r Frie Standard. PP.INTS TEE ion & Fu'zar riT'T' K'l; ii-ii i, J 4'4UHi, 4" -T-7- w- f r xi pa ujt, j AEWb that is JVEWH iV "..- .J .., J 1 wl -A LIV : . '' l',;iv. j.o.' For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. ' by ' h re Mr. C CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1897. WHOLE NO. 449 r VOL. X--N 3d 2. VG "w A-4tiJ "Thuwj si- fa-f-i lu rocdtrfao a well v. in c! '' .. r t v" t. "bo' he m:." r.-!rrl:cto tJjiafc a bo f. Hoc?! 'a !l: " -v: U if (ur, eust'-iiiors W"' ;ry '. '.? . ." '.' z inn '--".ok to Boca s, an i ti M is wiiy Vie) eT.urmo n ;!a.i -' t,'.'; :- iC'..- i.-e.'x", ?",l L'ootii-ai V, ,-' V uy lu V.i'X mil i.i f bf t t! ne -e oil of i.fjht t lire'-.-, r--, . r- f-r'oirirf ' "V'lw t.i a- ' m it' p' .car rloc-l'.- .! - - h-is Tnorcfi' ci- -c ...... . . r i Tills ii of tir.Ily occurrence iu almoit C7tny diu,? tiurc. Iloou'a Lursiipariila It tiie ltiiid..rJ remedy wii.'cii Una cur o ni'jrs ttvkur i, Tii).ev3d mjrj .ili.tvoni an made more ,V,.j Iris's 1 7 t-:iuglng people health ttan nny oHior m.llciDO. Itp wonderf'ii pu-cj. of tbo won-1- eaaea ol crofiik., miiiiin;., (HirPn, uioornnltrhoum, etc.; ol uy-i):.-,j; b;iu oilier t'xmblof v. ttre a ; tou'.j and M to aiges tion wr r. oO'j. ; ci c rrti, b?urmt!sm, mularla and o.ii T 'trouolt a ar.'fei'i' lrcra or pri'iiiu'.L-fi ly 1 'jj-urn blood, htfo made n " " r' t ''Km-1 liri;.eT. "1 f 1 f?iorn4 .'i.', infuiiible f 4 .li.,..Liori;'-.- ctU (li.r .in,'m"nw. Y s t .: i 1. l't.v r. ,! I-r t . !H i Ih-jm of ti'MiMes. JtfK'.-rtfl (1 v-o-k'-- .tii'ij tialtni--. KtruiiiclK'.n- f'-j. -t -;i l--(. hi:- . Jt.-( "n tiie ut-iiirrudj i ,;r It. f-iuud -a a ,.evt ii ! I., u r 1 1 Frrbdfd and painTal nent malign, or Chfii.'tf Life tt L t.-r litouicluo lii".iu. ii ly biVitMiciui Cli'-'JMg . lil i hilltt! tO b:Hl '".UJll-l tiU b.'DKIj hiiTTcn fT yi. U. invirorutt1", HMum :lt' i, t;tit tvili.'uy is iii'U.i wonit-n. V. viin r n.un rjii ( witnm ri;i?li t W'-" c' i !ri,,J I'iilviw!.. fI.-."J;i'?r Lj O ii 1- j O L i v,i'i.. . l. I., , 4ijn 1,1-n u 1-. futtuni T ' lietthmutya Hod' ivin t ., (Jim?. anvii;:, t tr. f!cv. J. IV. &'"!TH. r.wflon, . 0., :s: "Iv' iJit'd V.il.t ,1 Uf villi; !n"i:; for f. : :-.tj or ti.c wow.j ai.d 11 entiraiy I G. CaMwrH, M. It. M. I., f ltv-.s, M. lra. CA LD WELL & bTiiVJiKC. Concord, N. C, oiv v o'd iTi.v '-. i:.':.-.-oj ;'".:;e Cii'.id ii )vcl. liOJtKJfcON II. OAI.DWELl ATl'(Ti-IY AT'A.V. rOMC'JKi). N O Oili ; in iM-.-.:.! L'U' itin.., fj ' conrt hcrt.- , L. T. HARTS ELL. AY IOUNLY-A i-LA V , c yycoRD, - - 'A c. h lit . V -' -Ci.'.i'isi' .! ii-'iuri. ho A.t j. in 7 ..: SI .til A l. -17 7 ,-. V V 6" I -J'., 7 C7 CCiJ.i.C . i ijS.-i r. c. r i C eil'.'. I wtl' S i tu 1 1 . M !;'!. '-r for rath, r, -iipliMHri; V.-.i ( ; , Ili'iiip. i f.ii,. I'ii.c1 1 0., on T'-.fpJay. v ".'I. d ih'y ci .Nt.vi m!v r, 1K07, tbt f iilon in;: as'i'.'.f.s .; jvn.-iual j'.iop tr'y.Jc. v.i': IinuwiLoNt tv ki.fths i. I'i ruiiui::, fnviuii:,; too!:', cgiint U'ifl oil. i r r rlittlt.-" Any i-f h:I I'l-'-.iy in.-y l iii v.' J jiri v;;: iy ' r.-.u I " ! f d'ty ojf.iiij. Ais.) .nn. low. i lolm iu y, , lt?n, Riid I.':!;.' frstalfi, w for !..;;.-. l'x-fi' a to I ucha. o " "J r6.tl i ruporty Bi t r()Ppr-i:.J"ui!y atkc! to c:i!l on me fci- inforoiatitio witlumi ?ai.,y. No? . C (.! Hivr.KJ, IvxiiouLor. I Li-. -."o bought 12(ar-louiIiCOAI. Von ciin j;ot nuynize of ::J!1AI;I C0AI.:;?; joa t.-.ii.t, at tlm i.r.wi;.-T ri'icni. I Yil'l i liver i cu i,;iod H)KT (Kitnirii-! COALttt Si.-') to ? 1 CO nr-r l. a. (.'::..! X. CRA VUK, .'..v l ; )! iV- ; -tk S:. IilKidv n-a I N.-imi.'v.'n. ('". Tr Mfc-W J'iIIn Ir-i.. i :rtit!.;i ' n" ii- a ill i. " OKKI! Sifli AND DKPAKT- Will AIIi imI Thrill. B.!ov "va pub'ii.h a !iB'. of the iliwii ar.d ia:liej who will partic?--rt iu tVifl Bsu'ivo'eut Fair, which wll ccn in he old club room bui!di"p next Thnrsov, to continue for t'jrte ('.ay a and nights. 