THE STANDARD. TURNS OT GOOD - JOB - WORK THE ; STANDARD PRINT3 THE AEWb THAT IS JfWS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. TANDARD. AT LIVING PRICES. GIVE US A TRIAL VOL. X-NO 21. CONCORD N: C, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1897 WHOLE NO. 430 Tj AG REAL' JuOKAL TRIUMPH. especially of those in the comm.'. ni where the bar room waa to be erected Too moch honor can not b itowed on tbe prompt and rigor oui mora In thii matter and on tbe excellent defender! of tbe: cause, i i wuose impromptu epeecnea were modeli of logical power and mot force. Daily Standard of 10 MMiM-Ufl Moral Patau t'lar-e4Ml FmIiii rmmii Tb Btoaral Acts rraaupllr l A stated by Tbk 8tahdabd yea terdaj, the board of county commit, aionera voted (not to W J P Good man though, but) to Jacob P Good man the privilege to aell liquor ontaide of the corporate limit of St.JJohu'alohnrcb, whereupon a dale gat ion of CoDCON.' citizens aisem bled in the coirt bouae thii (Thuraday) morning. Mr. J M Odell waa calld to the chair and Rev. Pya.or waa made friend, Miee Bundy. Among the gen. Secjcty with J V Barrier aa eaaic- tlemen were Messrs. Pink Misen tant Secretary. heimer and Herbert Cook. Mrs. After tbt aituation waa ventilated Will Propet chaperoned the crowd the body sent a prajer to the board of yun8 folks- to be heard. Tending an answer I Mr- Charlea Propat, of Chin Mr D A Caldwell offered . re.oln. Gr0T" met lh M llt-ht Parly, A number of young rolks apent Wedesday evening very pleasantly it the home of Mrs. Fred Gla-e, in No. 4 township. Among them were Miaeea Annie and Myrtie Young Hattie and Lilly Cook, and their tion deolarirg it to be the aenae of the body that licenae to aell liqnora ahou d not be granted, which waa adoptt d. took part in the merriments, and accompanied them back to Concord It wag a very enjoyable occasion and, of course, they conld not re turn nntil the wee ema' hours of the Promptly the body received an night, when they returned laughing anawer from tbe board tnat tbey and singing, and enjoying them would be pleased to receive the dele- ielvee to tbe utmost. Daily Stand gation. ; 1 - The court of commissioner! were then addressed by Mesara Duval, Goltrane, Rev. Arnold and Mr, Joo. A Cline in respectful protest againat of 10 th. Rlteh-Iiararcaa Marring. At the residence of tbe bride's father, at 6 o'clock Tuesday even- ing Miaa Bessie Kitch was married to iff nharlnn H Itnriraaa nt Tfiirti V. .: ...I l I I " "-6- wHna the same. It waa very quiet affair, only Aiurney Hansen in detente oi few relative and intimate frienda of th petitioner stated that he himtelf the contracting partiea being prea f.i a prohibitionist always bat that I ent. ' i th.; matter stood said Goodman The ceremony was performed by had a right to to manufacture and KT. L E Busby, pastor of the bride. sell liquors under the United States After supper the bridal party laws, bnt finding by measurement wen" the depot where the young that he waa inside the oornorate 00DPle l00 tn8 8 0 clock tram for limits of 8t, John's would move Hi P't, their future home. Both ontaide and run hit di.tillery but 'y popular young people and would leave it where it i. ana nil V. T't! V friends tor their future happiness, leyond the limits If ,tbe board s.iilbnry WorlfL of comni sionera would grant him a Migi Eitch if we know ,n tbig liutmee for the oonaidtration of $100 place, her father, Mr. M L Bitch, ptr . ar. He thought it a mere having married in thia city. Thii matter of $100 to tbe county if IStindabd eztenda its moat hearty l-rnnted when the tame priyilegea I oongratulationa to tbe happy couple. n ee mailable to the taid Goodman w;( ho-, t paying the $100 if he ahould .move bit dis illery. He did not be lieve, :oo, that the commissioners ccuM r sacindjtheir action and with. Lj.i t : e liceosa. Mr. M HH Caldwell, in behalf of Liia lelf and the board stated that every member of the board and him. i as their counsel were oppored to evading his pursuers for a while, f-aut.rg the licenae, but after coni I but was teen to go under the Warren S'dcrinir the matter