THE STANDARD. - i ui:.3,(uT- GOOD - JuB - WORK AT I.J VI NO PiUCES. GIVE US A TRIAL THE : STAiQAKD Btan Joints i ;;f AiW'A T-.T .1: .YE IK I-,i 1 Send us 1 Dollar. VOL. X--IMO 20. CONCORD N. C., THURSDAY, JUNK 40, 1897 WHOLE NO. 429 BARB. TOE i LO IXU SCENES. ftalulAlorjr nnil Taledlclorj t'on ferrlntr Degree PrettC'iilatlon of Melnl-WorU of Yenr-Aliiuiiiir tlrKBulvntlou Itruiw Bund nnft An- MUMl lt'('llen. Wednesday morning, June 2nd. At just 10 50 bine of the ten young lady grarfuu'es from the Seminar; were escorted up the left aisle and the two tut Union graduates from the Cj!1k were ltd up the nghi aisle. , Or. LI N Miller led iu the open ing prayer President Soberer announced Mien Virgie Bboup for the salutatory. Her thoughts were quite impropriate and were oiad in h ippy pLris-ology while her whole bearirg a as grace ful and winning. The addiess was brief but com - prehemive. Mr. B M Setzler followed: IHb 8ubj-!0twaa: "The Future t f Our Republic" He revkwid tbe advance of our nation from i is infantile (tate to its present grandeur. He found in onre the elements of progressive greatness not found in the natiouR whoee prestige haye tome and gone, II saw justification in the present for anguine hope cf continued expan sion and t;rt'itni8j commei.eurate with its presf nt material progress. The pessimists f today he ranked with t! e pessimists of all ages. He raw elements of opposing fac tious advancing to union. Educa tion hi thought would solve the race problem. Free coiuage is sure to come and tbe nation will rnaich to prosperity. The sentences were clear and . forcible and tbe speech was quite creditable. Misd Willie Weimer next read a ti'rman esda?. We cau only say with lbs vwnm iinputi.nt of the criticisms i f ber pabtor's Beimon, "I don't Ore it wus good if it bad been hoi..Ued." . Geo F McAHU'er then intd the closing orat.on and tbe valedictory. iiis subject was, "Final Civihza tion." Th" speaker Bhowed the re s ' i his close and almost health J ; ng application to study, by a .:ity with the world's varied ) iittcea of civilization, especially tUo.jg f Greece the renowned, lit markp'! grand movements as they rose nu 1 fell but left the foundation nponvhioh to build still greater. Ci-rii '. . inity now infused into and prni.t;! ting the whole system of our c. v ; i , . lion guarantees neignta yei iinaiuined from which there is no descent. Jr. was a learned t-ff irt and nil ct en (lit on his alma mater. Tbe valedictory was less pathetic ' than tome we have heard but was in every pnrt a fittii g expression of one breaking college tie and bid ding adieu to ecboolday yyj and associations to face tbe sterner reali ties of life. President Soberer then delivered diplomas to Messrs McAllister and fck-'z'er and formally conferr d the A. H. apon them The degree of A M. was regular ly conferred on P..jV. li L B.ime, of tne umsa of '01, and on Dr. O H Bamhaidt of the cUhb of .03, a'so the honorary d giee of . M. on C M 1W, M. D , and K y. 0 G Lyer A modal for the bifch-'it profioi ency in the class in bible history wan pr(eenlebv W S l$onnn, I). D. to Mr Jacob L Morgan. The speaker ai lofiy in thought and fluent in language, lie said, in the study of the bible yno. hare struck the reck on which the tini Terse is built. Wear this po'den medal in the ontside of ths heart as an emblem of golden truth within tbe heart The Greek medal was presented by Rut. 0 B Miller to Mr. Edward Fal'enwidvr in impressive words. The Alumni medal for deotama was preen'ed by Eev, Lysrly to Mr. T Marvin Wiley in erj appro priate terms. Kev. 0 L T Fiaher then presented diplomas to the nine young ladies who hsd jnBt Gnisbed the course Prof. FiBher ixplained the ab aence tf ot e -f the ten, Miss Addie Jenney, who bad been called home on recount of I he rerious illneea of her mother just near the end of the t'-rm, but whose prcficinoy in her Indies soured for her the full honors of grudua'ion. He then read 'he roll of honors which wm very pleasing lo note. At this roint E.'V. MoClullnngh pr pcn'ed the medal by Miss Jennie Cook for highest tnori's for progress in music to Miss Id B'im. Mia' Ida being too nnwell tu ba present