nTfTriinifUjiiwiMaai)Miwi The - Standard. The - Standard T AND A RD. -TUUNSOUT PRINTS THE ,J-:US THAT IS J'W6 For 1 Year Send us 1 -Dollar. GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. n Give us a Trial. VOL. X--NO 35. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1897. WHOLE NO. 441 The Was Growing Worse Liver and Stomach Troubles-Too : Weak to Work -Now Able to Do All Her Housework. "I wannder the core of phyalciau lor two years and lie was treating me for stomach and liver troubles and female difficulties, but I only grew worse under his treatment. I was so weak I could do hardly any work. I was at last lnduoed to try Hood's 8arapariUa and Hood's Pills and throo medicines have done me o much good that I now weigh US pounds and am able to do all my house work. I firmly believe I should have been In my grave today if it had not been tor Hood's Barsaparilla. My little girl was afliloted with phthisic. I gave her Hood's Bsrsaparilla and It has relieved her." Mrs. B. 8. Harper, 701 University Avenue, Knoiville, Tennessee. Hood's 1 parilla Is the belt In fact the One True Blood Purifier. At all druggists. He lure to get Hood's. r-"ii cure liver Ills, easy to tako, llOOQ S PllIS easy to oiwrato. Uoents. has demonstrated ten thousand times that it la almost infallible FOR WOMAN'S PFCUUAR WEAKWE8SIS. Irregularities nd derangemntf. It has become the leading remedy (or thla cluss of troubles. It exerts wonderfully healing, strengthen ing and soothing influence upon the menstrual organs. It cores "whites' ' and falling of the womb. It sisorjs flooding and relieves sup pressed and palnfnl menstruation. For Change of Life it Is the best medio, ne made. It la beneficial during pregnancy, and baljw to bring children Into homes barren tor years. It invigoraits, stimu late, strengthens the whole sys tem. Tbls great remedy is offered to all afflicted women. Why will any woman suffer another minute with oertain relief within roach t Wine of Cardui only costs $1.00 per noiue av your arug store. "Ladies' M Rev ). W. SMITH, Ctmden, t C, Myi: "Hf wll used Wine of Cartful it home tor fatting ef Iht womb ant it stitlrslr cures aet." llice To - l"iim Prepared to lo All klmla o L.aniber.nrpHHlug', IncluilInK l MATCHING, MOULDING. PATENT SIDINO, ETC., ETC., Prompt and; antlarnctorj nerTlcoa guaranteed. FITRNITCRE alwuya on rinnd to equip yon icompiete . R. W. S AFRIT. iOKKlSON Il7 OALDWEL1 ATTORNEY AT Uff, CONCORD. N C ' Office in Morriiba dm(, ppesi court bonse. M. B. STICKLEY. Attorney at Law, Concord iV. C. SIEUAL ATlkSTION (llVkh 10 COLLECTIONS. Office upBtaira in King baildini near PngiofliO" Buy From First Hands We have just received a car of New York Applea and Seed Potatoes Direct from the growers and In order to move them out at once we are offering to sell yery low. Have you seen our Northern White Spring Oats By buying a car of them we bonght at ajery low Price. Come to see us or write for prices. G. W. PATTERSON Wholesale Orooer and Manufacturers Aent OONCOliP, N, 0. House Nlnrled on Vm-allon, 11 lit Become lUNftne. John T Tollant, president of tht Tollant Banking Company, of San Iw-anoisco. started for a vacation lo Earope Thursday but became de tueuted on the train to Chicago lie drew out pieces of o!d coin and threw them violently at the pasj eogers. lie also threw liia waioi, and while the paafenoers were ciowding out tf the car he drew bin piutol bud seemed about 10 t hoot, but did not. lie was captured and cured for b the conductor and helpers. On hie porson was foui.d two rtzois am oer $500. I'onilUMT Our The failure of the wheat crop in almost every other country nan given a boom to the price of that article which will probably add 200,000,000 to the value of the wheat crop of this country. Another ill wind that baa fallen upon other? blows us good. While the drought in Australia bas compelled that country to peek grain supplies abroad it has also reduced its usual supply