'Hie - Standard, P1U.VTS THE 'b T'.IAT IS XEWS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. The - Standard CI bT AND A KB. -iTUUNsOUT GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. Give us a Trial. VOL. X--INO 34. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUSTS 1897 WHOLE NO. 440 The Gloomy, Hopeless Life Internal' Pains Lame, Tired, Her , vous-Every Bad Symptom Cured ' by Hood's Sarsaparllla. " For nearly Ave years I suffered with severe esse of stomach trouble. I bud (wins la my stomach and bowels bo that I could not stand or work without great suffering. My appetite was very poor and when I did cat anything I wea shortly Blterwards seized with vomiting spells. I could not rest at night and felt lamo and tired all over. I became nervous and bad no energy whatever. My life teemed gloomy and hopeless. t My husband ad vised me to take Hood's Sarsaparllla. I began taking It and the first bot' tie did me a groat deal of good. I con tinued with it regularly, and bave now almost fully regained my natural weight and am doing nearly all my housework." Mks. Rinda Cbockbb, Gladstone, Ala. M5' Sarsa- BIUUU O parilla Is the Meat In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Insist upon Hood's ; take no substitute. r:il at harmoniously with rlOOU S I'lllS Hoods Sarsaparifl, X. ALL WOMEN fJlNBwnxTHS Of i all the pain andsioknessfrom which women suffer Is caused by weakness or derangement In the organs of maastruatlon. Near ly always I, when a woman Is not well these organs are affected. But when they are strong snd healthy a woman la wry seldom sick. Is nature's provision lor the regu lation of the menstrual function.' It cures all "female troubles." It Bi equally effective for the girl In her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the " Change of Life." They all need It. They arc all benefitted by H. Far aiHoe In cases ngiririnr spoofed directions, address, giving smptoma. tHo ' Ladle' Advl3ory Department, The Chstuutoosm Medicine Co.. Chatta nooga. Taofi. THOS. 1. 00OPCR. TmMto. Mia., sayst asy lister auftarad frost very IrrsguNs and palnlal awwtruaUoa snd notion r. wins of Cardul and alaa haloed mt Changs el Ul. ice I tm Prcimrt lo lo all klnclMOi I.uiiibrrlDreHrsluK,'Iucliiilnix t MATCHING, MOULDING, PATENT SIDING, ETC., ETC., Prompt mul J amtlsrartort' services arnamateeil. Fl'Illtl 1 1 KK nlwn.vs on ltji't lo equip yon !rouiiite R. V. SAFRIT. S" JKK180N II. CALDWK1L ATTOBOY AT liW, CONGO KD. N 0 Office in Morris bn Id ng, ripf.sii court honse. M. B. STICKLEY. Attorney at Law, Concord N. C SlEblAL ATlhMION GIVM 10 COLLsXTJONS. Office upstairs in King bnildidf near Postoffio . Buy From First Hands We have just received a enr of New York Apples aril Seed potatoes Direct from the growers and In order to move them out at once we are offering to sell yery low. Have you seen our Northern White Spring Oats By buying a car of them w bought at a very low Price. Come to see us or write for prices. G. W. PATTERSON Wholesale Grocer and Manufacturers Agent CONCORD. N, 0. I JBk JSV I ismnV1 rijf eoura set rwina h SjAttrei cured her Mm ISO OVER A MILLION INCREASE he Board of Kunnllxatioss Has about fomiIMpl Its Work. The botrd of equalization jester laj eomp'eted its work so far as le turns have been made by tbe sher iff!, and Seoretary F.igan was or dered to notify each county of the increase or decrease made in talua tion of its property. There are still eighteen counties yet to hear from. If the returns are not in by Friday subjw ms will be issued for tbe sheriffs failing to send in returns, ordering them to appear in person and produce them Tbe last two counties to send in their returns are Beaufort and Greene. The former county makes the novel return of half a horse and balf mule. According to the statement of the sheriff, Beaufort county baa 1,943 i horses and 941 1 mules. It is estimated that the total val nation of the property of North Carolina has been inoreased between 1,000,000 and $2,000,000. News and Observer, It is supposed that