7 (WBflli'SiWilf'1 V THE FyiUDARD. - j out go JD-JOB-VOf.K at ltv "Mi mcj-.s. GIVE lTS A TRIAL rn 1 E Standa. THE : STANDARD PRINTS THE 'ni at ls .Aira RD. T APrO'.i:r.'.:KN!'i TO OiVi L Office or 'oiiMi2iiC'iice Nhoiilclbo nu rd by rrt.tft In ymiilti With il.o Alma of the AtlmlaHtrntloa. In the early 1 tmory of the Feder-il government n.e i-viblio i Hies were few in numb-r, .md the sel-.otion o! persons lu fid them was compara tively e 8 In a thin population, which was in "r ! v scattered aloip the seaboatd (u persona rtubitii n Of offl.14 an i i' lib'e to It by reason of chancier o:id fi'ialifiuitiuiis wen readily known to tha administration, and a chuiou could b1? easily rautle. Tatre wa, const queutlr, no par ticular need of a system of ciyil en he Whu -tiie appointel the Federal i fli 'er, fnm Ike force of customary law, was secure in his tenure. Now, w'lon the Federal ofliCi-Te are numbered by the thounmds and tens of thoaEandt; when fi. and unDt persons alika do not wait to be ca U ed, bat 11 ck to the national capita' to solicit officer; when the time of Benatorsanl Representatives is taxed to the ntmost Li viiiting tho I'rosi dents and rna 'a i f d; p .rtmetitj to secure tha :pp"":.mcnli of fi-iei.tk or coasiitn.,!i' -i to public p;;;tiori;', r. new or diff-i'to-. astern uuct i.ejde boadoptel. And 'lie BvitrmVhich ascertains tin q-ialifi j-iticn) of an applicant by an t xtmictition is the most o'jviojs one. It ia no', to I e euro, a p rfvc- Sjsitui-; f.r it raiy readily b? no. j c ured tht while an eximination may dudoie a rertan degree of literary or clerical culture, it is no ript to d;?n!ote cbuiantcr and fituess ii chcr renp c's. A the Eaoio turn- a hap hazird appoint ment upon r. crrmjnda'ion Dt.-y n li.tle K-cure fi nss. The 1-U'er inethoJ Lf !vpi!i:!ineut lenls to a sorambh; i- ii a r ce for all comers, and its rff cs are dercoraliz'ng. Under th? f u'tvi- method whilj the appointing power has n frep hand to disaiiij i.n t llici r, it h.-:s no Bach power in .-.ppointiiig hiji; it must nuke ai rppnintnunt f.oni limited number, aui that niiiiber is composed if those who Lay,.-cube.!-ted to at) examination and eucc si fully passed it. When fairly td ministered this systira takes no no count of poli'iis of thj appoints; and with reference to a certun class of cflicera this, we think, must be describe! aj a dtf.ct, While for clerical work the politics of ihe clerk may be ind ff rent, yet in the hijthei grades of employment ib not an bo-. ministration fairly entitled to hive us offloo'S thoa-i who sympathize with and support its policy ? We think so; and any civil tervice system that fails 'o yr )'ue for this njuls aaendnn-n'.. Ja t be 'as: presidential term of General Washington he wro'e n letter to Timo hy Ickering in which he tt..ttd bi viyfs with refpect to appointment a1 ; Vest : "I sbill no1, '.. Li lin-atbe honor to srimiiii't r ;r-r jfnv r: m-nt, bring a ui-jU In'o i'i cfil of mse qum.ie kno.vwgI who-.o p'-liticl tenets are idytrae io the niPi.-nros which the p- pt-J e "tiie.it if parsuiiit,'; for thL, i ' my p:.i n, would be e E0-t of p. li ii-.d buicide. That it wou'd ; m' a:-'" s ' v- nnve uitiits ia lh'.m'. er ii i' ;f tw men iqtaiiy ' i i-S a iO ihe lru intii'-tan of their r.yi' iiK r-f a" rqisl libili'i s ;rd fi i .! y (!i p icS. to u-nd th'-ir toipp itt, it is tin pin of prud-'ire to five (It.) p". femnce f1 him again :t wh.iui Vat i--at clau.-oi ca'i lie exc U'l." H- re is a prine.ip'e t'j-it d v e the atttr.tiin tf e vil a r ice re former?. It ip, in g'lba'nuc", to re nerve to the appointing por tin right to fii I "diy (ffio; of co'ire qu r.ie" with tc-io-jB wl o sro in aero J. -.h 'h1 'x-tftenre "whis'i t it gen'ral g"vi rr.mciit ia r.nrsuinie' If -ippi i ) i oi-r ri tf; are to hp in.tdefrom a c!aj wi'hout re'erence to peditire this rilit is mrr.-ud'Te '. It is si. ady .r'a;p to the p :b i ; s--rv.ee th ' it shoii'd bs euire'idend. Phi'a de'phia R ii'-ril A llrATO Vt'omnn Jl'inday aficrri'io i a n-ro called at the bfini f Divid Co nictn in No. 11 ovnshfp"'ai.d fiutltng that Mr. Dourim waaay from boite, be di mitid. d ff ti. Dj?.n im hie d nn r and $5 in ' fi- n v A'r Donm rem rk-d ch.it.shi von Id w lepin th.' loom .nd t;et. Hie u.o-iey but inn'iad of ro'd r?.is' nhp drev i leyo vtr f.-om the b'liein draw r aud piin'.pJ it f 'hi' leiioe's head and lo'd ! i m to leave. 