The - Standard The The Standard. PRINTS THE MEW is THAT IS NEW Is For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. TANDARD. TURNS OUT . GOOD - JOB - WORK PRICES. "AT LIVL O CONCORD, N. C.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1897. Give us a Trial. VOL.X--N 311. WHOLE NO. 448 Sales With Hood's Saraapa Talk tlUa," Sales Talk," and how that this medi cine has enjoyed pnblio confidence and patronage to a greater extent than any other proprietary medicine. This is be cause It possesses greater medicinal merit and produces greater cures than any other, It la not what we say, but what Hood BarsapariUa does, that Tells the Story. All adTertinementsof Hood's BarsapariUa, like Hood's BarsapariUa Itself, are honest We have never deceived the public, and this with its superlative medicinal merit, is why ths people haveablding confidence In it, and buy Hood's BarsapariUa almost to the exclusion of all others. E Customers Want Hood's. M Wa order Rnnri'a Ramanafltl In tfaantltles and It is the only blood purifier i wnicn a druggist can buy In large quanti ties without risk. It is selling vary rapidly and customers who buy it once are sure to call for Hood 'a the next time. We be lieve Hood's BarsapariUa must possess true merit In order to retain ita popular ity. Its sales exceed au similar prepare' tlona and its praises are often heard.' h. Somhbb ft Son, Springfield, IlUnols. : Thousands of druggists say the same, Hoods r Sarsaparilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, H j are the only pills lo take liuuu s I 1113 wlUilioodaSaraaua THE NEW WAY. WOMEN used . to think " fe rn a le diseases " could only be 1 treated after "lo cal examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their suffering. The In troduction of Wine of Cardul has now demon strated that nine-tenths of all tha eases of menstrual disorders do not require a physician 'a attention t all. The simple, pure CLREC'5 taken In the prlvacy-of a woman's own home Insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Wine of Cardui re quires no humiliating examina tions for Its adoption. It cures any ' disease that comes under the head of "female troubles" disordered menses, falling of the womb, "whites, " change of life . It makes women beautiful by making them well. It keeps them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug snre. For idvlce Is cum reeulrtnr apeciat dlrecstofiB. aedrvas. rWtr.r symptoms, the Laalea' AdTliory Department. The Charanooc Medicine Co., Coatta aootrn. Tana. W. I. ADDISON, M.S., Cary, Miss., sarst i uie wine er caraw eiienf iveiy in ray praetlee and find II a most eieellaat prapanMiMi lur iwhm irouuiaa. D G. Caldwell, M. D. M. L. Stevena, M. D Pre, CALD WELL & BTEViliNS. Concord, N. O. Office in old post office building opposite St. Clond Hotel. MORK1SON II. OALDWELI. ATTOBSJY AT LAW, CONOOBU. N O Office in Morris ba 'dm;, ppoeii court house. L. T. HARTSELL. ATTORNEY-AT-LA.W, CONCORD, - - N C. Prompt Attention given to all business. Office in Morris building opposite court bouse. M. B. STIOKLEY. Attorney at Lw, Concord N. C SIEtlAL ATlkSTION GlVhS 20 COLLECTIONS. Office upstairs in King buildini near PoatoIBo . Tax Notice ! Your town tax for 1897 is now due, nd tbe tax books have been deliver ed to ma with instructions to col lect, and for that purpose I em authorized to use all law ul means to collect tbe same pro optly. Pay up your taxes at once and av trouble and costs. You cat find me at my office in Jno. h Milter's store. This 10tb Sept., 3897. ol7.) Jno. h. Pattebsok, Tax Collector for Concord. if Inn North Carolina ) In Offioe Clerk Cabarrus County) Superior Court Notice is hereby given of filing of articles of incorporation of "The Conoord Telephone Company." The names of tbe incorporators are N F Yorke. L 1) Coltrane, W H Lilly. John P Allison and V G UouatOD, and suob others as they may associ' ate with them; that tbe principal place of business is in Concord, N C., and its general purpose and business is tbe oonduoting a gen eral telephone business within the State