of wool very largely. It is reported that the drought has caused the death of 25,000,000 sheep in Australia and nearly 75 per cent, of the lambs. The great deficit in the supply of the chief wool-raising country will Oirtainly have the effect of boosting up the the price of our wool. Then some sharp-nosed protec tionist will riso and tell us that American farmers are getting bet- tir prioes for their wool because the Dingley tariff act increased the pro tective duty on it. Neither the visitation of a calamity in Australia nor the emile of Providence on this land have anything to do with the case according to the philosophy of the protectionists. When we have prosperity tbey claim that a protec tive tariff is the source from which all blessings flow; when things &o wrong, they swear that the protec tive tariff is not responsible in any way. Durham Sun. Mormon lllrs Whipped. Riida by whitecaps have been of frequent occurrence within the last few days in Fairfield and Kershaw counties, 8. C. These raids have been altogether against the Mormon elders and their sympathizers. Sat urday night a band of 120 masked wbitecapa went to a houne about four miles below Camden in Beulab section and took out throe Mormon elders, stripped them and adminis tered a whipping. Jnnt UNlen. There are forty-six million $1.00 bills in circulation in this country, fifteen million $2 00 bills, fifty-four million $5.00 bills, thirty million 10 00 bills, ten million $20 00 bills, eight million 5000 bills, eight hundred thousand .$100 00 bills, forty thousand 1500 00 bills, ninety- three thousand Jl.OOO 00 bills, one thousand $5,000 00 bills, and one thousand two hundred and forty eight 810,000 00 bills Rochester Post Express. . A niiiKiilHr Ulrl. Mr. J F Balk, of Goose Creek township, reports something rather strange and remarkable in his fam ily. He says he has adaughtrl7 years old who bas never spoken to dim in her life. She talks with the other members of the fumily, but refuses to talk to him, yet her filial affection towards him seems to be as great or greater than that of his other children. She fre quently goes with him away from home on a visit and lietons to him talk, but never returns a word or answers a question Irotn him. Her mental faculties are as (rood as the average and she is to an extent ed ucated, can read and write. Thepe are the facts as priven to us by Mr. Balk himself. He does not claim to understand it himeolf and does not know how to account for it. Marseille Home. (PERRY DAVIS'.) A Sure and Safe Remedy la every caso and every kind of Dowel Complaint la This la a true statement and it can't be made too strooj or too emphatic It la i simple, safe and quick cure for Cramps, Cough, Eheuma'.lcn Oolio, Golds, JTouiakia, LlarrhcDa, Croup, Tootbaoha, Two sizes, 25c. and SOc. Keep It by you. Beware of Imitations. Buy only the Genuine Perry Davis'. Bold "Mryifkr. Ir Mtloa'VafM I lHre iriinrantaert tntitnn UeatfarAelumwiuutva. "Uuu v'out a Uumkv msh'ltiikr, mmJsfillcr X A BRIBED GUARD. On Promlxe orS.IUU lie Aided a ton. iet to l:nep. V'e'don, Aug 25. It now crops out IhitJuhn Do's, alias Forest M Rivers, the white convict who es cape J souie dajs ago from tbe Nortbamptou State farm, was aided by one of the State's guardi on a promise that Rivera would send tbe guard $500 as soon as he (Rivers) reachod Lis home, which he claim is Leavenworth, Kan. The guard? name is J Kinney, of Davidson county, and he was recommended to Superintendent Rhem by Hon. Z;b Vance Walser. Tbe guard not only allowed Rivers to walk sway, but also loaned him money, there is evi dence that he also gave him a pistol and several rounds of cartridges. Heilro rreparniK for A Gold Bnslfl. Mexioo city, Aug. 22. There will be a cabinet meeting to consider th'' monetary situation in the mid die of this week. The project for accumulating a gold fund attracts attention and is approved in many quarters, being favored as a meas ure