.v The. i- Standard PRINTS THE The : Standard. ! - --'; UUN'-iOUT- GOOD -JwB- WORK AT MVIX 1 PRICES." - Give us a Trial. ' s1 jl mi XJSWli TUAT IS NEWS - i For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. CONCORD, NL.C.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1897. WHOLE NO. 450 VOL. XN 3j3. Standard. i i i Pit Made and Merit Maintain! the confidence of the people In Hood's Baraaparllla. If a medicine e area you when aick ; it it makea wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond all question that medicine possesses merit. That la Just the truth about Hood's Bar aaparllla. Wo know It possesses merit because it cures, not once or twice or a hundred times, but 1n thousands and thousands of cases. We know it euros, absolutely, permanently, when all others fail to do any good whatever. We repeat Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. u r-:i l cure nausea. Indigestion. laOOU S FlllS biliousness, asoenu. MONTHLY SUFFERING. Thonaands of women are tronbled at monthly inter vals with pains in the head, shoulders, sides jf-'t hips and limbs. But they need not suffer. These pains are symptoms of .dangerous deranjfemf nta that can be corrected. The men strual function should operate painlessly. mates menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. And that stops all this pain. Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine of Cardui will relieve her? It costs 1 1. do at the drug store. Why don't you get a bottle to-day? . For advice, In eases requiring special directions, address, giv ing? symptoms, "The Ladies' - Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Mrs. ROZENA LEWIS, of Oenavllle, Tejas, seytt H I was troubled at monthly Intervals with terrible peine In my heed and beck, but have been entirely relieved by Wine ol Cardui." D G. Caldwell, M. D. M. L. Stevens, M. D Pra. CALDWELL & STEVENS. Cencord, N. 0. Office in old post office building opposite St. Cloud Hotel. MORRISON II. CALDWELL ATTor. IT AT Hf, CONCORD. N 0 Offise in Morris buildio..;. pposii court house. L. T. HARTSELL. . . ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD, - - N C. Prompt attention given to all business. Office in Morris buildinp. opposite oonrt hoaee. mTb. stickley. Attorney at Liw, Concord N. C. SlEblAL A'llbMlON GJVEN 10 COLLECTIONS Office upstairs in King bufldins near Post of no NOTICE. As executor of L G ncilir, I will fell 10 the hif-bent bidder for cash, at the late residence of said Heiliff, in Mt. Pleacant. N. C, on Ttippday, he2ad day of November, 1897, tbe fallowing articles of personal prop erty, to wil: Honsehold and kitcht n furniture, farming toolp, wagoi a and other articles. .Any of said property may te purchnped privately from me he fore k Day ol sale, Also some town lots in Mt. P.easant and other real estate, ar for salf. Parties desiring to purchase any of said real property are respectfully asked to call on jne . for information without delay. Nov 3 CO Heii.iq, Executor. Strikers killed. I Lave bcught 12car-lo8ci8COAL You can fjtt any Bize of Zt lARD COAL tit. yoo want, at tbe lowest pricks. I will deliver von good SOFT hitnroinous) COAL at I t 25 to 150 per ton. Call on K. L. CRAVEN,- Cor. Depot & Spring St. Tax Notice f Your town lax for 1897 is now duo, and the tax books l:av teen d, liver d to mo with instruction to col made lret, and for that. rffpoo I em authorized m u-i- il ' 11 t ' ti'i to oollect l fan.' i'"' ily. Pay up, yum ' x i'.o m il save trouole mul i-o ts You pa 1 (i"d in 1 at my ( dl"'- i J110. h Miln t 'b to , This 1(1 li Sei.t., 1H97. Ol7 ) .'no . Pattkhson, T. xv.i"l dor lor cou rd. M!f. PULLMANS WILU 111 F.lnt Vnlnril l only K7.uoo.0U0 Ilrarie Bint nnuor on Klinrl KMtlone Wile nml niiusiliter Wi'll . trovilotf Tor. ' Caicgo, Oj . ??