THE I STANDARD THE STANDARD PRINTS THE AJEWb THAT IS JVirS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. T AND A RD. -It'KNSOUT GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. Give us a Trial. VOL. -X NO 22. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1897 WHOLE NO. 431 The htae HnlichU and Their Doing. The CI. urid Lodge of Unigbts cf Pythias tbut h.a lee a io session In Charlotte adiou; ned Friday night to meet in Wilmington next year. The ofhcers chosen ' were as fol lows: O. 0. II II Ilickert, Statesville. O. V. 0 T 8 Franklin, Char lotte. G. P.-D A McMillin, Fayette ville. n m ,t Y. John Ward. Ral- eieh. G K. It and S. W T Ilallowell, Goldsboro. G. M. A. R L Cooper, Mnrphy. G. I 08 J Welsh, Monroe. G. 0. G. J L Sooot. Jr., Gra. ham. Supreme Representatives E A Ebert, Winston; Chas 'A Webb Asheville. The Observer says : "The most unique parade proba bly ever seen.on the street of the city, was that of yesterday evening in which the Kohraseons figured. There were nearly a hundnd men in line, to say nothing of the goat. The costumes were gorgious, and the arrangement if the line original. The victims were led through the streets with ropes tied around their necks, and tied to each other.. The band beaded the procession, and the camels, following the wagon from which hot Bind was thrown, brought op the rear. The parade attracted universal at tention. D. O. K. K. The D. 0. E. K. held a meeting at 3utz Temple at 8:30 and a num bor of knights journeyed across the burning sand. The camels were es pecially vicious and many were the ki'ks received, but the chivalrous I'j hians finally succeeded in mas. the fiery beasts and rode trU umphantly into the oasis. The KohrasEou is a gigantio suc cess, and the court astrologer after carefully observing the stars, made out the . horoscope, which premises long and prosperous life. The Arabs have folded their tents, but if you think they have "silently stolen away," listen for the wailing of the viotim when he starts on his trip with these bizarre Nomads. Nearly a hundred Pythians took th D. O. K. K. degree. The order was instituted under most favorable uuipices, and the first ceremonial v s highly interesting. "Suez Temple, No, 73, oasis of C'Larlotte, desert of the Carolinas" is tbt) name under which the tetnjle was instituted. Mr. 1) S 8ummey is imperial Nawab, and has junsdic tit h over the Carolinas. There Is a likelihood of the Tem ple visiting Winston." hpQlellll Anion. A correspondent writing from Vharfton in Anson county to the V adesboro Messenger-Intelligencer, tells how the people are pleased with the Aberdeen and Concord road : Mr. J E Hathcock has bought . and is runing a new reaper in this et.Uion and, as many of our people have never seen one before, it is aiffioult to make them belieye but that Ji, is the train running on the proposed Aberdeen and Concord road. One fellow has gone so far as to haul cross-ties to it. The post master old another fellow a ticket and he demanded transporation to Cotton ville an i was last seen trying to catch the thing. Melted the ripe. Last Thursday evening during tne electrical storm lightning atruck the water main piping at the Cannon factory and melted the sprinkler pipe which ran along at a parallcd The sprinkler pipe could be shut off only in the second story of the mill end before the cock could be reaohed everal spinuing frames and come jam had received a good shower bath. No terious damage was done An Attempt to Break Jail. The prisoners in jil attempted to escape Wednesday night. Two whi'.e ,. numed McDowell, Unlteu States prisoners, were the leaders Mnn.oroii rpfitivid a box frotii heme Wednes lay in wh ch a num ber of small saws wero secreted Wednesday night they set to work with th.n saws and when Jailer Thomoeon heard tbe racket aud dropped in on them they had one of the bai-g across a window cut about half in two, and had the blankets lreudy to lower them to the ground when chov should have made the opeuiug. They were of course relieved of the laws and thus ended their dreams cf liberty. Statesvilio Landmark. Mr.IIenry M Boat has brought us an eg? similar to the one we nuieu anmm.ima nan whan the ben laid lhaenrt fi.rllral.i Vfl nf the DOlitioal pa-tin's. Mr. Boat's hen indicated that all the parties