"7 - Standard. The - Standard. - TURNS OUT The T AND A RD. HUNTS THE AA"fA THAT IS' XE)Y8 For 1 Year GOOD - JOB - WORK AT UVINO PKIOE3. Give us a Trial. VOL. X--IMO 37. CONCORD, N. C.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1897. WHOLE. NO. 443 j Send us x Dollar mires Cum Ulk " In favor Talk o( Hood! Saroaparllla, M for no other piedl- cine. IU great cure recorded In trothf ul, sonvinclnf language of grateful men and woman, eonitltuta ita moat affective ad vartlalng. Many of theae cures are mar Tslooa. Tbay have won the oonOdenoa of the people; have given Hood'e Baraapa rllU the largeat aalea In the world, and have made necessary for Its manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's Baraaparillala known by the cures it has made curse of scrofula, salt rheum and caema, cores of lheumatlsm, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh -mires which prove nlood'S Sarsaparilla Is the best-In fact the One True Blood Puriner. ii n, cure bver ilia; eur lo rlOOd S PUIS take. easy loutwrale. JOo. Mothers! TBI discom forts and dangers of child-birth can be almost en- tirely avoided. WineofCardui" relieves ex pectant moth era. It gives) toneto the gen italorgans,and puts them in condition to do their work perfectly. That makes preg nancy leas painful, shortens labor and hastens recovery after child-birth. It helps woman bear strong healthy children. has also brought happiness to thousanda of homes barren for years. A few doses often brings toy to loving hearts that long for s darling baby. Mo woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists 8en wine of Cardui. $1.00 per bottle. For uMos hi cues raxilrlnr special directions, address, flviaf symptoms, the "Ladlaa' Advlaorv DM.rtma.1 '' The Che mucosa. Medicine Co.. Chaos noon. Teas. re. LOOTS. BALI. r JeMsssa, tsyst "When t first leak Wine ef Csrtful we had been married tkree rears, but wis not have any children. I'lne momasmar 1 had a floe girl babj ." To- I am Prptrl te do all fclndao. Lumbrfrftlnfft lnoladln.fi MATCHING, MOULDING. PATENT SIDING, ETC., ETC., rrempt and antlentetery aervleea fjaiarantesMl. FTJatni fjmR always ... . i t eqals jsi To-mailet. R. W. S A FRIT. " .vr- tKlSON II. CALDWEI 1 4TTOBS1T AT I AW, CONCORD. N 0 Office in Morris bu d'o, pposi oourt bouse. M. B. STICKLEY. Attorney at Lw, Concord N. C SI&klAL ATlhhTIOS QlVlh 10 COLLECTIONS. Offlae npitaira in King balldint near Postofflo . Buy From First Hands We have just received a car of New York -Apples ard Seed potatoes Direct from the growers and Jn order to move them out at once we are offering to sell yery low. Have you seen our Northern White Spring Oats By buying a car of them we bought at ajery low Price. Come to see us or write for prices. G. W. PATTERSON Wholesale Grocer and t Manufacturer! Agent CONCORD, N, 0. House THE STATE HOSPITAL. Oes). Vllncmnn aais A K Lnsle Ordered Asnl(le-.Alans Eaenped-Xaaiy Ad missions. Mo-ganton, 8epr. 8 The toard of direoiort of the Slate Uoppital met at the institution today in quarter! session. Present: Presi dent Sawyer and Messrs. Hall, D.vi, Harper, White, Whitner, Love and Caldwell. The report of the executive com- mit'ee showed that appl'catio- s for the admission of Gen. Thos L Clingman, of Yadkin, and Albert L Logic, of Mecklenborf, had been favorably acted opon. They are ex pected at the hojpital in a few days, Gen. Clingman is 84 years old, and has been living for some time with bis sister, Mrs. Kerr, of Yadkin, of which county he is a native. The superintendent's report dis- olosed that since the last meeting of the board Mrs. Alvina Coppell, an inmate from Davidson ooonty, had committed toioide, and there have recently been fonr mysterious elope ments. Three of Xhox who escape have been re-captured, but the fourth John Sims, of Meckleu .bury, who murdered his wife near Iluntersville about a veer ago is still at large, and is understood to have fled the Stile. The increase in population for tbe quarter ended with this meeting was 72; ordered admitted during August 44, of