The - Standard. PRINTS THE MEWS THAT IS NEWS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. The - Standard. 'U If 3 OUT GOOD -JOB' -WORK AT LIVING PRICKS. Give us a Trial. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBERS, 4897. WHOLE NO. 454 VOL.X--N 317. Standard. ' It fa fl 4 ,i ilia., nHL, j M odl Is essentia! to health. Every nook And corner ol the Biood system la reached by the blood, and on lta quality tbeoondition o( every organ de pends. Good blood means strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, catarrh or other diseases. The sorest way to have good blood is to take Hood's Earsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements of health and strength to every nerve, organ and tissue. It created a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and enres that tired feeling. Bemember, Kloocllfe Sarsaparilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purl (lor. u ji stiii enra Liver Ills; easy to tlOOU S FllIS take, easy to operate. Uo. MM has demonstrated inn thousand times that it ia almost Infallible ' PECULIAR . irrefmlarttles tuid der&rtginntii. It haa become the lending remedy for tliin class of trembles. Jt exeftg a wonderfully healing, streDjjthen frig and boo thin influence upon the menstrual organs. It cures 'whites" and falling rf the womb. It atopa flooding ana relieves aup- ptaed and palntnl menairnatlon. For Ohanye of IUe it la the best medicine made. Jt ) beneficial during pregnancy, and helpe to bring children into homes barren for years. It invigorates, stimu lates, strengthens the whole sys tem. This great remedy is offered to all afflicted women. Why will any woman suffer another minute with certain relief within reach f Wine of Oardni only costs 1100 per bottle at your drug store. tirmt, oddrvM, etHne trymptonw, the "Ladies' Atviir Department," Tht Chattanooga Md icirM Oo., Chattanooga, Tmn. Rev. 1. W. SMITH, C widen, S. 0.. tayti "Mv wife used Wine ol Cardal at home for falllnj ol the womb aao It ntlreif aaree! aer." D C Caldwell, M. D. M. t. Stevens, M. D I-ra. CALDWELL & STEVENS. Concord, N. 0 Office ia old post office bnildin? opposite St Cloud Hotel. MOKKIS0N H. CALDWELJ ATT0BOT AT T.A. W CONCORD, N 0 Office in Morris baMdiaff pposi' court house. M. B. S TICKLE Y. Attorney at Law, Concord N. C &IZ&'AL A T7 AA TION GUhh 20 COLLECTIONS Office npatairs in King bufWint near Postoffio-. K. L. Craven's Jellico :: Goal Haa arrived. It makes the hottest fires in leas time and wi'h leas trou ble than any coal on the market. It baa given the beat satisfaction for the p-iat five years. Three sizes of beat Anthraoite Oval in stools at bottom prices. Leave orders at my COAL YARD next to the Presbyterian (Jhurcb. amle of Properly. On the 7th day of December, 1897. 1 will sell to the nigbest bid der the following property: One horse, one baggy, one one-borse wagon, some hogs, cows, farming ntensils, a lot of corn, wheat, oats, hay, fodder, straw, shucks and all mv household and kitchen furni ture. Also a lot of chickens, turk- ev8 and a eood cook stove. The sale will be at my residence ix miles east of Concosd. M. M. Heglak. l.nnd Rule. By virtue of a decree made in a special proceeding, in the Superior Court lor Cabarrus county, May the 8rd. 1897. entitled, "In the matter of the estie of P Brainarci Kims mons, insane, by R M Kimmons, guardian, ex p rt"," and duly ap proved by Henry B Starbuek, judge presidin , in the 8th judioial diB triet, I as a commissioner of said eourt will sell, by publio auction, at the door of the eourt house in Con cord, on Monday, the 6th day of December, 1897, to the highest bid der, one tra-t of land containing? one hundred and thirty-three (133) anrep, in Crab Orchard township, in Mecklenburg county, being a part of what whs formerly known as the Samuel Kimmone home place, on the dividing line between saldcoun ties and adjoining the lands of D L Alexander, LaFvtte Stafford, D H Johnson and others. Terms of sale: 0"e third U) cHh, and balance to be psid on (lie ft ni day of November, 1898, secured t-v note of purchaser with two g od sureties ami title reserved. R. M. EMMONS, Guardian, Commiesuner. Nov. 2nd, 189. A