m ' fa A the Standard; THE : STANDARD PRINTS THE JEWlS THAT IS jYEM'd For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. i i c UN ou r TAN GOOD - JjB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL VOL. X NO 15. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 61897 WHOLE NO. 424 r. BARD: (SONS OF CONFEDERATES. A Camp Waa Orinnlua Wrdorioaj Night, F.lerlluir m Comninndvr nd lulxrior Olllri ta. About t enty sons of Confederal veterans im' at the conrt bouse Wednesday night and organized u camp. Cumin ,uJr D A Caldwell, of the Confederals, 1 veterans, was present and told the purposes of the meeting. ' ' . , Mr. Holland Thompson wascallcd to the chair and II irry D aton w e made s oretary, Election of officers was rti n proceeded with und re. salted as follows : -.Commander, Mr. Holland Thomp son; First Lieutenant, Mr. James E Young; Second Lieu'enan"-, Mr, Robert P Bi-nsnr; Taird lieutenant, Mr. John M Cook; .-Adjutant, Mr. Wm. Gibeot,; Q larte.-niiater, Mr. S J E-vin; Commissary, Mr. D J Bos tian; 8ergaut Mcjr, Mr. L J) Col trane; Treastrer, Dr.-Joe F Good man; Surgeon, Dr. It 8 Yoaoi ; As Biatant 8nrgeonr Dr. D Q Utldwell Chaplain, R.v C B Miller. At the conclnsi jn of the electioo oftflicers, Mr Thompson made a . britf bnt spicy tal It, eulog'zing the Confederate yetenns and p ompting the eoas to e imtilate and perpetuate the cause for which their fathers so nobly fought Each member was made a com in it tee of one to biing me rube -8 into the association ai.d to work for 4be success o',s ime. . The camp el ould have a member -Bbip of not less than one hnndred and fifty. L?t every father a n be tip and doing, v X he mestin alj mmed to .meet again at the call of the commander. Jeboe Kleetrd. At last the Kentucky legislatore has elected a United States Senator, on the 112 frhallot. Th'is contest is estimated to have cost $100 000. Evidence or ProNpertty. The long-looked-for prosperi'y that has been heading this way for a long time, has come to view. Old man Joe Orier, who carried Uncle Sam's mail on one of the etar routes has purchased a new buggy, and is the happiest and proudest old negro in the land. Complete M'ltbln ren flays. John Wadswortb, of Concord, was in-'Salisbury Thursday, says the World, and left on the Yadkin train for Aoboq county to look after the surveying of the road of which he has been elected President. Mr Wadswortb tells us that the survey ing has been almost completed, and ten days more would suffice to finish this op. .. Mr. Harold Parker, of the engin eering and surveying corps, bas been called to bis borne in Boston, Mass., on account of the illness of his mother. Sum AdvnntaireH a Veteran. Since the organiz itioo of theSone of Confederate veterans in this city Wednesday n'gh muny citizens have signified their intention' to be come members of the assici ition. I. is tbe intention of the Veterans to attend the reunion at the Nashville Centennial iu June, and it would b' tbe del'ght i f the old soldiers' hearts to bf accotnaukd by a Cimp of the Sons, who will receivt the fame accortioda mni and treat merit as the- Veterats. Q lite a cumber have expressed their desire to attend tbe Etj osi ion and a movement id on fio. to get the old soldiers and tb ir sons to go in a body. Concord TreMltylery. A special to tho Charlotte Ob server from .Spates ville on Thursday, the 28 h, payi: "Concord Presby tery, in session Lere, to-day cele hrated the 2.50. h annivmary of the adoption of the Cooti-seion of Faith by Jhe WeBtrnirster Assembly. In the forenoon Rev. Dr. J. Rumple delivire! an important and valua ble historical address on 'The Teach ng ad Ii flence Which Led tbe Westminster Awrably to Adopt the ConfefBion ol Faith and Cate chism.' Rev. Dr. J B Shearer ppole of tbe connection of Piesbyteriao ism with the work and cause of rd cation. R-tv. John M Rice, of M or ganton, pre.icbed a most tl q lent sermon on 'The Faith Ojce D div ered to the Saints.' At night Rev. Eugeaa t).niel, of Raleigh, delivered aa able addrtBs on the theological teaohi rs and teachings which pre disposed the Westminster Assembly to the adop'ion of Calvinism, 'R-iy. J TidL.ill was recti cod as a member of tbe Presbytery. Tbe C F & i V and Seaboard Air-Line now carry bicycles free of charge when accompanied by tbe t owners. What is the Southern go , log to, do about it? . FAC- 4u Efllrlent C'orpH of I'rlnnpnl null Tenchem for the Grnnd I lilheriin College for Women That Will iiicn Hi not Newton uetobrr KextMiw CouHtnuee t'llue nml Mihii Kettle V Alexander, of Coneord, on tbe Lbi Rev. C LT Fisher, President, it Mont Auiorns Smiiini7 at hi;. 