whom 36 came. (This is tbe largest number received in any one month since tbe opening of the Hospital, and it is due to the completion last month of the new cottage building for women.) Num ter remaining at this time, 740. Tbe crops on tbe hospital farm were reported above tbe average. Oter 300 tons of bay bave been saved. Tbe resignation of Dr. T 8 W Mott as third assistant physician, of date June 12, was received and ac cepted. Dr. Mott has been ileoted assistant physician at tbe North Carolina Insane Asylum at Raleigh, and has entered npon h'l duties. By reason of tbe reduction of tbe appropriation for tbe institution oloser economy iu its management tbun heretofore has become neces sary, but it is in good condition, the inmates are comfortably provided for, and it is living within its in some. The greater part of the session of the board today was devoted to rout tine business and to details of man agement. PEHRY BROKE DOWN. Overcome tm Bidding- Children Ceod-Bye- Baited at Deeatar. Atlan a, Ga, Sept 8 Horace "S Perry, who was sentenced to death for tbe murder of Bely Lancer, for whose pardon bis wife made a sensa tional, but ineffectual appeal to Governor Atkinson about a week ago, was hanged at Decatur this afternoon. Perry's wife and five children were with bint all nigbt in jail. Ha as accompanied to Decatur by a strong guard. Perry broke down completely in bidding good-bye to his wife and children. A Mad Case. As is to be seen from our newf oolumne, an order has been made for the admission of Gen. Thomas L Clingman to the State Hospital at Morgaoton. His is, of course, one of mere senility, and it if ariinst the policy of the institution to receive such cases; but in this instance' that of a man who, as a member of the lower boose of Con gress, Uuited States Senator and Confederate general, has rendered tbe State such conspicuous eerviof it was felt that an exception might well be made. Beiog over aken by both physical and mental infirmity, North Carolina owes him its tender care dur'iDg tbe few re maining years of his life. CbarlotU Observer. n uoup, I A Coughs, Tooth ache, Diarrhoea, a uysentery, Rnu.pl rnmnlnififs. t , A Burs, Safe, Quick Cure far those troubles is fahvi'ullefr 11 is me trusted menu 01 ins g, Mechanic, Fanner, Planter, Sailor, and In (act all classes. Used Internally or externally. $ Beware of Imitations. Take X none but the genuine " Pkrby J Pa via." Sold everywhere, J 25c. and 60o. bottles, t i-4 - id a 1 Cramps, I Colic, I Colds, t A 8PE0IAL PRIVILEGE. Jajrar Crwwell Urania Bicycle Riders Kpaee ine Hldewalke. Whi e work is progressing on the macadam on West Depot street, Mayor Crowell has granted the bicjele riders a privilege to use the sidewalk'), provided they are cau tious and not take too many liber ties, and to gujrd against baby car riages, 'children and collisions in general. Mayor Crowell is to be praised fur this permission, and all are thank ful for it. eetina ef County Beard sf Edaea. Hew. The ooonty board of education will meet on Saturday the 25 tb of September at 9 a. m., for the purpose of bearing recommendations of com mittees with reference to looating school distriots in cases where the lines of the old distriots cross town ship lines. If oommittees bave auy changes from the present townsbip lines to recommend, they should be present It is important that the lines should be located before taking the school census. H. T. J. Ludwio, w 2t Supervisor. Walermelen Motraea rncnteaed n7 ttebool Boys. 8everal little boys who were re urning from Charlotte Wednesday evening had qnte a scare at Newell', their train having ben sidetracked there. A convenient watermelon patch was raided by the joung passengers and tbe High School boys baving oyerbeard the plot to make the second charge, secreted themselves in the patch and when the little fellows weie fairly in tbe field, the school boys opened fire, which frightened the "pblnes" away, and giving the Newell boys the laugh on them. BT Nboola Hluiaoir. The youDg son of Mr. Pleasant