in the light pre-1 Coleman atore buildings where th tsubd by the petitioner they thought lhird P'ol t ailenced his dog tft f 1.00 in the school fund would ,b,P Aaalber ad-Dog Hear. A black dog oame np through Coieburg laat Thuraday morning displaying aucpicioua aymptoma. He waa watched and followed by G V Montgomery. Officer C A Cook waa apprised who pursued him and got a disadvantageous and ineffectual shot, when the dog succeeded in RUNAWAY MARRIAGE. fhllaraa ef Twa Hallabnrjr Pollrcman tfca Partita- Kev. C B Millar Awakened at tbe Midnight Heur About 1 o'ciocklaat Thuraday night tbe attention of our faithful and effi cient nightwa'chman, Mr. R Will Johnson, wai attracted towards the St. Cloud hotel, in front of which appeared a closed carriage, behind the screens of which were hidden "two sonls but a single tbonght; two hearts that beat as one." They were "eff to ba married," and that without the consent of parents, and after telling their desires to Mr. Johnston, he piloted tbe young couple to the Lutheran parsonage, where Kev. C B Miller, the courteous and obliging minister, arose and administered the sacred rites of matrimony that made Mr. Charles Pace and Mies Mary Pool husband and wife, in tbe presence of Messrs. Chas. Howell, of balisbury, Will Johnston and Dr. Jesse Hamilton. After the ceremony, tbe couple returned to the St Cloud, where they spent the remainder of the night Mr. and Mrs. Pace are children of two policemen of Salisbury, and they succeeded admirably in evading tbe eagle eyes of the two officers. Mr. Pace is 19 and hia young and happy bride is only 17 yeara old. There waa no objection to the nnion on the part of the parents except that they were thought to be loo youthful. May they live long and prosper is the wish of their friends here. north Carallna Day Changed, Gen. Theo. F Davidson, chairman of the North Carolina commission for the Tennessee Centennial, has issued the following : "At the request of the director general of the Tennessee Centennial Exposition, and in order to avoid conflict with tbe great parade of Confederate Veterans on June 24, North Carolina day has been changed and fixed to Wednesday, tbe 23rd day ot June. "A meeting of the commissioners from North Carolina is hereby called for Tuesday, the 22nd day of une, at 11 o'clock a. m in the au ditorium building In the exposition grounds. I will be obliged if the press of the State will publish this notice." ' SHOTB LOCALS. Mies Alice Sims, who, until late ly, hag tveu employed in the Ree. isierittt ffice, has accepted a position in me store oi Lowe & Dick. M;es Annie White, of No. 11 township, who has been spending a wnne witQ relatives in Charlotte, has returned to her home. Mr. J Homer Earnhardt oi No. 9 township, wbo has been altonding school at Trinity College for the past year, baa returned home. We are glad to inform bur readers or the fact that Dr. R 8 Young ha been appointed by tbe Governor as aaiiisiani surgeon general. Miss Laura Maxwell is spending awmieai ine nome ot Mrs. W A Patterson. havinor acnomnanied Mrs. Patterson from Salisbury, the oome oi AiiBs Maxwell. Mrs. Fiorenoe Wallace of the Coddle creek neighborhood, is re gaining strength and is mending rapidly, after a brief but serious illness. Mr. V C Ridenhonr, of St. John's, has gone to King's Mountain, to spend several weeks with his broth er, Mr. W A Ridenhour, who is do ing a mercantile business there. GEtf. LEE'S REPOttl'. t Npanian s'raeliy Killed Rnla ( raaed tttnora ara Reapoaalble. The report of Cetsal Gen. Lee is in and it implicates Spain more than we were prepare J even to think He makes tbe following deduo tioL: First, tbat Dr. Ruiz wac arrcs'ed under a false charge. Second, tbat te was placed under an improper jurisdiction and deid before the proper tribunal consid ered his cate, thereby giving bini no opportunity to prove bis innocence. Third, that he was kept incom municado" in a solitary cell 315 hours in violation of his treaty rights, which limit such confine ' ment to eeventj.Uo boora. Fourth, that he died from oongea tion of tbe brain produced by a