THE STANDARD L'UUNS OUT GOOD -JOB -WORK AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL G. L. PIEKCfc APPKEHENDED Attempted Fcai. and Waa ahol 11 is NtaU mrnt IIU-UnuKlilor'a Ia lilt-tic nrr. About 4 o'clock yesterday af ler- noon SLtiiff Bacbanan received a telegram from Sheriff Hughes, of SbirnuiD, Texas, asking for the or rest of Geo L Pierce, charged witb swindling Sheriff ISuchanau im mediately snore out ft warrant before Esq. Pitts and placed it in the hands of Deputy Sheriff 0 A Cook and Constable Will Johnston, who found Pierce at his hone in Forest Dill and arrested him. The prisoner aeked to be allowed to go into his house to e-t his coat. The officers weut with him. At an uu expected moment Pierce jerked open the back door and ran most glibly for abont 500 yards. lie was hotly pursued, and at the distance of abont 25 yards a 38 calibre pistol was fired at him (we could not learn by whom) and it was not a bad aim, for Pierce fell sprawling wiih the ball tying deep in the upper and rear part of the right thigh. lie was then conveyed to the jiil where Dr. Young probed the wound ami found it cot practicable to cutout the ball. The wound is only a flash wound and id not serious, though the ball will probably be carried by the unfortunate man the rest of his days. Mr. Pierce made the following itement to Tub Standard: In Oolober 1893 I traveled for II ib bard Bros., in Denison, Texas, (10 miles from Sherman) at a salary of $100 per month nnder a contract of 6 months, though I wiaheJ only a 3 months contract. Qu the 20th of December I pictted up a circular of the firm's in uiy travels en which I read "Ou and after December 24th Mr. Pierce will uo longer be in our employ. Mr. W L Saunders, so well and favorably known to the trade, will succeed to the position." Learning thip, said he, I wrote to know if I should come in. Tbey answered on, but I went to the house anyhow,, wbeu tbey informed me that they would rather have Saun ders. I reminded them that the contract was for 6 months and that I claimed the wages according to contract. Tbey retused to pay it and I io!d them that I had $290 of their money and would not give it up until they made settlement. Tney threatened to prosecute me fut embezzlement. 1 defied them. Later they presented the caee to the grand j ary, but I made my statement too, and the jury did not find a true bill agaitst mi', but at a later court in the abeenoe of my statement the grand jury did find a bill against me. I gV6 bond for my appear ance at court. I came with my family to Winston, N. O., in '95 In March '96 I should have been at court in Texas, but I did not have the money to go, and so informed my bondsmen, but that I would come if mrans were sent me. I have been in correspondence with my counsel and my whereabouts hat not been a secret. I knew nothing more cf the off tir until the waTun whs served on me when in an un wise and thoughtless moment 1 at tempted to tscpi by ru-nu-.g Ii was very foolish of ni. While we wcro scribbling dowt hu ords bis daughter, a slendei girl about gr wn,cauitt in and with out a word dropped upon his couch aud placing her face ou his and hei arms about his neck sobbed her filial t rief in a moat touching ,vein. Af er ccmrosure she asked him, "Why did you attempt to run i" "I bated to be torn from yon or my family, he said. Mr. Pierce talks freely and Intel ligeutly atd says there ia no need to procure riquisition papers, that be is entirely willing to go to Texas and coufront the prosecutors with" out fear of conviction. The story of Mr. Pierce would be altogether more satisfactory to dis crimit a'icg minds if he had not left Texas un'il released from the bond If innocent of all other charges whiob we would te glad to believe, he must carry a sense of guilt in leaviu? bis bondsmen at the mere; of the court, and that too while claim ni! innocecoa of crime and his ahiliu to substantiate it in the rnurt. Mtieh svniDathv is due to his fami.y of wife and two daughters. Daily S'andard of Apiit 8th. Oar Vacation. Owing to the