j Ti"r" The. - Standard 'J URNS OUT The - Standard. rEIN'TS THE fZZ AEWis THAT IS NEWS For 1 Year - Send us 1 Dollar. f ti i TANDARD. GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. Give us a Trial. VOL. X--NO 32. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, AUGl IT 12 1897 WHOLE NO. 438 HE Li! Internal Pains -Lame, Tired, Ner vous Evory Bad Symptom Cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla. "For noarly Uve yoars I suffered with severe caao of stomach trouble. I tad pains In my stoniaoh and bowels eo tbat I could not stand or work without great suffering. My appetite was very poor and when I did eat anything I wan shortly af terwarda seuod with vomiting spells. could not roat at nlglit aud felt lama and tired all over. I beoama norvous and hud do energy whatever. My life Beamed gloomy and hopoloss. My husband ad vised me to take Hood's Suraaparllla. I bogan taking It and the first bot tle did me a groat deal ol good. I con tinued with It regularly aud have now almost fully regained my natural weight and am dolnpr noarly all my houacwoik." Mbs. KlKDA Cbockeb, Gladstone, Ala. 19 Garsa- a ia ' ' parlila Is the Best In (act the One True Rlood Purifier. Insist upon Hood's ; take no substitute. Hood's Pills fEL THE KEW WAY. YTOMEN used to think 'la male diseases " oould o n I y be treated after "lo O a I examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of s u c b treatment kept thousands of modest women silmt about their suifenng. The in troduction of Wine of Cardul has now demon strated that nine -tenths of all the of menstrual disorders do not require a physician s attention tail. The simple, pure taken In the privacy of a woman's own home Insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women nd not hesitate now. Vlno o( Cardul re quires no humiliating examina tions for Its adoption. It cures any disease that oomas undtr the hjad of "female troubles" disordered menses, falling of the womb, "whites, " change of Ufa. It makes women beautiful by making thorn well. It keeps them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug snre. For advice In sis raqulrtfr special directions. addraaa, ftvln ayrnptoms, tbe " Ladtos' Advisory Department. Th Chattanooga Modlclno Co., Chatta noosa. Twin. W. I. ADDISON, H.D., Csry. Hiss., says: "I uss Wins sf Cardul aaumilvslv In my prattles and And It a mou exobileut preparation for ntmaletraubkt." fnliiv e mm I'nin Prepared to lo all hindwoi aLumltertDroMNluK. ?lu(?liiiitUK MATCHING, MOULDING, PATENT SIDING, ' ETC., ETC., Promt antlf trntiantctory rrlroH r) antd. ti'KM K RE nlwnys on I.n'l to equip onji:omplt' R. V. S AFRIT. iiOIUUSON II. CALDWELI ATTOBtllY AT LAW, CONCORD, N 0 Office in Morris bu J.nr, jposii court house. M. B. STICKLEY. Attorney at Law, Concord iV. C. SILMAL ATlhSTION GJPM . 10 COLLtLTIOXS. Oflice upstairs in King bui'din? near Postoflice. Buy rom First Hands We Lave just received a car ol New York Apples anil Seed potatoes Direct from the growers and In order to move them out at once we are oileriog to sell yery low. Have you seen our Northern White Spring Oats Jly buying a car of tbem wo Gtay, Win bought at a Tory low Price. Oome to see us or write for prices. G. W. PATTERSON Wholesale Grocer and Manufacturers Agent CONCORD, N, C. DISAPPEARED as the htir lerk in Captain Hatuaeur's oilier Mr. J H Miltiiii, chief olerk in the office of Oupt. W II Ilanncur superintendent, of the Sea Board Air Line, in Churlottn, hag disap peared without leafing any olew to hia whereabouts. It ia not jet known whether there is any'h'Dg wrong vith tin "accounts, but the auditor of the Swboard is looking into his accounts today. It is al leged that Mr. Milam has been speculating in sugar stock recently and that tie has nude coLSiderable money within the last few days. The Charlotte News, speaking of Mr. Milam's disappearance says : 'Mr. Milam came here last No- vemberand brought his family here to live, lie was well thought of. and there