1 i thitniein tim" t-bP ci'lid for her I nsb tid who win en' J a lt d sta: c from tb ti.MiS1, Tienejri "tco.i'ed" tvn 1 coti'i not l'P o iiisht. C: .irl.ittf-JNow--: Mr. W 0 S'v, . mr.k r a: d Mifl' I.i'lic Wiliil m1 -t Pot.' '. M-o to b nn r. i d J ui'' K Mr U fi Ilolbo k to lc "ii I the u.di r'. VOL.X-NO 18. CKNKS DOWN MlUTU. I ho Old rnlnifitloNlnle llnililnu 114 I.nililoH In Heillrul f-cloiMO. Eniroit tTANDAim ; Here are 'hree innoyations I have discovered in fonth Carolina, hicu I tfioh to u !l your aderi : 1. The State Board of Medical Enrmuera have just completed an exaniinn'ion at Columbia; some Cfiy ot n ore doctors, with licen cf, were or.lered to do bnuiness. Aming .hti'e ij a ''new woina"," i.olin color b.u in nmbi ion. Her name is LbCian li 13:on (. uniu and color), 0 .e tf the ex mining physicians old me thii morning toat she was is well np on the medical science us any young physicsn he eer saw, ai d wi.s bi tter informed and seemed better educated than many of the other applicants So pbysicianes Luci.m 1J Brown, of Charleston, is Sjuth Carolina's Drat colored female doctor, 'and she doesu'i ride a bicycle either. She graduated from the Wonau's College cf Pennsylvania, and is said to be very ambitious. 2. la Orangeburg co'inty some dr.ys ao, the local paper auoounced "a tnun wis assaulted in his Own houue a id dangercusly shot in the yeatibu'e." That's a new ay H shoj'inrr, and, physiologically speak iutj, must Le a dangerous pli.ee for tho bull to suite. 3. The rj;impterppr announces that a few days ugo "a mn was al.oc in thi P.oidence section." Now j ist where thesi two vulnerable p.ir's if ihe bumau frame are locat ed I am unable to tell;- but if we are to be eho at all, we prefer the old j't e and p'aces. It makes oue Bad a I'd horrified to think of being Bhot it: liu 'vestibule" or "providence eeiit'on." Fui.ally, Mr. Elitor, let us hope ia if in the rapid fctrides the medical pr f '.siou ia making we may jet ke3w the geography of a fellow's own body, No lung iiffords me more pleasure th -.ii to sit down for an hour and lis en to my good friend, Dr. Iler rir.g, or these unknown localities he solvod more diffisult mystries, to -n thiit, be lotmd daring his brief n-ne'e'ice in Char otle. K O ungebnrg, S. , May 20, '97 A Pliunnny. As Mr. Thomas 0 Johnson wae ridinp piat on h is wheel Dr. Mont g) meryV younj horao, hitched at the usual sifted near the offke, about 8 o'clock last Thu-eday, suddenly took fright and broke and away and ran vio'ently, turning np Spring strest to the doctors home, i he horfe was tot hurt at all bo' the hut-gy was dcuio'ishtd. It ii not certainly known that the horse tj Bright at the rider for he hat pat j d the fame horfe a number of M'n-ea without attracting hia atten tion. Tie doctors attendeut was sw f pirg and raising u great dust it the horses face. 31:-. Harris Won Two I'i-ieom. 'The pe pie of Charlotte and visi t, ;ri who aMended ti e bicycle races .t the pirk in tht city Thursday veie siirprized w) en a Concord man 1'ijterrd lor ihe novice race and won ."'. md pr.zt 115 in cash. But 'h. ir ryes rwelled to a considerable .terce and thi fppctators wer iiii.pt v astf.niahel when our nil'--ou fir:t pr:z. 'n li e hiid cip ;i.e Th r;ha upion tttiiatur is no Ipps ' p-ison tlmu Mr. J II Harris. IT ioJi a Uiiu'u OracAj'acic and u.tt i a tune with great easrorertht j her con'iBt-.in'e. The tim pr:z in hj fcco'jd r.-tce w-'s a $35 tl:nion(l ii g t'o:!0')id i rerteitiiy proud of n r c'r.oip'on and Thr Standard j -ins huiidrt-rli of cit zjiis in - c .n :i i i.S .ti'.g llr. Harris on hi. 'llCO.-j-i. Gor Fs and.... ....Other Eyes. Our I' are Just as strong is they -were fifty years ego, when we have causa to use them. But we have less aud less cause to praise ourselves, siucc others do the prfising, and we are more thnu willing for you to see us through other eyes. This is how we look to S. F. Eoyce, wholesale and retail druggist, Duluth, Minn, who after a quarter of a oj-ntury of obser vation writes: "I have sold Ayer' Sarsapa rilla for inmo than 35 years, both at wholesale and retail, ntid have never heard anything but words of praise from my customers; not a single com plaint has ever reached me. I believe Aycr's Snrsaparilla to ha the host blood purifier, that has been Introduced to the gen eral public." This, from man who has sold thousands of dozens of Aycr's Sauoparilla, ia strong testimony. But it only echoes popular sentiment the world over, which has, 'Nothinz but words of praise for Aycr'a Sarsaparllta." Any it.inht nhonl ll?Rpni1 fofCurchnok" II kill. doul.U mm donbl".. AddroM J- C. AVBU Co , Loll, M.M. CLOSING EXEUCISES or Ihe CniK