of North Carolina; t at tue duration of tbe corporation is thirty years; the capital stock is $1,500 With privilege to increase to $10,000 divided in chares of tbe par value cf $50.00 each. Sept. 18tb, 1897. Jag. C, Gibson, o20j Clerk Superior Court, Notice A GREAT CONFLAGRATION Nearll Hair million Dollar Fir In Durham Tbaradajr Keren Wede Prlae Honeee mm Elant Cettacra Burnett. v Durham was the victim tf a dii aitroos fire Thursday, when flami broke oat in tbe top tor of one of the double priz; bouses, occupied by H J Bate. Tbe Durham San gi the following account of tbe great conflagration : When the firemen readied tbe scene the top was a seething mass of flames. The fire soon spread to the prize house adj ioing. which was separated from the above by an archway. This house was also oa copied by 11 J Baas. Then it was teen that the neigh boring prize houses situated close by were doomed. The firemen worked manfully, bat the water pressure wasn't sufficient to do very effective work. The best that could be done was done under the circumstances, That better work was not done should be ascribed to tbe dry weather, rather than to tbe firemen then selves, j&verytniog wai a ary as tinder and bnrned fiercely, and there was hardly any checking it, Tbe flames were to hot nearly all the time that a person could hardly ttay near the tire . Hothead at er hogshead of to oaoco was ronea out or. the prize nouses in tne neigbtorfiood. and good deal was carried to placet ont of reaon of tbe nre in baskets and in various other ways. A large nam ber of people, both white and color ed, worked like Trojans rolling hogsheads and carrying out other things from tbe doomed buildings, ine loiiowtng are tbe buildings destroyed : Two prize rooms belonging to B Duke, occupied by H J Bait. Two prize rooms belonging to R'atte; on Fuller street, occupied by the Ao e lean tobacco Company, One rnz4 room on Randolph street, owned by Manning and Mof- gan, occupied by the American To bacco Company, 1,000 insurance on the 'building. Oae prize room owned bv W Duke, occupied by the American Pobticco Company. One dwelling owned by w Duke, occupied by Albert Armstrong. l no dwellings belonging to Will Newton, occupied by Mr. High and Mr. MavDard. The red prize room belonging to tne .New ton estate, occnpied by Biackweu s i'nrbam lobaoco Com pany. lhree dwellings belonging to L W W i8e, -occupied by Oh as. Chand ler, Wbitt lajlorand Chas. Cope na. Two other dwelling biases owned by a Li Duke, occupied by Mr scan ana airs Kamsey. 1 he American Tobacco Company had about two and a half million pounds of tobacco in Irs three houses, At this writing it is impossible to say what their Joss will be. 1 he id janes to the electric light wires from tbe ll im t is estimated to be abont $50. Ihe damage to the wires of the Bell Telephone Compiny and the aterState Telephone Company is estimates at $iou eacn. W T tarring ton had abont five hundred thousand ponnds of tobso co; $20,000 insurance. About 100 hogsheads of tobacco were saved. be vera I of tbe Bremen came near being overcome by the scorching flames. In fact one or two were compelled to lie down and take some rest, one of tbem being W F Free- land. Three of Raleigh's fire companies tbe Rescue, tbe Hook and L.dder Company and tbe Capital Hose Company came np to Durham on a P 'oial train consisting of an engine, wo flat cars and a coach. About fifty men came np on the special. and thev had all necessary appara tus for fighting fire. Their services were not needtd, however, as tbe flames were pretty well under con trol when they Arrived here this afternoon They were very prompt n responding to the call as soon as tbey heard of the fire here. Fears were entertained tbat Duke' woodyard and the buildings inside of that inclosure would catch, but fortunately these were saved. If these bad burned other buildings would likewise have gone, and there is no telling whare the fire would ave stopped. At this time, daring the exoite, ment, we can give only a partial list the insurance. The ' following were insured