to gradually get in readiness to pat the country on a gold basis should that necessity become apparent. An Allniittt Man C'uwlilded. Atlanta, Ua., August 22 J R Ilerrou was cowhided at bia livery stable yesterday by W R Jester. Jester's wife recently stirred up a sensation by charging Miss Ditnon, daughter of the pastor ot St. Paul's Methodist church, with Btealing her diamoids. A local paper printed a story to the effict that Jester hud pawned hia wife's jewels and black mailed Miss Ditnon to conceal the theft. Jester claimed to have traced the authorship of this story to Hereon. A tirem Corn Crop. Chicago, August 20. Officials of the Burlington read say that with good seasons for ten days tbe corn crop of Nebraska will aggregite 250,000,000 bushels, and if good weather continues nntil the middle of September the yield will be nearly 400,000,000 bushels. Nearly every crib at railroad stations, it is said, is filled with last year's corn. The wheat crop of the State is estimated at 40,000,0011 bushels. WIiM Tommy Sttld. Uaole John Well, what do you mean to be when you get to be a mm ? Tommy (promptly) A doctor like pa. Uncle John (quizzically) Indeed) and which do you intend to be, an allopath or a homa'path ? Tommy I don't know what them awful big words mean, Uncle John; but that don't make no d.ffeienoe, 'cause I aiu't goin' to be either of 'eui, I'm just goin' to be a family doctor an give all my patients Hood's Sarsapurilla, 'canse nay pu says that if he is a doctor, he's bligel to own np that Hood's bampanlla is tbe best family Medioine be ever saw. llnby la Inflated. Today Mrs. George Ruth man, of Beaver Falls, heard a peculiar noise on the back porch of ber rte.det.ee, She found her two sous, one aged 7 and the othir one year old, in a corter. The babe was on his back. The elder brother had inserted the tube of a bicycle pump in the baby's mouth and was filling bim full of wind as fast as he could work tbe pump handle. The infant was un conscious, i.ud its little stoma ssii flited like a balloon. Tbe tule from the child's mouth, and the air followed with a sharp sound like the exhaust of an air brake on a railway train. The baby recovered oonsciousLees. l'ittieburg Tele gram. Women Fltfht. Wednesday afternoon about 4:30 o'clock here was c usiderable cotn m liou a' Allison's corutr. Two li tle nigo boys, Hell std I'eay engnged in a scrap, and hen the mother of the IVay child saw It she bailed into tbo little Bell negro Lizzie Bell, who was in fys witntss to tbe bad treatment of her little brother, let ber angry passion get the better of her and pitched into the fray wilh gloves off, Dippers, water buckets and o' her instruments ot war fare were brought into play and it was some time before the bel ligerents knocked fujb other out. They were iu the mayor's court shortly afterwards and fined $2 e.oh Anna I'eaj was sent to jiil. Mr. P M Brown, of Char'otte, hits been appointed treasurer of the board of regents of Barium Springs orphanage, to succeed the lute John K Gates. GYPSIES ON THE ROAD. RnldluK ( urn rielda and toiiiuiltiiua Theria. A band of Gypsies, consisting of two wagons, six horses, one white man, one negro man and seven lit tle children, passed through the city last Thursday, wending their way South. They seemed as happy and content as could be, and when asked whither bound, a bright eyed, dark-haired girl of about 14 summers peeped from the reer and of tbe cozy wagon and ex claimed : " We nre going South, and will quarter for the winter somewhere in Florida, in order to be there to gather the fruit crops." "Where did you get all those children?" was asked. "They're papa's, and we come from the northern part of Michi gan" ; Parties coming in town from up the country said that the band is an educated set of thieves, raiding corn fi Ida and melon patches. They committed great depreda tions on the corn fields of Mr. Fred W Glass, and vere run away from their camp near