J THE : STANDARD PRISTS THE JEWis that is NEWti For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. ii A Ecu 1: , i VOL. X NO 8. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH IS, 1897 WHOLE NO. 417 q"j f r Mr f ' ' 1 D fj v ) l , J.U. .' --T'Jll.V.SOu'i- -- GOOj - JOB - WORE AT LIVING PRICES. CflVK U S A TRIAL EIOY-'Lh; KA.CE TRACK. Stan N H !"j ... si Whcliu-u auu Pieamire Ke.kfri In IIhto h Plate f KeHorl. Meairs Cij-.i K-j A Dry and John C Wad worth . u nijviu in the rijjht direction in an eminent way, which is ca'uaUu-d to interest tbi entire po; -ilati-j u On their property in South Con cord (the o J fair grounds) iheiy will build u bio)cie rac9 track and a park. Th track is to be one-ha f utile nDd whtn complete iil hi leased by the Cycle Cinb. Tne necessary funds for tho lease have been raided and the track is a cr tainty. Work will begin on its construction j n at as soon as the weather breaks. They will convert the property into a park, build a large grand-stand, and pwilion and illuminate '.ho grounds and building with electricity. Now if tome of the nioas-bckt ro;ild tt. -' the r mon-y over uuC r; -.'-i a Uno o t the four prine;. I ... ..'.A-ota of 'Uf city we would bi ciriotly la bcli.u-l the baud .vr.gnr leading t'-.o p-co.-3?ian of prrgr.w llf ''liken l lrjlile . , Tdero w.is a n.ac here ycorduj 'who has not tul en a lirink c-i waiej in thirty -two j-mra. Hit) nui.o i. Willi:; ui iflluulur. Ilin ... i-.. is io Kit-ton. Us is ix-ilu riil o Wayi.e cc tn . y. '.tr. Huntir J f cot rciu.e to oiiuK war Leeute bo ;driukts tv.aiGtiiing ei n ; i. .1 ed he never 'ahe a liquid refresh nviiu of uny ki,. l. II a d..ts i ot tintl for the simple reason that hr doebn'; want to. Yel he if us ilrong, l,c nrtj and healthy as aro other people;. It was in lib 05 that Lr quit . ing water, lie. v.aj iu i rit .-n as 'Fort Fisher, Trio wa'.-r t' ?n 6eerx.cd to be good but tl e f...-. 1 v.dt scarce and I :.d. The. i ;ti't v.ai that bin diet';; din! of niiu,ac) trouble', briiUfiit or;, the ; i ytdc'am said, by' the poor food and the water. Mr. Hunter's trouble be came chronic and the water grew distasteful, 60 he discontinued ib use. He soon recovered ar.d never ' to this day has he bad any desiri for h drink of water. Sometimes he says, he grows thirely, but it h not water that he craves, but some thing juicy at.d tlijdM'y i.eid, lik an npple or t rat t,e. Ho veiy eel dom driiike c ffee, tin, miik or Leer Raleiph News auri Observer. MfH I.ipiinrd'M Mimic CIiimh l.nlrrliiiii- Miss Fannie L'ppard tnterir.info her teat little music rooia fall ol parents at.d special fiiends of hti pupils ou Fiidfiy night. The grugram was short, but af forded much pkature to the par ticipants who are stimulated b such public t'florte, and to parenU who mark with kfen delight tl.c progress manifested. The editor extends hearty con gratulations to Mies Fannie, on hei succees, and offers thatka for the courteous invitation to himself and wite to participa'e in the pleasures of the evening. I. .. :;rnl..-.iw ('jiiHtiri'd. II i. Br. . ill? 1; .'Jo ' ' (i B in.'..)' i lll!, J'.i:Xti !i, : tj-.U fio..i the ccuuty ch.iii.giujf wii'a ore I'u.k SJieiriil, wj) ei'.p ur-d burg FriJ.. Kuer.ii iiuf.ii ;tn wh te!ei!ioa d for, lilt co.Li::"t h four.d in tiire t.) miko the c ar'y train and ic. his stond t.'hkf Uo'cr went ifler t be enraiuul. Lruddhaw is said to be a iiioun negao. lie v. as returned ttho gai.g tod.iy. TASTELESS IS JU3T AS CODE! FOR AI.ULTS. WAKRAMTED. PRICE OOcts. OAI AT1A, Il i.8., NOV. 16, 191)3. Purln ModHno Cr,., Ht. IahiIa, Mo. (' tiilrmoiK Wo fii'ti) ln-a yuiir, mm bntllor ol GHOVIiS TAS'l'KKKSr VUU.L TON K' nml hiivc tH)ti( Hirro mtSH nlruinljr "ill1 yenr. In nil r it pfrH'ina uf 14 yi'fiw, ifi tho Urutf biinint'i, hnvo Bi-vcr m.i'l mi rt n-ti tiiut tf;tvt ftu ti unlvoisul lauUuu a 'J ywur Tome Voum truly, ' AU.NKV.CiltB ACQ for ;-aV ar.i ,i"i,ir,int oil al' 1 umm DU. MUKPHY'S UETIREMENT. The Directum or tue Kfnie KtoMpltnl Ht nirniitmi t:xro- l'l.lr Iti'tfrvl Ml IliM KmiioyhI, Had Xt'HIjly lo IIIk rtiipvrb AiIiiiiulMlrtiljun -llu Re movtil n I'rlinr AkmIiin, llieMitlo. Stute