with W 11 McCabe for the amounts stated: American To bacco Company, $46,600; B L Duke, SU.W84: tieorge W Watts, $6,000; W Uuke, cottage, $1,000; 11 J Bass & Uo., $U,400. Tbe total insurance of some of he Iowa witb tbe firm of J South- gate & Son amounts to $55,000. All told, tbe losses on buildings nd tobacco will not miss $400,000, and may possibly reach half a mil lion. Ware I be Child Home. Mrs. M M Gillon has returned from a visit to her lister, Mrt. H H Ooobrane. at Charlotte. Mis. Gillon bronght with her lit tie Margaret Dorm so, from tbe hompeoQ O.'phanage, and will give tbe child a borne. Mil. Cillon u an xcellent lady and will bs a kind, aoxl mother to tbe little girl. An Old-Tluie Darkey. An Interesting visitor to cor town it old une'e Adlia Parks, of Rowan county. He is an ex slave, once be longing to Mr. Hugh Parks and for fifty years the old darkey ran Parks' mill. Adlia is 86 years of age, has been married twice and is tbe father of eight children. He visite town very seldom and was never in court. Ha was purchased when 10 yean of age by Mr. Hugh Parks aad now lives with his young master, Mr. David M Parks. He oame to town last Monday to see tbe street parade of the circaa. While standing on tbe streets, his attention was attracted by a canvassed ham suspended to a peg in tbe front of one of the stores. The old darkey viewed tbe stange thing witb longing cariosity, finally asking: "Master, what is dat sowed np in de bag ?" He was told, and when going on bis way, he chuckled and remarked tbat the town people were ' so curious now a days dat de poor old country nigger couldn't keep up wld 'em." H'nen Tan y Rnaef. The time when gunners may again revel in their favorite sports it now nearing, and as tbe period is often forgotten and information as often called for, The Standard is glad to publish the following, kindly fur nished by a member of the ban THS GAMS LAW. Section 2834 of The Code, at ap plioable to Cabarrus county, has been amended by Chapter 79, Laws 1891, and Chapters 339 and 3C1 Laws 1893, to as to read: No person shall kill or shoot, trap or net any partridges, quail, doves, lark, mocking birds or wild turkeys between the fifteenth day of March and the fifteenth day of November in each year; and the person to of fending shall be guilty of a mitde. meanor, and fined not exceeding ten dollars for each offence. Chapter 491, Laws 1897, manes it a misdemeanor to destroy the nest of a mocking bird, or to kill a mock ing bird at any time. Trenble ml the Mills. The Odell mills have been run ning extra at night for more than a month past, having gotten behind in orders for goods, etc., bat the mills were necessarily cloeed Thurs day night, on account of a short' ness of n.ght hands, that class of labor having been induced by a slick-tongued man to leave their work here and go elsewhere. There is no little amount of trouble with a certain class of bands at the various mills in the city, caused by persuasion. Tbe name of tbe man offering hands Klondike inducements to go with him to a cotton mill in South Carolina, is G W Hunter, hailing from Charlotte. Ea:-laverar Bole on Cold and Bllrer Ex Governor Boies has written a letter upon tbe subject of "The Bui lion as a basis of National Curren cy." He says: "Gold and silver bullion money; it is practicable. Tbeyi . . be made an invariable donble stand- rd for the meaeurment of values. It issaid no plan of that character would be in accord with the Chi cago platform. Tbat is true. But the Chicago platform has bad its day in court before the tribunal of last resort. Must Democrats to be ioyal adhere to it forever ? Tbe objection is at variance with the theory of our form of government. "If it prevailed elections would settle nothing, majorities would cease to rule and when a political issue was once joined, the warfare over, it would go on until one or tbe other of tbe parties to it was to tally annihilated." Dee MoineIa., Dispatch, 12th. awi Correction. Wednesday's iiaily contained a hort item abont a certain settlement between Messrs. N P Cranford