Oril lllich Nchool A rcill tnlile Hliowibir Dr. AlUerinmi, ortlio Kivrlti ruroliiia Inivorxity Ilf llri-ftil nu Adflr.HH. At 11.30 o'clock, as announced, the closing e xerciee of the Cone rd High School were held 10 thecour house. The stage was beantifalW deco rated with flowers and evergreens, with the baek gronud taately f a :ooned with variegated fabrics. Prof. Llolland Thompson an aounced the trm sphere of the school as that which its name indi cates and introluc-.d Mr. William Henry Gibson as declaimer, whos subject was " fhe good of C.imbing." The speaker wis deservedly ap plauded. Misa Mabel Bickle Means recited 'A llevolutionory Oirl" (Jennie McNeill). This recitatioa afforded intense delight to the spell bound audience. Kichard Monis m King declaimed "Opinions Stronger than Armies" and shtred well in the showering of fl iwers. Francis Dnnreath Leslie recited 'Why Siion'd th Spirit of Mortal Be Proud ?'' t-:i i wrappsd attention and closed with the cimilimr-nta of the audisnc? exp esse! by a great round of cheers. Augustus Henry Jarret touched he nitiional pride in a declamation, The Sauth." The bestowal of bauqieta was pro fuse and the pjrformars have fall aBurauoes that their tffjrts were luccesBfal and quite creditable. Dr. Elwin A Alderman was then mtrduced and the audience could feel that it was quaffing intellectual draughts from tha fountain head of the State's educational 8jste.ii. Coming as be does as the presi dent cf our State Uniyeraiiy, a posi tion above which there ia no sbp in be State for him to take, it waa ex. leedicgly pleaBint to hear hitn dwell 91 mncu on sweet and innocent ci ild hood as a starting point from which to Btaiy and trace the paths ',0 Stuta at,d Nationul greatness and 0 review the "Relation of the Ohristim State to the Child." Said he, the a'titnde toward chil dren ia the epitome of a nation's ad anceuient. We cir.not attempt to give a lynppsis tf this great speech lest we nar-atii beauty and its grandeur There waa no orator; says that ot -ifiie grander type which flows along wi'h the outpouring of bought made eloquent by a know edge of the8u.bj.-ot and a conviction if its merits. Ills dtfluition of what th? State ie ivasuniq.ie The concentrau-d will tf the peoph", the moral energy of It the people aoting, and our S at iiatitutione as the brej!blns of the State. The speaker believes that the 'ibuichrs tb niBtlves have given an inpetns to broadminded Chr 8 ian education that has flow d be- yofid their )rn bounds aud call for ono towerire t inbo.liiue nt of educa tional creatnesi tbat nnnes tbe energies of churcli and State and extends to all its bound lees benefi cpnee in one Sae University. Daily cf 2 St. Convert, ('ofiirarncitie nl. We are indebted toMissClaia C Harrifi for a ueat Btid win' ing invi ioii csrd to at'er.J the eomnience nenti cf Coriverte Cnllege at Spar--.an burg, S 0 , on Jnne 6 b, 7:h ar d 8.h. l i e b cc!auicate sermon will bp oienthed on Sotdny morning, Jure (lib, by lLv. II C Morrison, U. D., f G-.-OIP.'T Moin'a;, jLiLe7.1,, at 8 30 p. m.. joint niictirg of tbe Carlis'e and Philoeopbinn Litrraiy Societies. Ti esUy 8th, at 11 a. m., literary iddrese Ly R-y. Jas. L Tuel.rr, D i)., of A'al ema, eleliveeing diplomas ,nd ronft-rrinc tL"trces ly President ' ileou. Eeciption firm 9 to 11 p. m. Art' xhiblt Mi n 'ay and Tuesday f fem 9 to. 11. We no'e from the card that 26 .oui-g hidh a cimp'ete the ccuree. Fotir iin tire candidates for tbe nonoiPiy ii!'(8 if B. A , 7 for B. I, ind 3 for B. B. Ooe completes the -j.Mirte ae pii.uit-t an! Pi-e i;8 oreirnel , m Konnlor Inrle IX-nil. ' Sri-a'or Eirle, of Sooth Carolina whoso condition hits b'-en w.vcbed with much in'cresi, di'd oi tbe 20th, at Greenville. It wjll l-e re nn mix-red tht Si-n itr E.rle de. fpated ex -Governor Ev .na for H.i United Svatf-s S. liatorsl.i,i. flif death is regarded as a gricvcm 'oai 10 the State, . he fta in pirity e( Stateemansh p, a ehinirg m-irl-where Tillinuri'mn c'ouda toe ?ky. Misses .Fan. lie Ilillaud B-f.p'n Sims hsvo ro'.uri fd to their hcmpi from the Stutp N tui al FcIh o1 r Greeneboro. Miss Hill his com pleted her course, and gridue.teri with great hi no;s. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY; MAYV27, SUOTR LOdALS. Dr. L A Bickle, of King's M inn tnin, is visiting his daughter, Mr.3. Georg-) W Means. Miw Cora Collins, ot A ahevitlo, is visiting at the home of her sis or, Mhs. P L Sounders. Mrs. W T Sergeant, of Grceni boro, is the Rueet of Mr. and Mra. V Pv Olell fir several d ijB. Tbe infant cTiil.I of Mr nod Mrs". CliarleB BarnhaHt, of M:. Pieaeant, died Tbureday night. The firat watermelon of tlx; season was received Thursday ui,;ht by Dove & Boat, We arn sorry to learn of tbe fee b'e condition of Mr. J B Furr, of No. 4 township. Dai'y 20vh. Placard on Cabarrus Savings b.mkpavp, "Lpgal holiday, bans cloeed.