The - Standard. riilNTS THE AEWis THAT IS For 1 Year - TV HSU OUT GO JD- JOB -WORK AT LIVING TRICES. Give us a Trial. VOL. X--NO 38. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1897. WHOLE NO. 444 Send ns 1 Dollar. The - Standard The Standard. With Hood's Saraaps- aTSW! Talk tills, "Bales Talk , and show that tins uicdl cine has enjoyed publio confidence and patronage to a greater extent than accord ed any other proprietary medicine. This is simply because it posiesses greater merit and produces greater cures than any other. It la not what we say, but what Hood's Barsaparilla does, that tells the story. All advertisements of Hood's Barsaparilla, like Hood's Barsaparilla it elf, are honest. We have never deceived the publio, and this with Us superlative medicinal merit, is why the people have abiding confidence in It, and buy Sarsaparilla Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try It Prepared only by 0. 1. Hood & Co., I,owell, Mas. - -, r-ff are ine only inns ui uiko flood S FlllS with Hood's Barsaparilla. THE HEW WAY. T70MEN used to think "fe male diseases " could o n 1 y be treated after "lo c a 1 examina tions' by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their suffering. The in troduction of Mine of Cardut has now demon strated that nine-tenths of all the cases of menstrual disorders do not require a physician 's attention at all. The simple, pure ran.; taken In the privacy of woman's own home insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Wine of Cardul re quires no humiliating examina tions for Its adoption. It cures any disease that comes under the head of "female troubles" disordered menses, falling of the womb, "whites, "change of life. It makes women beautiful by making them well. It keeps them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug sore. For advice In eases requlrlnr special directions, addrtsa, riving tymptomi, the " Ladles' Advliory Department. The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatu . noogm. Tenn. W. I. ADDISON, M.D., Cary, Miss., says: "I use Wine of Cardul eitenslvely In my practice and find It a most excellent preparation for female troubles." D C. Caldwell, M. D. M. L. Stevens, M. D Pr. CALDWELL & ISTEVENS. Concord, N. 0. Office in old tost effise bnildin; opposite St. Cloud Hotel. M0KK1S0N II. CALUWEJJ ATT0RSIT AT I AW, CONCORD, N 0 Office in Morris ba din.j, court home. PfCSlt L T. HARTSELL. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD, - - N C i ,itnpt attention given to al basii ess. Office in Morris buildup i-npr ite court rouse. M. B STIOKLEY. Attorney at Ltw, Concord N. C. SIRblAL A'llKMIOb Gllkh 10 CO J0.S. Uflice upstairs in King b-iildin, neir iV'Stofliai . Buy From First Hands "We Lave just received a car of flew York Apples ar il Seed potatoes Direct from the growers and ii order to move them out at once we are offering to sell yery low. llave you seen our Northern White Spring oats By buying a car of them we nht nt a verv low Price. Come to see us or write for prict s. G. W. PATTERSON Who'ew'e Grocer and MamifnCurers Afirn' CONCOUD, N, 0. mam IV fXTUA SESSION. he or1 of Town reminiaNlunera Urnnipii n PrlvlK-ue ni will Phj liiirrrnt on lor One Venr. in. . me own commisiouers wera lu extra tesaion Wednesday night, , full board present. Among the itupjrtant busims transacted was tbo granting to the Concord Telephone Company righ'a and privileges to put up and opera'? a system in the city. toe lax uooK3 nave been com pleted and turned oyer lo Collector John K Patterson, ith instructions to p.y the interest on all outstand-, ing script for one year, as taxes from che general fund. A resolution was pusaid by the board not to pay out more than $5t0 on the pioposed grad'i g of Bmth Main street ine mee ing was a h rmon.ous ne, and the outlook for the town's best interests is more encouraging han for several years paBt. Tbeee are Wuopnera." The three biggest and Btrongett paaeenger locomotives in tha world will be placed In service this .fall by the Southern Kailway, the leading transportation system or the south, wnicu tops every o ate south ot Mason end Dixon's lino, except eins, Arkansas and Louisiana. some dea of their strengtn may be aihere4 from the fact that eacn 16 ully