ia no known reason for his disappearance. Ilia family do not know his whereabouts." Mr. Milam's frieud" are confident that hia books will be found all cor reot and that bis absence from his post can be satisfactorily explained Uailyof&tu. KO WORD YET Frum tile Seaboard's aiming; Ticket Aieot. J L Milan, assistant ticket agent of the Seaboard Air Line in Char lotto, has not yet been heard from . It is taid he bought a ticket from Charlotte to Lexington, but whether he usd it or cot no one seems to know. This morning's Observer says Mr. J 8 Bishop, assistant travelling auditor, is here ohecking np the bocks, Mr. R A Cole, the travelling auditor of the -i aboard, arrived last eight from Portsmouth. There is no doubt about the absentee being chort in his acoonnts it ia only a 'lujot.o.i of how 'xnch. The amount may be $1,000 or more. ' Mr. Milan is abont 50 years old. Ilo has a wife and several children who are living here. This is not the Brat time he has gone off sud denly. Last spring he went away without any warning to Captain Rnmseur, stayed several days and re turned. "Mr. P J Pate, for years agent of the Carolinu Central, at Lincolnton, arrived yesterday to take Mr, Milan's place." Daily of 6th. A DEATH TEAP MtandN Open In tbe Very Heart of the Illy. Jimt behind the store of W C Coleman, ami on the property said to be owned by him and Mr. P VI Morris, is an old unused well some thirty i.et deep, with several feet of water, on the top of which may be seen njf.tiug, togethur with the thiols green scum, melon rindB, rot-, ten wood, old eliog and filth of all ainda. Fever gurms are there large snoufth to walk. Besides being a menace to the health of the oity, the pit endangers the life of any who way pasd that way, for it stands open, witn noiin&g in tue saape or a rul ing or ooverina 10 warn me unwary, That such a death trap as this should exist within a stone's throw of the city bull is beyond un derstanding. The (mfiiUry oflicer jnnrot be ton vigilxnt at this season if tl e yeer, and it is to be hoped, i hat this matter will receive thtj prompt attention (f the authorities.! for the pood of the publio health his pit should be tilled up at once' nd the city, by prompt action, may tvoid a damage suit, as the lot in tf hich it u located is much used by wagoner1', and a plunge into t hi' rockiribbod well is almost certain to result in seriousinjury if not fatally. The attention of the authorities ib respectfully called to the matter. The lttdios' Missionary Society of St, John's ohurch, gave a lawn party at the parsouege Thursday night. It waB well patronized by tl e people. Rflfreahinentw wer cerved by the ladios. Tuft's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Twenty Years Proof. Tutt's Liver Pills keep the bow els in natural mot ion and cleanse the system of all impurities An absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, con stipation and kindred diseases. "Csn't do wittofct them" R. P. Smith, Chilesburg, Va. writes I don't know how I could do without them. I have had Liver disease for over twenty rars. Am now entirely cured. Tutt's Liver Pills DR. W S BLACK Uied Littleton Last Wedueaday MoralDf, The many friends of one of' the most beloved presiding elders on the Salisbury distriot since the war, will be pained to learn of tbat Dr. W 8 Black hat passed away in death. His spirit took Us flight from Littleton Wednesday morning, lie was nearly 61 years af age. He was bora at Ookeaburg, 8. 