-'baily 20. h. Miss Mary Mobr and Eloise Ort man, of Wilmington, are visiting friends in Mt. Pleasant. They will spend several weeks there. Miss Margaret Cannon has ar rived homo from Agnes Soatt Insti tute at Decatur, Ga., wnure she baa been attending school. Dr. A II Drthi r will 09 in Mt. Plnnunnl. from fhn 2(i h to I ho HO h. prepared to serve patroaa in tho line of dentistry. d&w 2t. Now that the kite-flying Fervor, i past, and school days aro over, the small hoys pper.d their tin;u ia " playing pins." MrB. J B Douglas left Lr l.n iiome in WiiiBton this ui;iiuin, after spending Bomp tiitie: ia the citv with her parents, Mr. and Mm. J W Cannon. Misses Grac3 IIuiLr, Jennie Skeen, Mra Wolfih and D D lUmi.r were in the city thia mornint; ro turning to Mi. Pleasant fros Cuar lotte. Daily of21st. Two men, two boys and n dog' with barrels antl bixoa, e'.c, beading towards Gporeville on a two-horae wagon, means that Rittz is tlso wberp. D.iily 2 Oh. Mr. P W Bjat, cf Na. 5 township, added anothor to our collection tif corious eggs. It is a good F.izn for a boy's playing marhlo, and of guinea ogg color It ia a good begin ning and indicates mature fruit 8)011. Riv. M G G Scherer, President of North Carolina College, at Mount Pleasant, was in the city Thursday, lie speaks very encouragingly of the proBpectB for the nextBeeeiou at his school. r 1 Mra. Mary White, w ife of Mr R C While, die t at her home in Char lotte on Wednesday laat, and wan buried Thursday in the cemetary in that city, Mrs. White bad many friends in thia city and county who regret to learn of hor death. Tbe Light Infantry boys returned from Charlotte this morning. They report having had a delightful tiim ' in ihe hospitable, biBtorienl oh) sown, and speak highly of thrquar ers aud proviefions made for the entertainment of tho soldiers. Daily of 21st. We shrank from the task of men tioning all tbe ConcordianB who ient their services to day to om neighbor, Charlotte, in mating the celebration one ot grandeur and ol glory. We could yet have spare! b onmber more as a contribution 1 we bad thought they were great! needed. Daily 20 b. Sunken eyes, a pallid complex ion, and die-figuring eruptions, indi -.'ate tbat there is something wrong within. Kirp-il the larking foe t health, by purifying the blood with Ayor barest ariha. Cures h ya p dap, Ktzema, Salt-Rheum, I'in.p'e nd Blotches. The Salisbury Sun bavf: Wi Trexler took the Soiitli hour d Tuipht at Spencer, yeeteid.iy eve 11 ing, to come to Salisbury. Tiit train was running briRkly about the old sliopsand ihii-Lingit would uo itop, he jumped and fill uncnn?ci oui, both f-.et getting under th wheels and being mora or le?a man gled. Anijiutatiou may be nececeary The Pnlipbury "dailiea,'' fay tha when ''3C' pulled into tha. pl.-ict Thursday morning, they turned over to officer Hull" one J A Wil lianoson, from Agueta, G., chari d with throwing a rock at the fire-mat bb the train was leaving Concord V llhamson was ordered oil ttu train, and after tbowing thoBtoiit jumped on the train again 'and v. ns nabbed. Jim ia bohind the bars. Mrs. M.trv Ann Smith, wiV o Capt. W B Smith, of No. 3 U v ti ship, died Wednesday. fr'ho kp.p about C5 years of age, and bad lit no in leeble health several years. Her remains were buried at Coddle Creek church Thursday afternoon. Mrs Smith was once a resident of trne city, her husbin-l'l-aving kept the old Harris hotel, known to fie pr---ent generation as the Morris boue. SuffMrer fiom idivsical aiid i:trv uuB debility find great re ief in the use of Ayer'e Sarsnjiari I la. Firtx't ter than any Btimtilant, in i the' n not trancieat and aup' rficinl. t-u 1 deep and permanent, ft build U the system by punfiing rrnlrr ricbing the blood. We ero glad to r, e tim! R -v C I. Miller, now of Chie.ngo Thtioto, iitl Seminary, In to lako lb" m 1 . merit of tbe Southern j.uthfMn Mr. Miller baa a fondr.e-s f.-.r li" journalistic work, and we hope li will bring out a very creditable paper. (ifMirglu Honor IJer Onntl. .The leith'tnie of OearIa two years ago appropriated $25,000 for the purpose of fii.ly marking, i 1 the Natioiiul Mili'ary Park, at Chicka mmgi, fhe part pi ijed by Gorgu troopi iu thi; gre.it war drama that '.vcs madid on that hi.f'oric battle 2rout:d. A c:ii.it'i!"