0'F.li.'e,B3 AMD 1E PA ETMKN " 6 (jt I'd:', UFVEVOLTT ?.ra. IV'if'-Mit, Mri. Gfor;;e W Brown. ku Prf s'ea', Mr. J 0 Watsou General Supervisor, Mr. K L KeuVr. t:':crr-tarj cad Treasurer, Mra. II Art iijl'erv, d.'panmeut lat. Sirs, i'-atik GiodotT. goptrvibor. CoTtr.i t:c Mra Kate Stuat, Mrs. J V Oaid, Kissed Eoae Harris, Vul- iie iiiuwn, Faanie Young, Dulh S uia, Kate Means, Anme iloovar. Li-zic Cray, llory Li'w.a Hurru. M:itt-;-x, drj'a-iraent 2nd. 11:3. El.va Ti:i g, dfperviccr. Cm xiV.el re. AifdaBurlsh-ad, i. John Yorlo, ?.rs. J 1' F.rVy, Vinjoi l,ucv Lorp, K'b Archibald, L:7."ie Your:, Annie Burkhead. ii.'Iresciiueat 5jota, dtpartuient ji'u. ll'sj Jeuuie Smith, snper i:z;r. '.Vnpii'.tH Mi.:, l I.alla Ilil!, Kr:rer. P.! !!( Veoev, Mar-ie Brown, Maud .-,,,-i.r.n, S;,id' Fichi-r, Chaesie Brown, V. c ii"", Oorrie Boyd, Grace her. ..nii'e 1. viu, ii iry lUotit y.ui.-.v, Ei;ii l'iiu, Xliia. White. Fnd 0J.-I', T'..c ' -.i h.Etrt Mor. r1 or, Mi John .-aUow-!1.', M:s. K.l i) .ii, M... Mfui Dv,-13, Mr. -i d L '-''e, Mrs. Lcstr C iltrane. (.'judy Booth, departni 'Ufc 4th. Mrs. J U Wad-iworth, snperviRor. C'cutiiltle' iira, Frlix Yorke, ilr, Lnm 5In?3, Mrs. D D John--en, Mr". ':-.l;ha:i, Sire. E M.hnf y, Mrs J.P Alitor. Mrs Lnra K YoNPf. Mrs. James Liman, Misses liary K Johimtou. lioaa Mnnd, Liz - c y.octooiery. Grce Brown, Ad .1 it l ore, M.ry Virctriis VTadawortb, H--oie M.-.xwfll. F.i:it ..ud FiiWtr Boorh, depart i.iciit 5:h. .Misa Dannie Cannon, niit"P V.(!d.nnio5P R Fe'js-'r, A B Y..UKJ?, I) ( Caldwell, K A (jrovf J V Oniinoo, J A! Gieil. ;.i.e.. iitry Lo'e, hlry Dale Crai?, '"o.ud Bi-cto, Xoa-j Boyd, ji'Qie Bi-otd, Jennie Brown, JnliaMoCon ne'l. O.va'or Bouth, dcparluieut C:h 'i j. Ccrgf VT Brovn, suptrvisor. ','o-o;r:'.i,toj?,!fst'ani03 B M John i;on, An"i ITerriof, 0 .T Gooduon, ! foe V'ub. J A Sim, '' Chapman, J -i Cri.ini, tMii, Ah-xaiider, John B ' t.'iid-.tli li.ioE'.s M.im'cj Fbarr, Jlrrii MA .fiey, G-r'iud,. CJd-fcll, I Ku'h Caldwell. Drparinifut 7(h, Bufcy Show. I '.ira G M Lore, supervisor. Con.uiitiei. Liifina.-iiis D B Mor ridou, A K Lpc(z, J K Smoof, J C Willefnrd, Grane Bobbins, M L Stev. ns, li ii Barrow, Misses Shelby Harris, Bt tfc.e Leslie, Jennie Nichol icu, liattin Mahuffey Corinne Uar ts, Lilia King, Mry Ella Cannon, Jiiiiiio M Gibson, E'ma Boyd, Katie ln'z, !..ry W Kin?, Mary E YonHfc'. Je- aie Sims, Mamie Lontz, ihi.iie Johnston, Addie Lee Y'oung Daily of 21st. A Souvenir ol ApponmtDi. A STiNDARi ruport-ir saw at Mt P.eirat;t, Tuesday, a fox-horn, tvhkh ba a history. It is now the iroptrty of Berry Eudy. Thii- horn came down to Berry aiUi Lit, i.ithcr, oi;r6t, W IJ Eady, Alio t-omo years ago Luiandured ah iuit .!y v.iiiijroa und weut to tht Gil ,il Boyoud. Afit-r V.: . HUiiHiidor at App aunts, .'.;: 119, l.-r,3, Vc:-l. Ku '.y t.iol: iror.i mo i . b t slocr killed out) of h'.H hornn. 0' 'r,T tho ci cauipu-ioulo ot: i' we j m' ir.' homo afk-thc i.-i;tcr, Sect. En ly j aetn-A the time in uakint? thij hiyU.rical etch 'njj urounii the horn: "Gorgt. W ii i: ly, Co. U, 67Ui K. C , April j, ISC' :t.m the lu::t herd." The youi g ni.m, who now has it refused a very fubulons p'ice for il U ia fiomotliing to be proservfld from a paliajt, brave soldier, in ft-ar, and a hard-working, industri ;:U8 man, in praoo. iruliiuti litre. J L GriiL.nn, ex-chief clerk for Slate Kapc rmUmdent of Public Id stmction Mebane Rnd who was re cently convicted cf arson at New ton and whoso case ia now pending ia the Supreme court, was hero on lcgul l iiNtuM Friday and Satur day, lia owned a stock of furnituie in Murphy, Cherokee county. Satur ilfy he Bold it lo Mr. Osborne Brown, of Long Idand, and pave hiu a bill of sale fir eauio, the exe cu'ion of which was acknowledged before Clerk Furuhw here Satur day moriiioK al)(j ont ' 'UB regio tcr of dc-tdii, of Cherokee county, for nihtrntioon. It has einco heon Ivarncd that attachment proeeed-ii.