0. and reared in that State having been transferred to the North Carolina field in 1870, in which he has occu pied various positions with great ac. oeptance and fidelity to duty. Dr. Black leaves his second wife in widowhood, and three children of his first wife also survive him. The remains were annonnctd to reach Raleigh at 3.30 p. m. today, whero the funeral and burial were to occur. Dr. Black's family will receive $3,000 from the Royal Arcanum and $2,000 from the Knights of Honor. Horse Killed by LlKbinlas;. Mr. Thomas Hileman was in the oity last Friday morning and re ports tbat during the storm Thurs day evening lightning struck a horse of Mr. Charles W Alexander, of No. 5 township, killing it instantly. The horse was in tbe pasture. Mr. Alex under lives in No. 5 township. jaaasey .Crawford. From the World we learn that Mr. Murray Maseey, of the South em force at Salisbury, was married to Miss Sallie, tbe young and beau tiful daughter of Capt. Jas. R Craw ford, on Tuesday evening the 3rd. The wedding was a very quiet one, and is tbe result of a loyal attach ment of some years standing. In lis Olsiard. Mr. J A Smith, who lives on the John Raukm farm, in No. 3 town ship, killed a spring ohicken for breakfast Thursday, and hen the gizzard was opened he was astonish ed to find no less than thirty pieces of glass, flint, china, and a nugget of gold quartz half the size of a pes, all of which he left at our office, and may be seen by doubting Thomuses. The chicken was hatched in March, and had apparently suffered no iu oonvenience from tbe unusual oon tente of its gizzard. bncred ilroond. The Confederate monument whioh stands in the court house yard, together with the little mound on which it rests, is regarded by ever? man who wore the gray as sacred ground, and any invasion of tbe guard chain ia regarded almost as a sacrilege. It is to be regretted that there are thoughtless rersons who persist in lounging around inn side the ohain, trodding down the green sward, and leafing behind them a litter cf poanut bulls, ecrsp- ofp tper, eto. If there is no ordi nance against it, eentimsnt at least should forbid this desecration. (Jolclen Tresses. A gentleman left at Thr Stand ard office this morning a plait oi beautiful goldon Lair which he had picked up on the street. Tbe tresses were tied with a love knot and carefully wrapped in perfumed paper, and bad no doubt graced the bead of some beautiful young lass; but the "gr.lden hair no longer bange down her back.'' In case the aforesaid tresses are the treasure of some favored young mo, he can obtain same on payment of f 3 98 for this advertisement in any other case tbey will tw returned to owner without charge on applica tion at this office. Daily of 6th. That is the ooAdltion of the county jail. Them is not a single sjuI In limbo in tbis county, At the beginning of this term of oourt Jailer John Hill had fourteen pris onrs behind the bura. Of this number tun wero sent out to the chaingaug Wednesday to serve terms averaging two months, with tbe exception of George Ceop erberry, who served two years, the remainder being reloaded on tne dtate tailing to ounviot. Tbis is the first: time in miny years that tbe oouuty bastila has been entire! deserted, all cf wbioh goes to show that Cabarrus county citizens are a moral and law-abiding people. A RhI lor lls-Unlea. The Maryland Demoiratio plat form is much critised b extrem ists on both sides of the money question. Its money plank oalled for bi-nietallism, but said nothing about the ratio, and tbe AtlanU Journal aska if it is not u good basis of a re-united party. It is ; and if it is desired to re-nuite the Demo, orptio party the Maryland example will b generally followed ; but If arroganoe, intolerance and pride of opinion are to govern the party, be ing preferred to a reasonable conces sion whioh will bring suooe s, then the extreme ground will be taken iirain with the cerlain'y of losing all tbe East, along with Maryland, vVest Virginia, Indiana, Illinois and nil tho other H'ates on which we must dopend for victory Charlotte Jbsrver. AT REST. Tbe Gentle Nplrlt ef Willie quanta Takes Ita Flight. At 8 o'olock yesterday evening the loul of Willi QuaLtz left its earthly tenement and soared aloft to its merited reward in a celestial abode, while around the bedside were grouped the devoted family and loving friends. Death had no sting for this noble young man, and patiently, almost anxiously, be awaited tbe final call with a trium