-Thr ill of G:orge M Pul in n m Q: d fot probate this afternoon. Ti hit widow be left the bourns tal I'mirir iVt-nup. Sufficunt. sums are ale" aet aside to p:ovide her with an in come t f $50,000 jer'y, during her liftf. Oue million d illurs each is left in trust for his two diiufch'ers, Mrs. Frank 0 Lowdeu, t Oiiioao, and Mrs. Carolan, rf San Fraucmco. An income of bu; 53, 0(0 jtarly i provided for his sodb, George H., Jr. and Sanger W. Mrs Lnwden is also given tho summer na'detre kna n aa C.'Scie K at, on an i.laui in the St. Lawrt noe river. About $150,100 in sums of $10,. 000 and $30,000 is lei t to various oharitab'e institutions in Chicago, A sum of $300,000 is given for the erection of a Manual Training School in Pullman, which ' is also endowed with $l,200,C00. Five old tmplojes are gtven $5,000 each. Two outers and two brothers of the r?eaJ mi.lionaire are given $50,000 each, and another brother gets $25,000, If the estate shall be moie ttian Sufficient to satisfy all tbe devises, trusts and legacies named, the eie cuiori are d rected to divide the excess into t 0 iq'ial sh ires and add he same le'peutnelly 10 tbe nor j 1 s act a-ide for tbe daughter, Mis Lowden and Mrs. Carolun. The total va'ue cf the estate is sbowu by the peli'ion for li t ere tes'amentary to be $7 6t0,000 Ol this amount $6 800,000 is pereoiul p-operty and $800;000 re,, t Attorney Runnels, wbo prip-ired the ill said that theee-fiuuie3 are a conservative but fair t-siuiae of the value of the estate. A Henilnlreiice or the War. Ah it has been stated that Central "edgick was killed near Sjiotuyl vauia Court House, it is tnj under standing that it was on the old Plank Road in the Wilderness, which position was held by Cook's N. C. Brigade. 'Ihis brigade met thi enemy's sharp-shooters Dfarly five miles from the Wi'dertess, at light on the morning of tbe Sib of May. We began to advance and drove their sharp-shooters slowly back till wt learned that the enemy weremacsing heavy columns in our front, to fore a pissAge up tbe Plank Rotid. We then formed our line to wait their idvencsand threw out, three lines of sharp shco'ers in cur fron Ae General Sedgwick al hjs headed hie column, our sbaip-itoa'ers it, fall ing bac k on the main line tbat even ing reported this general killed by tfctm. lie was known and ncog diz d by our same men at Brisloe Station before this, and came very near falling in'o tbe hands of these same men there. General Sedgwick was a brave ui d, and was always in tbe front when an engagement cimn on, and was very hard to drive back. Troops j nd better when their general luiids by I farm. At Biistoe hie horse was shot, where he made a yery narrow etcaj e. 1 ncolle; t giv log the ord. r not to shoot the nun. Our men id , not waul to shoot a man that was 83 brve as Gen. Sedg wick, but we used all our efforts tc take him a prifomr, but failed. J. S. Uunn, Cook Brigade. "Bnfs lilt-" . Tbe New Orleans Tiruect Dtnio- cral says that in funrgnting tbe burgage cars after yiey are left sealed for, an hour and the male- hyde garhas been blown in, a bottle of yellow fluid is t! rn" 1 in as foon as the door is oper '1 '1 destroy tbe order of the gas. A itlcman the othcrednyjiBked the t..;key doing the pb what that was or : , ''Dat," ?aid the nejrr , who want ed to appearentirely lr miliar with the proceis of dittiufection, "dat'f? t-r disavow de smell uv de family bide gast yer know; bit kill de bogs and den dey got to git FOinething ter kill bit." Ei'President Cleveland bad ad ded tg his hougiliold Thurdfly a b)UDoing boy. The partoons had Baby MiKey by the crib of Baby ytl lth.jnying with much bauteur, Any" way, jou cau never be presi dent." jjTbis little reproach no longer rests on tbe Old Man's fam. iy. t t Tue SiandHtd cotton mill, of ; tk Bill, H C, haK been nut i ito t Mantle of a receiver, thj cm p ii'ants being a firm in New 1' i x JiidgH Kimonlon has ap ii ed ouo P C Poag temportry . u (.er. - " .: hK pit 1 z is l'ion r einm-y Wsii-'t I'or inn riiillKii Trii I.hw Inhri I iK'lll In II ml. FT0111 i. l'hlilt-eoi r -e we "-. 