x ; r The - Stfr vlard. TTT.'fVj rTT'ti I nn The - Standard. . PRINTS THE JfJV& THAT IS JVWA For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. I TTTT' TANDARD. w .1 -j V U L GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PEICES. Give us a Trial. VOL. X--NO 30. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1897. WHOLE NO. 446 am r ... 'J w h Cures "Cure talk "In favor Talk ol Hood's Sarsaparllla, M for no other medi cine. Its great cure recorded In truthful, tonvtnclng language ol grateful men and women, constitute Ita moat effective ad vertising. Many of these cores are mar velous. They have won the confidence of the people; have given Hood's BatBa pe ril la the largest sales In the world, and have made necessary for Its manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's Barsapaxilla la known by the cures It has made cures of scrofula, aalt rheum and ecxemft, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia! and weak nerves, cm eg of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh cures which prove Sarsaparilla Is the best-In tact the One True Blood Purifier. 1 u ji n'li c"n ll"'r easy to flOOd S I IllS takei nar to operate, a&o. Im 4emmftitod tea thousand Umm thaU It la lmot Infallible FOR WOMAN'S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES, ImffalftritiM nd derangement. It baa become the leading remedy for this class of troubles. It exerts A wonderfully healing, strengthen ing and soothing influence upon the menstrual orrans. It cures "whites' ' and fall fug the womb. It step flooding and relieves sup Brassed and palnfnl menstruation. For Change ef Life it Is the best modiolus made. It Is beneficial during pregnancy, and helps to bring ohlldren Into homes barren for years. It Invigorates, stimu lates, strengthens the whole sys tem. Tbls great remedy Ja offered to all affllcWd women, why will any woman suffer another minute with osrtain relief within reach f Wine of Cardni only costs fl.OOper bottle at your drug store. for oeVfcw. in roMf eeM4rn0 tptefol dttwv Stmu. address, pfrtftf symfMonu, tjw "LailUi A'Mtm PerorWMnl," Tk CKattatwoga M& 4c MM 0u., CknUamooya, Term. Rttr. I. W. SMITH. Camden, t. C, tsyi: "Mv wife used Wins ol Cardul st homo tor lining of His woais sad It sntlrslr cured ssf ." D'C. Csldwell, M. D. M. L. Stevens. M. D Prs CALDWELL & STEVENS. Concord, N. 0, Office in old ( ost ffi:e buildinp Opposite EL Cloud Hotel. M0BK1S0N H. CALiD WELL ATT0BWIY AT MV7, C0NC0BD. N O ' Office in Morris ba 'dm, Court house. pposit L. T. HARTSELL. ATTOKNEY-AT-LA.W, CONCORD, - - N C. Prompt attention given to all business. Office in Morris building opposite coort house. mTb. stickley. Attorney at Liw, Concord N. C SFEblAL AT1LSTI0N GlVkh 10 COLLECTIONS. Office upstairs in King bafldint near Postoffio . Buy From First Hands We have just received a car of New York Apples and Seed potatoes Direct from the growers and in order to move them out at once we are offering to sell yery low. Have yon seen our Northern White Spring oats By buying a car of them we bought at a jery low Price. Come to see us or write for prices. G, W. PATTERSON Wholesale Orocer and Manufacturers Agent CONCORD, N, C. KjoocS's 'SHOVING .1 HE QUEER." fJonnterrftrs Working the) Towns Arossd t'harlotte I'ass Used lint iHtion of Ibe IHssd $10 Treasury Moles and Slnilrer OrtlUrntrn. Char otte business uien hud better be on tie lookout as to the $5 and $10 bills they take in these dajs. it seems that there is an organ is jd gang cf counterfeiters working in the countrj towns around Cbar lotle. So far they bate confined tbeir woik for the mrst part to np. per Booth Carolina, tot daj by day they appear to bo (retting nearer this city. For the past Uo or three weeks ai number of $5 and $10 treasury t otes have been in circulation just across the line. These who hare seen them say tbat tbey are almost a perfect reproduction of the old treasury note. The color is yery defective but even the signature of "J Fount Tillman, register of th treasury," indicates the work of skilled artist. This money firs made its appearance in Atlanta about too months ago. An officer of the secret service go; on the trail of the counterfeiters and they left At lanta for parts unknown . The next time this money was detected was in Grfenwood, 8. O. The merchants at tbat place took in a nnmber of spurious bills. The handlers of it learned mat tne Greenwood peep e were on to tbeir game and tbey again mysteriously disappeared. Tbey next turned np at Green ville, 8. 