THE STANDARD TANDAR TURNS OUT PRINTS TIIK JtEWb TtUT IS XEW6 For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. Give us a Trial. VOL. XNO 23. COKCORD N. C, THURSDAY, JULY""!, 1897 WHOLE NO. 432 THE : STANDARD The D STONE-ALEXANDER. UapvT SupllaU of One oi Concord'! Mont Lovely Maiden to On orchr lotlc' Moil Hlcrlln Young Gentle. men. At an early hour Wednesday eveninir, the 23rd the welcome throng converged to Central M. E. church, which soon became packed to overflowing, The vestibule deoorationa bore silent language that bid all to enter irotn the inner door buret npon the view the altar and choir railing entwined with ivy and about them were potted feme. On each side of the altar were four stands, graceful ly trimmed with ferns, on which sat pota of ferns of various and delicate varieties. Tbe incaudtsjent lights as you glanced at them were softened with tissue of mellow tint fringed and tucked neatly about them. Across the left aisle stretched a garland bearing a large letter "A." The right aisle garland bore the letter "S." Messrs A II Wearn and J P Gocd. man found seats for all till space be came wanting, At 8 o'clock tbe pipe organ under the skillful touch of Mrs. Brower murmured low sweet symphonies that set the aodunce in momentary expectancy. Ere long little Miss Mary Kim moos came up the left aisle and Mis Jennie Ooltrane came up the right aisle, stepping to the Mendels sohn wedding march,and opened the gat'u for the bridal party. Tbe ushers followed, Mr. Wearn oi tb left and Mr. Goodman on tlja right. Miss Lena Leslie came next to tbe left and Miss Janie McClintock to tie right, each wearing blue, then Miss Mary McOanless to the .It. a id Miss Mimic Stone to the r each robed in pink, followed la ortisr by Messrs Lawrenoe White nv.i Sam Houston on the left ni l A. E McCausland and T B Ruddock to the right, all oroBS itig in tront of the altar and tukia.' their places within the tH u il, the gentlemen in the rear of the ladies, who each bore a Lemuel of choioe flowers. Mies Juani'a Starret on the left and Miss Grace Patterson on the right, bore baskets of beautiful fl j .), preceding the Maid cf Honor, Mus Dorothy Gunnels, ar nyed in a rich cream silk, who took ber place in front of chancel. The bride, gowned in white satin and elaborate train with biidal veil and U aning on the arm of her father Pi retched the himenial altar by the left aisle passing the letter "A" b) which to return no more. Along the nj;ht aisle came the groom, eB cor! ; by Mr. J C Watson. The contracting parties met in I, iit of chancel gate, where the iiT gave the bride to the groom' when Dr. W 8 Creasy very brief!) but impressively received tbe vows ud performed the ceremony thai uhw.'i them husband and wife. He then extended his congratulations. Tbe happy pair marched down the aisle by which the groom had en tered and which bore the letter "8," the initial insignia by which the two made one are ever hereafter to be known. Tbe dainty flower girls strewd the aisle with Hovers and tbe attendant? in pretty pairs passed out through either aisle when all proceeded to the depot where they boarded the south bound train for the groom' home in Charlotte, At two o'clock p. m., previous to the marriage, a royal feast was en joyed at tbe home of the bride's father, Capt J M Alexander, by large cinle of the bridal party and special friends and relatives, when the bride was the recipient of a pro fusion of sppreeiable gifts. Man more awaited them at he ot tbe groom. Tbe h ippy pair have our hearty congratulations in the union se sacred the type of the union of the church with its great head and our good wishes that their married life o auspiciously begun may be one flowing stream of connubial bliss. From the Charlotte Observer's ao count of the event we dip the fol lowing extraot : "The bride is one of Concords fairest aud loveliest daughter. Were she anything else she would not be worthy of the young man to whom she has committed her heait and band, for he is deserving of all things good. 