Sowers, who lives about four miles frjm town, aooidently shot himeelf in the side this morning and is per haps fatally wonnded. Mr. Bowers came in about 10 o'clock in search of a doctor and tells ns that the aocident occurred while tVie boy was ont hunting squirrels. Tbe barrel was close to his left side in the region of the stomach when tbe gin was dis charged, the entire conten's entering tbe boy s side. He was immediately removed to bis home and a physician summoned to do wbat he oould for him. Mr. Sowers Bars that bis son bled verv freely and he doubted if be would be able to get a physician there in time to do bim any good. Salis bury World. Wanla a Pardon. Mr. L 0 Caldwell, mayor of States ville, arrived in the city to day. Mr. Caldwell came here to urge Governor Rassell to giant a pardon te a man named Miller, who is serving a ten years' sentence in the penitentiary. Miller was convicted in 'redell court in 1894 of manslaughter. He bss served three years of bis term. Mr. Caldwell, who is a prominent populist, has numerous petitions spicing that Millet be pardoned. Mr. Caldwell will present tbe matter to Governor Rassell this evening opon bis return from Wil mington. Press-Visitor. Will Rot (to to Baltimore. The young man Brown who- was bitten by a supposed mad dog; last week will not go ti Baltimore to take the Pasteur treatment. His father, Mr. II M Brown, tells ns he has found an old recipe for the) cure of hydrophobia and be will try it on his sod. Tbe recipe is fifty years old and bas never failed in a single case on which it has been tried. Mr Brown is confident that tba prepara tion aocorairg to the recipe will prove effective and the trip to Balti more will, accordicgly.be abandoned, Salisbury Sun. f Mr. clevelnDil'a Tai Returns. The Mercer count board of as sessors met today to foot up tbe valuations of real and personal property and fix tbe rate of taxa tion for State, echool and county purposes. Tbe valuations for tbe year are $1,322,000 more than last yeer. Princeton township shows an increase of $300,000, one- half of which is due to ex Pretident Clove land becoming a resident there. Assessor Shook reported that he bad received a letter from tbe ex Pnsideot making retnrn of his property. His real estate he valued at $20,000 and his personal property at 1130,000. The ex-President wrote that he aould not be exact as to the latter figures because of the rawnt fluctuations in the mock market, Trenton, N, J, Piepatcb, 7th. BASE BALL ENDED. With Wednesday's Victor , Ihet'lnb Dlabaade-Aa F.xcltlns; nie la t barlotui Between the Home Team and Mounlala Island Clean Ball and Fair-Ten Innings Were Played -The neore II la 10 In Oar Favor. Charlotte is an old town and tbere was a warm time in that particular part of tbe universe Wednesday Concord was represented by fully two hundred of ber 7,000 popula tion, who accompanied the base ball team to the Mecca of the State to wit ness one of the closest contested games that was ever played on tbe Charlotte diamond. When tbe party arrived in the city Wednesday morning, Mayor Springs turned the town over to the "Rooters ' and their followers, and the boys felt fiea and easy from start to finish. Charlotte was, almost to a person, pulling sgaiost Conoord for Moun. tain Island, but despite her efforts to dethrone and rob ber of her laurels, our boys were victorious and tbey still wear the belt, having won every game during the season. The game was witnessed by five hundred or more people and not only Concord, but eyery spectator was wild with enthusiaim and excite ment. In the sevtnth inning Concord and Mountain Inland had scored nine ruus each, and in the eighth and ninth neither made a run. In tbe tenth inning. Mi. Island soored one run and Concord made two, giving the home team 11 and its antoganist's 10, tbe score by innings being as follows: Conoord 001040400 a 11. Mt. Island 3 03101100 110 MrEjgene Graham, of Charlotte, umpired the game and his impartial decisions won for him a great place in tbe hearts of our people. He was