0., where they passed seyera hundicd dollars of the $5 and $10 note" and a counterfeit $1 was also place 1 in circulation, it is supposed by these same people. Tbe latter js a reproduction of the list s.lver certificate issued. Io many teepee's it is a poor connterfeit but can be eaBily passed on unsus- p ctinj; people. The genuine bill has a half cld woman lying aluost at f j 1 1 length with her lift hand upraise.'. At tier Duck a boy is stinding. The city of Washington lies in tbe back ground and the Washington monnment is very prominent The counterfeit bill is in most respects live this but one grave blunder tbe counterfeiters made was in leaving tbe monument entirely out. In taking in tbis d. nomination of paper money it will he well for our Business men to look for the monument. The defects of the $5 and $10 notes are much less noticable. In fact no one would suspect for one mouitnt tbat these bills were other than Uncle Sam's issue. A close in spection will reveal tbe fact that tbe little red and white strings that are to be always found in the genu ine article are conspicuous by their absence, Tbe lettering also Is a give away if closely obseryed. Tbe News has so far heard of none of this money in Charlotte but this warn iog will stand the merchants well in band should these same men cross over in North Carolina. Charlotte News. A;Good Rood Ht Both Ends. A Mecklenburg farmer, who was in Concord a day or two ago, yes terday eaid that the Cabarrus com missioners are working all their convicts on the road leading to Charlotte via Harrisburg. "They are doing tbat," he said, "so as to make it etill easier to draw our cot tun. but the road will be good for us, too. Cabarrus farmers will then find Charlotte easy of access and will come here to trade."Charlottt Observer. Gen. Neal Dow, Maine's champ ion prohibitionist, is said to be at tbe point of death. We wish to caution oil wen of Sim mora- uiver ReiiUtir on a subject of tbe deepes. nterest and importance to their health perhaps their liva. Tbe sole proprietor nnd makers of 8immons Liver Kegulalif learn that cr itomers are often deceived by buying anil taking some medicine of a rimilar appearance or taste, believing it to be Simmons Liver Kegnlator. We warn you that unless the word Regulator is oti Vie package or bottle, tbat it is not Simmons Liver Kesuliuor. JNi une else manes, or rvor has made Simmons Liver Regulator, oi Inythinc called reimruons Liver Regulator, tut J. if. Zeilin A Co.. wid no medicine made by anyone e! la tbe same. We alone can put it up, and we cannot tie responsible, i. Jther medicines represented as tbe same dc lot help ymi as you are led to expect they ill. Bear this fact well in mind, if you have )een in the habit of using medicine which rou supposed to be Simmons Liver Regula tor, becaurs the name was somewhat like t. and the package did not have the word iegulf tor on it, you have been imposed ipon and have not been taking Simmons Liver Regulator at all. The Regulator has Iwen favorably known for many years, and ill who use it know how necessary it is for Fever and Ague. Bilious Fever, Constipa tion, Headache, Pyppepsia, and all disorders irising from a .Diseased iiiver. We aek vou to look for yourselves, and lee thai Simmons Liver Regulator, which (ou can readily distinguish by the Red i n wrapper, ana ny our name, is me oniy nedicine called Simmons Liver Regulator. J. H. KIMN CO. Simmon r 'rtr P'SuiMer. WAS ITA WILD CAT? rive I.I 1 1 1 Town Son Attacbrd While In lhr;wooUM Friday Si I a lit. Gaston and Brandon Means Will and Gas Archibald and Baron CVo' wect opossum hunting Friday night ad