phant smile on his lips. Mr, Quanta had suffered several weeks with typhoid fever, and for awhile it was thought he would recover, but during the past few days the young sufferer had been gradually sinking, and it was evi dent to the watchful eyes of loved ones that the end was drawing near. Mr. Quanta was 22 years of age and was the eldest son of Mrs Herman Quantz. He was dutiful son, a loving brother, a faithful friend, a oonsistent Christian. Besides a widowed mother, the deceased leaves a brother, Theodore, and two sisters, Misses Berta and Hermenla, to mourn his loss. Mr. Quantz was a brilliant Mason and stood high in the order. The funeral will take place at the Lutheran ohurch at 4 o'olock, and will be condnoted by Rey. C B Mil ler. The body will be interred at the city oemetery with Masonio honors. The hearts of the entire oomwu nity goes ont in deepest sympathy to tbe bereaved family. Daily of 5th, Funeral Friday. All tbat was mortal of Willie Quautz was laid beneath the sod at the oity oemetery ridoy after noon. A large crowd of sorrowing friends followed the remains to the grave, where tbe ceremonies were concluded with the solemn and im passive ritual of the Masonic order. Tbe newly made mound was hid from view by tbe numerous floral tributes, and the gentle shower which desoended fiom heaven keep them fresh and beautiful. If there is any one thing tbat needs to be purified, it is politics, eo tbe reformer Bays, and many agree tbtreto. But blood tells, and as a blood purifier and liver oorreolor Simmons Liver Regulator iu the best medicine. "I use it in prefer enoe to any other." So wrote Mr. S M Hysell, of Middloport, Ohio. And Dr. D S Russell, of Farmville, Va., writes, "It fulfills all you prom ise for it." la Burned to Death. The Raleigh correspondent of Wilmington Star says : A fire oc curred at the oouuty home for the aged and infirm last night. S'x horHes and mules were burned, be sides corn and provisions, wagons, barns and buggies, to tbe value of about $3,000. How tha fire origin, ated is a mystery. Theie was $300 insuranoe on one of the barns. Some improvements bad recently been made on some of the buildings. It May Do aa morn for ton Mi. Fred Miller, of Irvine. Ill writes that he had a severe Kidney trouble I or ninny years, with sovnre pains in his back and also tbat bis bladder was auocted. He tried many so called kidney cures but without any good result. About year ago be ba?an use of Electric Hitters and found relief ut once Electric bitters is onnecial.v adapt ed to euro all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost in- ant rplief. One trial will will prove our statement. Price 50o and $1,00 at Fetzer'a Urujr otoie. Confederate veterans of Rowan county challenge the old soldiers from any other county to play same of ball proceeds to go to the orphanage. We wish to cuition all users of t '.mnioct Livr IW jUtir on a subifct of tut dfepest intorest Ri:d important to th.'ir health perhaps their liv -n. Tho sole proprietors ami nmlrnrj of .mmona Livir K gulator learn that ci-itoucrs are of:cn 1C iveJ by buying and tal.-ing sonti u.ediclie of a similar apptaranco or tute, heliev ng it to be Simmoiia Uwr x-.ecsiiair. i.e warn 'you that crlssa tha word R'gulnVr is on me pacK.igo or douip, inai. it m noi smimuu Liver r;jrlawr. jX t.n 'iiw nmKns uj jver haii made Simmons Livi t Betrulator, oi invthinz c dled K;mmoiin I.iver Krculalor. out J. IS. Zeilm&t'o., aud nnrnwiiciiiemade by anyone else .4 the same. D' alone can put it up. ami we rat. not be responsible, i )ther mediciiioB reprauented as tlia name do lot help you aa you ire leu to expecv inej will- IWr this fiici well in mind, if vou have 3en in tho habit of using a medicine which rou supposed to be Simmons Liver Regula tor, because the namo was somewhat like t, and the package dut not nnve tne wora Jtpaulclor on it., vou have bwn imposed lpon ami have not been tailing Siiumonn Liver Regulator at all. Tha Kenulator has ieen favorably known for many years, and ill who nse it know how n;ary it is for fever and Ague, Bilious Fever, I'onntipa- lon, lleadncho, livapepsia, araauaisoruers uiung from a Diueaeed Liver. We aak you to look for yourselves, and e that Simmon Liver Regulator, which rou can readily diatinguis h by the Red Z n wrapper, and by our nams, is the only oedicme called Simmons Liver Regulator. 