The THE : STANDARD PRINTS THE AEWiH Til AT 18 JYHVJH For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. T AND A RD. -TURN'S OUT GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PEIOES. VOL. X-NO 10. CONCORD N. C THURSDAY. APRIL 1, 1897 WHOLE NO. 419 GIVE US A TRIAL THE STANDARD. A LOOtK BEAR. lair at Lara Mala afreet Caaera a Ripple r Ezeltemeai. It is BonaeiLitg quite out of th ordinary fur thin scribe to write seal bear etory, but the facts can be verifi'-d by hundreds of people. Friday afternoon while the great crowd exarmed on the streets, the big cinnamon bear with BparkV circus pulled up the stake to which it was fast rot d, took off its muzzle and walked deliberately from uc derneath the ten', making a straight cat for Main street. When reaching the sidewalk in front of the Morris hardware, the vicious looking ani mal met Jake Boger face to face. The bear hesitated fcr a moment, all the while Jake's eyes were grow ing larger and his heart betting faster, until he thought his time had surely come for a great strag gle. As Jake dashed ofi up Main street, the bear followed in close pursuit TLis little episode caused great exoitement, and it was the work of a moment that the street was cleared and the bear bad the town to i'self. It visited the Jew, Sidenburg, and made a flying trip to the haunts over the "clodiog" store, where the animal was cap tared by its Poland manager. It was then that the hearts of our offioers beat fiee and easy, for ap pealingty were voices beard from the store doors and windows for Chief Boger and the Sheriff to ar rest the bear. It showed no signs of viciousuess and was easily cap tured and managed. The keeper, as a matter of punishment, made bruin walk erect on its hind feet 10 its place under the canvass. Sack leal arniea naire. The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd (Jbnppe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cares Piles or no pay reqoi-ed. It it guaranteed to give statisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 oents per box ' For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug tore. Deetb by aa Oaea Switch. An open switch Dear Augusts, Ga., caused a head-end collission of trains by which J Y Ewing, a fire man, was killedyesterday. A Mew Balljr la Winston. The Daily Journal is to be the name of a new paper in Winston. It is Democratic. Mr. C L Knight is the editor. Jainee M. Mewborne Clot the Plnm. The Populist and Republican members of the Board of Agricul ture caucused Tuesday evening and fixed upon James M Mewborne for Commissioner of Agriculture. Salary $18000. VlaalMlppI flood Still Dangerous. The Mississippi riyer is still a source of terror. Many levees ha e broken and much damage done. The rise has temporarily ceased, but is expected to start again soon, as the flow is very great near the head waters. Aeeraatny Feaad entity. Arthur T Abernatby, the author of thoso two books of aoomolous nomenclature, has been under arrest for assault with deadly weapon on Rev. R P Ooode. Ou a plea ol in finity he was confined to the State Hospital at Morganton. He hae been tried and the jury readily brought in a verdict of guilty, thereby setting aside the idea of id sanity Bat on being called it was found that he had "given them the lli p." He is being sought. TASTELE5S ILL 13 JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE SOcta G alatia, H.U., Not. K, 1808. Fwta ModlelniCo., 8t. Lout, Mo, Grft'tlnmon: Wo kvld butt rear, MO bottle ol GHOVttrl TAHTKI.KAH CHILL TONIC and bar fcooKht turns nru already thia far. In all our ex ptjrtonca of U yonra. In th drug bmlnefti. hnn ATr wold uri amnio tbsvi gave iucta uolveraa aaiia famt'ffl - juur TuulOe lour, tnilr, """"" ABHKr. C-AJUI 00 JTor. ile and '"guarantee J by all dragging. TD NIC Items of WtaleBewe. The Atlanta Constitution infirm us that North Carolina claims a moonshiner who is only fifteen years old, but runs business sue- ceiefully. "This year's cotton acreage will be extremely large in this section," says the Raleigh Press. It is said the Murfrersboro rail road will apply for permission to take up it track, which is sis miles in length. It is operated br the Seaboard Air Line. ' Evangelist W P Fif-i is holding great meeting in Gaines ille, Gejrgia," says the Fayetteville Ob server. The Raleigh Nws and Observer says that Judge Walter Clark, asso ciate justice of toe Supreme Court of North Carolina, ia now writing s history of this