th: 'A RD THE STANDARD. y im 7i P'.ii.Vi'-i fiiii A'EU'S I .l.s jVLIVA ST AND A ED GO JD - JOB - WORK AT MVINd PRICES. dlVK US A TRIAL HUM W'nlrr l!uli IH-rp. Tnure I 'its ""n far so long aeon stautfljw oi .iiu-ational news from Cuba till h- m: mouth when ml bag been a i. n. Now bursts forth the news thv Cuba will win, bared ou the pu-ortf-.l dbpatcbes from General U- th-.t tee Cubans are tmprovit g in '" " guerilla war fare and ae s'ro' ger than ever. Unlet riMiii. The Durham San says that r moat U .ring but ekillfullj ex-cuted j .b or jfe cract in took Tues day uo uiLg (probably) in th undertaking tstabliabnatnt of Lee & Wheeler in that town. The j -b w.i? complete but the money only amounted 10 J33. Hoou to be Mnrrivd. From the Observer we clip tbe following item, concerning one ol Concord's excellent young ladies: "A marriage iu which Charlotte and Concord will be iqually Interested will be that of Mr. Chas. 8 Stone and Miss Addie Alexander. Tni cards are not yet out, but the mar riage day is cot far off. Mr. Stont is one of Charlotte's most popular young merchants." Km Enlerprlne. The Standard Od Company bat just completed thtir new tt,nk station at this p'aoe, and are tow nreDared to tive the m rchanls cf Concord and surrounding territory, the same facilities as furnished in all large citus. They will nuke deliveries to tin merchants of Concord of bulk oil putting it In their storei direct, from the tank wagon, tbui saving the merchants nny handling of thii oil, and insuring them the pure fresh oil. They will prepare and Qll barrels at thtir warehouse for the country tiade, or at y one whonrght want it in that ma in r. By this lvw (!. p irturebe price cf o'l has been reduced and all pines shnnld bent ti: bv It. Mr .1 BUdlde!l has caarg) of the hntiness in Con-ord. At Hont Aiu.i llil Th3 Benior exercises iil take place on Saturday, May 29, at 8 o'clock n. m. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Rev. K BoUU, of Wilmington at 11 a. m , Sunday. At 8 p. m. the address be fore the seminary missinnary society will be delivered by Rev S D Suffej. Tuesday at 8 p. m. tbe annual con rert will be given. Ou Wednesday a' 10.30 a. m. the gradual ing exorcises will take plane. From 8 to 11 p. m on the fame evening the acnui rorpntinn will take place. The erauua'cs are as follows : Annetta Sasana Keranhappnch Boozr, South Carolina; Minna Hoi- min, South Carolina; Marguerite Ie Hunter, Smth Caroiina; Addii V, i7.ibnth Jeniv. Sm'h Cirolinn Jeesie Miriam Lay ' :t 1 q..; Effie May Mi- . Ko'nh Can . i l il.-n r, Mi Plenum t: Mi,r ri' ft Ur M oiler. South Carol! n ; Addie F'Wr Tut terson.Coi'.c.ri1; Wi li. linu a t'-seidy Weimar, booth Cirn'na; E'iwi Virginia Clay Sbonn. I'"'' vi.!. llio Rig Miow. Btruum & BjIVj-'h big Charlotte wi:s tux- vsAvi It whs a verii:.t''e 7t '. i-'-i' sdiow ii .! able, r -irilen m:d contained' Uo a c jlUction of curieua f.eaki and not bi erv tx'iniiva in numb. r a ih y are ex eel "en t in uirrir. 'J he aciobaio perfo: mancis ma) hp in'iuihd but were inerbcr'o it i iMni..vini7 ihe almost liuiif'e38 de I J - veloptneiH which ws pr-ncnt in th Divine mind hej man waa created the moat wonlerfnl of all cre.'eri bei' gs. A s riking feature .s t ho number of females that cSHplajt ' museukr strength and agility wi: all the ii.a:din ineea that it is psai tie to muin ain and show that i this too Bhe is tne fqual of man. The x'ent to wbieh horses efp cislly showed docile po.iers eur1" passu! our ideas unci mules the lim ntill ini;ie dim between mind and int' llecN The wliole prefenceof tbe 15:rnnm . Il.ilev eluiw. fr m ti::; arrivil on the trround as it wal fallowed th ough t!'e ereolion of (entr; th KorgKO'is display thro'.igh theetree' wi,i 40 S'erb, jo tly, prcud riri;..'ht ! orhii to oi.e trai.d coacl tbri,' gb tb-' entire (lit play whs in n v, r i f i r.b r, leatr j an ! yiand til', with less iiiJ:c tcu ( f u mrce to u.ora'il? than is viih'e o tin in tn' ordinary t .wn or i o numty. T ,e cnterlainment by the ladies of ttie Miiuionary and Bnevnlent Societies of tuel''ir-l Presbyterian cburib, which t' ok p'nre at the hnm-t of Mr. and Mrs, J C VVad'Worth Ttucilav evening wa a dnoid d ocovKS, 8:!'2 07 beii g n a Jized by the free-will i U'.irirgs. VOL.X--NO 47. REV. W M SHAW. Ilrlor llolitraplilcHl Shplch or it rn bnrrltM 9Ilnli(rr. 