twice as strong as the cele brated ' 890," which belongs to the New York Cential lUilway and Hauls tne Ejjpiro S.ate Express, early three times as strong as tht engine wnich naula the t iymg coichman from London to EJiu- ourg, aud more tnan three limes at troug as the engine wnch bnnge he mil s fiom Louden to Holjheatl. o put the matter in another way, one of these engims, could haul as mucn as ten oiuinary eieyatea ens iiLts, or four of the average loco. inotives uaed in this country. Coupled with their txtiaordinary irttigib these engine! have a re- iiamable capacity for high speed. iue of tbem could pull at the rateot sixty miles an hour on a level naigbt track no lets than thirty- hree Pullman cars weighing forty ions each, Such a irain would br wore than two-fifths of a mile long. The six coupled driymg wheels of these engines are tach aix feet in tameter, and the working 8'eam pressure is 200 pounds to theeqnart neb. The cylinders are of ths or dinary Bimple tjpe, each 21 inches n diameter, with a pis'on stroke ol IS inches. This gives a traotive orce, or draw bar pull, of 27,460 puunda, Bullicient to haul a train oad cf 4.SJ7'J tons, tqual to eighty- re of the largest loadtd neigh care, it Blow speed on a ltvel track. No ocomotivcs now running have 8j argo combined cylinder ai thefe new Ojliatbs, You nihy make the moing parts if a locomotive as ro veifnl as ou please, but a i.esi there is a fire box ud boi er big enough to maicb toe uaning gear your engine will soou ta abort of steam, with a probablt low down betwiea sta'iOiis. I hie latast.obe is not likely to happ d w one of these engines as long at he coal holds out for the fire box 10 feet long and 8 12 fait wide, iih a total heating sun ace of 194 quare t. et, wnne tne doikt is o feet 2 inches in diameter, with ubi s which give a hea'icg mrfaci 10 'esfl than 2.298 cqusre te. toft coal of which about eight torn ill te put on the tender at s'artinp ill be the fuel. An engine m ty alio have gre. t otter ard et be unable to utiliz- , owing o inBt tlicitnt neight oi he driving wheela. Ihs tot. 1 weight i f one of thise locouiotive will be 75 tonr, of which 68 tout will rest rn the tix driving wheels he reni. iuiug 17 tons being carnd the four-wheel truck in fiont. 11 ckocing the bite or grip on th' rail at one-fourth the weight on tm Irivers we tet and aduesioa of 14 1 2 tons or XJ.uuu pounas, wuicu 640 pounds more tian the tiactivi force tf the engit.e, thus leavin. grod margin for wet weather and inpery rails. The weight o' 19 1 3 tons op. tach ptir of drivers is alst tipafallelid in the bislory oi ra'i- oads. To carry this we'git nt afe'y acd without heating, tht joiirnkis or cacn one are o i nehcB in tliameu Dy ii inuuts m ength, F .ncy locomotie jjuinah fet and 112 incheB in circum- ferenre. Phe tendir attached to thes .... . i f . i t?v. engines win o i wortnj oi luem wvu villcatry 4,auu gallons ri va er, ind whfP loaded to it full Capiciij fill weigh 42 1 2 ton). This will irina the total weight or engine il tender to 117 12 trns. Tht ot iect of bavins 8 ich power ul eneines is nut so much to male pcfd on the level a to muiutain l ,n iVin cradta The roaximnm ijradef, of which there are teve'al from 2 K 4 miles it n., vry irum i-.' K2 fVi t to th mile (rougun peakuw f'O-n 1 1' Ho 1 1 2 ret lit) nnu tne cnrvi e ira io fi degrees. I'rlK'Imrd f"' rrelten. A 11 Winche tT, a lumbermnn rf Ohicigo, Is eo pleased with Pena'oi Pii'chnrd as a protectionist inai ne rir a that, if ever it can bj real z a . j.i. i... hit the war is oer, ano, pnbheans thiuk they are ready to ook Sonthwara for a pre. mn unuida'e, H at our Feiatoi w uuij TEKILOUS EXPjsRIENOE. A Home t ell Into a Well Hlily reel l)orp end Warn Taken Out alive. iloj Uigis, uf No. 10 lowrsnip, is the OMutr of a very fine dapp:e gray horse, of which he is jist'y proud, and from a report from that section this morning, we learn of a very perilous txperience of t' e handsome steed. One night recent ly Mr. Biggers' horse got out of its stable and while wandering around the place, fell into the well, which is sixty feet deep. He fell abont fifty feet ind lodged on the rock wall. It remained in that fix until the next morning, when Mr. Diggers went to draw water. In iffjits