physical condition of lie. B Frank Oavis, p-istor ol Trinity Reformed oboroh, who suf fers nervous prostration, there will be no preaching at bis church for leveral Sundays. His physician ad Tised Rev. Davis to take a rest and hn sjnerecation hag unauirnouidy agreed that he shall have a month's aoation. We hope that tne it-v pavis will soon bn well agiin. VOL. X NO 12. Inter Stale t oninii-ree Law and lb Dlxpenaarjr. South Carolina's dispensary la is to be tested in the Uuitvd S;r.tea Courts as it see' as to with the Interstatea commerce law. One Beckrogs, o,f Georgia, went to Charleston to Ret married ant! sent a trunk by expro.ia with wines for the occasion. While in the ex prcts office two cctvitablei took po" aeepion and would not deliver the trunk, wherr-upon the bridegroom sued the two CTns'ablfs, as ini'.irid- ua!s, for a viola'ion ol the Inter- states Commerce law. A motion was made fur a nolle prosequi on the ground that they were acting under authority of the law of South Carolina. Judge Simonton over ruled the motion and the constables will have to stand trial. Two Hilled on the C. V A Y. V. Ou yesterday (Weduefday) after noon near Pilot Mountain a freight engine on the O F & Y V railro id from tome unknown cause, left the rails nud was thrown over, instantly killing Coudufitor Fred Vt Foushee, of Mt, Airy, and Fireman Wal'er CliaUin and eevercly hur ing El giueer Jetee Powers. A l.arKO Llllvr. Mr. A II Misenheimer, who lives about Uo miles from town, has two black rabbits, the female of which g ve birt'a this week to one of the largest litters on record. Ten little rab' i s were born at one time. The rabb is are all colors from black to white. Salisbury World. A Rllacr'a Way. The Stalesville Landmark tells of one Levi Bost, who died at his home four miles from Stateaville recent y at the age of 92 years. He bad a will and named J S Norris as executor. When Mr. Norris went o take charge of the tlL-cls, Mrp. IWt, the only survivor of his fam ily showed him up ttairs whero in a nail keg with old plunder thrown over it was a Boug little sum. At another place between the ceiling and the weather boarding a second sum was found. In books about ?ere bills. The total sum was $2,681. Doubtless the safety of these aged people lay in the fact that no one but themselves knew of the money or even suspected that there was money about them. To F.nlnrf the Itlencliery. Superintendent St'ne of the ble.;chery Informed a Standard re porter today that arrangements were about all made for tb enlargement of the bleao.hery plant at this place. An antiex sixty feet square, two stories high will be added and will extend south of the present building Work will begin on the building just as early as the brick can be Dade. New and improved machinery is to be placed in the bieachery. Ncourea Out n Man Ktomach, I.oak Ins at Ilia Internal Economy tbo While. With a littlo machine which looks like an egg beater, Dr. Fenton B Turck cleaned out the interior if a man's stomach, and by rotate if X-rays obm-rved the entire pro One end cf the instrument, which m called a gyromele, is a flexibl if Rpiral etuo wir to which is at ached a email pping. Tho cabl a inclosed in a rubber tube and this, with tho sponge, was swallowed liv the uatieut. The hitter, who was stripped to the waist, then stepped before the Roentgen light ; ho doctor put" the iluoroscnpe to bis eyes, and an attendant turned the handle of the gyromele. The cable revolved as fast or as 'off as was deeired, and the sponge at the further end proceeded to it work of scouring the inner walls ol the patient's stomach, while the doctor viewed the woik by locating the metallic cable with the aid of X rays. By pui-hing nr pulling on ihe cable various parts of the innei walls of the stomach were operatert hi. No nausea or discomfort was fel1 by the patient, although he stood before the rave more than an houi while the doe torn in attendance, thi nurses, the operator of the X ray ou'fU and a newspaper man (X arained his interior. Chicago Dis patch. marrlnve of III inn