--on t.f live was .ppo:ii e i 10 dtrect the manner cf pxp'jml'nif thia appro.iria'ion to be-at fn!.:oui;'hrh lbs o'jpct in view. Th fi c.tnsiiiL-'o 1 dtciej th it the moat effective w.iy in which fl ;org a roild b-i reprepected wou'd be hy a hD-l:omn ruonutne&t, end $20,000 J of the appropriation was ct apart f irthis. TLe balance will be ex pended for marble or gn.iite stone!) to ir a-k the poeitions occapied by G. -org:. 1 troop during the fighting The moi umeut th.it will be erected will bee- G.-orgn gr.nite. It will be tiiH'::!!tr at the base and will have three tablets for inainptiote and three Blames ins end ef fjur, These three B'a'.ues will r-'prcBent the thr-.'e arms of -eryice iL-f.m'trt, icivalry and a-til'ery and niove thtfe Tili tower ti.e locg shaft, surmounted by a private soldier o heroic B'zi, Thia sild-erwill carrj a Confederate b sttls fl ig. The in iCiiptioa upon th.- three sides will be upja hrorzs tables. The Georgia c at of anna will le tin ol the ori.i.nientiiliou?, a id in tnu'eriiii and nr. r p'h'na the inonunv.-nt will illustrate Georgia. Press Viiilor. I'ir Over fllir Inn Mra. w iiiblo 'h hootliii'g Sjrnp h. f been u-.ta tor over hfty yeurs by inniioija 01 mouiera tor their child ren w" iie trrthinf, wiih perfeot buc orfi.i. It fon'ho3 the child, fofte the gur;is, allays all pain, euros wind colic, and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tho poor littie Rnaerer ininedi:iteiv. r-joltl bv drugijiats in e very rari of the world, Twtn.7-fiye r-ni? a bottle, Been re ind fc k' f jr ".Mm. Winslow Sooth 11 g SMiip." and teke no other kino lutho'ourl Io"-"I.lSSl.l. The tiuule of the Cuuowd Lih School e-Soiou drew a pa kd house lBt Liht aud tho interest of the audience was mauifeoted by as g .od older aa we have ever witnessed on any siiuihi.r accaiion. T he p'.rtici- panta iiiay take this oue fact aa a liih couip'imeiit. li, was the lirst appearauoe ou thi .stage for many and unking Una al lowance fur a few wo ongratulilt tc-ticheia aud pupils on the evidence uf t Q Fp'entli.l educatioiid wotk n lie Co' cord llig'.i School H the i-e..r jnutig lulks in woni e take a very t'.eip k.terts Alii alloiv ua we will modeatly augte.it th it tiii.ny of the audi?cce hung with Blruiued Bolici'ude to eatth what the speakers tbeniselvrt ifeintd to fiel with an 1 motion too hep to alio iv them to be bs clcnr and Btrong in tone a3 wjtild have .idJed to the pleasure 0 heaiers. Some cf the felections were to good o !o;e a word of. O.hei renderings ou!d hive fh.ik.ii ua up more thoroughly if funny pans had been i little more dtstii c . All iu i.ll it a ploia.iat occa-iicu and v.e hep to ei j y mtinj D;o:c from ttii p. 01 th) :nst 1 ulio . l)..i!y of 22ad l.lrctrlr Jlillem. Ele-ct.-ic Liito'a is a niediciut .m:.tcJ for at y Rt-aon. but pt-rbapB .noro nenera'lr needed, btu the iirirui.l i-xh-11. lod fo.Jii'-j lrevai;s. .vbeii tie liver I torpid r.ud slug h and tin need of a tonic and iterative Ib felt. A prompt una of r r, i medicino li.ia ofte'i nvorted one en ' pirhnps fatal 1 ilioos foveie To modieino will wet more sure ly it -ount' 1 uetitit: u'i 1 i-'t" ii the si Htom f.'.nn tho m.i'ai i.il pi.iou. IJo-xlac' e i idijfCbtion, conn ip .li-m, 1I17.7. uph y'ediia to Kieictiio Itiitera. Co,! ai.d, 1 00 p r I'ottie at l-oUei- J.-'rup. 'jtOi'P. Htti:c-C4l Ui.liOiiil IC:lllR. Ujani ti ip ru'ea fjr foll-jw.iig eta-i ina. 'I'l.hi 's en t ile ii. i:, Ap il 28 h o O o'yr 15 th, wini Inn! It:tit -.ii m' er 71', 1S97- F .re t r onrd 'rip, ;2l O'l. A a, I.. in Apt- 21) h 'o Ono-cr 15th, 1S.-7, -1 h t'iinl I;init20 ''avs f.-om itn'pof b le. l(,are for r-iu-m uip sSlS o."i. On rues'.'.i'.ys an i I'luir.! i.l' -1 f rtll week, begi; ni i Ajt! 2;' 11 .1 ! uti- il Octob-r 2tl h, 1S:I7 a m .- tlii.U ' In- 10,1.11 trip lilt 1 Don Mmtr JO iK;s trorti 0,1 h itnc tor regi'hir "ilii'irv co.n.n-ii- md brass bands 585 P'-ro:.i -r n.o n one tiaW1, n rve of j 10.90 1" . f.ie-il fiirt anil p reo 1, v.iin 1 1 p.! 1 1 in 1 F. v ci iVn'B r.r.'l t iiehe:-?, 25 or I M.IO file oi s -I'M .'Ml fl.' Mel! it i - , ivr ii wr fr en l'i -n ; f "i iv.-rti ea or tc o d wi 1 bt ro.i! 6,ir., -lonm. i c' c Mil IS'.h to J ii i e 7 I , 1!'7 a 'i S : -ii-ber 15th O.