to free itself fiom the cramped position the horse fell from its lodgings iuto the water beneath. Mr. Diggers did not know nntil that time his borte whs in the well. The alarm was aent out through the neighborhood and with hetoio work by a large fo ce of hands and the assistance of a combination pulley and rope, the animal was drawn out, somewhat mutilattd, but alive. The horse is living and is said to be do:ng well. Daily of 16th. la Cilmlnnlly lnniie. There is a desperate nrgro in the State prison named Ilandy Harris. Some years ago he was placed in the State risoufor twenty-five years for killing a man in Acsjn county. He remained there about two months and then made bis escape. Soon after hi escape a powerful negro called flenry Forest broke into a house at Concord, and when he w is d:s:ovtred in the house be at tempted to kill 'he owner, lie was tried as Uenry Forejt and sentenced for Gf en years. After the trial it developed that he wsa not Uenry Forest, but Ilandy Harris, the es caped convict, so when hu wis cari ried back to the State prison he had two sentences hanging over hiui. S uce t e has been a convict this tin e he 'las become one of the moit dangerous men in the priton. He hua made repeated t Sorts to kill some of the other convicts, ml punishment Beemed to haye little or no tffeot on him. Finally Dr. Kirby was asked to examine him and he pronounced him violently insane. Ueeajs that he baa the worst form of periodical insanity and is liable o kill anybody at any time, eo the negro baa now been placed in tbe department for the criminal insane He is said to be a very strong negro and a desperate and dargeroas mm. News and Observer. line nmilln. The Silicbury World eay, edi torially : "The snake liar is not in it at all this year. The Charlotte Obaerver's Concord correspondent notes that a Ylr. Suthi r, of Concord, killed forty nine birds at one Bbot Saturday ifterncon. Thai correspondent has i ctlling " Tub Standard noted the killing if tbe birds by Mr. Hither and will mbs'antiate the correctness of the Observer's correspondent. When yoa see in Thk Standapd, ii'a to. Mr. Bother is a man cf unqties ionable veracity, and it was frcm hie own lips that we were given the points. How II Id. How much are you worth ? Meamred by the tcpe lina of this world's valuations, ycu are rich or poor, worth much or little, accord ing to the dollars you own. Measured by the rule of heaven, youi are worth just what jou can lake, with you ijto the next life. Am in who possesses in this life a million do'Ura is not vortb a cent ine moment after he ia dead. B irk 'looks are out cf pltica in a dead man's & flirt. Shronda have no pockets. All the wsalth of the um erse conld not purchase a single in'oiient of time, or help a man to retain his hold upon his earthly riches for one hour. You are worth whatever of good deedi you have 'o your crediton th other side of death I: jou have been honest, 'ipright, faithful, full of kindness, ind hae build jd yonr character along thesa lines, you are rich. If you have been narrow-minded, covet, ins, grasping, hard hearted and self teeking, you are poor indeed, even hough the wealth of a eold mine is ours. Durham Sun. Pain-Killer. (rniT davis'.) A Pure and Rnf nmMtr In err ease aud every kioi of Uuwot CoitiplauiUs Pain-Killer. ' Thl 1" a tn rtjitrtinant and It c" W uiado too atroog or too emp,. It Is simple ftfto ftod (juioi Mt for Crnmpi, Cor.((h nkmatlm Collo, Colds, si.. IIrrhma, Croup, TofCholi I WW OI 1. 1. J, vi Jjj UIA aitDB aail a(rVa Lwaa E . ElilTT SMITH rARDONED Uovrrnnr Rnaaell Will ;cunUder B1lllera C'aae. Weo1d our rtadera last weektha L C Caldwell, E.q., had tope to Raleigh to ak for pardouB for William Miller and Everitt Smith. Governor Uussell took the caso, of Miller under advisement. ; Thursday the Governor pardoned Eferitt S nitb, who waa serving ' an eight montht trra on tbe chain gang for attempted larceny. Mr. Caldwell 'ook a strong petition aeli ing for hia pardon with him to Kil elgh. He returned with the par don Thursday night. Mr. William Smith, the father of Erritt, took the pardon down to the chain gang oimp near Mooresville Friday and returned home with him Friday evening. 