atallord to Mr. Wenrn. Mr. and Mra. S. M. Stafford r (ii st the honor of your prmenco ui the marriage of their daugutei i'annle, to Mr. Wlllllam Hlcliard Wearn, On Weilnemluy, April twenty lirst, eighteen hundred and ninety seven at half-after three o'clock. at their home, Ilarrisburi;, North Curollna. The above invitation has been re ceived by a number of Miss Staf ford's friends in this city. il-IE SHORT LOCALS. Tho rates on telephones in Con cord has boen reduced from 140 to 830 por year. Mr. A K Buck, a leading Repub liean of Oeorgia.has been appointed in milliliter to Japan. New drums, fifes and bugles have arrived and the drum corps is now well equipped with everything needful in the regulation outfit. Negro guards were appointed at the Slate farms ou the Roanoke, and thoFo white guards who had been retained resigned immediately. It is propoeed to revive the Mt. Holly fair this year which has slept for five years. The work of laying ou auu uxing up is aoout to Degin, says Mayor Bowman. r J.; I - 1 i ! Messrs. P J Goodman and Will Harris, two young men of Moores ville, took their departure Thursday for Arbuckle, Cal., whtre they will engage in farming. Mr. T 6 Furr closed his school Nowells Tuesday last and reports having made fine progress. He has returned to his home at Sunny sido, Rowan county. The cec.'ud uig'nt, of the "Story of the Reformation" at Salisbury was as highly apprecieted as the first and was in every way a success, says both the World and the Sun. The long distance telephone company has placed an elegantly furnished booth in its othoe at the il. Cloud hotel. The addition of this improvement will be greatly appreciated by our people. Mr. J A Sims will probably be in our midst for some time. He says tnat it is a mistake that be contem plates moving his family to Raleigh. This we give as a piece of good news to th many friends and neighbors of Mrs. Sims. Congress passed promptly and the President signed immediately Wednesday a l not resolution ap propriating $2u0,000 to the suflerers of the late floods along the Minsis sippi and its tributaries, and Red ri7crand also tbo tied nvtr of the North. Dr. R T. Griffin, veterinary Mir. geon, treats all diseases of horses and cattle. Surgical operations a specialty. Teeth carefully extract ed, rrompi attention is given to all calls through telephone or bv mail, or message left at Brown & tiros, stable, Uoncord, IN. U. There is anxious interest in Washington society over a rumor that Maxroyeni Bey, the Turkish mmiBter to this country, intends to bring thirty or forty of his best- ooking wives from his harem next season and establish them in bis magnificent apartments there. Some of these women are said to be young and very handsome. Raleigh Prese- Visitor. At Raleigh Wednesday night a am d exploded in the stable of tl e fire company and two faithful fire engine horses perished in the mer ciless flauios before they could be rescued. The unauthoriz-d absence if JoePeuny, a negro fireman, is responsible for the loss of the two horses and Boine damage to the fire engine. Charles Reid, of Macon. Ga., well known to the printers throughout the south, on 1 uesday lant, snot and instantly killed L W Hal- stead, an attache of Cooper's circus. Halstead inulted Held 8 wite, which brought the nusband s wratb uuon him. A coroner's inquest was held and rendered a verdict of justifiable homicide. There are 418 graves of North Carolina soldiers buried at Wio Chester. Vs.. and by the middle ol Juno each Kraye will be marked by a granite hiadstor.p. It is alt-o hoped there will be enough money to nut up, in the center ot the in one Carolina plot, tall maib'e cross with the words Nor-h Carolina o it Ashiville Citizen. Fifty Years Ago. Thii li tlie wy It wm bound to look When grandfather had hia "plcter took. Theae were the ahadowa caat befor The coming ol Conjurer Daguerr And hia art ; like a girl in a pinafor Borne day to bloom to a goddeaa fair. Men certainly were not aa black, we know a they pictured them, go yeara aga. t Ayer's Sarsaparilla began