certainly fair. Parkpr, Mountain Island's pitcher, and Jenki is, the catcher.make a good strong bsttery, but nothing to com pare M Weddicgton and Reed, when our pitoher is in good shape. Itis greatly regretted that be was too unwell to show the people of Char lotte and community whit's in him. When Mr. Weddington left tbe box in the third inning, his temperature was 101,hence the necessity for play ing Mangum and Baily as the bat tery. Wedding-ton's falling out caused Caldwell to go to pieces, hut he soon picked up and came lo hiojSjlf agmn on tbe home stretch. It was a terrible (ffort for our boys to play Charlotte and Mountain le land both, but tbey succeeded admirably well. "We are tbe vic tors, Laving got tbe game and the spoils." Tbe game of yesterday wound up baseball for this season, tie club having disranded. Several of the team will leave for school tomorrow, while others will apply themselves to books and their respective work at home. Tbe iuaccuracy of yesterdays re port and tbe lateneBs of the paptr was due to tbe fact that tbe forms were held for the result, and as the game was not through until such a late hour it was impossible to get anything over the telephone except wbat was picked up on the streets in tbe city, Daily, 9th Inst CH A BLES KlTcH CONVICTE D. Sentenced lo Twelve Years Imprison ment will Appeal. Tbe trial of Charles Ritch, a Charlotte boy, occurred at Knox vill, Tenn., yesterday. He was found guilty and sentenced twelve years imprisonment in Tennessee penitentiary. His counsel gave notice Ritch would appeal to the to tbe tbat Su- preme court of Tenessee. Charlie Ritcb is well known in tbis city. . t wo I.Ives Nnved. Mrs. Pboobe Thomas, of Junction City. 111., was told by her doctors she bad consumption and that tbere was no hope for ber recovery, but two bottles of Dr. lime's New Dis covery saved her life. Mr. Thomas Eggcrs, 139 Florida St. Sao Francis co, suffered from a draadful cold, approaching consumption, tried without result everything else Ihen bought a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was tired. He is naturally thankful 1 is such results, of which these ire samples, that prove te wonder ful efficacy of this medicine in coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at fVtzer's Drug store. Regular size 60c. aid 1.00. i ns-f m WANTED Upright and faithful gentlemen or ladies to travel for rt'- onnnnihl eat nrl iullflll hoilflfl in North Carolina. Monthly 8G5.00 and expenses. roeition steady . Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Tbe Dominion Company, Dept. H, Chicago. e25. USED DYNAMITE. tons One Put By namlte In Ibe.Water aad Hilled the risk Little Boys Hold Tbem. It will be remembered thatseveral days ago The Standard made a note of the fact tbat a number ef dead Djq were seen floating down stream in Buffalo creek, but gave no cause for their death. Alfred Vanderburg, who works at nigbt In the Cabarrus mill, Sujs that some one put dynamite in the water, kill ing the fish. He says be beard tbe report and saw tbe smoke at tbe time, but paid no attention to it. Wednesday morning three little white boys peddled several bunches of fish around Cannonville, and it is believed tbat tbe boys gathered ap the deal fish that bad been djna mi ted Monday nigbt. Flab Peddlers Have Hbipped. Two of the yonng boys wbo struag several bunches of dead fish picked up cut of Bufftlo creek and sold tbem to residents in the Cannonville part of tbe city, have skipped the country. It is quite a serious mat ter to sell stale fish, and there was strong talk of prosecuting the young eoys, bencs their departure. Mnsle Will Bo Tauabt la All tbe Grades. Mr. R L Keesler will have charge of vocal music in the Graded Schools this year. All the grades will have music. Mr. Keesler will divide his time (q'lal'y un.o.ig the three baild ings. The ninth grade will be revived tbis year and tbe proposed course of study will be given to tbe public in a few days. The flehools are Delnc Well. Tbe following from the Horner Military school, at