1 be relition wis signed laigely by our citizens who hope that Everitt will turn a new leaf In granting the pardon Governor Hussell assigned the following rea sons : "This boy ia the son of good pao- ple who hie much broken np by bis disgrace and I think he has been punished enough aud of the came opinion are all tbe lawyers of the Statesville Bar and the merchants of tbe town aud the county ollicers. It will do no good to keep him four! months longer, while hia release in iy give to him encouragement and hope for hia future." Mascot. Jim t row" mini. Among the living curioBitieaof this day and time, and the pecu liarities of the feathered tribe, is a raven, one of the glossiest black crows f.ver seen, which in the pet of MUa Minnie Leutz, on West Depot street. It has splendid control of its tongue and can talk clear and die ioctly when it is hungry or thirsty, and when it ia caged up and wants out, it will eay to Master Arthur, "Arthur, take me out for a breath of air." The bird was caught when only a few weeks old, and bae been raietd by Mr. Len'z'a family. It's name is "Jim Crow," and will answer everytime he is called, day or night. The bird has attracted consider able attention when Bitting on the fence calling, ' Arthur, come here. It ia a great pet, and its chatter :'b iqual to that of a parrot. Pointed Paragraphs. A girl never tries to extinguish the spark as long as a man has money to burn. Some people are like one leggi-d milkstoole no good unless eat upon. The man who never argues with wome,n, children or foola has but few arguments. A millionaire has a better show in this world than ine average theatrical manager. Theewan always sings dies and drath often ends tbe mos quito's song. Wbeti a wif i puts on too many airs the u.iuut-phere of ber home is not wbnt it should be. An ounce of prevention ia not worth a pound of cure in the pork packing business. Thero ia something wrong with the woman who ta ks only when she has something to Bay. An insurance policy often makes a man more vaiuame alter aeaio than during hie life. Don't think because a man is al ways harping on the idea, that he if a born murician. Woman may supersede men in 1 . . I Ollll many pursuits, dui tne neia in which a t rindle cow grazes is barred to the female in red. Chicago News. I hree Thfiiici. Three things to love Courage, gentleness and affection. Three things to think about Life, death and eternity. Three things to govern Temper tongue and conduct. Three things to delight in Frankness, freedom and beauty. Three thmgs to hate Cruelty. arrogance and ingratitude. Three things to avoid Idleness, loquacity and flippant jesting. Three things to wieb for lit alt b. friends and a cheerful epirit. Thre9 thing-i to admire Intellec tual power, dignity, aDd graceful new. Durham Sun. Hnym Tliey Wet Itruuk. Rev. A B Fry, a Winston minia tr, created q il ite a smsutiou whtn he made tne statement Sunday af trnoon at the Y. M 0. A. meet ing at that city, that he had been informed that every ucher in one of the moit nfluenlirtl churchia o' Winston had been drunk save one. Th was going for the boys with gloves off, and set aome or tne peo p' of the Twin City to talking Greenaboio Telegram. Nnhody need havn Nfinru;,r(a. Opt Tit. Mile I'ulu ruin iroiu uruggwia. "Duo ccut u (Iubu." f J HE STEAM LAUDltY Will Re Operated In ronlriil I'art at ln 'ily sir. Frailer to Havel nitrite of Ilie Worst. Tue Concord Steam Laundry is a cerlainty, and will be in operation within tbe next few weeks. Messrs Wilkinson and 11 U neon hove rented the store room In the central part of the city, knon be the old Hujgins earner. Warren Coleman, the owner of the property, will begin fixing up tbe house at once, preparatory for I he machinery. An engine room will be built in the rear, l be location in much more desirable than th" one selected at Slippery Hock. Mr. Charles B Frazier, of Char lotte, an experienced laundrymn, will com 3 to this city 4iijU manage the business. Two PonmlM ot Itutier a Day. Mr. G A P-ittersou, of No. township, thia county, who lives one mile wist of llilemais mill, is the owner of one of tbe best cows in tbe (ounty She is half Jersey, an producer fbout five gallons of milk per dsy. From the five gallons ta-h day, two pounds of pure, rich, bu - is made, an avernge of 14 