are still blending To ft Warne to "poor. , The Charlotte Methodist, pub lished by Miss Mamie Bays and Mr. Will Bays, ia enlarging its Bcope, and to make the name fit the sphere it is to be known hereafter as the "Wesleyan Methodist." Success to the enterprise. Two Yearn la the I'olumtmM rrlaon. Dr. Davidson Burroughs, the great cure all and free coiner, from Big Lick, Stanly county, was tried in Charlotte, Thursday, for counter feiting. He was convicted and sen tenced to two years in the Federal prison at Columbus, Ohio. It will be remembered that Bur roughs coined fifty-cent pieces and circulated thorn throughout Con cord and Cabarrus in great num bers. A Terrible Accusation. The Salisbury World tells of a very serious charge against Mr. J T Nelson of that place. The charge is brought by the grandmother of ten-year-old Bessie Nelson, the step daughter of the ac cused, for criminal assault on Bessie. Nelson is in jail and declares himself innocent and only the vic tim of epito. If there is anything in the world more heinous than the crime, of w hied ne ia accused, it is a malicious charge against inno cence, and the punishment should be equal on the one convicted. Cyclone In Ho. 1. Ex.Sheriff L M Morrison was in the city last Thursday morning and reports a cyclone passing over his place Thursday night. The terrifla wind blew down the smoke stack to his gin, lifted the engine room from its foundation and landed its frame npon the boiler. Nine of his twenty five fine peach trees were blown down and uprooted. Mr. George Boer, who lives on Mr Morrison's place, Bays that be had jast laid by atwo-acre field of corn that was shoulder high, about one third of which was broken off and ru ned. Ltrge trees were blown down. Wheat that was in the shock was scattered promiscuously over the field and badly damaged. The Htorm. It was a fearful looking cloud, a heavy rain and terrific wind that passed over this section Thurs day evening about 8 o'clock. Trees and limbs were blown down about the city. No fatalities or serious damages have been reported to have occurred in this immediate commu nity, A tree was blown down and fell on the house of Rev. Bakke, on Coibin street. Iu Salisbury a negro womaq, wife of Roe Miller, was killed by light ning. She was in the yard playing with her children, behind the house of Miss Alice Pearson. When re ceivicg the shock, she threw up her arms and fell back dead. At Charlotto part of the electric power house root was rouea np ana dashed some distance away and the lightning almost enveloped the ma chinist. The electric cars were de layed for a while. At Lexington the Furniture Company's finishing house was blown down and completely wrecked, with a large amount of furniture in the ruins. Uther damage was done in that section. John Torrence, one of the negro excursionists, was punching at a "chum" with bis fist, ana missing bis mark, plunged his hand through a car window. Ilia hand was badly lacerated. itautlful eyet grow dull and dim Aa the swift yean steal away. Beautiful, willowy forma ao alim I.OB9 fairnesa with every day. But she still ta queen and hath charms Is spare Who wears jroutb'a coronal bcautiUI hair. Preserve Your Hair and yon prosorvo your youth. "A woman ia aa old aa ehe looks," eaya the world. No woman looks as old as ehe ia If hor hair has preserved ita normal beauty. You can keep hair from falling out, restoring Its normal color, or restore tht normal oolor to gray or faded hair, by the use of Ayer'S Hair Vigor. PARTISAN MILLIKAN. 'the New Marshall Blaa Jlo Time lor "Tlione Fool Democratlo Jallora." Mr. John W Bostian, of Albe marle, was in tbe city last night on his way homi fiom Federal court at Charlotte and in a very genteel way spoke col in very endearing terms of Marshall Millikan, of Asheboro, who succeeds our friend Allison, of Statesville. When a prisoner has been sen tenced by the Federal courts to a term in jail, 'ie has been accorded the privilege of uaming the jail in which he wishes to be confined, and quite naturally bo always wants to return to his own county and peo ple. Dave Crtwford and Collie rurner," says Mr. Bostian, "are Stanly prisoners and were sentenced to six months in jail. They wanted to return there and I asked Milli kan to send them back. lie at first consented to do so, bet afterwards be asked his deputy marshal! question, which was : "What kind of a sheriff have th y got at Albemarle?" 