4, H. KiLI CO. i'a d) APPOINTMENT Ol' n I'oi iner Coneortllau to m l.nern tlre Position. Many people of Concord will read with pleasure tbe following from the Salisbury correnpondent of the Charlotte Observer : "Mr. Walter H Holt, of Port Richmond, N. Y., a son of Col. Jno A Holt of this city, and a former oitizen of Salisbury, has been sig nally h nored. Comptroller Fitoh, of New York oity, laet week ap pointed this talented young attor ney accountant, to examine into the financial condition of three boroughs of Oreater New York, Brooklyn, Richmond and Queens, in accordance with an act ot the last legislature of New York. Mr Holt's salary is $2S per day for a period of 100 days or more. He began work laet Monday. Mr. Holt was tbe regular Democratio candi' date for the Assembly of New York laet fall, and is a qualified account ant and lawyer practicing in New York oity." Mr. Holt was for a number of yeas in charge of the depot at this place, and baa hosts of friends here who will be pleased to learn of their former townsman's mirited success. SUPERIOR COURT. Railroad Cases Continued Till tbe Weal l'ertn. The hearing of testimony In the case of Hartaell . Coleman was conolnded yesterday and argument is now going on. Both Bides are ably represented and much interest is manifested in the ontoome of this legal battle. This case has been in court several years and the costs have run np to a considerable sum. It will probably go to the jury this afternoon. All tbe railroad oases which had been eat for this term hare been con tinued, and witnesses and interested parties returned heme this morning. Court will adjourn tomorrow eyening and quite a number of cases on the civil docket will go over to the next term. Daily of 0th. Tbe Ideal Fanaeeav- Janies L. Franois, AJderman, Chicago says : I retard Lr. King's New Disoovery as an Ideal Panacea for Cougub, Colds and Lung Com-, plaints, having used it in my family for the laHt'five years, to tbe exclu sion of phyeiciane's prescriptions or other preperations. Rev. John BurRUB, Keokuk, Iowa, wrires: I have been a minister of the Methodist Epibcopal ohurch for 50 years or more, and have never leutid acytniEg so Denenoiai, or mat rave me such speedy relief as Dr, Kine's New Dmcovery. Try this ino.l Coutrh Remedy now. Trial Bottles free at Feszer's Drue Store. DIVORCES GRANTED. Two Women and One Ulan Complain and are Relensad from the Nitered Bonds. Attorneys Montgomery and Crow ell bad a considerable rush in ui- yorce cases before his honor, Judge Coble and the jury Friday evening juat before the jurors were dis charged for the term. The first application was tbat of Maggie 8 WilliP, who was granted a diyorce frcm W H Willis, ber hus band, on the grounds of abandon ment. The seoond case was that of Emma Misenheimer, ' who was granted a divorce from ber husband, O W Misenheimer, on good and suf ficient grounds. B L Suarboro was granted a di vorce from Hattie Soarboro, his Wife, on the grounds of unfaithful ness. Although diyorce proceedings are populer, it is very unusual in Ca barrus oourts. Crank r(garl Had the DIs; llead. Mr, Walker, of No. 6 township, brought The Standard a cabbage head weighing 11 pounds, which was the largest we bad eyer seen. Today, however, Mr. Frank Fag- gart, of No. 11 township, sets him in the shade, having brought to our optical visions a cabbage-head measuring 3 feist 6 inobes in circum ference, weighing 16J pounds. This, of oouree, does not oo in pa re with the Union oounty man, tbat raised a head tbat measured "six feet acrose," but Burpasees anything yet brought to tbe Conoord market. Daily, Auf . 