pounds per week, 728 pounds per year, which, if folf for 15 cents per pound, would $109.52. It Will be Bum. The Salisbury World Btites, fiom what it ctaimi to be good authority, that the Mooresville and Mockdville road will be built and that the Southern hua never abandoned or seriously hesitated in this Etbauie. The World says the road will probably be in operation by Mareh 1st, '98. It will, as pre viously B'ated, relieve the crowded litis frcm Salisbury to Greensboro, of all the thrnugh freights. An K&perlmoiii- The tearing np of the strip of macadam on West depot street he twecn Spring and Main is for an experiment. After the loose rock have been pulverized and the bed rolled and packed propsrly on this strip, it will then l e determined whether or no1 the work will be continued. If Ibe experiment proves a success, Depot and Main 8'ieets will Le pat in excellent fhitpe immediately. 3ikiiililel on llta brother's I.lle. A Vienna cable to the Sua says! A uniqua case growing out of tbe suio de of Capt. George Lowehtbal, has just terminated in the law couits here. It appsared fron the evidence in ihe ;ase tbat ia 1895 Kmil Low enthal, brother of tbe Captain, agreed to furnish money to tbe lac ter, who was a rogue and gambler, on condition that he either marry the daughter of a millionaire or commit suicide after the expiraticn of two years from the time of enter ing upon the agreement Emil th'n heavi y insured Georgia life ia variouj cnmpaniPB and ha I inserted in tbe policies a clause declaring that they wou'd not be aff cted after two years by the minner in which tht insured should meet h;a death. George failed in his attempt to in veigle a rich man's daughter tn marry bim, and upon the expiration of the two years he kept the other part of the agreement and ble w out hia braina with a revolver. Money aKtolpn. The Wilmineton Messenger of the 15 h says ; Yesterday af ternot n, when the train came in on the Sea bo.rd Air L'ne, Mrs. Annie Bond, widow of the late Fred I Bond, of Lu:nterton, arrived in the city, ac companied by her mother, Mrs. Leg get. Around the depot there wbS the UEual jam of baggagemen, hack men and others, and in he midst of the pulling and excitement she lost $125 in money, or ebe had it snatchod from ber hand by some thief. It waa d rapped in a hitnd keichief, and consisted of twelve $10 bills and one $5 bill, and when Mrs. Bond got nB the train she re called having her handkerchief. Mrs. Bond ia a widow lady with out much means and baa three little children dependent on her for sup port. The money she fiad was ber impendence, and the loss is a eevere blow to her. We w:h t oa-tion nil u?ers of Sirr.frnr. Livor Ki-iiUt T or: a subject i.f the do1 cr interi-st and i;iio:t;.::.-e to li.cir heaitli perhapa tiie:r l.'v. 9. The 6"ln r. netors i.nd million of Simmr-is liver Kepiliil f learn tits? critowra are oftm t, reived by buying anu taking a. n.e medicine of a rimilar appearance- or taste, believing it to be Simniiina Liver Kn'.-i'-. We warn you that th-' v-td 1:- jridatnr is ot Ihe pack .v-? or b-'ttli-. ti at it nut iininton$ Liver N'- eno elsn makes, oi iver Ins mail- Smimo'.? Liver Ritrulatnr.oi twilling cills-d Sitntienia Liver rn-gulatiir, hut J. H. Zeilin & Co. tvl nou.edicineniade liy anrone e s - ' Hie wni'. We alune can jut it," up. and we cannot l-e n-fporiaible, i )ther medicmea rcpreaenlcd aa tho fame do lot heln von as you ire led to expect they fill. this fact well in mind, if you have jeen in the lisbit of us:np a ru.Mi '.ne which fou supposed to beSminions Livn Regula tor, bec.iiire the name was pomewliut like t, an-1 Ihe package did not have the word, )ou have been imposed ipon and have not been taking Simmons Liver Kegnlator at all. The K( gulator hap iieen favorably known for many years, and ill who use it know how ocnary it is for t'ever and Acne, Bilious Fever, Constipa iion, Headache. Pytpepsia, andall disordcis irintng from a Diseased Liver. We ask you to Kk for yourselves, and e tliaj Kimmons Liver Kegnlalor, which (ou can readily distinguish by tho K.