GOOD ENTER I AIN M KNT. OurGradrd School aivel'sMnalcan1 eeltalloms Aliow tlielr' Training aod tbeir Liberality Csu'l be Downed on sing-ins;. At announced in Thh Standard the graded school, or ratbir a part of it gave an entertainment in the court honae Wed need iy nfternoon. The exercises wtre opened with chant the. Lord's Prayer by tha school. This was distinct and im pressive. Cilia Hoover read the President's Thmkagiviag proclamation. The scheol then sang "God is Our Refuge," Claudius Smith and Ola Brown each reoited . America waa next sun?, and our national air loat nothing of its in spiring powera with that well triineil band of singera. Miaa Grace Patterson rendered a recitation, - and - was followed by a songj I'Bow Brothers Row." ' ; This waa unique. We recogniz d the aong ''Greenville" or ;Go Tell Aan( Patsy," at firs', with all mouth oicised (hird as that ia to do) . tea, while it was sung in regain' wr.y, about half the high-kejed cvos were singing rapicl'J eoaio peire ,w did not reoogn;ze but that did no, spoil ihe original. Mies Mamie Lcn'.z reoited a poem to mike people give lib-rally auc! Mr, Harry Ileoclrix spoke a piece, dividing bis time wi hthe gobbling gobbler, whose deopitation wnnld soon occur, and situe other imanin ary being we could not otcb. M n Jennie Patterson then sang a sole with organ accouipammrnt by Mist Uarns and piccolo by Prof.'Keesler, Tula, for gentle sweetness, is rarely excelled and would, of itself, have jaiade the entertainment a success "Carolina," the pride of all Sor'h Carolinians, was then rsniierd to the j y of all the nativea. Miss Fiorenoe Pounds made the last recitation, Then tight street little b'rlc e-ur so nicely that they were encored, bul could not be induced to repeat. Six teen of the game quality presente themselves, however, and, as they sang, made inch cnte little antlep, at to oanae the smiles to ran from e r to ear of that packed audience. Prof. Lewia explained the two tables full of clothes and edibles as the gifts of the school to the poor as a thank offering, besides he said be had a pocket full of money about ten dollars, collections ' from the little givers. The school then waited on the au dience and received a free will sup pliment to their treasure. The closing piece of music was "Dixie." The audience was invited to join in and drown the vo ces of the school. It waa refrained from for the beat of reason. ; The exercises reflected great credit on onr graded school. The recite., tiona indicated good training, though in the packed room the writer could not hear every word. The singing we regard as exceptionally floe and con firms tht wisdom of tbe board in employing a vocsl mufio teacher The effect was compliment enough to Prof. Ke'esler. As we Imve no hall larpe enough - fur the- wLMe school Prof. Lewis prorured tbe au dience an entertainment bv the otbxr part of the school about Chrit)i.u.n6. BoKor.rook mnrrmfce. The Standard is in receipt of the following invi'a'ion of irar- riige: Capt. Jonas Cook In v lea yo to be present at the marriage ol hli daughter Jknnjb to Rrv. William J. Dogfr. Tuesday Evening, U jrcriber seventh eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, at 6ve o'clock, v Holy Trinity Luther .1 1 Church, Mount Pleasant. North Carolina. Colombia Calendar lor For the thirteenth year the Co lombia Pad Calendar makes its ap riRaranne nromntlv on time for ISiS. and while us general style is of the same familiar onaraoter, tne many bright thoughts it contains, contrib ntjrl hv Its friends in manv l)frts of the country, as well ai abroad, are new, and will be appreciated oy ail who take an interest in bicycling, healthful exercise and good roads. ltia neat in appearance, takea up hnt lit tin room, and ia both orna- mantnl and nsefnl for the desk, while its stand is of such charaoter that it may he need either npon the desk or bnng npon tbe wan. It can be obtained by mail prepaid lr fln rwrt rent stum PS bv addres-. ng tbe Calendar Department of the 'one Manufacturing uompany.uari fold, Conn. In this country of divorces the nas tiinl bird ia the eagle, that chooses its mate for life and never repents its ohoioe. Exohange. THANKSGIVING