1 THE ; STANDARD PRINTS' THE THE ..STANDARD. The TANDARD. imixiour GOODVjOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL THAT IS JtfEWS For I Year y , Daninara bjr the Blaod. It ii impossible to estimate bo curatoly the damage wbloh bas been done by the reo nt flwdi in Ihi MissiAsippi valley and elsewhere in tbf United Sates, bnt the agricol tort department at Washington bat published a report which indicates the immense i z'eDt of these disast ere. The report is based on the fullest information that con Id t obtained, and is brought down to April 6 A that data the total ft toded are was given at 15.800 square miles, of which about 8,000 square mile of territory was i Mississippi, 4,500 in Arkansas, 1,750 in Missouri, 1,200 in Tennessee and a small amount in Louisiana. This region con'amed, in 1890, about 858,000 prrp'e. Of. these 186,000 were in Mississippi, 1(50,000 in Ar kansas and the remainder are distri buted in Missouri and Tennessee. It ii estimated that the flooded district contains 39,500 farms. The total value of these firms, distri buted in four States, is pat at $G5, 000.000. The live stock on these VOL. X--NO tr CONCORD N. a, THbRSDAY, APRIL 22, 1897 WHOLE NO. 422 lhi.i.ik. hi.i. 8HOET LOCALS. Some one bis said that the world Charlie Smart haa encoded G needs a religion today that wi I, W Brown as nigat overseer or me ...... .. ... card room of toe old mm t-an; uiaac a UlUI "H nuu mm onTjei n nt-.i a I IS n nl I tnaba ill malraO nL W I Uir -V whs nasi uinav uaw,a J I ... t if -a ... -.1 All IBB Hi 1 IB llUltDlli TT UV aavww " 100 cents on the dollar, sell 1 the corner of Mill street aodGeorgia ounces to the pound. 36 inches to avenue, is seriously ill with throat tbe'jard, 4 pecks to the bushel and affection 19 mihin feet to the cord : that The wife of Georee L Pierce left will make a workman do a full d,'a Lhe cit Thursday night, bound for Eaiineer Walter Pariah, who has " ... " """ . been sick at bis motber'a home at w 'loer s noree too irign at Rocky Ridge for several weeks,-' is a barrel selling in front of toe court able to be out again. V house and ran away, carrying the The ereat favor In which Ayer's barrel far dowo Church street. The Pills held all over the world haa rteen barrel got between the horse and well earned. They are easy and buenv and was carried some dia- even Dleasant to take, and for all comnlainta of the stomach, liver, and bowels, are the safest and most thorough medicine in pharmacy. Every dose effective. tanoe. No damage was done Dy the runaway. Charlotte News. What sort of locomotion did that barrel have, brother, and what busi ness did it have following along and T.Y.a fiha n tire found a ticket tO ' i m 1 1 jt k..t... . x : . . wDTKioraiau u.j wuc uoi Atlantaand bad some coin ieit. toe eye or nis tmpiojer , on mm or . . . . . lecU)d to not ; that will make capital disgorge I deliver the address of welcome to r.h. linn's filar n the mi fits and di-1 the Grand Lodee of Odd fellows, i ... -.n ui. which will meet in Charlotte next viua lueiu suaii; auu ju.hj I oaontb labor; that will cause the manu. .,. . ... .., hanged Friday. May. 14.-Birming- . , .f , th. it. ,hi. ,bbV . nnuiiuK u p. - h. r.joa, Anri 14th j - - T .... TkHWJ.hrki.lAnliM T.nfV UHliUUiDUaVVU IDVUUUU1 MHuj ... . . . , A ... a nsnerman or Biakeiy, ua, oeaii his wife to death. Friday he was there any spirits about that barrel 7 jailed. Monday be was Indicted and not on trial for hia lile. ee- . . . . . . r V-k TtT M ll. terdaytbejary returned a verdict oi rresiueni 4 n cannon, 01 iue guilty and be was sentenced to De gflrd Cotton Mill at Albemarle, facnr to cease Irom aanneraung . . .h front nf hia store. hia onadi. h clerk from robbinf I There ara others who contemplate " I . . ... 1 J rAM. Rill Mmm: bis eo plojer and the official from date. Messrs Edward Cook and Jac, specimen of yarn manufactured at tbat place. All of the machinery is now in operation and produoes some very fine yarn, though not superior to that turned out at the mills in this ci j. The mill at Albemarle is rui.ning on full time and emp'oya a large force of operatives. Mr. Can non is highly pleased with the product of the mill. . 