tbe increase is largely dne to the valuation of tbe one-half horse and tbe one-half mnle. Naake Bifo a Iloa. While Mr. Calvin Mills, of Chiood township, was out hunting a rattle snake bit bis dog. Almost mutant ly tbe dog was taken with convul aions and died witbin half an hour after being bitten. Mr. Mills killed '.he snake and found that it bad Vi rattles. Greenville Reflsotor. Haw It la Nnnred. A bushel of oorn makes four pal ons ot whiskey, which retails for $16 Out of this the Government gets S3, the railroads $1, the manti facturer gets ti, the vender J7. the farmer forty cents and the drunk ard gets delinnm tremens. Green vilie Reflactor. ajtnolnrshlps Awarded. Superintendent Mebanebas award ed tbe four Peabody scholarships bat come to this State to the follow ng: W M Stancell, of Jackson; J V Simms, of DillBbo'o; Miss Blanche Dupuy, of Davids in; Miss Emma Conn, ot Raleigh. Evening Tele gram. NhoFS IH Tear Old. Miss Rebeccca Cheatham, who lives down on " the head waters of Hunting Creek, was in town last week, she was wearing a pair of 3noes which sbe nas had forsixteon years. She has worn them for Sun- lay, and other important occasions for these 1C years and there is not a break or hole in them yet. That's record in tbe shoe line tbat can t s heat. The shews cost onlv $1.10. W'ilkosboro Chronicle. fcol Much Danger. The French Presidont Eaare is going to visit the Cz.r of Russia. o ne ten minutes aft;r ne bad pass- a'ong Wedneeday a bomb ex ploded in the streets of Paris. Im mediately the report was Bet afloat hat anarchists bad plotted to take tbe life of tbe president and tbat ie bomb was too late in exploding. Evidence is wanting, however, and experts say the bomb was of a cheap and bumleu sort made of nails mixed with pjwder. Hurt In Went Itnrhsnl. An accident of a rather painful uature ooourred In West Durham I'uesday. It was lucky tbnt in was no worse than in was. "Will Lash- ey was cleaning some shafting in be cot on mill, lie was standing n a ladder whun it fall and he was brown partly under a loom, lie lustained some bruises cn bis body, rjreaet and one of his armi, but no bones were broken. He u getting in about as well as could b expect- d and hopes soon to be all right gain. Durham Sun. Belter "Mplrlta." Contrary to general expectation Ad. Harvey bus returned home, full 1 tbe spirit ot repentance a diuor- nt of ' spirits" from those he wat werloaded with at the time of his oparture. His wife and mother- n-law bave forgiven him, tbe man who bought the horse and one or wo other persons with whom be bad daalings just before he left are satisfied, but best ol all is Ad. has renouLcel allegisnoe to the cup bat cheers and not infrequently in- Ijnatps. bo long as be keeps his pledge he will be a very cood citi zen. Greensboro Patriot. Pain-Killer. (PEtMT OATU'.) A P'ir nd Rate Krrnrxiy In vonr cn qi every Juna 01 uowei uompiaiot t Pain-Killer. This Is a true etatomnnt an4 It ea to lua!o too struug or too amp.. It Is a simple, safe and qui ok f for franipl, 1 Cough, RVwirmntlaui, Cnllo, Colds, VcoralirlB, D'.arrhrea, Croup, Toothaobe. TWO SIZBS, Iflc. and SOc. D G. Caldwell, M. I). M. L. Stevens, M. I) IV CU.mVELL & FT EVENS. Concorl, N. O, Oi'i'' in old ost fiice building c-() hoi it Et. O.f ud llo tl. NEWS FROM THE NORTH. The Loral Oliimn ol Ihe Klondike Hlarlon. . Mr. Bill Muggins, that prince of good f.-l'ows, residing on Yaller avenue, is putting a handsome 18k. gold leaf roof on his new barn. Colonel Frankfort, of tbe Bang Up restaurant, meals served at all hours, has the editor's thanks for a j'-oy joint of roast mnle, as fine as be ever stuck a tooth into. Come again, colonel. Reward Ninety dollars reward will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction of tbe low-fl jng scoundrel who stole our office cat on Tuesday last. That oat cost money, and be was getting fat enough to make us look forward to Thanksgiving dinner with more than ordinary feelings of gnstatory delight. Don't throw away the boots' yon bavs been working in all summer. We