11 i tit. t there i.n 4 pr Z G ht in our txuntj Weilndiv, which to3k )d ce in No. 9 township. A nice amount of uioney wat put up on both sides for the pugulists. We withhold, by re. quest, t ie uameapf the participants Q ti e a large numler cf p;ople of thai comoiuniiy w'i cisied tbe battle, aud no damage is reported from it, save some bad scra'obes. But the end has not yet come. The lw took it in hand a', once and th parlies were tried before E q M E Herring. Diily of 28 r, ' Another One (Uncbl. Policem in Black welder, htr. lo.te's reputab'e cfllaer, cime over last night after a i.egro that I'jlice man Boit pu led out of a box or tbe other uigtr, which i seems he htd broken into at Chariotte, and reuiaiped in -the car until he arrived at this place. Policemen Boat and Blackwelder took the legro back to Charlotte last night and this morning a fi ie was put on him of ten dollars, and not being able to pay it, he goes to fie Mecklenburg chain gang. lie claims bis home is in Sa'isoury. His nime is Walter Ilibbins baily of 38 h . Keel lor Ihe Hero, Gen. Ciingman now at tbe bos pital at Morganton is said to be stt ppiug dowu t ) the tomb. The Asiieville Gazette says: ''Information reaches us tbat thit gallant hero can not last many more days on earth. He is rapidly weakening, and the end m -.'y come at any day. "Respecting his well-known de sire the uniform of aConfedorate brigadier general, which he distin guisbed throughout the late v ar. has been provided for bis use in burial: Devoted as was his htan and mind and strenght to bis na tive etale and theenuth in tbe bum of the r grentust need, his lust deeirt is to be buritd in the old Ubiform ihat he wore upon so many batt!e fields. And his wish is to be re spected. A te Munition. Mr. Walter S Black mer, who has been bookkeeper in the First Na tional Bank of this city tioce tbe death of Mr. EJ Wheeler, has ten dered his resignation, effective November lt. The resignation has been ac cepted and Mr. Herbert BaTiei has been elected to succerd Mr. Blackmer. Mr. Barrier has resigtird his position at the depot and will be succeeded probably by some rail roader of another city. Salisbury World. Not oiletiNlve Tbe message cuitaining Spain? reply to the administration has been received from Minister Woodf.rd it Madrid, and while its conlentt ire not made punlic, assurances are given out that it does not con tain such caustic phrases as wil! prove oflensive as was at first re porfed. n m ('hnnifen llnnilm. As noted in another column, Mr. W J Swink, of China Grove, i-pent today (Thursday) in the city. Air. Svink informs us that he has die p.)d of his home place on "Vest Depot street, where Mr. S J Lowe new lives, to his sister, Mis Dr. U C Herring. AR-niniit III ho. The case of Pearson vs. SO' ho fWi'eo has leen (!e;id d against tile alter, bur. O. ho ln uppea'ed nn I will con ioue to appeal as loflg a there is uny court t J tipp al tolii hi? efforts to down the Governor. T.h.e ca?e '8 peculiaran4, forms a pret'v case f ir legal swords to claih on. nevloiit OelliilllnnM. P.S The budnei'9 end'if a worrao'8 leMtr. Divorce .An etijlaph fr.qoentlv carved upon love's tombstone. Wife A servant who lets her services for life without wages. Scrape. Somethftig a man can avoid by .letting his whiskers grow. Ambition. A feeling that makes a man want to do seething he c4i t. " 0 wedding. The link need to cor nect thoughts of love with thoughts of war. Bigamist. A crnzy man who thinks he can mnnage more than one woman at a time. Scorcher. A fellow who feels duty-bour.d to break his record, his b:ccle or bis neck. Davidson D:e pitch. Subscribe for Tub iandard. il'B UKNKVOI.EM V If Mil Willi 111 Wiiuriim, I oil re rl Hull, IMn- . loir Hull.. I'rnlt nnd t'niidr Mnr, 'loili'incr With Ihe Uniilfn unil Jilp- nueiie. As b. fo e no'.ed, tbe Presbyterian Fair, he d by the Benevolent Society of that church, opened Thursday