while in the wcods, tbey bad an exciting experience. They were in No. 6 township near Mt Gilead church, when thei dogs treed semething, thought to be an opossum. Tbe young boys were jiyous over fieir luck and after Giston MeaDS bad climed tbe little eappliDg on which was perched tbe a rnnre animal, and as he b- ean to shake the liiDb; the animal jumped and clawed him on tbe ear, CJtting a email gaab. When it fell to the ground it attacked the otber members of the party, and fright ened tbe dogs, which would not go near it. The boys made an nn successful attempt to kill it The animal was black, and was just i size larger than tbe ordinary cat. I was yery likely a catamoun. A Cow Dies of M jdroplila. 1 He Jacksonville limes says a valuable cow belonging to Sheriff Hargett died last Thursday night from what was believed to be hy d-ophobia. The cow has refused to eat for some time; would not allow hereelf to he milked and was in clined to be vicious, cot only to- wards other cattle, but also to her attendants. Tbe viciousness in creased, until she wi8 conQ ,ed where she could do no barm; con vulslons followed in rapid sucession until desth relieved her of ber suf renng. ic is eaid that tne con was bitten about three months ago by a dog which had rabies. San In tno Blood. The ordinary of Georgia county invited all the war veterans to meet at bis office on a certain day. When the day arriyed he was surprised at tbe nnmber of young men wbo put in an appearance. "Gentlemen," said he, "there must be some mistake, I wanted to meet war veterans and I am here confront ed with a majority of the young men of the country." "Ordinary," spoke up one tall, sock 'ess fellow, "it's true we neyer done no figbtm,' but cur families did, an' ef we don't enberit the durned war I'd like to know who does," Atlanta Constitution. A Rattle SJaako Adventure. Mr. J T McEnnis, of Robeson county, tells us of a very thrilling adventure with a large rattle snake last week. He was io bis low grounds, and as he stepped over a log be felt something under his foot, and on looking down, he was horri tied to see tbat he was on a large rattler. But for the fact tbat the snake bad just swallowed a rabbit, which prevented him from striking, Mr. McEnnis would have had trou ble. The snake had 18 rattles, and was the largest ever killed in this section, gays the hero of tbe story. Fayetteville Observer. Tbe report comes from Provi dence, R I,, tbat wben laborers were r -moving, a few days ago, the ruins of tbe Masonis temple that was burned a year or more ago, tbey fonnd a emoaldering fire tbat burst nto flames as soon as air was ad mitted to ths'embers. The Mt. Airy correspondent of tbe Wilmington Messenger says The report goine the rounds of the p-ess that the wrong man had been lynched in Patrick county, Virginia, for the murder of Sadie Cook is nn true i Tbe evidence is positive thai Henry Wall, tbe man lynched, vi guilty of tbe most brutal murder on record in tbat seotion of the State and no regret is expressed at tbe ynching. The Cape Fear aud Yadkin Val ley railroad was the loser 1,000 tons of 60-pound steel rails by tbe sink' ing of tbe Irelan ofl the coasts of Hatteras, on the 22od of September. Mr, II A Foote has sold the Car thage Blade to the BladejPablisbing Company, of which Mr. John B Campbell is manager. Rnrklrn-s Arnica naive. The Best Salve in tbe world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Cbnppe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay reqni-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug tore.' The well on the Morris Coleman property tbat attracted tbe atten tion of onr worthy mayor and the health cflicers some time ago, bas never been filled up as per order of tbe authorities. Tub Standard is informed tbat the well will be e'eaned out and fixed np for public u e. COMING HOME. Varltrrs Who Wens to Liberia Will Return to America. Liverpool, Sept 28 Oiley Wait and five children, and G W Firmer and wife, all colored, wbo belong toa party of 313 emigrants wbo left 6a vannah for Liberia, by the