1'ieasiut, u4 iu tb city this (Sat uiday) uioiiune and furnished a SlANDAhD reporter tbe uiruj tf the faculty for E''z ibeth Collef, the gia'id Luthesn institutioa tli it i no-v in cour e or c ustructio i at Charlotte, and wbicb will b' giri its aoitaj work on thu oecoad' Tuesday in October next. ' Among the number, two of Con cord's most excellent jouug ladies are named. The faculty is as fo's lows: President Rev. O B King, of Asheville. Vice-Pn sidf nt Rev. 0 L T Fisb- er, of Mi. P.eaauDt. English Language and Litera ture Miss Julia E izabeth Painter, of Virginia. French, German, Italian and Spanish Langa g 8 Mr. D F Cul ler, of Pennsylvania. AncUnt Languages Mr. A W Fogle, tf S)uth Carolina. Maihemttics Mr. RL Fri z, of Ten nessee. Ka'ural Sciences aud.llistor, Prof. E B Sjtler, of South Caio itia. IutMllectudl and Moral Philosophy and Ilittorj Miss Julia L Abbott, of Virginia. E o ution and Physical Culture Miss E ie Caldwell, of Virgini. I'lepiratory Department Mil s Cons nce Cline, of ibis city. Director of Music Prof. F CE Crarz, of G ruar y, Vjcal Miss Blanche Rackort, of Maryland. Stiingpd las raments Mis3 M Ruth McL'nn.of Massachusetts. Art Department MiiS Be'tie V A'exander, of this ci'y. Chaplain and Lecturer 00 Chris tian E idences Ry. Dr. Bowman, of Charlotte.' Eery member of the faculty has taken a ion-gradua'e course from universalis aud institutions of tit highest reputation, aid Elizibetb College is to be congratulated on se curing snch an able corps MLs E-ie Ca'dwell and Mis Julia E z belb Painter will be the : lady principals of the institution, 4 Rev. Fisber spe ks io tbe imost glowing terms of tbe pro pcts for the opening tf Elizibeth College, and with Rev. King at its head and Mr. Fisher as canvasser aud solicitor for the iiutitutun, with the roin ti ed efforts of their efficient assist ants, there -is every assurance of a eticcesefuT echool. . ror Over irmy Venra Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp' has been 'used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, eofteue tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind 00! io, and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer imtnedi ,telv. Sold by droggists in every part of the world, Twtnty-fiye cents a bottle, Beiure ind ask for "Mrs. Winslows 800th iLg Syrnp," and take no other kind - Forest Mill Sews. Jason Fisher, eon nf ro'iceman Fisber, while adjusting a cover on one if tbe clo'h m ichices, let it fall on his hand and mashed two of his fingers very painfully. j The mill lawns are assuming a beautiful appearance under the waiter hand of Mr. Co'yer, the land icraper, with his force of bands.. Mrs. J C Walters, wife of one if ur merchants, has be n sick for jverul d itp. Twenty kegs, or two thousand ro inds, of beer were chii ped from Charlotte and Salisbury to this city luring the month of April. In the... Rain Storm tho man got very wet. Tha wetting gave him a oold. The cold, neglected, developed to a oough. The oough sent him to a bed of sickness. A doae. of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral,; taken at tho start, would; have Dipped the cold in the bud, and saved the sickness, Buffering, and expense. The ' household remedy fof colda, soughs, and all lung troubles U. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, fend lor tr "Cnttbook ." loo pire tf I. C Aver Ce., Lc l t',1, MM. EIIZ.VBETII COLLEGE ULIY. ENOCIIVILLE II CU SCHOOL Three miliiiil-n Brriliilliinn, IHh. loEiim, Prln.ary FxerelkiWRnd llitnv llnll. Tne c'osing exercises of the Eaochville High School begai on Sunday night, Apiil '25ih, at 7.o0, with a f erinou to t!i s school by Rov. V U Bticklev. 