'Mr. Stone universally esteemed He is one of Charlotte's moat promit Bent young merclaots, and by bis honesty of life and purposes; his whclesoled cleverness and bis at tractive personality, he has won for himaeif a tost of friends. He and his fair yonLg bride have tbe best wishes and hearty congratulations of the community. They received many handsome presents from friends in this city, Concord and other places." POSSES STILL PURSUING. Nearcltlnr Parlle Hroartnjt the Country Far nd Kenr For tbe Auiualn or Mn, Mprtng at Lex ingtonThe I.ateat. A oitizen of Lexington on the excursion train from Greensboro to Charlotte, in conyersation with a Standard reporter stated that citi zens of Lexington and Davidson county, with a nnmber of blood hounds were still pursuing the assassin of Mrs. Springs, which oo ourred Wednesday morning at 3 20 o'clock in the bedroom of the vie tim, lying by the side of her bus baod. The conntry far and near is being eearched for suspicious char acters and if tbe wretch is overtaken his time on earth will be very lim ited. Posses cvmposed of several hundred people who are indignant ind determined are pursuing him. At 9 o'clock this morning tbe searching parties bad not returned, after being out all night. At S o'clock this afternoon we received the following special from Lexington: A midnight VlKltor. Lexington, June 24. A party of ladies who were sitting up with the corpse discovered a man at the March Honse window last night fter midnight, but be made his escape and was not identified. A searching party with blood- bounds left here last night in the direction of Winston, but have not been beard from. Tbe funeral service of Mre- Springs was conduoted by Rey. W 3 Rich, from the Baptist charch. 1 Trip to Wilmington. A movement is on foot and nego tiations are under way between two energelio Ooncordians and tbe rail road companies for an excursion to Wilmington. Don't say a word tbout it. We will tell it all at the proper time. 0150,000 for Hone. Marcus Daly, of Bitter Creek, Montana, has offered 125,000 and half the turf winnings for GJtree vfore Brae, a celebrated borse in Ireland. Daly said : "I want that torse because I tbink he is the greatest thoroughbred of the age. know the stock he comes from, tnd his progeny should be as valua ble as his ancestry." 4 Rear End Collision. There came near being a very dis astrous wreck at Glass' siding, six miles above this city, Thursday af ternoon at 5 o'clock. No. 71, a south-bound freight, waa on tbe main line at the coal chute, when the material train collided from be hind, derailing and otherwise dam aging several cars. One of the through freight crew waa hurt, but not seriously. He was a white man, but we were unable to learn bis aame. After.... Taking course of Ayer's) Pills the system is set in good working order and a man begins to feel that life is worth living. He who has become tbe gradual prey of constipation, does not realize the friction under which he labors, until the burden is lifted from him. Then bis mountains 6ink into mole bills, his moroseness gives place to jollity, he is a happy man again. If life does not seem worth living to you, you may take a very different view of it after taking Ayer's Cathartic Pills. Dreadral Hailstorm. Hailstones 14 inches in circum ference fracture people's skulls and kill fowls and quadrspeds and crash through roofs. How they fared in Kansas while we lay either sleeping or entertained with a sublime but not an alarming thunderstorm with tbe welcome patter of tbe summer shower. Tofeka. Kans., June 24 The worst bailstorm known in this sec tion of Kansas struck tbe oity shortly after 6 o'clock tonight. Hail atones weighing 12 and 15 ounces fell, broke window panes on every hand, and did damage to plate glass ; out down telegraph and tele phone wires; riddled awnings and inflicted unprecedented damage throughout the city. Dogs were struck in tbe streets and were In stantly killed. Horses were knocked to their knees, and rinaways oo curred throughout the city. When the fury of the Btorm had passed dead birds were found everywhere A heavy wind and terrific lightning accompanied the storm. Topeka tonight looks like a city chat has withstood a siege of war guns. There are not a dozen buildings in town that are now al most windowless, and many roofs were caved in. Tbe roofs of street cars were also pierced. The dam age done can better be imagined when it is known that the bail stones ranged in size from that of a hen's egg to an ostrich egg, and that 30 minutes after the storm one hailstone was picked up which measured 14 inches in circumfer ence. Surgeons are busy dressing tbe wounds of persons injured in the storm, and reports of injuries continue to be received. Many were hurt in runaways in the streets. Tbe following were among the most seriously hurt : Frank Brain ird, backman, skull fractured; J D Henderson, livsryman, skull frac tured; Roy White, leg broken ; Mrs. Mary Hughes, arm broken in a runaway; D K Lee, bad scalp wound ; Miss Anna Fenton, head cut; Fred Holter, head cut. The damage can not be estimated, but it will amount to thousands of dollars. Window glass is already at a preminm bere, and tonight three oar loads were ordered from Kanses Oity. Street car traOio is stopped and electric lights are out, owing to the demoralization of the electric system. Sauna, Kans, June 24. A cy clone passed 15 miles northwest of