L'tJ. 0 L T F.phrr rrci-ed tu rned il and tbe compliment to earn to Uim Blume T is was tbe p'e Huttiou seeb (f tbe occasion iu point of literary allusion, coml i i'd with wit and humor. The names of the class of ten are : Misies Aaetta 8 KBjczt, Minna Holman, Marguerite L Hunter, Ad die E Jenney, Jetsie M Layton, Ef fie M Muenheimer, Margaret B Mnller, Addie E Patterson, Wil h el uiiu a O Weimer and E Viginio C Sboup. Pretident Scherer ai,nounced ihat the board of directors of tbe Gollege bad accepted the resigns tion cf Prof. E B Su z'er whose con dection with tbe College nd bis associations wi:h tbe faculty had been such ts to part v iih him with much regret tut in conformity with Prof. Setzlet's desire. He then announced that tbe board bad elected Prof. Edgar Bower of the class of '88 at Koan- oke college, who bad taken first honors and was recommended mosttrluyee of the Southern Railway, for highly by the faculty of Itoapoke college and has been teaching 8 eus. lie aUo announced that it Is entirely probable that Piof, Bower will enter upon the work. Prof. Soberer said that the usual medals would be awarded next year, lie also announced the acceptance of Piof. HNM Her, Ph. D. to be the head of Mont An.a'na Seminaiy and that be wui'd be formally in auguiated at the opening of next session. Dr. Miller then announced that the bi xt session would open on the 9ch of September lcx and that thi're would be a aedal given for tbe best Euglish ts -ay, aleo a schol arship and deportment medal giyen bv the Vict Principal and a medal for tbe Its', examination on CLutn ber'n iroited- State's Hidiory, given by Prof. Jaa. P Gcok. IaU'repe.s :d through all these exe ciacs. eicep'. those in nhich the SeniiLiiry ladies furnis'jel their own music, the Mt. Pleasant cornet band dispenred excellent music. When v.e consider the number that must nnite to form a cornet bind and tbe liability to changes by tbe drifting of young men to other fields, this band becomes a wonder and a seurce of admiration. If it sometimes lulls in interest, it is but (o awaken into new life and cling to the lessors it has procured from some of the best muBical trainers. May it live long to impart its melo dies to the music-loving throngs on these cjmmtncement occasions. Tba seasioa of '96 97 of these two excellent sohcols at Mt, Pkaa ant are now things of tie past with their happy influences just begun to ever widen oyer time and space. The next term cf college wil open on Sjpt. 1st, la the afternoon the alumi as of 'idont Aaoaa Stmmary met and org.nizid an association. This meeting was onique in that, of the 58 a'omi.a' of tbe ii stitntoin, 57 were present at its organization and ut of the whole number no death has occurred, however there are a striking number tf them that re fuse to at-swer to the naniej by which they were culled at gradua 'ion. Miss J.naie Cjok was m id. president, Mina L ah Blackwelder, vine preeidenl; Mies Alma Shirty, score ary and Mias Effid Mistn hoiu;er, treasurer. Tbe remainder-of the evening and n'pht were giten over U pleasant vsociaticn nnd the eoft whisperings o w Tinjenrs ti 1 tfeiit!: hearts wen full enough that in 'be wee final) a ur8 yis oua of Cupid's wsn beci mod to hnppy clioiee, while Mor t heus soothed the we 1 worn frame. Before Retiring.... take Ayer'a Tills, nnd you will sleep better and wake in bettei condition for th. day's work. Ayer'a Cathartic Pills have no equal as a pleasant andeffect ual remedy for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and all liver troubles. They are Bugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with out the annoyances experienced in the use of so many of the pills ou the market. Ask your druggist for Ayer'a Cathartio Pills. When other pills won't help you, Ayer'a is THE FiLL THAT WILL five II IK I n I. fall. In "New York City Weduesda) morniug fr 'unks of wakr, each enntainit'g 13,000 gallon.', fell through we flojrs, buirylnjt several nica. ' The cot.itruo'ers are noder at rest for hotnecide. Drain ul mr. Wyiry. Mrs. Wyley died Thuraday even ing at 7 o'clock at the residence of her to.i in-law, Cupt. E l Pat'erson, of North Cedar sheet. She