State. It will be school book ; and will be published br tbe University r ublisning uom Danv. It will contain about 430 Daces, of which 100 pages have al ready been printed. The book will probably be issued from the press during the month ol August. Whirled te Dentil In a Laundry Wringer. New Orleans, March 24. A curi ous and horrible fatality occurred here teday at the American laundry. A yoorg man forking in the laun dry accidently fell into a machine u-ed for wrirgii g ont clothes, and was crushed and whirled to death in tens conds. The wringer is a ma- chice bnik on tha centrifugal prin ciple. It is a metal drum, in the centre of which m ates a peiforated reservoir, at the speed of 1,800 re?o lutions per minute. The unfortu nate man was attempting to secure belt just above it. lis slipped and fell Into it. Bis right arm was caught in the cylinders and was torn from his body at the shoulder. All the ribs on that side were found to broken when be was taken from the machine. Better Tban S100 Beward. Ou receipt of ten cents, cash cr stamps, a generous sample will be muled or tbe most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sumcient to demonstrate its great merits, full size 60 ots. JiXY isKOI HrSKS, 56 Warren St., New York City. I suffered from catarrh of tbe worst kind ever since a boy, and I never hoped for care, bat Ely' acquaintances hrve nsed it with ex cellent results. Oscar Ostrom, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago, III. Echoes of tbe Fight. . The Carson City executive com- mittee finds that, after counting up the proceeds of the ball, it will have $12,000 left over to devote to local charities. Washington Times. At the proper time we shall ex- peot an explanation from those gentlemen who furnished the exoit ing details of how Bob Fitzsimmont ran away from Jim Corbett a couple of years f go. Washington Post. Bjnks full, labor waiting, tariff rising, Corbett licked wnats to binder? Lets do business. Chicsgo Inter-Ocean. Mr. Fitzsimmons has proved him self capable of the highest b'strionic honors, and should appear at once n the roles of "Hamlet" and "King Lear-" Chicago Record. Corbett said yesterday morning: I will do my talking after the fight," The worst is et to come. Chicago Tribune. Gone to join t e yellows Janiee Corbett, the most effensive and the tnoBt peatiferom braggart the prize ring ever knew. New York Tribune. Other sections have no exclusive right to the name, so that Carson City might secure itself against future oblivion by recbristening it self Big Lick Philndelphia Times A Harder la Coaover. The Newton Enterprise says that last Saturday night the negroes had a festival in which the usual row was gotten up. Two young fellows with muob passion and little brain were quelled for a while but re newed their quarrel, when Calvin Rsinhardt, the father of one, took his boy away and into tbe house and seked the other to leave. He was answered insolently and just then a stone was burled at Calvin which cracked bis skull and killed bim almost instantly. , and Bat Hot Stranae. News of a distressing aff iir comes from near Albemarle. Two sons of Mr. Smith were in the oicbard near the house and handling a pistol As usual, it was accidently dis charged and the ball plowed through thi younger hoy s arm and uouy, lodging somewhere near me neari. i'he wound is considered necessarily fatal. When deadly weapons case to be bandied as play ihini there will be fewer bursts of wringing grief from hearts rendered comfortless witb bereavement. 8HORT LOCALS. Eight inches of snow fell in Chi cago Wednesday, the 24th. Montgomery county court will convene at Troy on the third Mon day in April. Tbe spring meeting of Concord Presbytery will be held in States ville on April 27th. It is said that blockaders are do ing a flourishing business in the upper section of this county. John Bain, founder of Mint HP) Academy, died at his home at Mint Hill, Mecklenburg county, Friday morning at the age of 89 years. Tbe discussion in the House on the tariff thus far is said to be rather lame. It will likely warm up before it gets through the Senate. Mr. Thomas Waller, of No. 4 township, says that farmers are con siderably behind with their work, but will make things hump before the soil hardens. New window sash bays been placed in the waiting room at the depot and tbe ones through which the robbers entered several times have been removed. "Cate," our Nussman correspon