IIoBpltal, Morganien, M. 0.. March 8, '97. We, the undersigned retiring ch rtctcra and x direc'orj nf thij' i n -ntilation, assembled this day, g'vir ,:iprtcbion to their regret cu account rf the dieplacoier.t of Dr. P L Knrpby as avj-erir.t: ; d r.f, 'ai.il would exprecb their u!,.e of apjre ci iiion of his eel vices and the eer- yicca of the snbordiutte tlEac-ra and p-inployes whii liave aided tim in in making the oUte Hospital the pride and L-lory of North OAtolinn. Dr. Murphy h ia demonawatd in ibis position the highest nitdio;l aud admtnietrjti e capacity. The record3 of the institutitn as to deaths and recoveries during his in cumbency preclaim his skill as a medical officer ; and the pe-f eot i-ler .Vid i:J .:t :u which !;a',: c.h.a ?'e:iz-d th- ccuduct of :1 1 Ilo-rul, toothi-r with the improvements and rx ir.uici.-; inu'i , for ut i fection o; 'i-'piliJ:".-', end the g IUT il resulc :'C":n4 il hed, t ; '.'Q the , ront:d , furni L'il f ' d' ii, in W'.li e.a lie wutd?, tc'i Low v .'It Li-J ft''ii'i.i tt live u -. bine b:eu pvi -fcr-n. d. ilm reuiov:'.', ".t lb- t i t i'ion of pj-rtiaau rnu-or, from p.iiiiinu in nhic'1 he h'd deixnus l -i' J i t'-: hiyh-t utufiilneaf, a an car whioh Sic b:n ik-ue BothiUR per-.o-iuMy or otli;i-i!!y, to excite, is i crime ni;innt the S;ite of North (,'arolii.a and b ionb'e criu'e ayiiii?t the thousand insnr.e p-rcons in the weatern dis net. He bus earned the cor.iiderci md lova t f t!ie i:itn ie and has d: erveitha "iBtiliale uiid tliankj ol ill who love th-. ir fcitnte and who honor mea for dl.i'ity and canecien 'ous z-al shown in the duebarge of public duties. The undersignt-J thank Dr. M or phy und hie snbordimte i fiicers and mployes fur their delicate and re rtv sible trusts. We know how e!l, with whut mtelliVeat iuterea', i hey have discharged their several duties, and our regurd and beat wishes will nttend them always Thepipera of the Rta'e era-re (jnested to publish this teatunonin! J as P. f aw vrii, I'm., J , s. W. il. SON', i. Prm. J. 0 11 -i.t., (i. W. F. IiATii'Ka, J. P. (jALuWtLL. I ll.i ral I lr Mlr.ll ., il ol Mamy. Th.-rf ure aiuny Lo.ul eins i.i ihc r.cat cour.se of the country' tinancsv'. 'flu fcold rrg..ne has pssjd 5150, 000,000 fur tho fl.-at lime iu more thun six jeirs. List Sa urday it itood at 150,073,827. The go'd bullion had been reduced br coimite to $15, -101,053, while the o,d cam held has iDoreasid to $143,022,243, .ncluding that held atjainst $.37, 537.4C0 of outst-.i:.dir. goldcertiii ea'.e3. Tho amount of m nny ia circuli tion his increased enormously ic the paat year. The amount in cii 'n hit ion o-i Ma'oh 1, 1897, w. . .. , .;: I..:. ...;i.is. ,.146,9. ri'.. v. ; i. -i'or-.1 1. u v li o . ;iuiv... if V 1. diYl l'1-.-U i.i tile Ui.l'lll 1' e;i . . -id t;.e j. ap ti circuluii-j'i L- ,. a'.er tf -i ' io uii-ll elui:c 1'; '1 1 v , .. i, . : ' ; t -r m.Vj l li .i;in:b 1, 1--197, !.'.Oa: ;2l 10 Jacc 1, in if.iv o - Ti;o iucre.ii of tha buik nc ti.xuUtita duriiig thep.. tvMvt m ntiir by tj l l.tM'O.l HO id a.icth.-r favjiiihlc sin. Tr.c ci. cal'ion it now f.'v'l t),230,3J3, whioh U grvnUn t!i;iu it has b' eu einco 1B8S, It will b?8fen th.it ma:y mi'iio;.' "f idie rapihii 1 ;ie go-.e iuM tin channels ' ftr.id' i tiring the pai twelve months'; h.v.r J d m u;, n 'O iger k- pt in hiding by lit; f ur ot degradation of the currency, bti couie forth utid is pel f i n.ieg ufi.-ful fuectii n. There i- t l;-.:k of li.-.;ey for legitiniii'e eirerjiriiej wltieti C;;;; o'ter good secumi'S. Atl mta Jjiir 11 ;l I . More WhlNkey l'u;liir'il. W'fl noted Thnr'day tl'.e rupture of 2.")0 frallor.H i.f whiskey ii"ar South UivT, Iviwan coutitv, on the d.iy b- fore. From the World we learn that on Wi.di'.odi' V revenue 'diiw-rs ruifl; n i on tho borders of ID.ivip, D.ividsin ar;J Itowan nu lutroyrd threo dipt iPerita und cap hired eight burials of u hiskey. The ! rei uv.e i flici rs teem to lave iouie ! thine; to do up tl.ero ai.d are doing it." It in s" p".: y t. rr'tii;ii-'i a rpcccL lai d so d llieislt to i.