1 no sermon was practical, and listened to by a mod erately Rood congregation. Oil Mmday night, a good pro gramme of sonps, recitations, dia logues, etc ,, wai rendered at the academy. Hardly the usual crowd as"ln afteuilaiice that night. On Tuesday at 10.30 a. m Rev. M G G Scherer, President of North Carolina College, delivered tbe lit erary add 1 ess to a large congrega tion, in tbe Lutheran church. Tho address was good, aud was well de livered and received. After the address, the graduating class, Meetrs. Thomas L mraon Mil ler, John Franklin MiKnigbtand MisNora Rodgurs, delivered ora tiouBand read ant t'ssay. Mr. Mil ler's su'.ij-ct wr , "B yond the Alps Lies LiU y." Mr. IIcKnii;ht'(i sub ject waB, ' P ii) Her Pas', Present' and Fatur"'"' Miss Rodger's sub ject was "A Garden 1' ull ct r lower ing WeedF." There txurcirfes were good. After tuete... orations aud ewsny, R:v. V. R S:icklc; acting. for the Bjard of Tru te:8 gave o.icb of tlie c!ass a certificate (f graduation. Thus cipsed the u.jruir)g exsicires. ' At l:o(J p. ni., ia tho acadutay.,, the iritiiary exe.-tiBis, reci'ationr, songs, etc , wera heild. ""This was good, and listeued- to' by a good crowd. . 1 At tho clo of the.- exerorrs a name of base ball wr.a ployed by the High Fehoo! b:i, ;ninnt the. team from :Frartklio, ' Uiwau Cjunty The game was nn interesting one, resulting in a score of 'FfAfiklin 12 Eiochville 30 Tim lat of the exertises were heid at 7:30 p. m , at the ..acailmny. These were ol like character tooth ers held them antr all d d their part well. A very 'large crowd waj in attendance. J Tbe Trading Foard Bra?3 Bind furnished music for all the exercises, which was greatly appreciated. Oi Wedesday most of the popile returned .to their, homes. Thtse wbo remained, in company with soneof the young people of the place, were taken out on a straw ride by Prof. Miller and his assist ant, MrY Hudson. They had a pleasant day, fishing and picnick ing near Coddle creek bridge. So the session c'oetd wiih many pleas ant memories left behind: " SOMB. H INFLECTION S Prof. Miiler ia a mn'deg rtfi led practical teacher. ' Tbo Tmsteps have done well to secure his servicitf again. A more pitigrctsive and public-spirited ffjrt on the part if the cit!z)i;8 would work wOrders for the ebhobl'. " X ;v and modern desks,' and a coat of ninl int-i e abd ou'sidx of the building would make it attractive. Some decisie ' tnetsur flcnld be taken by tho friend.- of the school, in ample, linio to control J.he large cro'wd pretts'p at cjmnience noent at night, '' 1 .iV.M'Ir!'. Bnrklrn n Ai'SlK-A" 'i.t . Tiie li.-at t,,nvf in 'l-e wnrl.i ,iv Outl, 'itniis-i, iivi'-ii H r,'r''t !' 'fth 'UL.Tl'i-i'Vi' K(Trfs, Ti'id rt' (" l.ajip. H'ti.df, l.'ltilblaiiH, C.rt :.!! Skit; Err.j lions, uud.jouiift' cure's file or no j;e.y 'rtV-.i-ed. It ie gu fault id to vivi- at.-'; f jrtif.n or tn roi r. .'ipt. I'r t: rt i;ta r.er box For tin! IS Filter's1 Vt st-i-r.1 ' : ,y ... ' . Jt ,-. ; , ' ,Mir f I" ri L'-tl '' 8 Vi 1 .'!.S WW K'Ep.'cive'y :!, 'il, J, 15, 11. 13 ad tj other n i t . R'lityf, wtre jnolied Frifl'ij f r'fie"' faurd-f of M- d ni-yro ttv.ii ami- JiH I o !gbe oi.ef towii imi4 Uit .-i.bt r 7 yui s o d Oi cour e t i it two lat 'er had to aciio'ii ( -hil.-roUi. "(Ai -'tug ' 1 f.irn tlie. lnf'9 lepoUiv.'. deed c"f murder .. Tl:i. tj;. wrctalve(l burned down the li0Ja& ..... . - . '' The ljr.f l e j ' inyvi n'f5' nfnet bnt their'whi'e -i.rtghSjrs j irll lb m in av ning tn hrrib!c died ' '.. ........ , ,H x were hancr ) tpjio, oek tree nd tbe s ventll wai i.'robTibly sho. . . v ; , , . A Dmitvtil Matlivr ixr.' , " " i Uetsj, Siseniore ' Ji'iiely o'd niotfair, who has tren defericd by her ifio and otly . support; .cin b in ffbm ine county s ierl : ;tlkVj ago and "topped '.tth" hoii.e of "Mr. J M Beam in at : C.-irt'ndiiviHp-, . nit'h wlifttn ibe , hivt...pvioivsly ;, liyei.. The' poof, 'forsaken wuinn;. bad. wfa'iefl h r life nw.ay,' and v.H(fofl'j h"r son c5u?d be" found or j'Hio' sn' fortiiniti' wirhan cou'id bo ad.nilled to the connty homi", elie .was stricken with parafyai, from the effects of which the died K Hoy afternoon.' She ' 'w.ft. tenderly cared fur durinir her laHt few (!yg of suffering. Her Terri iitis weie in tered in 'ho pauper lot at tbe cit cemetery ,..: SHORT LOCALS. April 6howirs will not come again f r auotber 12 months May fl jwers are putting forth their buUti iu great numbers. Woik 1 as ht guu on the construc tion of tbe Baptist parsonage. Wild strawberries are ripeniug It is believed that there will be an unusually large crop this year. Dr. M Holden bas left Charlotte and is now