came here three years ago to make her borne with her daughter; and has been in feeble health tor that length of time. Tbe remains were taken to Danville, Va , for burial. Charlotte Observer. Bceu i'romolrrt. Mr.' John N Barringer, an em many yearB running as flagman, has been promoted to the position of an extra conductor. Mr. Barringer i a Cabarrus man and The Standard Is glad to kLow of bis promotior He spent Thursday night in tbe country wil h relatives. Married lu Ucoiglft. Curds lave btca riceiveJ in the city announcing the rm.r iage, at (Vaycross, Ga., of Oscar Julius Al len and Mrs. Mamie A Carpenter, which occurred on Thursday, June 3rd. Mr. Allen vat once an em ployee of this oflioe, and is deserv ing of much happincts, he being an exemplary young man. The Stand apd wishes for this couple a long life of joy and usefulness. MeetltK CIomI. With last night's service the meeting which has been in progress for several weeks at the tent on the graded scbocl grounds closed. Eev. Kdmundsou's sermons were very much enjoyed by tbe people of the community. Key. Edtnundsm has relumed to bis borne at Littleton to spend aeyeral days with his family. Rev. WiihiUison, the music direc) tor, has gone to Blacksburg, S. C , to arrange for a meeting at that place, D aly of June 4'b. A JllHlaUe In MoriKiiKo. A certain business man of China Grove walked into the clerk's office a few days ago and had five mort gages probated, three of which were to be registered in Cabarrus county nrt two in Iredell. The mortgages got mixed up and the three that were for tb Cabarrns Eegiater, were s.'nt to lrel'dl and the two for Ire dell were lift hore, The error has been discolertd, but all Ove mort gages aref egistered in both counties From IIiIIphIIIi Uiiilctln Following are the health reports from CuliarruB, Rowan and Stanly counties for tbe un u:h just past ; Cabarrus Dr, Eobt. S Young, Concord Fourteen cases cf measles, ninety-one of whoi ping cough and one of dip'heria, Rowan i r. John Whitehead, Salisbury. Six cases f typhoid fevur. Bronchitis and maLr'a fever in virions parts. Stanlv I). I) F Whitley, Milling- jiort. Whooping cough ri nearly il purls. One. case of typhoid fever. Home K4tiirnliitft The city was full of charmitg school girls, houiewaid bound from M Anua'na feminary this morning Among thrni wire: Mirses Z uith Lay totvJefuie L.i)tou,LIappie 1'o.ze:, Lola Haiti wunger, Minna Holman, Md8gi) Muller, Maude Miller, Ma. mie an i it r, rcuri vv?isn, uora Welsh, M -rnerite Hun tr, WilLe ruina Weiuur, Coruel'.a Henlz, Julia Ii n z, Minnie Fcllern, Ruth Cope laud, all of South Carolina; Virginia Shoup, Florida; Li: zb Voae, Georgia, Belle Penlund, TennssBee; Erie Caldwell, Virginia, Vinnie Kintz, Ilattie Goodman, Ua'tio Weddiug oii.Ila Blumo, Addie Patterson E ia Walter, Concord. Tbe visitors were: Miss Eoea VVyse, cf Prosperity, S. C, Miss Emma L p, Euoolmlh; Mrs. W M Miller, Jt-IT Hon, ri. U., Miss Kena Ingram, Wadiaiioro; Miss Pearl Evans, S mth Caiolina. Among the geutlemen were Lacy Ross and Joe Sutton, Burling Ion; l)f and Mrs. W S Biiwnmn, S E Linton, Charlotte; U E Evans, LmcaBter; Prof E B Setzler, Ben, M Setaler and Dr. Peeler, South Curos lira, Chirlie I'less, Concord. Daily of June 3rit, AlMllt l.otKl lloohn. The Salisbury Suo, of Thursday, Sayf: "Itev. and Mrs. A L Coburn re turned last night from Concord. Itev. Cul'tun dispoRtd of a large number of books iu that town. "Miss Myrtie Moore, of Concord, will be in the city next week. She ii selling an Odd Fellow book." Ex Secretary Hoke Simth's house in Atlanta was partially burned Wednesday morning. SHOTR LOCALS. The sweet girl graduate is now ruling her willingsur-ji.'ctB. All silvtr hcltp are much ia vogue with the Hummer girl. Tboy are quite stylish. A'eiandria, Va, had a $75 000 fire Wednesday night Auaoug the moat approved com mencetnent gilts are. college cueh ions, which can be made or ot'ainod to suit the giver. Rin Eugene Win Cofl has movod hie family to this city and v. ill oc cupy tne Kiaimon a borjpe od Spring Street. Mr. Lindsay Ross has gone to Leaksvilla, where he has secured position as book keeper at tbe Leaksville Woolen Millie. Mr. R