-'uke one. SHOUT LOCALS. Mayor M-irriiioa U preparing to -move Ho hid country home. He -.v ill h ave ibout Ajiril P't. Tin P..iriirjgton Nowspays Aloi.z) Garriti.in b-'ougrht il while moti to that cliice for exhibition. Two person? tp"1 killed on the ; vnifhrru's trnck Fr'dey in the city nl Atbinta, a white man and a colored woman. Mr. J F Dayvault haw moved from Stiutli Main Ktreot to thy houso on Wirt Oorbin street vacated by Mr. II C Lifler. Mr. Orlander Grocer, a native Concordian, will be tna-ried lSun day next to a Mies Watts, at Bir mingham, Ala. The Cabarrus Light Infantry and the Fourth Ilrpimeut Drum CorpB will toon t'juip themselves with new uniforms. Baniball hiasne.3 ard clubs have been organized in all parts of the country. Concord boys will come in on the home run. The ri."" for th" Concord pert . fiie i wit' i 1 v. .'h rineid.-rahle iiiten.-. ', There are three avewed candiii:t(.e. It need t"ar; .i.;e t.o oi if Greece issnen i-) l'.liimatioi orderi.i tbf ji jwe... oif il.e tr'-o uf the earlh. Arhe I'iiie Citizen. .5r. J C Wade ,vor ;5i bua built a ia.,y farm h'-u.-e o.i hib now place the M W Johnston farm be yoiul hu ll'dlo Creek west of the Pullalo Mills. V.- II C L-tl r, w ho has lived ic Pieiiily foi ik Aial years past, ini: rt. lined to hie farm at Pa Hereon ni.l and w'H as.' in ti.ke up farm life and till tho soil. Pri i-idcnt MtKinley is heartily in fi.vor uf ihe Anglo- American 'i n ity aud loiae Senatoia formerly very much orpot?d to it aro now toning down their olj.ctious i.ud it is likely t'i I. a c.j.-.f im .d. We are permitted t i state in cjn f. tencrt thet tho people of North ( arjiina ero sorry they r.lecti-d ihe I er,iK.l-.turi. Asbevilh; Ci'izon. aa r.oi tliu Citizen permitted to say also that the peoplo with they hud another turn at the guberna torial wheel. P.ev. II li II Sloop, a forioi r resi d nt of China Grove, now living at Piains, Ga., passtd through the city, a icocopanisd by his brido, who was J'.iis Edna Ketchie, of Davie county, to whom he wrh married at Si. MitthewR church in that county on Tuesday March O.h. Clergy men, lawyers, public speak c:.:, eitipT.i, aud aotorj, atl recognize ti e vir'uis i.f Aytr's Cheiry Pecto re 1. Cue ot our rnoi4 eminent pub lia men says : "It is the best remedy i'- at cat. be procured for all afiac tioi:d of the vocal organs, ture&t, and iut: The pp-. diest and mot reliable r, Liedy for ill der ir.perif nt.? rf the throf.t aid lot g. ia Ayer'a Che.-ry P cbiral. 'J'lr.s w.mderful preps ra tion clit-ckj cojbint'. induces re-fi-i'Bhicjr, plti'-p, r.hd allorda great re lief, evcu in the advanced a'aes ol cocsaniptioti. Cahiu lliuson, Mrs. Martha Perry, and Mijs Catherine Perry, of Stanly county, left this (?..',aruAy) morning for Arkadel phii, Ark., where they will make ih fr.t.'irn I runs. Mrs. Ptirrv is quite an a;;.d woman, but wa de ter;mac-a to leave tne uid jortn State. The chronic grumbler still lives, hut ;L. j . : ' c irtes of chronic h..'.. uus, : Djt;'C1'eia thi.o i',..nu: . '1 r.e fact i.- so mniiy po.'p'.'- i.: !' pa.', have taken Sim uiou'lji.iv: i P. ;:'? '-r t h n. t ti ey are now cui d t.a ill.!. And a :.'::L ia . i ..i '. ada i-rt. t.cw Inking .-.:;m.. ,: , Liy. r U-gu'sti-r far the -aula trouble Mid the.y'il H on be -U'. .'. 'i i t':.a by., luidieino." -.V ii Hi':. tt, ll.i tim are, Md. Ca. 1 ii That's Aycr'B. Yhn same old aars:'.;i.irilla aa it w is made nwl soiil by Ur. J. C. .yer 5' vara 1(fj. I the lataratoty it ia diCirci.t.' Tlirc moJeiu appli ances lead 8i-i:d to skill and tsi-evleia-c. Jtut H'.e sursnpa rilia is tt: : Rime ol-'. i irsapnrillo t'aat m ule til- record -SO years f . :v A artw.-lett r il? v.'re laiicU in tt:e coad .la'ti of tV-c lii.slinp and the ra;.t evry : " 1 VMibtlcat, " nc said, "Cod miutit Have umiic better berry. I'-nt iloubtlcss, ir ..ovit did." Vby don't we better the sarsapnrilla? V.'c ca.i t. W J are usihh ia.e ...... ,,i f . ;.i nt that cured the Indiau mi l tho f p'nniurd:;. It Y:..a .,f Vi.-i-ti liettered. And since U'O make narsaparillu coiu . .in., .,i...,i pou ml o'li oi .,r. 4 ........ i'......, ve sec i-o way 1 1 improvcuicui. Of c-:ur,,-, if v; were making some f Kt et.eiaical compound ..... .!.,, i-.ni we're not. Ve'ra laaUi::;' t'ao f ame old sur fipatil:a to cuio t'ac mint) old (1 is.;.". s. Yoa cnri tell il "a the ni-.w. ol'l narunpartlla he-cat.