south of the city. Mr. Archibald will plant the on tire forty acres in cotton next "pring Mr. A D Misenheimer, of No 5 township, has gone to Taylorsvil'e Mr. Misenheimer's favhir and step mother diod at that place, their home, several days ago. Mr. Mieen heimer was about 0 years of age and was a native of Stanly county, having been reared on the planta tion of the Misenheimer Springs. Tbio time we have to admit that there is a right and wrong Fide to a doc r.nd a wrong and ri,?ht eida to a boy, and that as the least penalty that iManchcsttr., Va., po'ica j idge should bo Fusp-.'uded fur tuiity days for ordering the dr.g to leave town on the rrmarkable evidence that the ftiabtfu1 cur bit a biy's noso through a knot boie in the fence do by the dog's ow n kennel. The judge should have had sense enough to have brought damages against tbe knot bole and awarded both dog nnd boy for attening to their own business Durham Sun. Goy. Russell Friday . issued his commission to Capt. John R. Smith, of Golnsboro, as Superintendent of the Penitentiary, to succeed Mr. Leazar. Capt. Smith hns already qualified aud given his bond. He will take chargo at once. Mr. Smith's cimmi9:on dates from March 5 find is for four He has decided to make tho Wowing aprwintmi-.its : Senator McCaskey, Biiprint.iid.'ot rf tho Caledonia Siato lanii, nesr W'eid.m. Roin harit, of Catawba, superintendent of the Anf.on State farm,; near Wndorboro. Rev. Thos. W Babb, of Perqiiinians, chaplain at a salary of fO'QO. All of the above are bolt ing Populists. a Picking up Knowledge la cany enough if you loolt for it in the right place. This ij tho right place to loam Just what to do for that debilitating condition which Springalwnysbrinfja. Do you want to be cured ol tUct languid feeling, get back your nppotito, r.lecp eoundly, and fool like a new man? Ayer's Ssrsaparilla will do It. It hea doue It for thousands. It baa been doing it for 50 years. Try it. fcd for tiie "Curt-book." 100 pRirrt Irro f. C. ayer Co. Low tit Km to C The Sua siys Salisbury is to bave a paoer box iactory. It will make candy at d h isiery boxes, etc. Tbe soldier boys are home. They roport having bad a splendid time and reci-i-ed t!:e mostcourtous and hospitabi ) treatment. Tho r.oxt host thing to owning a thinp id beir.;g satisfied without it, and a bet'er thing than poMonsirg a fortune is being unpossessed by it. Tiie disputed boundary Hoe of the city C9tnetery wiil bs surveyed Monday, March 15. h, and not on next Monday a stated in Weddes day's Standard. Editor EW Dedmond, who for some time past has bnen publishing tbe "Southside' at Eilenboro, has moved his paper to Shelby, from which tbe paper will henceforth be issued. Third Assistant Postmaster Gen eral Krr Craig, whose borne is now in Washiugton City, will soon ro turn to his old borne at Salisbury to live, lie is now making pre para lions to leave tbe capitol. "All sizns fail" except pimples and blotches. These never fail to indicate an impure condition of the blood, which may be thoroughly cleansed and renewed by tho use of Ayer s bareapanlla. lhe most ef Gcaclous and economical of blood purifiers. Rev. J F Smoot, who has been so iil f r several months, is, we are glad to cote, able to be out aud iround again. Rev. Smoot was on the streets Thursday and his many frinnda will be glad to hear that his former good hpalth is npidly being restored to mm. Salisbury World An old book quaintly says that "when the whole system is pervaded by well oxygenated blood, vigor uu-dy propuiied, life and activity v wujs.uuu.J H'J 111 111 U U lijUi'UVi. Which means that when the blood is purifiod by tbe upo of Ayer's Sar- laparilla, porfect health is the re- suit. Cards ar out for the marriage nf Hies fllanetto, daughter of Hev. IJr. a i rsetts, to iter. Kooert L,e Davis, of Wadesboro, on the 17th inst. Dr. Betts and family are well known in Uabatrus and tnis news will bo hailed with muoh pleasure and many good wishes by the friends of the bride. Four cases r.gninst Dri J A Wbitefor practicing medicine with out liceuse in Stanly county were called at tne Stanly court I hursday The cases wee continued to" the next term. The defendant gave fifty dollar bond in each case for his appearance at the next term for trial. Liura Hopkijs, one of the col ored women who participated in a scrap on West Uipot street Wodnesi day afternoon and evaded tho offi' cers horn, was arrested in Salisbury Thursday. Uaputy Bherill Hill went to Salisburv Thursday night and brought he. here for trial. At a bearing before E-quirellill Laura submitted, paid the