P Burk has reMgned his position at the OJll Mills and has gone to Roanoke Rapids, where be has secured a senior position. Mr. A M McPueoters of Charlotte, vouches for the fact that the earth quake set his clock back exactly two hours. Last Wednesday a blind negro was arres'ed for vaprancy and sen tenced to 30 dayp nn the chain ging. He was released Thursday and went bis way n pricing. Mr, Georee lleplar, a sterling merchant of New London, once among the number of DUfiint-fss men of thin city, ia visiting hu fciater, Mrs Dr. B L Griffin. The Salisbury Watchman says that Dr. Hanks, of Diviilson Collepe, has located at Enorthville and will take up thiMSpractiriA reaifned by Dr. Stevens, who fca9 come to Con cord. Dr. W S Bowmaa has purchased the Milton Car farm, poven miles from Cbf.rlitte oa thn Staleeville road. This we learn is very doHira hie property. The purchase prico,; was Ei! lioU. In chsnRlng the wire from the old telegraph cilice to the new, com munication was cut oil tor exactly H minutes. Messrs. llncker and Cochrane, of Charlotte-, did the transferring of tbe lines, and did it in a hurry. At Columbia, 8. C.. Wednesday, firo destroying? 20.0OOwnrth of prop erty, including a Sb.000 electric plant, noenrrert in the lunaun - lum. The fire originated in the laundry and was confined to that building. Mr. Giles T Crowell called at The Standabd office and left a fine specimen of rye from tbe four acre held just beyond the fenix Koller mill, f orty neaus wejgn o ounces. He had six acres under cultivation inside the city limits and will tet sixty bushels of rya, ho thinks. Winston shipped over one mil lion pounds of manufactured to borco last month. Tbe revet ue collectionc arepated $70,533 37. an increase of 82(i,l4 04 over May, 18'Jti. Disease is curod not by niRpical incantations, but by medical science. Hence it is that Ayer'e Sareaparilla curos and that it proves so eminently euccessiui. u is a fkillfully prepared and strictly sci entifio blood purifier and tonic, the only one admitted at the World's Fair. The four-months old child of Mr. and Mrs. James Lee, of St. John's, died Wednesday night, and was buried at St. John's lnursday. Ibe child had been sick only a short bile. Their many friends eympa thizi with the bcroaved parents in the loss of their beloved child. M-iuacer R L McConnell, of the Western Union telegraph office, has moved tbe busineps into new qunr ters in the St. Cloud building, where he had plenty of room nnd ail the raod-rn convenience-! cf the patron- ana, it iook-1 as neat as a pin, and is yery Inviting. After tho first oi July, t-pcucer will be tho lay-over point for all Southern railroad men. and the di vision between Danvillo anil Char lotte will be abolielvd. At tha' 'ima ru:iS will be awi'tnied the em ployes in their respective capacity E zema causes an itching so te distent as to pro luce, not only sleep los-mes-, but ,at times, e en deli- r om. Local applications will not remove the csuse, which is impurt t'nnd. Aver's Siirsaparilla cures this diserisa by e'eansing the blocd nnd eradicating all humor. W learn that at an adjourned rrentinir the board of troHtees o! North Carolina 'illepe at Mount Pleasant, held . Wmlncfidiiy a'ter noon, R-v. P II E Durick rosigned position os tutor of tho preparatory department of tha enllece, and in bis place Mr. O F McAllister was elected. It, will now be "Profetsor McAllister." . A Northern lady a onsump tivo who was brought in on No. 3.") last night and carried to the Western train, fainted after shs had been taken into the train. The la dy was in the last stages of con sumption and was on her way to Asheville in hope of prolonging her l;f i, Salisbury World. Liok for tbe facts demonstrated by experience. Thou -nods and thousands of people 6UlIi'rirg from th-effects of impure blood have hnen cured by Hood's ?srrap::ri!lt". Hood's Pills act easily and promptly on the liver and bowels. Curo tick headache- ' A ljoii i'cHiure. We are pleased to Bee that Mont An tf ia Female Seminary will em brace in its conrse of instruction a department especially deeignel for the benefit of those wishing to This is unquestionably a most