there. Ill Excellent Minpe. Bicycle ridera of tbe city will be pleased to learn that tbe track at eoutb8ide park has been graded and is no in excellent shape. Messrs. Jay Sims and Q E Smith have been working on it for several days and have it in splendid condition. l iuhtr Llltl Children at Dinner. Jsuie, the bright little six year old daughter of Rev. and Mrs. S D Stef fy, of St. John's, gave a dinner par ty to her yonng friends Wednesday last. It was a joyful occasion,and the arge crowd was nothing Bbort of a ureal multitude of children gathered together for social co mingling and enjoyment, there being eighty boys and girls there, who participated iu the day's events. Lnwion tiniuu dead. Mr. J Lawson bhion died at bis home at Cnnonville Wednesday afteinoou at 3 o'c'ock. Mr. Sbinn had been an invalid for more than a quarter of a century, with Bright's disease. Several weeks ago he was stricken with paralysis, from which he rallied only to sink again. Ve. ceased was a native of Sauth Rowan, and had been living in this city sev eral years. He was about 50 years of age, and leavis a wife and four obildren. A tjolel Wedding. A quiet wedding wag solemnized at tbe home of the bride on Shaver street, ibis morning, when Miss Anna Lizzie Peacock became Mrs Ed. Luftey. A n ember of friends had gathered and the parlor and ball were filled. While Miss May West played pretty wedding march on the piano he couple entered, nnattnnded, and were met by Rev. G H Cox, who pronounced them man and wife. Shortly after ihe wedding Mr. and Mrs. Lufdey left for Atlanta to spend ten days. I hey will return to bans bury and will make their borne with the bride's parents. Salisbnry Sun of 25th. Whipped Her Manderer. The people in the vicinity of the Vanca Mills store wers treated to an unusual spectacle yesterday after noon. It was the sight of a young lady administering a sound threshing to a slanderer. Miss Aliie Whitman heard yester day that Will Tresler, both parties of the Vance Mill, had made some slundercus statements about her, She approached Trrxler and asked him if be bad made the statements credited to him. De admitted h:s guilt, but admitted also that he lied. This did not appease the young lady, however. She requested a young man standing near by to get ber a whip. He went cut and cut her a big uedar switch about three feet long. Tnxler did not budge and when the young lady began laying tbe switch oo his back he still rtmainc'l like the boy on the burning deck "unmoved." The youn lady administered abent tfejrtv tellin? blows and then retired. Her inu fd honor bei been avenged. Fa'iwbury World of the 25th. - , Uaill'aUorn Blaata. tuk"B a hot lire to It purify gold. He most lives who lives for others . It la as Bufe to trust in God as it ever was. Don't give a tract where bread is needed moat. L'fe has most in it for those who love God most. When you know what a man be lieves you know what he is. Truth never stays over night In any bouse built on the sand. A HORRIBLE DEATH. An oil fan Explode and Sural a Ten Year Old Boy lo neatn-Whlla Run nma, Blitou Bjr nog So One al Home Rut 4 lilldren, A deplorable acoident occurred in No. i township, Thursday about noon, at the home of Harvey BlacK welder. Two sms had been left at home, the oldest on ) to do the cooking, and bad been performing duties ol the culinary department, when he was suddenly seizad with u chill and was compelled lo go to bed. Tbe fire in tbe stove bad died down, and 1 when hia young brother, Rmsom Blackwelder, 10 years old, came in, the elder brother told him to re. kindle the fire in the stove. In obeying bis brother's command, the young boy picked up the oil can and was p jurihg oil on to the coals in tbe stove when an explosion oc curred, sprinkling oil over tbe clothes of the boy, which were in an instant a mass of Attnes. 