7th. Without moves. Two young white women bad a liyely fistiouft at Cannonville yes terday, in which the participante went at each other with the gloves oflf. There waB neither time-keeper nor seooods present, bat the fight is said to have lasted several rounds Reyond a few eoratches and the lose of a bunch of hair out of the bead of each, no damage was done. Daily. Aug. 7th. Ciroulara of tbe Conoord High Suhool may be obtained at tbe St. Cloud Hotel. FIREMEN RETURN. Heport Having; Had a Joll Good Time. Mesais. J L Brown and H G Rit returned home last night from the Fayetteville tournament, and report having had a good time and speak in glowing terms of the hospitality of Fayettevilie's people). On being aeked as to the correct ness of the statement in the Char lotte News yesterday that Concord worked against Charlotte in her ef fort to secure the next meeting, they denied it most emphatically. They stated that they were willing that Charlotte should haye the meeting, but were opposed to holding the con vention in oonjunotion with the 20th of May oelebration, rightly holding that their association was of enough importance of itself to hold a sep arate and distinct tournament each year. On tbe first ballot Conoord's delegation were divided, giving one vote to Charlotte and one to Greens, boro, on the seoond ballot, one vote to Greensboro and one to Goldsboro. Tbey further state that. Charlotte herself, on tbe seoond ballot, when it was apparent she oould not secure the meeting, voted her entire delega tionfour votes for Goldsboro, hence Charlotte has no kiok ooming on the nest meeting of tbe State Firemen's Association going to the east. Daily of 7th. GREAT CROWDS Witnessed the Contest at fayeltevllle Yesterday. Thousands of visitors are In at. tendanoe at the tonraament of fire men at Fayetteville, and the ci'y is being to its utmost to acoommc .ate tbe crowds. The parade was the first number on the programme nd was witnessed by an alarming thr ng. The following is a summary of the contests and results : Newbern steam fire engine won first prize, $60, time 3 Hi; Winston tecond, $30, time 3.4? r; Atlautios third, $30, time 4 031; Greensboro came next, time Slit; Adram (Wilmington) time 6.26 J. In the hand reel raos, 160 yards dash, Fayetteville 31 ; second, New. bern, 32 ; Greensboro 33 ; Durham, No. 3, 34; Salem 33 i ; Salisbury 381 ; Charlotte 33 ; Durham, No. 1, 33. In the grab reel race Newbern. No. 1, 26 ; second Durham, No. 1, 23 1; Atlautios, 254; Fayetteville 231; Sontheides, m. The Aseuoiation will meet next in Goldsboro. Daily of 5tb. Aasaulted a ttlltid Nan. One of tbe meanest acts we have noticed among tbe news of the day is an assault on a blind man in Sampson county by the name of Noah Royan, who was waylaid and beaten, supposedly to death, with probably not a single grievance save the guilt of scandal on tne part oi the one suspected as perpetrator. A Great Problem. The matter of tbe inequality of values put upon property returned for taxation is just now attracting. a it deserves to, a good deal of pub lio attention. Our Raleigh corres pondent has recently given some striking instanoes of it' Thas, why a mule should be worth $47 31 in Robeson and another mule presuma bly as good a one should be worth only $22 69 in Hartford, is a myS' tery ; but no greater mystery than why a bioyole should be worth $11.44 in Swain and only $10 in McDowell. Again, if a nheep is worth $1 07 in Alleghany it does seem as if it ought to be worth more than 68 cents in Lenoir. And so on throughout the list, .bather some people are paying too much tax in North Carolina or others aie paying too little. Ia any case, the iaequali tr in valuations throughout tbe .State is groteiqu and there ought to be sense enough among our pee1 pie to provide a readjustment. Charlotte Observer. Henlneajr Women Carry Pistol, One Urs, Lee Uooinbs, a prom i- e it and wealthy lady of C 8 un'ty,Kentucky,kft home Wedn s