dent, says that there is some talk of the Isenhour mine in No. 7 township, startiog up again. Par ties are now prospecting. Mr. Eli Honeycult, who has been clerking at Mr. Bennett's hardware for several months, has gone to Lo cust, Stanly county, to make pre paratinns to move his family to ibis city. There is no reason why one should have a cough any length of time. All that is needed to allay soreness of the throat or to free the bronchial tubes from irritating mu cus is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It ia a wonderful cough cure and should be in every medicine chest. Messrs. W O Petrea, M L Cline, W B Fisber, Misses LoulaCook and Ida Ritchie comprise the. committee on entertainment for the ministers and delegates who will attend the meeting of the Synod of North Carolina, which meets at St. John's oa Thursday, April 29th. The following rate baa been authorised on account meeting Mecklenburg Presbytery at Gas tonia, N. C, April 11, 1897. Tickets on sale April 8th and fhh, final limit April 17th, 1897. Continu ous passage in eacu direction and fare for round trip 12 25. A young gentleman several days ago purchased a bicycle and while on bis nrst outing be met with, an accident, demolishing the lront end of his wheel. 1 here is nothing un usual about the affair exoept that the young fellow rolled bis bike to town in a wheelbarrow. Avar's Charrv Pectoral DOBsesses powerful healing qualities, which mamrest themselves whenever tnis remedy is employed in colds.coughs, Ihrnat. nr lnno tmuhlefl. Tin anodvne and expectorant effects are prompt ly realized. It is a chemical success and a medical triumph. Tbe directors accepted the design of Mr. F P Milburn, a Charlotte ar chitect, for the new auditorium, dormitory, and gymnasium build ing at the Raleigh institution tor tbe blind. Ibe building will be 65x100 feet in oize and three stories high, and the auditorium will seat 1.000 persons. Tbe cost is to be 122.000 Gastonia Gazette. The Goldaboro Argus says thai Frank Baker, a loud-moutbed and offensive negro politician of Dud ley, Wayne county, was assassi nated in bis store last Saturday night, while waiting on customers. He was shot from ouuide the etore. Baker had the town incorporated by tbe late Legislature, against tbe wishes of a majority of tbe people, and this ia believed to have led im mediately to bis killing. The Hit of tbe made by Ayer's Sarsa parilla. Just at this season when Spring and its debill. tatlng days are- with us, there is notn inglikeAyer'i Sarsaparilla to put new life Into the sluggish sys tem. It sweeps away the dull ness, lack of appetite, lan. guidness, and pain, as a broom sweeps away eob. webs. It does not brace up. It builds up. Its benefit ia lasting. D O you feel run down 1 Take AYER'S Sarsaparilla ad lor "Cn reboot. noaafea) Pre. C Ajrer Gas towfU- VM. Tbe name of John A Kimmons has been suggested for mayor. Have you heard the Root-Tea-Na quartett 7 Their muBio is great. Local option prohibition discus sions are playing a part in the mu aicipal campaign in Charlotte. Thfl frnnt nf tVin Phifar Vinilrlino has donned its spring attire. It has be n dressed in two-ply tan colored pain i. Mrs. Cress 'who lives at the Buf falo Mills, was accidentally run into by a bicyclist lbursday evening and was burt, but not seriously. It only does a woman good to go visiting when she comes back ex pressing thankfulness that she is not married to her hostess' bus band. North Carolina Sun. Several mormon preachers are going through the country. It is said that a big meeting will be held at Martin's high bridge on Rocky River, where tbe believers of that faith will await tbe coming of tbe end of the world. Some very rich gold ore has been found on one of the bills near the city. A beautiful yellow nugget about tae siza of . chiuquepin wae picked out of a rock several days ago. We are not at liberty to tell more about tbe find at present. From all reports and the present sentiment of the majority of the working people of tbe city, Mr. James F Hurley will make a strong run for tbe mayor's office. His name is on the end of every man's tongue when asked : "Who do you want for our next mayor ?'' Mr. W A Wilhelm, of Bowie, Montague county, Texas, gave The Standard a pleasant call Tuesday. Mr. Wilhelm baa been living in the West for a Dumber of years, and will return to his borne out there after a visit of several weeks with relatives in this county. Fifty dollars