- havo Icon nuod cut in Murphy :'(!'ti? I ho mock of iuruiturn, Hr."(eHvil!c Landmark, A BOX CAR ROBBED. I tHerA vte.il n Kk of Whlnhoy from i Ed. !'u :irtfi.l'n Trnln tstiN'lu.y M If lit. Wui1': the local freht train tha! vrg hetwten Cha'lotto and Snl'8 b"ry, condrote:! Capt. Ed M rit. t?:fn, rra f'mdirj ?n Ma ti-u line ia 'ho yard l;m's ".vr,,.l bii drcd fed -;ho'.e thodnre Ten-Jay ni,;ht, thiuvei brake the se-i! to i box car and t Lt retl i;, tiikirg tin re from one flro gallon keg of liquor, which was bclug shipped from fcaiia bury to Angusta, Gi. Two kega of whiui.ey was all the Trtiht contained ia that parlicu'ar car, and it is the bil'ef c- ir:any tha'. the thipvig kew tbj Tqiirr h.'E ol board. Chief tif Police Roger r.oliried promptly and has kept np a continu ous e-jarch sinco the night of the robbery, but i.s yel has not succeeded in obtaining a clue to the guilty parties. Several suspicious hou.iee wtra invaded and searched by the officers Wednrndav night, but to nc trail. Dji'y of 21st. i m m 1 he into MhrBry. The r-npc.'itiiin for t pi?V;:c libnsrj is he.'.);; much di-c.idSvi!, erd id nseD'.ir.g with much fjver. In foiiig over lie beued -s, the Lo'p thnt it would 've to the echoi-l obildrcn 'so.'i.n oi'tte:'. Ood instructor now touches history .cni or.u bock uloat uaJ ri.ii-ri.noe hooka nre too ei-.-.n.ivi' i.r most ct the fair'.iies -i' -e ri:iult ): .... . xut tas cr.iiL'n n co ni. y,--t .un v. .t rsadluj; newuty to teia a thorough working kuowieiige of the subject. The same mix at bj said about the teaching of literature. A good meivnee Lb:t;y ucoeawij.o to every pupii would double the value of school instruction. Jnt I.IhK ii I The Charlotte Not? cf Wedi-s-day prints g great lori,-;, d jnL.'e 'eid ed three liae news iiote, which roaJa as follows: "Cotton brought G.Win Charlotte today, and tho market wa3 aa high as Concord or any market in this yicinity." If our esteemed contemporary has Dot typographically erred, we would advise all those who have ootton to Bell, and can get 6 90 for it in Charlotte, to l;.ke il there. But on tbo other oide, if you waot the higheat price lor your coUoa and the loweot piioes vhcii you do your shopping, always try tho Concard market. It is the bent all round. Daily of 21st. Aibinnrle-Conrortl 'I'boue I.lue, The adyance force which has been locating the Albemarle Concord telephone line, and digging the holes for the poles, struck Concord Wed ntsdaj. It will not be many days ere we can "helio" ts Albemarle. There has been a time in the his tory of Tub Standard when a tulei phone would have saved many dol 1.118 and many hours for the proprie tor. Those days are passed. Daily of Slat. a Hail ,.; iiu-i.i. In Msjiistra'e Lluntei's couit thiisjl'e froui Albemarle is ntariug com. r.iurnmg; a u.-id fp-ctacla waa wit r' ef Sod, fciijS WsihieecUv's Chai lutte News. Oa the ono hi.i.d was i. father plcaf'ii'g with his r)ai:h.er to abandon n life oi thump. 6u t Ls ; other hand wan a vouiau who ."rd draggpd tho Birl down to htr level a luvel lower than that of he brute oreaiicn. The court doJdtd :bat th chiU1 ahrnld be taVpt- by her f ;;;"r nrd tho wo: :an was made to pay u si. all fine, whlah, as far m tha law v.ae nouoerucd, cleared her of the diaboli cal cnt.ie comuiitted aa nsther stx Prolmlily the lli l 1 Inn In Anisr l.n. Messrt(.IIui;h and Hector McLean, the venerable ILirnftt county twins, ara again in the city on a visit. They look 'bettor if anyihing than their lafit vimt pix or tight months ago. Each time they come to Fayettevilla one thinks it mutt be their lat aipcararjce, but they my live to pay us many more visits. Tbey aie probably the old est twins in America, their 8Sth birthday occurs next Friday. Fay etteville Observer. ftoulhern 4 hlnn in niMtreHM A state of anarchy exists in South ern China. The city