Oxford, N. C, adde one more to the uniformly en couragaing reports that greet ns this fall from almost every institution of learning : "we are much pleased with our opening. A larger number of new students than for seyeral years." bboWasa "Traab Borer." The little 8-jear-old ginger case negro daughter of Uattie Uaan went into the rear end of Bell, Harris & Co.'s furniture store Thursday afternoon while Mr. Bell was en gaged in the front, and stole a hand some work basket, filling it with drawer bandies and other furniture fixtures. She was seen on the streets with her plunder and was at once suspected of being a rogue. When questioned as to where she got "those things," she said that she found them in a tr&sh pile in rear of the store above mentioned. Mr. Bell was notified and succeeded in se- euring his goods from the girl with bat little persuasion. Fortnne.for a Tramp. San Francisoo, Cal., Sept. 8 Jacob Wilson, aged 52, wbo came to this State a tramp last March, and applied for work in Tulareconnty for his board, has reoeived word that the United States Supreme Court has decided in his favor a suit tbat will give bim food portion of a 115,000,000 estate. The suit was brought in the New York courts in 1886, and affects the estate of Jacob Wilson, Sr., banker and broker of Wall street. Young Wilson, according to bis story, in 1873 married a woman who was a nurse in tbe family. Tbe family raised a row and Wil son went to Australia with his wile In 1884 his father died, cutting off Wilson without a dollar. In 1886 he brought suit to break tbe will, and during tbeeleven yean inteiim has been penniless and a wanderer. LaBt week he received news tbat bis suit had been successful, but be is only modestly elated over It. He is particularly bitter against his sisters. One of them lives in Pittsburg, where ber husband is the president of a large manufacturing company. Wilson says that in1893, after the hardships of an overland tramp from California and sick and hungry, he went to the door of her home in the aristocratic part of Pittsburg and sought help. He was treated as one of tbe out casts of the world, and there was neither food nor money for him. After working on a ranch in Tulare for a few months for his board. Wilson got a place on a small weekly newspaper at Dinuba and was making barely enough to keep himself alive when he received tbe news of his good fortune. Wi'stn is now in Stockton arranging with a firm of lawyers to obtain his in heritance. Notice. Our new gin plant at the Cabar rus Roller Mills is now ready for operation. Call and see us. Id 2w LippAHDe & Bariueb. RAN OVER HI3 LEG. Bonree Bnlharn Badly Inared at the (Southern's Mlatlon. Monroe Su. hard, a young white man, who says he hails from Dan. yille, Va., was seriously injured in in the yard of the Southern pa3E enger station this morning at 5 o'clock. It seems that Sutbard beat bi-) way to Charlotte on the local freight from the north. After ar riving at Charlotte tbe train was sidetracked and Sutbard lay down underneath one of the cars for a nap. When the shifting engine wan making up the train tbis morning soma one of the train bands heard Sutbard yell and on ic-chic;? 2jig; found tbat one of the wheels of a freight car bad passed over his left leg between the knee and ankle. He was sent to the hospital, where he was attended by Dr. R L Gibbon tbe Southern's surgeon. Dr Gibbon does not thick that amputation will be necessary. Charlotte Mews, Kennlon of Jacob C'orrell'a Family Ob tbe seventh day of September, 1897, Mr. Jacob Correll was seventy years old. On this occasion be had a birthday dinner and a reunion of family and gathering of fiiends. Among the friends present was his preacher, Rev. A Shulenberger and family, his family physician, Dr. U A Rimnanr and family, his neigh bors, William RoJgers and David Uorrell and wife, Wallace Cook, of Concord, Mrs. Ann Bnaver and son, and Mrs. Francis Btavtr. The family was all represented except John W S and J Fisher Correll, neither of which had one presen Five children wilh their familiis wero present. Nineteen grandchild ren and one great gracd child were present, Mr. Correll has 29 grand children and one great-grand child, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J B Har rington, of Concord. Mrs, Iiarring, ton is a daughter of Mr. J A Collet!