The -7 Standard. The - Standard. T AND ARD. -XUllNSOUT GOOD - JOB - WORK J'EWii THAT IS JiTEWS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. AT LIVING PRICES. Give us a Trial. VOL.X--IMO 36. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1897. WHOLE NO. 442 "Merit talks" the 1 Talks Intrinsic value of Hood 'iSe reaper ilia. Merit In medicine means the power to cure. Hood's Saraoparilla poeaeases actual and unequalled curative power and there for It haa true merit. When yon buy Hood 'a 8arsaparilla,and take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or core any of the many blood diseases, you are morally certain to reoeive benefit. The power to cure is there. Yon are not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thua drive out the genua of disease, strengthen the nerves and build 0 the whole system. (nlood'S Sarsaparilla Is the best, is fact the One True Blood Purifier. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, Hood's Pills JrUwi.fZutC2 MONTHLY SUFFER1NQ. Thousands of women are troubled at monthly inter vals with pains In the bead, back, breasts, shoulders, side hips and limbs. But tbey need not suffer. These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements that can be corrected, The men strual function should operate painlessly. Wb&BM makes menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. And that stops all this pain. Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wins of Cardul will relieve her? It costs $1.00 at the drug store. Why don't you get a bottle to-day t For advice, in eases requiring special directions, address, giv ing symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Mrs. ROZENa LEWIS, of Oenilll, Tsras, sars I " I ass troubled si monthly Intsrvil with terrible pslnl Is my held and beck, but have been sntlrsl) relieved by Wins el Cardal." t am Prepared to do oil kind. Lamber.DreMHlng1, 'Including t MATCHING, MOULDING, PATENT SIDING, ETC., ETC., Prompt andj sat I factory services fnnrMtiJ. PITRKIVRE alwnyi on and to equip you .Complete R. W. S A FRIT. J. JRKISON H. CALDWELL ATTORNIY AT TAW, CONCORD. N 0 Umoe in Morris ba 'din.;, pposit court house. M. B. STICKLEY. Attorney at L.w, Concord N. C &ILUAL AT1KWI0N GIVhS 10, COLLECTIONS. Offloe upalairi in King balldin? near Postofllo . Buy From First Hands We Lave just received a car of New York Apples and Seed potatoes Direct from the growers and In order to move them out at once we are offering to Bell yery low. Have you seen our Northern White Spring Oats By buying a car of them we bought at a.Tery low Price. Come to see us or write for prices. G. W. PATTERSON Wholesale Grocer and Manufacturer! Agent CONCORD, N, 0. Honso Mere History I Order. A dispatch from Buffilo, N. Y , printed Friday, reportirg the pro- ceedioga of the G. A. R. encamp meat at that place, status among other thing that, "the committee on instruction made its report, criticis ing the books on war history read in the schools in the South as ioao ourate, and suggesting some changes, particularly in those used In Southern schools." This is unintelligible. ''Books on war history read in the schools," if an inexplicable phrase to begin with. No such books are read in "schools" anywhere, we believe, and if there are such books, which are not histories, they must be beyond the reach of any changes suggested by the committee. If histories were meant, it would have been better to say so, bat as it is not apparent how the committee or the G. A. R could effect any changes in histories uied in the schools of the South, it is not easy to understand why it should have "suggested" any changes, or to whom the suggestion is directed. A committee we do not know whether it is the same one of the G. A. R. has been engaged lately in having a history to its liking writ ten by a historian of its choice, tinder contract, and the announce. ment was a few days ago that it had got what it wanted from him after some changes were made by its di rection. . Tha organization it represents should be content with this achiev ment, and should confine its loyal teal to the purpose oi having this loyal product used exclusively in the schools which it can control in its own section, lb ere la no use for such a "book of war history" in any of "the schools in the South" certainly, and it is very safe to say that it will never find a place in them. News and Courier. rent Blswa- Down. Wallace's circus, which eihibi ed in Winston last year, was in Roanoke yesterday. The owners suffered a disastrous loss