evening. The baby khow, under the supervision cf Mrs. Geo. Lore, beinj the Gist on the programme. It was we'l that tbe mu-iaeers did no offer some n ce prizi for the prettiest baby, as they bad intended, fcr we know if no one wbo would have been able to hvo made a just de cision aa to wticb tot was most, beautiful. It was Indeed a lovely sight. At tbe hour of 5 o'e'.ook the doore ti tbe fair were thrown op-n to all, while tbe Keea'er orchej'.ra played a few opening pieces, bcarcely had i'8 doors been thrown open until the rooms were crowded so much that one coul I haidly pass from room to room. ' One could si e the lacards bang ing prominently about, which said tbtft there would be a concert that night, which took place at 8 o'c'ojk, tbe admi.sion being only 10 cents. The concert w as well attsnded.as it ahon'd have bien. It consisted of reci ta ion?, solos and instrumental se'ec tions and was concluded by a farce. I'he excellent to os were rendered by Mrs. N el, Mrs. Fannie Yorke and Mj R L Keesler. After tbe concert was concluded, you were at liberty to roam about over the fair and take in tbe sights The first thing to attiact our atv tenticn, b fore leaving the coacert bail, was the tas'cfully decorated and ananged fruit and flower boo h, under tbe supervision of Miss Nannie Outinon. Her') one could fiad all the nice fruits and flowera from A' 1 b ' Irdii s' bread to the florist's finest fl wer. In this r um alto was the sweetest part of the Fair, (except the ladies) This wus tbe candy kitchen, where Mrs'Jno Wadsworth had her wait- era ever nady to serve you with th ir pure and unadultered cmdies. Tbe next place we find ourselves is in Mrs. Geo Browns oyster booth, oar nppeiite being our enide, where e lound oysters in abundance, and ,)re;urtd to suit the taste of any epicurean from tbe eavaga to the mist elite French. ''Pjss on" we must, and soon we find ourselves listening to the voice of some one who says tbat we will miss "half our life" if we do not lake in the museum, and so in wt to, and we soon fud that the ladies standing outsiJeare not fakirs by any means. Here we stand and wonder how Mrs. Eiatn Kitag, who is supervisor of the museum, euo- ceeded in - getting together to many curosities for eyes - to gi zi up n. Here we find the most singular carios, old relics, and also something to attract t be eye f the minerolof is'. BuUtbid is not all you are permitted to se while in this room, but turn in; unmnd-we find tbat Mrs. Frank 1! o ou bas a Parthenon in store for uj. II -re wcetand and raze at the i an' fjl painting! und photograph iontiinute-1 'by the people. There ore tc many things in this room of special moment, and as space f r bids we will have to euy to all "go and see. ' Bidding adieu to this department we once more get into the main cn tr,irjcef but quickly we become fasci nated by "The Gypiy Maid" and soon we are in Gypsy town, pure and timpli . Upon entering, hfrejou ar met by the rubicund cheeked maid ens to have your future xeyealed bj Dime Fjrtuof", which is 'reat,'' In another tent vou' find tbe giyly dressed Gj'pay boy, who wears a sor rowful look upon bis face as if to sof, "li-wiah I were a G y pay Girl." To ease joir cares and rt invigor ate JoUj those lovely Japanese g'rle stsnd wai'ing for jou to take tea with them, and one can not belp buvini some of their nice chinaware Here in this room you buy 'your SDuyenii'of the Fair. But one par of this n otn, and an esseutial part too, has beed left t'ff. Bebind the town of the trinket loving people is the main dining hall, where one ie served a uieal that is a meal. Mits Jentie S nitb' is due the 01 edit of this nicely gotten up room. This, now, oompletes 'our tout over the Fair, though one can spend hours taking in these various depart ments, and Liking t6 the clever waiters, wbo will gladly show jou through. The Fair will laet until Saturday n'ght, being open during the day, loo. Dai 