blow on tbe top of the head. The c, c. r. Thursday night a number of young gent'emen of the city as sembled at the Pbifdr dance hall fori 'fie purpose t f organizing a German I club, which, after preliminary dis cussion, adopted the name of "Cons JURORS DRAWN. rat the Jaly Term of KB(erlor teart M Be Held July 9lh, Jae Oreea frealaiac. FIRST WlEK. 3 J as. L Watio ), F U Fulham, Henrv Littles, colored: Julian A cird Cotillion Club." Rlobmond Taaver. John A Sims. .1 C Howie. D Montgomery was elected president i V Litaker. U M Btrnetto. Jno I. Eirle Brown, vioe president: 0. E Faggart. B F Aired. It F Coble. J li Smith, secretary and treasurer ! Uioneyoutt, J T Ilartman. WA board of directors, S J Lowe, John Boat, W 0 Parnell, D M lteadling. F Yorke, Lutber Brown. Gowaa Jaa L'Brown. Geo (J Hnrloeker. A M Dnsenbury and G W Ould. Allman, Chas. R Cline, J W Fisher, ine viuo nas secured the Thifer r.. A 11 Wh te. Geo. W M .en- ball for their diDces, which will heimer. Silaa White, colored: Alfred occur aemi-monthly. Klutta, J R Wood, J OH Burkhead, Ibe club will give an occasional R M Patterson. J L Unison. David entertainment and will in this way Cook, D V Linker. P It Motlev. utilize the stage. Jno. W Morrison, Thomas D Dulin, Iba clsb organized ith 28 mem D H Corzine. W II B.rnhardt bera at nominal fees. aennvn f-vir. F WaHHinotnn w r 7 ;,-.!. nlcheap brands., , ,, iwxai, UAKINO-roWDER CO., POUDEB Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening strength and heallhfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the . New York. lr Khlp Exploded. '' mrnnara maae an q Ridenhonr. P OEirnhardt. Harri ascension in hia air ship at the p Deaton. Jn. T. Y. v. Mimn .1 r. Fifth, tbat there are two theories. Nashville Exposition, Wedaesday, Kizer, Rv. T W Smith, Iac One that in a Stale of mental ex. I the 9tb. When about half a mile I Freest, Jno. M Smith, Caleb J ailitnanfc ha run aipfui Ik. I high the fas nrAfUllrfl WM tftft ffPAet Goodman, D M Walker.- Dr. S A described by one of the jailors and ftnd the bip burst wide open. Forto J J 0Jdf Mnh"rdt Jm- D B8h- outtea ma bead on the door in wrmnu a paracoute wnicn i. i. l 1 . l I let the FrnfRHflnr Hnivn . iv. anrf llibtl.lh.PMi that he was struck on the bead with hurt, but somewhat shaken up. A negro woman, who i. .erring a li8hedTiufion.t '5 p. SCHEDULE ! IN EFPECT JAN. 18, 1897. Cephus Matthews, a negro, and a cne of tbe olnbs carried by the jail.. ioii. . .t. i--rr. Mr. P.M. Brows Married. acuieuuo iu tun peniieniiary, I 10 cuauge Wlinout notice to the white convict, escaped from th ora who hud probably ordered him Weseefromtbe Saiiahnrr nn R,ve Dlrtl1 ,0 cn,Id dy night v ;,.,.. Kowan county chain-gang Friday to ceae his criea for relief and for that our old personal friend. Mr. P 1 e ch,la li WJ br'ght 9:27 p. m.-No. 85, daily for Atlan- acej DBanoi oeen cap- hig childrf .nd on hi. Mt doinu M Brown, of Ro.n Mnm. . mulatto, mougn ita mo.her ia indig -ri?.?;i.?..n ay"i morning, tured Friday night. For one dollar, you may bny a he intended, or it ia posaible the In Salisbury to Miss Callie Shelton! ,Thewom" ffkessrdpd bi- -to. ot4 tzz directions, may save a ereat many confess or give evidence against dollars in doctor's bills, and thus others. exempli y the truth ot old maxim, The General aaya that after being "Prevention is better than cure." ,, .u.uaw luwi buab UC11 Ul atvuo WBIt We leam that Mr. Holland and flnnr arifh nnl a li'lfla Kari-rl Ji,P8..n' -f 4th Cencord Higb 1 window over the floor ,nd no other help to couateraot tbe evil made possible by national law. He won Id be glad to edyisethe bmrd to rescind the action if legal. Key. Alexander and Rev. Miller i-:e also in happy terms of protest Judge Montgomery atated that any court conld rescind, modify or reverse its action while yet in aesaion. He also atated that tbe United States law gave no man a right ts aell liqnora by tbe quart without iicmie further than that which he produces from hia own raising, and tbat it ia not true that Goodman conld remove hia distillery outside of the corporate limita and aell by the