-te it wor.'ia tl:fl .iiio tM m rrf. ll't the r.overein bloenl j a.tf.er, ioi. luff's ic-. Travel is unusually heavy over the Southern Railway. Ground bos weather is now a buck liuuiber. The spirit of unrest is part of the eyiuonc.es of spring's approach. Tlio bon bon boxes designed to contain se"t Easter ofWinga are particularly lovely. Mr. J F Hurley will soon move from his present residence on Spring street to South Concord. Mrs John Creech, at Cannon ville, is very unwell. She has pneu monia. On Thursday Mr. D P Dayvault bough t and sold 10,020 eggs. Pretty good for one day. Charlotte is preparing for a three- days celebration in May, including the 2Uth, Jackets appear to be in nigner favor than capes for the spring wear. The pompadour coiffure will be a boon to the girl whose bangs refuse to err during tho summer months. Mr. CM Cook has moved hir family Ircm tha Caton house on Church street arid will occupy a part ot Mr. J W Foil's home. Mrs. J A Kennett is subbtitutinp for Miss Gainey .as book-keeper at the O lell Btora during the latter'fc abfcence. Straw bonnets wilh voluminous trimmings of chilTon and ribbon will be worn by stylish babies this spring. Yeiloi? wall paper that looks like concentrated suiihhine will make a room look cbeeriul on tha very darkest day. Tho American cockroach is an atom with a record. He dies al five years of age and has several bushels ol grandchildren. Someone has said that instead of saying or writing the name Wal ter U Henry you can very much abbreviate with the simple term mud. As an evidence of the stridos women are making in tho new lines comes the news that many fair ones are making strong bets regarding the result ot the Uorbett-r itz-tim ions light. The surveying corp, with their tents, cook stove, utensils, etc., have left the city and their first camp will be near Mr. Henderson Lita ker's, five miles southeast of the city. If you have any Conlederate states stamps don t throw them away. At a recent New York sale a Conlederate 5c canceled postage tdarr.p was sold for 857G. Another brouehtJlUz, aud other stamps, all canceled, auywhere from $y to )0. Charles Traylor and a chronie named McGeo have been arrested and lodged iu jail at Florence, S. (.!., f ir selling "sky"' and swindling the good people of Union county, and refuse to come back to North Carolina without requisition pa pers. Mr. John A Cline, who is now a member of the firm of Cannon, Fet- znr it Co., will become the cotton buyer for the establishment and will be succeeded in the grocery de partment by Mr. A F Hartsell, who has been employed lor some time at Johnson's drug store. Tbe change will take place next Wed nesday. No Ai.ulofrloN-.-Tlioio Arc Ky Mi'iitl--iilH. Several ladies were sitting ia thi very uncomfortable aaiting room at tbe depot in this ci'y, when a well ilreusi d, rather handaotne and pre I'oxsismig man entered the room, oursing the railroad for its poor iiecotiiijiodiitioQS at this point for all he was worth, and when bie eyes fell upon the ladies, the man was perfectly bewildered and madt an tllort to apologize for what b hud said. One of the ladies, whoee nau.e we withhold, walked up to the perplexed gentleman and extended her band, saying: "Do not attempt to apologize you expressed mj Sentiments exactly and I thank jou for it." Hen Lev Will Mnj. It is now more than probible hat Gen. Lee will be retaiue 1 in bis p . i ion as consul general in Cuba. 