located at Gastonia for tho practice of his profession. Three tramps were killed in a wreck on the Western North Caro lina railroad Wednesday. Mr. T V Ballard, of Hillbboro, is now tbe night operator at tbe depot. Mr. K G C'Jiftou bas been recalled to Danville. Mis Carr'.e Mehaffay, who bas been at Lowe it Dick's for a long time, has Deen added to the Clerical force ol D P Day vault. Messrs. W G Bjshamer and Jas. F Hurley have retunred from Southern Pines. Tbey were de ii, hted with their trip. Tub Standard acknowledges the receipt of an invitation from Us frolnd, Mr. J C Lippard, Jr., to at lend the closing exercises of Cataw ba College, May 10 to IM; 1897. Capt. EX M Patterson, of the lo cal freight between Charlotte and Salisbury,' is on the run-again, after a ten days' lay-oil ou account of sickut as. .Merchant D P Dayvault has muved his dry goods and clothing department from the oornor store' room into the ekgautly finished Pnifer room, next to the New South Club. '-''.. Toe great Ten net see Centenial Ex position opened by appointment to day. President McKinley pressed the button at 12 o'clock and started Fie Machinery. When the b!ooi is impure or in provisbed, boils, pimples, neuralia rheumatism, and various 0 her dip. esdts are deteloptd. Take Ayer's Sirs pari 1 1 . It purifies, inyigjrates and vitalizes the blood and restores vigoious bealtb. ' ; Mr. Jim EJleman, of No. 4 town ship, brougbt to TheStanpahd cilice on Wednesday some very fine spec imens of wheat and oats. He bas a held of wheat that will average three feet in height and is heading. His oats were very fine, also. - While a marriage ceremony was being ptformed near Danville, Va., a kerosene lamp flamed up and was abaut to explode when the bride s iiz .'d it and hurled it , through a window, lbe groom then came out from under tbe table, where be bad bidden, and the ceremony pro ceeded. A gentleman in Nashua, N. II, has for si veral yea s pan been in the habi' of taking Ayer's tareaparilla tona up thesys'em in the spring. The nan It is that he finds himself ttronger, bappiier, and betur than he bad bten for many years before. The taxable value of property in his S ate last year waa $257,437, 000, and the reduction in the tax rii frim 4G to 43 cents means a falling off of over 875,000 Of taxes. But. then it may be the belief that ibu board which is to iqualize 'axes may do something towards increa.-dng valuations. It, has b-ien t ffiaiallv announced thct tbe Norfolk & Western will nih no more Sunday trai '8 on the Winston-Salem, division. It is said :.l;ati"the new1 vine-prtBident and ..entrdl luannge.r of -the road has de-. cidyd not to run any trains on Sun !iiy "'except where it is neces-ary. lie believes in ' keeping the Sab bath holy," and in giving employes a day of rest. - ; ' ' ' ; N (thing around thf depot 'that ii tracts ttifl attention nf the travel- ir.K public so much asdoes the brick ruucliine on. the yard of Mr. KA 'Brown. One machine is runninp it a. capucity of nearly 50.000 'per day, A J 1 keeps the yard hands busy ti 'move them from the mould. Whenever a train ia delayed and the passengers bave a few minutes to spare, the ti trie is spent in a trip 16 the yard. It is interesting to WtttciV'' , ,, ..m. . - t ree I'm. . ftentl your a.ldress to II E Buck- V11 & 'C ., Chicago, raud fT't R 'r.P0 iimpiH box of Pr. Kinn's New Lift t'lllw. A trial will .convince you of U.eir iiiPiitsi. Tbopo p;lli are tnsv of.net 00 vid are $ irtioli'arly effec tivn in. t hie, -cuj e x i'f . CooBtipation md hie!i b'a lauhe. 1'or in i! aria 1 nd liver troubles they have been pruvod iiivuluablo. They are (ruai anteed to be pi-rfertly veiiclablo 'J'be.v do not weaken by thi ir action hut liy frivinp tine to the tttmniich nn 1 boweis eren ly invigorate the sjslcm. Ueguliir size 2"o per box Sold at Fetzei's lni Sloro, Uli'iiiorlnl Ou Monday, the 10th of May, is M niorial Dy. The ladies of the JUerporink Association will doubtless arrange a programme of commeniofi,-' tive exercises i'l honor of the fallen helo g whose retnwni were put to rest in the cemeteries of our city, and bedeck tbeir graves with flowers. Tha f"ons of Co lfederate Veterans Bhould take an active part in' such exercises as may be planned " tfj iadu-8 cf the Mtuiuional AssociaMoh ? ,-v,; ! -: ' huiithern