FESTIVALS And a float or Vlaltlna; Going On at Forest Hill. Mr 11 F C ble gave a TbnnbBgiv. mg diunar Thursday to qaite a numbe. of his family connections and acw friends. It is needless to say tVit.t I'urkity waa done Dp in mueh shorter order than Greece wa? some time ago. ' Mr, M L Moore give an oyster supper Thursday evening to his as sistants in the mill and a few friends. A most delighifil evening was spent at the hospitable home of Mr, and Mr. Moore on North Church street. .Vr. nd Mrs, J M Oddl Hie vip- t iog a, Lancaster, SC. Mrs. W li Odell is yiaiting her sister, Mia. E M Andrews, at Char iot e. Mrs II M Barrow fave a Thar ks giving party to the Juvenile Mis sionary f-'otiety at t' e residence of Mr. P G Cook, on North Church 8re"t, last evening. The mite box were opened and found 'o rontait aout$17. 'Apleasmt evening was enjoyed by the Juveniles Kev. J H Bradley, who waa trans ferred fiom tUe Fhank'in circuit to the Andrew circnit, is visiting hie father, Mr. J M Bradlny, at tbie plaoo. Mr. fi'.muel Canble has a gonro which tnea3nrca 44 inches in length. Mins Lil'.ie Widenhonse, of BostV Mills, is yisitlng friends at Fores' Bill this week. Mr. T F Widenhonce, of George vine, spem Thursday night here with relatives and returned home this (Friday) morning. Mr, and Mrs. Samnel Bcarbo o. who have been visiting Mrs. Scar boro's parents iu Moutgotnery county for the past week, re'urned home to day. Miss E"a Lee, who has bad a se vere attack of T!!ie a atif m, is uncr; inxprcved. Four cew fpiTBg fiamee from tie Vbitir. M-vhine S-hop, "WLitins vitle, Llaaa., hare arrived, and two of them are being placed in No. mill here and tl ?ot''" two ar? bone plad at. Buffrt . DrjIj or SSih. (Is tbo rid Iron, The football game between tbe Universities of North Carolina and Virginia on Thanksgiving day scored IS to 0 in favor of the Vir ginia team. The great contest between Greens. hot) and Charlotte made 0 to 0 The raal contest was in the conten tion, as we understand it. Tbe time was so far spnt in disagree ment that many withdrew their presence and ad mission fees. The game was called, however, at 4:45, and ws said to be y?rv fine. It was aBortof "dog fall" result. A wicked editor down in Georgia gets o5 the following: "The editor eat in his office eold, whence all but him had fled, but he wished that every last dead beat was in his grave, stone dead. His mind then wandered far away to the time when he should die, tnd his loyal editorial aoul go scooting to the sky; when he roams the nlds of paradise and sail o'er jaspers seas, and all things glorious would combine, bis every aenae to pletse. He thought how, when he'd loots acrodti the gulf nd drear, that yawned between hia happy eoul i nd those who swindled here; aud hen for wa'er th-'y should call and in rony they'd caper, he'd shout to their: 'Just wointeu your tongue with tun due that's on your p pe.'"-r.i. IIow'k Tliia? We oflar one Hundred Dollars Reward for case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure FJ CHENEY & CO., Props-, Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned, have known F J Cheney for the last IS years, and believe him perfectly honora ble in all business transactions and financially able to cary out any ob ligations made by their firm. Wbot & Trua v, Wholeeti'a. l. - ug gistH, Toledo., Ono. WAI.DING, KiXKAN tfe MARVlfl. WholFnle Draggiets, Toledo, O Hall'j Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting direotly upon tbe blood and mucus eurfuoes of the eytem. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Tt.stiinon'als free. , "ale or Properly. I will sell at publio auc ion at the home of J B Furr, deceased, in No. 4 townablp, on Tuesday, December the 7th, a lot of horses, mules, wagons, buggies, cattle, hogs, farm ing utensils, forage, household and kitchen furniture and a lot of other things too numerous to mention. J. F. BOST, w2t Adm'r. If somebody would only p'lll the aled op the hill for us life wruld be one long delightful slide. Ex. COMMITTEE APPOINTED. Preparallona Heine Wado for n Transferrin- o the Body of the l.ate den. t Una-man. From the Asheville Citizen we learn that the committe has