'f hb bT&NDAKD takes 'le 8 I'.O ill fornishing tbo fo.lo.nng Bke'cii from the North Ourolim Presby lerian : Rev, William Mitchell Sbaw, pas or or lie tn page and unwoo obur:hea and s atfd sipply o! Shearer Cbspel, is a srn of Rev. Oulin Sb'ivf aud a great ura .d son Colin Bhaw tf revoiu'n uarj memory. His n o'ner is a uaui'Ter of (Jeorg" W B mi ermsn, an n 11 'en citizen tn b'.s, aim at one 11112 a rtprescu'a ne ii umuen ounty in the legislature. One (f he niiiten al aM' t 4tors pf Mr. Shaw was Charles MiG-egor, whocime to his country during the lievolu i n in Scotland. lie was a commia sioned tflioerin the patriot army. In Qia absence the king s forces got bis commission. At tbe earnest entreatj of hia mother he sailed with his own h p and crew for Wilm:ngtor, H. lie then assnmea ine name 01 bis cousin (Bannermnn) for fear of oeiug deteon-d. About ten yeira ol Mr. Shaw'a life were spent in tbe lohoolroom a jeriod of uuinter uoted succets. He lirsc taugat ai Uarrell's stoic. Resigning this worK he took a special course in uitlitur actica at the V lrginta Milrury In ttuute acU in the rH ot fci ni aught wiih Trof. S W Clement a' Walluce, N C, introducing tht mili ary feitura m'o tha ecbool. La'er he organized ana supenntenu d the Magnolu Graied bobcol. 1 January, 1888, be WA3 elcc ed prin ml ot ihe IV'nansville Aciuemv. and 8hoitly nfterward Supe in'end nt of Publio Instruction of JJaplu county, uoia ot tnese posi'ions n. aubsequently r signed to enter the ministry. Mr. Shaw had been taken unaer he care tf Presbytery at the spring ne. tine of '87, and after taking the regular pnscribed course in theology under R-iV. B F M arable, U D., wt censed at Black River Cbape', April 1891. During the summer nd fall he continued the evangens lie work: in which he been en- ijaf.ei for more than a ver. In D -i-e nbcr '91, he mnw.d to Mill Hill, N. 0 , to take charge of bis present field. Mr. Saaw s educational auviu- ages were good. Llis early tmniiii of godly parents, the preparation for cillege by liev. j jn u cum tnere!', the thorough woilt or tne Davidson College Jbaculiyand tne nbeenuent teacbinfe of the learneo Dr. Marable have left their imprest upon hia mind and character. Mr. Shaw 13 an exceptionally nne teacner. Patrons and pupils wherever ne na. a-icbt have uotning out woras or fitai e. We haye never seen a teacbei who poiS sied in a higher degree the art of mteres'ing cniidren. lie Iraws out what the child knows and hen incieiEea the de-ire for further knowledge. Synod and PreBbytery recognizing his pre-eminent qualifl- oa ions as a tcacner nsve tncrns ee to him jjositions of responsibility in loiioection with the bibba n-sonoo' vork. He ia a good orsa'itzer and o d and young work for him with nthutiusm tin preaeuing is orrip ural nnd prctiral. Oiristniap, 1884, was usuillj blight to Sir. Shaw. Ol tba' Ca he w. s married to Mica Alberta Fai i. n. a daughter of Col. Thomas 1 Fa'S'.n, opalarly Known as a legis ator to tbe perp e or eastern uaro unit. Mrs. rhow is a lady of h-gl Christian characti r, an accomplish ed musician a id poss38(d of arcial graces that make her popular and f jriat h n to her houbund in nn wo'k. Lat Angns' the Prcebytec an i:ntiniir;f ed thdenh (f t hei i-i'it little danghier, V.rgi-ni Kat n. This is the only t. teak in tin i tecs'ing croup cf chi ilr.n tba n:d b ;a cen to i laJden tbeii k nr'i). y.r. 'h'.w has r'Cf.verod f otu hit c nt illness nnd h is rnfen-d tir- ( no wed z"a! ruin 1 ii work f r tli Waaler. liieornntloiiHl Aiirreiiiriil Coiinnsr Sir Henry IJouldsw ortl n tiresidinff over a meeting of English Bitnttaliis's Thursdiy ir Loi.don declared with in'-hueia-m hat ihe pio pecte for ii.tersr.atjona igrei ment were ney: r mure brpfu han th"y are now. llie I'rohb.vlrrlnil liurch (drove. nt Chliin The Ptibyterian church has organized at Chiui (kove wi'h ibout twenty-fl e member?. Dr. A J Crowi H and 8 Frank Mille.r weit !i cted e'Jer-:; J A fbiuii, Jo'iU F Vli'TnedJ li ( o Inight deiecms Dr. A J Crowi II, J B Sbinn, John F '.Iill.r, J B CI .odnigbt W J Swiuk e: e ii pointed a buildiny eo i.mlt'ee. The church is iO cot a out 2,000 and will be a h:u.d some otiucturp. DculittllllilK K.ltr: Kloil. Near Way Ctosu ou the 10; h, U A Duality a white s'oe ki ept r nfusi d io uail ou a nee o W.Hi m Simmons w bo attempted to kill him with a 5c le wtigh, w hereupon Demnry a oi nnd ti lt d Williams. Soou a mob of negroes gutbeted