'y of 20th. Miss May Gray, who has been railing her friend, Miss Maude Brown, bas returnded to Gastonia. j ' FAITH ITEMS rnrntHtleil hy line Fnllhlnl 4'arrea pouilent nl F.ilih, N. '. Mi, John Cove and Mi s Jane L erly were married Sunday. Mr. Pete Klut z and MisiFiancej Fritk were married Sanday. Mrs. Margaret Frick, widow of the late Dan'el Frick, died Sitnrday, Oct. 23J, 1897. She was 90 years old and bad a large number of grand childien and great grand-children in 'his county. A Mr. Farmer is having a nice resideuce put upon his lot in Faith. Peeler Brothers have t'10 contract. They are putting on tbe roof this wetk. N 1 A great deal cf Rirbing is being shipped from here to .different citiea for street purposes.' J T Wyatt shipped two car loads to Durham Wednesday. Mr. C Parks, the silversmith, bas moved to Faith. Mr. L Hankins, assistant engineer of the Southern Railroad, was out-at Grani'e Q tarry siding Tuesday to Ucate some sidr.'racks tvt J T Wyatt,. so he could ship granite fatter to his customers. There is a big demand for granite fiom tbe granite belt as it becomes known to the outside world, and a good deal of money is sent here for granite. X. X X. Faith, N. C, Oct. 28. ' ' mustn't Kill AelKhbon' Cnlrken. Chatham R' cord: Quite a peculiar and amusing case is published in the last volume of the North Carolina Supreme Court R -ports. It is an indie ment against a man for "cru elty to animals" for killing hie neighbors' chickens which were in his garden scratching up his peae Tbe defendant was convicted before a justice of the peace, and on appeal to tbe Superior Court was convicted there, and on appeal to the Supreme Ccort his conviction was affirmed. It seems foolish for a man to in cur so much cost in fighting so frivolous a case, but we suppoee bis "blood was up" and that he was fighting mad. The opinion of the Supreme Court,' delivered by Judge Clsrk, is quite a long and able one, as well as humorous. The court de clarea tbat a man bas no more right' to kill his neighbors' chickens, which are scratching up his garden than he has to kill bis cattle tbat might be trespassing in his field. His only remedy is "to impound" them till damage is paid. Tbat is, 'arch them ( without hurting them) and keep them until tbe oner pays for whatever damage tbey may have done. Them Foreign orlnka." "You confounded idiot 1 Can't you understand plain English ? I want a glass of water water to drink and I want it quick !" bowled a stranger in an Australian resturant. In desperation the waiter hunted up. the proprietor and told him the story. -The landlord looked puzzled and himself entered the dining room, and approaching the stranger said : "Excuse me, sir, but my waiter is a little bard of hearing. I will take your order." "I ordered a glass of water sim ply water." "I'm very sorry," replied the landlord, "but I cannot accomodate you. There is so little call for those foreign drinks that it doesn't pay to. keen 'em. We've some prime whisky in the bar, if you can get along on that." . The stranger finished his meal in silence. Exchange. I'oor PrenenlnaT, Knl Good W ninny. Our State penitentiary manage ment under Supt. John R Smith, has been a corker, Close after the scandal of the young Dr. Kirby Smith, comes the story that one Rev. T W Babb, who was stripped of h!a clerical robes by his churcb was employed to preach to tbe con victs on the Halifax and Nortbamp ton farms. . This was not admitted for awhilti, but tfie bill of tGO hae been paid bin for 10 weeks service. It was attended, however with a re quest to let up on preaching, ae times are hard and the penitentiary owes a big lot of monej. Tbe bill jnst before this though is $132 for a barrel pf Kentucky whieky. It seems that it must be mighty poor preaching and wonderfully good liquor. The one can be spared, the other can't. It is row stated tbat tbe new daily for Rilewh is to start about tbe a iddie of