been appointed to eecort the remains of the late Gen. T L C ingman to Ahevil!e lor interment, in the per sons ot Col. Win. H $ Burgyn, Col. A B Thrash and Capt. James P Swver. Unless nnfavorab1 weataer pre vents, the ezerci8t8 of the day will take cn Court square in that ciiy on Do. 7 Members of Gen. tlnngman s oiu regimeut, the 25th North Carolina, will act as honorary and active pall bearers. Gov- iror RuBsell and his Btaff will be invited 10 be present. Outlining their 1'latform. The National Organization Com mittee of the Populist party met in .St. Louia on tbe 24th. It appointed a meeting of the same committee in the same place for January 11,1893, nJ recommended a national nomi nating convention on the first Wednesday in April, 1898 and State conveners on the third Wednesday in Mruch. It recommended holding Congressional coiiventiona after the ofionnl coivrn'ien. Tfe otitlim-8 of the platform were it'fiitwted as follows: '1. Absolute paper money, based npon eyer) commodity and resource cf the nntioti, a full legal tender, and receivable for all dues of the United State3. '5! Free coinage cf gold and silver at the present legal ratio; the coin debts of the United States payable In either a; the option of the govern ment. '3 All money to be iserK'1 by tbe government and paid ont direct to Mo people for services rendered, or to te loAntd to ftni at a low rate o interest ec -safe security, and without '.he intervsn'.ion of private b.n!:r, pro7idet' that the volume cf u'ir: ec shall not exceed $50 per "4 GoTsrtiment ownerships and op ration of railroads, telegraph and telephone lines. "5 Opposition to alien ownership and holding of land for speculative purposeB. '6 Opposition to court-made laws. . "7 Opposition to tiuata. "8 We especially recommend the initiative and referendum and the imperative mandate." ronnord lo "et Improveil Depot The follow'ng is the revolt cf Concord's petition for better facili ties lo; its growing freight business and means an early concession to our reasonable demands for better passenger accommodations. It is quite gratifying: Washington, D. C, Nov. 26, 97. Hon. J L Crowe), Mayor, Concord, N. 0. Deae Sib: Referring further to yours of September 25th, would say our chief engineer has instructions to enlarge the freight station at Concord to the extent of 40 feet as soon as he can possibly get to It. We have under -consideration tbe qt'ention of better pasenger facili ties for you, and hope a dtfinite con. elusion Vti'l be arrived at before a great while. Yours truly, W. II . Obkkn. Kitw M r. C.iulKiirt on Ifnr 21th. Kewanee, 111., Nov. 23 After a silence of several months, Mis. Vim, Thompson, of this city told a story of having seen and talked with Mrs. Luetgert on May 21th. With her hnsband sbe waa at Monmouth III., in their private car, which waa side-tracked, waiting for train connection. Mrs. Thomp son happened to go into the depot and saw a woman whom she recog niz d( she says, ns Mrs." Luetgert. Sne nuked bcr where she waa going and Mrs. Lue'gert replied that she win t.-d to go west, and find enie aiiot out of the way pUre. In the rvetinc, she snys, Mr. Luttgert name 'o her our, and after talking wi'h Mr,; Thompson a short tirri said : "My hli ?bard will wonder a Jong time before he sees me sgain, and when be dees be till be more glad to see me than ho ever was tefore in all of his life." Mr. Thompson did not want his wife to testify in the ca eon account of the no'orietyJ bnt she says now she will do so. Harried at I.aat. From tbe Salisbury Sun we learn that the couple that waa in our town last Saturday night wanting to be married, have just returned from South Carolina. The parties were Mr. Rod Mayo and Miss Ella Gunter, both of Spencer. SHORT LOCALS. Mr. N M Smith is visiting at the borne of his daughter, Mrs. R A Brower. ' j Miss Elsie Morrison, of near Pio neer Mills, is visiting at Mr. Baker Morrison's. Mrs. Dr. Pomberton, of Monroe, is visiting her sister in the city, Mrs. W R Harris. Mrs. Thomas P Johnston, of Sal isbury, spent Thanksgiving with relations in the oity. Miss Pearle Morrison, of No. 1 townHbip, spent Thursday with ber friends, the Misses Nicholson. China