there, amounting to thonsaadiof dollars. Abontl o'clock one hoar before the time fer the performance to begin, terrible storm of about five minute's dnit. tion broke immediately over the tents. The side show was crowded with people, and men and women screamed and ran, panic-stricken, in their tfforts to g t on'eide. The menagerie tent was lorn to pieces. Abont 150 people bad already en tered this tent. One of the tent-men W J Rainey, had his leg broken, and a child suffered a broken arm. A negro bad bis skull fractured and a nam ber of people were bruited and slightly injured. The show people were nearly all at dinner at the time of the accident, which ac counts for no fatalities. On account of the storm no per formance was gives in the after noon. Western Beotiael, At Hlowlns; moth. Blowing Rock had a red letter day Monday, says the Observer corres- pjndent. A fight between a dog and a skunk was annennoed, when all the gnesta from the land of no skunks rushed to see the fight, but soon rnsbed with nausea away from the scene, or rather the smell. All having gotten quiet some wag on the moantain aide above turned loose a bufgy with a dummy baby in it and the air was split with the shrieks of women and burned with the dash of fcallant men to save the baby. 1,e The Qrabam Gleaner says if North Carolina Democrats caqnot win on theii record of a clean, eco nomical government for twenty years, together with white suprema cy, after having bad the experience of the past two years, it will be in order to ask the people what tbey have done with their boasted good sense, self-respect and State pride. 3 J 'ntoq -sog pn -ect "Kia um 5 vrrruojr3r pa -fpmjojar pastf J esse JOJ an0 WO "P9 "n0 V s nroiovii. - vxvTrfiro3 I'jmoit np -fyO-O-O O O O MKHKt Society is like pie. There is en upper and a lower crnst ; but the real substance lies between. Salisi bury Watchman. NEW conoN. Colton la King mid C'eueord la a Kins: ratloa Miirkvt Three Unls or ibe Fleery ample Hold HeroTodnjr-The Flral f rule Tear's crop. Early this morning Mr James K Oeaion came to ton with a simple from a bale of new cotton and placed it on the market. This was the first new cotton offered for sale here this year and the bidding was lively. Mr. D P Dayvault was the highest bid der, he paying $10.25 per hundred. Mr. R W B. rjfi;ld, of No 2 town ship sold the second sample, Mr. Day. vault being the buyer, paying f 8 12 per hundred. Mr. R W Allison sold the third and it was the first bale delivered at the platform, it beinj deliyered at 11 o'clock. Mr. Benfleld's bale was de livered at the platform at 12 o'clock, it being the second, Mr. Deaton's bale having not yet arrived. Up to 2 o'clock Mi. Deaton's bale was no, in. Mr. Deaton says that more than half his bale was ginned when be left with the sample this morning. It is supposed that some mishap occurred at the gin or on the way to town. The cotton was being ginned at Caleb Goodman's gin miles north of town. Mr. Deaton baa the honor of sell iDt the first bale and getting the highest price ; Mr. BenQeld for sell-. iBg the second and Mr. Allison for selling third but delivering the first. Later Mr. Deaton s cotton ar rived and was weighed at the plat form at a few minutes before 3 o'olock. Daily of Sept 2nd. eth 1B enl Off. The Press-Visitor says Charles Warren, al7-yearold colored boy got both legs cut off below the knee and his shoulder bruised by a mov ing train Tuesday in Raleigh. His injuries will prob ibly prove fatal The Police Foree Increased. The city's police force has been increased by putting on two men Mr. Adolphas Boat has been sworn in, his beat beat being at' Cannon ville Mr. T R Penninger has been sworn in and will keep order at For est Hill. They wear blue snits with brass button9. The Anrver Ordered. South Main street will be graded at aa tarly day, the survey having already been ordered. The street and side walks will be made a per fect grade from the Lutheran chnrch to the old Fair grounds. Work will begin soon after the suryey is completed. Found Twenty-One Dollars. Mr. M B Harteell found a puree in the reception room at the depot. The purse oontained $21, 1 ten, 2 lives and 1 Oue and styeral papers and receipts. From the receipts in the purse it was found that the purse belonged to Robt. Jones, oolored, of New London. Jones got his parse and money. Fell SOO Feet. John Swan a senior of Harvard College was strolling with compan ions on Monument Mountain and stepped on a rock near a preoipice, the rock rolled and burled bim down 100 fret into