steamer, Labrador, in March, 1896, have just arrived here from Liberia. The Farmers are destitute, and tbe Waites have only enough money to enable them to reach the United States. A'l the adult members of tbe party described the condition of those whom they left in Liberia as being most pitiable. Tbey say tbe land promised them by the Libe- nan agents in tbe United States turned out to be absolutely no good. Tbey claim there is no gold or dia monds there, and further apsert tbat more than half the Labrador's party are dead, and tbe rest of .them are trying to nach the United States.' The Waites aud Farmers say in conclusion that the Liberiangovern ment did nothing for them, aud that the climate of the Republic of Liboria is most unhealthy. Ktrt.l Printing Mesr. Complaint is filed in tbe case of the State treasurer against Stewart Bros., of Winston, ex-State printers. It sets forth tbat tbey have beeo paid by the State $10,000 in excess of the amount really due for work. The chaige is a -very serious one. The former State printers S'.ew. art Bros., of Winston, have, it is es timated, about $6,000 worth of paper otlonging to the S'.a'e. The State wants the paper, but the Stewarts, it seems, do not propose to let it hava it just at present. At aDyrate Auditor Ayer sent Mr. Guy V Barnes, who has been giyen all tbe Sta'ers job p-inting, to Winston, to get this paper, lie crime back without if but brought a lett r from thu Stewarts saying that their attorney was out of town and there fore they coulan't comply with the auditor's request. It will be remembered that the auditor is paid an extra $30 a montb to look after the printing. It will also be remembered that Stewurt still claims to be printer aud r.heie- fore contends he is entitled to the paper. Free Preau. Tear Wlthont ft ummer. Seventynnine years ago was tbe year without a summer says an ex change. Frost occurred every montb in the year 1810 . Ice formed a half nch thick in May. Snow fell to the depth cf three inches in New York, and also in Massachusetts in June. Ice was formed of tbe thick ness of a common window class throughout New York on the 5th ay of July. Indian corn was so frozm tbat the greater part was cut in August and dried for fodder, and he farmers supplied themselves from the corn produoed in 1815 for the spring 1817. Insured forSftoo. Mr. Florence Wallace, who had the misfortune to lose his dwelling house and outbuildings several days since bad an insurance policy in the Cabarrus County Branch of Farm ers' Mutual Fire Insurance Associa tion for $600. Tbe Farmers' Mutual was organ Z'd in tbis county about a year and half ago and tbis is the first loss that has occurred since it wee organized. The members of tbe Association will be assessed pro rata to pay Mr. Wallace's loss. Mr. KtrkrnnurirViiTHyTlere. Mr. Thomas Kirkmun and family arrived in the city Friday night from WilliametowD, Mass., and will make Concord their future home. Mr. Kirkman has been employed by the Odell Manufacturing Com pany and will superintend the work at the bleacbery, he being an ex perienced man in the basiness. Mr. Kirkman will live on Fpring street, in tbe house foimerly oo- o j pied by Mr. R A Brower. For Wver t HIT Tears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect snc. cess. It soothes tbe child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and Is tbe beet remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-flye cents a bottle. Be snr uad ask for "Mrs. Winslows SootU iLg Syrup," and take no other kind XVbile attempting to crone fthe street in front of his home in Sitlig. bury last Thursday, Master George Bernhardt was run oyer by a heavy vehicle, loaded with people. Tbe ittln lellow's shoulder blarln was broken and ho wns otherwise in jured, though not fatally. RAMBLER DJLIGI1TED. Hears an able Lerlnre atld a Captivating- Recitation. Mr. Editob : Kainbling latt evening, it was my pleasure to drop in at North Carolina College. I found the chapel crowded, aud was told tbat Frof. Ludwig would bc ture before tne Atbaneum Club of tbe college- By the kindness