November, with a capital stock of $20 000. Aa already an oottneed Mr. Will X Coley, of the DatieT.mrs, will be nignt editor, and it is said Mr. Greek O Andrews, oi tbe Press-Visitor, is to be man aging editor. IRA vr.N 111.1,. JEM OK I A I. To lie (reeleil nl Trinity CoHeyo Commute e t'onnult Chnrlotle Archi tect. Mt- V N lyey, of Greensboro, Mr. W R Ode!!, of Concord, and Mr. S J Durham, of Bessemer City, art here today c nsuliing architect K P Milburn and other Charlotte archi tects regarding tbe plans for tbe new Braxton Craven Memorial ball tbat ia to b) erected at Trinity Col lege, Durham. They compose the committee appointed to select a plan for tbe new bnilding committee. They have decided tbat plans must be submitted by November 15:b,when the. committee will make the eelec- tlOO . . ' 4 It is proposed to erect a lare auditorium and assembly ha'l, mod ern in design and iqiipnient, and oosting from $10,010 to $15,000. Work will probably be begun on the structure in the early spring, and it is hoped to have tbe bnilding com. pleted by tbe next Trini'y com mencement, when it will be dedi cated with appropriate ceremonies. A large portion of tbe amount re quired for building bag been sub scribed, one Methodist minister, Rev. N M Jurney, making a lona. t on of a tbousand dollars. This ball is to be a memorial lo 'be founder of Trinity College, Dr. Braxton Craven, wbo did so mud for education in North Carolina.. Charlotte News of 28tb. Oar lonnty Home Allttlm. Superintendent Barnardt says he bas the crops at tbe county homt gathered in'and thinks be can make a gratifying report from tbe home, on tbe 1st of January. Since the death of Charlie Joner on tbe 20' h, and the removal ol William S'.arLes to tbe hospital, at MorgantoD, there is but one cast in the borne of a serious nature, that of Austin Peay, colored, who is waning with consumption. There are 31 inmates of the county's care and all seem contented and reasonably hoppy. While at Morganton with William Starnea, Mr. Bernhardt says, Dr. Taylor told him that Ca barrus baa the best county home for ita unfortunates of all the counties in the State. ItlHMIn I'rom Knm'a Horn. Truthfulness .la the diamond of character. Hypocrisy is a cloak that is ragged id the back. A $20 coat often covers a 5 pent soul. A heart without love is like a violin without strings. The man who talks most about himself says tbe least. A pious face is not infallible proof of a devout spirit. Smiling lengthens tbe mouth and tbe life in about equal proportions. All things were made for the good and some day they ill have them . He is more than half miserable wbo is doing nothing to make others happy. Any fool oan makt, money, but it akes wisdom to know bow to spnd It well. What if yon have lost your ring ? Be thankful tbat you still have your finger. OrlKlunl ObeervAtlonN. v The tpirit of tbe times is brandy smash. A letter may be registered but it cannot vote Not all who know their minds know their own hearts. If you can't possibly do anything tomorrow do it today. How can a good natured lawyer conduct a cross-examination ? Some people are comfortable only when ihey know others are not Gossip and slander travel not only on roads where there are toll gates. ' "Competition is Jhe lifo of trade" ind the death of most'of the traders A man nuuetlook up and bs hope ful especially when he is trying tu drink from a j ig. A full s'.omaob is a bettor pntectior for a poultry roost than a tbousand professions of religion. Orange O'i server. Wlione ni e They? Yesterday (Wednesday) eveninp dome one found three and one-half pairs of brand-new bmgan shoep, under the werebouse at Cannon's factory. It is very probable that these shoes were stolen by some one and left there for a while. A mor tise lock was also found with tbe shoes. Nolil MortKoaeil t'ollon.r James Poag yesterday sold a bait of cotton to Mr. T M Constable, 0 J II Sloan's, which was discovered