of Knarf! Yang has been captured by a part of the rebel forces, and killed and wounded more than 14,000 pooplu. The, government is almost powei hei to resist the rohtle, and the cut cunn may yet be very much ir.'ire periouc Pi- W II Lilly is building a lare ihn in tho rear of his residence on D- ;'.t ?!n et- Yi'EKE INFIDELS. Tim rerklinl.nrE Conty Tmrhorr, Out While uuil ne t'wiorcd, W III Mate Their Llcrnne Hevoked ! l unse ol l linlr uppanlllou lo t'tirlR tlanllj. Two toatb.rs In the public acaool: of ilerk'fnhcrg county are to bj hereafter debarred for u nnnsual ro'ieon. One of theee toachera U white anU;h otter ia colored. Tb') f-ici thi-t therx toache-'B were kfidelj came to t ,'. etra of Prof. II A Grey, county fciipermteudent of public '.ciioolp, aad he wrote State Snpt. Mebane, that there were two leacbeia in this county "charged witn intidoli ij ii.il alhei-m and iu his npiiiior they were wfth"ut n'orl ntatus ?;u fiit tbwr crt!f!cates should b re- yoked, aa he did not oonpirtT them, tic ieacof-ra of t'ae coming citizens ol Ncr:ii Caroliua. Superintendent M.-ibr.is rep'ied that he endorsed Frof. Orefi viewr on the subject, and that only perrons of good moral character ehould be permitted to teach. I'rof. Grey h not:fi.'.l lotb thse teachers of his intention to revoke 'heir licen?. The Fcrfflfw of tt'r colortd teach' r hn aln t.dy expired, itnd will rof be renewed. Charlotte News. A BIG SIDING. A l.nrpe "'ort'e of iriuul. nnil Twerly fne 91 nleH Working- ou the Mwilch lljlK'ntlOD. Ono o.' .aa looeot tiuo--irttck3 on the lliie o;' the Soiiihern railway ;U ;a the ono eitejaiag 1. oui the riillruuu bridge al Buiid.!o creek to 1,100 uti. beyond ihe LuCulo .itau 4Llilic5. Mr. J S Iioe arrived in the oiiy TtuiBuay tiight wit.i a lar,e ...tea oi .;aaud tied twenty one big tuuled aiid bcau work on gr.iiiug and Ouiitii-.g tiie exteuHiuu ihio (Friday) nioming. !''! Yoti Fel It ? (June a eh ait T cf cur cit.z-ts were awakened ty a seero earth quake suock about 11 o'uiock ii hurn day night. Mr. Elam King had retired, but hearing the peculiar noise i.nd fee inj; that irrepressible peneation, he got out of bed and searched Ihe house, thinking be would catch a burglar. Dr. Sam Monttonery and Mi. It P Benson say tbey felt two distinct chocks. And thera are o-hers who felt the vibrations. Iff ecklcnlMirv i'olton I'oiillrim1 to Co in e. A long train cf wagons loadd with cotton, ro'hd into the city Thursday night about 9 o'clock. It was from Sharon township, some distance r-nyoud Charlotte, There were seventy blfs in the lot, some of which brought more than 6 cents. Aftir loading their wagons with merchandise purchased from our hHsthng bud.nces men and leaving several hundred dollars in the city the pool old farmers of our mother county, went their way' rejoicing, singing hcamaaa to Mecklenburg's ofTpriug aud praises co her peoplo 4 iV-vi- Corporation. Tr.e Albemarle Telephone Com. piny was granted a charter by tho M" e, t-aturday, with Messrs J M ; n-row, J y Cannon, J S Etird m.d I;; Crow ell ini orporators 1 e lotion and the company now has under consideration lines from Albe marle to New London and to Nori woud, which will probably be built bt.foie g-tat whi.e. Stauiy Eater nrif. ACyrliinn Hint Nfitalheil. Soui" newspaper r.ion are terri ble lii.rs. in writing cf a cyrlone oi. t : A one cf them siiid it turned we'i "wii ng eide out, a cellar uj side down, moved a township line, blew all the staves out of a whiskey barrel and left nothing but a bung hole, changed the day of thj wc?k, hl -'v the hair cfi of a bald-headed n-ari, blow the mortgages off farms, b'iw all lit a crachs out of a fence aud took all tha wind cut a politi cian. Exchange. Jury Coiilil ftol Afitvo. T.io famous Luett,ort trial, which eecupieil nine weeks cf the court's tim3 in Chicago, will all bo done over again. After sitting ou the caso for three days, the jury could not agree. Nine of thn men were in favor cf breaking the saueige maker's Deck, while thne stood for acquittal. The defenpe will apply for bond for the accused man in the sum of 315,000. Do Ton Woniler. "Tell me, where dot it hurt you, Charlie?" said a sympathizing rela tive, to a certain young boy tf the city. "Where would it hurt you, cousin Betty," groined the t-mall boy, as he lay down rpon tho lounge, "if you had been handling those gieen chestnuts al! day ?'' BIG HUE I-V KALK'OH. lllg-blecu TiiouNnutl Uollarn I'oo Miitneil tr Aiigr.