of the students I got a seat and remained to hear tbe Professor. His subject was, "B -oki, When to Read, How to Read and What to Head." lie sur passed himself, aud if be did no' inspire tbe boys witb a desire to store their minds with useful knowl edge by close attentive reading, L was not bis fault. Dismissing his bearers with the remark, "read whenever you wint to, but be sure that you want to" we ail repaired to, the Phila fts bian Hall, where Miss Gertrude Sieber, the accomplished teacher of elocu tion in Mont An.oeua Female Semi nary, of Mt. Pleasant, N. C, recited "Franz' Song," to tbe delight aud great satisfaction of us all. Tbe breathless silt-nce, which was almost painful because unusual, bespoke bow well the rendition was enjoyed and appreciated. Being heartily applauded, she gave us something to 1 ugh about in "That O.d Sweet heart of Mine." To be frank, tbe writer bas beard quite a number uf pereorj s recite, but Miss Sieber sur passes them all. Dr. Miller is to be congratulated in securing so accom plished an instructor in elocution, aid if she can bat impart some of her gifts to ber pupils, parents will have made no mistake in sending tbeir daughters to Mont Amucna. Rambler. The Plare to Kell Cotton. Under the above caption tbe Char lotte News comments as follows on tbe tri.ffic and trade anion the cot ton buyers of Concord and Char lotte : "Something must be done to con vince ibe farmers tbat tbis is the place to sell tbeir cotton. 'There is oaly one way to do it and tbat is to pay tbem as much for it here as they get elsewhere. ''Joncord buyers can't afford to pay more for cotton than Charlotte buyers. "Concord mills catt afford fo pay more for cottou than Charlotte mer chants. 'If Charlotte buyers can't afford to piy what Concord merchants pay, Charlotte merchants can, and the sooner tbey go at it tne better tor them, and for Charlotte." Nothing bas to be done to con vince tbe farmers that Concord is the place to sell their cotton that fact is well established ; all the farmers know it. Ajd what has conyinced the farmers of this fact is tbat our cotton buyers pay the high est prioes. Concord buyers do pay more for cotton than Charlotte buyers, and have for many years. Tbe Concord cotton mills consume all tbe cotton they can bay and tbey pay tbe farmer what they would pay for freight charges if tbey bought cotton from other markets. Concord merchants can pay high prices for ootton and then sell goods as oheap as the cheapest tbey com pete with the State. If Charlotte buyers can't afford to pay wbat Concord buyers do for cot ton it is but natural and right for the farmers to know it and reap whatever the advantages may be. All tbe farmers are invited to bring tbeir cotton heie. No one will treat them better than the Con cord people. To Concord or burst." Aou to Concord he came. A gentleman in conversation with a Standard reporter said tbat a Mecklenburg county farmer had his cotton ginned in Charlotte, and be fore leaving that city, had a placard painted, and placed on the side of bis wagon, on which were these words : "To Concord or Burst." Tbe man wbo brings his cotton to tbis market dosen't "burst," and 'his particular one will tell von so. Concord (Jot One Prise. The, bicycle raoes at Silisbury Thursday were a success io every particular, financially, especially. Ciarlotte's crark riders won most of tbe prizes, and Salisbury, like Concord, wasn't in it. Tbe Concord boys were awarded one prize. It was the second prize in the one-mile team raoe. It was "dead easy" for our boys to win the second plaoe in this race, for only two teams entered. A Great Wreck at a RrMtre. Bombay, Septi 25.