'Ihe boy was teirorizid, and in order to free hiniBelf from the horrible tortures of a burning death, began to rnn aiound the house. His sick brother was pnrsuing bim, and while excled ly calling to Rinacm to stop, the dogs began to chase the burning boy and bit him several times on the legs. The child finally fell from exhaustion and pain. His father was in the field near by and when he reached tbe scene tbe little fel low wat unconscious. Ha was re moved to ihe house and died two hours later, bis body being burnt into a crisp. All of bis clothing except the shirt collar was burned oil', His charred body was a ghastly dight. Dr. John Reed was di patched for, but could administer no relief to the dying boy. The home at which the unfortn nate death occurred, was already shrouded in gloom and worry on as connt of tbe fleeing of tho mother who recently attempted tbe life of Mr. Blaokwelder, by drawing a re volver on him, and in which so much discord bad existed. The mother of the child is said to be at Enochville, I be remains of the child were bmed at Enochville today. Dily of 27th. Did Not tleeur In tabarrna or Kur ronndtna- 1'onntry. The Police Gazette, dated August 20, contains a sensational article concerning a tragedy that is said to have taken place at 8pringsviJle, N. O., where a man shoots bis wife five times. There la a Springsville post- office in this county, and it is hoped that those who see the Gazette will not believe that the preposterous fake murder waa committed in old Cabarrus. Such fakes as that belie a commncity and indirectly, if not directly, hurt the tender feelings of decent people. The riral Day. The Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society met today at the Lutheran churob. The Convention met promptly aud began the session at 11 o'clock. Thirty four delegates were present. Eleven societies did not attend. Mrs. J Q Weriz presided, with Mrs. II N Miller, Secretary. The president read her annual report, which was full of encouragement, and showed commendable progress during the year. The secretary also read her report, giving a cursory review of the work, and offering valuable suggestions. Mrs. r N Heing pre sented her report as treasurer. 1 he reading of the report, which was carefully arranged in detail, elicited olote attention. $1,000 were raised during the year, and all tbe lecal societies are in good working order. The pastor in a lew appropriate words, wel. corned the convention to Salisbnry The committee assigned homes to delegates. The afternoon session is for businees -"-Salisbury World of 86th. There are a great many of the un fortunate ones in this world, greater in number than tbone who nre blessed with good digestion. To Home people the greatest misfortune is not to be able to eat everytumg set before them. "I suffered for years with Dyspepsia, and every- thing I ate disagreed with me. 1 was induced to try Simmons Liver Regulator and was cured. I now eat everything." M. Bright, Madi son Parish, La. Needa So Kxplnnaiion. Madison, N. 0., Aug. 4, 1897 Gooe Greas3 Liniment Co , Greend- boro, N. C. Dear Sirs : Please ship us at once one gross Goose Grease Liniment. We are entirely oat Don't fail to ship at nnce. Please give us joUWa' prices It ia the best thing we have ever Been. w C Jokes & Co. Nohorty n(Md fcnvo NfMiralgla. Oct Dr. MIW i'ulu )Tllo fnuu UrutKlais- "Uuo uout a duuo." IIIK Bleyc-lo Meet. Arrangements are being made for a big bicycle meet at Salisbury on Thursday, September 23, under the auspices of tbe Rowan Cycle Aseos ciation, of wbioh Walter Linton is manager. The following races have already been decided npon : Halt mile open for boya under fifteen. Two mile open. Five mile handicap. Seven mile handicap. Special championship race, ona mile, open to ridera from Rowon, StaBly, Cabarrus, Iredell, Davidson, Dayie, Catawba, Guilford, Forsytb, Rockingham and Mecklenburg. A gold medal will be the prize in this race. Other prizes will be decided upon later, says the Sun. Voterlnary Medleal AaHOc-lallon. Dr. Eliia hands the Observer