- who married Mr, Jacob Cor roll's oldest child. This was certainly a pleasant oc casion tor all wbo enjoyed the hospi tality of this good fellow and friend Tbe table was so bounteously laden with good things tbat it would be a task to describe them. Itis euffici.ct to say there was everything to tempt and satiate the hungry man, and we must say from the way most of tbem ate there is no doubt it was enjoyed. The amusements were in a con versational and social way. Our friend, William Ridgers, could en tertain with a war story, and David Correll with bow easy it was to shoot a chicken's head off when be expect ed to help devour it. We suppose the ladies enjoyed themselves in about tbe same way from the noise tbey kept up in an adjoining room. All inn in wishing Mr. Uorrell many happy returns of this pleasant day. Guest. Tbe t'nbaas strike a Slow. Madrid, Sept. 10. The Minister of War has cabled Captain General Weyler, asking for an explanation regarding the capture by the insur gsnts of Victoria de las Tunas, province of Santiago deCuba, which is defended by seven forts, having two Krupp gnns among their arma ment. It is stated here tbat the ob ject of the insurgents is to establith their government there and to then obtain recognition of their belliger ency by the United States. A Spanish expedition will be or ganized to recapture Victoria de las Tunas. The newspapers of this oity, commenting upon this capture condemn Captain General Weyler. The Impartial says that General JovelLar was removed from his command for a similar disaster in 1876 It is pointed out that the strate gical position of Victoiia de lae Tunas is important. The govern ment bad decided to act vigorously, and to immediately dispatch fur ther re-inforcementj to Cuba, if necessary. . mm s Improvement apace. We are pleased lo kuo-v that the row of old dilapidated build ngs on South Main street below the Hud gin store room have chasged pro prietors and ere long we borie to see the demand for neat an lloinforta ble dwellings partially siipp'ied wth a row of houses along tlii Central location that has bu-n ixn eyesore to ; (he town for so lung. Tbe improvement of So ith Main street asalready noted will put a new face on that part of tbe oity. The back ground of these lots will look immensely more inviting when the contemplated fl.lirg in is done. We do no', know w here tbe band of in domitable enterprise could strike a more telling blow for the beauty and the ojmmetry of the town than about this particular part and we rarely have news more pleasant to chronicle. f-nor iin box. A Kiiihii Boy Watt JoKinir With Ills Inllicr 'A speciil from Taylorsyille to the Charlotte Observer says: Yealer diy evening at Bi-ntley os'ofiicp, about 8 niilea from here, David Hol ler shot and dungerouaiy wounded hi i little son, 8 years old The boy intended to play a joke on hii father. Kuo ii g that a eup posed rntid do? hsdpisped the bonce a ehrrt time before going tc some large wei.ds a short U;eUnc( from the house aud getting on bis har.ds ar.d knees, begun to criiwl about. Mr, Holler being tcld by some of the houst-to'd that thi're was a large white dog m tbe wted.