this city last night. The housu of a man named Geesy was destroyed and the following killed : Mrs. Anna Geeey, aged 34 ; Nona Geesy, i aged 13, and Ida Geesy, aged 9. AIM T.nHj to Horg-nnton. Miss Sallie Eody, of pioneer Mills, Cabarrus county, was (brought up this morning and taken jto Mor ganton, were she will be biaced in the State hospital. She wi s accom panied by ber father, II r. Paul Eudy, and Mr- John Barnb rdt. Miss Eudy lived in'Satfsbnry for tome time while underthe treat ment of James White the Indian doctor. She is a sister of Mrs, G A Taylor, of this oity, and has been in ill health for a nnmber rf years. For some time her mind has been deranged Salisbury 8un. Bill DeJarnctt Spider Bitten. William DeJarnette, a brick ma son in the employ ot Capt. A U Propst, is in a bad fix. While en gaged in laying a pillar at the new bouses at China Grove Thursday afternoon, about 2 o'clock, a small black spider crawled npon bu neck and bit him. He worked on for several hours, paying no attention to the bite, but he became sickened and soon had to leave his work. He was taken to his boarding hcuse, where a physician visited him. The man bt erne delirious and re. mained so until tbis (Friday) morn ing, when he was brought here. He says the pains are continual and of the most excruciating kind. He had lost all use of bis limbs and was unable to walk. A Trn.teo Resign.. Prof. Meserve resigns as a trustee of tbe Institution for Deaf, Dumb and Blind. It appears from his letter that be is a life long republi can, that he wa9 appointed by Gov. Oarr, and that he now retirrs be cause the places in the Institution are given to reward politicians rather than to those of individual efficiency aud high moral character. It does seem that never before in all the scrambles for office, was there enoh a hungry horde. Even re publicans are resigning because a polithal pull beats fitness for a place in our State - institutions Burling ton News. . MOCKsVlLLE-MOOBESVILL. Tbe North Carolina Railway A Foreeam-Pasl. It in Yonr Hat. Editor the Citizen: It is authori tatively announced that the South ern Railway company will immedi ately build tbe long -talked of line of railroad between Mocksville and Mooresville, a distance of about 23 miles. This will give a through north and south line independent of the North Carolina railroad and only 16 miles longer than the pres ent route. There are abundant reasons apart from tbe attack upon tbe lease of tbe North Carolina rail road to justify the construction of this link and, in connection-witb that question, the motive beoomee irresistible; so we may rely npon tbe statements made and expect to see tbe new line completed before the snow flies. No one at all conversant with tbe situation has doubted that, sooner or later, the Atlantic & Danville road will fall into the bands of the Southern. Tbe Atlantio & Dan ville reaches tbe same deop-water terminal as the Southern, and on a line 10 miles shorter than the Southern's. By the new MockBville line and tbe Atlantic & Danville tbe Southern will have a line to Norfolk about 6 miles longer oj the haul from tbe south and about seven miles shorter on tbe haul from the west than its existing line and quite independent of the North Carolina road. Tbe partially successful negotia tion of tbe Southern for a controll ing interest of the Senboard Air Line is recent history. It will be remembered that T F Ryan, whose connection with the Southern was indisputable, bargained to pay more than double the market price for enough stock to control the Sea board, but a complication arose by which the other party to the con tract was at the time unable to do liver the goods; but Ryan did actu ally buy a very large block of Sea board stock at tbe fancy price agreed upon. And from that day to tbis there has never been a donbt in any rational mind that the Southern syndicate would bob up some fine morning with a majority of the stock of tho Seaboard Air-Line, Until they shall have acquired such control tbe large sum of money in vested by Ryan is simply thrown away, for the stock 'pays no divi dend. With the Southern in control of the Seaboard what becomes of Gov. Russell's bidder for tbe North Caro lina lease the only possible bidder, by the way, other than the South ern? I prediet that the aforementioned three several things will have hap pened before tbe assembling of tbe next North Carolina legislature. And about that time the Southern will probably come up with mock humility and say "Maybe we were a little previous; 09 years is a long time. We have no objections to tbe cancellation of tbe lease." Then there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then will Gov. Russell, Joaephus Daniels and the