commendable feature of the school. It is a demonstrated fact that practical work at tbe teacher's desk depends leas upon a higher educa tion than upon skillful operations in the course tiu.ght in the school. Very le irntd teachers toajetiniea fail iu th: common schools and it is thought by some that tbey are too highly educated for the common school teaching. This, of course, is an error. It is only a lack of train ing in the sphere in which they are attemp'ing to operate. WbUe there is room for impracti cul, theoretical hobbies in abund ance in our schools for teachers, there is alto tbe opportunity for immeasurable benefits to be im parted to those wbo go out, largely as a matter of cecestity, to teach in our common schools that are un questionably the most d.fncult of all schools to teach. To te ch teachers what to teach and bow to teach it is no small fea ture ia a good school. or Interent to Tfnctiern. For tbe benefit of tho'e wishing obtain a life certificate under the Dew educntisnal law we give below the subj-cts embmciug the scope of ex amination as furbished by the Sta'e Board of Examiners : '1. Eugli h Granniar, Composi tion and Literature, SpeUing, Defin ing, Writing and Reading. 2. Geography, Political ' and Ppyaical. i. Pbydclogy and Hygiene. 4 History, North Carolina.United Spates and uttoeral. 5. Arithmetic. C. Elementary Algebra, 7. Elementary Botany. 8. 9. 10. 11 Elementary Psychology. Elementary Pnjs cs. 0ivil Government. School Law. The following books in addition to those prescribed by law are sug gested as indicating tbe scope of tbe examinations on the seyeral sub jects ; Whitney's Essentials of English Grammar. Pancoaat's Composition and r.lH'toric. Lockwood's Lessons ia Euglisb. Maury's Geography. Tarr's Physiool Geography. Sully's Psychology for Teachers. White's Elements cf Pedagogy. James' Psychology. Physics, Aiery aud Goge. Finger's and Peterman's Civil Government. The examinations will be held in July. Frrllminarlori to Nnprrme Ilapplni'M A centain young gentleman who cculemplates marriage, announce ment cf whioh has not yet been made but which will take place at an early day, evidently intends to look at eyery little detail . to make his intended bride fxtremly happy. First thing done after securing tbe content of the young lady to marry him, be was to etep up to The ST4ND aud reporter and give in a cesh subscription for the daily piper. He will make an ideal husband and The Standard rejoices to we such : m por taut and essential pre liminaries, From parties who are well up on the signs of tha moon, we learn that there will not be a very heavy rain fall durin, the present month, due to the fact that Old Luna, "doesn't hang right" and is a dry moon. WARNING. We wish to caution all users of Simmon Liver Regulator on a subject of the deepest interest and importance to their health oerhaps their lives. The sole proprietors and mauers ot bimmona Liver Kegulator learn that customers are often deceived bv buying and tnkmc some medicine of a similar appearance or taste, believing it to De mmmons iaver itegulfltor. we warn you that unless tho word Regulator is on the package or bottle, that it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. No one else makes, or ivcr has made himmoos Liver Regulator, oi inytlung called Simmons Liver Regulator, but J. If Zeilin & Co., and no medicine made by anyone else is the same. 5J We alone can pat it up, and we cannot be responsible, il Wier medicines represented as tlie same do lot help you as you are led to expect they sill Bear this fact well in mind, if you have jeen in mo nanit oi using a medicine wmcjj you supposed to be Simmons Liver Regula tor, becauso the name was somewhat like ,t, and the package did not have tin word Regulator on it, you nave Deen imposed lpon and have not been takine Simmons Liver Regulator at all. The Regulator has seen favorably known for many years, and dl who use it know how necessary it is for ('ever and Ague, Bilious Fever, Constipa- -lon, Headache, Dyspepsia, and all disorders irising from a Diseased Liver. We ask you to look for yourselves, and lee that Simmons Liver Regulator, which fou can readily