1 . . : l . .1 a- emo.zznng me lunaoomaiuwu . . ,, I Bridges each hate an electrio bat- . . . iiu h. will m.V vt. J & tsmooi nas puronasea toe 0 . bis trust ; religion that will nuke adjoininR th pt0etty of Mf. A leiy .nd ,re treating patrons for all men upnKai, uuue.i, . w ,a it on Fetzer avenue and win aches and pains. Why will ye suf- wortry in an tne wa.as de ie, l .n" ...i:! a.) i, m.V.. m. sometime In the near future. ' ... it , t Mi11 u Miss Laura Stone haa returned happy, but rigbtt-ous. Ex. Memorial Pay will fall on Mon- PPI, L .i dav. the lOLh of Mav. Will the from Qfltonia, where she has been a bis m riad. gong 0f Confederate Veterans be or- visiting friends for the past week, Mr. Frank Uelk, or Jones Mine, ganued and ready to participate in The sad intelligence of the death farms reach-d a valae of $7,500,000, Rwdolpb county, was in town Mon- tbe ceremonies on mat aay r ofMf w L MoAlliBter at Gold with farm products on hand to the da and told the editor that Mr. A Criminal court la now in session Hill, was received here Fridav. amount of $3 7500,000 more. rj Fuller, of Tabernacle township, pV?,!1."10"?! cm? CH "'bell were This nnexPecled dealh 04818 elegant parsonage for the Baptist This submerged region produced found one thousand dollars in gold oonvicTed of horse steaHng and ho- gloom over a large circle of friends congregati n, to be located on tbe last year about $370,000 bales of a(t guD(i,y mornjDg. Saturday tencsd to five yeara eaoh in the nd acquaintances in this com lot in rear of the church on Fe'zer cotton, valued at close on $13,000,- . . . ,,. j . Bute penitantiary. munity. svenue. Work will begin at once I B . ' , . A Pastor' Rrw Home. Coutrac'or D A Caldwell baa dosed a trade for the erection of an 000; over 11,000,000 bushels of . ' ., ... Mr Georee Morr wm Quite pain Mr- Fre(1 went over to and the design of the residence will 0, and . .. , K I fully, though not seriously hurt at Charlotte on bis wheel Thursday I be of the modern pattern worth F'ull"-n ""'j -at -" the bleachery by oorn, worth about $3,400,000, whnat. nati. nntfttnna and hav ' o.r snn nnn mnre wai so impressed witb tbe dream hiefingera in the macbtnery. xns . . u . . hour. cu, pnd. c...t. .... v , i ..... . .. . i . in.il mnri a ama i atrin or neen were " r I.... j a .k :n. . u tnat ne IOOI a maiioca auu wen ?xj - nr leaa eanh wav wnarioiw iuu ttjuoinm am tu catching One of Lveninir ant returned Fridav. Fred . V 1L. J I . 1. .1 L I IPU I " These figures, great as they are, torn ofl. doubtless do not represent anything the p'aoe he dreamed of and com' like tbe loss direot and consequential menoed to dig and at once found which the floods have infiioted npon one thousand dollars in gold, con tbe country, 13tb. coins. The money is sapposed to have been buried away more than a ,UUI hundred rears ago by some old The Washington Post says: ''Fire miser. Mr. Fuller is to doubt the man Donaldson, of Danville, who ambitious to be considered as the olimax of urban grandeur in tbe ' At tbe grand memorial procession rrm tb or.a- to the new tomh of Uen. Urant, Themanv friends of Mr. Jacob nu a,at..nii ii,.inrnio.tyiranf Ari.nia .Tnnm.1 of n tin 90 and 30 dollar dent Cleveland will be seated in theL.,... i... at,, "T .1.7 fl", 7iJ' "North Carolina on Wheels, ' a car m.