Intrr-Mlatfl' InsiiriMre ('un ventlun. Special Correspondence to' Shelby Aurora ety The convention, met as per cull iu the parlors of tbe Pinty Woods 1, in 1 uesd'iy 27th, knd was well attended both by Southern and Northern insurance men and quite an iMerost was developed aol uinch good r.truited.Ic was demons-' trated t) ar the hws of North Caro lina wtre not inimical to the in vestment of nor.bern capital but tht her lavs were q lite aulBcieat for the porteotiou of invettors ind her g. coiiiiea as good as iffjr'ed by any s'a e in tha union. - Several of the representatives Btated that their cotcpanies were now investing in the sou ih End they, found their investments more- profitable and more s itisfactory in e.very way than northern investments and their companies were extending and placing a I the money they could in tbe souih. O hers frankly stated- that they were not 'nvesting in tbe south. All that waj discuoed to day was directed to vard aicertuiuing what could be done to seiuro northern ins surance compinieB to make mere 11 -vestrr.ents in the South Papers wen read and talks mude by Prof. Stuurf, oi" New York ; J D Church, of Charlotte; 1) L Gore, of Wil mington ; J Van Lind;ey, of Greeni boro ; T F Haraon, of South Caro lina ; J R Young, of llendenoa ; A G II U, of Tennessee ; J C Drtwery, F B Arendell, Carey J Hunter, J 1) Bousball, all of Rileizb ; W S Park er, of Henderson ; 8 Wittkousky, of Charlotte, aud J jhn T Patiick, inn dnstrial agent of the Seaboard Air L;ne. At tbe nig'it sesseasion Mr. Pat rick causod quite a sensation by dc nonnciag a report 1 hit wa? current that be should have said to kick out the northern companies aud do our on insuring. But th.it m did say any muu who said the southern peo pie were not able to conduct the in surance busineis or any other busi ness whera integrity aud brains were r quired should go wke.e he thinks he cn find this honesty and ability and it was not the northern insur ance companies he wanted to kick out but-the man who bad no faith in the Southern people. Ihe e will be another meeting of 1 he association s)me time this IM w.ben full reports will be made as to' the discrimination cf the northem companies and the legislation need ed if any is needed to make collec tions good. Some iittltf amusement was caused by some statements that tbe b per c ut law in this Sta e prevents in- vs:ment here while those same companies wire lending money north at 1 1-2 to 4 per c-nt CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tit fi- 9 If n tTiry How a llHk Dirt II Ifrnlli. We are reliably iuforuied of a re- marbable hanging accident which occurred on tbe John Watkins p'ace, near Clem'monsille, one day last week and which resulted in the sud den death of ibe unfortunatu viciitn. A large hawk swooped down upon a hroo 1 of chickens, but in H8 eager n 8a for came did not observe the wire fence barricade between it and the fowls, an 1 hurling itself against Vhtj iiet'woik i'l head caught iu one of fthe uieshi s and broke its neak, and there i's lifi less body huijg and was f.) und by ia tics who wrra ut att'te'ed by tbe terrible tqnalls of the mother hen, wbieh did not rea lize that tbe close by enemy was powerless to harm her or her off spring. Winston Sentinel. There is more catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years doc orn pronounced it a local disease, aud prescribed 1 cal remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pn -nounced it incurable. Sci41.ce bap proven catarrh to ba cns itutiocal disease, and, therefore, r q lirr s c in t'itutional treatment. Hull's Oatair'i Cura, manufaclnri'd by F J Cheney it Co., Toledo, Oaio, U the only constituiional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from lOdrops to a tenupoonftil It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars fur ny case it fails to cure. Sirdfor nirciilars and testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. JBeiyild by Druggists, 75c. It seems, says the Herald, tbat M'irnanton sends away more money orders than the average town of its s ze. since the present, utvign auo arrangement of money orders waf instituted, a year or so ago, Post master Turner's stubs i-how an itieue of more than 7,000. S;atesvil'a, a little larger town, has issued only about 5 500 iu