a week easily made. Agents wanted in every locality for Hon. W J Bryan's great and only book, "The First Battle," Tbe best seller ever produced. Agents are taking as many as 200 orders per week. Beware of fraudulent imitations. Bend for outfit and be gin work at once. W U Conkney Company, Publishers, 341 Dearborn Street, Chicago. al4 It is being talked that an asphalt bicycle track, three feet in widlb, will be built from tbe court house to the cemetery, on either side of main street, and that an ordinance will be asked for, making it a mis demeanor for any wheelman who! shall not ride to the right band side. Of course, it's all talk. Self-denial is the one thing most difficult to inculcate and always bard to practice, especially when there are good things to eat within reach. But there ia no self denial necessary if you take Simmons Liver Regulator. It promotes di gestion, prevents dyspepsia and a dose after a hearty meal of delicacies will prevent any discomfort It's the beet good-night toddy. ('naked Blmaeirt Death. The Statesville Landmark sai that Will Myers, aged 22 years, who lived in the upper edge of New Hope township on the Wilkes line, 23 miles from Statesville, committed suicide Taesday morning by hang. ing himself. Coroner John Young received intelligence of the occurrence Tuesday evening and went up Wednesday morning and held an ioqueut. Tbe following facta were d "eloped. Myers was married less than two months ago and be and bis wife lived with his mother. He bad been drinking heavily of late, hay. ing consumed a gallon of whiskey save one pint which his wife bad conoealed from him, from last Fri day up to the morning of bis death. In consequence of bis debauch he was very much depressed and fr( quently wished himself dead. Myers mother was away from heme and early Tuesday morning he sent his wife to John Rash's, about a mile distant, to tell Kash that he wanted to tee him. The woman says she was not gone more than a half hour and on ber return sLe found hor husband dead. lie had taken a plow line, fasttned it to a beam in his cabin, and looking the other end around his neck choked himself to death. His feet were on the floor and bis knees wire bent to within seyen inches of tbe floor showing that he had born down with all his strength in his ff rt to strangle himself. There was no evidence of domestic or other trouble and the concluaion reached was tbat Myers committed suicide while temporarily insan from drink. Jarere for federal Cenrt. Jurors have been drawn for the spring term of the United States Federal Court, to be held in Char lotte, which convenes on Monday, April 26th. The following Cabar rus jurors have been announced) Paul Alexander, Zeb. A Morris and J R Bradford. WAlwAui It. M lee' lien New Charlie Junker Killed. t . Flojd bherrill, a 13 year -old boj of this city, was in company witb Charlie Junker, who was ran over and killed by an express train near Wilmingtoo, Del., several weeks ago. The two boys left here to gether and had "bummed" all the long journey. Sherriil has returned home and says and Junker were preparing to leave the yards near Wilmington and that be (Suit rill) boarded tbe front end of a freight train and left Junker to get oo last. J nit as tbe unfortunate boy was In the act of catching the train, a brakeman warned bim not to do so, and in obedience to tbe command, stepped back on to an other track (there being a d ublt track) and at the same instant wai truck by the express train. Bherrill lays be saw the train strike tbe boy but tbat he did not go back; tbe train be was on wae going at full speed and hews afraid to jump off, Sherrill tells several accounts cf the killing, but the above is about tbe straightest we could get i Aa Excellent luartet. Dr. McCockry, a pattnt medicine man now in our m;dst, has witb him some of the fiueet singers tbat have Tuited our city in many years. In faot tbe quartette is seldom equalled. Mr. W O Stouffar, the first tenor, has a sweet voice tbat is par excellence: Mr. J D Laurens sings a second tenor tbat ia splen did; Baritone Ike N LaRue is rim. ply out o' sight, while Mr. t Warner, who is possessed of a deep bass voice, is superior to thousands who arr considered fine. This quartette gives open air concerts eyery night and the treat is enjoyed by large crowds of music lovers. It's all free, too. a bant the lee rectory and Steam Laundry. There is considerable interest manifested oo tbe part of our