quart any further than liquors made from oorn of hia own raising or fruit from hia own orchard and that he would be indiotable for very qnart of liquor ha would aell without lioenae otherwise. :Tbe board gave every opportunity for full yentilation of the matter un der consideration and nothing but the moat respectful terms were used in the discussion while tbe viewa of the deba'era clashed and tbe atrongeat of points were made on the part of the delegation. Tbe audience closed with tbaoka to tbeboird for indulging in a ra'ber long debate nd tbe delegation withdrew. The board rroonsidered ita ait. on nd unarlmously voted to withhold the licenae, In the whole matter we feel that BO real blame is to be attached to the hoard who acted on the light thrown on tbe aubject yesterday but from tbe better 'and clearer light thrown on tbe aubjeot today thty did not hesitate to act aa they aw the line of duty . We are con vinced tos that it waa pleasant duty as probably the county can have no board at heart more op poaed to the liquor traflic than ita ' present one. In thia noble act the board has earned and ws are sore it baa the a gooa solution of tbe dog ques tion is to help all the vagrant ones to fits and then to cure tbe fits with a lead pill. Later: A dog was killed between 11 and 12 o'clock on East Depot street aupposea to have rabiea. The t hala (. The chain gang ia atill at work in No. 8 township. , They are now at work on tbe road between Mt Pleasant and Concord, and are cut ting down some of tbe hills and put ting in some excellent fills. They will continue to woik in that part of the county for about two weeks, and then they will pilch their tent on the road leading from St Jobn church to Foil's Mill, which we hear is needing attention badly Tbej will macadam ze a good deal of ti. Daily Standard of 10, etarataaT Heme. The South-bound train Wednes a ay contained me pupils going home from the Deaf and Dumh asylum. There was quite a crowd of the un fortunates, probably fifteen or twen ty, which presented quite a pitiable s'ght, seeing them try to converse wiir eacu oioer. Among them was little Mia Pa die Herring, of this place, wbo seemed very glad to get home again to her parents. a.a The Wri and the Hlitht of It We were very much cbagrinned latit Thursday evening, to find thai the type made us say the board ot commissioners will purchase a rock orusher for about 115,000 on satis factory trial, when we meant, and the manuscript said, 11,600 After going to press, we got tbe the following facts; The board purchased a rock crush ar, elevator and screen, a boree roller and an 18 horse power engine for all of which t'ley are to pay $1 C70, on condition of approved test. A ni Morla-ace. The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad has given a mortgage for 150 000,000, to issue bonds, and take op tbe company's indebtedness of nearly that amount that is bearing 7 ptr cent, interest. The new bonds are to bear 31 ner . t. 1-1 . .1 -r-- prorouna gramuae ana respect or . 0lT.,d are mature in 100 i loreri or moral purity oaiearl The Oypale In atoaan, From the Salisbury World we learn that ita people are being mo' lested by the Gypsies, which we aup pose, are tbe same crowd tbat camped near cur town a week or two ago. It seems tbat tbey were trad ing horses there the other day, and in aome way naisreprtsented one of their horses thit they traded, which has gotten theun into trouble. While theylwere camped in our county our Sheriff visited their camp and aay that tbey were a hor rible looking, class of people. ufany of them are foreigners, and a large amonnt of them are crippled or deformed in some way. While they were near our city we noticed that you could hardly go through the streets without meeting someone t hat wished to relate a piti ful story in regard lo his frail and pDverty-stricken condition. Asheville Citizen: The entire plant of the Standard Oil company, Cleveland, Ohio, shut down for an (definite period. About 1000 men are thrown out of work. 6 Morehead City to look after securing au aasiHiani ior next year. Mr. II