tbe top of a tree and from there 25 feet to tbe ground and down the rocky ledge soma distance. lis bones were broken and his in- jm .1.3 will probably prove fatal. Ked Cabbage. Mr. S-mnel W Tarlton, of No. 4 township, brought into The Stand ard effioa a cabbage bad that is a freak in color only. The leaf is almost a blood red color, t'iough the InBide when cut shows the regular white color. This coloring extends to the very heart. It is said to be a variety, but Mr. Tarltcn bonght a paper of seeds, most of which produced the ordinaty kind. Aa Advance In FrelKht Kntea. The Southern railway has given notice of advance in freight rates on cotton at points along the Western North Carolina R ilroad. The ad vacce is abcut an average of 50 otnts per bale. This is a considerable ad vance and will cause a kick from those interested. No reason is as signed for tbe increase and it is not known whether it is general. If tbe advance is maintained tbe railway commiscion will probably be asked for relief in tbe premises provided Gov. Russell doesn't ubjl- iBb. it. S ateeville Landmark. rhaiiKC In flnalneaa. Mr. Ctias A Dry has bought a balf iuterest m tbe store of Mr Jao. L Miller. Tbe fiim will be knowu as Dry & Miller. They will tloje out their present stock of Kooda'tiiid will, in a short time, open aail carry a fall stock of shoes. COUPLETESUUTOUT. t'oneord Orreais manly Creek f second Time with -Fisher In iss Bos. 1 It was a splendid effort on th part of tbe Stanly Creek baseball nine Wednesnay afternoon, when, tbey played the borne team. v Little Joe Fisher pitchid for the Concord boys and bis balla were magnificent and caught the visitors napping at almost every bat. Joe u little less ban powerful and with Reed behind tbe bat and the re mainder of hia support in the field, the game was beautiful, our boys '. making only two errors during the entire nine innings. Rowe, of Newton, pitched good bait for Stanly Creek, but had mis. erable support, making their side of t-be game uninteresting. Tbe score by innings resulted, as follows: Stanly Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00, Concord 0 0 5 1 1 2 3 0 012. The btanly (Jreek boys were a clever, gentlemanly set of boys and were delighted with their treatment while here. Daily of Sept. 2nd. m e Landed a Mharfc. Mr. H M Barrow, of this city, who is epending some time at Ocean View, writes The Standard asi follows: "We are having a fine time, fish ing and surf-batbing, but to cap the climax, F L Robbins, J R Young and your humble eery an ti landed a shark 6i feet long, weigh ing 150 pound", this afternoon, and we feel handsomely repaid in the fishing line, should we be unlucky for tbe rest of our stay. Concord is still on top, and it just took three littlh 'land-lubbers' to break the record here, for the season." letei i The Opening- Encouraging;. North Carolina College, at Mr, Pleasant, began its fall term Wed nesday. Sheriff Buchanau, who re turned from Mt. Pieasant Wednes day says that 48 students wore pres ent at the opening. This is the largest number present at the open ing for a number of years. Mo e students are expected. A oard from president Soberer says, ''There has neyer been a more encouraging beginning in the his tory of the college. We have en rolled tbe largejt number tbat has ever been enrolled on the first day of tbe session for many years. We are still expecting new arrivals." An enthusiastic student writes us as follows : "Tha session for 1897 98 at North Carolina Colli ge opened this morn- ing. it w s a pleasing signt to stand on the rock steps of this time honored institution, as tbe bell an nounced tbe opening hour, and see the students rome in. Quite a large number of tbe students who were present last year were ready to answer to the roll call, while here, there and all around new face were to be seen. Every hour during the day has seen students arriying and by tomorrow morning it is expeoted that the roll will very nearly reach tbe high water mark for opening day at this insti tution. Every indication points to a prosperous year. Let every young man who is undecided, conclude to come at once While accommoda tions are being rapidly taken, there is yet room for many more young men." Daily of Sept. 2nd. Jailed For mealing llldea. Last Sunday night three colored boys stole out a horse apiece and rode them to Liberty Hill church, a few miles beyond Olaremont. John Quickie and Garland Rainhardt stole two from the stable of Judge Mo Oorkle and Noah Rankins stole the one be rode from tbe livery