can assure newcomers to our violnity that while Turkey is a good thing for a Christmas dinner, a pair of well boild and seasoned boots, hea' y leather preferred, are a great deal better tbun no dinner. We bave been here before. At the bridal breakfast after tbe Bang. Bang wedding on Dollar Bou levard yesterday, a full report of which was a Klarion exclusive, the piece de resistance was a fillet of bay horse served on plates of gold balf an inch thick. A wasbstubfnl of gold dast was showered on the happy pair as they walked down the front steps of tbe bride's home to their reindeer. We have the nugget some bad boy threw through onr window last night, breaking a pane of glass, and we shall be glad to give it to him for a new pane. The nugget weighs four ounces and the size of the pane was 8x10. Any person wishing to exchange a pane of glass tbat size for the nugget will please Call at this office before tbe arrival of tbe cold wave. New York 8un. Onr Own Klondike. North Carolinians need not go to far-off Alteka in tbe search for gold and fortnne. We haye Klondikes of our own at onr very doors. Authentic information reaches Charlotte tbat two hands in six weeks' time had washed out 59 i pounds of gold, which had an assay value of $14,200. This rich find was made in Mc Dowell county. Tbe method of extracting the gold is by sluice washit'g, and the tin'd iDgs have provtd of exoepiiojal rich ness. One of the owntrs of tbe gold was here this week and had tbe gold as sayed at the Tlnited States assay offis in this oity, and it w.-is found that the gold was worth about the amo mt tutid above, Ha did not wact his iiiimo 1 Down, and was rather rjticent concerning the find nd its production. Hut it is cer tainly of rrmarkable richness, and is proving a bonanza for the owner". Charlotte News. Tn-f.u thernn, aoii-l.ailieran. Wt see that Rev. J M Moeer has beon dismissed from thn ministry by the South-west Virginia Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church We do not know this Rev. J M Moser, and wish only to avoid o fusion with the names of Rev. J C Mofler of Hickory, (and brother of Rev. Jno. F Mosor, dao'd,) and Rev. J S Moser of CaMfurnia, who mar ried Miss Bettie, eis'.er of Rev. M G 'J Soberer. The" charge sgai aet Rev. Moser is that of preaching the doctrine of Sanctifieation, or iiinleas perfection. llulilvr Than Nnarp. A very bold trick has been un earthed in Missiasipj i, in wbicb some negro politicians, who pre tended to be a congressional district committee, having influence with tbe administration, have been drawing on postmasters fi'rsums of from flCUup, implying in the de mand that tbe occupants could be their own successors, if tbty would Htand fird deliver, but would lose their places if thty should not. The refusal on the part of some led to the exposure of the trick and tbu trouble iU be to meet later. Tnalr llorat-a Hot Away,' (Several wagons from tbe npp r edge of Davie county were horse lees Inst Thiiisday morning. Wednes day night the men stopped with Ir't-ndj a'. Cannonville snd hitched their torses to the rear eud of their wngon. During the night the hoise biomne detached and wandered away. A 10 .oVloek the men had noi found their horses and started off on foot to overtake them, going in tbe direotioi of Salisbury. NEW RAILROAD. Ml. Holly nnd Uisatonla lo Re lis nerted Ity Htvel Ralls. Mt. Holly snd Uastonia are to be oonneoted, not by- telephone, but by a railroad . Parties from Oastonia re responsible for the move. Tbey have been contemplating it for some time, but nntil now did not put their ideas and intentions into any tangi ble form. The prospective survey was begon yesterday, Messrs. Fleming Ram seur and S T Stowe, civil engineers, being employed to make it. Tbe road 's to run from G letonia to Mt. II oily, and from Mt. Holjy to tbe old Rock Spring camp meeting ground, in Catawba oonnty, the place being now known as.EUis. As soon as tbe survey is made tbe parties in teres ted will begin to make arrange ments for the building of the