to make new men. Just aa the new pictures of men began to be made. Thousands of poople fronted the oamera with Bkina mvde clean from blotch And blemish, because thoy had purified the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It Is as powerful now as then. Its record proves it. Others Imitate the remedy ; tnJ Kia't imitate the record : po Years of Curea, CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, ' Mr. T C Lino has received the Democratic nomination for the mayoralty of Salisbury. Mrs, Cornelia Morse, wife of M. Richard H Morse, died at her home in Charlotte Friday. Messrs. D E Walter and P G Sides baye opened a barber shop at Cannon ville. Mr. Charles II A Blume has re signed his position as guard on the county chain gang and hae return ed to the city. He was prompted to resign by the recent cut in wages Mrs. Rev. J E L Winecoff, who has been at Rome, Ga , for several months under treatment, is very much improved and is now able to walk without the aid of crutches. The Charlotte Observer says: "Mr. Peter Glass, of Glass' Hiding, oomes to Charlotte every year to celebrate bis birthday. Friday be ing the date, he was here. Mr. M F Teter, who has been at Rocky River Springs for a long time, where be went to regain his health, has returned to his home at Harrisburg, and is thought to be somewhat improved. Calvin Scott, a prominent citizen of Charlotte, diod at his home in that city Friday Dight at the age of 05 years. He was the father of Messrs. John M and W'alter Scott, who are well known in this city. A landslide occurred on the Air Lice division of the Southern rail way this side of Atlanta Thursday afternoon and has delayed all south ern t re: Hi o and mails. The cause of the break is attrit utid to excessive rains. One might as well try to stem the rapids of Niagara, as to expect perfect health while a Scrofulous taint exist in the blood. Through its alterative and purifying proper ties, Ayer's Sarsaparilla removes every vestige of Scrofulous poison from the blood. The landslide which occurred on the Air Line division of the South- era railroad at Ayresville, Ga., Thursday, was discovered by a tramp, who promptly notified the railroad authorities, thereby pre venting an accident. Naturally fair complexions would be the rule rather than the excep tion, as unfortunately it is at pres ent, if the ladies would wholly abandon cosmetics, and more gen erally keep the blood pure and vig orous by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa rilla, the only reliable blood purifie ( The Wilmington papers tell of a brilliant floating mass that passed rapidly westward over the city Monday night. It was thought to be an air ship and excited much interest. If it was only an air snip they won't even look up at such a thing a hundred years from now. Mark what we tell you. President Edwin A Alderman, of the University, has consented to dt- lver the address at the closing ex ercipes of the Concord High Schoi 1 on May 21. Both the school and the community are to be congratu lated. Dt. Alderman s repulat on as an orator is not confined to the State or the South, but is rapidly extending over the whole country. An old time country darkey w; i on the streets Friday afternoon ana while passing along in the front ol J L Miller's grocery store, having noticed the watering trough at the Dump, lav down upon the ground and drank freely. Ashe arose be remarked : '1 neber sutlers lur water whin I kin git to it." Fifty dollars a week easily made. A eents wanted in every locality for Hon. W J Bryan's great and only book, "The First Battle." The best Beller ever produced. Agents are taking as many as 200 order per week. Beware of fraudulent imitations. Send for outlit and be uin work at once. W B Conkney Company, Publishers, 341 Dearborn Street, Chicago. 