McNamara has retnrnnd from a three weeks' trip through nanaoipn, uichmona and Mont gomery counties. He will take a week oil and rest. li 1 1 iuu an uuiiiLB nouin and Nnntimaof so struck him with more force than married Thursday evening, the 10th, I ciee through Pullman drawinga x ue wuuiau nas oeen atauonea at I ly"1?1 aiBepara Deiween new farm lnrinn tha ... I or. waauington, At anta, B itm farm dnring tbe past nhRm. o.iSB. v The uniting couple have our tar, 7 n M De nwa nt. 1 ft f TulIu1"n 'Wr' bestwiaheafermuoh marital bUs.. 0'" 10 ""central V'lsWrSS.M . west of tbe city, frcm Halifax farm: I ton and KonthaW. Arn viarii.a lwl Complimentary to Their Conaln. nalarnila ih. I I limits 1 for At The Misses Strieker entertained question. Tbe birth of the infant fe" nd Southwtst. Through l'ullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing ear, veslibuled coach, quite a number of invited friends at will probably result in an invest iga m Hiuinmn i iiiirnimv i i ir r r in nnni. I . ,,, .-. -w I . . . . . I J --o--I IHUU. .unwrnnuu, uu uuo uu lue janura of the . cong Migs Nettie, Striokar guard knew anything to testify and Lf Chester, 8. C, who is spending iuui-ir leauuionj jb 10 oe lanen gome time in tbe citv. Games ot With much allowance. innocent amnsflmnnt nH anm lie also says that the Spanish yery excellent musio were had. The doctorBSayof the autopsy that the evening was one of great pleasure to wound on tbe bead was about 2-5 of the young folks. IPS board of directors nf thn an inch Innir anil im nnlv an ahraa- V.nU nnttAn f.l,.. nfQ.I!J I. - . . . . :,r u ,V '-""'J ' oiury, lon ana UTi jj m UnrgeSS, United Will Probably Locate Here. I his ia not the brat child born to I a oonvict. Some eight yeara ago when a child waa born inside tbe prison the question arose aa tt whether or not it was the property oi ins state. ice intuit waa brought up in the penitentiary and Mr. Jones, of New Jersey, has been a? i M v,l1 . 4 i" the consideration of nlanin., n.. State M0,t8rT inspector, aaya it waa and improved machinery in their I about H incbea long and lan inoh it our city for a few days inveetl mill. I deep. I gating matters in regard to erecting The News and Observer sas cer- The Ge""-1 believes, from large lumber and furniture facto- tain stores in Raliffh hava hfin testimony, tbat Ruiz was innocent, T- Mr. Jones, it seems, is an ex nflllincr onnAm nr. H.,r,. .j .v,. was a harmless citizen of the United penencea man, ana nas neen in the 00 " w" U . . . k:-.r v . I 1. .1. u .. . matter has become so notorious that PtftteB "siding in Uuba, practicing u"ijuiwauuiiiuruiywri. .v,.u .u,.r w,ua, Wn,cn hi-tvnrn Washington and Atlant. Pullman tourist car for San Francisco, Sunn days, 9:02 p. m No. 9, daily, from Richa naond, WasbinRton, Goklsboro.Nor. folk, Selma, Raligb, Greensboro, Kuoxville and Aebevilie to Char', lotte, N. C. 10:80 a. m.-No. 11, daily, for At lanta and all points South. Soli, when four years of age was released to friend, of the mother-Raleigh .fiLi -t0- 'u1'" " iiiu. lureenaooro. 'fleeeedara" Mra. T chief of police is taking steps to dentistry and taking no part in po- sincuy eniorce the law against it. litical affairs . inerewasan eartnquaite shock yg. Ruiz is now in the United TAlr. nT nonnnnt ikln VH7aJMaJ.. I I n7ih7flZ'7h.: Stei and her husband is dead. bled and houses shook at about 35 tDere D0 neei ct naste 8na P'esik minutes after 5 o'clock and lasted dent McKinlev will consider the about 40 seconds. It was preceded matter deliberately and will deters Hioknrir Proi. mine later on a course of actio n, Boils, abcesses, tumors, and even cancers, are the result nf a natural effort of the system tn axnal Iho t'r. poisons which the liver and kid The meeting of the doctors and neys have failed to remove. A ver's editors at Morehead CitT thia wek oaruaparuia stimulates au tbe or- . . t .-i. v o piuuu ueijuriuanue oi tobeHned. I mlv1r! ".No. 86, daily, for J Austin, wife tlbtrl?l.!'