'eorettiry Sherman has encouraged such belitf iih the further as surarce thttnny legitimate demand en the part of the Consul General would be fully sustain. d by ihe d mi f. iit ration to the. ex tent vf promptly plao rig naval forces at his command. Uf. Uonllpr' Will. From the Salisbury pipers Wr learn that the ntv TobiMS Kestlerl y his will b queaths to his wife three p nutations for rr life tiaie and f 4,000 besides all the household fur nitur'e; to his daughter, Mrs. Hoyden Trexhr, $1,000; to Kick Kosein.in, a grai.d.'on, $'4 000; to lnga'l Foil $3,000; to hi? little Krauddaiiihter, Miss Newsom, who lived with birr, fo.OOO; to II N Woodson for friend shin and favors $500; to L II Clem ent for friendship and favors $.500 und to hii daughter, Mrs. Neweotu, all the reman. d r of his esUte. Mr. II L Chuicnt is eieoutor. THE DISPENSARY Alleged to be In n t'orriiit Nfnte In Hon III ('ftrollnit. The deplorable aud corrupt e'a; iu which the whole dispensary sys. tem is already found causes no sur prise to people who have given it and what is known B3 "the whiskey problem" the least intiliigeat stU'iy. The dispensary law does not pri marily couteuiplate the refjrm or correction of the liquor driukine habit. No matter wbut may be the protestation of its friends, the evi decce that proclaims them false are oyerwhelming. Everywhere the dis pensers endeavor to increae the sales. Whiskies are sold in dispen saries which are widely advertised. The State board of control and tbe governor are straggling "to make ends mret" in the dispensary busi ness. Every quarterly statement showing improvement in the Har.ncc3 is heralded ind exploited. Legislators point yuguely to tne ''millions in the dinpeueary" by which deficits mo to be met and the whole S'ato has been ta ight t) look upon this whiskey trade as a ciir.i almost ready to yieid lncxbaustibb treasure and which will relume the people of all the burdens of taxa tion. Greenville, S. C, News. Blind TlKri "Ou the llllud." Monday as Capt. Ed M Patterson, of the local freight, started to pull out for Salisbury he saw a negro enter au oj.ea be x cr, Lie ; id noth ing very unusual. Cpt. Patterson ran to the car and told the nrro to fall out, and with very little p r euasion the deadbeat tiiinl I'td. There was another mm iu the same car and apon investigation it wits discovered that the negroes were "blockaders." Two whiskey kegs cue five gallon and one ten ullcu were found concealed in to sacks ia the car. The negroes were frightened away aud the k gi were taken to the depot, wheie they wir left nntil Tuesday, when they were called for. One of the negroes con nected with this affair has served a term in the pmilentiary. While there is no conclusive evidence, it is believed that the men do a thriving business in handling liquor. Ihc Uovernor Iu Toll I'll Ilie Billion. Gov. Russell ha3 accepted au in vitation to touch the button that h to start the Tennessee Ctnteunial Exposition Machinery. North Carolina is the bistoiic mother cf Tennessee and it Is very nice for her to give her worthy daughter the send-cll X Kay TrlnmpU, Little Jessie Ueadly, of Fifth Avenue, New York, while playing wilh her tea set toys, swallowed a tin plate an inch in diameter. By the skillful nse of the X rays the plate was found in the aesophagus about sewn inches below the larynx and was removed and little Jessie was taken from tbe ho.pi'al Wed nesday with her little tin pla'e in her packet instead of oher throat, Uonril of Illln lor lleinoreil. Governor Rtipsoil informed J ude Simonton that by and w ith. tho con sent of Counsel of State ho had re moved the State proxy ami the S members of the board of directors of the North Carolina Railroad and that any assent made by them or either of them would bo unauthor ized. A girl set king beauty drinks a glues of hot milk before retiring. - YiLRNIMG. We wish to caution all users of Simmona T.iwor Rrtmilftf.ir nn a sntiinct of the daerest interest and importanco to their health perhaps their lives. Tho sole proprietors and makers of Simmona Liver K.ulat'r learn that customers are often deceived t y buying and taking somo medicine of a similar appearance, or taste, believing it to be Simmons Liver Regulator. Wo warn you that unless tha word iiepulator is on the package or bottle, that it is uot Simmons Liver KeKu'ator. No one elw makea, or ever has made Simmons Liver Regulator, or anything called Simmons Liver Regulator, but J. If. Zeilin A Co., and no medicifie made by anyone else is the same. 49 We alone can rjut it un. and we cannot he responsible, if other medicines represented as the same do not help you as you are lea 10 expect iney Will.l Bear this fact well in mind, if you have been in the habit