and poured a siei.tly lire thtcuah the thin wbIIb of i be s "ie, v oi ii 'ins Ibumry n ml o hers Thev w re Du illy driven i ff by the slitiiff's posse. Col. Nrfln'i CIoho fall. Col. Paul 15 Mean?, cf Cjncrrd, bad a close c1! at the dep)t hete I .at nigh' Cul. Means a: d Cul. J S Carr, of IXirbAiu were on the plat form uwuititig the "all aboard" of the conductor on No. 9. A3 the 'r .in started to pall out Col. "tciins called Co!. Carr and the two'at tempted to board the traiD, but tht former was thrown to hia knees and those standing by bh iddeieJ at his perilous situu'ii n. The traiu etopjie i however, end the Colonel gathereJ himself together without any dam age. It was a close call. Salisbury World of My 13 4 lronieron Cnroer. The Salisbury World of Friday ays : A meeting of the directors of the Pattereoa minufacmring compunj waa held at China Groye Tourjday. The company was reorgauiz-d yei terday, the new company j urcliiis ing from the old one 800 bi'es of cotton at 7 centj After deducting COO for wear of machinery divi dend cf 5 per cent was declared and 1 p romt applied to tbe sinking fund. All the old officers and direc tors were elected except t B Col trane, who I v o! J hia stock in the mill. Dr. S. phens w.ia elected in hia s'ead. Mr. R J Ili lun s, of thie city, at'cncJeu the uieetieg. line mill is perhaps doiug at well as any iq tne siate and ia a credit to the ounty. Under the pilotafe of ite pr.sent tffio:ent m-inager W J Swink nd super't'.'indeut 1 J Jios thb nill bidj fair to continue a thus far p:03perous care. r. Mt. Neb.-), X. 0., April 21, 1S07- have been a cre.u sufferer with nek headache-), bnt bince tun ne Hucd's Sarn arilla and Ilood'e Pills I nm entirely cured, and I de not forget to recommend thin medicine to my friends. Luclnd.. Fleming. Hood's Tills cure all liver ills 25c. Mm. R(onrn-nll JnckHOu. Mrs. S onewiill Jacktion piieaed through New Orleans Tuesday last on her way from Dallas, lex., to her home in Charlotte. N, C. She waa me' at tbe depot by a krge lelegation of Confederate vetrr;ns Capt. II II Ward, president of the Army of Northern Virginia, ac'ed s spokesman and with a few well- ohosen words welcomed Mrs. Jack aim to the city. 1 be lady acknowl edged tVie pretty complinieii's and (book bands wiih the veterans. A image conveyed the taily to tbe Louisville and Neville depot aud subsequently, under tbe e cert cf Colonel Loaibaid, to tne Pickwick Hole!, where a lunch wus had. Daily San. Xotice lo 1-ii1iiiiiiis. Seized at and near Concord, N. C, on the 21th and 25 ;h of April, 1897, for yio uiing the laws cf the United Sia'es, the fo lowing preperty : 1 tiluck b..rr.e, wagon huJ hnruees, the property of I-iic l'arbie. Two mules, wagon aud harness, ro iking utenails, 2 empty k, gj and petor, the property i t (. oiubs and inuler. Notice is hereby given o all p r (one interested to give no ioe iu tin form aud iiuiMtier preecrib d by lw o the undei'sigin d at, his 1 fliC'i in Abbeville., N. C, within 3D cuy from da' e I crei f, or the same il be declared forfi i'ed t th govern ment of the United States. Sam. L. Roqkks Bj R S IIHHI3, D. C, 5th D a- tiiat of A 'r'.'i t aroliu.i. April 26-b, 1897. Tl e now city! at S.i'.e l urj oaa bacn no ie. d by bu-'d i c .vmrnittcp of l' o ablerui' a. Much atie-fan'ion i- f-i -i' tl.n :-0e-(h8 f"' cimnli tinn of this e'ru-'a o. It whl limit hy (J mtract'.r llamiltou of this city. i'v Fifty Years Ago. fhlt l the cratlle lu which there grew Thnt thought of a philanthropic briitll 4 remedy that wouUl make life new For the multitude" that were racked with pain. Twj arBapari(la, made, you know tf Ayer, tome so yeox ago. Aycr's Sarsaparilla was in Its infancy hnlf a cen tury ago. To-dny it doth "be Btrido tho narrow world like a colossu3." "vVhat ia the secret of its powor? Itacureal The number of thorn 1 Tho wonder of thorn I Iinitatora have fol lowod it from tho beginning ol Its buccohs. They tire etill be hind it. Wearing the only modal granted to ftvrnnpnrilla tn the Yorld'u Fair of 1893. It points proudly to its record. Othora imitate the remedy? they can't imitate the record I 5o Years of Cures. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 20, eilOCT LOCALS. A mulo was sold 'a this city Fri day f ir 25 centB. Mif-ses Bella and Lelia Moser. ofMt. p'eapant, spent Fj i lay ia the city. Tho Slate Dental Association will meet next year at Fayetteville. Rev. and Mrs. J Q Wertz, cf China Grove are both quite sick. During the merry month of June we will have apples, weddings and other good things in great number?. This wet spell is good on gardens and all vegetation, but pietty tough on sailors, newspaper reporters aud bicyclists. An exchange describes a beauti ful young lady as having "a face a painter might dwell upon." That would be a delightful residence. Messrs. B M Boatian and Walter Lipe, have opecel an ict-cream par lor in tbe 6tora room formerly occu pied by Tucker cfc Sides, on West Depot street. Mrs. Ed. II Hall and children have returned from Salisbury, after spending seveial weeks iu that city with relatives. Mr. E V Winocoff has been con fined to his room for several daye by sickues, out was able to be out iast Thursday. Dn Morris in, a negro convict, liaa been brought to town and placed in jail, lie is diseased and tj in a precarious condition. Mr. John Miller, treasurer of the bicycle and baseball club, is is ready to ruciee money and receipt for stocks subscribed to the association, Mr. and Mrs. Thomns Wallor have moved froTi their homo in No. 1 township, to this city and live with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bostian, on Young avenue. The Mooresville Record Rays: "Mr. Tbos. lloltshouser, our section master, while at work at Mount Mourue on Wednesday, dug up an Indian potato that tips the scales at '-!7 pounds." As a new reg'wtrat'on is necesr rv for the bond election, a new set nf bioks are opeu to the public. Be sura you are registered. Ine books were open to day and will be eveiy Saturday for the next three Dr. John F Reed will pay a re ward fur tho return of bis knife, which he left on a chair at Caton e hall Thursday night. It is a small, dark bone handled, two-bladed knife with brass jaws. Mr J N Smith, a weaver at tl e Cannon factory, was right painful ly hurt Thursday by accidentally catching his hand in a loom. One linger was broken and several others dislocated. Don't wear faleo hair whilo it is possible to retain your own. Ayer'e Hair Vipor, the beat dre.-sirg, nour ishes and invigora'es the bair ro'it.j, cures sca p diseases, prevents the hair from coming out or turn ing (iriiy, and promotes a new and luxuriant growth. Mr. W C E idleman brought ut a sample of some of the finest straw berries we have soen lor tue season. It is Mr Eddlemau'e first effort ai irawberry culture, but he is bo much pleased with it that he pro poses to extend tho industry, and hopes to get it on a paying basis. Tbfl C'imbination roses exhibited by Mr (I E Smith, Thursday after noon, were beautiful and rare. Flor ists of this city have never seen the like before. A large bridal rose, with its pure white petals, have on the same sprig a lovely pink tinted rota. Mr Smith could not account for the unnatural growth, but waf quite proud of his prize. Ayer's Iln'r V'igtr res'ores cat jralc ihrto the 1 a r, by stimrj- '"tin a healthy action of tne tcalp. Pn is preparation also produces a -i Miis growth cf the hair, and fives it a beautiful lustre and 'ou'h'ul appraranea. Rtco n mended "iy phyt-iciaus, clare y men, and scien .is'B. Tin: Standard in behalf of even ooo ( with the Drintfliop bows its politest thai ks to Mrs. II A Brown for a whole tureen ol iii.lieimiH strawberries sugared to iisle. coming too aa they did when our annetites were just craving those Verv berries and wne.n we wire jusi needing some token of appreciation. I i ihr biiip-naL'i) of II in Van Winkle: "Il ia's t. yo ir health and all your fitnilyl May you live long nu jrn.-i')i. Wo will present ah lutely free i n 1S!7 bicycle (either ladies' or eat:;' wheel) in exchange for a a7 ir wo wish attended to i a Con or I, also anotier lor attenuin.t io n ndi .irini? tnenshi iv. N'i agency r i tiii.