.l?,!i lopulist tqaire, went to Columbia, I man buft'et aleener. S. C . Thursday, on the picnlu. She I to New York-; Jackson, - 71 1 In tn Ma v..b. I New York. Pullman tnnHut He used to conduct this same reserved especially for Rock Hill I from Sftn Frarcisco Thursdays- bueiness in Georgia, but is waiting people. On the return trip when ton and to build in North Carolina. We the train reached Rock Hill tome limited, for Washington and all' are glad to learn that he was favor- misohievoua boy hollered out "Char Me'm'f hN Th y" kh n"'1 Tm 0ar' ably impressed with our town, and lotte" and Mra. Acatin bustled out. to New York ; Tampa to New Yort! that he thinks it very probable that Aa soon aa ahe waa on the ground I , ? carne8 vertibuled coach and he will be with us later. Success to , he realized her mistake, but the! ? .MB"m xr i- n.-.v. h. " uanj,tvi tUUJl im. I train hail Uonn tn m ...J .k. I mond. Asheville. CliAtlannnca Ral. v j ,. lewn, Uoldsboro and all points The Day Alter Commencement. ---.. ..if. i uuoru it. worth. Carries Pullman sleeping pills a great their functions. 8nd quills, and there can be no The game of baseball bntwnan thn doubt tbat much good waa done in University of Virginia and a Char- the way of outlining the progrea- gronnd Friday afternoon, resulted 81Te Proceiae8 toward physical and with the waters of the pearling n a victory for tbe Virginia boys mental developments, brooklet, and illuminating the far in a score or 1U to 7. That's no Th. t.i. p.... i . . Iff xilloirlo. .iih f Mu o e uoyo say. ,,. ,u. - ,.!- There waa hnatlinr and hnatlinir T t 1. . , . n iviaui cuwimiucu a ,ug ohi.uuv Q Little Johnnie, the 18montba- . . . ... . I .- u. i:m :n xt. j old child of Dr. and Mrs John Uote1' tn "H"1 leM,de health , T " A U ' uuu w" Whitnhftad nnia nf nrkna rnri hanr it. h.n,'t.. auuioie saye tne rumoiing or the illness appeared in The Standard 1.1. ;. d..j' u yehiolea and tbe tramp of the pepn died Ihursday night at 10 o'clock. . . ... ... , laca. It seemed aa if tbe deatiny of 1"?u"u"'u ma 8ICK oniyiwo ."- aome great nation waa hanging on the words andTanlinna nf tha hour. ffennralln,, . . ... the employ of Mr. W W Oibaon for I . : " ."'A Afle ennre sPPeMea 10 De manv months nat. ba ann tn hia r"umlDK'IBK 01 PP'e" P" wrapped in a mantle of solemnity old home in Iredell county, to of tna btate who were delighted eyen the cotton mill whistle had not spend a few weeks vacation with with the aeaside and ita invigorating I ita familiar merry aound, trade was jamiiiar laces ana scenes of bis boy- breezeg( to ,sy nothinR of the dull, but to"tbe inevitable. A few splendid fare at the Atlantic hotel. I hastily uttered words, a few low The association waa in aession two whispers, a few well wishes, a few days, WedneBday and Thuraday. The h1 tears, a last handshake, a fare annual election of officers took place wel1 ,ook and the PrtT W8S lff lo Tk.,.,1., fniu . p.o;j( the railway station. Not a smile to ' ' ' I L - . . - 1 U I -.1 , U T R Wh.l.lcor nf h Wi.atnn fi.n. u0 uur ,ouK" u waa afraid lo attempt to board it Thah.nri h.r! n.aa.ri in i. v 81eipent he sight t the hotel, nd I " from Greensboro to Richmond. Iheband had ceased to play, the l ... '. I Connects at Greensboro with train oratory bad died in tbe distance, tbe sun had risen from behind tbe east ern hills and waa send'ng his bright rays, tumbling, falling, leaping, latinrVlintV anCAUa 1 hn nlnina aba.? nnna ....... .... . ., "e aecret 01 a speedy cure in me nine, ungmg ise lines or me gi :kne iie. in .,,: ' iha nrnnr r"'V?'L"" ...:j T. vi nuior, ajg remeay ana inia is aimoult to dol Traffic iTsrr. Gen'IPass. Ao't. unless one is sure what the ailment! . H. Gbexn, Washington, D.O. is 15ut one thing ia sure, had the Like a Drank Man. Thomas J McClain, of Atlanta played with tbe liquor serpant till be lost the sense given him for pur poses of usefulness, went home Wednesday evening, and after terri fying his wife with his reckless tlne,i Vice-Presidents, J L Britt, of handling of his pistol, sent a ball the Oxford Ledger, and W A Curtis, crashing through tbe "orain of hip of the Franklin Press: Secretary and 5-year old Son. Whom be bad cursed Treaanrer. .f R Shnrrill nf the fn ior saying, in nis