14 A Richmond paper says that a young woman of that place declarer- that when sne received oer iirm masculine kiss "felt as it something as running down her nerves on feat of diamonds, escorted by sever al little Cupids in chariots drawn by angels, shaded by honeysuckles and canopied by melted rainbows. Capt. Evan P Howell, for yeart the bead ot the Atlanta uonstitu tion, bas retired from the manage ment of the paper and is succeeded as editor in chief by his son, Clark Howell. W A Hemphill was elect ed president of the compauy. ft ere will be no change in the poi i-y of the paper. Raleigh Press Vititor. That last sentence con tains the bad news. Mr. Bruce Tbornburg lives ir Berryhill township. Wednesday bis 11-year old daughter was in thi bottom land near the boupe outting and buruinecorn stalk?. The wind was blowing hard and as the girl went close to tbe fire, her dress lighted, and before help reached her her clothing "was entirely burn ed from her body and ber flesh badly charred. Sne died in a few hours, says tbe Charlotte UDserver. No people suffer so much from physical disabilities as those whose busiiieaat inquires little or no mus cular exertion. Tbe lack of exer cise causes the liyer to become sluggish and the result is constant (Jonstipation, indigestion, uuiou nes9 and Sick Headache. To pre. vent this take Simmons Liver Regulator; it keeps the liver active and makes one s condition as com fortable as those who have much exercise. TANDARD. KNOXVILLE'3 GREAT FIRE. Fearful Laaa of Lira and Properly Hlowlna; Dona Walla Wltb Caption Inanranea Abont SO Per Ceo I. of l.oa. The fire was discovered about 4 o'clock in the morning of the 8'b (probably in the Hotel Knox, dis patches futl to saj) and spread rapidly under a stiff wind. Several blocks in the heart of town were demolished by tbe flames and in their course explosions occurred shattering plate glass for distances around and wounding many. Tbe fire department was rmrqual to the emergency and got the help of towns near. A train bringing tbe Chatta nooga firemen made the rate of 60 miles an hoar, but found the flames subsiding to some extent on arriving. In tbe battle with the fhmes a can. non charged with grape shot wti need to batter down burning walls. Tbe scene waa exciting in tbe ex treme and one man fell dead from being overcome. Four persons are known tohive tierished in tbe ilitnea while others efcuped almost without clothing and ten or more are injured. Items of loss by firms nd real estate owners show to those unac quainted with Knoxville, the mag nitude and the richness of trade centre in which the fire did its ter rible woik. Several millions of dol lars worth of property is probably destroyed with more or less insur ju ranee, probably averaging CO per cent. ffegrlaeted Heroea. During the Revolution, seven men from tbe immediate vicinity where Newton stands, nnder the command of Matbias Barringer were ordered in the direction of Old Fort, to tbe defense of the western fron tier of North Carolina, against tbe marauding Chtrokees. Believing that tbey h.d driven the Indians evor the Blue Ridge, they were leis urely returning, when a band of tbe ravages, wbo had eluded them, fired on them fsom ambush ou John'r Kiver, near Morganton, and killed all but Philip Fry. While the In dians were scalping the murdered men Fry escaped, but the Indiana were soon on hia track and gaining on him. A sharp knoll bid him for a moment. He secreted him self nnder a large tree blown across his path while the foremost Indian crossed over bis body. He then made his lonely way home, to tell tbe mournful story. Tbe bodies of bis comrades were never buried. Uoubtlees the mountain vultures devoured them. These men fell in tbe dtfense cf their country no less than those wbo fell at King's Mountain or Guilford Court House. Written history has made no record of their valor. Shall we of this generation allow their services and their names to perish from the memory of men ? It is due to them, that a suitable monument be erected in th -ir honor. The alote is clipped from an ad dress by J 0 Clapp president, and 8 A 8elzer secretary, of an associa tion who will eicct monument and bold a kind of bistorio and unveil ing service on the 2nd and 3d days of July and an appropriate religious s rvice