costs and v.ts reliHsed. ben people are obliged to take medicine they want that it shall gi ve quick relief and not add dis comfort to their sufferings. Three reasons why people who suffer with C instipation and Biliousness should take Simmon's Liver Regulator: ' It is hotter than Pills, it does cut gripe; it gives qiick reliof, and does not weaken but strengthens and refreshes the whole system." J R Hiland, Monroe, la. O. Ed. lieestler Ool So Pie. The Senate at its night session of Wednesday refused to confirm the appointment of Mr. G El. Keostler as assistant enrolling clerk. It seems he was appointed by Mr. lllleman. Is that enrolling clerk's office to bo packed to the end of the session ? What about Swinson'd "gross ex travagance?" Moore's lllHlorjr. It is cot easy to understand why the House on Thursday passed a bill excluding Moore's History from the oimmou schools in the face of the f ict that each county seleo's the books for itself. It would not be surprising if some one were to write a better history of North Carolina than Moore's is, but it is better than nono. If tbe county commissioners are to select the books too, whoro busi ness is it besides ? On to Kalnlacb. Mayor Weddington returned "from the fuli victorious'' Raleigh jeslcrdny morning. He had been bick but'a few hours when he re vived a telegram from Mr J 1) McCalt, whom he had lefc on the watch tower in the espi al, stating that Henry had introduced another dill in regard to a police commis sion. Mr. V.'eddn gton immediately w:red Seua'or J B Alexander and Mr McnaM to fij.'bt it, and sea that nothing ws done until Charlotte had a hiaring before the committee. Mr. Weddington wit! r-liun to Raleigh this morning. He wilt be noe-nuipanied by Messia. J D Church nd 11 S Chadwiok. - Mr Fred Oiivtr went dowu yesterday. Char lot'e Obs"rverof Maron 3rd, Harrlairn. At tbs bridei heme three mlk Sou;h ofCoucord, Wednesday, March 5th. at 2 o'clock, by R..v. J J fay seor, Mr J 0 Figgart. and Mias Laura A T!bcrt, were united in tbe bonds of laatrinionj in the presence of a large crowd '.of friends and relative?. Then to thei table, fitted for the occasion, beautifully deco ra ed and v;-ll lo ided. This is ti t third litro within tbe Iast5 months i,i this honw. Father Pulbtrt says it must stop, but the writer thinVs cot yet, there are thret more carriageable. J. I.. Orabam Not doue. The Press Visitor found Mr. Grham in his effhe in Raleigh Tuesday and received seme state- men's; He still charges the whole effair 'o political persecution. He s ys tbe two Hilderbrands, Republi c:ins,wl o signed the card against him have beeu read out of the party and the other two are worthless characters. As for the Democrats he did not expect anything better. He aiks the public to suspend judg ment and promijes to pay his re spects to the card at the proper time. A Konanay. Mr. Press M Faggari's mule team took fright Wednesday morning at tee renix Hour Mill and ran on Corbon street in the direction of Main street and then op Boll Avmiio but divided at the sycamore tree at Mr. Lather Siunder'a wbe e ttiey came to a sudden bait, Mr. Faggart and son were thrown from the wagon early in the rnn and the wagon wheels passed over Mr. t aggart s lejs. Xvo eenoui damage to anything else. Wide Hampton Retained. Prominent politicians of South Carolina passing through en ronte to Washington s?eru to think that one fat office in McKiuley's gift will not be turned over o tha Republi cans. It is the office of United States railroad commissioner cow held bjGon.Wade Hampton.of South Carolina. Gen. Hampton's resignation bas been sent to president elect Mo Kinley, an 1 it is learned that Sena tor Sherman aud others of the in coming cabinet will urge president McKinley to retain him in his posi tion. Gen. Hampton bas been io feeble health for some time, but has im proved greatly in tbe last few weeks. It would bs a compliment to the old warrior and statesman, to South Carolina and the entire South for Maj. McKinley to retain Gen. Hampton in his present position. Charlotte News. Laid to Rem Johnnie, the bright and lovely sou of Mr. aud Mrs. J U Stieiul, yielded to the destroyer Death on Tuesday evening of whooping cough and pneumonia and tne body so beautiful to loving eyes was hidden from yiew in the city cemetery Wednesday evening. The funeral was conducted by Rev. W P UcOhea at Bys' Chapel, where friends assembled to attest their sympathy with the afflicted family. May the Source of all comfort shed the beams of consolation upon the broken hearted. A 1'ractieal Widow. Here is one written by a lady whose husband died suddenly ; "Mr. Editor: I desire to thank the friends and neighbors most heartily in this manner for their united aid and co-operatioa during the illness and death of my late husband, who escaped fron me by tbe hand of death on Uflt triday while eatiug bieakfait. To my friends and all who contributed so willingly toward making the last monixnts and the funeral of my husband a success, I desire to re member most kindly, toping these line's will Cad then: enjoying the same blessings. I have also a good milch cow and roan griding horse, 8 years old which I will sell chesp. 