Grove was represented on Thanksgiving Day here by Messrs. W J Swink and J T M Rogers. Some eggs were shipped from our city today (Saturday) that cost our merchants 17. cents. We are, glad to note that our townsman, Mr. Fred Swink, who is alllioted with a badly cut leg, is resting some better. Miss E B Shirey accompanied Miss Jennie Patterson to China Grove tu spend Thanksgiving va cation. Agent Gowan Dusenbury, Messrs. B T Ballard, W S Bingham and Young Caldwell took in tbe foot ball game in Charlotte Thursday. Mia Edna Lowe, of Lowosville, arrived in the city Friday night ana is stopping at the home of Mr. S J Lowe, on Depot street. Mr. Dolph Goodman was mar ried on Wednesday, Nov. 24th to Mies Rose Freeman, both of eastern Cabarrus. Rev. 8 D Steffey officiated. Prof. J D Lentz, of the Concord High School, returned to the city Friday night, after spending the day in wbarlotte. The Stanly Enterprise says: "Mr. L T Jenkins one of the best citizens of Palestine, thisoounty, baa recent ly moved to Concord." Mr. Jay Harris, cashier at the Cannon & Fetzer Co.'s store spent Thanksgiving at his home near llarnsburg. Agent Dusenbury asks The Stan hard to announce that hereafter passengers can ride only the first section of the freight trains. Misses Helen Hoyle and Clara Starrette, both of Mooresville, spent Thanksgiving with tboir friend, Miss Kate Morrison, on West De pot street. Lioense were issued on Wednes day, Nov. 24th, to Fred Trexler to Miss Minnie C Young; Martin L Young to Miss Delia Dorton; Thos, Uarver to Miss Handusky Allmond Mr. John 0 Leslie and wife, of Charlotte.spent Thanksgiving at tbe home of his mother, on Weat Depot etreet. lney returned this (Friday) morning. Mr. A V Shaffer, of Raleigh, was in our city some days ago, and while here he sent some of our cis tern water to tbe Experiment Sta tion at Kaleign. A counterfeit half dollar was passed at D P Dayvault's today (Saturday). It was made of pewter, and its date was laos. Mrs. 0 A Caldwell, who has been stopping at the home of Mr. John Caldwell on Spring street, went to Harrisbnrg today (Saturday) to visit tbe family of Mr. John ualdwell. Rev. A E Wiley, pastor of the Methodist cnurch at Mt. ' Pleasant, passed through tbe city, today (Sat urday) on his retarn from confer ence at Asheville. Two new bonces are being built at Cannon ville on V alley street One is at the place where the fire occurred last week, while the other is next to Mr. Fred Swmk s store. Mrs. Hewitt, of Clairmont, and Mrs. Rev. W A Lutz, who have been visiting at tne borne of Mrs. MebaQey, have returned to Win ston, the home of Mrs Latz. From an exchange, we learn that a Bon of Kev. U W retrea, of Paw nee City, Neb., well known here, re ceived a painful hurt, if not a per mauent injury, by a fall from a horse, tearing tbe ligaments of the Hhoulder. Rev. T A Boone, of Lenoir, spent Thanksgiving in the city with his two daugntem, Mrs. D J Bostian, of this city, and Mrs. Albert Lilly, of Mongotnery oounty, who has been visiting Mn. Bostian for several days. Rey. T A Boono, and daughter, Mrs, Albert Lilly wbo have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. D J Boat an, returned this (Saturday) morning lo Mt. Gilead, in Montgomery county, the home of Mrs Lilly. Missps Irvy and Luoia Parks re turned to their borne injthe country t 'day ("Saturday), aocompanied by tieir friend, Mr. Frank Stephens, of Cnarlotte, who is spending some time in our city. Mr W R Stark, who has for the past while been managing tbe stock and cotton exchange of vV A Pot terfield, has opened op a branch of fice in Newberry, 8. C. It is not fully known whether Mr. Stark will go lo Newberry or not, The Moorseville Record has the following: "Prof. J D Lentz, of Conoord High Sohool, came up last Saturday to spend Sunday with his parents and . He went back in time to be at bis post in tbe schoolroom Monday.'' Mrs. Jno. N Birringer of Spen cer, who has been in tbe county, re nted home Friday night. Mr. Charley Cook, who was taken tick laat Thursday, is again able to be on the streets . We are informed by a p'erson on South Main street, that they have no light down there except Ihs Standard, the electric