and M Oglesby, in wbioh it was ttated that Mr. Cranford bad been in jail. It was Lee Smith who had been in ail and liberated, and not Cranford, t ttated. We regret having made tbe mistake. rsws ISO feet This Tear. Mr Viotor Caldwell, one of tbe largest planters in Cabarrut county, was in the city today and when ap proached by a -TANDabd reporter for tbe neighborhood newt, he a td that he had on his place an verbearing mulberry tree that has rown 150 feet thii year. The tree d not grow itraight np, however, but branched oat ia tbe abo?e pro portion, RUMORED Cl'ANGE. It la Haul 1 hat So. 85. the homnern'n rnat Hall, Will Arrive) Three Hear Earlier. Charlotte News: There is a rumor to the iffect that there will toon be a decided change in tbe schedule of No. 35, the Son' hern's fast mail from Washington, that ar rive! in Charlotte at 10 o'clock p. m. A Newt reporter learnt tbat a marked change of schedule on tbe Pennsylvania road tbat putt this train in Washington three hours earlier, is the reason why the Souths ern will make the change. Tbe train over tbe Pennsylvania road re ferred to above connects with the Southern in Washington. All th Southern mail from New York and Northern points is brought to Wash ington by this train and is then taken op by the Southern. Th road having the government con tract for carrying southern mails it natural to suppose that Uncle Sam will see to it that such an im portant batch of mail is not to be delayed tor hours before it begins it journey South. If this be true N 35 will in all probability reach Charlotte between 7.30 and 8 oclock A News reporter interviewed prominent Southern official regard ing this probable change bat be did not know whether or not the matter was nnder consideration. M olerks ou the Washington and Char lotte route Bay that they have beard of tbe change in Washington bu whether or not it will go into effect tbey did not know. Th Missionary rtblp. The Missionary Ship now bein organized under tbe management of Mrs. W R Harris and Mrs. H M Barrow will be presented at Central Methodist Church on Friday night Oct. 22, and also at Forest Hill Methodist church on Saturday night, Oct. 23d. No admission fee will be obarged, but all are earnestly re quested to come prf pared for a con tribation to a wortby causr. For this entertamn:eot there will be a practice cn Saturday afttrncon Oct, 16, at Forest Hill Methodist church at 4 o'clock, and at Central church on Sunday afternora, Oct 17, at 4 o'clock. All taking par will please attend tbe praciue at both placet. This eutertainmtnt promises to be unique, and when it is known thi musio will be freely interspersed nnder tbe excellent training of Mrs, Barro, fresh interest is added. Oar convict Farms. The State now has four farm cultivated by convicts, iney are the Wadesboro farm with 1,000 acres of cotton and 450 acres of corn with 150 convicts working there The big Caladonia farm on tbe Ro anoke in Halifax county. The farm consists of 2,000 acres in cotton and 2,500 in corn. This farm works 300 convicts. The farm known as alifax farm in tbe samecoun 1 600 acres in cotton and 1,000 th in corn witb 130 convicts. At Northampton farm there are 1.0 aores in cotton and 1,300 acre in corn, mere are iuu con fill . 4 victs. The crops are all good and a fine yield is expected. AU the con victs are picking cotton, getting out about sixty bales a day Greenville Reflector. What Is the Value or 1.1 re t The follow'ng contribution tent Thb Standard by a lady friend of the county, which we paB- llsh for the banefit of all concerned : Nothing to breathe bat air, Nothing to eat but food, Nothing to wear but clothes To keep as from going nude. Nothing to do but things, Quick as a flash they're gone. Nowhere to fall but off, Nowhere to tit but on. Nothing to quench but a thirst ; Nowhere to sleep bnt in bed. Nothing to haye but what we've got, Nothing to bury bat deal. Nothing to weep but tears. Ah me I Alas and alack 1 Nowhere to go but out, Nowhere to come but back. What is tbe value of life P Hello Albemarle. The telephone line