the following, which first appeared in the Greensboro Record, with nqtiest to publish : A CALL The Nurth Carolina Veteriuary Medical Association will meet in Charlotte, N. O , September 7ihand 8 th. All members, both honorary and active, are earnestly requested to be present, as there is much business to be transacted. Members of the medical profes sion and all those who are in sym pathy with tbe welfare of our dumb animals and wish them protected by tbe State are cordially invited. The object of th ij association U tbe advancement of veterinary, medical and sanitary science in INorth Carolina. There ate now several contagious diseases of the domestic animals, some of which are communicable to mankind, abroad in our State, which need official attention. None of our cities have any aciiii tifio inspection of foods, and we con tinue to eat contaminated milk and diseased meat with as much rohsh aa if it bad betn inspected. We have a number of determined workers, but we need the co-opera tion of the people who have tender hearts and kind feelings for faithf u friends, and who realize the impor taoce of strict sani ary regulations throughout our State, Meet us in Charlotte. Yours truly, J W Petty, D. V. S. Seo'y and Treas. flf ervuant's lleuefit. The Sonthern Railway has issued an order for agents to sell cheap rate tickets for the benefit of mer ehanta who go north to purchase goods. From September 1 to 4, in clusive, round trip tickets will be sold to Washington, Norfolk and Richmond at the rate of one first- class fare- Tickets are to be includ ed and good to return 30 days lrom date of sale. This move will be of great benefit to those who contem plate a trip north, and the public will greatly appreciate the tbonght ful consideration of tbe railroad. l.yaeh Law Not Needed. Vance county promptly consigned Brodie to tbe gallows and at Greens boro Wednesday Luke Richardson who had made an assault on Miss Seifert was very promptly given the full extent of the law, fifteen yeart at bard labor in the penitentiary. He was .ably defended and it was clear that he was guilty of the foul attempt. Tbe Record says: "This is the way we do butiuesf in Guilfo d county and should an other case of a like nature occur God fordid it should be remem bered that a Guilford jury is cotb. petent to deal with such offenders in short order and at tbe same time give them a fair and impartial trial. Tbe verdict meets with nnsnimour approval, not only b? ths whitei but by the colored people, for it was plain oaee. Buehlen-a Arnica aaiye. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sors, Tetterd Chappe nanus, Llinulams, (Jorng and all i-kiu Eruptious, aud positively cures Tiles or no pay requi-ed. It i tfiiarautped to give statisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents pei box For sale at P B Fetzc-'a Drni store.' Konuoke Tollcae I a.1oliirlii. Mr. William Weddingtou of this city bas been awarded a scholarship at Rjanoke College, Saleai, Va., and will leave for school at that place in about two weeks. Mr.' Weddincton has been a resident of this city only a abort while, but hia pleasant ad. drees and congenial disposition, to gether with his excellent ball play i g, has endeared bim to Lot only the town, but the entire community. We' wish bim continued success. PRITCHARD'S BROTHEEt SHOT fatally Wounded by a neaporailo A bloody Tragedy in Mitchell t-ouuly. 