of using a meMicme which ou supposed to bebimmons Liver rteguia or. because tbe name was somewhat like it, and the package did not have the word ttngulator on it, you nave oeen imposed upon and have not been taking Simmons Liver Regulator at all. d The Regulator baa been favorably known for many years, and all who use it know how necessary it is for Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever, Constipa tion, Headache, Dyspepsia, and all disorder vising from a Diseased Liver. We ask vou to look for Yourselves, and lee that Simmons Liver Regulator, which you can readily distinguish by the Red Z on wrapper, anil Dy our name, is me ouiy medicine called Simmons Liver Regulator. J. II. ZEILIN CO. Take 8 MimtmnH (icr iUgulator. Mil. D. F. CANN0X"RS'1IUES. A Joint Nlork Company Buys Ula Inlprfnl In llix Mrrciiiillle Him I noun. Mr. D F Cani.on has retired from the mercantile business. The announcement was made Wednes day evening, but too late for publi cation in The Stanijard. Mr. Cannon had been tbe senior member of the firm of Cautions A Fetzer for 23 years, and his carter as a man of fine business qualities has made for him considerable wealth and a geo i name, which is evto more preferable to gnat riches. Messrs. 13 E llarris, Jno. A Cline, R 11 Black, W W Stuart and J L Llart.-ell are Mr. Cannon's succefsors, they having formed a joint stock compajy and purchased his interest in the establishment. The style of the firm will henceforth be known as Cannon, Fe'zer & Co. Mr. Cannon is the president of the Cabai.u3 Savings P.aai., tbe Canton Mannfacturin Company and tbt Caburrus cutton factury aud with the datiep of these ofiices and the condition of his health, ha found it :.ei -iry to retire from the mercan tile life. l or over l."y enra airs. Winsloi'.-'a Soothing Syrnp has ue ii uad lor over fifty years bj uiillious i f mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect sue. oesn. It soothes the child, softens ttie gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the beet remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately, hold b druge-ists iu every part of the world, Twi nly-hye cents a bottle, Pesure and ask for "Mrs. Wiuslows Sooth iig Syrup," and take no other kind Ho ('oiM'lllccll. Oa receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample will be miih d of the most popular Catarrh and iiay 1 ever Cure (Ely's Cream Baltic siidioier.t to demonstrate its rreat men'.. Pull biz? 50 cts, ELY BROTHERS, 60 Warren St., New York City. CaUrrli canoed diflicuhy in speak ing and to i grrat extent loss of hearing. Hy the use cf Ely's Crearr Palm dropping of mucus has ceased, voice and bearing have greatly im proved. J W Davidson, Att'y at Law, Monmouth, 111. tiitnlly M.ol. The Salisbury World copies a thrilling tlory of the fatal shooting of S B Lanier, iu Atlanta, last Sun day by IIJS Perry on whose wife Lanier wns charged with making au assault. Perry had three pistols on Lim and when Le found Lanier aud went to firing on him au oflicer seized both and was on the way to prison with them. The officerr relieved Perrj of two pistols but did cot find the third with which he did the fatal shoot ii.g at au opportune moment. La nier is ehot through the lung aud will die. Lanier once figured in au unsavory episode in Salisbury. A HoiiMeholit Trennure. D W. Fuller, of Ufinnjoharie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. Rit r's New Dincovery in the house at. 1 hi i family has always found the v.iy iefct riai-'U follow its use; tl .t he would tot be without it, if I'loeaiubie. (1. A. bj kvman, Drug ::t., Cat. kill. X. Y., says that Dr. Ktii'i .Vw Di-oovery is undoubt , U.y the bam, eouh loiuudy ; that u li..H used it iu hi-t family for eight year'', and it has never tailed to do a 1 t'.at is claimed for it. Why no! tiy ti remedy so lontr tried aud tested. Trial botths free at Fet oi'o li siore. Regular size COc and 81.00. A l.lrlllili j l utlj. Little Miss I'V.cllo Morrison celo bratrd her eleventh birthday Wednesday afternoon by giving a party to a large number cf little friends. Various auiujenients were indulged in, Ri'.d tLe