'Qui moves in a mys'erious way, his wonders to perform. He plants his footsteps on tho sea aad ridel upon the st rm,' also a bhek and white shoat very low." Onffii Call. Nnleimcn Wanted. To soil imr high grade Nursery Stock. Many new specialties offered ibis year for the first time, as well as the standard varieties of fruit? iid ornamentals. The business easily learned. Write for terms either cn salary or commission. Uoopes, 1'ito. & Thomas, Maple Avenue Nurseries, West Chester, P. wm20. Weyler May Clo. Londom, March 2. A dispatch fro;n Madrid says tbe aotlon of Gen oia! Weyler iu re-affirming his rests lution to at rest aud expel American citiz'ns from Cuba bas given a ereat deal of annoyance to the gov ernment. It i.i certain, the dispatch addi, that Weyler will either be re called or advised to resign. Thee Giinoral Primo de Rivera will be appointed governor general of Cuba, and the gener d m irine governor of Porto Rico will bo nude commander in-chiof of the army. Where In the BadnrH. "Has this man any cotinect'on with tba man Olom, tho Senator from Anson ? I want it understood now tht I would go into the peni tentiary and pick ont tho worst criminal there, issue him a pardon, aud then appoint him on the bord of Penitentiary Directors bfore I would appoint that scoundrel Odotu to anything. "And before I will appoint an Anson county Populist to any por tion you must bring me a certificate from him certifying that he does not respect or even speak to this dirty econndrel " Is 0 lom so awfully bad or is the Governor to well charged witb virus? It must mean one or bo'h. Vet it all comes from the nest of fusion turtle doves, Ibe Ten t'oinmaudinenta. Topkka, Kan., March 2. Repre sentative Wnlters (Populist) to-day Introduced a bill in the Kansas Uoutc to eiaet tha Ten Command meats into law. Eich command ment is a section of tbe bill, and the demind for tbe enactment is re cited as follows : "Whereas, The men of the pres ent generation hays become doubters and scoffers ; and "WheiHus, They have strayed from the religion rf tbe fathers ; and "Whereas, they no longer live in the fear of God ; and "Whereas, Having no fear of punisbtiieut beyond the graye, they wantonly violate tbe law given to tbe world from Mount Sinai," there fore, the Ten Commandments are euactcd into law. "rVomen," the author of the bill says, "live in the fear of God, but men must be curbed ; hence the pro visions only apply to men." Punish ment for the violation ef the act is impridoaimut in tho psnitentiary. cofion Mill Aiotcn The machinery for the new cotton mill at Albemarle is being placed and will be ready to operate within the next ten days. The machinery for the new mill at China Grove is on the ground and will be placed and put in opera. tion j uat as soon as the work at Al bemarle is completed. The same men will place the machinery in tbe two mills. I nltrtl Into One Family. Mr. W W Stuart has had a neat additional room attached to hia house to provide room for Mrs. Jane and Miss Shelby Harris, the mother and sister of Mrs, Stuart who moved into and became a part of tbe fami ly circle Thursday. A young man on becoming affi anced was delirious of presenting bis intended with a ring appro priaelyinscribcd ; bat beinj at a loss what to have engraved upen it, he asked his fathers advica. "Well," said tbe old gentleman, "put on,' 'Wheu this you see remember me.' " The young lady was surprised, upon the recoipt of the ring, a few days later, to read this inscription, "When this you see remsmber fa'her,'' Anderson Intelligencer. -WARMING. We wish to caution all users of Simmons Livor Regulator on a subject of the deepest interest and importancn to their health perhaps their lives. The sole proprietors aud makers of tjimmons Liver Regulator learn that customers aro often deceived by buying and taking some medicine of a similar appearance or taste, believing it to be Simmons Liver Regulator. We warn you that unless the word Regulator is on the package or bottle, that it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. No one else makes, or ever has made Simmons Liver Regulator, or anything called Simmons Liver Regulator, but J. If Zeilin &Co., and no medicine made by anyone else is the same 9 We alone can put it up, and we cannot be responsible, if other medicines represented as the same do not help you as you are led to eipect they will.