stable of Corpering Bros. They were ar raigned be lore A u snuiora, Jieq , Monday morning and tbe ortme con clusively proven on eaoh. In default of bond tbey were tent to J ul. Newton Enterprise. rnltlng Arrape. Last S .turday eyening a difliou'ty occurred between Jim Murphy and Lester Conrad at the close of a sing ing at the Methodist church at Star on. Both of the boys used knives and marked each other considerably, but no serious damage was done. I'hey were arraigned before W P Fye, Esq , ami bound over to court Conrad gave bond, but Murphy was sent to jil, but has also given bond since. Some weeks ago Conrad sold Murphy a razor on a credit and on this occasion dunned him for tbe money, and this was tbe cauee of the difficulty. Newton Enterprise. Janght an Eagle.i Mr. Jonas M Hurlocker and Miss Maggie O Eigle, daughter of Mr. John Eag'e, of Mt. Pleasant, were married Thursday. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 8 D Stcffey at tbe parsonage at St, John's. I A WATERLOO. Tbe Concord and Nallehurr Baae ball Teams at Menlbalde Park Thnradajr Afternoon. The Concord Team Holds Its Famous Heeerd. Hie Mcoro la lo S. Salisbury sent down her baseball team Thursday morning fully con fident that tbey would return with tbe laurels, but such was hot the Case. The Concord team was simply too muoh for them. Tbe gams opened at 3 o'clock i the presence of a large and interest ed crowd of spectators eager to wit ness the game, as it had been re ported that Salisbury would interest our boys more than any team with which they had crossed bats this year. 1 he Salisbury team is comp sr of the following gentlemanly young men and played as follows Baughan, p; Fei mater, o; Pool, s s, Henderson, lb; Busby, 2b; Milstead 3b; Rufiy, rf; Mictey, cf, Woodson If. Concord played as follows : Wed dington, p; Reed, r; Caldwell, a s: Van Pelt lb, Misenheimer. 2b; Fisher, 3b; Brumley, rf; Rogers, of; O.bson, If. The efforts of the Salisbury team to put up good ball were certainly appreciated by the full grand stand and other spectators, but intertet fell, when in the sixth inning tb Visitors made score. Baughan, Salisbury's swift pitcher, made a fine start but during tbe game succeeded in striking out only two men, while Billy Weddlngton. tbe pitcher for tbe home team, struck out 21 men out of 27. The score by innings was as fol lows : Salisbury 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 23. Concord 0 4013623 19. Mr. Y O Caldwell umpired tbe game and bis fair and impartial de cisions gave perfect satisfaction. Concord has played six games with opposing teams during the season, scoring 82 runs in the six games while tbe opposing teams have scored only 12, Concord in several cases not playing tbe last inning. Concord has not lost a game dur ing the season and bBS the reputa tion of being one among tbe best teams, if sot tbe best, in tbe State. Daily of Sept 3rd. Briefly Told. The Raleigh correspondent of the Richmond Diepatch Bays: "News of the shooting of Senator Pritcb ard's brother, Sheriff Pritchard, of Mitchell county, by tbe 19-year-old depperado, Garland, is interesting, Garland dared tbe sheriff to come after him. The boy's parents told Pritcbard where he was, and begged and entreated him to cap ture, but not to kill him. Pritch ard and a deputy found Garland in an orchard retreating. Both the sheriff and Garland fired at once, and the 44 calibre pistol bullet passed through each. Then there was another exchange of shots Pritcbard fell, but got up and shot again, while he held on to a fence. Then tbe deputy killed Garland. The physician said Pritcbard would die, but tbe plucky fellow said no. He will be out in ten days. Gar land had said that as soon as be killed Pritchard he would kill bis father if tbe latter did not give him f 200 so be could leave the country Hew Fnrnltnre Store. Messrs. Craven Brothers Laye opened a stock of furniture in the store room nut door to D P Way- vtult. They will carry a fall ii'ie of furniture and undertakers' goods. Tbe Messrs. Craven are hustling young men, and we bespeak for thtm a good trade. WfJLl'&lJHG. Wa wish ( i -uitio all ur of fc::nmor Liver RwuLUr on b subject of the fUwwgf interest mid iiniiorta.KM to tlieir heal nu perhaps their liv. T!io soli proprietor and matira of .Simnu 1-ivor lu-guialif learn thai cr (toners . i oiti'n deceived 1Y bovinz anil tslM.'ir soji-.i- medicine of similar appearand! or tusle-, lie lieving it to be tjiramout J-iivrr iv-tiluior. we warn you that unKvi th i worn P.. utilator is on the