distinguish by the Red Z n wrapper, and by our name, is the only medicine called Simmons Liver Regulator. J. II. ZKILIN A CO. Simmont Hftr Rtfulator, I'RRANA 1IAK A MOB 1IA.MGINU. A ITf-Brrn Rrnte Meet Jlorrflile llrnlli 1 no Mm Killed and Ten Wounded by the Military CJuard Tlf'tlm in Critical rouilltlon. At 2:30 Friday morning, a mob met at the jail at Urbana, Ohio, de termined to aver go the purity of a helpless widow by executing one Charles Mitchell for the terrible crime of assault one week ago. The sheriff had a military com pany with him and fired on the mob, killing two and wounding ten, all of whom it seems were spectators not actual?) engaged in the act. The feeling was wrought uptoj such degree that the mob would not down, but persevered till they got Mitchell and swung him to a limb in tbe jail yard till he was dead. The tbe case was one of extreme provocation. Mrs. Gaumer was alone, the wretoh haying chosen his opportunity, and was overcome by tbe brute befouled with loathsome disease. Shrinking from the terri ble disgrace, she led ber son to be lieve the assalt was for robbery, and be was arrosted for that crime, but her critical condition disclosed the fact and he was tried for the real crime and sentecced to 20 years im prisonment, tbe limit for criminal asBault. Tho law of the land must be the will of the people and the spirit that leads men to face death to pro tect feminine helplossuess and vir tue could uot brook the puniuhmcnt so iuadrquate. The sheriff aud captaij of the military company have fled the vengeance too of those whose friends were slain. Bfolea I'rom the Organ. Oiigan Church, June 4 The ninth anniversary of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary so ciety of Organ church will be held in Organ church the fourth Sunday of June. Kev. Mr. Oney, of Cravem N. I),, has been secured to preach a seinion on missions at 10.30 a. m. also to deliver an address in tbe af ternoon. Orlin Crose, Esq., will deliver an address in the afternoon. There will also be several recitations by the mcmbets of the socluty. The choir has begun to practice music for tbe occasion. Mr. Wm. Beaver, our to'ed pe destrian, is going to rido. He bought a fine horse, and Messrs. Barn hard t and Crnse are r pairing a buggy aud a hack for him. The chinch bugn are doing cou siderable damage to the wheat in places. The many friends of Mrs. Crissie Bjst will be glad to learn that she has so far recoyered from her recent iiluees as to be able to visit near neighbors. Mr. John Ritchie and family, of St. Joha's.'ook dinner at the parson age laBt Sunday. Tbe whooping cough is raging in tbe community. The Irish potato crop, except very early planting, will be small, caueed by dry weather. Sjuie of onr butter makers repoit selling butter last week for Btyiu and a half cen's per pound. How is that for gold standard pi orient) U No Hoo. funeral IMrecliim tu leil. The annual meeting of ths Xorth Carolina ibtate Funeral Directors will be held in Raleigh un the 15th and ICth of this month, The meets ing will be opened with piayer by Dr. Eugene Daniels aud the address o: welcome will be delivered by Mayor W M Kuss. The meeting promises to be veiy interesting. A lreneber NliootM. We learn from tho Salisbury World that seme one attempted to burglarize the Lutheran pursonnge of that place Wedutsday tight, but being shot at he hastened to te'reat. TMten the Jleilul Mr Archahle Hei dcrson, son of lion. J S Ileudereon, to.ik the Junior class medal on mathematics at the Universi'y at tho lale com mencement. He has a good record in mathematics Iu llfNlltitte Vwiiilltlou. A man Sides and his wife and five little cbiidreu hare arrived in Salisbury, having walktd from Mooieeville. Tlui trip whs made in two days and the family brought all their possesions with the ui. They have no furniture and uolb nf to eat. All the property they on :s tbe clothes on tbtir bodies'. Wednes day night they slipt out In tbe woods near the try. Ibe. family hae secure 1 a house tnd the hu3 bend and fai her will seek employ ment. A gentleman wbo known the family tells us they were (.nee i oomfortable circurf.stances but their house