'One of these fool Democratic jailers," said the deputy marshal!. "Well, then," said Millikan, "we will take the prisoners to Asheboro, where we have t Republican jailer. We will take tbem by Wadeaboro, Laurinburgand Fayetteville." And eo they did. "Millikan is one of the great economical reformer?, but be didn't fail to "do" the government on this job. Instead of sending those pris oners back to Stanly, a distance of about 70 miles, hs takes tbem in a round about way, a distancs of 250 or more miles, to Randolph county, and will collect the'ten cents a mile and transportation allowed for the transfer of each prisoner, in order to put them under tbe care of a Repubi lican jailer." Stanly has as good a jailer as there is in the State tnd this action on the part of the new marshal 1 is a leader for a brilliant recori nit Eaily cf 18th. Dr. Wood row Will Resign. Dr. Woodrow has cot firmed the rumor that he will resign the Presi dency of the South Carolina Col lege at the end of the session. His reasons are that he is now past his three score and ten, when he thinks a man cannot be at his best as College president. A Mnrderer Cnnvht. Louis Mason,, a despoerate negro wanted in Atlanta for the murder of will Durant, a prominent citizen ot that citji which occurred 18 months ago, wm caught about week ago and held at Greensboro until nquis'ioni papers could be ob tained, pissed down the road Wed nesday night in charge of Chief of Police Teague, of Winston. A large reward was offered for Mason's capture. Working Jlt'tro Labor. A cotton mill at Charleston, S. C, bus recently substituted negro labor for that of white. The press of the country ass been severe in its criti cism of ihis experiment, it being the only cotton mill in the Sonth where negro opreratives are employed. The News and Courier gives what it de clares to be the real renson for the change in the following stipula tions : " "First. The owners of the Charles leston cotton mill preferred white labor. Thy could not get oner fifth of the white labor they needed in or about Charleston. 8econd. Tbe white labor they brought from elsewhere wss very unsatisfactory, but they kept it for ten years. Third. During those years the mill steadly sunk money, and was, this year reorganized and recapi. tul'zad. Forntb. It is wholly untrue that he negro lat or was forced into the mill by a majority of Macsachusctts stockholders. Fifth. Ten years ago the then president of tbe company, a south erner and ex-Corjfi'derate sold er, urged the direotory to allow bim to outfit the mill with negro help; and it is now cn'y from necessity that negios are used. Six h. The negro bands are prov ing entirely satisfactory and no change will be made, so long as tbey continue to give satisfaction." There will soon be a mill in onr midst that will work negro labor exclus vely, lis an experiment, bn the factories now in operation in North Carolina will never be dnvei, to hire negro labor to fi.ll th places of the whites for the scarcity cf hands, because onr supply is greater than thedemrnd in many instances, and in every particular our opera tives are fully competent and re liable. A DAlilN'G BURQLR. A Hevro rate red a Home On Georgia avenue, (Jiving- the Oernpanta a Great Neare and a Thrilling- Ei perience Nnot Thre Titnen. One of the boldest and most danug burglaries ever heard of in our quiet little city, ocenred this (Thursday) morning at 2 o'clock at tbe home of Mr. N S West on Geor gia avenue. Mr. West is a boss in the weave room cf the new mill at Cannonville. lie is of small stature but plucky to the core. He lives with his family in one of the Fatzer houses, the back dooor of which contains two panels of glass, one glass being bioken out. The burg lar entered through this door, put ting his arm through the bioken panel, and turning the key, which was in the lock. Mrs. West and an infant child ocoupied the first room to the right, nd Mr. West and his four-jei-old son slepc in an adjoining ro)m. Tbe burglar pasead tbe first room and en tered that of Mr. WeBt. The negro as in the act ( of picking np the trousers of Mr. WeBt when be awakened and raised cp in the