-.g business. We prefer those nun i i e. 1 1 ft w i ti tu a n V Vi oi ' E poo .. i mil ici? music. For full ,.riiiiiir4 riid. The Columbia MtHcl A --.Vd, 210 21S Sont't Third S.ree', Philadelphia, Pa. tor Over HUT r Mrs. Wiuslow'a Soothing 3yru,) h-. h.en ti id for over lifty yra-n l; ,ii:ioi,i of mothers for their child. ii .v re. ten lima, w perfect sue p eooihes" the einld, softens e,. Kunin, allaya all pain, cures wind eo'ic, M.'l ia the licit rcmccy 10 inr!i..i a. I' will rdieve tn" poo: l,i lie a..ff. I. r icn-e icitely. fold bj (l-mgi.iiK in (verv part of the world, Tii. i.u fi,.. e. ma a l ottle, Unsure iud a, k for "Mis W.uelowd Sooth- sp up," and lake no other kind ii f Iliifl 1 r llolli. lluMtli ia having a tenm'ion over m e rratic ife, one Mrs. (I!fs who it ei e ns has t'oped wi.h i n e np!o;ee of her hueb.ind. lie ii to le pi:ied nnd the will be tne tnoie ho whin the (oxta 'o her sen:ea. Wna II f illlur Cook' Fnlhir . Under the head of relief the Charlotto Uoe' V reayt: "A woudtr ful cluck liolia (xpAUl.'oii time on the ribt of the ball Lick ut It aud see Its nn-qie ant o dty. U waa brought, Iroiu Uetuiuny just af er the Revolutionary war by Mattnew (.oohea d is now own u ny Dr. J K Mooae t ltno:r. itnm it ia a very 6weet uitisio box " This Matthew Cooke we belive wa thefathirof tho former edi or of The Standard, though, if to "just uf-er the Revalutiou" ia a little inn urate. Nhrrp liii.Hinlc Cxj Iiik. Edgar Poag of York couuly, S. C, haa a flock of 187 th ep and ia milk ing a grea' s'lecess a it. (2 lo'inp 'or:n Mr. Po g the K-W3 ai d Courier 8aya there- ia a larger p r cent of prefit in shei p limn iu any ot.l er stock, lie sa) a they pay for hermelTea every year in wool anil mutton and almost agtia in fertiliz ug tho land. I1 id not stu.el Lo he overcomes the rav .cea of uos but with eo fine a flick Lo ii lently at tends that c' Tho Xews and Courier stronf!;'y nrges fanners to renew their efforts in this Hlu ratlur than unprofitable racing ef cot oi. AlfKiiiuif r liillt'il. A trigic accident ooctirr, t' a mile southwest of llunlersville yejteiday afteno'in, by tihich Lee A'cxand.r waa almost instuiilly kilhd. Le and Jur.iua Alexander, Frank Patterton a--,d Eiracst Ah. xiudtr npaliuiiliu,; pai'y and spent most cf ycsicida.' in tie w :-i mvI fields. The accident orcurreJ n -ar llu old And c AUxmdir rcaidecc . Jui ia? A': x leder wai Cirrvm;; h-e j;uu under his arm, tho bicecii in front and the barrels pointing de rectly be'iind. lie was carrying a bird in his hand. Ic some way the gun was accidentally discharged. Leo Alexander waa walking a few tepa behind Jtiiiiu.i, and the en'ire ;0ad took (llcCt IU Li Id Kit til'ej3r. He walked forward a few step iud fell dead. He did not live three minutes ufler the accident, Tho body waa t .ken to the Alex- intl. r liomcaie i'l, p!a:ea in n c.u net and th u coi.viyed to Mr At tier ,le x mder'a ia ILipewell. Th funeral took place Iruiu IIo,;eweli hnrcb today. The father of the victim waa at tending the c. mmeneeinent ai llunteraville when the hCciJt nt oc curred. Le and Juniua Alexander weie cou iua, and about the asm' age, 18 yean. Charlotie News of 14th. Bttrklfin-a Arulon nRiT. The Best talve in the world lot Outs, Bruises, bores, Ulcer', a I liheutn, Fever t-ores, letterd t .-bappi Undi, Cliiiblaiua, Coma and ai. -kin Eruptions, and positively cure. ;'ilcs or no puy rcqui-td. It i; ;iiaraiitte.l to give autitfaciieu (n noiu v refunded. Piici o ccuU p ' )OX For tale, a 1' li lelzer's 1'rt.i tore.' The court houue at Lex;i gton, Ky. thnt COit J 120 000 took lire Friday, ltli, w bile the County Suc n'n'ci -dent wai exa niuing fifty school ohildreu in the Coirt room. All e'.ca,el bat the baidiugwia lost. We wish to caution all users of Simmons Liver on a subject of the deepest interest aiul importance to their health perhajis their lives. The nolo proprietors and mailers of .Simmons Liver Regulator learn that customers are often deceived by buying and taking some medicine of u similar appearand) or taste, belie ving it to be Simmons Liver Kegnlnier. We warn you that unless tho word le gulator is on the packape or bottle, that it is not minions Liver Regulator. Ko one elw makes, or ever has made .Simmons Liver Regulator, or inytliing called Simmons Liver Regulator, but J. II. Zeilin A Co., and no medicine made ay anyone else is the same. .ii We alone can put it up, and we cannot be responsible, il Jther medicines represented as the same do lot help you as you are led to expect they ivill.c Bi'ivrthiB fact well in mind, if you have jeen in tho habit of using a medicine which youaupposed to be Simmons Liver Regula tor, because tho name was somewhat like it, and the package did not have the word Regulator on it, you have been imp"?.'