other self-constituted saviors of the State's road be called upon to fig ure out the profits on the operation of a locol road without through traffic connections of ar.y sort. Then will visions of a semi-circular road which nobody want? flit through a legislative mind. Tben will it be seen that for'every dollar which the Southern could lose by the cancellation of the lease tbe State will lose ten by the diversion of traflio from its road and the ir reparable injury thereby done the towns and industries tributary thereto. I would not be understood as prophesying tbe cancellation of the lease. By no means 1 Tbe lease will stand as a valid contract, but as a political bonanza it will vanish into tbin air. We shall see a very extensive metamorphosis of Road Saviors into Lease Saviors. And, incidentally, Gov. Russell and Jo eephus Daniels will have to roost at-iomewh lower than at present. Fkanr Carter. Appalling Heat In Mew Orleium The Atlanta Journal of the 23rd says New Orleans is enffering from a breezeless torrid beat from wbicb five persons died on Wednesday and horses and mules are prostrate. Tbe factories ar. unable to furnieh a sufficiency of ice. For Orer Finr'Vear. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been uned for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teei hing, with perfect sue. tens. It sootbes the child, softens the goms, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the beet remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately, cold by druggists in every part of tbe world, Twentj-fiye cents a bottle, Re an re and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth it f sy"p." and take no otber kino. THE BOYS AT NASHVILLE. secretary Mr d.wortn There In In tore.t of Railrond HnmptnonnlT Faring. Special to The Standard. Nashvill", June 23 Tues. day it raned all the morning and today we are having thunder showers. Last night from the State house, we witnessed tht grand pyrotechnic iitp'aj at the Exposition grounds, at a distance of about two miles. We are firing sumptuously every day will probably get borne Satur day. Secretaiy John 0 Wads worth is here in the interest of the Aberdeen and West End railroad, Shakes peare Harris is bere also looking for tbe presidency of same. The Concord boys are able foi their ratl ins. Nashville is a great city and it is beine filled np with old Kebels un til there is hardly room to stir. We will soon be off for tbe Exposition grounds. After we return I will note come of tbe most interesting things and send te you W. M. W. Counterfeiter. Jailed, John Ray and Jim Black, hail ing from Buncombe crunty, arrived in Moreanton Monday afternoon, and Monday night during the Root-Tea- Na open air concert, passed a a number of counterfeit five-cent pieces in the crowd. The lemonade stand, in the court house yard, and even the Root-Tea-Na people them selves, got some of the bogus money. Deputy Marshal W J Patterson was not long in locating the fellows who were playing the game, but before be could aires1 them some one informed them that Mr. Patterson was after them aud tbey skipped. However, Mr. Pat terson ascertained that they were traveling in the direction of Hickory and on Tuesday ho left in pursuit of them. He evertook Ray and Black at Hildebrand, a station between Connelly Springs and Hickory, arrested them and brought them to Morganton jail. Mr. Patterson found on their persons 26 counter feit cickles, and plaster of parii, with which they made their moulds. Ray and Black were carried be fore United States Commissioner C F McKesson yesterday for a bearing. Mr. McKesson found eyidence against them sufficent for him to bind them to the Federal court at Statesville. The violators did not have much to ay about the matter and at the trial declined to be sivorn when asked if tbey wished to say anythirg. In default of bail they were placed back in prison. M organton Hcraild A dose that is always seansonable is a dose of Simmons Liver Regula tor, the King of Liver Medicins. It keeps the liver active, tbe bowles regular, prevents biliousness, and promotes digestion. In fact help to keep you well. ''I have watched its effect in families where I have practiced and find it admirable; both alterative and tonio in action." Dr. T W Mason, Macon, Ga. Hon.'