tn Sunday the 4th of July. It will doub'less be un occasion of deep interest; $500 are wanted and the committee lope that descend ants of Jno. Paul Barringer, Capt. Matthias Barringer's brother, will take pleasure in contributing tc the fund. The MlwilMilupl DlNaater. The New York Journal estimates tbe following summary of tbe re sults of the late floods on the Mis. siesippi river: Total ti umber of lives lost 200, total number of people made homeless 150,000, total number of refugees reported 50,000, unac counted for, but probably rescued 100,000, total number of farm ani mus that are drowned 10,000, total erpare miles of land submerged 10, 000, total damage to property $100, 000,000, number of men figh'ing the flood 20 000 O A iXACnitRn(7nnrMATtMfn"vel UrVl aby ir. UW f.orvo Huatora. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word RllGULA TOR is not on a package it is not SliSBilOHsliVER REGULATOR. Nothing else is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up by any one except .J. H. ZEBLfi & CO. And It can be easily told by their Trade Mark the: red z. 1897 $5,700 FIRE IN SALISBURY. A rtanrch, Mtora and Twa Owolllnar Bnrnod. From onr esteemed Salisbury contemporaries, the World and tbe Sun, we learn that on Wednesday night a fire broke out on Chestnut Hill in the store of Messrs G 8 & P A 8urratt, which was joined to a two story dwelling ani qnickly consumed it and the Episcopal char oh and the vacant dwelling house of Mr. E P Myrick. Only gallant ' fighting saved much greater cocfl.gratioo. The losses are estima'ed at $5, 700 and are fairly well covered by insurance. The Episcopal congre. gation being the principal losers. By tbe time all was again quiet at Chestnut Hill a fire alarm was given in what is called Dixoaville. Tbe lire was in an unoccupied boose and it was entirely consumed. It waa tbe property of O D Dvis nd was uninsured. It is be'ieyed to be tbe work of an incendiary. Forrat II II I Newa. Mrs. George W Johnson died here this (Friday) morning at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Johnson bad been afflioted witb consumption for a long time and the end wos not unexpected. W A Wilkinson, of the Odel s'ote, is behind the counter again after a ft w days confinement witb chills. Miss Lou Fu robes died at the home of Charles Rusaell here yes terday at 11 t'cl k. The funeral took place at tbe residence at 2 o'clock this (Friday) evening, and the remains were inferred at the city cemetery. Miss Furcbes was a sister of Messrs. Charles and Henry Furcbes, of Statesrille, the latter being clerk of the court at Statea ville. Miss Furcbes bad been a sufferer from consumption for quite a long time. Jas. Walter is having another store house ereoted on bis vacan' lot just beyond the factory, whiob will be used for a drug store Messrs. B N H Miller and Daniel Stiller have returned from Mont gomery county, after a few days' ab sence. All the boyi at this place are buying bicycles this season. Mr. James R Young says the Py thian goat is a daisy. Bnealen'a Arnica naive. The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cares Piles or no pay reqni-ed. It ia guaranteed to give Satisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer a Drag store.' Honey Burled and In Neeret Placea, Mr. John 0 Smith returned from Ritcbfield, Stanly county, Friday, and tells Tbk Standard the fol lowing : Several weeks ago the death of James Russell, an aged man of near Ritcbfield, Stanly county, occurred. He waa a wagon-maker and wood worker aud it was believed generally that he had saved considerable money and stored it away in secret places, und on last Tuesday, while several parties were engaged in lay ing off tbe widow's dowry, a search was made. Tbe dirt floor in the old wagon shop was dng up, and a small block of wood thrown ou. Being in a state of decay, tbe block fell Into pieces, and it was found to contain $405 gold. A two locb hole had been bored in it and the money stored there. Further search was made and in the eld farm house was found $100 in gold and silver, Vnavallable. "Your wife, sir," said the dootor, j.icuUrily, as he hurried into the editor's sano'nm, "has presented you with a charming couplet." "I regret, sir," responded the edi tor, absent nindedly, without ceas ing his labors, "we have so many contributions of a similar nature tbat we could not possibly make room " and then, as be looked up from hia desk, the great trntb dawned upon him. Up to Date. WHOLE NO. 421 A RASH DEED. Hra. fcleorre I.. Lllaker TaBea Her I.lle VI hlle In a mate orTemportiry Insanity In the Presence or H Chlldran-Pata Platol In Her Month and Snoola A Had Home. 