.! ipon and have not been taking Sinimon. Liver Regulator at all.Tho Regulator hai. ieen favorably known for many years, and ill who use it know how necessary it is for Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever, Conslipa ion, Headache, I'yspepsia, and all disorders irising from a Ihseased Liver. We ask vou to loek for yourselves, and lee that .Simmons Liver Regulator, which fOM can readily distinguish by the Red Z m wrapper, and by our name,, in the only medicine, 'called Simmons Liver Regulator, J. If. 7.KILIV 4i CO. Tttke Mlmmona Liver ilegulalor. 1897 MILITARY NOIE3. Xr. Kl P Hi 11 I Ie-(.1 ( nptnln or R litrniK Light Inliiiilry Vlre W A '11W?I1, RPNllfllCll. A butinees meeting of the ma Light lufintry waJ held at the Armory Wednesday night, the jur. poie rf the c.ll being the ebction of h c.pta n to succeed Mr. W A C'd veil, wheso resignation was accepted. The company uuautmously elected Mr. El. P lj ill na their cnptiiin and he roaipuny is to be congratulated 'm choosing and sicnrirg for their cotcrnander one so p ipular and well 'iked na he Mr. Hill is "..ieof tbe f .. fcuJ h(lg fcd cntiderable expenence in military life. I'ocM-itN I'icked. wVdneeday evening just before ths train pulled out ot Charlotte with the Concord circuj sight seers i well dressed mnn entered tbe coach and took h i j s'and near tlic door. Li a f jw minutea the coach was pretty well cioded and in leue time th:ui it takes to tell it, the mur. who s'oyd near the door waa "goiiig through". tbe pa eengera. Mr. W in 1' Howell, a holi ca in this ciiy, waf relieved of Iua purde, containing about ?50. Mr K M Cask II, the Jew peddler, was touchel for his purse, but Mr. & li .ohiian, who was with Mr. Giskill caught the t'.uf in the act of leav ing with the nun's parse, and ipjke to the p.ckpoeket, who dropped the purse ou the 11 wr aud made bis erCJfe t'irough th" c o yd. Guekill'e purs.' contained between J(i and $7 - - Nchool llotlrfl 9lef. The ncwely alccted board of achool commissioners met Thursday afternoon at d were duly inducted intoofheo, Messrs D 13 Coltraue, J A Cline and D B Morri.on are members of the old Irard and Rev. J J F.-jteur ia the tew member. Rev. Pijseur Bucce ded Mr. Col trane as permanent chaiman of the bnurd, having been duly elect, t?. Aftir hearing the reports from the ci:j f-riided tcloila tha boaid adjourned to meet again on the lirst .Monday in June to consider applications from wLo want lutitious in tbe schools. Tlic lilral rnunrea' James L. Francis, A'derman, Chieaso Fays : I regard Dr. King's New Discovery os an Ideal Panacea for Couubs, Colds and Lunc Corns plaiuts, having used it in my fauiilj for the last fivo years, to tho exclu sion of physicianB's prescriptions cr other preperntions. Rev.' John P.tirgus.Kookuk, Ii wa, wiiref : I have bee n a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for "0 years or morn, nnd have never found anything so beneficial, or thut gave mo such speedy relief as Dr, Kins's New Discovery. Try this deal Cough Uemedy now. Tiial Bottles fieo at Fcszer's Drug Store. Hantfl"K K(.hi.nrml. At Gist we heard cf the practic o' wedding rehearsals we shrugged a 1 tie, but now cornea a hangirg re he.ireal held in Paxton. 111., by tbe hero of the occtsion, Fred V IlelU man. lie waa co well up fo dt-j in enterprise that he had photographs 'a' en from the rehearral and sold them to bear the expense of 1 1 k i n y body aud buiying it by the aide of b:s wife. Mt. Airy News: Tho earthquake onMjnday of last week p'ayed havoc on tho Blue Ridge, in night of Mount Airy. A rock 21x18 fee' and about 8 feet thick was burled down tho mountain at Fiohcr't Peak a distance of perhaps five hun dred feet, carrying everything in its path. Trees two feet in di.irui were cut off level with tha ground. Many other neks of various siz 's were also shaken loose. Fortunate ly no person waa in the vicinity Tbe reporter visited the eceno and took a look at tbo rocks:, tho rond tuaJo by them, etc. Wheti we fust heard of tho eingular occurrence we did not believe the store, t ut there ia no 1, eg1 r any room for I llO I'llllll. HlK IIH'J ' Charles I.niiib once said: "B uiks think f r rue." S the modi ro houte-wifo may rsaj : "A Iverth-i inet'.'s think fir me." Of course, they d. not render indiviilti li'y of t -.ought pupei (1 iiour; they have net yet ut'ained to that ptrf. c'ion. B;i' they have advanc d s-.i fir that in many c.ifes it is ea. ii r f. r a woman to find out lier actual needs by turn ing to th" morning r.f .v pnper.i tl.a