4 Atlanta, Ga., 'August 27. A special from Cloudland, N. C, says : George K Pritchard, brother of Senator Pritchurd, rf North Caro lina, who is the eLrnff of Mitchell oounty, was fatally wounded totlay while attempting to arrest Monroe Garland, a noted desperado, near Cloudland Sheriff Pritchard hatl a warrant for Garland and with t deputy went after him. The des perado tired at the sheriff, one bill! penetiuting tbe lungs and another passing through his neck. Gariaod, after he had shot Pritch ard, turned on Depntv Blalock anc began tiring, but Blalock was tun quick for him aud shot him twice. Garland died in a few minutes, uod Pritobard was taken to a nei'bv house aud surgical aid sought Pritchard is forty-one years of nge and has a large family. Officer B.alock is sltghtly hurt. A lloliNeliold IrenNii.e D. W. Fuller, of LWmijoLu. ie, X. Y., says that he always keot.s Dr Ku p's 'ew Discovery in t'.ie house and his family hs aiweys found the vwy best results follow ite ii!i; ; that he would cot be without it, if procurable O. A. Dykemun, Drug gist, Cutskill. N. Y., sayj thut Dr. Kind's New Discover is undoubt edly the best cough remedy ; that he has used it in his family for cif.'ht years, and it bas never fmkxi to do all that is claimed for it. Why no. try a remedy ho lou:? tried find tested. Trial bottles free at Fot- zor's Di 'e store. Regular size 00c and 81.00. A dispatch froinj Rome, Ga., the Richmond Times fays : Miss A Oakley, an attractive young woman sa'd to have been recently tbe prin oipal of a school at Rockingham, X C, is dying in a room of the Centra' Hotel here. The case is particularly sad and involves the fair name- well as the life of fie young woman She was escorted to that piact- by e man named William Chafin. l'or over riliv lean Mrs. WioBlow'e Soothing Syrup hat been used for over fifty years by millions of iiiOthers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suo cess. It soothes the cnild, softeni the gums, allays all pain, cures wirni oolio, and is the best remedy foi Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately, cold by druggists in every part of the world Twcnty-fiye cents a bottle, Be sure and ask for "Mrs. WinslowB Sooth ilk hvrnp, and take no ether ! ;nn The Press-Visitor, on Thurst ay passed its second mile post of exis tenoe. It ia full of hope nnd youth ful strength, May it live to ste t o naufrhts appended to ite numb.-r i f years, lld l ou r. -r Try Electric Bitters as a remedy foi your troubles t If not, col a Lottie now aud "et relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a wen aerlul direct influence in giving strtngtn and tone to the organs. It you have Iobs of appetite, constipa tion, headuclie. Jainting spoils, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troublod with diz;:v spells. Electric Dittors is the medi cine you need. Health aud strength are guaranteed by its use. Fi,'ty centB and Sfl.OO at Fetzer's Drug atore. Cien. lloke'a IIoiinc Kobncd. The Press-Visitor Fays Geu. Hoke's house in Raleigh was bro ken into and ranacke-d o;j hist Wednesday, The (.'eaeral mid hie family were away on eumujet va cation. It was not known i'. tht writing to what extent the datii- ages amount, but tne search lor valuables seemed very thorough, except that the dining rcuai war- not troubled. Miraculous Benefit RECEIVED FKOM Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. mm ' i ) if iv( i v-s ,ir ELI V. 11A1K OCK, of Avoc.i, N. Y., u v'tcrun of tho 3rd N. Y. Artlllt-ry ami ir thirty years of tho iUbeork & Munscl Carriage Co., of Aulmrn, says: "I write to express niy Rratltmlo for thu inlruc lous betietit ri'Ct'ivt.d frnni ir. M!lr ; Heart Cure I suffered for y-'firs, as result, of army llfo, from pi-latiea wlik-h aiTecteil iuy heart In tho worst form, my limbs swelled from tho ankhM up. 1 bloated until J waaun'.Mo to button my clothing; hud sharp pnhj.-. about tho heart, siimlherin f:k-11p m l shortness of breath. For three nmiiil; 1 was unable, to lie down, and all tbe Hli t; j got was in an arm chair. I was treated by tho best doctor but gradually grew w '?-. About a year a-o I commenced Ukt-iifc Jr. Miles' New Heart Curo and it caved my Uuj as if by a miracle." fit? F'tff '--'J lr. Miles' Heine-lies Xr." aru uold by all tlr:- n-,,- guarantee, lirt hi benefits or money funded, liook on dis- fv"f ... eases of tbu heart auUV'- Z .. nerves free. Address, feiLt E2!A." xy Mi. MIXKS MKDK'AhO)., Hi.b .r, r i. i 3'. Oh v V( W r!!";i i ''0 fu-JH atr! ami Absolutely Fi.rc. Coh hrated for its great leaveninsr btrrnith and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Pi.wdkb Co., New York. SCHEDULE mm - wmi IN EFFECT JAN. 18, 1897. 