- Bear this fact well in mind, if you have been in the habit of using a mdicine which you supposed to be Simmons Liver Regula tor, because the name was somewhat hke it, and the package did not have the word Reaulator on it, you have been imposed upon and have not been taking Simmons Liver Regulator at all. O The Regulator has been favorably known for many years, and all who nse it know how necessary it is fcr Fever and Apue, Bilious Fever, Constipa tion, Headache, Pyspeneia, and all disorders irismg from a Diseased Liver. We ask you to look for yourselves, and See that Simmons Liver Regulator, which you can readily distinguish by the Red Z on wrapper, and by our name, is the only medicine called Simmons Liver Regulator. J, n. 7, K I LIN CO. Simmon IM-rr iUfuiator THE INAUGURATION. riuo OayInunenae I'row -The Oalli Admlnmiered-f he Addreaa. The inauguration of Prendent McKinley was a success in every point of view Thursday. The day wag faultlessly fine, the orowd was immense, the prooe"ion was imposing, but most of all, the President displayed broad states manship conservative but progress ive views and inspired the bepi of a wise administration. The oath of oCLe vas di'.arcd by Chief Justice Fuller when the President delivered his iinncjral address which was brief bu' 'ery able? and to the point. On tin one greut ques'ion of financial reform the President would h-ve a commission of the most rep uted financiers of all parties to de liberate and formulate a system of national finances that would com. mond itself to the wisdom of Con gress, and that wonld give us rost on this score. The President is essen'ially Re publican on the tariff and no real improvement is protnitel on that line. Lynchings are denounced. Trusts are to be checked; immigration of improper subjects should be well guarded against; civil service refon.i is indorsed, and a restoration of our ocean -carrying trade ia advocated. Washington's great policy of avoid ing entangling alliance with other nations, nonxinterferences with their affairs is strongly urged, while American citizens should be duly protected. He strongly favors and urges the arbitration treaty before the Senate. The President feels the necessity of settling the tariff policy at the earlieit practical moment and calls an extra session of Congress for tbe 15th inst. His congratulations of the coun try for fratsrnity and gcod will may strike one as desirable rather than real. In hu peroration he invoked Di vine aid for the faithful execution of the solemn oath of his otlice. Failed to Help BU Man. Hon. McMillen, of Tennessee, made some sharp striotures ia the House recently against Justice Shiras on the late campaign charge of suddenly changing his mind on the income tax. Hon. Dalz9ll, of Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, made a spirited defense of the Judge and deolared that he did not change at all and asked the Democrats on behalf of the pnrly in the lute campaign to retract tbe charge, whereupon, McMiiien bied Dalzell as spokesman for Judtic Shiras to dare to deny that the Judge did change when Dalzell elisi avowed the spokesmacship of Justice Shiras. Dalzell seems to haya got ten left. Ho Read It and couldn't Do With nt It. Mr. R A Barrio ger, an iodustrous and hard working farmer of the Cold Springs section, was in town and was was solicited by a reporter to become a subscribor for the weekly Standard. Mr. Barringer did not subscribe at the time, Low- ever, but started on his way home Soon after be left the reporter left for tbe country also and caught up with Mr. Barringer about four miles from town. The reporter was not after Mr. Barringer to again solicit him or compel him to become a subscribor, but it just happened that he was going the sanjt way that's all. Enough had been done. Before leaving town asample oopy had been given Mr. Barringer and evidently on the way he bad been reading it, for when tbe reporter caught up Mr. Barringer said, "Please put my name on your sub scription list. I can't do without it." Mr. Barringer, your name, with many others, now adorns our subscription book and The Stand ard will visit you once a week. PHed