i by ovt rhaulii.g ' nr cln-'-ts at d 1.' r wardred). -s. Puiliui- Iphia U 'cord. Monday nfiernnon, M.iy 10 h. ti e barn of 1 1 fury F.iiak: r, !n live.; i n the Di-i" (ir.i n U' Hto. k place in No, 2 township, w;).t Ftrwk by lhtning nnd n.t on The barn wa entirely coi pinned. Sc-mo cattle were in the sii bh'S, but were rescued. WHOLE NO. 426 Jnmcft Vn. (ho Wonfrni, The case of James vs. the Western North Carolina Rtilroad has been warmly contested in the Roan iuptrior court and is peculiar. Th -jnryjgjre a verdict for $15,000 damage to the estate for the killing of Will .Tumea in the collusion on the Western road. Jude Starbnck decided as a point of 1 iw that the West-rn North Carolina Rai'rmd ie oot responsible for the accident un der the management of tbe Southern Railway. This purtically non-suits the James's and they appeal to th. Supreme ccurt while the Railroad company appeal aleo on the ground that ihe verdict ia exorbitant. S t ie appeal ie mutual. The ca e now will have to -await tbe fall teasion ef the Supreme court. It Miiy Ilo bh Miirli lor i'on Mt. Frud Miller, of. Irving, 11'., writes that he bad a S6veie Kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back and also that bit bladder was oU'ectod. He trie 6 many so called kidney cure.; La! without any goo 1 i te u't. About i year ago he bagttn use e t JJitieis and (ouud ee-in-i ut once. Electric Hitters is especial, y udiiits od to cure all Kidney and Liver troubles and often fives iu ant relief. One tii d will will prove our statement. Price GOo and 81, U'1 at Fetzer's Dru? Stoie. Coduil Factory Uliriird. Passengers coming in on tl e South bound train today (Saturday) ctate that a disastrous fire occurred au Iligh Point thia morning j'lat be fore day. It is said that a larfe ootton f'.olory with complement of machiuery, w'.iich haa been standing idle for more thun a year, was com pletely deatroyed. We were unable to get full particular, but weie lead to believe that the mill was set afire. Mr. El Fields waa ovner of tie mill, over which there is iuch liti gation. iinlvrNary Celebraliou. The 290th anniyersary of the se' tlement of Jamestown, Va., was cel ebrated Thursday at that ph'ee. Allucions ti Pocal oatiis end Cpr. John Smith were strictly in order of c-onree. Tbe Momlvmi llaud. The Republic of Mexico sent what ia known aa the 8th Cavalry Mex.can band to participate in the Grant memorial exercises ItpitJtd through to Charlotte where it v. at slated for aconcert at the oi era h us Thursday night. Mr. II S ChaeK wick who is contributing so much to the success of the Woman's Ek position secured thein to the ex- j03ition building and their uiusie afforded intense delignt to all thui could pack into the build. ng and many who bought tickets and stayed on the outside to avoid the jam. There is more catarrh in this blc tion of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years doc'ors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pro nounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional diseape, and, therefore, requires con stitutional treatment. HallV Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F J Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, ib the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a tcanpoonful It acts directly ou tbe blocd and mucous surfaces of the system Tbey oiler one hundred dollars I r any ca'.o it fails to cure. Send fv.r circulars and testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENKY .t CO., Toledo, 0 frirSold by Druggists, 75c I ho Oilier Mile. It now seema that the Raleigh sciindal of the elopement of Mre. Glaaa wi'h her husband's employee bus on entirely new phase. Lette'8 have been received vindicating the tuiity of Mrs, Class, who, it is Maimed, has taksn refuge with rela tives in Richmond, Va., again3t the priseuce of a husband whose iuti delity wai followed by cruel treat ment to her. ' The devil works with many tools, but a lie ia a hamilt that li s them all," Will t:xlitllt ( uncord 1 lilN .Siiuiiner Miss Carrie MuCanlws, ofSalie bury, is on lit r way home from Paris, where sae has been studying porcelain minature work under Mad.ime Richard, one of the most famous artists in all France. Misses McCauless and Beltie A'.txauder lo this city, w ero compunions while tue latter waa in tho French Me tropolis. Miss McCanless will visit Mies Alexander during theBiin. nier and will very likely give an i xhibit of her production.