tbe sauif period of time. TIIE PEANUT INDUSTRY. Derommr Important for Producing Oll.nnd Food The Press Visitor a day or two ago published a short paragraph in reference to a peanut oil factory, which is in operation at Norfolk. It is of interest to know that the in ventor and patentee of the machine ry used in this industry is Mr. W E Weathcrly, who is a son-in law of our townsman, Mr. OJ Carroll, and ia also General Manager and Secretary and Treasurer of tbe Nor folk factory, an extensive concern with 860000 capital. The parties interested have also formed a stock company at Pittsburg, -Pa., to oper ate a plant on an extensive scale. The oil made from tbe peanut is of j'frvery superior grade and is of two kiiids, one being a salad 011 lor tame use and the other a lubricating oil for machinery. A flour is also made trom the kernel which is said to be very tne tor food, and in pursuance of the .principle of utility in politi cal economy tbe bulls are also used. A mixture of one portion of flour and two of the bulls makes a very fine stock food. Tbe Norfolk plant has proven a thorough success un der the superintendency of Mr. Weatherly and to judge from res jlts the peanut industry promises to be come a most important oue. (en. ForeNt'ii Nworil Among the Confedera'e relics seut from this city to tbe Tecneise? Cenbnnial Exposition are tbe svord, sashes and pia'ol of Gn. N B Forrest and other mementoes of the most famous blade tf modern tint's, as with it its omer literally heved his way to fame, starting his military caieer at a private and win uing way his step by step to lieu - tenant general of cavalry, the high est in tbe cavalry service. Tbe sword, unlike the most of the 8 worn by military officers of high rank was evidently intended for ac tual service.and not merely as a part of ihe insignia of rank. Tbe blade is long and sharp and bears upon its polish d suface the marks of aotual service. Ueu. rorrest s pistol, the one worn by him throughout tbe war, is a Colt's navy revolver of 30 calibre, the ivory handle tf which is dis colored with age. Like its compan ion, the sword, it has seen much service and is responsible for many lives cut short in battle. Besides the sashes worn by the Confederat hero, there is in this collection of Forrest relics the bullet which was taken from the general after be ws so severely wonnded at the battle of Shiloh. All these relics, together with a liny silken Confederate flag presented to Gen. Forrest by some lady whose name is unknown to the surviving members of his family, are lbe property of bis sen, Capf, William Forrest, wbo was with bis distinguished father from the age of 15 years till the surrender, tw o yeirs later. In addition to tbe military relics of Gen. ForreBt, there is his pardon from tbe President of the United States. This is signed by williaui H S;ward, Secretary of State. $1,000. We will giva the above amount to th person who will send ua the best list o tiftv questions answered hi "Dictionary of United Slates History." Write for particulars with stanip. 1TWTAN IT BUSHING '"O ISO liroralield Street Itostou Mass, 817'07. 1 he t lool Not Over. The Urnble fbods along tbe Mis. s'asippi and its tributaries sre so far from being subsided that at Kokuk the Levees bn ke on tbe Illinois side on Tuesday and 25,000 acres of lmd are overflowed and much stock is destineu 10 oe losi auu even peoplo may be droned. Other breaks are occurring. It is due to tbe long continued flood that has soaked the earth embankments till they slue away. Quiet tn rubs. ffhat's the matter with Cuba? Wo have feen so little tf her lately hut there hardly seems to be a war there any more. We bave seen that some more fillibuslerine is going on but we har little of the war. We would ike, 'f while the eyes of the world s being turned on tbe Grecian pen insula, the would snatch htr inde pi l.dence. To Alleml Hie 1'nvelllnic. Mrs. Stonewall Jackson and her grand children ha7e gone to Texas, where they have been invited as guests of the city of Dallas, to attend the unveiling of baudtome statutes of Lee aud Jackson. tlrteneboro R cord. FREE EDUCATION. An education at Harvard, Yale, or any other college or institution of learning in tlie United Mates or In tno JMuw n.n- sliiml Conservatory of Music, can be secured by any you nt; man or woman w ho is in earnest. Write for particulars quickly. ,1AM Km O. BALL, 3 6 Ilrmnlield Street, Boston, Mass, Sept. 17 117. FIRE IN NKWPORT NEW3. Three Mteamalilps, a Hnrh,lTn nnd Tbree IMera Burned. 