road. It will be a great benefit to both Mt, Holly and Oastonia. Charlotte Oo server." DR. VINiON DEAD. He Waa Ihe Able and Honored Pro teaaor or Matlteniallrn at Davldaon Collea-o A nan of Ureas Abllltf- and mucn l.ovd. Dr. WD Vinson, Professor of Malbematlos at Dayidson College, died Friday morning at 3 o'clock, of heart trouble, from which he bad an (Tared for some time past. He was considered oae of the brainiest men of the south, and was much beloved by sll who knew him, especially former students of David, sou College, with which be had been jonnocted for thirteen years. We clip the following from the Charlotte Observer: Wi.liam Daniel Vinson was born in Suniter county, 8. C, in 1819 md was therefore in the 48.h year )f bis age. His father was a Con gressman from Poutb Carolina. He was left an orphan when three years old, and lived for some jears with in uncle, Later, be attuuded school it Chester until near tbe close of the war. When old enough to be accepted be enlisted in the Oon federate army, but the war closed before he bad jeen active service. Seyeral years after the war he at tepded Washington and Lee Uni versity, then under the presidency of General Lee. In 1869 he won an honorary scholarship and two years later tbe Robinson pma medal. In 1872 he delivered the Cincinnati oration and was graduated with tbe degree of Master of Arts. For two years he was instructor of Greek in his alma mater and then nccepted a professornhip in the Waoj Female College, in Texas. Subdtqoently he was professor of mathematics at Austin College, Texts, and in 1S83 accepted tbe sine chair at Davidson College. A year ago he received the degree of doctor of laws from Austin College. Si-h Fiirnllnre null Underlak Ins; : tnbllNliineiil. Messrs. James W and O A Cra ven, of Union Springs, Ala , tre in tbe city making preparations to open out a furniture store, with an undertaking department, one of the firm being experienced iu the undsr- takmg business. The new firm will jcoupy the corner room in the Phifer block, which was recently yachted by Mr. D P Dayvault. InnleraTllle "Arntna;" to I'lar Con cord. "I wish the Observer would jaat let Concord knsw that Huntersville i aching to play her in Charlotte," said a crank from up the country yesterday, "any time she my name. We have challenged her, bnt she won't take it up." If Huntersville ncds any help she might get it here, f-jr there might be found some young men who would like to assist in striking Concord out. Charlotte Observer. It niy be tbat Huntersville is aching from tbe effects of tbe last game, and some youn? men that micht be fonnd who would like to assist in e trikint? Concord nut are probably eobing from tba eff-ctsof some other cause . We advise our boys to f o over, for they will be treated will, even if tuyget licked. M p K ' Horny Rtvar limine. Young people of the Rocky River neighborhood held a basket picnic at the lt)0ky Rivwr bridge, uear the old Black faotory, Wednesday, which was largely ottended. Sev eral yonng gentlemen of tbe city werj prtsant. anioni; iheiu heing Maun fctuart, Frank liters, J Sim..' and Mars'iall Crowell. Trinity Open Sfpieraiier The next soejion of Trinity Col lege will open on Bep'eniber 8th, throe wseks) hence. The out- 'ook seems b . iubt lor increased at tendance and. a prosperoas lentiion Nobody need ave NpurulaMa. (let nr. M"e; I'alB niU froui jlrugtrya,- "Oneni. a aoao. DANGEROUSLY BJ'UED. A YarutNh ('us I ned an a Roller and a SMaylhlna; Ksitloiled and Nralded I.tllle tseraard Falteraou, ttlio Lives at China f.rove. Dr.' and Mrs. M L Stevens, of this city, spent yesterday at China Grove, the doctor having been sum moned there to attend his little brother-in.law, Bernard Patterson, who was severely soalded Wednesday af ernoon while at play. Bernard, with several other child ren, was playing, and had filled a varnish can with water, plaoing it upon b-ick and kindling a Cue nnder- I neath it. The bole tc the can waa corked up and a small nail hole was punched in tbe can for the steam to