-d i m wrapper, and by our name, ia the only bedicme callud Simmons Liver Regulator. J. if - V.K1LIN CO. j'im U lleanqunrtrra at morna llonav. Deputy Collector J C Hortor, who was transferred from the fifth division to thr. re eighth, to cc cred MrfU S lieirria, was in tbe city Friday. Ue will make Concord headquarters and will b op at the Morris hotel. Mr. Horton'is now ft on a trip to Stan'y and tTnion ountics. He is highly pleased with Concord and her people Btirklen'S Arnica aaive. The Beat Baive in tbe world for Cuts, Brniscs, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Hheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Obappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively curt s files' or no' pay reqni.ed. It is guaranteed to give atatiefaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetze.-'a Drrpi store." I.ellera of Incorpornf lou. Mr. L D Coltrane of the Concord Telephone company, has receive! letters of incorporation of that company from the S;cretary cf State al Kaleigh, wbicb were granted Thursday last. The capi o' stock of tbe company is $1,500, and the corporators are N F Yorke, L D Conlrane, Pr. W li Lilly, John r Allison and Dr. W C Huston. I'roriiirlg or I'onl Tnr. Antipyrine, antifebrin or acetin iiid, phenacetine, saccharin (a aub stance ZbO tunes sweeter than sugar) su'phonal,- the technic' name of which ia L'lethvlaulphondi methylmethan, (pleaee pronounce i for ue) gallanal and a number of others are medicinea partially or wholly derived from coal tar tl a wasoi ce thought to be worthless. rennnt I'rop nay He Short The Wilmington Star says: Ia dicatione now point to a hort crop of peanuts Ihe trouble ia due to ;he excessive drought. A promin- nt peanut plan'er was here luesdav and estimates that with the most favorable roti 'itinti' from no-v own not niuiu t ....ti tinee-fourtbs of a full crop can be expected. With unfavorable conditions nntil time of harvesting the crop will, of course, he bii'1 more seriously cut off. Futility Chewed ly n Lion. Sharon, Sept. 15. Whileen route from Sandy Lake to Grove City late last night, a large lion escaped from a traveling circua and has since been terrorizing the people in tbe eastern part of Mercer county. As soon as its escape was discovered, tho circus attaches, armed with poles and ropes, started after it, but it retreated and was lost in a dense woods. Its roar could be heard for miles and farmers locked their doors, afraid to venture out. Charles Hoffman heard acommo tion among'his-cattle and went to investigate' He saw an animal crouching in the stock yard, and charged it. With a roar it sprang upon him, sinking its teeth in bis left shoulder. It then c'awt-d and tore him in a frightful manner. He lost consciousness and when found several hours later was nearly dead from loss of blood. He cannot re oover. DizenB ol Bheep and bullocks were killed and the lion is etill at large. It was claimed to be one of the most vicious tiyity. Ex. animals in cap- Rent a NoMke Mtory. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 15. Frank Barry played cards for the drinks Thursday night. He won a great dual and drank 31 bottles of Weits beer and occasionally some gin and kimmel. The beer is gassy. His abdomen was distended to twice its natural siza. The more he swellid the lighter he grew. He could not walk without bouncing about like a rubber ball. His feet just would not stay on the fl ior. Soon he be came a human balloon. About day light he was so big and airy tbat he had to be strapped down to the floor of the saloon. At tbe hoppital tho gas was pumped out, and Barry now re mains on earth just as other mor tals do. lilt -ell lly II IH I'ct Dot. Mr. Will S Stewart was jeiterduy morning bitten on the baid by a pet dog, Buppored to ha gone mad r. Irwin cauterizetl the wound. The dog followed Mr. Stewart up 'own early ii the niorrvug, and a little while later began btran g and jun piuor about iu a stianee manner It finally jumped at Mr Stewart and bit bim on tbe hand. He did not kill the dog but took it homc and cot fined it, and reports that it had convu'siois throughout the diy. Cbur'otte Observer. NtnnitM nt the llemt. Aug. J Bosel, tie loading druc cist of Sbrovepfti t, La., Bave: Dr. King's m w discovery in tbe onl5 thing tbat ernes my cough, nn i it is tbo best feller I have. J it' Camp bell, merchant of Hafford, 4riz , wiiton Dr. King'B Now Discovery is all that is cluimd for