and property was destroyed by fire. Salisbury Sup. M. Si'Kro Attviupta Noll-lap. Bat for a merciful providence which oft interposes between ur.u and destiny, Tom Cloyd, colored, tf Paw creek, would today' be "over yoader." Hut to tbe story. Clojd had two children who Lft him several weeks ago to till the soil alone. He became very despon dent at their leaving him, and de- oided to kill himself. Thursday he came in fiom the tUld, told his wife to kiss bimgojd bye, that be wusgoirg to kill him self. She told him to "go away with his deceit," that be knowed he wasn't going to do anything of the kind." She left the house nnd wcut about ber work in the yard. A few miuotcB after, her husband appeared in tbe doorway and calling out "gtol-bye" drew a rszor across Lis throat thrico. Tbe womau ran to him, and seizing a dish rag, stuffed it into tbe wound, staunch ing the blood and thereby saving his life. Dr. Wilder was sent for. By the time he got there the re in had lost a gallon of blood. Thu woman still pressed the rag into '.he wound, which was all that 6aved him. The razor had jubt missed the juguhw ye;n. Tbe cu', Dr. Wilder Bays, wes a fearful one. Chirlotte Ob C'olirett People Have a Jitii.rorp. Five negro's, three nun and two women, name y, WeJt Shtuipoch ano ife, Hulda ; .Noah Foara tud wde, Ida, and Frauk Safrif, all of v. hom engaged in a free-for-all fiht at Hell Micsion church four milee from town oa tbe Gold Hill road on 'Uension Day, Alay 27th, were tried btfore juir Pitts to day. Xearly all the congregation were v.'itneFse) in the case.the court room being pretty well filled. Kizors, knifes, rocks and clubs figured in tbe tuht. The case goes 10 court. lilllMt HI I HI her. Application has been made to the Governor for tbe pardon of Ayeritt Butler, of Sampson county, one of the nioct noted prisoners in the reo, who was convicted of a most rs markible crime. When fourteen years old young Bu'ler was leu tenced to be hanged for patricide. This was in lbtiO. Substqneutij the sentence was commuted to life iimprsonmeut by Oov, Fowle. But. lor killed his father beoance he said be cruelly beat and maltreated bis mother and eister. He is said to be distantly relate! to Senator Bntkr. The application f jr the pardon of young Butlor is signed by a great many people. The (lovernor has tho matter under consideration. Tlio Columbia llatl Mell TrouMe 1 Court ofluqutry lolie utile!. Columbia, E.C, June I lie faculty of the South Carolina Col lege have investigated thu facts con nected with the disturbance on the college ball field on Friday last, and as a revolt today reported the con duct of Adjutant General Watts to tbe Governor, as commander-ia- chief, for his action. Governor El- lerbe, upon receipt of tbe full re rort, acting under tbe State la tonight declared that be would order a court ot Itquiry to invest' pate the affair. Judge Adtocat Gineral Maj field will be tbe chair man of tbe court. Kepubllrait I'uper For ( onconl. Concord will have a new Kepul. lican paper edited by J C Rlackjel. colored, of this city, the eDter prise will be bucked by Warren Co man, cf Ccncord, and will be its-did as a weekly. 'Salisbury World. 1 he J-'.arl hiinke Not I,iKht. The reports of the earthquake still come in isud indicate that the centre of disturbance Wus Hbo'i IVarishurg, Ya., where the we'l and spr!ng3 are running muddy ivater and om: even having a j oder smell. The shook did considerable damage to buildings and horses and cattle were thrown to their knees by the trembling of tho earth. The iu habitants where strange ominous sounds bae been heard like grcit ricks filling into water are leaving ths place thrcugh fear that the worst has 1,01 yttcome. Xear thai place huge rooks were broken loose from tbe mountain nnd one f illing iua in lront of a moving train wricked the etig'ue. Alioitt WlKfttt. 4 Wind preceding the heavy rainp Friday evening was intense in some parts of tr.o county ami on many farms wheat was blown down and considerably damaged. Wheat t beiLg cut in' some places, but the general harveHt will cot bf gin for a wer-k or ten days, At Orovrdur's M;1I, near Bessemer City, Fiiday aflrrnoou, to ni gn wjiuen, Dauy Iu.. una and luj m.nh were killed by lightuing. They wero und 'r a largo tria eng.'