. Call. The good people of Charlotte gave me the wagon and one borse, and I gave another horse to God. We belong to Him, to be used for His oause, and your good. I will ask you to help in any way voa wish to keep the wagon going. If you will feed me and the horses it will surely continue to run. Your help I must have and ysnr prayers I need to do wbat I feel that God has called me to do. Fathers and mothers, I have spent in tbe last 14 years over half of my time and all the money I could to protect you and your cbildreu from tbe curse of strong drink and all other evils in 'his life and an eternal hell in the life to come, and now am willing to ipend all of my time and all you ive me for the same, and with God's help will do it. I fought four vears to protect your property and vou clothed and fed me aud gave nie $11 per month . You might do the mme to p'ottct yourself and child ren from a one hundred fold worse -nemy. If you will not help me n any other way, please help me ith your prayers. My in'.en'ion is to travel all over the state.distribut- ng religious and temperance literature, singing aud preaching the the Oofpal and temperance. All you give me will be spent for the cause of Christ and the welfare of man, therefore don't think you are giving to me alone when you give. but to the cause of Christ and wel fare of mm, and I will thaok yon and God will bless you. Respectfully your brother in Christ. R II Mohsr. I.OMe Another Child by Death. The small child of Mr. J D Bcs, of No. 11 towhship, died this (Thursday) morning of wboopiog cough. Tbe stricken family have our sympathies in the loss of tbis a second one of their children in so short a period. Mrm. Jf. V MaM.nmon Head; Mrs. Annie Saseanion, wifeof Mr. Jon. C Saseamon, of Saseamon Springs, died Wednesday night at 11 o'clock, of complicated dropsy. The funeral obsequies were held today at 1 o'clock at tbe home of the bereaved, and tt e burial took place at Rocky River church. Tbe deceased was about 45 years of age, and leaves a husband and family of children. Uen. Gordon Re-Kleeted. Gen. John B Gordon was re elected Commander-in. Chief of the Confederate Veteran Association, assembled in Nashville Wednesday. One thousand cr.mps were repre sented by 7,000 delegates. Gen. Gordon tried to be relieved of the charge, but there was no bearing to bis withdrawal. He stands as tbe favorite surviving Confederate commander. Don't Klire (our Apple. A merchant friend presented to us a card from a dealer in dried fruit, which we copy for the benefit of those who may dry apples for tbe market : He says. "Sliced-apples are no longer called for as of old. "There are two million pounds of old sliced-apples now on hand wait ing for buyers at 1J to 2 cents. "The growing crop of apples should be dried in quarters for the export trade, and the larger the quarters the better the demand. If bright and good sizs, tbe market will open at 2 J cents. The Ideal Pauaeea James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago says : I regard Dr. King's New Disoover; es an Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds and Lung Com" plaints, having used it in my family for the lasi'five years, to the exclu sion of physicians's prescriptions or other preperations. Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, wrires: I have been a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for oo years or more, and nave never lound anything so beneficial, or that ?ave me such speedy relief as JJr, Kind's New Discovery. Try this dflal Cou?h Remedy now. Trial Bottles free at Feezer's Drug Store. Loeat Taxation F.udorMod. We see that the Educational As sembly at Morehead City unani mously passed tbe following: "Resolved, Tbat we, tbe members of tbe North Carolina Teachers' As sembly, give our hearty support to the local taxation set, and tbat we use our best efforts to carry into ef fect tbe provisions of this act in oar respective counties." The Press Association expressed its interests in education, but did not so heartily endorse tbe act, if we read correctly between the lines. It is not to be supposed though that the press is otber than fayora ble to progress along all the lines of advancement in tbe State, with the educational interests at the head. Doe. Mot Apeak Well for Onra. The Greensboro Record says of tbe recent colored excursion from Charlotte there: "Tbat was a model crowd of colored people here from Charlotte Friday. Only two arrests were made, and these were crap shooters from Concord." YAJ1NING. We wish to cuuti:n all users of Simmom r.ivpr on n mil .ipftt if thfl dpPtieal interest und importance to their health perhaps their lives. The sole rropnetors and makers of Sujimnns Liver Regulator learn that cn'toiners nre oflen deceived by buying and taking some medicine of similar anpearanoo or taste, believing it to be nimm'ins Liver Lepulntor. ve warn vou that unless the wrd i'eiriilator is on tne pacKacre or Doii. H is noi oimroons Liver Kenilator. K" one else makes, or iver has made Simmcr.8 Liver Keeulator.or invthinir called Siniin Jii' Liver Keijulutor, but J. If. Zeilin & Co., ami no meuicme made by anyone e's .3 the smne. .'