from Albe marle to this city, will be in work ing order soon. The large force of bands engaged in placing the poles, hare reached Mt. Pleasant, and will striae thii oity in a few days. Mr. J M Russell bat tbe work in obarge and at toon as all the posts! are tet, the linonien will put up the wire and 'phones A GRIND SUCCESS Mite Meeting Largely Attended Priaea Awarded the Yonug Bten, The meeting of the Mite Society, held at tbe hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Elam King on South Mais street Friday night, was a grand success. Its sccial features have no equal, and the large number in at tendance were amused in various interesting ways. Contests were hud on tbe mo t expert at sewing, darning, meuturiDf , receipts aud b weeping, and the prizes were awarded (o tbe following your g - i Eentlemen The first pr z was awarded to Mr. R L Keesler for the best sewing. It was a Bachelor's Button. Mr. A Jones Yor!;e was given a tape measure for the best and la'eat style la lies sleeve pattern. Mr. Chal. White won tbe darning egg for being the most proficient at darning. A broom was won by Mr. Anbrey Hoover, who handled the broom in sveeping as gract tally as a most any woman. For the best cake receipt Mr. Ber nard Fetzer was awarded a pie. Mi8SfS Lucy Lore, Mary Skinner, Belle Means, Miss Savage and Mrs. S J Lowe were tbe judges, and tbe prizes were presented by Miss Belle Moser. Tbe "Coming Woman" and the "Going Map." were very much in evidence and the evening, with its novel and entertaining programme, was sou e'hing new and very mnch enjoyed. Tbe Mite Society will hold its meeting next Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S J Lowe, on West Dipit street. The financial feature was not neg lected In the least and the n.ites col lected netted several dollars for the tociety. i,ta. The Ria: Wnrehonae. The material for the construction of fie larga cotton warehojte for the Odell manufacturing company being placed on the gronnd. The warehouse will be b tilt tbo rear of No. 2 mill, and will be locattd in a position tbat will cut off Forest Hill street at the big well. somewhat chucgiiig tbe course of the s'rret, which will bend and co out into Cburtb street -ust abev he Wulker store room. Several of tbe old bouses tbat stood on Forest Hi'l strset, facing the factory, baye been torn away to make room for the new building. "Jorth 1'aroliua Cotton Mills Official reports to the labor com mission show tbat the capital of North Carolina mills which spin and weave cotton is (17,242 050. Tbe reports show tbat one-third of the mills are operated night and day. Thirteen woolen mills which spin and weave report, and also 32 wool and carding mills, some of which aleospin. Twenty-five cotton hosiery mills make reports. The labor commission said: "You can now say tbat North Carolina mills will this year spin all the cotton we make. The reports show this. They now run both day and night work while the old figures were only for day work." Raleigh Press-Visitor A Bad Venture. From the Salisbury ''un we learn tbat a party going home from the show at Salisbury, Tuesday even ing, attempted to cross tbe river at Trading Ford and the two mules and wagon with women and men were drifted down the river. One mule was drowned and tbe other was found the next day and rescued from a kind of raft by which it kept its head above the water. The wagon's lodging onLeach rock saved tbe people from drowning and all were rescued. It seems that the calamity was caused by the persis tency of John Wood, who said ne would cross or die, while others plead against the venture. Kcmtirknble Baby, Among the many remarkable things in and around th s city is he three weeks old child of Mrs. Kate Sherrill, at Forest Hill. I'be actual weight of the baby it 20 pounds, and it seems to real;zr when a stranger calls to see it. The infaut will laugh and notice thingt a like munner to a child tan months old.. Death ortbr Han Who Killcil Ueneral Neda-wlf k. Abraham Crabill, on old Confed erate soldier of the Stonewall brig ade, died at hit home