'Tis a sad story. A messenger arrived in the itj Friday morning at a little past 9 o clock enly to reveal to a d;ar parent and loving relatives the ter rible fate of a daughter, a Bister and a frieiid. Tbe messenger told ol the horrible self-destruotion of Mrs. George L Li taker while in a state of temporary insanity,. For several yeara Mra. Li taker had been brood ing over soma peculiar tronble and waa often found to bs despondent Thursday Mr. Litaker perceived a change in bis wife's aad condi tion and remarked to Miss Kate Krimminger, who has attended Mra. Litaker for asveral years, that he thought hia wife was improving and that she'd soon be alright again. But the change was for tbe worse. The Inmates of this otherwise happy home aro.e as usual Friday morning and went abont the rou tine farm work. Mr. Litaker was off early, going to tbe home of Mr. Frank Faggart, a neighbor, leiyin! Mrs. Litaker and his three children in charge of Miss Krimminger, About 9 o'clocis Mrs. Litaker three children and Miss Krim minger were seated in a group in tbe sitting room, when Miss Krim. minger got up and went into an ad joining room. At the instant she was out of sight Mrs. Litaker arose, went to tht bureau and took from a drawer the revolver and placed the barrel in her month and fired it. The result was almost instantaneous death, the ball lodging in the upper part of her head, penetrating the brain. io men folks were tear at tbe time and the little six-year-old daughter was almost frantio from fright and grief and Miss Krim minger almost prostratsd from the horrible sight that lay In a heap before the family fireside. Mr. Valentine Litaker was near, but before be reaohed the scene Mrs. Litaker was dead. Tbe shock was a terrible one to her husband, who had left her only a short while be fore, believing that she was growing in strength, both physically and mentally. Mrs. Litaker was tbe daughter of Mr. Jacob Dove, a sister to Mr Robert L Dove, Mrs. J T Pound?. Mrs. H W Fryling and Mrs. M J Corl, of this oity. Ins luneral took place t.oir the home, four miles south of tin city, Satudray morning at 10 o'e'eo':, conducted by Rev. Harley. Tht interna tnt took place at Centre church yard. Bear Nnow la Brier. Though our little rural village does not enjoy tbe prerogative of haying new fanglea1 up-to-date fifty cent ahowa, yet it ia not entirely overlooked by showmen. Two foreignera with a trained bear, whiob wore an iron moxzle over Ha jaws and a ring in iti nose, to whiob a chain was attached, appeared on our streets one evening. Halting in front of Ferguson & 8on's mercantile es tablishment, the general manager "tooted" awhile on a cornet or a brass something of that sort, to at- traet a crowd. This unusual sound was, in effect, like the Pied Piper's enchanting music. The villagers turned out en The managers viewed tbe gathering spectators with an air half ferocious, half com placent. ''So you want to see the bear perform," rang out at conven. ient intervals. Terms made known, aome of the indulgent fathers, wish in ; to give their children tbe "ad yantanges" of a bear show, started a peouniary col Uo tion. After some difficulty 40 ceota waa contributed aa an admission fee for the whole crowd. This waa not the required amount, bat after demurring awhile, tho bear men aocepted the sum, and the bear began to perfornL When tbe interested spectators had been given 40 oents worth ot bear antics, the showmen retired to an