it; it WiTor fails aud ia a snre c jro for consuiM; tion, coughs and colds. I cunnot say enough for its merits- Dr. K'ng's New Discovery for con" sumption, cJughB and colds is not nn experimeut. It baa been tried fo-a quarter cf a centurv, and to day stands at the head. It nevirr disappoints. Free trial bottles at Fetzor a Drug stDre, llr Mliefl'f'aiH rY'ift'aroftuiiran&cod toftrou taVadarfreln jo minute- "U',i: ccut a iI'hh SHOOTING AKFAIH. Biooiiy Nrene In Ao. A Ton nNbln A t Iiim ForeNt Nhootw Nldney Nhnail for Tnrowlnir Kneim nt 11m Hook . hhnilil ny Die. A bloody shooting affiir cccurred in No. 6 townsh'p, near the Fisher go'r! mines, abant 10 o'clock Thurs day night, last. Atlas toresr, a rKgro, uvea on Wiley Klutt's place and S lnev Shadd, who worked at the mine, boarded with him, After suppjr several negroes con gregated at Forest'a houee for i "game" (what kind we were nnab'e o lea n) and after sporting for souk time the Shadd negro began cursing and cutting np at a terrible rate, and was ordered out of the house. S.iadl went into the yard and began chunking rocka at lie house. Forest says he warned Shadd to leave the premises, but the fel'ow was stubborn ai d attempt! d t) bit him with a rock, whereupon he leveled upon him with hia gun and emptied the contents of one b trrel into the left side of Shadd, the load taliing effect juac below the heart. ThiSj tf course broke up the "game." Shadd was taken to a nearby house, where Dr. Burleyson wa called to a'tend him. The negro is tiaid to be in a precarious condition aud may die from tee effects of his wound. Forrest was arrested and brought to jiil Fridy to await trial at next term of court. Forest talks freely of the shooting and claims that be did it in Self defense. Ahot Father nnd Aon. A uioit serious und probably fata) shooting affair took place Wednes day night in Sharon township, Mecklenburg county. W II Mc Ginn shot Mr. Kobert Turner and bis son, L'ster Turner. The senior Turner received two pistol shots in the breast. Lester Turner fell under bis eho. but it is not B'ated just how he is wounded. It appears that McGinn and Les er Turner bad been to CLarlotte aud on the way homtquartelltd and separating met again between their homes, where tbe shooting took place. Etch claims that tbe other was tbe aggressor. Irf-Mter Turner nenit. The Mecklenburg tragedy as noted in The Standard Friday has resulted in the death of Lester Turner. He died Friday morning. The father, Kobert Turner, bos Botne promise of life. McGinn is in j til and a hearing is eet for ihe 27th, inat. Tbe atory as told by McGinn is to the effect tbat McGinn and Lester Turner wl lie on their way home from Charlotte and feeling the buayaney that whiskey often gives, each claimed the superior manhood and, grow ing angrily positive, ttsted the mat ter in a hgbt which resulted in favor of McGinn. Instead of going off to his borne it seema Turner hovered about McGinn's and another Hght occurred in v hich theaeignior Turner took part, having probably arrived on the scene in aearch of the son, and McGinn felt provoked to use his pistol which be did with terrible eff ct. After the Bbooting McGinn returned home, the seignior Turner made bis way to his son W D Tun er a and fell in the yard but succeeded in waking the son. L's'er Tuner had partly walked aud partly dragged himself to nn old vacant building where a search ing party f und him. A Shattered Nervous System. FINALLY HEART TROUBLE. Reitored to Health by Dr. Miles' Nervine. It. EPWAKI) HARPY, tho jolly man aRcr of Sheppard Oo's. f?roat fltoro at IinicevUlts, 111., writes: "I had ncvup been sick a day iu my life until lu Inyo. I got so bad with nervous prostration that I had to give up aud commence to doctor. I tried our local physicians and one lu Jollet, but none pave me any relief and 1 thought I was going to die. I became despoudent and suflt red untold agony. I could not eat, sleep nor rest, and It seemed as If I could not exist. At tho end of six months I was reduced to but a shadow of myself, and at last my heart becamo a (Tec ted and I was truly miserable. I took six or eight bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine. It gavo mo reliet from the start, and at last a cure, the great est blessing of my ltfo." are sold by all drux- gimrnnteo, first bottle P-liCrVlflO baticflts or money ro- R.,f??