- flimie Nttnr Ihe htBt I ttltltol o liiHUraiU'e. Special to Tub Stadapd Kaleigu, Oct, 21 File broke cut in the li'e fonrstory brick b",ih.!ir;, rear C p'to'. square at 5 a'clcii-k thia inoraiug, and gutted the ouiidiui,'. The rooms were oc cupied by P A Botven & Sod, cur riage aud wagon manufacturers. The loss will probably reaoh f 18, 000. No mmrance, The big compress and cot'on warerooms near bj, containing sty- eral thouboud bale? cf cotton were nuirowly saved. A I Ii unfit1. To the ci'.iz.na of C-Jtcjril auc the public gor.erailj : I wuh to return hiucere thanks for kindness shown and information iven inc for the past three tiid a half years, during which time I have been con ncted with The Ptaitimud as i'.t city ettor. If I failed to do my duty tud phaiie ihe pubi.e, it wut co faint of mine. I did the beet 1 could With food wish'1 for your fntrre welfare uni kq.rir.eu3, a'cr.j with the tdlior uiu ry sucvitur (named Lulow) 1 b.u you one. and ah ad.eu. IiAiiuV P. Deaion. Our e.,icieuc r. pjrter, air. UP Deaton, hr.ving decided upon a busi- nees e.iternrise by which it becomot necesasry for him to withdraw frora Tub siASDAHn, we neoeoenrily pro- or.djr scinu niat3.i'd chnea. I: wi1.' b; noticed th.ki the m.iue of Wade Larrior dial. da at tha load of oiir locil coiuue. We have cejund tha dcrvioos lifter Colon Aiired( mat, gentee! .ttid pioatidicg boy, whoiJe upright neas and efficiency commandii our oon 3d nee, to do moat cf oar col- lacting. Flattering ourselves thbt the pa trcna of Tub SiandaiiI) reconine the high purpose of it to serve the best interests of its constituency, and hoping that this has not been an empty sen'.imentalism but a recog- uized realitv. we appeal to all to contribute to Ha success by furnish ij to its representative such mat ttrs cf i.i'vp, liind sngeations and e ubatar.tial er.pj ort oj will make po aib'e !:c cors'imoiationa of its up wrd ted onward ambitions. Friends Epcak a kind word for ns and to us if von feel itistiSed iD doing so. We need and should have a larger sup port. That human imperfection that crushes the energies of the conacien tlotis in all the walks of life comes with double force in the get-up of the daily paper and befpeaks the chai ity cf ita readers while it dispens es its feasts of pleasure to those who look on the bright side of life and realize the real benefits of a good newspaper. Altfal loi('a Prnnkn m.ffntiiNeu. A son of Mr. Kobt. Grumpier, of Sampton county, near Clinton, was iu the city Monday, and reported a most exi itiug adventure with a mud dog. U.e snid that he was at brsak faat that morning when he heard a great disturbance among tiie pigs in the barn lot, and culling his two doga went out to inytsiiate. Whou h-i arrived at the ham a firoeious looking dog, foi iniug at tha mouth .nd with glanug red ejes, jumped from amo g the hc-3 aud made for hi a. Ui to do-s, howvtr, inter, y-.'ned, snd a terrible battle conii menced. In the mean time Mr. Grumpier ran to the house, procured bis gun and thoi the uog dead iu the midst of the fight. Uis two dogs, which he said he would not have parted with for anything, were badly bitten, and were shot immediately. Mr. Cruuip'er thinka that all the pigi, ol iu nntn'ier, will haye to be Wiled also, Fayetteville Observer. I'nlon's Lliiflt'Ma (.'ollon. Mr. James Tomberlin, of Gooie Creek township, bas diecovered fouie lintles cotton in hla field. The holie are full of seed with no lint on them. We now have limhle-ia cotton and lintless cotton. What may we exptot next ? Mirshvi'le Home... A woman died recently in Boston who left 8G 1,000 in her bustle. There was a considerable of a bustle among her heirs wbeu the discovery was made, for they didn't think she was worth a nickel. You cai.'t a' ways tell what's iu a bustle any more than you can what's in a sau sage, says Ihe Wilmington Star. Si CilPJ! A I w'Hlni.ns easily cured h CON'JOPO TElF.PITOXrJ Everytliinjt lu HrrnlUrHH But Ihe Folea-Twii Laillon Will Attend to Ihe omen ''in Hie "Iniift Bulldlntj F.letrant Huii'livm mnrfe F-rrultnre anil Flxtnrea. I'he Concord T ! y'-o.ie Cocipany has riceived ertry reciiary tixtuf for the line soon to Le operated, ex cept the po'es, whiqh will arm-' soti e time next wee.'r. The pn'e; wili be placed au-1 t'.v 'ire !! wot'f ing order bj the 10ib of N?ve;rhrr The effice is in the rear eid cf the National Bank buildirg, the roooi formerly occupied by Dr. D O Cald well. The furniture apd future:' are all of Southern mak", having been manufactured at Funter, K 0 The switchboard will be attended by two young Indif, dtiy nnd r.i; -;ht H!ter.iatlv. This local enterpr' promises te bi a success, m tho company hab eighty subscribers a'ready, with good prospec's for many more. Dai'y ot 2and. Worth Hea.llnt;. Ulntd waa eatly known. G.aes- beads were found on the bodies o' mum tries oer 3,0'. 0 yeuis old. It ia et.ii.ii.tsd that Au.lrulia con tains n -ariy 7,000 upecies cf pltu'e not fj'.iiid elsLwai re. i ne Bible wna wriitt n by digie.s during a poiiod of 1,600 years, it was anciently called "The Boo. '8," oui, ior tun putt i'OD yetrs tje Bibli, The distance of the earth from the sun ic atout 3,000,000 miles less m December thau it ia in June. The scent cf ti.j rr.mol for water :s said lo b yery keen, Lie can smeil it a tjrtat way oil, and otien timed tl e '.r.v ('.en who hre aiifter in? for v,u'.i.r wui let the camel taae bis own way, and he will teke them to a place where water may be found, Tiie evi s of hi ea ar.- made to see ,:reat urbtniiccb. Vv hen absent trom their flivu they go up in tha uir till thi.y aee their hojn-, ai.u thin ;iy toTfi.rd it in a st'aiht lice and with great speed. 1 he shortest lice be twter. two pia'ea ia aouietimis ca'led U ''mCC-IIui;.' If any one were to undertake to walk, uue way ouiy, iu.-ou;li ail the streets of Lcndju, he would be obliged to go a diatunce of 2,'100 miles, or as far aa it is across the American c iii'mtuc from New York to San Fraiicuoo. Tills wili give an idea cf the distance one would have to g) to aie tboi-juiiW evi.-n the greater part ot' th:- city ol Bon. don the largest city in the world, AKllevlll Hauk Urea;. &o. H. A-heville, Oet 22. The Naiieal Bank of Asbeville has cu.sci. as doora. This leavea but oui h.nii here. As soon aa the BD'i"ui;cerrient was circulated, a run waj begun on the Battel y Park Bank. Up to 1 p. m. more money had bean taken iu than paid out. The Battery Park Bank had f 75,000 in cash at the last showing. The run on the Battery Puik Bank stopped about 'i p. m., leaving more money in the bank than when it opened this morning. The statement cf the Natio.ial Banlt is to the effect that inability to make collections was the caute of the failure, and that it is probable the assets will be sufficient to a) all depositors. I, The ftrw I'rliilliis otllrt'. Messrs Uarry P Deatonaiul Fn.i.k BrutnLy have opejed out a jib printing etli x m this city and occupy rooma over Mr. G O Uiehniord's feed etore on West Depot etri-et. These young nva are pract -al printers und w:P, no doui f, dn euCLcoiful bcii.'ieefl. The n"t 1 1 : lie asuiinary journ;ii, "ine . r.io'it Anite'iian," will be printed ut that office. A