-lucent ad vices from the scene of the wreck of the bridge of the Bungalor-Mytore Railroid, near Maddnr, iidicate that 150 persons were kiued and 14 injured. Seventy persons sncceedtd in making tbeir escape. Hellis; and Crescent Hews. Communion service will be heU at Lower Stone next Sunday. Pre-, paralory . service will be held on Saturday at 11 a. m. Farmers in this section are busy picking cotton, sowirig oats and preparing their wheat land. Crescent is still cn tbe move, new students coming iu eyery week. She has 62 and the prospects are bright for 100 till Christmas Mr. J no. D Brown bas tbe con tract to build a dwelling house for Rufus Fisher, near Crescent. Mr Brown is to have it finished by De cember 1st. . Mr. C L Nussman and fa-nilr will move to Salisbury next week His son, Mr. John Nussman, cf New Lcndon, will move on bis father's farm. A' iss Augusta Mil'er picked 228 p unds of cotton one day last week. Sept. 29, '97. Solomon. Hade tbe Woman Leave. The female Evangelist and divim healer, who bas been holding meet ings in various parts of tbe city since last Sunday, was declared a nuisance by tbe good people of Forest Hill last night and Policeman Pen ninger waited npon the woman, im mediately after which her meeting was closed and she took her depar ture for a new field of labor. New Houses, Mr. M J Misenheimer, cf Cabar rus county, bas seen fit to invest some capital in this growing city. He bas purchaeed a por'ion of tbe Murphy property near the railroad and will have two nice houses erected at once. Tbe bouses will face on Fisher s'. The prond is now being cleaned off and work en tbe buildirga will soon be commenced. Mr. Brown, a contnetor of the county, will do the building. Salisbury Sun, On" For the Usees Manager Q E Smith left this morning lor tne anaoury races, taking with him Messrs Joe Uill, Hope M Barrier and Master Willie Fe'ze', all of whom have entered. The boys do not eipect to win all the races, but tbey will hold up their end of the string. Teachers lor the Pnblic Nehool. A number of teachers have been elected to tench the public schools in the county for tbe next school term. However, teachers bave not been elected for all tbe districts. Sale or Real Estate. Mr. R C Blackwelder, wbo lives on the Mt. t'leasant roau rour miles from town, has sold both bis plantations Mr. John Fink of No. township pnrchasing wbat is known as tbe Foil place and Messrs T B Barnhardt and Geo. U Lentz the home place. Mr. Barnhardt gets all the land on the eaat side it the Fayettville road and Mr, Lentz that on the left. Mr. Blackwelder has been liv og there for a number of years and is m . . r 1 .- one or. tne successiui iaimers id tbat neighborhood. Tbe purcha5ers are energetio and hustling men. A Great Fire in Washington. A feaiful fire broke out in the station of the Capitel Traction Co, in Washington last night end quiokly destroyed the six-story bnildine and spread to o bers around. The heat was so grea' that firemen could not get witun reach of the fhmes of tbe large building. At latest reports the fire was cot, yet subdued and the loss is only roughly estimated at far beyond $1,000 000. Theelectria liehts are out aid the lines dependent on this piwei house are not running. Ntate I.nlhcr I,eaane Convention. Programme of State Luthei League meeting of North Cuiolma to be held in St. John's churcb, Salisbury, November 10. h and 11th, 1897. Subjects and speakers for tht principal addresses are as fo'lo e : 1. The day we celebrate. Rev 0 L T Fisher, Charlotte, N. O 2 Luther and the young people. Rsv. Prof. M O G Scuerer, Presi dent North Carolina College, Mt. Pleasant, N, 0. 3. Origin and Aim of tba Luther L'ague. L M SwiLk, Eiq , Winston N. C. 4. How may Luther Le.nuef best help tbeir local church. M V Stickley, Eiq , Concord, N. O, Datails of programme will bi announced later. , Chas B, Miller, Chair. Ex. Com, S-ate Luther League. Concord, N. C. THE ONLY i pruiniuer.tly i-i " day is Hood's S i;-i!-:ir jet Hood's an I C X ' i..