-1, ti geth r e. ith Miss Alexander, F Tepungh & Sells Br. S' ow Eiiffered the loss of Cleop itr.t's ban;", t :e float pf Cimla-illn, she flint ef S nta Clausiicd the Steam Coliiebp; jiectnt'y at lioiheoter Cros-i i:, by a or jumping the track F. 1 V ar Send us 1 Dollar. f? Nx y .. -:V'f r--r. ."; -'1 Celebrated fur its great lrayening strength and heaithfulceH. Assures the food ngainf-t alum ar.d all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Povvdek Co., Naw York. SCHEDULE IN V.Y .'11,' T JAN. 38, 1897. J iii (. .):.".. ii. Kit ia pub-libh'.-d in i' foi ni'.t . ni, and ia sub i joc' to cha'ica without rotico to ito i ublie : TfiA S:l LKIVE I'll COU U, N. 0. v. m. --: . ... Ill Ulil-1 (t'lli1'' ' ' .' ' IJ.t 'll' ini'.' ie I ' I'lli-j 1 II tl..". Hi 'noie. b'i:Ief. h'- " York. H-ljinetuo, V t;an vLion, jil tOi.iliwest. iniau drawings boteon New Atlanta, Birm uijijiiie, Ci i.veston, bavauuau and JivkRonville. Also Puilman sleeaer Jl r.rl.jtte to Augusta, 8:18 a. m. No. 37, daily, Washing ton und Southwestern vostibuled limito I for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and Now Orleans, and n'l points South and Soul hwe:-t. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans an i New York to Memphis. Din ing car, viaiiiuled coiaa, hrtwom V as'.iugton an I Atlanin, Puhman tourist car fur iiaa Fre-'-rcirco, fc,un el a V. 'J;02 r m. Ac. 3, d ti'y, from Riehc inond, V itHiiiufrto:;, Uoldsuoro,Nori fi.Ik, Soimu, Ihuigii, (ireouaboio, Kucxvillo and A.hcviUo to Char iotte, N. C. 10:.!0 a- N i. :i, div'.y, for At lanta and nil iioii South. Solid train, Richmond to Atlanta; Pull man bleeping car, Richmond to Greensboro. 10:07 a. m.-No. m, daily, for '.Yaihi'i'rioii, J(.''binoml, Raleigh and a1' I'ont'i oi-th. C uries Pull" nun liinw i g-r-ioiu ImU'ct sleeper, (Itilve: t'-n t j Now York ; Jackson-i villo to New York ; Dirminghani to New York. Pullman tourist cars from Sua Frnrcis-eo 'lhursdajs. 9:02 c. M. No. B8, daily, Washing ton und Southwestern vostibulod, l.inited, for Washington aud all rciuts North. Thnuig'u Pulliu:u car Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York; lampa to New York, Also carries vertibuied coach and dining car. 1.21 p. ni. No. 12, daily, for Rich mond, Aslievillr-, Chattanooga, Ral eigh, Goldiiboro nnd all points North. Carries Pullman Blepinff car fro a Crroeimboro to liiehmoud. (Jonnects at Oreeiibboro with train carrying Pullman ctr fer It lieich. G. 17 a. in. J o. HI, ilu..y, for Rich mond ; connee's pi Orei nsboro for Uale'gh and Noi fo k ; at Danville for Washington nail jioints Nrth ; at Salibbury for AsUville, Knox villo and points West. All freight trains carry passengers John M. Ci li', W- A. Tduk, Trailic M'gr. Oon'l Pass. Ag't, W II. (iiicc.N, Washington, D. C. Geu'l fcuperiuteudont, Waehiugton.-D. C. S. H.n.umwicK, Asa'tGeu'iP. Ag't Atlanta, Ga . E. Tayloe, Ass't Gen'i P. Ag't, Louisville, Ky. Go wan DubENiiEuy, Local Ag't, Concord, N. C. Mr. W T Ilowtll d relieved ot aboutiifty doll ira m d hia and Mrs. lloweli'a r .l.e :.! c'cKctaia C harlotte Wedueaduy ivc-jii-g v.hd.j dying to get abiuid the train bound fee Concord. Mr. and Mrs. Unwell had '.0 g'.-l the I : i.LU Ur.OW mo ii y i i -. .. -.3 e t;. They uucj.cdu ia u- ; tu ihe next I'mi.i coiiiieg t!:i. Way. ''rnr 1.1 v " I 1 ' ' u fr .:n liiirt trou- b!r. T i t'. t t: '! I wtis trtutuU by live tii, ct.' i " .liis. Alt of thtiu c! ii. if! ;.:in . I h-it be curct. I wuj gffn'. !y : .1 w U h '-lioi t noss of lirtiath. p.-uiiiHl Itir stliO. If I I y --it 111 llirloii-A - i y : n1. AI , it Jt'. . V )6khicC . : in t!c HiulltL ( iir:c :iv CURE- .- ; i V. I 'eli,ll I , ei.-llimc 1 !'fi,ri'. I can -'i ,', nil l am iM -. I . ' l . ' ir .u! UtO :ili:; in l .y ; : :v ' t!nn It vr; .! : 1. thrn ;, i . c '.r. t.( Nitvt'ifln-i ! t r. I c DR. l-inxr n :ul iliL e I )., n 1 I, 1 I'lltl lin.v sli -1 e -h 1 I e.'V.T I jt 'i ,,1 wall; w il : , ill 1 - : . miir'i Ii I. .1 ;,' ' r v..i, ' e-.i I .! t . try . i . , e. i -y ' b.6 Vi; ,i , -. .- ii.i-.i -i.. i w . ' i i - Ly tl.... in. . i.i. . .... ... i ,,i .-i. a , i i...ui, luxk LY. Miics' Kcmt Cure hriu2 IUIJl is'-i-.i 1 hi ...,. i 5,i...tjf UJibui fi. ':.-,. r'.:-' '.-.-:.-.riouiai. " t 1 il v -:;.A: iff" ' v - i i

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