lights buII being on. Mr. Frank Furr, of Georgeville, who is teaching school at McAdens ville, N. C, was in tbe city todav (Saturday), having come borne to spend Sunday at tbe home of his father. The grand jury for this term ol court at Salisbury have found nine teen true bills against merchants ot that city for the selling of oigarettes to boys under seventeen years of age. Prof. E B Lewis will read a paper before tbe North Carolina Superin tendents' Association that will con vene at Greensboro on December 28th. The subjeot will be deter mined upon later. Rev. W Albert Gillon and fami ly left Friday night for Lexington, where they will make their future home. As noted before, Rev. Gillon has accep'ed the charge of the Pres byterian church there. Salisbury World : "Quite a nurn of people from Conoord spent Thanksgiving day in the city. Among the number were Dr. J E Smoot, Alex. Ilartsell, Joe. Crest and Douglass Hartman." , On Wednesdayevening, Nov. 24 Mr. Charlie Brown, son of Mr. P M Brown, was married to Miss KMe Hyde, both of Cleveland. Mr. Brown is known to a good many of the people of eastern Cabarrus, and also to quite a number in Concord. George Cox, who has been em ployed in the Cannon mills has gone to hia home at Organ chuich, hav ing been called home on acoount of the sickness if his brother Rosa, who is afflicted with typhoid fever. Mr. Jus. Northej, manager of the Bell Telephone Company, was in the city Friday evening on busi. nesa in regard to the telephones. Mr. Nortbey does not fear at all that the new telephone system in our city will take away any patronage from his 'phones. Tbe sudden and s. rious illnes of Mr. C A Cook spoiled the musical programme at St. James' church for the Thanksgiving service, - Mr. Cook's splendid tenor is an impor tant factor, and bis sickness de prived the choir also of Mrs. Cook's material aid. The select and choice songs had to be abandoned. Mr. Chalmers Sima, of this city, has taken a half interest in the Riviera Dairy, which was formerly in charge of Mr. Caleb Swink. Mr. Sims will attend to the manage ment of the dairy, and in the future -111! .1 T.'.L-! . win live mure, it is ineir intention to increase tbo number cf milch cows to twenty five. , We are sorry to learn that onr county jailer, Mr. John Hill, is sick, he haa been confined to hie bed, but ia able to be up part of the time. Mr. Bill'a siknesa ia thought to have risen from a fall received about a weeK ago in No. 5 town ship, while trying to capture a ne gro named Henry Patterson . It is not quite a montii until Christmas, and time for the Christ mas trade to be on. -The Stand ard readers can now, as well as at other times and seasons, learn what our merchants have to offer by in specting our advertising columns. Advertising becomes more of a ne cessity and more attention ij paid to it yearly. Always read the ads., for they are constantly changing, and some new attraction is con stantly being oflered. Mhorlnae of S.1l27.1ii. The freight office of the A. & N. C. R. R., at this point, has been placed in temporary charge of Mr. W L Humphrey, owing to a shortage of $32 M2 discovered in the ac counts of Mr. Z M L Jeffers, the regular agent, and whose position waa declared 'Vacant" last Saturday in the conseqnecoe thereof. Mr. Jeffers does not admit the charge and says that his accountant, after due investigation, will sustain him in his claim. Goldeuboro lliai light. Vrrjr Myatcrion. The Ashtyille Citizen saya some om drew the spikes from onn rail of tbe track between Marshall aud Alexander and raised one end of the lot 89 rail with a rock underneath. Aa the freight train came along some one on the track held a danger signal light till the truin came lo a standstill, then extinguished the light and disappeared, A terrible olamity seems to have been averted. No clue to the intended wrecker or the delivery ia known, it seems. Dead Eaay. That waa a way as novel as it was brilliantly successful that the Henderson people took to raise a horse out of a well and it waa dead easy too. They just put down a hose and turned on the water till they buoyed his horaeship to tbe top, OUR LIVE BUSINESS MEN. Bell, Uarria & Co., furniture deal ers and undertakers.' D J Boatian, racket store' Dr. N D Fetzer, drng store. Yorke, Wadsworth & Co., hard ware. W J Hill, harness and greceriea. Cannon & Fetzer Co., dry gooda and clothing. Conoord Steam Laundry, laundry. Oil Id Mercantile Uo., dry goods, Odell Manufacturing Co., deal ers in general merchandise. G W Patterton wholesale dealer. Brown Bros., liverymen. Dry & Miller, shoe dealera. Dr. J P Gibson, drugs. Craven Bros., furniture dealers an I undertakers, - A J & J F Yorke, jewelry. Cabarrus Savings Bank. Concord National Bank. Ervin & Smith, groceries. K L Craven, ooal dealer. J A 0 Blackwelder, coal dealer. L L Starrette, restaurant. Jno, K Pattterson, town tax col lector. Dancor In Poatare Mtampa. One of the newest diseases la the ''postage stamp tongue." The credit of discovering it is due 'o a London physician. It appearsthat the r'j cilage itself ia injurious, and that, further, it is an excellent cultiva ting medium for germs of the worst charaoter. In tbe ailment called postage stamp tongue tbe latter be. cornea aore and covered with red spots, A bad aore throat ii likely to follow, if great care ia not taken. Apart from the speciDo disease of the tongue, any contagious disease may be acquired through the medi um of muclage. Never link a pos tage stamp with your .onue. It shows a great laok of cleanlinese and hygienic knowledge. Ex. A a It Waa In tbo Dajra ot Abraham. Within fall view of the streets of Monganton and not eight miles away as the crow flies ia a country where some of the farming methods are inda ntical with those in yogne in the time of Abraham. On the top of Eaylor's Knob, one of the high est peaks of the South Monntain,is a wheat field containing nearly hundered seres, comparatively level and of remarkae'a fertility. In this field on the side next to Afprganton ia a great fiat whioh has been need time out of mind aa a threshing floor. Here the wheat and rye is brcnght and threshed with flails, and winnowed jeat as Boaz winnow ed his barley at his threshing floor near Bethlehem centuries ago, Morganton Herald., A meeting of the directors of the North Carolina Railroad was held in Charlotte this week and the Ob server learned that the board has already paid out 84,000 for lawyers' fees and court costs on account of the litigation in regard to tbe lease of this road. As the State'owns two-thirds of the road this means that the tax-payers are already ont of pocket two thirdsjof this amount on acoount of useless and foolish litigation instituted by Goy. Ras sell, and what tbe end will be doth not appear. Statesyille Landmark, Bneklen'a Arnica bbivo. The Beat Salve fn the world for Cute, Bruisis, Sores, Ulcers, Salr Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chapp Hands, Chilblains, Corns and air Skin Eruptions, and positively onrta Pilea or no pay" requi-ed. It ia guaranteed to give atatiafaction ol monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer'a Drug store,' Young man, look out for mother. You will never again have so true or kind a friend. Should ber origin be simple think not of that, remem ber that ehe is tbe noblest work of our God and is your mo her. Malt her path through life as 3y as you possibly can. Do not forget that she bore you, cared for you and tried to satisfy your every child'sh whin:. When you grow to manhood be a manly man to others, but always "my boy" to mother. Fulton Re publican. For Orer flitv Veara Mrs. Winslow's Rnnthinir rrn.i haa been used for over fifty years by millions of ti. others for their child ren while tef lhlllf with nrfnt ann cess. It soothes tbe child, softens tne gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, aud is the best remedy for uiarrnoea, it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druccrista in everv Dart of the world. Twenty-Aye centa a bottle. Be sure and ask lor "Mrs. Winslowa Sootl. iLg Syrup," and take no otter knd Droyer Brothers, Chicago's lead ing wholesale custom tuilora, want a representative to gull custom made suits and trousers from samples. Must be energetic and reliable. Ad dress 242 and 244 Market St., Chi cago, 111. no2Qsatl. Royal make tbe food pure. ' wholcaoow and dellctava. Absolutely Pure ' ' SCHEDULE In Effect Jan.18, 1897. This condensed schedule ia pub lished as information, and ia subject to onange witnout noticerito the publio; J ! Trains Leave (Jonoord, J8, V 9:27 p. m. No. 86 daily for Atlan. a and Charlotte Air 8C, e division. ana all points South and Southwest. Larries through ruiJman draw nga room buffet sleepers between New York, Washington, Atlanta, Birms ingham, Galveston, Savannah and Jacksonville, Also Pullman sleeoer' Obarlotte to Adnata. 