bed. As be did so the dastardly coward shot at Mr. West. Tbe ball missed its mark, however, but came near striking the head of Henry Lee, the little boy, who was sleeping with his fathtr. It Btruck tbe head board 2 inches above the cbilds heal. Mr. West bad nothing with which to defend himself, but as he made for the negro he grabbed a chair and struck. The lick was warded off, and the two men clinched. A lively scuffle ensued. Mr. West held the man until they reached the back piazza, when tbe negro tired the sec ond time without effect. The burg lar then freed himself and as he bounded from the' porch and was turning the house corner, he shot at Mt. West again. Mr. West followed the man into the yard, but gave op pursuit and returned to his wife atd children. Mr. West says there were two men, one being on the outside, and that both were negroes. Te authorities were notified and eff were made to get blood ho -j to put on tbe trail of the burglars, but none could be obtained at Salisbury or Charlotte. Mr. West says that he will know the negro if he ever sees him- again Officers are on the burglar's trail and i. is very likely that he will be captured. Mrs. West was yery badly fright ened but when she had reached tbe ball, her husband and tbe negro were struggling on tbe piazz. She says that nothing is missing except a few cartridges that were in a vest pocket wbicb hung in the hall, and a towel from tbe baik piazzs. Daily 17th. PROVED AN ALIBI. The deer arrested at Hallabnrr Tneailay Nlgnt ror Bnrarlary In Lib erated and sent Hln Way Rrjolclnir. Dave De Berry, the negro appre hended in Salisbury, Thursday evening, thought to be tbe one wl o made such a bold attempt at bur glary and assault upon Mr. N S West, Thursday morning, was lib erated from custody, having satis factorily proven that he was at Rock Hill, S. C, on the night of the crime. Mr. West was doubtful as to tbe identity of the negro laBt night and this morning had no warrant sworn out. From the fact that the negro looked suspicious and had in small satchel a pistol with three empty chambers, circumstantial evidence was very much against bim Daily of 18.h. Tonnv Folkn Entertained. Misses Mar and Nora King gave a delightful party to their friends Friday evening and the jolly little folks had a grand time, Happy and full of glee were the merrymakers in their innocent amusements, and after several hours of childish sport, rbfreshments were served. Follow ing are the nnmes of those who were n attendance: Misses Mary Young, Bessie Crige, Addie Lore, Mary Lore, Mary Vir ginia Wadswortb, Grace Brown, MoU lie Brown, Fay Brown, Mary Archey, Mamie L' n z, Kassie Watson, Alary Dile Craige, Lizzie Montgomery, Louise Means, Zula Patterson, Janie Patterson ; Masters Archey Cannon Junkm lteed, Robert Young, Arcbej ttrown, Jiruniie Brown, Martin Luther Cnnnon, Vardre Brown, Leonard Brown, Willie Fetzer, Robert Fetzer, George Lore, Victor Means, Frank Morrison. Tbe twenty minutes discussion on he Frequentoy, Purpose and Mode Conducting Teaohers' Meetings" a Morehead I hursday was opened b) Vr. J F Shinn of Concord graded si hool says the correspondent of the Obserycr, SUOTR L0CAL8. Mr. Alex Hartnell is out again, after a sick spell of ten days. Eufield in Halifiax county, had a snow on Saturday, the 12th of June. ' Tbe last one of the large pine trees that stood on the old Virginia Daro property on Church street, has beon foiled. Snnderland hall is now one of the prittiest buildings in tbe commu nity. Mr. Ed. Correll, the painter, deserves the praise for making it so. He makes the colors blend to great effect. Mrs K L Craven has returned j trom Henderson, where she attend ed the meeting of tbe State organi zation of tbe Woman's- Christian Temperance Union. Prof. Dred Peacock, president of the Greensboro female College, sends us an advertisement. Look it up if your are interested in edu cation. Mr. Will J Weddingto son of our townsman, Mr. W M Wedding ton, arrived Thursday night from Salem, Va., where he attended tbe late session of Roanoke College. Elizabeth College, the new Luth eran institution at Charlotte, has an advertisement in this paper. Look it up, and see the great inducements it offers for pupils. A new whistle has been put up at the Cabarrus cotton mill, and its