-e.i ei SVl, l.w!'7 'J i elusive filial l;n i' of i H; k--i o 10 J.y in adelitim to )t.U: i.f ,,.!iv V f m round tc p iirsh p. i.. n) $;0 UC. i or other ii for. oai 'on call t.i ' . ' ' us E N 11 v " V , A r- li t. 1897 A Hold llohbrr;. At the Kimbill Ilouee in Salis iiury Wednesday some one robbed a Mr. Lurk's trunk while he was gone to the drag store for a prescription lisventecn dollars and moat of his olothea were the booty. Now the detectives have a good cae on which 10 exercise their wita. Took Ihe Till mid Died. Iu Caneto, Edgecombe county, a negro and a white man by the name of Keel, were in a bar room drink ing. The negro offered Keel a pill u-liing him it would aober him op. Keel took the pill and eoon sick ened and died. Tbe negro was ar rested, and Bays he was given $25 to give Keel the pill. Theetomacb will be analyzed. lllHfipieitrMl n7n(f!rioiiiily. The myateriotiB disappearance oi the wife of U L EJ wards, a negro minister or the city, has caused con aidcrable uueaalnesa aud talk amouv the colored people." It is said tbat Edwards had treated her yery badly and dis'rus'nd her, and thot he had upon several occasion i threateiei ner w irh severe punishment. She left her horns at nuduigbt Weinesdsy and no tm;e rf herc.u be bad. Ed warda is regarded, by the colored people i u ing a bid mm and they fenr.that the woman has leen il-ait it!) foully. She left an in- fiiit in chargii ot ber mother. Tbe oli'd it only abiut a trnotb old. Mnd au AfiMlKnment. Mr. R M Nimocks, of Fayette ville, one of the largest wholesale grocry merchante ia North Caro- lira, has failed. Ilia liabilities were about $70000. Dull times and gen eral buaneea dopression were too great for him, hence he was forced to the wall. His assets are pot known, but it is believed tbat he will, in a very short time, be able to pay e ff all bis indebtedness. He ia a l.trge real estate owner. Mr. Nimorka haying made an assign ment v. ill not interfere with the buiiuebc of Nimocks Bros. Ex. A KooilshJno Trnirrrty. A epeJal fiom Reidevil e to the Charlotte Observer says : Kcws comes to town that Will RoeSeT, who recently was employed in a Bu'con here, but who lately has been engaged in making blockade whiskey neir Aapen Grove, N. J , tliajgrec-d with h s partner, a man nimed Prgram, over the possession of a barrel ( f nhiekey. Pegiam at tunp'ed to d-aw bis pistol but before he could do eo Ro6ter produced bis oRii thi fired two bullets into Pe iratn's bod-, killing bim instantly Rjitor is said to have lied. I.lithcrnn 1'iiNlorHle Arrcpled, The Lutheran pastoral charge cou.poo.ii et me flit. Holly ana Ulirp l churches will toon be sup. plied by Key. vy J Boger of Phila- lelpbia. He has signified his ac ceptance of the call and dopes to be gin work on bis new field within few weeks. Mr. I'oger is, we believe 1 rati e North Carolinian, lie is a jourg niiu, and has juot completed his theological Btudiei at Mt. Airy, Pa., Theological Seminary. llit P'iplej look forward with interest tc his coming and a warm welcome jwatis him." Gastonia Gazette. Key. Boger is a very popular minister of this county and is a son of Mr. Daniel Boger, of No 10 townithip. The gold medals to bs presented o tbe winners in tbe music class ot Mont Arrjfena Seminary are beau ties, and made by Mr. John r Vorke, the popular jeweler of tbin city. Mr. and Mrs. A C Thies and ehilelreo, of Ilaile Gold Mine, S. C. ii-ct 1 hursday n 1 k h t in the city Toev a'e veiling relatives ai G.crevil'e. Diily of 21at. WARNING. We wish to caution all users of Simmons Liver Regulator on a subject of the deepest interest and importance to their health perhaps 'their lives. The solo proprietors and makers of Simmons Liver Regulator learn that customers are often deceived by buying aud liking soino medicine of a similar appearance or taats, believing it to bo Simmons Livr Regulator. We warn you that nnlei the word Regulator is on tbe pack-i,-!? or bottle, that it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. No one else makes, or Wer haa made Simmons Liver Regulator, ot inything called Simmons Liver Regulator, but J. ILZeilin i e'o., and no medicine made by anyone ee is the same. $ We alcne cms nnf it. on nn.l wa cannnt. be responsible, ll f I Jther medicines represented as the Same do lot help you as you are lea to expect tny will.r near this tact well in mind, ilyou havs been in the habit of using a medicine which you supposed to bePimmons Liver regula tor, because tha name was somewhat like it, and the packagu did not have (lie word Regulator on it, you nave neen imposeq lpon and have not reen tamng Mmmoni 'lver Kegulator at The Kegulator has , ill who use it know how necessary it ia for f Fever and Aitue, Bilious Fever, Constipa- iion, lleadaclie, t'ysjiepsia, ana an aisoruei irising from a Diseased Liver. We ask you to look for yourselves, and lee that Simmons Liver Regulator, which fou can readily distinguish by the Red Z 5n wrapper, and by our name, is the only nediciue called Simmons Liver Regulator. J. II. ZKILIN CO. Take 49 Sim men Hvtr Rtfmlator WHOLE NO. 427 A BIO SQUaBbLE. DeteellTe Hanrjr, of Ihe Nonlhern Cornell for M illlnniann, lint III .J.nwyem Kelimv. "J A Williamson, the Angnsta man who was arrested and brought to Salisbury yesterday for rockinp the train at Concord, th.