'NeWpjrt Nbws, Va.Aptil 2g. A disastrous fire ojenrred hero yes terday morning. It started in tbe piers along tbe water front at an early hour and spread rapidly in the heart of the shipping district;, and amon2 the docks and piers. Three of the hading piers were burned. Tbree steamBhip. oue bark and one tng that were anchored at tbe wharves cunght fire and were destroytd. The fire is still burning and firemen are doing all in their power to check the fl tmi s. Ic is impossible to determine the amount of the damage to property, ' A number of persons are missing and it is lelieved several lives were lost. All Free. Those who have used Dr, Kinc's New Disooverv know its value aud those who bave not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on advertised druggist and pet a trial bottle free. Send your name and address to II E Bucklen & Co , Chicago, and ' get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide toUoalth and Household Instructor free. 4.11 of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Fets zer's Drug store. Hewed I'p a HIhu'i Heart, Berlin, April 25. During1 the recent session of the Surgical Con gress here Dr. Rehe, of Frankfort, reported a successfnl operation upon tbe human heart, tbe first of the kind in the history of surgery. Dr Rehe explained that the pa- tient, a mac, had been stabbed to the heart, and in tho ordinary course his death would have been certain in a very short time. He was, how ever, hurried'y convejed to the hos pital, where the doctor 'a d bare the heart and found that there was a wonnd in tbe right side of the organ. He sewed np tbe orifice m id 3 by tbe stabber and then applied the general trtatment for arresting the hemjr rhage. The heart worked violently during the operation, but despite the commotion of the organ the patient made good progress and soon re covered. The Salisbury Sun says: A gen tleman from Concord came up Thursday night and spent this morning in hunting a room in which to open up a stock of goods. He failed to find one and returned to Concord. He will continue do ing business in that towu. Notice lo claimant. Seized at and near Concord, N. C, oo the 21 b and 25th of April, 1807, for violating the laws of the United States, tbe following preperty : 1 black horse, '.agon and harness, the property of Isaac Burbee. Two mules, wagon and barness, cosking utensils, 2 empty kegs and pestor, the property 1 1 Combs and Snider. Notice is hereby given to all per sons interested to give notice in the form and manner prescribed by law to tbe undersigned at histffioe in AaheviMe, N. C, wttbin 30 ti from da'e hereof, or the Bame will be declared forfeited to tbt govern ment of the United States. Sam L. Hooehs. Bj R S II rris, D. C , 5th Dia . trist or .North Uarolina. April 2Gtb, 1897. Atlentt jn. Confederate eterauN. We clip the following beautiful ap'peal to the Confederate Veterans. It is written by Rrigidier General F M Parker, to the members of the :)rd Brigade bJt its happy presenta lions are equally forciable for all : "You will notice from tbe enclosed circular from the maj r general commanding tbe North Carolina di vision, that ke is anxious to sho a full force cf veterans from our State. Let me appeal to you to carry out t. lis wish cf the major genera'. Let it not be said that the veter ans from North Caroliua bave lost their z'al in the cauce which tbey once held dear. Remember the words which were drawn from the p-'erleti Lee, our Lee at Appomattox When a brigade (JJox'c) from Nirth Corolina swept by him to tbe charg" with unbroken ranks, and steady s'ep, he voluntarily exclaimed : "Gjd bless old north Carolini," 'think of these things, my comrades, and let us meet once n.ore to pay homage to the cause we have not for. gotttn, aud to the memory of our filleo btavis. Your brigade com man ler confidently hopes that the Third will be tbe strongest of our division. Let the fam-r leave hi 3 simp i, the lawyer bis books nd bis pa; era, the suigeon bis saortd tnia', jet, and even the chaplain l a I oly call ing, and let us all toucb elboivs again. It will be a pleasant du'y. Tho time Is not far distant when in my of us will be called "across the river yo rest under the shade of the tries." IIP, Absolutely rare. Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healtbfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powder Co , New York. They Hold Their Bane. The superintendents of the hos pi a's at Morganton, Raleigh and! Goldcb iro hold their officea till tbeir terms expire. Sa says the Supreme conrr and it scores gnawing hunger for pie that was thought to . be just in r ach. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JAN. 18, 1897. This condensed schedule is pub lished as information, and is sub j ict to change without notice t j the public: TRAINS LEAVE COVCOflD, N. O. 9:27 P. M, No. 85, daily for Atlan ta and Charlotte Air Line division. and all points South and Southwest. Carries through Pullman drawing room buffet sleepers between New lork, Washington, Atlanta, Birms ingham, Galveston, Savannah and Jacksonville, Also Pullman sleeper' Charlotte to Augusta, 8:18 A. m. No. 87, daily, V ashing ton and Southwestern vestibuled limite for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing car, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist car for San Francisco, Sun davs- 9:02 p m c. 9, daily, from Rich mond, Washington, Go!dsboro,Nor folk, Solum, ltalign, Greensboro, Kuoxville and Asheville to Char lotte, N. C. 10:30 4- m. No. 11. daily, for At lanta aud all points South. Solid train, Kichuionu to Atlanta; Pulia man sleeping car, Richmond to Greensboro. 10:07 a. m. No. 30, daily, for Washington, Richmond, Italeigh and all points North. Carries Pull man drawing-room burt'et sleeper, Galveston to New York ; Jackson ville to New Y'ork ; Birmingham to New York. Pullman tourist cars from San Frar cisoo Thursdays- 9:02 p. it. No. 38, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled, bruited, for Washington and all r oints North. Through Pullman car, Memphis to New Y'ork; New Orleans to New York; Tampa to New Y'ork, Also carr.es vertibulcd coach and dining car. 7.22 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Bichs mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Ral eigh, Goldsboro and all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping car from Greensboro to Richmond. Connects at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman car for Raieieh- 6 17 a. m. No. 10, daily, for Rich 'nond ; connects at Greensboro for Raleigti and Norfolk ; at Danville for Washington and points North ; at Salisbury for Ashyille, Knox ville and points West. All freight trains carry passengers John M. Gulp, W. A. Tcbk, Trafiic M'gr. Gen'l Pass. Ag't, W.H.Green, WaHhington, D. O. Gen'l Superintendent, Washington, D. C. S, H.nARDWiCK, Ass'tGen'iP. Ag't Atlanta, Ga . H. Tayloe, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Ey, Gowan Dusenbejy, Local Ag't, Concord, N. C. A 23,00O fire occurred in Brook lyn Wednesday thai cost the lives of two women and two children. HER LIFE TRULY SAVED. Iir. Miles' Heart Cure Docs It. Mr. Chm. Ln Point, a wnll-lcnown rosldonft of I)cnviT, pi.-iiM'S thin wonderful rornoUy. JItr u-st Imony Hhoiiitl mnvineo all a to tiio worth of thofu'w Heart Cure and ltstoru tivc Nervino. linr letter dated SoyUULb, 18U4, reads as follows: Mhs. La Point, 2Li7 Humboldt Ht. Typhoid fever left Die with heart trouMo of tho nioHt wrious Lfiuiro. .Nothtnn tho doctors pavo had any effort. I had severe pains In I he In-art, and wilh uiiaido to lie on my left side for more t nan tlin-u nil nut At a time. My heart seemed to rni-.- heats, atul I had srnothuriiiK M'ln, In which It mm mod every breath woiilu he my Wo accl- deutly saw un auvertiaumeut of Dr. llilcs New Heart Cure dud Kestoratlvo Nervine, and pun-hu d a hot lit- of uah. A ftr tJtktti t he n rued ten a week, I eon id he ll f te'ltn a riiaj r and Mt up a:i hour, and hi u. short time 1 wan aide U do 11'ht hi nisewnrU. I shall tn- ev r t-r:i" - fit 1 to you for your wonderful nndienie... Truly they saved my liiV MKH. CUA. I K I'll I NT. Pr. BTtle.i TT a-( Cur" Is i. I ofi a i-,ltivi irnarantee that l);e llr, In iflo vill f . t.. tiu AUdnu f. -r li, will nt. nreit..!d on rec'-ipt. of tirli'ift t j tho Dr. Ah 1. 3 Mmual t u , LikL hart, lud. Dr. Alilcs' Heart Cure fiSS.