one attracting met i-.t'e litioii was the. suiting and puti.ii. g t ig' tLer of f i-per figures, the one grttin,; the largejt number tojp'l.er in a ep. c tied time, being enticed to r. p-iz. - a scuyeni' cep and eaucer. Mi. 3 Shiih.y Mont goiuety won lie1 p: The fol lowing we.e p-teeiit: J. nine Skin ner, Suirley i;..r:tgouiery, Mtiinie Gibson, Joi es Yorka, Jennie Gib son, Y.ul'i Patterson, Glare Piter. son, Ernest McC'ouuelt, Sa'ii Query Kate Query, Altha Watson, Ltzz e Propst, Jerry LlaP, Willie Mull. Rosa Campbell Young, Lola Sap penfiebl, Nettie Caldwell, Archie Goodman, Mamie Lentz, Margaret Pen z. li ,le."t Fi- z.-r, Mary Bing ham. George Lore, Frank Morrison, Jeetid Si a!, R-'.-a Pi i.lips, Mary Bof.er, Icj rreaiu an i o .k i-'w era cervttl. And now th. Kinloy I. :'M the "Mrs. M 1 "Mrs. II i f hint toi;Ue, WO ll.e mar. tl.) o- ;itaiiiOH on co va rn by Mis. Cieve id-'.uuey. Nolr from the Oricnn. The tchool at the Klu'z school house will cloie March 26, with an entertainment. There will be speeches, dialogues, songj, etc. Last Tuesday while playing at school, little Shirley, the seven year old son of C E Boit, bad the mis fortune to fall and break his arm. The ulna of the left arm was broken about half way between the wrist and elbow. Mr. Wm. Beaver was called and set and shingled the arm Tbe little fellow is doing fairly ell at p-es. nt. Little Jane, daughter of Lafnyette Barger, died yesterday mornine. She had typhoid feyer and was able to sit up some. A few days ago she bad a relapse. Since then she was a great sufferer, ontil the angel touched her with his magic wand and released her from her piin. Mr. Jacob Carter is prospect ine for gold. We were nrjable to learn what success he made. Mr. Vance Miller has quit Mt. Tleasant College and gone to farm ing. U No Uco, March 10, "J7. Did Ton Ever Try Electrio Bitters as a remedy for Tlllir frmthlflnf Tf nnl oai a lrtttla now and set relief. This medicine uas been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and oure of all flimAln rentrinlnin la ATarlina a iven. derful direct influence in giving sirenertn and tone to tue organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melanoholy or troubled with dizzy spoils, Electrio Litters is the medi cine you need. Health and strentrtu am fnarnlnA v ita uca r.'iflv cents and 11.00 at Fetzer's Drug store. lineman Very frond The Raleigh correspondent to tbe Charlotte Observer of Thursday says : Speaker Hileman escaped pneu monia. He was out today. He is very proud of his record as Speaker, and that during the entire session his decision was only once appealed f;tm. He ascertained this morning that the revenue act Is unconstitu tional, in that it does not observe the constitutional equation as to taxes between property and poll. The proposition was made all right n tne uouse. xne error was in tbe Senate. As enrolled the act names 46 cents as the tax on nrnnert.v und only fl 29 on the poll. Speaker uneman says tne supreme Uourt will have to pass opon this matter. No one else can correct the error. Mr. Hileman arrived in the city Thurtday night and returned to his home in the country Growing Inlo Dlnfavor, The New York Yacht Club, the Harvard Club, the Harlem branch of the Y. M. C, A., the Montank Club of Brooklyn, and the reading rooms of the Y. M. C. A., of Yale College have excluded the New York World and the New York Journal from their list of periodi cals, some even destroying their tiles. Boeklen'S Aroint naive. The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give stalisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store, Mm. Or, BnlN ArrlveN. Mrs. Dr. Rms and her five chil dren have arrived in New Y'ork. She is of course in deep distress. She adds nothing especial to the reports of the cruel treatment of ber husband in Cuba, but confirms the story of his murd.r. She speaks with high aud grateful praise of Consul General Lee and thanks the American people for their expres sions of sympathy. She will deter mine her course of procedure for indemnity against Spain by the advice of friends and counsellors. Colllxlon al a Crowilng;. A railroad