- (tbe coiur cf tbe one that had j is t passed), inconsiderately his grin aud fired in the direction of the boy, tbe shot entering his bodj. A phy s;cian was summonet i nd the Ins report is that he is suffering with peritonitis, and will piobably die. oiu People. Old people who require medicine to repulaip their bowels ui:d kid neys wui bid the true remedy in Electric Bitters. '1 his medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonia ml nit rative. It acts mildly on the otonmch und bowels, aiding slreneht a'ul giving to the organs, thereby aiding iinture in the performance of the function. Electric Bitters iei au. excellent ap petizer nn. I aids digestion. Old people find it juut exactly wh.it they need. Price f.Oc and 4100. per bottle at Fetzer's Dm? Store. Yellow 1'oyer lint no I'milt. The yellow fl ig is dieplfed in New Oi'loii'is and twelve bu pioious cases are rt-porttd but none I'.re said to be dangerous There are cases more or less serious at Ocean Springe and Bilex;. The quarantine is so complete thut there la no pauic or very serious apprehension. Bnrklen's Arnica naive. The Best Sitivd in tl'e world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fever Sorr s, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and a;l Skin Eruptions, und positively cumi Piles or no pay reqm rd. It le guaranteed to give at." tit faction or tmnev refunded. I'r-o 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzu's Drug store.' t'mol niNtllliiiK. A dispatch eaye Julius Eoney, of near Healing Springs, Davidton county, gave bond aud began distilling, and bas been under the influence of liquor ever since till Wednesday he deliberately sent a ball into bis brain and died in stantly. for Over rittv Yours Mrs. Winslow's Soothing syrup has been used for over fifty jcurs hj millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect sue. cess. It soothes the cmld, softens the gums, allays ail pain, cures wind colic, Biid is the beet remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately, bold by druggists in every part of the world, Twentj-fiye cents a bottle. Be sure md ask for "Mrs. Winslows Kooth iLg Syrnp." and take no other kinu John L Milam, who embezzled the Seaboard Air-Line railroad company out of considerable funds, was convicted in the criminal court at Charlotte, Friday, and sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. Dr. Miles9 Heart Cure Cures a Prominent Attorney. MR. R. C. PIIFLPS, the lendlnRpcrrton nttorney of IU'lf,i:t, 11. V., writer "I was dischurKi'fi from the ai n.y on account of 111 licultli, nn milTcred from heart troublo ever since. I frequently lutd fnlntlnff and smotln'rliiR spells. My form was bent aa a man of K), I constaiitly worn un overcoat, even In summer, for fritr of taking cold. 1 could not attend to rny busi ness. My rest was broken by severe j:ii;.a about tlio heart and left oliutilder. Thro years a;io 1 cunimeiu'eii u:-ui ir. Heart Cure, notwulistanilin 1 hud used so much patent medicine and taken (Imps fmm doctors for years without beinr? Iu -Iped. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure restored me to lieul'li. It la truly a wouderful mcdlclno and ft aiTords mo much pleasure to rvi'iiniriend this rem edy to overyone." PTrTrWKSST?!! Dr. Miles' UeniPduw V pi r ' y-'A A aro sold by all drupE- f v. gists umier a postuve guarantee, ilrst bottit benefits or money re HIUlCtf3r funded. Book on dis eases of the heart aud nerves f reo, AddrosH, , Dli. MILKS A'.liUWAL CO.. Llkhurt, lad. KetHlM l ii Million. Madiaon, N. C, Au', 4, l.su7. ooe tirras Liniment Co., Urecus biro, N. e. Dear Sirs : rienne ship im at oiv one groai tlonsp Ureac Iuimont. We are eutirely out. Don t to sli p ut once. Please (five us j-ibbera pniiea It is the heet thtrf w Have e-.er moi. W C Jones & Co. Royal makej the food pure, whulewme and dclictous. mm ml FCVDZR Absolutely puro Celebrated fnr its preat leaveninor strength and healthfulnees. Assures the iiioil nsrainRt alum and all forma of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking PuV.'PEa Co., New Yorff. SCHEDULE I I ' IN EFFECT JAN. 18, 1897. 1h s eondenf-ed'Bchedule is pub ieta d as information, aud ia subt ject to change without notice to thr public : TKAIN8 LEAVE CuSCORD, . 0. 9:27 p. m. No. H5, daily for Mian, ta and Charlotte Air Line division, hdj all points South and Southwest, (.'times thn una Pullman drawing room bullet slicpers between New York, ash n ton, Atlanta, Birms in'ham, Ublv.'ston, Savannah and Ja kBonville, Also Jfullman sleeper l!1 nrlotte.to AuRusta. 