.god in washing. hon trie s'ori cuno up Daisy Means' left Ler tub aaJ picked up ber baby. The mother and the tree were P'.ruek and D:usy was stunned so severely that she died wii hi a a few hourn. , The in fant was unhurt. Ay Celebrated for its print learning strength and hea!thftilrie. A the food againet alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Pcwdkk Co., New York. SCHEDULE rs , - ill H IX EFFECT JAN. is, 13;. 1 hi J i o;i'.b used b.'h.duin is pul lished ae ir formation, and is sub- jeet to change w.thout totice to the I ublic : TKA NS LE1VE CO'COHU, X. C. 8:27 i'. m.-No. :-5, do-!y f r Atlan ta and Charlotte Air L're division, rut all points Kouihuml h uihwtit. Ourrit k i' r-. u h 1 ui'i.ui: diasvirgo i-nciii biul'.-t ':-( i -rs li tafe'i ixtw Voi k, alii.; toj), tu, Linus inehnin, li .lv.';i n, !' liflh end Ja"i i')i, vile, .-so t u .'uian st'Cntr4, Qi nr.ctte to Ana -et . 8:18 a. sr. Xo- 3;, ';f.I'.r, ton and tjouthwcBtorn vestibuleil li.'uile ' for AUaiita, l.iu:i;nt,l:snu, Memphis, Slonip; irccrr, Jlobilo a,.il Xetw Orleans, and all point S.;utn an J Soulhwrsh. Thro.i::b A'uliinuu sleeper New Voi k to Xew Ui leans' and Xew York to Memphis. D.u c.r, vtnlibuleil confn, I 'tv.-iiai Uasbin;'ton nii't Atlant-, Pui!n.ftii tourist car for Sun Fraucuco, bun-, days. 9:02 r. m. c. . deilr, firm Piclw mend, Washicrfto :. Cos': i.oro,Nor follc, Helmn, K . , ( li-ensboro,' Knoxville und Aauevilie to Char lotte, X. C. lU::i0 a- sr. . 11, (iaii'', for A'h lanta and all points South. Solid train, Richmond to Atianta; l'uii man tlocpins cr.-, Richmond to' Greensboro. 10.07 a. m. 3" daily, for "Washiiife'tuu, ii'ciiuiL .ul, l'uleij.-h and all points Xorth. (V'-rlea Put;" man ir:miiig'.rooiu butiut sieoper, Galvoitrn to Xew York ; .Ji.eksoui ville to Xew York ; ' Bumincham to Xew York. Pullman tourist cars from San Frarcieoo '.l hurailnys- 9:02 i. m. No. 3S, daily, Washins ton v:d Souti)woBt(-i7i vestibulud,' limited, for WaBhiuRtou and all points I ' Drill. Tl'i- I'u'lu -en car' Memphis to Naw York; New Orient 8 to Xew Voik; T.iL j a to Xew Voik. Also carries verubuied coach and ilinir'f.; ear. 7.22 p. in. X.J. U, daily, for Uica. innnd, Ashevii'e, Ciiati ancoga. HfiN eiah, Ooldsbcro and ah points Xorth. Cani(:.i Paiiman slooning car from Greeiihboro to J.iciimond. Connects at. (treeuaUoro 'v'.li train carryip.; 'iv; ni cur li r P.i k'i'-b- ii.17 a. ui. .no. 10, duily, lor Kiob moml ; cou..beis at (.'leei.niioio tir RaieiRi ai. . Xott'o:':, ; 'it Dcnvi le for WashiLgtou ai.d i o.iits Xurtu ; at Salisbury ' for Anhviile, Kuox ville and points West. Ail freight truins carry p:i"h6HRers John M. Crr.i', W. A. TruK. Trallic M'gr. Gen'i Paaw. A.'t. -W. H. (iiaN, WaoluuBiou, D. C. Geu'l Bupi'rintcn.!biit, Wubhiciitou.'D. C. o. H.Hahdwiok, Ats't Gen'i P. Ae't Atlanta, On . H. Taxloe, ABa't Geu'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Ky. Gowan Di'Sfsbesy, Local Ar't, Concord. X, C. 'Iliti SlrnHlttrry Ijii")'ii'b'i. The Eitrawbery season just ended vitntsfed tbe greatest movement of berries since our truck farmers bj;iui to raise thtui for the northern markets. The shipments have him ibout 1)C Oo() crates. Ia lSfd, thj .ihijimeiita were HO.duO crates and in 1S!'", 70 ,0'Jg. Ia tivo years tho shipments h.ivo nitr.' than dou bled. Wilmington Messenger. Suffered likjiccii Years. l'aixi I 'aji f 1 a ad Micj Caj-e. Mr;. Julia A. Pniv. -i, of ..Vivfn"'n.-i, Tr nn., WlHfSO hu.-):u-.i h:is Ch.t.'po cf i i.i.1 rtrrTiij lif-i-i pliuit at 1'i-it pi h-i.:i !:; :i a rrtwt suffon-r. Ilf.p jhiHTit-fl a-ii ::piv3dy cuiu Dfo be-.t !cci Ibivi l y ho'.-- if, rir i-tllc.vt; "T'nr pi y.'ixi-i -'!"' ' fr "i p -t vM)"'vt ana mii:-(,:4iif -ii. 1 i : i oiiinii'i'th fi hy fT-'. ' n Coul'i i,'- t fin ri l' f :tr ; ciauH, Jjrs. t, fit- :kU, tvt, I '-o !.:c il j.',j d- "i 1 a. i . 1 ' . ; V , s ; ' ; It n forme, 1 ai .I ii..,' ; ii,.n (le, . . I. i Dr. f. r, I V S l'i i v. IJ Of. I. -. fl.Ml ! il !,. nitl I nr. y: ':it -A ti ,lr. II. will I. ILL lit. Nrv kit tMSlM

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