childish way. :r, Tim-.. TT,ai.n r a ni nf ar ' 1 w v u m. a ut I 3. idiu inui an a. ixuii j day ; for it was tbe day after com meccement at Mt P'easanf. A B. Do YotMJse It? It' the best thing for tbt hair under all circumstances. Just as no man by taking thought can add an inch to his stature, so no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done ia to pro mote conditions favorable to growth. Thia is done by Ayer'a Hair Vigor. It rs moves dandruff, cleanses the acalp, nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, and, just as a desert will blossom tinder rain, so bald heads grow hair, when the root9 are nour ished. But the roots must be there. If you vrah your hair to retain its normal color, or If you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair usa Ayer's Hair Vigor. Papa being drunk again." He left, but came back sober, and gave himself up, statipg that be did not do it on purpose, but that it was accidental. But men will still risk themselves drunk 1 An Ag-ed t'ltlann Head John C Watte, one of the oMist citizens of Cabarrus coonty, for many years a resident of No. 6 township, died Friday night at tbe rife old ege of 81 years. lie wit a nativo of Soot'and and settled near Gold Hill dirt-otly after the war had ended. He leaves a wife and two ions. The remains of the deceased were interred at Mount 0 iye Luth eran cburcb Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Fromjthe Record, we learn that Maude Atkinson is now connected with Paige's Tlayers, and will ap pear with them in Greensboro. She is truly a star among players, and Greensboro will have a treat in her part of the play at least, 'he Wilkesboro Chronicle; Ora or, W 0 Dowd, of tbe Charlotte News; Toet, Josephus Daniels, of the Raleigh News and Observer; Execu tive Committee, II A London, J W Biti'ey and Tbad R Manning. Wednesday night the Major 0 Morehea 1 City gave the association 4 moonlight tide npon the ocean: Thursday afternoon the Mayor of I Beaufort treated the association to boat ride and clam roast There were many other courtesies shown th association, which made the vitit one of great pleasure and WARNING. We wish to ca itimi all users of Simmont Liver Regulator on a subject of the deepest interest and imp-irtimca to their health perhaps their li v. a. The sole proprietors and makere of gimmoui Liver Regulator learn that custon.orj ore often deceived hy buying and taking some medicine of a similar appearance or tante, believing it to be bimmons Liv.-r ivogu.utor. We warn you that unle.39 the word Regulator is on the package or boltlf, that it is not Simmons Liver Kagulatnr. r. one else manes, or ever has made Simmo'.s Liver Regulator, 01 invthing callwi tiimuons Liver Regulator, but J. If. Zeilin A Co., and no medicine made by anyone else ia the same. ilW'e alone can put it up, and we cannot be responsible, it jther medicines represented as the same do lot helo you as yu arc led to expect they nil. Dear mis la.a wen 111 niinu, 11 you nave een in the habit of using a medicine which one I you supposed to be cinimons Liver Kegula- Which 18 appreciated and Will long t anil the package d d m,t have the word be remembered. Regulator on it, you nave peen imposea t, u . .... inon and have not ton taking Simmons Too much can not be said in L,llver Regulator at all. Jrhe Regulator hat praise of the excellent service of the 3een favorably known for many years, and Southern railway in the way of wh0 us.0 ! kn0l'l!iff !e8"7 " comfortable transporation, and also jon, Headache, Dyuiepsia, and all diacrderp the Atlantic and North Carolina P"8,1"!? fr,om vwmA Liver., weasKyou 10 iok ior yuraeives, anu lee that Simmons Liver Regulator, which fou can readily distinguish ly the Red Z m wrapper, and by oiir name is the only Farmer Wstbrook. of Wayne I medicine called Simmons Liver Regulator county, sold 133,000 worth of straw- j. ii. ekilin co. borries from ninety-tbrce acres. I . Tko This industry netted him f 15,000.1 timmvM Hvtr HtguMor. i rtilroad. came noma yesterday morninc 'Squire Austin tbna ened yesterday to bring suit against the "Seceedera" for damages. Charlotte Observer. iiver been actively at work sickness could not have come. It ia then al ways aafe to take SimmoDe Liyer Regulator which keeps tbe Iner well regulated and all poison from tha system. carrying Pullman oar for lialaieh. 