sound has caused many people to think tbey were left that is those who were going away on the train. It was made by engineer West. Anna Peavy and Lill Gibson, two dusk) damsels living on East Depot stree', were before Mayor Crowell, Wednesday, for an atlray. Anna was sent to jail and the other woman was liberated after paying a small fine. The negro excursion train from Charlotte to GreenBboro, contained seventeen passenger coaches, every one of which was packed to its ut most capacity. Hard times don't cut any figure with the ordinary negro when there is an excursion on hands. Prof. D M S tailings, principal of Sunshine Institute in Kutbnrford county, has gone to Chapel Hill to attend tbe summer school at the State University, after spending several weeks in tbe county with relatives at bis old home in No. 10 township. The Odell Manufacturing Com pany, Thursday, shipped by ex press a bale of bags weighing 2 389 pouuds to a house iu Virginia. This is not an mlrequent occurence. ir. Caldwell, the agent, couldn't toss tbe bale of bags about like a 400 pound bale of cotton. Powerful saline and other drastic purgatives should be strictly avoid ed, except in extreme cases. When an aperient is called for, take Ayer'e Pills. They restore natural action by imparting strength and tone to the bowels, and their use is always attended with good results. Collie Turner, who was caught selling liqour at the picnic at the Falls in Stanly county on taster Monday was convicted at the Fed eral court in Charlotte, and sen tenced to jail for six months. Dave Crawford received a similar sentence for retailing at Albemorle. " Miss Julia E Painter, the accom plished daughter of Rev. Dr. Paint er, of Roanoke College, has received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, from Pennsylvania College, the first woman from Virginia to receive this degree. She will occupy the chair at Elizabeth college at Charlotte. At the first indication of disorder, the deranged or enfeebled condition of the stomach, liver, or bowels, should be promptly rectified by Aver s Cathartic fills, these fills do not gripe, are perfectly safe to take, and remove all tendency to liver and bowel complaints. Rnv. II M Miller was in the citv today on his way to Mt. Pleasant, where he will matte his tuture hnrrto ViAvincr hnan Alant.Arl Pi'inni. pal of Mont Amocna Seminary. He t ai secured tne services, oi JVir. Frank Rrumlev to assist him in ontiincr nut his paper, the "South ern Lutheran.'' Daily of 17. Mr. John M Youag is very un well. He has bad several chi ls within the past several days. Mr. BT Ballard, the night operator at the depct, is working for Mr. Young tnd Mr. Y C Caldwell is substitu ting for Mr. Ballard. That depot it mdently a very enhea'thy place, ts every member of the forca has been or is sick. Daily of 17th. Statesville Landmark: Sometime igo Mr. L C Caldwell ordered a marble statue for the grave of his little son who died recently. The tatue was ordered from Italy and through some misunderstanding ol he order, it was found, when it arrived a few days ago, that the statue of a girl had been sent in stead of a boy. Another order ha been made, The electrical phenomena las night presented some attractivi views in the south, south-east and south west. Tbe flashes of sheet lightning were very rapid and were like great search lights thrown on the heavens, while the currents would sometimes shoot upward and sprangle out in the most sportive manner as if playing joyously among the clouds that were ar ranged for their special plea.nre. TO SAVE HER FATHER. A Negro Girl Keeelvea a Load of Nl-.ot Intended For Iter iareut. A shooting affair occurred in Mo. 4 township last Thursday afternoon, in which a young negro girl and her father were Bhot, but not seri ously. The particulars are about as follows. Tom Long, an old negro living on tbe plantation of Mr. Frank Isen- bour, in No. 4 township, had denied Bill Coleman, a young buck negro, ihe privilege of paying attention to his daughter Siah,'and on Wednes day night run Coleman tff the place. Ibis move aroused tbe thirsty nature of the buck neg o for blood and on Thursday while Tom Long and his daughter were woiking in the field, Coleman appeared with a shot gun and leveled it on the old man. Tbe daughter seeing