. e alone can put it'up. and we cannot t e rcuponsible, i) jther medicines represented as the same dc aot help you aa you are Kd to expect they will. this fact well in mind, ilyou have ieen in the habit of usinn a medicine which yon supposed to be Simmons l.iver Kesula- tor, becaii?e the name was somewhat like t. an 1 tho package did not liave the word Regulator on it, you have been imposed jpon and have not tern takma Simmons l( li I -T-U- l.i 1 . . I biver CVPguiaior ai ail. i ne xvumuir him Jeen favorably known for many years, and ill who use it know how necessary it is for Fever and Ague, Bilious- Fever, Constipa- ,ion. Headache, Uyppepsia, and all disorder? irising from a Diseased Liver. We ask vou to look for ynirselves, ana lee that Simmons Liver Keirulalor, which fou can readily distinguish by the Ked i m wrapper, and hy our name, is the only medicine called Simmons Liver Regulator. J. II. ZKILIN A CO. A lake Htnmona f iver iUgulator. (trarlet Fever In Milk. In Piainfleld, N. Y, the spnal of scarlet fever waa traced to the handling of milk in a dairy by one who was at the time infected with tbe disease. Pay llonpltal for Charlotte. The Charlotte Medical and Surgi cal Institute, soon to be opened In Charlotte, is attracting attention in different parts of the State. Drs Irwin and Misenheimer, Dr. h L Gibbon and Dr. Wakefield are the proprietors of the new pay hospital. It is to be complete in every par ticular, and is to be conducted on the order of the pay hospituls in the larger northern cities. Ihe dojtors who will eitablisb the new hospital are among tbe State's most eminent physicians, D . Wakefield has a reputation tr aid wide as an eye, ear and throat spe cialist, and the otber physicians are among the leading practitioners cf Charlotte. The new institution will be estab lished at an early date. Tne names of the proprietors are a guarantee of its success. News. Reboot Committeemen Uet So Pay. Attortey Ganeral Walser savs he sees notbing in the law allowing pay to school committeemen. This is against tbe hope of Suiierinten- dent Mebane, who would JiKe to see them receive remuneration. School committeemen have not been re ceiving pay but the field of labor is enlarged to tbe township and tbere wouia be nothing wrong in their re- ceivirg pay. Politic In Onlo. Gov. Bushnell was renominated a the Ohio Kepublicun convention. Tbe following Is comprehensive digest of tbe platform. The platform reaffirms tbe principles of tbe national platform, enderses tbe administration, sympa thizes with Cuba and fayora Hawaii ai annexation. President Cleveland's order extending the civil service act "beyond its purport and intent" is denounoed; reforms icaogura'ed in tbe Pension Bureau are commended; a national board of arbitration is favored, and Goy. Bushnell, Sena tors llanna and Foraker are in dorsed. The platform concludes as follws: 'Desiring to continue snch re presentation, and appreciating bis services to the party and to the peo ple of the State and nation, and his eminent and proven fitness for the position, we endorse the candidacy of the Honorable Marcus A Hanna for United States Senator to suoceed himself, and pledge the support of tne party in tbe neit General Aseeru bly to his electicn to both the short and long terms.' i It May So a. Much lor ton Mi. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that he bad a severe Kidney trouble lor ninny years, with severe pains in bis back and also that bis bladder was affected. He tried many so called kidney cures but wunout any gooa result. About r year ago he bagan use ot Electric fitters and found relief at once, Electric Bitters is especial, y adapt--ed to cure all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost in ant relief. One trial will will prove our statement. Price 50c and $1,00 at retzer s urug atoie. 1 Haw Keep 4)ulel. Soon after the Confederate veter ans nau settled down to business in Nashville Wednesday the North Carolina delegation interrupted the proceedings by marching in the hall singing "The Old North State." Gen. Gordon said : ''North Car olina has a right to interrupt the proceedings of any body of men isortn Carolina not only made a record in the Confederate army sec ond to no State, but she hoisted, long before Jt Hereon wrote, the banner of American independence. Three cheers for North Carolina." The cheers were givea heartily and tben Gen. Gordon said, "Now let North Carolina keep quiet.'' We clip the following from the Nashville Banner of the 23d, show ing some things that the veterans d d at tbe reunion : lesterdey was a t try successful day at the Confederate hitel. Dr. McMurmy, proprietor f t lis hotel, gave rut tbe following figires this morning. He