8:18 a. m. No. 37, daily, Washing, ton and Southwestern vestibuled limitel for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, uud all points! South and Southwept. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ins ear, vestibuled ooach, between UaR.iington and Atlnnta, Pullmau toiirint car for Ban Francisco, Bun days. U;" p. M. No. 9, daily, from Rich mond, Wnshiugton, (ioidsboro.Nor'" folk, Helmn, Kalign, Greensborol Kucxvillo and ABheville to Char otto, N. 0. loao a m. No. 11, daily, for At lunta and all points South. Solid Iraii1. liichmoud to Atlanta; Pull man sleeping car, Richmond to Greernboro. 10:07 A. M, No. 36, daily, for Wellington, Richmond, Raleigh and all points North. Carries Pull man drawing.room buft'ot sleeper, Galventon to New York ; Jacksons villa to New Y'ork ; Birmingham to New York. Pullman tourist cars from San I'rarcisco Ihursdays. 'J;02 p. M. No. 38, daily, W ashing ton and Southwestern vestibuled, rinited, for Washington and all boints North. Through Pullman car' Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York; Tampa to New York, Also carries vertibulcd coach ami dining car. 7.22 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Ricbs mend, Asheville, Chattanooga, Ral t'gh, Goldsboro r.ud all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping car from Greensboro to Richmond. Connocts at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman enr for Raieigh- 6.17 a. m. No. 10, daily, for Rich nond ; connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Norfo.k ; at Danville for Washington and points North ; at Salisbury for Ashville, Knois villo and points West, .ill freight trains carry passengers-' John 31. CrLP, W. A. ItniK, Traffic M'gr. Gen '1 Pass. Ag't, . 11. Green, Washin Geu'i Superintendent, Washington, -D. C. S.n.HARDWiCK, Ass'tGeu'iP. kg'tl'. Atlanta, Ga . H. Tayloe, Ass-t Gen'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Ky. Gotcan Duf ENEEBY, Lc cal Ag't, Concord. N. 0. FREE EDUCATION. An education at Harvard, Yale, oranl other college or iustituttoa ef learning n the Uuited ftatia or In the New En tfland Conservatory of Music, can be secured liy any young man or woman who is in earnest. Write for particulars quickly. JAMKs 1). HALL, III! llroinlieUl Street, Boston, Mass, 8cpt. 17 J7. L. T. HARTSELL. ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD, - - N C. Prompt attention giten to all business OHice in Morris building opposite court house, D Ci. Cal.lwfll. M. I. M. 1.. Stevens, M. D Drs. CALDWELL & fc-T EVENS. Concord, N. 0. Oniee in old post cfTue building opposite St. Cloud Hotel. filADE ITiS A MAN P i l.l. i ri'i-u -i !,.., -i.-...It nn Jt 1 P' , 1 in ;. ; i . Sii't j li'.jftHk., dtc, crmmf ft' V AU.... J ' Mt f.Uil lit.iirt- "Y ; in ..'l"r;,,n-.,.,,i -""w - 'i i: "Hi i t ' ! i', I'm 1 vr rtwiri ina rTsN i'i"V- i.. .-yt-.-A V. v ...,,;......,.. ti.... i) in 1 1.:."'. 'J i.i i-i- 1 - ti ini'!,:'.ir.ln IiiiitoVt ii'.'iil n;'. Pif.'i-'H is '.'l.'1', . p. ri''i. r full 1 n- 'l ti-iri :wnw A x 'VtttilHtn. Tlirjr c 1 1 . I !n)!i, ;'ii 1 in .. ifi-,iM.ni. I'ivn n tt:'-,. rt-rutt.ti nir.riii.!.". Ii-:' ' iro rft fTO in vwh tiisn or p fun I i" i 1 --. 1'fi' V I -Jii-'r I fti l..tti,., (.i- mi fl t. il ti--. liT K 'n n I, in I'liii r. vvi i ; r. ; .ii. i . i , r. m' i ri.'H. ( 'irciil; t "-AJ.X ki'ufiliY CO., '"VSni1" For sale by I' GibBon, Druggists t. ' I' . - . . t4 I!' T l .til tlitV 4 ii. vi. - .. i ' "il .Ul ti -;. Ml 'iMiiii-1 ji' i ' i in. in. -:V1" ,i. I On1 uiiiiit- vuuruif ,.,-. Wl'l. Ml' ,.' V 1 C' - - . I. , in..) .'!. ii... i vii.. f ' .-. ...y...ii.r.,t .ml u.il.if-', iV .- , V . 1. is. J u.'.i. ii., : . m-v: y S . 1 v f i t,urc,-,it , iuii in f ..-Jtj i nn.. if y u limn I.i i n.. , ( .ii. i.,.'i.i. i,.,in.h nn.l 1 I., Ml,,.-, O ..,,,.. . ( .i.,i i. .: Ilitlr .r t' r I in a r v . Hull u in .-I uli.tln. r.i.H,,... .iu i . . , l,in. a H I lie ii i enuu.i ini-ii fl otilil build more hou'(s. A j 1 minent limn who W:i ntri to in. v I V- f imily li-ri) com plain j 1 r 111 . )-. -.n't n lit u bousii. Nut 11 vacant house can bu ,'ound in Li e city.