day to be gone for the da?, t "t changing her mind returned ho :ie and found Mies Sallie Hooker, the belle of the oounty, in with Mr. Coombs, whereupon she shot and instantly killed Miss Hooker. We infer that Kentucky womei oarry pistols and that they are good hots, but it seems to es the job should have been completed or not done ta all. A IVortb Carolina Melon lor Bryan. Dr, Ellis says the next 73-pound melon tbat is on tbe market is going to be his, and then Bryan's. He will send it to the man from LiDOoln with co'orlimente of himself and teveral other contributing silverites of the community. "It will weigh more, too, said tbe doctor, "than tbe oue sent from Georgia to Mr McKinley.1' Charlotte Observer. Register U'eddington is very busily engaged in making out the ax lib1 a for :. HAD HYDROPHOBIA. Pasteur Physicians Say so Arter E pert Kuiamiiiatleii Barrier Boja KecetvlnaT Last Treatment. Dr. P A Barrier, of Mt. Pleasant, has received information from the oflicials of the Pusture Institute at Baltimore, to the effect that after careful examination of the brains taken from the head of the dog sent from this ploe to that institution, it has developed that the canine had rabies, This intelligence confirms the belief of every one who saw the dog at the time or before it was killed. The letter further states that the Barrier boys, Paul and Robert, who are there unaer treatment, are get ting along nioely and that they are receiving the final treatment. They will be sent home within tbe next two weeks. A nnaplelooa Vol Killed The large bUok dtg belouginj; to Tommie Hopkins was killed Friday night, the owner and others claim ing that it showed symptoms cf hy drophobia, and they were afraid of it Dog days are ended with him. Beau Va Badly. " Mr. G W Redfearn oomes to the front with a cabbage which measures six feet and six inoh.es aoross. Mon roe Enquirer. We were exhibiting and boasting of a cabbage head 3 feet and 4 inches in circumference but this head lays us in the shade. There might be snakes in tbat cabbage head, it seems to us. Two ofa Utad. Every now and then a fad takes hold on the people. Since the recent burglary and murder at Lexington blood-hounds have been the fad in North Carolina. Some have been imported aad others, already here, have been put on aotiye duty, with disappointment the result in every instanoe. The blood-hound is the biggest humbug in the world. He ought to be yoked with tbe mad- stone. Charlotte Observer. Boehlon'a Araten - The Best Salve ia the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Cfcappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures files or no pay reqm-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisfaction or money refunds 1. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzev's Drog tore,' Parent Mnl Beep their Place. The Supreme (Jourt of Georgia has banded down a decision to the etteot that the children may be sus pended from public sohool where a parent intrudes in sohool boars and uses improper and insulting lau gauge to the teacher, Iu the oase in point the ohildren were suspended till tho mother should apologize. John Overton is not the only black spot on the earth, but he knows a thing or two. John was a witness in court Thursday, and when asked if be knew the location of a oertain traotof land in queetion, tjplied promptly: "Yes sab, I knows wbar it is; right down dar by de dynamite house." A Shattered Nervous System. FINALLY HEART TROUBLE. Raatored to Health by Or. Milea' Nervira. M K. EDWARD HARDY, the Jolly man ager ot 8hHpard Co's. great store at BracevlUe, 111., writes: "I had never beeoalckaday la my lite until lu 1 gvt bo bad with nervous prut t ration that I had to give up and commence to doctor. I tried our local phynlclan and one In Jollet, but nuue gave Die auy relief aud I thought I wan going to die. I became despondent and suff tired untold agony. I could not eat, sleep nor rest, and It seemed as If I could not exist. At the end of six months I was reduced to but a shadow of myself, and at last my heart bvcame affected aud I was truly in Is. Table. 