in Shenandoah county last Saturday. It wj a well established fact tbat during an inter) al between the bard lightin. he bad shot and killed Gen, Sedg. ick, near Spottsylyania Court House. Mr. Crabill was a sharp shooter at tbe Uine. Norfold Landmark, Mure He Has Fonud n lure. Buenos Ayree, Brigentina, Oct. 13. A telegram from Montevideo, Urnpuay states that Dr. Sanarelli, who a few months ago announced his discovery of the yellow fevir germ, and who announced a few days ago, tbe diEcovery of a curative serum, encountered great difficulties' before he perfected the serum. He made experiments cn many animals, including horses an 1 oxen, which bad been inoculated with fever vims After bard no k be finally succeeded in producing a sernm which be found would im munize inoculated animals. After a confeiecce witb leadic members of the Medical Society i Uruguay, Dr. Sanarelh will go to Rio Janeiro, where he will test h sernm on a fever patient, lie ex pressed himself as absilutely confi dent of the curative powers of th fluid. Lite and Death When we walk near powerful ma chinery we know tbat one sing! misstep and those mighty engines would tear us to pieces witb thei flying wheels or grind us to powder in tbeir ponderous jaws. So wht we are thundering across the lund in a rail-car, and there is nothin but half an inch flange to hold us upon the track. So when we are i a ship at sea, and there is notbin but the thickness of a plank betwee us and eternity. We imagine then tbat we see bow close we are to the edge of thi preci pice. But we do not see it. Wtaeth er on sea or land the partition tha divnJrs us trim eternity is some thing ihitiLer than an oak plank or half an inch of iron flange. Th machinery of life and death is with in us. The tissues that hold there beating powers in tbeir place are often not thicker than a piece of paper and if that thin partition were ruptured it would be just the same to us as if a cannon ball bad struck us. Dtatb is inseparably bound up with life in the very structure our bodies. Struggle as we will to widen this space, no man can at any time go farther from death than the thickness of a sheet of lected. paper. b& odd f ans. The California walnut crop prob ably will be short this season. It is estimated that it amounts to only 175 ten-ton carloads, or 3,500,000 pounds. Vegetables are being dried now like apples and other fruit. Seven pounds of potatoes weigh one pound when dried, and other vegetables shrink in weight correspondingly Onions, carrots and potatoes are tbe vegetables ueel most now, but the industry will, it is expected, develop greatly. Chicago experts, after a few years' experience with vitrified brick pave ment, say it is equal to granite and much better then asphalt or cedar block paving. It is cherp.-r, too, Native and foreign investors now are studying the oil wells of Jap tn The field is considered promising. Bottles now are being madj of paper nnder a German patent. They are for use particularly on sh pboard, where heavy weather works huvjc among glass receptacles. A scientific farmer fed his herd of cows one winter on a scientific ration with remarkably satisfactorily re sults. To give bis unscientific neighbors an object lesson, be fed hem tbe next winter on an unscien tific ration. Tbe cows, possibly to spite him, produced just as much butter as tbey bad given in the year before. The scientific farmer wat mad about it. but be ien't discour aged. On tbe west coast of Africa thcr s a slight local demand for stov polish. The native ladies use it as i cosmetic While the tea groing industry of Ceylon is at its best, the ccffei plant ers are near ruin. Disease is carry dg iff tbe plants rapidly. Notice of Dlmolullon. The firm of M F NeJblt '& Co, baa been this day dijsolyed by mu tual consent, T B Smith having withdrawn from said firm, Tbe Grm will hereafter be known as Nee bit & Pressly. M &' Nksbit & Co. Coddle, N. C, Oct. 1st, '07. All claims due tbe firm of M F Nesbit & Co., are payable to Nesbi & Pressly, I having conveyed to tbe.u my interest in the same togeth with my good will aud wisbei to tue ew firm, T, B, Smith. ACCIDENTAL SHOO TING. t'larklAtwell, While Loading; Plafol NhontH Hla Nix-Year-Old Brolhr, rrrd-l'robnbljr rntally Infured. A very eeriousj'and'probably fata! shooting gbffair occurred a Cannon ville this morning a few minute after 10 o'clock. a'r. R O A. ell lives in New Town, bouse JSo 87 While his 18 y-ir-old son, Clark Atwell, was lodii g a pistol, the d.mgprout fi.