-. ..w vv.vn. I BlOilua va 4U yv ' . I . UUUIVU SOjOV UUUUOJ U3 UIDS V UiC same oarnaga, umwu vj . iu m ilnce ant October. Mr. was thrown Irom his Tribnia i Briabi Eyca. k.jj n,... .n k. mma nld tu- w.u:(n pn a lew years seo and received The author of the followinelinep. mi.er. Mr. Fuller is to doubt the man Donaldson, of Danville, who internal Djarie, since tben ne nas Dr. 1 W Jones, of Salisbury, thoueb hanoiest man in Randolph county was killed Sunday in the wreck on 086,1 10 oeoimmg neann. J3arf!er of exhibits of the State's various waeon nroduotions tbat is to travel over - - i he baa passed bis three-score jejri ml ten, bus grown old ' only in yeara. aIIis hi art is still young, his mind clear aoJ bis imagination active: to day. Lexington Diipttcb. I the Southern Railway, near Char- Messrs. Earnhardt and Cruse have lotte, N. C, bad but two weeks ago ordered and received a kit of toolB taken a life insurance policy lor lor tneir snop. iney are doing a 0,1 12,000. pig ousinesa. the continent, saw, in this, a chance to rep a neat little harvest by set ting apnrt a good large space on the side of tbe car for the insertion of the name of tbat city that will pay the highest price for the distinction Oil R.l.a all IheSb.d. A break in tbe Stankard pipes which cross the Susquehanna The Mieeouri river has broked its MiMr8- M f Brg8' aa been quite It seems just no tht Asheviile will at Sink's Ferry, in Pennsylvania, dykes above Omaha City and will '' w probably get the goal at about tbe .in r - .... WniMni .... . . . j nrobablv maxe lis perminent cnan- iV J "" tbe city and thereby For in thwr depths a paradise ruined th famous shad fisheries in make the whole city of Omaha to be Our farmers say tbey never had a Of love and truth. I could behold- the river. in Iowa instead of being partly in better prospect for oats. , ... , .,.," Crude oil is running so. thickly Nebraska. -yVe are eorry to chonio'e the lDrrJr.ZZTJZr a the .nr. lnorease the appetite by the os. death of Mrs. Vina Miller, which av aAJwaua uuim hum v . v i . . . , ' . r-ii mi I fwviirrAfl fit t h a hnma ttf hr nnn Would be enough to quite renew I face of the water in tL Mr. Crawford Miller. Tuesday The youth tbat year, bave cast qnantlt,ei. The few shad wb.ch hei rFons nroo. April 13, and was laid to reet .1 ' t A A - I ay-.- I r A 117 J 1 nve Deen caugui maw Terr airwuK'j .rW rfn not debi ate. bv excess ve "rK comoiery ou And though my face may have 0f tDe crude petroleum, and old gtimulation, and are not irritating J18'- George H Cox grown old, My heart is young and true, And in it rosebuds will nnfold, And bloom alone for jou. price of $100 per year for 8 e ye rs. It is' peculiarly tempting to city pride and not an nnwortby ambition We thiow np our bat to tbe one bat gets there, C.I PcHlntar U Stead. Just one week ago today (Fridav Wednesday. r. n fl Pnninuer was in the citv couuumeu iue . u:i. i .jji. - " d i. , r if.. i ii.ijvi nuiiD iimc nna mai u su.uf ' t i. ... .. . j z - i r lnpn PATAmnnv. mra m ir nan fishermen say the break will have to in flj iSimtt9 post on her ck with a chill. After becoming be repair d at once, as the shad will " 3- 4 earthly journey, wien God called somewhat better from the eff ctsof M. 1 I J .1 I I . tbe dtandabd learns loaireouy ner to rest. return to tidewater and leek other I tk. loft nd miaamir arm of Could I but Ond the mystic spring streams the unfortunate Fireman Will Don That Ponce De Leon sought; botquebanna snao naye long neiu 4ldgon w hose body was so mangled ... 10O7 iUUHURUl II WUIU HOIH w. uB tO. ,E(1UllkllUU 111. H UUl M.UU., Q UD ilHILDUUI( WIIWIUU iiw. w I Tbe change yonr charms have anfllh .n rMk m ent.ii . ffreat lost day has been found deeply buried I Deneaiu ioe iimuora iu bu.n uumu Mr. Caleb Cruse has tbe chills. U No IIoo. wrought. And if my b irqne of life sh juld ride O i some tempestuous 8- a, Ir r not if it never lands, Un eas it land with thee. Salisbury 8un. Ellaabetli tollfe Already Hncema. . Rev. C L T . Fisher, one ot tbi principals of Elisabeth Latheian college, is here today. He ia now engaged in canvassing for tbe in stitution, and is meeting witb grati fying success. He bas Becured pat- to the fishermen. DnrhamSun. the chill Mr. Penninger returned to bis home in No. 5 township and was taken a -bed with pneamonia, from whioh- he .gradually ; wasted anay nntil last ( Thursday) night at be died. . He CI EM ERA I. BEWN, Governor Culberson, of Texas, ve toed a bill to pay $25,000 for the San Jacinto battle-ground, near