6.17 a. m. Ho. 10, daily, for Ricb nond ; connects at Greensboro for Raleigh at,d Norfolk ; at Danville for Washington and points North ; at Salisbury for Ashyille, Knosa rille and points West. All freight trains carry passengers. " .. iu, vuLr. iv. i . IIHK xramc mgr. uen'li'ass. As W. U. Ubein, Washing i Uen'l Superintendent, i, Washing ton ,-D. C. S.H.Habowick, Ass'tGen'iP. Ag-'t i Atlanta, Ga- ! . H. Tatlok, Ass-tGen'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Ky. 1 GfrWAM Dusenbeit, Local Ag't, j . Concord. N. 0. A Cancardian ta Blarrjr. Cards are out, aaya the Saliabury World, announcing tbe marriage of That Laacaa aclaala. The Lutber League of St. James' .1 L . .1 - ., . I.. . " uuurcn mei on me parsonags lawn I Mr. Robert Tiernan to Mies Addie at 8 oclook Friday night, when thr Nash, both of Salisbury. Miss Nash president of the League, Mr. Jno. M is a daughter of Mr. T E Nash, who Cook, in a abort bnt most happy resided in eur city for several years, addreaa of welcom invited all to and Miaa Addie ia well known to participate in the pteaaurea of the quite a number of friends here. evening, lie announced a program Mr, Tiernan ia an employee at the of exercises whieh ooosiated of piano I ioutbern'a abopa there and ia a yery soloa and duets, vocal aoloa and reel- popular young man. tationa, Tbe committee then took oharge and arranged the assembly groupa around tablea in tru restaurant style and aerved each to a bountiful feast of ice cream and cake. The remainder cf the evening was pent in free, jovial oonyeraa till the approach of 11 o'clock indicated timt I for adjournment. Paator Miller expressed his pleas are at the jiys manifested by al and at tbe s access of tbe event when all bid adieu and departed with pleaaant memories of tbe Luther League lawn party. Mr. riauar and ranalljr Departed. . Rev. Pref. and Mra. 0 L 1 ruber and children were in tb .1 . .... uuy xtiubj uigui, ana iook men permanent departure from Cabirrui and our people, R v. Fisher goin to Charlotte, where he will be en gaged in working for E:izibetb Colli ge from now od. Mrs. Fisber and tws children ban gone to Gettysburg Pa., where the? will remain until in September! i hen they will return to Churlot'e It ia regretted that Cabarrus aa lost this excellent fami'y, and . L. - 1 L I m . I ujs ueoi wisoes oi our Deon no I ith them. While at tbe Narrowr, in Mont gomery county, Thursday, Rich- i ... i I',, i . .i - i luuuu xveeu ainea a rattle snake that bore nine rattles and button. HER LIFE TRULY SAVED. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Does It. 1 Mm. Chas. La Point, a wnll-known rcwldent of IJenvor, praisos this wonderful remedy. Her testimony Hhould convince all as to tho worth of theftow UoartCure and Kuatora tlve Nervine. Her letter dated Soul lltb. IBM, reads as follows: aaVftv Km. La Point, 2137 Humboldt St "Typhoid fever left uie with heart tmubla St the most aerluu!! nature. .Nothing tha ortora avo had any vSarb I h:l m-nn pains In the heart, and wait unal.le Ut lie us aiy h.ft sidu fur moro than three mlnntea at rtlme. My heartseeuied to riilsn heata. and had smotherliiK sihjIih, In whu ta It aeeinetl everr breath wuuld ho my hut. We ttxi duatly suw an udvertlbeiueut uf Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure and Restorative Nervine, and purcha-d a bottle pf each. After tr :ag the einolles a week, I could ho lilted In aehulr and mt up anhour.and In n short time 1 waa able t dollKhthoiuwwnrk. I shall tie evt rraieful toyou for your won.lorlul mudlcluua. Trula they saved uiy life. Hia. Oil A M. I. A POINT. Dr. Miles Tleart f.'nr Is sil'l on a p.iH)t!v iuarantoe that tho lirst holt lo wilt iM-ntittl. II druKKlstsaull It hi SI. Ixitl furlA,oe It will heseiit. prejMtld, on recehit of nrlra if the Dr. AUlus MouloaJ Co., aUUutrt, Iwi. Dr, Miles' Heart Cure