citi zens in regard to the ice factory and steam laundry spoken of by The Standard several weeks ago. Mr. Qowan Duaenbery, one of the main projectors, informed the Standard reporter that the enterprise is a cer tainty, and that the plant will be pot in just as soon as a suitable site oan be determined upon. It is the intention of the company to have everything running by the 1st of May. A Wreck at Blacfcebnra;. Train No. 11, tbe Southbound passenger train which passed here at 10.30 o'clock a. m., was wrecked Wednesday two miles south of Blacksbnrg, 8. O. At the 4241 mile post the front pair of wheels under tbe engine left tbe track. Tbe engine, tender, mail car, bag gage car, second anl first 'class coaches all jumped tbe track, stop ping o'ear of the main line, all right side up. Four persons were injured, bnt not fatally. They were: Engi neer Chatham, Fireman Hulsey, Flagman Chapman and postal clerk Robert Mansfield. The cause of the wreak has not been determined. All trains going north were delayed for several hours Executive Committee Will Beet. There will be a meeting of the Democratic Executive Committee of No. It township to determine whether or not a convention and primaries will be held. There are several important questions for con sideration. Open the 4th of Bey. The Women's Exposition in Charlotte will open the 4tb of May. Twenty-five cents will be the fee for ad mission. There will be three kinds of special tickets: Individual, season tickets, club tickets and children's special. Bear Poplar Sotee. Mr. Jesse Miller has been sick for two or three weeks. very His condition is dangerous. Prof. B B Miller, who is teaching at Troutman'a, and his sister, who is going to school there, came home last Fiiday evening Salisbury World. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word REOULA TOR is not on a package it is not Nothing else is the same. It cannot be and never hat been put up by any one except J. H. ZEELShJ & CO. And it can be easily told by their Trade Mark the: red z. Beaiaaed. Prof. E B Selzler, of North Ouro lina College, has placed his resigns tion in the hands of the secretary of the board of trustees of that iustitu tion to take iffed at the end of the present term. Prof. Setzler is an able, efficient and ambitious educator and purposes to make teaching bis life work. He will take a post graduate course a Johns Hopkins University. It it this laudable purpose tha'. leads to his loea to North Carolina College. Broke t'p In a Bow. A concert Tusday night at Thomasville broke op abruptly iu row. Prof. Patchen took occa sioa to deny tbat be had at some time previously nfbeted on South ern women and challenged any one to confront him and say that he had. Prof Rbeinhardt accepted the challenge and soon paseed the lie to to Patchen. The concert came to a quick adjournment. Two More Bruo-Ntoree. It is rumored on the streets this afternoon that Dr. G F Arey and Mr. G orge Heglar, two prominent men of New London, will soon move to this city and open a drug store It is also rumored that Dr. J C Mauney, wbo cow lives at Jackson Hill, iu Davidson county, contem plates moving here to run a drug tore. Time is about the only thing that will verify tbe truth or falsity cf these rumors. The Faanlon In Spring- Jacket!. "The sleeves of the new jackets," writes Isabe'l A Mallon in the April Ladies' Home Journal, "are decided ly smaller, the necessary fullneBs being immediate at the top. "The revers are not exaggerated, the rather simple masculine coat collar and lapels being fancied, and these are yery often faced witb velvet. "There are few ripp'e effects ; in stead, the smart jacket that Is, the semi-fitted one rests smoothlj across the back and does not sug gest too much fullness. "Covert oloths are especially ravorea. me colors in vogue are fawn, tan, light and dark blue reseda, cream white, black, as a matter cf course, and all the innumerable grays. "Braiding especially with sou tache, obtains very generally, and coats have designs arranged for them, tbe braiding being done by band so tint a wide effect is given to the shoulders, a narrow to tbe waist, and a broad to the hips. Short Empire coats entirely covered with braid, put on lengthwise are seen. ' Small buttons ef ivory, pearl and gilt are used, the ivory and the pearl being the round ballet shape, while the gold buttons are flit and suggestive of gold dollars. Large buttons, notably those showing the Delft colorings