Houston; South.. Dakota's State Treasurer, W WjTajlor, who stole $350,000, was jeBterday released from tbe penitentiary, after 18 months' imprisonment. Several thousand razor-back hogs mrorted into Iowa from Texas during the past year have died from kidney worm. A State school of horseshoeing has been established in tbe State or Maryland, and it will begin its ses sions in Baltimore on May 10th. Ibe Colorado Legislature bas just passed a bill making women eligible for the State militia, and it is au thoritatively announoed tbat the Governor of tbe Centennial State will affix his signature. Marie Ewing Martin, daughter of the late Gen. Thomas inning, 01 New York, bas begun an action ssa nst tbe Third Avenae Railroad Company to recover $30,000 for tbe loss of the life of her father, who was killed by one of tbe company's cars. Tbe Ca'ifornia branch of the Liticoln Monument National League is raising money by popular sub. scription for a monument to Linooln to be plaoed in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Ma; 28th is to be observed as Lincoln Day in the pub lic schools of California, and ad dresses appropriate to the cccaeion will be made. Send us 1 Dollar. The Lararal dranlta Monnmant Ever Cut rrom the Ur.nlte Belt. Some time recently we noted tbe laudable enterprise of an association at and around Newton, headed by Dr. Clapp and others to erect a mon utnent in honor of a number of Rev olutionary heroes belonging to the command of Capt. Matthias Bar ringer, a brother of John Paul Bar ringer. These heroes lost their lives by Indiana in ambush and even at this late day their memories at well as their tragio deaths are to be perpetuated with the largest granite monument ever cut from the granite belt. - Messrs. Wyatt and Fesperman are to furnish this magnificent shaftn and wa are only sorry that they did not furnish the dimeneioni. Harrow Eaeape. A little daughter of Mr. Charlie Bruner, who lives near China Grove, came very near being run over by a train yesterday. She wts p'avmg on tbe track when her mother saw her and at the same time saw a train approaching rapidly around the curve. The mother wated franti cally at the engineer and ran to get child off the track. Tbe train was upon the child before Mrs. Bruner reached her but fortunately tbe lit tle one, not realizing its darg r, however, stepped off tbe track and the train went by, barely missing the little girl. The engineer suc ceeded in slowing down a litt'e but noild not stop. Saturday's Daily Standard. rtni(r Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healtbfulnees. Assures tbe food against alum and all forma of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powder Co , New York. At recent meeting of the Ladies Missionary Society of Central Metbodiet church tbe following H.oae. . . . . i . . . i- i i, .a .,.i Knoth the earth Mr. Maun W Stnart baa p jrcbased iu ociots, wueu plowed by the immense force of the a lot from Mr. P B Fetzer on Geor- leaves a wife and ceveral children. movine weieni. i,.nna ni n rwit a rfa-nii no l His remains were mierreu at mi U.umCm.1.. arm a.M The I at. finM. th enntrant hatintr ' twen Qilead Reformed church this af1 war to resume is to resume," speak- -!.pn t0 Mr. D A Caldwell. ' 1 ternoon at 4 o'clock. Metbodiet cburcn tne lonowing way w rajumn u iouu.. giren 10 mr, u a iiuii. olEcers were elected for the ensuing ing of again putting gold into cir- Mf Ca1dwe it mUo building Mr. Penninger waa an Industrious which was bock 'a his a year: Mrs. D B Coltrane, preaident; cniation auer vu, war. u. . . . farmer wd hi, deathi Vf A S Ujvvan t first v ire Dresi- may "resume any numoor ui nuioo ? c . . . rent; Mrs rVV SmitPnlffae to that torpid liver of your, and it and Sloop ; sTenue, for MfY R A j quite nnitpected. was nraaident ! Mrs. J E Thompson, won't budge until you take Sim- Brover. ... ' ' r many friends.' . m T RHhorrill nnnrrf mons Liver Rezulator. Many peo-l . ' L. It will be re ror Over EiriJ tear Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 