Over the Veto. One of the last acts of President Cleveland was to veto tbe emigration bill. Congress promptly pass d the bill over the veto, notwithstanding. Two Good Rules. First, never to vex ourselves about what we cannot help; second, never vex ourselves about what we can help. Jferc'H Our Hand. We join our noighbor in tbe fol lowing : "The Landmark gives Old Man Cleveland good day, wishes for Mm health and happiness in hia retire ment. He isn't popular now find he hasn't been for some time, but in the after years, in the cold, char light of reason, he will bn accorded a place among the great inon cf 'hid time." Here's our baud, Pr ) Lr Clark ! ':'irl J r S-f.: y li -J f."f r:,-.r;.-.f. ny PVlI.T-TEr.Y P0.1E Celobrated f ,r i s 'r! 1 ayeniog stror.gib acl boaltbfulr.ons Assures the food agaicpf n'u n and .U forms of adulteration rcrctcon to the cheap brands. Royal Bakiso Powder Co , N-jw York. Manners of Repnhllt-nn I'reHltlenta Chauiic-'y M Dep. w tayn that be has Lad per ,d:J esj oriaw a in seek iag i ilije, r.i.t lor L.rxiwlf, but for oti.e-rs, from cvi;ry I. -publican IVes id i". it. Mr. Lincoln would always listen attentively to wLat he had to say and then toll a fujny riory. On his way to Lis botol Lo would think over the story ai.d finally reo thr.t it kuded h'u candidate away out of sight. General Grant always received an appl'cn'inn for offi op a.' toat-' to the memory of Wasuington are drunk standing nnd in eilencs. Hayes listened for awhile, then broke out into lamentr.iioGS that the attention of tbe President of the Uaited Sta'es phould h diverted from the great affairs of State tod;s tiibute patronage. Then he w.uld make a mnuaoranduni in a liu'e rrd book, which was to imi''d him cot to do it. General Ge,rf,".h v.rt'j put Lis arm around y :or nit;--, tell yc.u how mufti he lo?ed T"''- itid then forget what you had ;:.-l;eJ him. Presidnot Arthur onld liftfn with poliio a'.tenticn t- a.i you hsd to sty, then refer you to oroe man in New York whom yea w-.-nneyr able to find. President Ilarrisoo would sink down into hi? rhsir u: "J. you bad presented the claims ot your candi date and then change the subject. Chicago Record. Tohe Kemler Head Mr. Tobias Keatlor, a wealthy citizen of Rowan county, well known in this cotntnenity, die I ut hia horns tear Salisbury F.iday afternoon. He hud been for several weeks, ne was 86 year i of ei:e and leaves two daughter.'. Mr, Kestler was considered a man of excellent busi ness qualities i.nd ms a leader in many business enterprises in Salis bury. Why Ii ll. if catarrh is a blood (iueaee, as some claim, that .hysicifiiid frequently advise change of air uud climate to those suffering P Caiarrh is a c li matic affection, and nothing but a local remedy or a change of climate will cure it. Ely's Craam fijlm is so efficient as to do away witb the necessity of leaying home and friends, causing instant relief and is a real cure of catarrh. rire At Illt-hory. HickoET, N C, March 4. The Racket store, J F Drake, proprietor, was discovered on fire at 11 o'clock last night. Lightwood and cotton saturated with ieroaeno were found burning between rouf and ceiliug, Drake went to South Carolina Mona day. The etok value is estimated at 700, insurance $3,r00. Damage small. He waa bained out pre viously at Oberuw, li 0. The city council is investigating. CURED ATJJ YiiARS. Dr. K:Ijs ric.i.t Cure Victorious. No o( her n"''"l!''irn-t.;iti -i'iow 'u h n t-nn. Horn Irf a V' Mt;i!;lo ( 1 :-.n h. V.'I jh;hh of lil'U, With St f. 'til' J I' ') i'-ii; O ' 1 . 'V CI (;!.!', Will' hll'l ih'irt ht.. . ,; i'futr. iir t-wK I no Now Heart. :ure nrnl is low ourii dnti wclJ. kV . f L On-s I -u.-. Mi -h., i '. aw. WW. I Uw Urn iru-.i It -I I ;trt iIihi-uho W VOUWorili i" l'it ' ( 1 if 1;;.. i i wu r ttad It tt"t ;i ' i. r r t . , i inn ulnrij iih dizzy si m it.-, v , u'i c-itc-f f;tii re.-. 1 (;il Bovuri puii'ii :i I Un. -inn i m cf un-n tti itntt pil.MfM ;. ,f : P - r, i- I, I. . All pti v-ioi: ..!. - ( i r i . , 1 v . - i i :,l - i.c-pirti; Htiif t. I . A urn-i i.i-.i i r. t i ; t . i. niK Dr. Miles' Tcr ilU Cure, aii'l t.ff.irc I lnul ! -I. 1 fnun.1 the ITU-' . If. -imw ustui four u-t t i - hi ii tMitlt-fly w. ii. I 7;, lu-i.i. ft i;r,i'! t' u-r. 1 i t ; , r:iy llf.-. Imt I w;- i -rivititr my !-; nu- " ti ' 'i vittu.iltlf i :.u-ly '" i" tiliS l -V II, V K"l I'- Nt'W ii- ttr' (nr.. : . Dr. Mlli-H T.-ri't fur" ! puarfiniff i int. - ft i All firui'i: i ' ' ' ' I It will l-f s. t - . i ty the lr. Miu,, it , ii t.t v Dr. Milos' fi:-f , IT I l.l'i- r- .-in,- ..I .r ... t;-"' r ) . . 1'"V t ,,