escape. The corked end was facingBernard, who w acting as fireman, and wbon tbe can got full of steam tbe stopper ft w out and the little fellow was steamed and burned from tbe waist down, and bad it not been for the qnick work and thoughtfuln. si of his little playmates, tbe child would not have lived. His injuries are dangnrous, says Dr, Stevens, though tot hopeless. Bernard is just six years old and is the son of Mrs. I Frank Pa'ter- son and a brother of Mrs. Dr Stevens Daily of 20th. Paaacd Over tlie Fiver. Mr. John Saunders died at his borne at Cabarrus Mills this morn ing at 4 o'clock. The deceased has been in feeble health for a yar or more and the end has been looked for. He leaves a widow and four child ren, one daughter v. n married. Mr. Saunders was a consistent member of the Methodist church and died in triumphant hope of the new and better life. He was H6 years of ge. The funeral services were held at 4 o'clock at the family home by Rey. McGee, and the remains were laid to rest in tbe old Lutheran oemetery. Daily of 19 h. A Tonus Man. Killed.' Mr. D A Caldwell returned this morning from a brief trip to Mor ganton, and, tells of a horrible ac cident tbat occurred at the machine shepj at that place Tuesday after hoot. A man named AverjjCashion, was working near a saw, when a smull slr'p of plank flew up, strik irg him on the back of the head, killing him almost instantly. Tbe young wan was a native of Me?k lenburg county and his remains were taken to his old hum for burial. Daily of 19tb The. OlNrovery Raved Bla I. He 1 il I Villnntfa nrnfFfiHr.. nt Beaverville, III., says: To Dr. Kind's rew discovery 1 owe my we- as taken with La Grippe and tried all tne pnysieiaiis lor tunes aooui. dui of no avail and was given up and told I could not Jive. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and bgau its use and from the first dose betran to get bettor, and after usinc three bottles waH up and about nnuin. It is worth its weifibt in cold. We won't keep store or hojso without it. Get a free tri.il at l'euer's Drug Store. An Asre orSUeiitlHam. The skeptics ere now saying that tbe niadstone is a fike and a hnm. bug. Before long we expect to B:e sorni fellow bop up and deny that turning your shoes bottom upwards under tbe bed at night will kep oil oruinp, or that warts can be con jured awy, both of which proposi tions we hold ourselves ready to prove by well-authenticated eiam ples. Monroe Journal. We wish to e.muon nil users i)firnm.n Liver Reeulat-T on a aub.ect of thn l"'i.-t' interest aivi lmporUrt'-o to tueir tumt.i- jwrhaps their lavs. 1 "of l'r"p':n'' and mnlr-na if Ssmroo.w L:vi-r luulalm earn tha'. citoinors un: nlicn ili-ceiveJ lY buying am. taking B.'tD" n.'Hieine ol a similar app'ran-, or iafe, l-ehevini? it to be Simmons Livr K' .:'. 'e warn you that unl's Hv. w-.pl lM,lHtor is on the pack.-i or lvlt'.a. tint il is not Simmons Liver Kenu' itor. N 1 elw nmkes, or ;ver lias maile Smmor.a Liver Heculator.oi inytlim callM Suntui-n Liver R-vtilator, r.l't J. i! '.'mIm i Co., Knd n.) tueiticine made Dy anyone elfli ..' the win We alone can put it'up, and w cannot le responsible, i ithor medicine r-prcwnnvl h the mine uV lot help you - vu ue tc-i to expeot they anil fc-arthw laot well in m:n,1, il you have seen in the habit of usuir a medicine which fou supposed to Lp.Sinimons Liver Kejiula kir, beonuso the name was somewhat hks t, ani the pacltatje did not Iihvb U s word SeL-nls lor on it. vou have liecn urp..sed joon and have not Wn takin,; Sinin.on Liver Kogiliator at all. The H-nuliit. ha 'n favorably known for many yeare. and ill who uao it know bow nei ossaiy it is for rnver and Au'iio, Bilious Fever. Coiistips vm, Headache, I'yspeosia, and all disoiderc tnsm from a Disended Liver. We a--k you to look for yourselves, onn e that Simmons Liver Keulator, which iou can readily distinguish by the Ked n wrapper, and by our name is the only oedicine called Simmons Liver KcRulator. J. H. .K1LIX A CO. ulav j rir fl rrnliltlr. AT PATTERSON'S XEXT YEAK Connty Hnnilavy