isolated o'd building, where they prepared for bruin a bed of grass and for themselves a bed of broom' straw. A fire being necessary that night, the men slept alternately, one or tbe other being awska to replenish tbe fire. In the atill houra of night tbey were rudely diaturbed by the menacing resort of a gun whicb had been thrust lb rough a crevice in the wall from tbe exterior and fired upward. Of course the show men aroused brain and fl J expedi tiously. How snoh men can plod through the country and absorb a living from tbe generosity and ungece oiity of the publio ia difficult of solution. AtQUSTISE. THE : STANURD PRINTS THE AlZWiS THAT IS JVJKtf . ESS- 1 Vt-ar - . , ';!3 Send us 1 Dollar. roa. 3.ts -.- rrr. fc LL 'J Absolute'.' vH:sv Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulnoas. Assures tbe food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Bakino Powder To , New York. ENGINEER BRYAN HURT. fhlrtecn Tramp On OncTriiln, Two ot Wnoin Were Nliot. Parties coining id from High Point today (Saturday) tell of quite an exciting time on tbo Southern Railroad a mile above Tbcmaeviile last night. -i Thirteon trainpa were on No. 38, the northbound vestibule, two of whom were ou the engine.. Jack Bryan, the engineer, i-' ipp.-d the train to put the mou on tho engine off, but the hoboca resisted and rushed at Bryan with a knifo, cut ting him in several places. By this time the entire force of tramps started for the engine, when Mr. Bryan drew his revolver u.xl fired into the drunken mob of b'.ims, two cf them receiving irj.iriee. Three of the trainpa wero cup'ured aud taken to Danville, whero they were turned oyer to the author! tier. Posses were formed atLexiagtor, Thomasville and High Point im mediately after tho "hold-up" and began a search for the trampn. Particulars of tho nfTuir are very meagre, but from what we can learn a very lively timo was had for aboui 20 minutes between the ctew and the ttamps. Not exactly right is the way thousands of people feel. It is be cause their blood is poor. Hood's Sarsaparilla, the One True Blood Purifier, will promptly set them right. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and do not purge. pu;u or gripe. All druggists. So Eucnmimifmt. There will be uo encampment this year of tho Stato volunteer companies unless some choose to go into camp at their own expense. U is the idea to have all the troops visit Naehvile on the 21st of June. rhat is the date of the Confederate Veterans reunion and is expected to be one of the grandest occasions of the centennial. THE ONLY True UIimmI PuMtiet uromiiieiitlv in the luiulio evo to day is Hooil'a SiirMiiiiti'illft. Tliereforo get Hood's and ONLY HOOD'S. Seven Months With Fever. Wonderful Ilccovory of Health. Mr. B;ilrVs Tr;rA find mnrvrloin iwnvory from a hmto Nlittlrtt-n to his n-n-iiil Wright,, 270 poumlri, yua unruly ihi.'t-i.M't of tho pmndrst. BtrrniM h-'ivinn mi'l buihllug-uu moilieinu ever proriucml, numbly: Dr. Nilcs Restorative Nervine, J. II. IUiim 'Oentlomon I wish to exrc-s to voumy prailtudo tho pn-sit " I tint 1 r takt'n sick with typhoid fcvrrn id I hiid in neu lor vvvvn iimnui-.. iMi r '"""4 over tho foor I w:is 1 Mm . mtv n nd ti '). and did not p'tr.iin my h --t .-t i rm ' ii. I i n. 1 several pmprieinry rm-dlfim mid fin;iliy, after having been reduced in w-;i;ht tnlJi pounds, 1 ba:an tryinir ymir V- n ni. :tnd uf. oneo tH'tf an to imprnre. n:, b m.l lly mrnj curat, and to-hi v 1 can s;i v In t i- 't U tT in ail r-y "life. ..nd Veu'ii .o i "iiii'ii This Is niv normal eu-!it, ilh l nieiusurn 0 leut inches in i.Light." South Bend, Ind. .7. H. HAIKU. ' Dr. Miles' Norvino Ir irld n:i a positive ruaratiKie that the fir -t ho' 1 1" will l.. n:iiu All drueulNt. Hid I It lit 1. I'-ii'l. : f -r Ti tt ,tll K.. nr.-1. -i -I f i,ri . bv Lho i)r. Miksiit iliLal O ;hi, lud. Men. Ill Fire Insurance. Representing an m . ney ( I Strong and RrlialileCiiiiip.inii h I can place larH linen uf insur ance at a living m'.e. J. F. Hurley, Aoknt wmkm

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