Yflnnif Holher llcatl. Our readers will be paint d to lei.rn that Mrs. D V Hailes died ut her home in Pineviilo Friday evening Mra. RaiW maidt n came wa Mips Jeanette H('Ki.H:, and is Inn dauehter ci Mr-. Hir i'ii Host. She l.iavef two ehi'ih-eii, t - a en infant 1 be Butird of Hia'tbc" Chioat.0 employs chemiu's lo sample thirds and find out what's in 'ere. They reciiitly eainpLd a number of brands of cigarettes without finding them dootored with iuy dangerous dejec tions The only danger they said is in smoking too many of theai. But that's where tht danger is. lVop'e, especially young peoplo who are noi overstocked with senses who smoke a-iy smoke too nnny, for the hibit grows and a few day toon become many a day. Ex, Pmf. W A Newell, principal of M irgan's M ill academy, is visiting fit the h.-,ma cf hid parents, in No. 10 township. Ilo in afcnipanifd by his. sh'tcr, Mis Besdo Newll. who is assinting him in bis 11 uri- h ing pchool. FOKEST HILL NEWS. Cottoa Piiaeketl on Fteiory litwn-.l Kinall Bey Jumped antl Wm lulurel Other Iteme. A large uwouct ci cotton la stacked on tbe factory lawn am cove ed with canvacs, which is viui bie Lorn the home of Sup -riutendeut H.sion, of t Hnffi'o thread mill, i'he tlrst time Mr. Uisiop saw it b came over at a 2 40 gait, thinking ann.br show bpd pitch' d its ten' during tbe nigtt." Manter IIorfr Whit'ck, fen of T E Whit ock, started to his dinner fiom No. 2 mill, going through No 1, intending to deaoend the staire a-id go out through tbe dye housp, but me steps had been removed, thereby cutting off his exit. So he jurrped rff the dye house, intending to ca'rh a rnjin and gwinj (:ow:i, but missed he rope and fell, hurt ing hi m f elf pretty badly. Kortu nately be had no bones broken. Mr. W A "Va'Dtr hai gone to the aicutitahs uf er a load of cheutcnte and appba. Messrs John Bridges and J W Littles have gone to Montgomery and Stanly counties. Mr. L W Shores has bought a lot on tt Jaaiea street and will erect a cottage at once. Mr. W II and Mrs. J M Olell are expected home from Baltimore to morrow. The return of the electric lights wai hailed with e'ehi.t in tbib .ead of the city. Contractor R A Brown has the wails ol il eniw cotton Warehouse ready for the wood wurknirrt to put up tho timbers Daily of 23J. Nlmply Deplorable. Oar own town, it seems, bas tbe shame oi an attempt at heinous crime. We were aware of its exist ence, or at least the charge, but not wishing to throw upon the public unwelcome news that might hare been overrated, we withheld, by request too, the names of partita iavcWed. We now consider the public entitled to what there is in it. Mrs. James Walter, of Forest Hill, charges that Messrs. Ed aud Josie Mieenheiiner, brothers, on last Tuesday night made approaches suggesting criminal attempt on hor. The parties implicated at first kept ia hiding, but prosented them selves this (Saturday) morning and toud was fixed for tbeir appearance at court. No pn j adding the case is in order, ami the whole matter is simply to bo deplored. Daily of 23rd. Hilton 11 r a Muake. Ali. John Cot.on, who clerks at Craven Bros, furniture store, was bitten by a suiike while ic tie lot in rear of the store last night. The bite is not considered a very serious one although the reptile loft the im print of six toeth in the flesh. Mr. Cotton was badly frightened at the time. Daily of 23rd. M V:::::::::;:- Co., MANUFAOi'UUEUS OF Fria Gino-hamsi Outin Cloths, Plaids, Slieetm and tSal Bas .Gaolers in GKNERAL lvIERCKADISE Buvors "ol COUNTRY PRODUCE oi all kind and 4-toot wood always wanted best prices for same. We . invite an inspec tion ol all the ooods wo manuiacture. ODELL MFG. Co. C'ouccrdN. c koyl make the toed ure, fed K-r.Tl ,t mm L kil3i :. !.? G - i icSin.nl Asoiu:e Fur wwii aunun rmrrl it. yrtw. Celebrated for its tat ieayeniRg strngth and healthfulneps. Assures the tood against alum and all forms of adulteration common to tha cheap brands. j Koyal Bakino Powdeh Co.,J New Yori. SCHEDULE In Effect Jbn. 18, 1897. This condensed sciv-dnle is pub lished as information, atui is subject to oha ublio: Trainii Leave Concord, N. C 9:27 p. v. So. 35 daily h r Ulan, ta and Charlotte A'r 85, e d vision, ana all poit to J ou'h and bor.ihwest. Carries tbi '.uta 1'uUmaD cra viuct" room buffet sleepers between Nt w York, Wabiuut-'ti.ij, Atlanta, Birmx ingham, G..ivbton, Savannah and Jacksonvillf. Also x'ulitnan 8leeor ' Obnr'.ottc to Augusta. 