3yrnp has been need for over btty years oy millions f mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfeot suc cess. It soothes the child, softebs the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by drnppists in every part of the world, Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth- iLg Syrop,"and take no other kind Harry Odell Paraea. Esquire H C McAIister arrived from Brooklyn Friday where he saw narry OJell safe in his place sought He was the only boy of a whole group of applicants for the naval training school that was uc cepted Thursday morning till his time came. He goes immediately to New Port News, where he will enter the regu lar course of training. It waa a treat to Harry who got to see many of the sights of New York and Brooklyn while waiting to be received. Harry felt no little compliment at his acceptance ai.d a measure of triumphant pride in bim is quite natural. ion secretary; Mrs. E B Brower, cciesponding Secretary, Mrs VV R Harris was elected mana ronaffe as far north as Pennsylvania erof the Juvenile society. Mrs. J I it rvi. . 1 1 -1 i . J JlAa. asv The faculty of the institution bas p mernii w m u r,. . t i t a .nA .ill ohnrtl he ti" convention at King's Mountain been selected, and will shortly be K Thom ig announced. tne alternate, Mies Irma Kimmons 2,n Bnd wi)j Contractor Ittner will pUBh the ,aa ch0Ben to represent tbe Juve- fi'r8t'week jn Mi work on the college as last as pos-i one B'-cieiy .Bible, and it will be completed in I time for the ODenine next fall. Charlotte News. CURED AT 73 YEARS. tr. Miles' New Heart Curt Victorious. No otbor medlclnocnn ihowBiirh a nword. riero is a verlml)lo patriarch, 73 yoar. pt a. with strong pn.Juilco to ovnrromo, who had Heart lHnnuic 16 ynm. Ilo took tho Hew HoarK'urouiiU Is now Hound and. wolL mm Stale Hire. Herman Sechli r, whose attempt to elope witb bis b st girl, MirS An Dii Kice, but was interfered witb by tbe girl's big bud as told by The Standabd last week has at last suc ceeded as might bave been expect ed and bas bis bonnie bride all bis own. Herman eays be never did steal anything but Ric. Well we tbink Herman should not be punished for that. Rioe that combines I assess with it is- too tempting to be resisted under tbe jpell of Cupid's wand. Tbe youth ful groom and tbe luce tbat is no longer Kice bave our very bes wishes. membered that , to P.1 Mei?,-t0 ,ot' " j o- ww 1Pa onaa-a Haa vim. '; ; Mr. Tenninger was willed the prop- HOU. illluuouceH auu uii.. I . . ....i . . t:.i. Ji.J aohe areall caused by a sluggish Uos 01 ew urieans nnesi ou. erty or rar. rrana xneimor, wuw . liver. Keep tbe liver active. loess bouses wss consumed inors-i.addtLiy sverai weess ago. mr, Th. tt.anaaW! T.ntheran Svnod MJ- Though the walls were steel Penninger plated the will of Mr. of North Carolina will convene at the building burned like a tinaer Neisler on Baturuay, apru oro St. John's church on Thursday, tre box and all collapsed ia a snort John Neisler, who is a brotbsr to continue into me ti. ' the deceased Frank Neisler. his en- Mav. 8t.Johnscom- .. . .... , . ... , . . ,, ,u .. , . .. i :.i;. i rnenuuains was snowa n luc ierea a crai. auu wm uic munity is notea lor 111 nuBiuiy i - . ,i and the pastor and congregati n Moresque ana was wen duuuimcui vanauy oi iue win. most cordially invite a full attend ance of friends to participate in ai the pleasures and bent tits of the oc caaioo. BAxnn. O. Stonb. Gram I-nke, Mich., Doe. W. lw t have Wn vroi. 'led w , um a v ro. v v..