packape or bottle, lUt it is not Simmons Liver Rilator. Ki .,m- ele makes, or ver has made Simmons Jjier Regulator, oi invthine called Himnxnii JiVer Regulator, but J. llVZeilin A Co., -d do medicine made by anyone elsn js the We alone cap put it up, and we cannot lie responsible, h Hher medicines represented as me same ao lot help you ai vou are led to expect they Will. this fact well in mind, if yon have leen in the habit of using nwdicine wnicfl rou sunnnaed to be bi rumens wver neouia- lor, becaurs the name was somewhat like t and tha nsr.kju-a did not nave tne wora Jtegulrtor on iL, Vu have I0 imposed upon and liava not been taring Himmone Uver Regulator at all. The Regulator hu seen favoral ly known for many years, and ill who nse it know how necessary it is for Fever and Ague, Bilious fever, l onstipa- lon, Headache, Dyspepsia, ana an n.rueir irising from a Diseased Liver. We aA you to look for yourselves, ana lee thai Simmons Liver Regulator, which fou can roadily distinnuialiby the Red S m wrapper, and by our name, u the only tiedicine called Simmons Liver Regulator. J, H, J.KIIJ t'O. 1 " 4 VHiMweema X.;vt tfaruiixter, Denlb or Mrs. Wiu. Cnldwell. Mrs. Angelina Rebecca Caldell wife of Mr. William Caldwell, died suddenly yesterday at fije minutes after 1 o'clock, at her residence on West Fourth street. Mrs. Caldwell and grand-daugb ter, Mies Minnie Woodruff, of Crof bad been getting dinner, and were in the dining room. Mrs. Caldwell complained of feeling sick. She lay down on the bd, hoping to feel better. As sbe did not, she sent for the doctor. As be entered the room Mrs. Caldwell was sitting np in bed. She spoke to him aud then fe'l back and expired in a few minutes. There was no one in the house at the time but Miss Woodruff and the doctor, Mrs. Anna Dixon and Miss Sail Caldwell, daughters cf Mrs. Cald well, who live with ber, were ont of the city, tbe former at Croft ; th latter near Concord. The friendly bands of friendly neighbors took oharge of the body and of tbe bouse Mrs. Caldwell was in ber 60th year. She was a duughter of Mr. Elam Templeton, of Iredell, the old home being at Centre church, near Mt. Mourne. Of tbe immediat family two sisters Mrs. Turbjville, of Mt. Mourne, and Mrs. Fori eater, of Wilkes, survive. Deceased connected hereelf with Centre (Presbyterian) cbnrch early in life. When she came to Charlott to liye Bhe moved ber membersbi to the Second PreBbyterian chnrcb of which she was a regular attend ant and a devoted member. In ber were to be found many fine traits bbe was a good Christian woman. Uer virtues were many, and all who knew her esteemed her aa woman wife, mother and friend. Charlotte Observer. Dick Hnrrl Trnnalerrel. Deputy Collector It S Harris, thin city, has been transferred by Collector Ilarkins to Ashe, Alle ghaney, Watauga and Mitchell counties. Mr. Iiorton has been appointed to succeed Mr. Harris a this place. Mr. Harris' headquar ters will be at Boone, Wa'.ang county. Wot tbe "Two Mtlle Ulrla In Blue. Two little girls made their arri val at the home of Mr. Joe. Measa- more in No. 8 township, last Sun day morning. Tbe little girl'i weighed nine pounds at tho time of tbeir arrival, and both the mother and pair of little girls are doing well. They are not "The two little girls in blue," however. Policemen nt Mora. Policeman BoBt, since he went on duty, bas been looking after the sanitary condition about Cannon ville. Several hog-pecs have been condemned and the owners notified. Policeman Penninger has not been idle, but has been getting in bo me good work abont Forest Hill. Hot Rnplata In Jail. Joseph Wilder and Turner Deb- aom. two colored boys of about 15 years of age, are in jail in Ealeigb for outraging a colored girl of 11 years. Their guilt teems a certainty. nurder nt Aberdeen. Aberdeen, N. C., Sept. 1. A murder was committed at Aberdeen tonight. Henry Dilliard shot Tom Hemming way through tbe heart Both were negroes belonging to the work train on the Seaboard Air Line Railroad. Hemmingway was from Chester, S. C, and Dilliard from Kicnmood, Va. Dilliard is very black and about 23 years old : is five feet ten inches high and very round. shouldered, and has tbe middle finger of bis right hand off. He made his escape, going towards Uamlet with his pistol in bis hand IMS 1 free rills Send your address to H E Buck len & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits, These pills are espy of action and are particularly ellec- tive in the cure of Constipation and sick headache. For malaria r.nd liver troubles