-e arm aucidcntly di8 cn.iid and the ball took tffeet lu ths abdomen of bis little six year brother, frred. Little tied was standing in tbe kitchen, with bis elbows resting upon the dining table, watching witb great interest bis older brotbrr cljun aud load the pistol. Clark was sitting on a board in the kitchen door, and cot until after tbe pistol had discharged and done its fearful work, did tbe young man rea ize the dangers of a pistol. Clark could not tell exactly what made the pistol go oil. lie was not snapping it er handling it ctrelessly. U wae a 32 calibre rim fire pistol. 1 be child who was shot is a bright looking little fellow. I ne ball en terred just below the breast bone and, Jtis thought, penetrated the pancreas, urs. lonng and bmoot were called iu tu atienu ine cniiu ana are8ea tbe wound. 1 hey did not probe or tbe bullet, which lodged in the child's stomach. The accid nt is a very distressing one and may prove fatal. Dailv, ,fi(L ;, ' v ""J' lbtb. IDSr. Horde's iiodj-Boj's Head. ut. u vv Danow, a veterinary tv r itt " surgeon of Ashland, Wis., is here with what is termed "the modern Jentaar," which is to be kept on ex- hibition for a time. Tbe freak stands aoouc 18 incnesnign, and has the body of a colt and the bead of a " nman. The freak waa born at Aah and. Win . JaniiArv 2S 1 P05 ,vwj hn.a r u.,- i U ' V VV ITTU UUUIB, 1 U-kO UCCU IU Ur. Barrow s possession ever since its birth. lie has a certificate signea oy a numoer or business mo professional men of Ashland testi fying to its genuineness. Asheville Citiz'n. Adjourned Cunrj "t pttiile Down.' Last Saturday, the laet day of court, Sheriff II dynes was called borne on account of illness in his family. All the deputies except lyOiumDus ilenson, the junior deputy, had gone home, so be was left in full charge as officer of the court. When the eeseion was about over Judge Norwood said: Mr. Bh.rifl,n3-.a adjourn this court "sine die." dining oar. The voung sheriff didn't ouite eaten laoee iwo L.atin words 0utlA.t7h. flnlr.h nrn a.iA all nninf.a was determined to proceed with bis ,l.itia In lnn.l hnU (... , """: KJ3, yes i on, yes I tois uonoraD.e Superior Court now stands adiourn- i, ., , , ed 'upjide down.' Attorney J M Moody says tbe above u an actus occurrence Wayneaville Courier. Jfff licuored Charlotte. A Charlotte man who was in Greensboro last ngbt tells a News reporter that be had to laugh at a porter calling to tbe paseengers to get aboard. When the train wae about to pull out for the South a black, greasy porter.'yelled out "All aboard for Spencer, Salisbury, Con cord and Atlanta 1" "It is an actu al fact," said this gentleman, "that there were more paetengera on this train for Charlotte than for all t! e rest of the stations between Greens- boro and this place." Charlotte News. SJo More Temple Cap. The Temple cup series in tie National league may be contested no more. W C Temple, of Pittsburg who presented the magniGcent silver roj'hy to the leigue, is disoaticfied with this year's contest. lie declare- e will attend the league meeting it, VovfUiber and ranest that the cup be returned to its donor. "I will Iso," said Mr. Temple, ''ask tha1 the league invea'iate tbe charges that the Baltimore and Boston play ers this year agreed to an tqiml di vision of the riceipts, in fuoe of tht lengue's explicit conditions about GO perctn'. to the winner and 40 per c 'nt. to the Ios r." . ' Nr. Wliivcoll' Improving? Mr. A J Wineciff, who fell from tbe roof of bis bouse in No. 4 town ship about two weeks ago aud le ceiyed what was thought tJ be fatal iii juries, ia slowly improving Jand chances are- g0)d for bis