1 took six or eight bottlut of Dr. Miles' Nervine. It gave me relief from the start, and at lant a cure, the great est blessing of my life." m A.f -. 'J Dr. Miles' Remedies gSl Dr are sold by all drug- Kt" MlkWir guarantee, first bottle t Nervine benefit or money re- t ftestOfO). funded. Uookondls- mr. Bu.uikr e:ues of the heart and pfyJl?J& nerves free. Addruss, DR. MILKS MEDICAL OO., blkuart, lud. it mi winn. I'frniuiu ill .urx-st 111 10 iu - v YmU I'tUi I) nt' lor t l.tjwaJtiH ijrltv eVIUl tilt' rtcUIIC It tvi with tb. na tthu r to conn' iii'if we Or Jy t lMrUrt) of ustnta will contract " IU 1 II K . rs i ii t) u ami hoU'l II kit-e no 9 ij Cb..riif e (Mil to f i have to... st i LI have tu I aiha:.d In nimith, NnroThruut, uiiiirr ( nl. n ( Iv Halr-n 1 mst, Hirrs on i.i vt-brsiwai l" lilt II af Ol L-s'ontlarT A" Tertlur.v Mmm I I St.. .11.1 oha.!!...,.!-.. Batw.1 i h oht) I aa I re I sew " a&QaaCMMBW4awVaaaaaA FHi.no t cure. iMs ii 8. if l 'i'li baafoJ il null of the m-! P V ' 'm,,",r t'h -J.-ltB; t'lT nihil Vi'ltD- W lili f !. II' ! ""In-- Hilly ui tiratlUif 't't llow w, Ifc.o " PTf tl' N K. aud w hav.. 4HtV ,tMM rwpKb'VViifiaii iur tin- .jiMi' mini (niaraiitof. wrlUjUr-f r I t.pMa;r b . .! hiAu a -rV Al.)r.-M 4HH HKHI IH , JL -Tan i i ' ! i sag 'Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its ereat leavening strength and healthfulneea.' Assures the food against alum and allforma of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Bakino Powder Co.. ,3 New York?. MADE Mt-Z A MAN AJAX TABLETS POHITIVKLY CFRH A Z.Tj Mmrvtrm IHef Kailiug Ham or jr, Impot3noy, Bleef ln, etc., cuomvI by AtitiM or other kxoeawM aua lwilr , oration. Thry qui -klu n ntl tmraM ratof tort Vitality Id olrl or jnnn sin J fit b man fur mtn j, bubiacM or marriaa . B Prevent Inaanfta and rVinatimrit inn il Utic lu time. TbairObe shows framed inte impro- mem ana enocw a i uiin; wi.ere ail othnr fail In- Lave uured thouaiuid and wi 1 1 euro jtjo. Wo stv noa lllva W(ittanimarnnt to atfncit a oura Cl ATA i iit upon Having the KUiume AJd Tablets. Tbj aohcaenor rofun.J th money. PdooWVWldamc tnckatl or all pkj (full tn-etmuntl tor HIM. fiw pall. In plain vm,, jx-v, omm rocfit of price. (Hronlac AJAX REMEDY CO.. V.?v. For sale by J P Gibson, Druggista. FREE EDUCATION. Aa education at Harvard, Yale, or ant other college or institution ot learning a the United States, or In tbe Mew En gland Conservatory of Music, can be secured by any young man or woman who is in earnest, w rite for particulars quickly. JAMEb D. BALL, dfl Bromneld Street, tfoaton, Mass, Sept. 17 '97. M. L. Brown &;Bro. STABLJS, Just in rear ot ot. LUoud Hotel. Omul buses meet all passenger trains. Outfit of all kinds furnished promptly and a reasonable prices. Horses and mule si v ays on nand for sale. Breeders.of norougbbred rnud China Hogs. L T. HARTSELL. ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD, - - Ni C. Prompt attention given to all baainess. Office in Morris building opposite court house. O G. Caldwell, M. I). M. L. Sltvena, M. O Drs, CALDWELL 4 STEVKNS, Concord, N. O. Office in old post office building opposite St, Cloud Hotel. SALEM Academy and College, for Girls and Young Women. Best home care to gether with fall College instructions. Specialists in Music, Art, Elocu tion, Languages, Commercial 'and Indistrial studies. Institution found ed in 1802. The register shows 324 last year. New term begins Thursa day, Kept 2, 1897. Htud for Cata logue 10 ; K1V. J. 11. ULKWJSLL, .-sfflS Principal, 1 7. bttiem, N. O. Masuiactuns k, MANUFAOrURERS OFZH Fine Ginhamsl u Outin Cloths:-iZTl Plaids SheetmC and Sal!Bas Dealers in .. I GENERAL . :.: MERCHADISE O a. . i Buvers otu j COUNTRY PRODUCE ol all kind, and 4-loot wood always wanted best prices for same. We invite an inspec tion ot all the goods we manufacture. ODELL MFG. Co., CJonccrd N. C