8:48 a. m. No. 87, daily. Washing ton and Southwestern .estibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Mempnis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and nil nointsl South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Dur ing ear, vestibuied coacn, between Washington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist ear for San Francisco. 8un days. 9:02 r. m. No. 9, daily, from Rich mond, Washington, Goldsboro.Nor folk, Selma, Raligb, Greensborol Euoxville and Asheville to Char otte, N. O. 10:30 a. m. No. 11, daily, for Ala anta and all points South. So'id train, Richmond to Atlanta; Pull man sleeping car, Richmond to btreensboro. 10:07 a. m. No. 36, daily, for Washington, Richmond, Raleigh and all points North. Carries PuJla man drawing-room buffet sleeper, Galveston to New Yock ; Jackson ville to New York ; Birmingham to New York. Pullman tourist cars from San Frareisoo Thursdays 9:02 p. m. No. 88, daily. Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuied. pmitea, ior wasnington ana ail lointsNortn. Tnrougn Pullman oar Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York; Tampa to New York, Also carries vertibuled coach and dining ear. -7:22 p.m. No. 12, daily, for Kichi mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, RaN jigh, Goldsboro and all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping ar from Greensboro to Richmond. Jo.nnects at Greensboro with train CfrryiiJ Pullman car for Raleigh. 6.17 a. m.-e-No. 10, daily, for Rich mond ; connects at Greensboro for Raleigti and NorfdiiS : at DanviJle for Washington and poiSis North ; at Salisbury for Asnville, S?ox ville and points West. '" All freight trains carry passengers. Jons M. Gulp, W. A. Tcbk, Traffic M'gr. Gen '1 Pass. Agt, W. H. Grekn, Washington, D. 0. Uen'l Superintendent, Washinston..D. O. S,H.Habdwick, Ass'tGen'iP. Ag'tC Atlanta, (ia .1H. Tayloe, Ass "t Gen '1 P. Ag't, Louisville, Ey. GOWAN.DCBEKBEAT, Local Ag't, Ooneord. N. C. Railroad Engineer : Toatlfloa to Beneflta Raealvad From Dr. Miles' Remedies. THERE la do mora responsible position on earth than that of a railroad engin eer. On hia steady nerves, clear brain, bright eja and perfect aolf command, de pend the safety of the train and the Uvea of lta passengers. Dr. Miles' Nervine and other remedies are especially adapted to keeping tbe nervea steady, the brain cloar aud the mental faculties unimpaired. Engineer F. W. McCoy, formerly of 13S Broadway, Council Bluffs, but now residing at 3411 Humboldt St., Denver, wrltOB that be "suffered tor years from constipation, caus ing sick, nervous and bilious headaches and, was fully restored to health by Dr. Miles' Nerve 4t Liver Pilla. I heartily recommend Dr. Miles' Remedies." Dr. Miles' KemedlesI are sold by all drug-1 gists under a positive j guaranteo, first bottle I beneilta or money re funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and ! aervesfree. Address, DK. MILES MEDICAL (JO UlkhorC, lad. LAND HALE. t :.t... ..I ii.. . , JJJ TUbUDUl buo ill UVIBIUUB Ol IL1B last will and testament of M- V. Johnston, deceased, we will aeil to tbe highest bidder at publio nale at the Court House doer, in Conoord on Monday, the fith day of llHcnm ber,18y7, at 12 o'clock m, ihe fol lowing described tract of lumi, con i a tV """"" wi"". pari oi tlin old Bradford place, adjoining Will uuui'Dfcuu, xniLUNuiui jonnston, jj O. Erwiu and others. vuo will! r.unu, the remainder of nu c: aso money to bo paid in six uio itl , interest from date. Title roaorve till all nur ohase monny is p tin. . T. 1 jinh n. joiinston. i!,ieoutris H, C. Johnson, Executor- jjV Miles' M h&emediesH fe- Reetore jf