reoovery. we are informed. Mr, win-roU bus been nken to his borne near Salia bury. aw Attention FnrnierN. I will bein Concord on Saturday, October 23rd, at Coil's livery and feed stables, with a car load of horses and mules that I will sell cheap. II amember the date and be present, H. A. Dodd Royal MkM th food par. m P0VDER Absolutely Puro tWTVAA flAvTlHfl POWflsTw OO., tftWfllBIa Celebrated for its great leayening strength and health fulness. Assures the food against alum and all forma of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powdeb CoV New York). SCHEDULE In Effect Jan. 18, 1897. This condensed schedule it pub- llehed as information, and it subject to chance without notice to tbe ublio Trains Loave Connnril. n 9:27 p. sr. No. 85 daily for Atlan. ta and Charlotte Air 116, e division. na a11 points South and Southwest. v",r"p1? 'Sr"u?a gunman drawing. room buffet sleepers between Mew Vnrb. W.ahino - k; ingham, GaWefiton, Savannah and J acKBODTtile. Also fulJuiaii sleeper I vji'taiiuttr; iu a UK un baa g:48 a. m.-No. 37. daily. Washine ton and Southwestern vestibuled VV"w,r New Orleans, and all points' South a?a HOU'llweV- J?ro6u lman and New York to Memohis. Din ',?, ?ar ye8tlbuiel. ootcb, between I WJ aoliinnnn aH Atlna-ii. TJ a a 1 1 a touriBt car for San Francisco, Suni days. a wam p m ;no. v. aatJy. irom Kicn I . J VTl ' , 1 - ill XT folk. 'Selma. fu'n. (4rflfin hnrni Kuoxviiln and Anhvilin tn (.bar- One, JN. U. 1030 a- m.-No. 11, daily, for AU acta and all points South. Solid train, Richmond to Atlanta; Pull man deeping car. Uichrnond to Ureensboro. 10:07 a. m. No. 86, daily, for Washington Hicbmond, lialelgh and all noints North. Carries Pulla man bullet sleeper, GalveBton to New York ; Jackson ville to New Tork ; Birmingham to New York. Pullman tourist oar from San Frarcisco Thursdays- 'J:U2 p. m. JNo. 38, daily. Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled. pmited, for Washington and all lioiuts North. Through Pullman car Memphis to New York; New Orleans I 1. XT . m - T "V. r i 7;22 p. m. No. 12, daily.forBioh-. North. Carries Pullman sleeping; "' ,rom ureensooro to iiicnmona. Connects at Ureensboro with train Carrying Pullman car for Kaleish. 61I m- No. 10, daily, for Rich I tiond ; connects at Greensboro lor HmMgh abd- Norfoik : at Danville, tor Washington and points North ; """v .ur auTiiie, aiidh ville and points West. 'ill freight trains carry rjasHAnirers. John M. Culp, W. A. Tdbk, Trafhc ATer. Gen'lPass. Ae't. W. H. Green, Washington, D. O. uen 1 Superintendent, Yanhii)eton..D. O.! S. II.IIardwick, ABs'tUen'iP. Ag't Atlanta, Ua ..H. Taylob, Ass a Gen'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Ey, G&wAN Ddsenbebv, Local Ag't, Concord, N. O. Needa No Explanation. Madison, N. C. Aug. 4. 187. Goofe Ureas; Liniment Co., Greens ooro, a. v. Dear Sirs 1 Please ship ut at once tne grodd Gjose Urease Liaiment. We are entirely out. Don't fail to thtp at once. Pleaie give na iohhara nrinaa. It is the beat thing we hava VAr apan. i " " - - W O Jones & Co. Rai.rodd Engineer Testifies to Benefita Received From Dr. Miles' Remedies. flERE Is no more responsible poult ion on earth than that of a railroad engin eer. On bis steady nerves, clear brain. bright eye and perfect self command, de pend the safety of the train and the Uvea of Ita pause ngurs. Dr. MiW Nervine and other remedies are especially adapted to keeping the nervus sternly, the brain clear and the mental f:u.'ultlr unimpaired. Knitlneur F. W. McCoy, formerly of 1323 Broadway, Council UlulT.i, but now rtMlUUig atiHUIIuiuboldtSt., louver, write that ho 'suffered for years frwtu constipation, caus- loft sick, nervous aud bilious headaches and was fully restored to health liy lr. Miles' Nerve Liver Fills. I heartily recommend Dr. Mllen' Remedies." Lr. Miles' Ilonu'tllet. E are sold by all drug gists under a positive I guarantee, first bottle J bene U ts or muiu:y i funded. Hook ou ills-1 eaes of the heart ami jj nerves free. Address, T kHsmediesl mi ... v. 1 f J

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