nrhool rourentloit Held An Intereallna Meitlna Won flerlul Iinrovenient ln Mnndny neliool Worn. Tbe annual meeting of the Cabar rus county Sunday School Convena tion was held at Bthel (Methodist) chorch in No. 10 township "Thurs day last, the meeting being called to order by the president, Mr. J B. White, at 10 o'clock. Iiev. J D Arnold, pastor of Forest flill Methodist church, addressed the convention at the morning ses sion and the Rev. Homer Barnhardt in the afternoon. The meeting was largely attended and considerable interest ws mani-. f :sted, especially on the part of the oonnty Babbath sohools. Oue town ship, No. 2, which has always had bard work to keep one school to. gether, reported suven at thu recent meeting, all of whha are said to be fljurishmg. It was the unanimous consent and wish of tbe convention that the next annual meeting bs held at tbe let ter son Mill church. The old officers were re-elected They are as follows : President J B White. Secretary J A Cline. Treasurer A K Intz. E'ecutive Committee J B White, D B Coltrane and Wilson Wineooff. Mr. John A Ciine was elected the delegite V) represent the Snnday Schools of Cabarrus at the State convention, which will be beM at Winston next week. Mr. J B White was eleo'ed as an alternate. SILVER WE DDI NO H ill releltrHte The Twenly-t'lllli An ntveranry of their afarrlnire By An "At IIisiii" to Their r'rlemtN. Mr. and Mrs. R A Brown will oelebrste the twenty-fifth anniver sary of their murriago, or their "sil ver wedding," by rfceiring their friend? on Tuf?''sy evening, 8fp trmber7th. Several hundred very handsomely engraved invitations, bronzed with silver, have been issued, the wording being as follows : 1S72 1897 Mr. & Mr-. K A Brown, At Home, Tuesday evening, S'.-pteml-ei seventh, at eii'.it o'clock. .Missouri Fisher, Huf is Hioivn. I.nwretit-e Wlitie llcuilncl in lin. lotte. "Mr. I.iwrenoe Wfc:fe. of Spartan burg, 8. C, was hern yesterday on his way to Concord. He slopped in Charlotte to see a very attractive friend on North Graham street. Thursday's Charlotte Observer It is hoped that nothing of a seii ous nature has happened, for the young man has not as yet pat in his appearance. A llnndaome lalullna anil llnud aome Prlee. Miss Carrie McCanless, Salisbury's artist has received an offir of JJ60 for one of her painting tin Porcelain, which was on exhibition at jv'zts drug S'ore in this city some time aeo. Miss McCanless and Miss Bettie V Alexander, of this city, were comp'mions during a leoeiit vi$it to Pans, where tby made tiae art their study. t'oniitertelt Money. Chief of Toliee. O II Shaver said to a Suu man about 1 30 o'clock this afternoon, "Do you know tbat somebody is at work her? making counterfeit monfy ?" lie said tliBt several ha f dollars and quarter dollars bad beTn passed in Salisbury in the past few days. At tbe naiin rime he pulled ont one ot the spun ous quarters and showed it to a Sun reporter. It look like it is made entirely of lead and bad the date of 1895. It is a tad job and could easily be detected in the dark. The counterfeiter,?, whoever they are, appear to be new in tbe busi ness. The citizens are c iutior.eil to be on the lookout for this money. Stl- iibury Sun of ltith , . ot lmeret.to 91 iiu Wl ralea. All t lie Justices of ihe Peace if the county, excepting two, weie presented before the !rand jury at the hst term of the Superior oomt for filling to comply with the re quinments of Section PUtJ of the iO'e, It would be well for tie uiHgisira'es to examine thia Section nd svH wherein there has be-n dereliction on their part. IHel ninn a nari-tilNl. Michael Auiolillo was executed mi Friilnv Hiioordinu lo vndict for he useassl nation of the Spanish Premier ou August the 'n. ihe w:Ptnh dhil as an anarchist mit'llt be expeoted to die, unwilling to re ceive any spiritual counsels or kind otlices. svve that of release and of ppariug bis brnitish Lf i. IV. Mites' rHH Jtl.'Jl art K'larauted tosfou Iie4t4lin I ii 0 inlnutoa. "luu cent a duM1 A STEAM "LAUNDftY. To ho Hull! nt Nllppery