(l I'lii-Iller :-.lilio ryo to i. Tlieivfore EOOD'S. RIOr AMOMG MINERS. t A Rloody Battle Sline Men Fatally lnhired and Two Ncore More Nerl oiisly Wounded An Outcome or the Kasclton Tronble. GirarJville, P.t., September 27. At least nine mm receiyed fatal in juries and po sibly two i-oore others were more or lets seriously wounded in a bloody riot h re )rte last tight aud early this n.o- i.g. Tbe battle was the outcome o :i q;-rrel over t'io II zei:on t:i ul'es. i birty-six men are known to baye been wound ed, and about fifiy more are beirg secreted Ly their friends through fright that they will be sent to jail. Tbe story of the riot is is as fol lows : Several hundred Po'andere boarded at William Culacabbage's hotel, on Second street. Joseph Ca vendish is proprietor of a ho'el at tbe east'end of the town, where several hundred mote Polanders make tbeir headquarters. Bad blood has existed between them for a loBg time, and the recent strike troubles at Hazelton embittered tbem still more. Last night matters came to a orisis. Culacabbage.it is charged, and hie followers, to the number of seyeral hundred, arming themselves witb guns, revolvers, knives, exes and clubs, marched to Cayandieh's hotel, where several hundred of their eneN miee are celebrating py day. The Cavandish men ascertained that their foes were marchiDg on them and arming themselves hurriedly, awaited their ariival. After a de monstrative march the Culacabbage contingent arrived and immediately stormed the saloon. Then a b!oodv battle ensued. The men fought like demons, the shooting was fast and furious, and axe, knives, clubs, and otber weapons were need with deadly effect. The battle lusted al most an hour, when the Cu'scibage was routed, leaving .'-ei- wounded behind. After tbe routed rioters had re turned to their headquarters, tbe Cavandish gang armed themselves and marched to their ene'Di a' ren dezvous, where a battle still bloodier tqan the first ensued. The police force and the constables of the sur rounding region were called to the scene, but were unable to crp3 with the rioting crowd which continued hostilities until this morning. Bloomer Girls Itun a ilnrveMccr. Four young women clad in blormers walked iDto the fields of Lassen county last week and atked permission to work the havestir They were Orro Doivell, Gertie Saw yer, Lillie D.iweil aud FelliePack wood. It was granted them a d they prrceeded to action. One of them climed to the driver'seeat and be, an to guide the twenty six horses around the' field, another attended the b'ader, a third took charge of the eack sewing, and tbe fourth ran the separater. A whole morning was spent in this interesting occupa tion, and then, v ithout mishaps or adveuturee, they retired, leaving the aMorJshed men in possession. Sun Francisco Chronicle. Prolific I'ench Tree. Mr. S WBoyles, of Slate, Stokts county, has the mojt prolific prech ree yet reported. It bears annually two fine croi s i f fruit. lis lias just ga'ber' dthe second crop tbis year and it wan larger und liner thtu the ti at one Greensboro Record, MirscuSotss Benefit RECEIVED FROM Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. i Eli r. ha vi-tcrun e fur llilrt; UA11COCK, of Avoca, K. V., e. ot tlio3rd N. Y. Ar' Uli ry nnd ty years of the ll:iV-uoic & Munsel Carrlaso Co., uf Auburn, says: "I write to express my Krutltu.lo fortlionilrac lous bencllt rtioolvud from IT, Miles' Heart Cure. I Buffered fur y tirs, us resultof army llfo, from sciatica wliic-h alTeeted my heart In the worst form, my llmlis swelled from the ankles up. I Nied untlH was tinablu to button my clothliis; 1ki4 sharp pains about tho heart, smothering spclla aud shortness of breath. For three months I wns unable to llodown, and all tho sleep )' (rot was In an arm chair. I was treated bj tho host doctors but itradually grew worse. About a your atro I cwinmencod takiiiK l)r. Mllee' New Heart Cure and It Eavoil my llfo as If by a miracle." fiWC-'r.Y.TT'1 l)r. Miles' Kctnedles sf 'Cr'" 4 aro sold by nil druir- LlVi-M-ll T gists under a poxltlve EV il guarantee, first bottlu R-Hfitli Q&tfUsi boneflts or money ro- !R;rro ! funded. Hook on dl-ES,'f 1. "... eases of tho heart and 'J7v", "vt nerves free. Address, fcifcjfci.-jii.'iiif 3 lilt, M1LE3 MIIUK'AL UO., tlkhart, lnd ..-rv;.,l- i'l i'v.'.r Royal make the food pure, wholesome and delicto!. OYAl K:2:d few POWDER Absolutely Puro twiVAl nK1W) pownf t, rr. , Mfw VWK. Celebrated for ita great leayening strength and healthfulness. 