-ori mnaeo. nuiuonuis- H l v c:i609 of the licurt ana r, it 7r,$1 norvoa f rou. Aitiln-sn, miUia.mmiki UK MlLliSMKUHJALOO., hlkliurt, lnJ (SERIOUs I (. M Js- 4 jew . M ttoyof makes the f nnd pure, . wholesome mad dcllclouaw FOWOER Absolutely Pure BnvaiMtfnin wwwb , wrw way. Celebrated for i's great leavening strength and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forma of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powder Co., New York.g Hie mutrr-wilk taw fonnii itt b1.n. Mr. I D Phillips, of Snake Creek, Va., has the most valuable milch cow in the United States. Iq the first place the cow is a beauty, and io the second place her milk does not need churning. The butter gathers within 3G hours after the cow is milked and is as fine and rich as any butter made in the old. fashioned churn, leaving tbe uuiK perfectly sweet. The milk is put a ajar and kept in the spring house for two days and one night without receiving the slightest attention. When the butter is wanted all you have to do is to take it off and work Hike any other butter, salt and it is ready for use. These are facta, Mr. Geo. A Satttrfield and wife, of this city, are living witnesses to the truth of the above statement. Mr. Phillips was offered a good team of mules for his cow, but he declined the offer. He is a man in good cir- oumstances and would rather have the cow than a dozen mules. Mt. Airy News. Norm nrolliin Annul. Mr. A E Martin, the popular and alrrt representative of the Burlington Ujute, is in the city on buEiness con nected with Lis line. Io the course of his duties he travels all oyer the Houth, and is thoroughly acquainted whit what is going on here. lie told the Telegram representative that North Carolina is developing more ripidlj than any other southern St .te, with the possible exception of Tennessee. In the establishments of new cotton mills and in the growth of those already leads all southern bo.o Telegram. established ? she States, GreenE- i'Jtzliiiicli L'r. Consul General Lee has made an txemplary officer at a critical time and under trying ciroumstanoes. lie promptly resigned when the new administration cime in, and very reluctantly, at the urgent request of the new administration, remained at his post in liavanna until bis pres ent visit borne. It is now believed tbat he is here to stay, and that he will sepk election in the United States Senate to succeed Senator Martin- lie has encountered, since bis return, universal commendation for bis course as consul general to Cuba, liven the partisan Mail and Erpress which has heretofore had to strain a paint to say anything good about a L'e is praising the ex-Confederate cavalryman, and urg-. ing him to return to and remain in Cuba. The Lee's always rise to the occasion, and whatever they do they do well. President Cleveland made lo mistake in sending Fitzhiigh Lee to Cuba Charlotte Observer. Justice lu Jail. Populist leader and fusion Justice of the peace, W Ii Hartsell, Sr., of Locust, was sentenced to six montrs imprisonment in j lil by Judge Hoke Wednesday on a yerdict, guilty of fomiention and adultery. This seems to us very righteous judgment and we would suggest that it is in the protiuce of the court and his cmuiisHou ad Justice cf the Peaco ought lo be taken from him so that when he is liberated he may not con lnue to administer Justice among uitiz-i s of the county in bis wity. Stanly Enterprise. tor IH.r t ilts- K-ura Mrs. Wiiislott 'a Soothing Syrup had bieu u.-:rd for over lifty jeiirs by siillions of mothers for their child ren while tee thing, with pti feet suc .lefls. It soothes the child, softens the iioms, allays all iniin, cures wind colic, ana is the beta remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tlm poor little sufferer lmmedmtely. Ciuld by druggists iu every purt f the world, Twiuty-Gye cents a bottle, lie guru uud ask for "Mrs. Wiioiows Sooth- Lg yrup,"and lake no otlir ki ml . . I n r .i, . Pick hush.rdi out like cuiiiiloiipes, With cure your choiee dcudi ; 1' is not wine to hike, the lines Which ure too smooth 0'ittide. cons'.dtrcd,

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