and patterns, con tinue to be popular, but the newest jackets show the fly doping witb no attempt at plaoing buttons as if they were really used." UfV. n. A Smith. Ashevilleis highly favored in her preachers this year as in the past. Rev. M A Smith, of Haywood St, unnrcn, spent a lew hours m Greensboro last week. His fiuiily has been in Cary sometime and be bad been there on a visit and wee returning to bis work. Bro- Smith is an all round man and is a wise master builder. He does not make much noise bat lets his work speak Tbe more his people see of him and the better they know him the more tbey will appreciate and love him. Christian Advocate. A happy event took place at tbe Lutheran parsonage last Sundav afternoon at 3 o'clock. It was the marriage of Mr. John Beckom and Miss Ida Wbitesell, both of West Burlington, Rev. V Y Boozer offi ciating. Burlington News. Applee of llolil In Plcturee of - liver Tbe following from the Chatham Record is timely indeed and ini presses upon us tbe proverb : Wordi' fitly spokan are like apples of gold in pntures of silver. "If the people should lose conQ dence in the integrity and honesty of their judges anarchy and mob rale may le expected. Therefore it is to be regretted tbat a per&iatent attempt is being made by some per sons and papers to destroy the re spect and confidence of the people ia and for some of oar most emi nent judges. And it ii especially to be regietted that so perdistent an attempt is to be made to excite th prejudices and passions of our peo ple against the Federal judiciary which, when the Southern people were in such dire distress, was their only bulwark against the diabolical legislation of a vindictive Congress. Yes, it was the Supreme court cf the United States tbat s'nod a shield to the oppressed people of the South during tbe dark dajs of re construction, and it was a FeJeral judge (Brooks) who iorced a North Carolina Governor (Io J-d) to re lease John Kerr and other victims of Kirks tyranny. The people ot North Carolina have not forgotten ar.d should not forget, that tbe Federal judiciary has protected them when all other human help had failei them." Every Church Improved. Rev. V R Stickley, president of North Carolina Evangelical Lulh eran Synod, tells us that since the war every church, with one excep tion, witbiu the bounds of tbe North Carolina Lutheran Synod, has been either remodelled or built anew. The exception is Trinity church, No. 4 township, Cabarrus county, which is now served by Iiev. Stickley. This will cease soon to be an exception. Plane and speci fications for a handsome new brick church have been prepared. The money has already been provided for. In passing we wish to add tbat of the coet of erecting this new church Mr, II W Ludwig pays one third, Mr. Ephraim Fisher one sixth and the congregation the bal ance. An Antl-TrnKt DecUlon. Nothing has recently stirred the railroud circles so much as tbe sus preme court decision in the Trans- Missouri case. Justice Peckbaui has decided that the association of railroads for the maintenance of freight and pas en. ger rates is in violation of tbe anti trust lawj. The decision seems yery far- reaching in its effects and it will probably be the dissolu'ion of such associations all over the country. Attorney Ueneral liarmon is elated over the decision and thinks it an important triumph for the law. You can be well when your blood is neb, pure and nourishing Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the blood neb and pure and cures all blood diseases, restoring health and vigor. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, headache, zoo. "I Kcturn to the Thine Oau." The Monroe Journal says : Tbe late revival meeting has be n the cause cf putting some conscience money into circulation. One gentlei man living in the country called at the postofflce a few dbys ago and asked for his mail. He was banded a letter which be found to contain $12, and a scrap of pap'-r with oolv these words on it: "This is your money." De did not understand why any one should be sending him money ia that style, and after two or three days thought, concluded that it was from a man who bad got ahead of him about that much in a trade sometime back. The other morning Belk Bros, received a letter containing $1 06 and a note saying, "this is for a coat I beat you out of." Another man living in the country received $15 which a man had unjistly gotten from him in a bow