'Assurea the food agiinst alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Bakino Powder Co , New York;. Reflections of a Bachelor. An engaged girl may ft el awfully sure cf everythmtf, but she doesn't eat many onions till after she ges married. After a girl has once deeided that the wont have a mar. if he asks her, she will never forgivo bim for not asking her. No man ever reipecttd a girl much till he made her lose her temper. When a rich girl's hair looks like streaked molasses candy, it is said to be of the color of spun gold. Down at the bottom of every wo man's prayer ii a reminder to the Lord that he knows she has to put up with so much from her husband. N. Y. Press. They Nurreudered. Birds in tbe immediate vicinity of Greensboro have some kind of eenee. A large covey of them came up into the yard of Mr. W. S. Hill yesterday and surrendered at once. They no doubt knew it was no nse to fool about it, for whenever Mr. Hill should get his gun the jig would be up, he is such a good shot. By the way, somebody Js fixing to get into trouble. Whenever you see birds coming into town in tbis way, somebody has been afer them. trying to moot them. The time when shooting can be done is Nov. 1st, so that a sharp lookout had better be kept, or there will be trou ble. Greensboro Hecord. In Uaywood Superior Court Mies Maggie McCracken sued Dentist Ileury Suiathers alleging that a tooth he bad pulled for her had caused her to suff.-r for a long time a? a result of the dentist's work. The verdint was for the plaintiff, giving her judgtment for $775 and coats. SCHEDULE In Effect Jan. 18, 1807. This condensed schedule is pub lished as information, and is subject to change without notice to tbe public : Trains Leave Concord, N. O 9:27 p. M. No. 35 daily for Allan. ta and Charlotte Air U5, e division, and all points South anrf Southwest. I'arrit s tl rt ueh l'ulmin drawing room buffet sleepers between New lork, Washington, Atlanta, liirms inshani, Ualveaton, reavannab and Jacksonville. Also Pullman sleeper' Ol ar'otte to AuRtiBta, 8:18 a. m. No. 37, daily. Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled liinite i for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and Nnw Orleanp, aud all points South ind Southwest. Through Pullman slueper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing ear, vestibuled ooach, between Was'iington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist car for San Francisco, Sun days. p m Vo. 9, daily, from Rich uioiul, W nehington, GoidBboro.Nor folk, Si'lma, ltnlign, Greensborol Knt svil e and Asheville to Char-, otte, N. C. Ii);:i0 a. m No. 11, daily, for c'm Innta end all points South. Solid tiair, Jiicliuioud to Atlanta; lJull mnn tdcppinR car, ltichmond to (Jruenfilioro. 10:1.7 a. m.-No. SO, daily, for isLi iteton. Itichuiond. Kaleisrh nd ell points Korth. Carries Pull" niiiti drawing-room buflot sleeper, GiilvcBt'iilo New Yoik ; Jaekson-i vjl'e to New York ; Birmiutrham to New York, l'ullman tourist cars from Sin I rar cit-eo I hursdays. ti.O'J i. m.-No. !1H, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled, rmited, for Washington : and all l oints North. Through l'ullmen car' Mimphia to New York; New Orlea-.s to New York; Tampa to New York. Also carries vertibultd couch ami dining car. 7.2-2 p. in. No. 12, daily, for Iticbs moi.d, Aslu ville, (Jhatluuooga, HuN t-ije.li, Gohlsboro Mid all points North. C'airii-s Pullman sleei ing ear from Gren.aooro to Jtii-hniou't. (.'oiiupcts at Grei-nhbo o with train tan-Ting Pullman cur for linieiub. (1 17 a. m. o. Id. daily, for liich mund ; coiir.ee'H at (Jn t iiHlioro lur Hal -;g!i ami Noifok:ut Danville for Washington nul points North ; at .Salisbury for Ailivillfi, Kuol-. vi. le nnd picr.ts 'c et. 'ill freiielit trains curry passt-rigors-John M. t i i.e, W. A. Trua, Tn.flic M't-r O-i,'! PaH. Aje't, . II. (HIKES. V.'H-illl'C'.UU, 1). O. IJtHi'l r Iicri!ilei...li.i.l, Wai-lnngton, l. ( 8. ir.llAIlUH It It, A t 't ti'Mi'l 1'. Ag't A'l.ti.tii, (lit. . II. Tayloe. Ai.-'I (i. i,'l I'. Ag't. I.ouit-t : I If, Ky, Gl WA.N Puf-rNblliV, l.l rill At' t, Conco'd, N, C, J1" lf,l f 1 -I.