they Lure been proved invaluable. Tlir y are guar anteed to be perfectly egetable, Tbev do not weaken by tutir action but by giving tone to tne utomaou and boweis greatly invigoiate the system. Hegular size 'Zoo ptr box Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store.. lace UciiIdr Kisbt. Mann Page, president of the Vir. einia Alliance and the most promi nent Populist in Virginia, announces that be will suppoit the Democratic ticket in his State. He sees in Democracy tbe only of good government, ai.d is bold euouh to come out and declare nis eonvici tions. Hundreds of Populists all over this State have made np tbeir minds to do as Mr. Page bas done. They see the handwriting on tbe wall - Utners win roiiow mem. Good home govern ment is tbe para mount issue in every t tti, and poor old North Carolina will soon come out of her eackolnlh and ashes which s' e wears. The Democratic party can well afford to compare records with any party that has a record to compare, and it profits by comparison. Threw on Rnta In the Well Louiavill, Ky., 8ip I. A special to thi Evening Post from Paducnh Ky.,Bi!va: Thirteen members of the family of Henry Miller, and people living on h:s farm, near Metropolis, III , were poitoned yes terdny, und three are dead. The suf fering of the o!her victims is said to be, terrible to wi ices'. I; U thought a1; least eight of them wil die. The names of none rf the victims are giyen. A hired irl, who is ineanp, threw a package of rough on rats in tbe well. Her name could not be learned, but -the bas been arrested and admits btr crime. nrodle ilnntf. Rileigh, N. C, Sept. 1. Brodie, the negro who assaulted a young white girl at Kittrell exactly one month ago, was hanged today at Heiderson. He was tried at a spe cial term of court called by the Governor for tbat purpose under the new law. He was convicted by a jury composed one-third of ne groes in three minutes. The negroes of Henderson lapt night became very ugly. From tbeir demeanor some trouble at the hanging today was anticipated, but none occurred. Another criminal aapault is reported todsy from Frank lin county not far from the scene of Brodie's crime. Two negro boys assaulted a colored girl. All Free, Those who have used Dr. Kincr's New Discovery know its value and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it froo. Call on advertieed druggist and got a trip.! bottle fre. Send your name and address to H E Bucklen & Co-, Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. Jung's Now Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Ouide toHealthand Household Instructor free. 411 of whinb is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing, Fet zer's Drug store. To Help Culm. Chicago, Aug. 31 Two hundred A'nericaus witn three car loids of ammunition, it is supposed, will leave Chicago tomorrow night for Jacksonville, 11a. There they will ooard the steamer Soledad for some point in Cuba. Tbe Americans composing tbe Chicago Cuhin con tingent are mostly of the nnemploy. ed. They enlisted for twelve months, and are to reoeive a salary of twenty dollars per month. In the event of Cuba's freedom each soldier is promised a large tract of land and some money. a For over nil, tears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been need for over fifty yews by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect sue- cess. It soothes tne ennd, softs the gums, allays all pain, cures wi ld colic, and is the bwt remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-nye cents a bottle, lie sure and ask for "Mrs, Winslows Sooth itg Syrup," and take no other kino Gold standard for Tern. Lima, Peru, Aug. 29. El Comer- cio says editorially tbat the finan cial measures recently submitted to and now pending in the Peruvian congress will without doubt lead to the adoption of tbe gold standard in Peru. This result, Ei Comercio further says, will not be brought about without a monetary crisis more or less intense. The gold standard, in the opinion of the paper, is the only remedy for Peru's present financial straits, and such a change would be productive of peimanent good. In tbe meantime business in Peru is practically at a standstill. The markets are almost in a state, ul panic. Suffered 20 Years. RS. MARY LEWIS, wife of a promi nent fur mo r, and well known by all old residents near Belmont, N. Y,. vrltos: "For twenty-sevtrn years I had boon constant sufferer from nervous prostra tion, and paid large sums of money for doc tors and advortiscd romedios without bene fit. Three