collision occurred Sunday the 7 h between Louisville and Nashville at a cro.sing of the Southern and North Bir mingham crossing. Both trains arrived at the crossing at the same time and the engines struck each other. One engineer was killed and seyeral other train men were more or less seiiously bruised and scalded A Bin Haul or Corn "I.U'ker." Officers Redmond and Vanderford, near South River Tuesday, Ceiptured two wagon loads of whiskey amount ing to 250 gallons of good whiskey (calling whiskey good) Oue wagon had a team but not a driver, the other had neither team nordriver. It never seems as easy to fall in to a good habit as a bad one. E5 k. Absolutely Pcro. ABSOLUTELY PURE. Celebrated for its great leayenlng strength and healthfulnese. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Bakino Powder Co., New York. Reaolntlona or Fold Water Ledge, Ma. au, or i. u. o. r. In the death of our Brother, W J Aldinan, we acknowledge the wisdom, of God, nlthcugb we cannot under stand his ways. We make errors every day, the best of men fail, bnt God cannot make a mistake. ''He doth all things well." We humbly bow in submission to bis call, know ing that we too must soon go. Resolved, That we have lost faithful and worthy member from our lodge and a good citizen from our town. J J Payseur, 1 Jno. K Patterson, Oom. 2 A E Lentz, J CASTORIA For Infants and. Children. Thi fw umllt h ra vnipMi Struton w A placard over a Georgia bridge reaJs as fo'lows: "Any person driving over this bridge faster than a walk shall, if a white man, te fined $5, and, if a negro, receiye twenty. five lashes ha!f;the penalty to ba bestowed on informer." 'ol, Unlloway'i Will. Elkin, March 11. Ths will of the late Col. A B Galloway baa been admitted to probate. He leaves all his property to his wife. At her death one-third goes to a nephew, A B Galloway, Jr., of Ten nesse ; one third to the Episcopal Cburch and the remainder to his other nephews and nieces. The estate Is valued at $10,000. Mrs, Galloway is appointed executrix. Hall N lou os a I.arire aa Half a Drlrk Nashville, Tenn., March 11. An electrical storm, followed by a hail storm that frightened pedei trians almost out of their wit visited this city this evening. Hail as large as hen eggs, and In tome instances almost the size of half a briok did considerable damage to numerous plate glass windowi in the business section. The noise created by tbe falling hailstones was ine tensified by innumerable objects fly ing about. Several of the cantennlal buildings are minus glass windows, but are otherwise uninjured. t'lre la nayannan. The city of Savannah su flared a fire Friday amounting to probably J25.0OO. Fifteen different firms were sufferers, some of whom were but slightly insured and others un insured. Suffered Eighteen Years. Palua Departed and Sleep Came Mrs. Julia A. Brown, of Oovlnfrton, TeniL. Whoee husband baa charge of the eloclrlo light plant at that pliico, has been a gro suiTt rvr. Hnr ailments and spoedy cura are host described by herself, oa follows. "For IS years I suffered, from norouanB and iml i Mellon. 1 trlud every nmiedy reo omniondi'd by family und fr lends, but I could p't no relUsf at nil. Two years ago Ciiiu.!, Drs.Jiarryt, Muley and flhtsrod, tbuj wtmo Deing ireutea ny umie ioc&i pnytu- Mus. Julia A. Browm. Informed nto that I had become drofMeaX. and that there was lit Ho kus for tuu. I then derided to try Dr. Wiles' Restorative Nervine, I then unable to ft-t U ulrep until well on toward dnyllrht, und during U thU time I had a det p, iimvv pain tu my Iff t Fide. U'(W m.:it r.'ii.T'ife, iiutent, hut after taking ntin-hulf hot lie of the Areri I could sleep all nlu'ht, Ju-t u- '11 an I evt-r did. Tho Amu'tr! Iw the only remtxly tli.tfc gave nto any relief h:it'Ver. I am tuw well and Ht rnnu', and 1 i. ai.it ii every dny "! 'V or'r. MUih' A,Mine." M1U Jiri.lA A. liUOWN. Pr. Mlh'M Norv'iie ! -,.,j ftn a po.1tlTi guarantei-that tin lir.t .tt'e will bTinllt Ail drufrl. fsn. U i .t "n; l iM , T- r If,, or it ill bo t;t rit. ii.i, m ro i it-t of prtro by the lr. M,ku Mi.dicai Ju.t iakhart. UL Dr. Miles' Nervine If mPfl a r