- -,,, h. ll7. spells would raiiKO audilrn pains tlmtrnnti! qui QVwarRtfiorr-v'frrT'issi a H M BI1P WUUlUt""." ' , ..A shortness ot ir""" -"n I,...... I.., ...... a.,- Mecsii Holland and Walter Thompson, of the Conoord High School, closed down Thursday after noon ea-i gave the soholars lolidsys U'ltil Tuesday morning. Tue Meurs Toomp on went to I -ita tiville to sp nd Easter witb their psrents. fiih n a-nantile atocks and the Get 1 . ..l.l.J ...1 b f I fl .1 L.nn.iiailu. Thn loai of the rl a .i..L. ..j ii,.rf... The board ot elections ror tne . ... .1. J. l r...n.J Th.tr. .law and to surroanding properly is estimated l wu"u' at 1400.000 with insurance amtnnM 1'P )in,ed th following registrars i tn t9P.t nno. n i judges o hold tbe coming bond , ., ,l , .. : I. . MieGtlOD, WU1UU Will UUUUI IU vuuv. I nt .j 1 t rj n..iA I. .... n.n , . naru j, rcKiouaio . u viu . - . . .V. i I well, w . r a rropst, u a jNumoer i, volume i,,oi iue un-i aASt.. f y Kirnbardt, J a White, 1 -. t- L.S" . ,t mw,m kaa i r - IT 1 1. I .la.l In irrmmt ill nrABpnOfl ft HO. wel- Ward 2. reaistrara : J N Brown tome it on it. hih mi..i,n. DM Dry. P O Cook ; judges Oeorg I w I U iviArlATT M Jm a 1-1 . 1 1 filll M I IfV I'j The salutory breathes the right "'".7 " ' J spirit of newiy Democrat conserve- ' Ward 3, registrars : J R Patter- tism witb a commendable degree ci .oll j0ba S urn, v b o p i juogea. it i. Akst t, Mr. KJeo. W lirown. W r Ury. w A lalci a ita birth Patterson. wVprepaliltatlon ." ,0, ,l!Bfc All Dr. Miles new wean i, .7,1 hofora I had Bntehed the M !i?L3"!?J!SS lXZVn an ."nTim IM no- .. T... fi.-ar.ol BSoanfllluve ES draSS ""Wow'thll rij.n'.r'ttrn.oVrrejteo- vklal."o remedy ha. wnn.jrht .In n e. do this to show mr apprj-r '.U' ng $ ," h,.w IlpartCnr.). hVJ...M n a nmltire . DOW Dr. Miles' Heart Cure ZXS3. There is a b g scramble looming up for 8t. Louis. A lady bas ju.t ded there leading so estate aor.b tin noo OC0. twenti-nme neirs ana v. "I"".-' . - .,.... nn m 11. H IS 1 i ue van--, av iraa. of a womnn without a will. Ex. i New Jersey bai good roads but le is going to make them beiter, and for tbe simple reason tnai i d.vs. There is no sutj ctfo which i . .. . . i. i the landowners of tbr CO' nirj ua.r omucb inter-St. Durham hun. Under the Weather. That la the common Spring complaint. You feel "logy." dull. Tour eppotita is poor. Nothing taste good. You don't sleep well. Work drags. You cross every bridge before you come to it. There's lots of people hays felt like you until they toned up the system by taking the great spring remedy Ayer's Sarsaparilla It's been curing such oases for 60 years. Try it yourself. teal Ipv th "CuMbook." toe P'l" haa J. C r Co., lawcll, Slasa, I at the death of tbe rransjl.ania Sentinel a Republican paper edited iiv Mr. W M Lai.irr. whose services . . . 1 . . 1 n. A are retained in toe iwai . chanical department of the paper. r.u.M aaa. Postmaster Snerrill I fo uied Thi Ward 4. reeistrars : G o-gs M Lore. O A Cook, G oree M Walter judges, Elam King, J M Alexander A J Uluck elder. . At a cilled meeting of tbe boird of town commiss'oners Friday afttr noon the a'iove appointments were rati&ed. . Staxoauo that he app ied to the Willie I told her my love was s department for eight letter Inxes but iieat that my brain was on Ore. that he was onlv allowed ftor at present, bat hopts to uoceed in get ting more at some future period. Mr. Snerrill says that he wil. locate them In counsel with Mavoi Patterson and will probably plao. them as follows: One at r ores' Bill, one at J A O Bla kwelder'i store on D, ot street, one at the 8'. Cloud and one somewhere en SoutL Main street. Mavor Patterson is I securing tbe pt s a and tbe boxts wi l be ready for ier ire soon. Charlie What did she say to that. Willie Told me I had better blow it out Yile Record. . Mi. N M Birnhardt favored Tbe Standabd this (Saturday) morn ing with another curiosity in the way oi an egg. iv is uu ocun Mrnnlar and measured centrally hrnnffh Hia four iocbeslonir. One en4 is nearly normal sbape and i -lopes to a point. f. Mttm'ftofn PfHaareiruarantoeatoafof Ueiiiliwhe lu M ailuuuw "Ou cuut a tuat7 If asked the question "Have yon got a stomach ? it would be safe on general principles, to answer "Yes." iiut, if your are sure ot it, tnat is, it you ever feel any distress after eat ing or any pains ot whatever de scription in the reeion of tbe stom ach, you bave got something more than an ordinary stomach ; in other words, you bave got a diseased