Koi-k atnrln -SliK-liliiery Oiilerel nnd riaal t' tl-u,ln Operationa Itenl Moon. Concord is to bare a- steam lanr. T dry despita the fact thut Sam J.ee, the Chinam in, ba roti.e to stay For sometime past Messrs V," A W ilkinson and t u tioubms h ivu been flouring on a plant and uu'.v a Ii W days aj;o it decided to bi Id at once. They haya. become possessed of a tract of land at the Slippery Rock Springs, where the plant will be located, Tbe machinery has bvn ordered and it will be a inafte.r of only a few weeks time until the citizens can haye their washing done at home. The enterprine is a cer tainty. Mr. Wilkinson is in communica tion with an exparienced laundry man, who will very likely be enu ployed to conduct tbe business. Ml I enlK tilela -4-lioliiralitt. Miss Cora Lnntz has been award ed the scholarship at the State Nor mal Cui'epe at Greensboro, made vacant at the close of tne last seseioc by the graduation of Miss Francif Hill, of this city. The Sien rrenhy lerlnn t liurcli. Esquire H C McAllister, Mr. R A Brown s foreman, is in the city with a laru force of r.'.iud-i and siys tbat he will b.gm work at once .on tha new Pre;yerao chinch, which is to be buiit at Oniuonyillr-. The church vi 1 1 e built cf brick. It will be of huidsurnc design and finished in cood style. lire l'r SteHdneli. As a r"uif'ly f'-r all forms of Headach J :jcmc liittore has proved to be the very best. It enects permanent i;urean .l the most dread ed habitual sick boadaclies yield to tsinlluenco- e urea all who are BtlhotHd to rroeure a hot lo, and give this re.- "'- a lair uiol. In cases of h r ; -1 i,l iinlipe! ion Eleo trie I r'tis c.ui-;s by giving the neeiieu iciie tu tbe bowlee, and few caHfi iojil; renirtt the use of tlii mci'ticino. Try it once, Ei'ty cents au'. h at t L-ter's Unit; Store. t.ooil Advlee. To the yonng man who wants to know how to fit himself for goi ig to the Klondike : Acquire habits of industry and Silf-controle, be pre pared to meet with firmness what, ever disconrsemen'e may arise; scrape togethar two or three times as much money tor tne 'ourney as the bU estimates rendered necessary and don't t,o Greondloro Record. ft'or over si.iv venra Mrs. Winston's So; 'ring Sy.-ip b e been n3ed for c lifty yeiirj y i.iill'oi.s of mother f r their chi i .' -rtn wlile teething. vi:h perfect sti' -' ces". It soothes he cumi, oft : e thf ganis, a"'.yF!'.l .tin, cm. -a w 1 colic, Htid is tut i .; ou.lJ, r Diurrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Bold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle, Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth, ir g Syrnp," and take no other Htd . Men lliii. Ht T 11 1 ear. Hillsdale, N. Y Aog. l'.'-T.'n year-old Mamie 0?en-, of this vil lage, is for the second time in her life learning bow to walk and talk. Several months ago the child was run dovn by a bicyclist. Her brain wis injoured and sbe was unconsci for a week. When she recovered sensibility it was found that she bar! reluspcd into babyhood. She bad to be taught to talk like a baby, beginning with "pipa" and "mam ma." Sue was taugbt to cref p too. Now she is able to make her wants known and can walk a few stipj. Her general health seems to c jool. Chronic Dyspspcia Cured. -.-I V. jiUjs 'A 4 . Mli fir Y FTEIt sufferint? for nearly thirty yoarB -S from dysDopnla, Mrs. H. E. Dupdnle, wift1 of a pruuiliit'iit busitiens rn;in of Warsaw, N. Y., writes: 'Tor 2rt yi'arn, I was a cmiHtuut BurtVnT frtm dyspepsia and c weak stouiacb. The llhtt'st food protluffC distress, causluf Bi'vi-re pain and tho fonna tion of i;as. No niattrr how careful of iuy dift I suiFercd agonizing pain afttT eatiiij; I whs trt-aia-d ly inauy p!iy-,ioians and tried miuit mus reint'tli' rt wttltuu t Derui;n.t'iit ht Ip. Two yoiirn atto I btftn taking V. Milt's Ni rve sjful Livt Tills and Nervine Wi'Jilr a weik I rotnmeiiced ittipruvito;, and per-S.t-.tinir In tho treat mei.t J was suon able to eat what 1 liLeti, witli h'i evil otFecth I keep the in at band au4a J'ikI'' 1ose diipel- a'ny old nymptouis." p-XP r;j,,4?, lr. Miles' KemedieSMC;s Qr'm"'A are pold by ull drut- t,1 'il!'