years &go my condition was alarming; the least uolso would startle and unnerve me. . I was unable to sleep, had a number of sinking spells and slowly grew worse. I began usiug Dr. Miles' Keutoratlve Nervine and Nerve and Liver Viila. At first the medicine seemed to have no effr ct, but fter taking a few bottles X began to notice change; I rested better at night, my appe tite began to improve audi rapidly grew better, until now I am as nearly Vbt-orid to health as one of my ago may expect. God bless Dr. 51 1 les' N er vi ue.' Dr. Miles' Rt uiedlos are sold by all drag I, v glstsuudera positive guarantee, first bott lo benefits or money fe- " Restore funded. Book on dis f. Health vvjil eases of tho heart and nerves free. Address, VII. MILES SIBMUALuo., tlkliart. Inii. Kuyal mulcts the food pure, wholesome ad dallcloat. M POWDER Absolutely Pur BoVlPV'W WWW rO.. MfWWW. Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forma of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Hotal Baking Powder Co., New York. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JAN. 18, 1897. Tb b condensed schedule is pub isb ,d an information, and is snh ject to change without notice to thr public : THA1NS LEAVE CoSCOHD, !t. 0. 9:27 p. M. No. 85. daily fnr AMnn. ta and Charlotte Air Line division. una all points South and Southwest Carries through Pullman drawing rojm buffet sleepers between New lorn, Washington, Atlanta, Birms ingham, Galveston, Savannah and Jacksonville. Also fullman sleeper' Ut urlotte to Augusta. 8:48 a. m. No- 87, daily. Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Throueh Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing car, vestibuled ooaen, between vvam.iugton ana Atlnntu, 1'uliman tourist car for Sau Fraiiciuno. Knn. days. 3 M;U2 p. M. No. 9. dai v. from Tti0i mond, Washington, Goldsboro.Nof folk, Selma, Kalign. Greensborol KuoxviUe and Asheville to Char oue, N. O. "0:30 a- m. No. 11, dailv, for At-. la,U and all points South. Solid train, Kichmond to Atlanta; Pull man sleeping car, Kichmond to Greensboro. 10:07 a. m. No. 36, daily, for Washington, liiohmond, lialeigh and all points North. Carries PulJa man drawing-room buffet sleeper, Gilveston to New York ; Jackson, ville to New York ; Birmingham to New York. Pullman tourist cars from San Fraroisoo Thursdays. 9:02 p. m. No. 38, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled, printed, for Washington and all tipjntB North. Through Pullmsn car' Memphis to New lork; New Orleans to New York ; Tampa to New York, Also carries vertibuiod couch and dining car. " " 7.22 p. m. No. 12, daily, f or Bioh moud, ABheville, Chattanooga, Eal digu, Goldsboro and all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping car from Greensooro to Kichmond. Connects at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman car for Itaieigh- 6.17 a. m. No. 10, daily, for Kich nond ; connects at Greensboro for Eialeigti aud Norfolk ; at Danville for Washington and points North ; at Salisbury for Ashville, Enox ville and points West. "AH freight trains carry passengers. Jouv M. Cclp, W. A. Turk, Trullic M'gr. Gen '1 Pass, Ag't, W. H. Green, Washington,!). C. Gen'l Superintendent, Washington,-D. C. 3. H.Hardwick, Ass't Gen'i P. Ag't Atlanta, Ga . H. Tatlok, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Ky. Gowak Ddsekbebv, Local Ag't, Conoord. N. G. FREE EDUCATION. An education at Harvard. Yalo. omnl other college or institution c;f learning n the L nited states or In the New En gland Conservatory of Music, can bo secured by any young man or woman who is In earnest. Write for particulars quickly. JAMES D. BALL, 36 Bromfield Street, Boston, Mass, Sept. 17 '7. L. T. HARTSELL. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD, - - N C. I'rompt attention given to all business. ' Office in Morris building opposite court house. I) C Caldwell, M. D. M. L. Steven., M. D Prs. CALDWELL & BTEVJiNS. ' Concord, N. O. Oflioe in old rest office building opposite St. Cloud Hotel. Fire ifc AND Accident. J. HURLEY, Agent. Over Marsh's Drug Store. SALEM Academy and College, for Girls and l otiue; Wcmi'U. I!est hoDie care to- getlur with full ColVge instructions. Specialists in Music, Art. K'ocu- tion, Language, ( oniric n ial and Icdistrial Bliulies. Institution found ed in 1802. The rreisier slmwa 311 iSt year. New teim hci-ins Thnra. day, Sept. 2, 1S07. S i,d for Cat. ogue to KEV. J. H C'LKH' KM,, I V 1 li ' ; i ill. nmp i) vi m,r.i ,,.-ui , ,,,..,, rWE

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