stomach. The stomach is a power ful muscle, and the proper remedy for a tired muscle is res. Try tbe Shaker Digestive Cordial, for this product not only contains digested food, which will nourieb the system without any work on tbe part ot the diseased organs, but it aids the digestion of other foods as well You can test its value iu your case lor the trifling Bum of 10 cents. Sample bottles at this price are car ried by all druggists. Laxol is tbe best remedy for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. Dr. f-anl Barrlnaer, ai tba t aiver ii.or Vlrrtaia, Becommeaaea Mra.' ericr'i steal, Hair Reatarer. A perfect remedy for dandruff and falling bair. Mr. F B Neil, of Davidson Col lece. writes: In lo my uttie dauebter suddenly and unaccounta bly lost all ner nair. rrom me i i t . . .. Crown down ana truiu car tu mi wm as bald j as tho palm of the band. Months and months passed ana tne frightful baldness remained. My physician, Ur. faui uamnger, re- commenaeu m rs. urier a uwi Kctorer. Determined to give it a fair trial I bought a hall dozen bottles. Three bottles of it faithfully used, produced no yisible effect.but one morning, soon atter oegtoning the fourth bottle, to our surprise and delight, a new growth of hair appeared end so rapid and complete was the restoration tnai oniy one more bottle was needed. Ten tears have elapsed and no one bas a finer suit of bair. Less than one bottle is ofen ef fectual in checking falling hair. Rad interesting history of K. H. B. Mas. M G Urisp. a28 Harrisborg, N. C. John Came Horns. The Chirlotte News says John Klouse is at home sgmn. Ibnrs- dav's papers told of his unknown whereabouts. Ills vacant place in the home more than ever reve.led the depth of of attachment felt for bim by his adopted paren:s. happy again. All are Like a Woman. When the easLbound Southern train stopped at University Station this morning a welUpreserved and well-attired laly accompanied by I young Mies and a gentleman, pre sumably the lady's husband, entered tbe first class car. Af ier seeing tbe ladies were comfortably seated and bundles and boxes arranged tbe gentleman, who bore the appear ance of a well to-do farmer, bade the lady an affectionate, osculatory adieu, and as the brakeman yelled, "all aboard 1" started'out. Midway to the door tbe lady stopped birr. "John! don't forget to feed tbe chickens." "No," said John, atd turned to tbe door, tbe train in 'the meantime accelerating its speed "John I I want to kiss you again." ''All right," said John, -'..ome on and the modest brakeman shut both ryes, the drummer in the ctrner held his breath, while a sound like tne escaping of a champagne cork fell on the ears of tbe passengers "Break away 1" veiled tbe news bo) who had probably been reading n on tbe CorbettFiizjimmons 0;ht, and the man das bed madly for tbe door. As the lady watched bim from a window lift his diligured countenance from the midet of cinder bank, whither tbe momentum of tbe train bad unceremonious!; pitched bim : she remarked with sigh, "Poor John ! he alwajs waa so pokey. Durhim sun. . ..ls. Ural Time In Ten Tears. A Republican caucus held in Salisbury last night decided on the men to be recommended to tbe mast meeting for tbe municipal offices Tbe Republicans will have a ticket in the field this year for tbe first tims in 10 years. The mass meeting will be called in a few weeks. H G Tyson will be recommended for the nomination of mayor. The ticket is mixed it contains Iiepub Means and D.mocrats. Saturday'i Daily Staadard. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word REGULATOR is not on a package it is not Si&ifMs. Liver Regulator. Nothine else is the same. It cannot be and never lias been put up by any one except J. H. ZElLlfJ & CO. And it can be easily told by their TRADE Mark- SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JAN. 18, 1897. This condensed schedule is Dub lished as information, and is sub-, ject to chance without notice to the public : TRA NS LE&VE COtOOBD, K. O. 9:27 p. m. No. B5. dailv for Atlan ta and Charlotte Air L'ne division, and all points South and Southwest. Carries through Pullman drawing). room buffet sleepers between New York, Washington, Atlanta, Birms ingham, Galveston, Savannah and Jacksonville. Also Pullman sleeper' Charlotte to Augusta. 