said: ".We fd 11,000 soldiers yesteiday, and in do ing so we used 1,420 gallons of cof fee, 4,600 pounds of bread, 325 hams, 94 gallons pickle, 7b0 pounds of sugar and 60 gallons of butter milk." Up to 10 o'clock th;s morning 3,500 veterans had eaten at the hotel, and tbe indications point to a still larger crowd thun was present yesterday. Today is barbecue day and Dr. McMurray has prepared 4,000 pounds of barbecue and 3C5 hams ave been brought in from the packing bouse. Dr. McMurray requests the Ban- ner to state tbat he has sufficient provisions to feed every veteran and all are requested to come down and eat at his resort, " I Mm Absolute Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfnlness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. P.oyal Baking Powder Oo , New York. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JAN. 18, 1S97. Tb s condensed schedule is pub list d as information, aud is sub ject to change without notice to the public": TRAINS LEtVE COVCORO, N. 0. 9:27 p. m. No. H5, dtily for Atlan ta and Charlotte Air Lnue division, and all points South and Southwest. Carries through Pullman drawings room buffet sleepers between New York, Washington, Atlanta, Birms ingham, Galveston, fc'avanuah anrl Jacksonville. Also Fullman sleeDer' Obarlotte to Augusta. 8:48 a. m. No. 37, daily, Washine ton and Southwestern vestibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmingham. Alempbis, Montgomery, Mobile and Nbw Orleans, and all Dointa South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing car, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlant. Pullman tourist car for San Francisco. Sun days. 9;02 p. m. Vn. 9. dailv. from Rich,. mond. Washington. Go'daboio.Nor, folk, Soluia, lialigh, Greensboro, Kuoxvilie and Ashevil e to Char lotte, N. C. 10:30 a. M. No. 11. daily, for At lanta and all points South. Solid train, Kichmond to Atlanta; Pull man sleeping car, Kichmond to Greensboro. 10:07 A. m. No. 3G. dailv. for Washington. Kichmond. Knleiph and all points North. Carries Puli man drawingroom buft'ot sleeper, Galveston to New York ; Jacksoni ville to New York ; Birmingham to New lork. l'uliiuan tourist cars from San Prar cisoo '1 hursdays. 9:02 p. m.-No. 38, daily, Washing-, ton and Southwestern vestibuled, limited, for Washington and all points North. Through Pullman car' Memphis to New York: Sow Orleans to New York; Tampa to Now Y'ork, Also carries vertibuled conch and dining car. 7.22 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Kichs mond, Ashevil.'e, Chattanooga, KaN eigh, Ooldsboro and all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping car from Greensboro to Kichmond. Connects at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman car for Uuieieh. 6.17 a. m, No. 10, daily, for Rich mond ; connects at Greensboro for MaleigU and Norfo k ; at Danville for Washington and points North ; at Salisbury for Ashvillo, Knox ville and points West. All freight trains carry passengers' Jons M. CtJLP, W. A. Tobk, Traffic M'gr. Gen'l Pass. Ag't, W. H. Gheen, Washington, D. C. Gen'l buperintenderit, Washington,-D. C. S.H.Hakdwick, Ass'tGen'iP, Ag't Atlanta, Gn . H. Tavloe, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Ky. GbWAM DUSENBEUY, Locul Ag't, Concord. N. O. Get Two Nnot.. Whit Barrier, a negro serving his third term on the Rowan chain gang, attempted on Tuesday after noon to escape through some dense bushes near the work, when more quickly than he bad any idea of, two guards ''drew a bead" on thim, and fired. He is now in jail nure a few wounds till be becomes able to try tbe trick again. A Shattered Nervous System. FINALLY HEART TROUBLE. Restored to Health by Dr. Mile' Nervine. R. EDWARD I1ARDY, tho Jolly man aporof Sheppard Co's. groat store at Uracevlllo, 111., writes: "I haul ncvi-r been sick a day In my Ufa until lu 190. I gut bo bad with nervous proatiatlou that I had to give up and commence to doctor, I tried our local physicians and un in Jollot, but none gave me any relief and I tlmuKiit I was going to die, I became diHpoialeut and mfTerud untold ftpony. I could not eat, sleep nor rest, and It seerut-d an If I could not exist. At tti end of six months I waa reduced to but a shudi w of myself, and at last my heart bocuno uflVrUnl and 1 M truly miserable. I took six or olsht bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine. It r:ivu mo fluY from tho at art, and ;it lat a cure, tne irn-at- est blessing of my lifo." lOrtilCSiJs Dr. Miles' Kerne. 1f-4 Or '' aio sold by all liUfc'- cists under a positive. guarantee, tirst l .ittjn 10 MrvInO; funded, Kook (ill (lit'- yT'. a -,l .M M Dli. miKS MEDICAL UO , fclkutul, lu4, j

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