to bo mortgaged property. Messrs Wadsworth having the c'aim. Poag was arrested and jailed. Charlotte Observer. BH4XTOM He Wants Nome. Col Frederick Anderson O'ds, the accomplished Rtl"igh correspon dent, averting to the presence of the Stateeville band at the fair, says il is "a good one, but it does not play loud enough." Our band, Col. Olds, is composed of fine musicians and therefore plays fine -music. It's no steam calliope, and if it's simply noise you want' you've got the wrong crowd. But of fine music they'll give you a pleo y. States' vi!!e Landmark. " Ill t'onrne, "The young man in St. Paul who fas lined 815 for kissing a girl prcb bly kissed the wrons eirl. A few mistakes of that kind may make him more careful." Salisbury Sun Of course it was just the wrong irl. Who ever heard of a fellow's jetting into trouble at kissing the ightgirl? The right act must be applied to the right' subject. Death Nirnek a Nblnlne; Mark. Henry George died Friday morn ing at 4:45 o'clock. He was making a strong contest for the mayoralty of Greater New York, and doub less overdid hit strength. Ue lie.d made three speeches the aight before he tf.d. srj(i cominp home at 1 o'clook retired, "oc goon became restless, then incoberept in bis words, and next unconscious, and paajed away calmly. The immedi a e cause of death was apep'exy. Ha was a man of great power in the advocacy of his views, some of which were considered peculiar and objectionable. ne wrote several books ou great economic questions, one of which set forth bis novel idep of common owaership of the lands, or rather ownership by the government and tbe land to be held by a renter's title only, and from the renta's all taxes should be de rived. He did not admit that he was a eooialist in any degree, bat his views met with much disfavor. He was not a victim of th'j charge of anything dishonorable in bis con spicuous career, and hii name ia a shining star in the political sky that bus set to leave its rays of purity glimmering down the ages. He was about 6S years of age. His burial will be unos'eitatious, according to his wishes. I he "Squire" and the Judge. That is a case altogether unique in Asheville in which the Jndge of the Superior Court ia arraigned be fore the Jadrfe of a magistrate's court. It comes about this way : Esq. Deaver bad Judge Ewart to appear before the grand jury as witness against the Southern railway on tbe charge of issuing passes to the said judge. Judge Ewart took occasion to U8e some very uncomplimentary terms for Esq. Denver's special benefi', among which the following ia probably the most offensive part : ' 'Perhaps I am traveling in the interest of the orphan asylums of the State and because I did not solicit alma of those generous and open-hearted philanthropists, Justice (O JJeater and Fee Raiser Gold- smitb, h's coadjutor in tbe suppres sion or crime and crnelty to animals, 1 have earned their animosity but, oontinue to ride on my pas in tbe interests t f 'sweet chanty.' " This was taken a) an offense against the dignity of tbe magis trate a ourts and be bas cited Judge Ewart 1 1 appear before him on No vember 1st at 10 o'cloca to show cause why be should not be punish ed fjr on'ernp1; of court Think of a judge in j iil for using cooteti ptous language utojt a coun try "tq Mre " Brleni From Illllvllle. Thise autumn days are so still bat yon can bea:- a bill collector's footsteps a quarter of a mile away. I' seems that tbe yellow fever nt t only covers tbe ground, but fills the Joctor's bill. Ooly one smpicious cise in Bill ville, 'ind he wai caught before he got away with thu bank's funds. liillvi le has quarantined against Montgomery. It's a godsend to our merchants, m they owe big bills there. No '.mitis h'o; at Billyille now. Fjct is, we've "held u.j" so many of thtm they krjow tetter. Atlanta Conaii.ution. Poverty is uncomfortable, as I can testify; but nine times out of ten