8:18 a. m.-Ho. 37, daily, Washing on and boutnwestern vestibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing car, vestituled coach, between Washington and Atlanta. Pullman tourist car for San Francisco, Sunt days- 9;02 P. 11 o. 9. daily, from Richi. raond, Washington, Goidaboro.Nor-. folk, Selma, Hnlign, Greensboro.' Kuoxville and Asneville to (Jur- lotte, N. C. 10:30 a M. rio. 11, daily, for At-. lanta and all points South. Solid train, llichmond to Atlanta; Pull man sleeping car, llichmond to (ireensboro. 10:07 a. m. No. 3C, daily, for Washington. Richmond. Kaleich and all points North. Carries Pull" man drawing.room buffet sleeper, Galveston to New York ; Jacksoni ville to New York ; Birmingham to New York. Pullman tourist cars from San Frar ciuco 'J hursdays- 9:01 p. m. No. aa, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled, limited, for Washington and all points N ortn. 1 hrough Pullman car, Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York; Tampa to New York, Also carries vertibuled coach, and dining car. 7.22 p. m. No. 12. daily, for Iticht mond. Asheville, Chattanooga Itala eigh. Goldsboro and all 'points North. Larries Pullman sleeping; car from Greensboro to Kichmond. Connects at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman car for Kaieigh- 6 17 a. m. No. 10, daily, for Kich- noond ; connects at Greensboro for Raleieti and Norfo k : at Danville for Washington and points North ; at Salisbury for Ashville, Knox ville and points West. All freight trains carry passengers John M. Culp, W. A. Tuwc, Traffic M'gr. Gen '1 Pass. Ag't, W. H. Green, Washington,!). C. Geu'i Superintendent, Washington, D, O. S. H.Habdwick, Ass'tGen'iP. Ag't Atlanta, Ua 'H .IH. Tavloe, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Ky. GbWAN DcsENBKBY, Local Ag't, Concord, N. C. Savings Easkf CONCORD N. C. CAPITAL STOCK, '-J. $50,000. We are now ready for business at our new banking office in the Propet building. Your account is respect fully solicited, and we promise you careful and courteous attention and every facility consistent with sound banking. Deposits from 25 cents up taken In our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. 1 Interest p.iid on savings and time deposits. Call to see us and tea our burglar proof safe with time lock. UIUECTOR3' J. W. CANNON, LAW80NJ. FO:L, DH. K. 8. YOI NO, C.W. 8WINK, JNO.C. WAUSWOUTU, DK. U. W. FLOWK, D. F. CANNON, JAS. C. GIBSON, President. Cashier. MA UT1N UOGER, II. I. WOODIIOUSE Vice President, Teller. MADE ME A MAN AJAX T A HI JITS rOH.TIVKLY ClUlH jlLfcArt")ui ! k til II 04 Msin' ory.Imiiotency, HlHu(lttMitiMf, sto.. ouwf s bf A l mite or other f '.trmiNw and Iii-tisr-erstloLH. They quit hi t anil urlv rwntorej Lot Vitality in old or roonii. anil fit a iimu (urstuily, tiualDfiHor nmrriawv. 1'revHtit Insanity an (Vnimi million iC ifl. 'I'hnlr linn hnv lnimfl1liiln Imrirum. metit and elTota a ( Ulif! wlmru nil 01 her fail In tint uoo havirifc tho dentil n Ajni Tiil'letta. Thf ha?a cured tliotiHumlH inul will ctirn you. Wn ulrn a imj itie written KtinrmiUm to nlTm-t 11 -tir CA PTO In each ohm or rf uml t im tniiiMr. I'ricn w V I ) par fnvKiiatnf vr mi jikk'-h nun irt'm iih-nii mr fw,nii. tijr mail. In vnn wrnt'ir. rm:fiit u( iTfrw. I'lrtmUr " AJAX ll-Mf-DY CO.. '!""-?" For Bale in Concord by 'J V. (Jb q an 1 D D J jhnn.lii-1 ;;iit. ; " , $1,000.... We will giva the aliove sui'iiint to thn person who will send us the lx-t list of lifly questions answereil In "IMcllfumry of United 8tstcs History." W'rltu lot particulars with Htttmp. 1'UlilTAN iTHLISUINU CO 'M itroiuliukl.ytreot Huston Masa, 17 '97. 'T1 -' 1. -. ''

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