8:48 a. m. ;io. 37, daily, Wasu'ng ton and Southwestern vcstitiuled limited for Auuiita, Birmin?ham Memphis, MoutsoEcry. iiobilo ana Now Orleans, and e.U pointa' South aud Souuhwent. Throuch lJriiman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din in? car, vestibuled coach, between vmhineton and Atlanta, 1 ullman tourist car for San Francisco, Sunn davs. 9:02 p. m. No. 9. daily, from Rich mond, Watihinton, Gohlsboro.Nor folk, Selmn, Raliuli, Giitnsborol Kuoxville and Aiibevdie to Char otte. N. O. 10:30 a M. No. Il, daily, lor At anta and il lU-la South. Solid train. Kicumcnd to Atlanta: Bulla man sleeping cur, Uichmond to Greensboro. 10:07 a. m. No. 36, daily, for lahiuL'ton. ilioluuoiid, Italeigh and all DOints Norm. Carries Puli man drawinfrmoni t uflet sleeper, Galvopton to New York ; Jackson-, ville to New York ; Birmingham to New York. Pullman tourist cars, from San Fraroisoo 1 humdays. 0:02 p. m. No. :18, daily, Washing ton and Southwe-tr-n vestibuled, rniited, for Wash lii.-t' n and all iioiuts North. Through Pullman car' Memphis to New Y'ork; New Orleans to New York ; Tampa to New York, Also carries vertibuled ooach and dining car. 7.22 p. m. Nc. 12, daily, for Rich-, tnoud, Asheville, ChsHancoga, Ual eih, Goldsboro and all pointb N'irh. Car-i"1) Pullman sleeping c ,r from Greensboro to liiehinond. Uonnects at Grecuuboro with train carrying Pullman car for linieich. fl. 17 a. m. No. It), daily, for itioh noud ; connects at Crreensboro tor P.alo'gn aud - Norfo.k ; at Dauviile for Washington and points North ; at Salisbury for Aahville, Knoxv ville and points West. AH freight trains carry passengers TorN M. Crt,i, W. A. Tube, Traffic M'gr. Geu'l Pass. Ag't, W. H. Gbee.n, Washington, D. C. Ueu'l buporintoudont, Washington, .D, C. S. H,Hardwick, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't Atlauta, Ga- .in. Tavlok, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Ky. Gowax DetsENBEBY, LocalAg't, Couoord. N, C. Chronic Dyspepsia Cured.' FTEIl PufTorinp for nearly thirty years from dyspepsia, Mrs. 11. E. Iugduk wife of a promlDont bunt n orb ciiiu cf Warsaw, N. Y., writoa: "For 2rt yours, I wa a constant iMitTorer from dyppriwla ami a, weak stomach. Tho lightest food prolucjd dlstrosB, c audi lift sovure pain aud Mie forma tion of gas. NoQiiittor how careful of my diet I suffered agonizing pain after eating. I was treated by many r 'hyslclaus and trlud numeroua rvm-. JIoh w it houtpurtuanunt help. Two years ao I b.-an taking" Dr. Miles' Nerve and Hvi r Pills ud Kfrvlne. Within a week I commenced Improving, and per Bistlng In the treatment I wan soon able to e:it what I Uked. with no ovll enVct X keep them at hand and asinxlo dose dispel v any old Bymptorns." WttimimVGGPV Dr. Miles1 Komedlw fr-V are sold b all drun- l-N' 1 (uaranUte, lir.t tnittle fOrVlHO J qo( the heart aud p4j - f,"!VJ Dli. Ml Ltd MKDICAL (XJ., 1-i.wiart, Ind. To Bfiil. ad etabU'd oi the IjNWt lot. If Vv' ii MUaN -.! PECULIAR portion aii' I j- OlllltiJI ifl'f!. J i I'.i "i I t ill" i - 1 : - Cllts.l lood's S.H--.I j. , ; , . j , ; ,. eiii-iiivi;viilni-. Jkmi -I 1 TRt IT. Jir Ml I, in' fff m tlliM an, irtihriinni . ,1 1,1 Ntust ilitiiM.Hr HZ' nlin' - 'O-t i iiiiV u .1 . V'feix'.: .i4. I' -r J Hi'-A h J '-. ;

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