tbe best thing tbat can happen to a young man is to be toceed overboaid and compelled to sink tr swim for himself. In all my ac quaintance I have never known man to be drowned who was worth the Baving James A Garfield. Royel ouikea Ihe food pure, wuoleeome and delicious niK ar avv F0VDER Absolutely Puro eovw MmA wwnre p Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulness. Assures tbe food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to th cheap brands. - Royal Baking Powdeb Co ,f .New York-. SCHEDULE In Effect Jan. 18, 1897. This condensed schedule is pub lished as information, and is subject to ohange without notice to the publio : Trains Leave Concord, N. O 9:27 p. u. No. 85 daily for Atlan. ta and Charlotte Air a 5, e division; ana all points South and Southwest Oi-rries through Pullman drawing foomv-afffit, sloepers between New York, WaBbinfciw. Minnta, Birms ingbam, Oalveston, bavt.aue.li ta Jacksonville. Also Pullman sleeper' Orarlotte to Augusta. 8:18 a. m. No. 37, daily, W'ashing. ton and Southwestern vestibuled limitel for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points' South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing car, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist car for San Francisco, Sun-, days. 9:02 p m. No. 9, daily, from Rich mond, Washington. Goldsboro.Nor folk, Selma, Raligb. Greensborol Kuoxville and Asheville to Char otte. N. O. 10:30 a- h. No. 11, daily, for At anta and all points South. Solid train, Richmond to Atlanta: Pull man sleeping car, Richmond to Greensboro. 10:07 a. M. No. 36, daily, for Washington. Richmond. Ralcieh and all points North. Carries Pull man drawing-room bunet sleeper, Galveston to New York ; Jarkson-i ville to New York; Birmine,. i.: i New York. Pullman tour .t c j.i1 from San Frarcisco i bursd 9:02 p. m. No. 38, daily, V ton and Southwestern ve .!! . , pmited, for Washington ah iioints North. Through Pul . . ".! Memphis to New YorkjNei '.'. i' .-.h i to New York ; Tampa to N .- -v c -t k. Also carries vertibuled c uc: ;u. i dining oar. 7:22 p. m. No. 12, daily, fur r'.ir';)i mond, Asheville, Chattani . . :.. : sigh, GoldBbcro and f.i veuefca North. Carries Pullman tl'-api'-fT car from Greensboro to Mfuan-si Connects at GreenBboro v Mi traic. carrying Pullman car for :,; u.iii, i.. 6.17 a. m. No. 10, dailv ' t 1. ; V mond j connects atGree : V.'?o for Raleigh and-Norfolk ; '. l' mvi1:., for Washington and po::ii! orta , at Salisbury for AsIivkI-j, idiot ville and points West. All freight trains carry h;.li r Johs M. Culp, W. . i i . -, Traffic M'gr. Gen'll V.: ' W. H. Green, Wash t i' I Gen'l buperintendei 1 , Washington,. i C. S.H.Habdwick, Ass'tG" ' '. A.:-'t A .niit't, G,' .;H. Tayloe, Ass'tG P. -; ;. L'.-uiiivin.-, G6WAS DUBENBEBY, Infill ;V-'t, Coi.fOrd, a. c. Miraculous BoaQUt REOEIVEO F."M Dr. Miles' New II:ai? Ore ELI P. BABCOC'. of Aft-.-.. N. . -. veteran of the :ir ' v V. a ' 1 r; ; for thirty yet r.i . ' '.'".. Munsel Carriage Co., i.f ' ti,sni "1 write to express my !'- ' ? ' lous benefit received r:--- I'' " Cure. I suffered for i i r life, from sciatica n ' i " ; t In the worst form, .1: - t ' the ankles up. I bl : 1 to button my clot about the heart, shortness of breo ' wasunablo to lied got was In an arm chair. I was tn-nitu the best doctors but gradually grow worsu. About a year auo I coninioncod taking Dr. Miles' Now Heart Curo anil It savwl my llfn as If by a mtrnclc." Dr. Miles' lteuiodles aro sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottlo benefits or money re funded. Hook on dis eases of tho heart and ism nerves irtH). n'lun n., UlL MILES MEDICAL CO., KiWIiurt, lnd. WANTED. Two good saleenien and collectors Good contracts to the right man. Write li L Koiflund, Diatrict mar.sfer for the Smift-r Manufacturing t'o., Charlotte, N. C. Noliody neert liar Nnnilgl. Out Tlr. Mill rala rlli frutu UruKglsu. "One cunt a dusu." I 'lllvVi''