'lb s oowh n&ed schedule is pub inli d sb iuformation, and is subs ject to chant'o without notice to tir public; TIiAJJffl i.iwe covronD, s. o. 9:27 P. u. 'Jo. 8ii, daily tor A Han. ta and Charlotte Air L:no division, ana all points South and Southwest Curries thruurh l'ullman drawing room buffet s'.eepors between New lotli, Wat-iiinntoii, Atlanta, Birms in'haLn, Gulvtston, Savannah and Jacksonville. Alao Fuilman sleeper' Ol-nrlotte to Augusta. 8:48 A. M,-No. 37, daily, Washings on end Southwestern vofitibuled limitet fcr Atli-ntT, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, .Mobile and Now UrlaiiF, ;md nil points South and Southwest. Through Pullman lieeper Now York to New Orleans Alii Nuw York to Momphis. Din in?; rnr, vHU"ul.-d couch, between V'i aHi'inh'tou and Atlanta, l'ullumn tourist car for fcjan Francisco, Suu, days. tX ."I" j:-' --"-ifc 'J;02 p. m. No. 9, daily, from Kieh moiid, WftLhincton, Uoliliboro,Nor folk, Stliii!', liubsn. (JrtenHborol Knoxvil'o and AsLeTille to Chars otte, N. (J. 10:30 a m. No. 11, daily, for? AN lantft and all points South. Solid train, luchmcnd to Atlanta: Pull man sleeping car, itienmoud to UrerrHlioro. 10:o.' a. 3i. No. M, daily, for Vv ''Hiiiiifjton, liieumond, ltnlcigh ind t'u poi.its North. Curries l'ulla man drawiugrootu buti'ot sleeper, Galveston to New York ; Jackson-, villotoNe'v York ; liirmiuirham to New York. Pullman tourist oars from San 1'rar ciseo 'J hursdays. 9:02 p. m. No. BH, daily. Washing ton und Southwestern veatibuled, pmited, for Washington and ail lioiiits North. Through Pullman oar' Memphis to Nuw York; Nc v Orleans to New York ; Tamna to New York. Also carries vert.buled coach and dining car. 7.22 p. in. No. 12, daiiy, for Eichs mond, Asnevib'p, ChuttauooRa, Hal aiKh, Goldsboro ana all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping car from Greensboro to JUichmond. Connects at Urernsborc with train carrying Pullman cur for Itaieigh. ti. 17 a. m, No. 10, daily, for Kich nond ; eoi.cocts at Greonoboro for Ualeitrli and Noifoik ; it D.inviile for Washington und points North ; at Salisbury for Ashville, Knox vijle and points West, .ill freight trains carry passengers John M. Cuip, W'. A. Tuuk, Trnflic M'frr. Gen'l Pass. Ag't, W. H, 'iniF.x, Washincton.D. C. Geii'l Superintendent, Wushincton..I. C. S. U.Uabdwick, Ass'tGon'iP. Ag't Atlanta, Ua . II. Tavloe, Ass-tGen'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Kj. Gow'AN Dusenbeiy, Local Ag't, Concord. N, C. FREE EDUCATION. An 6'hicdtion at Ilaryanl. Yale, oriinl otlier colli ire er lustitutlon ef leaniiuir n the Liiiti il Mates or la the New Kn i;iuiki eoiiaervtitory ot JMusic, can bo secured by tiny yorniir m:in or woman who is hi eurue-t. Write for particulars (iii-ckly. JAMKm 1. BALL, Wl liiouihcM Hiiett, Biiston, Maes, Ff ; t. i? 'ii?. L. T. HARTS ELL AITOKNEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD, - - N C Promt t nltoution civeu to all bnsiuess. Oilice in Alorria building oppoi-iie court h.niee. il (l. LdMwvil M. U. M. Is3, CALDW ELL i tTKYENS. Coneoi J, N. V, Uilioe in old pout nfuj buildiniz ojipooile Ht. Cloud Hotel. The fall season will be on soon, and you will need some Fire In surance. Remember I represent a number of strong and raliab.'e Companies, and can serve you at any time. J P HURLFC, TS8T'ruNCK AGENT. IN ARY, FOR LADIES MT. PLEASANT. N. C laUS A J a n I ;i if e s I i r t . C I a .i s , r. iili-r.itc Cabarrus ( ciiin.v Institute Next session opens Senu niher Oth, h'l C. y t.i ajei. u i.i hi . ill : :t P' nil), 1M : i in.iiliin :i p . Mil I I II, 1'.' n:.l'.il, C. il,.int. i notilm:. ( el. ,, i Vhj i lit 1- Mill. A I i .' ! h 'u " U i. ll 'St I -II lliillitif; yen smII i jr- i

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