- " ''. I i;irft! urwlf-r a pot.ll.lv puiiruntro, liist U)tlk' iK-nt'llla ui- Kumcy rt'- a...4,a" "' Naoltr, Jt eaff-mir tm rn'irl anil fcCJ.,y j PK. MILKS MEIU(.'At,uo., tiauart, lnd Pi .1 IT bs-olutefy E'urc. Celebrated for its great leavening: strength and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all'forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Koyal Baking Powder Co., New York?. SCHEDULE tti'di il it - IN EFFECT JAN. 18, 1697. Tb s condensed schedule is pub ish d as informniioD, and is sub ject to change without notice to tfcr loblic: THAINS IE WE COSCOHn, N. O. 0:27 r. M. No. an. daily for'Atlan. ti an'l Charlotte Air Line division, una all points South and Southwest. Carries tliroupb fullmnn drawing room bullot sleeiiers between New York, Washington, Atlanta, Birms ingbam, Galveston, Savannah and Jacksonvillo, Also fullman sleeoer' Ol arlotte to Augusta. 8:18 a. v. No- 37, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled liaiitel for Atlanta, Iiirmingbam, Memphis, Montpomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing ear, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist oar for San Frantueo, Suni days- 11:02 p. m. No. 9. daily, from P.iob moud, W ashinpton, Goldsboro.Nor"1 folk, Selum, Ktiliu, Greensborol Knr.AVille aud Asbeville to Chnr t'tte, N. O. 10:30 a- u. No. 11, -lail.T, tor) Ati lanta and all points South. Solid train, Richmond to Atlanta; Pulla man sleeping car, Kichuiond to Greensboro. 10:07 a. m.-No. 8B, dailr, for Wishinfrtou, hiebmond, Italeigh anU ail points North. Curries Pull man drawine.ioom bullet sleeper, Galvebton to New York ; Jacksoni villa to New York ; Birmingham to New York. Pullman tourist oars from San FrarciBco ihursdays- :02 r. M. No. BH, daily, ashing ton and So':thv esV-: n vestibuled, piuitod. for V. a.-lniit ion : and all lioiuto Nortli.Tbi ouh l'u":uan car' ?ifeni;)i.i ; to N w York. Se'v Orleans) lu Ne j'jik; 'i'aiupa to New York, Aio '-nines veruLulcd couch and d uin ; eur. 7:2.; p. ni.- No. 12. daily, for Picbi mond, daiiev-ilp, i.'iiuttanooKa, Pal e.t,'h, (ioidsiioro and all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping enr from Greensboro to iiiehmond. JoniAids at Greensboro with train carrying l'ul'amr. c-ir for P.aieieb. ti. 17 .. ui. ."sc. KV 4c.:ly, f-r lticb tioud ; eounects at GretUHLuro tor Ha.'eiKii enu Nviiik ; at l'niiviJlo for Washington and poiuts North ; at Salisbury for Ashville, Knox ville and points AVest. ,11 freight trains carry pansenffers. John M, Cii.s, S'. A. Xcuk, Truflie M'fcT. Gon'l PasH. Ae't, W. H, Green, Wanhington, L. O. Geu'l buporintendent, Washington,-D. C. S.II.Habdwick, Ass'tGen'iP. Ag't Atlanta, Ga- ' . H. Tay.'-of, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Ky. Gowak DrsENBEBY, LccalAg't, Concord. N. 0. FREE EDUCATION. An eiluc:i:ir.n at Harvard, Yule, or ant oilier college or iustitutlou of learnine n the I ui;i-il etatin or in the New iln gland Conservatory of A' u?tc, enn be j'ecure'l by any youiiir limn ar woman wlio lain earneit. write tor)artieularD .Uiekly. .IAMI- 1). BALL, :lii BronilieM Street, Iioslou, llaes, Seit. 17 '87. ivi. L. BrowiN & Bro. LIVEHY, PliEI) AND SALE STABLES, .Tnal in rear ol st- L'loud Hotel. f)mnl DuscB nii-rt nil piissi-niriT trains. Outlits of ail kin. Is Inriil.-lieit promptly and a, reas-nablo prlct'?. llorHos an;l mules alriiys on buiul for siilc, Dreedc-rs of iioiouijlibieil I'nl-nd t'lilua llo.rf. L. T. HARTSELL. A'iT01'Nh.-AX-L.W, CONCORD, - - N C. Prompt attention given to all ousiness. Ollice in Morris building opposite conrt hoiitiH. I he tall season Wl be on soon, and you wiit need some f ire In surance, Pemcmbcr I represent a number of strong and rsliab'e Companies and can serve vou .it nny time. INSPKANCK AfjrKNT. IAN I. In I ' AJAa k t.M; ili V CO For jaV by J P Gib I 'n'giHtH, MADE t.liw.. It. )l, j Iii"iU mi l I'li-ft . im. (!!. M ltti.... ,. ii-it-rliur, , t, uinl- nr ff ii . l-it'k,..