-eatens tc give all parties concerned trouble. Williamson waa arrested yeater. day morning and conQied in tbe lock op here. Word was Bent to Con cord by the Salisbury autboritiea of the man's arrest, but no one had showed up at the expiration of twen ty-fonr houra to take the man in charge. A nissare waa received from Concord that D.-tective LTanei of the Southern, wa9 on bis wa here and he arrived in the cit) bout 12 o'clock. Attorney R Lei Wright had been employed by Wil liamsoa and he refused to alio Llaney to take tha man and that the matter stood at 3 o'clock. Wil damson through bis attorney threat iob to bring auit against bott '.be Southern and the city for the falsi arrest and imprisonment " Silis bury World. Mr tt L Pearce, the fireman a whom it is alleged that Williamson threw the rock, was in the city thb (Saturday) morning, having con down from Danville. From what we can learn the railroad has a vry weak case against the accused m m is Mr. Pearce says that be could not awear that the ma a threw a rock 01 that be threw anything at all. Wil liamson is in Salisbury and tbe iuthurities bere are awaiting orders from the railroad company to arrest the man. Baeklen's lrmi noire The Best Salve in the world foi Juts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, lever Sores, J etttrd Chappi Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ai Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay reqni-ed. It 11 guaranteed to give otatisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per oox For sale at P a Fetzer s Drag nore, Dona nt I'luoliuril. Capt. A H Propst, one among the biggest contractors in tbe Slate, ie down at Pinohurat, on tbe proposed Aberdeen and Concord railway, fig. uring on contracts for tbe erection of a large number of houses in fact a whole town. Hi will likely get ne work. FREE EDUCATION. An education at Harvard. Yale, or any other college or Institution or learning in the United tilatcs or In the Mew Kn gland Conservatory of Music, can be secured by any voune man or woman who Is In earnest. Write for particulars qUICWy. JABltSIJ. liALl,, B 6 Uromtield Street, lioston, Mass. Bcpt. 17 U7. The Heat t-nlu (title. T ie beat pai i commander in chief ia India's. His annual salary ap proaches $30,000. The beet paid v'ceioy or colonial governor is ihe yieeroy of India, who draws annually about $125,000. The best paid ambassador belongs to France. lie is tbe French embas. ador in London, whose yearly salary s $60,000. The best paid university professor is tbe professor of anatomy in Elinburg, whose salary is rather tnore than $10,000. Asheville Citi zen. Torhe, the Optician. Teiple are not slow to appreciate he eff irts of Mr. John F Yorke in his learning the know'edge of the optical profession. Mr. Yorke ha secured the services of Dr. Charles V Lowe, an eminent specialist of New Yorke, for the examination of eyes, who will renuia in tha city for oue week longer. Dr. Lowe is giv ing special instructions to Mr, Yorke md ie thoroughly prepared to fit the proper glasses to tb eyes and dis cover ti e slightest defect in the sight. Tuey hive examined io nd red a of eyes tha past week and are ever ready 'o do service to any one calling at the j?we!ry store. Mr. Yorke will carry a full line of glaa.ii s and has equipped himself nth optical apparatus t specially for the bnaiuess. Di. Lowe is a great specialist and Mr. Yoike baa gone to considerable expense to have him remain in the oily lorger in order to become more tlorot gbly famiHir with the work. A rijr Wliecl MnU, At the Tnckaaeege factory, eays Gal'-onia Gi zatte, a lly wheel 15 ftet in diauie'er, with an 18 inch f.ice, euddenly hurst astind. r laat THBidaj and tore up bi-Ls and bent ihafting etc., to tba extent of $1000 to $1,600. Oue man waa in imminent danger tint escaped unhurt. ti Will Kp M tho Trit'k. Tha original Lulu Hurst, now Mrs. Paul Y Atkins, sister to the wondious Atiri; Ahho t, la soon to lseue a book esplan 'ory of the wonderful f ?ats performed by those magic characters If tin' book '8 not as mysterious as the performance and if it is a re' exposi it will ta ead with gre.it foWrest. For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. Iff Absolute'.? Vii7Q, Celebrated for its great leayening strength and healthfulcess. Assures the food against alum and all forma of adulteration common to tbe cheap brands. Royal Baking Powder Co., New York. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JAN. 18, 1897. This condensed s. hedJo ia pub lished n b information, and is eub ject to chance without notice tj tho public : TRA'NS LEAVE CO iCOKD, N. 0. 9:27 p. M. No. h5, daily for Atlan- ta aud Charlotte Air L ne d. vision, md all points South and Soulhwebt. Uarri-s tlreuth Pullman drawing room bufl'at sloeperB between New York, Washington, Atlanta, Birms ingham, Galveston, h'avauuBh and JaokBouville, Also fullmaa Bloeoer' Olarlotte to Auusta. 8:18 a. m. No. 37, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuledl limite l for Atlanta, Birmingham Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South. and Southwest. Through Pullman, sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. .Din ing ear, vestiliuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta. 1'uIJman tourist car for San Francisco. Sun days. 9:02 p. m. o. 9, daily, from Richn mond, Washington, Goidsboro,Nor. folk, Selmo, lialigu, Greensboro, Euoxville and Asheville to Char lotte, N. C. 10:30 m. No. 11, daily, for At lanta and all points South. Solid train, Richmond to Atlanta; Pull man eleepiug car. Richmond to Greensboro. 10:07 a. m. No. 3G. daily, for Washington. Richmond. Raleierb. and all points North. Curries Fulla man elrawinc-room bullet sleeper. Galveston to New York j Jarkson-i ville to New York ; Birmingham to New xork. rullman tourist cars from San Frarcisco Thursdays- 9:02 p. m. No. 38. daily. Washing- ton and Southweatern vestibulod, limited, for Washington and all points North. Through Pullman car Memphis to New York: New Orleans to New York ; Tampa to New York, AIbo carries vertibuled coach and lining car. 7.22 p. m. No. 12. daily, for Rich mond, Asheville. Chattanooga. lial eigh, Goldsboro and all points North, tarries 1 uliman sleeping car from Greensboro to Richmond. Connects at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman car for Raleigh. 6 17 a. m. No. 10, daily, for Iticn aond ; connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Norfo k : at Danville for Washington and points North ; at Salisbury for Asliville, Raon ville and points M eet. All freight trams carry passengers. John M. Cui.p, W. A. Tubk, Traffic M gr. Ueu'li'ass.Ag t, W. H. Gbeen, Washington, 1). O. lien 1 Superintendent, Washington.-1). 0. S. H.Habdwigk, Aes't Gen'i P. Ag't Atlanta, Ua . H. Tayloe, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Ky. GbWAN DCBENBEBT, LoCalAg't, Concord. N. O. Miaa Emily Graca Briggs, daagh ter of the famous Prof. A C Briggf, who was suspended for heresy in 189-1, took a diploma Tuesday night the 18 th, at the theological Semin-- ary of which ber father is a member of the faculty, in New York, Miss Briggs outstripped the rest of the class aud is tbe first female to re ceive tbe title of Bachelor of Divini ty from that ins itutioa. Seven Months With Fever. Wonderful Recovery of Health. Mr. Tialni's ranld am! marvoIoiiH rpenvor frum ,i mer1 skt i'jiiin to liis inirinnl woiKht. 0 poiiiius, w;, s surely tunlUst tfst of tho '.'raiK U-;t fil rcn'ri Ii-Lrlvii'ir mid build imf-un tutidiciiie ever proiiucccl, tiauiuly: Dr. Miles Restorative Nervine. J. i!. lUi: Ooritlcinpii I wfsh to : rtllltuilc tur i in i- r ! .n vttui mj t:ltr, r. f . I vnm ' v ...I I I:. Id 1 1 uf izoi tint; .il . M'l I Irt il. iitt- I trlt'ti ii ,, an i llit'tlly. i i.' Hou'liL t" 1 t ," I'l'n mid ut ; - 'i ii.ly rit'inii In.... t' ii I -i t . . . i ..ni.d- ' , :i . ( i., ami re twen wick w 11 h i n'- .:i in ImmI for n'Vi-n i i. n: over I ho fi'or I v. :t lliln, ami did not, r.".':iin my lo veriil nioiirn-l: v r riii after hnvimt iiocn iv.ni'-i-pounds, 1 htt'tin 1 rvintf (inr Itf.-aii to irutirov... V. irai, unil uMiay 1 c 11; v r In nil iv. v It.-, .ml . South Hun', f-id. h HAIUIi. i povlt i va ,: i.. n' hi. i. .. . f r ti, tr i. i;.t t.f (jMi o J...thuri, JjMk nr. Milrs" : R;iar:int' tied ... . o- A 11 'iru!i' , , M Will 1-M '.:,-. t, : Oil Ly Uo lr. MiJl-. it l)r. Miks' isuvine ,iJ"SZS . ".., h rjt i .

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