the perilous situa' lion of her father, jumped in front of the gun and received nearly the entire load in her stomach. A few stray shots struck the old man Neither was seriously hurt, however. Coleman has gone to parts unknown. Ileum calls Iter Away. Mrs. Alexander Louder, daughter of Mr. Ruf us Honeycutt died Tues' day night the 15th, at the home of her father in No. 7 township from lingering consumption, Her funeral was preach, d by her pestor Rev. 0 C Lyerly, at St. Stephens church where tbe remains were laid to rest awaiting tht resurrection to that life to which death is nnkcown. The bereaved have our sincere condolence. Hawaii to be Nttick on to us. Hawaii is about to become annex ed to the Uni'.ed States. The treaty seems practically made and are on about the same lines with the treatv in the days of President Harrison, that the Cleveland adminstration withdrew. It is believe! that the treaty will meet with the necessary support in the Senate. , Later: Suoh opposition to the annexation of Hawaii is found in the United States Senate that it is believed that it will lmlr Ibo rnnea- sary two third vote. If tbe Japs want to wear Qaeen Lil's old clothes they may do so for all that mcst A , . American s care. For Over Firtv tenrn Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup bas been used for over ufty yenrs b) millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softets the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relit-va the poor little Buuerer immediately, bold by druggists in every part of the world Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth- iLg Syrup," and take no other kind Hall Carrier Miller In Jail. On Monday last several youne men at Cannonville chased a dog tha' bolonged to one John F Miller. The boys succeeded in killing the dog. Miller was very much displeased because of the death of bis dog and on Wednesday evening bis grief was unendurable, co be tanked upon corn whiskey, got his pistol And went for the boys who had slain bis "purp." He did not succeed as well at killing the boys 83 the bojs did bis dog, but he fired some very close shots at one Ed Iveler. AMIler oarried the' mail on the Mill Hill route, ' but was unable to make the trip Thunday on account of being nnable to give bond in the sum of $100 far his appearance at court. He is in jail sobering up. Workmen have begun on the second story of the bleachery Messrs. Brown and McAllister art hurrying the work through. WARNING. We wi3h to caution all users of Simmon, Liver Regulator on a subject of the doppesi interest and importance to their health perhaps their lives. The sole proprietor? and makers of Simmons Liver Regulator learn that customers ure olten deceived hy buviniz and taking 8"ruo medicine of a similar appearance or taMe, believing it to De Simmons Liver ivcuiaio-. e warn vou that unless thn word k'ulator is on the package or bottle, that it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. Is" one else makes or iver has made Simmors Liver Regulator, ot invtlnnc called Simmons Liver Regulator, but J. H. Zeilin & Co., and no medicine made by anyone else .J the same. V e alone can put it up, and we cannot he responsible, it jther medicines represented as the same dc jot help you as you nre led to expect they will.' Bear this fact well in mind, if you have joen in the habit of using medicine which you supposed to be Simmons Liver Regula tor, becauso the name was somewhat like t, and the package did not have the word Regulator on it, you have been imposed ipon and have not been taking Simmons Liver Regulator at all. J The Regulator has en favorably known for msny years, and ill who use it know how necessary it is for Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever, Conatipa ion, Headache, Dyspepsia, and all disorders trising from a Diseased Liver. We ask you to look for yourselves, ana lee that Simmons Liver Regulator, which rou can readily distinguish by the Red Z mi wrapper, and by our name, is the only nedicine callsd Simmons Liver Regulator J. II. Z1.ILIN A CO. Take Simmon Liter Regulator. FUNEKAL LURE'JTORS W I." lie II Klerted Secretary Wllmliiur. Ion aolecled For Ihe Next Meelinic. The Stato Directors' As sociation belli their final session here this morning and adjourned to meet in