trade. Abune Ilia lieutroye! Its Value. The complimentary reading no tice is a good thing which has been 8) greatly abused that it has lost all value. Most advertisers are ready to admit this, and yet in backwoods sections and country villages they have become so in the habit of in sisting upon an occasional puff that they feel greatly aggieved if they do not get it. The advertisers wbo are tbe most insistent upon getting a puff for themselves are the very first to condemn a paper for filling up its columns with "write-ups " instead of good matter. Printers Ink. ry A f w acttti anfl UnrrMAnf m rctiovol unwu pmmM Absolute! TarCe Celebrated for its great leavening strength and bealthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powder Co., New York. bow Girl Should Consider Propos , ale. "My dear girl, when a man asks you to become his wife you ought to put some questions to yourself," writes Ruth Ashmore to girls oq "The Profession of Marriage," in the April Ladies Home Journal. "Satisfy yourself tbat you love this man well enough, not only to be happy with him, but, if need be, to suffer with him. Decide for your self if this be the man of all others in whom you will find your ideal companion, for companionship means aa much in marriage as ia friendship Then, you must think of the future. Ask yourself, too. whether this man brings out in you all that is best, whether he pro vokes that which is little and mean n you, or whether he piques you into making lightof that which is good. Decide whether this man is the one with whom you would bo willing to grow old ; whether this man is the one to whom you would, without hesitancy, submit questions that trouble your conscience. Then, too, you must ask yourself what seems, perhaps, like a trivial ques tion, whether this man is one whose name you will feel honored in bearing, not because of any material wealth he may possess, but because of his being an honest gentleman. mink out all these things, ask yourself question upon question, not only as to bis htness, but as to yours, and then, if you give him the loving answer that he wishes, try to become thoroughly acquaint ed with him.'' GREAT SALES prove the great merit ol Hood's Sarsaparilla. iloods Sarsaparilla polls bocause it accouiplidhes CREAT CU RES. KArmere TarllT Indeed. Soma of our more extreme Republican exchanges are calling the Dingley tariff bill the "farmers tariff bill." It certainly requires a great deal of cheek for a North Carolina paper to call any kind of tariff bill a "farmers bill." When it is remembered that North Caro lina farmers raise only tobacco and cotton for sale, that we export the large proportion of those crops, and that the price of what is consumed in this country is regulated entirely by tbe price which we get for the surplus sold in the open. free trade markets of tbe world, no one be lieves that putting a tariff tax, no matter bow high, on these articles would rite thir price a single point. Than the North Carolina farmer receives no benefit from the tariff. The only way it can affect him will be to compel him to pay higher prices for what he buys. The "farmers tariff" indeed. Mascot. 'GREATEST ON EARTH." lr, .Till o ItestoratlTO Nervine. Mr. R T. Caltlwoll, Is book-keeper tn tho First National Il&nk. of Fulton, Ey. "I was roninlrti'lv run down. Mv norvos bwuiiin po mist rung through lost of Blcp ami w.irry tluit I fflt sure I would bo rom- puik'H iiiuivo up my position, i wouiu no awakoiill night lontf, ami it took but little 1& 7 R. X. 1'AI.DWtU to shako me up sn t but f cmiM n uul. In - (r.-u.U, paint tn No much i to try vine. I! - I tl.H till ) con nor tit m with tlo.s I Ji uciill IO my nil'inrvi us k Mi avino-ts ftliimt. V- stomach. ' dlffrrmit partM nf my l)'iy. I . reuueeu In llt-h. l v.m p r i Dr. Miles' Restorative I first nriK'tin-'l a trial butt! . f, driJKJ-'ist Ilil'i i;. Mill n "-III t m i; - ' If it'll nrorurvu a ))ir r r.nt . . ! i 1 IlllU IWHl tills II ) HUH IIMmI am now on my 1 1 lrl n if gU'cn HiiuiMlly fth'l fat P ul., . f . I mold not do A (''Tin. I lira in i vv iu'' ii' j. bt'sitato tn nrnii.'iiii. r hr. Mile.' ISurvlno tlin yrcf;j n rune 'M m Fulton, Ky. U T A I.I. V.I I.I. Dr. Mllps NVrvInn (piaratnei' tlu.i 1 hi- Ii i--t Alldrimi'M -sell M hi fl It Will lie si lit. on I : !!. M on n tM ; It..' A II ' ' 1 1 1 I I n t i It , f r ., l L, Lint Dr. Miles' Nervine k,,.m-, in " 1 1

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