Wilmington, Juno 1 5 ih, '!)8. F II Vogler, of Salem, was elected president of the association and W L Bell, of Concord, secretary. This morning tbe aeae-cianon wen' in s body to the siore cf Mr. John W Brown and examined the embalmed boly of a negro tramp who died here early in May. Tha body em balmed May 12:h by Mr. Henry ttrown and is in a perfect state of preser ation. No odor whatever could be detected. Messrs Harry, of Cbarlotte, and Brown, of Asheyille, exposed some cf the arteries in tie body and demonstrated how tbe em, balming was done Press-Visi'or. A Ileatl-Uu ColliHlon. Tuesday evening about 8 o'clock when the strong wind was blowing dust.and gravel in every face that was on tbe streets, little M.6S Jen nie Gibson and Master Robert Young were riding their wheels rapidly up Main street from tbe race trask, holding their heads down to escape the dust and gusts of wind. Mr. EJ. Freeze watf com ing down the street, and as the two met in the front of Marsh's drug Hore, the wheels of Mr. Freez and Miss Gibson ran to gether with considerable force. Bath riders were knocked from theii wheels, but fortunately neither wa hurt. A hundred or more people were on the street, and the hairs on in their heads rose to that uncom fortably excitable stand at tin in stant crash, fearing that one or all had been seriously hurt. . Two Uvea Nnved. Mrs. Phoobe Thomas., of Junction City. 111., was told by her doctors dhe had consumption and that there was no hope for her recovery, but two bottles of Dr. Iune's New JDis covery saved her life. Mr. Thomas Eggers, 139 Florida St. Sao Francis co, suffered from a dreadful cold. approaching consumption, tied without result everything else then boucht a bottle of Dr. King's Mew Discoverv and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove t"e wonder ful efficacy of this medicine in couprbs and colds. Free trial bottles at Fetzer's Drug store. liegular size sue, ana t-i.uu. - Brolbern 1'lglil- " How good and how Pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity " but how dangerous and un pleasant it is for them to fight and chunk rocks at one another on th streets. Bob and Troy Boat, two negroes, engaged in a scrap on the National bank corner Wednesday evening, each getting the best ot the other in his particular way Troy Boat, who is a mere boy, is noted for throwing rocks at people, and is considered a mean one, was sent,' to jail in default oi bond, while his brother Bob was fined 5 and liberated. While the rocks were flying pro miecuously through the air, one came near landing on Mr. P M Misenheimer's head and barely missed the large plate glass in tbe bank. 'Twas a warm time. bat tbe Iwiuea will Be. With the unprecedented record of pardoned criminals on the part of Governor RusBell; with tbe injec tion of politics into cur educational institutions, as evidenced ia the turning out of part of thd faculty ol the Agricultural and Mechanical College, and as further evidenced in the attempt to eject the officers of the oharitable institutions (happily frustrated by the uprightness of our judges); with the declaration by a member of the State board of agri culture that it is the purpose of the pie-hunters to abolish all offices they haven't got the ability to fill, etc., etc. should there be any doubt in the minds of Democrats as to what the issues shall be in the next State campaign. Charlotte Observ er. mm Unshed .11 In t'rtMlle. On Tuesday last, Simpson Ltfler, who lives in No. 9 towuship, near Cold Springs charch, was busy cradlijg his wheat in the harvest Held, and becoming thirsty, laid his cradle at the butt of a large, dead tree and went to the spring for wa ter. When he returned, a wood pecker entering a bole at tho top of the tree, attracted his a tention, While gazing intently at the bird the tree fell down and mashed hie cradle to pieces, Mr. Leilor himself barely escaped being caught beneath the falling tree. A Young man who had heard o he terrible hurricane that passed iver Salisbury, Thursday nielit. says that "two people were killed fine colored woman and a bors and cow. mm Absolutely f in-o. Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulneas. Assures tbe fjod BCllinnt nlnrn an,l all fnrmg of adulteration common to the cueap brands. Royal Baking Powdeb Co., New York. SCHEDULE mm - mm. IN EFFECT JAN. 13, 1897. This floiuloused schedule is pub lished as information, and is subi ject to change without notice to the public : TRAINS LEAVE COSCORD, N, 0. 9:27 p. m. No. is 6, di ily for Atlan ta and Charlotte Air Line division, ina all points South aud Southwest. CarrieB through Pullman drawing" room buffet sleepers between Kew York, Washington, Atlanta, Lirms inham, Galveston, Savannah and Jacksonville, Also t'ullman skeoer' 01 arlotte to Augusta. 8:18 a. m. No. 87, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled Iiruite l for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South nd Southwest. Through I'ul'nian sleeper New York to New Orleans and New l'ork to Memphis. Din ing car, vrstiLulod conch, I. it ween Washington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist car for San Francisco, Sun days- 9:02 p. M.e. 9, daily, from Rich nond, Washington. Goidsboro.Nor-. folk, Selrnn, lialign, Greensboro, Kucxville and Asheville to C'Lar-. lotte, N. C. 10:30 a- m. No. 11, daily, for At lanta and all points South. Solid train, Richmond to Atlanta; Pull man sleeping car, Richmond to Greensboro. 10:07 a. si. No. 30, .daily, for W ashingtou, uiuuuiond, ltaleign and all points North. Carries Pull man drawingroom buiVot sleepor, Galveaton to New York ; Jacksoni ville to Now York ; Birmingham to New Yoik. Pullman tourist cars from San Frar ciseo '1 hnrsdays- 9:02 p. m. No. 38,jdaily, Wanhing ton and Southwestern vestibuled, limited, for Washington and all points N jrth. Through Piillinsn car' Memphis to New l'ork; New Orleans to New York; Tampa to New York, ilso carnes vertibulcd coach and dining car. 7.22 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Rich-, mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, RaN oigh, Goldsboro and all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping ear from Greensboro to Aiichuiond. Connects at Greensboro wtfb troii carrying Pullman enr for Unkueh. 6.17 a. m. Io. 10, daily, for Rich nond ; connects at Greensboro lor lialeigu and Nocfo k ; at Danville for Washington and points North ; at Salisbury for Ashville, Knox ville and points West. All freight trains carry passengers. John M. Gulp, W. A. Tfbk, Traffic M'gr. Gen '1 Pass. Ag't, W. H. Gbeen, Washington, D.C. Gen'l Superintendent, Washington.-D. C. S.H.Hardwick, Ass'tGen'iP. Ag't Atlanta, Ga- . H. Tayloe, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Ky. Gowan Dcbenbeby, Local Ag't, Concord. N, O. Bound Over to Court. Several Sundays ago a fiht oc curred at Forest Hill, in which Baxter Robinson used a knife, cut. ting the coat sleeve of ene Adam Scott, a negro, and at the trial be fore Esquire C A Pitts last Friday afternoon Robinson was bound oyer to court. When bojs tight, they should not use knives, rocks and sticks. Suffered Eighteen Years. Pains Iopnrtrl ami S loop Came, Mrs. Julln A. Rrown, of Covinpton, Tonn., whoso biftbantl h:iH rhartrw of tho electric light plant at-thut plaoo, Ima been a grchtf sufferer. Uor ailrnuntu and spwdy cure are best (Inscribed by h-.Tielf, as follows: "For 18 ymra I RufTcn-d from norvoiisnoss " and indiuci-lion. 1 trlud every remedy reo-ounnondi-d by f;inlly aud frk-ndH, but I could trot, no relief nt all. Two yean apo, whilo being tieitted by thro local phywl ciuiis, frvti. It fir rot, AluJey and She, rod, uicjf Mrs. Jn.iA A. IiitowN. 'nformed mn tlmt I had Ik rimio drojmica! 'Od that th.TO wits lit tin ijopo fur iuo. 1 then derided to try Dr. M:ki Restorative Nervine, t whs tlirn U!!.',!.!n t.i ivt t- Kl-i'i tin I II woll on to.v.ini diiv'l'lir, iiml ifurtn ml this tim.j I h.ul a l !, heavy ik'Iii In n,y 1 ft pl.lo. u;i in .'t ..(. rt!l nU"i, hut :irt.T t.'iklllL' (HHS-ha'f hutll.. uf Mm. .VrWiu, li'I'uW sleep nil nvM J.. I m wi-ll alwiT UHl. Iho iVfrmc Is Ihr , n!y i, t Ihitfc .ivo tnu iinv r. lk,' !; i . r. I am ,. v.olliin.l si ron", u.i I I 111,11,1 , ; .f a,7iii,iij Of mu life J;, lr.M,l.i- .Vnuu .-" Ml' : Jfl.lA A. lllWlWN. ' Tfr. M .! "' tMi,.. i. n radium CnsirailH'Vll.'H ih. Ii I f -t ( ! wl'l h. r. Ill Allilriii!i'i .i.i .. II l i, M .i .t, i, s , , i' will Li1 si'til i. .., I, ,, r,. .j,l. t ; ty miiUr. M.'w v. Jigi Co., fcikLuu, 1ml. Dr. MIL'S Nervine K,.'.:K2, if ' . ft eK l 3fl till there not mucn noe.